Brac Pack 24 A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas

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Brac Pack 24

A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas

When Maverick decides he wants everyone to participate in the

nativity scene play, the mates scatter, trying their best not to get

handed a manuscript. The problem is, Maverick isn’t taking no for

an answer.

When Kota decides to pay off a Christmas elf to remind Blair what

the season is all about, he has no clue that the elf will decide to

get even for making him wear tights. He leaves little gifts for the

mates as he whistles his way through the Den.

Can the mates pull together and participate in the play, or is

Maverick going to put his foot down and demand that the mates

give the Brac Pack babies a show to remember?

Warning, this book contains a mischievous elf, a pet reindeer, off-

key singing, lots and lots of hot sex, and a surprise ending that

none of the warriors see coming!

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 49,615 words

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Brac Pack 24

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-228-2

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Dear Readers,

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To my readers who have been with me from the very beginning

and for those just discovering the Brac pack.

To the craziness at Christmastime and the wonders of believing in


Maverick, Cecil, and the rest of the Brac pack family wish

everyone a safe and happy holiday.


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Brack Pack 24


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1:

Maverick and Cecil

Maverick tapped his spoon on his fluted glass to gain everyone’s

attention. The entire pack was seated at the expansively long dining
room table, enjoying a Sunday meal.

When no one in the room heeded his taps, he damn near shattered

the glass as his spoon struck the side harder and harder. The alpha
finally became frustrated when his family just kept right on talking.
He stood and stuck his fingers in his mouth, giving out a loud and
long whistle.

The room finally settled down. The only ones heard were the little

ones. Maverick cleared his throat as he began his speech.

“It has been voted that instead of everyone trying to get forty-odd

gifts for each of the members of our pack that we are going to do
Secret Santa this year. I want each and every one of you gathered on
December first to draw names. I’m making it mandatory that you can
only buy for your mate and your secret pick. The children aren’t
included in this, so feel free to lavish them with gifts if you want.”
Maverick looked across the table at his pack. They had grown very
large over the years. It seemed he had creatures from all mythical

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


walks of life seated before him, and he wouldn’t have it any other
way. Maverick loved his pack, even Tryck.

“I want Nero,” Johnny shouted from down the table, his hand

waving wildly in the air.

“It’s Secret Santa, Johnny. You don’t get to pick who you want.”

Maverick smiled at Hawk’s mate. “You pick a name out of Santa’s
bag, and that’s the person you buy a gift for.”

Johnny crossed his arms over his chest as he pouted, Hawk

leaning down to whisper in his ear. When Johnny’s face lit up,
Maverick knew somehow his plan was going to be blown out of the

Still, he had to try.
He took a seat, smiling over at his mate. “No tricks this year,

Cecil. I don’t want reindeer in the yard or fruitcakes filled with
prunes. Behave, mate.”

Cecil gave him that smile that told the alpha he was wasting his

breath. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Maverick rolled his eyes. He knew better. Even after all these

years, his mate was still feisty and mischievous. But Maverick loved
Cecil with everything in him, even if he was a brat.

“I wonder who I’ll get,” Cecil commented as he finished his

dinner and walked from the dining room. “This is going to be so
much fun.”

Maverick wasn’t sure if his mate was talking about the Secret

Santa or if he was plotting to take over the world. With Cecil, one
never knew. He already had his gift for his mate hiding in their closet
and couldn’t wait to give it to him.

He also had another surprise for everyone, but he hadn’t wanted

mutiny at the table.

It was something they had never done before, but Maverick

wanted to shake things up a bit.

He just prayed everyone cooperated. It would be a shame for the

entire household—minus the babies—to get coal in their stockings.

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“I need to do some shopping. Will you take me to the city?

Ordering online this late, it may not get here in time,” Cecil asked.
Maverick could see the hamster wheel in Cecil’s brain spinning at
lightning speed.

His mate was up to something. He would bet his life on it.
“We can make a trip there if you want.”
Cecil placed his hands on his hips as he turned toward Maverick,

his eyes narrowing and his lips puckered. “You can’t take me. Then
you’ll see your gift. I think Blair should drive.”

Yeah right, not in this lifetime.
Maverick already gave in to Blair’s constant complaints about

being allowed a little freedom. The city was too far and too dangerous
for the mates to go by themselves. “Then Kota will go with you. I
won’t have you out there by yourself.”

“Fine.” Cecil threw his hands up in defeat as he stomped away.

“After all these years, you still don’t trust me,” he called over his
shoulder as his mate headed into the den.

“After all these years, I know better.” Maverick chuckled as he

headed toward his office.

“I have rope and duct tape if you need to tie the little bugger

down.” Kota laughed as he joined Maverick in the hallway. “I don’t
need him and Blair getting into any trouble. Those two together—”
Kota shivered.

“Keep it handy. We just may need it,” Maverick said as he walked

into his office and took a seat. He kicked his booted feet up on the
desk, wondering what chaos his mate was going to cause.

