Eden Robins Whatever Tomorrow Brings

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Eden Robins

© copyright February 2005, Eden Robins

Cover Art by Jenny Dixon, © copyright February 2005

ISBN 1-58608-366-x

New Concepts Publishing

Lake Park, GA 31636


This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s imagination and not to be
confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is merely coincidence.

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To Lainie, my best friend and soul sister.

Thank you for showing me how to live from the heart, no matter how difficult it can be.

Unlike so many others who have come and gone, at the end of your life, you can say that

you have truly lived.

Chapter 1

Arizona-Present Day

"Hey, you aren’t dead are you?"

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Someone was shaking her. Coming abruptly awake, Sa Rah opened her eyes, and decided quite quickly
that she wanted to die. The pain and dizziness was so overwhelming that she almost vomited.

"You’re alive. Good. I didn’t want to have to call the police. I’m on my way to an appointment and
can’t be late."

Sa Rah tried to focus on the person speaking to her. The effort made her break out into a cold sweat,
but eventually a woman’s face emerged from the blur in front of her.

The woman’s eyes narrowed and she wrinkled her nose in distaste.

"Are you drunk?" She sniffed the air a couple of times. "I don’t smell alcohol, but you never can tell."

Sa Rah didn’t know which question to answer first. The pain in her head was starting to fade, but the
dizziness still had her spinning. She said what she thought would answer everything.

"Help me. I’ve been attacked." Her voice came out little more than a croak. Her throat was so sore and
dry, it felt like it was sticking together.

The woman gasped and her expression changed from wariness to concern.

"Attacked! Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. Here let me help you up. Can you stand?"

Sa Rah tried to wet her dry lips with her tongue, but it didn’t help. Instead of talking, she just nodded her
head. The woman held out her hands and let her hold them for support as she stood up. Other than the
fact that her throat was burning and her legs felt like wet noodles, she could manage. But she still leaned
heavily on the other woman for support.

"Do you want me to, um, call the police?" the lady asked, looking around nervously.

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Sa Rah almost said yes, but something was holding her back.

"No … no police." Sa Rah could barely get the words out. The nausea was back. Unable to help
herself, she leaned away from the woman and emptied the contents of her stomach, gagging when nothing
was left.

"You’re coming home with me," her newfound rescuer said firmly as she took a tissue out of her purse
and gently wiped Sa Rah’s mouth. "My name’s Rachel. I live right around the corner. You need a place
to rest and gather your thoughts for a minute. And this alley is definitely not the best place to do that. I
can go to my interview another day."

Sa Rah didn’t argue with Rachel. She didn’t know who or where she was, let alone what she was doing
in an alley. All she knew was that she was exhausted, and needed to lie down somewhere for a few
minutes. Rachel brought her back to her cramped apartment and immediately led Sa Rah to her couch.

"I’ll get you a pillow and blanket. Then I want you to rest for a while. We’ll talk when you wake up,
honey. Don’t worry about a thing. You’re safe with me."

Sa Rah barely managed to keep her eyes open long enough to see Rachel tuck the pillow under her
head and cover her with the blanket. Sleep pulled relentlessly at her.

"Thank you," Sa Rah whispered, before falling headlong into the darkness.

She woke up the next evening feeling much better. The nausea and dizziness were gone, but her throat
still felt tight and sore. When her eyes fluttered open, it was to see Rachel sitting in a chair watching her.

"Good, you’re awake. I was starting to worry. You’ve been asleep since last night. And you slept all
day without moving a muscle. How do you feel?"

Sa Rah tried to speak, but her mouth was too dry to say much.

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"Water … please."

Rachel took the glass from the coffee table and held it out to her.

"I had this here, just in case you got thirsty while I was out."

Sa Rah took a few sips of the water, letting it moisturize her sandpaper throat.

"Out?" Sa Rah repeated.

"Yes. You probably don’t remember, but when I found you, I was on my way to an interview. I left
some food, water, and a note on the coffee table for you earlier today, while I went to that interview. I
felt guilty leaving you here, but I knew you’d be safe. And you ended up sleeping right through it

"Thank you for all you’ve done for me. You saved me."

"I don’t know about saving you. Those bruises on your neck tell me that I was a little too late for that."


"Yep." Rachel got up and brought back a small mirror. She handed it to Sa Rah. Tilting it down so that
she could see her neck, Sa Rah gasped aloud. The bruises on her neck were large, black, and angry.
They ran from one side of her neck to the other.

"Whoever attacked you last night gave your throat a pretty good squeeze. Do you remember what

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Sa Rah tried to remember. But nothing came. It was a complete blank.

She shook her head. "I can’t remember a thing."

"Nothing about the attack? Do you remember what you were doing before it happened?"

Again, Sa Rah tried to remember something, anything, but no images came to her.


"Okay. Well maybe if we contact someone you know, they can fill us in. Who do you need to call? I’m
sure your family or friends are worried sick."

"I don’t remember."

"What do you mean, honey?"

"I mean I can’t remember anything. Not what happened, not what I was doing before that, not even who
I am, or who my family or friends are. It’s all a big blank."

"You mean you have amnesia?"

"I … I guess so."

Sa Rah’s shoulders slumped dejectedly. Who was she? What had happened to her last night? How
could she get her life back?

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"How about your name? Do you remember your name?"

She slowly nodded her head. "Sa Rah."

"Okay, Sarah. That’s something. What’s your last name?"

This time, Sa Rah just shrugged sadly and shook her head.

"Maybe we, um, you should call the police. There, uh, there must be someone looking for you."

Sa Rah noticed Rachel’s voice change. She looked at her face, and read the hesitancy in her eyes. For
some reason, Rachel didn’t want the police around. That worked out well, because she didn’t either.
There was a voice in her head that kept pounding out the same thing, don’t call the police, don’t call the
police, don’t call the police.

"I’m not ready to call the police, Rachel. I’d rather wait. You understand, don’t you?"

The relief on Rachel’s face was immediate.

"Yes, of course. But what are you going to do in the meantime?"

"I’m not sure. Right now I don’t want to think too much about it. I just want to sleep. Would you mind if
I spent the night again tonight?"

"Of course not. You stay as long as you like. I’ll be working nights from now on because I landed a new
job at that interview today, but other than that, I’ll be around to help you. Maybe your body just needs
some time to rest before your mind remembers everything."

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"Maybe," Sa Rah said, but she wasn’t so sure.

"How about if I make you some soup? Out of the can of course. I don’t cook much."

"You don’t have to do that, Rachel --" Just as Sa Rah started to protest, her stomach let out a loud
growl that surprised them both. They looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"I’ll take that as a yes," Rachel said chuckling as she walked into the kitchen. A minute later she peeked
her head around the corner.

"I put some things in the bathroom for you, in case you wanted to shower, brush your teeth, that kind of
thing. I also left some pajamas in there, if you want to get more comfortable. Please help yourself."

"Thank you. I do need a shower."

Sa Rah felt much better after showering. They both ate soup, cleaned up, then Rachel went to work.

"I should be home sometime after midnight. Please use whatever you need. Mi casa es su casa. I’ll talk
to you in the morning."

"Okay, thanks. I really appreciate everything you’re doing for me, Rachel."

Rachel grinned and gave her a wink.

"No problem, hon. We ladies need to stick together."

* * * *

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Sa Rah fell asleep almost immediately after Rachel left.

And she dreamed. About a man who only appeared in the shadows. She couldn’t see him clearly so she
dubbed him, her "shadow man". The name seemed right, for some reason.

It was the first of many dreams that hinted at who she was and where she came from. Her shadow man
appeared to her that night, and every night from then on, calling her Sa Rah, and showing her in great
detail exactly how much he needed and wanted her.

* * * *

Her movements captivated Tristan Zax. She held him in thrall, just as she always had. Each tilt of her
hips, each sway of her shoulders, so in tune with the music, as if she was one with it. No woman had ever
affected him the way she did. A growl rumbled low in this throat and his body tightened without thought
or heed to his wishes. As much as he’d like to deny it, Sa Rah Ta Rem called to the beast in him. She
made him want to rip the calm façade he presented into shreds, throw his head back and roar his need to
the world. He wanted to take her away, away from this place, away from everything but the two of them.

She wore her long, black tresses loose. Hanging down, just to the rise of her butt, they brushed across
her back in shining raven waves as she moved. Tristan wanted to wrap his hands around her silky hair
and pull her head back so that he could feast on her full, lush, red lips. He longed to see her sapphire blue
eyes flare with desire as he rained kisses all over her smooth, golden skin. First along her high
cheekbones, then down to the stubborn jut of her chin, and lower to the creamy expanse of her neck. He
wanted to feel her tall, firm body shudder with unbridled desire. For him. Only for him.

Sa Rah stiffened and stopped dancing, suddenly, as if sensing his turbulent emotions. She searched the
dimly lit room until her gaze rested where he stood at the back of the club. Her eyes narrowed and her
nostrils flared. Could she sense him there? Although Tristan knew that wasn’t possible, he stepped
farther back into the shadows. The lights were dim, and the room hazy from smoke. It was overflowing
with men lusting after Sa Rah, looking for a chance to be alone with her.

Fury engulfed him at the thought of another touching her. She was his. She belonged to him. Tristan
struggled to calm down as she peered across the room at him. He shielded his thoughts completely,
offering nothing more than casual interest. Sa Rah shuddered and shook her head, as if waking from a
daze. She looked around her in confusion. The music slowly faded away to silence.

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"Why’d you stop dancing, Honey? We love you! We want more!"

The man’s booming voice caught her attention and broke the spell she was under. She glanced down at
him. Her eyes narrowed lazily. One corner of her mouth tilted up and her full lips spread into a sexy grin
that caused Tristan’s body to harden. Keeping her eyes on the man, she swept her long raven hair over
her shoulder with one hand, then placed her other hand on her hip.

"You want more? Are you sure you can handle it?" Sa Rah practically purred.

Her throaty voice was like hot velvet burning over Tristan’s senses. His hard cock pressed painfully
against the snug jeans he wore. He dismissed the pain knowing there was nothing he could do about it.
He had accepted that fact long ago.

Sa Rah raised her gaze away from the now speechless man. She scanned the crowd arrogantly. Her chin
lifted in challenge.

"Who’s ready for more?"

As she spoke she flicked her hips out towards the crowd.

Just once.

Only one small movement.

It was almost negligible, if someone weren’t paying attention. He was. It hit Tristan like a punch to the
stomach. He clenched his fists to his sides as he struggled for control. Every man in the room, including
him, knew on a primal level what her movement meant. It provoked a response that was not about to be

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The room erupted in chaos when the male audience surged forward. Bouncers suddenly appeared out of
nowhere, as if they knew this would happen, expected it to happen. They formed a line in front of the
stage, holding the men back. Two bouncers jumped up and helped Sa Rah get backstage. She grinned
wickedly over her shoulder as they led her away, as if glorying in the havoc she had created. Tristan’s
gaze remained glued on the seductive sway of her hips until she was out of his sight.

A sense of loss and loneliness hit him the minute she disappeared.

"See what I mean?"

Tristan had forgotten that the manager of The Dark Lantern was standing next to him. Everything but Sa
Rah had faded away for those few moments. He reluctantly tore his gaze from the stage. The man
continued talking without waiting for an answer.

"We haven’t had crowds like this in years. And they keep coming back. Each time with another friend.
We’ve gotten to the point where we have to turn people away. And they don’t like that. Combine that
with the fact that she drives most of these guys crazy with lust and you can see why we’re hiring more
bouncers, Mr. Zax."

Tristan nodded his head.

"So do you want the job? We pay a competitive rate, plus bonus, if you can keep things from getting
broken or keep patrons from getting into a fight."

"Yeah, I’ll take it. But how can this woman draw this kind of crowd if she doesn’t even take her clothes

The man shrugged, as if his question was unimportant.

"You saw her dance. She doesn’t need to take her clothes off. Her performance was shorter than usual
tonight. I’m not sure why. Usually she undresses down to this shimmering body suit that outlines her body
real nice, if you know what I mean. Guys see that and they just want to fu --"

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"I understand," he interrupted curtly.

Tristan knew exactly what the man meant. And he didn’t like it. He wanted to connect his fist with the
manager’s face just to show him how much he disliked it, but held himself back, barely.

"When do I start?" Tristan bit out harshly.

"Tomorrow night. She does two shows a night now, and I’ll need you here for both."

"I’ll be here."

And he would be there. Night after night, until he had accomplished his mission. He hadn’t traveled
1000 years into the past to fail. Soon, the waiting would be over. Soon Sa Rah would finally be his.

* * * *

He had been out there! Sa Rah had felt him in the audience. She had sensed his thoughts, sensed his
need for her. She shuddered at that need. It had been so powerful, so primal, so male. The erotic images
she picked up in his mind had made her want to run off the stage and keep running. Yet, at the same
time, they had made her want to yell in triumph and glory in her answering desire.

Night after night at the club she danced for someone. Her shadow lover. That’s how she thought of him.
She dreamed about him each evening as she slept. Yet no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t see his
face in the dream. But she knew, if he ever came to her, she would recognize him.

And she had. Tonight. They had connected almost right away. Sa Rah had tried to scan the crowd, find
him with her eyes, but had failed. Only by opening all her other senses, had she managed to locate him.
At the back of the club, in the shadows. Yet, once again, his face had eluded her.

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She couldn’t go out into the front of the club to find him. It would cause too much trouble. So she
purposely ended her dance early, went back stage, and waited. He would come to her. His thoughts told
her how much he needed her, craved her. When she had waited an hour and still he didn’t come, she
sent her thoughts, her need, her yearning out to him. After one more hour of fruitless waiting, she gave up.
Disappointment filled her. He wasn’t coming. Her shadow lover. The one man who understood who she
was, and knew that her real name was Sa Rah, not Honey.

Fear and desperation filled her. What if he hadn’t sensed her? What if he never came back? She shook
her head. Cleared it. Pushed the fear aside. He would come. She had felt his thoughts. He needed her as
much as she needed him. She would be patient. What other choice did she have?

A knock on Sa Rah’s door distracted her.

"Come in."

Rachel walked in. Though her friend constantly complained about turning 50 this year, anyone looking at
her couldn’t deny her beauty. She was tall and willowy, with creamy, white skin sprinkled with freckles,
and long, reddish gold hair. She had a warm, infectious smile surrounded by two irrepressible dimples
and vibrant green eyes filled with intelligence.

Though she was gorgeous enough to be a dancer at the club, the interview she had gone to the day after
finding Sa Rah had been for a bookkeeping position. Rachel now handled all the finances at The Dark
Lantern. And she was the one who helped get Sa Rah the dancing job.

"Are you ready to go home, Honey? The crowds have died way down, and Vic brought the car to the
side entrance for us."

Vic was one of the club bouncers, and Sa Rah was uncomfortably aware that he wanted to take her to
bed. It wasn’t anything the man said. It was the hungry way he looked at her, and the way he tried to
touch her whenever he could find an excuse to. It gave her the creeps. She shuddered. At least her friend
would be with her during the ride, so she wouldn’t have to be alone with him.

"Yes. I guess I’m ready, Rachel."

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Worry marred her friend’s face.

"Honey? Is everything okay?"

Sa Rah appreciated her friend’s concern, but she wasn’t ready to talk to her about Vic, or her shadow
man’s appearance tonight.

"I’m fine. Just a little tired, I guess."

Rachel immediately took on a motherly air that Sa Rah discovered she only used with people she really
cared about.

"Come on. Let’s go home. We can open a package of that pre-made, pre-cut cookie dough and gorge
ourselves on it. We don’t even have to bake any of it, unless you want to."

The twinkle in Rachel’s eye was infectious.

Chuckling, Sa Rah gathered her things and followed her friend out the door.

"That sounds impossibly good right about now." Sa Rah let out a wistful sigh. "Rachel, you’re a woman
after my own heart."

"Yeah, yeah, that’s what they all say."

Sa Rah noticed the sadness in Rachel’s voice, and gave her friend’s hand a quick squeeze as Vic took
them home. She knew Rachel was just getting over a very bad relationship. The worst part of it was that
she had no family to turn to or lean on. Her friend was an only child. Her parents had died several years
back, and there was no extended family close by. She didn’t have any real friends around either. Sa Rah
found that sadly strange, considering how caring and kind her friend was.

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Rachel was on her own.

"Don’t worry. Your man is out there somewhere. You’ll find him, or he’ll find you," Sa Rah assured her.
And she meant it. Her shadow man had found her. Now all she had to do was hope he came back.

* * * *

Tristan noticed The Dark Lantern was already full when he walked in the next night. The place wasn’t
that large. He still couldn’t believe the twist of fate that had brought him to this location. He remembered
his conversation several years ago with Arin McClintock, about his mission back in time. Arin had
traveled to the past and met his contact, Talia Stevens, in The Dark Lantern. That was back when it was
just a seedy dive for every unscrupulous low life imaginable, not a strip club doing a booming business.

Since then, things had changed. And not just the club. Arin had married Talia, and stayed in the past. His
wife was destined to discover three different genes responsible for life threatening diseases, and from
what he had learned since returning to this time, she had already found one of them. Arin had become an
artist. Tristan would have laughed at the image of his brooding, tough friend being an artist, but from what
he had seen so far, his buddy was doing well in his chosen profession. He had his own gallery in
Scottsdale, and was extremely popular. He would have liked to visit Arin, but knew that wasn’t a good
idea. His mission was to bring Sa Rah safely home, not change or disturb the past.

Someone bumped into him as they entered the club. The place was so full, Tristan could barely move
without running into someone else. He was surprised The Dark Lantern held as many people as it did.
Fire regulations were probably overlooked, especially during Sa Rah’s, or Honey’s performance.


Where had that name come from? Why had she chosen it?

He knew it didn’t matter. It was only important that he remember to use the name she called herself
now. He didn’t want to frighten her. Finding out how much, if anything she remembered was paramount.
The rest could wait.

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He had contacted Sa Rah’s family last night to let them know he had found her. Her brother, his good
friend Prince Jo Sha Ta Rem, wanted to join him in this mission to bring back his sister, but he had
cautioned against it. Tristan told his friend it was important that this be handled delicately. Sa Rah may
have retained some memories that she didn’t understand, and too much at once would frighten her. It
would be better for just one person to bond with her, and slowly try to draw her back to who she was.
He had told, Jo Na and Vi La, Sa Rah’s parents, and the king and queen of the planet Tanviera about his
planned approach. Although they wanted their daughter, the princess, back as quickly as possible, they
understood his caution. Her welfare was the most important, so they had all agreed to wait.

Tristan fingered the stone in his pocket as he entered the Dark Lantern. It was a gift from Sa Rah. No
ordinary gift, it was the turquoise promise stone or the Majva of Tanviera. People committed to spending
their lives together as truth mates gave each other the Majva. It signified that the giver would wait for his
or her truth mate, until the time came for them to join. It was similar to an engagement ring on Earth. The
fact that she had wanted him to have it shocked Tristan, especially in light of their turbulent beginning. But
now that Sa Rah had given it to him, he wasn’t letting it, or her go, ever.

Tristan was jarred out of his musings when Bob Everson, the club manager, brought him into his office
and introduced him to some of the bouncers. He nodded to the other men.

"Listen up. This is Tristan. He’ll be working with you, so help him learn the ropes."

Without giving them a chance to say hello, Bob led Tristan back out to the club.

"Take a look around. Get yourself oriented and learn the layout of the place. Then go up front and get
your shirts from Darla. You’re expected to wear a club shirt every night you work. The first show starts
in about half an hour, so you have some time."

Tristan walked around, looking the club over. The number of patrons filling the room grew until the place
was packed. He stopped short when he felt someone probing his mind. He instantly slammed a shield
down, blocking anyone from detecting his thoughts. He walked to the long bar, leaned against it and
casually scanned the room. His body stiffened and his heart sped up. Sa Rah stood across the room.
Their eyes met, and she hesitated. He projected nothing but arrogant amusement. She frowned at him,
then slid her gaze away, continuing to search the room. That answered one question for Tristan. Sa Rah
did not recognize him. But she had felt him the other night, and she was scanning the crowd in hopes of
picking up those feelings again.

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He was glad they still had that connection with each other. A connection only a Rov Shom and his Rov
Shoma could share. Tristan used the Tanvieran terms because it was the best way to express what Sa
Rah and he were to each other. The word translated loosely into English as "Truth Mate", but didn’t
convey the entirety of what that meant.

According to Tanvieran tradition, truth mates were born for each other. Once they met, there was no
other. Not only did they have the ability to pick up on one another’s feelings, but they also could project
their thoughts to one another. The Truth Mate ceremony, and following joining, was said to be so intense,
so primal that the participants revealed and reveled in their Rov Hum or "true self". They became who or
what they truly were inside. In his case it would be what, not who he was that was revealed. Tristan
frowned at that last thought. Sa Rah couldn’t handle what he truly was. They had already established that
fact. But now it didn’t matter. By giving him the Majva, she had made her choice. She belonged to him
now, just as he belonged to her.

Continuing to shield his thoughts, he crossed the room to where she stood. Despite her consternation, he
found her eyes shifting to him again and again. Tristan had never appreciated his own looks in the past.
Women liked his face, his body, the way he moved. Many told him so, but it hadn’t really mattered. Until
now. Triumph surged through him when Sa Rah’s gaze clung to every detail of his face, then scorched a
fiery path down his body, and back up again. By the time she met his eyes once more, he was breathing
hard. Her eyes widened when she realized what she had done.

He reached her side instantly, and grinned wickedly down at her. She was a tall woman. But he was
taller. He was glad for that now as she lifted her chin to meet his gaze. Though he kept his mental shields
up, it was difficult. He wanted to lose himself in her sapphire eyes even as he felt her probing his thoughts.
He let her see only what he allowed. Attraction to her, yes, but also arrogance. After all, he was an alpha

Sa Rah stayed in place, even as he moved closer, so close their bodies almost touched. She lifted an
eyebrow in question, but didn’t back down. His chest rumbled with pleasure. Good. She was strong. His
mate would have to be to handle him.

* * * *

Zerik Tarhon grinned.

The princess would be an easy target.

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One of the easiest he had ever had. This mission truly was unworthy of him. The woman was like a lamb
waiting for the slaughter. So soft and vulnerable. The human men around her were no challenge, not
compared to his power. But he was told to be discreet, and get rid of all evidence of the body. That
would tie things up for a little longer, but not much.

He would accomplish his business in a few days, then return home, his honor intact. The fact that he was
going to kill a princess of Tanviera mattered not to him. That’s what he was born for, what he had been
trained to do for most of his forty two years of life. He was a shadow man of Dihara, a born assassin.
Politics held no importance to him. His people had been manipulated without thought by politicians for as
long as he could remember. Inter-planetary politics accomplished little else but the continued abuse of his
people. He had been paid well for his service. Honor demanded he accomplish his mission. And he
would. Failure was not an option.

Princess Sa Rah Ta Rem was already dead to him. He just needed to get rid of the body.

Chapter 2

Sa Rah lost the ability to breathe. The man who stalked towards her from across the dimly lit room was
incredibly good looking. His classically handsome face and well muscled body could have been modeled
after a Greek god. Yet it was the way he carried himself that drew her attention and sped her heart rate

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up. He walked with the grace of a man who knew his step, knew his body, and knew what it could do.
There was no hesitation. This was a man who had complete confidence in himself and his ability to strike
lust into the hearts of the women around him.

That irritated Sa Rah. She didn’t want to feel attracted to this man. He wasn’t the one. She had scanned
his thoughts. He wasn’t the shadow man from her dreams. Despite this, her gaze stayed helplessly glued
on him as he approached and stopped by her side. He was taller than her. She liked that. She hadn’t run
into many men who had to look down at her. It made her feel delicate and protected.

What was she thinking? She didn’t even know this man. Narrowing her eyes at him she arrogantly lifted
her eyebrow in question. Sa Rah found that action intimidated men for some reason.

Not him.

He only moved closer. She straightened to her full height and raised her chin to meet his gaze. She
refused to back down. She would never back down.

"Can I help you?"

His mouth spread into wolfish smile and his eyes fixed on her lips.


As he spoke, Sa Rah couldn’t help staring at his mouth. That smile. It was so seductive it should be
outlawed. She almost lost it when the image of his mouth all over her body suddenly came to mind. Heat
pooled in her stomach and spread to her nether regions. Her face became hot with embarrassment. What
was wrong with her? She didn’t react to men like this, did she? Was this a glimpse into her hidden past?
She hoped not. She didn’t like this feeling of helpless attraction.

Sarah watched his expression turn from mischievous to knowing. She sensed he knew how he was
affecting her. Well, two could play at that game. Instead of stepping away as he probably expected, Sa
Rah moved closer. She pressed her chest lightly against his. Just enough for him to feel her, but not
enough for him to know exactly what he felt.

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His eyes flared with desire. She smiled. It was no ordinary smile. It was the kind she used on stage, the
kind she used to entice, to tease. A smile that drew men closer.

This man was no different. He lowered his head until she could feel his breath tickling her cheek. She
shivered as desire and need almost overtook her. No. This was not the one she wanted. She would save
it for the true one. The man she was meant for.

Their gazes clashed, his so full of heat she felt singed. It was time to act, before she burned up where she

Keeping the seductive smile on her face, she stood on tip-toe and lifted her mouth close to his ear.

"If you don’t leave me alone, I’ll call one of the bouncers to throw you out."

Instead of pulling away, as she expected him to, he merely chuckled. The sound vibrated against her
chest, and her nipples hardened in response. He grasped her arms and pulled her tightly against him, then
pressed his mouth close to her ear. She fought the shiver that ran down her spine when he softly blew.

"I am one of the bouncers, Honey." His voice was little more than a growl.

Sa Rah got lost in the feel of his body pressed against her, his breath on her ear, the rumble in his chest.
It left her dizzy with desire. How could that be? He wasn’t her shadow man.

She tried to pull away. He didn’t release her, and she knew she wasn’t going anywhere until he did.
Though he wasn’t hurting her, the steel in his hold was unmistakable. Sa Rah had discovered during an
unpleasant encounter with an overly avid fan that she was trained in martial arts. She thought of using
some of those techniques right now, but quickly dismissed the idea. She had provoked part of this
encounter by teasing him, so she couldn’t completely blame him. She would wait to see how this played
out before resorting to anything drastic.

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Their gazes clashed. Hers flashed with irritation, his glowed with alpha male arrogance. He held her stare
a moment more, then released her. Taking a step back, she put some space between them. Her eyes
narrowed suspiciously.

"Who are you?"

"Tristan Zax. I’m the new bouncer here at the Dark Lantern, at your service, ma’am," he said with a nod
of his head. "I’ll keep you safe."

"But who will keep me safe from you, Mr. Zax?" she asked with a frown.

Sa Rah was serious. This man posed a threat to her. The likes of which she hadn’t encountered up until
this moment. He made her want, made her feel, and she didn’t need that right now. Not from him. It
would only complicate things.

At her words, his smile turned seductive.

"Tristan. Call me Tristan. And don’t worry. I won’t touch you again, Honey. Until you ask me, very,
very nicely."

"You’ll have a long wait then, I guess," she retorted, giving him a saucy smile over her shoulder as she
walked away.

"We’ll see, Sa Rah. We’ll see," Tristan whispered under his breath as his hungry gaze followed her.

* * * *

Sa Rah felt Tristan’s stare burning into her back as she walked away. She maintained the proud sway in
her hips until reaching her dressing room and shutting the door. Leaning back against it, she took several
calming breaths. In deeply, hold for five seconds, release. In deeply, hold for five seconds, release.
Tristan Zax had made her body go into overdrive, and she needed to get it back down to cruise. Her

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response worried her. She would stay as far away from him as possible. She had to maintain her focus
on her shadow man, not some sexy bouncer who made her knees weak.

"Eye candy. That’s all he is. Look, but don’t touch," she said aloud to herself. Tristan Zax was like the
sweet and spicy Hot Tamales candy she liked. So tempting, but if you partake of too much, you get

"No more Hot Tamales for me. They’re officially removed from my diet."

* * * *

Tristan could sense Sa Rah’s turmoil as she walked away. Good, he had put her a little off balance.
Made her aware of him as a man, and brought her desire to life. Unfortunately, she had done more than
that to him. He was so painfully hard that he was tempted to go into the men’s room and do something
about it. He had never had this problem before. Women liked him, wanted to be with him. Finding a
willing bedmate had always been easy. Sa Rah was not willing, yet. But she would be soon. He had no
doubt about that. And when she was, he would be there.

Tristan got his club shirt and walked into the men’s locker room to change. He had just put his shirt on
when he felt a tap on his shoulder. As he turned around, he was punched in the stomach hard enough to
make him double over.

"I’m Vic. But you can call me sir. I’m head of security here at The Dark Lantern. We weren’t properly
introduced earlier, so I want to let you know who I am, and how things work around here. I say jump,
you ask how high. As long as we’re clear on that, we have no problem. That little love tap was a
warning. I saw your little meet and greet with Honey earlier. Stay away from her. She’s off limits to every
guy in here, including you. She’s mine. Have I made myself clear?"


That one word called to the feral side of Tristan. The side not many people saw. The beast in him roared
to life. Sa Rah was his. She belonged to him. Only him. Tristan straightened and faced Vic. He grinned
coldly, baring his teeth. If he couldn’t sate himself by making love to Sa Rah, then a good fight was the
next best thing. It might get him fired, but it didn’t matter. He needed this.

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Vic must have seen something in his face, because he took a step back before he could stop himself.
Tristan moved forward and threw the second punch. Vic was strong, he’d give him that, but he had no
technique. Tristan was well trained in various forms of fighting, self-defense, and martial arts. The feel of
his fist connecting with the other man’s flesh brought him immense satisfaction.

Vic was about to be demoted.

* * * *

After taking care of business, Tristan spent the remainder of the night observing.

Sa Rah gave her first performance of the evening. Each show was vastly different. The early one was
more of a teaser. The men watching were hungry for more when she finally ended her provocative dance.

He shadowed Sa Rah as she walked backstage to her room after her first show. He couldn’t stop his
gaze from sliding slowly over her body as she moved. Each sway of her hips called to him, each curve of
her waist pulled at something inside. Sa Rah remained silent as they walked. It wasn’t until they reached
her dressing her room that she broke her silence. He was about to walk into her room with her, when she
turned around and held her hand up for him to stop.

"That’s far enough, big boy. I can take it from here."

Resting his hand on the door frame, Tristan leaned in and gave the room a quick glance. Nobody inside.
And he sensed no other immediate presence. Good. Straightening, he folded his arms over her chest.

"Are you’re sure you don’t need any, uh, extra help?" Tristan asked, letting the hunger he felt for her slip
into his gaze as he smiled.

* * * *

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Sa Rah’s heart skipped a beat as Tristan raised an eyebrow and a slow, sexy grin spread across his
mouth. Did the guy have to look good even when he mocked her? Sheesh. Pushing her libido back down
where it belonged, Sa Rah raised her chin imperiously.

"I can handle it, Mr. Zax."

Tristan’s face grew serious once more.

"I’m sure you can. But I’m just doing what I’ve been paid to do. I don’t interfere with your job, please
don’t interfere with mine."

"Your job does not include invading my space or my dressing room, Mr. Zax."

"It does now. And call me Tristan. We’re going to be pretty tight from now on, so I think we can go
with first names, don’t you?"


"Yeah. Vic and I had a talk, and decided that I should handle your personal security at the club. I’m
your new best buddy."

"I see."

The smug look on Tristan’s face irritated Sa Rah. The guy was just too confident for his own good. But
she didn’t let her irritation show. Smiling pleasantly, she opened the door wider, as if she were going to
let him through. But before he could move, she pushed it forward again, slamming it in his face.

"My new best buddy isn’t allowed in my dressing room -- ever," she said in a raised voice through the
door as she twisted the lock.

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Sa Rah waited for some comment from the other side of the door, but when there was none she walked
to her vanity table, sat down in the chair, and faced her makeup mirror. Looking into it, she wondered for
the thousandth time, exactly who she was. Who stared back at her from the reflection? Dark hair and
blue eyes that seemed to take up her entire face was all she saw. Who was she?

Sa Rah knew who she had become since Rachel found her in the alley. She was an exotic dancer, and if
her fast growing audience out there was any indicator, she was good at it. The dancing came naturally to
her. She wasn’t sure why.

Rachel asked her more than once how she came up with her material, but she wasn’t sure. It was just a
feeling. Every time she got on stage, the music started in her head. She had no control over it. The dance
just grabbed hold of her and took her to another place. Her body went willingly, moving and swaying to
the songs in her head, and the need in her body.

That need is what made her performance so intense. It always started out small, then the dance
progressed and her movements became more frantic. Her desire grew and grew inside her, becoming an
ache, an empty void that had to be filled. She held on as long as possible, but eventually had to stop the
movements before she passed out.

That was always the hardest part. Stopping. Her body wanted her to continue, to let the feeling
completely take her over until she got lost in it. She didn’t want to know what would happen if she did
that. If she let herself go completely. All she knew was that it might not be good. And that scared her.

So she danced each night with mixed feelings. Anticipation and fear. She showed neither to the men who
watched her. They didn’t come to the club for that. They came for a fantasy. A fantasy of how they
wanted a woman to be. Desirable, yes, but also strong and proud. Whatever she felt while she danced,
those were the only things she ever let her audience see.

Except for last night. The feeling that her shadow man was in the room had thrown her completely off
balance. She had almost lost it up on the stage. She had been seeking him, yearning for him with
everything she was these past weeks. When he had revealed his presence, she had almost fallen down
from the shock of it.

Now, if he would only come back. She hadn’t sensed it during her first performance. Maybe he would
show up at her second one. He had to show up, didn’t he? They had such a strong connection. She had

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felt his desire and his need. It was as strong as hers. Could he just turn his back on it? Walk away
without coming back? She hoped desperately that was not the case. Because somehow she knew he
was linked to her past. He would be able to answer the questions she had.

A knock at her door interrupted her thoughts.

"Who is it?"

Sa Rah sounded irritated, even to her own ears. But she just couldn’t help herself. The build up of the
man of her dreams showing up and disappearing was growing. As was her frustration.

"It’s Tristan. We need to talk."

Sa Rah groaned quietly. She definitely didn’t need a good looking, sexy as hell, body to die for, arrogant
bouncer in her room right now. There was a chemistry between them that she couldn’t deny. It wasn’t as
strong as her feeling for her shadow man, but it was there just the same. Sometimes people met and it
was just there between them. That was the case with Tristan. But she didn’t think it would be a good
idea to explore that right now. She felt restless, itching for something she couldn’t name. And if she was
honest with herself, she knew that if she let him in, she might just ask him to scratch that itch.

"I’m busy right now, Mr. Zax. Can we do this another time? I have to get ready for my next show."

Even though her show was still an hour away, it was the only excuse she could think of.

"No. This can’t wait. We need to talk -- now. I brought you something. Don’t you want to know what it

All Sa Rah knew was that whatever he brought with him couldn’t compare with what her body wanted
from his. Yet her curiosity was piqued. Why would he bring her something, and what was it?

Hmmm. Decisions, decisions.

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Let him in and she crossed another line. Or refuse him and not know what he brought for her.

Curiosity got the better of her.

"What is it?"

"Chocolate. But not just any chocolate. It’s Belgian chocolate."

Chocolate? Did he say chocolate?

Sa Rah jumped to her feet and headed to the door before she realized she was even moving.

She absolutely loved chocolate. Deep down, she knew she must have always liked the stuff, even if she
couldn’t remember. It was just too decadent, too delicious, and it felt like pleasure in her mouth.
Especially Belgian chocolate. Yum.

"I’ll be right there."

Sa Rah grasped the doorknob, but hesitated. How had he known she liked chocolate? She just met the
guy. He couldn’t know about her passion for chocolate. It must have been a guess.

It was only after she opened it and saw Tristan’s eyes rake over her that she realized she still wore her
body suit from her dance performance. She almost cringed as she remembered just how well her body
was outlined by the outfit.

She didn’t mind it in up on the stage, with lots of men watching her from afar. But up close and personal
like this was much, much more intimate. Tristan’s eyes strayed to every curve the shimmering material
clung to before returning to her face. The urge to cover herself was strong, but the need to see his

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reaction was stronger.

As their gazes met and clashed she gasped. His bright green eyes darkened with desire and his face
grew tight. She took a jerky step back, and he immediately followed her inside. Shutting the door behind
him, he advanced on her as she backed up. Realizing what she was doing, Sa Rah stopped abruptly and
held her ground.

Tristan stopped in front of her, not too close, but close enough to reach out and touch her if he chose to.
She got lost in his hot gaze. Everything else disappeared. The room, the club, time and space. It all faded
to nothing as they stared at each other. Just the two of them. Alone. Together.

Sa Rah started to feel warm. When Tristan’s gaze fell to her lips and stayed there, she grew downright
hot. He didn’t look away. Her mouth became dry and her heart beat out of control as he lifted his hand
and ran one finger gently down the side of her cheek. It slid softly over her skin, but it left a burning tingle
that ran from her face to her toes in seconds.

Sa Rah fought a losing battle. She didn’t want to be attracted to him. He was the wrong man. He wasn’t
the one. Yet she couldn’t help herself. The chemistry was there, so strong it left her breathless. She
couldn’t think straight with him around. And just the sight of his green eyes filled with desire as they
devoured her face, nose, and mouth made her ache with need. That look was all male, primal and
hungry. He wanted her.

And she wanted him.

She fought it.

It couldn’t be. No, it wasn’t right.

Her mind raced. She searched for something to say, anything to break the attraction that pulled at her.

"You brought chocolate?" she asked in a low voice, filled with all the desire that coursed through her.

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Tristan smiled then. It was the kind of smile that brought joy to her heart. The kind that was wide,
genuine, and free. Like a little boy when he gets a new bicycle for his birthday.

* * * *

Tristan wanted to yell in triumph. She still liked sweets. He remembered how much she loved to eat
satchini in his time. It was similar to chocolate, with a smooth texture that coated the mouth just right, and
a sweet, rich taste. He remembered overhearing Sa Rah tell a friend how much she craved satchini. He
had never forgotten that. He had used that knowledge on several occasions just to get Sa Rah’s attention
when he visited. As much as she fought against their attraction, she just couldn’t say no to satchini.

Chocolate turned out to be a great substitute. He pulled out the box of chocolates he had gotten earlier
in the day, and handed it to her. Her eyes lit with pleasure. Like a kid, she couldn’t get the box open fast
enough. Making her choice quickly, she popped a piece into her mouth.

She savored the taste of it, making small noises in the back of her throat. Her head lolled back
sensuously as the pleasure of the candy’s taste overcame her. Tristan’s body sprang to life. He wanted
her to make those sexy soft sounds for him. He wanted her to revel in his touch the way she reveled in
the taste of chocolate. One day, he planned to take the place of that sweet treat she was so addicted to.
Soon she would crave him like that, want him as much as he wanted her.

Her enjoyment was taking its toll on him. He was painfully hard, and if she didn’t stop making those little
noises, he wasn’t going to be able to control himself much longer. She looked and sounded like a woman
who was being well pleasured. He wanted to be the one to give her that pleasure, over and over again.

He cleared his throat loudly.

Sa Rah’s eyes fluttered open. She met his gaze lazily, smiled. It was a slow smile. The kind that was
seductive and satisfied at the same time.

"Thank you, Tristan. I haven’t had good chocolate like this since, well, since I don’t know when. It’s

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"You’re welcome, princess."

"Princess?" Sa Rah raised one eyebrow in question

"Yes, princess. The name suits you, somehow."

Sa Rah chuckled.

"I don’t know about that. But I do appreciate the chocolate. I really needed it. I absolutely love the stuff.
In fact, I think I’m addicted to it," she admitted with a sheepish smile.

"My pleasure," he said. And he meant it. Despite the fact that his body was on fire for her, the fact that
he could give her this one small pleasure pleased him.

His thoughts must have showed on his face, because Sa Rah stared at him strangely before speaking.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"


Sa Rah smiled at him as if he were a little slow in the head. At the moment, that’s exactly how he felt.

"Yes, talk. You said you needed to talk to me about something."

"Right. I wanted to talk about some different ways to protect you during your performance."

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"Protect me from what? The bouncers all do a great job. I don’t think anyone could get to me, even if
they wanted to."

"My job is to make sure that doesn’t happen. I think you need to be a little less -- interactive -- with the

Sa Rah frowned.

"Interactive? What is that supposed to mean? I perform exotic dance. I have to be interactive."

"I understand. But you don’t have to incite the audience so much."

"Incite? Interactive? What’s with the "I" words, Tristan? Isn’t inciting the audience supposed to be part
of my performance?"

Tristan ran a hand through his hair. Releasing a frustrated breath, he tried to explain.

"Yes and no. You are supposed to perform in a way that, well, that --"

"Turns men on?" Sa Rah finished for him. She grinned widely as she watched him scowl.

"Yeah, but you don’t have do things that get them so hot and bothered that they want to storm the

"Things? Like what?" Sa Rah asked nonchalantly as she popped another chocolate into her mouth. She
was enjoying this.

Tristan could see it in her eyes. She was teasing him. She knew exactly what he was talking about, but
was making this as difficult as possible for him. Fine. She wanted to make things uncomfortable for him?

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He could do the same to her.

He did not like to be teased.

"Would you like a demonstration?"

"Absolutely," she said with a light chuckle.

She was having way too much fun. It was time to turn the tables on her. Walking over to the dressing
room door, he twisted the lock into place.

"What are you doing?" The light tone was gone from her voice now. She sounded wary and suspicious.

Good. She should be worried.

"Giving you a demonstration," he explained, bringing her vanity chair to the center of the room. "Sit
down. Watch, and learn," he said arrogantly.

He walked over to where her portable CD player sat on her dresser.

"Do you have any music that you dance to in here?"

"Well, um, yes. The one in there is the one I’m performing later."

"Great. Sit back, relax and enjoy," Tristan said, smiling at her in a way he knew would show his hunger
for her.

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Her eyes widened a bit, but she didn’t move from the seat.

She should have.

If she knew what he was about to do to her, she would have run as far from him as possible.

Chapter 3

The music started. He let the seductive beat wash over him, through him, and into him. He closed his
eyes and took several deep breaths. He imagined Sa Rah dancing to this sexy music. Imagined how she
would move, how she would look. Need rose like a raging fire inside him.

He had become an expert at performing the Rov Hum dance. As young, single men, Tristan, Sa Rah’s
brother, Jo Sha, and their friend, Arin, had spent many nights out together, prowling for women. They
soon learned that the effect this dance had on females was to their advantage. They perfected their
technique until each of them had their own method for driving women crazy. In the past, the three of them
had competed with each other to see who would get a female first. Tristan had almost always caught a
lady in his snare first.

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Would Sa Rah react the same way? He had never danced for her before, but with the chemistry that
already singed between them, he knew she would react to him one way or another. He grinned, thinking
about her reaction. He wanted her to be as hungry for him as he was for her. That would bring him
intense satisfaction.

He was ready.

It was time to show Sa Rah his Rov Hum dance.

Opening his eyes, Tristan pinned Sa Rah with his gaze. He let his hunger burn in his eyes, communicating
his need. Her lips parted and her eyes darkened. His hips rotated, slowly, again and again as the dance
took control of him. His arms reached out to her, then opened wide. He was beckoning her closer, into
his arms, into him.

Sa Rah gripped the side of her chair tightly, as if trying to control herself, trying to hold herself back.
Satisfaction hummed through him. She was growing hungry. He could see it in her face. She bit her
bottom lip tightly. Her nostrils flared as she took deep breaths through her nose. Her gaze became heated
and intense as his dance grew more seductive, more provocative. His hips bucked toward her once,
twice, and yet again. Running his hands over his chest he imagined Sa Rah’s hands on him. She followed
the path of his hands, gazing hungrily at each point he touched.

Sa Rah wet her lips with her tongue. Tristan imagined the feel of her mouth on his body, all over his
body. So warm, so wet. He threw back his head and released a groan. His body hardened when he saw
that her eyes remained fixed on his body. He continued to tease her with agonizingly slow movements,
tempting her, enticing her to ask for more.

Her fingers tightened around the chair. She shivered and Tristan noticed her nipples harden against the
sheer material she wore. Their gaze met again, and he knew he was affecting her. Her eyes darkened to
almost black. The pupils began to engulf the rest of her eyes. This was the way of the Rov Hum, the way
of Tanviera. Sa Rah didn’t accept it, but he was her truth mate and her body was striving for its Rov
Hum, or true self, despite her mind’s objections. Darkening eyes was only one effect.

Her body was roaring to life, demanding more.

He wanted to continue. He wanted to bring her over the edge and make her his once and for all. His

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body was getting close to the Diharan transformation as well. He held the beast back, controlled it. But it
prowled inside him, pacing, waiting for him to let down his guard just enough for it to slip through. And if
it did, he would take her without mercy, again and again until he was sated.

It was time to stop.

* * * *

Sa Rah needed him to stop.

She couldn’t take it. She couldn’t catch her breath. His movements, his body, the music, the heat in his
gaze was becoming too much. Her body was screaming for more. It was roaring for her to let go of the
chair and close the distance between her and Tristan. To take him and demand everything from him, and
more. The chair, though not much, was her only anchor. It was the only thing holding her in place,
keeping her from getting lost in the sea of desire that threatened to overwhelm her and take her away.

But her control was slipping. It was being replaced by something else. Something deep, powerful, and
primal. It pushed at her from the inside, as if demanding release. And she didn’t think she could hold out
against it much longer. She couldn’t help but notice Tristan’s body growing hard. She could sense his
need somehow. It hit her in wave after wave, shaking her to the core, turning her on even more. Heat
pooled low in her body and an ache started pulsating at her core. Her nipples hardened against the tight
material she wore, and her body became damp with need.

Tristan needed to stop his torture soon, or she would devour him whole.

Devour him? Where had that thought come from? But that’s exactly how Sa Rah felt. Like some great
cat, stretching after waking up from a long sleep, hungry and ready for, for … something. But what?

As he continued his seductive dance, she knew, deep inside, what she desired. She wanted him naked,
on his knees in front of her, like an ancient offering. She wanted him sweating and panting with need. For
her, only for her. Her fingers would curl in his hair, holding the strands tightly as she pulled his head back.
She would kiss his sensual lips, feast on them until she had her fill, then plunge her tongue deep inside
over and over again. Exploring every corner of his mouth. He would meet her thrusts with his own, she
had no doubt of that.

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Sa Rah may be alpha female, but Tristan was alpha male. Theirs would be an intense, mutual meeting of
body and mind. She knew he would stay supplicant to her for only as long as he willed it. After that, she
would belong to him, just as he would belong to her.

The thought of their lovemaking left her shaking with need. She gripped the chair so tightly her fingers
ached. Yet she held on because it was the only thing holding her back. The only thing keeping her from
jumping up and touching him in all the ways her body demanded.

Tristan abruptly stopped moving. Disappointment filled her at the same time as relief. Part of her wanted
him to continue, to see his dance through, while another didn’t know if she could deal with the result.

Tristan strode toward her.

Sa Rah was still trying to regain the ability to breathe when he placed a finger under her chin and tilted
her head up. His eyes glittered dangerously and the hunger she saw in their green depths sent shivers of
desire up and down her spine. Yet she couldn’t look away. She lost herself in the beauty of his gaze.

He slid his finger along her jaw, up over her ear, and delved his hand into her hair. With a slight pull, he
forced her face up to him in supplication. Much the way she had imagined doing to him. He stared long
and hard at her lips, his eyes flaring with need when she wet them with her tongue.

He growled low in his throat.

"That, princess, was the demonstration. I hope you enjoyed it, and understood the lesson." Without
another word, he released her hair, turned, and walked out of the room.

* * * *

Tristan watched Sa Rah stride on stage for her second performance. The crowd went wild. Bouncers
formed a blockade between her and the audience. She just stood there scanning the room. Nothing
more. But it was the way she did it. A challenge and enticement to the men so avidly watching her. Legs

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spread apart in a ready stance, shoulders thrown back, breasts thrust out proudly, head held high. And
her eyes. They dared all to come to her, to touch her. She was undoubtedly an alpha female. Every man,
on a primal level knew it, and wanted her more because of it.

Stopping in front of one man, she smiled seductively and bent towards him. The bouncers allowed him to
reach towards Sa Rah, but instead of touching him with her hands, she placed her thigh high spiked
heeled boot on his chest and pushed. The man was knocked off balance back into the crowd.

"Call me when you’ve grown up, little boy." Her voice was low, teasing and seductive.

The crowd exploded in male laughter. The man she pushed smiled sheepishly, but didn’t leave. His eyes
remained glued hungrily on Sa Rah.

She was dressed in some sort of scarf-like outfit. Layers of sheer, red material covered her from
shoulder to ankle, but every time she moved, it parted, giving teasing glimpses of what lay beneath. Sa
Rah didn’t seem to notice as she continued pacing the stage, like a tiger in a cage. He could feel her
restlessness. He felt it too. She called out to him without even knowing it.

His muscles tightened and his body sprang to life. Wincing, Tristan admitted that Vic got in a couple of
good shots earlier. His body was starting to feel it. But as he glanced across the room at his opponent, he
knew he was much better off than Vic. The two men shared a quick glance. Tristan stared into the other
man’s eyes with unyielding intensity. Vic looked away. Tristan’s dominance had been asserted.

The minute the music started, the crowd stilled. Their attention became completely focused on Sa Rah.
As she began her dance, they pushed closer to the stage. The bouncers stood firm, keeping them back.

"That’s why we call her Honey."

Tristan swung around to find Bob standing beside him. He was talking to Tristan, but his eyes were
glued on the stage.

"Why?" Tristan asked.

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"The first time she came to audition, I noticed it. The guys who work here, they’re used to seeing
beautiful women dance and strip. Honey was different. She danced, but didn’t undress, couldn’t do it at
the last minute, I guess. But it didn’t matter. Every man in the club couldn’t tear his gaze away from her
as she moved. It’s like the more you see, the more you want. That girl could make a man on his
deathbed horny. Something about her draws you to her. Like bees to honey. They can’t resist its
temptation. Same goes for our Honey. Men are irresistibly drawn to her. I called her that when I offered
her a job, and it just kind of stuck."

"I see." And Tristan did see, only too well.

In his time, Tanvieran women were known throughout the universe for their dancing. When they
performed the Rov Hum, they drew the attention of not only their mate, but every male around them. Sa
Rah was dancing the Rov Hum without even knowing it. Men couldn’t help but respond to her.

"I heard you and Vic had a little getting acquainted party," Bob commented dryly, keeping his eyes on
Sa Rah. The change of subject was a surprise, but the topic wasn’t. Tristan had expected to get reamed
for it.

"You could say that," he responded cautiously.

Bob nodded.

"I hope you two came to an agreement and got it out of your system. If it happens again, you’re both
fired. I have enough on my hands worrying about customers fighting. I shouldn’t need to worry about my
security people getting into trouble. Do we understand each other?"

"Yeah, I understand," Tristan said through gritted teeth. He didn’t like taking orders from the club
manager, but knew that he had to, for now.

"Good." Bob walked away without another word.

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Tristan never got the chance to regret his fight. His focus returned to Sa Rah as she slowly removed
layer after layer of scarf. He felt caught in the seductive spell of her dance. When she tilted her head
back, closed her eyes and held her arms open wide, he could almost hear every man in the room groan
with need. It was the traditional pose of a Tanvieran woman welcoming her mate. Tristan barely held
himself back. A growl formed low in his throat when he remembered that every other male in the room
was feeling the same urge as him.

As the last scarf fell to the ground, Tristan sucked in an unsteady breath. All she had on were her red,
thigh high boots and a shimmering white all over cat suit. No skin showed below her neck, yet the suit
accentuated each and every sweet curve of her body. He imagined his hands running all over her,
touching, teasing, and satisfying.

As the dance came to its crescendo, her body looked almost fluid. The sparkling material made her
dance run together into a shiny river of movement. He wanted to swim in that river. Explore each and
every corner of it. Delve in again and again until it overflowed.

Sa Rah’s actions slowed and grew more sensual. She lifted her arms above her head, spread her legs
wide, and slowly tilted her hips back and forth seductively. Her nipples hardened and strained against the
material she wore. Her lips parted and Tristan knew she was breathing heavily. So was he. He wanted to
worship those nipples, lick and suck them until they were red, swollen, and shiny. His mouth watered as
he imagined how good they would feel in his mouth, how intoxicating they would taste.

Sa Rah cried out, as if finding her release, and crumpled to the ground. Wave after wave of pleasure, her
pleasure, washed over him. He almost lost it there and then, in the middle of the club. The music cut off
abruptly, and complete silence filled the room as every male present struggled for self-control.

They lost the battle. All hell broke loose.

The audience pushed forward, but this time two men from the front row managed to bypass the
bouncers. They jumped on the stage and stalked towards Sa Rah. But as the first one reached her, the
second pulled him away before he could get to her. Fists flew as the men fought over Sa Rah. Tristan
surged to the stage and gathered her in his arms.

As he stalked towards her dressing room, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. Awareness hit
him immediately, then a powerful push. He hadn’t felt that for a long time, but he knew only too well what
it was from. Slamming his mind shield into place, he carried Sa Rah to her dressing room. First he’d get
her to safety, then he’d worry about the disturbing presence.

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* * * *

Sarah slowly floated back to consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open and she encountered the greenest
eyes she had ever seen. They reminded her of the lush forests around her parent’s country estate. So
verdant and full of life. She could lose herself in those green pools. It had always been like that. Tristan
just had to look at her and her knees felt weak.

