Eden Robins Never Until Tomorrow

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Eden Robins

© copyright Eden Robins
Cover art by Eliza Black, © copyright June 2004
New Concepts Publishing
5202 Humphreys Rd.
Lake Park, GA 31636


Year 3000

"You want me to do what?" the man asked incredulously as he stared at the video communicator on the
wall of his study.

"The chamber has decided that it must be done to guarantee our future," said the general.

"Yes, but why have I been chosen when I?m merely a military commander? Shouldn?t a personage from
the High Chamber be chosen to carry out such an important assignment? I?m no diplomat, you know this
sir. Also my scientific knowledge of time travel is limited."

"I don?t think you give yourself enough credit, Arin. You graduated top of your class at the institute and
you studied politics, military strategy, and scientific relevance extensively."

"Again sir, there are many others more qualified," he said stubbornly, although he knew he had already
lost this battle.

"It?s been decided. You will leave in one week. Meet me tomorrow morning and we?ll begin your
briefing of the time and the individual involved."

"Yes, sir."

Arin turned as the monitor went black and sat down in his favorite chair overlooking the city. He still
couldn?t understand why they had chosen him. It all seemed very suspicious and he wondered if his
father had anything to do with it.

The next morning Arin met with the general to discuss the events of the time he was traveling to and what
changes needed to be made. As the general was preparing his paperwork, Arin thought about his mission
and what it entailed. Once the mystery of time travel had been solved in his time, it became common

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practice for his government to travel to the past and change events to the benefit of the future. As could
have been expected from such action, in the beginning some terrible catastrophes were created in the
past by the mistakes of novice time travelers, either unaware of the long term effects of their actions or
through accidental changes that had monstrous consequences for the future. Only through great practice
and extensive training and research was the system perfected and the mistakes corrected. The saying,
hindsight is always perfect but too late, became hindsight is everything. All the mistakes of the past, which
contributed to unsafe water and food, as well as environmental pollution, disappeared. Once Arin?s
world had been one so polluted that people were forced to live in environmentally controlled biodomes
and consume artificially created nourishment. Now his world was almost as clean as the day it was

The government had only praise for this system and saw no defects in it. To Arin there was something
not quite right about it. Too many questions were left unanswered, such as how far does the government
go to make these changes? What if there are human lives involved? Are they sacrificed for the future?
These questions left him feeling skeptical about the correctness of what they were doing. Thus this
meeting today and his upcoming mission to the past left him with a bad taste in his mouth. He had thought
about it all night, but he still couldn?t figure out why they wanted him to time travel.

It was highly unusual. As he had said to the general last night, Arin really wasn?t as qualified as he should
be for such a mission. Most time travelers are chosen by the Chamber and trained for several years
before they can travel. Again the thought that his father may have something to do with this came to mind.

His father was a powerful man within the Chamber, and Arin knew that he could arrange something like
this. But why? He and his father had been close up until the day his mother died five years ago. After
that, his father and he had each gone into their own shell of mourning, not knowing how to comfort each
other. His mother always seemed to know how to bring them closer together and get them to express
their feelings to each other. Both men were strong, determined, and stubborn. Once his mother was
gone, they didn?t know how to bridge the gap between them. So, even though they did love each other,
the past five years seemed to only build a bigger chasm between them. They would get together every
couple of weeks, yet each meeting was strained and uncomfortable for both of them. After thinking things
through, Arin decided to approach his father after the briefing today with the general.

"You will be going back to the year 2000," the general began. "Once there, you will frequent an
establishment called The Dark Lantern. There you?ll meet your contact. This person can help you get to
know our target, Frank Stevens. He is the man you must get close to. His work is of great relevance to
us. The records he keeps are very sparse, as he feared discovery from everywhere. Most of the
information is kept inside his head, thus the necessity of getting him to trust you. Do you understand your
instructions so far?"

When Arin nodded his head, the general continued until he had covered all the information necessary
and actions, up to a point. After that, he was to contact the general to be advised of the next steps to be
taken. Only one thing was missing from what he had been told.

"Who will be my contact, and how will they help me get close to Professor Stevens?" Arin asked.

"That is where we?re a little unclear. It?s a relative of the professor and you?ll save them from some kind
of harm. Then they?ll be indebted to you and you should have easy access to Stevens," the general

"A little unclear? I thought this was a perfected science, sir."

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"Well, it is," the general explained clearing his throat and suddenly looking uncomfortable. "But even
science can?t pick up what history neglects to record."

"What do you mean sir?"

"Well it seems that this particular relative disappears after his or her arrival to The Dark Lantern and is
never heard from again. So you see, you?ll save this relative from a very uncertain future," the general

After the briefing, Arin went to Mind Set to learn everything about the year 2000. Mind Set was a
computer-aided memory system, which committed to a human?s memory whatever information was
required in a matter of minutes. The technique was discovered during the last world war of 2650 and was
now a standard tool used by all time travelers to help them learn about their latest destination. The
experience was still strange to Arin, having had little contact with Mind Set in the past.

Once it was finished, Arin went to see his father.

"I really know nothing about your mission, son. The first I heard of your participation in it was last night.
Obviously they think you?re the best equipped to handle this specific case or you wouldn?t have been
chosen by the Chamber," his father reasoned.

Arin was skeptical about his father?s participation in his selection. His father was never told something
after the fact. The Chamber always consulted him before a decision was made. He thought about
questioning him more about his role in this, but could tell by the closed look on his face that he was not
going to impart much more information to him.

"Father, we both know I?m not the best choice for this mission because of my qualifications. There are
many within the time travel circle who are trained extensively for this." After Arin said this, he waited
silently, hoping his father would reveal something to him. Instead, he just looked away evasively and
shrugged his shoulders. Arin realized something serious and dangerous, other than what he had been told,
was going to happen during his travel through time. It seemed, on this case, he was on his own. All he
could do was try to prepare himself for whatever might come up.

"I?m so glad we?re close enough to have these little talks, Father. Thank you for your honesty and faith
in me. And thanks for all your help," Arin said sarcastically, as he turned and stalked angrily out of his
father?s office.

As he walked out of the room, he didn?t see his father take a step forward and reach out to stop him.
He dropped his hand and shook his head with regret as a voice sounded behind him.

"Don?t even think about it, John," a man said as he walked out from a door behind his desk. "He?s our
only hope. If he knows anything more, it would jeopardize everything."

"He is my son, Henry. I don?t want to see him get hurt," he said stubbornly. "Why did he have to be the
one?" he asked quietly.

Chapter 1

Year 2000

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She was doing it again.

She was looking around the room with the forlorn expression of a kitten who had lost its mother. Didn?t
the girl realize that the sharks in this place could eat her alive? They thrive on the weakness of others for
their own gain. And by the looks of her there was much to gain. Her strawberry blond hair hung just
below her waist, and it looked so soft that Arin wanted to reach out and touch it. At first glance her petite
body looked almost boyish beneath the baggy clothes she wore, but on closer inspection her curves were
definitely those of a woman. Her face was heart shaped, yet offset by the stubborn set of her chin. She
had full lips that pouted to be kissed, a pert nose that he knew, if he looked closely, would be sprinkled
with freckles, and striking aquamarine eyes topped with perfectly arched eyebrows.

Yes, there was a lot to be gained by this one, but not by him. Not that she wasn?t beautiful enough.
Rather, it was because she had trouble written all over her. He didn?t know how, but he could feel it, and
his thirty-six years of life experience taught him to listen to his feelings about women. So what if she
looked lost and in need of rescue? He was going to forget her and continue waiting for his contact to
show. The girl must know what she was doing in a place like this, so he left her to it. He was going to
stay as far away from her as possible.

He was doing it again.

He was looking at her with that dark scowling expression. Talia fervently hoped he wasn?t the one she
was scheduled to meet with. Just sitting in a chair across the room, he intimidated her. And right now, she
couldn?t afford to be intimidated. Her life as well as her father?s depended on it. It took all of her
courage to come to a place like this. If they hadn?t threatened her father?s life, she would never have
agreed to it. Wasn?t it enough that they?d ruined her family? That the end result caused the death of her
mother due to the stress and strain weakening her already ill condition? After giving them the money they
had demanded, she had thought she would be safe again. Yet six years to the day after they got their
blood money, they were back for something else. She could no more understand what this was about at
age twenty-four than she did at age eighteen. Her father refused to tell her anything, only saying that they
had to give them what they demanded.

Why was he staring at her so intensely? It was very unsettling. She decided it was his eyes that disturbed
her most. They were the deep gray of storm clouds threatening rain. His dark eyebrows, long thick
eyelashes and hawk-like nose only intensified the effect. Surprisingly, in contrast to the rest of his face, his
lips looked full and sensual. His midnight black hair, which he wore loose to his shoulders, completed the
look of a man who should not be taken lightly. Suddenly he stood up, walked over to say something to
the bartender and they both turned to stare at her. As he got up, she saw that he was very large. That
was the only word for it. She knew that, at best, her head would barely reach the top of his chest. And
due to the snug fit of his black jeans and T-shirt, she could see his well-defined muscles rippling when he
walked. Yet, despite his tallness and incredible muscular physique, he moved gracefully across the room.
Reminding her of some majestic beast stalking within the confines of a cage. There was one word for this
man, and that was dangerous. She was going to stay as far away from him as possible.

"Well, well, the little girl has grown up."

Talia nearly jumped out of her seat as a nasally voice from behind her interrupted her thoughts. It was a
voice she had hoped never to hear again. The nasal twang and slight lisp perfectly fit the weasel-like
creature she turned around to face. His eyes darted quickly over her body and he leered at her as he

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licked his lips. She felt disgusted and nauseous and only wished to flee; yet she knew she had to stay to
discover his latest demands. Talia was surprised he had come to meet her himself. He usually sent one of
his henchmen to do his dirty work in the past.

"What do you want from us now?" she asked, trying to sound brave.

He wasn?t fooled.

"What? No heartfelt hellos or telling me how much you missed me over these past six years, darling?"
He snickered as he sat down beside her at the table.

"I?m not here to play games with you Mr. Bligh," she said in a no-nonsense tone.

"The last time we met you told us you would never bother us again, and that you had what you wanted.
Why did you need to meet again?" she asked.

He slid his chair over so close to hers that she could feel his breath on her face. It was putrid and his
teeth looked as if they were rotted all the way to his gray gums. Talia tried to move away from him, but
before she could, he grasped her arm in a surprisingly steely grip.

"It seems I forgot something when collecting from your family," he said speculatively as he studied her
face intently.

"You mean besides killing my mother?" she blurted out before her common sense reminded her that this
was a dangerous man she was dealing with.

Luckily he ignored her comment and went on to explain what he meant.

"I never realized what a beautiful girl you were. One of my men saw you recently and reported to me
how exquisite you had become. It was then that I realized the important treasure I had left behind."

"And what might that be?" Talia asked, although she already feared she knew the answer to that.

"Why, you, of course Talia," he answered with satisfaction as he saw her eyes turn fearful. "I already
have a buyer for you. Foreign, very wealthy, and very, very discreet. As far as the world will be
concerned, you will have disappeared off the face of the planet."

* * * *

What is she doing talking to a slime ball like Bligh? Arin wondered as he watched from across the

"So you don?t know who she is Tom?" he asked the bartender again. During his time here, he had
gotten to know Tom pretty well. Although his customers were the scum of the earth, Arin knew he could
trust the bartender.

"I?ve never seen her in here before. She just isn?t the type, if you know what I mean," Tom answered.

Unfortunately, Arin knew just what he meant. As he continued to watch her talking to Bligh, he knew

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that the trouble he had expected was about to begin.

Too late, Talia realized what a mistake it had been to come here alone. She quickly rose, trying to
struggle out of Bligh?s grasp. But it proved a futile attempt, as he just stood up with her and pulled her
close to his side.

"Leaving so soon? But we?ve only begun to get to know each other. And I do want us to get much
better acquainted," he said grinning mockingly as he began dragging her toward the backdoor.

Talia fought against him as she scanned the room, looking for someone who might help her. She had just
decided to scream at the top of her lungs, hoping to get some attention, when a man joined Bligh and
stuffed a rag in her mouth as he grasped her other arm. Nobody seemed to notice that she was being
forcibly dragged across the room. Everyone just continued drinking and talking as if nothing strange was
going on.

Just as Talia was about to be pushed outside and into a waiting car, her left arm, then her right arm were
abruptly released. She immediately fell backwards into what at first felt like a solid wall. Talia realized
after a few seconds it was actually a very large, very solid chest. Two hands steadied her, then quickly
released her. She turned around and found that the chest and strong hands belonged to none other than
the man who had been scowling at her inside the pub. He was in the process of tying an unconscious
Bligh and his accomplice?s hands up. During her release and subsequent fall into the man?s chest no
words had been spoken. The man finished what he was doing, then stood and looked oddly at Talia. She
removed the gag from her mouth.

"Thank you for your help. Without it I would have really been in trouble." In response the man said
nothing, but continued to stare in that strange way. Unfazed by his lack of response she continued.

"Let me introduce myself. I?m Talia Stevens, and again, I am very grateful for your aid," she said as she
moved closer to him with her hand extended. However, instead of shaking her hand, he grabbed it and
roughly pulled her toward him until his face was only inches away from hers. Too late she saw the barely
controlled anger on his face.

"What do you think you?re doing?" Arin asked in a deceptively quiet voice. If she?d known him, that
alone would have warned her of the extent of his feelings. His voice was a gauge of his emotions. At that
moment he was absolutely furious.

"Wh-what do you mean? I was trying to thank you for your help," she stuttered as fear rose in her once

"No! I mean what are you doing in a place like this, late at night? I almost didn?t help you because I
thought you were one of the new prostitutes looking for a night?s work. Well, are you?" he asked
mockingly as he did a slow perusal of her body from head to toe, hoping to change her fearful expression
to something else. As his eyes returned to her face, he realized that it had worked. He could tell by the
stubborn jut of her chin, the redness in her cheeks, and the indignation in her eyes.

"How dare you! Of course I?m not one of those women. Obviously you?ve been with that type too long
to discern the difference between a woman who wants to be with a man and a woman who doesn?t," she
said, raising her chin high in an effort to look down her nose at him.

So, the kitten has claws, Arin thought to himself, but ignored her insult.

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"The ladies I know don?t come to places like this and consort with men like Bligh," he said smiling.

"I was not consorting with him! And just who are you anyway? Maybe I shouldn?t be consorting with
you either," she said spitefully as she tried to break free of his grasp.

Arin refused to release her. Instead he tightened his grip on her arms, pulling her up against him.

Talia suddenly became aware of his body. It was like a tidal wave of sensation washing over her: the
hard contours of him so different from her soft curves, the heat emanating from him, the clean masculine
smell of him combining a mixture of leather, soap and cigar smoke. Everything about him surrounded her
senses until she felt lightheaded from it all.

Their eyes melt and held as she looked up into his face. She expected hardness but found something
different. She saw the same sensual awareness that she was feeling. Then as quickly as it was there, it
was gone. He shuttered his expression so that she could read nothing and he pushed her out of his arms
so quickly that she almost fell. She felt shaken by their brief contact and could barely stand.

Although Arin seemed cool on the outside, he was anything but that on the inside. He had never had
such an immediate reaction to a woman in all his life. He was burning up with such desire that he was
about to explode, just from holding her! When he finally regained his composure, he introduced himself to

"Arin McClintock, at your service, my lady," he said, stressing the last word as he bowed mockingly to
her. "Now that the formal introductions are over would you like to explain to me why you were meeting
with a man like Bligh?" he asked impatiently.

Straightening to her full height, Talia did her best to look calm and composed.

"I realize you did me a great service, Mr. McClintock. However, my business with Bligh is my own
concern, and none of yours. Once again thank you, and goodnight." She turned to leave, but only took a
few steps before her arm was grabbed yet again.

"What do you mean goodnight? Do you think this is over merely because these two are temporarily
unconscious? Bligh wanted something from you and he isn?t the type to give up easily. He can be as
relentless as a pit bull when he?s after something. So, unless you?re leaving town permanently, I?d advise
you to think about this a little more clearly," he said, his voice sounding dangerously soft again.

"You advise me? No offense Mr. McClintock, but... Oh!" She never got to finish her sentence as he
picked her up and started carrying her away from the bar.

"What do you think you?re doing? Put me down!"

"Where?s your car?" he asked, ignoring her demand.

"My car? Why--"

"If you don?t answer the question, we can just take my car," he interrupted.

"Your car? Where--"

"My car it is," he said as they reached the black Mercedes convertible. The car seemed to suit the man

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who owned it--impressive, full of power, sleek, and sexy. For a moment Talia thought about just how
good his body felt pressed against hers. However, as he turned off the alarm and started to unlock the
door, while still holding her with one arm like a rag doll, she came to her senses. Realizing that this was
probably her only chance to get away, she suddenly twisted her body toward him to loosen his hold, and
brought her knee up to hit him in a place she knew would hurt.

His reaction was instantaneous, and it was enough to get Arin to loosen his grip even more as he
doubled over and tried to take a few breaths. Talia broke away and began to run to her car. When she
reached it, she quickly found her keys in her purse and started to unlock the door. Then she made the
mistake of looking behind her to see if he was pursuing her.

He was almost upon her, and the look on his face told her that if she didn?t get into her car before he
reached her, she would be in big trouble. She was momentarily frozen as she saw the depth of anger in
his eyes. Yet the spell broke as she heard her keys fall to the ground. She bent down, quickly grabbed
them and unlocked the door. She jumped in the car, locked the door and put the key in the ignition to
start it. When it immediately started she silently said a prayer of thanks, reversed out and drove away.
This time she didn?t look back. She just drove home as fast as she could.

Once in her own neighborhood, she began to relax a little. What a day it turned out to be. First she?s
almost abducted by Bligh, then she?s saved by a crazy, albeit gorgeous man, who then proceeded to also
try to kidnap her. There were just too many weirdoes in the world today. However, as she pulled up to
her house, she couldn?t help remembering the feel of Arin as he held her, or the feelings that he had
brought out in her by his closeness.

* * * *

When Talia?s car was out of sight Arin got in his own car and drove to the house he had rented. He
didn?t need to follow the woman. He obtained all the information he needed when he memorized her
license plate number. As he turned off the alarm and entered the house a voice instantly met him at the

"If you had taken me with you, I could have saved you a lot of time, energy and, uh, pain in saving the
girl," the female voice said smugly.

"I know, I know. You?re right again, Esmerelda," he said wearily, as he continued to walk toward the
room where the woman?s voice was coming from. As he entered, however, it was a complex looking
computer system rather than a woman who continued to talk with him.

"Of course I?m right. I?m always right, and the sooner you realize that the better off you?ll be. All you
had to do was take the wrist remote with you and everything would have been fine. But noooooo. You
had to play the big macho man all by yourself."

"Esmerelda enough! I already admitted you were correct in your estimation of the situation. Now I don?t
want to speak of it again. Have I made myself clear?" Arin demanded irritably.

"Crystal. Jeez--what?s bothering you? It?s the girl, isn?t it? She really got to you. Don?t deny it. While I
followed your activities on the chest monitor, I picked up some pretty high physical responses--high heart
rate, shortness of breath, and that wasn?t even when you hit those two guys over the head!"

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Esmerelda was hitting too close to home for his comfort.

"Enough! Quit talking so much and listen to me. You?re getting too carried away with this time?s lingo. If
you really want to help me, look up the name, address, and phone number of this license plate."


A few minutes later Arin had the information he had requested and he didn?t like it one bit.

"The name is Frank Stevens. The address is 1789 E. Celtor Lane. The phone number is 867-2345."

Arin realized he had found his contact. Talia must be Professor Stevens? daughter. As he went to look
at a picture of him, he found that a resemblance was definitely there. It wasn?t so much that they looked
completely alike, although Talia seemed to have inherited the stubborn set of her chin from her father. It
was their eyes that gave them away. Talia and her father both had the same unusual aquamarine eyes.

Chapter 2

Talia saw the worried look that came into the eyes so identical to her own as she explained to her father
what had occurred at The Dark Lantern the previous night.

"I don?t know why I let you go there in the first place. I should have insisted that I be the one to meet
them. Maybe if they had never seen you, this wouldn?t have happened. I?m sorry, honey. I didn?t know
you would become a target for these people. Can you forgive me for putting you in danger?" her father
asked, with a guilt-ridden face.

"There is nothing to be sorry about dad. I wanted to help you and would have gotten involved one way
or another. Besides they told us I had to meet them alone," Talia insisted.

Her father wasn?t convinced, but let it slide for now.

"Tell me more about this man, Arin McClintock. You don?t know why he saved you, then wanted you
to go with him?" her father asked with concern.

Talia hadn?t told her father everything that had happened. She just couldn?t bring herself to tell him
about the physical response this man had brought out in her. It was all too confusing and personal for her
to share with him. Although she and her father were close, it had been her mother who Talia had
confided in as she began to change from a little girl to a teenager. Now that she had become a woman,
she no longer had anyone to talk to about the new experiences she was having.

After her mother died, she muddled through dating and even thought she was in love one time.
Unfortunately, her boyfriend hadn?t agreed. She had met Mark while attending college at the nearby
university. She was a second year genetics student and he was her study group tutor. He was a senior
and would graduate at the end of the year. He had plans to go to medical school, then save the world
with his genetic research once he finished. Talia?s plan was not so ambitious. She wanted to finish
medical school and then go on to find a cure for the genetic disorder that killed her mother. That was her

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The first time Mark asked her out for coffee and told her about his goals, she was so awed by the
nobility of his life map and the sacrifices he talked about making that when he asked her to see him again,
she immediately said yes. She felt it was a privilege for her to be with such a person. After that, she and
Mark continued to see each other, and she continued to worship the ground he walked on. Any time he
needed something she was at his beck and call. If he didn?t show up for a date, she was expected to
understand, due to the importance of his work. If he rushed her into bed, she had to understand that
although Mark did care deeply for her, he had so little free time that they had to make the most of it when
they were together. Unfortunately, even that aspect of their relationship hadn?t been very satisfying for

Everything moved too quickly. Until she was dumped by Mark, because he said she hadn?t been
supportive enough. Then she had too much time on her hands to think about what a fool she had been.
Toward the end of their relationship she had started to rebel a little against Mark?s selfishness by taking
more time out for herself and her studies. Mark must have realized that he no longer had her completely
enthralled with him and decided it was time to find another woman to worship him. It hadn?t taken long.
The day after their break up she had seen him walking hand in hand with another starry-eyed girl who
was looking at him with total adoration and awe.

During the remainder of her time at the university she ran into some of Mark?s ex-girlfriends, a few of
whom he had been seeing while she and he had been dating. Of course none of them knew anything
about she and Mark seeing each other at the same time. They all thought he had been very busy with his
work. She realized that it wasn?t the noble goal of saving the world that he was after, nor was he willing
to sacrifice anything for his chosen work. Rather, it was complete admiration, attention, and worship to
feed his overzealous ego that drove him to do what he did. He cared nothing for others, only himself.

Talia?s bitter reminiscing was cut short as her father again asked her a question.

"Talia, are you okay? Did you hear what I asked you?" The concern and worry were so strong in his
voice, that again Talia looked searchingly into those eyes so like her own. There was more going on here
than what her father was telling her. The emotion in his gaze was one of deep fear. Her father was very
frightened of something, and she was going to find out what it was.

"Does this have anything to do with the work you?re doing at the lab?" she asked with growing alarm
and suspicion.

"Honey, you know I can?t talk to you about my work. Just believe me when I say what I?m doing is of
great importance to not only us, but the world as we know it," he assured her.

"I know Dad, you?ve said this before. But was all of that worth mom?s life?"

Anger blossomed inside Talia again because his work seemed to take precedence over his family. While
she was growing up, this was something that she had come to accept with resentment. Her mother
seemed to understand her feelings and tried to compensate for the lack of time her father spent with her.
She knew her father loved her and her mother, but for him, his work always did and always would come
first. However, she also knew that her father felt an immense amount of guilt over the death of her
mother. It was something that ate away at him, and he never liked to talk about it. At her question his
face lost all color and his eyes filled with pain.

"I?m sorry, Dad. I didn?t mean that," she apologized, feeling her own guilt for being so hurtful.

"I know honey. I?m sorry too. You know how much I miss your mother. In a way I did cause her death,

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and I?ll never forgive myself for that. But the work I?m doing is so important that I must continue. In my
mind, achieving success with this research, so that I can help lots of people, lessons some of the guilt I
feel over your mother?s death. Other than that, there?s nothing else I can tell you, Talia," her father
explained, as he stood up and walked toward the front door.

"I?m going to lab to finish up some tests for the day. Lock all the doors and don?t leave the house. I?ll
be back soon," her father said as he picked his keys and wallet up off the table.

"Okay, Dad. And please be careful too. If this does have something to do with your work, then you
could be in danger also," Talia warned her father.

"I will, honey. Bye."

As soon as the door closed, Talia started pacing the floor, her mind racing. She only gave a quick
thought to the fact that her father had once again evaded a meaningful conversation with her by leaving.
Whenever he didn?t want to face something, he turned to his work. This time had been no different.

It didn?t matter. There were more important issues to deal with. She had to discover what her father
was doing in that lab without him knowing it. It was the only way she could help both of them. She
stopped pacing as an idea hit her, and she realized how easy it could be.

That night, Talia waited an hour after she heard her father come home and go to bed. By then, she
figured he would be asleep and she could sneak out unnoticed. She found his wallet on the kitchen table.
After looking through it, she took out the items she thought she might need. Slipping out through the
backdoor, she walked around the house to her car. It was parked in the driveway. Luckily she had been
too shaken earlier to park her car in the garage. She was able to start the it without her father hearing.

* * * *

Arin watched Talia get into her car and wondered where she was going so late. He had been watching
her house from his car parked down the street for the last few hours. He thought that he might catch Bligh
or one of his men showing up there to cause further trouble. As she drove away, he realized that the
trouble was probably just beginning.

He followed her, and realized from the information he had been given that they were at the lab where
Professor Stevens worked. But how was the little minx going to get into the building? He doubted she
had access to such a high profile project. He was proved wrong, however, as he saw her pull something
out of her pocket and head purposefully toward the front entrance.

When Talia reached the front door, she quickly looked around to see if anybody else was nearby. Once
assured she was alone, she inserted her father?s card key into the security lock. When the light turned
from red to yellow, she realized that she was halfway there. Taking a deep breath, she played her hunch
and typed her mother?s first name into the code panel. If she was wrong, the alarms would go off and
she would be in big trouble. As she stared at the light for what seemed like hours, though it must have
been only seconds, the color finally changed from yellow to green and the doors unlocked. She let out
the breath she had been holding.

Talia entered the building and started down the hallway toward the lab. Suddenly she heard something
behind her and turned to see if someone was there. Peering into the darkness, she could see nothing. She

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uneasily turned back around and headed for the lab. Once there, she had to again go through the security
procedure to open the door. As the door opened and she was about to walk into the lab, she was
roughly grabbed from behind.

"Now, we?re going to walk slowly into the lab together and you?re not going to make a sound. Do you
understand?" her abductor asked as he pressed a knife to her throat and pushed her ahead of him into
the lab.

"Y-yes," she stammered fearfully.

Just as he had in The Dark Lantern, she recognized the voice without seeing the man?s face. Mr. Bligh
had somehow followed her into the building.

When they entered the lab, Bligh looked around to make sure it was empty. Once he was assured that
they were alone he roughly pushed her into the chair at her father?s work desk.

"How nice of you to show me your father?s lab, Talia darling. We?ve been trying to figure out his
security code for weeks, but now, thanks to you, we no longer need to keep trying," he said as he leaned
closer and gave her an evil smile.

"So that?s why you?ve been bothering us. You want something that has to do with my father?s research.
What is it? Why is it so important to you?" she asked, hoping to get some answers and buy herself some

"Don?t play dumb with me. I know you know what we want. And you?re going to help us get it. We
were going to kidnap you and blackmail your father, but your large friend got in the way. Now, we can
do this nicely or not so nicely," he said looming over her. "You?re quite attractive, and there are several
ways to make you talk that would give me great pleasure."

Talia?s eyes widened in fear at his words.

"Ah good, I love to see fear. It only makes everything twice as pleasurable for me." He licked his lips in

Talia recoiled from him as he drew nearer. Lust glazed over his eyes. Pulling some rope from a bag he
carried with him, he began to tie her hands behind the chair. She frantically searched the room, looking
for some way to escape.

"Don?t even think about struggling. You wouldn?t like the results. And I would hate to bruise up that
pretty face of yours. There?s no escape this time, Talia. Your friend isn?t here to protect you tonight." He
finished tying her hands and bent down to tie up her feet.

"Well, which way will it be? You tell me what I want to know, or I get the pleasure of convincing you to
talk step by delightfully painful step."

Talia never got to answer because as Bligh bent down, Arin suddenly appeared behind him and hit him
over the head with the flashlight he was carrying. Bligh crumpled to the floor unconscious, and Arin tied
him up with the remaining rope. Then, to her amazement, he started talking into the watch he wore. Talia
struggled to hear what he was saying, but only picked up the name Esmerelda and transport. Suddenly
Bligh?s body disappeared right before her eyes. No fading into nothingness slowly, but a complete
now-you-see-it-now-you-don?t. She closed her eyes, thinking she had only imagined it, but when she

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opened them Bligh was still gone.

