Pixie Bonnet

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Copyright ©2012 Carrie A. Piper for Oodles 4 Noodles, all rights reserved.

Pixie Bonnet Tutorial


• Any yarn with appropriate hook
• Yarn needle for weaving in ends
• Tape measure
• Stitch marker

Legal Stuff:

You may do anything you like with items

you make using my patterns. If you sell

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not copy any part of this pattern and

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it elsewhere. Thank You !

Basic method:

This an easy hat to make. You basically
crochet a rectangle fold it and sew up

the back.


Crochet a gauge swatch. With the yarn and hook you want to use, chain
about 30 and crochet 5 or 6 rows using the stich pattern you intend to use in the

bonnet. Measure your gauge with your measuring tape. Lay your measuring

tape across a row in the middle of your swatch. Measure how many stitches (or
stitch pattern repeats if using a stitch pattern) in four inches. Divide this number

by 4 and that is how many stitches (or pattern repeats) in one inch. Remember

this number.

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Copyright ©2012 Carrie A. Piper for Oodles 4 Noodles, all rights reserved.


Decide what size bonnet you would like to make. Here is a general chart of the
rectangle size you need for each size.

Newborn: 11” x 5”

0-6 Months: 12” x 5.5”
6-12 Months: 14” x 6”

12-24 Months: 16” x 6.5”

Using your gauge, crochet a rectangle meeting your size. Leave a long tail for
sewing up back of bonnet.

For example:

• My gauge is 3.5 dc per inch. I want to make a Newborn Bonnet. 11” x

3.5 dc = 38.5 dc. To make things easier, I round up to 39 dc.

• So I chain 41, dc in the third chain from my hook and in each chain across

(39 dc).

• At the end of the row, chain 2, turn and dc in each stitch. Continue this

until the rectangle has a width of 5 “.

Here is a diagram.

Secure last stitch with a stitch marker. Do not tie off. You will be coming back to

this loop.

Fold rectangle on the fold line as indicated in the diagram with right sides out (if
you have a right side). Slip stich, single crochet or whip stitch the back together

using the tail of the foundation chain.

Foundation Chain edge 11”

This is the back of the bonnet you will

sew together. Dotted line is a fold line.

Front Face opening of Bonnet

Side of rows.
Measures 5”

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Copyright ©2012 Carrie A. Piper for Oodles 4 Noodles, all rights reserved.


Pick up the last stitch you secured in Step Three. To finish off, sc around the
bottom edge.

For ties: Chain 45, slip st each ch, sc around the bottom edge of the bonnet, ch
45, slip st, each ch, join to bonnet, fasten off and weave in ends.

For chin strap: Sc around bottom edge of the bonnet. When you reach the

end, ch 10 to 12, dc across the chain. Secure to bonnet with a slip st. Sew a
button on the opposite bottom edge and push button between dc in chin strap

to secure.

Enjoy! You can get really creative with this method!

Please share what your make!


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