She remembered the first time they had met. Her brother Jo Sha had brought Tristan home from one of
their missions. Apparently the Earth man had saved her brother’s life, and he wanted to introduce his
friend to his family. The moment their gazes connected Sa Rah knew. It was like all the Tanvieran tales
she had heard. When she met her truth mate, she would recognize him immediately.

She had.

It was Tristan.

Yet she denied it. She fought it. She wasn’t ready. Being a free spirit was her way. Being one of the guys
with her male friends was her way. Doing what she wanted, when she wanted was her way. Being the
best she could be at whatever she did was her way. Settling down with a truth mate wasn’t her way. Not
yet, anyhow.

She had become aware of his feelings almost immediately. They washed over her in waves. First
attraction. That had been there from the start. His gaze ran over her with unabashed male appreciation
when they were introduced. She had unconsciously done the same to him. When her perusal rose to his
face again, she had found him staring at her with a knowing smile, full of male arrogance. Looking at her
like he could have her whenever and wherever he wanted.

She bristled at his assumption that she was his for the taking. Making a point to avoid him during his
two-day stay at their home had been difficult for her, but she had managed to do it. Whenever he entered
a room, his thoughts pushed at her, called to her, teased her. And she found one excuse or another to

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Finally, the last night of Tristan’s stay had arrived. She was relieved when her friend, Ga Ri, stopped by
for a visit. They had grown up together. His family lived in the neighboring estate, and his father worked
as one of her father’s financial advisors. Though he was a well built and good looking man who many of
her friends wanted as their mate, Ga Ri and she had always been just friends. He was like a second
brother to her. She was so pleased to see him that night that she couldn’t resist hugging him. He would
help take her mind off of Jo Sha’s arrogant friend.

Ga Ri had eaten dinner with them. Sarah felt Tristan’s turbulent feelings during the entire meal. Though
nothing showed on his face, frustration, jealousy, and anger slammed into her again and again. The
stronger it became, the more she ignored it. Her attention stayed firmly on Ga Ri as they joked and
laughed with one another.

After her friend left, she had bid Tristan a formal goodbye, ignoring his dangerous, glittering eyes, then
said goodnight to her parents and brother. Later, she lay in her bed and tried to relax. Tristan would be
leaving early in the morning before she rose, so she would be safe. Sa Rah felt a little cowardly for the
way she had avoided Tristan. It just wasn’t like her to run from a battle, but she hadn’t known what else
to do. His intensity intimidated her, and she didn’t like to be intimidated. She was a warrior princess of
Tanviera. Heir to the Tanvieran throne. Yet there had been something in Tristan that told her to stay far,
far away.

So she had, until he had come to her bedroom that last night of his stay. Sa Rah had been asleep when
she felt him. But his presence made her senses come alive and she woke up. The full moon was high in
the sky, bright enough to illuminate the room where it shined in through the window. Tristan sat in a chair
opposite her bed, just watching her. Sitting up, she pulled the blanket tightly around her.

"What are you doing in my bedroom, Tristan?"

"Picturing myself in bed with you."

Sa Rah gasped.

"How dare you! Leave my room, now."

"I don’t think so, ishwala," he said, rising from the chair and stalking towards her. "You and I have some
unfinished business."

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Tristan quickly closed the distance between them. Never taking his intense gaze from hers, he climbed
onto the bed. As he did, Sa Rah tried to jump up and run. He was too fast. Before she could do more
than throw the blanket off, he caught her. His body lay warm and hard on top of hers, as he held her
arms above her head. Resting his weight on his elbows at either side of her, he had neatly boxed her in.

"I don’t like to be teased, Sa Rah."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you know exactly what I mean."

And she did. Her time with Ga Ri. Tristan’s anger and jealousy as he watched them. She had felt it all.

Still she denied it.

"Get off of me now, Tristan." Sa Rah had used her ice princess voice. Imperious and cold.

It didn’t have the effect she expected.

Tristan’s eyes narrowed dangerously. Then he smiled in a way that caused shivers to run down her
spine. It was the smile of a predator about to devour its prey.

"Maybe you like to be teased, ishwala? Shall we see?"

Sa Rah realized he was lowering his head to kiss her and panicked. If he kissed her, she would be lost.
She knew it. She would lose control. Bucking her hips upward, she tried to dislodge him from on top of
her. It accomplished nothing. His hard body remained where it was, and his knee slipped between her
legs and slid upward. The feel of it against her woman’s core shook her and stilled her movements

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Tristan’s lips grazed hers once, twice, again and again. Not the all encompassing devouring she had
expected. Rather, little sips that tempted and enticed her. Then he took a small nip of her bottom lip. The
slight sting was replaced by tingles of pleasure when he brushed his tongue over the spot, then gently
sucked on it. Desire shot through her and pooled low in her belly. A moan escaped from her mouth
before she could stop it.

An answering growl rumbled in his throat and he deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped between her lips
and explored every corner and crevice. Unable to stop herself, Sa Rah boldly touched her tongue to his
and they engaged in a mating of mouths. At some point Tristan released her hands. She ploughed her
fingers through his silky golden hair and pulled him closer. Becoming lost in a sensual haze, it had taken
her a minute to realize Tristan had stopped kissing her.

She opened her eyes and found him staring hungrily down at her. Her hands dropped to her sides.

He smiled. But it was strained. He was holding himself back.

"That was just a taste, ishwala, of what we could have between us. Just a teaser for you to ponder until
we see each other again. And we will see each other again."

Before Sa Rah could clear her head enough to respond, Tristan rose from her bed and strode out of the
room. Sa Rah’s body hummed with desire and need. Frustration like she had never known filled her. He
had made her want him, need him. Tightening her hand into a fist, she pounded her pillow a few times,
then spent the rest of the night in fitful tossing and turning, dreaming of a man with golden hair and
emerald eyes.

It was him! He was the one. Her shadow man.

Sa Rah wrenched her thoughts back to the present, to the club she was in, to the man holding her.
Tristan. Her Rov Shom, her truth mate. Reaching up, she ran her fingers over his chiseled jaw. She loved
touching him. A sigh slipped from her mouth. His gaze turned tender and he smiled. That smile. Her heart
tripped out of control every time she saw it. He was beautiful. There was no other word for it. A beautiful
male in his prime. She wanted to stare at him forever, but her eyelids suddenly grew too heavy to keep
open. The whisper of a thought tickled her mind before the darkness took her.

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My Rov Shom, my Rov Shom, my Rov Shom.

* * * *

Tristan stared down at Sa Rah. She looked so innocent, so vulnerable in her sleep. Protectiveness
swelled up inside him. He would watch over her until she remembered everything. Then he would take
her home.

She was recalling bits and pieces already. He was able to read some of her emotions as she lay in his
arms. First denial and anger, then attraction and caring had flashed through her mind. The look in her
eyes before she fell asleep again told him enough. She had remembered him, but not everything about
their time together. He knew, if she had recalled it all, the look in her eyes would not be loving. It would
be filled with hostility and suspicion, maybe even hate.

Chapter 4

Zerik could have taken her.

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But the opportunity had come and gone too quickly. The chaos in the room would have made her
abduction easy. He had managed to get on stage, only to find someone in his way. Getting rid of him
would have been quick. But then he sensed another of his kind. Shocked by his presence, Zerik froze
and dropped his guard long enough for the human he was fighting to hit him.

Another Diharan shadow man was in his territory. That was unusual. Almost never heard of. Their kind
didn’t socialize or travel in groups often. Other than the short breaks between missions, when he would
ease his body with a willing female, his was mainly a solitary existence.

A willing female.

Zerik breathed in deeply to calm himself. It was a mistake. He once again smelled the earth woman’s
scent. The one he overheard the princess call Rachel. She smelled sweet, warm and willing. He had
watched her, while waiting for Sa Rah to appear. Rachel was tall, with a slender, muscular body. Just the
way he liked his women.

Her shape had only a hint of curves, enough to know she was a female, but not too much to handle. Her
breasts were small, firm and high. She had a long graceful neck the led up to a beautiful face. Her lips
were full and lush, made to worship a man. High cheekbones spattered with freckles surrounded her pert
little nose. He had never had a woman with freckles. He could imagine licking each and every one
sprinkled all over her creamy skin. Rachel’s long, hip length hair was the color of flames dancing in the
night. He pictured himself getting tangled up in those flames. Sultry, long lashed green eyes practically
glowed in contrast to her fiery locks.

Despite where she worked, Zerik knew she wasn’t a woman of loose morals. He had overheard several
of her conversations over the last couple of days, while he happened to be in hearing proximity. Rachel
was soft spoken, with a southern accent, but underneath that softness was a warrior’s strength. The
woman knew how to stand up for herself against the men coming to the club, as well as the bouncers
who occasionally wanted to bed her. She always acted with grace and poise, but she let the males who
bothered her know their advances were not welcome.

Rachel was no fearful girl. Instead she was a woman who knew what she wanted, and didn’t want.
Zerik had overheard Rachel talk to the princess about how she had recently been hurt by a man who left
her. He thought the man crazy to leave such a female. One so filled with warmth and strength. A woman
who called to him on many levels.

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It was easy to imagine her writhing and purring with desire beneath him. He would pleasure her again
and again until they both were sated. Just the memory of the dream he had about her last night made his
blood heat. He tamped down his lust. He was on a mission. A glorious, honorable hunt. Mating with the
earth woman Rachel was not an option. He was here to kill. And he would not disappoint his people or
ruin his honor by doing otherwise.

* * * *

"Honey? Wake up, Honey. It’s Rachel, sweetie. Please wake up."

Sa Rah emerged out of a fog.

A voice called to her. She knew that voice, didn’t she? It was familiar. Someone she cared for, and
someone who cared about her. Dragging her still heavy lids open, Sa Rah tried to focus. After a moment
she was able to make out a face. It was Rachel, her friend. That’s right. And by the look of worry in her
expression, something bad had happened.

What was it? Sa Rah tried to remember, but the headache she only now realized she had splintered
painfully through her head. The last thing she recalled was dancing on stage, then nothing. Sitting up, she
gingerly glanced around her. She needed to move slowly or her head would explode. She was sure of it.
At least that’s how it felt at that moment. She realized that she was on the couch in her dressing room.
Rachel was sitting beside her, holding her hand.

"What happened, Rachel?"

"I’m not really sure. You were performing one of the best dances I’ve ever seen you do then you just,
well, collapsed. The room went crazy. Every man in the place was trying to crawl up on the stage to get
to you. In fact, two men did manage to get on stage. Luckily, Tristan, that new bouncer, got to you first
and brought you to your room."

Tristan. The arrogant new bouncer? Yes, she vaguely remembered him holding her earlier. Some
memory tickled at the back of her mind. She was supposed to remember something important about him.
But what? Wincing, she pressed her fingertips against her temples. Her head really was going to explode
if she didn’t take something for it.

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"Rachel, do you have any aspirin? I really, really need a couple right now. My head feels like it’s about
to detonate."

"Sure. Let me get my purse. I have some in there. Just stay put and relax. I’ll be right back."

After Rachel left, Sa Rah leaned her head back against the couch and closed her eyes. An image flashed
before her eyes. She was lying on a bed, and Tristan leaned over her, holding her hands above her head
while he worshipped her mouth. It felt so incredibly good. So right. She shivered as tingles of desire and
anticipation spread through her body.

Jolted by the image and its effect on her, Sa Rah shot to her feet. It was a mistake. She had moved too
fast. The pain in her head intensified to the point that she wanted to scream. Luckily, Rachel walked in
then carrying a glass and some aspirin. Concern marred her friend’s face as she rushed to where Sa Rah
stood and helped her sit down.

"What are you doing? I told you to relax and stay put. Sit down and take these aspirin," Rachel ordered,
holding the pills and water out to her.

Sa Rah did as she was told, then laid her head back on the couch and closed her eyes again.

"Could you just talk to me, Rachel? About whatever you’d like. I don’t care. I need to focus on anything
but my own thoughts right now. They’re too hectic and confusing."

Rachel took her hand, gave it a squeeze and held it as she spoke.

"You know you don’t have to ask me twice. I love to talk, sweetie. Let’s see, where do I start? Oh, I
know. Did I ever tell you about the guy that sent me flowers every day for a whole month? He was

Sa Rah let the lulling cadence of Rachel’s voice calm her. She knew she was supposed to remember

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something else, something significant, but her head hurt too much to do anything but veg out.

* * * *

Tristan searched the room. He scanned it with both his senses. Human and Diharan. There was another
like him in this time. He doubted it was a coincidence. A Diharan shadow man, an assassin, had been
sent back in time to kill Sa Rah. That meant only one thing. Unless he could get Sa Rah some place safe,
she was dead. He knew his people’s success rate. They never stopped trying to kill their target. The only
thing that stopped them was death -- their target’s or theirs. And as one of the fiercest warriors in his
time, he knew that killing a shadow man was not easy. It usually took one to kill one.

Very few people knew of his dual background. Because of his golden hair, well-tanned skin and green
eyes, everyone assumed he was just a human from Earth. What most didn’t realize was that this coloring,
as well as a tall, muscular build was predominant in Diharan Shadow men. Their almost angelic, Adonis
like good looks were said by many to hide a dark, evil, and cunning heart.

People feared the Diharan Shadow men, as they should. Tristan’s mother’s people were not only fierce
warriors, they were also well tutored in all manner of catching and killing their prey. The ability to travel at
great speed, for long distances without tiring was also theirs. Marking their prey and following their trail
was easy for them due to their heightened senses. They could camouflage themselves when necessary,
stalk their victims without them knowing it, kill quietly and effectively, and make their victims disappear
without a trace. Very few people lived to witness a Diharan assassin, thus the name shadow men was
soon adopted. They moved in shadows, unobserved until it was too late.

They were above all else, predators who loved the hunt. When the universe became more united and
alliances formed, Diharan warriors were discovered. Their value immediately became evident, and
people paid well for their services. A Diharan assassin wasn’t cheap. If someone wanted to order a
murder, they would have to pay an immense amount of money.

Like the other males of his race, Tristan was educated and trained in the way of the shadow warrior until
his twentieth birthday. After that, he was allowed to choose his own path. Tristan remembered his
training well. He had been indoctrinated into the belief that it was an honor for him to provide his services
as an assassin. Every successful capture and kill was seen as an accomplishment, something to be proud
of and celebrated. His people gloried in their renown around the universe as the greatest assassins of all

What his people didn’t discuss much was the fact that Diharans were not completely human. They

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maintained a humanoid appearance most of the time, except during extreme situations. When they
attacked their prey, when they or a loved one was attacked or in danger, or when they were in the throes
of passion they sometimes transformed into their primal form. In other words, when savage need took
over, their civil exterior often disappeared. If someone thought a shadow man in human form was
dangerous, they hadn’t seen him transformed.

Their incisors elongated, their skin grew a golden pelt of fur, and their muscles doubled in size. All of this
in mere seconds. One minute they were human, the next they were feral, primal, and deadly. Males and
females only started changing form in adolescence. Part of all Diharan youth training included learning
how to understand and control their transformation. It was an important thing to master, otherwise, the
change could come upon them when least expected or desired. If that happened, it was dangerous.
Sometimes fatal.

Mastering his other form came in handy when Tristan decided to leave his home, and the planet of
Dihara to go to Earth. Years ago, his father, an earth-man, had contacted his mother, and asked to see
his son. Tristan had always wondered about his father, but knew his mother didn’t like to discuss him.
She was against him going to Earth, but when his training was up, he had decided. Like most sons, he
wanted to know his father.

Tristan ignored the anger that built inside him as he thought about his father. It was the past. Long
forgotten. Instead he needed to focus on Sa Rah and her protection. If he was right, and he trusted his
instincts enough to know he was, he would need to take Sa Rah away. He hadn’t wanted to do it yet. He
wanted her to remember everything first, so that she wouldn’t be frightened. But he had little choice now.
Her Diharan assassin would not wait long. He would kill her at the soonest possible opportunity, and
Tristan just couldn’t protect her the way he wanted to in their current situation.

Tristan knew just where, and when to bring Sa Rah. A place her assassin would least expect. His
birthplace and real home. Dihara. He would follow the advice he had read in one of earth’s history
books. Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer. Going to the Diharan assassin’s home planet
was about as close as they could get.

* * * *

The next morning, Sa Rah and Rachel woke up late and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast together. The sun
was shining bright and the beautiful spring day was calling to them.

"Let’s go shopping," they both said simultaneously then laughed.

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"It’s a perfect day for it. Look at that sun," Rachel said looking out the kitchen’s open window.

"We’re going to that new outdoor mall in North Scottsdale," Sa Rah announced. "We probably can’t
afford a thing there, but it’ll still be fun."

"Sounds good to me. I’ve been dying to see what it’s like. And you never know, maybe there will be a
sale going on. We might get lucky."

Sa Rah was glad to get out for the day. Her sleep had been restless. Her dreams were made up of
strange images, people, and scenes that were both familiar and unknown at the same time. She knew that
she should remember who the people in the dream were, and where she was, but the memory was just
out of reach.

When she woke up that morning she found that the headache from last night had returned. She took a
couple aspirin before breakfast, and felt much better. She was going to enjoy today without worrying
about disturbing images or forgotten memories. It was going to be a day for fun and relaxation.

She and Rachel found some great bargains. It turned out that their timing was perfect. A lot of the little
boutiques at the mall were having their "Spring Cleaning" sales. Getting rid of winter stock at reduced
prices, to make way for the spring and summer clothing line.

Sa Rah found two pairs of pants, and matching sweaters all within her budget. Working at The Dark
Lantern was providing a good living for her. And it was a pretty good place to work. Other than creepy
Vic, the bouncers and staff treated her with kindness and respect, and Rachel was a wonderful friend.
Despite all this, however, was the knowledge that exotic dancing and stripping was frowned upon by
most of society, unless of course you were one of the men coming to the club. And even then, some of
the men wouldn’t admit the fact that they visited The Dark Lantern to another soul.

Sa Rah was neither proud nor ashamed of what she did. She needed to survive, so she did the best she
could with what she had. Maybe once her memory came back she’d know what she was really meant to

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If her memory came back.

Sa Rah didn’t know how much longer she could take the bits and pieces that were continually crashing
into her dreams. But even if she never remembered her past, she would still look for something else to
do. She needed more to make her life complete. She wanted to strive for something and feel satisfaction
with a job well done. She wanted to help those less fortunate, and she had seen a lot of those in the last
month. And she wanted a normal life, whatever that was. She didn’t see her dancing as a normal way to
live. One day in the future, she wanted a husband and eventually children.

Glancing at Rachel, she wondered how she felt about dancing. They didn’t discuss it much. It was as if it
were a topic they both wanted to avoid. Rachel seemed happy to work as the club’s bookkeeper, earn
her money, and have food on the table and clothes to wear. Although Sa Rah had come to really care
about Rachel, she knew she needed more from life than that.

Sa Rah pushed her thoughts aside. She was supposed to be having fun and relaxing today, not worrying
about her friend, herself or her future. Tomorrow was soon enough to worry about those things. Since
waking up without her memory over a month ago, Sa Rah had decided that she would face whatever
tomorrow would bring with an open heart and an open mind. What other choice did she have?

The last store Rachel and she went to was a jewelry shop. Sa Rah found a beautiful pair of earrings on
sale. They were oval with delicate filigree silver rims. The center stone was turquoise. Sa Rah wasn’t sure
why, but whenever she saw turquoise jewelry, she wanted to buy it. Something about its color appealed
to her. This time was no exception.

"More turquoise? That makes one necklace, two bracelets, and two pairs of earrings. All turquoise.
Why do you like it so much, Honey?" Rachel asked, as they walked out of the store.

Sa Rah shrugged.

"I’m not sure. All I know is that something inside me keeps telling me to buy it. So I do."

"You think it has to do with your past?"

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Sa Rah nodded

"I think so. It’s almost as if I’m hunting for turquoise, as if I need it somehow. But the strangest part
about it is that every time I buy more of it, it doesn’t seem enough. I love wearing it and enjoy the way it
looks, but I feel like there’s something else, something better out there."

"Sounds like you’re addicted to turquoise," Rachel teased.

"Must be. I can’t seem to get enough of it," Sa Rah agreed with a grin, as they strolled out of the shop.

"Sounds like my ongoing love affair with chocolate. One piece is never enough. It always leads to
another and another and another. Hell, who needs a boyfriend when I have a box of chocolate?"

Sa Rah and Rachel shared a knowing smile.

Neither woman saw the man until it was too late. He bumped into Sa Rah, knocking her off balance.
She would have fallen if he hadn’t caught her by the arm. So caught up in the man’s golden good looks,
she barely noticed the pinch on her forearm as he steadied her. Once she had her balance, he released

"Are you alright?" he asked, gazing intently at Sa Rah.

"Yes," she replied, rubbing her arm where she felt the pinch.

"Sorry," he said with a polite nod, then turned all his attention to Rachel. "My attention was diverted by a
beautiful sight. I got distracted, and didn’t watch where I was going."

The man’s gaze held Rachel’s for several moments, then reluctantly slid back to Sa Rah.

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"I apologize, again. And please forgive any more men if they get distracted. The two of you are like a ray
of sunshine on a cloudy day."

He said the words to both of them, but his stare returned to Rachel with unusual intensity. Sa Rah saw
her friend’s face blush red, yet Rachel met the man’s hungry gaze with her own interested one.

"Have a nice day, ladies," the man said, flashing an amazingly sexy smile, before walking away.

Silence permeated the air between them as they watched him walk away.

Rachel shook her head, and sighed, "Whatever I just said about chocolate and men, forget it. Did you
see that guy? I’d rather open a box of him anytime."

Sa Rah gasped, then laughed at her friend’s outrageous comment. Rachel looked at her with a
mischievous grin, and the two women continued giggling as they headed home.

* * * *

Zerik grinned. It wasn’t a pleasant smile. It was predatory, hungry, and arrogantly amused. It was all

He turned and watched the graceful sway of Rachel’s hips as she and the princess walked away from
him. After apologizing for bumping into them, his acute hearing had let him hear their whole conversation.
He wanted to roar his pleasure to the world. Rachel was attracted to him. Her words only confirmed it.
He had sensed it as soon as their gazes met. Interest had flared in her beautiful emerald eyes. Her lips
had parted as she sighed. And her creamy skin had flushed with awareness. Desire crashed into him. It
had been difficult to leave her. He had wanted to pick her up and take her somewhere dark and private.
Somewhere he could kiss every freckle on her body, somewhere he could turn her skin pink with desire,
somewhere he could watch her face as he brought her to her peak again and again.

Growling low in his throat, Zerik shook his head to clear it. He was on a mission. An important mission.
His duty and honor demanded his success. He was here to kill a princess, not woo and claim a beautiful

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He had gotten irritated when he lost track of the two women earlier. The shopping area they were in was
large and filled with people. He had been embarrassed that he had lost them for a time. He was a
Diharan assassin. One of the best his people had. His hunting and tracking skills were well known. Zerik
didn’t lose his prey. Ever.

Until now.

He had been too focused on the earth woman. Whenever Rachel laughed, he smiled. Whenever she
showed particular interest in something, he wanted to know what it was. Trying on clothes, she had come
out to show the princess. He had devoured each and every curve of her body with his gaze, but still he
was hungry for more. Hungry to touch and be touched.

Then Rachel had stared at the children.

They were playing by a fountain, and her eyes kept straying to them, again and again. When her
expression turned tender and wistful, it hit Zerik like a punch to the stomach. His gut twisted with longing.

Rachel wanted to have children.

His response was immediate. He wanted to give her that. He wanted to plant his seed deep inside her
again and again, and have beautiful little girls with flame colored hair and sparkling jade colored eyes.

These thoughts disturbed him. His kind rarely had offspring. As a shadow man, he had never thought
about children. It didn’t fit into his solitary, violent existence. Honor and duty had been everything.
Nothing else mattered.

Until now.

Rachel made him think about things he didn’t want to consider. Nevertheless, his eyes kept straying to
the playing children. The boys that would one day grow up to be men. The girls who would one day

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become women. He had been so engrossed in the new thought of children that he had kept his gaze on
them too long. When he turned back to where the princess and Rachel had been, they had disappeared
into the crowd.

Once Zerik found them again, he had known what to do. Pride had no place in the situation. If he was
going to be distracted, which he now admitted was a distinct possibility with Rachel around, then he
would make sure he didn’t lose his quarry again. Bumping into the princess, he had used his micro
injector to implant a tracking chip into her arm as he steadied her.

He wouldn’t lose her again.

He watched Rachel and the princess until they disappeared around a corner. Then he sensed it. Another
Diharan male was in the area. He was being tracked. Cursing, he casually scanned his surroundings. He
didn’t want the other to know he was aware of him. Then he felt the presence fade. He was leaving.
Zerik tried to ascertain his location, but it slipped away. The man was gone.

How long had he been there? Zerik was embarrassed. His pride took another hit. He had been so
engrossed, so focused on Rachel that he hadn’t been careful. He hadn’t kept his guard up. That was
unforgivable. He knew better. He had been trained to always be on guard, to always be aware not only
as the hunter, but also as the hunted.

The earth woman was too much of a distraction.

Something shifted inside of him. The Diharan assassin took over. Feelings were pushed aside. Honor
and duty were all that remained, as the man was left behind. Anyone looking into Zerik’s flat, cold, green
eyes at that moment would see only one thing.


Tonight. The princess was his. She would be dead before the next sunrise. He would dispose of her
body and return home to find out why another Diharan was in his killing zone. The mission. That was all
that mattered.

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He would make his people proud.

* * * *

Tristan followed Sa Rah and Rachel back to their apartment. He had shadowed them the whole day.
They had been completely unaware of his presence. His training had come through again. He was
surprised it had been so easy to track the other Diharan male. Usually they covered their trail, as he had
been doing throughout the day.

Other than keeping his presence hidden from the women, the man hadn’t bothered to hide it from
anyone else. This was unusual for an assassin. When Tristan finally realized why the man was being so
open, he grinned knowingly. The Diharan’s attention was almost completely focused on Rachel, not Sa
Rah. And he didn’t look at her with the cold eyes of an assassin. His eyes were hungry in the primal way
a man lusts after a woman. This assassin had a thing for Sa Rah’s friend, Rachel.

If the situation wasn’t so serious, he would have laughed. Although Diharan shadow men were well
trained, lust wasn’t part of the curriculum. That they had to learn on their own. The man’s feelings must
be pretty strong for him to let his guard down like that. Tristan probably could have captured him without
a problem, but in such a public place he didn’t want to take the chance. If the situation turned violent and
the change came upon both of them, people would die. That was a reality he had faced first hand in the
past. Unfortunately, Sa Rah had also been witness to it.

So Tristan had just watched and waited. He wondered why the man had bumped into the women. A
shadow man did everything for a reason while on a mission, but in this case he couldn’t figure it out. Did
he do it as an assassin, or did he do it as a man who wanted to speak to a woman he was attracted to? It
was a hard situation to call.

It didn’t matter any longer. He had tagged the Diharan assassin. Knew what he looked like, and could
spot him in the future, if he needed to. Tonight, Sa Rah was coming home with him. He would take her to
the future, to his home planet of Diharan. She would be safe from the man who now tracked her.

For a while.

Tristan was going to have to kill the assassin. There was no way around it. The only Diharan who failed
his mission was a dead one. The man wouldn’t stop until he or Sa Rah were dead. Tristan would try to

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appeal to the Diharan council first, but he knew how deeply tradition and honor ran among his people. It
was unlikely they would interfere. The only exception they would make was in the case of a Diharan
tracking a Diharan. It was forbidden. His people were not allowed to hunt each other.

Everyone else, however, was fair game.

Chapter 5

Once Sa Rah and Rachel returned to their apartment, they agreed that they needed a nap before going
to work that night.

"Shopping is hard work," Rachel joked. "And I need my beauty sleep."

"I just need energy for my dance. You know how I get after each performance. It exhausts me."

Rachel shook her head.

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"That’s because you put everything into it. Mind, body, soul, and heart. I’ve seen you get so lost in your
movements that you lose track of everything and everyone around you. That’s what makes your
performance so special, and so exhausting. It’s a beautiful thing to watch."

Now it was Sa Rah’s turn to shake her head, and yawn.

"Let’s not talk about it anymore. I really am tired. I’m going to lie down."

"Okay. I’ll set the alarm and wake us both up in a couple of hours."

Sa Rah’s nap was anything but restful. It was filled with tossing and turning and disturbingly intense

It started out mild enough. She was in a beautiful home. Her home. She sat with her mother, father and
brother at a table in the dining room. Her family was enjoying a special meal. It was her twenty-fifth
birthday. And she was celebrating it in the way she loved best. With her family. Happiness filled her as
she looked around at the loving faces around the table. Her mother and father held hands under the table,
alternately giving Sa Rah loving smiles, and sharing intimate glances with each other. They thought no one
noticed the fact that they were still hopelessly in love with each other. Their love was an inspiration to her.
She knew one day she would be ready for such a relationship, but not yet.

Her brother was laughing, his eyes bright with amusement as he told her a joke he had heard that day.
She laughed out loud with joy. Her brother, Jo Sha, was most often reserved and controlled, showing his
emotions to few. Their close relationship allowed him to be completely at ease with her. That was so
special and precious to her, and she was incredibly thankful to have such a wonderful brother. She was
truly blessed to have her family.

The happy meal was disturbed when Tristan strode into the room. Her brother’s face lit with happiness
when he saw his old friend. Her parent’s faces filled with welcome and caring for their son’s friend. He
went around the table, first shaking her brother’s hand, then giving her mother a kiss on the cheek and
her father a hug. When he came to her, she had no choice but to accept his greeting. Rising stiffly to her
feet she allowed Tristan to brush his lips against her cheeks.

"Happy birthday, Sa Rah. I brought you something," he said handing her a small red box.

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Sa Rah looked up at Tristan warily. They had established boundaries with one another. She knew he
wanted her, and wasn’t giving up. He knew she wasn’t ready, and avoided him most of the time. So the
gift was a surprise, and an unknown. She debated whether to set it aside and open it later, or do it now.
Her mother made the decision for her.

"Open it now, Sa Rah. I want to see what Tristan brought you from earth," her mother said, anticipation
lighting her eyes.

Sa Rah smiled. Her mother was so vibrant, so full of life when she was with her family. She preferred
this side of her to the side that she offered to the public. The regal queen had to maintain decorum and
poise at all times. Sa Rah opened the box and gasped. A miniature horse, carved from stone was inside.
It was gray and dappled like the Appaloosas she loved so much. They were her favorite type of horse.
The most beautiful and graceful of the breed, in her opinion. Though no horses were indigenous to
Tanviera, Sa Rah had studied them extensively growing up. They were similar to the eborafs on her
planet. Animals she loved above all else.

On her fifteenth birthday, her parents had surprised her with a real eboraf of her own. She had named
her Annabel. She had heard the earth name before and loved it. It made her think of the horses of earth
and of someone with a kind heart and strong will. That was Annabel. A brave and strong eboraf with a
loyal, gentle heart.

Sa Rah’s father had secretly built a stable and hired a groomsman to help with her training, and soon she
had learned to ride and care for her pet. It became a passion for her. Annabel and she shared many
wonderful years together before the eboraf died. Sa Rah still rode, she had a whole stable of eboraf now,
but she never had the heart to name another one Annabel.

When she had gone to art school, she had let Annabel’s memory slip somewhat. She had devoted most
of her time to her love of art, and riding was temporarily pushed aside. Looking down at the miniature
Tristan gave her, she felt all the love of riding come back to her. She missed it. Holding the miniature in
her hand, she studied it. The artwork was superb. And it made her realize something important. She
could still work at her art and enjoy riding. That realization brought her immense joy.

Looking up into Tristan’s face she couldn’t hold back her delight as a wide smile spread across her face.

"Thank you, Tristan. You have made me remember my love of riding. For that I can never repay you. It

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means so much to me."

Tristan looked down at her with tenderness and understanding.

"The smile that lights your beautiful face is repayment enough, Sa Rah. Happy birthday."

Sa Rah glanced away from Tristan, unable to look at the caring in his eyes without responding. She
steeled herself against him. This moment changed nothing. She still wasn’t ready for what he wanted from

Tristan joined them for dessert. As soon as she could do so without offending, Sa Rah excused herself
from the table. She needed some time to think. Tristan’s gift had shaken her. Made her unsure if her
chosen course was the right one. The warmth and caring in his eyes had made her want to forget
everything but he and she together, as a man and woman.

The next scene of her dream showed a large room filled with long windows, reaching from floor to
ceiling. They were open and she let the cool breeze brush across her skin. She heard the tinkling of water
and knew that the room she was in had two small waterfalls. Giant trees stood on either side of the room,
like guards watching over her. They grew straight up and out of the house through large circular openings.
Sa Rah reclined in an ottoman chair and stared up at what should have been a ceiling but wasn’t. Instead
there were more windows, and sky. A beautifully bright, blue, cloudless sky. The day was cool, but the
warmth of the two suns shone through the windowed ceiling of the atrium, warming her with its rays.

She enjoyed the tranquil setting and the sunshine. It was a place Sa Rah liked to come when she was
troubled about something and needed to find peace. That tranquility didn’t last long as a shadow crossed
her vision. Glancing sideways, she saw Tristan standing a several feet away. As she met his gaze, the
intensity of his stare stole the breath from her body.

"You are like the beautiful ishwala of Dihara, lounging in the sun’s warmth," Tristan said as he began
slowly circling her where she sat. His voice was low and husky. Its timbre sent shivers down Sa Rah’s
spine. She was entangled in the spell of his seductive voice and frozen in place by the hunger in his eyes.
He looked as if he were ready to pounce on her at any moment.

"Do you know of the ishwala, Sa Rah?"

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Sa Rah couldn’t seem to find her voice. Her body was strung tight with anticipation. She sat up,
propping herself on her elbows. She kept her eyes on him, swiveling her head as he continued to stalk
around her.

Tristan didn’t wait for her reply.

"It is a beautiful wild cat that lives in the jungles of my planet. It is sleek and agile, but also has incredible
strength. Its intelligence and hunting skills are renowned among my people, but that’s not what makes it

Tristan stopped circling. He moved behind her chair and leaned down so that his lips almost touched her
ear. Sa Rah stiffened as she felt his breath against her neck.

"Do you want to know what makes the ishwala special, Sa Rah?"

His proximity had her shuddering with desire. She could do little more than silently nod her head.

"What makes it special is the female of the species. She is usually smaller and less muscular than the
males, but always more beautiful. Whereas the male’s fur tends to be coarse, thick, and dull gray, the
female’s is like silk to the touch and so black it shines iridescent blue in the light of day. Anyone seeing
the male and female side by side can tell the difference immediately."

Tristan stood straight again and paced in front of her as he continued.

"During the first few years of the female ishwala’s life she is fiercely independent, and an incredibly
dangerous predator in her own right. Females have been known to kill males almost twice their size, if
approached at the wrong time. You see, the female is not ready to take a mate until about the fourth or
fifth year of her life. The intelligent and experienced males sense her life cycle and know enough to stay
away until she is ready. But sometimes a male will get impatient and try to force himself on an unready
female. He usually doesn’t live to regret the decision. A female in this primary stage will kill to defend her

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"After about her fifth year, the female changes. She goes on a very different kind of hunt. She is looking
for a mate. But not just any mate. She wants to find a male that is strong, intelligent, and a good hunter
because once she mates, it’s for life. The female ishwala will choose only one mate in her lifetime, and she
will stay with him until the end. She is loyal, true, and fiercely protective of him, just as he is of her. Their
bond is so strong that if one of them dies, often the death of the other soon follows."

Tristan stopped pacing and came to kneel beside Sa Rah’s chair. He gently took her hand in his. Gazing
deeply into her eyes, he pressed his lips to the inside of her palm before continuing.

"I know you’re ready, my ishwala. The scent of your desire fills the air, the hunger in your eyes matches
mine, and your body hums with need. Soon I’ll make you mine. I promise you that. I’ll wait for a while,
to let you get used to me, but we will be together as mates, never doubt that."

Before Sa Rah could respond to his outrageous statement, he leaned towards her until his lips were mere
inches from her. When he whispered against her mouth, she felt heat pool low in her stomach.

"You will be mine. And I will be yours. All yours. Feel what I offer you."

The heat in her abdomen turned to fire that speared throughout her body as Tristan pressed her palm
against his chest. His light linen shirt was little barrier, and she felt every muscular ridge. He slowly slid her
hand lower, to his rock hard stomach.

Sa Rah should have pulled away, but she couldn’t. He felt so good. So right. Then he brought her hand
lower and she felt his manhood jutting out against his pants. She couldn’t resist wrapping her hand around
it, testing its weight and fullness in her hand. She heard his low hiss as her hand explored him. Losing the
ability to breathe, she imagined him filling her again and again with his hardness. Continuing to stroke him,
she didn’t realize Tristan had released her hand until he jerked away from her with a low growl.

"Soon, ishwala. You know it as well as I. Soon you’ll be mine," Tristan vowed through clenched teeth,
his eyes glittering dangerously as he turned and strode from the room.

"-- soon, Honey. Wake up. Please hurry. We need to get to work."

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Sa Rah was jolted from her sleep as Rachel gently shook her, and then left the room. Her eyes flew
open and she gasped. It was him! He was the one. Tristan was her shadow man. That was what she had
struggled to remember from her last dream. Why hadn’t he told her? How had he kept it hidden from
her? Why had he kept it from her? Anger and betrayal filled her. What kind of game was he playing?
This was her life, her memories and he was keeping the truth from her. Why? Was he the one responsible
for her amnesia? Were the bruises on her neck from him? Her heart and mind screamed an immediate
‘no’ to that last question, but still she needed to hear it from him. She didn’t think him capable of such a
thing, but maybe she didn’t know him at all.

Sa Rah was tempted to close her eyes again as all the questions ran through her mind, threatening to
overwhelm her. A headache was starting to form at the back of her head. No! This would not beat her.
She would find out the truth. Sitting up, she knew she needed to focus. Needed to concentrate on the
answers, not the questions. And right now, only one man could help her with that.


The man who filled her dreams, her dream lover. The only one who knew who she really was. And now
Sa Rah did too. Not everything, but enough to know that she was far from home. She had parents and a
brother. Remembering their loving faces, tears formed in her eyes. She had a family and a home. A real
home. She wasn’t sure where the exotic place in her dreams was, but she was going to find out.

Getting ready for work, determination filled Sa Rah. Tonight she would find out who she really was. She
would discover where she was from. She would face her shadow man and demand he tell her everything.
Yes. Tonight.

* * * *

Tonight he would take Sa Rah away from here. He looked around the club filled with hungry men. No
more would she dance for the pleasure of anyone but him. That knowledge filled Tristan with primal
satisfaction. As did the fact that he was taking her to his home. Though the human side of him knew it
was irrational and primitive, the Diharan in him gloried in the knowledge that he was finally taking his
mate. The urge to do so had grown stronger each day since Sa Rah gifted him with the Majva, the
promise stone. She belonged to him now. It was his right to take her anytime he wished. He had been
patient. More patient than many he knew.

Life was good. He couldn’t complain, but fate had mocked him many times. His relationship with Sa

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Rah was just such a time. His Diharan blood ran hot through his veins. When he first met her, every
instinct in Tristan told him she was the one. The beast in him roared to life, demanding he take Sa Rah as
his own, in the way of his kind. He had ruthlessly squashed that reaction. The human side of him knew he
could never take her in his other form. He would wait. She would be his, it was only a matter of time.

The irony of a Diharan male finding his mate, only to discover he had to wait years for her to be ready
for him wasn’t lost on him. His people used instincts to guide their whole life. If they found a mate, one
they truly connected with, they acted upon it immediately. His primitive side was constantly at war with
his human one. Not only when dealing with Sa Rah, but also when he had gone to Earth to meet his
father for the first time.

That experience had taught him a lot about what the rest of the universe thought of Diharans. His father
had wanted to meet him, but not for the reasons he thought. The man had wanted to use Tristan. To
make him into some sort of weapon for his planet. Initially he didn’t see it. His father hadn’t been warm
when they first met. He had shaken his hand firmly, and with a nod welcomed him to Earth. That had
been their last physical contact. After that, his father never touched him.

Tristan held out hope the first few years on Earth. His father insisted he go to school, get an extended
education in both the scholarly and military ways of his planet.

"I want you to get to know my planet, and my people, son," his father had explained shortly after he
arrived on Earth.

Tristan had agreed. He also wanted to learn more about the other side of his culture. So he followed his
father’s direction and went to the military academy his father enrolled him in. Every week, he and his
father would sit down and discuss his studies and his progress. He looked forward to those times. His
sire never was overly warm or caring during their meetings, but he did show a real interest in Tristan’s
education. And he seemed pleased with each positive report he received from the instructors. That was
enough for Tristan. Almost.

Although he enjoyed his education, his years at the academy taught him that the people of Earth were
not as open minded as many believed. When his fellow students found out about his mixed background,
many feared and were repulsed by Tristan. His friends had been few and far between. Arin McClintock
had been one of the few who didn’t seem to care about his mixed blood. They had met and remained
good friends to this day.

Their friendship had many benefits. Smiling, Tristan remembered the ladies they had always attracted

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when they were out together. Earth women didn’t seem to mind his Diharan blood as much as the men.
The two of them had been known as Darkness and Light. He was Light, because of his golden looks,
and easygoing manner, and Arin had been Darkness because of his dark looks and brooding personality.
The ladies had been fascinated by their contrast, and Tristan and Arin took full advantage of that

That friendship had made his time on Earth bearable, despite his father’s hidden agenda. He went back
to Dihara on breaks to visit with his mother and family. They always greeted him with hugs or pats on the
back. He came from a very physical people. His mother’s family hugged and touched one another often,
making their love for one another known in this fashion. Tristan often thought about how, other than that
first time he met his father, the man hadn’t touched him again. Not a hug, pat on the back, or even a

During one of his last visits home before graduation, his mother had sensed Tristan’s disappointment and
confusion over his father’s behavior.

"Your father has changed much since we first met, Tristan," his mother had explained. "Time and
experience have hardened his heart. When we met, he was a disciplined soldier, ever aware of his duty
to Earth. I think he truly loved me, but that was never enough for him. After you were born, I thought that
would change. I thought he would take us back to Earth with him. That never happened. In the end his
duty meant more to him then you or I. I know it wasn’t an easy choice for him, but he made it
nevertheless. That kind of decision as well as his single minded pursuit of his military career over the
years changes a man. I don’t hold any grudges against your father for leaving. After all, he gave me you,
my son. But just remember that after a man makes such a decision, he has to find a way to live with

After graduating top of his class, with his mother and her family proudly watching him take part in the
ceremony, Tristan had learned the true reason for his father asking him to come to earth. His academy
training had been in inter-space relations, with a strong background in foreign diplomacy. He had learned
much about the planets Earth regularly dealt with, as well as some lesser known ones, such as Dihara.

The day of his graduation, his father had invited him out to a private dinner, just the two of them. Tristan
imagined his father would finally tell him how proud he was of him for all his hard work and studying over
the last few years. He had let hope into his heart, only to have his father crush it like an insect. His father
wanted him to become a spy and assassin for Earth. He wanted him to join the special agent corps and
work undercover for his planet.

"That’s why I brought you to Earth, son. Your planet needs you. I knew once I got you away from your
mother and her savage people, and properly trained you on Earth, you’d have the skills to be a real asset

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to my department, and our cause. Now you not only have the ability to spy, hunt and kill like a true
assassin, you can do so in the civilized manner of our planet."

Tristan’s rage built as his father spoke one poisoned word after another, stabbing him in the heart with
each insult that left his lips.

Before he realized what he was doing, Tristan had stood up and loomed menacingly over his father. He
had wanted to hit something or someone. He wanted to yell his anger to the whole restaurant. Instead he
uttered each word in a low voice with deadly calm.

"First of all, I thought you brought me here because you’re my father and wanted to get to know me. I
was too stupid to figure out the truth about you, wasn’t I?" Tristan had asked with a sneer. "You’re
nothing more than a conniving, selfish man whose only agenda is getting what he wants, at all costs. Even
your own son’s. And if I hear one more insulting remark about my mother or my Diharan brothers and
sisters, I will kill you right here, in this restaurant, at this table, for all to see. You know I can do it,
Father. You made sure I learned to murder with a smile on my face and treachery in my heart."

His father had looked at him with fear in his eyes. Disgusted by who the man that sired him really was,
Tristan had backed off and stood up.

"This conversation is over. Goodbye, Father."

Tristan left and never looked back.

His mother and her family stayed for a short time after his graduation, then returned to Dihara. Tristan
decided to stay on Earth. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe to show his father that he could make it on his
own, his own way.

Instead of joining the special agent corps, he joined the diplomatic security corps. Very few people,
other than Arin, knew of his mixed background. And he decided not to share that information with
anyone, unless they asked. He knew what kind of reaction that knowledge had gotten him in the past,
and didn’t want to repeat it. He was proud to be Diharan, but he was also determined to make
something of himself on this planet.

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Surprisingly his heritage played in his favor. Somehow, word got out about him being half Diharan.
Though he hadn’t talked to his father since his academy graduation, he suspected his father leaked the
information to hinder his career. But Tristan had no proof. Fortunately the information had the opposite
effect. His abilities were encouraged by his commanding officers and he moved up through the ranks
faster then he expected. He eventually became the youngest officer to head diplomatic interplanetary
security for Earth. He was told that his ability to remain cool under pressure, make quick decisions, and
handle dangerous situations with diplomacy before force made him an ideal candidate for the position.

If his heritage helped him professionally, it also hindered him personally. He had no problem finding
women. They flocked to him. Arin had always told him it was his golden good looks, and charming, easy
going manner. But it never lasted long. In a relationship, he made the rules. In bed he was always the one
in control. He made sure any lady he took found her pleasure first, then he found his own release.
Unfortunately, he had never been able to let himself go completely. Never had he found the kind of
pleasure his Diharan nature craved.

Most women figured this out after a while. They were irritated by what they perceived as his coldness,
and it always came down to one thing. His heritage. They blamed his inability to feel on his Diharan
blood, and when they realized that they couldn’t change him, they left. What the women never
understood was that if Tristan did let himself go, let his true form free and mated in the way of his people,
they wouldn’t be able to handle it. Any woman he had been in a relationship with would have run scared
and never looked back. Tristan had accepted that fact and decided to enjoy women for a short time,
then move on to the next one. He planned one day to return to Dihara, find a Diharan mate, and do his

Then he met Sa Rah.

His focus shifted to her as she began her first dance of the evening. A hush fell over the crowd of
entranced onlookers. Her movements seduced everyone watching, including him.

Sa Rah would be different.

Tristan could feel it every time he looked at her or touched her. He wouldn’t be able to hold back with
her. He would give her everything. His proud warrior princess would take, and give as good as she got.
He had no doubt in his mind that their lovemaking would surpass everything he had ever experienced in
his life.

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Tristan’s gaze ran hungrily down Sa Rah’s lithe body. She flicked her hips forward, once, twice, and
again, losing herself in the Rov Hum dance. The sound of groans from several men in front of him reached
his ears. Jealousy ripped through him, and he grinned savagely as he imagined slamming his fist into their
faces. She was his mate. Knowing that she would soon belong to him and him alone was the only thing
holding him back. As Tristan imagined just the two of them in a room, him seated and her dancing just for
him, he knew, without a doubt, that Sa Rah would be well worth the wait.

Chapter 6

Exhausted by her dance, Sa Rah dragged herself backstage and to her room. Plopping down on a chair,
she bent over and replaced her high-heeled boots with comfortable sandals. Tilting her head back, she let
out a long sigh. Tonight had been so intense she almost passed out. Each time she danced, it took a lot
out of her, but tonight had been different. Tristan had been out there, watching her, seducing her with his
thoughts, and making her ache for him.

She knew she didn’t dance like the other dancers. And it wasn’t just because she kept her clothes on,
exposing very little skin. In a way she exposed more than them. The other dancers did their routine with
precision and professionalism, never letting the audience see who they were inside. Even the lap dances
the girls did were done with such an air of indifference. The men watching didn’t know. Because they
didn’t know these women. The women Sa Rah worked with were actresses as well as dancers, never
letting the audience know the real person behind the body.

Sa Rah was the opposite. Her audience thought of her as a dominant, sexy woman who liked to tease

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them by only undressing down to her bodysuit. But they also saw something more. Something the other
dancers never exposed. She knew it was what drew such large audiences to her shows. It wasn’t her
beauty or her dancing ability. It was the glimpse into who she was that tantalized the men watching.

Each night, as she dreamed of her shadow man, she let the music take her away. Getting lost in the
dance and the image of the man she danced for, she sent an unconscious message through the club. It
was a message of need, desire and love. It called out to that one special man who would make her
complete. The trouble was, she couldn’t target her dream lover, the shadow man who haunted her, until
he came forward and claimed her. So her feelings were exposed, making each and every man in the
audience feel her dance was for them. It was incredibly intense and exhausting.

"You haunt me."

Gasping, Sa Rah swung her head around to see Tristan leaning against the open doorway to her dressing

"Wh -- what?" Sa Rah was overwhelmed by his presence. She had felt him as she danced tonight. His
need had been so sharp, so primal it left her dizzy. Looking into his eyes she could see his hunger burning

"You heard me, ishwala."

He pushed away from the doorway and slowly stalked toward her. The sight of him made her legs feel
like wet noodles, but she forced herself to stand and face him. He was so striking, so masculine, so male.
And the sizzling heat in his gaze made Sa Rah’s desire flare to life. She stood her ground as he
approached her. Tristan didn’t stop until he was close enough to touch her.

Then he did just that.

* * * *

Tristan barely leashed himself as he reached her. He wanted to howl so loud the walls would shake, and
take Sa Rah then and there on the floor of the room, in every position possible. He wanted to make her

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so wet, so hot that she moaned and begged him to take her. Then he would plunge into her beautiful
body again and again, so deep that he touched the center of her. He wanted to drive her to the very edge
of her desire, as her dance had just done to him.

Reaching out with one hand, Tristan grasped her waist and pulled her flush against him. With the other,
he ran his fingers through her hair, then grabbed a handful of it gently enough to not to hurt her, but firm
enough to keep her head in place. The pull on her black tresses forced her to tilt her head back and meet
his heated gaze.

Sa Rah’s mouth parted and he got lost in her full, ripe lips. Unable to stop himself, he lowered his head
and covered her mouth with his. The feel of her melting against him made Tristan’s body jerk as lust
ripped through him. His tongue explored her sweet moistness then danced its own erotic dance with hers.
He pulled back and began gently nipping at her lips. Sa Rah moaned and pushed her body harder against
his. He growled his pleasure low in his throat like the primal male he was. His hand slid from her hair to
her neck, then down her back. His other hand slipped over her hip and downward until both hands
cupped her soft behind. The material of the body suit was so thin he could feel each and every one of her
sweet curves. Squeezing gently, he lifted her bottom and pressed her against his hardness. He wanted her
to know exactly what she was doing to him.

Tearing his mouth from hers he whispered roughly in her ear.

"Can you feel it, ishwala? Can you feel what you do to me? You haunt all my hours. In my sleep I dream
of taking your sweet body again and again, and when I’m awake I merely have to look at you and I’m
rock hard with need.

"I want you, Sa Rah. I want to make your body weep with need, then I want to bury myself deep inside
your hot core and bring you to your peak so many times you scream from the intensity of your pleasure. I
want to rock your world the way you rock mine."

* * * *

Sa Rah lost the ability to breathe. She shivered as his breath tickled her ears and his words shook her
from head to toe. But it wasn’t from fear. It was anticipation and desire. She wanted her shadow man
with everything she had inside of her. She wanted, no needed Tristan to do all the things he just said. His
kisses had been so intoxicating she didn’t think she’d ever get enough of them. He had tasted exotic and
forbidden, and she wanted more.

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Sa Rah felt herself losing control as Tristan began raining kisses up and down her neck. Then he nipped
and licked her skin until the pain and pleasure blended into one. She moaned as goose bumps broke out
all over her body. Closing her eyes, and leaning her head back to give him better access, she almost let
him take her then and there.

If an image of him hadn’t come crashing into her mind, she probably would have. It was as if it had been
there all the time, behind some thin veil at the back of her brain, then suddenly it pushed to the forefront.
Stiffening, Sa Rah placed her hands on Tristan’s shoulders and pushed. At first he took no notice, but
when she grasped a handful of his hair and pulled his head back, he stilled. She looked up into his eyes,
half closed with desire. His hot gaze drew her closer, tempted her unmercifully, but she now knew his
eyes could change. And when she remembered what they had changed into, she began to struggle in

* * * *

Tristan was confused. Lust pounded at him. It filled all his thoughts and directed his body to its
unrelenting will. He tried to clear his head as he felt Sa Rah struggle. She was his mate. He had the right
to take her. They were meant to be together. Why was she fighting it?

Sa Rah twisted in his arms, and managed to flip him over. He landed on his back with a loud thud as he
hit the floor. She was using her learned warrior techniques against him. Why? How had she
remembered? He looked up at her as she stood over him, legs apart, hands on hips, her face filled with
anger, and her eyes blazing. She looked every bit the warrior princess she was. As their gazes met and
clashed, Tristan knew.

She had remembered more. Almost everything now, not just the bits and pieces, like before. He could
see it in her eyes. He had hoped she would remember everything else at the same time, but she hadn’t.
Now there was going to be hell to pay if he didn’t get the situation under control. As he started to sit up,
Sarah placed her sandaled foot on his chest and pushed him back down. He waited patiently for what he
knew would come next, but the hatred in her eyes and harsh words tore a hole in his heart nevertheless.

"Stay away from me, leehaka. You will never touch me again. Do we understand each other?"