Talia wasn?t sure how long her mouth stood open in shock and amazement, but she finally closed it and
turned toward Arin.

"What happened to Bligh?" she asked as curiosity and panic overcame fear. "Why were you talking into
your watch? What is going on here?"

She kept firing out questions, needing to know, yet fearing to hear the answers. And with each question
asked, her voice got louder and higher in pitch, until she was almost screaming.

Hearing her raised voice Arin?s head snapped up and he scowled deeply at her questions. He had been
lost in rage when Bligh touched Talia. When he saw his slimy hands on her body, he had wanted to tear
the man limb from limb. He was perplexed by the strength of his feelings.

Talia finally ran out of breath, as he knew she would. Before she could continue, he spoke.

"Let?s just say that Bligh and I don?t need to get aquatinted just yet. We?ll be doing that soon enough."

Arin had transported Bligh outside of the building where he would probably wake up unsure of what had
happened. He wouldn?t mind getting rid of Bligh permanently, but wasn?t sure of the effect this would
have on the future. For now he would have to bide his time and see what Bligh was up to.

And Talia would have to wait for all the answers to her questions.


"No more questions Miss Stevens. You know everything you need to know for now. Instead, why
don?t you tell me what you?re doing here alone in the middle of the night? Didn?t your parents ever teach
you not to go out alone with strange men?" he asked mockingly, hoping to divert her attention from
Bligh?s disappearing act. It worked.

Blood rushed to her face at the insinuation. Then she really saw red. Something about this man just
brought out the worst in her. Lifting her chin, she glared up at Arin.

"Now you listen to me, you big ape! I?ve had just about enough of your insults and innuendoes about my
conduct. I?m exactly where I?m supposed to be, doing exactly what I want. You are the person who
doesn?t belong here. I don?t know how you and Bligh got in here, but I?m sure you can find your own
way out. I?m very busy and don?t need any interruptions from you or him. Now, just untie me and you
can be on your way. I have work to do. You know what work is, don?t you? Work is the opposite of
sitting in a bar getting drunk. Understand?" she asked condescendingly, then smiled sweetly at him as if
he were a little slow.

Arin seemed oblivious to her little barbs as he closed the distance between them and knelt down in front
of her chair. However, when he moved closer, his face inches from hers, Talia could see the anger in his
eyes. Instead of untying her as she had demanded, he grasped the sides of the chair. She suddenly
became very nervous and very aware of the proximity of his body so close to hers. Determined to hide
her feelings, she started barking orders at him.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Untie me this instant!"

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What she had hoped would come out as a shout, however, came out as a high pitched squeak instead.
She cleared her throat and tried to control her wildly beating heart. Unbalanced by his clean scent
surrounding her, she let her mind wander to the thought of him in the shower and then pondered whether
or not his body was actually as hard and big as it seemed fully clothed. Realizing that now was not to the
time to fantasize about this man, she focused all of her attention back on Arin, only to get another jolt to
her senses when she saw the intense look on his face.

As if sensing her thoughts his mouth slowly spread into a seductive smile and his lids closed sleepily
halfway over his eyes.

"Why would I untie you, Kitten?" he asked with satisfaction in his voice, as his eyes raked slowly over
her body. "You?ve scratched me once before. Your position is perfect for me. Unable to make any more
well placed injuries, and unable to leave until I say so. What more could I desire?"

Arin didn?t know if he wanted to shake her or hold her. Although she had used her claws on him, he
wanted to see if he could make her purr instead of growl.

Arin could already feel his body responding to her closeness as well as the clean womanly smell of her.
Most women he knew wore so much sickly sweet perfume that it was sometimes overbearing. Talia was
wearing nothing artificial. She had her own natural scent. It was a mix of her personal woman?s musk and
the clean scent of lavender. He knew it would be forever imprinted on his brain.

Its sensual blend beckoned his body closer to hers. As his eyes returned to her face he saw the startled
awareness in her wide eyes. Her face was flushed. She wet her lips with her tongue and she parted them
in anticipation of his kiss. His body hardened painfully. Talia may have not been aware of it, but she
looked like a woman full of desire and wanting. And he could no more resist her than stop breathing.

As Arin?s gaze deliberately moved down her body, Talia felt as if he were physically touching her. Her
breasts tingled and felt full. Her lungs constricted and she had to take short little breaths to get any
oxygen. The muscles in her stomach tightened, and a throbbing began at the apex of her thighs. She grew
warm all over and actually felt dizzy as his eyes returned to meet hers. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she
opened her mouth in an effort to say something that would break this spell, but no sound came out. She
was so affected by the raw desire in his eyes, that she could only silently watch as his head lowered
toward her. He kissed her. The softness and warmth of his lips surprised her. He ran his tongue over the
top, then bottom lip. She felt as if she were being tasted. When he began to suck on her bottom lip, her
mouth opened wider to accommodate him.

Talia dimly realized she had no will to resist Arin. His kisses electrified parts of her body with such
intensity that she felt helpless against it. As his tongue slipped into her mouth and he further explored and
tasted its recesses, something inside her snapped. Up to that point she had been an observer,
experiencing all that he did to her. Now she wanted more. She needed to feel and learn him as he was
doing to her. She heard Arin growl in the back of his throat as she began to touch and twine her tongue
with his. He moved his body closer and parted her thighs as he slid between them. The hard plains of his
chest pressed against her breasts and her nipples tightened in response. The aching between her legs
grew as she became more and more aware of his hardness cradled there. She struggled to move her
arms. She needed to touch him. So lost in the haze of desire he had created, she couldn?t recall why she
wasn?t able to lift her arms. When she remembered where she was and what position she was in, it was
like icy water being thrown over her heated body. She turned her face and pulled back from him.

"No, Arin ... stop," she said in a weak voice that didn?t sound like her own. It was husky and breathless
as she gulped air into her lungs to clear her head.

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Even before she said the words, Arin had sensed the change in her and withdrew. It took all the
willpower he possessed to pull himself away from her. Slowly he stood up, turned and walked over to a
desk across the room, keeping his back to her. He needed to be as far away from Talia as possible. His
jaw clenched and unclenched with the effort it took to get his body back under control. Never had a
woman affected him so quickly, or so strongly. Considering the fact that Arin had spent many pleasurable
hours in the company of women throughout his adult life, this shocked him. In the past he always pleased
a woman first, then let himself enjoy the rest of the encounter. And always, always he had remained the
one in control.

However, with Talia, he acted like a green boy during his first time. He had just wanted to kiss her to get
her to be quiet. No, that wasn?t true, he admitted to himself. He had also wanted to taste her sweet lips,
which had looked so inviting. Somehow, things had gotten out of hand, and he had almost undressed her
and made love to her in that chair in the middle of her father?s lab. He had been fine until she responded
so openly and ardently to his kisses. It was as if she had been made for his touch. Her response to him
was so naturally sensual that it drove him over the edge. His lack of restraint worried him. As he finally
turned and walked back toward her, a frown marred his face.

Talia had not spoken from the moment Arin walked away from her until he turned around. She wasn?t
quiet out of consideration for him or his struggles. Rather, it was because of her own inner battle and
shock over what she had just experienced in the arms of a man she barely knew. She had never
responded like that to Mark. He had only made her feel inadequate when they were together. It was as if
Arin?s touch had changed her into someone else. That other person was sexy and sensual--hungry to be
touched, and to touch. Her uninhibited reaction to him embarrassed her. If she hadn?t been tied to the
chair, she would have gotten up and ran from the lab. Unfortunately, she was forced to stay and face him.
And as he turned and walked toward her with a frown on his face, her dread increased.

Expecting the worst, Talia was surprised when Arin silently walked behind the chair and untied her. She
stood up and turned around, so that they were facing each other with the chair between them. As her
eyes met his, her breath got caught in her throat. The unbridled desire in his gaze made her knees feel
weak. However, just as quickly as it was there, it was gone. He shuttered his eyes so they showed

"Miss Stevens, I think it?s time to go. What happened between us just now should not have occurred. It
won?t happen again," he said in a voice devoid of emotion.

"Well, I should hope not." She lifted her chin and made her voice just as cold as his. If he wanted to
handle things that way, then she would play right along.

Arin merely nodded and continued. "Would you like me to drive you home or are you able to drive
yourself?" he asked in that politely formal voice, which was already getting on Talia?s nerves. She thought
of several things to tell him to do with his ride, but decided another tactic was in order.

"Why shouldn?t I be able to drive myself home, Mr. McClintock? After all, I?m not the one who lost
control and practically attacked a defenseless woman," she said accusingly, with reproof in her voice.

Then without another word, she turned and walked out through the lab doors. If Arin wanted to act like
what happened hadn?t affected him, then she could do the same. He didn?t follow her immediately, but
she could feel his eyes boring into her back as she walked away. After a minute he caught up with her.

"Fine," he said in a clipped voice. Neither said anything else until they reached the parking lot. As she

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unlocked her car door, Arin gently grasped her shoulders from behind and pulled her against his chest.
He lowered his head until his mouth was right beside her ear. She could feel his breath tickling it as he

"You and I both know this isn?t over yet."

His rough whisper sent shivers of delight throughout her body. Then he lifted her hair and kissed the
back of her neck. Talia felt as if the spot he kissed had ignited every intimate part of her body on fire.
She yearned to lean against him so that he could continue the exploration of her neck, but common sense
prevailed. She was in a parking lot in the middle of the night with a man she barely knew. What had
come over her? She needed to tell Arin to stop bothering her--to stay out of her life.

Even as she thought of turning around to confront him, she felt a cool breeze against her back. When she
finally did turn, the sight that greeted her was of him walking away. During the drive home she kept
thinking about what he said before he left her. And she wondered if he had been referring to her trouble
with Mr. Bligh, or with him.

Chapter 3

After a night filled with tossing and turning, and dreams about a very sexy man named Arin, Talia had
trouble waking up to her Monday morning alarm clock. Normally she had no problem getting up and
going to do the work she loved so much, but everything she had been through over the weekend was
catching up with her. She was exhausted. Since graduating from medical school, she had found a position
at one of the nation?s top labs for genetic research.

Due to her outstanding academic achievements, as well as some of her groundbreaking research while
still at school, she had been sought after by many of the medical facilities in the country. The one she
finally chose was both close to home and respected nationwide for its work. It was perfect because it
allowed her to fulfill her dream of finding a cure for her mother?s disease, while staying close to her dad.
The fact that Talia was not seeing anyone seriously, and had not since Mark, never really bothered her.
Two things kept that from ever becoming an issue with her. The first was the bad experience she had
with Mark, and how inadequate it still made her feel. The second was the sense of accomplishment she
got through her work.

The project she had been working on that day kept her so preoccupied that thoughts of Arin and Bligh
didn?t come to mind until she looked up at the clock and realized it was 8:30 in the evening. Looking
around, she saw that the lab was empty except for her. Thoughts of Mr. Bligh came to mind and she
suddenly felt very nervous and vulnerable being alone. She quickly finished up what she was in the middle
of and left the lab. While riding down the elevator by herself, she kept getting the feeling that someone
was watching her and was relieved when she reached the ground floor. The doors opened, and she saw
the security guard at his desk in the lobby. Feeling silly but deciding that it was the smart thing to do, she
asked him to walk her to her car. It wasn?t until she was out of the parking lot and on her way home that
she felt more at ease.

As her car pulled away, two figures slipped from the shadows, watching her drive away.

"We could have made a grab for her, sir. Why did you stop me?" the voice whined.

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"Because, Bligh, you incompetent fool, the security guard cannot be harmed. His offspring are destined
to become very important to the world in my future. We?ve gone over this many times before. My plans
must be executed exactly the way I tell you. No more mishaps, understand?"

"But General--"

"No! Don?t ever use my title. I?ve warned you before, Bligh."

Bligh winced and shrank back at the anger he heard in the other man?s voice.

"I understand sir. I just--"

"You just listen to what I tell you and keep your mouth shut. If you accomplish this mission, there will be
great rewards for you in the future. However, if you keep making these stupid mistakes, well, let?s just
say that your future looks dim. Do you get my meaning, Bligh?" he asked, looking menacingly down at

"Yes, Gen ... uh ... I mean, sir," he answered fearfully.

The general gave him a disgusted look, but ignored his little slip.

"Good. Now we?ll go over the next phase of my plan while you drive."

* * * *

When Talia arrived home her father was gone, so she decided to make dinner, leaving some in the oven
for him to eat when he returned. As she washed the dishes and looked down into the sudsy water, she
decided that a nice, long bubble bath was just what she needed. Ever since her first meeting with Bligh,
she had been tense and uneasy. She knew a soak in the warm water would relieve some of her stress.

As she slipped into the lavender-scented tub, she immediately felt more relaxed. Laying back and closing
her eyes, she tried to clear her mind of all her worries. Yet each time she started to drift off, Arin?s face
would suddenly appear and her thoughts would stray back to what happened in the lab last night. As she
lay there thinking about it, she could almost feel his warm lips moving softly over hers. The memory of
how his tongue slipped in and out of her mouth made her sigh aloud with pleasure.

"Having pleasant dreams, Talia?" a deep sexy voice asked, breaking her reverie.

Talia?s eyes flew open and she saw the face she had just been dreaming of moments ago. She shot up,
reaching for her towel, but was unable to grasp it without getting completely out of the bath. She sat
there, momentarily frozen in place by his hot gaze slowly drifting down to her exposed breasts. Her
breasts swelled and her nipples tightened in immediate response.

When Arin saw her body?s reaction, his hand tightened on the doorknob he was holding and he drew in
a sharp breath. Desire rode him hard. He took one jerky step toward her, as if he had lost control of his
own body. Clenching his jaws together, he forcefully stopped himself from going any further. His sudden
movement broke the spell. Talia quickly submerged her body under the bubbles so that nothing showed
below her neck.

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"What are you doing here?" she asked in a breathless voice.

He didn?t answer right away. Instead he picked up her robe and towel and gently threw it on the floor
by the tub. If she thought submerging her body helped get his libido back in check, she couldn?t have
been more wrong. Now that he had seen how beautiful her body was, his imagination was driving him
crazy. He had to get her out of the bath and put some clothes on her before he could think clearly. He
turned his back toward her, cleared his throat, and finally spoke.

"Please get out of the bath. I think it?s time that you and I had a talk," he said in a voice that was low
and raspy.

As he waited for her to get dressed, he tried to get his body back under control. He concentrated on the
research he had done on his own today. He had picked through the computer?s history on Frank
Stevens and found something surprising. Not only did the records detail in-depth the professor?s family;
it also showed whom the relative was that disappeared that night at The Dark Lantern. Talia?s name was
clearly written into the account. Also, the exact night and approximate time of the disappearance was
documented. Arin found it odd that the general neglected to find this information and was so vague about
the information he did give. The logical, methodical way his superior approached everything did not
coincide with the carelessness that was shown in this case. Something wasn?t right, and he knew that he
would have to be extremely thorough if he were going to find out the truth about what was really going

The second bit of investigating he did was back in the future. Although frequent back and forth travel
was not normally promoted, Arin felt that in this case it was justified. His idea came when he was going
over the account of what had happened at The Dark Lantern the previous night. He realized that the
computer records he had with him were outdated. This was because they still showed what had
happened before Arin arrived there. Even though history had been changed, Esmerelda was not showing
the revised account. Anything the computer had on record now, about the future, could be incorrect.

So he went back, without notifying the general, to look into the matter. He needed to find out if any
future attempts on Talia?s life would be made, and if so, when and where. This would give him the ability
to prevent them and protect Talia. As he thought about what he found out, his face hardened and his
protective instincts kicked in. No one was going to hurt her as long as he was around. This feeling was
very new to him. He had never felt such an intense need to protect any of the other women he had
known. It left him perplexed and not a little disturbed.

"Okay, I?m dressed. You may turn around now, Mr. McClintock, and tell me what is so important that
you feel the need to break into my home and spy on me while I bathe." Although Talia knew this wasn?t
the case, she still felt vulnerable and a little off balance by what his wandering gaze did to her. So, once
again, she covered it up by taking on a haughty air.

When Arin turned around he tried to hide his amusement. There she stood with her pert little nose in the
air, trying to look down at him from her petite height. She looked like a little girl with the towel wrapped
lopsided around her head, wearing an oversized robe, which dragged on the ground and had the sleeves
rolled up with her hands peaking out of the ends.

As Talia saw his lips twitch with a smile and his eyes sparkle with amusement, she became indignant.
How dare he laugh at her! She knew her body wasn?t perfect, but it was nothing to laugh at.

"I don?t know what you find so amusing about the situation. I could call the police and have you arrested

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as a Peeping Tom. If you think my body is so funny looking then why were you spying on me in the first
place?" she asked as she turned and looked at herself in the mirror for the first time since getting out of
the tub. When she saw what she looked like she couldn?t hold back her smile. Then the laughter just
jumped out of her. She looked like a ten-year-old at a sleepover party wearing her mother?s robe. She
continued to laugh, and soon Arin joined in, unable to hold back any longer.

As their laughter died down, Arin couldn?t help but think how beautiful she was when she smiled and
laughed, and Talia couldn?t help but notice how his face lit up and he looked like a carefree little boy,
dimples and all. The sight of those dimples made her think that maybe he wasn?t so hard looking after all.
She was pretty sure his dimpled smile was so irresistible to most women that they would do almost
anything after seeing it.

As they silently studied each other, Arin was the first to recover and quickly broke the silence.

"Please come sit down in the other room. There are some things we need to discuss."

Talia sat down on her couch and waited for him to continue. Instead of sitting, he paced the floor as he

"As I told you before my name is Arin McClintock. What I didn?t tell you was that I am not from this
time. I?m from the future. From the year 3000 to be exact."

At his admission Talia?s eyes snapped up to meet his. They were filled with doubt and suspicion.

"Before you start declaring my insanity, please listen to what I have to say. I?m here to help."

"You were sent here from the year 3000 just to help me? Why?" she asked with a voice full of

Arin hesitated, but then decided he would be as honest as possible with her.

"Well, no. I was sent here on another mission, but I can help you at the same time. Your life is in danger.
You do realize that?" he asked in an effort to distract her from the true purpose of his mission.

"After the last two attempts by Bligh, how could I not see that something is going on? My question to
you is whether or not you know why this is happening? After all, if you really are from the future,
shouldn?t you know the outcome of this already?" she asked in a way that told Arin she still doubted his

"There are things you just don?t realize Talia. The future is very fragile. Any changes that have been
caused by my coming here will have an effect later in time. So, events aren?t permanent in the future, until
they have actually happened. Do you understand?"

Ignoring his use of her first name, she answered him.

"Yes, but I still can?t believe that you?re from the future. It?s just a little too much like the movies for me.
However, I will go along with the premise that you can help me. After my brush with Bligh yesterday, I
realized that I?m in over my head. So, Mr. McClintock, will you or won?t you?" she asked.

"Will I or won?t I what?" he asked in confusion.

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"Be my bodyguard, of course," she answered with a smug expression on her face.

"Your what?" Her question took him by complete surprise.

"My bodyguard. If you really want to help me, you can do it by protecting me. I would feel quite secure.
It seems you have all the physical attributes necessary for the position," she commented as she slowly
circled him while perusing his body. When her gaze returned to his face she saw a dangerous glint in his
eyes. Their color had changed from gray to charcoal.

"Be careful," he warned softly. That simple statement and the hungry look on his face stopped her in her
tracks. She looked away quickly as she felt her face grow warm from embarrassment.

At Talia?s perusal of his body, Arin grew warm, then hot all over. He wondered if she knew what effect
she had on him. Studying her face, he couldn?t help but smile. She looked like a kid who just got caught
with her fingers in the cookie jar.

He was about to object to her absurd offer, when it hit him that this would be the perfect way to
accomplish both of his missions: protecting her and getting close to the professor.

"I?ll do it. But only under certain conditions," he cautioned.

"You will? Under what conditions?" she asked warily. He had agreed too quickly.

"First and foremost, I must be available to you at all times. Therefore, I should stay at your home."

"No--" she started to protest, but was cut off before she could continue. He gently placed his index
finger on her lips. His touch left her knees weak, and she immediately fell silent.

"Before you disagree, listen to me," Arin started. Hr took his hand away from her mouth when he saw he
had her attention. The minute he did, he wished he could put it back and slowly rub it across her full
bottom lip. Resisting the urge, he continued.

"It only makes sense that I?m close by night and day. You?ve already seen the way Bligh works. He is
capable of anything."

The loss of his contact with her lips left Talia distracted, but she tried to concentrate on the issue at hand.

"But what about my father? I doubt he would agree to such a thing," she argued.

"Once we all sit down and talk, he?ll realize the danger you both are in. If I can be of assistance, why
shouldn?t he allow me to stay here? Besides, I have a feeling that your father will be a little more open to
my claim of coming from the future than you," he added mysteriously.

Ignoring his cryptic remark, she agreed with his plan. She could tell by the stubborn set of his face that
he wasn?t going to give up until she said yes.

"Fine, we?ll talk to my father in the morning. Come back then and we can sort this out when he wakes
up," she said and started to stand, dismissing him.

"I can?t do that," he said simply, remaining in his seat.

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"Why not?" she asked.

"I?m sleeping here tonight, on the couch, so I can help if I?m needed."

"What about your things?" Talia asked grasping at straws to get him to leave. She didn?t think she would
be able to sleep knowing he was here in the house with her. She just wasn?t that comfortable with him.

"Don?t you need an overnight bag or something?"

"We can get those things tomorrow, after I pick you up from work," he assured her.

She was about to argue, but decided that in his present state of mind she wouldn?t succeed. Besides,
she was so tired from all that had been happening that she couldn?t wait to climb into bed and sleep.

"Well, you don?t have to sleep on the couch. The guest bedroom is just down the hall from mine." She
motioned for him to follow, so he rose and walked with her to his room.

"The bathroom next to your room has an extra toothbrush and other toiletries. I?ll be right back with
some clean towels and washcloths."

Arin looked at how soft and inviting the bed appeared in the tidy little room and walked over to sit down
on it while he waited for Talia. The minute he did he suddenly realized how tired he was. A yawn
escaped before he could stop it. At that moment Talia returned with his towels.

"My sentiments exactly Mr. McClintock," she said laying the linens beside him on the bed. "Goodnight."

She turned to walk out of the room.

"Sweet dreams, princess," he said so softly he wasn?t sure if she heard. The slight stiffening of her back
as she walked through the door told him that she had.

Although somewhat disconcerted by Arin?s decision to stay the night, Talia?s thoughts became more
restful as she lay in bed pondering the events of the evening. Now she had Arin exactly where she
wanted. Instinctively she knew that she could trust him, yet she also felt there was something he wasn?t
telling her. Thinking about him once again brought forth the image of his face. She drifted off to sleep with
dreams of him already forming in her mind.

The next morning Talia woke, and momentarily forgetting the events of last night, she stretched and
thought about her work at the lab. As usual, each day brought with it the excitement that today might
bring her closer to a cure for the disease that caused her mother?s death. She really loved her work and
the thought that she was striving to help others. As she showered and dressed, she remained preoccupied
with her research. It wasn?t until she walked into the kitchen and saw her father and Arin sitting at the
table talking and drinking coffee that she recalled what had transpired the previous day.

"Well, I see you two have met," she noted irritably as she walked over to the coffee machine. She tried
to ignore Arin as he poured her a cup from the carafe sitting on the table and handed it to her with a
triumphant smile on his face. Instead she concentrated on her father?s next words.

"Arin and I met last night and have been up for the last few hours, talking about all that?s happened," her
father explained.

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Talia frowned. She didn?t like the idea that her father and Arin had spent so much time talking together
without her. She felt excluded.

"And?" she asked, already sensing by the looks on their faces that something was going on.

"We?ve come up with some possible options, which might prove prudent for you in this situation,"
Professor Stevens answered carefully.

"You two have decided what?s best without even consulting me? This is my life we?re talking about,
right? I think I should have a say in any decisions made here," she stated angrily. She knew that she
probably sounded like a child pouting, but she refused to let Arin take over her life. He had already
intruded farther than anyone had for a long time and it scared her. Unfortunately, when backed into a
corner, Talia tended to come out fighting.

Thus her father?s next statement was doomed to failure, even before he spoke.

"We think you should, uh, well my dear, we think you should go to the future with Arin," her father
suggested nervously.

"What!" Talia exploded. She had expected something, but nothing like this.

"Are you serious? Dad, listen to yourself! You just met this man, and you already believe everything he
says. How do we even know he?s telling the truth about coming from the future? How do you know you
can trust him?" she asked desperately, feeling her control of the situation slipping.

Her father just shook his head and smiled mysteriously.

"Time is short Talia, and you?re in danger. I can?t explain it all to you right now. I know Arin is telling
the truth. He is from the future. Soon I?ll tell you everything and you?ll understand. But please, for now,
go with Arin," her father pleaded.

"I am not a child! And I will not go off with this man to the future. I want to stay here and help you. You
may be in danger also, Father. Have you thought about that? Tell me what this is all about and together
we can work things out. Please don?t push me away now," Talia demanded softly.

At her last remark her father?s face took on a pained expression and his eyes wavered for a minute in
indecision. The moment passed and the professor?s chin jutted out stubbornly. His face became a mask
of resolved determination. Right now, daughter and father couldn?t have looked more alike.

"Talia, I am not the one at risk," her father assured her. "I?m sorry you don?t agree with this, but you
must go now to the future."

Talia looked as if she were about to start arguing again so Arin cut her off before she could start.

"Talia, I thought that last night we agreed you needed my help? You must listen to your father. We have
to go to my time to keep you safe and to discover what is going on."

"I am not going to the future with you Mr. McClintock and that?s final," she stated firmly, then dismissed
him by abruptly turning her back to him to speak to her father. She was trying to cut him out of the
discussion so that he would understand that this was between her and her father.

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"Now father, let?s discuss another plan that will help you and I solve this problem with Bligh."

Her father said nothing, then pushed his fingers through his hair in frustration. Standing up, he walked to
the kitchen sink. He stood quietly looking out the window over the sink. Arin watched him expectantly,
saying nothing, until the professor finally spoke.

He turned around and addressed Arin as if Talia wasn?t even there.

"Okay, Arin, I agree with your plan. She is a stubborn one, just like her mother. Do what you need to
do, but let me know when, so that I can say good-bye."

"Excuse me, but I?m in the room. I don?t appreciate being discussed as if I?m not here. ?She? would
like to know what is going on, right now," Talia demanded angrily, close to stomping her feet in

Arin ignored her demand and continued speaking to her father as if she hadn?t even spoke.

"It?s already done. I?m ready now," he stated stiffly, ignoring Talia?s angry gaze.

The professor?s eyes widened in surprise at this news.

"So quickly? But how ... when?" he asked.

"Last night. I went back again after we met and set everything up. Let?s just say I knew how your
daughter might respond and felt that the quicker the better for everyone involved."

At this statement Arin finally turned to acknowledge Talia.

"How are you feeling Talia?" he asked, studying her face. Talia thought she saw concern for her on his
face, but then he turned stiffly and walked out of the kitchen.

"Professor, say your good-byes. You have only a few more moments," Arin commanded as he left the

"Good-byes? What is he talking about father?" Talia asked, confused and suddenly feeling fuzzy and
unfocused, as if she were losing control of her thoughts. Her legs no longer seemed able to support her.
Her father rushed to her side to give support as her knees gave way.

"Please know that I love you, Talia. I agreed to this for your own good. We?ll talk more after you, uh,
get back," her father said squeezing her hand in reassurance.

Her father?s voice sounded far away, as if she was at one end of a tunnel and he was at the other.

"Father, I love you too, but what have you done? Get back from where?" she asked, starting to panic as
everything she looked at became a blur. As her head lolled back and she started to slide down to the
floor, anger over her helplessness suddenly filled her.

"He?ll pay for this!" she whispered fiercely, then everything went black.

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Chapter 4

Talia slowly gained consciousness as a strange humming noise intruded into her dreams. Again, she had
dreamt of Arin. Reluctant to wake up, yet curious about the noise, Talia slowly opened her eyes. She
wondered if she were truly awake when the face she had just been dreaming of appeared before her.
Shaking her head to clear the overwhelming fuzziness she felt, she winced in pain.

"What are you doing in my bedroom and why do I feel like I have the biggest hangover of my life?" she
asked groggily and tried to sit up.

"Good morning to you too, Sunshine," Arin said with a smile so seductive it stole her breath away. He
studied her face closely, then a quick look of relief crossed his face as if he approved of what he saw.

"Don?t sit up yet. Just relax and let yourself wake up fully," he instructed calmly as he gently pushed her
back down. "The drug I just administered to you should help clear the fog and make the headache

"Drug? What do you mean drug? What?s going on here?" she asked, suddenly fearful as she again
struggled to sit up.

Arin saw her eyes fill with panic.

"Don?t be frightened. I put something in your coffee this morning to make you sleep. That way I could
bring you to the future without a fight. I just gave you a mild remedy to wake you and clear your head,"
he explained and helped her sit up slowly.