A smile played across his lips. He may kick up a fuss about his

mate and his adventures, but Cecil kept him on his toes and feeling

Of course he’d never in a million years tell Cecil that. That would

only make his mate feel as though he had free rein to do as he
pleased. “Keep an eye on Blair as well. I don’t trust those two.”

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Kota winked at Maverick. “Way ahead of you. Nero has Loco and

Gunnar manning the cameras.”

Maverick nodded. “You know that won’t be enough, right? Keep

an eye on Carter and Melonee as well. We don’t need them
shimmering out either.”

Kota’s face fell as he jumped from the chair he had been sitting in

and took off. Maverick chuckled.

Some things never changed.
He looked around his office at all the festive things the mates

hand-decorated it with. For years Maverick hadn’t celebrated one
single holiday. With no mate, there was no reason to. Now that he
was mated and his house filled to the brim, he looked forward to the

“Excuse me.” Gabby, one of the resident vampires, knocked on

his office door. “I brought you some pumpkin spice tea. George made
a big batch in the kitchen.”

Maverick lowered his feet, smiling at the man. “Thanks, Gabby. I

could use a cup.” That was another thing Maverick liked about the
holidays. His pumpkin spice tea. George made the best.

He took the cup from Gabby, saluting the half vampire with his

raised cup and then took a sip. His eyes rolled back as he inhaled the
aromatic scent.

Damn, he loved the holidays.

* * * *

Cecil peeked into the office, waiting for Maverick to finish his tea.

Once his mate downed the last of it, he spun around, looking at the
mates standing behind him. “Okay, he drank every drop. Let’s go.”

He had plans, and being taken to the mall by a warrior wasn’t one

of them. He was a shit sometimes, but a man had to do what a man
had to do. And when that man got home, hopefully the wolf didn’t
add his balls to the Christmas decorations.

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Lynn Hagen

They quickly ran to the library as Melonee and Carter grabbed

everyone’s hands. They shimmered out before they could be busted,
but not before Cecil heard Kota shouting something about the elves.

Cecil knew Maverick wouldn’t be out long. He made sure the

sleeping potion he got from the demon realm wasn’t that strong. He
wanted Maverick out for a couple of hours, not lying in a coma
drooling all over himself.

As soon as they shimmered into Carrousel du Louvre, an

underground shopping mall in Paris, France, they released hands.
Cecil may like traveling elf style, but he didn’t want to look like he
needed to hold hands to get around.

“This is so cool!” Drew screeched as he spun around. “I’m in


“We need to hurry before Maverick wakes up,” Cecil reminded

them as he pulled out a long list of items to buy. “I have to shop for
Josh, Gabby, George, Lewis, and Nicholas as well as Maverick.”

“I have to shop for Heaven,” Johnny stated proudly. “He said he

couldn’t come on account of the babies.”

“Then stop talking and get moving,” Murphy griped. “We don’t

have all day. I for one don’t want a henchman after me if we get

“Hey, isn’t that skylight the same one in the movie The Da Vinci

Code?” Blair asked as he pointed above his head.

“One in the same,” Cecil said as he walked into the first store.

“Now enough with the tourism. We don’t have time.”

The stores were crowded, and Cecil didn’t understand a word

anyone was saying. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t here to make friends.

Cecil spotted the perfect tie for Nicholas, but some woman was

heading there fast. He put on a burst of speed as he fought with the
woman over ties and underwear. She was aggressive as hell, cursing
at Cecil in French and yanking him around as they played tug of war
with the boxers. He could have sworn she called him a cow, but what
did he know, he didn’t speak of word of French.

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


He won the underwear and tie, the woman’s fist shaking angrily at

him. Who cared? It was the holiday. People were supposed to tackle
each other for gifts.

It was tradition, right?
After two hours of Christmas shopping, Cecil had most of his list

complete, but he was finding it hard to locate a store that sold
pumpkin-flavored edible undies. Cecil didn’t even want to know why
Gabby wanted them. The mental image was…ew.

Cecil shivered as he tried to get the image out of his head.
“We’re done,” Kyoshi declared as he joined Cecil with an arm full

of shopping bags.

“Hey, do you know how to make edible underwear?” Cecil asked

as he looked at the list in his hand. He knew he could finish his
shopping later, with most of his list complete. But Cecil and shopping
did not get along. He hated shopping. If he could finish today, he’d be
a happy man.

Kyoshi stared at him strangely, his brows furrowing as he

shrugged his shoulders. “Uh, a dough press machine and lots of
licorice. Maybe some glue?”

Cecil contemplated it for a hot second and then decided he didn’t

want to risk killing whoever was going to eat them.

Ah hell, there went the mental image again. He was going to need

a scouring pad to scrub his mind clean of the pictures of…ew. “Never

The group finally gathered all together. Cecil looked at his watch

and saw that they had been gone two and a half hours. Perfect. He
grabbed Carter’s hand and shimmered back to the Den.

