admin templates (2)

Accounts.cgi Templates (Manage Listings)
Accounts.cgi Templates (Stats)
Accounts.cgi Templates (Search)
Accounts.cgi Templates (Other)
Include.cgi Templates
Signup.cgi Templates
Smartsearch.cgi Templates
Templates for Other E-mails
15|80|SITETITLE&Site Title~CURRENCY&Currency Symbol
15|80|SITETITLE&Site Title~EMAIL&User's E-mail~ADMINEMAIL&Your E-mail
15|80|SITETITLE&Site Title~CURRENCY&Currency Symbol~USERNAME&Username~PASSWORD&Password~REALNAME&User's Real Name~ADDRESS1&Address Line 1~ADDRESS2&Address Line 2~CITY&City~STATE&State~ZIP&Zip Code~COUNTRY&Country~PHONE&Phone Number~EMAIL&User's E-mail~HEADER&Include Header~FOOTER&Include Footer
7|80|CURRENCY&Currency Symbol~RANK&Listing Rank~TITLE&Listing Title~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~LINK&Link to Go to Listing (Not listing's URL)~URL&Listing URL~BID&Advertiser's Bid
7|80|RANK&Listing Rank~TITLE&Listing Title~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~LINK&Link to Go to Listing (Not listing's URL)~URL&Listing URL
7|80|DAY&Day~MONTH&Month~YEAR&Year~RESULTS&This Date's Results (See Template Below)
7|80|CURRENCY&Currency Symbol~TYPE&The Type of Affiliate Payment~QUANTITY&Quantity of This Type~EARNINGS&This Day's Earnings
7|80|CURRENCY&Currency Symbol~TERM&The Search Term (Keywords)~URL&URL of Page Clicked~CLICKS&Number of Clicks~COST&Cost for Those Clicks
Accounts.cgi Templates (Manage Listings)
Add Multiple Listings|Template to add many listings at once|accounts_manage_multadd.tpl|MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message|2
Add Single Listing|This template describes a form to add a listing to the database|accounts_manage_add.tpl|KEYWORDS&Listing Keyword(s)~BID&Listing Bid~TITLE&Listing Title~URL&Listing URL~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~TITLELENGTH&Maximum Title Length~DESCRIPLENGTH&Maximum Description Length~MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message|2
Catch-all Listing|Template to edit a user's catch-all listing|accounts_manage_catchall.tpl|BID&Listing Bid~TITLE&Listing Title~URL&Listing URL~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~TITLELENGTH&Limit of Title Length~DESCRIPLENGTH&Limit of Description Length~MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message~HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements~RANK&Listing's Current Ranking~TOPBID&Bid Needed To Become #1|2
Display Listings|Used to display a user's listings, providing links to edit or delete them|accounts_manage_display.tpl|START&First Listing on Page~END&Last Listing on Page~TOTAL&Total Number of Listings~LISTINGS&List of User's Listings (see template below)~PAGES&List of Other Listing Pages~MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message~HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements|2
-Listings|Template used to list a user's current listings|accounts_listings.tpl|CHECKBOX&Checkbox to Select Listing~KEYWORDS&Listing Keywords~TITLE&Listing Title~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~URL&Listing URL~BID&Listing Bid~RANK&Listing's Current Ranking~TOPBID&Bid Required To Become #1|-1
Edit Listing|Shows a form to edit an existing listing|accounts_manage_edit.tpl|KEYWORDS&Listing Keyword(s)~BID&Listing Bid~TITLE&Listing Title~URL&Listing URL~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~TITLELENGTH&Maximum Title Length~DESCRIPLENGTH&Maximum Description Length~MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message~HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements~RANK&Listing's Current Ranking~TOPBID&Bid Needed To Become #1|2
Manage Listings Main Screen|The first screen a user sees after selecting to manage listings|accounts_manage.tpl|MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message|2
Save Multiple Listings|Displays the results of adding multiple listings|accounts_manage_multsave.tpl|MESSAGE&Results of Adding Listings|2