As she sat up and looked around her everything came back to her, including her anger. She pushed him
away and started to stand, but the dizziness left her sitting.

"Listen, buster. I?ve had just about enough of your help! I don?t appreciate your intrusion into my life or
your attempts to take it over. Who do you think you are drugging me, kidnapping me and taking me to
another time?" she demanded angrily.

Arin watched her, admiring her flashing eyes, flushed skin and her chest rising in agitation against the
buttons of her blouse. She took another deep breath to finish her tirade. She really was beautiful and
amazingly strong considering her petite size. He had to admire her. Most people, hell, most men his size
had a much harder time getting reoriented after taking the drug Talia had received. He suddenly realized
that she must be operating on sheer determination alone. He knew from experience that someone could
only go like that for a very short period of time. The sooner he got her back to his home and let her relax,
the better.

None of his concern for her showed on his face as he patiently waited for her to finish. He couldn?t
blame her for being so upset. If her were in her position, heads would be rolling right now. Unfortunately,
he was the only available head around. Knowing that this was the only way to keep Talia safe and
accomplish his goal, he patiently waited for her to finish while his mind wandered over the last twelve

Talia?s father and he had talked extensively. After realizing Arin was really from the future, Professor
Stevens admitted to his own breakthroughs in time travel. Seeing through Arin?s presence that it was
actually possible to successfully move through time, he was encouraged to work harder in reaching his

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goal. Arin was careful not to tell the professor too much, knowing what impact it could have. Yet, after
seeing the future and investigating further, Arin knew he had to bring him somewhat into his confidence to
succeed. Hopefully, the plan they had decided to follow would work. When Talia finished he answered
her almost immediately.

"Who do I think I am? Why I?m your bodyguard Talia, or have you already forgotten?" he asked

"That?s it? That?s all you have to say? What about the fact that you just dragged me to the future
without my permission?" Talia demanded angrily.

"You hired me to protect you. That?s what I?m doing. My methods were never discussed or agreed
upon before entering into this contract. I did what I thought was best for you. You?ll be safe here with
me until everything gets sorted out," he told her calmly as he turned and sat down in what appeared to be
the pilot?s seat in the cockpit of a plane.

Arin?s apparent calm and indifference to her situation made Talia clamp her hands tightly behind her
back to keep from attempting to launch herself at him. She clenched her teeth together so she couldn?t
start screaming in frustration at his back. Calling him a large number of unsavory names in her mind
helped Talia slowly get back a modicum of control. As she did so, she began to really notice her
surroundings. She was in some sort of vehicle, and they were moving. That was where the humming
noise, which woke her, must have come from.

She looked past Arin through the front window and came to the realization that the vehicle was definitely
moving, but not on the ground. It was flying at a speed which, by looking out and seeing nothing but a
continual blur of movement, was extremely fast.

"What are we traveling in?" Talia asked. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her anger.

At her question Arin turned to look at her with amusement. However, when he finally spoke his answer
was given with all seriousness and thoroughness.

"This vehicle is called an SC80. It is mainly used by the military to monitor the city and the activities
therein. In my time people don?t normally travel day to day in these. We have a much more convenient
and expeditious form of transportation. However, due to your anesthetized state, this form was more
preferable for maintaining your continued health. Does that satisfy your curiosity, Talia?" he asked.

"No. Not by a long shot mister," she answered smartly.

Before she could say any more, Talia felt the craft slow and Arin approached what looked to be a giant
elongated honeycomb, which rivaled the size of the tallest building in her time. As they drew nearer she
saw that the holes in the buildings were windows and sliding glass doors with balconies. She realized that
she must be looking at a futuristic form of an apartment building. They approached one of the doors and
Arin turned the vehicle so that its door faced the building directly. He pressed one more button and the
craft?s door opened, revealing sliding glass doors and a ramp protruding out to them.

"Sorry Talia, no more questions for now," Arin said as he rose from his seat an approached her. "It?s
time to disembark."

"If you think I?m going to step out onto that narrow little ramp when we?re this high up, you?re crazy. I
think I?ll just stay right here until you decide to take me back to my time," she said, looking up at him and

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refusing to rise from her seat.

"Sorry you feel that way, but you will be leaving this ship with me now," Arin stated firmly as he easily
scooped her up out of her seat and carried her out the door. He strode across the ramp and into what
could have been either his apartment or his office. Though it seemed tastefully decorated, the place totally
lacked any warmth or personality. Her first impression changed, however, the minute he led her further
into his quarters and into another room. This room, like the Mercedes Arin had tried to kidnap her in
outside The Dark Lantern, told her a lot about its owner. It was completely masculine and bold, yet there
seemed to be some unexpected touches of warmth throughout that gave a small glimpse into the man he
was. One felt welcome and comfortable in this room. The brown leather furniture was overstuffed, the
wood floors were covered with soft throw rugs, and the paintings on the wall drew one?s eye to
peaceful, calming scenes. She continued to study her surroundings until Arin started to leave. She walked
toward him, panic in her eyes.

"Where are you going?" She would not be left alone in this unknown time if she had anything to say
about it.

He stopped in his tracks at the tremble he heard in her voice and the panic in her eyes. Then he cursed
himself for not being more understanding of her predicament. She was in a time and place completely
foreign to her and he was the only anchor, albeit insecure, that she had. Of course she became worried
when he began to walk away. What had he done to earn her trust?

"To make you some dinner," he tried to sound gentle in the hopes of making her feel better, but when he
saw that this only caused her to come close to tears, he knew he needed to take a different tact. "You
haven?t eaten all day and time travel takes its toll on everyone. I don?t want you getting sick. Your so
petite and slight you could easily do just that. And I?m not a very good nursemaid," he finished curtly and
went across the hall into what appeared to be a kitchen.

For once, Talia didn?t argue with him. She was still too weak with relief that Arin wasn?t leaving her, to
do much more than lay on the couch. As she listened to him prepare the food and began to pick up the
scent of something delicious, her stomach growled and she realized she was hungry. It surprised her that
he actually cooked. And from the aroma, he did it quite well. Lying back against the couch with her eyes
closed, she let her mind wander. She suddenly wondered what else Arin did well, then scolded herself
for letting herself think about things she had no business thinking about, especially now.

She had almost dozed off, when Arin returned carrying a tray laden with food. Talia was amazed at what
he had prepared.

"How did you prepare all of this so quickly?" she asked in awe as she looked at the tray filled with three
dishes. There was a large steaming bowl of cream of mushroom soup, a freshly tossed salad, roasted
chicken with red potatoes, and a basket of warm crusty bread with a side of butter and honey.

"I had a little help," he explained mysteriously as he put the tray on the table in front of her. "Start eating
while I go get the peach cobbler. It should be done by now. If you?re good and eat everything on your
plate, I?ll let you have dessert," he said with a teasing smile, showing those rarely seen dimples as he left
the room.

Surprised by his teasing, but too hungry to comment on it, Talia quickly attacked her food. By the time
Arin returned she had eaten her salad and her soup. She was enjoying the fresh bread, lathered with
sweet butter and honey. He stopped in the doorway to watch her, mesmerized by what he saw. She was
unaware of his presence and her eyes were closed in delight as she bit into and chewed the bread. Some

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honey had dripped onto her lips, and her tongue darted out to catch it. Then she slowly licked her fingers
clean of the honey that had gotten on them. Her eyes remained closed as Arin watched her, stunned by
the impact she had on him.

Desire crashed into him. His body grew hard and hot all over. She was like a contented kitten, just
finishing a meal and cleaning herself. The sight of her small pink tongue made him think of places where
he would like to feel her mouth on him. As she put her head back on the couch and sighed, she looked
like a woman who had just been well satisfied by a man. From what he had seen and learned about Talia
thus far, he had the feeling that she would savor and enjoy all the sensual pleasures to the fullest. He
couldn?t help but picture her making love with all the passion that she did everything else. He quickly
shook his head and cleared his throat, trying to calm himself down.

Hearing him, Talia suddenly sat up and opened her eyes in surprise.

"How is your meal?" Arin asked in a voice much too husky.

Talia looked down at the tray guiltily and then back up at him. "Sorry I didn?t wait for you. When I saw
the food, I just couldn?t stop myself. I can?t eat another bite, so please eat the chicken."

"We can save that for later. I?m not really hungry, uh, right now," he choked out, knowing that the
hunger he felt inside could never be satisfied with food.

"Are you okay?" she asked, concerned by the intensity of his eyes as he looked at her. She felt as if he
were looking inside her, searching for something.

"I?m fine," he answered shortly. He was frustrated that it was taking him so long to get his body back
under control. No other woman had caused such a strong response in him.

Talia wondered why he suddenly seemed angry, but decided by the look in his eyes not to pursue it. If
anyone had a right to be angry, it was she. She started to say as much to him, but then stopped herself
when she remembered how ineffective her anger had been in changing his mind previously. The best
approach with him had to be rational reasoning. She had to make him realize that taking her to another
time, against her will, would solve nothing. She would count to ten, take a sip of water and have a
reasonable conversation with him.

Unaware of Arin?s turmoil, she reached around him to get the water. As she did so, her breast
accidentally brushed his arm. Due to Arin?s state of awareness, the feel of her against his arm made him
stiffen as he sucked in his breath.

Hearing him, Talia turned to look, then stood abruptly, stunned by the intense desire in his eyes. It was
gone as soon as she became aware of it. But the force of it made her feel like the air had just been
knocked out of her body. The strength of her response shocked her and she began to back away from
Arin. When she ran into a chair, she turned around and pretended interest in a painting hanging on the
wall in front of her.

"I see art appreciation is still existent in the future," Talia commented in a breathless voice.

"Monet," Arin stated softly. Talia froze, realizing he stood right behind her. She hadn?t heard him move
from the couch. In that moment she felt hunted, and about to be caught.

"Wh-what?" Talia asked, so unnerved by his proximity that she hadn?t noticed what he had said.

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"Monet. His paintings always seem to calm me." Except today, he thought to himself. He knew he
shouldn?t have followed her across the room. But the look of surprise, then desire, which turned Talia?s
eyes dark, drove him on.

As he spoke more about the painting, Talia started to relax slightly. His voice soothed her nerves. She
had the urge to lean backwards against his chest and close her eyes. She shivered, imagining the
wonderful feel of his hard chest pressed against her back. As if reading her mind, Arin moved closer to
her, until his chest pushed lightly against her. Then he placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Are you cold Talia?" he asked, and began to slowly rub his hands up and down her arms to warm her.

"I-I?m fine, really," she explained, trying to regain her control by turning in Arin?s arms to look at him.
She thought that by facing him she would feel more comfortable. She was wrong. Being this close to him
face to face made her want to run away, and pull him closer at the same time. His maleness was
overpowering. The scent of him filled her senses and made her dizzy. She gulped in a deep breath to try
and steady herself.

As she looked into his face, she lost the ability to breathe. His expression was one of pure male
satisfaction, as if he knew that he had caught the prey he was after. His eyes were glittering with
awareness, not missing any of her reactions to him. She felt her body grow warm and her nipples harden.
In response, his nostrils suddenly flared, as if he smelled the desire that now engulfed her.

Talia?s mouth softened and her eyes started to close unconsciously as Arin bent to kiss her. When their
lips met, he growled deep in his throat. His arms tightened around her and he pulled her even closer to
him. Her lips opened like the petals of a flower for the sun, and her tongue tentatively searched for his
own. The feel of her satiny tongue slipping between his lips almost broke the reins he used to control the
desire raging through him. He responded by catching it and sucking gently. Talia pulled her tongue back.
Arin pursued her and soon they each took turns exploring each other?s mouth.

His hands slowly moved down Talia?s arms and over her hips to clasp her behind. He caressed her
sweet curves, then lifted her against him, so she would feel his readiness. Her body stiffened, and Arin
began to release her, worried that he had scared her. But before he could do so, she let out a moan of
protest and rubbed her body against him. He growled again and carried her against him until her back
pressed against the wall. He spread her legs with his own, then pushed his knee between them so that she
straddled it. With her supported against the wall by his knee, Arin?s hands were free to roam over her.
Yet instead of continuing, he forced himself to stop kissing her. Pulling back, he lifted Talia?s chin so that
she had to look at him. Her eyes fluttered open in dazed confusion.

"Talia?" he asked in a hoarse voice. It was all he could manage in his state of acute arousal. He needed
to make sure that she wanted to continue as much as he did.

Talia smiled softly and reached her hands up behind his head to pull his lips back to hers. It was as if she
had been transported to not only another time, but also another dimension. His kisses left her weak. As
she began to kiss him back, her desire intensified. When he pulled her to him, she was momentarily
surprised, but the feel of him soon had her melting against him. If he had not used his knee to support her,
she would have slipped to the ground. The feel of his knee warm between her thighs, touching her so
intimately made her feel faint. Yet the thing that really left her dizzy was his gentleness. She had thought
him so hard and unyielding, yet the tenderness of his kisses and caresses made her feel cherished.

The quick, unfeeling couplings she had had with Mark held no comparison to the sensual awakening she

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was having now. When Arin abruptly stopped kissing her she was momentarily confused. But when he
asked her permission to continue, even though he seemed to be barely in control of his desire, a little of
the ice that had formed around her heart with Mark began to melt. Arin made her feel not only like a
desirable woman, but also like someone whose thoughts mattered to him. She couldn?t help but smile at
him and welcome him into her arms.

Knowing that Talia wanted him helped Arin relax and take things slowly. He wanted her to willingly
share all the passion he sensed she had inside her. He let his hands move leisurely over her, seeming to
know all the right places to touch. Under her blouse, he momentarily spanned her waist, reminding him
just how small she was. But as his hands glided up over the softness of her stomach to the beginnings of
her ribcage, he found her breasts filled his hands perfectly. The feel of her puckered nipples under his
caressing fingers beckoned his mouth. He lifted her higher with his knee, and gently drew a nipple into his
mouth through the thin material of her shirt.

Talia responded by throwing her head back, closing her eyes and squirming on his knee. She moaned in
pleasure. Her actions caused Arin to lose control. Unable to help himself, he ripped her shirt open,
sending some of the tiny buttons flying. Seeing the bra she wore beneath only reinforced Arin?s
perception of Talia?s natural sensuality. The material was smooth satin that fit her as if the top half of her
breasts were about to spill over into his hands. Due to his caresses and kisses, her nipples were peeking
out of the top of her bra. He quickly unhooked the front clasp, so he could satisfy his desire to feel her
bare in his hands and his mouth. As if guessing his intent, Talia pushed her chest toward him and pulled
his head to her body. He laved each berry-red nipple with his tongue. Talia?s small sounds of pleasure
grew louder and louder.

"Visitors approaching Arin," Esmerelda suddenly spoke loudly over the intercom. Talia and Arin jumped
apart, breaking the spell, which had surrounded them.

"It would seem wise to continue this activity later, no matter how educational it has been for me,"
Esmerelda advised, chuckling slightly.

Talia felt suddenly bereft of Arin?s closeness as he set her down on the ground and moved away,
cursing quietly to himself. Once again the only word Talia picked up was Esmerelda.

"Who?s Esmerelda?" she asked with a definite amount of accusation. She felt her face grow slightly red
as she realized how jealous she sounded. She never felt jealousy with Mark, even after she found out
about his other girlfriends. Why did this man, who she had known such a short time, cause such an
emotional and physical roller coaster in her? Talia dismissed the issue, deciding she was overreacting. Yet
she listened intently to Arin?s explanation.

"A computer?" Talia asked in disbelief. "With a voice like that and a sense of humor?"

"Yes. Walk with me while I try to quickly explain. I have a feeling that my visitor will be impatient to
speak with me," Arin requested, holding out his hand for her to take it. After attempting to repair her
blouse by buttoning the remaining buttons on her shirt, Talia took his hand and let him lead her away. The
warmth of his hand brought comfort to the physical and emotional chaos in her mind at that moment.

Arin quickly led her toward the back of his apartment, talking quietly in a voice that seemed to further
calm her.

"The crude computers of your time have evolved Talia. Remember how far into the future we are.
Come, I?ll show you her. It?s time you two met."

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As they entered the room, Talia noticed two things right away. Other than a comfortable looking divan,
and a small, but complex bit of hardware, the room was completely empty.

"Well it?s about time you brought her to me. If your mother were here she really would let you have it
for waiting so long to introduce her. And you?re quite right Arin, she is very beautiful. No wonder you--"

"That?s enough Esmerelda," he said, interrupting and looking suddenly uncomfortable.

Talia couldn?t hold back the chuckle that escaped at the sight of him looking like a little boy being
scolded by his mother. However, when Arin turned to glare at her with a scowl on his face, Talia quickly
made her face serious and looked innocently back at him. At the sight of her, Arin?s face suddenly turned
mischievous and he started grinning wickedly.

"Be careful not to be too innocent, little one, or you won?t be able to enjoy any more of the intimate
encounters like the one we just had," he teased her. At her look of embarrassed outrage, he began
chuckling quietly.

"Talia, may I introduce you to Esmerelda. Now that you two have met, I?ll leave you two to talk while I
meet with our visitor," Arin said as he started walking out of the room. However, before leaving he
turned to the computer, "Try to behave yourself, Esmerelda."

Then he looked at Talia. "You and I will talk more later," he told her. All amusement was gone from his
face as he stared deeply into her eyes, holding her to him for a moment with just a look. The moment
past as he turned and left the room.

Chapter 5

Arin left Talia with Esmerelda and forced his mind to his upcoming meeting. He knew the general would
not be pleased that he had come back to the future. Not only was it not promoted to do back and forth
time travel without authorization, but it was also against the general?s rules. Growing up he had learned
that the general was widely known by the other cadets for his ?rules to live by?. It was said that he
followed them no matter what, and he couldn?t tolerate any of his students breaking them, or causing him
to break them. Arin could already hear in his mind the recital of the rules he had broken. Never betray
your commanding officer by a) Breaking confidences, b) Undermining his orders by creating your own,
and c) Blatant disregard for his commands.

Arin had broken all three. He had confided in Talia and her father about being from the future. He had
gone back and forth in time without alerting the general. Lastly, he had not gotten the information
requested from Professor Stevens. Bringing Talia back with him to the future was so completely against
policy that there was no rule necessary to enforce it. Under normal circumstances Arin?s own strictly
regimented sense of duty and order would never have let him stray so far. His officer?s record showed
only exemplary decision making and situation analysis under both regular and high stress operations.
However, in this case, he knew that more was at stake. The general was not the man Arin thought him to
be, and considering the position of power the man held, extraordinary action and extensive investigation
was in order.

He had to come up with a strategy that would catch the general off guard and gain his support.

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Somehow, Arin knew that the general was hiding something. Since the beginning, his mission had been
suspicious, and the gaps in the information provided to him only reinforced his perception that more was
going on than he was being told. The general had been a mentor for Arin while his own father had been
away, busy with the often necessary and time-consuming political aspect of his work. Arin admired the
general and wanted to place his complete trust in him during this situation, but there were two things
stopping him.

The first was that the general never broke his rules, but in this case he had. Go into a situation with all the
facts available to you. Arin had been sent on a potentially dangerous mission without full knowledge of
what to expect. This left him doubting his commanding officer?s motives.

The second aspect of the situation was probably the most important. The fact that Talia was involved
and at risk. He knew that he would protect her, no matter what. If that meant going against one of the
general?s rules, then so be it. The strength of his feelings still disturbed him, but once again he refused to
dwell on it.

He pushed the control button that let his commander in. The look on his face as he entered told nothing.
Before he could say a word, the general spoke.

"Where?s the girl?" his voice was quiet and held no anger, yet Arin could sense the coiled emotions
inside the man.

He paused before answering, then replied simply, giving nothing away.

"She?s resting in the other room."

Arin didn?t say anything more for the moment. He acted as if Talia?s presence were of no importance.
He watched the general?s face start to change from benign indifference to barely controlled rage. He
knew he needed to diffuse the situation fast. Obviously whatever the general was involved with, he was in
deep. In the twenty-five years he had known him, Arin had never seen the man show his feelings like this.
Usually he was under complete control. The beginnings of a plan formed in his mind and, as the soldier he
had become, he decided after a quick analysis that he would implement it immediately. If it worked he
would be able to keep Talia safe, and discover what the general was up to.

"I had to drug her to get her here," Arin said in disgust, hoping he sounded convincing. "The stupid
woman doesn?t know what she?s gotten herself involved in. She has no idea what work her father is
doing. She thought I was around to help her, until I kidnapped her and brought her here."

"And pray tell, why did you do that Arin?" the general asked seeming to reclaim some of his calm. Yet
Arin could still see the anger in his eyes.

"To get Professor Stevens to cooperate, of course. I did manage to get close to Talia. We developed a
sort of friendship typical of her time period. I have spent the night with her. Her father was aware of this,
yet it had little impact on him. He and I talked extensively, but he remained silent about his work. Even
before talking with him, I established this would be the case. If his daughter knew nothing of his work,
then I knew it would be very unlikely that he would impart the information to me."

Arin continued to spin the web of half-truths and innuendoes. He tried to stick as close to the facts as
possible, knowing this would be the smartest way to persuade the general of his motives. He noticed that
the general was starting to look interested instead of angry.

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"So why did you bother talking to him at all?" the general asked Arin.

This was the tricky part. He had to explain to the general how he told the professor he was from the
future. This was a rule that no time traveler had ever broken. Never tell anyone the truth of your mission,
or your time.

"I felt I had something which might persuade the professor to share his knowledge with me."

"What was that?" the general asked in curiosity.

"The fact that I?m from the future," Arin answered slowly. Expecting the explosion that followed.

"You did what?!" the general bellowed.

"It didn?t work," Arin explained quickly. "The professor shared nothing with me. He was extremely
skeptical of my story. He claimed I was a spy from one of the competing scientific research teams. Then
he told me to get out of his house and leave his daughter alone."

"So you completely lost your contact and any chance of getting information from him?" the general asked
calmly with a satisfied look on his face. It was almost as if he were glad that Arin had failed his mission.
Now Arin knew for sure that the general was up to something. He wasn?t even phased by Arin?s failure.
Then he saw the general?s expression change to one of irritation. He had remembered Talia?s presence
in this time.

"That still doesn?t explain the girl being here," the general complained.

"She?ll be our bait. We?ll contact the professor and let him know that we have his daughter. If he
doesn?t share the information with us, she?ll die," Arin answered, trying to look smug, as if proud of his

The general pondered Arin?s words for a moment. Although Bligh had been hired to do the very same
thing, he wasn?t accomplishing much other than making a mess of his plans. He, on the other hand, had
trained Arin, as if he were his very own son as a matter of fact. He would work hard to complete this
mission with all thoroughness. Including the disposal of the Stevens girl in the end, if required. She would
only be a hindrance if not taken care of. Yes, Arin could help things work out perfectly. Of course he
would have to convince him of the importance of the mission and the necessity of complete confidence.
Once persuaded he knew Arin would give him his complete loyalty as he had in the past. Thinking of the
fruition of his plan with Arin as his right hand man made the general smile.

Not giving away his true feelings of betrayal, Arin merely smiled back at the general. He had seen the
man?s grimace of irritation change to one of belief and acceptance.

"Arin my boy, once again you have done an excellent job. I knew you would be perfect for this mission.
You always did follow through and remain until the job is done. I?m proud of you, son," the general said,
patting Arin on the back and nodding his head in approval.

Arin?s stomach twisted as the general continued to smile at him. How could someone he had known and
admired all his life, turn into this? All of the codes of conduct, advice and lectures the general had given
him about doing the right thing, being honest and trustworthy flew right out the window. For this man to
accept his underhandedness, Arin knew he was up to no good. As much as it pained him to do so, he
was going to stop the general and whatever depraved plan he had concocted.

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"Thank you, sir," Arin said. "Your confidence in me is appreciated."

"Now of course you know, Arin, that this must stay between the two of us. Until we?ve finished, no one
else must know about the plan."

"It?s a little too late for that." Talia?s voice loudly broke their conspiracy.

When Arin turned to look at her, he saw the anger and hurt reflected in her eyes as she stared accusingly
at him. He had to fight the urge to go to her and wrap his arms around her in comfort. Recovering from
the shock of seeing her, he quickly decided what he needed to do to protect Talia.

He laughed mockingly and strode arrogantly toward her.

"Your point is moot, of course, darling. Since you are our, let?s say, guest, your knowledge or lack there
of is of no consequence. You won?t be leaving here or seeing anyone but me, so there will be no one for
you to tell," he finished succinctly as he reached Talia and loomed menacingly over her.

Talia took an unconscious step backward as Arin approached and stood over her. She and Esmerelda
had been talking congenially and Talia had been curious about Arin?s visitor. When she voiced this to
Esmerelda, the computer showed her how she could monitor and tune in to any room at any time. Seeing
no harm in it, she listened in on the middle of the conversation just as Arin began explaining his
relationship with Talia. Shocked by the betrayal, she stormed from the room before Esmerelda could
stop her. As she neared the door her anger had built to such strength that she would have attacked Arin if
he had been close enough when she entered. Instead she stood unnoticed, listening to the remainder of
the conversation, then calmly making her presence known,

However, as Arin now looked down at her, her anger quickly turned into fear. Belatedly she realized
that she should have kept quiet about what she had heard and somehow used that knowledge to escape.
Her anger had once again taken precedence over caution. Now she was in a very precarious position.
Not only did she know too much, but she was also dispensable. Her father would not know if she were
dead or alive.

Seeing her eyes fill with fear, Arin swore silently to himself. He didn?t want to put her through this, but he
saw no other way to protect her now that she had interrupted them. Ignoring his urge to console her, he
continued his act of intimidation.

"Ah, I see from your eyes that you finally realize the truth," he said with a smug look. Then he grasped
Talia around her waist and with little effort lifted her up to within inches of his face. "You will keep your
mouth shut and do whatever I tell you, if you value your own life," he commanded in a deadly quiet voice.

Talia was finally learning how the volume of his voice was an indicator of his mood. The more quiet his
voice, the angrier he was. And gauging his voice right now, he was furious. His fury was barely leashed.
Still unable to absorb his transformation from gentle lover to angry monster, Talia could only stare at him
with eyes full of shock and horror.

"Do-you-understand?" he demanded fiercely, stressing each word by shaking her slightly. Talia could
only nod her head silently, stunned by the nightmare she was now part of. Her eyes widened even more
in fear, as her response only seemed to make his face more threatening. Talia had no way of knowing
that all of Arin?s frustration and anger was centered on the general and himself for causing her this pain.

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Arin continued to hold her suspended in the air, glaring at her, until the general finally spoke. He seemed
to come to the conclusion that what he saw was to his satisfaction. If Talia?s face was any indication,
Arin knew that there could be no doubt that she feared him at that moment.

"Now, Arin, that?s quite enough," the general said in a congenial manner. "After all there?s no need to
hurt the girl--yet. She seems somewhat cooperative at the moment. As long as she remains that way,
things should work out just fine."

As if reluctant, Arin slowly put Talia on the ground, but held her by the upper arm as he turned to face
the general.

"Whatever you say, sir," Arin replied.

The general nodded with a satisfied smile, as if pleased by Arin?s willingness to comply.

"I have some other matters to attend to now. I can see you have things well in hand with the girl. We?ll
talk more tomorrow. Meet me in my office in the morning by 8:00 a.m. We?ll work out the details then.
Goodnight." The general turned and walked out the door without even acknowledging Talia?s existence.

As the door closed behind him Talia remained stiff and silent wondering what would happen now.
Would Arin let her roam freely around his home, or would he bind her and discard her in a room until he
felt like releasing her? The anger emanating from him was palpable and as he finally turned his eyes to her
she cringed, dreading his next move. A look of pure disgust passed over his face as he saw her fear. Arin
saw what he had caused her to become, and he couldn?t hide the disgust he felt toward himself for doing
this to her.

As much as he would have loved to tell her the truth, he knew that was impossible. Her safety, as well as
her father?s was at stake now. He would have to continue his charade until he accomplished his mission.
However, seeing the frightened look in her eyes was too much to bear. He knew the easiest way to
relieve Talia?s fear was to replace it with anger. Silently he led her back to the study. She followed him
meekly without a sound. He sat down on the couch and gently pulled her down beside him.

"Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?" he asked, closing his eyes as if he was
trying to remember. "Oh yes, you were seducing me, and I was fighting you off," he said with a rakish

Talia was snapped out of her state of shock by the sudden change in him. He had the nerve to act as if
nothing had happened! And that sexy smile of his and close proximity was making it hard to remember
that he been a threatening monster only minutes before. It was too much. First they came very close to
making love, then he threatened her life, and now he was acting as if nothing was wrong. Suddenly she
didn?t care what he would do to her. She was no meek girl waiting upon his will. She would not tolerate
being treated like this by him or anyone else. She stood up, walked several feet away, then turned around
and let him have it.

"How-how dare you!" she sputtered, so strong was her anger. "You are nothing more than a conniving
low life...!" And on and on it went, using every word she could think of to express her fury, blistering
Arin?s ears with her vocabulary. He wasn?t aware she knew all of those words. However, the light was
back in her eyes and the steel back in her spine. This was a Talia he could deal with.

