Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
Multivariate approach for integrated evaluation of
clonal biomass production potential
P.J. Tharakan
, D.J. Robison
, L.P. Abrahamson
, C.A. Nowak
Faculty of Forestry, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, 340 Illick Hall,
1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY, 13210, USA
Department of Forestry, North Carolina State University, Jordan Hall, Raleigh, NC, 27695, USA
Received 21 June 2000; accepted 9 April 2001
Evaluating the performance of clones to be used in short rotation intensive culture (SRIC) plantations for biomass production
is critical for identifying superior clones and matching them with sites on which they will perform best. This will lead to
increased production and a strengthening of the commercial prospects of these plantations. The primary objective of this study
was to use a multivariate approach to evaluate the relative clonal performance of 38 willow and hybrid poplar clones, deployed
in a genetic selection trial based on a coppice rotation system established in central New York State (NY) in 1997. Cluster
analysis was conducted using survival, several individual plant growth attributes, and insect defoliation, all measured during
or at the end of 1998. Two linear functions developed using discriminant analysis, comprising primarily of attributes related
to tree vigor and site adaptability; tree volume index and length of growing period, explained most of the variation (98.5%)
among the clusters. Eight of the 38 clones evaluated are expected to be high biomass producers, and are recommended for
more extensive clone-site trials and commercial scale plantations across central NY and the northeastern United States (US).
The results of this study indicate a possible approach to more e:ective juvenile selection in tree improvement programs, and
insights for a re;nement of the current SRIC tree ideotype. c
2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Willow; Hybrid poplar; SRIC; Coppice systems; Energy plantations; Genetic selection; Ideotype; Cluster
analysis; NY
1. Introduction
Short rotation intensive culture (SRIC) hardwood
tree plantations are being promoted in the United
States (US) and in other countries, as an economically
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-315-470-4742; fax: 1-315-
E-mail address: (P.J. Tharakan).
and ecologically viable source of biomass for bioen-
ergy generation and biobased products [1,2]. These
plantations can also provide pulpwood, render envi-
ronmental bene;ts such as bio-;ltration and phytore-
mediation, help mitigate the e:ects of anthropogenic
carbon emissions, and create rural employment op-
portunities [3]. Among the di:erent hardwood tree
species, primarily willow (Salix spp.), and hybrid
poplar (Populus spp.) have been identi;ed as the most
0961-9534/01/$ - see front matter c
2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0961-9534(01)00038-1
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
promising candidates for plantation establishment in
the northeastern US [4]. Development of superior ge-
netic material that is resistant to insects and diseases,
and is capable of high biomass production rates, is
critical for strengthening the commercial prospects of
SRIC plantations. Evaluating clonal relative perfor-
mance helps to identify superior clones, match them
with sites on which they will perform best, and pro-
vide feedback that can aid further tree improvement.
The traditional approach to clonal testing involves a
multi-stage selection process that culminates in com-
patibility trials that are aimed at identifying sets of
clones which can be advantageously grown together in
blocks or mixtures so as to help circumvent the prob-
lems associated with monoclonal plantations [5,6].
The last stage, however, is rarely implemented with
a few notable exceptions [7]. According to this
approach, during the initial stages, selection trials
containing many clones in small sized tree plots are
established and the clones are evaluated based on
univariate characteristics such as tree height, or insect
and disease resistance. In terms of a speci;c selection
approach, a more integrated alternative to the univari-
ate approach to clonal selection has been suggested,
one that involves the use of multivariate statistical
techniques to combine a wide range of desirable traits
into indices that provide a more comprehensive eval-
uation of the future growth potential and adaptability
of the clones [8]. Most studies in SRIC that have
used a multivariate approach have been conducted on
non-coppiced hybrid poplar plantation systems, and
reported varying degrees of success [9–11]. Similar
studies have not been attempted with coppiced willow
Owing to small tree plots, clonal selection trials
were considered to be unsuitable for obtaining in-
formation on the rotation age, area-wide (plantation
scale) biomass potential of the clones. Weak corre-
lations between juvenile and mature traits in most
tree crops meant that the best approach was to make
initial selections, plant the clones in larger clone-site
trials and make ;nal selections based on assessments
of area wide production. At every step, selection was
considered to be most e:ective when done at no less
than half the rotation age [12]. This approach is time
consuming and poses impediments to the rapid de-
velopment and testing of clones, both of which are
critical for the successful commercialization of bioen-
ergy plantations [13]. Recent studies in SRIC settings
indicate that, unlike traditional plantation forestry
where attempts at juvenile selection have often proved
ine:ective, SRIC might be more amenable to an early
and comprehensive estimation of clonal biomass pro-
duction potential [13,14]. Time and environmental
factors are largely responsible for thwarting juvenile
selection attempts. The short rotational nature and
intensive culture regime in SRIC reduces the impact
of both these agents [15].
