Thanksgiving Serena Yates

Thanksgiving Serena Yates
A Serena Yates Free Read
Copyright © 2011 and 2013 Serena Yates
Published by:
Diversity Novels
P.O. Box 145
CH33 9DA
United Kingdom
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover Art: Allison Cassatta
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The author and the illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright
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First published in 2011
This second edition published in the United Kingdom © 2013
November 2013
eBook Edition
This book is written in UK English.
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
This story is set in a small village in Kent, England
Alex Wilson couldn t wait to get home. Damned business trip had almost ruined not just
Thanksgiving, but also the most important event since he d officially got together with Henry
Eastwood almost five years ago. He peered out of the window of the taxi, hoping they were
close to the exit. No such luck. It was at least another ten miles, so he leant back and focused
on being patient for just a little while longer.
The cancelled Paris-London flight last night had made him scream and the calm
demeanour of the airline officials had only made things worse. At least they d been able to
re-book him onto an early flight this morning, but he was cutting it awfully close. Henry
didn t even know he was trying to make it home everything had been too uncertain up until
the last minute. Alex hadn t wanted to make a promise only to have to break it. Henry was
the most supportive partner he d ever had, very English in the way he stoically accepted most
situations, but Alex s absences always depressed his lover. He had no intention of making
that worse by adding disappointment.
God, but he wanted to feel his gorgeous lover s arms around him already. The man was
an absolute wet dream. As tall as Alex at just over six feet, he was the more muscular of the
two. He owned and ran his own gym in the small village south of London they d chosen to
settle down in, so keeping fit was never an issue for him. Unlike Alex, who constantly fought
the onset of mid-thirties fat, Henry was the picture of male health. Just thinking about his
lover s intense, blue eyes, the dark brown hair that always looked unkempt, and his big hands
on Alex s body made him hard. He adjusted his cock, embarrassed about his lack of control.
It had always been like that, and his passion had clearly not diminished over the years.
 This the exit you want me to take? The taxi driver glanced at him in the rear view
Alex checked, his arousal spiking with the realisation of how close he was to
hopefully being allowed to come. The rule about no orgasms while they were apart was one
of the toughest for both of them to stick to, but the mutual  punishments on the occasions
they hadn t managed to hold out during their nightly phone sex sessions were too delicious to
consider getting rid of the rule.
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
 Yes, that s the one, please. Alex started taking deep breaths as he focused on staying
in control a little while longer. Shit, the real test was yet to come. Knowing Henry, he would
make Alex wait torturing him with sweet kisses and caresses while doing his best to bring
him off as quickly as possible. Resisting Henry in person after almost two weeks away was
just not going to happen, though. He grinned as his ass cheeks started tingling in anticipation
of the spanking that was sure to follow.
 Got you. The taxi driver veered into the left lane and took the car off the motorway
onto a two-lane road that then turned into a one-lane. They turned again to follow the street
through the centre of Edenbridge before making a left towards the fields. The paved path, for
that was all it amounted to, had more potholes than should be legal, and the taxi driver
mumbled what sounded like extremely impolite comments under his breath.
Alex couldn t have cared less at that point. Almost bouncing in his seat with anticipation
and impatience, he peered out of the window to make sure he didn t miss the first opportunity
to see their converted barn. The farmhouse had burned down years ago and nobody had taken
the trouble to rebuild it, so the entire piece of land that came with it was now theirs. It was
extremely convenient not to have neighbours sometimes, especially with how loud some of
their more adventurous games made both of them scream.
 Stop right here, please. He pointed at the small lay-by a few hundred metres from the
barn. It had been essential when tractors were still in use when it was a working farm and
came in handy now he didn t want to spoil the surprise for Henry.
 Here? The taxi driver raised his eyebrows, but he stopped the car as asked.
 Yes. Alex pulled his wallet from his pants.  I want to surprise my partner.
 Got it. The taxi driver grinned and turned around to take Alex s money.
 Can I have a receipt, please? He got out of the car while the driver was scribbling the
details onto a piece of paper that had seen better days. By the time he d managed to drag his
carryon and laptop bag out with him, the driver was finally done.
 Thanks. He took the receipt, pocketed it and mentally got ready for the short walk. His
cock was still as enthusiastic as ever, so it wasn t going to be comfortable, but so be it.
