Secrets to Building Your Wealth

Tips From Many Experienced Wealth Building And
Prosperity Attracting Professionals
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
This ebook is for informational purposed only. Although there may be financial advice
given within this ebook, the advice is only to be used as a guide. No financial decisions
should be solely based on the information within this ebook. Always consult a hired
financial professional before making any decisions.
This ebook has been published and compiled by Joel Osborne. See the end of this
ebook for more information about each author that is featured.
This ebook does not come with any rights to be sold or given away. You may only do so
if given written consent by Joel Osborne.
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
Table Of Contents
7 Secrets To Creating Wealth
The Art, Science, And Grace Of Attracting Prosperity
Becoming A Millionaire Is easy!
Common Life Uncommon Wealth
How To Create Wealth And Abundance
How To Think And Act Like The Rich
Making Money: The Million Dollar Notepad
Wealth Knowledge
6 Proven Wealth Building Strategies
About The Authors
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
7 Secrets To Creating Wealth
By: T Young
Many people study how to become wealthy as if it were a science. While there is always
a certain amount of chance in everyone's life, in many ways wealth building can be
thought of as a science. Read on for seven of the most salient secrets to becoming
1. Quit procrastinating. Putting things off until tomorrow is always a bad idea. Often
procrastination is caused by an inability to make decisions. It's not that we can't make
the decision, really. We just don't want to take a chance on making the wrong one. So
instead of living a little dangerously, making the decision, and leaping forward, we stay
stagnated in one place. While rash behavior can certainly cause more harm than good,
there is definitely something to be said for being able to make a decision and then make
a move.
2. Believe in yourself. Many routes to riches involve selling things or ideas to other
people. If you feel like you are not as good as others, that what you have to offer is
somehow second rate, you will never reach your potential. Take the time to make a list
of all the things you appreciate about yourself. The idea is not to become a pompous
know-it-all. It is simply to build some confidence. You are as good as the next guy, and
you have just as much a right to a piece of the pie as he does!
3. Use your time wisely. This is similar to not procrastinating, but a little different. If you
sit down at the computer to do your work-at-home business, and find yourself checking
your junk email or playing spider solitaire, it's a safe bet your business is not going to be
growing like it could. Successful entrepreneurs know how to focus on the task at hand. If
you have a bit of trouble deciding where to start, assign yourself certain days or hours to
spend on different tasks - Tuesdays you'll tackle advertising, or for 2 hours each day
you'll make phone calls.
4. Don't give up easily. Many businesses lose money during their first year or two, but
grow to be quite profitable after that time. Keep on plugging. You will learn valuable
lessons during the early years. Most notably, you will probably learn how to use your
time wisely and not waste it chasing rabbit trails.
5. Don't let rejection get to you. If you are trying to sell something, you are sure to get
rejected from time to time. In fact, you will get rejected most of the time in all likelihood.
Keep making calls and you are sure to find a favorable response eventually.
6. Don't go into debt without a good reason. While you will probably need to borrow
money to get your business up and running, you would be better off to stay away from
credit cards to get the little things you want in your personal life.
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
7. Learn to like people. Invest in the lives of others and it will invariable enrich your own.
Look for ways to brighten other people's days and lighten their loads. It will pay off in a
great attitude and many friends.
 Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I
am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes.
Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine
 If a man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known
how he employs it.
Socrates (469 BC - 399 BC)
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
The Art, Science, And Grace Of Attracting Prosperity
By: Molly Gordon
Attracting prosperity is part art, part science, and part grace. A prosperous business
must not only accommodate but support life in all its complexity. A thriving business
requires and provides resilience and continuity.
How do you go about building a thriving career or prosperous business? Here are some
of the things I've learned and that I credit with supporting my own process of attracting
1. Recognize that life happens. There will be ups and downs in your personal life and
ups and downs in business. When you can accept these ebbs and flows of attention,
energy, and focus, you will better be able to adjust to changing conditions both in your
heart and in your environment.
2. Cultivate systems, practices, and networks that provide continuity. For example, my
newsletter, blog and websites are ongoing and reliable means of staying in touch with a
meaningful network in good times and in bad.
3. Pay attention to transitions. When change is happening, it can be easy to get caught
up in reactionary thoughts and feelings that can muddy your thinking and make complex
situations chaotic. Learning to detach and observe your reactions, thoughts, and fears
will help you keep a steadier course without being rigid.