"...and lastly, I didn?t seduce you! You practically threw me against that wall so you could have your
way with me. And don?t expect me to sit back and let you hurt my father or me. I will find a way to

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escape," she finished with a smug smile on her face. Never one to shy away from things, she felt positive
she would get away from Arin and that evil general.

Although Arin was glad she was back to her old self, her last statement caught his attention. He could
not and would not let her get away from him. She was in too much danger, and right now only he could
protect her from the general.

Talia realized too late that she?d made an error by mentioning escape. She saw the dangerous glint
return to his eyes. The look he gave her was hard and commanding without a trace of emotion.

"You will make no effort to escape, or I will be forced to take drastic measures," he stated coldly,
holding her gaze to his merely by the strength of his will.

Talia tried to act nonchalant, as if he had little effect on her. Yet her body trembled slightly in response to
his words and command. Nevertheless, she knew that she could not let him push her around.

"You?re in the military aren?t you, big guy?" she asked sarcastically, knowing it was risky, yet deciding
to stand her ground. "And you?re probably used to everyone following your orders right?"

When he remained silent, she quickly continued, trying to ignore the narrowing of his eyes and his
tightening jaw.

"Well, here?s a message for you, Mr. McClintock. And I hope you get it loud and clear. If you think
I?m going to just stand around and let you--"

"Oh, but that?s exactly what I think Talia," Arin interrupted, quickly standing up and closing the distance
between them, until he stood only inches from her. "You will do exactly what I tell you. For your own
good as well as your father?s."

She opened her mouth to protest his threat about her father, but he was too quick for her.

"Just be quiet, you little fool," he said softly as his head descended and his lips met hers. This was one of
the only ways he knew of to stop an argument with Talia. Besides, the need to comfort her physically
was so strong that he gave into it. If he couldn?t console her with words, he would show her with his

His lips were gentle and teasing, taking little sips and nips from her bottom then her top lip. His arms
went around her, pulling her against him so she could feel all of his hard length. Talia wanted to fight him,
but the warmth that stole over her while in his arms had her reaching up to wrap her hands around his
neck and bring him closer instead. She became dizzy from the intoxicating feel of his mouth on hers and
his hands roaming over her back and arms. She knew she should feel fear and revulsion, but instead he
made her feel safe and secure.

Arin?s kiss deepened and Talia arched toward him, unconsciously seeking more. In response he
groaned as if in pain and slowly pulled himself away from her. Talia felt a cold emptiness as he moved
back. When she looked up into his eyes, she once again saw a brief flare of desire that was quickly
banked. In its place was the expressionless mask that Arin was so good at wearing.

"I?m going out for a while. Don?t try to escape. Esmerelda will not let you leave, once I order it. She?ll
help you get settled in for the evening. Sleep well," he said in a cold formal voice. He turned abruptly and
left the study.

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A few moments later Esmerelda directed Talia to the room she was to sleep in. Although friendly, the
computer?s voice seemed to hold a distance to it that wasn?t present when Talia had first arrived. When
she entered her sleeping quarters she was shocked by what she saw. The same feeling of warmth she had
felt in Arin?s study was also present in this room. It was decidedly masculine in muted browns, greens
and grays as well as the dark wood, boldly presented in all the furnishings. There was a large
cobblestone fireplace running from the floor to the ceiling. Despite the masculinity of the room it also
exuded a sensual softness, inviting its occupant to be part of it.

As a centerpiece to the room there was the largest bed Talia had ever seen. It was draped in what
appeared to be chocolate brown satin sheets. She itched to feel the cool silky feel of the sheets against
her body. Her attention got diverted however, when she noticed something in the corner closest to her.
As she looked around the room, she saw that in each corner there were small gray sculptures atop
beautifully carved wood stands. The stands were illuminated by under lighting, which gave the impression
of twilight to each work of art.

Each sculpture depicted a man and woman in various intimate embraces, and different stages of
disrobing. Although very detailed, these images wouldn?t be defined as crude. The lines were too soft
and smooth. The faces of the man and women showed such intense happiness and peace, as if they
would rather be in each other?s arms than anywhere else in the world. As Talia looked at each one, she
couldn?t help but wonder if she would ever find such a love.

The paintings on the wall were similar to the statues in the study. Each one also contained a man and
woman together, but this time in simple everyday scenes, such as strolling along the banks of a lake,
sitting facing each other in a row boat, or enjoying a picnic lunch at a beautiful park. And again the faces
of the men and women exuded enormous love and contentment.

The overstuffed chair and ottoman situated in front of the fireplace invited her to sit, put up her feet and
relax. Unable to resist, Talia sank down into the comfortable chair and was mildly surprised by the
soothing texture of the upholstery. It was incredibly smooth and soft, like well-worn leather and it seemed
to immediately warm up once in contact with her skin. She sat gazing at the automated projection of the
imitation fire. Esmerelda had explained to her that no real fires were allowed inside a private home. Yet
this fire seemed so realistic with the warmth it radiated and the sounds of crackling wood. She found
herself dozing and decided she was ready to go to sleep. It had been quite a day. Yet when she slid
between the sheets the feel of the cool, satiny material sliding across her skin left her strangely restless.
Her thoughts seemed to naturally turn to Arin and the events of the evening.

After Arin left her, all the emotion she had churning inside her evaporated, leaving her feeling deflated
and exhausted. As Arin had said, Esmerelda guided her to her room, and even managed to produce a
soothing cup of herbal tea for her. The computer explained her ability to produce food and locate it
anywhere in the house on command. That explained the delicious meal Arin had prepared for her earlier.

Talia wondered what else Arin wasn?t telling. Everything she had felt about him was a lie. Since Mark,
she had learned to listen to her instincts about people. Initially she knew Arin was hiding something, yet
she felt deep down that she was safe with him. It appeared that once again she had made a serious error
in judgment about a man. She thought she had learned her lesson with Mark, but obviously that was not
the case. Even now, after all Arin had said and done, she still had this misguided notion that he would
never hurt her. Too confused and exhausted to dwell on it any longer, Talia finally slept. And, as has been
the case since they met, she dreamed of Arin.

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Chapter 6

"What the hell?!" Arin?s loud voice boomed out, startling Talia from her sleep. When she realized who
had caused the noise, she struggled to cover herself with her blanket and stared furiously at him. Having
no extra clothes with her and wanting to keep the ones she had somewhat clean and unwrinkled, she had
removed everything but her underwear last night. The fact that she was now almost naked in front of Arin
left her feeling vulnerable, and oddly excited. Disconcerted by the latter feeling and not knowing how to
deal with it caused her to lash out at him in frustration.

"Get out of my room now!" she ordered loudly. "This may be your home, and I may be your prisoner,
but I demand the right to my privacy. How dare you barge in here without knocking!"

"How dare I?" Arin asked with and amused sparkle to his eyes. "This happens to be my room, princess.
You have invaded my privacy and it?s my bed that you?re now sitting in unclothed. Are you offering
yourself to me? I?ll be glad to take you up on it," he said, grinning wickedly as he advanced toward the

Talia?s eyes widened and she scooted herself back, getting as close to the headboard as she could. She
should have realized this was Arin?s room. Now that she knew it, everything around her practically
shouted his name.

Thinking of no other way to stop Arin, she did the only thing she thought might protect her.

"Esmerelda!" she yelled, hoping the computer could explain why she had been put in Arin?s room
without being told.

"Good morning, Talia. Did you sleep well?" Esmerelda asked pleasantly. Then, after a moments pause,
"Arin," she greeted curtly, all but snubbing him.

Arin had stopped in his tracks when Talia called the computer. He was somewhat uncertain about what
was going on. What did Esmerelda have to do with this? And why was she acting like she was angry with

"Yes, thank you," Talia replied pleasantly. "Would you mind explaining to Arin that this was the room
you directed me to last night? And please also let him know that I had no idea this was his room," she
requested, hoping Esmerelda would explain her actions to both of them.

"That is all correct Arin," Esmerelda answered. "When you asked me to show her to a suitable room, I
assumed you meant yours," she continued matter-of-factly. "Isn?t it the custom of two humans physically
attracted to one another to sleep in the same bed?" she asked innocently.

Neither Arin nor Talia said anything for a moment. They just looked at each other in shocked silence. As
Arin looked at her tousled appearance and her state of undress, he knew he couldn?t deny the electricity
between them. As if aware of his thoughts, Talia raised her blanket even higher over her body until it
reached her chin. She drew in her breath sharply, and her turquoise eyes turned dark with desire.

Her immediate response to him made Arin?s stomach clench. He became instantly hard. Unable to
subdue his physical reaction, he growled menacingly and forced out a response to Esmerelda through his
tightly clenched jaws. As he did so, he kept his gaze firmly fixed on Talia?s face.

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"You were wrong Esmerelda. Please move Talia into one of the guest rooms. When you?re finished, let
me know so that I can come back to my room. I?ll be in the study," he tore his gaze from Talia?s face
and stormed out of the room.

"Well, well. That was very enlightening," Esmerelda said as if contemplating something.

"What?" Talia asked when her brain started functioning again and she regained some composure.

"Oh, nothing. Please get dressed and I?ll direct you to the guest room, dear. You can get cleaned up
there, if you like. Breakfast will be served in about one hour. Will that give you enough time?

"Yes, thank you Esmerelda."

Once Talia found her new room, Esmerelda explained how the bathroom operated. Incredibly enough
not too much in this area had changed since her time, other than a few adjustments to disposal and
recycling. And of course everything was completely hands off and automated, based on either voice or
motion detectors.

Talia quickly took a shower, then dressed. She sat down in the chair of the vanity and began brushing
her long hair as she looked at her surroundings with interest. This room seemed to have some heart in it
as well, although nowhere near the amount in Arin?s bedroom. This room was light and airy. The shades
used were blue, yellow and white. The design leaned toward the French country design so popular during
her time. There were even various Georgia O?Keefe paintings hanging on the walls, showing springtime
flowers. The furniture consisted of a mixture of wicker, light colored wood and various fluffy pillows and
cushions. The room was welcoming and comfortable.

Talia returned her gaze to her reflection in the mirror and wondered who the woman in the image really
was. Lately she was unsure of many things. Arin?s commanding presence confused her more. Back in his
bedroom, when they?d stared so intently at each other, she had felt like an animal caught in the path of
headlights on an oncoming car. She knew the danger, but she was fascinated by the light. Her response
to Arin was so sudden and quick to ignite that it frightened her. He always made her feel out of control.
She knew that if he hadn?t left the room, but instead joined her on his bed, she wouldn?t have stopped
him. It shocked her to realize that, despite what he was planning to do to her and her father, she had
almost let him make love to her. It also made her resolve to fight him every step of the way until she could

Making that decision calmed her. And as she wound her hair into a neat bun at the back of her head, she
felt a little bit more in control. She took one last look in the mirror before leaving the room. She was
satisfied that the woman looking back at her was cool, composed and in charge of her life. With a
confident smile, she walked toward Arin?s study to confront him.

When she got there, however, she found that he was gone. Deciding that she could wait until he
approached her, she headed toward the kitchen to get some breakfast. When Esmerelda served
breakfast without Arin, Talia asked where he was.

"He showered, dressed and took something to eat with him as he left," Esmerelda replied.

Trying to sound as if she had no real interest, but was merely curious, she questioned the computer
further. She felt a twinge of disappointment that she wouldn?t confront him now. But in the meantime, she
had to find out the kind of schedule Arin had, and when the best time for her to escape would be. Once

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she learned where the time travel location launching point was, she would find a way to escape. Even
though a little voice inside her questioned the wisdom of her plan, she desperately ignored it.

"Where did Arin go?" she asked.

"If you recall his conversation with the general last night, they had a meeting set up for 8:00 a.m. this

Looking at her watch, which surprisingly still worked, it was 8:20 a.m. Arin was in a meeting talking
about her and her father?s life or death. The thought of this made her decide to pay Arin a little visit--on
the job. Quickly finishing the delicious breakfast of eggs, home fries and toast, Talia rose from her seat
and asked Esmerelda where the sink was, so she could clean up.

"There?s no need Talia." As she spoke a red beam from the light above the table came on and the dishes
just disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

"It?s done," the computer explained.

"I?m not even going to ask. Suffice to say that I love it!" Talia said with a grin.

Growing serious again, Talia tried to think of a way to locate Arin. She would figure out something. She
thought confidently as she checked her bun to see if any hair had come loose and tried to smooth the
wrinkles out of her clothes. She frowned as she noticed just how wrinkled they were. She wanted to
present a composed, competent person in control of her life to Arin, and this outfit just wasn?t going to
cut it. As she examined her clothes she knew she needed another outfit today. Suddenly a plan formed in
her mind.

"Esmerelda, do women in this time go to stores to buy clothes?" she asked innocently as she made the
rest of her plans in her mind.

"Well, some do. Some families of status, like Arin?s, do. However, I can show you catalogs from
several stores and items can be ordered directly from a person?s home and delivered within the hour. Or
I have the ability to almost exactly replicate most of the clothing from these catalogs instantly," Esmerelda

"No, a catalog won?t do. I never have any luck ordering from those things. My body just doesn?t
conform to the standard sizes," Talia explained with exaggeration. "I need another outfit today, and I have
to go to the store to try them on."

"I will have to contact Arin about this first," Esmerelda explained.

"No! I, uh, mean that?s really not necessary. Arin has already taken note of my state of dress." That was
almost the truth. Her clothing, or rather the removal of them seemed to be a point of interest to Arin. She
hated lying to Esmerelda. The computer had only been kind to her since they met, but Talia had to think
about saving her father now. "He knows that something has to be done about my clothing."

"Well, I don?t--" Esmerelda started.

"Now, how do people travel back and forth around here, besides those flying cars?" Talia hurriedly
asked, diverting the computer?s attention.

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"Usually Arin takes either takes his vehicle or the I.T.T.S.," the computer explained.

"The its?" Talia asked confused.

"I-T-T-S. That?s an acronym for Instant Telepathic Transport System. Just about every home is
equipped with one. The way it works is you think about where you want to go, picture it in your mind, or
think of the name of the place and its location, and you will be there in a matter of seconds. Of course
this kind of travel has limited area capability. Beyond a certain distance, accuracy of destination

As Talia listened, her scientific mind took over. Fascinated by this new form of travel, she imagined how
this would revolutionize the industry in her time. The ramifications were just too immense. If they were
this evolved in transport then the progress in science must be enormous. Maybe she could even find out
what the cure for her mother?s disease was, as well as the cures for other deadly diseases of her time.
Her lifetime dream could come true if she pursued it in this time. The temptation to ask Esmerelda more
was almost unbearable.

She was about to do just that, when she remembered her father. She had to keep her purpose in mind.
Escape, and somehow save her father. After that, she could think about saving the world. She could not,
unlike her father, put the sea of humanity before her own loved one. Her father was all she had left of a
family, and as selfish as it may be, she didn?t want to lose that.

"I?m ready to try it. If you would give me the names and locations of some stores, I?ll be on my way,"
Talia said as casually as she could.

"There are two things you need first Talia. Go into Arin?s study and remove the wrist remote from the
top left drawer of his desk," Esmerelda told Talia.

"Wrist remote? What?s that for?" Talia asked.

"It?s our way to keep in touch with each other at all times. Having never been to this time, you will need
me as a guide, and protector, if necessary."

"Protector? But you won?t even be with me. How can you protect me from the house?"

"The wrist remote not only allows me to communicate with you, it also allows my system to, in a sense,
?be with you? as you say. My command is networked throughout the city at all times. Thus I have
resources at my disposal if the need arises. I used to be personal aide to Arin?s mother, Diana, and due
to her position as John McClintock?s mate, she was under constant protection by me," Esmerelda

Talia?s ears perked up at the mention of Arin?s parents. She would have liked to know more about Arin
as a child and the parents who brought him up. The thought of him as a little boy with his eyes lit up
happily and his mouth forming a dimpled smile as he played and laughed, made Talia smile. She knew so
little about this man who had suddenly become the center of her life.

Talia shook her head to clear it, deciding that the drug Arin gave her yesterday must still be in her
system. There was no other way to explain her mixed feelings about someone who wanted to hurt her
and her father. She felt drawn to him and safe when she was in his arms. It made no sense. The sooner
she was away from him, the better.

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"It really isn?t necessary Esmerelda. I?ll be fine on my own," Talia said trying to dissuade her from her

"If you are going out, I must be with you," Esmerelda said in a stubborn voice.

This was a small glitch in her escape plans, yet Talia could see know way around it. The computer?s
voice sounded like it allowed no argument. She would just have to get "separated" from Esmerelda
during their outing.

Talia went into the study and found the wrist remote where Esmerelda told her it would be. As she put it
on, something pricked her skin.


Turning the remote over she could find nothing that would have pinched her like that. Shrugging, she
carefully put the remote back on without any pain this time.

"Okay, Esmerelda. I?m ready," she called out as she walked toward the door she remembered Arin
bringing her in last night.

The computer redirected her, however, toward what appeared to be a door to another room. Once she
opened it she entered something a little larger than a phone booth. Three walls made completely of some
sort of metal contained it, she guessed. Hanging on one of the walls appeared to be a kind of headset.
She placed it, per Esmerelda?s instructions, over and around her head so that the ends were in contact
with her temples.

Unable to resist, she couldn?t help but say, "Beam me up, Scotty." Then she giggled hysterically for a full
minute before getting herself under control. When Esmerelda asked her about it she told her it was just a
joke from her time. She was nervous about this kind of transport, and her little outburst of giggling was a
product of that.

"Okay, let?s do this," she said seriously. Esmerelda told her the location and name of the first store they
would go to.

"Now just close you eyes and think the name and location of the store in your head over and over," the
computer instructed.

Talia did as she was told, yet she felt no shift or change. She opened her eyes to tell Esmerelda that it
wasn?t working, but when she focused on what was in front of her, her mouth gaped, and her eyes
widened in shock. She was in some sort of glass elevator with what looked to be a large department
store in front of her. She opened the double doors and stepped out of the elevator to scrutinize her
surroundings more carefully. Despite subtle differences, such as the clothes for sale, this store looked
very similar to those of her time. Groups of women were talking and laughing, as they looked at clothes,
picking out the items they liked. Directly in front of her, two women were arguing over a blouse they both
claimed to have grabbed first off the sales rack. There were even dressing rooms to try on clothes.

"It?s amazing which things don?t change over time," she said, shaking her head and smiling. She began
looking at some pants on a rack to the left of her.

"This really is an outdated thing. The mainstream doesn?t shop like this. They prefer home shopping.
Only the elite see this as an entertaining way to buy clothes," Esmerelda explained.

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"Oh really? What are the members of the elite like in your time?" Talia asked, but before she received an
answer, an attractive young woman with a haughty expression on her face approached her.

"May I help you?" the woman asked dubiously, giving Talia?s wrinkled outfit the once over in obvious
distaste, as she looked down her nose at her.

Refusing to be intimidated by the woman, Talia lifted her chin and looked her directly in the eyes before

"Yes, I?m here to find several items of clothing. Your help, of course will be necessary, as I?ve been out
of touch and need advice on the current fashions, as well as the choices to make."

"Of course. If you would just give me your card, we can get started," the woman asked, holding out her
hand and waiting.

"My card?" Talia asked, confused.

"That?s what I thought," the sales woman said smugly, giving her the once over with a disdainful smirk.
"This establishment is for a certain group of people. Of which I?m sure you don?t belong," she finished
with contempt for Talia blatant in her eyes.

Talia was so shocked by the woman?s rudeness, that for a moment she said nothing.

Esmerelda, however, had no problem expressing herself. "Talia, if you would please look in the right
pocket of your pants, you will find your Currency Card. I?m sure once this rude woman sees it, she will
not be quite so smug."

Doing as Esmerelda said, even though she knew there was nothing there, Talia was surprised when her
hand came in contact with a small, cool, disc-shaped object. Pulling it out, she saw it was metallic looking
and resembled the mini Compact Discs of her time.

"Is this what you needed?" she asked innocently.

"Uh, yes, thank you," the woman answered, swallowing uncomfortably, with a worried expression on
her face. "I?ll just run this through and be back in a moment."

When the saleswoman returned, her face looked ghostly white and she appeared in shock.

"I-I?m so sorry madam," the woman stammered out. "I had no idea that you were associated with
Colonel McClintock. Please forgive my rudeness."

Talia did just that, and the remainder of the morning went smoothly, while she received aid and
instruction from the very best of the store?s staff. By the time she walked out the door, she had bought
three blouses, three pairs of slacks, three dresses, a variety of accessories, and more than enough silky
items of lingerie. Beautiful undergarments were her passion. She had probably bought more than was
necessary, but when she thought about Arin paying the bill, she felt it was just rewards for what he was
putting her through. Besides, by the time he saw the bill, she would be long gone. Esmerelda sent
everything but one set of undergarments and a topaz-colored pants outfit back to Arin?s apartment. Talia
couldn?t resist wearing the beautiful lingerie. And the pants ensemble?s silky texture and lightweight
material made it a dream to wear.

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"Talia, I really don?t think we should be walking about the city. The transport system will take you
anywhere instantly," Esmerelda pointed out.

"In my time we haven?t developed things to such a point that we don?t stop and look at the beauty
around us. People in this time are missing out on a lot of incredible sights. I want to look at my world in
this time." Although this wasn?t the actual reason for their walk, once Talia did look around her, she was
enchanted by what she saw.

They were in a large city, yet there was no sign of smog, pollution or litter. Everything looked clean and
new. There were even a profuse number of trees and flowers throughout. There were walkways and
grass in between each building instead of streets and traffic lights. Due to the fact that there were no
automobiles on the ground, there was little noise. Birds could even be heard singing. The combination of
such technologically advanced buildings and transportation systems mixed with the natural beauty of the
land was breathtaking.

"Well, when you decide to transport, remember there is a public station available every quarter of a mile
on this pathway," Esmerelda reminded her, hinting at the wisdom of the transport compared to walking.

"Thank you, Esmerelda."

The computer?s voice had broken through her fascination with the city and reminded her of what she
needed to do. It was now or never. "Thank you for everything you?ve done to make me comfortable
since I arrived here." Saying that, Talia removed her remote wristband and tossed it into one of the
flowerbeds she walked by. She kept walking, sure she was heading toward her freedom.

Chapter 7

Ignoring her guilt at leaving Esmerelda in a flowerbed, Talia sped up her pace, knowing that the next
transporter was still a quarter of a mile away. Although in a hurry, she couldn?t help studying the beauty
of the city as she went. The buildings were constructed in such a way that they looked both aesthetically
pleasing and effectively built. Each structure seemed to compliment the other, and they all seemed to
blend well with the natural environment surrounding it.

Caught up in her surroundings, Talia realized that she had lost track of time as well as the direction she
had been taking. When she looked at her watch she saw that she had been walking for at least fifteen
minutes, and she hadn?t come to a transport station yet. She must have somehow gotten off the main
transport route.

Deciding to try and find her way back, Talia veered toward the left and headed between two buildings.
She thought about asking for directions, but when she looked around, she saw no one. It was unusually
quiet suddenly, and Talia shuddered as she felt a shiver of apprehension run up her spine. It was like she
was the last person in the city. Then she looked above her and was relieved when she saw the flying
vehicles going by. She was not alone. As she continued walking, looking up into the sky, her progress
was halted when she stumbled into something big, and solid.

"Easy miss. What?s your hurry?" A masculine voice asked. Strong hands held her arms to steady her.

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She looked up into the face of her rescuer and saw incredibly light green eyes, surrounded by thick
lashes and a face so classically handsome that an artist could have created it. His golden hair, which fell
past his shoulders in waves and deep dimples that accompanied his beautiful smile, completed the perfect
picture. As Talia continued her appraisal, she noticed that he was as tall as Arin, and from what could be
seen of his muscular body, probably as strong.

"See anything you like?" the man teased, smiling with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh! I?m sorry. I was just a bit disoriented for a moment. I?m fine now, thank you," Talia tried to
explain as she felt her face grow warm in embarrassment.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance? I never like to leave a lady in distress. Especially not in this big city," he

"Well, I was trying to find the closest transport station. I?m new to the city and don?t know my way
around, yet."

"Then I would be happy to assist you. After all, it is my job," the stranger said, pointing to his clothing.
Talia looked down at his clothes and, for the first time, noticed that he was wearing a uniform with a
badge that said Security on it. Stepping back quickly, she tried to pull free of his grasp.

"Actually, I suddenly realized that I know exactly where I am. Your assistance really isn?t needed. But
thanks anyway," she said, still trying to break away from his grasp.

Holding on to her firmly, he gently pulled her along beside him as he walked.

"I?m sorry Talia, but someone is worried about you, and I need to return you to him," he said honestly.

Realizing who he was talking about, she started struggling desperately in his arms. In response he merely
pulled her so that her back was pressed tightly against his chest.

"Please don?t make this difficult. Just come with me, so I can return you to Arin. Okay?" he requested
quietly. She could tell he didn?t enjoy physically forcing her. And he seemed uncomfortable with the
whole situation.

She relaxed in his arms. She didn?t want to get this man in trouble because of her. She would just face
the consequences of her actions head held high, of her own free will.

"Okay," she said calmly. "Let?s go." A quick look of admiration crossed the stranger?s face before he
nodded and motioned for her to go ahead of him. They took the first transport station they reached. One
minute they were in the middle of the city, the next they were in some kind of large office. The room
appeared unoccupied at first, but as her eyes adjusted from being outside, she noticed Arin standing
behind a desk, facing the large window making up almost the complete rear wall. She could see he had
an incredible view of the city below. Slowly he turned around and faced them. He ignored her and
looked at the man beside her.

"Thanks, Tristan. I know this isn?t your usual detail. I owe you," he said quietly.

"No problem, Arin," he murmured as he turned and left the room.

It was only when the door closed behind Tristan that Arin really looked at her for the first time. The fury

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in his eyes was like none that she had ever seen. His fists were clenched and the anger seemed to almost
vibrate out of him in waves barely held in check. If that weren?t enough, the stiff military uniform he wore
actually made him look even larger that his naturally large size. The impact of it all made Talia panic. She
quickly scanned the room for the easiest escape route.

"Don?t-even-think-about it," he ground out between his teeth, punctuating each word as he walked
toward her. It was if he had read her thoughts.

Despite his warning, Talia turned and ran toward the transport cubicle.

Before she reached it Arin calmly said, "Close."

She tried to enter the station, but found she could not. Though she saw no obstacle in front of her, it was
as if she was trying to walk through a wall. She gave it one last try and stumbled back into Arin?s arms,
more surprised than hurt.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed, princess?" Arin asked with concern in his voice. "First you decide
to traipse around the city alone, now this. When are you going to learn to listen to my commands?" Then
he lifted her, cradling her in his arms like a baby, and carried her over to the nearby couch. Arin sat her
down on it and towered over her.

That last word, ?commands?, did something to Talia?s resistance. She stiffened, spine straight, chin
raised a few notches, and glared up at him.

"When will you learn Colonel McClintock that I don?t have to listen to your commands. I?m not in the
military, I am merely a person unwilling to accept my captivity. If you have a problem with that, then
that?s just too bad. I?m going to keep trying to escape. So you might as well accept that right now and
let me go," she finished proudly.

In response to her declaration, Arin said nothing. Instead he quickly went down on his knees in front of
her, then pushed himself between her thighs. Leaning forward, he gently laid his hands on either side of
her, barring her escape.

"Now it?s my time to talk," he said in such a deadly quiet voice, that it almost came out a husky whisper.

The feel of his warm body between her legs and his solid torso pressing against her breasts left her
feeling dizzy and breathless. She weakly pushed herself back against the couch, hoping to put some
distance between them so she could clear her mind. But he followed her, until her head was pressed
back against the couch and his lips were so close she could feel his breath on her face. It was warm and
smelled like brandy. Her lips began to tingle slightly in anticipation of his touch. Her eyes closed of their
own accord and a small sigh escaped her lips. Arin watched her face intently, and when he heard her
sigh, he released a groan and closed the distance between them. The kiss was one of hunger and
desperation, as if they would die without the taste of each other. And as he nudged her lips open with his
own, she gave no resistance. She met the thrust of his tongue with her own, meeting him halfway. She
wanted to taste and explore him. She lightly ran the tip of her tongue over first his top, then bottom lip.
Her arms, of their own volition went around him, under his shirt, and wandered over the hard plains of his
back. When her hands moved lower, under the waistband of his pants, he stiffened suddenly and pushed
himself up and away from her.

Talia sat there in a state of shock, not because he had distanced himself from her so abruptly, but
because she hadn?t wanted him to stop. She looked down at her hands, and wondered how they had so

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quickly strayed under his shirt. It was as if she had lost control of her body when Arin touched her. Even
now, as she folded her hands tightly together on her lap, she longed to reach out to him.