Sacrifices had to be made, and ensuring Henry s total surprise was more than worth a little
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
A few minutes later he was at their front door. He pulled out his key and unlocked it,
almost breathless with anticipation. He stepped inside, locking everything securely before
turning around and taking in the fact there was absolutely no noise or any other indication
about Henry s location. The light in the hallway had been on, though, and the smell from the
kitchen was wonderful as if a turkey was just waiting to be taken from the oven.
Alex frowned as he dropped his bag and pulled off his coat to put it away in the closet.
He took a step towards the kitchen to investigate whether he was right about his English lover
making the traditional American dish Alex s mother would have made for him were she still
alive. At that moment, the door to the lower floor opened. The barn was built against a hill,
and they d made use of that fact to build an extension which now gave them a lower floor for
an exercise room and storage under half the barn s two upper floor areas.
Henry walked up the last step and froze in his tracks.
 Alex? Henry blinked, looking adorably confused, totally delighted and exhausted from
what must have been a gruelling workout. Sweat was pouring down his naked chest even
though he d clearly used his now darkened T-shirt to wipe it down. The wiry hairs on his
chest were glistening and his muscles were pumped up from his exertions. What a picture!
 Surprise! He smiled and stepped closer, not sure how Henry would take the fact he
hadn t been able to prepare for Alex s return.
 Alex! Henry dropped the sweaty T-shirt, opened his arms wide and walked towards
Alex as his face lit up with a huge smile.
Alex almost ran into his lover s arms, all the pent-up emotion of finally being back and
having made it in time for Thanksgiving suddenly choking him up. It might not mean as
much to Henry as it did to him, but Henry had always been very mindful about Alex s half-
American background. He slid his arms around Henry s middle as his lover put his arms
around his shoulders and squeezed. He buried his face in Henry s neck and breathed in the
most intense, arousing scent in the world. This was home.
Henry s breathing next to Alex s ear was deep, and he shook a little as they embraced.
Just standing there, feeling Henry s hard body against his was enough for a few minutes.
When the urge to look at Henry became too much he lifted his head, only to find Henry s
eyes suspiciously moist.
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
 Thank you for making it back. Henry swallowed, raised one hand and cupped Alex s
 I couldn t bear the thought of being away for our anniversary. Alex leaned into
Henry s hand.  My job doesn t mean anything to me, compared to you.
Henry s eyes lit up and he moved so their lips finally touched. He kissed Henry back,
mouth still closed, just enjoying their lip-to-lip contact. When Henry brought his tongue out
to play, Alex was quick to respond. He gave himself to the kiss completely, revelling in the
close contact. He was harder than ever now, and so was Henry from the feel of the hard bulge
between his legs. Alex pushed his leg between Henry s thighs to give them both some more
friction, and moaned into his lover s mouth as his arousal spiked.
 God, baby. Henry pulled back, eyes glazed with lust.  Want you so much.
Alex just nodded. The need to have Henry inside him, to feel that connection, was
overwhelming. Not to mention the need to finally come.
 Come on, let s go upstairs, do this right. Henry stepped back, took him by the hand
and started walking towards the stairs.
 Can t wait. He was so close already, the slightest touch would set him off. Just those
first two steps brought him too close for comfort.
 That bad, huh? Henry looked delighted as he stopped walking, turned Alex with his
back toward the stairs and opened Alex s trousers.  We ll do it here then, but no coming
before I m inside you or I m going to have to punish you.
 Shit, don t say that. Alex winced as he grabbed the base of his rock hard cock and
squeezed until it hurt. Just the thought of Henry coming up with another one of his delicious
punishments had almost been enough.
 You love it when I torture you. Henry grinned as he made short work of first his own
exercise shorts, which were gone in a flash, then Alex s clothes.
Alex just stood there, taking in his lover s naked body. Henry was the most attractive
man he d ever seen, from his sexy toes, all the way up to his ruggedly handsome face. His
arms and legs were nicely muscled, his abs were flat and well delineated and his ass was so
perfect Alex had to squash the urge to just grab it and hold on every time he saw it.