4. Learn to notice when things are expanding and when they are contracting, and
choose your strategies accordingly.
5. Learn to regard mistakes as stepping stones to mastery. Avoid wasting time in
needless guilt and defensiveness. Seize the opportunity to correct your error and move
6. Listen to your clients and customers. Identify those who get the most benefit from
working with you with the least effort on your part. This is not laziness. This is learning to
operate from the sweet spot  that place in which you add the most value by working
from your strengths.
7. Rigorously address personal issues that inhibit success. This could mean seeing a
therapist, paying off old debts, or starting an exercise program.
8. Learn to listen. Listen for guidance from Spirit, from your heart, from your
environment, from colleagues, from clients.
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
9. Raise your standards regularly both for your own performance and for the caliber of
client or customer that you attract.
10. Periodically update and refocus your business plan, including income, expense, and
investment plans. Keep it simple. Distill your plans into a sentence or two that
summarizes your goals and strategies so that you always know where you are going.
In our own lives, we are in many respects both flower and gardener. If we are to attract
prosperity, we must make wise choices, keeping the source of our well being in clear
view. While we cannot control all of the conditions and challenges in and around our
lives, we can keep our own brightness aligned with its source. When we do so, we
attract prosperity, knowing our purpose and thriving in its pursuit.
 The company of just and righteous men is better than wealth and a rich
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), Aegeus
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
Becoming A Millionaire Is Easy!
By: James C. Samans
Every year, thousands of new graduates receive their degrees from colleges and
universities across the United States and enter the workforce. When you get your first
job, you might be inclined to focus on salary and advancement opportunities and ignore
that  boring stuff about your new employer s 401(k) plan. Hey, wake up! Pay attention!
That s your future.
It s widely known that most young people don t think about saving for the future. It s not
because they have faith in the Social Security system. If anything, the young people
graduating these days take it on faith that Social Security won t be there for them. The
real challenge is that in one s early twenties, 65 is just too far down the road to be worth
the bother.
And it s not like there s nothing else to do with the money. When you re just starting out
in your own place, you need to put things to put in it. And you need a car. And you need
food. And you need money for drinks at the club every Friday& and Saturday& and
maybe a few other days&
Wait a minute. What if I told you that you were practically guaranteed to be a millionaire
if you would start saving by age 25? It s true! Thanks to the magic of compound interest,
relatively little investment today can mean enormous wealth in the future. And even if
you can t completely max-out your 401(k) today  for 2006, that would mean contributing
$15,000 over the course of the year  there are some strategies you can follow to make
sure that you put something away. (A quick note here. If you work for the Government,
I'm talking about the Thrift Savings Plan [TSP]; for those of you employed by non-profit
organizations, you may have a 403[b] plan.)
Three strategies to save
Regardless of which tax-deferred savings ("defined contribution") plan you have, here
are three ideas that will help you:
1. Start right away. Ideally, you d sign up for a 401(k) payroll contribution your first day
on the job. Why? Simple: no one likes saving, because they feel like they re losing
money they d rather spend. If your first paycheck already has it coming out, though, it s
just one deduction on a pay stub that already has half a dozen or more other deductions
listed. You won t even know how much you re missing.
2. Take all of the free money. Many employers offer a  matching contribution of some
sort, typically either a dollar-for-dollar or a 50% match, in which you ll be credited extra
money based on what you contribute up to a certain value. In other words, if your
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
company offers a 50% match on contributions up to 6% of your pay, if you contribute
6%, they ll pay another 3% for a total contribution of 9%. That can add up fast, and it
means that even if your investments don t perform well, you re already gotten a 50%
return just for contributing!
3. Increase your savings each year. Everyone likes to get a raise. Raises mean more
money in your pocket  and if you re smart, they re also opportunities to increase your
401(k) savings. When you get a raise, just like when you start a new job, you don t know
what your net increase would be anyway. So, if you get a 3% raise, boost your 401(k)
contribution by 1.5%. You ll still see an increase on your paycheck, and you won t miss
the difference.
One strategy to invest
The other side of the 401(k) equation is how to invest the money. This is one situation
where you want to follow your natural instinct: after you get it set up, ignore it. Setting it
up is pretty easy, too, thanks to mutual funds.
A mutual fund invests in a number (hundreds, and sometimes thousands) of different
entities, so it s already more diverse than you could make it on your own. Choose a no-
load (read: no fee) fund that tracks the market. Every now and then, a fund manager
gets lucky, but in general, the market outperforms individual stock picks. (Occasionally, a
fund will offer a fund that self-adjusts its mix based on your expected retirement date. If
one of these is available, it s your best bet. Even if not, though, nearly all 401(k) plans
offer a market track fund of some sort.)