Changes in growth patterns and in relative alloca-
tion of photosynthate to reproductive versus vegeta-
tive growth, from juvenile to mature phases, may have
lesser of an inJuence on the performance ranking of
genotypes, making phenotypic correlations more reli-
able [13].
SRIC is considered to be amenable to ideotype
based breeding [13]. Desirable tree attributes that may
contribute to high biomass productivity can be synthe-
sized together in the form of a model tree or an “Ideo-
type” [16] and provides a clear focus towards which
the tree improvement program can strive. Breeding
based on the ideotype concept has met with a fair de-
gree of success in ;eld crops [17]. A fairly detailed
SRIC hybrid poplar ideotype [16] and a preliminary
one for SRIC willow [18] have been proposed. Promi-
nent among the desirable morphological characteris-
tics speci;ed in these models are tall straight stems
with large diameters, coppicing ability, ;ve or more
stems per tree and long foliage retention period (grow-
ing period). In genetic selection trials, several clones
with diverse attributes are deployed in a homogeneous
environment, thus o:ering an opportunity for assess-
ing the advantage conferred by the variation in di:er-
ent phenotypic traits among the superior clones, and
for testing the existing ideotype.
This paper reports on the use of cluster analysis
technique to evaluate the relative performance of 38
willow and hybrid poplar bioenergy clones on a mul-
tivariate basis and separate them into growth poten-
tial classes at the end of the ;rst growing season of
a three-year coppice rotation. It is proposed that this
approach may aid in e:ective juvenile selection for
SRIC plantations. Rotation length, large plot ;eld tri-
als of these same clones also established in central NY,
will be used in future years to examine the accuracy
of the growth potential predictions made in this study.
Individual attributes of the clones identi;ed as having
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
superior growth potential were examined to see if they
;t the existing de;nition of an SRIC Ideotype.
The study was established in central New York
State (NY) in 1997, by the State University of New
York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
(SUNY-ESF). Based on the coppice rotation system,
the objective of the trial was to assess relative clonal
performance based on a suite of tree growth attributes.
A mix of tested and previously untested clones were
deployed in the trial with the objective of testing the
adaptability and productivity of untested clones, and
evaluating their performance relative to superior per-
formers that have been tested in this region [19–21].
The hybrid poplar clones had previously been tested,
in an uncoppiced system, in central New York region
and=or elsewhere in North America [22,23]. Some of
the willow clones, including several Salix eriocephala
clones, S. dasyclados (SV1) and S. discolor (S365),
had been tested at SUNY-ESF in earlier trials [19,20].
Two clone series had not been previously tested in this
region: S. purpurea (94001–94015); native to Europe
and naturalized in the NY region and, the SX series
(native to Japan). Willow clone SV1 and poplar clone
NM6, based on their consistent good performance in
earlier trials, were used as reference clones for this
study [19–21].
Clonal performance was monitored during 1997,
and post coppice in 1998. The results of the establish-
ment year 1997 are reported elsewhere [24,25]. Cop-
picing resulted in signi;cant changes in growth rates.
Clonal mean tree biomass for all clones increased from
34:4 g ± 9:5 in 1997, to 262:0 g ± 99:6 in 1998. The
rank correlation between clonal rankings based on tree
biomass, in 1997 and 1998, was moderate (R
= 0:64):
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study site
This study was established in 1997 at SUNY-ESF’s
Genetics Field Station in Tully, New York (42 47
N, 76 07
30W). The soil was a well-drained Palmyra
gravelly silt loam (Glossoboric Hapludalf) that is
highly productive (capable of corn production of
10 o:d:t ha
[26]. Total precipitation (rainfall)
and number of frost-free days during the 1998 growing
season period was 69 cm and 250 days, respectively.