Tristan winced at her angry words. She had used the Tanvieran word, leehaka, which literally meant
monster, but it was most often used when describing a person who was so evil, so unredeemable that

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they were considered little more than a monster.

Her words hit him like a punch to the stomach. She had more of her memory, but still not enough.
Unfortunately that changed nothing. His real reason for visiting her dressing room had been to take her
away from this time. He knew his Diharan brother wasn’t too far behind. But after Tristan had
experienced her intimate dance, then walked into her room and saw her sitting there, so beautiful, so
alone, he had let his feelings overcome everything else. Now there was no time to explain to her, to try
and change her mind. He knew the only way would be for her to remember it all herself. Then she would
understand. In the meantime he had to get her to safety.

With or without her cooperation.

Sa Rah gasped loudly as he grabbed her ankle and pulled her leg out from under her. She tilted
backward, but Tristan easily caught her before she fell as he straightened from his crouched position. She
immediately began struggling, but he cradled her in his arms and held her tightly against him so her
movements were hindered. The hallway from her dressing room to the exit was clear. He strode out of
the club, surprisingly without encountering anyone.

Once outside, Tristan walked a half a block farther before releasing Sa Rah. He let her slide down his
body until her feet touched the ground. The feel of her soft curves against his hardness was sweet torture.
And not just for him. Sa Rah gasped as she slid over him. Their eyes met, and after looking into her
startled gaze, he could see that she wasn’t as immune to him as she liked to pretend.

* * * *

Zerik cursed when he found Sa Rah’s dressing room empty. Why hadn’t he been able to resist staying a
few minutes more to watch Rachel? Because he knew it would be the last time he could admire her
graceful beauty, the last time he could imagine how his little flame would feel in his arms, and the last time
he could picture them having something together. He should have gone directly to the princess’ dressing
room, killed her and been on his way, but he hadn’t. The minute he had seen Rachel standing across the
room, he couldn’t move.

He was a fool.

He had let the earth woman distract him, and now lost his quarry. That never should have happened. His

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kind didn’t lose their prey. Luckily it was only a temporary situation. The homing chip he had injected
into the princess would lead him to her. He would find her. It was only a matter of time.

"Honey? Are you ready to go?" Zerik stiffened when he heard Rachel’s voice. Turning toward the door,
he saw her peek her head through.

"It’s time to --"

Rachel stopped talking the minute she saw him. She straightened, searched the room, then gazed at him
in confusion.

"Hi. I’m, uh, looking for Honey."

Even as she spoke the words, Rachel knew that something was not right. Honey always waited in her
dressing room for her. That was a routine they had stuck to. Then they went home together. And Honey
never let any men other than the bouncers into her room.

"Who are you and why are you in Honey’s dressing room?" she asked stepping farther into the room.

The minute she did, she realized it was a mistake. The energy from this man hit her immediately. And it
wasn’t good. It was threatening and thick with danger. Something was wrong. She needed to get
security, now.

She started to back out of the room, but before she could make it out the door, the man was on her.
Grabbing her arm, he pulled her back inside and shut the door. Pushing her against the door, he pressed
his body against hers. Before she could scream for help, he covered her mouth with his hand.

He was taller than her.

That was the only coherent thought that entered her frantic mind as she strained her neck to look up at
the man holding her. What she saw chilled her. His eyes were completely empty. Nothing showed, no

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emotion, no life. Nothing lived inside those eyes. It was like looking into death.


Then the man growled something in a language she didn’t understand. The meaning became clear in the
next instant as she saw him lift a large, wicked looking knife above his head.

He was going to kill her.

She struggled against him then. Knowing her life depended on it. But it was no use. His hold on her was
firm and unyielding. Like steel. There was no escape.

Rachel met his eyes then. She wasn’t sure why. She figured if she were going to die, she wanted the man
doing it to be brave enough to look her in the eye when he did. She knew it was stupid, but she didn’t
care. She glared at him.

After everything she had been through with her family, and now starting her life over, she didn’t want to
die. Suddenly her life became clear. She realized what a mistake she had made. She should have done
things differently. But now it was too late. Too late to make things right with her family. Too late to have a
real life. Too late to have children.

The man whispered something she couldn’t understand under his breath, and lowered the knife. He
tucked it back into the long jacket he wore. Then his eyes changed. One minute they were empty, death
itself, and the next they flared to life. They filled with anger and something else. If she didn’t know better,
she would swear it was longing.

Rachel didn’t have time to ponder it as he yanked the door open and dragged her along with him. He
wrapped his arm around her waist, and held her close to his side as he steered them toward the club exit.

"You will walk with me and not call attention to yourself," he growled close to her ear. "If someone asks
who I am, you will tell them I am your date and that we are leaving together. If you do not do this, I will
kill anyone who tries to stop us. Do I make myself clear?"

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To emphasize his words, she felt the tip of his knife press against her side. He didn’t need to do that.
Rachel knew that this man meant business. Everything about him screamed the word danger. She
understood that if someone got in his way, they would be sorry. And dead.

"I understand," she whispered, because she knew he expected an answer.

But what she didn’t understand was why he hadn’t killed her. He was going to. She had felt it, known it
deep down, but something had stopped him. Something had brought him back from the death trance he
had been under. But what?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Vic walked in front of them just as they were about to walk through
the exit.

"Where are you off to, Rachel? And who’s your friend? Why isn’t Honey with you?"

The knife dug deeper into her skin. A reminder, no doubt. Rachel swallowed the lump in her throat and
pasted on a smile.

"I’m going on a date, actually. I’m not sure where Honey is. And this is-uh-this is --", Rachel stumbled
over her words. She didn’t know her abductor’s name.

"Zerik," he told Vic with a nod.

Vic studied Zerik, and she held her breath.

Please don’t cause trouble, Vic. If you do, this man will kill you. Please just let us go by. She repeated
this chant over and over in her mind while the two men stared at each other.

Vic finally nodded and stepped aside. Rachel exhaled as relief made her knees weak. Zerik tightened his

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hold on her, propping her up.

"Have a good time, Rachel. It’s nice to see you dating again. Better be nice to her, bud, or you’ll have to
answer to me."

* * * *

"I’m shaking in my boots," Zerik muttered under his breath as he led Rachel out of the club.

She was holding up fairly well. He had felt her start to sag when Vic wished them a good night. He was
glad she was afraid, glad he was putting her through this. She was a distraction. She had caused this
trouble. If not for her, the princess would be dead and disposed of by now, and he would be on his way
home, a hero.

When she walked into the dressing room, he had wanted to kill her. The Diharan shadow man in him
had wanted to make her pay. But he couldn’t do it. He saw her eyes go from fear, to desperation, to
resignation and regret. He had seen that before in his target’s eyes, both men and women, but it had
never bothered him, until now. He was on a mission, and he needed to accomplish it, as he was honor
bound to do. Yet with Rachel, he hadn’t been able to slide the knife home.

He kept telling himself that it was because she wasn’t his intended prey. That his mission didn’t require
killing her, but that wasn’t the real reason. Despite his anger, despite his need to lash out at her because
he missed his prey, the regret in her eyes reached a part of him he rarely allowed free. He knew what she

Not having children. Not being a mother, or sharing a family.

That knowledge twisted his gut, and left an aching, empty hole he didn’t know how to fill.

It had all been there, flashing in Rachel’s eyes as she tried to bravely meet his gaze. Not an easy feat.
When people looked into the eyes of a Diharan assassin, they saw only emptiness and death. Now he
admired not only her beauty but also her gentle strength. She touched something deep inside him that no
other had ever touched before.

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He didn’t like this. He didn’t want these feelings. They left him confused and unsure. Two things a
Diharan assassin should never be. He should just walk her back to her apartment, leave her there, and go
on with his mission.

But he didn’t.

Zerik brought Rachel to the small hotel room he had been renting. Closing the door behind him, he
pushed her away from him. Not a hard push, but she must have been unsure on her feet, because she
stumbled before righting herself. Swinging around, she stiffened her spine and glared at him.

"Why did you bring me here? And what have you done with Honey?"

He ignored her questions as he gathered his supplies. He had everything ready to go. His plan had been
to kill the princess, dispose of the body, return here and leave. Now he had two complications to deal
with. Finding the princess’ whereabouts and figuring out what to do with Rachel.

"Just sit down and be quiet while I get my gear," he said pointing to the small wooden chair.

Rachel didn’t move. Instead she narrowed her gaze and studied him. When her eyes widened with
recognition he knew what was coming next.

"You! You’re the one who bumped into us on the sidewalk today. Now I remember. What were you
doing, stalking Honey and I? What do you want with us?"

Zerik’s patience was nearing its end. First he loses the princess, then he has to deal with his feelings
about this female. Now she won’t stop asking questions. He wasn’t used to dealing with people other
than his family, unless he was killing them. He knew how to deal with his family. And his prey. Dealing
with Rachel was a whole different matter.

He turned on her then. With a growl he grabbed her arms and pulled her against him, so that their faces

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were only inches apart.

"Listen very carefully." He spoke slowly, trying to maintain his self-control. "You will do as I say, or
there is going to be a problem. Sit down over there, and don’t talk. Don’t even move, until I tell you to.
Do you understand?"

Rachel opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again, pressing her lips together. Something in his eyes
must have told her exactly how close to the edge he was because as soon as he released her, she walked
over to the chair and sat down. She stayed silent as he finished packing his gear, but he could feel her
mutinous glare burning into his back as he worked.

Zerik grinned with savage satisfaction the minute he sensed Rachel slip off the chair and edge toward the
door. She thought she could escape him. She obviously didn’t know anything about his kind. His body
settled down once he sensed her movement. She had disobeyed him. Now she would have to be
punished. It was inevitable. It was necessary.

It was perfect.

Just as she drew close to the door, he whipped around with a growl.

* * * *

Rachel slid one step closer to the door. Zerik was so busy packing his supplies he didn’t seem to notice.
He seemed very intent on gathering all his tools. She could make it. Just a little farther. Once she opened
the door, she would run across the parking lot yelling her head off. Even in this neighborhood, someone
had to notice the commotion. Despite his willingness to kill back in the club, she didn’t think Zerik
wanted to bring a lot of notice to his presence.

Rachel could almost touch the doorknob now. Reaching out, she had just started to wrap her hand
around it when he moved. She heard a low animalistic growl, and before she knew what was happening,
she was lifted off her feet and dropped on the bed. Zerik followed close behind, covering her body with
his. He didn’t place his full weight on her, but it was enough that she was pinned to the bed.

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She panicked. What was he going to do to her? She struggled and bucked her hips in an effort to
displace him.

"Get off of me!" she gasped.

"Be still," Zerik said, grasping her hands and placing them over her head with little effort.

"I won’t be still. Let me up and let me go!" Rachel yelled, continuing to fight him.

If he was going to rape her, she wouldn’t make it easy for him.

"Stop moving or I’ll have to do something we’ll both regret," he warned, transferring both of her hands
into one of his.

"I already regret it. I regret you holding me here against my will. Now let -- me -- go!" Rachel
enunciated each word between gritted teeth, as her struggles continued.

"It’s your choice," he said with a shrug, pulling something out of his jacket.

It was a short, thin rope. When Rachel saw what it was, she went wild. There was no way this guy was
going to tie her up. She pushed and twisted until she was completely out of breath. It did no good. The
man acted like she had no strength at all. It was like struggling against a brick wall. Exhausted, she could
only watch as he easily tied her hands together, then attached them to the headboard post.

Once she was secure, he softly cupped her face in his hands and stared intently into her eyes.

"I warned you. Next time you’ll listen, no?" he asked in a gentle voice. His tender touch and voice were
so at odds with his fierce actions, Rachel was at a loss for words.

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Her mouth went dry as they stared at each other. His golden hair was tied back in a braid that reached
the middle of his back. It looked so silky she wondered what it would feel like spilling free across her
fingers. Eyes the color of jade were surrounded by the thickest lashes she had ever seen on a man. Her
gaze slid over his chiseled features. Strong nose, sensual but firm lips, square chin and angular jaw. Zerik
was even better looking close up.

What was she doing?

This man was holding her captive. He had probably done something terrible to Honey, and all she could
do was drool like a schoolgirl over his good looks. Disgusted with herself, she barked out the first thing
that came to mind.

"What have you done with Honey?"

Zerik didn’t answer her right away. He continued to study her in a way that made her hot all over. He
seemed fascinated by her lips. She unconsciously wet them with her tongue. His eyes narrowed and he
sucked in a breath. Lifting his gaze to hers once more, he let the desire in his eyes shine bright.

Rachel lost the ability to breathe.

"If I were you, I would worry more about yourself than your friend right now, little flame."

Before Rachel could respond, Zerik shuttered his gaze and released her face. Lifting himself off of her,
he returned to packing up his things. She wanted to rant and rave, but at that moment all she could do
was try to catch her breath. The heat in Zerik’s eyes had called to her in a way she’d rather not
contemplate. She knew when to cut her losses. She would bide her time.

She silently watched Zerik pack his supplies into a small duffel bag. Then he pulled out something that
looked like a Palm Pilot. He studied it carefully for a few minutes, pushed some buttons on it, waited,
then studied it some more. Swearing softly he stuffed it back into his bag. Rachel wanted to ask him what
was going on. In fact she wanted to ask him a million questions.

She needed to know what was happening, but she kept quiet. She didn’t know what she would do if he

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touched her again. She wasn’t sure how she would respond, and she didn’t want to find out. Zerik
affected her in a way very few others had. She was drawn to him. She wanted to touch him and be
touched by him. And despite everything he had done to her, she wanted to trust him.

The last fact bothered her the most. She had learned the hard way that trust was not something that
should be given away easily, as it could turn around and slap you in the face. She didn’t want to trust
anybody now, especially not a man.

Been there, done that. Turned out really, really bad. Now she didn’t trust her judgment any longer.
Particularly when it came to men.

No, she didn’t want to go down that road again. Not ever again. Shuddering from the memories, Rachel
remained quiet as Zerik finished packing and zipped up his bag. She just wanted to find out what
happened to Honey, and then get as far away from him as possible.

Lifting the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, Zerik strode back to the bed. He looked down at her
silently until Rachel felt completely exposed, completely vulnerable. Unable to stand the silence any
longer she blurted out.

"What? Are you going to release me now and let me go?"

"No," was his only reply as he untied her hands from the bed, but left them tied together. He gently sat
her up and placed her bound hands in front of her, on her lap. Then he helped her to her feet.

"Why not?" she asked as panic started to crawl through her again.

"You’re my, uh, insurance policy."

Rachel didn’t have time to question Zerik’s cryptic reply as he looped his arm through hers, pulled her
close to his side, and pressed a button on his watch. The next thing she knew the floor dropped out from
beneath her, and she felt herself falling. Her screams echoed all around as the blackness swallowed her

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Chapter 7

Tristan tore his gaze from Sa Rah’s face. They needed to move on, so that they could have a head start.
He didn’t want to leave any kind of trail for the other Diharan to follow. Holding her arm with one hand,
he dug in his jacket pocket until he found what he needed. Pulling it out, he tried to pull Sa Rah back
against him. She stiffened and strained the other way, trying to put as much distance between them as

"I expect you to release me the minute we arrive back home, Tristan. And then you will not touch me
again," she said imperiously, while doing her best to look down at him.

Oh yeah, the Princess of Tanviera was back.

No longer the shy, unsure dancer, Tristan knew that Sa Rah had become what had always been her
birthright as the princess and heiress to the Tanvieran throne. She had remembered everything about her
life, and him.

Except the most crucial part.

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The hatred in her eyes and bitterness in her voice as she spoke to him said it all. Tristan wanted to tell
her everything, but knew that wasn’t the best idea. Sa Rah would have to remember this as she had
remembered everything else.

"Your wish is my command, as always, ishwala. When you are home, I will not bother you again," he
said with a slight bow.

"And don’t call me that. You know I don’t like it," she snapped.

With a slight tug, Tristan brought Sa Rah back against him and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Lowering his head, he softly blew on her exposed neck before speaking. She shivered, but didn’t pull

"You don’t like it? Are you so sure?" he purred close to her ear.

Sa Rah had no chance to answer as Tristan pushed the button on his remote transporter and they fell
forward through time and space.

* * * *

Sa Rah forced her eyes open, knowing the nausea she now felt would pass in a few minutes. It
happened with any time travel excursion. She knew from experience. As princess of the planet of
Tanviera, she was obligated to train in basic time travel, in case an emergency situation arose.


That one word made her start to feel dizzy again. She was the heir to the throne of Tanviera. As she
thought about how she came to dance at The Dark Lantern, and drew such a crowd, the pieces fell
together. Her kind was well known for their ability to dance, especially the Rov Hum.

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That’s what she had been performing each night at the club. And she hadn’t been dancing for the
pleasure of it. She had been dancing for her truth mate. The one man she was meant to spend her life
with. A mate who she connected with on many different levels. Physical, emotional and mental. They
could communicate telepathically.

Remembering that fact, Sa Rah shielded her mind and swung her gaze around in search of Tristan. He
sat a few feet away from her. And he was looking right at her. The intensity of his stare sent tingles down
her spine. But it also made her fearful. Along with her other memories, she had also remembered the
night she had discovered who and what Tristan truly was. She had never been afraid of him, until that

She remembered every minute of that fateful day. Tristan had come to her parent’s home to visit her
brother Jo Sha. Her family had been invited to a close friend’s house for a small gathering that night. At
the last minute her parents had been unable to attend. The intimate party was at her friend, Ga Ri’s,
parent’s house, and Sa Rah had really wanted to go. Jo Sha and Tristan agreed to accompany her.

Sa Rah wasn’t happy about Tristan coming. He left her confused and unsure of herself. Two things she
didn’t like to feel. She needed to be in control of herself and what she was doing at all times. Tristan’s
attention was getting more intense, and she felt like her life was starting to propel out of control. Tristan
pulled at her. She wanted him, needed to connect with him, because he was her truth mate. But she
fought it. She wasn’t ready to give in to that life yet. There were too many other things she wanted to see
and do first.

Luckily, Jo Sha kept Tristan busy on the ride over and during much of the evening. Sa Rah spent most of
the night with Ga Ri and her other friends. Though there weren’t many of them, they enjoyed each other’s
company at dinner and had fun dancing afterwards. Ga Ri and she danced together most often, because
they were good at it. Their friends always remarked on how they were such a great couple, even though
Sa Rah told them again and again that she and Ga Ri were only friends.

After a particularly sensual dance that had left her and Ga Ri chuckling in each other’s arms, Sarah
began to feel like she was being watched. She knew it was coming from Tristan, but every time she had
searched the room for him, he was engaged in a conversation with someone else. Usually a beautiful
woman. She couldn’t help but notice how women were drawn to him. No matter what part of the room
he strolled to, women followed.

Sa Rah didn’t like that. She knew she shouldn’t care and should just ignore it. After all, she had no
interest in developing a serious relationship with Tristan, so she really had no say in the women he chose
to associate with. Despite the logic of her argument, her body had tightened with tension every time she

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heard a woman laughing over something Tristan said. It sounded trill and annoying to her.

"What is it, Sa Rah?" Ga Ri had asked as they danced. "You seem tense suddenly."

Sa Rah had said nothing as her gaze trailed after Tristan and the woman he now held in his arms. It was
her friend Am Mi, and the two of them looked gorgeous together. Am Mi was tall with beautiful creamy,
white skin, long, blond hair and pale blue eyes. They looked like a golden couple, perfectly suited. When
they passed close by, Sa Rah quickly looked away.

"Ah, I see. It’s like that, is it?" Ga Ri asked gently. "He really seems to attract the females."

The remark had been innocent. Sa Rah knew it had merely been an observation. Nevertheless, it struck
painfully deep into Sa Rah, like a knife. She had abruptly halted their dance and pulled away from Ga Ri.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about," she said, stubbornly raising her chin and narrowing her eyes as
she glared at him. "I’m trying to concentrate on our dance, and you’re thinking about someone else.
Suddenly, I don’t feel like dancing any longer. Excuse me."

Ignoring her friend’s hurt expression, Sa Rah had sped across the dance floor and stormed out the
French doors to the balcony. She grabbed the railing overlooking the gardens with both hands and took
a deep breath.

She had known in that moment that things were getting out of hand. When she saw Am Mi and Tristan
dancing, she had wanted to tear the two of them apart, grab Tristan, and show him how much she
wanted him.

Sarah heard something behind her. She stiffened, thinking it was Tristan. Instead, her friend Ga Ri gently
placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around. When she saw the hurt look on her friend’s face
she immediately went into his outstretched arms. They stood there hugging each other until Sa Rah could
find the words she needed to say.

Pulling away from him, she cupped his face in her hands and tears formed in her eyes.

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"I’m so sorry, Ga Ri. I don’t know what came over me back there. I’m just not myself tonight. You
didn’t do anything wrong. Can you forgive me?"

Ga Ri’s handsome face was gentle with understanding as he gave her a roguish, dimpled smile. Many of
her friends adored that smile, and wanted it all to themselves. To Sa Rah, that grin represented her dear
friend exactly. Handsome, charming, and a rogue.

"Of course, Sa Rah. We’ve been friends for too long to let a little moodiness change that. Besides, when
you’re in love, these things happen."

Sa Rah stepped out of her friend’s arms with a frown.

"In love? What do you mean?"

"It’s pretty obvious you and Tristan have something between you. Is he your truth mate?"

"No!" Her denial had been immediate. But when Ga Ri raised one eyebrow in doubt, she knew she had
to tell him the truth. "Well, he may be. But I’m not ready for it, Ga Ri. I don’t want to settle down with
one man and become his dutiful wife."

"When have you ever been dutiful?" her friend asked with a knowing chuckle.

Sa Rah grinned.

"Okay, maybe not dutiful. But I’ll need to share my life, my decisions, myself with my truth mate, and
I’m not ready to do that yet. I have many things I still want, no need to do with my life," she argued

"Are you sure you’re not ready?" Ga Ri asked. "Really think about it. Ask yourself what exactly you’re

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avoiding, and why. Will you do that for me?"

Sa Rah nodded her head and allowed Ga Ri to gently pull her back into his arms. She laid her head on
her shoulder and sighed loudly.

"I just don’t know what I want anymore."

"He seems like a pretty decent man from what Jo Sha has said about him. Though he’s an earthman, his
honor is impeccable. Jo Sha claims he’s one of his best friends, and a good man. Your brother doesn’t
become friends with just anyone, Sa Rah, you know this."

Sa Ra looked up into Ga Ri’s face and smiled.

"Whose side are you on?" she asked teasingly.

Ga Ri chuckled.

"Yours. Always yours. You know that. I just want you to consider everything. After that, if you want to
make Tristan go away, I’ll help you do it," he teased, chucking her lightly under the chin.

"Just like that?" she asked with a smile and teasing twinkle in her eyes

"Yes." Ga Ri’s smile widened.

"So you’ll just help me make Tristan disappear, if I ask?"

"Of course."

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They both burst out laughing simultaneously at the absurdity of their conversation. But their laughter was
short lived. It stopped the minute they heard a noise from the doorway. Turning in that direction, they
saw a figure walk forward out of the shadows. Sa Rah gasped when she saw who it was.

"Planning my demise with your lover, ishwala?"

Though the words were spoken softly, the fury on Tristan’s face was unmistakable.

Tristan stalked forward, and without hesitation, hit Ga Ri in the face. Ga Ri staggered backward from
the force of it, and Sa Rah grasped him to keep him up.

Before she could stop him, Ga Ri retaliated. He shoved Tristan in the chest, causing him to pitch
backward. Righting himself, he strode forward again.

Ga Ri’s words halted his progress.

"I don’t want to fight you, Tristan. This is not what you think. Sa Rah and I were only talking in jest," Ga
Ri said, holding his hands up on either side of his head.

Tristan hesitated and studied Ga Ri. His face lost some of its anger.

Sa Rah disrupted the temporary peace. Stepping beside Ga Ri, she placed her arm around his waist and
glared at Tristan.

"Ga Ri is right. This is not what you think. He and I just want to enjoy our privacy, without interruption.
So why don’t you go back inside and dance with yet another willing female?" Sa Ra wrapped her other
arm around Ga Ri and gave Tristan a saccharine smile.

Sa Rah realized her mistake the minute Tristan’s eyes changed. The rage in his gaze disappeared. His
stare became cold, flat and dead. No one she knew lived in those eyes. Then the muscles in his body

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began to ripple and grow under the skin, and he threw back his head and roared.

"No!" Sa Rah gasped and took an involuntary step backwards when she saw Tristan’s teeth elongate
and sharpen.

"Sa Rah. You will leave now. Back up slowly and return to the house," Ga Ri ordered in a low, urgent,
voice, his gaze never leaving the spot where Tristan stood.

Sa Rah stood frozen watching Tristan transform into a monster. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She had
heard the stories when she was a child, as all Tanvieran children had. If she wasn’t good, her nurse had
warned, the Diharan shadow man would come to get her. And there would be no escape. They
transformed into monsters. They could sneak into a room unseen, and kill their victims without a sound.
They moved in the shadows, never really seen, until it was too late.

"Sa Rah! Go -- now!" Ga Ri glanced back at her and gave her a slight push backward. Sa Rah stumbled
but quickly righted herself. Her stupor broken, she slowly began backing up.

The loud growl was their only warning. In a blur of movement, Tristan was on Ga Ri. He threw her
friend to the ground before Sa Rah realized what was happening. She heard a loud crack as Ga Ri’s
head snapped back and hit the hard floor. Tristan stared down at the other man and gave him a shake.
When Ga Ri didn’t respond, Tristan raised his eyes and pinned her with his gaze. His stare was more
animalistic than human, like the eyes of a predator about to make a kill.

"Now you see me for what I really am, Sa Rah," Tristan said getting to his feet and walking towards her.

Sa Rah had to fight for control. Had to concentrate on not running from this powerful beast as he
approached her. He was Tristan, but he wasn’t. Even his voice sounded different. Deeper and guttural.
More like growling than speech.

"Now that your lover isn’t here to defend you, who will keep you safe from me?" Tristan asked as he
circled her.

His gaze burned up and down her body. Twisting her head around, she tried to keep her eyes on him.

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She heard him inhale deeply through his nose. As if smelling her scent. Words got caught in her throat,
and she couldn’t speak. She was too shocked by everything she had just seen. She knew she should be
frightened and disgusted, but the beast he was touched something deep inside her. Something primitive
and irrational. Her Tanvieran true self was beating at her, begging to be released so it could face his beast
head on.

"You smell like fear, and something else. What is it, I wonder?" Tristan stopped behind her, wrapped his
arms around her waist, and roughly pulled her back against his hard chest. Burying his face in her hair, he
took a deep breath. "Now I know. It’s desire. Fear and desire. Two very different scents. Which one
will win, I wonder?"

Tristan’s warm breath tickled her ear as he spoke. He lightly kissed the back of her neck and her knees
grew weak. When he began sucking gently on the base of her neck, Sa Rah almost lost herself in the
sensation of his touch. His sharp teeth grazing her skin brought her back to reality. Stiffening, she pulled
herself out of his arms, turned and backed away.

"Diharan monster!" she hissed, glaring at him. "I want nothing to do with you or your kind. Don’t ever
come near me again. Leave now. You don’t belong here."

Swinging around, Sa Rah turned her back on Tristan and kneeled by Ga Ri. She prayed he would just
leave. She was too confused, too unsure of herself and her feelings to deal with much more. She placed
her friend’s head in her lap and ran her hands over his head looking for injuries. Tears formed in her eyes
as she looked at her childhood friend’s face. She spoke without turning around.

"How could you do this? He was guilty of nothing more than being my friend. How dare you hurt him?"

When Sa Rah’s words were met by silence, she swung her head around. She and Ga Ri were once
again alone on the balcony.

Tristan was gone.

* * * *

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Sa Rah’s thoughts returned to the present when she felt a gentle probing in her mind. Tristan was
searching her face intently. Slamming her shields up, she shot to her feet. Ignoring the dizziness her
actions caused, she glared at him.

"Stay out of my mind, Diharan. It is not yours to share. Remember that. And don’t think I won’t tell my
parents how you treated me. They will not be amused."

Tristan smiled with arrogant amusement.

"Welcome to my home, Sa Rah."

Looking around her, Sa Rah became aware of her surroundings for the first time. She had expected to
arrive back home. The barren landscape surrounding the travel station they stood in was very different
from the lush forested estate of her parent’s home.

Tristan opened the portal door, and the blistering heat hit Sa Rah like a physical push. Pulling two robes
from the bag he held, he tossed one to Sa Rah. Catching it, she looked up at him in confusion.

"Put this on, princess. It’s the only thing that will keep the sun’s damaging rays from marring that
beautiful skin of yours."

Turning his back on her, Tristan pulled the robe over his head.

Sa Rah didn’t budge.

"I’m doing nothing until you tell me what is going on, Tristan. This is not my home. You were sent back
in time to rescue me and bring me home, were you not?"

Tristan lifted the hood over his head and turned back towards her. His face was mostly hidden, except
for his bright green eyes. They glowed brightly as Tristan met her gaze.

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"You will get home, eventually. We just had to make a slight detour en route. Now please put your robe
on. We must leave now."

Sa Rah crossed her arms defiantly, but did nothing else.

"I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why we’re here, and where you’re taking me."

Tristan growled impatiently and closed the distance between them. He stopped inches from her.
Towering over her, he stared deeply into her eyes. Sa Rah fought the urge to back up. She held her

"We don’t have time for this. I will explain why we’re here as we walk. Now put -- the -- robe -- on,"
Tristan gritted out between clenched teeth.

Sa Rah met his gaze defiantly.

"I demand to know what’s going on before I go anywhere with you, Diharan monster."

"I wouldn’t say that too loud, princess," he hissed. "After all, you are now on the planet of Dihara. My
brothers and sisters would not welcome your words." Grabbing her shoulders, he gave Sa Rah a little
shake. "Will you put the robe on yourself, or do I do it for you?"

Sa Rah gritted her teeth.

Fine. She knew when to stop pushing. Tristan was going to force her to put the robe on either by his
hand or hers. His unyielding gaze clearly told her that. Sa Rah remembered her intergalactic politics tutor
once telling her that sometimes the battles weren’t important, as long as the war was won. She could let
this one go, for now.

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"Please step back so that I can put my robe on."

She saw something like admiration flash in Tristan’s eyes before he nodded and moved away.

Sa Rah was surprised at how soft and light the white, floor length robe felt. It covered her entirely, yet
she felt like it still let her skin breathe. Placing the hood over her head, she approached the portal door.
Stepping outside, she was glad for the head covering, as it shielded her eyes from the bright, hot sun.
Tristan stepped out and started walking.

"I hope you’re still in good physical condition, princess. We have quite a trek ahead of us, and we won’t
be taking many breaks," he said without looking back.

The arrogant beast! He just expected her to follow him dutifully. Growling under her breath, she kept
pace behind him. She had no other choice for now, but the minute she discovered a way to get home,
she was out of there.

Win the war, not the battle … win the war, not the battle.

That chant kept Sa Rah going as they trekked across the harsh landscape of Dihara. The heat was
worse than she had felt back on Earth. It hit her in blasts of hot air that permeated her whole body.
Without tennis shoes on, the hot sand slowly worked its way into her sandals, burning her feet and
between her toes. She didn’t know how any life survived in this hostile environment, but plants grew all
around her.

They weren’t like the lush plant life that grew on Tanviera. There were a few scraggly trees scattered
along their path and various species of thin, prickly looking plants with spiky leaves. Many appeared to
have cactus like needles protruding from their entire surface. Sa Rah was extra careful to watch where
she walked. Bumping into these plants would not be a pleasant experience.

Staring up into the sky, she noticed that Dihara had only one sun, like Earth, and unlike Tanviera, which
had two. Yet this sun looked gigantic compared to the two small Tanvieran suns. Based on the size of the
Diharan sun, she knew the planet must be closer to its sun. That explained the intense heat.

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Yet despite it all, the burning sand, relentless heat and dangerous plants, Sa Rah would win this war.
Tristan would soon discover just how tough she was. She wasn’t some pampered princess who would
just lie down and die when things got rough.

Chapter 8

Sa Rah wanted to lie down and die.

She was still walking forward, but that was by sheer will alone. Had it been hours or days? She didn’t
know anymore. Tristan hadn’t spoken another word to her since leaving the transport station. Each time
she moved, every muscle screamed. The burning sand no longer bothered her feet, because they had
gone blissfully numb. Though the robe protected her from its harsh rays, the intense heat had eventually
caused her to break out in sweat that soaked her whole body. Rivulets constantly ran down the back of
her neck, while more spilled over her forehead into her face. Her eyes stung from each salty drop,
blurring her vision.

Keeping her head down, she concentrated on one thing. The sight of Tristan’s feet as he took each step
forward. One foot, then the other, one foot, then the other. Stop for a quick drink which Tristan silently
offered her from his flask. One foot, then the other, one foot, then another. After a while that became
everything to her. Her whole life had narrowed down to one thing. Keeping up with those feet.

She was so focused on it that when Tristan abruptly stopped, she almost ran into him. The effort to stop
so suddenly caused her to sway on her feet.

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"We’ll rest here tonight," he declared, turning around to face her.

Reaching up, he removed her hood. Sa Rah dimly realized the sun was setting before her legs gave out
beneath her and she crumpled to the ground. Cursing, Tristan caught her in his strong arms before she hit
the ground. She struggled to keep her eyes open, but it was no use. Consciousness escaped her.

* * * *

He was a fool.

He had let anger overcome him. Looking down at the unconscious woman in his arms, Tristan knew that
he had pushed her too hard. Sa Rah lay limp and lifeless against him as he carried her into the visitor’s inn
at the edge of town.

"I need one room for the night," he said, approaching the front desk.

The innkeeper eyed Sa Rah where she lay in his arms, but he said nothing. Tristan knew he would ask
no questions. Visitors’ inns were not known for housing the best type of people. They were a temporary
stopover for travelers, and nothing more.

The man led them upstairs to a room and opened the door.

"Do you want dinner and a bath also?"

"Yes, for both of us," Tristan said as he laid Sa Rah on the large bed in the center of the room.
Removing her sandals, he noticed her bleeding feet and grimaced. "We’ll also need some healing
ointment and reviving tea."

Silently nodding, the innkeeper set the room key on a table. Walking toward a computer panel on the
wall, he punched several buttons.

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"Everything has been made ready for you," the man explained then held his hand out. "Payment is due on

Tristan reached into his carry pouch and paid the innkeeper.

"Safe passage," the man said in the traditional Diharan greeting to travelers before walking from the

Tristan set his gear down and walked over to the control panel. Punching a button, a cup of steaming tea
appeared in a tray. Taking it, he walked back to the bed and sat down by Sa Rah. He studied her face,
letting his gaze linger on each and every one of her lovely features. In sleep, she looked like a fallen angel.
Despite the fact that he knew Sa Rah was a strong and spirited woman, capable of ruling a planet, if need
be, she appeared incredibly fragile and vulnerable in her sleep.

Setting the tea on the nightstand, he took the scanner out of his pocket. It was always better to be safe.
Running it over Sa Rah’s body, he waited for the loud beep he expected to hear. When it sounded he
smiled with a grim savagery. The bastard had implanted a locator chip in Sa Rah. He would pay for that.
As gently as possible Tristan extricated the chip, then cleaned and bandaged the area it came out of.
Now let the guy try to find them.

That taken care of, he pulled a syringe from his pocket and injected a Diharan translation chip into the
skin behind Sa Rah’s ear. She didn’t stir. He knew the chip would help her with the adjustment to his
planet. With everything else he would be putting her through, he wanted her to at least know the language
so she could understand what was going on around her. And if anything happened to him, she would at
least be able to communicate with others of his kind.

That would not necessarily be a good thing, but it was all he could offer her. He knew that the Diharan
sent to kill Sa Rah would eventually find them. Their destination may temporarily delay him, but not for
long. Shadow men rarely, if ever, lost their prey. And usually found them within a matter of hours again.
This was not some leisurely trek they were on. He had to reach the council and plead Sa Rah’s case
before they were found again. The alternative would not be pleasant. If the other shadow man located
them, Tristan would fight to the death to protect Sa Rah.

His opponent’s death.

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As much as he didn’t want to kill a Diharan brother, he would do so to protect his woman. Tristan knew
that reasoning didn’t work with a shadow man on the hunt. They had one mission, one goal, which they
focused entirely on. Finding and killing their prey was all they knew. A shadow man’s honor and even his
life depended on him successfully completing his mission. Failure was not an option.

Tristan had purposely targeted a very remote transport station to further confuse the man hunting Sa
Rah. Unfortunately it made for a harsh journey for them. They had to traverse much distance in this
desolate terrain before they reached another transport station that would take them to the capital. Until
then, he and Sa Rah were on their own.

Slipping his fingers under her head, he gently lifted her up. Taking the tea, he ran the cup back and forth
below her nose. At first she did little more than knit her brow and frown in her sleep. After a few more
moments, her eyes slowly fluttered open. She looked dazed and confused as her unfocused gaze rested
on his face.

"Tristan?" Her voice came out little more than a hoarse whisper.

"I’m here, ishwala. You’re safe with me. Now drink some of this. It will help you feel better."

He raised the cup to her lips, and she opened them slightly to sip the tea. She immediately grimaced from
the taste of it.

"Yuck. Revival tea."

"So you remember that also, hmm?" Tristan asked, smiling with amusement. "Not an easy taste to forget,
but you must drink it all. You know it will help your body recover."

"I know, I know. But I don’t have to like it," Sa Rah responded tartly as she continued to drink.

Tristan barely held in his laughter. Despite everything he had put her through she still had her spirit. He

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was glad to see that. He held the cup to her lips until she finished all of the tea.

"There. Now take that cup away from my face," Sa Rah said, pulling back from his hand with a frown. "I
can’t take the vile smell of that stuff."

Tristan set the cup back on the nightstand and released Sa Rah. She lay back on the bed and closed her

"I’m going to, um, rest a few minutes longer, but when I’m done, uh, you and I are going to talk," Sa
Rah declared between yawns.

Even as she spoke, Tristan could see she was starting to fall asleep.

"Whatever you say, ishwala," he agreed with amusement, watching her eyes flutter closed.

* * * *

A few hours later, Sa Rah opened her eyes and looked around the room in confusion. She lifted herself
up so that she leaned on her elbows. For a minute she couldn’t remember where she was. Her memory
came flooding back the minute Tristan walked into the room wearing nothing but a towel riding low
around his waist and droplets of water sliding down his well-muscled chest. His long hair hung in loose,
wet waves over his shoulder. Her fingers suddenly itched to run through his golden mane. Clenching her
hands into fists, she forced her gaze to remain firmly on his face. She got a jolt when she saw the desire
burning hot and bright in his eyes. He stopped in the bathroom doorway and stared at her from across
the room.

She wanted to talk, to say something to break the sizzling tension that zapped between them, but
couldn’t. Her brain lost the ability to function as she got lost in the depths of his bright emerald green eyes
surrounded by incredibly long lashes. His, and only his gaze was able to make her lose her train of
thought completely. As a princess, she had learned early on to always be in control of herself in all
situations. She had never failed at that, until she met Tristan. One hot look from the man and she was
reduced to little more than a puddle of raging hormones.

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The delicious scent of food reached Sa Rah’s senses at the same exact time her stomach rumbled loudly.
So much for romance. Tristan’s mouth spread into a knowing grin and his eyes sparkled with amusement.
Sa Rah couldn’t hold back her own sheepish smile. The spell broken, she tore her gaze from him and
looked around the large room. A table stood laden with covered plates of food in one corner of the
room. A chair on each side of the table sat waiting. Sa Rah’s stomach growled again.

"I’m glad you’re awake," Tristan said, moving toward the bed.

His movement caught her attention again. When his towel slipped a little lower, she tried to swallow the
lump that had formed in her throat. Her mouth went dry as he drew closer. Her gaze was drawn again
and again to the droplets of water as they slid down his hard body. She had the urge to lick those drops
and slowly follow their path back up his body.

"You must be thirsty, and hungry, ishwala," Tristan said, gently placing his finger under her chin and tilting
it up so that she looked at his face. His gaze was hot and knowing. Sa Rah’s cheeks flamed red when
she realized she had been staring so avidly at his body while he watched. "I’ve made the bath ready for
you. Why don’t you bathe, then we can eat."

Sa Rah struggled to get a hold of herself. She was Princess Sa Rah Ta Rem, heir to the Tanvieran
throne, not some besotted schoolgirl! It was time she started acting like the person she truly was. Tristan
stepped back as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up. Stiffening her spine, she
hardened her gaze, and jutted her chin out proudly.

"I will bathe. Then you and I will talk. You haven’t told me anything, Tristan. I need to know what’s
going on."

"Agreed." Tristan nodded his head, then grasped Sa Rah’s hand and helped her stand. She was still
somewhat shaky, but managed to hold herself upright.

"I will be out momentarily," she said walking toward the bathroom. "In the meantime, please put your
clothes on. Your state of undress is, uh, distracting."

"Is it?" The arrogant amusement in his voice was unmistakable. Sa Rah chose to ignore it as she entered
the bathroom, and commanded the door to close and lock.

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Sa Rah soaked in the hot bath longer than she needed to. Her aching muscles couldn’t get enough of it.
She was amazed that bathing was something that remained constant through time and place. The only
difference between now and her time spent in the 21st century was the content and form of what she
bathed in. Instead of just water, she lay in a liquid that cleaned her body without the need for washing or
scrubbing. The nano life forms in the water became active when heated and ate away any impurities in
her skin and hair as she lay there. The process was pleasant, leaving her skin tingling.

Unfortunately the sensation also made her imagine the feel of Tristan running his hands all over her body.
Though she didn’t have her complete memory back, she remembered enough to recall the times she and
Tristan had touched. It had been like magic. Their physical connection was so strong that it had left her
breathless. His hands had branded her, and she would never forget the feel of them on her body.

Running her fingers along her collarbone, she remembered him trailing his mouth along its curve. Sliding
them lower she caressed her breasts, recalling how his hot hands had felt cupping them. Running her
thumbs over one nipple then the other, they tightened and hardened. Rolling them through her fingers, she
recalled how he had known just how to peak them to attention. Heat pooled in her belly as she imagined
what other things Tristan’s hands could do to her. Slipping one hand beneath the water, she parted her
thighs and covered her womanhood. The thought of his hand resting in that same place sent arrows of
pleasure shooting throughout her body.

She slipped one finger between her swollen lips, and rested it on her sensitive nub. Pressing lightly
against it, she arched her back and couldn’t stop the small gasp that escaped. Tingles of pleasure spread
throughout her body as she pictured Tristan touching her this way. He knew his way around women, she
had no doubt about that. He was an alpha male in his prime, and she had seen on numerous occasions
how women coveted his attention. He would master her body in ways she could never imagine.

Though they had touched on various occasions, she remained unmated. The physical intricacies of a man
and women mating were known to her, but the actuality of it was something she still had not experienced.
The thought of his manhood piercing her again and again, filling her, made her move her finger lower.
Dipping it inside her hot core, she pictured Tristan doing the touching, and she cried out from the pleasure
of it.

A loud knock on the bathroom door brought her crashing back to reality.

"You forget yourself, princess. And you forget our connection. If you don’t stop, I will join you in the
bath whether you wish it or not. This door won’t stand in my way, ishwala," Tristan warned. His voice
was deeper than normal, and it had a harsh sound to it. Like he was gritting his teeth while speaking.

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Sa Rah was mortified. How could she have forgotten? She and Tristan were mentally connected.
Everything she had felt and done in the bath had been projected to him. What was wrong with her? Why
couldn’t she keep her desire in check?

She needed to get out of the bath. Pushing the lever that began draining the tub, she turned on the
showerhead. The water rinsed away the nano life forms from her body and hair, but it couldn’t rinse
away her embarrassment.

Stepping from the shower, Sa Rah winced as her feet touched the floor. They felt like a thousand hot
needles were pricking them. Trying her best to stay on her feet, she dried herself with the towel Tristan
had left for her. She had to face him. She knew this. Despite what had just happened, she needed to talk
with him and figure out what was going on. She could do this. She would do this. There was no other

Once she had dried her body and hair as much as possible, she picked up her soiled clothes. She was
loath to put them back on her clean body, but knew she didn’t have a choice. She couldn’t very well
walk out there with just a towel on. Especially in light of what had just happened.

Just as she was about to put the garments back on, there was a light knock on the door.


"I brought an extra set of clothes for you. If you will open the door I can give them to you. The
innkeeper said he can have our other things cleaned while we, uh, sleep."

Sa Rah didn’t want to face him with only a towel on, but she couldn’t stand the thought of putting her
dirty clothes back on. Cracking open the door, she stuck her arm out. Tristan placed her clothes in her
hand. Once she had them, she shoved her dirty clothes back out to him.

"Thank you," she said when she felt him take them.

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"My pleasure, princess."

Though he said the phrase with the utmost respect, the word pleasure made her heart leap. His voice
was still more husky than normal, and the low timbre sent chills down her spine. Commanding the door
shut and locked again, she quickly dressed in the clothes he provided. She was pleased he had brought
her riding clothes from home. They were loose and provided a freedom in movement she enjoyed.

Riding was a passion of hers. On Tanviera, she had a small stable of eborafs. They were like the horses
she had learned about during her time on Earth only in that people loved riding them. Beyond that, the
animals were completely different. Eborafs had large, barrel shaped bodies atop muscular, long legs.
Their entire body, from head to cloven hoof was covered in long shaggy hair. Their heads were extremely
big, with ears as long as the rabbits she had seen on Earth. Flat round noses and large nostrils were
common among these creatures. Unfortunately, Sa Rah had been caught on more than one occasion in
front of her eboraf when it sneezed. It was not a pleasant experience, and it usually resulted in her
needing a bath. All eborafs had large, beautiful brown eyes that drew Sa Rah’s attention and affection.
They always held such soulful expressions. Combine that with the fact that they were gentle and loyal
animals whose strength and endurance was well known, and Sa Rah could do nothing less than love them
all. That was probably why she now had five of the animals in her stables at home. She tried to ride each
of them as often as possible.

She missed it.

The comforting feel of the eboraf under her as she rode through her parents’ estate. The peace she
gained by her solitary rides. Ever since she was a young girl she had ridden. When she needed to
contemplate something, there was no better place for her than on her eboraf, galloping across the
countryside. Her mind always cleared when she rode, allowing her to think about any issue with clarity
she otherwise might not have.

It was too bad she couldn’t go riding right now. She could use some clear thinking. Tristan was
confusing her. His presence disturbed her in a way she didn’t understand, and wasn’t able to control.
Sighing, Sa Rah ran her fingers through her long, wet hair. She straightened it as best she could. When
she finished, she faced the door, stiffened her spine, and took a deep breath. Not one to dwell on the
past, which she had no control over, she instead looked to the future.

Time to face the music.

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* * * *

Tristan continued to shield his mind as he willed his body to calm down. Sa Rah’s erotic thoughts had hit
him like a punch to the stomach. Her desire had rolled over him in waves, almost bringing him to his
knees. Gripping the arms of the chair he sat in, he struggled not to tear away the bathroom door and take

It would not be a gentle joining. The images she projected had left him panting. He wanted to take her
deep, hard, and fast. He’d lift her wet and dripping body from the bath, wrap her legs around his waist
and plunge into her again and again, until her screams of pleasure melded with his roar of release. And
once wouldn’t be enough. He would have her again and again, until they fell asleep weak and sated in
each other’s arms.

Tristan knew he couldn’t take Sa Rah like that. She was still unmated. Their first joining would have to
be slow and gentle. Grinding his teeth in frustration, he cursed the fates that brought the two of them
together. Diharan women usually lost their virginity before life mating due to the fierce nature of their kind.
His people believed in the right to express one’s passion. If Sa Rah was Diharan, they would have mated
several times over by now.

But she wasn’t Diharan. She was Tanvieran.

So he would keep his passion in check. For now. But one day he would have her. They both knew it.
No matter what names Sa Rah called him, no matter that she didn’t want to want him, and no matter that
she was ashamed of what he was, it was meant to be. And when it happened, he would let her hold
nothing back.

He wanted all of her.

Completely. Without reservation. Totally open and exposed. And she would give it to him. Why?
Because he would give her all of him. She would know exactly who and what he was as her screams of
passion rent the air.

Tristan’s lustful thoughts disappeared the minute he heard the door slide open.

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He knew she was in pain the moment she walked out of the bathroom. Shoulders back, chest pushed
out, and chin high and defiant, Sa Rah appeared the proud, strong princess she was. If he hadn’t noticed
her slight limp and the tightening of her mouth with each step she took, he might have thought nothing was
wrong. As she drew closer and became unsteady, he jumped up from the chair and caught her as she
started to fall.

Carrying her back to the bed, he set her down and grabbed the healing ointment from the night stand.
He had set it on the bed in preparation. Knowing her feet had to be clean before the ointment could be
applied, he had planned on putting it on as soon as she came out of the bath. His lusty thoughts and her
erotic images had made him forget.

Sa Rah tried to push up onto her elbows, but Tristan stopped her.

"You stay down until I tell you to sit up," he commanded, gently pressing her shoulders back down.

"I’m fine, really. I just felt a little unsteady for a minute. Now please let me up," Sa Rah said, attempting
to sweep his hands off her shoulders.

Tristan kept them firmly in place.

"Do you always have to be so stubborn, ishwala?"

"Stop calling me that. And I’m not being stubborn, I just want --"

"You’re being stubborn. Now if you’ll just stay quiet, I can apply some healing ointment to your feet and
ease your pain," he interrupted as he reached for the bottle. "Once I finish, you can get up, if you wish to.

Sa Rah’s glaring gaze and mutinous silence almost made him smile. He held it back, knowing such a
thing would only make her rebel more. His princess didn’t like to be told what to do.

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After a minute long glaring contest, she pressed her lips tightly together, and then reluctantly nodded her

"Fine. Just do it and then let me up, Tristan."

"You wish is my command, princess," he said mockingly as he reached for the ointment.

Opening the jar, Tristan sat back and lifted one of her feet onto his lap. He was looking forward to this.
If he couldn’t touch the rest of her body, he would make the most of what he could touch.

When he got a good look at Sa Rah’s foot, his passion cooled instantly. The cuts, burns, and abrasions
were too numerous to count. They ran from the tips of her toes to the bottom of her heel. Some still bled

"Why didn’t you tell me your feet were hurting?" he growled.

Sa Rah shrugged.

"You wanted to get here in a hurry. We didn’t stop long enough for me to notice, I guess. After a while,
my feet became numb anyway."

Tristan cursed under his breath.

"I’m not giving out medals for courage, or stupidity here, princess. Your stubbornness and pride may
slow us down if these cuts get infected. You don’t have to prove anything to me. I know you’re strong.
And I know you’ve trained in the ways of Tanvieran warriors."

Sa Rah’s eyes blazed.

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"I have nothing to prove to you, Diharan mongrel," she spat. "Now that I have most of my memory back
I know exactly who I am. Just as I know who, and what you are."

She struggled to sit up, but Tristan’s hand on her shoulder kept her down.

"Relax. I was not questioning your strength or honor, nor the fact that you hate Diharans. You have
proven both to me on more than one occasion," he explained gently, releasing her when she stilled. "The
healing ointment will help. Come morning you will be glad for it."

Sa Rah’s lips tightened, as if she wanted to say something more, but she just silently nodded her head.

Tristan tried to be as gentle as possible. Holding her lower calf, he carefully smoothed the ointment from
her heel to her toes. Although she said nothing, he knew he had inadvertently hurt her when her leg
muscles tightened. He needed to get her mind off of her feet.

"So why didn’t you tell your parents about my mixed heritage?" he asked.

Sa Rah’s eyes widened as they met his stare, then she shrugged her shoulders again.

"I think you know the answer to that. I’m the Galactic Emissary for the Interspecies League of Planets,"
she said, as if that explained everything. "I’m trying to improve interspecies diplomatic relations and gain
equal rights for all species of life. Telling my father of your duplicity would only complicate and possibly
harm his relations with both Earth and any future possible relations with Dihara."

"And what of your lover, Ga Ri? Why did he tell no one?" Tristan gritted out.

Flames of anger lit Sa Rah’s eyes once more. She tried to yank her foot out of his grasp. He held her
gently but firmly. After a minute, Sa Rah gave up with an exasperated sigh.

"I will say this once more, Tristan. And this is the last time. Ga Ri is not my lover. He is an old friend that

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I’ve known since childhood. Period. End of story."

Anger rolled over him. Sa Rah lied. He had seen them together.

"If that’s the case, ishwala, then why were the two of you in each other’s arms planning my demise when
I caught you on the balcony?" Tristan demanded as fury threatened to overwhelm him.

"I will not defend myself to you, someone whose life is thick with lies and deceit. My word is my honor.
If it is not good enough for you, then so be it. Ask my brother or my parents, and they will tell you the

"That still doesn’t explain why he told no one of my secret."

"He kept your secret because I asked him to, Tristan. Even though you gave him a good knock on the
head, once he woke up, he promised to tell no one. Luckily, other than a small cut, he was not seriously
injured. If he had been, I would have been the one telling your secret. No, not just telling. If you had
seriously hurt Ga Ri, I would have screamed it to the world. What you did that night was completely out
of control, and totally wrong. I will not forget that."

Tristan released Sa Rah’s feet without a word. Setting them back on the bed he closed the ointment jar
and put it back on the night table.

Standing up, he towered over her.

"Neither will I, princess. Neither will I."

Turning away, he walked to where the tray of food sat on the table. Picking it up, he carried it to the bed
and set it down beside her.