Have your account set up to put as much of your contribution as possible towards your
selected investment each month. 401(k) plans sometimes require up to 2% of the
account value to be held in a money market account, basically a cash account to cover
fees from buying and selling your mutual fund shares. That s fine, but make sure that the
minimum is held in cash.
Nothing else to do but wait.
So, you ve set up your 401(k), and contributions are coming out. They re being
automatically invested in a no-load market track fund. What s next? Just keep increasing
your contribution each year, and always start a new job saving at or above the level of
your last job. When you turn 50, ask a financial planner how you might want to shift
some of your money into bonds or income-generating investments. But for the next few
decades, you can just relax.
You re going to be a millionaire. Congratulations.
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
 We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than
to consume wealth without producing it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950), Candida (1898) act 1
 If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your
Arab Proverb
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
Common Life Uncommon Wealth
By: T. Grimsley
People today have a great desire to be wealthy, but few have a plan to achieve it. The
secret to gaining wealth is steady growth. Anyone in America can achieve wealth, if they
will plan and focus on the goal one day at a time.
We all watch the T.V. programs that show the lives of stars. We see them driving nice
cars, living in lavish homes, seemingly on vacation 24/7. But is this reality, possibly for a
few. These types of shows sends the mind racing dreaming of being rich and living that
way. What you don't see is that alot of the lifestyle that is shown is supported by
companies, and not the stars themselves. This is part of the perks, they receive for
The vast majority of wealthy people in America, do not live this way. To the contrary
studies show that most affluent people live below their means, and always have. They
opt to save rather than spend. The problem is, no one notices them until they are
wealthy. At this point the years of steady savings have started to pay-off, and they can
enjoy the money a little. Buy a nicer home, or a nice car. This is when people notice. To
them it is a culmination of a lifelong plan, to you it appears to be over night success.
Perhaps, if they would have invited you over for the past fifteen years, to help calculate
their budget and plan their spending you would not see it this way. See, unless you win
the lottery or inherit a fortune, you will probably never be wealthy. If after reading this
article you only remember one thing, remember this next sentence. Wealth does not
sneak up on you, you have to sneak up on it.
To be wealthy you need to plan your attack years in advance. Right now there is
someone living within a few blocks of you, that will one day be wealthy. Right now, you
are both in similar circumstances. But as the years pass, they will pull away from the
crowd. They are routinely planning for this day as we speak. They are not necessarily
planning to be wealthy. They just want to be comfortable, but the strategy is the same.
Here's an example to show my point. Middle class Americans carry an average of
$15,000.00 on credit cards, they earn $65,000.00. This is debt equivalent to 23% of their
yearly earnings. This 18% of their net worth. Wealthy Americans carry less than 1% of
credit card debt, compared to their net worth. This is an astounding difference.
Everyone has heard people say the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Well,
continuing to amass unneeded debt and interest this way helps make this phrase true.
People complain about Governmental policies being in favor of the rich. There is no
amount of Governmental policies that can create wealth for the masses. The hard truth
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
is that only one person on earth can do that for you, and it is you. Most people do not
like that, but it is the truth. I hate to say it, but the truth is, to 99.9% of the world it really
doesn't matter if you become wealthy or not.
Now for some good news, once you start to plan, budget, and save it does not take long
to reap rewards. I don't mean being rich, just relaxed. Soon after you make this change
you will see that you do not have to about the mortgage payment and other bills being
paid. Your budget will automatically take care of that. All you have to do is watch it and
stay on it. Within a few months money worries will be a thing of the past.
After a few months you have gained the most valuable benefit of wealth, financial peace
of mind.
In my life, I watched my parents save and manage their money. My Dad did not have a
high paying job, and my Mom was unable to work. Some of the close relatives around us
earned far more than my Dad, yet today my parents are as secure financially as any of
them. More than some. They had to plan and budget for years to achieve this success, a
habit they still have today.
Today I pattern my life after them and it has been a blessing.
 The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have
become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly
absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy
clearly reveals that their "luck" arose from accidental dedication they had
to an arena they enjoyed.
Srully Blotnick
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
How To Create Wealth And Abundance
By: T Young
People have always wanted to be rich. And why not? Financial problems are a drag!