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
 Hands on the stairs, ass out. Henry fished in Alex s discarded clothing as if he knew
there was lube to be found. Unsurprisingly there was, and Henry grabbed the sachet with a
triumphant laugh.  Now!
Alex shuddered with delight at the commanding tone. He turned around, bent forwards
so he could take hold of the sixth or seventh stair and pushed his ass out as far as possible. It
made his hard cock bounce between his legs, and he took several deep breaths to calm
himself down.
 Nice. Henry s voice had become rough and the ripping of the packet of lube was the
most promising sound Alex had heard in a while.  Spread  em.
 Fuck. Alex bit his lip. His man was just out to make him come before the real action
started. That commanding tone, the slight nudge to Alex s right foot and the thought of what
he d look like, all spread out like this, was enough to have him dripping with pre-cum.
 If you re good. The growl in Henry s voice was unmistakeably arousal. At least his
lover and partner of so many years wasn t unaffected.
 Shit. Alex put all his focus on moving his legs even farther apart. He could feel his ass
cheeks spread even before Henry put his hands on them, kneading and pulling them apart. He
pushed back into the touch, desperate for more, but it only earned him a sharp slap on his
right cheek and then his left when he couldn t hold still.
 Patience. Henry caressed the slightly stinging skin, making Alex whimper.
 Please. He d never begged so soon, but then, he d never been made to suffer like this.
Or maybe it was just the intensity of his feelings for Henry that had changed over the years?
Whatever it was, this felt hotter than ever.
When the first slick finger finally touched the top of his crack, his whole body stiffened
in expectation. Henry moved it down, briefly circling his hole then continued to leave a wet
trace along his perineum, stopping at the base of his sac. Instead of doing the expected, Henry
grabbed Alex s dangling balls from below and squeezed carefully.
 Shit. Alex shot forwards, trying to fuck the air in his desperation.
Henry held on, and the resulting pull in Alex s sensitive tissues only served to ratchet up
his lust. He moved back, only to have Henry grab his cock with the other hand. Now that his
lover had him, literally by the cock and balls, there was no stopping Alex s orgasm. It was a
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
matter of seconds. Henry s hot tongue licking across his hole seconds before pushing inside,
making his ass spasm with need, made it a done deal.
 Fuuuck! Alex tried to move, but was held back by Henry s firm grip. The tongue
inside his ass drove him wild, and before he knew it, he started shooting. He closed his eyes
with the intensity of it and saw stars. Wave after wave of pleasure shot through his entire
body as he came all over the stairs.
 Yes! Henry pulled back from eating his ass when he was done and released his balls,
but stroked his cock vigorously. Apparently, he was planning a second round.  Love it when
you lose it like that.
 Ungh. No way was he able to say anything at this point, not even in his defence.
Before Alex could regain his ability to think, Henry pulled him up, turned him around
and kissed him with an intensity that made him lose his just-regained breath again. Henry
sucked Alex s tongue inside his mouth, playing with it as if it were Alex s cock. Staying hard
was his only option under this renewed onslaught. Then Henry totally surprised him by
putting his shoulder under his stomach, lifting him and moving him upstairs in a fireman s
 Wow, didn t know you were that strong. Alex held onto his lover s naked buttocks,
more than happy with the excuse for touching them and getting a thorough feel while he was
at it.
 Been wanting to do this for a while. Henry dropped Alex onto their bed.
If Henry was a little out of breath, Alex wasn t going to mention it. He was damned
turned on and that situation didn t improve when Henry pushed a few pillows into the middle
of the bed and retrieved their trusted bottle of lube. He was about to turn onto his stomach
when Henry s hand on his back stopped him.
 On your back, please. Henry s smile turned tender.  I want to see you when I make
you come again.
Alex could only nod, overcome with feelings of love for this amazing man. He took his
position, grabbed his legs behind his knees for good measure and spread himself open for
Henry to see.
 Fuck! Henry fell to his knees between Alex s legs and pushed the first lubed finger
into his hole within seconds.
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
 Yes! Alex arched his back when Henry found his prostate and started torturing it on
every inward stroke.  More.
Henry complied, and soon had three fingers sawing in and out of Alex s more than
willing ass. It felt so good, and on another day he would have been happy to come this way.
But not today. And not after two weeks of waiting.