2.2. Site preparation, plot establishment and
In summer 1996, the existing woody overstory was
removed and the coarse roots were extracted. Herba-
ceous vegetation on the site was killed in fall 1996
with glyphosate (Roundup
, Monsanto Inc., St Louis,
MO) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at
1:0 and 0:5 kg ai ha
, respectively. The site was
then ploughed, cross-disked and raked to a level sur-
face. Pre-emergent weed control was accomplished
in spring 1997 with oxyJurofen (Goal
1.6E, Rohm
and Haas Inc., Philadelphia, PA) at 1 kg ai ha
The trial was planted in late April 1997, on approx-
imately 0:4 ha, as a randomized complete block de-
sign with four replications of 38 willow (Salix spp.)
and hybrid poplar (Populus spp.) clones. Plots were
planted with 48 cuttings of a single clone in an 8 × 6
array at 0:9 m × 0:6 m spacing. Cuttings were hand
planted with 25 cm dormant cuttings, Jush with the
soil surface. In December 1997, at the end of the ;rst
growing season, the trees were cutback (coppiced) at
2–4 cm above the ground with a power brush cutter to
promote coppice regrowth, as is typically done in this
production system [19]. In spring 1998, the trees grew
as ;rst-year coppice on one-year-old root systems. In
June 1998, the trial was fertilized with 120 kg ha
of nitrogen as 3-month slow release fertilizer (sulfur
coated Urea). An 80 percent weed-free environment
(visual estimate of cover) throughout the trial (1997–
1998) was achieved with hand weeding, application
of Juazifop-p (Fusillade
, Zeneca Inc. Wilmington,
DE) at 0:84 kg ai ha
to control grasses, and wick
application of glyphosate (1.2% solution).
2.3. Clones deployed in the trial
The 38 clones used in the selection trial were of
diverse parentage and geographical origin and repre-
sented a wide range of habits, yield capabilities and
insect resistance (Table 1).
2.4. Measurements
2.4.1. Survival and growth
Percent survival was determined in each plot at the
end of the 1998 growing season (;rst year of cop-
pice growth). We de;ne a tree as the aggregate of all
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
Table 1
List of willow and poplar clones deployed in the genetic selection trial at Tully, NY
Clone name
Salix alba (S. alba)
Yugoslavia, Novi Sad
S. dasyclados
Canada, Ontario
S. discolor
Canada, Ontario
S. eriocephala (erio)
Canada, Ontario
S. purpurea
USA, NY (New York)
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
S. purpurea
Canada, Ontario
S. purpurea
Canada, Ontario
S. purpurea
S. sachalinensis
S. miyabeana
S. miyabeana
S. erio 16 × S. erio 24
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 16 × S. erio 307
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 16 × S. erio 276
Canada, Ontario
S. interior 62 × S. erio 276
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 16 × S. erio 24
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 16 × S. erio 24
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 28 × S. erio 24
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 39 × S. pet 47
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 39 × S. int 42
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 28 × S. erio 24
Canada, Ontario
S. erio 19 × S. erio 23
Canada, Ontario
Populus deltoides × Populus nigra cv Carolina
USA, Michigan
P. deltoides × P. nigra
Canada, Ontario
P. deltoides × P. nigra
Canada, Ontario
P. deltoides × P. nigra
Canada, Ontario
P. deltoides × P. nigra cv. Eugenei
Canada, Ontario
P. nigra × P. maximowizii
Canada, Ontario
P. nigra × P. maximowizii
Canada, Ontario
Denotes the place where the collections or crosses were made rather than the geographical or botanical origin of the clone. For example,
S. purpurea clones were imported from Europe in colonial times and have since been naturalized to Ontario, Canada and the Northeastern
the stems that sprout from a single stool. We mea-
sured stem diameter (±0:1 mm) at 2:5 cm from ground
or point of emergence from the cutting, with a digi-
tal caliper. Stem height (length) (±2:5 cm) was mea-
sured from the base of the stem to the terminal bud. A
strati;ed random sample was used to select individ-
ual stems from each of the four center trees in each
plot for stem measurements. Following Ballard’s pro-
cedure [27], stems comprising a tree were divided into
two diameter strata (small and large) by visual es-
timation, and 50 percent of the total number of the
stems in each stratum were randomly sampled. The
total number of large and small stems in the tree was
counted and the mean stem diameter and height of
the tree was calculated using the weighted average of
the two strata. Dry tree biomass was estimated using
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
allometric relationships between stem diameter and
dry weight [25].