While most of us in the developed world aren't going hungry (unless we're on a diet!) we
know what it is to have to budget in order to pay the house payment or rent. Many of us
have overextended ourselves on credit cards and have problems paying all the bills
even when we have a pretty good income. Yes, a bit more money would be nice! While
money has always been a desired commodity, "abundance" has become a buzzword
recently. Just having money is not the same as having abundance. Abundance refers to
a satisfied, comfortable existence. Abundance is being able to share nice food and drink
with guests. Abundance is having a comfortable bed and a happy marriage. Money can
help you create abundance, but it doesn't take the place of it.
So how can we think and act to create a wealthy, abundant life for ourselves and our
families? It all starts in the mind. Wealth happens to people because they think positively
about money and expect success and riches. You can be a financial success. Develop a
healthy respect for yourself, for your dreams and abilities. One simple exercise you can
do is to say to yourself each morning, the first thing after you get our of bed, "I believe. I
believe. I believe." Then start to verbally list the things you believe.
For instance, I believe there is enough abundance to go around. I believe I have the
ability to do the things I must do today to insure that my business succeeds. I believe
other people will respond favorably to me in most cases. I believe that those who do not
have their reasons, and it doesn't need to threaten my confidence. I believe I can do it. I
believe I deserve wealth and abundance as much as anyone does.
Abundance is a little different commodity than just wealth. Many people are wealthy
without having a gracious, abundant style of living. To create abundance in your life, pay
attention to small details. Many of the things that can be done to create an abundant life
fall in the jurisdiction of the homemaker in the family. For instance, are things neat and
A real killer of abundance and peace of mind is clutter. In todays affluent homes, clutter
can be a real challenge. The fact is, there is only enough time in life to enjoy a finite
amount of stuff. Kids don't have time to play with and bond to more than a few select
toys, so why own hundreds? You probably don't have time to enjoy all the books you
might own, and most of them can be checked out of the library anyway. Similarly, you
will probably never go through those stacks of magazines or wear many of the clothes
that are choking your closet.
In many ways, less really is more. Get into the habit of getting rid of the extra things in
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
your home that you really won't use and don't need. Having breathing space in your
home is one of the first steps to creating an atmosphere of luxury and ease.
 Some people lose their health getting wealth and then lose their wealth
gaining health.
Author Unknown
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
How To Think And Act Like The Rich
By: T Young
Virtually everyone dreams of being rich some day. The thought of being able to drive the
kind of car you desire, wear the clothes you like, and never have to worry about money
being an object can look pretty good to us. If you look around in bookstores, you'll see
titles like "Think Your Way to Riches." Is this possible? Just how do rich people do it?
What makes them tick? Can anyone learn to think and act like rich people, and become
rich doing it?
One thing rich people learn to do is to love work. And as they enjoy their work, they learn
to discipline themselves to work when they are working. It may look to the rest of us like
the rich don't work much. The fact is, they have been working, and they still do. They just
know how to work efficiently, and they like it, so it looks like they are having fun.
Then, when the work is done for the day, rich people - at least happy rich people - know
how to lay it down and focus on the less tangible things that make life worth living. This
means people and our relationships with them. What good will that beautiful car do you if
you never get to ride around with that person you pledged your love to? To act rich,
learn to lay the work aside and enjoy your free time.
You may be thinking, if I do that, I'll forgot where I was! The secret, rich people will tell
you, is to have your work and business affairs - and your social life - organized. Don't
expect yourself to remember anything. Get it down on paper. Get a great calendar and
planner system going for you.
A valuable addition to any household is a large calendar with large squares for writing.
Hang it in a prominent place where everyone in the family can see it. Have everyone's
events logged here. Then get into the habit of checking that calendar every night before
you go to bed and every morning first thing. If you do this, you can keep up with your
business matters without missing that special ball game or your child's graduation!
Finally, don't let guilt keep you from being rich. If you're the type of person who has a
deep social conscience, it's possible for you to feel guilty when you do well financially.
You see all the people who hurt financially and don't feel like you deserve to do better. If
this is you, then by all means use some of your surplus money to help the poor. Work to
provide them with better opportunities.
The Good Book doesn't say that money is the root of all evil, but that loving it is. Respect
money and what it can do, but don't sell your soul to it. It doesn't buy happiness, but in
it's place it can help many people get by better, and can provide your family with
everything they need to thrive and enjoy life.