Accounts.cgi Templates (Stats)
Affiliate Form|Similar to the Main Stats Page, this template provides a form for starting an affiliate statistics report|accounts_stats_aff.tpl|HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements~MESSAGE&A Line about Errors or Notifications~DAYSELECT&Select Box for the Day~MONSELECT&Select Box for the Month~YEARSELECT&Select Box for the Year|2
Affiliate Statistics Report|Templates to view a user's affiliate statistics|accounts_stats_aff_view.tpl|STARTDAY&Starting Day (for the report)~STARTMONTH&Starting Month~STARTYEAR&Starting Year~ENDDAY&End Day~ENDMONTH&End Month~ENDYEAR&End Year~TOTALEARNINGS&Total Amount Earned in This Period~DATES&Results of Dates Found (See template below)|2
-Dates|This template is displayed for each date found in the time frame given|accounts_stats_aff_dates.tpl||5
-Date Results|This template displays the results for each date|accounts_stats_aff_results.tpl||6
General Statistics Report|Templates to view a user's general statistics|accounts_stats_general.tpl|STARTDAY&Starting Day (for the report)~STARTMONTH&Starting Month~STARTYEAR&Starting Year~ENDDAY&End Day~ENDMONTH&End Month~ENDYEAR&End Year~TOTALCLICKS&Total Clicks~TOTALCOST&Total Cost of Clicks~AVGCOST&Average Cost for Each Date~DATES&Results of Dates Found (See template below)|2
-Dates|This template is displayed for each date found in the time frame given|accounts_stats_general_dates.tpl||5
-Date Results|This template displays the results for each date|accounts_stats_general_results.tpl||7
Main Stats Page|The first page the user sees when viewing statistics|accounts_stats.tpl|HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements~MESSAGE&A Line about Errors or Notifications~DAYSELECT&Select Box for the Day~MONSELECT&Select Box for the Month~YEARSELECT&Select Box for the Year|2

Accounts.cgi Templates (Search)
Main Search Page|The first page the user sees when starting a search|accounts_search.tpl|MESSAGE&Error Message|0
Keyword Search|The page the user sees when searching for keywords|accounts_search_bids.tpl|KEYWORD&Keyword searched for~RESULTS&Search Results|0
-Paid Results|Used for displaying paid listings in the search results|accounts_search_bids_paid.tpl||3
-Free Results|Used for displaying free listings in the search results|accounts_search_bids_free.tpl||4
Popularity Search|The page the user sees when searching for keywords|accounts_search_popular.tpl|KEYWORD&Keyword searched for~RESULTS&Search Results|0
-Results|Used to create the results list for the search|accounts_search_popular_results.tpl|KEYWORD&Keyword Searched for~SEARCHES&Number of Searches for Keyword|-1

Accounts.cgi Templates (Other)
Account Footer|This template can be included in any accounts.cgi template as <<FOOTER>>|accounts_footer.tpl||8
Account Header|This template can be included in any accounts.cgi template as <<HEADER>>|accounts_header.tpl||8
Affiliate Page|A template to show information about your affiliate program|accounts_affiliates.tpl||2
Edit User Information|This template displays the form for editting a user's information|accounts_edit.tpl|HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements~MESSAGE&A Line about Errors or Notifications|2
Forgot Password|The form to look up a forgotten password|accounts_forgot_pass.tpl|MESSAGE&A Line about Errors or Notifications~HEADER&Include Header~FOOTER&Include Footer|0
Log-In Page|The initial page a user sees, giving a form to log in to accounts.cgi|accounts_login.tpl|MESSAGE&A Line about Errors or Notifications~USERNAME&Username~PASSWORD&Password~HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Element~HEADER&Include Header~FOOTER&Include Footer|0
Main Account Information|Immediately after logging in, the user sees this page, listing a summary of his information.|accounts_main.tpl|BALANCE&User's Current Balance~AVGCOST&User's Average Cost Per Day~DAYSLEFT&Estimated Days Left Until Account is Empty|2
Payment Page|Template for user to make a deposit into his account|accounts_payment.tpl|PAYMENTMETHOD&Radio Buttons to Select the Type of Payment~PAYMENTBOX&Form Element to Select Payment Amount~MESSAGE&Error or Informational Message~BALANCE&User Balance~HIDDENFORM&Hidden Form Elements|2

Include.cgi Templates
Keyword Search|Determines how the results of a keyword search should be displayed|include_keywords.tpl|KEYWORDS&Keywords Searched for~RESULTS&The List of Search Results|0
-Paid Results|This template is used in the results list for paid listings|include_paid.tpl||3
-Free Results|This template is used in the results list for free listings|include_free.tpl||4
Popularity Search|Shows the results of a popularity search|include_pop.tpl|RESULTS&The List of Search Results|0
-Search Results|This template is used in the results list for the popularity search|include_pop_results.tpl|KEYWORD&Keyword Searched for~SEARCHES&Number of Searches for Keyword|-1