2.4.2. Bud break, leaf senescence and insect
We recorded the timing of bud break and leaf senes-
cence on all the trees in each plot using a discrete
ranking scale at intervals of 10 ± 3 days. Bud break
surveys were started in April 1998, and leaf senes-
cence surveys were begun in October 1998. Buds on
each stool were scored as “bud break stages”: 0, buds
tightly closed; 1, swollen buds; 2, buds opening, leaf
tips clearly visible; 3, individual leaves expanding;
and 4, leaves expanded, stem elongation initiated. Leaf
senescence was scored as “senescence stages”: 1, no
leaf discoloration; 2, leaf discoloration, no leaf fall; 3,
leaf fall beginning; 4, moderate leaf fall; 5, heavy leaf
fall and 6, complete leaf loss. Growing period was de-
;ned as the total number of days between bud break
(stage 3) and leaf senescence (stage 6) [28]. Once a
month and immediately after an incident of insect in-
festation, plot-wide surveys were made to assess in-
sect defoliation. The extent of defoliation was scored
on a discrete ranking scale: 0, 1–10%; 1, 11–25%;
2, 26–50%; 3, 51–75% and; 4, 76–100% defoliation.
2.5. Statistical methods
Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to group
clones on a multivariate basis into growth potential
classes [29]. The analysis was performed using sur-
vival, defoliation, growing period, and tree volume
index—de;ned as D
H × N (diameter squared ×
height × number of stems), which is a modi;cation
of D
H, a version of the growth index that has found
wide acceptance in plantation forestry [30]. The anal-
ysis was also conducted after excluding the clones
that had sustained insect defoliation greater than 26
percent (“2” on ranking scale). This was because
heavy defoliation was clone speci;c and not uniform,
thereby probably confounding comparison of growth
among clones. In all the other aspects of the trial, all
clones were treated equivalently.
Ward’s Minimum Variance method was used to
construct the clusters (classes) and the actual number
of clusters was discerned using the pseudo t
and cubic clustering criterion [31]. Analysis of vari-
ance using the distance (Mahalonobis’ D
) among
growth potential class means (centroids) was used to
test the null hypothesis that growth potential classes
were equal. Following cluster analysis, discriminant
analysis was used to assess the contribution of individ-
ual variables to centroid separation. The e:ectiveness
of the classi;cation procedure was assessed through
misclassi;cation probabilities calculated by cross val-
idation [32]. We used the general linear model pro-
cedure of analysis of variance to evaluate univariate
di:erences among individual clones and the growth
potential classes. Tukey’s mean studentized range test
was used to determine signi;cant mean separations
among growth potential classes for each of the vari-
ables used in the cluster analysis. All statistical anal-
yses were performed using SAS Version 6 [33], at a
critical level of ˙= 0:05.
3. Results
We found signi;cant di:erences among clones
(P ¡ 0:05) in mean survival, stem dimensions and
number of stems per tree, length of the growing period
and defoliation index values at the end of the 1998
growing season (Table 2). All clones had greater than
85 percent survival and the mean overall survival
for the trial was over 96 percent. Mean clonal stem
diameter ranged from 0.8 to 1:9 cm, and mean clonal
height ranged from 0.9 to 2:2 m. Coppicing in the
winter of 1997 resulted in a new Jush of sprouts in
spring 1998 and by the end of the season, the number
of stems per tree ranged from 3 to 17.
The willow clones broke bud early, initiating shoot
growth by the second or third week of April, while the
hybrid poplar clones broke bud in mid May. Clonal
di:erences were also evident in leaf senescence. While
most of the hybrid poplar clones lost all their leaves
by late October, some willow clones (SV1, PUR12
and SH3) did not undergo leaf senescence until the
middle of December. Length of the growing period
ranged from 200 to 260 days among clones. Defo-
liation was caused by several insects: Gypsy moth
(Lymantaria dispar), Japanese beetle (Popillia japon-
ica), the willow leaf beetle (Calligrapha bigsbyana)
and imported willow leaf beetle (Plagiodera versicol-
ora). There were two major incidents of insect defo-
liation by the willow sawJy (Nematus ventralis), in
mid-June and mid-July 1998.