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
 He does not live in vain, who employs his wealth, his thought, his speech
to advance the good of others.
Hindoo Maxim
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
Making Money: The Million Dollar Notepad
By: Daniel Detlaf
There is a tool available for making money which is so powerful that you'll never find a
successful entrepreneur without one. This tool is inexpensive, available everywhere, and
you probably already have one you aren't using. I'm speaking, of course, about the
humble notepad.
If you think I'm exaggerating the importance of this little item, visit an office supply store.
Take a look at the notebooks and notepads they have for sale. There will be two basic
types in various sizes: simple paperback notebooks for students and elaborate vinyl or
leather versions for businessmen. Next, ask yourself this question: Who would buy a $79
leather-bound journal when there is a perfectly good $1.29 notebook not three feet
Someone with money to spend. Someone who considers it to be very important.
You should take recording your thoughts seriously too. When you have an idea that
might make money, write it down -- period. No matter how busy you may be, no matter
who you are talking to, scribble out 5-10 words and put the pad away. Don't be
embarrassed. If anything you will appear more professional and go up a notch in the
eyes of your peers.
Even ideas that seem completely out of reach should be recorded. How many times
have you had a conversation with friends that included "Wouldn't it be great if somebody
came up with an [insert great idea]?" Well, someone just came up with it. The fact that
you aren't a software programmer doesn't mean you can't have a great idea for a
program. Pretend that you have a dedicated staff of writers, designers, and engineers at
your disposal -- because some day you might; and if that day comes the handful of
words you stashed away will become a goldmine. There are big ideas and small ideas,
use the ones you can and keep the rest for later.
Thanks to the Internet you are not limited to pen and paper. Use the notepad utility in
your phone or PDA if it has one, and place a text file on your Windows desktop that you
can use for quick notes. Another useful method is to create a special folder in your inbox
for notes. Set your email software to put all messages in it that have subjects starting
with "Idea:". Anytime you have a flash of inspiration all you have to do is email yourself
and your thoughts get neatly collected in one place. This has the added advantage of
making it easy to search through your notes with your mail client's "Find" feature.
The utility of a notepad is determined entirely by the discipline with which you use it.
Most people are bubbling over with ideas that last only a whimsical moment or two and
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
then are forgotten. Don't let yours slip away, instead keep them close and they will
become an invaluable part of your long-term success.
 Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are
feared; but only men of character are trusted.
Author Unknown
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
Wealth Knowledge
By: Steve Gillman
What is wealth knowledge? It is knowing how money is made, and how wealth is
protected. It isn't really a secret. In fact, there are hundreds of books out there that spell
it all out for anyone willing to pay a little bit. The problem is that the essential truths are
not popular with those who want to get rich easily.
Wealth Knowledge - Creation of Wealth
The first thing to understand if you want wealth knowledge, is that wealth is created. It
isn't shuffled around from person to person depending upon who is "trickier." There is
more wealth on the planet now than ever before, and more being created every day. No
one has to get poorer for a man to become wealthy.
Start to recognize and understand the ways in which value is created. This is the basis
of your own financial enrichment. You have to create something of value to others, and
that is how you really make money. Any other way of making money is fragile, probably
unethical, and likely temporary.
In the business of property "flipping," for example, it may appear that there is no value
created. Buy a fixer-upper for $120,000, sell to another investor for $130,000 - where is
the value you created? In the application of your knowledge of values, how to find
properties, and how to structure deals. You put a neglected property into the hands of
someone who will renovate it and make it a nice home for some family.
Think first of how you will give people what they need and want. In any business you'll
make more money finding ways to solve other peoples problems than in finding ways to
get paid. There are always enough ways to get paid if you create enough real value.
Wealth Knowledge - Habits of Wealth
A wealthy person is different from a poor person. No, he or she doesn't have different
feelings, or even a superior character. What makes the wealthy different is what they
consistently do. Wealth knowledge is in knowing what habits to cultivate.
Debt is a means to buy "toys" for most people. Put another TV on the credit card. It isn't
that wealthy people avoid debt. They have much more usually. The difference is that
they use debt to invest, to generate more wealth. The next time you borrow any money,
do it to buy income producing real estate, or to start a business.
Wealth knowledge is about knowing what pays you the most for your time. Discover that,
and do those things more. Make it a habit. Just spending two hours to re-arrange your
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
banking, might make you hundreds more in interest over the years. Does your job pay
you $100 per hour? Those you sell real estate know you can make several times as
much for the same time selling $300,000 properties as selling $30,000 lots. Why not
concentrate on working where the money is?