Pacing back and forth in front of her, he tried to calm himself down. When he found out she was missing,
he panicked. Never had he felt such worry and fear. Fear that something would happen to her. Fear that
she would escape, and somehow he wouldn?t see her again. He should have been lecturing her, not
kissing her. But every time he thought of the feel of her hands on his body, he went hot all over. Finally
regaining a small amount of composure, he stopped and turned to face her. His face looked tight and
forbidding. He was clenching and unclenching his jaw as he looked at her through dangerously narrowed

"You will never do anything so foolish again," he commanded in a voice that brooked no argument. "Do
you understand the danger you put yourself in by separating from Esmerelda and walking the city by
yourself? Our people have evolved much since your time, and crime is not a major problem here.
However, it is still present, especially in the older areas. That was exactly where you were headed. You
could have been killed, do you realize that?" he asked, worry showing in his eyes.

Trying to ignore the fact that he seemed genuinely concerned for her, she asked the question that had
bothered her since she was returned to him.

"How did you find me?" she asked.

"The wrist remote Esmerelda insisted you wear is set up with a back up safety, to protect the wearer if
they get into trouble and are separated from it. The slight sting you felt when you put on the remote was
actually a small homing chip injected into your body. We were able to follow your movements from the
time Esmerelda contacted me about what you had done," he finished with some censure in his voice.

Ignoring his disapproval and her own guilt about leaving the computer?s remote in the garden, she lifted
her chin and met his eyes proudly.

"So what will you do with me now? Obviously you don?t want me killed because that would ruin your
plan against my father. I will continue to try and escape this time with or without your permission," Talia
said honestly, again refusing to back down.

Arin couldn?t help but admire her courage and loyalty to her father under what must be frightening and
overwhelming circumstances for her. She was truly an incredible woman. On the one hand she was
stubborn, proud, strong and intelligent, yet she was also beautiful, loyal, caring, and passionate. She was
full of a spirit that he didn?t want to crush, but he had to keep her under control to keep her safe. His
meeting with the general this morning only emphasized that.

If Arin couldn?t control her, the general had warned that he would. Suddenly he felt tired of all the
deception and games he was forced to play. He wanted to tell Talia the truth, not just about his motives,
but also about all the feelings he was experiencing toward her. Of course, for the sake of everyone
involved, that was impossible right now. Groaning in frustration he resolutely walked over to Talia.

She grew suspicious as he came toward her. But as he gently took her arm and led her to the transport,
her hopes raised. Maybe he would let her leave.

"Open," he commanded and gently took her by the arm and guided her in. Arin continued to hold her as
he closed his eyes. The next instant they were back in his home. He set her out of the transport, while he
remained in it.

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Her disappointment showed immediately in the slump of her shoulders. She should have known he
would not let her go. Right now she was too important to let go. Without her, her father may not agree to
their plans for him.

Arin saw her reaction, and wanting to get her spirit back up, he teased her. "Don?t worry, princess, I?ll
be back soon. I know you?ll miss me, but try to hold on." He gave her a sexy smile and his eyes twinkled
with mischief. When he saw her eyes flare with anger and her mouth open to let him have it, he didn?t
wait around to hear. He chuckled lightly, closed his eyes and was instantly back in his office.

Once there his smile faded and he returned to his position by the window overlooking the city. His
thoughts went back to his meeting with the general that morning. Arin had held out hope that he had been
wrong, and the general would return to being the man he had respected and admired for so long. But as
soon as he sat down in the general?s office and the man began to speak, Arin knew it was not to be.

"Thank you for joining me this morning, son," the general had greeted him warmly.

Arin used to feel proud when his commander called him that. Now he had to fight the revulsion he felt by
his words.

"Your participation in this mission has been outstanding, so far. Now that you understand the importance
of attaining our goal, you must also realize that time is of the essence. The longer this takes, the greater
the chance of unwanted parties getting involved. The confidentiality of this project must be maintained."

"Unwanted parties, sir?" Arin had asked, dreading the answer he knew was about to follow.

"Yes, Arin. There are those within the Chamber, and I?m sorry to say your father is one of them, who
do not agree with the necessity of my plan," the general had explained, while closely watching Arin?s
reaction to his words.

"I understand." Arin said shrugging as if this made no difference to him.

"Yes. I knew you would. You see Arin, you and I are very much alike. Strong men with strong
convictions. When we set our mind to something, we accomplish it, regardless of the consequences," the
general said smiling with approval at Arin, while puffing himself up proudly.

Deciding that now was the time to extract information, Arin ignored the feeling of disgust that was
building up inside him.

"You?re correct, as usual, sir. However, I?m still unclear about the reasons behind acquiring information
from Professor Stevens," he asked.

The general gave Arin a smug smile and started strutting proudly around his office filled with

"Mankind needs a good leader. If you look throughout history you will see that without the right kind of
man in charge, there has been poverty, starvation, sickness and destruction. I plan to change that. I?m the
right kind of leader. I was born to do it and must fulfill my duty. Professor Steven?s knowledge will give
me the power and freedom to do that wherever and whenever I chose. I must take control of his
knowledge and decide how it may be used to best help the people, with me leading them of course." As
the general spoke his eyes began to gleam with a feverish light that showed Arin just how insane the man

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really was.

"What about the effects of your changes through time? You?ll completely disrupt the present," Arin
asked trying to appear as casual and unaffected as possible, while he pictured the death and chaos the
general could cause with his plan.

The man waved his hand impatiently as if dismissing this as unimportant.

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Some will be sacrificed by my actions, but more
will be helped. I?ll be such a magnificent leader and savior, that my name will become immortal," the
general explained, his eyes glazing over as he pictured his own imaginary victories and glory.

"How should we proceed from here, sir?" Arin asked. Now knowing the general?s motives, it was
imperative that Arin discover all of his mad plans, so he could stop them.

"An emissary will be sent to negotiate our terms. I have no doubt that the professor will do anything to
get his precious daughter back. Of course he doesn?t know that either way he will have to die. His
knowledge must become solely mine if I?m to save mankind."

"What if he refuses?"

"Then we will extract the information from him in a way that will make him wish for a quick death. In the
end, the knowledge will be mine."

"And what of the girl?" Arin asked, carefully controlling his growing need to slam something hard into the
general?s face.

"That depends," the general said, shrugging his shoulders carelessly, his mind still occupied with visions
of glory.

"On what?" Arin asked his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Two things. The first is whether or not she knows anything about her father?s time travel research. If
she does, she must die."

"And the second?" Arin gritted out through his teeth and his fists clenched in an effort to control the rage
boiling up inside him.

"Her ability to adapt to this time period--willingly. If she becomes a nuisance, spouting off her problems
to everyone and constantly trying to get back to her own time, she will be killed," he answered without
emotion; further convincing Arin that killing meant nothing to the general, if it furthered his goal toward

Arin pretended to ponder his words, then, after a moment, nodded his head and smiled in agreement.

"You?ve thought of everything, as usual, sir," Arin complimented, hoping this would encourage the man
to reveal more of his plans. "But how will you determine whether or not she actually knows of her
father?s work?"

"Mind Sweep, of course. That will determine conclusively the true extent of her knowledge," the general
answered with a satisfied smile.

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Mind Sweep was a device worn around the head of a person questioned in crime investigations. It
worked like a lie detector test, however, instead of picking up a quickened heart rate, it was able to
detect the changes in brainwave patterns when lying occurred. This method proved much more specific
and accurate in discovering the truth.

Arin almost let out an audible sigh of relief upon hearing this. His decision to keep Talia in the dark about
everything may prove to save her life if it came to that. However Arin was determined that things would
never get that far. He would stop the general?s insane plan first.

"But how do you plan to get her to willingly forget her time, the death of her own father, and cooperate
fully with you?" Arin asked.

"Why, with your help Arin. You seem to have a way with her from what I saw yesterday. As a matter of
fact, you seem to have a way with most women. I have confidence that your infinite charm will win the
girl?s trust and cooperation," the general chuckled and patted Arin on the back. "Besides, she need not
know that her father is dead. We can explain that he is alive and will remain so, unless she attempts to go
back to her time to see or contact him."

The general stopped talking for a moment and seemed to silently ponder something. As he did so, Arin
tried to hide his shock as he discovered just how cold-blooded the man who had practically brought him
up really was.

"Yes. That?s it! That will keep her in this time, unable to do anything. She will think she is a hostage in
exchange for her father?s life. She would never risk her father by trying to escape," the general concluded
with satisfaction showing on his face. One of the things, which he had always instructed his cadets on,
was the need to formulate a strategy from beginning to end, before engaging in action. He was obviously
proud of himself for now doing this, as if he had only now, at that moment, decided on a conclusion to his
"project". Arin was glad that, at least in this instance, the general was being consistent in his actions. Now
that Arin knew his plans, he could implement a counter plan to stop him.

"A brilliant plan, sir."

"Thank you, Arin. Does this mean I have your full cooperation and confidentiality?"

"Of course, sir. I plan to be completely involved without letting anyone know of the strategy," Arin said,
referring to his own plans to stop the general.

After the meeting, Arin returned to his office and began formulating a plan. His thoughts had been
interrupted by an incoming message on the video communicator. It had been Esmerelda informing him of
Talia?s escape attempt. He had finally started to feel as if he were getting a handle on things, and now
Talia?s actions could destroy that. He had hoped the general might not hear of it, but when a second
incoming call came through he knew that hope was futile. The general was furious. He reminded Arin of
Talia?s tenuous hold on life and tersely explained that if Arin didn?t take care of the situation, the general

He was relieved that recovering Talia had been fairly easy. Hopefully that would keep the general at bay,
for now. As for the future? Arin knew that he would do whatever was necessary to save Talia, even if it
made her hate him in the end. At least she and her father would remain alive and able to stay together.
That consolation, however, did little to ease his mind as he thought about what needed to be done.

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Chapter 8

"Oh! Of all the arrogant, pigheaded, Neanderthal men I?ve ever met, you--" Talia stopped in the middle
of her sentence the second she saw that Arin was gone. Realizing there was no one to vent her
frustrations on, her shoulders slumped slightly in defeat. Her situation seemed impossible. Walking into
her room, she sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed dejectedly.

"Are you well, Talia?" Esmerelda asked gently.

Talia immediately felt guilty upon hearing the computer?s concerned voice and remembering what she
had done.

"Esmerelda, I?m fine. And I?m sorry for deceiving you this morning and leaving your remote in the
flowerbed. It?s just that I?m desperate to get back to my time. My father really needs me," she explained
as she lay back on her bed.

"Don?t worry, Talia. Things will work out. I have confidence in Arin, and you," Esmerelda assured her.
"And your apology is accepted, but it wasn?t necessary. I understand why you did what you did."

Talia wanted to tell the computer how wrong she was about Arin, but knew that it would only disappoint
Esmerelda. Although she was a computer, Esmerelda seemed to have feelings. Talia didn?t want to hurt
her. Instead she closed her eyes and let out a very unladylike snort of disbelief.

Esmerelda ignored the sound. "Would you like a nice cup of herbal tea? It will help to relax you. You?ve
had quite a busy morning. You?ll need your energy for tonight?s festivities."

"Tonight? What?s happening tonight?" Talia asked casually as she reached for the tea that appeared on
the nightstand beside her bed.

She could really get used to this instant service. After all, in her time, instant gratification was an ongoing
goal in life. After taking a few sips of the soothing brew, she started to feel much more relaxed. She
hadn?t realized just how tense she was. Her momentary peace was shattered by Esmerelda?s next
statement. The computer had not answered Talia right away, and even as she proceeded to do so, Talia
could sense reluctance in her voice.

"You don?t know? You are attending a party at the general?s house tonight with Arin. He informed me
only minutes ago, so that I may help you prepare for the evening. He will be sending a gown he chose for
you in a couple of hours."

Talia shot up off the bed as if it had burned her. Her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"What?" she screeched in disbelief and outrage. "If he thinks I?m going to any party with him, let alone to
the general?s house in a gown he chose, than he must have time traveled one too many times! I won?t do
it. And you can tell him that!"

"No, Talia. This is between you and Arin. I?m sure you two can come to an agreement. Now please try
to get some rest. You want to have energy when he comes home, so that you can argue, uh, I mean
discuss this with him, don?t you?" Esmerelda asked, amused by the fireworks between her and Arin.

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"Now drink up the rest of your tea and try to relax."

The computer was right about this being between her and Arin. Also Esmerelda wasn?t to blame. She
sat back down on the bed and took a few deep, calming breaths.

"Believe me, Arin and I will talk about this when he gets back. In the meantime I think I will try to get
some sleep," Talia said as she finished the last of her tea. "Please don?t wake me when the gown arrives
because I won?t be wearing it. I?ll deal with the whole matter when I see Arin."

"Fine dear. Have a good rest. But let me warn you that Arin will not be pleased when he comes home
and you?re not ready," Esmerelda cautioned.

"That?s just too bad for him. I?m getting really tired of his ?Me Tarzan. You Jane.? attitude. It?s about
time I had some say about this situation. He needs to know what it?s like not to have control over
everything," Talia said confidently.

"Very well," Esmerelda responded, letting out what Talia could only describe as a long-suffering sigh.

Talia knew that Esmerelda meant well, but she just didn?t grasp what was going on between Arin and
herself. She had to fight him, no matter what. Even if his touch made her melt like butter and her mind
turn to Jell-O. Where did that thought come from? Why was it that every time she lay down to rest or
sleep she thought of Arin touching her? Deciding that it must be her mind wandering from fatigue, she slid
down to lay on the bed. Suddenly, she really was feeling quite tired. That tea did help her to relax.

The tea! No, it couldn?t be drugged. Esmerelda wouldn?t do that, would she? Talia wasn?t sure. She
tried to sit up, but felt like she could no longer control her body. Her eyes seemed to close of their own
volition. Not again was Talia?s last weary thought as she fell deeply asleep.

Several hours later Arin returned home.

"Did you accomplish it?" was his first question as he walked through the door.

"Yes, but I didn?t like doing it. I felt like I was betraying Talia. She is so strong and independent. She
reminds me of your mother."

"No," Arin denied, shaking his head. "Mother was soft, sweet, and--"

"Independent, stubborn, intelligent," Esmerelda added. "Sound familiar, Arin?"

Arin decided to ignore the computer?s words and change the subject.

"Listen Esmerelda, I explained the situation to you earlier today. You know what?s at stake. Besides,
the sedative you put in her tea was very mild and all organic. It was more of a relaxant than a drug. She
was so tired from this morning?s excursion that she would have fallen asleep anyway, if she had let
herself. Which, naturally, being the stubborn woman she is, she would not have," he explained, refusing to
feel guilty over what he had done, or was about to do. He had thought things through today, and he had
to carry out his plan fully, if he was going to save Talia and her father?s life.

"And what about the special perfume you made up for her? Is that really necessary?" she asked

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"Yes. The general has to believe that she is totally under my power, or he will kill her. Between the
residual effects of the relaxant and the pheromone treatment, she will be exactly the way the general
wants her to be. Compliant and under my command," he answered, stubbornly ignoring the doubt and
guilt that was lurking at the back of his mind.

Pheromones were used back in Talia?s time, but the treatment was only perfected about 100 years ago.
Doctors prescribed it only to qualified patients, or as in his case, to certain high level officials on request.
The therapy utilized two products, one to attract the individual, and the other as an acknowledgment of
mutual attraction by the targeted person. This was usually done on a jointly consenting basis to couples
having sexual problems, or those just wanting to improve their physical relationship.

Once Talia sprayed on the perfume, her body would react by craving a certain pheromone; specifically
the one Arin would spray on himself in the form of cologne. Each treatment was painstakingly made
unique, so the persons involved wouldn?t be attracted to the wrong people. It was developed from the
naturally existing pheromones in each individual?s body. The process, however, would only work to its
full extent, if there were already some attraction present beforehand. Arin knew this was definitely the
case between himself and Talia, and he was confident this strategy would accomplish what was

"Esmerelda, please gently wake up Talia and help her prepare for the evening. She should be very
cooperative," Arin requested, hoping the computer understood what he was doing and why. Since his
mother?s death, Esmerelda had been like a surrogate mother, and he valued her opinion of him.

"As you wish, Arin. But I have a feeling this might backfire on you, if you?re not careful," she predicted.

Not responding, Arin walked into his own room to prepare for the evening. Instead of getting ready for
a social gathering, he felt as if he should be planning for a dangerous mission. If he was lucky, things
would go smoothly, and he and Talia?s performance would satisfy the general. Shaking his head and
smiling slightly, he thought about all the trouble he had gotten into since meeting Talia, and doubted that
tonight would be any different. One of the general?s valuable lessons still held true today. Plan for the
worst and hope for the best.

Talia was having a wonderful dream about her and Arin. This one was the most vivid and intense she
had experienced so far. She was lying back on a huge bed with Arin straddling her on his knees. As he
peered down at her, she could see that the desire in his gaze was completely revealed. His eyes
darkened with passion and he leaned forward to kiss her. This kiss was deep and thorough, claiming his
possession of her. She gave herself up to him, responding without inhibition. She wrapped her arms
around him, feeling all the planes and angles on his back, and marveling at how the ripple of muscles left
her breathless.

Her hands moved up to touch his hair. It felt silky and soft, such a surprising contrast to the hardness of
his body. So involved in his kisses and the feel of him, she didn?t notice his hands caressing slowly
upward along her ribcage. As she became aware of it, her skin tingled, and a trail of fire was left in the
wake of his caress. His progress seemed deliberately slow, drawing out the moment until his fingertips
grazed right below her breasts. Just as she felt the tips of his hands reach their goal, a voice broke
through the moment.

"Talia? Wake up, dear. It?s time to get up. Do you hear me? Wake up please," Esmerelda?s voice
called gently.

No! Talia was on the verge of ecstasy and didn?t want this unwanted intrusion. She tried to draw herself

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back into the dream.

"Talia. You need to wake up. Try to focus on my voice, dear. Open your eyes."

The urgency in the voice finally won out and the dream was lost. Yet, when she finally opened her eyes,
everything seemed unreal and fuzzy, as if she were still in a dream.

"Esmerelda?" she asked in what came out more as a croak than a word.

"I?m here, Talia," the computer responded.

"Why do I feel so funny? Am I awake or dreaming? I can?t tell for sure," she asked tentatively.

"You are awake. Just very relaxed. Don?t worry, everything will be fine," Esmerelda reassured her.

"Okay," Talia said simply. She was feeling very mellow.

"It?s time to get ready for your night out with Arin. I?ve run a bath for you, with some scented lavender
soap. You mentioned that was your favorite. Now why don?t you go in there and bathe while I lay out
your clothing for you," Esmerelda offered gently.

It sounded so nice to have someone lay out her clothes. No one had done that for her since her mother
died. Then Talia frowned slightly, trying to remember something. Unable to bring it to mind, she decided
it must not be that important and headed toward the bathroom. She stopped halfway there as she
realized she didn?t know what she was getting ready for. Shaking her head, she wished she could clear
some of the fog from her brain.

"A bath sounds nice, but where am I getting ready to go?" Talia asked as she resumed walking. She
stepped into the hot bath, and sighed with pleasure.

"You?re going out with Arin to a party. I?m sure you?ll enjoy yourself," Esmerelda answered as vaguely
as possible.

"A party?" Talia asked. She stopped washing herself as she concentrated on what was bothering her.
Something to do with Arin and herself. Yet all that came to mind was the picture of the two of them
entwined on the bed in her dreams.

That picture dissolved her confusion and left a secret smile on her lips, and she finished washing and
leaned back to soak under the water. She felt so at peace. She couldn?t remember the last time she felt
this way. Once she finished her bath, Talia wrapped herself in the fluffy white towel Esmerelda produced
for her. After drying off, she wound the towel around her head and walked out of the bathroom without
any concern for clothing. She just felt too comfortable to worry about it.

"Your dress is on the bed, and there?s a vanity across the room with everything you?ll need to do your
makeup and hair, if you desire," Esmerelda offered.

"Thank you, Esmerelda." Slipping on her lacy lingerie and stockings, Talia smiled at the silky smooth feel
of the undergarments on her body. And when she saw the beautiful creation on the bed, she couldn?t
help but let out a dreamy sigh.

"With such an incredible gown to wear, I wouldn?t dream of not fixing up my hair and face. For some

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reason, I have this corny sensation of being caught in a Cinderella movie. It feels great," Talia commented
with another smile as she sat down at the vanity and carefully applied her makeup.

Tonight she wore only those colors that she knew would make her skin glow. Then she piled her hair
atop her head in a loose bun, leaving tendrils to fall haphazardly around her face and neck. She held her
hair in place using pearl studded pins and a big comb covered in opals. The items holding her hair looked
both delicate and antique.

"Where did you get these pins and comb Esmerelda?"

"They use to be Arin?s grandmother?s. They?ve been in the family for quite some time. His mother wore
them often. You look as exquisite as she did in them."

"Thank you. But these stones look real. They must be very valuable. Are you sure I should be wearing
them? I would feel guilty if anything happened to them," Talia asked with genuine concern.

"It?s really fine, dear. Arin wanted you to wear them," the computer lied. Knowing that Arin wouldn?t
mind, once he saw how beautiful Talia looked.

"Oh," Talia said with a secret smile. Knowing that Arin wanted her to wear them made her feel special.

Talia started to rise, satisfied with her image in the mirror, but Esmerelda stopped her.

"Wait, Talia! Aren?t you forgetting something? That lovely bottle on the left side of the table contains a
perfume Arin had made just for you. Please put some on."

Talia reached for the delicately carved bottle, noticing the painstaking workmanship on it. The amber
liquid inside seemed to shine like a gemstone through the carved angels and curves of the bottle. She
removed the stopper and picked up the light scent of the perfume as it wafted up through the air. It was
an elusive scent. It was delicate, yet spicy, floral yet not cloying, and clean and fresh. She couldn?t quite
put her finger on its origin, except to notice that it seemed perfectly suited to her.

"I normally don?t wear much perfume, but this smells so incredible that I can?t resist," Talia said,
dabbing it behind her ears, the back and front of her neck, between her breasts to her stomach and lastly
down her thighs to the back of her knees. Her actions left her tingling all over as she imagined Arin?s
hands following the same path.

She returned to the bed to put on her gown. She zipped up the back and slipped on the matching shoes.
She walked over to the full-length mirror and peered at her image. She gaped at the beautiful woman
staring at back at her. Was that really her? Her hair looked elegant, showing the graceful curve of her
neck. The tiny pearl clips made her hair sparkle all over. Her make up gave her an exotic look, turning
her eyes up to look almost feline. Her lips looked full and sensuous, and her face was flushed, as if with
excitement. The light aqua-colored dress, complimented her skin, and brought out her own unusually
colored eyes. The dress itself fit her so perfectly, clinging to her bodice and pushing up her breasts to
show a hint of cleavage above the low scoop neckline. The dress narrowed down to her waist then flared
slightly and draped down to her feet. The sleeves hung off her shoulder, tapering down to her slender
wrists. Tiny pearls adorned both the front and back of the scooped neckline and encircled her wrists.
There were no other adornments on the dress, which appeared and felt like sand-washed silk. She
wrapped a thin strip of matching material around her neck. The overall effect was one of ethereal beauty
capable of robbing a man of his sensibility.

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At least that?s what Arin felt as he leaned against the doorframe, unnoticed, watching Talia.

"I-I don?t know what to say," Talia stammered, shocked by the image of the woman staring back at her
in the mirror.

"I do. You look very beautiful, Talia," answered the deep, sexy voice, which had haunted Talia?s
dreams since their first meeting.

Talia spun around to see Arin. He looked so incredibly handsome in his tuxedo; it took her breath away.

She continued her perusal of him and decided that handsome wasn?t a strong enough word to describe
what he projected to her. He exuded confidence, success, and devastating sex appeal. His masculine pull
was so strong, it seemed to reach out and beckon her closer. Unable to resist, she moved toward him,
drawn as if strings connected them. She moved in a slow dreamlike motion.

Their eyes met as she reached him. His widened in surprise and a little uncertainty. She didn?t expect to
see that, but before she could say anything, he lowered his gaze down her body and then leisurely moved
it back up to her face. When his eyes reached hers again they were filled with desire and appreciation.
Talia suddenly felt powerful in the knowledge that she effected such a response in Arin.

Talia?s confidence showed through as she smiled up at him with the sexuality of a seductress, making
Arin feel like she had just stroked him. He grew hard and fought the urge to pull her savagely into his
arms. He wanted to possess her completely, but his strict military training held him in check.

His control almost shattered when she stood on tiptoe and grasped his shoulders gently for support. She
kissed him lightly on the lips, then whispered in his ear.

"Thank you."

The feel of her mouth on his, then her breath tickling his ear was almost his undoing.

Arin quickly removed her hands and set her slightly away. It was the hardest thing he has ever been
required to do. Only the knowledge that Talia was acting this way due to artificial induction rather than
natural instinct helped him regain his control.

"I think we better go now. We wouldn?t want to be late," he said gently steering her toward the

"Late? Late for what?" she asked, confused, and still a little disconcerted by the fact that Arin had set
her away from him. Didn?t her find her attractive? Hadn?t he said she was beautiful?

"For the party of course. We?re going to celebrate your arrival here with us," he answered. In truth it
was only a half lie. The general would celebrate once he saw how cooperative Talia had become.

"Oh, how nice. A party for me? That really wasn?t necessary," she said dreamily, warmed by Arin?s

"Yes, it is. Believe me when I say that," he replied, bringing her into the transport with him. Arin turned
her to face away from him, then wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest.

Talia closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of his body against hers. Her pleasure was short-lived

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however, when his arms dropped to his sides seconds later and he spoke softly to her.

"Put on your best smile, princess, we?ve arrived."

Talia?s eyes snapped open and she slid away from Arin. As she stepped out of the transport, he
followed, clasping her arms to support her. She needed that aid as she looked at her surroundings.
Elegant was a word that didn?t do justice to what she saw. Extravagance, pure and unfettered would be
a more appropriate description.

The room was circular, with a marbled floor and a high stained glass ceiling that had blocks of clear
windows intermingled. They must have been placed there to allow for the spectacular view of the stars
above. Beautiful, tall evergreens grew along the inside walls around the room, and a large two-tiered
fountain in the center of the room filled the air with the soothing sound of flowing water. Along one side of
the room a long table was elegantly set for many people. The other side of the room was filled with
couples dancing to music, which in Talia?s time would be called environmental new age. The sounds of
nature were mixed together with the water spilling from the fountain in what seemed an ancient song.
People danced in a way she had never seen. Strangely old fashioned, yet somehow new and different
from anything she had experienced. Gigantic crystal chandeliers hung over the floor, shining a soft natural
light over everything.

Talia and Arin continued across the room until they reached the group of people dancing. Arin?s hand
tightened slightly around hers as a loud jovial voice boomed out his name.

"Arin! So glad you could make it. And I see you have brought your lovely guest," the general said as he
walked toward them. When Talia faced the general again, a negative feeling of foreboding stole over her.
She knew that she should be careful of the general and that he meant her harm, but she couldn?t seem to
focus enough on him to act upon those feelings. Especially since the beautiful young woman who
accompanied him seemed ready to devour Arin with her eyes as they approached.

"Talia, let me introduce my daughter Carolyn. Carolyn, this is the young lady I mentioned to you. We are
so glad she decided to visit us," the general said, pasting a smile on his face. Talia again felt a small
tingling of unease as the general spoke to her. However, before she could dwell on it, the feel of Arin?s
arm slipping around her waist made every thought in her head disappear. It felt so wonderful to be held
by Arin like this that she practically beamed as she reached out to shake Carolyn?s hand in greeting.

"It?s a pleasure to meet you," Talia said cordially.

Ignoring her outstretched hand, Carolyn gave her a quick little smile that never reached her eyes, then
turned her full attention on Arin.

"Arin darling, how are you? I?ve missed seeing you recently," she purred, sliding over to the side
unoccupied by Talia. She wrapped her arms around his neck then pressed her body against him and
kissed him passionately on the mouth.

Talia stiffened and her eyes narrowed as she watched the two of them. She felt a growl form in her
throat and had the urge to lunge at Carolyn, when she felt Arin?s arm tightened around her waist, holding
her in place. He also remained stiff and immobile during it all. It was only when Carolyn unwrapped
herself from his body that he responded.

"It?s very nice seeing you too, Carolyn," he said in a formal voice, although his eyes held a glint of

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"Arin why don?t you and Carolyn dance? It?s something you do so well together," the general

"General, I don?t--" Arin started to protest. He didn?t want to leave Talia alone with him.

"Now don?t worry, son. Talia will be safe with me. You really don?t need to worry. Now go," the
general commanded, gently pushing Arin and Carolyn toward the other dancers.

Talia watched Arin slip his hands around Carolyn?s waist as he led her to dance. They seemed
comfortable with each other?s company as they talked and walked. Carolyn leaned toward Arin and
whispered, smiling, into his ear. In response Arin threw back his head and laughed deeply. Even from a
distance, Arin?s laughing filled her with the need to smile. It was such a wonderfully warm sound.
However, Carolyn?s melodious laughter soon joined his and all Talia?s enjoyment faded as she recalled
who was making him laugh. She noticed that their progress was slow because they kept getting stopped
by friends wishing to chat. The minute Arin?s arm left her waist, Talia had felt cold and alone. Now
seeing Arin so much a part of this time and the people in it really made her feel isolated.