"Here’s some food. Eat. I’m going out for a while."

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"Out? Where? Don’t you want to eat?" Sa Rah’s eyes widened in surprise and alarm.

"No," he said curtly as his eyes raked insultingly down and back up her body. "Suddenly I’ve lost my

Tristan strode to the door and left without another word.

* * * *

He spent a good amount of time downstairs drinking with other travelers. One of the waitresses eyed
him with interest and he thought about taking her up on the promise in her look. His gaze traveled over
her lush, ripe body. She would feel good in his arms. And she was more than willing, he could read it in
her hungry stare. There would be no judgment or condemnation in her eyes, nor hesitation or fear when
he took her.

Like so many women he had met, this one wanted him because of the way he looked. She cared not for
what or who he was. She just wanted to enjoy his body in every way possible, while he did the same
with her. He had always preferred women like that.

Until he met Sa Rah.

When she came along, everything changed. The casual, playful relationships he had with women
suddenly lost their appeal. Sex every night was great, but he kept feeling like it wasn’t enough. He tried
different ways to fill the void that was growing in him. More sex. More than one woman at a time. It
wore him out physically, but still something was missing.

He spent more and more time at Jo Sha’s house, hoping for a chance to spend time with Sa Rah. The
more he learned of her, the more he wanted to learn. For the first time in his life, he took a real interest in
who a woman was, beyond their physical attributes. He liked who Sa Rah was inside. He liked her
intelligence, her strength, her pride, her love of life, her need to help others, her humor and her beauty.

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Suddenly a woman had become three-dimensional to him. So much more than a plaything or temporary
thrill. He couldn’t get enough of Sa Rah. And once she discovered her attraction to him, he knew he
would have her. One way or another, she would be his. Though she fought it, denied her feelings for him,
his ability to connect with her had given everything away. He was her Rov Shom, truth mate, whether she
liked it or not. And he was more than ready to make her his life mate. He was looking forward to
spending the rest of his days with Sa Rah. She was a woman who challenged and intrigued him on many
different levels.

The waitress slid by his table and gazed hungrily at him. Although she was physically attractive, she
appeared flat compared to Sa Rah. He needed more. He needed his life mate.

Tristan knew what he had to do. It was time he put the past behind them. The future was his to take.
And Sa Rah was going to be a part of it. Monster or not, he would have her.

* * * *

Sa Rah watched Tristan leave. She ate a little bit. Enough to appease her hunger. But the food tasted
like little more than sawdust. The hurt look in Tristan’s eyes as she spewed her angry words at him kept
replaying in her mind. He was a monster, and deserved no less.

Or was he?

Tristan had been stern and curt with her, but he had not been cruel. He had showed her nothing but kind
consideration since they arrived at the inn. He had gone back in time to rescue her. These were not the
actions of a monster. Yet the image of him, as he had turned on Ga Ri and her that night so long ago
would not go away. The monster was in him, part of him, and that frightened her.

As a Tanvieran, she was very involved with finding one’s true self. She had explored it on numerous
occasions and knew the wild and brave creature that dwelled inside of her. Could she stand tall against
Tristan’s beast? She didn’t know. But what she did know was that she would not be dominated,
completely controlled or manipulated by such a beast. If her true self were treated in this way, it would
wither up and die.

She could never and would never let that happen. If Tristan was her truth mate, and her body and mind
told her he was, then she needed to make a decision. Face his beast or go the rest of her life without a

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mate. Both options were daunting. Tanvierans had only one truth mate, and if they didn’t join with them,
there was no one else. They could have other relationships, but none would bring them to the level of
Rov Hum, which all Tanvierans desired.

Could she be with such a beast?

Preparing for bed, the image of Tristan’s monstrous form that night with Ga Ri kept popping up in her
head. It had been horrible. He had been so fierce looking, so animalistic. She shuddered.

Even as her eyes fluttered closed and sleep overtook her, the beast raged through her mind.

Sa Rah was dreaming of her eborafs. She was riding through a field filled with wild flowers. The colors
and contrasts were amazing. The two suns of her planet shone bright in the deep purple sky. It was a
beautiful, warm day. And she was laughing out loud at the joy of the ride.

Suddenly the sky turned dark with black clouds. The wildflowers wilted before her eyes and the air
grew frigid. Her eboraf disappeared from beneath her and she was left standing barefoot in the freezing
snow. The cold chilled her to the bone. Shivering, she realized that she wore only a light summer dress.
She would freeze to death if she didn’t get some place warm soon.

Then she heard it.

A pained roar filled the air. So loud it reverberated through her body. Fear engulfed her. She started
running. Somehow she knew she had to get away. Get away from the thing that yelled so loudly. If it
caught her, she would never be free. She heard another roar, closer this time. Ignoring the fact that her
feet were becoming numb from the cold snow she struggled forward. The snow became deeper, more
difficult to get through, until each step became almost impossible. Still she continued. She couldn’t give
up. She couldn’t let the monster catch her.

Sa Rah fell backward as a dark shaped loomed in front of her. She thought it was the monster. Her
heart sped out of control as she imagined the horrendous sight of the beast. She closed her eyes tight as
she waited for him to strike. She heard its heavy breathing, and felt warm breath brush first her legs, then
her stomach and up to her face. It warmed her chilled body slightly, even as she waited for the attack.
She sucked in a deep breath as she felt it gently push her hair out of her face. Instead of the foul smell she
expected, the beast’s breath smelled sweet and fresh.

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"Sa Rah. Wake up."

The beast was talking to her? That was another surprise. But still she refused to open her eyes. She
couldn’t bear it. She couldn’t look at its face. She knew if she did, she would be lost forever. She wasn’t
ready. She just wasn’t ready.

Gentle fingers ran up and down her arm. She sighed with contentment. The soft touch comforted her.

"Open your eyes, ishwala. It’s time to leave."


That name. Only Tristan called her that.

She wasn’t dreaming! Her eyes flew open. Tristan’s face was mere inches above her. It was his sweet
breath she smelled. His soft touch she felt.

He smiled gently down at her and pulled slightly away.

"Good morning, princess. It’s time to leave. I’ve arranged for a light meal for us, before our departure. If
you hurry, I might not eat it all before it’s time to go."

Sa Rah stretched. The bed felt so good. Her dreams had left her feeling exhausted. She rolled over onto
her stomach. Just a little longer. Where were snooze buttons when you needed them? That was one thing
the future was most definitely missing.

"No going back to sleep, Sa Rah. It’s time to get up."

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To emphasize his words, Tristan pulled the blanket off of her, and gave her behind a soft slap.

Outraged, Sa Rah sprang out of the bed. Placing her hands on her hips, warrior stance in place, she
faced him squarely.

"How dare you!"

An arrogant, amused smile slid across his mouth.

But Sa Rah noticed Tristan’s humor didn’t reach his eyes. They looked tired. Like he hadn’t slept much.
Did he come back last night, or this morning? Where had he spent the night?

"I dare. It’s time to get up. Come eat before your food gets cold."

Sa Rah tamped down her curiosity and concern. The man was too smug for his own good. She didn’t
need to worry about him. He could take care of himself. Just like she would take of herself.

She walked to the table where their breakfast was spread. She would eat. Not because he wanted her
to, but because she needed all her strength to get away from him and return home. And she would do it
too, one way or another. This beast would not have her.

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Chapter 9

Tristan decided they would make much of the remainder of their trek by foot. He had planned on taking
Sa Rah directly to the council, to ask that they intervene in this matter, but things had changed. He saw
the loathing, the disgust in Sa Rah’s eyes when she remembered the beast he had become that night so
long ago.

It angered him that she couldn’t see beyond that. Couldn’t see him for all he really was. Just like his
father had done when he came to live with him on Earth, Sa Rah was only considering the surface. Once
Tristan’s father learned the true extent of his power, he had wanted to use and exploit it. He knew his
father had good motives, protecting Earth security, but that didn’t change the fact that he was willing to
sacrifice his son for a cause. He would never forget or forgive him for that.

Tristan knew Sa Rah wasn’t like his father. She wasn’t a shallow person. She had done much on her
world to help people. On Tanviera, her work as Galactic Emissary for the Interspecies League of Planets
was well known and admired. Her efforts alone had made great inroads into the peace and understanding
between all known species. She was at the forefront of diminishing interspecies biases and promoting
equal rights for all. It was an ongoing battle, but her contribution had been an invaluable part of the

So why couldn’t she see beyond the beast that was a part of him? Why didn’t she realize he was so
much more than that? That he was still the man who was her truth mate, her Rov Hum?

She would never accept him right now. Tristan could tell that she was fighting him with everything she
was. He smiled. He always did like a good challenge. She needed time with him. Just the two of them.
He would make sure they had that, for a while. Walking to their destination instead of teleporting would
serve two purposes. It would make it harder for the assassin to track them. And it would give him more
time with Sa Rah. He knew he could outrun his Diharan brother for only so long. Eventually he would
find them. Tristan was determined that by that time, Sa Rah would have accepted everything about him.
They would be true mates in every sense of the word.

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Then he would kill the would-be assassin. He would protect his woman with everything he was. He
would sacrifice his Diharan brother’s life for his and Sa Rah’s happiness. It was the only way he knew.
The only way it had to be. There was no other choice. No one would take Sa Rah from him.

Tristan joined her at the table and they ate silently. He wondered about her thoughts. He knew she
wasn’t happy with his commands and pondered why she had so easily acquiesced to his demands. It
wasn’t like his ishwala to give in so easily. She must be forming a plan. He’d have to watch her closely.

* * * *

Sa Rah had no plan.

There were just too many unknowns at the moment for her to form any kind of coherent approach to
escape. But she knew she would think of something. If nothing else, she had learned how to be
resourceful during her short stay on 21st century Earth. Combined with her training as Toka Rok, she felt
confident that she would come up with a plan.

What she didn’t feel confident about, however, was her traveling partner. Stealing a glance at Tristan,
she wondered about his thoughts. He seemed very intent on his food as they silently ate. What was he
thinking? She would have to keep an eye on him.

Not that it was difficult to do that. He was one of the most attractive men she had ever met. His long
golden hair and emerald green eyes combined with a strong nose, square jaw, lush, sensual lips, and
dimpled smile made many a woman’s heart flutter. He moved his tall, muscular warrior’s body in a
predatory way that drew a woman’s gaze. When her female Tanvieran friends first encountered Tristan,
many of them claimed to be in love. They often followed him around like love sick pups.

But her friends didn’t know the whole Tristan. They didn’t know that underneath that suave, civilized
veneer lived a beast. A beast that was so violent and dangerous that she shuddered just thinking of it.

Her movements caught Tristan’s eye. He turned to meet her stare and Sa Rah could tell by the sudden
coolness in his gaze, that her fear and loathing was apparent in her eyes. He pushed away from the table
and gathered his bags.

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"It’s time to leave, princess." Picking up a small knapsack, he tossed it in her direction. "You’ll be in
charge of the supplies in that small bag. They’re your responsibility for the rest of the trip."

Sa Rah caught the bag easily.

"Where are you taking me?"

Tristan didn’t answer immediately. He walked to the door and opened it.

"To the mountains," he replied as he waited for her to walk through.

Sa Rah held her ground.

"What if I don’t want to go with you? What if I scream and call for help? What then?"

Tristan’s eyes became cold and empty. So empty they looked dead. When he spoke there was no
inflection, absolutely no emotion in his voice.

"You don’t want to do that. My Diharan brothers and sisters wouldn’t take too kindly to you disobeying
me. On this planet, you are no longer a princess. You are merely prey. And as prey, you are at the mercy
of the predators around you. I’m the only one keeping you from them. Don’t forget that."

Tristan turned without waiting for her, and walked out.

Sa Rah knew she had little choice but to follow at this point. She had played a wild card, and it hadn’t
worked. But there would be another opportunity. And when it arose, she would take it. The thought of
being someone’s prey disturbed her, but as a trained warrior, she knew she would go down fighting.

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She would not be taken easily.

* * * *

"Aren’t we taking the transport station to our next destination?" Sa Rah asked as she noticed Tristan
walking away from the inn, back into the desert.

"No," he answered without turning around. "We’re walking."

"Walking?" Sa Rah asked, quickly catching up to Tristan and grabbing his arm. "Why are we walking?
Do you not have transport stations we can use nearby?"

"Yes, there are transports nearby, but we won’t be using them. I don’t want to leave an obvious trail."

Sa Rah kept her hand on Tristan’s arm until he came to an abrupt stop and stared down at where she
touched him then back up at her.

She got the message, releasing his arm, but not before asking her next question.

"Trail? Why don’t you want to leave a trail? Who’s following us? What’s going on, Tristan?"

Tristan looked like he was about to turn away and continue walking without answering her. Ignoring her
better sense, she grabbed his arm again, and held it firmly. She needed answers.

"Who is following us?"

Tristan exhaled loudly and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

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"Walk with me, and I will tell you what you need to know."

And he did.

* * * *

Rachel woke up to the worst hangover she had ever experienced in her life. Cracking one eye open, she
peeked between the blur of her eyelashes. Her stomach rolled in protest. Bright. It was too bright. And
hot. Dizziness assailed her. She needed soothing, cool darkness right now.

Bright bad. Dark good … bright bad. Dark good.

Keeping her eyes squeezed tightly shut, she breathed deeply and chanted the mantra over and over
again. Focus on the breathing, in, out, in, out. Having done Yoga for many years, her mind easily slid into
the place she led it to. It was evening, the stars sparkled overhead. She lay on a hammock between two
palm trees. The sound of the ocean soothed her. Its cool breeze ran over her body cooling her. Turning
toward the waves, she saw the moon reflected --

"Wake up, Rachel."

The serene image scattered in the wind as his voice penetrated her mind. Her eyes flew open. The
penetrating eyes staring down at her jerked her back to reality.

Him. Her nightmare. Zerik.

It all came rushing back to her in waves of nausea and dizziness. Unable to stop herself, Rachel rolled to
her side and vomited. Over and over again. It didn’t stop until her stomach was empty. Closing her eyes
in agony, she was unable to do more than lay there in her own mess and shiver.

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Zerik cursed softly and squatted down where she lay.

Rachel had no will to resist as she felt strong hands lift her into a sitting position. Zerik pulled her
backward so that she sat between his thighs with her back pressed against his chest. The motion made
her gag again, but there was nothing left to come up. She moaned in pleasure when she felt a cool damp
cloth against her mouth. Zerik gently cleaned her face, and then ran a clean cloth across her cheeks. A
moment later she felt him press a cup against her lips.

"Rinse your mouth with this and spit it out. Don’t swallow it. Your stomach can’t take it, and you will
throw up again."

Rachel did as he told her, swishing some of the water around in her mouth then spitting it out to the side
of her. It helped. The burning sensation disappeared and her mouth didn’t have such a bad taste once she
rinsed it out. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand then lay totally exhausted back against
Zerik’s chest.

"I’m sorry to put you through this, little flame. I promise you, the nausea and dizziness will pass in a
minute," Zerik assured her softly as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and just held her.

Rachel was too weak to speak. Letting her head loll back and rest against his arm, she hoped he was
right. She felt like someone had beaten her up, and then run a truck over her -- twice.

Zerik was true to his word. After a few minutes, the nausea disappeared and the dizziness passed. Her
foggy mind cleared. She felt much better, but her body still ached in places she didn’t know she had

This time, when Rachel opened her eyes, she was able to keep them that way. Gazing around, her jaw
dropped open in surprise. They were in a room completely enclosed in glass. And as she scanned her
surroundings she saw only desolate, harsh desert. A few scraggly trees and bushes were scattered here
and there, but that was about it. The Arizona desert she came from was almost lush compared to this

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"I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore, Toto," she muttered.

"What do you speak of?" Zerik asked.

His breath brushed against her ear. Stiffening, Rachel recalled that he held her in his arms, pulled tightly
against him. His muscled chest pressed against her back. And the feel of his powerful thighs wrapped
around her legs distracted her. When he slid his hands along her stomach and inched them higher, she lost
the ability to breathe. Her nipples pebbled in anticipation of his touch.

"What?" she managed to squeak.

"You mentioned Kansas and Toto. What did you mean?"

Rachel struggled to breathe. His warm breath against her neck sent tingles of awareness throughout her
body. And his hands. They burned a path across her skin as they inched slowly higher.

"I, uh, it was nothing. Just something from a movie."

His hands halted their progress and she didn’t know whether to scream in frustration or sigh with relief.
What was wrong with her? This man had kidnapped her and brought her to some strange place. She
should be fighting him and screaming for help. Yet she did neither. Desire warred with her common

"Ah, yes, a movie." Zerik’s voice had grown lower with each word he spoke. Now it was little more
than a soft growl vibrating against her back.

Heat pooled low in Rachel’s belly. Why didn’t he let her go? She was fine. But he still held her, and now
she didn’t know if she wanted him to let go.

When something very hard suddenly pressed against her bottom, she almost fainted. As desire engulfed
her, a different kind of dizziness took over. When his fingers slid higher, she held her breath. Just a little

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farther, yes, almost there. His hands lifted and covered her breasts. She had to bite her bottom lip to
keep her moan of pleasure from bursting out. It felt so good, so right.

Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, Zerik bent his head and ran his mouth over the side of
her exposed neck. Pleasure stabbed into her. As his lips worked magic on her, his fingers played mischief
with her breasts through her shirt. Rachel hadn’t bothered to put on a bra today. She had worn a silk
tank top/sweater twin set and had taken the sweater off when she went to see Sa Rah. The fabric of her
top was so thin, she might as well not have been wearing anything. Alternately plucking at her nipples and
running his thumb back and forth over their taut peaks, Zerik sent her libido skyrocketing. Rachel lost
herself in the sensation of his touch.

His chest rumbled and vibrated against her. Pressing his hips tightly against her bottom, he let her know
how much he wanted her. A demanding ache pulsated between her thighs. Arching her back, Rachel
pressed her breasts against his skillful fingers and rubbed her bottom against his hardness. The moan of
desire she had tried to contain burst from her lips as she lost herself in Zerik’s touch.

* * * *

Zerik gritted his teeth in an effort to bring his body back under control. But the feel of her, his little flame,
between his legs left him weak and hungry. He wanted her in a way that was hard and dirty. A way that
would leave both of them panting for more. Rachel moaned with pleasure as her nipples pebbled beneath
his hands. That small sound, at the back of her throat, shook him to the core.

Then she squirmed against him. Her soft cheeks pressed against his rock hard erection. Zerik lost it.
Groaning he lowered one hand to her waist and pulled her closer. Tilting his hips forward he brushed his
cock against the soft swells of her bottom, hard enough so she had no doubt how much he wanted her.
Rachel arched her back, pushing her breasts into his touch. Rolling her nipples between his fingers, he
rubbed himself against her again and again.

Lowering his mouth to her hair, Zerik breathed in deeply, inhaling the clean, sweet smell of her. Her
scent was intoxicating, causing the last bit of control he maintained to evaporate into the intense desert
heat surrounding them. Nudging her hair aside, he found her ear and began nibbling on her lobe. Then his
tongue slid up and into the whorl of it, darting in and out. Pulling slightly away, he blew lightly into its
opening. Rachel shivered against him.

He growled with pleasure.

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She was not immune to his touch.

That was his last coherent thought as he felt Rachel slip her hand between them and slide it down his
stomach. His body trembled from her touch. Clenching his muscles his breath stilled when her fingers
reached the waistband of his pants.

He knew he had to stop. Now.

Gently sliding backward, he put some distance between them. He had to. This was not the way it was
supposed to be. A Diharan assassin must have a clear mind at all times. He must know his prey and see
his goal. That goal must be pursued with complete and unwavering focus until it is achieved. There is
nothing else.

Zerik repeated what he had learned so long ago during his training. Each word was meant to simplify his
mission. To bring it down to the basic and cold procedure it was. To rid his mind of all other extraneous
and useless thoughts. But as he pulled back from Rachel, she turned.

All thoughts of the Diharan assassin’s code faded away.

Her eyes were wide and unfocused, as if she were in a daze similar to the haze of passion that engulfed
him. Her lips were parted as she struggled to catch her breath. He knew her heart must be beating as fast
as his.

He took another step back. Then another. He had to put more space between them. She didn’t move,
yet he felt her passion, her confusion as it rolled over him in waves. Each hit left him off balance. Stepping
back once more, he felt the clear wall of the transport station behind him. The hard, solid feel of it gave
him some strength.

He was Diharan. Not some pup fresh from its mother’s womb. And she was nothing but a female. A
beautiful, warm hearted, willing female, but just a female nonetheless. His mission. He had to remember
his mission.

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That was all there was. It was everything. It was nothing.

* * * *

Rachel couldn’t move.

She wanted to. She really did. But it was all too much. Zerik’s touch created a fire that couldn’t be put
out, no matter how hard she tried. It made her weak, it made her hot, it made her want him in a way she
had never wanted a man. Certainly not during her privileged upbringing, or during her time as a book
keeper. It was so primitive. The way that leaves little to the imagination. She wanted to turn around in his
touch, and push him down to the ground. She wanted to undress him, and then explore every inch of his
hard, muscled, warrior’s body. Her mouth would soon follow her touch, and she would taste him. Savor
his salty skin like some exotic delicacy.

When they were both hot and panting from their desire, she would take him. She would quickly undress,
and straddle his waist. She would be so wet by then that she could easily slide herself down his hot, hard
length. Then they would fly far away together. They would climb to that place where she would splinter
into a million pieces as desire took over both of them.

Rachel needed to touch him. She slid her hand behind her back, between them, and down his ridged
stomach. She felt him tighten then shiver beneath her touch. She smiled, feeling a certain female power
over this strong warrior. Her fingers slid lower. She imagined the feel of her fingers wrapped around his
hard cock. She touched the waistband of his pants. Almost there.

He moved away.


Rachel’s mind screamed. Yet no words left her lips. She was struggling just to breathe. Without his
warmth against her back she suddenly felt cold. They were in the middle of some hot arid desert, yet she
suddenly felt chilled. It just felt so empty without him there. She couldn’t stop herself from turning around.
She needed to know why he had left.

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But the minute she did, she wished she hadn’t. Instead of the hot, hungry stare she imagined, Zerik’s
eyes held nothing but empty coldness. The chill she had felt earlier now turned ice cold. His eyes raked
over her insultingly and disgust filled his face.

That did it.

She had enough of this. Enough of him. She would not let him, or anyone else for that matter, make her
feel bad about herself. She would not allow it. Standing up, she threw her shoulders back and met his
gaze proudly.

"What’s your problem?" she asked without reservation.

Other than a slight rise of one eyebrow, his expression remained the same. Completely unreadable.


"Yes, problem. You take me to some strange place against my will. That’s kidnapping by the way. And
a felony, in case you didn’t know."

He remained silent.

Rachel’s frustration grew. She would get a reaction out of him if it was the last thing she did. There was
no way that this guy, no matter how good looking he was, was going to get away with this cold, insulting
act. She felt his touch, felt his heat. He had been as hot for her as she had been for him.

"We arrive here, which I expect you to explain by the way. Both how we got here, and where we are,"
she demanded arrogantly. Thanks, Mom and Dad. They had been right. Her upbringing would come in
handy one day. She had been taught how to command, taught how to gain respect, just like her powerful

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However, much to her frustration, instead of the respect Rachel had expected, all she got was
amusement. Or at least she thought it was amusement. Zerik’s mouth lifted at one corner, slightly. And
was the chill in his eyes starting to melt, or was that her imagination? Regardless, she would finish what
she had to say. She had been taught to say what was on her mind, and now was not the time to stop that

"Then, while I’m in the midst of getting sick all over the place you take advantage of my weakness, and
me. Was rape your ultimate goal?"

His face changed so fast it took her breath away. Gone was the amusement. Gone was the slight curl of
his lip. It was replaced by anger. His lips tightened and his eyes blazed as he charged forward.


Maybe she had gone too far. She took a step back, then another, until she was the one backed against
the wall of the transparent enclosure. Still he kept coming, a determined glint in his eyes. He stopped only
when he was so close to her, that she could see each and every one of his long, full, golden eyelashes.
How could such a hard warrior have eyelashes thicker than hers? She didn’t have time to ponder it as he
thrust his face even closer to hers.

"Rape? You think I needed to rape you? I have never had to force a female in my whole life. They have
all been more than willing, just as you were a few minutes ago," he gritted out through clenched teeth.

She opened her mouth to deny it, but the forbidding look on his face stopped her. He was right. She had
wanted him, so badly that she would have probably begged for it, given the chance. Even now, she felt
the dampness that remained between her legs. She couldn’t deny her desire for him.

So she closed her mouth without saying a word. Then a smile spread across her lips. She had gotten
what she wanted after all. A reaction from him. Something other than that cold, wintry look he had given
her earlier.

"I see nothing funny about this, little flame. You are treading on dangerous ground," he said in a voice so
low it was little more than a growl.

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Before she could respond or explain, Zerik grasped her shoulders. Not hard enough to hurt, but firm
enough to know that she wouldn’t be going anywhere until he was good and ready to let her go.

"You doubt my words? I think you need a little demonstration."

Rachel had no time to think as his mouth descended toward hers. His kisses were hard and thorough.
They demanded a response from her, and she couldn’t deny it. Her lips parted as a moan of pleasure
escaped into his mouth. His responding groan reverberated through her whole body, leaving tingles of
desire in its wake.

His tongue explored her mouth without mercy, demanding she meet each intimate thrust with a parry of
her own. The intimacy of their dance created an ache low in her stomach and she couldn’t resist pressing
her hips against his hardness. In response he seized her behind in both of his hands and pressed her
closer. The feel of his hands on her bottom undid her. She slid her fingers around his neck and pulled him
closer. He needed to be closer. If she didn’t feel him tightly pressed against her right now, she might die.

A low rumble started in his chest and slowly grew louder until he tore his mouth from hers and pushed
himself away.

She met his gaze with her own startled one and her breath caught in her throat. His eyes. They were
changing. The bright green was slowly being covered by dark specks rolling over his irises.

"I think that proved my point, don’t you, little flame?"

Though she detected the smugness in his words, it was almost completely obliterated by the low
roughness of his voice. It sounded so unlike him, so deep and primitive, almost like a growl.

"No witty comebacks? Why is that, I wonder?"

This time, his smug sarcasm got her attention.

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"I think we both can admit that there is a certain chemical attraction between us. I won’t deny it. But it’s
nothing more than the primal male-female connection called lust. That’s it. So what?"

He didn’t like her response. Rachel could tell by the way his fingers curled into fists and his jaw clenched
and unclenched. Yet Zerik admitted nothing.

Instead he dug through his knapsack and handed a bundle of clothing to her.

"Take these garments and put them on. We don’t have a lot of time."

Rachel’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. Was the guy a little slow, or was he not hearing a word she

"Are you kidding? What do you mean no time? Where are we going? For that matter, where are we?
You still haven’t explained what we’re doing here, or why you brought me against my will. I need some
answers," she said, stubbornly refusing to take the bundle he offered as she crossed her arms across her

Zerik’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

Rachel waited for that dead coldness to overcome him. The stillness that transformed him into that other
person. Shivers of dread ran down her spine even as she straightened it stubbornly. It didn’t matter that
he could become this completely cold being, she needed some sort of explanation.

To her surprise, the transformation never came. Instead, Zerik let out an exasperated breath and set his
knapsack down. Then he sat on the ground and patted the ground in front of him.

"Come here. I will tell you what I can, but we must be quick. The trail is getting cold. I can feel it."

"Trail?" Rachel asked as she sat across from him. Now he had her curious.

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"Yes, the trail my prey has left behind."

* * * *

Sa Rah’s mind couldn’t quite grasp the concept.

She was being tracked by a Diharan assassin? He was following their trail. How could that be? Who
would send such a creature after her? She remembered that she had been sent back in time by her
parents’ enemy, Phi Li Moshe, but this was a step beyond that. All who knew anything about Diharan
assassins knew that once they had a target they either killed them or died trying.

Dread filled her. She would never escape. Never get away. No one ever did. At least no one she had
ever heard about.

"So that’s it then? We run until this assassin finds me, then I die? I don’t think that’s a --"

"You forget one thing, princess," Tristan interrupted. "I am also Diharan. I will not let this man hurt you in
any way."

Sa Rah looked at him skeptically. She knew Tristan to be an extraordinary warrior, strong, skilled and
incredibly intelligent. But this was a Diharan assassin. Their skill was renowned and feared by all. There
was a saying she had heard once and would never forget.

If a Diharan is after you, you are already dead.


Sa Rah began shivering in the middle of the hot desert. She didn’t want to die. Fear filled her when she

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thought about all she still hadn’t accomplished in her life. She had too much she still needed to do.

Suddenly Tristan filled her vision. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him.

"Stop it now, ishwala," Tristan said roughly. "I feel what you’re feeling. I hear your thoughts. You are not
going to die. I won’t let anything happen to you. You belong to me. You are mine. No one hurts what is

As Tristan’s body warmth penetrated the cold that had descended over her, so did his words.

The fear that had engulfed her faded away, replaced by warm feelings and assurances. Tristan was
projecting to her. Not only with his words, and body, but also his mind. His caring enveloped her,
dispelling the panic that had overtaken her.

Sa Rah let herself enjoy his quiet strength a moment longer before the princess warrior in her took
control once more.

Pulling away from him, she took a step back and straightened her spine proudly.

"Thank you. I appreciate your encouraging words. I agree that this assassin will not kill me, but not
because I belong to you, Tristan. I belong to no one but myself," she dared him to contradict her with her
eyes, but he said nothing, so she continued.

"No, he will not kill me, because I won’t let him. I’ll fight for my life. There’s too much I still want to do,
to accomplish."

Tristan smiled then, and it almost undid her. His smile was like the sun warming her. It sent tingles of
pleasure throughout her body. And she couldn’t help smiling back. The man was just too beautiful for his
own good. Her smile slipped when another image entered her mind, Tristan, beast like, monstrous and
threatening, looming over Ga Ri. How could such an angel’s face hide such a monster inside?

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As if reading her thoughts, Tristan’s own smile faded, replaced by a frown and something unreadable in
his eyes. He stared at her a minute longer, then turned around and began walking.

"I have told you enough for now, princess. It’s time to go."

The warm, caring voice she had heard moments ago was gone. It was replaced by an emotionless
monotone. The switch left her feeling sad. But she knew there was no other way. This was how it had to

Sa Rah saw no other choice but to follow Tristan, for now. The Diharan assassin situation was a
problem she hadn’t anticipated. Whatever plan she formed would have to include the fact that someone
wanted her dead, and they would stop at nothing until she was.

* * * *

Tristan hadn’t expected it.

Sa Rah had been scared. He knew that didn’t happen often. But that wasn’t what had surprised him.
Having a Diharan after you would scare anyone. What had shocked him was that she let him comfort her.
She had let him hold her in his arms. His proud ishwala had let him in.

And he had savored the moment.

But he knew it wouldn’t last. And he had been right. The moment when she remembered him as a beast
came too soon. The wariness and suspicion had appeared in her eyes right after. He didn’t think it would
hurt him, but it had. It had cut like a knife when she pulled away and looked at him like that.


It was the one thing he needed more of, but didn’t have enough of. Their civilization had learned how to
go back and forth in time, but they didn’t know how to stop it. It continued on its never-ending path

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regardless of the wants and needs of those trapped within it.

He needed to spend more time with Sa Rah. He needed for her to see him for the man he was, not the
beast she thought he was. He would just make the time. He would do whatever he could to ensure that
she learned the truth about him. Like everything else in his life, he would work hard so that the end result
would be what he wished it to be. With enough effort anything was possible.

Sa Rah would be his.

That thought penetrated Tristan’s mind again and again as they trekked across the desert. Remembering
the blisters Sa Rah had acquired during yesterday’s journey, he tried to pace himself. Time was of the
essence, but Sa Rah’s well being was most important to him. Once more, she kept up with him without
hesitation or complaint. He knew her warrior training aided her with this, but he also knew that her own
stubborn pride lent a hand. If he had to name one aspect of his ishwala’s personality that defined her, it
would be her determination. She was the type of person that finished what she set out to do. Her goals
were important to her, and she did whatever she could to accomplish them. One more part of her
character he admired.

Tristan stopped at mid-day to eat. A small tree provided just enough shade for them to take a
comfortable break out of the sun. Though they would reach the next town by sunset, he had brought
sufficient food and water for a few days, just in case. He wouldn’t underestimate the ability of the
Diharan after Sa Rah. Once they reached town, they would take the transport to his country estate the
next morning. He hoped his detour on foot would confuse the assassin, but he would keep an eye behind
him, nevertheless.

* * * *

Sa Rah said nothing as she watched Tristan unpack food and water from his knapsack. Her stomach
grumbled, and her mouth felt as dry as the sand around them, but she ignored it. As she had been trained
to do. Looking around their small shade covered rest stop she could see no break from the grueling sun
in sight. Certainly there was no means of escape anywhere near, but she would keep her eyes open. She
knew this desert couldn’t last forever, and when they reached its end, she’d discover what opportunities
there were. In the mean time, she would prevail. She was determined to get through this, and she would.

The smell of food finally reached her senses and Sa Rah’s mouth watered. Sitting down across from
Tristan, she had a long drink of water, and then began eating. Ignoring him, she silently ate until she felt
comfortable. She knew they still had more walking ahead of them, and getting too full would not help her

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get through that. Sitting back, she closed her eyes and enjoyed not having the sun’s harsh rays burning
into her. The little tree they sat under covered them just enough to give comfort.

"An oasis," Tristan said quietly.

Sa Rah’s eyes fluttered open.


"An oasis. This place. Among the barren desert, it’s like an oasis. Food, water, and shade. A paradise. I
think many a traveler has found this spot to be just that. Don’t you agree, ishwala?"

Sa Rah frowned. It wasn’t often she heard Tristan so philosophical. Usually the warrior, charming that
he was, was firmly in place. This side of him was rare, and intriguing. For some reason she wanted to
savor the moment, even prolong it.

"Paradise?" she asked, slowly looking around her. "Although it’s arguable, I guess you could say that. At
this moment, this is as close to that as we’re going to find. Considering this is one of the few trees in the
area, I’m sure it is a welcome sight to many travelers. Have you traversed this way before?"

Sa Rah wasn’t sure why she asked that question. It didn’t really matter. She was just making
conversation to maintain the interesting mood Tristan was under, but the question just popped out.

When Tristan didn’t answer right away, she turned her gaze to him. He was looking right at her with a
strangely intense expression on his face. She cleared her throat. The sound brought his attention back to

"I’ve never used this exact approach, but I’m hoping it will be successful for both of us," he responded

Deciding she really couldn’t read him at that moment, Sa Rah remained silent. Closing her eyes again,

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she leaned her head back, and took a deep breath. She remained that way for several minutes, giving her
body a much needed rest. She would have liked her mind to rest also, but that was impossible. Thoughts
of Tristan and their situation abounded, ricocheting through her mind.

This time it was Tristan who cleared his throat. The sound stilled her thoughts. Opening her eyes, she
met his stare. The look in his eyes took her breath away. Heat was too calm a word for what she saw in
his gaze as he stared at her. Burning inferno would be more appropriate. He moved closer to her, and
she completely lost the ability to breathe.

He was so close she heard the low growl that sounded from his chest right before he pulled himself to his
feet and moved away from her. He packed up their belongings, then stood waiting several feet away. His
stare scanned the horizon around them.

"It’s time to move on." His voice was low and husky, sending tingles up her spine.

Ignoring the feeling, Sa Rah got up and walked to where he stood.

"I’m ready." Sa Rah wasn’t sure exactly what she was ready for, but she knew she was prepared to
handle whatever came.

Without looking at her, he nodded, and then began walking. They continued their trek across the hot,
harsh landscape that made up the deserts of Dihara. And Sa Rah wondered if it would ever end.

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Chapter 10


Sa Rah exhaled a loud sigh of relief and let her stiff shoulders relax slightly.

The appearance of the little town couldn’t have come sooner. Sa Rah was almost at the end of her rope.
They had maintained a hectic pace since their lunch break earlier. And other than Tristan occasionally
pointing out or warning her about one thing or another, they hadn’t spoken. Despite this, Sa Rah had felt
comfortable with the silence. It had given her time to think.

The last hour of their trek had been most difficult. Though trained to physically withstand many
demanding situations, Sa Rah’s break in routine during her travel to the past had left her in a condition
less than peak. She had struggled to keep up with Tristan toward the end. And it wasn’t lost on her that
he had slowed his pace slightly to accommodate her. This irritated and embarrassed her on the one hand,
and pleased her on the other. She wasn’t sure why.

"We’ll stop here for the night," his voice was brusque and curt.

Sa Rah nodded her head, but didn’t speak. Her mouth felt like it was filled with sand, her throat sore
from trying to swallow without any moisture, and blurry images swam before her eyes. Determined she
would not do a repeat of yesterday, she steeled herself against the dizziness.

Almost there. She knew once she was out of the sun’s harsh rays, within the cool confines of the inn, she
would feel better.

Pressing forward, she sighed aloud as they walked through the inn’s doorway. It was so dark compared
to the brightness outside that she couldn’t make out anything within the dim interior. Closing her eyes, she
gave her eyes time to adjust. The cool air surrounded her, brushed against her hot skin.

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It felt so good.

That was her last thought. Knees giving out beneath her, she slipped to the ground. Her mind screamed
a denial, but her body wouldn’t listen. It had put up with enough. It was done.

* * * *

Tristan lifted her in his arms. He felt her pulse. It was strong and steady. She was exhausted from their
long desert walk. He couldn’t blame her. It had been a hot and difficult trek. He had tried to slow his
pace for Sa Rah, but could tell as the day progressed that she was having a harder and harder time
keeping up. Despite this, he knew they had to keep going. There was no other choice. If they didn’t
move forward the assassin would catch up to them too soon.

"One room. Just for the night. Will you be taking the transport in the morning?" the innkeeper asked,
handing him a key. The man had told him that the disc would be used to access their room, but also all
food or other services needed during their stay.

"Yes, we’ll be using the transport. Thanks."

Tristan took the key and carried Sa Rah to their room. He laid her on the bed, and carefully removed
the extra layers she wore to deflect the harsh sun’s rays. Once she had on little more than her shirt and
pants, he took off her boots and socks. Expecting the worst, he was relieved to see that her feet were
only slightly red.

After rinsing them with a cool clean cloth, he spread more of the healing ointment along the soles of each
one. Though she had traveled far on foot today, Sa Rah’s feet appeared much improved from the day
before. He knew that was because today she had been equipped with the necessary apparel for desert
crossings. The multiple layers of clothing helped protect her from the sun’s rays, while the thick socks
and boots he had gotten her offered her feet just the kind of protection they needed.

Lastly, he bathed the skin on her arms, neck and face with cool water. He hesitated, knowing that it
might wake Sa Rah, but he also knew it would relieve her heated body. As he slid the material along the

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soft curve of her mouth, Sa Rah’s lips parted. She let out a sigh of pleasure.

Tristan froze.

Desire hit him low and hard, knocking the breath out of him.

Those lips, parted and wet made him think of all the places he’d like to feel them on his body. He
shuddered as lust took over. The beast in him yawned and stretched, awakened and ready to take
charge at any time. Gladly, it would turn the situation into one in which it held utter and complete control.
The beast could have it no other way. It demanded total submission or nothing. His mate would have to
be incredibly strong to withstand such a creature.

Another sigh of pleasure brought Tristan back to the moment. His body came to life instantly,
demanding, needing to lose himself in her without distraction or interruption. He could take her right now,
his beast growled to him. She was too weak to put up a fight. It would be so easy to satisfy the gnawing
hunger inside.

The beast momentarily overwhelmed him. Running his fingers down Sa Rah’s neck to her chest, he
caressed the swell of skin just above her breasts. She was so soft, so vulnerable, so ripe for him to take.
She moaned softly as he drew circles along her skin, lower and lower. She was becoming aroused, he
could smell it, smell her need, scent the pheromones her body was releasing just for him.

Tristan growled low with pleasure. The beast moved closer to the surface. His fingers moved lower,
skimming over the material covering her breasts. Sa Rah arched into his touch, yet he continued down to
the waistband of her pants. Slipping under her shirt, his fingers skimmed back up, along the soft,
vulnerable skin of her belly. He savored the feel of it, tempted to follow his touch with his tongue. He
drew closer to her breasts, but stopped right before touching them.

His beast roared in protest. It pushed at him, demanding satisfaction. Tristan’s hands began to shake as
he fought against its pull, fought against the lust that fired through him at the thought of touching Sa Rah’s
soft mounds, brushing over her nipples until they stood stiff and erect. His hands lowered against his will,
and covered her softness. She pressed against his touch and a small needy sound escaped her lips.

Tristan ran his thumbs back and forth over each nipple. They stiffened, just as he imagined they would.
His mouth watered at the thought of tasting those stiff peaks, sucking on them until they were bright red

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and wet from his mouth. The beast lashed out at him again, and his hand squeezed convulsively.

He felt Sa Rah stiffen before he saw that she was awake. Raising his gaze to her face, he met her startled
stare. Her bright blue eyes narrowed a moment later, as they filled with accusation and loathing.

"Are you going to rape me, Tristan? Or just take advantage of me while I was unconscious?" Her voice
was hoarse and husky, no doubt from being so dry, yet the hatred in it was unmistakable.

Each word she spoke cut him deeply. Stiffening, he slowly removed his hands from her chest, and
stepped away from the bed. The beast roared its outrage, demanded he continue his course to its final
conclusion. Ruthlessly Tristan beat it down, pushed it back into the dark part of him in which it dwelled.
Humiliation and anger overtook him as he thought about what he had done, and might have continued if
Sa Rah had not woken up.

"I’ll be back in a while. Try to rest," was all he said as he strode toward the door.

He opened it, but didn’t walk out right away.

"You and I both know it wouldn’t have been rape, ishwala. You want me as badly as I want you," he
said without turning back, then slammed the door behind him, not waiting for her reply.

* * * *

He was right.

Sa Rah knew it without a doubt. Tristan would never need to rape her. The connection between them
was already there, strong and pulsating with need. If he had continued just now, she wouldn’t have fought
it. She wanted him in a way she had wanted no other.

But that didn’t excuse the fact that he touched her while she lay vulnerable and unconscious, completely
at his mercy. She hadn’t agreed to it. That was the difference. It was not acceptable. Was he truly the

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monster she saw that fateful night so long ago? Was he completely controlled by that beast, or did the
man in him control the creature that lay waiting inside him?

Sa Rah sat up in the bed and felt immediately dizzy. Spying the pitcher on the nightstand beside her, she
peered inside and saw that it was water. Pouring herself a glass, she drank deeply. Her mouth was so
parched that the first few sips actually hurt as they slid down her dry throat. After drinking her fill, she lay
back on the bed. The cool air and low lighting in the room was soothing and made her sleepy.

She would close her eyes for just a minute, just a quick little nap. That was all she needed.

Sa Rah’s eyes fluttered open. Looking out the little window across the room, she was shocked to see
the sun shining brightly through. Was it morning? Had she slept all night long? The direction and intensity
of the sun streaming through the window told her she had. She scanned the room for Tristan, but he was
nowhere in sight. Had he come back last night, or decided to stay out?

Just as she started to worry, the door opened and Tristan strode in. Sitting up on her elbows, she saw
that he was dressed in clean clothes and his hair was still wet from the shower he must have already
taken. Wet, his golden hair trailed well below his shoulders, and she could see the bottoms just starting to
dry and curl up at the ends.

He had magnificent hair. She always got the urge to run her fingers through it whenever she saw it. She
imagined how its silky texture would feel brushing against her body as they made love.

Her gaze returned to his face and she was startled by the intensity in Tristan’s bright green eyes. Would
she ever get tired of looking into their beautiful emerald depths, wondering what mysteries lay beneath?
The way he stared at her now left her breathless and giddy. She wanted to fall into those fathomless
green pools and get lost there forever.

Images of them naked and entwined filled her head. She imagined them in some sort of indoor pool, its
warm water lapping against her bare skin. Tristan’s mouth added to the sensation. He trailed kisses down
her neck to her chest. She arched her back as his mouth fastened onto one breast. The warm suction of
his mouth surrounding her nipple left her panting.

The sound of a low growl brought her attention back to Tristan. His eyes narrowed and his nostrils
flared. Holding her stare with his own powerfully magnetic one, he closed the door and stalked across

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the room. She sat up as he grew closer, clutching the blanket against her chest in an unconscious
protective gesture. Stopping only when he reached the side of the bed, he grabbed the blanket and pulled
it away from her.

She had no time to react when he picked her up off the bed, and laid her over his shoulder. His hand
rested lightly on her behind as he carried her to the bathroom. Too stunned by his actions to speak, she
drew in a sharp breath as his fingers skittered lightly over her bottom, caressing its curves. Before she
could protest, he removed his hand and turned on the shower.

Not waiting for it to heat up, he flipped her off his shoulder and stood her under its spray, clothes and all.

Sa Rah shrieked as the shock of cold water hit her body.

Ignoring her, Tristan backed away from the shower.

"Your thoughts are too hot for both of us, princess," he said gruffly. "Cool down, clean up, and when
you’re done, I have fresh clothes in the bathroom for you. Breakfast will be waiting out here. We’ll be
taking the transport the rest of the way."

Sa Rah opened her mouth to yell, but the sound of the door slamming stopped her before the words
could come out.

The nerve of that man! Who did he think he was?

Sa Rah’s outrage slipped away as the water warmed up and tingles of pleasure swept over her body.
She had been thinking some pretty hot thoughts before he put her in the shower. Why did she keep
forgetting that he could pick up on all her thoughts? Yet the images projected in her mind this time had
seemed different. Like they weren’t her thoughts. Never having been in an indoor pool like the one
created in her mind, she didn’t know how she could have created such a scene.

Wait a minute.

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If she hadn’t created that pool in her mind then that meant that Tristan had.

Sa Rah couldn’t resist the small, smug smile that spread across her lips. Either she was more imaginative
than she thought, or Tristan had been the one imagining that scene, and she had picked up on it. No
wonder he was so quick to get her into the shower. He didn’t want her to know how much he lusted
after her.

They had been his daydreams.

* * * *

His own damn daydreams.

Tristan cursed under his breath as he spread their breakfast out on the table.

How could he have let himself lose mind control like that? Wasn’t it enough that he almost attacked Sa
Rah while she was unconscious? Now he was losing his ability to control his mind. This wasn’t good. He
needed to keep a handle on things. Especially if his plan was going to work.

He should have ignored the way she looked when he walked through the door. But he couldn’t resist
staring at her. The tousled hair, half closed eyes, and lips parted in surprise gave her the look of a woman
who had just been well loved. Or a woman who was ready for a good loving.

And he would gladly be the man to do it. If she let him. But he knew she still wasn’t ready to accept him.
She was attracted to him, without a doubt, but this new turn of events didn’t help any. He cursed again as
he thought about the way he had touched her while she slept. What had he been thinking?

Maybe he was the beast she thought him to be.

Had she been right all along? Had he been fooling himself into believing that he could control the beast in

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him when all along it was the beast controlling him? Hell, he had almost tried to take her while she was
unconscious. What kind of man did that make him?

A man he didn’t like very much. Not the man he thought he was. And definitely not a man who deserved
to be with someone like Sa Rah. Yet every time he was with her he felt like a better man.

The minute the bathroom door opened, Tristan concentrated on his food. Ignoring her as she sat down
at the table with him, he ate his fill. He pretended not to notice her proximity. He tamped down the desire
that rose up in him as he detected her special scent. Even without perfumes or oils, Sa Rah had an
elusive, seductive smell that attracted him. It called to both the man and beast in him, demanding that he
take notice. It was her unique woman’s scent, and he would never tire of inhaling its subtle, tantalizing

Taking one last, deep breath of her, he pushed away from the table and stood up. Sa Rah didn’t speak
as he finished packing their few belongings. They would take the transport to his country estate today. He
would feel better once Sa Rah was safely settled there. Then he could pour all of his attention into the
assassin who was after her. Whether Tristan deserved her or not, he would save her from the Diharan
who was after her. It was his duty, as her Rov Shom, to care for and protect her always. He would never
disregard that duty, no matter how much the beast in him howled.

Once everything was packed, he turned to face Sa Rah. She was staring at him. Watching him with that
wary expression in her eyes he saw so often. He wished he could wipe away that look. Turn it into trust,
acceptance, and love. But she wasn’t ready, and she might never be ready. She might never trust him
again. One day he would have to face that. Maybe he would be able to accept it, maybe not. But today
was not that day. Today there still was the battle, and as long as it was still that, the warrior in him would
not give up.

"It’s time to leave," he said, schooling his features and showing her nothing but arrogance.

Just as Tristan knew she would, his princess raised her chin, met his gaze squarely and regally nodded
her head.

"Well then, let’s go."

Standing up, Sa Rah brushed past him, and opened the door. Striding out, his ishwala once again led the

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way. As she had from the beginning. What they had between them was up to her. It had always been up
to her. She just hadn’t realized it yet. But he would show her. One way or another, she would come to
realize what was really happening. Then, if she couldn’t stand to be with him, couldn’t accept who and
what he was, Tristan would stand aside and let her choose her own way. It would kill him probably, but
he would do it, because she was the most important person in his life.

If he couldn’t give her happiness, then he didn’t deserve her.

Once outside, Sa Rah let him lead the way once more. He led her to the edge of town, where the
transport station was located. There was a small line of people waiting to use it, but soon their turn came.
Tristan stepped inside, then turned and held his hand out to her.

She hesitated. Darting a glance around her, he knew what she was thinking. It only lasted for a few
seconds, but it was enough. It told him everything. She didn’t trust him. He would teach her to trust him.
Show her that he was the kind of man she could believe in.

"Come ishwala, it’s time to go."

Still she stood frozen in indecision.

"If I have to come out and get you, princess, I promise you won’t like the end result," Tristan warned.

Sa Rah’s chin rose defiantly, and she shot daggers of anger at him with her eyes. Lips tightly
compressed, she stepped into the transport. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist and
pulled her close. Gently burying his face in her hair, he closed his eyes.

"Good choice, princess. Very good choice," he whispered in her ear.

Sa Rah shivered in response and he heard her breath hitch in her throat. Smiling with satisfaction, Tristan
said the words aloud that would take them to their final destination.

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With those words came the familiar image of his family’s country estate. He hadn’t been there for so
long. Anticipation filled him as he thought about all the sights he’d like to show Sa Rah during their stay.
He knew she would like the place. How could she not? It was filled with the one animal she loved above
all else.

* * * *


Sa Rah couldn’t believe her eyes. There were eborafs everywhere! Her favorite animal. These beautiful,
loyal, strong beasts were all over the land Tristan’s family called theirs. Stopping to pet the velvety nose
of a doe eyed female, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Your family’s country estate is a working eboraf ranch?"

"Yes, ishwala. My family has been breeding eborafs for centuries, and shipping them all over the

"But I didn’t know that Dihara had any kind of industry, other than, well, other than --"

"Assassins?" he finished for her.

"Well, yes," she admitted sheepishly, feeling a blush creep up her face.

"We have many industries on our planet beside that. Would you like to know about them?"

"Yes," Sa Rah answered with a nod. As Tristan talked and they walked around the extensive grounds of

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his estate, she thought about how she had come to be on this strange planet, and now on Tristan’s family

The transport had brought them here in seconds. As was the case on her planet, one just had to step into
the transport cubicle, and think about where one wanted to go. This form of teleportation was discovered
to be one of the safest and most accurate forms of transportation in the universe. Even if a person had
never been to a place before, all they had to do was recite the name and /or address of their desired
destination and this travel device took them there.

Once they arrived, Sa Rah hadn’t known what to look at first. The place was beautiful, and it reminded
her of her own family’s country estate on her home world of Tanviera. The grounds were in a small valley
of sorts, surrounded by rugged mountains. Although it was much cooler here than in the desert, it was still
mildly warm. The air held a crispness that signaled the possibility of upcoming colder weather. And if the
snow capped mountains surrounding them were any kind of indicator, the cooler conditions would be
here sooner rather than later.

There were endless rolling green hills, each speckled with the many eborafs grazing freely on its bounty.
The many trees shading the valley were so vibrantly colored it almost hurt to look at them. Instead of
green leaves, most of them were rich shades of purple, burgundy, orange, and gold.

Set against this beautiful backdrop was a magnificent house. Its gray stone exterior and many turrets
gave it a castle like appearance, but on a much smaller scale. The only aspect that saved it from looking
cold and formidable was the many large windows covering its face. Sa Rah knew that the interior of
Tristan’s home would be bright and sunny.

"So, yes, this planet does have the reputation for creating unstoppable, efficient and deadly assassins, but
it also has many other industries, both agricultural and industrial," Tristan explained as they reached the
entrance of his house.

"This is a beautiful estate. And not just because of the eborafs," Sa Rah said with a sheepish smile. She
knew that Tristan was aware of her love of the animals. "The surrounding valley as well as this house are
so charming it’s almost surreal."

"Thank you. It’s one of my favorite houses to visit," Tristan said, holding the door open for her.

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"How many houses does your family own?" Sa Rah asked, stepping inside.

"I believe we have six scattered around the planet," he explained, leading her through a large
entranceway and down a hallway. "But other than our home in the capital, this is the only working estate.
The rest are just vacation pleasure spots."

"I understand," Sa Rah replied easily And she did. Being a member of a royal family, she understood
about the various homes and estates her family utilized around their home planet. Some for business and
politics, others just for the enjoyment of the location.