Everything gets easier as you do it more. There are tasks that you want to avoid, but are
important to your financial future. It's tough to get motivated to do them. Get in the habit
of starting each day with these most difficult tasks, though, and it gets easier. Of all the
things you need to learn and do, developing good habits is the key to wealth knowledge.
 Money doesn't always bring happiness. People with ten million dollars
are no happier than people with nine million dollars.
Hobart Brown
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
6 Proven Wealth Building Strategies
By: Matthew C. Keegan
Building wealth is as simple as saving a little bit here and a little bit there. You need not
have great riches in order to accumulate wealth, but you need to have the drive,
determination, and discipline to successfully increase your wealth. Let s look at 6 proven
wealth building strategies you can put to use today.
1. Pay Yourself First. If you do not set aside money before you start paying your bills,
chances are you will never save any many after you pay these same bills. If your
employer has a 401(k) or 403(b) plan, enroll in it and set up a reasonable percentage to
invest. The money will come out before you see your paycheck, therefore the  loss of
discretionary income will be less noticeable to you. Maximize your contribution if you are
able, especially if your employer matches your contribution.
2. Save Now. The earlier you start to save in your life, the more you will have later in life.
Of course, if you aren t able to save much until after your children are grown, you can
step up your savings until you retire and still have a decent nest egg.
3. Get Rid of Debt. Even before you build up your savings it is best to get rid of your
debt first before starting a wealth building campaign. If your credit card rate is 14% you
will find it difficult to find any investment that gives you a return that exceeds that rate. It
would be better for you to pay down your debt first and then implement an investment
4. Pick The Right Mortgage. If you plan on holding onto your home for a short period of
time, select an adjustable rate mortgage as your rate will be lower than a fixed rate
mortgage. Use the amount saved to pay down your mortgage quicker; refinance your
home if rates begin to climb.
5. Build An Emergency Fund. Nothing wrecks the best laid plan more than an
emergency, particularly one that costs you money. Set aside up to six months of your
income to live on in case catastrophe hits. Without an emergency fund you will be
tempted to take on debt, cash in your retirement accounts, and sell valuable
investments. Try recovering quickly from this sort of hit to your wealth without an
effective back up plan!
6. Protect Your Assets. You can have a healthy portfolio and see it disappear quickly if
you are not properly insured. Make sure that your health/dental, homeowner, life, and
disability insurance coverage is adequate to meet your needs. All it takes is one legal
judgment against you to wipe out your assets.
Instance riches come to a few, but most riches are realized after careful planning and
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
effective management of your resources. You can properly prepare for the days ahead
by implementing these six proven wealth building strategies today.
 What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes
to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.
Bob Dylan (1941 - )
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne
About The Authors
Publisher Joel Osborne. Joel Osborne is a successful Internet marketer who has been
online for a few years selling and giving away products for other Internet marketers and
to the general public. For more information about what he does and links to some of his
web sites, check out his site
Author T Young, For more personal growth articles visit:
Author Molly Gordon. Molly Gordon, MCC, is a leading figure in business coaching and
personal growth coaching, writer, and a frequent presenter at live and virtual events
worldwide. Join 12,000 readers of her Authentic Promotion® ezine, a comprehensive
small business marketing resource helping you grow your strong business while you
feed your soul, and receive a free 31-page guide on effective self promotion.
Author James C. Samans. James C. Samans, CISSP-ISSEP, CISA, is a twenty-
something speaker and freelance writer who promotes the importance of financial
planning for young professionals and recent graduates. He may be reached by email at
Author T. Grimsley. Continue to their site here.
Author Daniel Detlaf. Daniel Detlaf is a student and writer who is drawn to making
money online like a moth to a flame. Read his affiliate marketing e-book "Make An
Honest Living" at:
Author Steve Gillman. Steve Gillman has been hunting down obscure knowledge and
useful secrets for years. Learn more and get a free gift at: The Secret Information Site
Author Matthew C. Keegan. Copyright 2005 - Matthew Keegan is the owner of a
successful article writing, web design, and marketing business based in North Carolina,
USA. He manages several sites including the Corporate Flight Attendant Community
and the Aviation Employment Board. Please visit The Article Writer to review selections
from his portfolio.
Some of the information within this ebook is from the Article Directory,
Secrets To Building Your Wealth
Published By Joel Osborne


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