Signup.cgi Templates
Bad Code|If you have e-mail confirmation turned on, this page is displayed when the user's confirmation code is invalid.|signup_bad_code.tpl|CODE&Confirmation Code from the User's Link~HEADER&Signup Header~FOOTER&Signup Footer|0
Confirmation E-mail|The e-mail the user receives to confirm his e-mail.|signup_confirm.tpl|URL&Link back to signup.cgi, containing a confirmation code|1
E-mail Sent|When the confirmation e-mail is sent out, the user views this page|signup_email_sent.tpl|EMAIL&User's E-mail~HEADER&Signup Header~FOOTER&Signup Footer|0
Signup Form|The actual form where the user enters his information|signup_form.tpl|MESSAGE&Error message (or "& " if there is no error)~HIDDENFORM&Hidden form elements the script needs to set~HEADER&Signup Header~FOOTER&Signup Footer|2
Signup Footer|The footer for all signup templates. <<FOOTER>> inserts its contents into other signup templates|signup_footer.tpl||8
Signup Header|The header for all signup templates. This can be inserted into other signup templates with <<HEADER>>|signup_header.tpl||8
Success|Page seen after the account has been successfully set up.|signup_success.tpl|HEADER&Signup Header~FOOTER&Signup Footer|0
Welcome E-mail|When the account is set up, this e-mail is sent to the user and contains a welcome message and a copy of the log-in information|signup_welcome.tpl|USERNAME&User's Name~PASSWORD&Password|1

Smartsearch.cgi Templates
Filter Word|When a keyword in the search matches one of the words in the adult filter, this page is displayed|search_filter.tpl|KEYWORDS&Keywords Searched For~AFFILIATE&Affiliate Username~HEADER&Search Header~FOOTER&Search Footer|0
Index|This page is displayed when no search has been started|search_index.tpl|HIDDENFORM&Passes along affiliate username as hidden form element~HEADER&Search Header~FOOTER&Search Footer|0
No Match|Displayed when the search produces no matches|search_nomatch.tpl|AFFILIATE&Affiliate's username (to be passed on to signup.cgi)~KEYWORDS&Keywords Searched for~HEADER&Search Header~FOOTER&Search Footer|0
Search Footer|Insert the footer into the other search templates with <<FOOTER>>|search_footer.tpl||8
Search Header|Available to the other search templates as <<HEADER>>|search_header.tpl||8
Search Results|The templates responsible for showing search results|search_main.tpl|KEYWORDS&Keywords Searched for~START&Rank of the First Listing on the Page~END&Rank of the Last Listing on the Page~TOTAL&Total Listings Found~LINKPREV&Link to Previous Page~LINKNEXT&Link to Next Page~RESULTS&The List of Results~CATEGORIES&The Categories Found for Keyword~SUBCATEGORIES&Subcategory Listing For Keyword~AFFILIATE&Affiliate Username~HEADER&Search Header~FOOTER&Search Footer|0
-Paid Results|This template is used in the results list for paid listings|search_results_paid.tpl|AFFILIATE&Affiliate Username|3
-Free Results|This template is used in the results list for free listings|search_results_free.tpl||4

Templates for Other E-mails
Deposit Notification|You receive this e-mail when a user makes a deposit|email_deposit.tpl|USERNAME&User Who Made the Deposit~AMOUNT&Deposit Amount|1
Empty Account|This e-mail is sent when the user's account is empty and all his paid listings have been removed|email_account_empty.tpl|USERNAME&Username|1
User Log-In Information|Sent when the user has forgotten his password and requests to have it e-mailed to him|email_forgot_pass.tpl|USERNAME&Username~PASSWORD&Password|1
Low Balance|Sent when the user's balance drops below the alert level specified under General Settings|email_low_balance.tpl|USERNAME&Username~DAYSLEFT&Approx. Numbers of Days Until Account is Empty|1
Submissions Approved|A user receives this e-mail when his submissions are approved|email_sub_approved.tpl|USERNAME&Username for User's Account~LISTINGS&Newly Approved Listings (see template below)|1
-Submissions List|This template is used to show a list of either approved or denied submissions|email_sub_listings.tpl|TITLE&Listing Title~URL&Listing URL~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~KEYWORDS&Listing Keyword(s)|-1
Submissions Denied|A user receives this e-mail when his submissions are denied|email_sub_denied.tpl|USERNAME&Username for User's Account~LISTINGS&List of Denied Listings (see template below)|1
-Submissions List|This template is used to show a list of either approved or denied submissions|email_sub_listings.tpl|TITLE&Listing Title~URL&Listing URL~DESCRIPTION&Listing Description~KEYWORDS&Listing Keyword(s)|-1


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