Sa Rah enjoyed the bright airy feel of Tristan’s home. It was just as she imagined it would be. The large
windows brought the beauty of the outdoors in. And despite the cold gray stone walls, the whimsical and
cheery furnishings gave the house a warm feel. Added to that were various ornate tapestries. The scenes
on each were intricate and extensive. She wondered at the story behind each one.

Tristan stopped outside a large double paneled wood door and pushed inside. Sa Rah followed him, and
closed the door behind her.

Then it hit her.

Her time on earth had made her forget temporarily, but closing the door reminded her of something.

"Why isn’t your house networked?" she blurted out.

In her time, on her planet, all the houses were hooked up, or networked to a computer system that
controlled everything from lights to water, to the creation of food. Sa Rah knew the capability for that
was here, because she had seen it at the first inn they stayed at upon their arrival to Dihara.

"The Diharan people have decided not to follow that path. We do use advanced technology in certain
areas of our government, such as defense, as well as in various forms transportation and communication,
but my people have chosen to keep their everyday lives more basic and simple."

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Sa Rah couldn’t comprehend giving up the conveniences of technology.

"It’s hard to explain. You have to live it to understand. It’s just a slower paced lifestyle. One that allows
my people to retain their spirituality as well as their connection to nature."

Sa Rah was still doubtful. Something must have shown on her face, because Tristan gave her an
encouraging, open grin.

"Once you spend some time here, I think you will understand what I mean."

Sa Rah tried to ignore Tristan’s dimpled smile as she listened to his words, and understood their
ramifications. When he said "some time", exactly how long did he mean? Her eyes narrowed. Spreading
her feet into warrior stance, she placed her hands on her hips and raised her chin regally.

"Exactly how long do you plan to keep me here against my will?" she demanded.

Tristan wasn’t intimidated.

"As long as it takes." His smile dropped as he spoke. Sa Rah had the urge to call it back, to tell him she
didn’t mean to make it go away. Instead she watched silently as Tristan became the fierce warrior once

He headed back toward the door, and she made to follow him.

"No. You stay here" His commanding voice brooked no argument.

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So, of course, Sa Rah had to argue.

"What do you mean stay here? I will not be told where to go, what to do, and when to do it, Tristan.
You can’t expect that of me."

"That is exactly what I expect, princess," he explained as his eyes narrowed dangerously. He let his gaze
roam insolently over her from head to toe. "Consider yourself my special guest from now on, ishwala.
And, if you ever want to see your family again, you will do what I say. Do we understand each other?"

Sa Rah raised her chin even higher, clenching her hands to her sides. She knew she was between a rock
and a hard place at the moment. She had no way to escape, yet. But she would find one. Until then, she
didn’t have to make this easy on Tristan. Anger burst to life inside her.

"You’re a monster. You do know that, don’t you?"

The words came out as sharp as a whip, before Sa Rah could stop them. And the minute they left her
lips, she regretted them.

Tristan didn’t even flinch.

"How can I not? You never let me forget it. Now stay here while I take care of some business. There’s
plenty of reading material. Take advantage of it, princess. Expand your mind."

Tristan shut the door quietly behind him. Sa Rah had the urge to pick something up and throw it, but she
held herself back, barely. Her anger was soon forgotten, however, as she looked around her. She was in
some sort of private library. The comfortable furniture and subtly subdued tones in the room urged her to
find a good book and sit down to read it.

She gave in to the call. Perusing the bookshelves, she found one that immediately sparked her interest. It
was entitled, The Diharan Male: Myths and Truths. Now, that was a book she needed to read.

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If she wanted to outsmart Tristan and form an escape plan, getting to know all about his kind was a
good place to start.

Chapter 11

Zerik knew there was going to be a problem the minute he stopped talking.

The look on his little flame’s face said it all. First her eyes had grown huge with shock, then they had
narrowed in disbelief, and now they were wide again. But this time they were filled with horror. Horror at
the thought that he was tracking someone and planning to kill them. Horror at what he was.

He couldn’t blame her. Most non-Diharan women would react the same way. Only one of his kind
would understand the duty and honor in what he did. Only a Diharan female would be proud of what he
was. Why had he even bothered to explain himself to Rachel? She was only human. She would never
accept him.

She has to!

His mind screamed the words, and shook him with the force of it. He wanted, no, needed his little flame

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to understand and accept him. There was no other choice. He knew that now. He would just keep her
with him until she understood.

She was his.

As he finished speaking, Rachel gasped and scooted back on her bottom, away from him. She did it so
quickly, she almost lost her balance.

"Y-you’re an assassin?" Her voice was high pitched, almost a squeak.

She was frightened.

As she should be. Nevertheless, he wouldn’t stand for it. She had to get used to him. She was going to
be his mate. In his mind it was decided. Soon it would be in hers also. She would accept him eventually.
But he could afford to be patient, for a little while. He would try not to push her.

"Yes, Rachel. I am a Diharan assassin," he said rising to his feet. He paced in front of where she sat,
trying to formulate the right words.

"What I do is looked upon as honorable on my planet. People from all over the universe call upon us to
fulfill this special service. We are known for our deadly accuracy and persistence. It takes much training
and discipline. I have been trained to do this since childhood. Not all Diharans are assassins. Though
every Diharan child is warrior trained, we do not all reach the level I am at now. I am proud and honored
that I have been chosen to fulfill this duty to my people."

Although Rachel seemed to be listening to his words, it wasn’t lost on him that she continued to slowly
scoot away.

His patience was fading fast. They needed to leave. He had to find the princess before he lost her trail.

"I don’t expect you to understand, little flame. Nevertheless, you will come with me," he stated firmly as

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he walked towards her.

Rachel stood up and her eyes slid to the door leading out of the transport. She was planning to run.

"You will never make it. You do realize that don’t you?"

Rachel was momentarily distracted by his words. Just as he knew she would be. The chase was his old
friend. He knew all the dynamics of it, the twists and turns it could make without really thinking about it.
Each scenario played out in his mind at a rate so quick, it was little more than a blur. But he understood it
completely, and could take action based on that comprehension in mere seconds.

He closed the distance between them before she realized what was happening.

Grasping her arm, he gave her the bundle of clothes.

"Get dressed. We need to go," Zerik said, walking a few feet away, and keeping his back to her.

* * * *

Rachel was in shock. She couldn’t move. She didn’t know what to do, what to say, what to think. The
man was an assassin for crying out loud! How was she was supposed to respond? Saying something like,
‘Oh, what an interesting career’, or some other such garbage, just wasn’t right. And by the forbidding
look on Zerik’s face, total disgust wasn’t going to be a good response either.


The thought hit her in an instant, and she responded immediately. Her body tensed in anticipation. She
glanced at the door leading out of the transport. She could make it. She just had to run really fast. It
would be close, but she probably could do it. She had no idea what she would do once she was outside,
but she would think of it later, for now, she just needed to escape.

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Zerik’s words surprised her, and she hesitated.

That had been a mistake.

Before she knew what was happening, he was standing beside her, grasping her arm to hold her in
place. Her whole body shook. She couldn’t tell if it was from fear, or something else. She thought it was
a little of both. When he merely shoved a bundle of clothes into her arms, told her to get dressed, and
turned away, she wasn’t sure what to do.

So she stood there frozen with indecision.

Zerik changed that instantly with his words.

"If you don’t dress yourself, little flame, I will do it for you. And that might lead to something else. I don’t
think you’re ready for that."

His words spurred her into action. She got dressed quickly.

Be careful what you ask for.

Rachel thought of that old saying as she finished dressing. She had asked Zerik to tell her what was
going on, and he had. He was a hired assassin. And to make things worse, he was after Honey. And she
was some kind of princess. And they were now in the future, on another planet no less. It was too much.
Everything in front of her started to blur as she tried to digest his words.

"Are you ready, Rachel?"

Zerik’s voice somehow calmed her, steadied her mind. Other than Honey, no one had ever affected her
that way. Though the question was unimportant, his words grounded her somehow. She would figure this

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out, somehow. She just needed some time. Meanwhile, she would have to stick close to Zerik, for her
own security, and to make sure nothing happened to Honey.

Zerik didn’t know it yet, but he was about to fail his first mission. She was not about to let him kill
Honey. She would figure out a way to stop him. That was that. And then she would work out in her mind
why the thought of this man being a hired assassin didn’t bother her as much as it should.

* * * *

By the time Tristan returned, Sa Rah was well on her way to learning about Diharan males. And what
she discovered was fascinating. Even if he was only half Diharan, Tristan had a lot of issues she wasn’t
sure she could deal with. The Transformation would be one in particular she wasn’t too confident about
getting through.

The fact that adult males transformed into beasts when they became emotionally or physically
overwrought was overwhelming, and frightening. She had seen it first hand, and she didn’t know if she
could deal with it happening again. The beast Tristan had become had been primal, animalistic, and out of
control. The thought that he could change again, at any time was always in the back of her mind.

Add the fact that Diharan males were trained to be assassins from an early age. Some went on to
become full fledged assassins for hire, while others didn’t. Despite this, the concept of teaching children
that killing was an honor bound duty made her uncomfortable.

Lastly was the fact that she read about how males became highly, highly aroused during lovemaking. To
the point where the beast sometimes overcame them. But that wasn’t all. Not only did males get very
involved in sex. When they were highly aroused they exuded a scent, similar to a pheromone that
attracted and prepared their mate. This book went on the say how Diharan males were known for their
lovemaking skills. But since it was a very closed society, very few outsiders could experience it first hand.
Most of it had been stories passed down from one generation of women to the next. Despite this, their
reputation in bed had spread across certain sectors of the universe, their skills growing the farther and
farther from the planet they were heard.

Sa Rah was uneasy about this, just as she was about the other conflicting and confusing aspects of
Tristan’s personality.

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Who was this man? This man who she suspected was her truth mate? This man who in one moment
made her heart do somersaults, and in the next had her furious with him. Sometimes he could be so
charming and civilized. Other times he was rude and aggressive. He was a dichotomy. And she wasn’t
sure which person was really him.

Or, if he was both, how to handle it.

* * * *

Tristan returned to the library to find Sa Rah engrossed in a book. He wasn’t sure which one it was, but
it held her full attention. She hadn’t noticed his arrival. He took a moment to study his truth mate, his Rov
Shoma. Looking at her beautiful profile, he barely contained the longing that filled him. He wanted her in
a way that was slowly, but surely growing out of control. Proof of that was in his actions last night.

He had tried not to dwell on that as he made arrangements for Sa Rah’s protection. He had alerted his
staff that there might be an attempted attack on him or his guest. He had also increased the amount of
security around the estate. When Sa Rah had asked him whether or not his house was networked, he
had only told her a partial truth. Although it wasn’t connected for domestic usage, the estate was
completely wired with alarms and defense mechanisms. Due to the high quality and reputation of their
eborafs, theft was always a threat. Because of this, their security system was the latest, most advanced

Tristan didn’t know if it would keep out the Diharan assassin, but at least it might act as a warning. If he
knew the killer had broken through the estate defenses, he would be able to plan for Sa Rah’s safety.
Either way, he would protect Sa Rah with his life. This was one mission the assassin was about to fail.
One way or another.

"Good reading, princess?" Tristan asked.

Sa Rah jerked her head up in surprise at his question. Eyes wide, she slammed the book shut and
jumped to her feet.

"Oh! I was so involved with this book that I didn’t hear you come back," she explained.

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"I can see that. I’m glad you found a book to your liking. Which one is it?"

Sa Rah hesitated. Sliding the book along her lap, behind her back, she looked up with innocent eyes.

"Nothing really, just something to pass the time," she explained with a small smile.

Tristan knew she was hiding something.

Her smile did it. Sa Rah didn’t smile at him often, but when she did, it was usually wide and genuine.
This one was neither. His ishwala was up to something. And she didn’t want him to know what she was

That meant only one thing.

He had to find out exactly what book it was. Striding to the couch, he sat down beside her. Close
enough to feel her body heat, but not quite touching. She started to scoot away from him, but he gently
grasped her arm before she could, effectively keeping her by his side.

She gave him a startled glance, and he responded with a wide smile. He tried to make it appear harmless
even as he eyed the book behind her back. She must have sensed something because she pushed it
further behind her back with her free hand.

"So you were just passing time with the book?"

Sa Rah nodded, but said nothing.

"I’d like to take a look at the book that holds your interest, princess."

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"Oh, it’s really nothing. You don’t need to see it," Sa Rah explained with a soft chuckle that was most
definitely forced.

"Nevertheless, I’d like to."

As he spoke, Tristan moved closer. Sa Rah leaned back against the couch, trying to put some distance
between them. He just moved closer.

"No," Sa Rah said in almost a whisper.

"No?" Though he spoke in no more than a whisper, arrogance and challenge laced his voice. Tristan
moved closer, so that his face was inches from hers. Sa Rah licked her lips nervously.

"Y-you’ll j-just be bored."

Sa Rah was stuttering? That was unusual. Normally very little flustered his princess. But right now, his
proximity seemed to have just that effect on her. He grinned widely, and moved closer. This was getting
more and more interesting.

* * * *

Sa Rah was lost.

Tristan’s magnetic green eyes were pulling her in, closer and closer, until she began to wonder where she
ended and he began. The feel of his thumb caressing the underside of her arm over and over again was
making her lose focus. Each movement brought his hand close to brushing her breast. Just the thought of
his hands on her breasts sent tingles through her body. Her nipples tightened and a pulsating ache began
in her lower belly. The sensations caused her to draw her breath in sharply.

Tristan’s hot gaze lowered to her mouth. Sa Rah heard him groan right before his lips pressed against
her. Or maybe it was her groaning. Sa Rah didn’t know, or care after that. Each brush of his skilled

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mouth against hers made everything else disappear. He wrapped his arms around her right before she
dropped the book onto the couch, slid her hands up his chest, under his beautiful hair and around his
neck. Pulling her to her feet, he brought her flush against him.

His mouth devoured hers, demanded complete surrender and supplication. And she wanted to give him
that. Standing on tip toe, she pressed her mouth more tightly against his. He growled. She knew it was
him, not her this time, because she felt the rumble against her breasts. Then he took control, just like she
knew he would. Reaching up, he held her face in his large hands. Tilting it to the side, he opened her
mouth with his. His tongue immediately delved inside, exploring, plundering, and conquering hers. As
their tongues danced intimately, his hands slid down her body, leaving shivers of awareness in their wake.
Once he reached her waist, he slipped his hands behind her, and covered her bottom.

Alternately kneading her and pressing her against his hardness, Tristan wove a spell of desire and arousal
around her, until she felt lost in a thick fog of passion. His experienced mouth continued to torment her.
His touch became bolder. Her knees grew weaker. She couldn’t hold back the needy moan that escaped
from the back of her throat.

When Tristan’s mouth left hers and began a trail down her neck, to the edge of her bodice her legs
finally did give way. Yet he continued his gentle torment as he held her up. The elastic neckline of her
blouse was no match for the persistence of his mouth. Nudging it down, he blazed a trail lower and
lower. The fact that she wore no bra hit her the minute his hot mouth wrapped around her nipple. She
cried out with pleasure and arched into his touch.

She couldn’t take much more.

* * * *

Tristan couldn’t take much more.

It had started out like a game, a challenge to see if he could discover the book Sa Rah was reading. That
was all it was meant to be. But that changed the minute he touched her. Coherent thought disappeared.

Sa Rah felt so good pressed against him. So soft, womanly, and welcoming. And her scent. It was his
undoing. It called to him, provoked him to touch, stroke, and taste her. He couldn’t stop. Laving her
skin, he made his way lower and lower along her soft curves. One breast popped into view. It tantalized

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him. The sight of her tight, berry red nipple made his mouth water. His lips closed over its succulence
without hesitation and he began to draw on her sweetness.

When she arched into him and cried out her need, he felt his control slip. Alternating between each
breast, he ran his tongue over her erect nipples, then teased them with his teeth. Running her fingers
through his hair, she grasped his head and pulled it tighter against her. She moaned in need. He drew her
deeper into his mouth and sucked harder.

The minute he felt Sa Rah’s stomach vibrate against him, he knew it was time to stop. She was so
responsive to his touch. As only Tanvieran truth mates could be. Tristan knew he could take her right
now, if he wanted to. She was pressed against him, moaning with need, pulling him closer. Lost in the
kind of desire that could consume them both. If he let it.

She was his to take.

That thought called the beast out. It roared out in triumph, and need. It gloried in the fact that its mate
was ready for him. That he could finally claim what rightly belonged to him. Yet Tristan had to deny it
again. Even as he fought against it, the beast struggled to dominate, and take control.

Tristan tore his mouth from Sa Rah’s breast. She cried out in disappointment and tried to pull him back
to her once more. His body shook from the effort, but he fought against it. He released her and took a
few steps back. It was one of the hardest things he had ever done. His beast screamed in rage and
frustration. Nevertheless, Tristan pushed it back into the depth of darkness where it dwelled. Its echoing
cries reverberated inside him, leaving him sweating and shaking from the effort.

Standing stiffly, Tristan kept his clenched fists by his side. Closing his eyes, he struggled to calm down,
tried to regain composure. He could hear Sa Rah trying to catch her breath, but he ignored it. He
couldn’t let himself think about her right now. If he did, he would be back by her side in a second, ready
to let his passion and need consume him. Ready to take her once and for all, as he was meant to.

Keeping his eyes closed, he steered his thoughts away from her, instead bringing forth the meditation
exercises he had been taught during his warrior training. He felt his body start to relax. He unclenched his
fists and allowed the calmness to come. He was close to regaining a calm, normal state when the
unthinkable happened.

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Sa Rah touched him.

His concentration shattered into a million pieces.

* * * *

Sa Rah was about to shatter into a million pieces.

She needed to touch Tristan. She couldn’t resist. He had started a fire inside her that only he could put
out. Stepping forward, she placed the palms of both hands lightly against his chest. The feel of his
muscled hardness beneath her fingers sent her desire skyrocketing.

Tristan shivered beneath her touch. She glanced up, willing him to open his eyes with her mind alone.
When his lashes fluttered then slowly opened, she gasped. His beautifully bright green eyes were glittering
dangerously, and his face looked hard and stiff, as if carved from rock. She needed a response from him.
Needed to know he wasn’t made of stone. Flexing her fingers slightly over his chest, she enjoyed the
hard resistance his firm chest gave.

Tristan’s breath hissed sharply between his teeth, and before Sa Rah knew what was happening, he
grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands off of him. Tugging her forward, against his chest, he pushed her
hands down to her sides and held them there. She struggled to free herself, but his hold was too strong.
She wanted to stomp her feet in frustration. Instead, she squirmed against him

"Stop moving, ishwala," Tristan growled in a voice that was too deep and husky. "Stop now, or you and
I will both be sorry."

"No, Tristan. I don’t want to stop," Sa Rah declared in a determined voice. She wanted him. "I want
you, and I know you want me. I’ve had enough waiting."

"Now is not the time, princess," Tristan gritted out between clenched jaws, releasing her hands and
taking a few steps back to separate them. "You wouldn’t like it if I took you now."

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Tristan’s eyes were now cold as ice, and his face completely emotionless.

Sa Rah wouldn’t be swayed. She was tired of this game.

She closed the distance between them yet again, and pressed against him.

"Who said anything about you taking me?" she taunted in his ear before giving it a light nip. He
shuddered in response. "Maybe I’ll take you, Tristan. Maybe I’m so hungry for you that I will do the
taking, not you."

When he didn’t reply, Sa Rah began kissing his chin, and face. She couldn’t get enough of the taste of
him. His skin was salty and sweet at the same time. She avoided his mouth as she worked her way down
his neck. Once she kissed those lips, she knew she wouldn’t be able to maintain control of herself. And
she wasn’t ready to give that up just yet. She liked feeling in charge, feeling like she had a say in the
intense attraction that zipped between them like an electric current.

Tristan stood stiffly in place as her lips worshipped him, saying nothing. Sa Rah needed him to respond.
She knew he wanted her as much as she did him. She had felt his thoughts, knew the hunger he had for
her. Though she wasn’t ready to acknowledge him as her Rov Shom, she wouldn’t deny her passion for
him. Why was he holding back?

She wanted to see his reaction

She had to take it to the next step. Reaching the top button of his shirt, she undid it. She pressed her lips
to the skin that became exposed. Then she undid the next one, and did the same thing. She nuzzled
against his chest hair. Instead of being coarse and stiff like she expected, it was soft and velvety against
her face. Sa Rah inhaled his scent. It was overwhelming. It made her hot, made her hungry for him, for
more. As she undid the next button, she couldn’t resist taking a nip of his skin. Then she soothed it with
her tongue. His salty taste pleased her. The next button came undone and his smooth, rock hard
abdomen came into view. Pressing her lips against it, she found his belly button with her tongue. Swirling
it inside, she felt his stomach muscles jump in reaction.

The sound of growling soon followed, vibrating against her cheek as she pressed it to his abdomen.
After pulling Tristan’s shirt out of the waistband of his pants, Sa Rah undid the last button. Spreading it

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wide, she rained kisses all over his muscled chest and ribbed abdomen. Worshipping each and every one
of his hard angles, she explored his body hungrily.

With a loud growl being her only warning, Tristan lifted her up, cradling her in his arms, and carried her
to the couch. He laid her down, but remained standing. Looming over her, his face was a hard mask of

"Do you know what you’re doing to me, ishwala?" Tristan gritted out the question. His voice was low
and rough. "Do you understand that you’re driving me out of mind?"

Sa Rah didn’t know what to say. She sat up on her elbows but remained silent. Studying Tristan’s face,
she looked for some clue how to proceed. She knew he was affected by her, could see it in the rigid way
he held himself, his jaw clenching and unclenching and the very large bulge in his pants.

Good. He wasn’t immune to her. She smiled with satisfaction.

"This is not a light matter, princess. You touch me in ways that very few have. And you know this. We
share a connection, remember? Remember that you can feel what I feel. Just as I can feel what you do."

Tristan took her hand and lifted it to his pants. Placing it over him, she could feel his hard erection
straining against the fabric. At her touch, it jumped against her hand. She wanted to pull her hand back,
but Tristan wouldn’t let her. He pressed it even more firmly against him.

She looked up into his face and saw that the black specks were back. They were slowly moving over
his green irises. It was eerie the way they moved, like dark clouds, slowly growing and spreading across
the sky, covering its color with nothingness. Except in Tristan’s case, his beautiful green eyes were being
covered up by such a deep blackness that she knew she‘d never be able to see through it. He would be
completely lost to her then. She felt that with everything she was.

She couldn’t let that happen. Panic filled her as she struggled to pull her hand from him. She needed to
move back, and get away from Tristan before it was too late. She understood his warning. Too late, she
realized that the beast was coming, and when he arrived, they would both be in trouble.

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"Feel me, Sa Rah. Feel what you do to me. That’s right. You caused this. Now, what are you going to
do to relieve the situation?" Tristan asked harshly, tilting his hips forward, pressing himself harder against
her hand. His voice grew deeper with each word he spoke. "My beast is close at hand. You called him
out. What are you going to do to calm him?"

Sa Rah didn’t know what to say, what to do. She was frightened now. She didn’t want to see the beast.
She didn’t want to witness its anger and violence. And most of all she didn’t want to be a victim of its
aggression, as her friend Ga Ri had been.

"Speechless, ishwala? Now why doesn’t that surprise me? You’ve called out my beast, but once again
you can’t seem to handle it. Maybe you should have thought about that before?"

Tristan’s voice had become little more than a growl. His muscles began bunching and unbunching. As if
in pain, he released her hand and doubled over, holding on to the couch for support. Sa Rah didn’t know
what to do. She wanted to help Tristan. She wanted to save him from the pain he was so obviously
experiencing. But she didn’t know how.

She had to try.

She had caused this. She had pushed him over the edge. She needed to find a way to help him.
Reaching out, she was about to take his arm when he lifted his head, and met her eyes. Sa Rah would
never forget the coldness in that gaze. She felt its chill from her head to her feet. Cold, empty nothing.
That was what she now saw in his completely black eyes.


He studied her face coldly, almost methodically, for a full minute, but didn’t acknowledge the question in
her voice. His eyes sent chills of apprehension up her spine. She felt she was being studied like an insect,
or like potential prey. Neither was a comforting thought. Then his gaze left hers and swung to the door.
Pushing away from the couch, he stumbled from the room, without looking back. Sa Rah released the
breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.

Now what was she supposed to do?

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Sa Rah pondered that question for the next hour or so, unable to find an answer. Not only in the sense
of her immediate action, but also in a more long-term consideration. As was her way, she made a
decision and followed it. She would find out more about where she was, and the other people living here.
There had to be others. Didn’t there? After all, this was a working ranch. Where were all the workers?

Sa Rah needed to look around. But just as she was about to reach the door, it opened. In walked an
elderly lady.

"Travels end, Princess Sa Rah," the woman said, bowing slightly in respect. Sa Rah noticed that she had
the same coloring as Tristan, golden hair and bright green eyes. Her height was tall and her build slender.

"Thank you," Sa Rah inclined her head in regal acknowledgement of the bow. She did it without
conscious thought. It was something she had been taught as a small child.

"Welcome to Eboraf Ranch. My name is Tilly. I’ll be your personal maid during your stay. May I show
you to your room?"

"Thank you, Tilly."

Sa Rah followed the woman up a large set of winding stairs to the second floor. After several twists and
turns, they arrived outside a large set of double doors.

"This is your suite. I hope it will be suitable," Tilly said, opening the doors.

Sa Rah walked in and immediately fell in love with the décor. It was beautiful and peaceful at the same
time. The combination of red floral paisley designs on yellow fabrics was perfect. The addition of cream
colored sheets, curtains, and carpets gave the room just enough contrast and richness. An overstuffed
couch, fluffy quilt like blankets and throw pillow gave the room a welcoming feel. Lastly, the light colored
wood like tables kept the room from appearing too formal.

Sa Rah walked over to a door leading out of the sitting room and bedroom area. Opening it she saw that
it led to a large bathroom. Though the décor matched the bedroom, that wasn’t what caught her

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attention. It was the extremely large bathtub. It was so big it could have easily fit three people. The image
of Tristan and she sharing the tub came to mind. Candles would light the room, reflecting off the various
mirrors, creating just the intimate environment she would need to --

"Is something not to your liking, princess? If it is, I can change --"

"No, um, it’s perfect. This suite will be just fine," Sa Rah assured Tilly. She had been too caught up in
thoughts of Tristan. She needed to stop it, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Thoughts of him
constantly filled her head, too often distracting her.

"I’m so glad. We don’t have many guests, but it would be my and the staff’s pleasure to see to all of
your needs during your stay. Please don’t hesitate to ask for whatever you need."

"Thank you."

"I’ll leave you now, but I’ll have a light snack sent up to you. Will you be able to find your way
downstairs for dinner? Tristan asked me to make sure you knew your way."

The sound of Tristan’s name caught Sa Rah’s attention.

"Is Tristan still in the house?" Sa Rah asked before she could stop herself.

"Yes. He’s in his own suite catching up on some ranch business. He said you would be joining him for
dinner a little later."

"He did, did he?"

What if she didn’t want to meet him for dinner? Maybe she would just wander the grounds, acquaint
herself with it, and have a tray sent up later on instead.

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"Thank you. Please tell Tristan I won’t be able to meet him for dinner. I’ve never been to an eboraf
ranch, and since they’re my favorite animal, I’d like to tour the grounds instead. I’m sure he’ll

"But, princess. I don’t think that’s--"

"It’s fine, Tilly. Please just pass on my message to Tristan. And I’m not really hungry right now. Maybe
later I’ll have a tray, but for now I’m fine."

Sa Rah opened the door and held it. Tilly looked like she wanted to argue, but instead nodded her head
and left without another word. Sa Rah followed her downstairs.

If Tristan thought keeping her against her will was going to be easy and pleasant, he was wrong. She
would not be at that man’s disposal, whenever and wherever he wanted her. She was a princess, after
all, and deserved the respect that came with that title. She had forgotten that for a while, but now that she
remembered everything, it was time she was treated as she deserved. Tristan may be able to keep her
here for now, but that didn’t mean he could dictate everything she did.

Satisfied that she had things under control, Sa Rah went exploring. Excitement built inside her as she
thought about all she could learn about eborafs. Though she had ridden them most of her life, she had
servants to take care of them. Other than giving them treats and brushing their full coats, she was never
allowed to take part in any of their upkeep. It would be interesting to learn more about them.

Sa Rah was exhausted by the time she headed back for the house. She had visited the stables, talked to
the workers about caring for the animals, then walked through the fields, studying as many of the eborafs
as she could. Due to their extremely good temperament, almost every animal she had encountered had
been both gentle and loving with her. She wished she could get to know more of the beautiful creatures,
but it was starting to get dark, and she knew she shouldn’t be out too late.

Just as she started up the steps to the front entrance, Tristan burst outside, a wild look in his eyes. His
gaze found her almost instantly. Once it did, she wished it hadn’t. He was angry. No, not angry. Furious.
That was a better word for it. And as she watched him stalk down the steps toward her, fury blazing in
his eyes, only one thought filled her head.

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Chapter 12

Zerik wanted to kill someone.

He wanted to roar his rage to the world. He had lost his prey. This was the second of only two times this
had happened to him since he began his career as an assassin. And both incidents had occurred after he
met Rachel. Both were because he was too preoccupied with her. How did she make him lose his focus
so easily? No one and nothing had ever done that to him before.

"I can’t help you," the innkeeper said with a shrug, bringing him back to his dilemma.

"So these two individuals transported out of here, but you have no idea where they were headed?" Zerik
gritted out between his clenched teeth.

"That’s right. They mentioned nothing about where they would be going."

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He needed time to think. To go over his strategy. Despite the fact that the homing chip he had injected
into the princess had been removed, he had no doubt that he would come up with a way to find the
princess. It was his job. His duty. It was a matter of honor. He would not fail in this mission. He had
never failed. And he wouldn’t start now. Female or no female.


He swung around and pinned her with his gaze. He studied her for a minute, his little flame, wondering
what it was about this woman that affected him so. Even as the anger and frustration at his situation
bubbled up inside him, something about the way she stood there, proud and unafraid pulled at him. Made
him want to pick her up and carry her upstairs to a room where he could take her again and again.

"We’ll take a room for the night."

The trek from the transport station to town hadn’t been easy. He had to stop several times to let her
rest. Though he was impatient to catch up to the princess, he wouldn’t let Rachel come to any harm in the
process. It would be dishonorable for him to do otherwise.

They would stay at the inn tonight. But, as much as he would like to lose himself in his little flame, he
would abstain from doing so. She was too much of a distraction as it was. If they mated, he knew he
wouldn’t be able to get her out of his mind.

If they mated, he would hurt her. Diharans weren’t known for tame lovemaking. Just the opposite, in
fact. Even with their own kind, incidents were known to happen. Thus, most Diharan males stayed to
their own because they tended to be stronger both in mind and body. Or at least that was what he had
always been told. He had never been with a non-Diharan female, so he had no first hand experience.

The innkeeper showed them to their room. Watching the gentle sway of Rachel’s hips as she ascended
the steps made him wish he had a more varied experience.

Could she handle him? Would she be able to take it if he buried his cock deep inside her? Would her
body quake with need or pain from his touch? Would her screams be screams of passion, or screams of
agony? Zerik wished he could find out. He wanted to know if Rachel could tame his beast.

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"If you would like a meal, please feel free to use the replicator. Your room will be charged accordingly,"
the innkeeper said before leaving their room.

"Thank you," Zerik said closing the door behind the man. Rachel walked farther into the room and
looked out of the one and only window. He followed her movements. She was so graceful. Always
moving in a way that reminded him of dancing. It fascinated him. Created a hunger in him that was
growing hard to suppress. He wanted her in a way he hadn’t wanted a woman in a very long time. He
held himself back, barely.

"What exactly is going on, Zerik? Why are we staying here for the night? I thought you were hard on the
trail of your prey," Rachel muttered with obvious disapproval in her voice. She turned away from the
window to glare at him. He knew she wasn’t happy about being dragged through the desert today.

Zerik thought about ignoring the question, but he was starting to learn just how stubborn Rachel could
be. She wouldn’t let it go.

"We’re stopping here for the night so that you can rest. Tomorrow will be another trek, and I need you
to get plenty of sleep so that you are up to it. Now, sit on the bed and take your shoes and socks off."

"But --"

"Don’t argue with me, little flame. You won’t win. Do as I say. You’ll be glad that you did."

Rachel’s cheeks flushed red. Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared across the room at Zerik.

"I don’t take orders well. Zerik. So why don’t you just --"

Rachel never got to finish what she was saying.

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"Have it your way, little flame. But don’t say I didn’t warn you."

A stormy look crossed Zerik’s face. His jaw tightened and eyes narrowed dangerously. He ate up the
distance between them in a few long strides. Rachel lost the ability to breathe. Even as apprehension filled
her, she couldn’t help but notice what an incredibly handsome man Zerik was. His presence always
seemed to fill a room when he was in it. And he oozed the kind of male sensuality that made her ache to
touch him, again and again.

He crowded forward, making her take a step back. She collided with the wall. Still he moved closer,
until his body pressed against hers and she could see specks of gold in his intense green eyes. Lifting his
hand, he cradled her chin and tilted it up.

"Why do you challenge me? Haven’t you figured out by now that you won’t win? If you would just do
as I say, everything would be much easier, for both of us."

"I don’t take orders very well. I never have. And I don’t plan to start now," she answered, pulling her
chin out of his grasp.

Zerik let her go, but didn’t back off. If anything he moved closer. Crowding into her personal space.
Rachel fought to hold his stare, refusing to back down.

"I would advise you to change your mind. I’m in no mood for defiance. I don’t handle it well. I never
have. And I don’t plan to start now."

The fact that Zerik repeated her exact words wasn’t lost on Rachel. Still she wouldn’t give ground. He
had dragged her through the hot desert, giving her short rests to eat and see to her personal needs, but
pushed her on and on. She hadn’t walked as much as she had today for a very long time. Probably
never. And Zerik hadn’t even warned her. She hadn’t known what to expect.

That really bugged her.

The least he could have done was tell her his plan. But no, he had to play Mr. Quiet Macho guy. And
the worst part was that she had gone along with it. Well, that wasn’t going to happen again. Once upon a

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time a man had taken control of her life, told her what to do, how to live, who to be. And she had let him.
Until she woke up one morning and realized that she didn’t even recognize herself. The person she had
become wasn’t her, and it was someone she wasn’t very proud of.

So she found the courage to leave the man who wanted her to be someone else. And she found herself
again. Her family hadn’t approved. But she had made the leap for herself and rediscovered and
reinvented who she really was. It had taken some time, but she finally came to like herself again. No one
was going to take that away from her.

But how could she get through to this proud man? How could she show him that she was strong and
deserved to be treated with respect? She needed to do it in a way that would also alleviate the tense
situation they were now in. What would be the best approach?

Then it hit her.

She knew just what to do. She just hoped it worked. Smiling, she reached behind Zerik’s neck and
pulled him closer. Confusion replaced some of the anger in his eyes, but he didn’t stop her. Good. She
had him off balance, just like she wanted. Taking a deep breath, she continued with her plan.

Standing on tip toe she pressed her lips to his.

* * * *

Tristan didn’t know whether to strangle or hug Sa Rah.

When he charged outside and saw her climbing the steps his speeding heart almost burst from his chest.
His fear that she had been hurt or was in danger was all he had thought about after he came out of his all
day meetings and Tilly told him that Sa Rah had gone out. He hadn’t thought to warn the staff about how
to handle her, but now he realized that had been a mistake.

He hadn’t liked the panic he felt, or the worry and pain he experienced at the thought that harm had
come to Sa Rah. Seeing her now, fine and acting as if nothing was wrong angered him. His fear and
worry flamed into fury.

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Reaching her quickly, he gave her no time to object as he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.
Turning back to the door, he climbed the steps and headed back inside. He ignored Sa Rah’s screams of
outrage. Disregarding her fists pounding on his back, he passed the wide-eyed staff on his way upstairs.

"Put me down, Tristan! What do you think you’re doing? Let go of me!"

Tristan responded by giving Sa Rah’s bottom a light slap with the palm of his hand.

"Stop yelling, Sa Rah. The servants are getting enough of a show without your dramatics," he said
between gritted teeth.

"Dramatics? What do you mean --"

Sa Rah stopped speaking halfway through her sentence when Tristan laid his palm on her bottom.

"Do you need another, Sa Rah? I’ll be only too glad to do it," he said in a low voice.

Sa Rah stiffened in his arms, but said nothing more as he brought her to her suite of rooms. Pulling the
door open with his free hand, he strode inside, then slammed the door shut with his foot before gently
tipping Sa Rah onto her bed. She immediately sprang up and faced him, hands on hips, outraged
expression in place.

"How dare you? Who do you think you are treating me like that? Who gave you the right to handle me
this way?"

"Believe me, princess, I dare. And I know exactly who I am. Not only am I the man who is in charge of
you, but when I tell you what to do, you better damn listen. Otherwise, we’re going to have a problem. If
I tell you to meet me for dinner, you will not go wandering off somewhere by yourself. You will meet me
for dinner."

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Tristan moved in, bringing his face close to hers. Sa Rah raised her chin stubbornly, meeting him look for
look, glare for glare. Tristan grasped her chin and held her in place.

"Do -- I -- make -- myself -- clear?" His voice was quiet, yet his fury was evident in each sharply
enunciated word he spoke.

She tried to pull away from his hold, but he held her chin firmly in his grasp. He wanted her to know that
he meant what he said, that the danger she put herself in was no joke. Especially in light of the fact that an
assassin was after her.

Sa Rah’s eyes flared wide with anger. Tristan got a glimpse of the Tanvieran princess right before she
slapped him hard across the face. Jerking her chin out of his grasp, she stepped back and initiated
warrior stance. Just like she had been taught.

"You are not and have never been my keeper, Tristan Zax!" she snapped. "Nor are you my husband.
What makes you think I’ll take orders from you? You are nothing more than some half breed Diharan
who can’t keep his beast in rein. I could never consider you my Rov Shom."

The disdain in each word Sa Rah spoke hit Tristan like a physical blow. But the pain quickly turned to
anger. The veil of civility he had barely managed to hold onto disintegrated as the beast in him roared to

Grabbing Sa Rah’s shoulders, he yanked her roughly against him.

"You have not really seen my beast at full strength, Sa Rah. That night so long ago was but a taste of the
horror that lies inside of me, waiting for the slightest chance to break free. But I think you’ve successfully
called him forth this time. I think you’ve finally drawn him out. And I won’t call him back now. It’s time
for you to see the beast you taunt and insult so often."

* * * *

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As each ugly syllable spewed out of her mouth, Sa Rah wanted them back. The hurt on Tristan’s face
twisted her own stomach with pain. She felt his sadness coming at her in waves. She was picking up on
his feelings as only a Rov Shom and Rov Shoma could with each other.

Then the uncontrollable anger overtook him. A deep darkness slid over her, chilling her with its endless
emptiness. Though she only felt what must have been a fraction of what he was feeling, it made her hunch
over and her knees gave way beneath her. It was unbearable. Tristan’s hold on her loosened and she
slipped to the ground, kneeling at his feet, struggling to breathe through her suddenly clogged lungs.

She raised her tear-streaked face to him and gasped.

He had torn his shirt off. She saw his muscles in his chest, abdomen and arms moving, bulging, and
sliding under his skin. Tristan raised his face to the ceiling and let loose a roar. It was pain-filled and so
loud that the walls seemed to shake from the sound. Then he slipped to his knees in front of her.

Tristan was transforming.

He shook as it happened. Sa Rah watched, frozen in shock. His body grew larger, his muscles bulged
and rippled under his skin. She heard the rest of his clothing rip and fall away as he changed. A light
covering of golden hair spread across his face and body. It looked silky and soft, and just as before, her
fingers curled with the urge to touch it. As she looked at him kneeling there, she couldn’t help notice how
humanoid he appeared. Despite the soft hair that now covered his face and body, he was still beautifully
male, with all the same anatomy, except, uh, larger. Definitely larger. A blush crept up her cheeks as she
stared at one particularly enhanced body part.

Once the shaking stopped, Tristan slowly raised his head. Sa Rah noticed that his face had changed too.
It had become almost feline in appearance, with a flattened nose, generous lips, and wide, slanted eyes.
His golden hair partially covered his face, but she couldn’t mistake his stare as he pinned her with his
gaze. She saw that his irises were all black now. Not a speck of bright green remained. The beast in front
of her was one she didn’t know. There was no recognition in his gaze, no feeling. Only coldness as he
studied her like an insect.

Sa Rah shivered in fear and slowly began scooting backwards.

She didn’t get far.

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Before she knew what happened, she was flat on her back. The beast knelt over her, a low rumbling in
his chest. She stayed as still as possible, somehow knowing that any sudden movements would be
dangerous. Feeling his breath brush against her ear, she was surprised when Tristan began softly nuzzling
her hair. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, as if he were memorizing her scent.

She stiffened and fought not to move when he moved down her body, deeply inhaling her scent. First her
face, then her neck, then over her chest, and skimming her abdomen. She couldn’t help gasping when he
stopped to nuzzle the center of her. She felt his hot breath through her clothes. It brushed against her
womanhood, leaving it warm and tingling. Then he moved on to her legs, all the way down to her toes.

He must have been satisfied with her scent, because he sat back on his haunches at her feet and studied
her for a moment. She slowly lifted herself up on her elbows so she could watch him. Tristan seemed to
be pondering something. As if she were a puzzle he wasn’t sure how to solve. She didn’t know what to
do next, but she knew she needed to be very careful about his reaction to anything she did. The energy
he exuded told her he would pounce on her without hesitation if she did something he didn’t like. Though
he appeared relaxed, the feelings she was picking up, due to their connection, told her he was anything
but that. He was waiting. Waiting to see what she would do.

Though her heart was beating out of control, Sa Rah slowly sat up. He growled softly and his eyes
narrowed, but Tristan didn’t move. Tucking her feet under her, Sa Rah slid forward until she knelt in front
of him. He was so tall that she was forced to look up to meet his eyes. He gazed down at her, but didn’t

As Sa Rah looked deeply into his eyes, she realized she had been wrong. On closer inspection, she saw
that Tristan’s now black eyes were not empty and cold. They were completely black, but they were
intense with feeling. As she opened herself up to let his feelings wash over her, she felt everything, all that
his eyes were telling her.

Intense need and longing.

The kind of need that shook her. And a kind of desperate longing. But what was it that he longed for?
What was it that Tristan needed? Though they mentally shared feelings, she wasn’t able to fully read his

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"What is it?"

Sa Rah didn’t realize she had spoken aloud until Tristan’s brow furrowed. He tilted his head sideways
and looked at her in question. Something about that look touched her.

It made her want to touch him.

She slowly raised her hand up to his face. He pulled back slightly and growled. She froze. She knew that
she should just pull back, but something urged her to continue. Staring deeply into his eyes she tried to
convey her feelings to him.

It’s okay. I mean you no harm. It’s okay.

She tried to project that reassurance to him over and over before attempting to touch him again. She
touched her fingers to his face. His growl grew louder until she began softly stroking her fingers along his
cheek. Then it just faded away. Tristan leaned his face into her touch, and closed his eyes.

His actions sent a punch of emotion to her stomach. The likes of which she had never experienced. An
ache pulled at her, making her knees weak. What was he doing to her? Why did she feel this way? An
irresistible urge to touch him with both hands filled her. Reaching up, she cupped his other cheek. A
rumble sounded deep in his chest, but this time it didn’t sound like a growl. It was more of a satisfied
sound. Almost as if he was purring.

The sound shook her. The ache she felt turned into intense yearning. A yearning for something just out of
reach. Something she desperately needed. Sa Rah didn’t know what it was, but her need was making her
weak. When Tristan rubbed his face against her hands, the soft silky feel of fur brushing against her
fingers became too much. She closed her eyes to savor the feel of him. Each stroke was bringing her
closer and closer to something, but she didn’t know what it was. That frightened her as nothing else this
fierce beast could do would.

What was she doing?

Sa Rah pulled away abruptly. Rising to her feet she began backing up. Tristan’s eyes flew open. His

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gaze looked dazed, disoriented, at first. But then he brought it into focus quickly. And once he saw what
she was doing, he let out a loud growl and jumped to his feet.

He was bigger than she remembered. Not just taller, but bigger, bulkier, just large all over. So much so
that she felt fear run up and down her spine. He could hurt her. If he wanted to, he could really hurt her.
And she wouldn’t be able to stop it. The warrior in her acknowledged it, knew that her only chance of
escape would be speed and agility. And even that wasn’t for sure. She knew nothing about Diharans.
Maybe they were fast and agile as well as monstrously large.

Sa Rah backed into the wall behind her. Tristan’s intense stare stayed glued to hers. He strode closer.
She raised her hands into fists, spread her feet apart in warrior stance, and held her breath. He noticed,
and the action stopped him in his tracks. His gaze ran down her body, then up again. Narrowing his eyes
dangerously, he began pacing back and forth in front of her.

What was he doing?

She had expected an attack. She had thought he would try to hurt her. But he hadn’t. Why not? What
was going through his mind? How did his mind function in this state? There were too many questions. She
wished he would answer some of them for her. She knew he could speak in this form. Why didn’t he?

Sa Rah watched him for a few minutes. He continued walking back and forth, glancing her way now and
again. Frowning as he looked at her, he would turn away then continue pacing. The action became
almost hypnotic. Her eyelids grew heavy and fatigue seemed to fill her every pore.

She needed to rest.

Slowly, she slid her back down the wall, until she was sitting on the ground. Tristan watched her
carefully, but didn’t venture her way. She wrapped her arms around her knees and rested her chin on
them. Soon his pacing became a blur as her eyelids closed of their own accord. She opened them a few
times, struggling to stay awake, but they eventually closed again.


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She needed sleep. The darkness beckoned her into its comforting peace. She never heard Tristan hit the
floor as he collapsed.

* * * *

Tristan woke up. He quickly scanned the room until he found her. Sa Rah. She was asleep on the
ground. Curled up in a sitting position with her back against the wall and her hands wrapped around her
knees. Relief rushed through him. She looked peaceful and content. He wouldn’t wake her.

He needed to go.

His transformation and his feelings for Sa Rah had shaken him. He needed to mull things over. Away
from her, away from the influence she had on him. In his mind, he needed to decide what he would do if
Sa Rah never accepted him, all of him, beast included. Their last conversation told him much. She looked
upon his beast with disgust. Maybe it was time he realized that it may not work out between them.
Despite the fact that they were truth mates, maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.

He knew that once the beast was upon him, he acted differently. The transformation affected not only his
external appearance, but it also changed his thought process. Everything narrowed down to a few
important issues: survival, protection, and dominance. The last was part of survival. When the beast took
control, it needed to be the aggressive alpha male. This not only perpetuated survival but also
propagation of his species. Alpha males won battles, lived the longest, and mated with females of their
choice. For the beast in him, those were the most important goals. Nothing else mattered.

Despite this, when Tristan changed, a part of his human self remained. Almost like a calming voice of
reason, steadying him. So, even though he really wasn’t the same, he wasn’t completely different either.
His comprehension of language and ability to speak was present, yet he preferred to sense meaning
through body language. In his primal form, body language tended to be the most telling, and had the most

Although he could communicate verbally, with Sa Rah he preferred to make use of their mental
connection. Since she was his truth mate, they retained that same mental bond they had when he was in
human form. His message to her would no doubt be much more basic and primal, but the meaning and
feeling behind it would come through. He remembered everything that occurred while he was the beast.
He always did.

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He especially remembered the anger and frustration he had felt towards Sa Rah when he changed. But
he also recalled the fact that she had unconsciously projected calming, soothing words to him. That had
stopped his beast in his tracks. He had been confused and unsure what to do. That confusion must have
projected to her, because he recalled how she just slid down to the floor and waited him out, neither
pushing him or trying to run away.

Would Sa Rah be able to handle him? Did she understand that he was both the beast on the outside, and
his true self on the inside? Not many non-Diharans knew how to deal with such a dichotomy. Time apart
would be good for both of them. It would give Sa Rah a chance to figure out what she wanted, and it
would give him the opportunity to think about the reality and implications of their situation.

But Tristan wouldn’t leave the estate.

He’d stay here because he still needed to make sure the assassin didn’t come close to her. The ranch
was big enough for him to keep to himself. She need never talk to him, if he chose it to be that way. He
would instruct his staff to watch over her, not to tell her his whereabouts, and give him updates while he
took this time to himself. Maybe their time apart would help her also. Maybe it would give his ishwala the
chance to decide what she could and could not accept.

Yes. This would be best for both of them. Slipping from the room, he dressed then began making all the
arrangements with his staff. Sa Rah wanted him to leave her alone.

His princess would get what she desired.

* * * *


Sa Rah’s eyes flew open as a painful cramp shot up her leg. Unfolding them, she stretched out. Tingles
of feeling slowly returned and the cramp eventually faded. Glancing around the room, she noticed that she
was completely alone.

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Where was Tristan? No, not Tristan. The beast. The image of him pacing the floor in front of her as she
fell asleep came back to her. What happened? Why hadn’t he attacked her? He had been close to doing
so, but something stopped him.

Getting to her feet, she looked around the room, then in the bathroom. No sign of him. Tristan was gone.
Sa Rah walked over to the bed and lay down. Even though she had just woken up, she still felt tired,
even exhausted. She knew on some level that it wasn’t just a physical fatigue. She was tired emotionally.
That encounter with Tristan’s beast had taken a lot out of her. Just trying to remain calm in the face of not
only his transformation, but also his interest had not been easy.

Even her warrior training hadn’t prepared her for the ferociousness of a Diharan beast. That wasn’t
something she had been specifically taught. Nevertheless, she had been instructed on dealing with
unknown, aggressive creatures. Thinking about it, though, Tristan hadn’t really been aggressive, or even
threatening. He had just shown interest in her. A very strong, pointed interest, but still a non-threatening

She felt a twinge low in her stomach as she remembered the way he had smelled her scent. It had left her
feeling breathless, and aware. Very aware of the attraction they shared. Though Tristan was in his beast
form, he still was who he was, her truth mate. That hadn’t changed with the beast’s control.

So what if his attention had turned her on? That wasn’t anything new. She had known she was attracted
to him for a long time. Then why did this time seem so much stronger, so much more intimate? It had
been so incredibly primal that she couldn’t have denied her feelings for him if she had tried. All of that had
come bubbling to the surface when his beast engaged her. That had been frightening. To the point that
she had almost lost control. If she had let things continue, they would have. She had no doubt about that.

She needed to find a way to escape. As much as she enjoyed the eborafs, and learning about this ranch,
she couldn’t let herself lose it like this. Not with Tristan. She just wasn’t sure she could handle his beast.
Or the way he made her feel.

Her decision made, Sa Rah’s sleepiness faded away. Now was a time for action, and a plan. She
thought about it for a while, and then slowly smiled. First things first, she needed to get to know the staff.
One of the many things she had learned as a princess was that households were made or broken by the
staff. They were the ones that kept everything together. And they were the ones who knew every little
secret about the inhabitants of the house they worked for.

Striding out of her room, Sa Rah felt good. She wasn’t sure where she was going, but at least she now

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had a purpose.

Chapter 13

Zerik was losing control.

The feel of Rachel’s lips against his hit him like a fist to his stomach. And when she moved her mouth
sensuously against his, he thought he would explode. He grabbed her around the waist and pulled her
roughly against him. He knew his touch was far from gentle, but he couldn’t help himself. He needed to
feel her, all of her, against him. Her mouth parted in a sigh and he took full advantage. Delving inside, he
explored her with his tongue, then met hers in an intimate dance.

Rachel pressed against him, and moaned softly into his mouth. Then she did something that almost undid
Zerik. She slid her hands between them, under his shirt, and traced the hard contours of his chest with
her delicate fingers. Though her hands were cool, they burned a path over his body, branding him with
her touch again and again. When her explorations stopped at the waistband of his pants he sucked in his

His fingers contracted against her waist. Once, twice, and again. When her hand slid into his pants he
grasped it, and tugged it out, then held both of her hands behind Rachel’s back.

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"Do you know what you do to me?" he asked through gritted teeth.

A little seductive smile curved her lips upward, and Zerik experienced another jolt of awareness.

"Yes, I know what I’m doing to you. The same thing you do to me whenever you touch me."

Rachel tried to press close to him again, but he held her away from him. It wasn’t easy. All he wanted to
do was crush her to him, and take what she offered. Everything she offered.

"No, little flame. You really don’t know what you’re doing to me. Or what the consequences could be. I
don’t think you’d like the results if we continue. You see, I’m different from you. And this kind of
situation would only bring out my differences faster than it should. So do us both a favor. Keep your
distance. Because if you don’t, you’ll get more than you bargained for. And I don’t think you’ll be able to
handle it."

* * * *

Rachel reacted the way she often did when someone challenged her, vowing to show them just how
wrong they were. Catching Zerik off guard, she pulled back, instead of pushing forward. He released her
and she immediately closed the distance between them again before he could stop her. Wrapping her
arms around his neck, she brought her lips to his ear.

"Show me your worst, Zerik. I can handle it." Then she slipped the tip of her tongue into his ear and
swirled it slowly around.

Zerik shuddered against her. She smiled. He wasn’t so indifferent to her after all.

Spreading kisses from his ear, down his cheek to his lips, she pressed her mouth to his. At first he
merely stiffened and kept his lips tightly closed. But when Rachel began taking nips and sips from his
mouth, he opened for her. A growl rumbled low in his throat as he grabbed her around the waist, yet
again, and pulled her against his hardness. His mouth took control, forcing hers open. His tongue boldly

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explored every inch of it. His hands slid roughly under her shirt. His touch was urgent and needy, far from

Rachel didn’t care. She had gotten just the reaction from Zerik she wanted. Now, how far would he
take it? How far would she let him? As his fingers slid closer and closer to her breast, coherent thought
began to fade and need took over. She needed Zerik to touch her. She needed him to make her feel like
a desirable woman, like a woman he wanted.