 Need you, please. He was going to go crazy if Henry didn t get his thick cock into him
very soon.  Now!
 Pushy, pushy. Henry complied, though the beads of sweat on his forehead were a sign
of how much he was holding back.
 Waited so long. Alex sighed in relief when Henry moved into position between his
 Me too. Henry put the head of his cock at Alex s entrance and stopped.  And I m next,
you hear?
 Anything. And he meant it. He was close to screaming, if that would only get him
what he wanted.
 Okay, here we go. Henry pushed inside and stopped, just the head splitting Alex s
muscles for now.
 God, yes. So much better than a dildo! Alex pushed up, trying to communicate the
urgency of his need.
Henry took hold of his thighs and started pushing the insides. The fact he was held
motionless, forced to let things happen made Alex wild. Henry knew this, of course, so he
held on more tightly and kept pushing until he finally bottomed out. Alex breathed through
the slight pain of the stretch then nodded when he was ready.
Henry pulled back then pushed in. He kept up the slow, deep thrusts until Alex started
meeting them as best he could. That was Henry s signal. He let go of Alex s legs, bent
forwards until he could support himself with his hands next to Alex s shoulders, and started
pounding into Alex s ass.
Alex slid his legs around Henry s middle, gripped his upper arms for something to hold
on to, and relaxed back into the ride. Henry s deep thrusts drove him crazy. The faster but
shallow stabs that followed made Alex wish for deeper penetration again. Henry varied his
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
strokes so much that Alex never knew what to expect. When he finally gave up and just held
on for the ride, Henry grinned.
 That s it, just let me do the work. Henry sped up, making their bed shake with the
force of his thrusts.
Alex stared into his lover s face, loving how connected they felt in moments like these.
Henry s eyes had gone dark with lust, his arm muscles were straining and his snapping hips
were driving the thick cock Alex adored so much as far into his body as it would go. The
sizzling heat they created between them every time they did this, no matter who was on top,
got better every time.
And suddenly, he was there.
 Gonna! Alex held back for a few more seconds, just until Henry nodded and plunged
his head down for a scorching kiss.
It set both of them off. Alex shook with the force of his orgasm, pleasure racing through
his cock as he shot across his stomach. Henry was right there with him, his now erratic
thrusts prolonging Alex s release. When Henry collapsed, Alex slid his arms around his
trembling lover and focused on enjoying the aftershocks as they both came down from their
 Love you, baby. Alex kissed Henry again and again as he stroked his back to help him
 Missed you. Henry responded by placing kisses all over Alex s face.
 No more of that. Alex pulled back a little.  I ve decided to quit my job. I can work
from home if I find the right company.
 You mean that? Henry rolled them to their sides, pulled up the covers and held out his
 Yes. I don t want to be away from you so much. You mean everything to me and it s
time I admitted that. No more business trips, or angry bosses if I don t work all hours. Alex
cuddled more closely into Henry s side, putting one leg across his lover s hip and his head on
Henry s chest.
 That means more to me than I can say. Henry had tears at the corners of his eyes and
he couldn t seem to be able to stop kissing Alex.
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
Thanksgiving had just acquired a whole new meaning. Alex smiled as he fell asleep
thinking about novel ways to celebrate his new favourite holiday. Love was a wonderful
thing, and should be celebrated every day. But on the other hand who was to say he
couldn t feel more grateful on some days than others?
The End
Thanksgiving Serena Yates
About the Author
I m a night owl who starts writing when everyone else in my time zone is asleep. I ve loved
reading all my life and spent most of my childhood with my nose buried in a book. Although
I always wanted to be a writer, financial independence came first. Twenty-some years and a
successful business career later I took some online writing classes and never looked back.
Living and working in seven countries has taught me that there's more than one way to get
things done. It has instilled tremendous respect for the many different cultures, beliefs,
attitudes and preferences that exist on our planet.
I like exploring those differences in my stories, most of which happen to be romances. My
characters have a tendency to want to do their own thing, so I often have to rein them back in.
The one thing we all agree on is the desire for a happy ending.
I currently live in the United Kingdom, sharing my house with a vast collection of books. I
like reading, traveling, spending time with my nieces and listening to classical music. I have a
passion for science and learning new languages.


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