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
Table 2
Clonal means
(SD) for stem size and growth characteristics in 1998. The clones have been ordered by tree biomass
Oven dry
Stems per
biomass (g)
477.6 (86.3)
1.0 (0.1)
1.7 (0.1)
16.2 (3.0)
99.0 (1.2)
260 (4)
1.0 (0.8)
447.8 (56.6)
1.0 (0.1)
1.8 (0.1)
16.9 (3.0)
98.5 (3.1)
252 (5)
1.3 (1.3)
427.8 (151.2)
1.3 (0.2)
2.2 (0.3)
7.4 (0.9)
97.4 (3.1)
242 (7)
1.8 (1.0)
404.0 (72.8)
1.2 (0.1)
1.6 (0.2)
9.6 (1.5)
96.2 (1.7)
260 (0)
0.2 (0.2)
392.0 (136.7)
1.2 (0.1)
1.5 (0.2)
12.3 (3.5)
92.7 (5.5)
256 (3)
0.5 (1.0)
387.0 (77.1)
0.9 (0.1)
1.5 (0.1)
16.2 (3.3)
98.4 (2.0)
238 (25)
1.3 (1.0)
367.4 (158.1)
1.6 (0.4)
2.0 (0.3)
7.1 (2.0)
93.8 (2.9)
212 (4)
0.0 (0.0)
356.6 (89.0)
1.2 (0.2)
1.5 (0.3)
10.0 (1.3)
89.6 (6.1)
244 (10)
1.3 (1.0)
355.4 (69.7)
1.1 (0.0)
1.8 (0.0)
12.9 (2.5)
99.5 (1.1)
241 (7)
1.0 (0.8)
353.0 (144.1)
0.9 (0.2)
1.7 (0.3)
16.1 (1.1)
96.9 (6.3)
208 (7)
0.8 (0.5)
333.1 (243.2)
1.3 (0.2)
2.0 (0.7)
7.6 (3.1)
98.4 (2.0)
252 (3)
2.3 (1.5)
306.1 (104.3)
1.0 (0.1)
1.6 (0.3)
9.2 (2.6)
97.9 (1.7)
258 (6)
1.3 (0.5)
295.5 (87.0)
1.0 (0.3)
1.6 (0.4)
11.2 (5.7)
96.9 (2.7)
246 (8)
1.3 (1.3)
287.6 (30.7)
1.0 (0.1)
1.6 (0.1)
10.9 (2.0)
97.9 (1.7)
245 (12)
1.5 (0.6)
287.4 (89.6)
1.6 (0.4)
2.0 (0.5)
5.5 (1.5)
99.0 (1.2)
213 (7)
0.3 (0.1)
280.4 (30.9)
0.9 (0.0)
1.7 (0.1)
13.0 (0.9)
99.5 (1.1)
239 (9)
0.3 (0.5)
269.3 (49.7)
1.4 (0.1)
1.7 (0.1)
6.5 (1.4)
98.4 (1.1)
211 (10)
0.0 (0.0)
268.0 (73.9)
0.9 (0.1)
1.4 (0.2)
13.1 (1.9)
98.9 (2.1)
234 (7)
1.3 (1.0)
263.9 (157.4)
0.9 (0.1)
1.5 (0.3)
12.1 (3.8)
99.0 (2.1)
238 (19)
1.0 (0.8)
242.3 (156.2)
0.9 (0.2)
1.4 (0.4)
14.0 (2.7)
98.4 (1.1)
214 (7)
0.5 (0.2)
231.8 (187.6)
0.8 (0.3)
0.9 (0.7)
10.0 (4.9)
98.4 (1.1)
263 (0)
0.3 (0.3)
226.6 (65.5)
1.0 (0.0)
1.2 (0.2)
9.1 (3.3)
86.5 (8.4)
256 (7)
2.0 (1.4)
224.5 (75.9)
1.1 (0.2)
1.5 (0.4)
8.9 (2.7)
100.0 (0.0)
254 (10)
2.3 (1.5)
216.0 (83.4)
0.8 (0.1)
1.5 (0.2)
12.7 (1.7)
96.4 (3.1)
231 (19)
1.8 (1.0)
208.7 (53.4)
0.9 (0.1)
1.6 (0.2)
12.8 (5.5)
99.5 (1.1)
246 (8)
3.0 (1.4)
200.6 (81.6)
1.3 (0.3)
1.6 (0.4)
6.6 (1.5)
99.5 (1.1)
213 (7)
0.0 (0.0)
175.9 (61.9)
1.6 (0.2)
1.7 (0.2)
3.9 (1.2)
92.2 (4.6)
200 (0)
0.0 (0.0)
174.9 (76.3)
1.4 (0.2)
1.4 (0.3)
3.6 (0.7)
88.6 (3.6)
214 (5)
0.0 (0.0)
173.9 (45.6)
0.9 (0.1)
1.2 (0.1)
9.2 (4.7)
95.9 (3.8)
245 (10)
2.3 (1.3)
169.2 (149.0)
1.0 (0.4)
1.1 (0.5)
5.8 (2.8)
95.3 (4.3)
244 (20)
1.8 (0.5)
164.0 (48.6)
0.9 (0.1)
1.0 (0.1)
7.8 (2.4)
94.8 (4.0)
254 (11)
2.5 (0.6)
157.9 (68.5)
1.9 (0.3)
1.8 (0.2)