His hand slid over one of her breasts and her knees grew weak. He lightly played with her nipples,
rubbing and squeezing them until she thought she would shout her frustration and desire to the world.

Then he lifted her shirt and replaced his hands with his mouth.

The strong draw of his mouth on her breast made her dizzy. The hot, moist feel of it overcame her.
Taking his head in her hands, Rachel pulled him closer. Zerik drew harder on her. An aching pull
matching the one by his mouth began at the apex of her thighs. She clenched her legs together in an effort
to stop it, but it just grew and pulsated until she thought she would be completely overtaken by it.

Just when Rachel thought she wouldn’t be able to take a minute more of it, Zerik reached between them
and cupped her womanhood. Though it was over her clothes, the warmth of his hands permeated the thin
covering she wore. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips before she could stop it. Zerik responded with
another low growl, then pressed one finger against her. Her folds parted and he found her clit through the
cloth. Moving his fingers in a circular motion, his touch soothed the ache that was centered there.

Rachel grew embarrassed as she felt herself grow moist. She knew her wetness permeated the thin
material that covered her. That meant Zerik felt it also. It was too much. She tried to pull her hips back,
away from his touch. He responded by wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her in place.

"Oh no, little flame. You started this. Now I will finish it. I feel your sweet nectar coating my finger, just
as you knew I would. It would not be fair of you to let me feel you without tasting you, would it?’

Without waiting for a reply, Zerik grasped the waistband of her pants and slowly pulled it down. Rachel
closed her eyes as she felt them slide over her hips, her thighs, and past her knees. But she didn’t say no.
She couldn’t … no … she wouldn’t stop him now. She wanted this. She needed Zerik to touch her, taste
her, and possess her. Admitting that to herself was freeing. She wanted to shout her exaltation to the

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Then she felt his eyes on her body. She immediately felt self-conscious. Here she was an over fifty year
old woman, with her pants around her ankles, while a forty something man stared at her. All her wrinkles,
stretch marks, sagging skin, all her fat, and all her imperfections. He must think her disgusting. He was
used to women younger, firmer, and more beautiful, she was sure of it. She started to cover herself, but
his words stopped her in her tracks.

"You are an incredibly beautiful woman, Rachel. So beautiful inside that it shames me. And so beautiful
on the outside that looking at you overcomes me. It makes me feel undeserving," he admitted in a hoarse
voice. Kneeling in front of her, he laid his cheek against her bare stomach.

Rachel was stunned.

This rough warrior was speaking to her like a poet. And it was music to her ears. He made her feel
desirable, beautiful, and feminine. Placing her hands on his head, she ran her fingers through his hair and
held him against her. When he began nuzzling her stomach, she savored it. When he began kissing it, she
enjoyed it. When his mouth trailed down and found the center of her, she gloried in it.

Her knees turned to wet noodles as his tongue found her core, and explored it mercilessly. Sensing what
she was feeling, Zerik moved away only long enough to lift her up and lay her on the bed directly behind
her. Leaving her legs hanging over the edge, he parted her thighs, and again focused on her woman’s
heat. She flew higher and higher on the wings of desire. The ache at her center turned into an
all-consuming need. His mouth tasted, laved, and delved inside her until she saw star bursts behind her
closed eyes. Hips lifting at his every touch, Rachel soon splintered into a million pieces.

* * * *

Sa Rah left her room, and ran straight into Tilly. She grabbed the other woman’s arm to keep her from

"Ooh! Pardon, princess," Tilly pulled back and gave Sa Rah a small bow.

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"Don’t worry, Tilly. You’re just the person I was coming to find."

This seemed to please the woman. She puffed her chest out slightly and smiled proudly.

"I will do whatever I can for you, princess. After all, it’s not often that one gets to care for a princess of

"I see."

"A dinner tray will be brought up shortly, if you’re hungry."

Sa Rah’s stomach picked that moment to growl loudly. Both women looked at each other and laughed.

"I’ll take that for a yes, princess."

"Please don’t call me princess, Tilly. It’s much too formal. I’d feel more comfortable if you’d call me Sa

"I don’t know, princess. You deserve all the respect your title comes with. I’m not sure I’d feel right
calling you by your first name."

"Please do. You asked me what you could do for me. Well, this is the first thing you can do. Please?"

Tilly gave Sa Rah a pleased smile and nodded her head.

"Of course, prin-uh, Sa Rah. If it will make you more comfortable. Now, what else can I do for you?
You mentioned that you were looking for me."

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"Please come sit with me in my room for a moment, rather than out here in the hall," Sa Rah said turning
and walking back into her room.

Tilly followed her to the sitting area of her suite. The two sat opposite of each other. Sa Rah on the
couch and Tilly in a chair.

"I really just wanted to know more about this ranch. As I mentioned to you earlier, I love eborafs. They
are my favorite animal, and riding them is a hobby of mine. How long has this ranch been running? Has it
always been in Tristan’s family?"

"Wouldn’t you rather speak to Tristan about this? He can tell you all about the ranch and his family."

"No, I’d rather you talk to me about it. As you’ve probably guessed, Tristan and I have a bit of tension
between us, and I’m much more comfortable talking to you."

"Well, of course I noticed, but it really isn’t my place to make note of such things. I’ve sensed this
tension and I’ll be glad to talk with you, if you’d rather. Now, let’s see. This ranch has been around

Sa Rah let Tilly talk about the ranch for quite some time. She listened attentively, but occasionally her
mind would wander to other things. Back and forth the images would fly. Sometimes to her past, other
times to the future. Yet almost all of these thoughts featured one person.


First on her home planet of Tanveira, then on Earth, and now on his home planet of Dihara. Why was
she so obsessed with him? She was supposed to be learning about the ranch to make an escape, not
dwelling on Tristan. Yet there he was. The handsome, loving, teasing friend of her brother. The sexy,
assertive body guard at the club, and now her intense and domineering keeper. All of these were
wrapped up in who he was. As the beast he held inside also was a part of him.

An image of his beast rose up in her mind. That moment when he paced back and forth in front of her

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while she watched. In those minutes before she fell asleep, she knew that Tristan’s beast was not just a
beast, not just some mindless animal, he was also Tristan. He had thoughts and feelings like Tristan, he
just expressed them in a different way. And he looked different. Beyond that he was still the man she had
known for so long.

She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t seen that before. It hit her now, like a heavy stone, weighing on her
conscience. Considering the fact that Tanvierans reached their True State during Rov Hum, and that their
condition was also primal and animalistic should have made her more tolerant and understanding of
Tristan and his condition. Often her people, when in that state, could not be held responsible for their
actions. They were very different, so extreme from the person’s normal behavior that it was shocking.

So why hadn’t she accepted Tristan for everything he was? Shame filled her as she considered what a
hypocrite she had become. When had that happened? What was the real reason for her not accepting
him? Was it so much fear of him, or fear of herself?

Sa Rah’s thoughts were interrupted by something Tilly said.

"Tristan instructed us to watch over you because of the assassin and --"

"You know about the assassin?"

"Yes, princess."

"What else did Tristan tell you, Tilly?’

"He told us that we need to protect you. He also mentioned that you may not be as, uh, cooperative as
you should be, but that we should follow his instructions to the best of our ability, regardless of that," the
woman admitted reluctantly.

"What instructions, exactly, did he give you and the rest of the staff?"

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"That you are to be in our sight at all time, that you should never be allowed to go anywhere by yourself,
and that you are not to leave the estate for any reason, unless we get express permission from Tristan."

Anger bubbled up inside Sa Rah, but she tried to tamp it down. After all, she could understand why
Tristan was being so protective. But it still irritated her that he didn’t talk to her first before setting these
ground rules with his staff.

Irritation must have shown on her face.

"Is everything okay, princess? I hope my words haven’t upset you. I assumed you knew all of this
already," Tilly asked with a worried frown.

"I’m fine. Thank you for telling me the truth," Sa Rah assured her. "But if you don’t mind, I’d like to
speak to Tristan for a moment. Do you know where I can find him?"

She and her Diharan keeper needed to have a little conversation.

"I’m sorry, but Tristan has instructed us not to disturb him under any circumstances. He mentioned
working on a project that would take much time, and requested that no one interrupt him."

Suspicion crept to Sa Rah’s mind, but she tried not to dwell on it.

"I see. Well then, I guess I’ll just enjoy the tray that’s being sent in and retire for the evening. The day’s
activities have made me somewhat tired," Sa Rah said rising to her feet.

Tilly stood also and allowed Sa Rah to lead her out of the bedroom. Just then, a young woman walked
up the stairs with a tray of food.

"Here’s your food now," Tilly said, taking the tray from the other woman and bringing it into the

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"I hope you enjoy the food and have a restful evening. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to
contact us. There is a com-link system on the wall by each door. Just press it and one of the staff will
help you," Tilly explained as she set the tray on the table.

"Thank you. I will," Sa Rah said as Tilly closed the door behind her.

Sa Rah’s stomach growled again as the delicious scent of the food reached her. She wanted to find
Tristan as soon as possible and demand an explanation, but she needed to eat.

After eating what tasted like a delicious pot roast with tomato sauce, fresh sautéed vegetables, soft
warm bread followed by cool sweet water, Sa Rah was stuffed. Why did she suddenly feel so tired? She
wanted to find Tristan, but she just couldn’t muster the energy to get up off of the couch. Maybe she
would just take a quick little nap. Just for a few minutes, then she would look for the Diharan.

She lay on the bed and sighed. It was so comfortable. Just a few minutes. That’s all she needed.

* * * *

Restless and irritated, Tristan paced back and forth in his study. He stopped by a window and stared
out into the night sky. Its darkness was so deep and thick he felt as if he could reach out and touch it.
Living in a large city on Earth for so long, he often forgot how quiet and dark it was out here. Opening
the window, he took a deep breath. The familiar smell of the ranch comforted him. The shuffling of eboraf
and soft calls they made to each other reached him, despite the fact that he was on the second floor. He
remembered the sound from his childhood. Many a night he would fall a sleep to what his mother called
an eboraf lullaby.

All this brought him a small measure of comfort as his thoughts raced out of control. In an effort to
banish those thoughts, he had already spent most of the day and evening working on ranch business.
When his mother had been alive, people handled the daily operation. Since she passed away, those
people still handled the daily operation, but it was now necessary for him to come home more often to go
over the accounting and consult with his managers on large scale decisions.

As always, thoughts of his mother saddened him. Yet he had to keep in mind that she had been an

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intelligent, lively, and caring person who had lived a full and happy life. After his father left her, she had
found a mate who had treated her with the respect and caring she deserved. Yet they had never had any
more children. He was the only one. And since his mother and her mate were now both dead, the ranch
and all its responsibilities were his.

He was glad to be home for a visit, yet the current situation left him focused on other agendas. One
central theme in particular prevailed. Or rather, one person.

Sa Rah.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he could banish her from his sight for a while, but
that wouldn’t get her out of his mind. Staying away from her wasn’t the answer. The dark night swirled
and changed, forming an image of her face. Dark silky tresses framed its beauty. Thick sooty, black
eyelashes fringed large, feline, turquoise eyes that often seemed to dominate her other features, a thin pert
nose, and full sensuous lips that belied the firm and often stubborn set of her jaw.

Her face was pleasing to him, as was everything else about her. Her body was tall and strong, yet softly
curved in all the right places. And her scent, it haunted him. She smelled so good, he often stood beside
her, just to breathe deeply and enjoy her essence.

Sa Rah was intelligent. They could speak to each other about many topics, philosophy, religion, politics,
and science, and had done so during many of his visits with her brother, Jo Sha, at their family home.
Those conversations had been refreshing and exciting to him. He had met so many beautiful women who
couldn’t hold a conversation. He had almost given up hope of finding a woman he found both intelligent
and attractive.

She was confident in who she was and what she wanted, yet at the same time she was caring and
concerned about others. Up until her rejection of him because of what he was, he didn’t think she thought
ill of anyone due to their race, origins, or species.

He had been wrong about that. He had been wrong about her. She had shown him that over and over

He wasn’t sure if Sa Rah would be able to get over her preconceived notions about him, but he wasn’t
about to give up now. Though the situation between them had become strained over the last few days,

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they had started to bond in a way they never had before. He knew Sa Rah felt the connection as well.

Her feelings of attraction, connection, interest, and frustration paralleled his. Yet the horror and fear she
felt was all her own. And it pained him to the point that he gave thought to sending her home, back to her
family on Tanviera, and avoiding any future contact with her.

But Tristan couldn’t do it. Though many saw him as a strong warrior, when it came to Sa Rah, he
considered himself nothing more than a coward. Thoughts of his life without her haunted him. It would be
dark, lonely, and unbearable without his truth mate. No, he would find a way to get through to her. To
make her understand and accept him.

He resumed his pacing, feeling like some frustrated, caged beast. He wanted to storm from the room,
find Sa Rah and make her his once and for all. But he wouldn’t. Not yet.

It was going to be a long night.

* * * *

Sa Rah’s eyes fluttered open only to face the sunlight glaring brightly through the window. Squinting to
give herself time to adjust to it, she tried to sit up, but a weight on her chest stopped her. When the
weight shifted, her eyes flew open and she bolted upright.

Her first urge was to push whatever was on her off, but she stopped herself before doing it when she
saw who, or actually what was lying on her. Growling softly in complaint, it slid down to her lap as she
sat up. She couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a baby yaquesh from her home world of Tanviera! Its
rainbow colored needles showed only part of its brightness, as it was a nocturnal animal whose true
colors only glowed by the light of the moon. Yet it was still beautiful no matter the time of day.

Sa Rah didn’t know what to do. These animals were known for the ability to defend themselves against
attack by shooting deadly, poisonous needles at their attackers. Yet looking down at the creature, she
saw that it seemed very calm and relaxed where it lay. The animal typically arched its back and raised its
needles when it felt threatened and was about to attack.

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This yaquesh did little more than look up at her pleadingly and make a soft whining noise. It was almost
as if, no it couldn’t be. She took a closer look at its little face. Yes, it looked like it wanted her to pet it.

Should she?

The choice was taken away from her when the yaquesh picked its head up and rubbed it against her
hand. Unclenching her fist, she carefully petted its head. Unlike the rest of its spiny body, the animal’s
head and face was covered in soft, fine fur. Closing its eyes, its soft mewling grew in volume.

"You like that, don’t you, little one?"

At the sound of her voice the animal cocked its head and met her eyes with a gaze that was both
innocent and knowing at the same time.

"I see you’ve made a new friend already, ishwala."

Sa Rah gasped and swung her gaze to the doorway.

Tristan stood in the doorway leaning against its frame, arms crossed over his chest, with amusement
written all over his face. Sa Rah lost her breath, but this time not from surprise. Rather it was because of
how good he looked. He was dressed casually, in snug fawn colored pants and a white linen loose fitting
shirt. The thigh high tan boots he wore told her he was getting ready to go riding.

"That’s Jonathan."

"Jonathan? But that doesn’t sound like a Diharan name."

"True. But, as you know, the yaquesh is a native of Tanviera, not Dihara."

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Tristan gave her a teasing grin, and she couldn’t help but smile back. His boyish grin was addictive. Both
fun loving and sexy at the same time.

"But Jonathan is also not a Tanvieran name, as you know, Tristan," she teased right back.

"It wasn’t before, but now that your brother has taken a mate from 21st century Earth, I think it will
become popular. Helen named him after the title of one of her favorite books. It’s the book, Jonathan
Livingston Seagull, by an author called Richard Bach. She said it was a story that helped her with her life
and she also recommended that I read it. I haven’t had a chance to yet, but look forward to doing so one
day. Jo Sha and his new wife gave this creature to me right after their Rov Hum ceremony, as a way of
thanking me for my help."

"Interesting. The woman I met while I was held captive is Jo Sha’s new truth mate?"

"That’s right," he replied, watching her with an expectant look on his face. It was as if he thought she
would react in a certain way.

"She is a very brave and caring woman. I will never forget her comfort during that difficult time," Sa Rah
said, then frowned as another thought occurred to her. "But why did they give you a yaquesh?"

Tristan chuckled. It was low and sexy. The sound of it sent tingles of pleasure down Sa Rah’s spine.

"It seems your brother likens his new wife to a yaquesh -- intelligent, beautiful, but also somewhat

Sa Rah laughed softly. She could imagine her brother with just such a woman. His mate would need to
be strong, and particular about what she expected from him. Growing up, Jo Sha had always been too
serious. Granted, he was the male heir to the Tanvieran throne, and had a lot of expectations, but the way
he handled it had not been good for him. He took much on at a young an age. As children, she had
always tried to lighten his mood, but wasn’t sure if it had done any good.

When Jo Sha rebelled against his parents and started acting out in wild ways, it didn’t surprise Sa Rah.
She knew her brother had suppressed things for too long. Maintaining that kind of control eventually got

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to a person, regardless of how strong they were. Yes, he made some bad choices, yes, he had acted
irresponsibly on occasion, but her brother had needed that break from being the royal prince. And once
that phase ended, he came back a stronger, better, and wiser leader.

She was so proud of the person her brother had become. And glad he had found a worthy mate.
Thoughts of her family suddenly made her homesick. She missed her brother, and her mother and father,
more than she could say. She looked forward to the time when she could see them again, to the time
when she could hold them in her arms and hug them. She had always been close to her family, and being
away from them had been difficult.

"Would you like to ride with me, Sa Rah?" Tristan asked, softly interrupting her thoughts.

Her sadness lifted slightly at his offer. She loved to ride. Looking up into his face, she saw only
gentleness and understanding there.

"Yes, Tristan. I would love to go riding with you."

Understanding passed between them as they stared into each other’s eyes. Understanding and
something else. Something that was always unspoken between them. The knowledge that they were
connected in a way that they would never be with anyone else. The intimacy and feelings they shared
were theirs and theirs alone. Tristan knew it. And despite everything, Sa Rah couldn’t deny it.

But she didn’t want to face that now. She didn’t want to think about consequences, one days, or what
ifs. She just wanted to feel the wind flying past her as the steady canter of an eboraf carried her away
over the endless landscape that made up this planet. She needed it right now. More than anything else,
she needed that.

And Tristan understood.

"Great. Tilly will bring up a light breakfast tray for you. There are riding clothes in the closet that should
fit you."

Without another word, Tristan turned and left her room, closing the door quietly behind him.

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A few minutes later, a soft knock sounded at her door.

"Come in."

Tillie walked in with her breakfast tray and set it on the table.

"Good morning, prin-uh-Sa Rah," the housekeeper said correcting herself with a cheery smile and shake
of her head. "It’s hard for me to remember you like to be called by your given name. Did you sleep

"Yes, thank you, Tilly. And thanks for the tray."

"You’re welcome. Just make sure you eat enough. Eboraf riding can take a lot out of you, so you’ll need
your energy. I’ll be back in a bit to take you to the stables."

"You don’t need to do that, Tilly. I’m sure I can find my way."

"No, Sa Rah. This house is so big that many who haven’t been here before have gotten lost in it. Until
you learn your way around, I don’t mind helping you. Now just eat a good breakfast, and I’ll return in
one hour," Tilly insisted in a very motherly no nonsense way.

Sa Rah wanted to argue, but she realized that it just wasn’t worth it. If Tillie wanted to walk her out to
the stables, she would let her. Either way, she was going riding. That was the most important thing. As
soon as the housekeeper left, she ate every bit of the food on her tray. After cleaning up, she found a
riding outfit in the closet and dressed.

It was time to ride.

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Chapter 14

Rachel slowly floated back to reality.

Zerik lay against her back on the bed, spoon fashion. His face was buried in her hair and she felt his
warm breath against her neck as he breathed deeply. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and one
leg lay over hers. His hand covered her bare stomach, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin.

It was heaven.

Rachel didn’t want to move. She didn’t want Zerik to know she was awake. The moment was so
perfect. She felt so safe. So cherished.

It felt just, well, just so right.

"I was wondering when you would awaken," he said softly as he continued to nuzzle her hair. "Did you
know that your hair reminds me of fire? A vibrant, living, flowing flame. It draws me to you. It’s so
beautiful, just as you are, Rachel."

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Rachel didn’t know what to say. Tears formed in her eyes. What was happening to her? This gentle
man, this assassin, this gruff warrior, this poet, was turning her inside out. Who was he really, and why
did he make her feel this way?

She didn’t have time to ponder it. Zerik pulled away from her and she immediately felt the loss. A chill
filled the space he left behind. It was then that she realized her pants were still around her ankles. How
embarrassing! She flipped onto her back and scrambled to pull them up.

Zerik chuckled softly.

Sitting up she glared at him.

"What’s so funny?" she demanded.

"I was just thinking about how much I enjoy looking at your body, and how quick you are to cover it

"Why is that so funny?"

"Because if you knew what sensual images and ideas your body inspires in me, you would probably pull
your clothes on even faster."

Rachel felt a blush creep up her cheeks. A blush! She was fifty-three years old, yet this man had the
ability to make her blush. How was that possible? She couldn’t remember the last time she blushed. She
didn’t like it. She didn’t want someone to have that kind of power over her. Not again.

Her eyes narrowed and she raked her gaze over him.

"How old are you?"

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Zerik seemed surprised by her question.

"In your Earth years, I am 45 years old. Why do you ask?"

"Do you know how old I am?"

As if sensing the direction the conversation was going, Zerik’s own eyes narrowed.

"I would estimate we are about the same age, Rachel. Why are you asking such things?"

Rachel squared her shoulders and raised her chin proudly. She needed to set things right. Before it went
any farther. He needed to know what the situation really was.

"We are not the same age. I am 53 years old, Zerik. Much older than you. Too old for you. This thing
between us isn’t right. Do you understand?"

Anger ignited in Zerik’s intense green eyes.

"No, I don’t understand. You are older than I. What does that matter, little flame?"

Rachel was speechless for a minute. What did it matter? Well, didn’t it matter to him? Shouldn’t it matter
to him? After all, in ten years, she’d be sixty-three, and he’d only be fifty-five. He was still so youthful
and vigorous. She stayed active, trying to keep in shape and as healthy as possible. But eight years’
difference was so much. It wasn’t two or three. It was eight. Between an older man and younger woman
this might be considered acceptable, but not the other way around. It couldn’t work, could it?

Rachel shook her head to clear it. What was she thinking anyway? It wasn’t as if she were going to
marry the man. He was an assassin. And he wasn’t even from her planet, let alone her country. Plus he

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was from the future. A relationship couldn’t get much more cross-cultural than that. It was improbable
and impossible that there could be anything more between them than here and now.

So why not take advantage of the situation and enjoy it? The little voice in her head whispered. But
could she do it? Could she just enjoy this man, regardless of her age and everything else going on around
them? Could she just have a good time until they found Honey, then go home with her friend and never
see Zerik again? It could work. She was a mature woman. She would be able to handle it, wouldn’t she?

Yes. That’s what she would do. Just enjoy the moment and the man. And when the time came to help
Honey and say goodbye to him, she would do it. She could handle it. Ignoring the little voice inside that
told her she was fooling herself, Rachel plastered a light smile on her face and faced Zerik.

"You’re right. It doesn’t matter."

Instead of looking satisfied by her reply, Zerik eyed her warily.

* * * *

Zerik’s lust was pounding at him. Looking at Rachel, clothes disheveled, hair tousled, and eyes half
closed with lazy satisfaction rocked him. He wanted to plunge deep inside her and take her over the edge
again. But this time he wanted to go with her. He suppressed it. Kept his desire just under the surface.
Willing it, and his beast to subside.

Because despite his state of arousal, he knew Rachel was up to something. She just didn’t give up so
easily, or at least she hadn’t since he had met her. Every decision he made, every action he had taken
had been questioned. She was stubborn. So why had she agreed so easily to his argument? He knew she
was concerned about their difference in age. It bothered her.

In truth, he was aware that she was older than him, but it had been a passing thought of no import. Age
had nothing to do with attraction. In his culture it was not an issue. As long as both people had already
passed into adulthood, and were mutually attracted, his society held no judgment about them. Why
would they?

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But from Rachel’s words and actions, on Earth this was an issue. Yet she had given in. She had
accepted his words. And now she smiled at him in a way that he knew was not natural. It was still
beautiful, as was she, but it wasn’t sincere. He would just have to wait and watch. He was good at that.
And just as it always did, the truth would eventually come out. Until then, he would enjoy the moment.
Returning her smile, he slid down to the edge of the bed and began taking off her shoes.

"Wh-what are you doing?" she asked frowning with what must have been confusion.

"I’m taking your shoes off," Zerik replied.

Rachel rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

"I know that. Why are you taking them off?"

"Because you need healing ointment. They are most likely blistered and raw from our trek," he explained
pulling off her socks to reveal her feet.

"They aren’t blistered. I don’t even feel --" she started to argue, but the minute her socks came off, and
she saw how bad they were, she sucked in her breath.

Just as he suspected her feet were red, inflamed, blistered and raw.

"But I don’t even feel them. How can they be so bad?"

Zerik shrugged.

"Obviously you have a high tolerance for pain, and after all the walking we did today, your feet probably
just went numb. I knew they would be blistered, but I never suspected they would be this bad. Why did
you say nothing to me, little flame?" Zerik asked as he walked into the bathroom. He came out a moment
later with a cloth and small bowl of water.

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"Like I said, they only hurt for a while, then the pain faded and I felt nothing," she explained.

Zerik knelt at her feet and dipped the cloth into the warm water. When he grasped one of her feet, she
looked at him curiously but didn’t say a word. Careful not to hurt her, he gently washed her feet. Once
most of the dried blood had been removed, he applied the healing ointment, smearing a thick film of it all
over the sole of her foot.

"That stuff smells really bad!" Rachel said, holding her nose. "And it feels so slimy. What is it?"

Zerik smiled. He couldn’t help it. Holding her nose and frowning at him like she was made Rachel look
like a little girl. It was endearing.

"It’s a healing ointment used widely on our planet. It’s a mix of herbs that promotes quick healing." Zerik
explained as he took her other foot and did the same to it. "You may not like the smell, but you’ll like the
way your feet feel in the morning."

Rachel didn’t argue with him as he finished spreading the thick concoction. Taking clean socks out of his
knapsack, he put them on her. He knew she wouldn’t enjoy the slimy mixture on her feet all night, but
there really wasn’t any other way. It had to stay on her feet that long to heal her injuries.

And he needed her healed, because tomorrow he didn’t want to be slowed down. Tomorrow he was
back to the hunt.

Tomorrow he would find his prey.

* * * *

Sa Rah felt alive.

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Exhilaration filled her. This was what it was all about. This was living. Riding an eboraf. The wind
blowing though her hair. Her heart racing in time with the beast she rode as they practically flew over the
rolling green hills. Her mount was so graceful and quick that she barely felt the impact of his hooves
hitting the ground as he pushed his speed faster and faster. She laughed aloud as she aimed toward a
nearby bush and her eboraf leaped over it with little effort.

The animal she rode had so much heart. And she could tell he enjoyed the ride as much as she. She
made little effort to get him to gallop. He leaped into it when she lightly tapped his flanks with her booted
foot. He wanted to fly, to feel the air rush by him, to be free, just like she did. So she loosened the reins
somewhat, and gave him his head. He needed this, as did she.

Air rushed out of Sa Rah’s lungs as she was grabbed around the waist in a vise like grip. Yanked from
her mount’s back, she suddenly found herself sitting on Tristan’s lap as he slowed his own eboraf down
to a sedate walk. One minute she was flying free, the next that was cruelly taken away.

"Why did you do that?" she asked, struggling in Tristan’s arms.

His hold was firm and unyielding as he held her on his lap, her back pressed against his chest. She
wasn’t going anywhere until he was good and ready to let her.

"I was saving you from injury. What were you thinking?" he asked curtly, giving her waist a slight
squeeze to emphasize his point.

The irritation in his voice was unmistakable. He was angry with her.

Well that was too bad.

Sa Rah’s own irritation and anger bubbled up inside her. The nerve of the man! She had been riding for
many years and he knew it. When it came to eborafs, she knew what was safe and what wasn’t.

"I was thinking how wonderful it was to enjoy this beautiful day with such a brave, big hearted creature.
I was in no danger, Tristan. You know my experience. You know I can handle myself and my mount.
What were you thinking?" she asked, turning his question back on him.

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But as she glanced over her shoulder, into his bright green eyes, waiting for him to explain, she knew the
answer. As his head descended and their lips touched, nothing more needed to be said. The feel of his
mouth moving hungrily over hers told her. His emotions hitting her in waves told her. Fear, anger,
protectiveness, desire, and caring all mixed up into a ball of fire that hit her low in the abdomen, creating
an ache that left her breathless.

* * * *

Tristan had never felt such fear.

In all his years of training. In all his missions. Never had he let himself feel the kind of gut wrenching,
breath stealing, paralyzing fear he had just experienced. The sight of Sa Rah riding recklessly away had
made his breath hitch in his throat. He had lost the ability to function for a second as he imagined her
getting hurt or killed on her wild ride.

Even now, as he held Sa Rah safely in his arms, his heart beat out of control and the sick feeling in the pit
of his stomach remained. All because he thought she would come to harm. He had given her the strong,
male eboraf to ride because he knew she was experienced enough to handle him. She wouldn’t have
enjoyed a meek or lazy mount. But when he saw her turn into a gallop and give the beast free rein, fear
had overtaken him. He pictured her flying off the animal and injuring herself, perhaps seriously.

His actions were almost reflexive, without thought to why. He had urged his own mount on to catch up
to hers, and pulled her off her ride. No other thought but saving her had been in his mind. It had all come
down to one primitive thought.

She is mine.

And he protected what was his. He would not let anyone or anything hurt her. He loved her.

That last thought fazed him, like no other. He knew all along that he desired her, that they were meant to
be together, that they were truth mates. Yet being in love with her had not been first and foremost in his

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Suddenly it became everything. Nothing else had mattered in that moment. He loved her, and he would
save her.

So, like some damn idiotic knight in shining armor from ancient earth history, he had galloped to Sa
Rah’s rescue. And from the look on her face, she didn’t appreciate it, at all. But as she looked up into his
eyes, Tristan didn’t care. He lost himself in his ishwala’s intense aquamarine gaze.

She was his.

His lips crashed into hers before he realized he had even moved. The rocking motion of the eboraf’s
steady walking gait faded at the feel of Sa Rah’s soft berry lips opening for him. Welcoming him. He was

He groaned deep in his throat as she leaned her head back and her tongue tentatively searched out and
touched his. Hunger consumed him. Their kiss deepened and evolved into a mating dance. Sa Rah turned
in the saddle, so that she faced him, then wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
Exhilaration filled him. She wanted him. Just as he wanted her.

He wrapped his arms more tightly around her, bringing her body in closer contact with his. The feel of
her pressed against him, her mouth hungry on his called to his beast. He felt it stretch and awaken with
interest. Breaking their kiss, he grasped Sa Rah’s hair and gently pulled her head back, exposing her

Her smooth, satiny skin called to him. Its softness made him want to taste every last inch of it. He ran his
tongue along her neck, lightly laving its sweetness. He found one spot that looked especially sweet.
Fastening his mouth there he sucked lightly. Sa Rah made a small mewling sound, tilting her head even
farther back so that he had full access to her. He growled his satisfaction.

His princess was opening to him. Allowing him in. The feelings she emanated washed over him in soft
waves. Anger, then desire, and lastly caring. The latter two were what held his attention. She wanted him.
She cared for him.

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It was enough. For now.

Pulling away from her was one of the hardest things he had ever done. Yet he had to. His beast roared
his outrage, but Tristan ignored it. He turned Sa Rah in his arms so that she sat facing away from him
again. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he kicked his mount into a gallop.

They eventually caught up with her eboraf. He had found a small stream, and was drinking from it. Sa
Rah hadn’t spoken since he turned her away. As they approached her mount, he wondered what she
was thinking. He knew she probably didn’t understand why he had stopped. She most likely didn’t
understand that he had done so for both of them. Her small acceptance of him had been a step in the
right direction, but he needed more from her.

Tristan wanted Sa Rah to completely welcome him not only into her arms, but also into her life. She must
accept him fully and completely as her life mate before he let things evolve to their full potential. Feeling
her move against him, he knew this would be difficult for him, but nevertheless, he would adhere to his

* * * *

Sa Rah felt Tristan dismount behind her.

As he did, she mourned the loss of his hard chest pressed against her back and his strong thighs
wrapped around her legs. Once on the ground, he held his hands up to help her down. Their gazes met
and locked. She slid her hands down his arms to his shoulders and braced herself against him as she got
off of his eboraf. Despite her efforts, her body bumped into his and slowly slid over him until her feet
touched the ground.

Hands still on his shoulders, their bodies in close contact, Sa Rah maintained their intimate stare. She
couldn’t tear her gaze from his. Losing herself in the twin pools of his emerald green eyes, she realized
that she was still in shock. Her feelings had overwhelmed her with their intensity.

Something had happened to her while Tristan held her on his eboraf. It was as if her world had suddenly
tilted and shifted. Everything became completely clear during those moments in his arms. Who and what
he was hadn’t mattered. Who and what she was faded away. It was just the two of them. Together. As
they should be. As they were always meant to be. The connection between them had been so strong.

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Everything he felt, she felt. And she knew he felt her too.

Sa Rah had wanted him to feel her. She had wanted him to take whatever he needed from her, just as
she needed all of him. His touch, his thoughts, his feelings, and his heart. Inside her, on top of her, all
around her. It was almost as if, in those moments they had converged into one being with similar needs,
thoughts, and feelings. And she had welcomed it. Gloried in it. Knew that it was right.

That knowledge was still there. And it rocked her world. It changed everything. Who she thought she
was, what she thought she wanted, and where she thought her life was taking her. Her well planned future
disintegrated into nothing more than dust. This man was part of her future, whether she wanted to
acknowledge that or not. She still had her hopes and dreams, but she now knew that Tristan would
somehow be a part of them.

He was the first to break contact. Releasing her and stepping back, he handed her the reins to her

"Please refrain from taking off like that again. I know you’re a competent rider, but keep in mind that this
is not an eboraf from your stables, and the landscape of this planet is unfamiliar to you. As experienced
as you are, you should have taken that into account."

Though Sa Rah chafed against his arrogant tone, he was right. She hadn’t taken any of that into account.
She had just needed to ride and feel free, and nothing else had mattered at that moment.

"You’re right, Tristan. I am experienced enough to know better," she admitted.

His eyes widened at her admission, as if he were shocked that she would say such a thing. Did he really
see her as too stubborn to admit the truth? That sobered her for a moment. But then the beauty of the
day caught her attention once more. Smiling up at him, she couldn’t keep the joy from her voice.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let’s enjoy the day and our eborafs. I’ll be careful, but that doesn’t mean
I’m not going to have fun. I hope you’ll join me."

And with those words she mounted her eboraf and trotted easily away. A few moments later she heard

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Tristan ride up behind her. Once they were side by side, she gave him a mischievous grin then sped up
her pace.

The rest of the day was idyllic. Unbeknownst to Sa Rah, Tristan had packed a small lunch box for them
to share. When they stopped by a small lake at mid-day to let the animals drink, Tristan began pulling out
items from a knapsack she hadn’t noticed before. First he spread a small blanket on the soft grass, then
he unwrapped the food and took out small flasks to drink from.

After everything was done, he motioned her over.

"Come sit with me. I brought some food to tide us over until we get back."

Sa Rah’s stomach growled softly. He didn’t need to ask twice. She sat down on the blanket while he
dug in. Picking up a hunk of bread, he spread something on it then handed to her. Then he made himself
the same. It looked like a soft cheese of some sort, but the color was much darker than any cheese she
had seen.

Tristan took a bite and closed his eyes in bliss. When someone enjoyed something that much, it had to
be good. Taking a small bite, her mouth immediately exploded with a myriad of flavors.

"Mmmm. That’s delicious. What is it?"

"Eboraf cheese."

Sa Rah felt sick.


She choked on the bite in her mouth as she looked for a place to spit it out.

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"It’s a delicacy on eboraf ranches. After feeding her young for the prescribed period of time, the eboraf
is weaned from its mother. The build up of milk can become painful to the mother, so ranchers began the
practice of periodically draining the mother’s milk to relieve some of the pressure. It’s only done during
the first couple of days of weaning, and only small amounts are procured. This milk was initially disposed
of, but during hard times, ranchers needed to use everything to feed themselves and their family. Thus
eboraf cheese was created. I guess it’s an acquired taste. But I can’t imagine anyone not liking its rich,
complex taste."

Sa Rah felt less sick as she finished chewing and swallowing, but she didn’t feel completely comfortable
about eating the cheese. Even though it had a rich sweet taste, the idea of it just didn’t sit right with her.
Especially with her eboraf standing a few feet away. She had always thought of the wonderful animals as
pets, never as food or providing a byproduct of food.

She held the piece of bread in her hand, looking around. She wasn’t sure what to do with it. Eating it
now was not an option.

"Don’t throw that away. I’ll eat it," Tristan said enthusiastically, after finishing off his own.

Taking it from her hand, he immediately took another bite.

Though she smiled pleasantly as he ate, she started to feel a little sick again.

Grinning back at her, he shook his head and chuckled. Digging into his knapsack, he took out what
looked to be various kinds of fruit.

"I brought fruit, just in case. Here, try this. It looks and tastes similar to the apples you probably tried on

Sa Rah took it with relief. It was something she recognized. Biting into its crunchy sweetness, she
enjoyed the fruit’s juicy flavor. It was a lot like an apple. But the taste of pear and pineapple was mixed
up in there also. She enjoyed two pieces of fruit, a slice of fresh bread, without the cheese, and some
cool water from one of the flasks Tristan had brought. It was just enough to relieve the pang of hunger
she had felt when they stopped to rest.

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Leaning back on her elbows she took a good look around her. The lake shimmered with reflections of
the sun, as if adorned with jewels. Each shining wave was tipped with light. It made the water come alive.
The surrounding trees were lush and green, their leaves rustling in the wind, softly framing the water’s

Her surroundings brought back a memory so clear it startled her

"It’s beautiful isn’t it?"

Tristan’s softly spoken words interrupted her thoughts.

"Yes it is."

"I come here often when I’m home for a visit. It’s a place of peace and tranquility. I’m able to think
clearly here."

Sa Rah nodded her head in agreement. Her memory was clear in her mind.

"I know what you mean. There’s a place on Tanviera, at our country estate that is like this. I painted a
picture of it once, and gave it to my brother for his birthday. It’s also a lake scene, very peaceful and

The two of them sat in silence after that. Sa Rah wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but she enjoyed it. As
she soaked up the beauty around her, she felt a sense of peace. Not only because of her surroundings,
but because she was sharing it with someone she had strong feelings for. She wasn’t quite ready to admit
what those feelings were exactly, but they were there. She couldn’t deny it any longer. She couldn’t just
call it physical attraction.

It was so much more than that.

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The rest of the day was wonderful. After packing up their lunch, they continued to ride. Tristan talked
more about his upbringing, about his family. His youth on Dihara, had been idyllic. His mother had been
an incredible woman.

"So, after your grandparents were killed in that accident, your mother took over this ranch all by

"Yes. Once my father left us, she decided that she needed to create a stable life for me. The ranch
seemed like the perfect opportunity for that. So, she moved from the city, and put her whole heart into
this place."

"That is quite the undertaking. It must have been very challenging for your mother."

"It was. She was a strong woman, with a strong will and a brave heart. My father often told me that it
was just those traits that had drawn him to her," Tristan told her.

The sadness in his eyes was intense. Sa Rah wanted to reach out and take his hand. He loved his mother
very much. Instead, she tried to distract him from his sorrow by asking him more questions.

"Tell me more about your father, and about your life on Earth. What is your relationship with him?"

Tristan’s face closed up at her question.

"He and I no longer speak. Once I realized that he asked me to visit him on Earth because he thought of
me only as a weapon, not a person, or even his son, I knew we had nothing left to say to one another. It
took quite a few years for me to understand that."

"I’m sorry."

Tristan smiled gently at her, but shook his head.

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"You don’t need to be sorry, ishwala. It wasn’t you who treated me that way."

Sa Rah felt tears form in her eyes, but fought them back.

"You’re wrong. That’s exactly how I’ve treated you. I’ve let my own pride and misconceptions dictate
my perception of you."

Tristan said nothing, but his face grew somber and thoughtful. He searched her gaze, as if trying to
discern if she spoke the truth. Then he turned his eboraf in a different direction and motioned for her to

"Come. It’s time to return to the ranch."

Sa Rah didn’t want to follow him. She wanted to demand that he respond to her words, to her
admission. One that was practically ripped from her chest. She longed to tell him about her fears, about
her doubts. But she didn’t.

He wasn’t ready to talk about it. Maybe he would be soon. She would bring it up again. It needed to be
discussed. But not today. She didn’t want to end the enjoyable time they had spent together with an
argument. Steering her eboraf his way, Sa Rah held her tongue and followed him back to the ranch.

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Chapter 15

Lost in their own thoughts, neither spoke during their ride back. Once they returned to the ranch, Tristan
immediately went his own way. It was almost as if he couldn’t stand to be by her side one moment

"I won’t be able to join you for dinner, princess. I have several business issues I need to go over with my
managers. I’m sure Tilly will prepare a delicious meal for you. Goodnight."

His words were curt and emotionless. Sa Rah wanted to call him back as he walked away, but stopped
herself. Obviously something more than her wild ride was bothering Tristan. He needed some time. She
could give him that.

In the meantime, she needed to do something that had been on her mind since they returned to this time
and arrived at Tristan’s ranch.

She needed to contact her family. As her memory slowly returned, the urge to speak to her family,
particularly her mother had grown. Up until tonight, she had been too caught up in her own situation to do
anything about it. But now was the perfect time. She just needed to figure out where the interplanetary
communicators were located.

"Would you like to rest before dinner, princess?" Tilly asked as she entered the foyer.


Sa Rah smiled as she turned around to face the housekeeper. Just the person she needed to speak to.

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"Thank you, Tilly. But please call me Sa Rah. Yes, I’d like to take a slight rest, but I need to speak to
my family first. I haven’t spoken to my mother and father, the king and queen in so long. I know they’re
worried about me."

Sa Rah did her best to look worried and sad. It wasn’t difficult when she thought about her family. She
really did miss them.

Tilly bit her bottom lip. Uncertainty was written all over her face. But so was compassion.

"Well, Tristan didn’t say anything to us about your communication usage. I can’t see the harm in talking
to your family and letting them know you are well," Tilly said with a smile.

Sa Rah was given privacy to speak with her family. After showing her which room the communicator
was in, Tilly closed the door and left her alone. Sa Rah started to initiate contact, but then had to stop.
Why was she so nervous about talking with her parents? She had never felt this way before.

But what would they say? What would they think? Would they be angry with her because of what had

Squaring her shoulders, Sa Rah made contact. She was no coward. She needed to speak to her family,
and if they had a problem understanding what had happened, she would just have to explain it to them.

Sa Rah’s worry was unfounded. The minute her father, Jo Na Ta Rem’s face appeared on the screen as
he answered her call, she knew all would be well. If the happiness on his face wasn’t an immediate
indicator of his joy in seeing her, his excited voice would have been.

"Sa Rah, Thanks be! I’m so glad to see you, daughter," her father turned to the side and spoke quietly to
someone standing next to him. "I just sent for your mother. She should be here in a moment. We were
happy to hear that Tristan brought you back, but were getting concerned because we hadn’t spoken to
you. He said you needed more time to adjust to your memory. Have you regained all of it? How are

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"I’m fi --" Sa Rah started to assure her father that she was well when her mother’s excited image
appeared on the screen. Without hesitation, her mom pushed her dad out of the way so she could speak.

Sa Rah couldn’t help but smile. Her mother was a strong willed woman. Always had been.

"Darling! Sweet daughter! How are you? I’ve missed you so much. A day hasn’t gone by that I don’t
think about you. We were so worried about you. When Tristan told us you were back in this time and
had regained some of your memory, we were relieved. But then he told us some nonsense about you
needing time to adjust to your memories. Is this true, Sa Rah? Have you gotten back some of your
memories, and are you having a difficult time dealing with them?"

Sa Rah’s father appeared back on the screen. She was so happy to see both of them that at first she
didn’t speak. Tears started to well up in her eyes, but she held them back, barely.

"I’ve missed you both so much," she said with a wobbly smile. "Once most of my memory returned,
there were some issues I needed to come to terms with. But I think Tristan has exaggerated the situation.
I’m well enough to come home. The problem is, he won’t let me. He has for all intents and purposes
made me his prisoner here."

Her parents looked aghast.

"What do you mean his prisoner?" her father asked, lowering his voice and narrowing his eyes

Sa Rah knew that look and that voice. Her father was furious. Maybe she should have worded things a
little differently. She didn’t want her parents to think that Tristan had hurt her in any way, because he

"Tristan hasn’t mistreated me," she quickly explained. "And I am grateful for him rescuing me. Especially
after I was stupid enough to let myself get kidnapped. He just won’t let me leave his country estate here
on Dihara. He claims the same thing he told you. That I need to come to terms with my memories. I am
not allowed to go outside without supervision. I’m surprised I was able to contact you. I think the only
reason I am, is because I asked the housekeeper and she agreed without asking Tristan first."

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Sa Rah’s parents didn’t speak for a moment. They looked at one another, and something passed
between them. She wasn’t sure what it was. Her parents had always been like that. They had their own
language, their own way of communicating that excluded others. Her parents told her it was because they
were truth mates, and as such, shared a special connection. Sa Rah had never felt less loved because of
it. It just always piqued her curiosity as she tried to understand it.

Then her mother jumped right back into the conversation.

"It wasn’t your fault you were kidnapped, Sa Rah. It could have happened to any of us. You were just
the most vulnerable at the time. You mustn’t blame yourself," her mother chided gently.

Both her parents looked at her with so much love and understanding that Sa Rah felt like weeping again.
What was wrong with her? She rarely cried. This was so unlike her. Yet her emotions were constantly on
edge recently, ready to spill over at a moment’s notice.

"Thank you both. But I still feel partially responsible."

"Well you shouldn’t, dear," her father said. "It’s Tristan who should be feeling responsible right now.
Responsible for keeping our daughter away from us. But don’t worry, Sa Rah, your mother and I will
take care of that, and Tristan."

Sa Rah wasn’t sure she liked the way that sounded. Her father had that threatening look he got
sometimes when he was very angry and very determined to do something about it. If it had to do with
Tristan, that couldn’t be good. Especially in light of the fact that Tristan was what he was.

"Wait, father. I didn’t mean to --"

She never got to finish.

"Don’t worry, darling," her mother quickly assured her. "Everything will be well. And we’ll see you soon.

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Sa Rah started to say something else, but the connection was broken before she could get the words

"Did your call go well?" Tilly asked as she walked into the room.

"As well as can be expected," Sa Rah said with a sigh.

"Are you ready for dinner now?"

"Not quite yet, Tilly, I think I’ll take a short rest in my room first. Maybe in about an hour?"

"Of course. Would you like dinner brought up to your room?"

"Yes, thank you. I should be ready to eat by then."

Sa Rah walked from the room. Tilly stayed right on her heels.

"Let me escort you back to your room. Remember, this house can be somewhat confusing to navigate."

Sa Rah waved her hand negligently.

"I’m fine. I think I know my way around now. I’ve been back and forth from my room to here enough

Tilly still looked doubtful.

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"I’ll be fine, Tilly," Sa Rah said climbing the stairs. "Please just send a dinner tray up to my room in about
an hour."

"Well, if you’re sure. Just be careful."

"I’ll be fine," Sa Rah assured the housekeeper.

Sa Rah’s confidence lasted for a good hour. Just long enough for her to admit to herself that she was
lost. The house was very deceiving, and Sa Rah couldn’t find her way to her room, or back downstairs
for that matter. Nor could she find any staff to help her. Having grown up in a large home, this surprised
her. Usually there were people about, cleaning or doing repair projects around her home. The fact that
she had seen no one in the last hour worried her.

Were they all done for the day?

Maybe down this next hallway. It looked slightly familiar. Ignoring the voice inside that told her last
couple of hallways had also looked familiar, she moved forward. Someone had to be around.

She noticed two large double doors on her left. Reaching from floor to ceiling, they were almost double
her height. They were made from a dark wood, and had large metal handles. The handles were topped
with the head of some animal. On closer inspection, Sa Rah realized that it was the head of a very
ferocious beast, eyes narrowed, snarling jaws, sharp pointed teeth evident. Something about the image
was familiar to her, but she couldn’t figure out what.

The urge to open the door and look inside was strong. Glancing to her left, then her right, she saw no
one else around. She grasped the handles. What would one peek hurt? She was already lost anyway.

The doors were even heavier than they appeared, but she eventually managed to open them just enough
to slip into the room. The room was dark, except for one small desk lamp. She slowly walked toward
where it shone. A book lay open under the glow. Curiosity got the better of her. What book was it?
Who had been reading it? Hoping for a clue to answer the latter question, she picked up the heavy

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"Take care with that, ishwala. It is a very old book, which has been in my family’s possession longer
than anyone can remember."

Sa Rah gasped and swung around.

Tristan stood right behind her. Pressing the book up against her chest like a shield, she took an
involuntary step backwards, and bumped into the desk. The light wavered for a minute, and then

"I -- uh -- I didn’t know anyone was here," Sa Rah blurted out.

Tristan gave a low chuckle. The sound of it sent an ache of need straight to her woman’s core. How was
it possible that this man had such an effect on her? Just a sound from him and she was practically panting.
Images of their encounter earlier entered her mind without warning. The ache she felt started pulsating.
Was it getting warm in the room? Suddenly, Sa Rah felt overheated.

* * * *

Tristan wanted to caress her soft skin. He wanted to turn her over his knee and spank her. He wanted to
whisper sweet nothings in her ear. He wanted to yell at the top of his lungs. Sa Rah was like no other
woman he had ever known. She made him angry with her defiance, yet at the same time, he admired her
strength. She made him want to punish her for being so strong, yet he wanted to pull her close and
cherish her because of how much he loved her strength.

It was frustrating. It was exciting.

It was getting out of control.

"I just spoke to your family," Tristan commented with much more calm than he felt. His conversation
with Sa Rah’s parents, especially her father, had not gone well.

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Sa Rah’s eyes widened in alarm, and she scooted herself around his desk so that it stood between them.
His primal urge to chase her as she retreated almost took over. He held it in check, barely. The beast
inside him was already clawing to get out. Keeping it under control was getting harder by the minute.

"You spoke to my parents?" she asked. Though her voice was steady, Tristan could feel her trepidation.
It bumped against him in small waves.

"Yes. They mentioned that they spoke to you earlier. Would you like to tell me about that?" Tristan

As he spoke, he carefully moved around his desk. Sa Rah moved in the opposite direction. They both
slowly circled the desk, keeping their gazes locked. The energy that whizzed between them was tangible.
Though each of them spoke calmly as if they were having a mundane conversation about the weather, the
undercurrents were raging.

"No. I don’t think I’d like to tell you about it," Sa Rah answered. "But if you would like to share your
conversation with them, I’d be interested in hearing about it."

"I’m sure you would, princess. However, I don’t think that’s really the point, is it?"

"What is the point, Tristan?" Sa Rah asked, folding her arms over her chest defiantly.

Frustration clawed at him.

"Don’t tease me, Sa Rah. You won’t like the results. I’ll ask you again, what did you say to your

"Again, I don’t think I want to tell you about it. What I discuss with my parents really isn’t any of your

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Sa Rah met his gaze proudly, chin raised, eyes defiant. She was challenging him. The beast in him
acknowledged this and immediately rose to the occasion. His mate needed to know he did not like to be
toyed with.

Enough! His mind roared. He was in no mood for games.

Jumping up onto the desk, he quickly ended their cat and mouse chase. Growling low in his throat he
focused his angry stare on Sa Rah. She gasped and took a step back. Before she could flee, Tristan
landed on the floor in front of her and pulled her tightly against him.

"I tire of this game, ishwala. It’s time to end it," Tristan said in a voice low and angry.

The primal part of him shouted with triumph. He had pursued and caught his prey. Now, by all rights,
she was his. He could take her if he so chose, it was his right. The beast growled his need. His body
lurched and hardened with unfulfilled lust and need.

The beast was upon him.

* * * *

Sa Rah had made a strategic mistake.

When she had called her parents, she had never imagined Tristan would be so angry.

Anger was putting it lightly. The fury in his eyes practically made his eyes glow a fluorescent green. Or
were they really glowing? His feelings crashed into her again and again, leaving her shaking and off

When he stalked toward her, she knew she didn’t want to be caught. As they circled the desk, she tried
to think of a way to diffuse the situation. Why hadn’t she thought this through? Why hadn’t she asked her
parents to keep their conversation to themselves? That had most definitely been a tactical error on her

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part. One that, by the looks of it, she was going to have to pay dearly for.

When Tristan leaped onto the table, two thoughts immediately ran through her mind. The first was, I’m in
trouble, and the second was, Tristan is such a magnificent male. And he was. In his prime, hard muscles
playing beneath his skin, chest heaving, danger written all over his face, Sa Rah couldn’t help but admire

But that didn’t change the first thought. Tristan meant business. Taking a small step backward, she tried
to prepare. She knew he would take that as a retreat, and attack. And being a princess of Tanviera, as
well as a warrior, she had to defend herself.