"They do make a striking couple, don?t you think?" the general asked.

"What? Oh, uh, yes, they do," she answered.

Talia had almost forgotten the general?s presence as she became completely focused on the sight of Arin
holding Carolyn closely. The type of dance everyone was engaged in could only be described with one
word--sensuous. Each couple stood so close together that they appeared to almost be touching. The
music was slow, yet filled with an intense, pounding and primitive rhythm. The couples moved with each
beat of the drum, sliding and turning together as if they were one person, not two.

As Talia continued to watch them, she concluded that the general was right. Arin and Carolyn did seem
to suit each other. Both tall, regal looking and attractive. Each with dark coloring, complimenting each
other. Carolyn looked elegant and sleek, while Arin?s large size belied his graceful movements as he
easily led Carolyn in their dance.

Talia?s gaze remained fixed on Arin as his body moved sinuously with the music in an imitation of more
intimate acts. His well fitting suit strained against his rippling muscles unable to hide the pure virility of the
man beneath the civilized clothing. Talia grew warm and a pulsating ache began at the center of her
womanhood as her gaze hungrily roamed up and down his body. When she finally reached his face, she
realized she had been holding her breath. She let it out in a startled rush when she saw that his eyes were
not on his beautiful partner, but on her. If she could see her own face, she would know that his hungry
look and flared nostrils mirrored her own. Even though her body shivered from the intensity and
awareness of her own desire for him, she couldn?t break the eye contact.

Seeing him move his body so seductively as he stared intently at her made her feel as if her knees would
give way at any moment. It was only the general?s insistent voice that forced her to tear her gaze away
from Arin.

"Talia? Miss Stevens? Are you well?" the general asked as she turned unfocused eyes to him. He was
nervously darting his eyes around the room as if to check to see if anyone else had noticed her behavior.
She could tell he wasn?t comfortable in her company. Good. The feeling was mutual. She suddenly felt
like her head was starting to clear as she faced the man whom she now recalled was her enemy. She
struggled unsuccessfully for a moment to remove the rest of the fog clouding her mind, then answered the

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general?s question with civility.

"Yes. I?m fine, General. I was just curious about the dancing. I?ve never seen anything like it," she
explained, throwing out the first excuse that came to mind.

The general seemed relieved by her answer.

"This is called the Rov Hum. It?s a dance, which originated on the planet of Tanviera. It?s quite primitive
actually, but has become very popular among the young people on this planet. It is in truth a mating dance
used to express one?s desire to mate with his or her partner or to show your satisfaction with your
present mating partner," the general explained, his face turning slightly red with embarrassment.

"It really is a lot of fun. I?d be happy to teach you," a familiar voice said from behind Talia.

She turned around to find Tristan, looking very handsome is his formalwear.

"So nice to see you again Talia. You look more beautiful than before. Incredible," he complimented,
bowing formally to her while gently grasping her hand and touching his lips to the back of it in a brief kiss.

Remembering how uncomfortable Tristan had been, being forced to bring her back to Arin, Talia could
not be angry with him. In fact, the twinkle in his eyes was contagious and she couldn?t resist returning his

"Hello, Tristan. It?s nice to see you under better circumstances," Talia replied, smiling warmly at him.

"Ah, Tristan. How are you? I see you and Talia have met. Good. If you will excuse me a moment, I see
someone I must speak with," the general excused himself and quickly walked away.

As the general moved away Talia scrutinized him. He was stopping her from returning to her father. As
more of Talia?s feelings started to resurface, it was as if she was beginning to break through the swirling
numbness that had surrounded her. All of that clarity seemed to shatter again, however, as her eyes fell
back on Arin and Carolyn. As their dance continued, Carolyn reached behind Arin?s head and pulled
him down to her lips for a lingering kiss. Then she began whispering in his ear and he laughed huskily in
response and pulled her closer to him.

Something inside Talia cracked. Feelings came oozing out. What those were could only be described as
pure undiluted jealousy and anger. Turning toward Tristan, she grabbed his hand and led him toward the
other dancers.

"I would like you to teach me this dance, Tristan. Would you mind?" she asked as they reached the
dance floor. She looked up flirtatiously; batting her eyelashes and giving him a dazzling smile.

Tristan was no fool. He had also been watching Carolyn and Arin and could tell that Talia was jealous.
But, if his friend wanted to behave stubbornly and, in his opinion stupidly, instead of holding on to this
beautiful woman, who was he to stop him?

"I?d be glad to. And while we?re doing that, you can tell me about yourself and how you came to be
here," Tristan replied easily, smiling in his own devastatingly handsome way as he took her hands and
placed them on his hips.

"Now follow my lead and try to imitate my movements. I?ll go slowly at first and guide you with my

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hands," he explained, placing his own hands lightly on her waist. "The most important thing is to relax,
hear the music, and let the feelings it evokes direct your dance."

At first Talia was so angry that she had a hard time concentrating. Her dancing was stiff and unyielding.
But soon Tristan?s open friendliness, charm and wit had her enjoying the lesson and his company. He
had way of getting her to talk about herself comfortably. And when he spoke, she couldn?t help but laugh
at the humorous stories from his youth.

Finally she felt ready to concentrate on the dance. She closed her eyes in an effort to do as Tristan
suggested and feel the movement. As she did so, the image of Arin moving in sensual harmony with the
music came to mind. Talia knew he was across the floor becoming more and more involved with his
mating dance with Carolyn, but for just a few moments she wanted to imagine that it was she who he held
in his arms so intimately. She immediately felt her own body sway in response to the music and him. She
let all of her pent up feelings of longing become expression through her dance. With her eyes closed she
was unable to see the look of admiration, nor the sensual heat that became evident on Tristan face as he
watched her.

Talia had thought Arin would be too involved to notice her, but she couldn?t have been more wrong.

"Arin darling--you?re stiff all of a sudden. Is something wrong?" Carolyn purred in Arin?s ear. "You feel
as tense as a tiger ready to pounce."

Arin ignored Carolyn?s question. He was too busy watching Talia and Tristan engaging in the many
intimate movements of the Rov Hum. Tristan was a master of the dance, having performed it often
enough with his many different paramours over time.

There was no doubt in his mind that Tristan knew exactly what he was doing. Arin and he had gone out
together many times with the notion of seeking a mate. With their contrasting good looks, women flocked
to them. And both Arin and Tristan had perfected and used the Rov Hum to convince their already
willing dates of their prowess. From the look of Talia?s dance she seemed convinced.

Arin saw her close her eyes and tilt her head back, surrendering to the intensity of the dance. Having
never done it before he knew that it had to be overwhelming for her. Yet she was holding her arms wide
open in a symbol of welcome to her mate. Her hips were rotating back and forth so provocatively that
Arin was hypnotized by them. Her breasts were thrust out, beckoning him to feel them with his hands and

Seeing her give herself so passionately to the dance made something snap in Arin. Anger and jealousy
overtook him. He knew that it should be him, not Tristan showing this dance to Talia. Releasing Carolyn
abruptly, he murmured a quick excuse and stalked menacingly toward Talia. As he approached them, he
saw Tristan eyeing him speculatively. When he reached the couple he told Tristan in a voice too low for
Talia to hear above the music, to get lost. A smile of understanding broke across Tristan?s face. He
wished his friend good luck, and after one last look of regret when he glanced at Talia, he walked away.
Before he reached the edge of the dance floor, Tristan was stopped by an attractive woman and headed
back out to continue the dance.

Chapter 9

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Lost in her own thoughts, Talia wasn?t aware of Arin?s approach or the exchange of partners. After her
initial lesson while holding Tristan?s hips, she hadn?t actually touched him again. Their bodies had moved
closely together in unison to the dance, but that had been the extent of it. When she felt warm hands rest
on her waist, her eyes flew open and widened in surprise at the sight of Arin.

"You seem to be enjoying the Rov Hum, princess," he said in a deceptively quiet voice as he pulled her
firmly against him. "Why don?t you let me show you how it?s really supposed to be done."

Talia was so shocked to have Arin actually holding her after just daydreaming about him, that all she
could do was stare, mouth agape as he pulled her close. The feel of his body penetrated her senses, and
she recovered quickly from her daze. Whereas Tristan didn?t actually touch her during their dance, there
was almost no part of her body not touching Arin as they moved together. She met his gaze as he stared
hungrily down at her. His hands guided her hips to match his movements. The rhythm overtook her. She
let herself get lost in the primitive needs Arin brought out in her. Every point of her anatomy became
supersensitive to the friction created by their movements. Tingles of awareness ran up her spine. His
spicy scent permeated the air around her. Talia took a deep breath, finding it intoxicating, and tried to pull
him more tightly against her. Irritated by the clothes that separated them, she let out a frustrated sigh. In
response, Arin growled low in his throat and lifted her so she fit against him more intimately. She
squirmed, feeling as if they still were too far apart.

"Enough!" he declared fiercely, cradling her in his arms like a baby. He strode toward the transport
booth, without a word to anyone. When he was almost there Carolyn suddenly appeared in front of

"Arin. What is the meaning of this?" she hissed. "Where are you taking this-this girl?"

"Carolyn, I have to tell you that this girl is more of a woman than you?ll ever be. And as to where we?re
going. To hell or heaven, I?m not sure which. Now goodnight." Arin moved around a speechless Carolyn
and got into the transport. Talia hung on tight as he closed his eyes. One moment they were in the
ballroom, the next they were back in his apartment. Arin stepped out of it without putting Talia down and
started walking toward his bedroom.

"Good evening, Arin."

Arin stopped in his tracks. He swung around to see his father standing in the middle of the room.

"Good evening, father," he said calmly as he gently set Talia down on her feet.

Talia felt Arin stiffen at the sound of his father?s voice, and the coldness in his reply was unmistakable.
She looked at his father and saw the pain on his face as he heard his son speak. Then he shuttered his
expression and reined in his emotions. His face became a regal and composed mask. Now she knew
where Arin got the ability to hide his feelings so well.

"To what do I owe the honor of your presence in my home?" Arin asked in a formal voice laced with

His father?s gaze quickly flitted over Talia, then returned to Arin.

"We need to talk, son. It?s very important."

"Very well," Arin replied after a moments hesitation.

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"However, before we do, aren?t you going to introduce me to Miss Stevens?" his father asked,
approaching Talia, grasping her hand and bringing it to his lips for a light kiss. "It?s a pleasure to finally
meet you Talia. Your pictures don?t do justice to your beauty. My name is John McClintock. And as
you?ve already heard, Arin is my son."

Slightly flustered by the compliment as well as the overwhelming charisma Arin?s father seemed to
exude, Talia blurted the first thing that came to mind.

"Well, Arin certainly didn?t get his lack of manners from you."

John?s eyes widened at her statement then he threw back his head and laughed deeply. When he did so
Talia saw the resemblance between father and son. Same dimples, same mischievous glint in his eyes.
Despite his age he still seemed a handsome and vital man. Talia could imagine Arin looking the same at
that age.

"And a strong personality as well I see," John declared after he stopped laughing. "Good, that?s just
what Arin needs. His mother was the same, beautiful and strong. And I know that you are a genetic
researcher, so you must be extremely intelligent. Just like her. She was quite a woman," he said sighing,
with a far away look in his eyes. He returned his attention to them as Arin interrupted his thoughts.

"How do you know so much about Talia, father? I thought no one but the general and I knew about her,
and why she is here," Arin asked pulling Talia close to him in an unconscious protective gesture.

As he did so, Talia once again inhaled his scent and had the almost uncontrollable urge to turn and press
her body against him. What was wrong with her? Arin?s father was standing right across from her and all
she could think about was making love to Arin. She shook her head again to clear it, and this time it
seemed to work somewhat. She felt as if a fog were lifting from her mind. John?s next words cleared her
mind even more. The anger and frustration over her abduction and the motives behind it suddenly came
flooding back to her. She quickly moved away from Arin as his father continued to speak.

"That?s what I came to discuss with you: Talia and her situation here. Let?s go into the study and talk.
Esmerelda would you please make some coffee for us?" John requested as he headed for the study. Talia
immediately followed him and after a moment?s hesitation so did Arin.

"Of course, John. It?s nice to speak with you again. You and your son don?t spend very much time
together these days," the computer commented in a disapproving voice.

"Same Esmerelda, I see. Never afraid to say what?s on your mind. And correct as usual. It?s nice
speaking with you too, old friend."

As they reached the study Arin grasped Talia?s arm to prevent her from entering.

"This conversation is between my father and I. You will wait elsewhere until we?re finished," Arin
ordered stiffly.

"What? You are about to have a conversation about me and I?m not invited? I don?t think so," Talia
responded trying to free her arm from Arin?s hold. Of course it was useless. The man was just too big
and too strong. She stopped struggling and glared up at him. She was debating her next course of
defiance when Arin?s father spoke.

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"Talia, please. If you wouldn?t mind, I really do have some issues I need to discuss privately with Arin.
And I promise that any decisions we need to make concerning you will be discussed with you. Just give
me a few minutes with my son?" he asked gently. Talia couldn?t refuse him. She nodded her head in

"Okay. But please keep me apprised of the situation. John, your son really does need to take some
lessons in courtesy and manners from you," she said, pointedly staring at Arin?s hand on her arm, then
back up at him. He dropped her arm as if it burned, and she turned and walked away.

"Thank you, Talia," John said, trying to keep from laughing as he saw the scowl on his son?s face.

Arin closed the door to the study behind him, and his father immediately spoke.

"I know you have a plan, son. Just like I?ve known about your mission and all that it?s encompassed
from the very beginning. Tell me what you?re planning and I?ll tell you everything I know, including why
you were involved and the consequences of all of this."

"I had a feeling you knew what was going on. And you?re right, I do have a plan. This is what I?ve
learned," Arin began as he and his father began to put together the puzzle of the general?s maniacal plans.

Talia walked into the kitchen. A gigantic deli sandwich and a tall glass of what appeared to be iced tea
sat on the counter. Her stomach growled. She realized she was famished. She hadn?t eaten anything
since breakfast. Hot corned beef was piled high on a large onion roll slathered with mustard. A side of
potato salad and a pickle finished off the plate.

"Please say this is for me, Esmerelda," she pleaded, reaching for the sandwich.

"Of course it is, dear. I investigated some of the food in your time and this ?deli sandwich? seemed to be
a favorite. How does it taste? I knew you would be hungry right about now. And this will help clear your
mind. By the way, how are you feeling?"

"This is fantastic Esmerelda, thank you. But what do you mean clear my mind? Why was I feeling so
dazed earlier this evening? It?s all coming together in my head slowly. I can?t believe I actually sat talking
to that maniac general! What was in that tea you gave me? I want the truth," Talia demanded as she
continued to eat.

"The tea? Nothing more than an organic relaxant. Please realize that it was only for your own protection.
Arin wanted me to give it to you so that you?d be able to relax during the party. Believe me, I didn?t like
doing it, but when he explained why it was necessary, I had to agree with him that it was for the best," the
computer explained.

"Why was it so important that I be relaxed for the party? I am getting really tired of not knowing what?s
going on. My father?s life is at stake and I can?t make one decision to help him," Talia said as she
finished off her sandwich and took a long drink of tea.

"Esmerelda, I want to know everything there is to know about those two men in that study. But first of
all tell me about Arin?s mother. She?s dead, isn?t she?" Talia asked sadly, already deciding she would
have liked to meet her. She had been surprised to learn that she and Arin each had to learn to live
without their mothers.

"I will gladly tell you what I can. Especially about Arin?s mother, Diana. I miss her very much. Talia, you

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remind me of her. She was incredibly beautiful, but there was so much more to her," the computer said
starting a tale that kept Talia enraptured for over an hour.

When Esmerelda finally finished talking, Talia shook her head in amazement. According to the computer,
Arin, his father and especially his mother were incredible people. John and Diana had done much good
for their world and Arin was definitely on his way to doing the same. Maybe that?s why she felt so safe
with Arin, even when he was threatening her. So why had he suddenly deviated from his course and
decide to become a corrupt terrorist? It didn?t make any sense.

"Esmerelda, I refuse to be kept in the dark any longer. As soon as those two men finish talking, I?ll tell
them what I?m going to do with my life. I?m going back to my time to help my father and that is that,"
Talia declared firmly.

"We couldn?t agree more," she heard Arin?s father say from the doorway.

Arin saw the look of surprise on Talia?s face as his father spoke those words, and he knew they
mirrored the expression he had worn an hour ago. The things his father spoke about, and the knowledge
he had of the general and his plans left him astounded.

His commanding officer initially got the Chamber to agree to send someone back to Talia?s time,
claiming that there was a threat to Frank Steven?s research by a rogue terrorist group who had made the
time jump and were planning to kill the professor. However, when the general adamantly refused to send
anyone back but Arin, they got suspicious and began to covertly investigate what the general was really
doing. When they discovered what his goal was, they realized that they had to catch the general in the
act. They needed irrefutable evidence if they wanted to successfully stop him.

The general?s plans included not only changing history so that he was a hero and world leader, but also
killing key members of the High Chamber, who he knew would oppose his plans. His father described
the elaborate scheme the general had formed to discredit the remaining Chamber members and use
blackmail to force them to agree with his plan. The general obviously neglected to tell Arin this part of his
plan because he knew Arin?s loyalty would only go so far. Knowing the extent of the general?s insanity
made Arin glad he had his father?s aid in accomplishing their plan. Now all they had to do was convince
Talia to trust him. Considering all that Arin had done to deceive her, he knew that wouldn?t be easy.

Talia was so shocked by John?s words that she couldn?t say anything for a moment. Once she
recovered, she grew suspicious.

"You?re prepared to let me return to my time suddenly. Why the change in plans? What aren?t you
telling me?" she asked, staring pointedly at Arin.

Then she turned to Arin?s father. "Excuse me for being so distrustful, John, but your son has not been
exactly forthright with me since we met. And to the best of my knowledge, he was very determined that I
remain in this time, while he and the general steal my father?s research."

"I understand your concerns, but Arin and I have talked it through and he feels as strongly as I do that
you should return to your time and your father. Isn?t that right, son?" John asked looking to Arin for

The look on Arin?s face could only be described as smug and his eyes danced in wicked amusement
when he looked at her and answered.

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"Of course. That was the plan all along. You?ll be returned to your father and the general will be
stopped. I just hadn?t found the right time to tell you. Every time the opportunity came up, you always
managed to divert my attention to more, uh, pleasant things," Arin responded, smiling widely when he
saw Talia begin to blush as she realized exactly what the other things were that had kept them both so

Arin?s father cleared his throat.

"Ahem! Well, I?ll let you two talk things through. I have a couple of things to attend to before the
journey. I?ll call you in exactly one hour, Arin. Talia," he said nodding at both of them, as he left the
room, entered the transport and disappeared.

The nerve of Arin! Talia felt her face redden and this caused her agitation to increase. She thought about
how scared she had been, how unsure and insecure he had made her feel. He had bullied her from the
beginning! How dare he claim innocence and then blame her for causing him to keep the truth from her.
Hackles raised, she ignored John?s hasty departure and shot back the first thoughts that came to mind.

"Well, well, aren?t you being such a good daddy?s boy Arin? Should I give you a little pat on the head?"

Arin tensed up, and his eyes glinted dangerously. Talia knew at that point that she should have stopped,
but her anger caused her to throw caution to the wind. She blurted out one hurtful word after another.

"And I really am surprised that you were unable to keep your thoughts clear when we were together. I
had no problem maintaining my discipline. I just kept planning how I could defy you and find my way
back to my father. But maybe you just aren?t quite the soldier you thought you were, huh, big guy?" she
asked with an insincere smile, as she taunted him.

She knew she had gone too far when she saw the rage in his eyes. He began walking toward her, and
she jumped quickly out of the chair she had been sitting in. Forgetting about pride, she made a dash out
of the kitchen and headed for the transport station. She had only gone a few steps, however, when she
felt an arm come from behind and wrap around her waist. She was lifted and pulled hard against Arin?s
body. She was allowed to slide down until her feet reached the floor, but she could not move away from
him. For the moment he said nothing. The silence was unnerving her. His harsh breathing and the hard
feel of his body against her bottom was making her breathless. Something solid pressing against her back
made her well aware of the precarious position she was now in. Unable to stand the silence any longer
she began to shout a demand for her release. Before she could get a full word out, Arin interrupted her.

"Right now I would advise you against speaking. We both know that you?ve said quite enough," he
whispered in her ear. The feel of his head so close to hers and his warm breath blowing in her ear sent
uncontrollable tingles up and down her spine. Then his scent began to envelop her and she breathed it in
deeply as if starving for it. It left her lightheaded with the unbridled need to rub her body against his. She
moved experimentally, slowly against his hardness. She heard him hiss in his breath at her actions.

"Don?t move." Arin ground out through his clenched teeth. However she was unable to stop herself.
Something came over her. Desire like she had never felt before clawed at her body. She moved against
him again, but this time she grasped the hand around her waist and slid it up to cover her breast. He
stiffened and groaned deeply, as if in surrender.

Talia couldn?t stand the silence any longer.

"I?m sorry for what I said, Arin. It was mean and unfair. Sometimes, I just get so angry, I say things

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without thinking first."

Arin said nothing for a moment. Then she was suddenly lifted up and cradled in his arms. Wrapping her
hands around his neck, she clung to him. He strode purposefully out of the kitchen toward his bedroom.
As they passed through the doorway into his room, Esmerelda spoke.

"Arin, I don?t think this--" Arin abruptly cut her off.

"Not now," he said quietly.

"But Arin--"

"Esmerelda! Disengage," he growled out loudly. The computer didn?t speak again.

He closed the door behind him and let her slide down his body so that she could feel every nuance of his
desire for her. Then he put his hand under her chin and tilted her head to look up at him. The gray of his
eyes had grown dark. And when he spoke, his voice was hoarse with need.

"You and I both know that this is inevitable. I feel the pull and I can tell you do too," he said as his hand
reached down and cupped the center of her. The warm feel of his hands through her clothes left her wet.
She couldn?t keep in the moan of pleasure at his touch.

"You feel it?" he asked. Then he gently took her hand and placed it on his erection. "I feel it too," he
choked out as he felt the pressure of her hand on him.

"Let me love you," he demanded softly. Not waiting for a reply, his mouth came down to meet hers. He
kissed her deeply, sending his tongue probing the territory of her mouth. When he encountered her
tongue, he teased it by touching it slightly then withdrawing. Soon Talia?s tongue reached out hungrily for
his. They danced and twined around each other, then Arin?s mouth went on to fully explore hers. He
conquered each place then moved to the next until every inch of her mouth had been completely tasted
and savored by his tongue.

His mouth eventually left her face and slowly traveled down her neck, leaving every part of it tasted. As
he did so, his hands began a slow upward caress. He ran his hands over the flare of her hips to the
smallness of her waist, then gradually slid his fingertips over her stomach, and across her ribcage, until
they rested just under the bottoms of her breasts. Talia drew in her breath sharply at the knowledge of
where his hands were, and where they could be headed. Though she still wore all her clothing, his fingers
had burned a pathway up her body.

As Arin?s hands remained poised so close to their destination, her nipples tightened and her breasts
became full, aching to be touched. When he finally did move up and cover her breasts with his palms, she
whimpered aloud and the pleasure became too much. The combination of his mouth working its magic on
her neck and his hands caressing her over her clothes caused her knees to give way beneath her.

Arin easily picked her up, as if expecting her response, and carried her to his bed where he laid Talia
down. He followed her, covering her with his body and began his kisses and caresses again. When Talia
reached the point where she was ready to tear both their clothes off so she could be closer to him he got
up and stood at the end of the bed looking down at her. His eyes met hers and the passion in them made
her forget to breathe for a moment.

Keeping his gaze locked on hers, he began to undress. She sat up to watch him. He removed his jacket

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and shirt first. Talia glanced up and drank in the magnificence of his chest. It was smooth and broad with
no hair covering it. She noticed his brown nipples were tightened with desire, and she suddenly wanted to
reach up and touch them. As he removed his pants and the rest of his undergarments, her mouth went dry
at the beauty of his body. Broad chest, hard stomach and strong thighs combined to form what she felt
was a piece of art. As her eyes finally strayed to the point between his thighs and stomach, they widened
unconsciously. His manhood jutted out proudly from the glossy dark fur surrounding it. His body was
sleek, strong and beautiful.

When she had been with Mark she had never had the time to really get a look at him physically. They
were always in too much of a hurry because he had to get to this project or that. But now as she admired
Arin in all his male glory, she knew that Mark didn?t compare. Her eyes ran back up his body. When
they finally reached his face, he stood there proudly, amusement showing in his eyes and the slight
upward curve of his mouth. Embarrassment made her blush as she realized she had been studying his
body silently while he watched her.

"Seen enough, Talia?" he asked.

Without waiting for an answer, he reached down, held each of her hands and gently pulled her to her

"Good. Now it?s my turn," he said as he turned her so that her back was to him, and began unzipping
her dress. As his hands moved over her shoulders, pushing her sleeves down her arms, she shivered at
their roughness against her skin. He turned her toward him as her dress pooled around her feet, and she
automatically started to cover herself. Arin?s words stopped her.

"Don?t cover your beauty. I pictured in my mind how you would look in each piece of lingerie I picked
out for you. I have to admit that you far surpassed my imagination. Never be ashamed of your body. You
are an incredibly beautiful women, Talia," Arin assured her. His hands moved up her arms, back to her
face and he pulled her mouth to his.

He kissed her thoroughly, this time demanding that she give him everything she had. Talia responded
ardently, arching against him so that her breasts pressed against his chest. She boldly gave him her tongue
as she explored the recesses of his mouth. He responded with a growl, grasping her hips and rotating
them as he pressed against her. The unmistakable feel of his hunger left her weak with desire. When his
hands loosened their hold slightly, she moved out of his arms and sat down on the edge of the bed.

She was a little frightened by the intensity of the feelings Arin was bringing out in her. As Talia looked up
at him, she couldn?t seem to catch her breath. He stared down at her and the laborious rise and fall of his
chest was evident. Something in her eyes must have shown her slight apprehension, because without
speaking, Arin knelt down in front of her and gently took her left foot in his hands. He removed her
slipper. But when he slid his fingers up her thigh, she tensed up. When all he did was unclasp her garter
belt loops and rolled down her stocking, she relaxed a little. He put her foot down and reached for her
other leg to do the same. Then he began massaging both feet, talking in a soothing voice, trying to calm
her down.

He talked about his childhood and school days. Then went on to talk about his acceptance at the
Academy. His voice helped Talia relax, plus she loved hearing about him as a child. As his hands slowly
made their way up her legs again, massaging all along, she took no notice. Only when he reached the
tops of her thighs did she realize where his hands were. When she stiffened suddenly, Arin stopped what
he was doing and looked directly into Talia?s eyes as he spoke.

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"I won?t hurt you, princess," he promised.

"I know," she admitted. Knowing in her heart that he would do her no harm.

At her words, a wide smile appeared on his face, dimples and all. She couldn?t help but smile back. His
gaze slid hungrily to her lips, and he reached up to once again pull her mouth to his. Talia was more than
willing as she wrapped her arms around him. His hands began to wander from her face down her neck to
her back and eventually she felt his hands reach up to unclasp her bra. He did so easily, and as the straps
began to spill down her arms, he pulled them the rest of the way off.

He moved back and stared at her chest. The admiration and desire that flared in his eyes made her feel
adored. Then, without hesitation his hands moved off of her arms, slipping over her stomach and up to
her breasts. At first he just rested his hands on her, as if waiting for her to protest. After no such thing
happened, he began massaging and kneading her. Her nipples hardened in response, and he clasped
them between his thumb and index finger, squeezing and pulling them gently. The pleasure was so intense
that Talia moaned.

"You are so exquisite," he said almost reverently, as he gently guided her back so that she lay flat on the

He slid her up to the head of the bed, staring down at her for a moment with need shining in his eyes.
Then, when she thought it couldn?t feel any better, he leaned over her and put his mouth over her nipple.
He began sucking it gently and laving it with his tongue, while his hands continued their ministrations on
her other breast. In reaction she arched up toward him. Splinters of pleasure shot throughout her body,
with them all joining together and ending at the apex of her thighs.

Arin continued caressing her with his hands and mouth until she was lifting her hips, writhing against him.
Her invitation was unmistakable and he had no will to resist. One of his hands slid down her stomach and
dipped under her silk panties. When he felt her springy curls and the moistness that surrounded his
fingers, he groaned aloud. Unable to stop, he skimmed over her swollen lips and dipped his finger into
her. Her tight wetness was almost his undoing. He removed his finger, then searched for and found her
sensitive nub. As he began rubbing it, her whimper let him know that he was pleasing her. He again
dipped his finger into her, stunned by how wet she had become, then continued to alternate his caresses.
When she began moaning his name and lifting her hips to meet each thrust, he stopped stroking her and
spoke directly to her.

Talia was wrapped in a world of sensual sensations. Arin?s touch was driving her toward a precipice
and she was about to tumble over. When he suddenly stopped, her body cried out for him to continue.
She looked down and got caught in his eyes glittering dangerously like those of a beast about to claim its
prize. He was so absolutely magnificent and sexy.