3.0 (0.9)
94.3 (3.5)
210 (0)
0.0 (0.0)
157.7 (134.2)
0.9 (0.3)
1.0 (0.4)
5.5 (2.9)
91.2 (7.8)
252 (10)
1.5 (0.6)
150.6 (146.4)
1.0 (0.4)
1.2 (0.4)
5.1 (1.7)
92.2 (4.6)
255 (8)
2.5 (1.0)
150.0 (33.0)
0.7 (0.1)
1.4 (0.0)
10.3 (3.7)
100.0 (0.0)
226 (20)
2.7 (0.6)
147.6 (41.3)
1.0 (0.1)
1.1 (0.2)
5.4 (1.0)
98.42 (2.0)
247 (16)
2.3 (1.0)
122.1 (57.6)
0.8 (0.1)
1.0 (0.2)
7.1 (4.2)
96.9 (5.0)
255 (5)
1.8 (1.3)
100.9 (38.2)
1.0 (0.2)
1.0 (0.2)
4.7 (1.4)
89.6 (10.2)
231 (0)
2.5 (0.6)
Mean of all the stems in strati;ed sample that comprise a tree.
(MSE, F-statistic, P values): Tree biomass (37911:91; 3:40; 0:0001), Stem diameter (2:71; 7:26; 0:0001), Stem height (42:10; 4:98; 0:0001),
Stems per tree (56:57; 7:54; 0:0001), Survival percent (49:87; 3:54; 0:0001), Growing period (1817:90; 14:02; 0:0001) and defoliation index
(3:18; 5:89; 0:0001). 37 df were used in the entire analysis.
Growing period is the number of days between bud break and leaf senescence.
Defoliation index ranking scale, where: 0, 1–10%; 1, 11–25%; 2, 26–50%; 3, 51–75%; 4, 76–100% defoliation.
Values in parentheses are SDs.
Cluster analysis revealed four distinct growth po-
tential classes (Fig. 1). These classes were signif-
icantly di:erent based on pairwise comparison of
the distances among the four growth potential class
centroids (Mahalonobis distance, F-test, P = 0:0001).
A two-dimensional scatter plot of the linear discrim-
inant functions (LDF) that di:erentiate the clusters
revealed that LDF 1 is primarily responsible for
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
Fig. 1. Cluster analysis dendrogram for ;rst year coppice growth tree attributes among clones (1998). Clusters were constructed using
Ward’s minimum variance method.
discriminating among clusters, and accounted for 97
percent of the variation. LDF 2 accounted for 1.5
percent of the variation (Fig. 2, Table 3). LDF 1 is
weighed most heavily by tree volume index and to
some extent by defoliation index. LDF 2 is constituted
primarily by length of the growing period (Table 3).
Repeating the analysis after excluding clones that had
been defoliated more than 26 percent did not result in
signi;cant changes. While there was reassignment of
a few clones between clusters 2 and 3, there was no
change in the composition of clusters 1 and 4. Tree
volume index continued to be the primary contributor
to LDF 1, which now accounted for over 98 percent
of the variation. LDF 2 continued to be constituted
primarily by length of the growing period.