His actions still took her by surprise. And as he stood before her, holding their bodies close, she once
again rued the mistake she had made. At the same time, her thoughts wavered and shimmered, becoming
fuzzy with apprehension, and desire. She knew at some level that Tristan would not hurt her, but didn’t
like the uncertainty of the situation.

But more than that, she reveled in the feel of his hardness pressed against her. The heat that was
radiating from him singed her. She raised her chin to meet his gaze, and felt herself drowning in the green
pools of desire that stared down at her. Tristan was angry, she could feel it. But his desire was
overwhelming that. Just as it was overwhelming every other thought in her mind.

"Don’t challenge me, Sa Rah. You should know better than that. You won’t win. It’s my house -- my
rules. And you’re my captive. That is the truth of it. You’re mine to do with as I wish."


Rebellion flared in her mind, but before it could take flight, Tristan’s mouth crashed into hers. He
grasped the back of her head and pressed their lips even tighter. Sa Rah fought him by remaining stiff and
unyielding in his arms. She kept her mouth tightly closed. She wanted to give in. Her body melted by the
second against his, yet she tried to hold back. No man owned her. No man ever would.

A low growl was her only warning. Tristan broke away long enough to wrap his hands around her waist.
Picking her up, he swung her onto the desk that had previously separated them. Stunned by his actions,
she could only sit and watch as he cleared the surface with an angry sweep of his hand. Then he was right
back with her, pushing himself between her legs where they hung off the side of the desk.

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Leaning back on her hands, she tried to scoot backward, knowing that, clothes on or not, she wouldn’t
be able to deny the heat of him pressed so intimately against her. But before she could move, he took her
hips in his large hands, and pulled her forward. The collision of his hardness against her hot core shook

She gasped and squirmed, not sure if she was moving to get closer or farther away. She could feel the
outline of his thick cock pushing against her womanhood. It created a deep aching need that engulfed her
and caused her body to weep with need. She moaned and Tristan’s mouth crashed into hers, catching it
open and hungry. His tongue delved into hers, exploring, licking, teasing. She couldn’t seem to catch her
breath as the pleasure of his touch took over.

His hand was back on her head. Fingers delving into her hair, Tristan grabbed a handful and pulled it
back. Though he didn’t hurt her, Sa Rah tilted her head back from the pressure. His mouth left hers only
long enough to trail down her exposed neck. The feel of his mouth and tongue laving and sucking on her
hot skin sent shivers up and down her body. The ache between her legs, turned into a pulsating beat that
grew louder and stronger every minute.

His free hand slid from her waist to her stomach. It fluttered uncontrollably from his touch. Sliding up
over her ribcage, his fingers drew closer to her breasts. Sa Rah gasped and arched her back in response,
wanting, no, needing his touch. His hand covered her breast, and despite the clothing separating them,
her nipple pebbled and swelled beneath his touch. He brushed his finger over its tip again and again until
it hardened into a stiff peak. Then he did the same to her other breast.

Releasing her hair, Tristan used both hands to remove her shirt, and began worshipping her body. Soon
he replaced his hands with his mouth. The pleasure of his lips on her nipples made her arch up, almost off
the desk. The suction of his warm mouth and the friction of his teasing tongue created a coil of need in
her stomach that drew tighter and tighter.

She started to split at the seams. That’s the only way she could describe it. It was as if she had
something inside her clawing to get out, straining to be set free. And as Tristan worked his magic on her,
she wanted to let it free. She ached to just let it take her over.

What was happening to her? Why did she feel like she was falling apart? It was almost as if she were
changing, transforming into someone or something else. As if it was she who had the beast inside her, not
Tristan. What did it mean?

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Realization suddenly hit her hard and fast.

Of course!

It was the Rov Hum. Her body was reacting to the ancient ceremony of her people. She and Tristan
hadn’t needed the dance to bring this on. The sexual tension between them had already reached
unbearable heights. Her body was responding in the only way it knew. It was becoming the true self with
her Rov Shom, her truth mate.

Her Rov Shom.

Yes, Sa Rah finally admitted it to herself. He was her Rov Shom. She accepted that now, knew it deep
down in her soul. And she was ready. She didn’t think she was before, but it suddenly became apparent
to her that her life didn’t just have to stop because she had met her truth mate. She could still carry on
with whatever plans she had for her future. She could still reach all those goals she wanted to reach, with
or without her truth mate. Why hadn’t she realized that before?

She was who she was regardless of her partner.

Her thoughts scattered after that. Tristan’s hot mouth moved from her chest, down to the waistband of
her pants. He scattered kisses and light nips along the boundary. Her muscles responded by jumping at
each contact. Grasping the material with both hands, he slowly slid it down over her legs. He growled
again as the last piece of clothing covering her was tossed to the floor. Standing back, he gave her a look
that she could only interpret as male satisfaction.

He devoured her with his eyes. And she reveled in it. None of the apprehension or insecurities she had
about herself surfaced. Instead she felt proud and desirable under the heat of his gaze. And she felt
empowered by the need in his eyes. Her true self reveled in this, glorying in the feminine power that only
women who are happy with themselves can feel. And in her mind one thought kept playing over and over

I am beautiful.

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It was a thought that she would rarely, if ever say aloud, let alone say to another. Yet she felt it deeply,
for the first time in her life. She felt that statement in her soul. And she didn’t just mean on the outside.
She meant it in terms of who she was. She liked the person she was becoming and wanted to continue in
that direction.

And instead of taking away from that, limiting that, or barring her from that, Tristan made her feel like
she could be everything that she wanted to be with him. And he would not only accept that, but demand
that from her. Demand that she be the princess, the warrior, and the woman that she was meant to be.

When their eyes met once more, Sa Rah couldn’t look away. She didn’t want to look away. This man
was her truth mate. And she was finally, for the first time in her life, understanding what that truly meant.
They were meant to be together, as they were meant to be with no one else. They were made for each
other. And though they were strong, capable and self-reliant on their own, they were also two parts of a

Sa Rah understood now that once they made love, once they reached the state of Rov Hum, they would
feel a completion like they had never felt before. And they would be bonded to each other in a way that
was permanent and life long. The thought of that complete bonding called to her in a way that she
couldn’t refuse.

Sa Rah felt who she really was burst forth. She felt her true self break open at the seams. She had
become. Holding her hand out to her mate, she smiled seductively.

"Are you ready for me, my mate? Because I am more than ready for you."

* * * *

Tristan sucked in a steadying breath. He had to keep control. He had to maintain a handle on the
situation. Otherwise, things would get out of hand. His beast was pacing inside. Prowling around, waiting
and watching for an opportunity to break free. And Tristan could feel its power building. He wasn’t sure
how long he could hold out.

The scent of Sa Rah was driving him mad. Each breath he took filled his senses with the seductive,

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enticing smell that was uniquely hers. And the taste of her skin was like sweet nectar he couldn’t get
enough of. If that didn’t make him lose it, the sight of her body would. As he removed the last bit of
clothing covering her, he had to sit back and look. She was so much more to him beyond her body, yet
her physical beauty was a sight he enjoyed. Her breasts were small, yet enough to fill his hand. Her body
was trim and firm, due to her warrior training. Yet her hips, stomach and thighs still had the curves and
softness he so admired in a woman.

And the tight black curls covering her womanhood made his mouth water. His body raged at the sight.
He had to tighten his hands into fists to keep from lifting her hips and bringing her hot, wet core to his
mouth. He knew her nether lips would be swollen with desire just as his cock was hard and stiff with
need. He would part them with his tongue and delve inside, tasting her sweet juices. Then he would lick
and nibble her nub until she was shaking from the force of her orgasm.

After that, he would do it again, and again, until she was weak from coming. Then, and only then would
he slide inside her slick wetness and bring her to the edge yet again. But this time they would fall over it
together. The feel of her clenching around him as he came would make him roar with release and

Tristan knew exactly how it would be between them. Just as she did. And once they started, there
would be no turning back. Was she ready for him? Would she be able to take it? Though he was angry
with her for talking to her parents and worrying them heedlessly, he would never wish her harm. He
wouldn’t be able to look at himself in the mirror if he ended up hurting her.

Doubt filled his mind.

But then Sa Rah met his gaze, proud, unafraid, and hungry. He couldn’t hide the desire and need that
clawed at him. The heat in her eyes burned him, and he felt his hardness strain even more painfully against
his pants.

Then it happened.

Her eyes flared wide and her lips parted. She grasped the sides of the desk as if afraid she would fly off
if she didn’t. Pulling herself up into a sitting position, she lowered her head and her raven tresses fell like a
silk curtain around her face.

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The room suddenly filled with an energy that he couldn’t deny. It was strong and intense. It was sexual.
Hunger slammed into him, but it wasn’t his own. It was Sa Rah, and she growled as if to punctuate her
need. It sounded as if it was coming from somewhere deep inside her.

He growled back. It was primal. He couldn’t stop it. He didn’t want to. His mate was here with him.
Challenging him. Enticing him. He was more than up for the challenge. His beast struggled inside him, and
gained another inch. It was growing in strength by the second. Sa Rah’s need was bringing it out, pushing
it to the surface.

Her head snapped up, sending her hair in a cloud of disarray around her face. She looked wild and
beautiful. His gaze clashed with hers. That was when he noticed her eyes. They had changed. The bright
aquamarine had been replaced with the greenish yellow of a feline. The pupil of each eye was oval
instead of round and the rest of the eye was filled with color, no white anywhere.

Could it be? Had she finally become? Was this her Rov Hum, her true self?

He opened his senses up completely to her, and recognized the truth. She was ready. She wanted him.
Sa Rah had finally accepted her destiny. Their destiny, as truth mates. She was his Rov Shoma, just as he
was her Rov Shom.

Tristan smiled then, and let down his guard.

Sa Rah’s next words confirmed the truth.

"Are you ready for me, my mate? Because I am more than ready for you."

"Yes, ishwala. Let me show you just how ready I am."

Tristan kept his stare locked with hers as he slowly undressed. He removed his pants and his manhood
sprang free. Her eyes flared with desire and he felt intense male satisfaction knowing that she found him
appealing. She leaned back again, on her elbows, as if inviting him closer. Her full lips spread into a sexy,
seductive smile.

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His body jerked and tightened with hunger. She looked as he had imagined her so many times before.
Beautiful, proud, and ready for him.

It was too much.

His beast broke free then. He didn’t try to stop it. Couldn’t at this point. It was time. The primal part of
him that was waiting just below the surface bubbled up and took control.

Tilting his head back, he roared in triumph.

* * * *

Sa Rah was ready.

She had become. She was in the state of Rov Hum. It was incredibly freeing and joyful at the same time.
She saw her beast in her mind. It was the ishwala. How Tristan had known her true self didn’t matter.
No matter how much she had denied it, she now recognized that was who she was. That proud,
independent and wild cat was her true self. She imagined herself running beside her mate as they gloried
in a beautiful day and the joy of being together. And that mate was Tristan.

The sight of his magnificent body brought her hunger to a head. Leaning back on the desk in silent
offering, she parted her legs slightly, letting him know that she was ready for him. Ready and hungry to
join her true mate, at last.

Tristan’s eyes filled with hunger. Narrowing them, he slowly ran his hot gaze from her face down to her
chest, over her stomach, lingering between her legs before continuing down her legs. As his perusal
returned up her body, he lingered even longer on her womanhood, before continuing on to her stomach,
and stopping at her breasts. His eyes became almost haunted as he wet his lips with his tongue and
swallowed hard.

Sa Rah’s nipples hardened. Clamping her legs together, she tried to control how wet she was becoming.

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It was no use. Tristan’s hunger for her only increased her own desire. Looking into his eyes, she knew he
wanted her as much as she wanted him.

His loud roar took her off guard. The answering growl that bubbled up in her throat surprised her even
more. Yet it seemed right. Primal and natural that she should react to her mate in this way.

When he lowered his head, and met her gaze with his own intense one, Sa Rah noticed his eyes. They
had begun to change. Small black spots slid over his emerald green irises. Apprehension raced through
her as one thought filled her mind. Is he going to become the beast again? The ishwala in her strained to
meet the challenge, to meet the beast that was Tristan, but part of her was still a little frightened. Images
of the last time he transformed filled her mind.

She lost her fear the minute Tristan stalked towards her. Her stare was drawn away from his face. Sa
Rah swallowed hard. She ran her gaze over his body. It looked so beautiful as he moved. His hard
muscles rippling and gliding under his golden skin. His manhood stood out, hard and proud. She wanted
to hold his cock in her hands, then in her mouth. She wanted to taste the length of it, from base to tip
over and over again until he was breathing hard. Her woman’s core pulsed and constricted with need.

Though she had never had a man inside her, her body seemed to know what it would be like, and
craved it in a way she couldn’t deny. But not yet. First she had to satisfy the image that kept playing over
and over in her head. Though it would probably drive her over the edge, she had to see it.

She held up her hand.

"Don’t come closer yet."

Her words came out little more than a husky whisper. Tristan ignored them. The look in his eyes was
hungry, and determined.

Sa Rah held up her other hand.

"Stop, Tristan."

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Her voice was firm and strong. This time, Tristan heeded her words. He looked at her curiously, tilting
his head to one side. She noticed the black spots now almost completely covered his eyes.

"What is it, Sa Rah?" His voice was deep and rough. It sent shivers of pleasure through her body and
gave her the courage to make her request.

"I want you to touch yourself."

Chapter 16

Zerik couldn’t believe it. His luck had returned. Turning off the frequency communication detector, he
smiled with satisfaction. As Rachel lay asleep in bed, he had checked the instrument and miraculously
picked up a signal from Sa Rah to her parents. He had programmed it to pick up any communication to
Tanviera, specifically any messages sent through royal, government, or diplomatic pathways.

Now he could finish his mission. He now knew just where to find the princess. He would kill her and
restore his honor as a Diharan assassin. His duty to his people would be fulfilled.

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Rachel stirred. Looking down at her sleeping form, his thoughts became clouded. His mission faded
away as he let himself get lost in her beauty. She looked so peaceful in sleep. More like an angel than the
fiery-eyed temptress she was during her waking hours. She was a woman who touched him as no other
had. Who reached down beneath the calloused, cynical warrior he had become to the hopeful young man
he had once been. She made him think of things he was better off not thinking about. Thoughts of a
future. Thoughts of a mate. Thoughts of love.

Shaking his head he snorted softly.

Love. Now that was a joke. Him fall in love? He was too old, too set in his ways, too much a warrior to
settle down. It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t conceivable. Yes, Rachel was beautiful. Yes she was kind,
loving, brave and intelligent. She was everything he wanted in a mate, but it would never work out. None
of it mattered, not the feelings they had for one another, not the physical closeness they shared, not the
fact that they enjoyed each other’s company. None of that made a difference.

The only thing that meant anything was the fact that he was a Diharan assassin on a mission, and that
mission would be successfully completed at whatever cost. His honor demanded it.

Rachel rolled onto her back, and swung her arm over her head on the pillow. The sheet slipped down.
Too late, Zerik remembered that she was undressed. One of her breasts peeked out over the sheet. Its
pink nipple hardened as he stared at it. His mouth watered from imagining the feel of that tight, ripe, berry
in his mouth.

Swallowing he struggled to regain his focus on the mission at hand. Rachel raised her other arm above
her head and arched her back slightly. The sheet slipped farther down, revealing both beautiful breasts,
proudly thrust upward, nipples hard and stiff. His thoughts scattered. His hands itched to curve around
their round fullness. Memory of their encounter last night filled his head.

She had tasted like ambrosia. Her nipples like ripe, juicy berries. Her woman’s core like sweet syrup.
He could have feasted on her all night long, but she fell asleep almost immediately after he brought her to
her peak. The sight of her giving herself up to him, to the pleasure he gave her had rocked his world.
Gasping and lifting her hips, her moans had told him how much enjoyment he had given her.

He wouldn’t deny it. Male satisfaction filled him when she had finally come. He had brought this
incredible woman to the edge and sent her over to the other side. He, who had always been the bringer
of death and destruction of lives, had given this incredible and beautiful woman smiles and satisfaction.

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That had shaken him.

As Zerik watched her sleep, he pondered what it meant. He had been with other women before, too
many to count. But it hadn’t mattered with them. They had just been a means to temporarily assuage his
loneliness and physical hunger. Nothing more than that. He always brought a woman to her peak first, but
it had never meant anything more than a sense of duty to females. He felt they deserved their pleasure,
just as he did.

Rachel had been different. So different. Everything about their meeting had been different. Emotions had
never been a big part of his life. Yet, his little flame filled him with emotions from the first time he had seen
her. Everything she did, everything she said blasted through that shield he had so carefully built around his
heart over the years. With just a look, just a word, this woman was able to tear all of that apart.

What was he going to do without her when his mission was completed? Rachel would hate him for what
he had do. He had no doubt about that. Once Zerik killed her friend, the princess, Rachel would only
look at him with disgust and loathing.

Maybe that was how it should be anyway. He was a killing machine, well known for his skills and
successes. He didn’t belong with a woman. Especially not someone like Rachel. She was pure of heart in
a way he hadn’t been for a long time. A way he never would be again.

No. It was better this way. Better that she look at him with hatred and fear. Better that she realize that
he wasn’t who she thought he was. That he was nothing more than a killer. A monster for hire. Nothing
more, nothing less. His little flame deserved so much more than that.

He would return her to her time, to her planet. He would arrange to have part of her memory erased, so
she would remember nothing about him or the events that occurred after he kidnapped her. She would
find someone to love. How could a woman like her not? And she would be happy spending the rest of
her life with a man who deserved her. Ignoring the fury and jealousy that arose as he pictured Rachel with
another man, Zerik rose from the chair and walked to where Rachel slept. Looking down at her, so
beautiful in sleep, his chest tightened painfully.

It was time to end their journey.

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Time for him to complete his mission.

Time for him to make his little flame hate him.

* * * *

Sa Rah saw Tristan’s eyes flare with desire.

She wanted to see him touching his body in the way she was going to. She wanted to see his body
respond as it would when she touched him. She needed it. When he didn’t react right away she thought
he was going to refuse her. Though she tried not to show it, disappointment filled her.

"I will do this for you, ishwala. But be careful what you wish for. It may not end up the way you think."

Tristan stalked closer. Stopping only a few feet from where she sat, his hand slid down, over his hard
abdomen then lower still until he touched himself. He rubbed up and down his hard length. Sa Rah
gasped. Desire hit her deep inside and uncurled in a white-hot storm that threatened to overtake her.
When he circled his thickness with his strong fingers and squeezed, she lost the ability to breathe.

She had wanted to see him touch himself. She wanted to see how he liked it. What made him feel good.
What turned him on. But she never thought it would do this to her. She was practically panting from just
watching him! When a small drop of liquid appeared at the tip of his manhood, Sa Rah lost it.

Moving off the desk, she knelt in front of him. Impatiently moving his hands away, she gently cupped his
twin sacs and wrapped her hand around his stiff cock. Licking her lips, she leaned forward and took him
into her mouth. The feel of his hot, velvety hardness inside her mouth made her moan aloud. It felt so
good, so right as she ran her lips and tongue up and down his velvet shaft. She felt her womanhood swell
and moisture form between her slightly parted legs.

Tristan gently slid his fingers into her hair and began guiding her. She reveled in the feel of his hips
moving forward and back as she took him in again and again. Wrapping her hands around his firm

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backside, she began squeezing his hard curves in time with his thrusts.

Tristan began shaking and released a hoarse, needy, moan. The sound of it rocked her. She needed, no
had to feel him inside her -- now. It was time. She was ready. But before she could do anything about it,
Tristan clenched his fingers hard enough in her hair to get her attention. He pulled his hips back and she
reluctantly let him slip from her mouth.

When he reached under her arms and lifted her up, Sa Rah didn’t argue. She was ready. Ready for him.
All of him. He laid her on the desk, and then stepped back. She leaned up on her elbows, watching him.
Standing over her, his gaze was intense and his face was tight with concentration.

"Are you really ready for me, Sa Rah?" Tristan asked through gritted teeth. "Beast and all? I thought I
could hold it back, but it’s too much. We have too strong of a connection."

Tristan’s head dropped and he let out a groan. It was a sound of both relief and despair. He was
changing. Just as she was changing into her true self. But in him it was more extreme, much more evident.
Would she be able to accept or reject him?

As Sa Rah saw the muscles in his chest start to ripple and enlarge beneath his skin, she wasn’t so sure.
He clenched his fists by his side and stiffened in reaction to the change. Growing larger by the minute, she
saw sprinklings of hair appear on his body. Soon it became a downy covering of golden fur.

It looked so soft. Mesmerized, Sa Rah started to reach up to touch it. His soft growl made her snatch
her hand back. Glancing up, she met Tristan’s eyes. No, it was no longer Tristan looking down at her. It
was an alien, a dangerous creature. It was his beast. Growling again, his lips curled back exposing large
sharp incisors.

Sa Rah froze.

She couldn’t move. She wanted to, but couldn’t figure out how.

Fear engulfed her.

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This is Tristan. It’s still Tristan. He would never hurt you. She chanted the same thoughts through her
mind, over and over again. It was no use. This creature may be Tristan. But he also was a beast that
wanted to completely dominate and control her. She couldn’t, no wouldn’t let that happen.

The ishwala that was her true self rushed forward. She felt power pulse through her. She was no meek
princess. No helpless victim. She was a warrior. It was time she acted like one.

Slowly sitting up, she planted her feet on the floor and pushed herself up. Rising from the desk, she was
careful to avoid Tristan’s gaze. Once she stood squarely in front of him, she looked up and found
Tristan’s hot stare pinning her in place. The bright green color was his, as was the shape, but as she let
herself get lost in the depths of his emerald pools, she saw someone or something else.


She hadn’t meant to speak, but the hoarse whisper that left her lips was hesitant, and unsure. Narrowing
her eyes, she studied his face. She knew he was capable of communicating in this form. He had done so
the last time he turned. The memory of that night made her angry and frightened all over again. Unable to
read anything from his expression, she moved to slide past him.

"Going somewhere, ishwala?" Tristan asked in what sounded more like a growl. "But we’ve only begun
to play."

Before she knew his intent, he grasped her arms and pulled her against him. Though he didn’t hurt her,
the strength in his hold was unquestionable. Even in her heightened state, she was not going anywhere
until he chose to let her go. Nevertheless, she struggled against him.

"Let me go, Tristan," she demanded.

"Why, princess? Does my touch revolt you now? And why is that, I wonder? You were almost panting
for it only moments before. You don’t like my true form?"

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Placing a finger under her chin, he tilted it up, forcing her gaze to his. She wanted to resist, but knew it
was futile. Meeting his eyes with her own glaring stare, she couldn’t hold back her sarcastic comment.

"The hair is a bit much."

It was a lie, of course.

Her fingers itched to touch the soft golden pelt that covered him. To smooth over it again and again until
it warmed from the contact. To make the beast he was purr with satisfaction. Need rose up in her then.
A hunger so strong she felt it deep in her womb.

Tristan brought his lips close to her ear.

"You lie."

The brush of warm breath against her skin made her shiver with desire.

"I feel your hunger, ishwala. I feel your desire for me. No matter my form, I’m still your Rov Shom, just
as you are still my Rov Shoma. That won’t change."

His lips moved then, from her ear to her cheek, sweeping slowly across her skin in a gentle caress.
When his mouth finally found hers, she was ready and willing. But he hovered there, just above her for a
moment, not quite touching. She waited, eyes closed, but it was difficult.

He blew on her lips then. Softly caressing her with his breath. Her mouth tingled and swelled from the

"Open your eyes, Sa Rah. I want to stare into your soul when we touch."

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* * * *

Tristan sucked in his breath.

Sa Rah was so beautiful.

Her eyes -- dazed and unfocused -- fluttered open. Lust was consuming her, just as it was consuming
him. He had transformed into the beast, as he had done many times before, but this time was different.
Usually the beast took over completely, but that wasn’t happening.

This time, his humanity remained just as strong as his primitive side. That had never occurred before. He
had the urge to take Sa Rah right then and there. To dominate her, to plunge himself deep inside her, and
make her his once and for all. But he held back. He wanted her pleasure to come first. He needed to
know that she wanted this fully and completely, no matter his form.

She sighed and he was lost. His mouth descended and covered hers. Her softness opened to him, letting
him delve inside. He growled with pleasure. She was yielding to him, letting him take control. He knew
that was not an easy thing for Sa Rah to do. Especially in the elevated state of the Rov Hum.

Yet she was softening against him, fitting her curves into his hard planes and angles. And she smelled
ready. Her seductive scent grew stronger, enticing him, drawing him in, tempting him to get closer and
closer still. Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed on her back, molding her against him. Her desire
slammed into him in strong waves, hardening his body with lust.

Picking her up, he carried Sa Rah out of his study, cradling her in his arms. She didn’t resist. Stalking
down the hall he pushed open his bedroom door with his foot, and slammed it shut after entering. Laying
her down on the bed, he devoured her with his eyes. She looked so incredibly beautiful, lying there with
her eyes half closed with passion and her wet lips parted. The memory of her mouth on him caused his
cock to jerk. He wanted to slide into her, fill her completely again and again until she came apart in his

But not yet. First her pleasure. The beast he was wanted to smell and taste her whole body. To
memorize it, and make it his. Leaning over her, Tristan touched his lips to hers. Brushing back and forth
over their plumpness, he couldn’t resist taking a little nip. Sa Rah moaned softly and he ran his tongue
over the spot he had bitten, soothing the sting. She moaned again, this time opening her mouth for him so

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that he could slip his tongue inside.

He explored the moist corners of her mouth, then met her tongue in an intimate dance of thrust and
parry. When she wrapped her mouth around his tongue and sucked gently, he nearly lost it. Grasping her
head, he deepened the kiss, devouring her mouth with his.

Sa Rah arched her body up, straining to get closer to him. That was all the encouragement he needed.
Trailing his lips from her mouth, he rained kisses down her neck to her chest. As he drew closer to her
breast, Sa Rah moaned and squirmed under him. He blew on one dark, berry colored nipple and
growled with pleasure as it tightened and hardened in response.

Unable to resist, he closed his mouth over it, and reveled at the stiff, sweet taste of it in his mouth.
Sucking lightly, he drew her deeper into his mouth. She gasped as his tongue circled the hard peak. The
noise drove him on. He sucked harder, while his fingers plucked at her other nipple.

* * * *

Sa Rah was going to die from pleasure.

She had never felt this way before. It was too much. Too intense. Too good. The ache between her legs
grew stronger with each draw of his mouth. The ishwala she was wanted to growl with frustration. She
needed. She needed something, something more. Lifting her hips and pressing against Tristan, she
unconsciously expressed her need to him.

He stiffened above her, then slid one hand down her body, along her stomach, and laid his hand over her
womanhood. She jerked up into his touch, unable to control the raging desire that coursed through her.
Yes -- she needed him to touch her, there. He had to touch her there. His touch was cool against her
heat. Sa Rah knew he must feel how wet she was, but for some reason she wasn’t embarrassed or
ashamed of it. She wanted him to know how much he affected her, how much she wanted him.

If the tug of his mouth on her breasts weren’t enough, Tristan slid his fingers between her nether lips and
ran them up and down the length of her. Each swipe skimmed her sensitive clit, leaving her gasping.
When she thought she couldn’t take much more, he dipped one finger into her hot core. Her body jerked
helplessly into his touch, wanting more of him inside her, deeper, harder -- something. She just needed

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Tristan’s mouth left her breast and he brought it close to her ear.

"You are so sexy, ishwala. You make me rage with desire. I want to touch you everywhere. To bring
you to your peak over and over again, until you’re sobbing with pleasure."

While whispering those heated words to her, Tristan dipped his finger in and out, deeper and deeper
while his thumb caressed her stiff nub. It was too much. Sa Rah spiraled into a hot haze of desire that
drew her body tighter and tighter. Capturing her breast with his mouth once more, he ran his tongue over
her nipple again and again, then drew it deeply into his mouth. That pushed her over the edge.

Gasping his name, Sa Rah’s hips bucked and her body shuddered as each wave of her release crashed
over her. Fireworks exploded behind her tightly closed eyelids. Tristan grasped her hand. Trying to
anchor herself as her body splintered into a million pieces, she held tightly on to him. Her hold only
loosened when the last wave hit her and she fell into oblivion.

Sa Rah slowly floated back to reality. She soon found herself getting lost in the most beautiful velvety
black pools she had ever seen. No, wait, they weren’t pools, they were eyes.

Tristan’s eyes.

The intensity of his gaze took her breath away. She couldn’t look away, even as he closed the distance
between them and touched his mouth to hers. His lips moved slowly, seductively over hers, sipping and
savoring. Her body tightened with desire. It didn’t matter that he had just brought her to her peak. She
was ready for more. She was ready for him. All of him.

Then he growled, low in his throat. Like an animal. It reverberated against her chest.

An animal.

Her eyes widened in fear. Struggling to sit up, she bumped into Tristan. He jerked away, allowing her to

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stand. She swayed on her feet as her gaze rose higher and higher. The beast stood in front of her. Tristan,
proud, arrogant, and unyielding in his true form.

Squaring her shoulders, she tried to face him. To look at him without cringing. To accept him for who
and what he was. His lip curled into a snarl, and his eyes narrowed dangerously.

She couldn’t do it.

"Uh, that was really incredible, Tristan," she said scooting around him as she picked up her fallen clothes.
"But, I really should go. I need some time to think. I can’t --"

Tristan grabbed her arm as she passed him.

"Don’t do this, Sa Rah. Don’t fight it, and don’t fear it. Face it like the warrior you are."

His low voice sounded strange to her. Soft, almost desperate with something unsaid. It called to her in a
way his anger never would have. But she fought against it. Looking down to where his hand held her arm,
she noticed the sprinkling of golden hair covering his skin. Panic bubbled up inside her, overriding
everything else.

Jerking her arm out of his grasp, she ran out of the room without another word. Struggling to get her
clothes on, she stumbled down the hallway. All the while her voice kept screaming the same thing over
and over again.

He’s a beast. He’s a monster … and he’s just going to dominate you, smother you, and suck the life
right out of you, until there’s nothing left.

A loud roar pierced through her thoughts. It was anguished. Filled with the kind of misery she didn’t
want to ponder.

It was Tristan.

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Speeding up her pace, she somehow managed to find her way downstairs and out of the house. On and
on she ran, as if hell itself were after her. She didn’t stop until the ache in her side became unbearable,
and she couldn’t catch her breath.

Dropping to her knees, she struggled to breathe. As her lungs started working normally, so did her heart.
Tears welled up in her eyes.

I will not cry. I’m a warrior. I will not cry.

It was no use. Her chest hurt. It felt too tight. Her stomach ached like someone had punched her. The
sob was wrenched from her mouth before she could stop it. Once that sound registered in her mind, she
completely lost control. Curling up on the ground, she let her tears and shame take over.

* * * *

Tristan wouldn’t turn around. Stiffly, he kept his gaze locked on the wall in front of him. He wouldn’t
watch her run away. He couldn’t watch her give up on him. As the door closed behind her, the emptiness
of the room grew into painful blows that battered him again and again. He held out as long as he could,
but then the beast broke free.

All the pain, all the loneliness came out in a roar so loud, so powerful it brought him to his knees. His
whole body shook from it. He held his head in his hands as the look on her face replayed over and over.
Fear, disgust, and coldness. He knelt there, head bowed, powerless, and weak from defeat as the
emptiness that seared through him almost engulfed everything else.

No. He wouldn’t give up. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t live without Sa Rah. She was his mate. She
was everything he wanted and needed in a woman. She belonged with him. She belonged to him. She
completed him.

Lifting his head and rising to his feet, resolution and determination filled him. He wouldn’t let her be
weak. He wouldn’t let her give up just because it was more difficult than she imagined. He needed her.
And he would have her. Whether she wanted him or not. They were Rov Shom. Truth mates. That’s all

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that mattered. The fact that he was a Diharan beast man meant nothing. The fact that she was a Tanvieran
princess meant nothing. All that mattered was that they belonged together, were meant to be with each

And so it would be. No matter what it took, Sa Rah would be his. If he had to lock her up night and day
to keep her by his side, he would. If he had to show her over and over again how much he loved her, he
would. That was the end of it.

After dressing himself, he looked for her in her bedroom first, but found it empty. Heading downstairs,
he found Tilly frantically wringing her hands. When she saw him, relief washed over her face. His
beast-like form had little effect on her as she had seen him in such a state before.

"Oh thanks be you’re here, sir. I heard the front door crash open a short while ago, but when I came to
see who it was, there was no one here. I was just heading upstairs to find you."

Tristan barely heard his housekeeper’s words. Sa Rah had left the house. He knew it with complete
certainty. She was trying to get as far away from him as possible. She was distraught and not thinking
clearly. It wasn’t safe for her outside on her own. Especially at night. Especially with some animal
attacking his eborafs.

He needed to find her as soon as possible.

* * * *

Sa Rah woke to the sound of growling.

Had Tristan found her? She had cried herself into unconsciousness on the ground in the middle of
nowhere. He must have located her. Looking up, she realized quickly how wrong she was.

Although it wasn’t Tristan, it was some sort of large beast. It walked on all fours, had long shaggy hair,
narrow beady eyes, a long snout, and a jaggedly sharp double set of teeth, similar to a shark. Unlike
Tristan, she knew this dangerous creature meant her harm. There was no hint of warmth in its cold brown
eyes. Saliva ran freely out of its mouth as it snarled at her. As far as it was concerned she was little more

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than a meal.

Sa Rah slowly sat up. More growling sounded behind her, and she discovered that the beast in front of
her was not alone. Fear engulfed her when she realized he must travel with a pack. She carefully looked
behind her and saw two more beasts, one to each side of her. They had neatly boxed her in. Although
she knew they were measuring her potential as either a threat or a meal, it wouldn’t be long before they
realized the truth.

She stepped sideways, attempting to create some sort of path to escape. The creatures just realigned
themselves to keep her trapped. They moved in closer. Their leader had decided. She was nothing more
than their prey. Her fear disappeared and an eerie calm filled her. Warrior training kicked in. Spreading
her feet apart, raising her hands in defense stance, she waited for the pack alpha. He would attack first.
She may not live through this, but she would make sure she was one meal that was difficult to take down.

The beast lunged at her. She managed to twist sideways to avoid contact, and knocked it away as it
passed. It yelped as it fell, but Sa Rah didn’t have time to determine how much damage she had done.
She turned around, trying to prevent the other two animals from getting to her, but she was too late. One
of the beasts knocked her down as she turned. Her head hit the ground as she fell, and she almost faded
into unconsciousness. The feel of sharp teeth tearing into her shoulder woke her. She grasped the
animal’s head, attempting to pull him off, and kicked out at the other beast as he jumped toward her. He
fell to the side, but the beast with his jaws locked onto her wasn’t budging. Ignoring the pain, Sa Rah
punched the beast several times in the throat, attempting to dislodge its wind pipe. The animal released
her and started choking. Jumping to her feet, she turned to face the other creatures. Though she had
knocked them both down, they were now back on their feet. She knew this time they would attack
together. She waited, fists up and ready, knowing she didn’t have much of a chance to ward both of
them off at the same time.

Just as they lunged forward, a large shadow passed in front of her, knocking her backwards to the
ground. Sa Rah’s head swam as she fought unconsciousness once more. She heard growling, then loud
cracking noises, and finally, pain filled yelps and whimpering. Just before the blackness took over she
heard a loud rage-filled roar. It was familiar. She knew that roar.


She struggled to sit up, but it was no use. Her head fell back and she tumbled into the darkness.

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Chapter 17

Kneeling on the bed, Zerik reached down, intending to gently shake Rachel’s shoulder. But his hands
had other ideas. He watched, fascinated by his own actions, as his fingers, shaking and unsteady,
brushed across her full lips, then slid down her cheek, to the slim line of her neck, over her collar bone
and finally rested just above her breasts.

The sight of his tan hands resting so close to her berry ripe nipples made him hard faster than he thought
possible. Rachel arched up so that his hands slid closer. His eyes flashed up to her face and he found
himself staring into her soft doe eyes. She didn’t say a word, but he could read her gaze as if she had

She wanted him. Wanted his touch.

Lifting herself higher off the bed, his fingers came in contact with her nipples. Unable to resist, he ran
each one back and forth through his thumb and forefinger. Plucking them lightly he watched his little flame
close her eyes and part her lips in a gasp.

He was bringing her pleasure. Male satisfaction coursed through him. She was his for the taking. As
ready for him as he was for her. Their lovemaking would be intense and explosive. He had no doubt
about that.

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Slipping one hand from her breast, he skipped along her ribcage and abdomen until he found her sweet
woman’s center. He lowered his mouth to her nipples just as his fingers parted her lips. She was moist
and ready for him. Plunging his fingers into her wet core, he scraped his teeth softly along her erect
nipple. Her moan of pleasure tightened his body to the point of snapping.

Drawing her more deeply into his mouth, he savored her sweet berries with his tongue. His fingers
played her like an instrument, until she was strung so tight her orgasm broke over her in waves that
jerked her body up against his again and again. He caught her screams of release with his mouth, kissing
her until the last quake shook her.

Her eyes flew open soon after. He knew he was looking at her with smug satisfaction, but couldn’t help
it. He had brought her to her climax twice now, and it gave him incredible pleasure to know he could do
this for her.

"Let me up, Zerik."

Rachel squirmed against him as he let some of his weight rest on her bare form. Her eyes flared wide.
Was that fear he saw flash for a minute in her incredible gaze?

Rachel couldn’t take much more. He needed to get off of her. Now.

"Why do you need to get up? Where are you in such a hurry to go, little flame?"

The question was a tease, low and husky, sending shivers up and down her spine. The man had a voice
that could cream milk into butter. And his eyes. The way he was looking at her now was turning her into
melted butter. Didn’t she just have one of the most incredible orgasms of her life a minute ago? So why
did her body feel like it was on fire again?

The man had too much control over her. That was scary. Way too scary. As he spoke, he settled
himself more firmly against her. Though he wasn’t laying his full weight on her, he seemed to fit perfectly
against her curves, like the yin for her yang. Yin for her yang? Where had that come from?

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Disgusted with herself, she slipped her hands between them and attempted to push his chest up and
away from her. It was like trying to push a wall. The man was hard, solid and unyielding. It was obvious
he was going nowhere. When she felt a vibration against her hands where they lay on his chest, her eyes
darted up to his.

He was silently laughing at her. His eyes were crinkled at the corner. A sexy smile played across his lips
as he silently chuckled.

Rachel felt like stamping her feet in frustration.

"I don’t find this at all humorous, Zerik. Get off of me. Or do you always have to force women to be
with you?"

Rachel wished the words back the minute they left her lips.

Zerik’s smile slipped and the laughter in his eyes died, snuffed out by her callousness. After pushing
himself up and off of her, he grabbed her by the waist and dragged her to her feet. She grabbed his
shoulders to steady herself. Covering her hands with his, he removed them and stepped back.

His gaze ran over her then. From her head to her feet and back up again. His perusal was scathing and
critical. Every flaw, every sag, every wrinkle came to mind as he coldly studied her bare body.

When his eyes touched hers once more, no warmth remained. He was the warrior. The assassin she had
met that first day back at the club.

"I have never, and will never force a woman to be with me. That is and will always remain her choice,
not mine."

Each word he spoke was cutting and derisive as he looked at her with disgust. Then he picked up her
clothes, and thrust them against her chest. Striding to the door he didn’t turn around as he spoke.

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"Get dressed. I’ll be back in a short while with some breakfast. I want to leave as soon as possible. It’s
time to complete my mission."

Rachel jumped as he slammed the door behind him.

His mission?

To kill someone. Her mind started to numb, until she remembered exactly who he was trying to kill.


He had figured out where Honey was. Fear filled her. Her friend was going to die unless she did
something to stop it. She now knew without a doubt that Zerik was very good at what he did. If he was
determined to kill her friend, he would do whatever he needed to accomplish that. And from his
expression earlier, as he left the room, their feelings or lack thereof for each other wouldn’t make a
difference one way or another.

Raising her chin and narrowing her eyes, Rachel made a vow. Her friend, Honey, would not be harmed.
If Zerik pushed the issue, she would push right back. She may love the man, but that -- whoa, did she
just think love?

Where had that thought come from?

She had just been debating sleeping with this man for the fun of it--not loving him. Rachel started
dressing as her thoughts went wild. She couldn’t possibly be in love with Zerik. Could she? First of all, he
was an assassin. That could present many problems, especially in light of who he was currently trying to
kill. Next, he was not only from a different planet, but also a different time. Wasn’t there some sort of
time paradox issue? And lastly, he was younger than her, several years younger. Older women and
younger men never worked out. He’d get tired of her wrinkles and sags as soon as some tight young
thing came into view.

No. She wasn’t in love with him. She was just infatuated. He was a handsome, virile, sexy man. He was

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intelligent, determined and honorable, in his own way. And he had an incredible body. She was just
temporarily in lust with Zerik. Nothing more, nothing less.

She would enjoy it while it lasted, one day at a time. And when the time came for her to save her friend,
and for her and Zerik to part ways, she would do it. She could handle it. It wouldn’t be the first time she
had to let go of someone.

Her parents were both dead. She had no siblings. And she wasn’t close to her extended relatives. She
rarely, if ever spoke to them. Once her parents passed on, she was pretty much left on her own. She had
been twenty-five when they died in the house fire. She would never forget the sight of her childhood
home, burned to the ground, until nothing remained but ashes. The guilt had been immediate. She had
wished she had been there to help her parents, to get them out of the house. She knew on some level that
she wouldn’t have been able to help them even if she had been there. There had been a gas leak, and a
spark ignited an explosion that engulfed the house in fire. Yet her guilt remained.

As did her loneliness. She had been an only child, and as such, very close to her mom and dad. Their
death had left a big hole in her heart. Then she had met Chase. He had seemed like everything she
needed at that time. Funny, successful, and handsome. She enjoyed his company so much that the
emptiness left by her parents’ death was assuaged somewhat.

So she married Chase. And discovered two truths over time. He was an alcoholic. And she was
codependent. He drank, and she tried to control it and save him. Their strange and unhealthy relationship
went on for over twenty years. They never had children. Rachel had been too scared to bring a child into
such a sick relationship. Chase had resented that and eventually became verbally abusive, calling her cold
and unfeeling.

The day that abuse turned physical, she realized it was time to get out. That it wasn’t up to her to save
her husband. That he needed to save himself. And that despite how much she had attempted to control
him and his drinking, he and his actions had really been controlling her all their years together. She
needed to live her life for her. She needed to meet her own needs instead of sacrificing them for someone

So she had let go. And she began living, truly living her life once more.

She did it once. She could do it again. Granted the situation was different now, but that didn’t matter.
She couldn’t be with someone who lived the kind of life Zerik lived. Who did what he did. It would be
too unhealthy.

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No, she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. The first time, it took over twenty years of her life. She
wanted to enjoy her remaining time in healthy, happy relationships. She wouldn’t, and couldn’t save Zerik
from the life he chose for himself. It wasn’t for her to do. And furthermore, it was the type of life that was
obviously admired among his people. It just would never work.

She knew that. Accepted that.

Yet the moment he walked back into their room with breakfast, all logical thought fled. He was so
beautiful. So proud. So strong. And when their eyes met, she saw his emerald green gaze light with male
appreciation and something more. A softening, perhaps? Caring?

No. Rachel shook her head and turned away. She went into the bathroom to wash up. Not caring. Lust
maybe, but not caring.

It could never be.

* * * *

Sa Rah woke up in a strange bed. Looking around her, she knew right away that she was in a man’s
room. It was very masculine, with simple lines and no frills. Various shades of blue dominated the
curtains, bed comforter, and the upholstery covering the couch and chairs. The bed was huge. It could
easily fit four of her in it. The furniture was large and overstuffed.

Before she could study it further, the bedroom door opened. The sight of Tristan made her gasp. He
was limping, his face was haggard, and he looked like he hadn’t shaved in a while. She sat up in bed,
pulling the sheet tightly around her chest when she realized that she wore nothing underneath.

Her actions stopped him in his tracks.

Silently, he stared across the room at her, unmoving, so still she wondered if he was somehow frozen.

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His gaze was haunted, pained, and hesitant, almost as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he
blinked his eyes, and the emotions were gone. Cold indifference was all that remained.

How did he do that?

Sa Rah didn’t have time to ponder it as Tristan swung around and headed back out the door.

"I’ll get Tilly. She has some food prepared for you." His voice was tight with control, unemotional.


She wasn’t sure why she stopped him. Why she needed to call him back, but her voice commanded him
in a way she never thought possible. He stiffened, stopped, and turned back toward her.


That one word was polite, cold, without feeling.

Sa Rah didn’t know what possessed her, but she patted the bed and smiled across the room at him.

"Come sit with me. We need to talk."

Raising an eyebrow in question, Tristan hesitated for a moment before stalking to the bed. But he didn’t
sit down. Instead he leaned over her and felt her forehead. His touch was cool and comforting. She
closed her eyes. His touch soothed and calmed her.

"Are you well, ishwala?"

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The sound in his voice was so quiet, so unsure, so pained that it told her something his words didn’t. She
didn’t dare open her eyes. She knew if she did, she would see the truth in his eyes. And then he would
blink, and it would be gone. Making her wonder if it had ever really been there.

He didn’t give her that luxury. Grasping her chin, he tilted it up.

"Look at me."

She hesitantly opened her eyes, and was immediately lost. His emerald green eyes stared at her with an
intensity that was disconcerting. He searched her face, his gaze skimming each facial feature to the point
that she felt like he were actually touching her. Then his eyes moved back to hers. He caressed her then.
With just his gaze, he told his feelings.

"Sa Rah?"

Panic filled her. This was too much. Too intense. She was being flooded with emotions from all
directions. Tristan was projecting to her, and she was experiencing her own feelings as well. She couldn’t
take it.

Or could she? Just as suddenly as the panic over took her, calmness took its place. She was tired of
this. Tired of panicking every time Tristan got too close. Tired of worrying about what might happen.

Tired of being scared. It was time to face the truth. Time to stop being frightened.

Lifting her hand, she softly caressed Tristan’s cheek. He released a loud shaky breath. Lifting his other
hand, he grasped the hair at the back of her head, and lightly tugged, forcing Sa Rah to tilt her head even
further back. She met Tristan’s gaze head on.

"Do you know how worried I’ve been?"

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Sa Rah started to answer no, but he didn’t wait.

Gripping her hair tighter, he released her chin and descended upon her. Touching his lips to hers, he was
soft and gentle at first. But that soon changed. Holding her in place, he devoured her mouth, hungrily
feasting on her as if he were starved and she were food. He drove his tongue into her again and again,
demanding a response. Moaning deep in her throat, she entwined her tongue with his and they danced.

Just as she was losing herself to his touch, he abruptly pulled away. He began pacing the room, running
his fingers through his hair, impatiently.

"Don’t ever do that to me again, princess. You’ve been unconscious for almost two days. I wasn’t sure
you were going to make it. The doctors repaired all your injuries, but couldn’t diagnose why you didn’t
regain consciousness. The only explanation they gave was that sometimes the brain chooses to shut down
for a while during especially traumatic times. They felt positive you would awaken at some point, but they
weren’t sure when."

Sa Rah was shocked.

"Two days?"

Tristan stopped pacing and stood over her once more. He scowled deeply, and his brow furrowed with
agitation. He was angry, she could sense that, but he was also scared. Scared that she wouldn’t wake

She patted the bed once more and spoke in a gentle tone.

"Please tell me what happened, Tristan. The last thing I remember is running from the house and
eventually getting so exhausted that I fell to the ground. Beyond that, I’m a little unclear."

Tristan sat down beside her. Shock replaced the anger and worry on his face.

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"You honestly don’t remember?"

Shaking her head, she frowned as a memory skittered through her mind.

"Well, maybe one thing."

"What is it?"

"The sound of roaring. And it was familiar."

Her eyes widened.

"It was you! Somehow I knew it was you. And you were in pain. What happened?"

Tristan took her hand in his.

"You were attacked by akatas."

Surprised by his actions, Sa Rah almost didn’t hear his answer. Finally able to tear her gaze from their
clasped hands, she met his gaze once more.


"Akatas. They’re ferocious, wild canines that travels in packs. But they rarely come near humans.
Something must have happened to their habitat for them to venture so close. That must be why they’ve
been attacking my eborafs."

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All she had to hear was "ferocious, wild canine" and her head swam. The image of the beasts suddenly
came back to her. Shivers of fear ran down her spine. They had been large, deadly looking animals. She
had decided to fight, but knew she was going to die.

Tristan had saved her.

She gave his hand a squeeze and softly touched his cheek.

"You saved me, didn’t you?"

Tristan lifted his chin and stared down at her in silence. His fathomless green eyes revealed nothing. She
couldn’t read his face at first, but then it changed. Something shifted as they peered deeply into each
other’s eyes. His gaze intensified, to the point that they became windows instead of mirrors. She saw it all
then. The love, the desire, the need, and the pain.

Then he told her what happened. He had fought the animals off, killing two of them in the process. They
had injured him as well, but it hadn’t been critical.

"The remaining beasts are still out there, but I have some of my men hunting for them. Those animals are
a danger to anyone they encounter now. Because they’ve attacked you and tasted my flesh, they won’t
hesitate to do the same thing to the next person they run into. They’ve now graduated to being people
hunters. They’re no longer limited to animals."

Sarah’s eyes widened in horror.

"You could have been killed."

Shaking his head, he smiled gently down at her.

"But, I wasn’t."

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Feelings rushed over her. Fear, protectiveness, and love. The thought of anything happening to Tristan
was unbearable. Imagining life without him was impossible. She faced these emotions and finally
accepted what they were. The truth. Tristan was her truth mate. The man she was destined to spend the
rest of her life with.

Sa Rah connected with him on a level that she had never found before with anyone else. When they
stared into each other’s eyes everything else disappeared. They knew and understood each other’s
needs in a way that was uncanny, almost magical. And she knew that at some level, it had always felt
natural and right to be with Tristan.

She understood now. No matter his origins, no matter his actions, no matter his form, one thing remained
true. He was the only man for her. The one she was destined to spend the rest of her life loving and living
happily with.

* * * *

Tristan wanted her in a way that was killing him. Looking down into her startling, blue eyes tempted him
unbearably. He was tired of hiding the truth from her, tired of holding back. It was time for her to stop
running. Sa Rah was his mate.

She was his.

They belonged together. That was all that mattered. Forget that she was a princess. Forget that he was a
Diharan. Forget that he became a beast that she wasn’t sure how to handle. None of that made a

Taking Sa Rah’s hand, he laid it over his heart. He knew it was beating fast and hard. It always did
when she was near.

"This. This is what matters, ishwala. Nothing else. Do you understand that?"

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Sa Rah did nothing more than stare up at him. Just when he thought she didn’t grasp what he was saying,
she acted the warrior princess she was.

Grasping the back of his head, she spoke softly right before pressing her lips to his.

"Of course I understand, Tristan. I’ve always understood, but I was never able to accept it. Until now."

Her soft lips moved beneath his. Unable to restrain himself, he grasped her waist and dragged Sa Rah
flush against him. The feel of her, warm and willing ignited a flame of hunger too strong to resist. He had
resisted it for a long time. Grasping her midnight hair, he pulled her head back. Her lips parted and he
drank from her like a man parched from thirst. Exploring each and every corner, he conquered her mouth
again and again. Yet she opened wider for him. Invited him to take more.

He obliged her without hesitation, raining light kisses down her neck. Tristan found her breasts and
worshipped each one until Sa Rah was arching up off the bed and gasping with pleasure. He pulled back
slightly and stared down at her. Her eyes were half closed and unfocused, her parted lips swollen from
his kisses, and her berry colored nipples stiff and wet from his attention. She looked like a woman ready
for loving.

Ready for him.

His eyes skimmed lower and his breath caught in his throat. Sa Rah was beautiful everywhere. Her legs
were slightly parted in anticipation of his touch. The dark triangle of hair at the apex of her thighs invited
him closer. He couldn’t resist sliding his fingers into her midnight black curls. They were soft and springy
to the touch. And they were wet. Wet with her dew. The dew of desire that he knew even now coated
her woman’s passage in anticipation of being touched. By him, only him.

The beast in him roared with primal need, and rage at being denied.

No. He had to take things slowly. Scaring her with his lust was the last thing he wanted to do. He
shuddered from the effort to hold himself back. The thought of driving into her sweet body until they both
exploded with passion made him take a deep, steadying breath. That made it worse. The exotic, musky,
and spicy scent of her filled his senses. Surrounded him completely.

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His mouth watered with the thought of tasting her. First he would slide his hands under her, grasping her
bottom so that he could pull her to his hungry mouth. Holding her in place, he would dive into her dark
curls, part her soft lips with his tongue, then slide over her nub again and again before plunging into her
hot core. He would suck and nibble her, drinking from her sweet honey until she was writhing with desire
and crying out his name.

Then and only then would he take her.

* * * *

Sa Rah arched into his touch. Into his mouth, suckling her breasts mercilessly. His strong lips drew on
her again and again while his tongue played havoc with her senses. The pleasure of it left her gasping for
more. When he pulled away she almost cried out from the loss. She needed his touch, needed him.

Why had he stopped?

Glancing up at him, she lost the ability to breathe. Tristan was looking down at her like a lion ready to
pounce. His eyes were dark and hungry as they narrowed dangerously. His sharp gaze remained fixed on
her womanhood. She felt a rush of moisture between her legs as his stare burned a path of desire straight
into her. Transfixed, she watched him slide his fingers into her nether curls. Lust pierced through her body
from his touch. So firm, yet gentle. So hot.