"Talia, are you sure you?re ready?" he asked in a voice so hoarse and raspy, that it didn?t sound like his
own. He was obviously holding himself back with great restraint. His muscles were bunched and his jaw

In that moment, as he stared up at her, asking her what she wanted, even though he looked ready to
burst, she knew that she was in love with him. The thought left her momentarily stunned, until Arin moved
against her. She smiled.

"Yes. Please Arin, now," she demanded, reaching her arms out to him.

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He was about to lay gently over her, when a voice abruptly interrupted him.

"Arin, I know you didn?t want to be disturbed but--"

"That?s right Esmerelda so please shut off."

"Well, I would like to comply, but your father has just arrived and is looking for the two of you," the
computer notified him.

Arin did nothing for a moment but stare down at her with desire burning brightly in his eyes. She could
only gaze back at him, wanting him, but knowing that now was no longer the time. The spell between
them broke when he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and pushed up and away from her.

"Esmerelda, please tell my father that we will meet him in the study in a moment," Arin requested calmly.

He held his hand out to Talia to help her up off of the bed. She took it and he lifted her up against him.
The feel of his hardness made her want to pull him back down to the bed, but she managed to restrain

Arin ran his fingers through her hair, loving the silky texture of it. He gently grasped a handful of it and
pulled it back, forcing her to look up at him. The hunger in her eyes and her kiss-swollen lips made him
want to throw her down on the bed and plunge into her, regardless of his father. Instead he cleared his
throat and spoke.

"There?s something between us Talia. Even you have to admit that now. We?re not finished. When this
mission is completed, we?ll resolve this. Having said that, I must ask you to do something for me," he
said, letting her go and walking a few feet away.

"What is it?"

"First get showered and dressed. I can?t concentrate with you standing there, looking so beautiful and
desirable. Esmerelda, please give Talia something comfortable to wear, as she?ll be traveling," Arin
ordered. He turned away from her, and walked across the room where his slacks lay on the floor. Putting
them on, he left the room.

Seeing him stride across the room in all his naked splendor left Talia breathless. She forced herself to
turn away and go into the shower. When she finished, she walked over to the bed and saw clothes laid
out there. She put on the comfortable light blue velour tracksuit. Just as she finished dressing, Arin
returned. Without a word he entered the bathroom, took off his pants and also showered.

Talia sat on the bed waiting for him to finish. She was postponing seeing John again because she was
embarrassed about why they had kept him waiting. A few minutes later, Arin walked out of the bathroom
with only a towel around his waist. He walked over to what must have been a closet and casually
dropped the towel to the ground. She couldn?t prevent the astonished gasp that escaped at the sight of
him. She quickly turned her back to him.

"You can turn around now, Talia," Arin said a moment later, amusement lacing his voice.

When she faced Arin again she saw that he was dressed in faded jeans and a charcoal-colored
turtleneck. The shirt brought out his eyes and the jeans, well; the jeans were snug enough to bring out all
of his attributes. No matter what the man wore he looked incredible. She did a slow perusal of him until

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she reached his face and saw his eyes dancing with mischief.

"You look like you want to eat me up, little girl," he said smiling widely. "If you don?t stop you?ll end up
on the bed again very soon," he promised as his eyes darkened.

Talia?s eyes widened at his teasing, and she felt her face turn red.

"As much as I love to see you blush, princess, we do need to talk. The second thing I need to ask you is
very important. However I think we need to discuss this in front of my father," he said, holding his hand
out to her. She took it without hesitation, knowing that she could trust him.

When they entered the study Arin?s father stood up and waited until she was seated.

"Nice to see you looking refreshed dear. Were you able to sleep while I was gone?" John asked.

"Not really, I--" Talia started trying to come up with an excuse, but Arin quickly cut her off.

"We discussed a few things and then got cleaned up. However, I haven?t had a chance to tell Talia
about our split travel plans yet," he explained.

"Split travel plans?" Talia repeated.

Arin turned to her.

"Yes. That?s what I was going to ask of you. My father and you will be going back to your time without
me. I need you to promise me that you?ll be very careful and stay close to him. He?ll know what to do in
case anything should go wrong."

"Why aren?t you taking me back?" she asked, panic creeping into her voice. She just realized she cared
for this man and now he was sending her away.

"I need to come back with the general, Talia. I must act as if everything is going as planned, or we?ll be
unable to stop him. If he even gets a hint that he?s being betrayed, he has the power to go through time
unchecked and destroy whatever and whomever he chooses. We must catch him in the past where his
access to time travel is limited and can be easily controlled. Right now the general thinks of me as
someone he can trust. I will bring him back at a predetermined time, and your father will be ready by then
to cooperate with the remainder of our plan."

"I understand, but--"

"My father will explain everything else you need to know when you and your father are together. For
now, please just try to trust me and make sure that you stay close to my Dad."

"Okay." Talia knew she could trust him with her life.

"Well, I think it?s about time to go," John said, standing to leave. "Arin, everything has been set up with
our force here. Tristan will be ready when the signal is given. Talia, shall we go?"

"Father, Talia and I need just a moment. She?ll come out to the transport shortly. And be careful, Dad,"
Arin said, giving his father a hug.

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"I will. And don?t worry about Talia. I?ll make sure she stays safe," John assured him and left the study.

Talia stood up as John left the study. She was glad to see that Arin and his father seemed on better
terms than when he had first arrived at the apartment. The two of them seemed to have resolved
something and were acting more like a loving father and son.

Arin turned to her. But, before he could say anything, she spoke.

"Please be careful. The general is dangerously insane," Talia warned him.

"Are you concerned for my welfare, Talia?" he asked, amusement lacing his voice. Yet when she looked
at his face, she saw vulnerability in his eyes and in the crooked smile on his face. His question was more
than it seemed. He wanted to know if she cared for him, and the answer was very important to him,
judging by the expression on his face.

"Just don?t let anything happen to you, mister," she said wagging her finger at him. "We have unfinished
business. Understand?"

"I am at your service as always, princess," he said softly, bowing to her and taking her hand in his. He
brought it to his lips and kissed it lightly. The feel of his mouth sent tingles from her hand to the rest of her
body. He lowered her hand but didn?t release it as he reached up with the other hand and cupped her
chin, tilting her face up to look at him.

"You must be careful. I mean that with all seriousness. Listen to what my father says without argument.
He knows what he?s doing."

Without another word he leaned down and brought his lips to hers. Wrapping his arms around her, he
pulled her against him. He kissed her deeply as if trying to convey something to her. Her world tilted and
she melted against him. When he removed his mouth from hers she knew that she wouldn?t be able to
stand if he let her go. She just stood there a moment looking at him, trying to memorize his face. What
would she do if something happened and she never saw him again? Her anxiety must have shown in her
face, because he hugged her tighter and spoke.

"You will see me again soon. Now go. My father is waiting." He turned from her and walked over to
look out the window of his study. She left the room without another word and approached John where
he stood waiting outside the transport station.

"Are you ready, my dear?" he asked, gently taking her hand.

"Yes. As ready as I?ll ever be," she answered.

"I?ve set up a different location to initiate travel so that the general will know nothing of it. We?ll go there
first, then immediately make the jump back. Just hold on to my hand and don?t let go, okay?"

Talia nodded her head and stepped into the transport. She quickly jumped out a moment later.

"Wait a minute, John. I forgot something. Esmerelda are you there?" she asked.

"Yes, Talia," the computer answered.

"Thank you. You made everything so nice for me when I was here. And again I?m sorry about what

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happened in the city."

"Don?t worry, it is forgotten. I enjoyed meeting you and hope I will see you again soon. Good-bye."

"Good-bye," Talia said softly as she stepped back into the transport, holding John?s hand. She had a
moment to look around Arin?s home for the last time and then it was gone.

Chapter 10

The travel back went without incident. The moment Talia felt solid ground beneath her she opened her
eyes. Everything was out of focus and she felt slightly disoriented and dizzy. She closed her eyes and
waited a few minutes. When she felt steadier she opened her eyes again. Her eyes immediately focused
on the kitchen table and chairs. She had landed in her kitchen, but as she looked around she saw no sign
of Arin?s father. It was night so the kitchen was dark except for a small light above the oven. Not
wanting to wake her father she whispered John?s name. When she heard no reply she walked into the
living room and turned on one of the smaller lamps by the couch. There she found him, eyes closed and
laying back.


"Just a moment Talia, my dizziness hasn?t passed. Ah, there, that?s better," he slowly opened his eyes
and focused on her.

"Are you okay?" Talia asked with concern.

"Yes, thank you. Arin and the general were unaware of it, but I and the members of the Chamber have
been training for time travel ever since we first got wind of the general?s plans. For the young, it is only
momentary, however, due to my age, it takes me a little longer to get through that disorientated stage," he
said, shaking his head.

Talia looked at how alive and fit John was and started to tell him he was probably in better shape than
she was, when another voice broke in.

"Am I invited to this party?" her father asked, turning on the overhead light.

"Dad!" Talia ran over and gave him a big hug. "I was so worried about you. Is everything okay?"

Her dad hugged her tightly and smiled down at her.

"Yes, Talia. Nothing has happened in the two days that you?ve been gone, other than me missing you
terribly. I was beginning to worry because I hadn?t heard from Arin. I see he hasn?t returned with you,"
her father said looking at John. "And who might you be?"

John stood up, walked over to the professor and extended his hand for a handshake.

"I?m Arin?s father, John. It?s an honor to meet you. I must tell you that your research has changed the
world for the better. We have much to thank you for in the future, Professor Stevens," Arin?s father said,
shaking the professor?s hand with enthusiasm.

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"Please, call me Frank. I?m equally honored to meet you, John. Arin has told me about all the wonderful
things you?ve done for the world in your time."

"My son was praising me to someone else? Well, that?s surprising. Speaking of Arin, he?ll be meeting us
tomorrow. There?s much we need to discuss before then," John said walking to the couch and sitting

"First of all, Frank. You?re going to give the general your plans and research on time travel," John stated

"What?!" Talia and her father?s voice said in unison.

"You?ve been doing research in time travel? That?s what this is all about?" Talia asked her father in a
bewildered voice.

"Yes, Talia. But there is no way I am going to give it to that insane man," her father said belligerently,
looking at John. "Arin told me all about the general."

"Please Talia, Frank sit down. You really need to listen to what Arin and I have planned. I?m sure once
you hear me out you?ll agree with us," John said, using the diplomacy for which he was famous.

By the time the sun came up, he had accomplished his goal. Both Talia and the professor had agreed to
the plan. Talia was a bit nervous about not being in the room with her father and the general, but she
knew that Arin could take care of things.

"You can?t be there, Talia, because the general thinks you are still being held in the future. He must
believe that everything is going as he planned, so that he doesn?t bolt on us. Agreed?" John asked her.
Talia nodded her head reluctantly.

"Good. Then everything is settled. At exactly 11:00 p.m. tonight the professor will meet with the general
and Arin. Talia will stay out of sight with me," John said looking pointedly at her.

"I understand. I don?t like it, but I understand," Talia agreed. "Where is this meeting going to take

"Arin set it up at your lab, Professor. Being late in the evening, he figured nobody would be there," John

"That?s true. Usually I?m the only one there at all hours of the night," her father said.

"We only have until tonight to prepare all of the necessary paperwork Frank. We probably should get
started. Talia why don?t you take it easy and--"

"No. I think I?ve been left in the dark long enough about things, don?t you? This time I want to be
involved in all of it, so that I know what?s going on. Besides, I feel I have the right to finally see what has
taken my father away from me and my mother for so long," she declared unable to hide the bitterness in
her voice.

Her father?s face drooped with sadness at her words. But then he snapped out of it, turned to her and

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"You?re right, Talia. While you were gone I had some time to think. I missed a large part of your
growing up and a lot of your mother?s company and love. I can never get your mother back, but if you
let me--if it?s not too late, I?d like to be more a part of your life and make you a larger part of mine," he
said, holding his arms open to her.

Talia didn?t hesitate. She ran into his arms and they both just held each other for a moment.

"I love you, Dad. And I would really like to spend more time with you. It?s not too late. You?re still my
dad and I?m still your daughter. That?s all that matters."

John cleared his throat and they both looked at him. Talia saw that his eyes had a great sadness in them.

"Today I?ve learned a lesson thanks to the two of you. When this is all over, my son and I are going to
have a little talk. It?s time we both stopped being so stubborn," John proclaimed. "But first we have to
take care of business. Frank, where do we need to start?"

It took them the rest of the day to prepare everything, but by late that evening all was ready and
everyone was in place. Talia and Arin?s father were hiding outside of the lab, but the room was wired up
with the latest in visual and audio devices from the future. They were able to hear everything and see each
and every corner of the lab. Her father sat behind his desk waiting nervously. Apprehension filled his face
as the general walked into the lab, looking around cautiously before he moved forward. Talia grew
breathless with fear when she saw Arin follow close behind him.

"Professor Stevens, so nice to meet you at last. Your work has held my interest for quite some time," the
general said, shaking the professor?s hand.

"General." That was all the greeting Frank was prepared to give this insane man.

"And of course you know Arin. He was the one who explained exactly what, or should I say who is at
stake if you don?t cooperate with us," the general said patting Arin lightly on the back.

Talia?s father merely nodded at Arin then turned his attention back to the general.

"Your daughter is fine for now. Just provide us with the information we need and that will remain the
case," the general explained.

The professor hesitated a moment, then pulled his plans and research notes out of his briefcase. He
quickly gave them to the general.

"There. You have what you want. Now when do I get my daughter back?" Frank asked.

"All in good time professor. We?ll be in touch," the general said, turning and walking out of the lab. Arin
started to follow, turned, looked briefly at Talia?s father and nodded his head. Then he too was gone.

Talia breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the general leave. She turned to Arin?s father.

"I am so glad that?s over. Now you have everything that you need right? Evidence on tape, and the
plans in his possession. You shouldn?t need anything else to arrest this man and stop his maniacal plan."

John was about to turn away from the screen showing the professor in his lab when the appearance of

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someone else stopped him.

"Who is that?" John asked looking closer at the screen.

"Who--?" Talia looked at the monitor and her eyes widened in fear. "What?s Bligh doing there?"

Even as they spoke Bligh walked toward the professor.

"Hello Professor Stevens. I?m sure you thought you would never see me again. Well, life is full of little
surprises, isn?t it? Like the fact that the general decided he doesn?t need you anymore. Good-bye,
professor," Bligh said calmly as he pulled out a gun, put it up against her father?s head and shot him.

Talia watched in horror as her father fell to the floor.

"No! Father!" she screamed, as she headed for the lab running as fast as she could.

She was about to enter the building when the general walked out. Unable to stop, she ran into him and
he wrapped his hands firmly around her arms to steady her. When he saw who she was his eyes
narrowed dangerously and his grip tightened.

"Well, well. Who do we have here? Talia this is quite a surprise," the general said, releasing one of her
arms, pulling out a gun and holding it against her head. "What are you doing here girl?"

Before she could say a word, Arin?s father appeared from around the corner.

"Talia--" At the sight of the general holding her, John stopped in his tracks.

"John? Stay where you are. I wouldn?t want to hurt Talia due to your rashness," the general said, pulling
Talia against him. "Both of you, let?s go. Into the car before Arin comes out," he pushed them both into
the car that drove up with Bligh behind the wheel. The general got into the backseat with them and they
drove away.

"So, you?re here also, John? I see. It?s all starting to fall into place now. It seems Arin is a much better
son than I thought--loyal to you though you weren?t much of a father. The fathering fell to me, didn?t it?
And of course I did an excellent job teaching him. I am saddened by his betrayal, but life must go on.
Killing you will be easy because it was going to happen anyway, and the girl means nothing to me, but
Arin will be more difficult. I may have to have my friend Bligh handle it. He seems to have no problem
killing anyone, anytime, anywhere. Quite a useful trait, don?t you think?"

"Where is my son, General? I thought he was right behind you."

"He was. But when he heard the shot fired, he quickly got suspicious and ran back to see what had
happened. Mr. Bligh got a little excited at the prospect of killing and did the deed a bit sooner than was
planned. He was supposed to wait until Arin and I left the building. But in the end it worked out for the
better this way. I ran into both of you, didn?t I? And I?m sure Arin will be along eventually. Unfortunately
for you, by the time he comes you both will be dead, and I?ll be on my way to meet my destiny."

"Aren?t you worried, General? Arin will find my father dead and he?ll know that you were responsible.
He will be coming after you," Talia said.

"Actually, he won?t know if I?m responsible. You see, all along Mr. Bligh and I planned this to look like

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a suicide. Arin will see your father on the ground with the gun in his hand and a typed suicide note. There
will be no forced entry and nothing stolen. Everyone will think he committed suicide. Besides, when Arin
does come looking for me, Mr. Bligh will be there to take care of him. Won?t you, Bligh?"

"It will be my pleasure, sir. I owe him for that pounding he gave us the other night at The Dark Lantern.
But I?d like to ask you one favor in return for my service."

"Favor? You already know the reward you?ll be getting for services provided. What more could you
want?" the general asked, irritated by the request.

"Well, it would be a shame for Talia to die without me getting to know her a little better. I would like to
show her just how much I appreciate her beauty," Bligh said leering at Talia through the rearview mirror
and licking his lips. Talia gasped and recoiled back in her seat as if she had been physically struck.
Disgust and fear filled her eyes.

The general made a disgusted sound. "Bligh you?re disgusting. You need to just keep your mind on the
business at hand. I don?t care what you do to the girl as long as she ends up dead, but I don?t want to
hear about it," the general said.

Arin?s father squeezed her hand to reassure her, but all she could see was Bligh?s malevolent sneer in
the rearview mirror as he stared at her.

* * * *

Arin sat on the floor with Talia?s father in his arms. The man was dead. Regret and sadness filled him.
He ached for Talia, knowing that the pain she?d feel over the loss of her father would be profound. He
knew he should leave the lab before the police arrived. But something wasn?t right with this picture. The
professor had too much to live for to kill himself. He had Talia, and his soon-to-be-released findings. He
did carry around a lot of guilt about his deceased wife, but Arin still didn?t believe that would be enough.

Another factor that led him to believe this was no suicide was the behavior of the general. The man left
the building without a second look, even after he had heard the gunshot and Arin had returned to the lab.
The general had not seemed concerned at all. He was definitely involved. Yet he had been with him when
it happened. So that left only one other possible culprit--Mr. Bligh. Talia and his father must have seen
what had occurred. Why weren?t they in here? Several minutes had passed since the shooting.

Arin gently put the professor back down on the floor. He needed to find Talia and his father. Something
was wrong, he could feel it. First, he scribbled a quick note and pinned it to the professor?s shirt, then he
called the emergency number to let them know that someone had been shot. With a last look of regret on
his face, he turned away from Talia?s father and walked out of the lab. He would talk to Talia about all of
this when his mission was accomplished. He knew this was going to be extremely difficult for her to
handle right now, but they had to finish what they had begun. If they didn?t, many more people would

Arin looked for Talia and his dad in their designated hiding spot, but they were nowhere to be found. He
scanned the area around the building, but saw no one. Talia wouldn?t have just left after seeing her own
father gunned down. He drove his car out of the parking lot and headed to where he was sure everyone
would be. Then he switched on his wrist remote and spoke to Talia.

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"Esmerelda. We need to implement plan B. Contact everyone now."

"Arin are you sure?" the computer asked, worry obvious in her voice.

"Yes. It?s time to end this thing once and for all."

* * * *

Talia and John arrived at the house where the time jump was set up. The general hurried them inside to
a large room containing nothing more than some computer and transport equipment. She guessed that the
transport was for time travel. The general ordered Bligh to tie their hands and feet while they sat on the
floor. Then he walked into another room and shut the door. After they were tied up, Bligh turned to

"This, I?m going to enjoy. How about a taste of what?s to come darling?" Bligh said, leaning toward her
for a kiss. Just as he was about to kiss her he fell to the side. John had pushed him over by butting into
him with his head. In retaliation, Bligh got up and violently backhanded Arin?s father across the face.
John fell to the floor, hit his head and didn?t get up.

"Now where was I before we were so rudely interrupted?" Bligh asked with an evil grin as he reached
for her. He was interrupted again as the general called to him.

"Mr. Bligh get in here now!" Bligh gave her one last menacing look, then turned and headed into the
other room and closed the door behind him.

Just then she heard a groan from Arin?s father.

"Are you okay, John?" Talia asked.

"I?m fine, dear. Just a little dizzy from hitting my head. How about you? Are you okay? Did he hurt

"No. He didn?t get the chance. The general called him into the other room right after he knocked you
out," Talia assured him.

A few moments later the door opened and Bligh and the general came out.

"Now you?re sure you understand how everything works?" the general asked Bligh.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Go get the equipment ready. Don?t forget to keep a lookout for Arin. And Mr. Bligh? Leave the
girl alone for now. There will be plenty of time for that later," the general ordered, as he walked toward

"Well, John, I guess this is it. I?m off to fulfill my fate," the general said, looking down at him. "It?s a
shame that this sort of thing had to happen. You really have done a lot for the people, but you?re just too
shortsighted. I, on the other hand, see the past and the future laid out in front of me. Ready to make of it
what I will. With my elite team of specialized men, we can shape history for the better. And of course I?ll

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be deemed the hero for not only inventing time travel, but also for all my efforts," he finished with a
faraway look in his eyes. Talia could tell he was having visions of glory and adoration by the people.
Looking at him, Talia was startled at how much like Mark he was. Pretending his goals were noble and
for others, while all along they were only to boost his ego.

"How can you actually think that going back in time, killing innocent people, preventing births and
changing people?s lives is a heroic deed? You aren?t doing this for anything other than your own desire
to be rich and famous. In the end this will bring nothing but death and destruction to so many." Talia
could tell by the bored expression on his face that her words were falling on deaf ears.

"I wouldn?t expect someone like you to understand, Talia. You are a scientist, not a leader. If you were,
you would be able to see that what I am doing is for the whole of civilization. With the changes I make,
people will evolve faster into the perfect society, and I will be the perfect leader. So what if I get some
adoration and money along the way? I?m sacrificing much to go back in time and help mankind. I
deserve something for that."

Talia wanted to keep the man talking, hoping to stall the general until Arin got there. Just like Mark, the
general liked speaking about himself to anybody at any time. But Bligh returned and their discussion was
abruptly ended.

"Everything is ready, sir," Bligh said.

"Good. Let?s do this," the general said, turning away from John and Talia without a word. He walked
over to the transport carrying the case filled with her father?s plans and stepped inside. Bligh walked over
to the computer, keyed in something and the general was gone a moment later.

"Now that business is taken care of, it?s time for pleasure," Bligh said as he turned away from the
computer and headed back to where Talia was. "I should wait for your friend Arin to show up, but I just
can?t resist a little bite," he said showing his rotten teeth as he reached for her. Out of the corner of her
eye she saw John start to push over to them again. Bligh must have seen him too, because he turned
toward Arin?s father and kicked him in the ribs. John fell to the floor gasping for breath.

"I should finish you off right now old man, but I think I?ll let you live long enough to watch me have some
fun with Talia first. Then you can watch me kill her and your son, before I kill you," saying that, he kicked
John again and turned back to Talia.

"I really wish Arin were here to watch this," Bligh said as he grabbed Talia by the hair and pulled her to
her feet.

"Your wish is my command, Bligh," Arin?s mocking voice came from over by the transport.

Bligh swung around, still holding Talia by the hair. Though his voice was light, Talia could see the fury in
Arin?s eyes. His body radiated violence.

"How did you get in here without the alarm system going off?" Bligh asked shocked to see Arin inside
the house.

Arin ignored his question.

"Let the lady go," Arin commanded lifting the gun in his hand and pointing it at Bligh. "Now."

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Bligh dropped his hand to Talia waist and pulled her in front of him. Then he shook his other arm and a
small gun fell from his sleeve into his hand. He lifted it to point at Talia?s head.

"I never leave home without it," Bligh said with a smug smile, referring to the gun in his hand.

"Why don?t you just drop the gun, Arin, before I have to shoot our pretty little friend here," Bligh said
slowly backing away from Arin while holding Talia firmly in front of him with the gun pointed to her head.

Arin slowly bent down, keeping his eyes on Bligh, and set the gun on the floor. Bligh continued backing
up as Arin did this. He must have forgotten about Arin?s father, because he continued walking back
toward him. John met Arin?s gaze and nodded at him.

"Now stand up and lift your hands away from your body." Giving nothing away Arin slowly came back
up and lifted his hands in the air.

"Well, it looks like I?m the one in control now. Whaaa!" Bligh never finished his sentence. He had
backed up to where Arin?s father was and tripped over John?s raised legs. His hold on Talia loosened
and she ran out of his arms before he fell. His head hit the floor as he landed and the gun flew out of his

Arin quickly scooped up his own gun and ran over to pick up Bligh?s weapon.

Once he controlled both weapons, he turned to Talia. She immediately ran into his arms.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Arin asked her.

She shook her head against his shoulder. She didn?t want to speak. She just wanted to feel him as he
held her tightly.

"Talia?" Arin?s voice sounded concerned.

"No, Arin. He really didn?t hurt me. You came before that could happen," Talia replied.

Arin released her and slipped his hand in hers as he turned and walked over to where his dad sat on the
ground. He let go of Talia?s hand only long enough to untie his father and help him stand up. Then he
gave him a hug.

"Good work, Dad. How are you holding up? I came in just as Bligh kicked you. How are you?"

"I?ve definitely felt better, but I?ll manage. I?m just glad you got here before that animal could hurt Talia.
Speaking of which, it looks like he?s starting to come around," he nodded toward where Bligh was on
the ground. He was trying to pick himself up while holding his head.

Arin let go of Talia so he could tie Bligh up. The man opened his eyes briefly, but when he saw Arin, he
just groaned and closed them again. Arin propped him up against one of the far walls, took something out
of the back pocket of his jeans and stuck it in Bligh?s front shirt pocket. He walked back to where Talia
was waiting with John.

"I?m sorry, son, but we couldn?t stop the general. He?s already time jumped and he could be anywhere,
anytime by now," Arin?s father explained.

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"Don?t worry about the general, Dad. I know exactly where he is right now. Tristan and his men are
probably taking him to the detention center to interrogate him as we speak."

"But Arin, we saw him jump. According to him, he was meeting his destiny, not returning to his time. So
how can that be?" Talia asked.

"Let?s just say that I used time to help me plan the general?s demise. When I realized the general had
you, I told Esmerelda to contact Tristan and give him the location coordinates for my and the general?s
arrival to this time. He traveled back here and reprogrammed the transport to only return to our time. As
far as the alarm went, Esmerelda was able to disarm it quickly. Then I slipped in unnoticed. I simply
waited for the general to jump and fall into our trap before making my presence here known," he told
Talia. Then he turned to his father.

"Dad, you and I have to meet with the Chamber to go over what happened. Plus we need to help
Tristan track down the elite team that the general trained to take with him on his travels. They have to be
brought into custody and questioned," Arin explained as he and his father walked toward the transport.
Talia didn?t budge. When he realized she wasn?t behind him, he turned around.

"Talia, please, I know you?re upset over your father. But we have to go," Arin said holding out his hand
to her.

Talia had to clasp her hands together and squeeze her nails into her palm to keep from running to Arin
and taking his hand.

"I can?t leave Arin," she said in a small voice. "What about my father? And what about Bligh? He can?t
just be let go after murdering Dad. And I can?t let the world think my father committed suicide when he
didn?t. I need to stay here and take care of--take care of my father," Talia choked out, tears forming in
her eyes. She didn?t want to cry, not now. She had to be strong. However her heart didn?t listen to her
mind and the tears streamed down her face as she looked at Arin across the room. She had just lost her
father, and now she was about to lose the man she loved.

Arin walked back over to where Talia stood and put his arms around her.

"Talia, I?m sorry for being so callous. And I?m sorry about your father. If I had been able to get to him
before Bligh shot him, I would have. In the short time that I knew your dad, he became a man that I
respected greatly. I would do anything to bring him back for you, but I can?t. As far as Bligh is
concerned, he will be getting what he deserves. The police will paying him a visit here in the next few
minutes. You see, I left a note in the lab for the police to find, explaining that the person who murdered
your father could be found at this address. And, in case you didn?t notice, I put one of the monitor
cassettes that we used to record the general in Bligh?s front pocket for the police to find. People will
know that your father didn?t commit suicide and Bligh will pay for his crime."

"And what about his time travel work. Isn?t that something that needs to be made public if history is to
go as planned?" Talia asked.

"Yes, and Esmerelda is supposed to be sending that to me right about now," Arin said looking toward
the transport. Suddenly her father?s case appeared.

"We can leave this here for the police to find. Your father?s name is written all over it. I?m sure your
authorities here will make sure it gets into the right hands and time travel experimentation will begin." Arin
took the case and set it down on the ground by the entrance to the house. He angled it so that the

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"Property of Professor Frank Stevens" sign could be seen easily by anybody who picked it up.

Arin returned to Talia, stood right in front of her and gently lifted her chin so that she looked up at him.