The clustering procedure did not di:erentiate
among genera or species. Except for cluster 2, which
contained only willows all other clusters contained,
both willow and hybrid poplar clones (Fig. 1). There
were signi;cant di:erences (P ¡ 0:05) among the
clusters with respect to all the tree attributes consid-
ered (Table 4). Tree volume index production varied
the most. Average tree volume index of the clones
in cluster 1 was the highest and was over four times
that of the clones in cluster 4. Cluster 1 also exhibited
excellent survival, moderate defoliation and a long
growing period. Both clusters 2 and 3 had excellent
survival and moderate tree volume index production,
with cluster 3 producing signi;cantly more. Although
cluster 3 had a shorter growing season and lesser
amount of defoliation relative to cluster 2, these dif-
ferences were not statistically signi;cant. Cluster 4
performed the poorest with relatively low survival,
extensive defoliation and lowest tree volume index
production of all the clusters, despite a long growing
period. Clones NM6 and SV1, which were selected
as reference clones for this study, were classi;ed into
clusters 1 and 3, respectively. Cross validation anal-
ysis of the cluster membership indicated that clone
94004 had been misclassi;ed from cluster 2 to 3
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
Fig. 2. Projection of clonal mean vectors by cluster membership for the ;rst two linear discrimination functions (LDF). LDF 1 is primary
discriminator and explains 97.0% of variation (principally dependent on stem volume index). LDF 2 explains 1.5% of the variation
(principally dependent on length of the growing period).
Table 3
Standardized coeTcients of the clonal variables of ;rst year cop-
pice growth (1998) that comprise the ;rst and second linear dis-
criminant functions (LDF).
Tree volume index
Defoliation index
Percent survival
Length of growing period
Eigen values
Cumulative variation explained
(correct classi;cation rate of 98.0%). Analysis with-
out the defoliated clones resulted in a lower correct
classi;cation rate (94.0%). In addition to clone 94004,
clone 94015 was misclassi;ed from cluster 4 to 3.
4. Discussion
These results are from the end of ;rst year coppice
of a three-year coppice rotation and are speci;c to the
coppiced SRIC system used. The clonal recommenda-
tions, however, may be valid for a larger geographical
region than central NY, as the site conditions are rep-
resentative of a signi;cant area across NY [34], and
some sites across the northeastern US.
The signi;cantly larger mean tree volume index
production of cluster 1 clones can be related to ex-
cellent survival, coppice vigor (number of stems per
stool) and long growing period (Tables 2 and 4,
Fig. 1). Cluster 1, in addition to the reference clone
NM6, contained seven other clones, ;ve of which
(94001, 94005, PUR12, SX61 and SX67) were being
tested in this region for the ;rst time. These new
clones appear to be well adapted to the central NY
region. Based on these ;ndings it can be provision-
ally concluded that clones in cluster 1 have the best
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
Table 4
Clusters and the average values of clonal attributes in each cluster measured on the ;rst year coppice growth (1998). Values followed by
di:erent letters within each column di:er signi;cantly at ˙= 0:05 according to Tukey’s studentized range test.
Tree volume
Growing period
of clones
index (cm
(MSE, F-statistic, P value): Survival (36:50; 3:79; 0:0190), Defoliation (3:45; 5:59; 0:0031), Growing period (1192:64; 3:32; 0:0313),
Stem volume (7722484:2; 6:10; 0:0001). 3 df were used in the entire analysis.
potential to be excellent biomass producers in this
region and are recommended for larger scale trials.
Despite not performing as well as the cluster 1 clones,
the relatively good growth of clones in clusters 2 and
3 makes them good contenders for biomass produc-
tion. Since changes in clonal performance rankings
between the ;rst year and end of rotation have been
known to be most signi;cant in intermediate perform-
ing clones [14], it may be premature to reject cluster
2 and cluster 3 clones. The ;nal decision to retain the
clones or discard them should be made at the end of
the present rotation, prior to larger scale testing. The
poor performance of cluster 4 clones in terms of tree
volume index production, despite a long growing pe-
riod, may be attributed to relatively high defoliation
damage and low coppice vigor. These clones may not
be suited for biomass production purposes.
Results of the discriminant analysis indicate that, of
the di:erent variables used to estimate clonal growth
potential, the variables that were most useful in dis-
criminating among growth potential classes were tree
volume index, length of the growing period and defo-
liation index (Table 4). Tree volume index and length
of growing period relate to tree vigor and adaptation
to local climatic conditions, respectively. The calcu-
lation of stem volume index included the number of
stems per tree, in addition to D
H as in coppice SRIC
systems, the number of stems put out by a clone af-
ter coppicing has been linked to its ability to occupy
the site, deploy large leaf area and intercept light [35].