Tristan shuddered and swallowed. Sa Rah could tell he was struggling with something. But she didn’t
care. Nothing else mattered at that moment, but this. He had to finish what he started. It didn’t matter
that she wasn’t sure what "it" was. She needed it. She wanted it. Now.

He started to pull his fingers back, but she didn’t let him. Instead, she placed her hand over his, holding it
against her womanhood. Finding his middle finger with her own, she pressed down. His finger delved
between her lips and she almost lost it there and then.

Tristan’s low growl was her only warning.

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One minute she was controlling the pace, the next, she was flat on her back, legs spread wide, swimming
in a sea of desire. His hands and mouth took over, caressing her everywhere. Her breasts were tingling,
swollen and stiff from his touch. She lifted her hips helplessly as his fingers played her clit again and again.
When his mouth replaced his hands, she almost jerked off the bed from the pleasure.

His tongue laved her nub, slid over he lips, and delved inside her again and again. His hand found her
breasts, rubbing and plucking at her nipples. Relentlessly he continued his gentle onslaught of her senses.
The ache inside her grew stronger, bringing her closer and closer to something just out of reach. She
strained toward it. She strained against it. Nothing helped. She drew nearer to the edge, but her body
and Tristan betrayed her, teasing her with what was to come. Each time she felt like she was almost
there, he would pull back and the feeling would slowly ease.

She was at the point of screaming in frustration when Tristan lifted his head and looked up at her. The
sight of him staring up, along her body, his dark gaze hot and intense was almost her undoing. Then he
gave her a smile. But not just any smile. It was the kind of sexy, teasing grin that made her temperature
rise and her heart do somersaults. The kind of curve to his lips that all by itself could almost bring her to
her peak.

"Do you want me, ishwala?" he asked. His voice was low and raspy. The sound of it sent velvet tingles
down her spine.

Sa Rah couldn’t answer. She was practically panting with need. Couldn’t he tell how much she wanted
him, how much she needed him?

His look was knowing as he pressed his hand against her womanhood.

"I want you. I want you so bad I’m shaking. I need to be here. Joined with you, inside of you."

As if to emphasize his point, he slid one finger between her lips and delved into her wet core.

Sa Rah bit her lip to keep from crying out with pleasure, but couldn’t stop her hips from jerking up to
meet his touch.

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"Please," she begged in a voice hoarse with need.

That was all Tristan had been waiting for. Removing his finger, he brought it to his lips and sucked on it.
All the while his hot stare held hers.

Her true self let go then. The ishwala she was joined their lovemaking. She let the power of the animal fill
her. This was her one true mate. The one she wanted above all others. In her mind, her ishwala stalked
toward Tristan’s beast. Proud and unafraid, it faced the creature. The two animals stared at each other
silently for several moments, then her ishwala lifted her head and roared. The sound shook through Sa
Rah. But what amazed her was the sound of Tristan’s beast roaring in response.

Then both animals turned in unison and just walked away, side by side. As they disappeared together,
Sa Rah knew without a doubt that she and Tristan were meant to be. The Rov Hum had showed her
that. And she was more than ready.

Sa Rah lifted her hips slightly and moaned with need.

Growling, Tristan stood up, grasped her waist and pulled her down to the edge of the bed. He placed
his hands under her bottom and lifted her to him. She gasped as he plunged deep inside her. No
hesitation, no wait. He just filled her completely in one long stroke.

The pleasure almost disguised the pain. But not quite. The mixture of the two took her breath away. Sa
Rah wanted to lift her hips, take him deeper inside her, but at the same time she didn’t. It hurt too much.
She sat still, trying to get used to the feel of him.

"It’s alright, ishwala. The worst is done. After this, you will only feel pleasure."

Tristan was true to his word.

He rained kisses on her face and neck as her body adjusted to accommodate him. Then he started
moving. She held her breath, waiting for the pain to return, but it didn’t. The feel of him inside her was
tight, but beyond that, the discomfort was minimal. Her body was humming with pleasure with each
stroke. Soon he was plunging inside her faster and faster. She lifted her hips to meet him halfway.

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The rest was pleasure, nothing but pure, slick, red hot pleasure. The feel of him filling her up again and
again was like nothing she had ever experienced before. It was all she imagined, and so much more. Each
thrust touched her in a way that lit a fire inside her. The fire grew in intensity as his movements became
faster and deeper.

She felt the build up again. The anticipation of something as her body tightened and swelled. When
Tristan began drinking from her lips and caressing her breasts at the same time his hot, hard cock filled
her so completely, she almost flew into a million pieces. Once, twice, three times he stroked his tongue
inside her mouth to match their more intimate joining. The combination of the two was intoxicating and
overwhelming. Seeing fireworks, she tumbled helplessly into oblivion, gasping his name again and again
as her hips bucked from the power of her orgasm.

Tristan’s roar shook her as the last waves of her release overtook her. Looking up into his eyes, their
gazes met, and held. The intensity of the moment wasn’t lost on Sa Rah. The connection they shared
flared to life. She could feel everything he was, as she was sure he could feel her. Love, desire, caring
came floating into her, and she knew she projected the same back to her truth mate.

Her truth mate. Her Rov Shom. Yes, Tristan was that. She knew that now. And it was okay. It was
right. It was as it should be. She was ready for him, and his love. And she wanted to give everything in
return. All of her love. It was his.

His eyes widened as she projected her feelings to him. He understood now. He knew how she felt.

Sa Rah would never forget the smile that spread across Tristan’s face in that moment. It was like a boy
who had just gotten the best birthday present ever. Like a kid who was just given his most precious wish.
His face glowed with the kind of youthful exuberance she would hold in her mind forever. It was so
beautiful, it took her breath away.

This was her Rov Shom.

Sa Rah couldn’t help but return his grin with her own giddy one. She understood now. She finally
understood. This man didn’t want to take anything from her. He just wanted to give. He wanted to give
her his love, not instead of her life, but as an addition to her life.

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* * * *

Tristan was overwhelmed by her beautiful smile.

The intensity of their connection was something he had never felt before. And the strangest part of all
was how it had affected his beast. Though it remained just below the surface, it had retreated. Instead of
taking him over, it had faded away. It was as if Sa Rah and his joining had somehow subdued his beast,
calmed it, and soothed its turmoil. During their lovemaking, her true self, the ishwala, had entered his
mind, and at first he thought his beast would take over. He thought it would try to overwhelm and
overpower her. The opposite happened. There was no battle of wills, no fierce confrontation. Instead, in
his thoughts the two of them met, shared a touching moment of understanding, and then retreated to their
own place and time together. It was as if Sa Rah’s ishwala had tamed his beast.

After that, everything changed. He realized he was free to love Sa Rah in the way he had dreamed about
for so long. As himself, just Tristan, without worrying about losing control, without worrying about the
beast taking over, and without worrying about hurting her.

That knowledge hurled him over the edge. The intensity of his orgasm shook him. It was everything, yet
so much more than he had hoped it would be. He roared his release then panted her name over and over
again as his hips bucked forward.

They were complete truth mates now.

Sa Rah was his.

At last.

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Chapter 18

At last.

Zerik could complete his mission.

As he watched Rachel turn away from him and go into the bathroom, he realized one important,
undeniable fact. The sooner he separated from her the better. It was time this thing between them ended.
Time to let go of the emotions he was letting rule him. He would only bring her pain. And he didn’t want
to do that to her.

Rachel needed to be free of him so that she could live the life she deserved. He had interrupted that, but
he would correct that error. It was in his power to erase her memory and take her back to her time.
Once he had killed the princess, he would let her get back to her life, and he would get back to being
who and what he was, a Diharan assassin.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Zerik would go back to living a simple, honorable life. A way of living dedicated to his people and to his
duty. The kind of life that didn’t get entangled with emotions and passion. He would flow back into the
numb existence that had become his before meeting Rachel.

Numb. Emotionless. Calm. That’s how he needed to live. It was so much better that way.

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Rachel walked out of the bathroom. She stopped short at the sight of him. Her stare became curious,
and a little unsure. Probably because he hadn’t moved from the spot he had been in when she went into
the bathroom. He even still held their breakfast in his arms.

The sight of her stirred him, as it always did. She merely had to stand before him to break through the
protective wall around his heart. All his warrior training was lost to him when she was near.

She made him weak.

He couldn’t be weak.

He was a trained killer. A shadow man. Weakness was unacceptable. Vulnerability was dangerous.
Rachel made him both. Caring about her would only put her life in danger. He had enemies. If they ever
learned that he had feelings for a woman, her life wouldn’t last long. His mate would be killed as a way to
get to him.

A mate?

When had he started thinking of her in that way? She was not his mate. His little flame was a beautiful,
independent, and alluring female, but that was it. She was no more than his captive. And that was all she
would remain, until he freed her.

He tore his gaze from her beautiful green eyes. Those eyes haunted both his sleeping and waking hours.
Shaking his head ruefully, he set their breakfast on the nearby table. He would get over her presence in
his life. Soon. Soon he would go back to being who and what he truly was. And she would be out of his

Zerik could handle her until then. She was nothing more than a female. She had no power over him.

Glancing up, he saw that Rachel still stood frozen to the spot she had stopped at after exiting the

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bathroom. He motioned toward the food.

"Eat. We need to leave soon."

Without waiting for her, he sat down and grabbed the nearest piece of meat. He chewed it vigorously, as
if it were the best thing he had in a long time. In reality, he was so focused on Rachel that it could have
been eboraf feed and he wouldn’t have known the difference.

* * * *

Rachel watched him eat. He ignored her, staring blankly in front of him as he did so. He looked cold and
untouchable. It reminded her of the way he appeared when they first met. As if he had no emotions, no
feelings, and was nothing more than a cold, dangerous animal. Whatever feelings she had thought were
present in his eyes were gone, or had never even been there to begin with.

It hadn’t been real. Her mind registered it even as her heart clenched in pain. She had been right. Zerik
felt only lust for her. And since she had made it clear that she would not be forced into being intimate with
him, he had assumed she wasn’t interested.

So he detached.

The detachment was in his movements, in his facial expression, in the way he acted like she wasn’t even
there. He couldn’t have what he wanted from her, so he had moved on. Rachel had no doubt he would
find someone else to focus his attentions on. He was an incredibly handsome and sexy man. She was
sure most females on his world found him attractive.

She should be glad it turned out like this. It would make things so much easier when the time came for
them to part ways. She was still determined to do everything she could to save Sa Rah and somehow,
some way find their way home. After that she would forget about this man.

She would forget his beautiful, intense green eyes. She would forget his ruggedly handsome face. She
would forget his rock hard body, and the way she always wanted to touch it. And she would forget the
surprising person she found inside that hard exterior. She would forget the poet he truly was. Yes, over

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time, she would forget and move on with her life. Living in the best, most healthy way possible. She
would live her life for her. As she was meant to.

Unbidden, the words to the old Jim Croce song, ‘Operator’, came to mind. She could only remember
part of it, but it rang through her head loud and clear:

I’ve overcome the blow,

I’ve learned to take it well.

I only wish my words

could just convince myself that it just wasn’t real,

but that’s not the way it feels.

Shaking her head to clear it, she pushed the words out of her head. She could do this. She had to. This
man was no good for her. And their age difference would become a problem, no matter what he said. He
was a warrior. A killer. She didn’t need a killer. She needed a lover. A man who was willing to meet her
needs, just as she would try to meet his. She needed an equal partner. She needed a man who would
treat her with the love and respect she deserved. A man who would support her in whatever she chose to
do with her life. A man who wanted to be with her.

A man who would have a child with her.

That last thought flew into her mind before she could stop it.

Children. How she would love a child! She had put that part of her on hold during her rocky marriage to
Chase, but now she felt like she had missed the boat. She knew it wouldn’t have helped to have a child in
the kind of unhealthy marriage they had, but nevertheless, she felt a hollowness inside her that was so big
she didn’t think it could ever be filled.

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Walking over to where Zerik ate, she knew that he would not be her first choice as the father of her
children. He was intense, moody, and furiously independent. What kind of parent could he possibly be?

Taking a piece of what looked like bread, Rachel bit into it. The sweet, honey wheat taste of it was
delicious, she was sure, but it felt like nothing more than sawdust in her mouth. Chewing on it, she
pondered the man who sat in front of her. Lost in his own thoughts, he seemed to take no notice of her.

No, Zerik was not the man she needed to be with. It was for the best that things had turned out this way,
before they got too serious. She wouldn’t think of the intimate moments they had shared. It made no
difference now. She would get home somehow, and continue learning from and living her life. And when
the time came, she would find that special someone to spend time with. And maybe, just maybe, she
would be lucky enough to have a child with him, despite her age.

Chewing the remaining food proved difficult, but she managed to finish one piece of bread. She poured
herself a glass of water and gulped it down in an effort to loosen the lump in her throat. The lump finally
dissolved, but it was replaced by an ache in her chest that weighed heavily on her.

It wasn’t from the food. It wasn’t from the water. It was caused by the man right in front of her. A man
she had promised herself she wouldn’t get emotionally attached to. A man who touched her in so many
ways, on so many levels, she couldn’t begin to understand it.

He must have felt the intensity of her stare, because he slowly raised his gaze to hers. When their eyes
met, his flared wide. She wanted to shutter her expression, just like he was able to, but she couldn’t.
Longing and need filled her to the point that she began shaking. Her stare got lost in the deep green of his
eyes. Everything else disappeared. Nothing else mattered.

* * * *

Damn her, Zerik cursed.

Rachel shouldn’t be looking at him like that. His body’s reaction was immediate. His mind exploded into
thoughts and images better left unexplored. Nevertheless they appeared and he reacted. His beast roared

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to life.

"What do you want from me, little flame?"

His voice was low and hoarse, even to his own ears.

Rachel shivered as he spoke. Her strong response to his voice pleased him. And it angered him. She
couldn’t tempt him like this. He wasn’t sure he would be able to hold himself back.

"Want? I think you know what I want, Zerik."

That was it. He couldn’t deal with this. Shadow man or not, she was too much of a temptation. His body
hardened in response to her soft spoken words. He needed some distance from her -- now.

He stood abruptly, knocking the chair backwards. It hit the floor with a loud bang. Rachel jumped in
response, but didn’t back off. Instead she moved closer, stepping right up to him. His nostrils flared as he
breathed in her scent. Light, subtle, and very, very feminine. It would haunt him the rest of his life. He
would never forget the clean, sweet smell of her.

He was the first to move. It was self preservation, nothing more. He needed space between them before
he did something he would regret. But as he backed up, Rachel reached forward and grasped his upper

He shuddered.

Her touch, though innocent, sent his body into a spiral of lust.

He stared down at where her hand touched him. Creamy soft skin covered her long graceful fingers.
Against his darkly tanned coloring the contrast was pronounced. It shook him. The image of her touching
him all over with those hands had him shuddering again. Desire raged beneath the surface. And the beast
he was pushed for free rein.

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He fought both, but the effort left him sweating.

Looking down into her doe eyes, he tried to warn her with a glance.

"You don’t know what you’re doing, little flame. Remove your hand," he said through tightly clenched

Rachel looked unsure for a moment.

"So, you don’t want me? I’m too old, too saggy, too wrinkly -- right?"

Her fingers tightened on his arm as she whispered the question to him. Her face fell, and she looked lost.
Were those tears pooling in her beautiful eyes?

Zerik cursed under his breath. How could she think he didn’t want her? How could she doubt how
much she affected him? Something snapped inside him.

He was on her in a second. Her doubts pushed him over the edge of his control. Grabbing her
shoulders, he pulled her against him.

"You little fool. I want you so much I ache. You scramble my thoughts. You make me lose my focus.
You turn me inside out. I think about you too much. You are a distraction, woman. A beautiful, tempting
distraction that I can’t fight any longer."

He lowered his head and devoured her mouth. He felt like a starving man. Her mouth was his feast. And
he couldn’t get enough of her. Her lips opened under light pressure from his, and he plunged inside. He
explored every corner and danced with her tongue. When she caught his tongue with her teeth and
sucked gently, he nearly lost it.

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He slid his hands down her shoulder, around her waist and lower until he reached her ass. He grabbed
her then, kneading her softness for a moment before pulling her forward and pressing her against his
hardness. The contact left him groaning into her mouth. Pulling away slightly, he whispered in her ear.

"Does this feel like I don’t want you, little flame?" Emphasizing his words, Zerik pushed against her

Her startled gasp told him Rachel knew how much she was affecting him.

Her ear tempted him to the point that he couldn’t resist sucking on her lobe. Sliding his tongue higher, he
twirled it lightly in her ear. Rachel stiffened against him and he chuckled low in his throat.

"So you like that, do you? Wait, there’s more to come. I think you’ll like it as well."

Running his tongue down her neck, Zerik took small nips of her skin. He heard Rachel’s breath hitch in
her throat. The sound blazed a new fire of lust through his body. Pressing her more tightly against his hips,
he lifted slightly so that his cock nestled at the opening of her womanhood. Though they both were
dressed, the feel of their bodies so intimately touching drove him crazy.

And he wasn’t the only one affected.

"Zerik. Please."

Rachel moaned his name and her need as she entwined her fingers in his hair. Pulling his head lower, she
pressed him against her chest.

Zerik needed no other urging. He nuzzled against her breasts, enjoying their softness. The blouse she had
on was thin, and she wore nothing underneath it. Her nipples hardened and pebbled beneath his touch.

He couldn’t resist. Closing his mouth over one nipple, he sucked it gently through the fabric. Rachel

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arched into his mouth, gasping with pleasure. Gripping his head, she pulled him even closer. He suckled
harder, until she began moaning. Alternating between both breasts, he worshipped them relentlessly.

Rachel tugged on his hair, pulling him up to face her.

Then it was her turn.

She pulled his head to her and plunged her tongue into his mouth. She hungrily explored him, while
pressing her hips to his. He held her waist, keeping her tightly against him. Her mouth slid from his mouth,
down his neck. Encountering his shirt, she pulled it up, exposing his chest.

Lowering her mouth to his chest, she began to suckle his nipples. He groaned at the feel of her soft,
warm mouth on him. The image of her sucking on another part of him drove him crazy with need. She
drew harder and harder, until he grasped a handful of her hair and gently pulled her back.

He had to kiss her.

Their mouths touched and they exploded into an erotic dance of tongues, lips and teeth. When Rachel
broke their kiss, he tried to keep her there, but she fought it. Instead, she brought her mouth back to his
chest, and slid her tongue lower, over his stomach. Dipping her tongue into his navel, she twirled her
tongue inside before moving on.

When she reached the waistband of his pants, and slowly pulled it down, he moaned. He released her
hair, letting her set the pace. She kissed her way lower and lower. He wanted to push his cock forward.
He imagined plunging it again into her warm, wet mouth.

But he wouldn’t do it. Unless she wanted it.

Rachel was telling him she needed to lead the way, and he would respect that.

All thoughts of respect and control slipped from his mind the minute she wrapped her soft lips around his

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manhood. Back and forth, up and down, slowly, then quickly her lips slipped over him. She drew on him
again and again until his hips bucked against her. She teased him with her tongue.

He didn’t know how much longer he could hold back.

* * * *

Rachel felt feminine power rush through her.

He wanted her. Even if his words hadn’t said so, his body did. His reaction to her touch was
intoxicating. The sight of his hard body straining with need caused lust to run hot through her veins. The
smell of him, spicy, and all male was tantalizing. The salty taste of him was driving her out of her mind.
She wanted to nibble on his skin, all over. She wanted to feast on every part of his body.

One part of his anatomy drew her in particular. Lowering his pants, she sucked in a breath at the sight of
his hard erection. Just like the rest of him, it was beautiful. She couldn’t resist tasting him. Showering
kisses lower and lower she wrapped her lips around him. His velvety skin was so soft, but the underlying
hardness filled her mouth perfectly.

As she worshipped his stiff cock with her lips, tongue, and teeth, Zerik groaned his pleasure. The sound
made her squirm. The knowledge that she could bring this man pleasure sent desire crashing through her.
Although his hips jerked slightly a few times, Rachel knew that he was trying to hold himself back. She
didn’t want that. She wanted him to let go fully. She wanted to see him lose control. To let his passion
lead him as it was leading her.

She felt his hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly, telling her how much he was enjoying it. She wanted
more. Reaching up, she found his hand and placed it on her head. When he had grabbed her head earlier
and wrapped his fingers in her hair, it had shot a sharp ache of desire straight to her womanhood. She
needed him to show her his need. She wanted him to show her how much he wanted her.

Shivers of passion ran through her when Zerik growled low in his throat. He gripped a handful of her hair
and showed her just the way he liked her mouth on him. Though his grip was tight, his gentleness while he
guided her mouth was unmistakable. Lifting his hips again and again, and pressing her forward, she soon
discovered just what brought him the most pleasure.

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He tasted so good. Rachel didn’t want to stop. His rapid, deep breaths told her he was losing himself in
the moment. She glanced up at him as her mouth continued to please him, and almost lost the ability to
breathe. His head was tilted back, his eyes were closed and his full, sensuous lips were parted as he
panted with pleasure. She knew that the sight of him, in that moment, would stay forever embedded in
her mind. She had never seen a man look more beautiful.

She forced herself to look away when his eyes fluttered open. Zerik’s movements were getting faster
and stronger. He was getting closer to the edge. She wanted him to fall over it while in her mouth. She
wanted him to splinter into a million pieces from her touch, just as she had from him.

It wasn’t meant to be.

Before, Rachel could stop him, Zerik pulled out of her. She moved forward, wanting the feel of him in
her mouth again, but he just stepped back. Grasping her by the shoulders, he pulled her to her feet. His
mouth devoured hers.

She opened for him, wanting him inside her one way or another. She needed to feel that connection to
him, needed to feel his touch. He gripped her waist and lifted her up before pressing her against his
stomach. She wrapped her legs around him without hesitation. It seemed so right, so natural to do that.

He moved his hand to her ass, supporting her weight as he walked forward. She thrilled at the way he
carried her as if she weighed nothing. Being a tall woman, there weren’t many men who could do that.
Zerik made her feel petite and cherished by his actions.

Before she realized what he was doing, Rachel felt herself falling backwards. Her back hit the soft bed
and Zerik followed her down, leaning over her. Running his gaze down and up her body sent shivers of
desire through her. His eyes were hot with need. Jaw clenched, nostrils flared, she knew he wanted her
as much as she did him.

"Do you know what you do to me, little flame?"

His voice was deep and rough. The sound of it tickled down her spine, sending waves of lust crashing
through her.

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Getting lost in his gaze, she suddenly realized that his eyes had changed color. Gone were the bright
green irises. In its place was a dark brown, almost black color. Reaching up, she tried to touch his face.

"Your eyes. What --"

Zerik pulled away from her touch with a growl. The sound, low in his throat, surprised and confused her.
What was happening?

"You have called to the beast in me, little flame. It is a part of me. It is who I am. Do not be afraid. No
matter what you see, remember, it is still me. And I would never hurt you, no matter my form. Just don’t
run. Whatever you do, don’t run."

Zerik sounded desperate, and a little scared.

That frightened her more than anything he had said up until then.

"Run? What do you mean?"

Zerik closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. Rachel could tell he was struggling with something. She
reached up to his face again. This time he let her, pressing her hand against his jaw.

"Just trust me, Rachel. No matter what you see, don’t run from me. If you do, I’ll chase you. It’s just
part of my nature. And if it comes to a chase, I can’t promise I’ll be gentle with you once I catch you.
And believe me, I will catch you. I always catch my prey."

Rachel’s eyes widened at his words. She struggled to swallow the lump of fear that had formed in her
throat. Zerik shuddered and dropped his head forward so that she couldn’t see his face.

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What did he mean change form? What was going on?

She didn’t need to wait long to find out.

Zerik pulled himself up and stepped away from her.

Throwing his head back, he let out a roar that sent chills down her spine. Eyes wide, Rachel watched
him transform. One minute he was an incredibly handsome man, the next he was a magnificent beast,
covered in soft golden fur, taller and much larger than before. His clothes lay in tatters at his feet as he
looked at her in a way that made her feel like a piece of meat. Lowering his head, he stared at her
through dark, piercing eyes that glittered with danger, and hunger.

Rachel jumped off the bed. The instinct to flee was strong. Fear made her knees weak. She looked
toward the door, but as she did so, Zerik emitted a growl low in his throat. Her gaze swung back to him.
He had moved closer. And he was waiting, poised, as if in preparation of something. Chasing her

Don’t run. Whatever you do, don’t run.

She remembered Zerik’s words, and chanted them over and over in her head.

Don’t run, don’t run, don’t run, don’t run….

Then she remembered what else he had said. He had told her to trust him. He had promised not to hurt
her. A sudden calm filled her. She knew she could trust him. As bizarre as all this was, she knew deep
down that this beast was still Zerik. And Zerik wouldn’t hurt her.

Squaring her shoulders, Rachel proudly met his gaze.

"Now what?" she asked softly. "I’m not sure what’s going on. But I do know that you’re awfully hairy.
Not that your fur doesn’t look very soft. In fact I’d like to touch it, but I’m still not quite sure what to do

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with you. "

Zerik seemed soothed by her voice. He cocked his head to one side, listening to her talk. When he
reached out a hand and ran his fingers down her cheek, Rachel held herself still, trying not to flinch. She
lowered her face into his touch, letting herself enjoy the gentle caress of his fingers.

She started to close her eyes when she spied the true extent of Zerik’s transformation. He had grown
taller and larger all over. She gulped in a breath as she noticed one particular part of him that had
enlarged quite noticeably. There was no way that was going to fit inside her. Even if she wanted to try, it
just wasn’t possible. Was it?

Zerik must have noticed the direction of her gaze because she heard a low rumble in his chest before he
slid his hand behind her head and grasped her hair. Tugging gently on it, he tilted her head back so that
she met his stare. His face fascinated her. It was Zerik’s face, yet different. Covered with light golden
hair, eyes dark as midnight surrounded by thick eyelashes, nose more pronounced, jaw more square and
his teeth, well, they were just darn scary. She most definitely didn’t want any love bites from this fellow at
the moment.

"Do you like what you see, little flame?"

Rachel’s mouth fell open in shock. He could talk?

He smiled then, just a slight curl to his lips, but his eyes were lit with humor.

"You’re surprised I can communicate with you?"

She could only nod her head silently. This was just way too strange.

"As we age, our ability to talk when in this form improves. It has taken many years of practice. Just keep
in mind that although I am able to speak to you like this, my instincts and thought processes are not the
same. I am me, but I am also the beast. Remember that."

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His warning gave her a chill. She could see he was different, but his voice, though deeper and rougher,
was still his. Reconciling the two in her mind might take a while. Time she wasn’t sure she had by the
look in his eyes. His body and his gaze were telling her in no uncertain terms that he wanted her, and he
wanted her now.

As if to prove that point, he pressed her head forward and lowered his head to her. Gently touching his
lips to hers, he soon made her forget everything but that fact that this man could probably bring her to her
peak just by kissing her. His mouth seduced her senses, pushing them into overdrive.

Moaning low in her throat, she moved forward, pressing herself against him. His fur tickled and caressed
her skin. It was as soft as it looked. So silky she wanted to run her fingers up and down it again and
again. Giving in to the temptation, she slid her hands slowly up and down his arms.

Zerik moaned and just as he had before, pulled her up against him. She wrapped her legs around his
waist once more, returning his kisses with her own ardent response. Zerik backed her up to the bed and
let her fall back. But instead of following her down, this time he concentrated on removing her clothes.
And he was far from gentle. Although he didn’t rip them, he removed her blouse and pants as quickly
and efficiently as possible.

After she lay naked before him, he dropped to his knees, pulling her to the end of the bed and began to
worship her body. His mouth and tongue were everywhere, driving her wild with need. Rachel splintered
apart as she came, screaming his name. Once her body was hot, wet, and shaking from her release, he
turned her over onto her stomach, and brought her up to her hands and knees.

Before she could catch her breath, Zerik grasped her waist and plunged into her from behind. Rachel
gasped from the incredible feel of him, so big, so hard inside her. He filled her completely. She was
stretched to her limit, yet instead of pain she felt a sense of rightness, as if they fit together just as they
should, just as she needed him to.

Zerik didn’t move at first, giving her body a chance to adjust to him. Then he began slowly sliding out of
her and driving back in. Each deep, hard thrust brought a gasp of pleasure from her lips. It felt so good.
The friction sent her spiraling into a new storm of desire that grew stronger and stronger. Just as she was
getting close to the edge, Zerik leaned forward and bit her on the back of the neck. It wasn’t hard
enough to break the skin, but it held her firmly in place as he let himself go. His strokes grew deeper and
harder, and she knew if he hadn’t been holding her hips, she would have fallen forward from the force of

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She gloried in the feel of his soft fur rubbing against her back and bottom, the pain-pleasure of his teeth
in her skin, and his hot hard cock filling her completely. It sent her over the edge. The pleasure was too
much. Screaming his name over and over again, Rachel gave in to the crashing, leg shaking orgasm that
overtook her. She dimly heard him roar her name a moment later as his hot seed spilled into her. Zerik
gently rolled her onto her side, lying against her spoon fashion as her eyes closed. Comforted by the feel
of his arms wrapped around her, she let the darkness take her.

Chapter 19

Sa Rah stretched her arms above her head. She felt so good this morning. She loved sleeping in late. It
was rare that she could do so, since she had many obligations as a princess of Tanviera. Why had her
mother let her sleep in today?

Opening her eyes, Sa Rah studied her surroundings. Her brow furrowed in confusion for a minute. Eyes
widening, she shot up in bed, remembering where she was, whose bed she was in, and what had
happened last night.

Glancing around the room, she was relieved to discover that Tristan was not there. If he had been, she
wasn’t sure what she would have said to him. Last night had been beyond her imagination. She had
learned about the Rov Hum. She had read about and talked to others about the joining of truth mates,
but she had never imagined it would be as intense as it had been.

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She was truly bonded with this man, in a way that she never imagined she would be. It was such a strong
bond that even now, she yearned to be with Tristan, if only long enough to just see his face.

Hearing a door open, she looked toward the sound and found the object of her ruminations. As if her
thoughts conjured him to her side, he slowly walked to where she sat on the bed. Though the sheets were
snugly tucked beneath her arms, covering her, she felt vulnerable somehow. Thoughts of last night filled
her head. When Tristan sat down beside her, she got lost in his gaze.

"Good morning, ishwala. How do you feel?"

His concerned expression confused her.

"Feel? I’m fine. Why do you ask?"

Relief showed clearly on his face.

"I didn’t hurt you last night?"

Sa Rah’s confusion disappeared. Tristan was worried about her.

Laying her hand over his, she gave it a light squeeze.

"Hurt me? No. There was a slight pain at the beginning, as you know. But it didn’t last long. You made
me feel, well, um," Sa Rah stuttered slightly, not sure how to proceed.

Tristan smiled seductively. Her heart did somersaults. His sensuous mouth should be considered a
dangerous weapon against women’s libidos.

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"Pleasure?" he offered.

"What?" Sa Rah asked in confusion. She had a hard time pulling her gaze from his mouth, but eventually
raised her eyes to meet his.

"Pleasure. Did I give you pleasure, ishwala?"

Sa Rah did not look away. She wanted, no needed him to know how good he had made her feel last
night. It had been incredible.

"You know you did, Tristan. Any more pleasure and I don’t think I could have taken it."

A very arrogant, very satisfied, and very male smile curled the corners of his lips upward. Sa Rah’s
temperature rose. Her heart sped up. Heat unfurled in her stomach. Amazed, she realized that she
wanted to make love with Tristan again.

"Good, because I plan on giving you more as soon as you’re up to it."

"More?" Sa Rah squeaked. The thought of a repeat of last night left her feeling dizzy.

"Definitely, more," Tristan said with a slow smile that sizzled her senses. Closing the distance between
them, he gave her a light lingering kiss, and took her hand.

"I have something for you."

He placed something in her hand then wrapped her fingers around it. She wanted to look, but he kept
his hand over hers.

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"How about breakfast?"

"Breakfast?" Sa Rah asked. Light kiss or not, the feel of his mouth on hers left her lips tingling. It was
hard to focus on more than his touch at that moment.

Standing up, he released her hand and strode toward the door.

"Tilly will come up to get you shortly. We can have breakfast in the garden, if you like."

Tristan looked over his shoulder, waiting for her response. Sa Rah was still having a hard time focusing.
This time it wasn’t his mouth that had caught her attention. It was the snug fit of the back of his pants that
held her in thrall. Shaking her head to clear it, she looked up into his amused gaze.

"Um, okay. I’ll see you then."

Eyes twinkling with humor, he nodded his head and walked out the door.

Great. Just great. She was lusting after Tristan like a school girl. The man was her truth mate. Her Rov
Shom. Yet she was acting like she was on her very first date. She needed to get a hold of herself.

Clenching her fists tightly, she remembered the item in her hand. She slowly opened her hand and stared
down at the object she held. Eyes wide, her brain instantly recognized not only what it was, but the
meaning behind it. The Majva, a Tanvieran promise stone. Looking at its glittering turquoise colors,
memories came flooding back.

Tristan had given her this. And she remembered giving it to her brother’s mate, Helen, before Phi Li
Moshe sent her back in time. She had asked Helen to give it to Tristan. Sa Rah had wanted Tristan to
know that she thought about him then. In fact she remembered that she had been thinking about him a lot
during that period before her kidnapping.

Sa Rah had wanted Tristan to know that she cared.

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Now he was giving her the stone back. He was telling her how much he cared. He was letting her know
that he wanted her to be his mate. It was a gift, and a question. Keeping the stone and saying yes would
bond them as truth mates for life.

Smiling, she squeezed the stone tight and held her fist to her heart.

Yes. A lifetime. That would be just enough time for her to spend with this incredible man she loved.

Sa Rah hurriedly dressed. She couldn’t wait for that lifetime to start.

* * * *

Rachel needed to get a hold of herself. Her feelings were not the issue here. What had just happened
between them was incredible, yes, but it had nothing to do with emotion, she assured herself. It had just
been good old fashioned lust and physical attraction. Fantastic, mind blowing sex, but just sex
nevertheless. Not making love, not soul mates joining, just a really good fuck.

That had been hard to remember when she opened her eyes and found Zerik’s intense green eyes
staring into hers. She wanted to lose herself forever in that gaze. Though he had returned to his human
form, she noticed his eyes glittered dangerously and he still had a predatory air about him.

Once he spoke, she understood why.

"It’s time, little flame."


His face grew hard and unyielding.

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"Yes. Time for me to complete my mission. I know where the princess is. I need to finish what I started."

Rachel’s eyes widened. This was it. There was no way to avoid it. She had been right all along. There
had never been more than the physical between them. She needed to accept that and salvage what little
pride she had left to help Honey.

Rachel jumped off the bed, hands on hips and told him what she thought of his plans.

"Honey is my friend. I will do whatever I can to stop you, you know."

That had been the wrong thing to say.

Too late, she realized that she should have just kept her thoughts to herself. Zerik’s eyes grew glacier
cold. Any feeling that had been present faded away.

Then he advanced on her.

"You will do nothing to challenge me, Rachel," he warned. "Or you will be sorry."

Each word was punctuated through his tightly clenched jaw. "This is my duty, my honor we’re talking
about, and I will not let you interfere with that."

Rachel slowly backed away, until her back hit the wall. It was only after her bare skin came in contact
with its cold surface that she remembered she was completely naked. Heat rose to her cheeks, but she
proudly met Zerik’s angry stare. He stopped a distance from her and let his gaze rake over her. Her legs
felt like wet noodles as he looked his fill. She shivered, feeling as if each look was a physical touch.

His stare jumped back to her face. His emerald eyes were hot and intense. His nostrils flared as if he

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smelled her scent. He started to take a step toward her, but jerked himself back before doing so.

"You are a beautiful, intelligent, strong, and caring female, little flame, but I will not let that stop me from
doing my duty. And you will do nothing to hinder me, or I will have to take control of the situation, and

Rachel raised her chin and stubbornly met his gaze.

"You’ll do what you need to do, as I’ll do what I need to do."

"Is that a challenge?" Zerik asked, raising one eyebrow arrogantly.

"No. It’s just a fact."

He almost smiled. Rachel could see his lips start to curl, but then he cut it off, and frowned. Silently
staring into each other’s eyes, she met his arrogance and stubbornness with her own. After several tense
moments, he turned from her, found her clothing and tossed them to her.

"Get dressed. We’re leaving."

Zerik packed their belongings as she silently dressed. He looked as cold and distant as the day she first
met him. As if nothing had happened between them. As if they hadn’t shared any intimacy with one
another. In his mind, if not hers, it was over. He had gotten what he wanted from her, after all.

Rachel fought the tears that threatened to well up in her eyes.

She would not cry. She would not cry. She would not cry.

The mantra helped her in the hours that followed. She held on to her self control, barely. After packing

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up and leaving the inn, they located a nearby transporter and used it to get to where she assumed Honey
was located. Rachel felt somewhat discombobulated from this kind of travel. How could one merely
think of the place they wanted to go and in the next instance be there? That as well as the many other
wonders she had seen since Zerik kidnapped her, threatened to overwhelm her. But she tried to stay
focused. She would let herself think about the ramifications of her travel to not only the future, but a
different, inhabitable planet later. For now, she needed to find her friend, and figure out a way to keep
her safe from Zerik.

The property they trekked across after arriving at yet another transport station was a sight to behold.
The clusters of forest were lush and green. The rolling hills and plains were beautiful. So caught up in her
surroundings, Rachel gasped when she saw the herd of strange animals grazing.

"What are those creatures?"

Zerik had been walking ahead of her, but he stopped abruptly at her question. Turning around, he gave
her an amused look. Not quite a smile, but almost.

"Those are called eborafs. This estate is an eboraf farm. Though different in appearance these animals
are very similar in temperament to the horses of Earth. They are ridden for fun and raced for profit."

Turning around, Zerik resumed walking without another word. Rachel gazed at the animals a moment
longer then hurried her pace to catch up to him. She needed to keep her eye on him. She meant what she
said back at the inn. She would do what she needed to do, and he would do what he needed to do.
Though she knew that a confrontation would result from it, she didn’t want to think too much about it
until she absolutely had to.

* * * *

Zerik needed to keep his eye on her.

Rachel had already told him whose side she was on. He would do well to not only remember that, but
also keep in mind that his duty to complete his mission was of the utmost importance right now. He
should not be thinking about how he had wanted to gather her into his arms back at the inn as she stood
naked before him, declaring her challenge proudly. Her beauty, strength, and pride had shone so bright it
had almost blinded him.

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But he had held himself back. Nothing good could have come of it. It was over. Once he accomplished
his mission, she would hate him. And that would be the end of it. Until then, he needed to concentrate on
one thing and one thing only. Killing the princess.

Stopping just before they reached the main house of the estate, Zerik turned back to Rachel. She
approached slowly, watching him with a wary eye. If she knew what he was about to do to her, she
would have done much more than that.

She would have run the other way.

* * * *

Sa Rah’s breath caught in her throat as she entered the atrium. Tristan sat at a small table for two
looking out over the garden. Peering through the window, he appeared the true warrior, strong,
unyielding, all male while lounging in his chair, long legs sprawled out in front of him. His side profile
looked serious, somewhat strained, and she wished to gently run her hand over his forehead and smooth
the frown that marred his brow.

Something must have alerted him to her presence because he slowly turned to look at her, his face
changing as their eyes met. The serious expression from moments ago cleared. His eyes lit with pleasure
and his mouth curled up at the corners into a smile.

Sa Rah couldn’t resist returning his grin. Just the sight of him made her happy. And knowing that this
man was all hers unfurled intense pleasure inside her.

She loved him.

"Come sit with me, ishwala," Tristan said, holding his hand out to her.

Whereas before the pet name he had chosen for her rubbed the wrong way, now it felt like a caress as

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he said it. Moving forward, she quickly closed the distance between them. Just as Sa Rah was about to
take his hand, a figure jumped up from the bushes and stood just outside the window.

Sa Rah met the man’s eyes and recognition hit her. Hadn’t she seen him before somewhere? Her train of
thought scattered however as she watched the man’s eyes turn cold and hard. She couldn’t meet his
empty gaze. Looking down, she finally noticed the weapon in his hand.

It was pointed right at her.

* * * *

Rachel could tell something was wrong. The look on Zerik’s face. The way his gaze suddenly changed,
hardened. It wasn’t good. Had something happened she wasn’t aware of?

Frowning she slowly approached him and asked, "What is it?"

Instead of answering her, Zerik grabbed her arm and yanked her against him. Then, before she could
recover from the shock, he twisted her away from him. The feel of him wrapping something around her
wrists alerted her to the truth.

"What are you doing?" She gasped, trying to twist and turn out of his hold.

Rachel should have realized that it wouldn’t help. The man had arms like steel bands. There was no way
she was getting away from him until he was good and ready. It turned out that he wasn’t ready until he
had both her wrists and her ankles securely tied.

"Why are you doing this, Zerik?" she asked, straining against him as he secured her ankles.

"You know why, little flame. I have a mission and I won’t let you interfere with it," he replied, giving the
rope one last tug.

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Though the binds didn’t hurt her, she was sure there was no way to pull free of them. Zerik lifted her up
and hauled her over his shoulder. The breath got knocked out of her and she felt momentarily dizzy as he
carried her. The fact that he carried her so easily astounded her. She wasn’t a little woman, yet he acted
like she weighed nothing at all.

Setting her down on the ground to the side of the large house, he tried to make her comfortable. He sat
her up, so that her back was leaning against the side of the house and her feet were stretched out in front
of her. Pulling away, he stood tall and looked down at her.

Regret showed in his eyes, and Rachel feared what he was going to do next. She knew, despite the fact
that she meant little more to him than good sex, he wouldn’t hurt her. Above all else, he had a sense of
honor that had very strict guidelines. Though he was an assassin, she got the impression that he didn’t
enjoy harming others, he was just doing a job. And since she wasn’t part of that job, Rachel understood
that he didn’t wish her harm.

Any kind thoughts she had about him disappeared however, the minute he placed the gag over her
mouth. Holding her head still, he ignored her protests until he had tied it securely around her head.

She let the anger she felt toward him blaze in her eyes.

Zerik gazed at her for a moment. Running his fingers softly over one cheek, his eyes changed, softened.
Rachel swore she saw a small glimpse of something in his eyes. Was it sadness, perhaps? Regret. She
wasn’t sure, but before she could ponder it, he shuttered his expression. All that remained was the stare
of a warrior.

"I will come back for you once I’ve accomplished what I need to do," he explained rising to his feet.
"Then I’ll take you home, little flame."

Rachel was shocked. Home? He was taking her home? As she watched Zerik walk away, back straight,
shoulders stiff, she wondered about him yet again. He was such a contradiction. Hard and soft. Callous
and sensitive. Who was this man?

Once he disappeared from sight, Rachel pushed away her confused thoughts. This wasn’t over yet. The

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battle had just begun. Luckily, he had tied her hands in front of, not behind her. This allowed her the
freedom she would need. Reaching down, into the shoe she wore, she pulled the knife from its hiding
place. While she was preparing to leave the inn she had slipped it into her shoe. She wasn’t sure why, but
she knew she needed to be ready for anything. Her friend’s life was on the line.

Sawing the knife back and forth along the cord around her ankles, Rachel eventually broke through. Her
hands were a little harder, but she eventually got her wrists free. Dropping the knife she sprinted around
the side of the house, determined to find Zerik before he got to Honey.

She rounded the corner and saw him. He rose out of the bushes like some inhuman creature spawned
from the earth. Weapon in hand, he aimed it toward something inside. Rachel didn’t have to ask what, or
rather, who that was.

Pumping her legs faster, she grew close enough to the scene to see Honey’s frightened face looking out
at Zerik through the glass. With a renewed sense of purpose, Rachel charged forward. He would not kill
her friend.

Everything suddenly became slow motion.

She glanced inside and saw Tristan shove Honey to the side and raise his own weapon. Rachel ran
straight into Zerik and knocked him sideways. He must have been so focused on Honey that he hadn’t
noticed her. Just as she saw him hit the ground, a loud buzzing noise sounded, and a light exploded so
bright it temporarily blinded her. Then came the burning hot pain in her chest. She had never felt such
excruciating, debilitating pain before. She tried to breathe but couldn’t. It was if she was drowning and
each gasp filled her lungs with water instead of air.

Rachel tried again and again to take oxygen into her body, but the struggle became too much. The
blinding light faded. It was replaced by the image of Zerik’s worried face an instant before she fell into
the endless dark.

* * * *

Sa Rah was not going to open her eyes. That was that. There was just no way she could take the bright
light when her head hurt this much. Squeezing her lids tightly shut, she was just about to pull the sheets
over her head and roll over when she heard her mother’s voice.

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"Sa Rah? Are you awake dear?" The worry was obvious in her mom’s tone. Something was wrong.

Dreading it, but knowing she had no choice, she slowly cracked her eyelashes apart. The sight that met
her caused her to gasp. Not believing what she saw, she shut her eyes and opened them again.
Completely this time.

Her whole family plus Tristan and another woman stood around her bed.

She watched the faces of those she loved turn from concern to happiness. One by one they walked up
to her.

The sight of her parents filled her heart with joy and her eyes with tears.

"I’ve missed you so much, Sa Rah," her mother said between her own tears, hugging her tightly. "We all
were so worried about you."

Her father approached and gave her a firm hug.

"Welcome home, sweetheart. We’re so glad to have you back."

Sa Rah lingered in her parents’ embrace. She had missed their hugs. She had known that they cared
about her, but physical contact was not a regular occasion while growing up.

Next her brother and the woman Sa Rah now remembered was his truth mate approached her.

"I missed you, sister," Jo Sha said with a smile, giving her a warm embrace. "And, as usual, your
adventures got me into trouble."

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Sa Rah smiled at his teasing.

"I see it also brought you many good things, brother," she said glancing at his truth mate.

"That it did," he agreed.

The woman smiled tenderly at her brother, then gave Sa Rah a hug.

"I’m Helen. Do you remember meeting me?"

"Yes, of course. You were very brave. And I appreciate all you did for me, and, um, Tristan," Sa Rah
said softly in her ear.

Helen pulled away and Jo Sha moved with her.

Tristan came into view. When Sa Rah’s gaze rested on him, she reveled in his smile. He looked so
happy, so glad to see her that it took her breath away. And the caring in his eyes was unmistakable. He
loved her. He was the one destined to be with her. She knew that now.

Tristan sat down on the bed beside her. Gently clasping her hands in his.

The rest of her family left the room.

"We’ll check back on you in a little while, dear," her mother said before leaving. "Tristan has filled us in
on everything, so you don’t need to worry about that. We understand how it is."

Her mother smiled as she glanced back and forth between them.

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"I’m so glad the two of you found each other."

Closing the door softly behind her, she left the two of them alone.

"How are you, ishwala?"

Meeting his intense gaze, she suddenly remembered everything. Images came flooding back to her. The
man appearing in the window, Tristan pushing her to the side, and the loud explosion.

Sa Rah was too agitated to answer.

"What happened to that man? The one who was trying to kill me?"

"It’s okay, Sa Rah. He’s in custody now. He won’t come near you again."

"Who was he, and why did he want to kill me?"

"He was a hired shadow man. A Diharan assassin. Your brother and I believe Phi Li Moshe hired him as
extra insurance He wanted you not only out of the way, but dead."

"And Phi Li Moshe?"

"He will remain incarcerated for the rest of his life, Sa Rah."

Sa Rah shuddered at his words. Phi Li Moshe had been an evil man. But the fact that she had survived
being the prey of a Diharan shadow man was unbelievable, and frightening. She had never heard of

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anyone living to tell about being tracked by these highly trained killers.

"I’m just glad it’s over," she said with relief.

Tristan remained silent. Sa Rah got a bad feeling. Glancing up at his face, she saw that he was holding
something back. His gaze was worried

"What happened, Tristan?"

He hesitated telling her. That scared her more than anything else. This brave warrior always faced
everything head on. The fact that he didn’t come right out and speak was not a good sign.

"Your friend -- Rachel?"

"Yes, what about her? She’s back in the past on Earth."

Tristan slowly shook his head.

"No. The Diharan assassin had taken her hostage during his search for you. He brought her here to the
future. I guess he thought she would be extra insurance."

"Where is she now?"

"I’m sorry, ishwala."

Sa Rah’s eyes widened and she held her breath.

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It couldn’t be.

"She jumped out of nowhere," Tristan explained. "She pushed your assassin out of the way, I’m
assuming she was trying to protect you. But by doing so, she caught the full impact of my gun. I had
meant to hit the assassin, but she moved in the way right as my weapon discharged."

"No. It can’t be true. Please tell me it’s not true. Not Rachel." Sa Rah hated the begging, whining tone of
her voice, but she couldn’t help it.

Tristan ran his hands through his hair in agitation.

Sa Rah silently watched him.

What could she say? Rachel had taken her in when she had nobody else. She had cared for her like
family, even if they weren’t. And Sa Rah had returned the favor by getting her friend involved with a
violent killer.

Now she was dead.

The tears fell unbidden down Sa Rah’s cheeks. Then the sobs took over, shaking her body with their
intensity. Rachel’s kind face rose up in her mind again and again. Tristan wrapped his arms around her
then. He pulled her close and let her soak his shirt with her tears.

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Chapter 20

Six Months Later

Sa Rah wanted to cry.

She woke up to find her truth mate leaning over her. Tristan’s smile was sexy and warm, and she
couldn’t help but return it with her own.

Tristan was a sight for any woman to behold. She couldn’t help but admire his sculpted chest and abs.
He wore no shirt, and his pants hung low around his lean hips. Leaning forward, his hair slid over his
shoulders. It hung loose, just the way she liked it, and she yearned to run her fingers through its silky

They were truly mates now. Rov Shom and Rov Shoma. Last night, after months of royal planning, they
had performed the Rov Hum ceremony in front of a small group of friends and family numbering around a
thousand. Despite the crowd, the ceremony itself had been incredible. Sa Rah’s true self, the ishwala,
met Tristan’s beast head on, and tamed him with little more than a swish from her tail. Their lovemaking
had been fierce and intense, then gentle and caring. She had gloried in their joining.

Now that morning came, she had no regrets. She would continue her work with the intergalactic league,
while living on Dihara with Tristan. He had retired from Earth security to dedicate himself to running the
eboraf ranch full time. Her family promised to visit often, and she in turn promised to make her royal

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appearances at various functions throughout the year, as required of a princess

She thrilled in the knowledge that she could still be all that she was and have such a wonderful mate by
her side. Top that off with the fact that she would get to ride and live among her favorite animals, and it
couldn’t get much better than that.

The only thing that would have made it better was if Rachel were here.

Even now, the thought of her death pained Sa Rah’s heart.

Tristan must have sensed that she was troubled.

"What is it, ishwala?" he asked, brushing a soft kiss across her cheek.

Sa Rah sighed sadly.

"I was just thinking about Rachel," she explained.

Tristan pulled her into his arms.

"I’m so sorry, Sa Rah. If there were a way to bring your friend back to you, I would."

Sa Rah pressed her cheek against his bare chest.

"I know," she replied, breathing deeply to calm her thoughts.

It had the opposite effect.

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Tristan’s scent filled her senses. He always smelled so good. Rubbing her cheek against his skin stirred
her. She spread kisses along his chest, then traveled lower still. She needed this now. She wanted to be
with her mate. To feel love and life, not death.

And she knew that Rachel would want that for her.

"Sa Rah," Tristan hissed, sucking in his breath as her mouth and tongue teased him.

But before she could continue, he grasped her waist and pulled her up to face him

"I love you. I’m sorry about your friend. But please know that I will spend the rest of my life trying to
make you happy. I made something for you, to remind you of that as well as our promise to one

Tristan grasped her hand and placed something in it.

Sa Rah looked down and saw the promise stone that he had given to her so long ago. But now it had
been made into a beautiful necklace. The teardrop shaped stone sat at the center, so that it would lie
against the indentation at her neck.

Tristan picked it up again and she lowered her head so that he could place it around her neck. Once on,
she raised her head and met his intense gaze.

"It’s incredibly beautiful, just like you, ishwala."

And like the ishwala, strong and independent, she had finally found the right mate. Not one who would
try to tame or control her. Instead, one who gloried in all that she was, while causing her heart to beat
madly whenever he was around.

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What more could a girl, or a princess for that matter, want?

As Tristan took Sa Rah into his arms and they kissed each other with all the passion in their hearts, she
couldn’t imagine needing anything more.


Zerik still couldn’t believe it.

Rachel was dead.

It had been six months since she died, and six months since the Diharan tribunal had allowed him to go
free, on the condition that he forget all about his mission and move on. He had been performing nothing
more than his duty and his honor, they had determined. And that’s what it had been about from the
beginning. His mission to kill the princess of Tanviera was one he had been honor bound to complete.

And it had been the first mission he had ever failed.

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But as he sat holding Rachel in his arms, her life force ebbing away, none of that had mattered. As the
half-Diharan, the one he later learned was called Tristan detained him, he didn’t fight it. All that filled his
head was one overwhelming, shattering thought. This earth woman, this beautiful, loving, and brave
female, who entered and left his life so quickly had changed him. She had made him care about more
than duty and honor. She had made him realize that he wanted to be more than an assassin, more than a
paid killer.

She had made him want to be a better man.

And now he was.

But at what cost?

Nothing less than her life.

The cost was too high.

He couldn’t live with that. He didn’t want to live without her. The solitary life he once found so satisfying
was now cold and empty.

No, he wouldn’t settle for that. His plans were already in motion. Rachel deserved so much more.

And he planned to give her that.

Even if he had to defy space and time yet again to do it.

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