"Talia, come with me. Your father is gone. I want you to make a new life with me in my time. I?ve never
felt like this about anyone before. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you,"
Arin said softly, as he lowered his head and kissed her. The moment he thought he might lose her, the
realization came to him. He loved Talia and wanted to be with her always. He moved away from her,
held out his hand and gazed at her expectantly.

Talia?s heart skipped a beat at his words and his tender kiss. She wanted to be with Arin also. Yet, she
had to ask herself who would she be in the future, what could she do? Here her life was full with her
genetic research. It meant so much to her. Yet it would also be so empty without her father and Arin. As
she raised her gaze to look at this man who had so changed her life and saw the love in his eyes for her,
she knew the answer to her question. She loved Arin and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him,
no matter what the conditions. Her father?s funeral arrangements had already been planned long ago.
After her mother?s death, he and Talia had taken care of all the necessary plans for him also. She
remembered the conversation they?d had after her mother?s funeral.

"If anything should happen to me Talia, I don?t want you to have to carry the burden of organizing
everything. I will take care of it all now, so you won?t have deal with it at a time like that," her father had
explained without emotion, as if he were talking about something other than his own funeral.

Her father?s logical approach to everything had often surprised and sometimes irritated her. But now she
was glad he had used that cold logic. She shook her head, and looking at her father?s briefcase, she
softly whispered. "Good-bye, Dad." Then turned to face Arin.

"I?m ready to go," she said with a sad smile, taking his hand as they walked over to where Arin?s father

When Arin stopped before reaching the transport, Talia looked at him curiously.

"I promise you this, Talia. I?ll strive to make you happy all the days of your life," Arin promised. He
lowered his head and kissed her again before continuing on to the transport.

"I?m glad you?re coming with us, Talia," John said, smiling and holding her other hand, as they all
stepped into the transport together.

"Now Esmerelda," Arin said into his wrist remote.

One minute they were in the house and the next they were in a time jump lab surrounded by Tristan and
his men. Talia?s dizziness passed quickly this time.

As they stepped away from each other, a man ran up to John immediately and began speaking quietly to
him. Tristan walked up to Arin and Talia, who still remained holding hands. He greeted her with a quick
kiss on the cheek.

"Talia, it?s good to see you again. I?m sorry about your father. Arin told us what happened."

"Thank you, Tristan," Talia said quietly as tears welled up in her eyes. Arin squeezed her hand

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"Arin, I hate to do this right now, but I need to brief you on the general."

"I know," Arin said, nodding his head. "But let me get Talia settled in at my place, and then we can get to
together to discuss it in the morning. Agreed?"

"Sure. I?ll speak to you then. Take care of yourself Talia," Tristan said, giving Talia?s arm a quick pat,
then turned and walked over to speak with another uniformed officer.

"Let?s say good-bye to my father, and then we can go home," Arin suggested. Talia nodded her head in
agreement. Arin had used the word home as if he wanted it to be her home too. It made her feel warm
and helped hold back the tears she knew were about to come.

By the time they got back to Arin?s house, Talia was ready to drop. Esmerelda?s voice was the first to
greet her.

"Talia it?s so good to see you back. I?m sorry to hear about you father," the computer said.

"Thank you, Esmerelda," Her father?s death and all that had happened afterward suddenly overwhelmed

"Arin, I?m exhausted. I really think I need to lay--" she reached for Arin, but never finished her sentence
as she fainted.

Arin scooped her up in his arms and carried her into his bedroom. He took off her shoes and socks and
laid her under the covers in his bed.

"The poor thing must be exhausted after everything she?s been through as well as this time jumping back
and forth. It is not easy on the human body, Arin. After all the jumping you?ve done in the last 24 hours,
I?m surprised you?re still standing. Is there anything I can get you?" the computer asked, but no one
answered. She waited a moment and tried again.


When no one answered, she viewed the room and saw that Arin was curled next to Talia on the bed, his
arm thrown protectively over her waist.

"Goodnight you two," Esmerelda said as she turned her monitor off for the night.

Chapter 11

"What do you mean she has to go back, Henry?" John asked incredulously. "My son has finally found
someone who is as strong and intelligent as him. Someone so like his mother it makes me want to cry.
And being beautiful doesn?t hurt either," he said smiling sheepishly. "I want my son to be happy. He
deserves it. And Talia loves him too. She has no on else now that her father is dead."

"I?m sorry, John, but consider the deaths that will result if she doesn?t go back. Think about it. She
discovers the gene responsible for curing three life-threatening diseases during her life. Not one or two,

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but three diseases. The lives she saves are countless. She has to go back. You know it as well as I do."

John nodded his head.

"I?ll talk to Talia in the morning," John said in a resigned voice, then lifted his chin stubbornly. "But I
won?t tell her she has to go. I?m going to leave that choice up to her."

* * * *

Sometime in the middle of the night, Talia threw the covers off of her. She was too hot. When she
realized she was wearing her clothes, she slipped out of them until she had nothing on but her underwear.
Why was she sleeping in her clothes? And why was the bed so warm? Her father must have turned the
heat up too high by accident. When she got up to turn the thermometer down, she realized that she was
not in her own bed.

"Talia, is everything okay?" Arin?s deep voice asked from the bed. At the sound of it she gasped and
jumped in surprise. Hearing him speak brought everything back to her and tears formed in her eyes. As if
sensing her distress, Arin immediately got out of bed and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms
around her and held her close. When he did so it was like releasing a dam that had built up inside her.
The tears flowed freely and she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I?m sorry, my love. I wish I could make it all go away." Arin said soothingly, holding her and rubbing
his hands up and down her back gently.

Talia was unsure how long she cried, but as she snuggled closer to Arin, her sobbing stopped. He
continued to hold her silently, his arms enveloping her in warmth. And then, as if one switch had been
turned off and another one on, she became aware of Arin?s hard completely nude body pressed against
her. She felt her nipples tighten and, as she breathed in the scent of him, a small throbbing began at the
center of her and spread throughout her body. Her hands, which were wrapped around his waist, itched
to explore the hard contours of his back beneath her fingers. After a short struggle, she gave in and let
her hands roam over him. In response, he groaned and pulled her even tighter against him, until she could
feel his body?s response to her.

"Talia?" his voice was hoarse. His question was unmistakable.

"Please, Arin. I need you. I need this. Love me." Talia pleaded, letting her hands wander down to caress
the firm roundness of his buttocks.

Arin lowered his head and kissed her tenderly. He opened her mouth by running his tongue along the
seam of her lips. His tongue delved between her teeth, searching for hers. She met him halfway and their
tongues danced. Arin gripped her bottom and pressed her against him. She felt the solid length of him,
and a small whimper escaped her throat.

He trailed his kisses from her mouth, down to her neck. He licked and nipped her skin and she shivered
at the feel of his teeth and hot tongue. Suddenly he stopped, picked her up and laid her down on the bed.
Following her down, he lay beside her.

"Have we met here sometime before?" Arin asked in a teasing voice, smiling down at her.

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"Yes. But I?m hoping for a different ending this time," she said, smiling seductively at him.

"Oh? I think I can oblige you," Arin said with a sexy smile. He focused on her mouth and his smile
disappeared as his eyes darkened with passion. He lowered his head and kissed her passionately. His
hands slid up her body and he began caressing her breasts. His mouth soon followed. Soon Talia was
writhing from the pleasure he was bringing her. His mouth left her breasts and immediately she cried out
in protest. Arin just gazed up at her for a moment, then smiled.

"You?re so beautiful," he said running the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. "This mouth was made
for kissing." Then he kissed her again and left no doubt about his desire for her. He was acting like a man
dying of thirst and her mouth was water. His hands slid down her body and he gently pulled her panties
down her legs and off. He ran his hand so slowly back up Talia?s leg that she almost grabbed it and
pulled it to its final destination. When his hand finally reached her, he just laid it over her womanhood.
She automatically lifted into his touch. He groaned her name and slipped his fingers between her folds.
They worked magic on her. She began moaning his name over and over again.

He ran his mouth slowly down her body, leaving a trail of kisses on his way. When his fingers stopped
caressing her, she unconsciously bucked up in search of his hands. Arin put his hands under her bottom,
grabbing her firmly and brought her up to his mouth. The feel of his tongue playing her so well left her
gasping. She felt herself tumbling closer and closer to the edge. But just before she was ready to go over,
Arin pulled away. He spread her thighs and positioned himself above her. He plunged in deeply and filled
her so completely that Talia feared he wouldn?t be able to move without hurting her. However, when he
began pulling out slightly and the tingles of pleasure started again, she forgot her fears. She lifted her hips
to meet him halfway. Soon his breathing became as labored as hers. She exploded first with a soft cry as
fireworks went off in her head. With a few more deep thrusts Arin followed, his whole body stiffening as
he spilled himself inside her.

Afterwards they lay together snuggling and talking. Talia described growing up with her father and the
death of her mother. She also spoke briefly about Mark. Arin?s criticism had been swift and concise on
that subject.

"The man was obviously an arrogant, selfish, self-centered fool to give up someone like you. I?m sorry
he hurt you, Talia. But as I see it, his loss was my gain." Arin smiled roguishly. His dimples and his words
earning him a tender kiss.

They slept for a while, until Talia woke to the feel of Arin gently nuzzling her breasts. They made love
again, and again, and again. As the sun began to rise they finally fell into an exhausted sleep in each
other?s arms. Later on, Esmerelda?s voice broke into their dreams.

"Arin? Wake up, Arin. Talia? You both need to wake up," The computer said insistently.

"Why?" Talia?s voice croaked.

"What is it Esmerelda?" Arin asked, his voice deep from sleep.

"Your father is here. And he is adamant about seeing both of you right away," the computer explained.

"This is becoming quite a habit for my father," Arin said smiling at Talia. "Please ask him to wait in the
study Esmerelda, we?ll meet him there momentarily. And please have some coffee waiting for us there."

"I?ll do that," said Esmerelda.

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Ten minutes later Arin and Talia entered the study. Once again Talia felt self-conscious about keeping
John waiting. Although she had changed into clothing provided by Esmerelda, as well as run a brush
through her hair, she still felt like Arin?s father knew what they had been doing. When she entered the
study, she couldn?t keep from blushing.

The minute she looked over at John, she noticed immediately that his mind was occupied with something
serious. His mouth was set in a grim line, and when he looked at her, she saw only pity. Something was
wrong. In response, she grabbed Arin?s hand and held on to it firmly.

"What is it, John?" Talia asked. Dreading his next words.

"There?s a problem with you being here, Talia," he said looking uncomfortable with his words.

Arin pulled Talia behind him in an unconscious move to protect her.

"I want Talia here father, and she wants to be here. That?s all that matters. I see no problem with that,"
Arin said in a voice that brooked no argument.

"I also want Talia to stay with us. I can see you two are in love and it pleases me immensely. But I have
a duty to fulfill which forces me to make Talia aware of the consequences of her time travel," John said

"Consequences?" Talia repeated, stepping around Arin.

"The choice is ultimately yours Talia, but I must make you aware of these facts. Your move to our time
leaves some very important business left undone. You see, you?re destined to continue your research
during your time. And the result of that hard work will be the manipulation of a gene that will help cure
three major diseases. Your presence in 2000 will save the lives of countless people. I also must tell you
that one of the cures you discover is for the disease your mother died from."

At his words her eyes widened in shock.

"I?m sorry. I know this is a difficult thing to hear. I wish I didn?t have to bring you this information. As I
said before, I would love for you to become part of our family. We really need a good woman around.
But with so much at stake, I couldn?t not tell you," he said with regret on his face.

"I know John, and I understand. You?ve given me much to think about. If both of you would excuse me,
I?d like some time alone," she said stiffly, avoiding Arin?s gaze.

"Of course. Take your time," Arin said, standing as Talia left the study.

"Dad, are you sure?" Arin asked in frustration, running his hands through his hair as he paced the room.

"Yes, son, I?m sure. Henry told me about this last night and I spent the rest of the evening finding out
what Talia was meant to do. According to history, during her lifetime she will not only help cure three
life-threatening diseases, but also by doing this she will prevent a horrendous plague. One of these
diseases was so easily transmitted that one tenth of the population had it or were dying from it by the time
she found the remedy. I hate to say it, but she really needs to be back in her time, Arin. I?m sorry."

"So am I, Dad. So am I," Arin said angrily as he stormed out of the room.

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Arin didn?t go to Talia. He knew that this was a decision she had to make on her own. He wanted to try
to dissuade her from leaving and even force her to stay here with him, but he knew that would kill
whatever relationship they had. Always he had been able to control the elements of his life by keeping a
strict rein on his feelings. He felt he had mastered this technique until he met Talia. From the start, things
had consistently been out of control with her--his reactions to her, his feelings for her and the way they
interacted with each other. Initially this had bothered him, but as she became more important to him that
control didn?t seem to matter anymore. He loved her the way she was. He had finally found his true soul
mate by traveling through time. Now time was taking her away from him, and he had no way to stop or
control it.

Or did he? Maybe there was a way. He went in search of his father. They needed to talk.

* * * *

Talia sat at the kitchen table drinking the tea Esmerelda had made for her. Though she sat there quietly,
her mind was racing. She knew she had no choice but to return to her time. Peoples? lives depended on
it. Her life dream could actually be achieved--finding the cure to her mother?s disease. But her father
wouldn?t be around to see it or share in the wonderfulness of it.

Neither would Arin. Just thinking about living without him made her heart ache. She could no longer
imagine a life without seeing his eyes as they darkened in desire, or hearing him laugh so openly, or touch
him as he held her in his arms. Closing her eyes she saw his smiling face, dimples showing and mischief in
his gaze. How could she live without him? She loved him.

"Dreaming of me again, princess?" Arin whispered in her ear and her eyes shot open. The man had a
knack for turning up every time she thought of him, as if she were conjuring him up in her mind. He smiled
down at her and she couldn?t help but return the smile. His eyes caressed her face and she thought he
might kiss her when suddenly he pulled away. Confused, she turned around just in time to see Arin?s
father enter the kitchen.

"Talia? Have you come to any kind of a decision yet?" John asked her.

"Yes, I have," Talia replied looking directly at Arin as she spoke. "I have to go to my time. I can?t turn
my back on all of those sick people. I couldn?t live with myself if so many died because of my
negligence. As much as I would like to stay here with you, I-I just can?t," Talia said softly. This was
tearing her apart. The tears rolled freely down her face. "I?m sorry, Arin. I don?t know how I?m going to
live without you."

Arin said nothing. He just walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. He held her like that for
a few minutes, then finally spoke.

"I understand. Let my father explain the details of your travel back," Arin said gently guiding her back to
her seat.

"Talia, you?ve decided to go back to your time. Now you must decide when you want to go back."

"When? It doesn?t really matter does it?" she asked.

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"Yes it does. You see, you can return to the time before your father died if you so choose," John

Talia?s eyes widened in excitement.

"I can? Well, then of course I would want to return before my father dies. I want my father back."

"Wait, Talia. Before you decide, there is one condition to returning before your father dies. Your
memory of what happened with Bligh and the general, as well as your memory of your time here with us
in the future will have to be erased. There is too much at stake with you father?s work for you to
unknowingly hinder it because of your knowledge," Arin?s father explained.

Talia was stunned by his words.

"You can erase a person?s memory for a specified period of time?"

"Yes. It was a technique perfected during our last world war. Only a small portion of it will be lost, the
rest of your memories will remain yours."

She looked at Arin and saw the haunting look in his eyes as he watched her. It was then that she realized
what her memory loss would truly mean.

"Are you saying I?ll have no memory of Arin or the time we spent together?" she asked, turning to John.


Talia closed her eyes in pain and asked the only other question she could.

"And if I return after my father?s death?"

"You may keep all of your memory. At that point your father?s work will be on its way and with the
appropriate people. It will be out of your hands by then," John told her.

"This is my choice?" Talia asked angrily as she opened her eyes and pinned Arin with her furious gaze.
"Losing the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with or losing the father I have loved all my

Arin saw the pain in her eyes through the anger. He was angry as well. His hands gripped the back of
the chair hard enough to break it, and his jaw clenched and unclenched in his attempt to control his
frustration over the whole situation. He couldn?t lose her now. He knew already that she would decide to
return to her father when he was still alive. He would expect no less of her. Knowing this he spoke
quickly of the decision he had made.

"Talia, there is another way. It is possible for us to be together in your time."

His father interrupted him at that point.

"Arin, are you sure about this?" his father asked, pain and worry showing in his face.

"Yes, father. I love Talia, and I want to be with her. Besides, you can come visit us whenever you want.
You know you would always be welcome," Arin assured him.

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"What are you two talking about?" Talia asked.

"I have decided to return to your time as well," Arin replied.

Arin saw the pain in her eyes disappear as they lit up with joy.

"So we can be together," she said relief and love obvious in her voice.

He nodded his head in agreement, then continued.

"There is only one person who can stop us."

"Who?" she asked suspicion creeping into her voice.

"You. I know you want to go back before your father died. Therefore the memory of our time together
will be lost to you. Meeting me will be like meeting a stranger. You will remember nothing about me. Not
even that we love each other," he said gently.

"No. I will never forget that," Talia promised, her eyes shining with love for Arin. "No matter what you
take from my mind, my feelings are still there. I will feel something for you when I see you again, Arin.
Have no doubt about that. We?re connected now with or without my memory."

As she said this, she went to him and he welcomed her into his arms. He pulled her firmly against him, so
that she felt every part of him.

"I have no intention of letting you go," he spoke quietly into her ear. "Even if you feel nothing when you
see me again, it won?t stop me. I will have you no matter what. We are meant to be together regardless
of the time we?re in. I won?t give up," he said in a voice as firm as granite. When she looked up into his
eyes she saw the determination and promise there.

"You better not," she said grasping his head and bringing his lips down to hers. He needed no further
urging. He kissed her deeply and thoroughly, conveying his love to her. She did the same, holding nothing
back as she tried to tell him without words, how much she cared for him. They both had forgotten about
Arin?s father until he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Ahem. Well, I better be going. I?ll get everything prepared at the transport station for a time jump this
evening. I will contact you with the details later on today." John got no response from the two of them as
he walked out of the kitchen. Not that he expected to, considering how busy they were when he left.
Then he smiled at a thought that had not crossed his mind until now. Grandchildren.

Talia and Arin spent the remainder of the day thoroughly getting to know each other- mind and body.
Even in the evening as they stopped to shower and have something to eat, they held hands. They each
talked about their lives and what their hopes and dreams were. Arin knew of Talia?s dreams, but when
Arin told her about his, she was shocked.

"You?re an artist?" she asked.

"Yes. When I?m not being a soldier that is. Did you notice the sculptures and paintings in my bedroom?
I did them all. The creative outlet that I get from the order of my life is fantastic. One day I had hoped to
try to sell some of my work. Now that may not be possible," he explained shrugging.

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"You could pursue art in my time. We do have culture there too, you know. Quite a bit of it actually.
And I did see the sculptures and paintings. They were beautiful. I think your work would go over well in
any time," she told him.

"Thank you, princess," he said smiling, leaning down and kissing her softly on the lips. As he raised his
head, she saw that he had suddenly become very serious.

"Speaking of your time, I think we need to get you to the time transport. Are you ready?" he asked
studying her face intently, as if memorizing it for all time.

Talia could tell he thought she wouldn?t remember him.

"I won?t forget you, Arin. You just come back to me, and you?ll see. My heart will tell me who you are.
The heart never forgets," she pledged. They kissed each other then, gently, slowly, savoring the feel of
each other?s mouths. When they broke apart she spoke.

"I?m ready to go back."

* * * *

When they arrived, everything was set up. Arin?s father approached them immediately.

"You?ve decided when you want to return?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Yes. I want to return to my father before he dies, before he actually finds out about any of what
happened. Can you do that?"

"Yes, that will be no problem, but first we have to work on your memory. You will be given a light
sedative. After about an hour, you?ll wake up. By then, the time jump will be complete. When you wake
up, it will be in your own time, with no memory of the future or us. Do you understand all of this Talia?"
John asked her gravely.

"Yes," she answered, nodding her head. Then she turned to Arin.

"I guess this is good-bye," she said sadly, as tears formed in her eyes. She reached out to hold his hand.
Arin pulled her into his arms and held her close. Suddenly she wasn?t sure about any of this.

"Not good-bye, princess," he whispered in her ear. "Until we meet again."

"But what if we never get--"

"Shh." Arin covered her lips with his fingers. "You should know by now not to use the word never until
tomorrow comes. The future is a constantly shifting thing, Talia. We will meet again, and be together for
the rest of our lives. I always get what I want, remember?" he said, smiling, dimples and all.

Talia studied his beautiful face for a moment more, hoping to somehow hang on to his image even after
they took her memory. Then he lowered his head and gave her one last poignant kiss.

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"We better get you out of here before I change my mind and make you stay here with me forever as my
love slave," he said, chuckling and walking her over to where his father waited with another man. They
stood next to what looked like a dentist?s chair.

"Talia this is Dr. Rhodes. He will be doing the memory procedure. Please have a seat in the chair and try
to relax," John instructed, pointing to the dentist?s chair.

"Going to be pulling some teeth at the same time, huh?" she asked them with a laugh, but none of them
seemed to get her joke. They just looked at her in question. Dentists? offices must be different in their

"Never mind." Talia lay back in the chair and looked up to see Arin standing over her. The love in his
gaze shined brightly. She smiled up at him as tears formed in her eyes. Arin wiped them gently away.

"I?ll see you soon, my love," he assured her.

"Talia. I?m going to be injecting this sedative into you arm in a moment. There will be a little prick. Then
I want you to start counting backwards from one hundred. Okay?" Dr. Rhodes asked her.

She nodded her head in silent agreement.

"Talia, it has been a pleasure getting to know you. I hope to see you one day soon also. Take care of
yourself," Arin?s father said giving her a light peck on her cheek.

"Thank you, John. For everything," she replied with a smile.

"Here we go," the doctor said. She felt the needle jab her arm, but she kept her eyes glued on Arin.

"I love you," she said softly. "Always."

"Always," he agreed.

Then she began counting, refusing to take her gaze from his face.

"One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight, ninety-seven, ninety-six, ninety-five..." She held on to Arin?s
image as long as she could, then everything started to blur and the blackness enveloped her.

Chapter 12

Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven, fifty-six.... STOP IT! She had to relax. She had to stop counting down
the seconds until Bligh was due to arrive at The Dark Lantern. She had no idea what he wanted of her
and her father, but she did know that it meant trouble. Anything having to do with that criminal was no
good. Just look at the place where he had instructed her to meet him. It was a den of the most unsavory
characters she had ever encountered in her life. And the later the hour grew, the more dangerous the
newcomers walking in looked.

Yet the most disturbing thing was the man across the room who had been staring at her from the moment
she walked through the door. He was gazing at her so intently that it was unsettling. It was his eyes that

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bothered her the most. They were the deep gray of storm clouds threatening rain. His dark eyebrows,
long thick eyelashes and strong, hawk like nose only intensified the effect. His midnight black hair fell
loose to his shoulders. Surprisingly, in contrast to the hardness of the rest of his face, his lips looked full
and sensual. She could almost imagine the feel of them on hers. And for some reason she couldn?t stop
staring at them. Suddenly his mouth curved into a smile, which she could only describe as sexy, despite
the boyish dimples surrounding it.

Sexy? What was wrong with her? She didn?t even know this guy. Quickly turning away from the man,
she concentrated on watching the entrance. She shook her head trying to clear it. She really needed to
get more sleep. She had been working too hard lately. Ever since the other morning when she?d woken
up fully dressed and didn?t remember coming home from the lab or why she had her clothes on, she?d
known she needed to slow down. Her research was going well, and her excitement over her work made
her forget to do things like sleep and eat.

Where was Bligh? He should have been here by now.

"Waiting for someone?" Talia almost jumped out of her seat at the sound of the unfamiliar male voice.
She swung around to where it came from just in time to see the man from across the room sit down at
her table. She stared at him in shock, unable to say anything. If she thought he was good looking from
afar, he was magnificent close up. And he just oozed male sexuality. She felt drawn to him and suddenly
had the urge to reach her hand across the table and caress his face. Watching her hand move toward him
seemingly of its own accord, she snatched it back and forced herself to place both hands on her lap. He
seemed to take no notice of her actions as he continued smiling and waiting for her response.

"What did you say?" she finally asked him.

"I was wondering if you were waiting for someone. Specifically, if you were waiting for a Mr. Bligh?"

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously at his question. Maybe he was one of Bligh?s henchmen, sent to do the
dirty work. She hesitated a moment, trying to decide what to tell this man, but in the end told him the

"Yes. As a matter of fact I am. Do you work with Mr. Bligh? What does he want from me?" she asked,
without waiting for his reply, assuming he was under Bligh?s employ.

"No. I wouldn?t work for a man like Bligh. I?m just here to let you know that he will not be keeping his
appointment with you."

"What happened?" she asked.

"He was arrested by the police this morning," he explained.

"That doesn?t surprise me. Hopefully whatever he was charged with will stick, and they can keep him in
jail, where he belongs."

"I would think so. This time it?s for murder. It seems that he killed someone and then turned himself in."

"Who was the victim?" Talia didn?t know why she was so interested in what happened, but it was as if
she just had to know.

"From what I heard it was some military general. The police have no more specifics on the name of the

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man that was killed. According to them, Bligh just keeps calling the man ?The General.?"

As the information sank in, Talia felt relief that Bligh wouldn?t be bothering her and her father again.
Then her curiosity got the better of her.

"Are you a police officer? How did you know Bligh was supposed to meet me here this evening Mr.--?"

"Arin, Arin McClintock at your service," he replied with a mischievous grin as he bowed his head to her.
Talia felt an overwhelming urge to smile back, as if they knew each other well.

"No, I?m not a policeman. I?m actually an artist. I just worked with the police on this occasion, helping
them get information. As far as Bligh goes, it was a simple case of him keeping an appointment book,
Talia," he answered.

"How did you know my name?" she asked in surprise. The sound of it coming from his lips seemed so
natural, as if he had said it many times before.

"It was in the appointment book. Talia Stevens, right?"

She silently nodded her head, staring at him. There was something so familiar about him using her name.
But how could it be? She had never met this man before. If she had, she would have remembered. He
was someone that would be difficult to forget. She couldn?t stop staring at him, and he was eating it up.
As his mouth spread into a seductive smile her tongue darted out to wet her own suddenly parched lips.
His eyes followed her tongue, and then he looked up at her. She noticed his eyes had darkened like they
always did when he became aroused.

How did she know that? She didn?t even know this man, or did she?

"Have we met before?" she finally asked.

His smile grew wide and his eyes seemed to light up in excitement.

"Yes. But I?m hoping for a different ending this time," he answered mysteriously.

"Oh? I think I can oblige you," she replied without thinking and smiled up at him. Her face turned red as
she realized what she had just said. Where had that come from? She had no idea.

He was confusing her. She needed to get away before he had her saying and doing things she shouldn?t
be. She quickly stood up to leave.

"Please excuse me. I really should be going," she told him. But he rose to his feet also and held out his
hand to her. She had this incredible urge to walk into his arms, but she somehow managed to hold herself

"Why don?t I walk you to your car? This is not the place or the time of night for a lady to be on her
own," he said.

Talia only hesitated a moment. For some reason she felt like she could trust this man. She took his hand
and walked with him out to the parking lot. Holding hands with him seemed natural to her, and as they
reached her car she was hesitant to release him. She finally forced herself to because she needed both
hands to open her purse and pull the car keys out. As she lifted them out Arin took them from her and

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unlocked her door, but he didn?t open it. Instead he moved closer to her, so that she was forced to
move back until she was up against the car. A slight feeling of apprehension went through her as she
realized that she didn?t even know this man and he had her in a very vulnerable position.

He must have seen something in her eyes because he put a little distance between them. Hr took her
hand again and looked deeply into her eyes.

"I won?t hurt you, princess," he promised solemnly.

Something shifted inside her at his words. It was so subtle, yet so earth shattering.

"Wh-what did you say?"

"I won?t hurt you, princess."

She studied him silently, then finally spoke.

"I know," she said soberly, looking up into his eyes.

And she did know somehow, in her heart, that this man meant her no harm. She also felt a compelling
need to get to know him better, to spend time with him. She could say that it was a physical reaction to
how attractive and virile he was, but that wasn?t what she was feeling inside. It was more like a need to
connect with him on an emotional level.

"Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?" she blurted out. Her face turned red as she
realized the implications of what she had just asked.

Arin gave her a look so smoky that her knees threatened to give way beneath her. Then he brought her
hand to his lips and kissed the soft fleshy inside of her palm.

"I?d like that Talia," Arin replied as he released her.

Before she could change her mind, Talia quickly scribbled her home and work number down on a piece
of paper and gave it to him.

"Call me tomorrow and we can make plans for the evening then?" she suggested.

"You can count on it," he assured her. Then he opened the door for her. She got in and started the car.

"Until tomorrow?" she asked through her open window.

"Tomorrow," he agreed with a smile, as he watched her drive away.

Arin walked to his own car and drove out of the parking lot.

"How did it go, Arin? Did she recognize you?"

"It went very well, Esmerelda," he said with an excited grin. "Talia was right. The heart never forgets."

The End

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