Signi;cant clonal di:erences in extent of defoliation
were evident, with some of the S. eriocephala clones
and SX clones su:ering most damage. It is diTcult to
assess the impact of defoliation on clonal performance
or on the results of the cluster analysis, as these defo-
liation surveys are merely indicative of initial clonal
resistance to a few insect species (especially N. ven-
tralis) present in the landscape during the period of
the study. No inference can be made of overall dis-
ease or insect resistance, or clonal tolerance to defo-
liation. Percent survival was not very important for
the purposes of discrimination, given the overall high
survival percentage in all the clusters.
Monitoring one or two single phenotypic character-
istics such as stem height precludes a more integrated
assessment and prediction of growth potential, as sin-
gle characteristics may often be poorly correlated with
rotation age biomass production [10]. Multivariate
techniques like cluster analysis allow us to circumvent
these limitations by allowing for a more comprehen-
sive evaluation of the clones based on a suite of vari-
ables that may be more indicative of future production
potential. The variables considered in this study relate
to growth and vigor, disease resistance and site adapt-
ability. Together they may be considered as indicative
of the area-wide (plantation scale) production poten-
tial of a clone. Clones NM6 and SV1, which were
identi;ed as having good growth potential in this
study, have proven to be good area-wide producers in
larger trials conducted by SUNY-ESF [9,19]. By ex-
tension, we suggest that the evaluation technique used
in this study could be used to rapidly assess area-wide
production potential of clones in selection trials. Thus,
adopting this approach may allow us to circumvent
the clone-site trials and move directly to large-scale
demonstration trials, at least in cases where plantation
sites are fairly homogeneous, thereby addressing the
need for quick and e:ective clonal selection proce-
dures in SRIC. Ongoing studies with the same clones
planted in larger scale trials will provide the empirical
evidence necessary to test the validity of this propo-
sal. This makes a case for the systematic monitoring
P.J. Tharakan et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 21 (2001) 237–247
of demonstration plantations and pre-commercial
plantations, so as to aid in data collection, hypothesis
testing and adaptive management [36].
Cluster 1 clones were evaluated to assess the accu-
racy of the existing SRIC ideotype. All the clones in
this group had over 90 percent survival (Table 2) and
similar stem diameters and heights, except for clones
SX67 and NM6 that had substantially larger stem di-
ameter and height. There was wide variation in num-
ber of stems per tree, defoliation percent and length
of growing period. Clone NM6 had very few stems
per tree (7.1), negligible defoliation and short grow-
ing period (212 days), on the other hand clone SX67
had few stems per tree (7.4), the highest defoliation in
the group (1.8) and a moderately long growing period
(242 days). Clones PUR12, 94005 and 94001 were
characterized by large to moderate number of stems
per tree (16.2, 16.9, 12.9), moderate defoliation (1.0,
1.3, 1.0) and long growing period (260, 252, and 241
days), respectively.
All the clones in cluster 1 satis;ed some of the
existing SRIC ideotype speci;cations, they were char-
acterized by at least ;ve tall stems with large diameters
per tree and moderate to long growing period (foliage
retention). The wide variation in growing period, ex-
tent of defoliation and number of stems per tree, how-
ever, meant that there was no clear combination of
di:erent levels of these variables that was indicative
of superior performance potential. Moreover, related
work with these clones has demonstrated the existence
of large di:erences in ecophysiological characteris-
tics such as leaf area, speci;c leaf weight and above
ground biomass partitioning patterns [25], all of which
have been shown to inJuence clonal biomass pro-
duction potential [37,38]. Further work is needed to
characterize the e:ects of these variables, and several
other morphological, physiological and ecophysiolog-
ical characteristics, on area-wide biomass production.
Gaining an insight into the relationship between these
di:erent variables and production will facilitate the
inclusion of speci;cations on these attributes, thus
re;ning the existing SRIC ideotype.
The authors wish to thank the Biomass Feedstock
Development Program of the US Department of
Energy under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with the
University of Tennessee-Battelle LLC. (Subcontract
number 19X-SW561C) for funding this study. We
acknowledge the critical manuscript reviews pro-
vided by R. D. Yanai, G. Shriver, D. Bickelhaupt and
T. Volk. Special appreciation is extended to D. Bick-
elhaupt, R. Filhart, J. Zuckerbraun and M. Appleby
for assistance in the ;eld and the laboratory.
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