Oh crap. He was in big trouble now. Cecil spun around, beaming

up at his mate as Maverick stalked toward him. He did not look like a
happy camper. “Yes?”

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“Would you mind explaining to me why my head hit the desk as

soon as I drank my tea, and then I wake and find a large amount of the
mates missing?”

“Checking the gutters for icicles?” Cecil asked as he laughed

nervously. He didn’t care how many years he was mated to Maverick.
The wolf still had a way of giving him that look that said he was in
big trouble. He swallowed as he looked at the other mates for help.

They all backed away.
Cecil rolled his eyes as he faced his mate alone. Cowards.
“Try again.”
“Searching for Easter eggs?”
Maverick growled as he picked Cecil up, bags and all, and carried

him off to their bedroom.

“Later, guys!” Cecil shouted as Maverick carried him down the

long hallway. When his mate placed him on his feet, Cecil quickly
tossed the bags aside, waiting to see what his mate was going to do
with him.

“Okay, where did you go?”
“France,” he replied.
“Tell me the truth,” Maverick growled.
Boy, he lied, and Maverick didn’t believe him. He told the truth,

and Maverick didn’t believe him. What was a guy to do? “I went

Maverick’s anger turned to curiosity as he looked over at the bags.

“What’d you buy me?”

Cecil grinned as he pushed Maverick toward the bed, his mate

stumbling back as he stared longingly at the shopping bags. “You can
unwrap it on Christmas morning. Until then, why don’t you unwrap

Maverick’s eyes darted from the bags to Cecil, and then back to

the bags, and then his eyes finally settled back on him as he licked his
lips. “It better be a spectacular gift or I’m going to spank your bottom
for taking off.”

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


Cecil laughed. “You’re not supposed to threaten me with

something I like.”

Maverick growled, only this time it was low and guttural. Cecil’s

cock hardened at the sound. No matter how many times his mate
looked at him with lust, Cecil’s cock always came to attention in two
seconds flat.

He stripped down, tossing his clothes aside as he crawled onto the

bed, wagging his ass at his mate as he looked over his shoulder. “Do
you remember when we first met?”

Maverick’s gray eyes darkened as he nodded. “Yeah. It was in the

coffee shop.”

Cecil nodded as he wiggled his ass again. “I thought you were a

god sitting there on that sofa. You made my heart thunder and my
knees weak.”

Maverick undressed and crawled onto the bed, gliding his hands

over Cecil’s body. “I smelled cinnamon and summer rain in that
coffee shop and knew I had found my mate. I couldn’t take my eyes
off of you.”

Cecil smiled as he watched his mate grab for the lube. His body

came alive as Maverick wet his fingers and breached him. “You were
the most stunning man I had ever seen,” Maverick said as he stretched
Cecil. “And the most devilish, only I hadn’t known that yet.”

Cecil groaned as Maverick kissed him down his spine. His legs

shook as his mate removed his fingers and lined his cock up.
Maverick ran his hands over Cecil’s back before thrusting hard.

His arms almost flew from under him, but Cecil managed to

steady himself. Maverick still knew how to make his toes curl. His
mate blanketed his back as his hips snapped quickly. “I love you,
Cecil,” he whispered softly into his ear.

Cecil groaned as Maverick thrust harder. He’d take his

punishment as long as Maverick didn’t stop fucking him. Whatever it
was, he didn’t care. Cecil curled his fingers into the sheets as he felt

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the tingle crawling up his spine. He cried out when Maverick reached
below him, stroking his cock as he pounded his ass.

“Yes!” he hissed as his cock erupted. His body convulsed with his

release as Maverick bit into his shoulder, gripping his hips tightly.
Cecil jutted his ass back, giving everything he had as Maverick licked
the wound closed and howled, his hot seed filling Cecil’s ass.

Cecil collapsed, drawing in ragged breaths as he curled up next to

his mate, kissing him all over his chest.

“Nice try, babe. But you’re still in trouble,” Maverick said as he

pulled him over his massive chest. Cecil knew he would be. What
kind of Christmas would it be if he was a good boy?

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


Chapter 2:

Hawk and Johnny

“Give it to me!” Johnny begged as he jumped up, trying to grab

for the pink-and-orange sparkly gift in Hawk’s hand.

Hawk raised the box high above his head as he smiled down at

Johnny. “No, pretty baby. You have to wait for Christmas morning to
open it.”

Johnny pouted as he crossed him arms over his chest. Hawk

chuckled at his mate’s vexed look. His mate was still the most
stunning man Hawk had ever come across. He didn’t care how long
they were together. Waking up with his pretty baby in his arms every
morning made Hawk a very proud man.

“What if I open this one, and then you can get me another one?”

Johnny asked with hope shining in his pretty blue-gray eyes. Hawk
almost gave in.

Johnny was very hard to say no to. Hawk always gave in to his

mate. But not this time. This time he was going to have to harden his
resolve and tell his mate no. No matter how difficult that was.

“You have to learn patience.”
“I don’t want to learn no stinking patience. I want my gift!”

Johnny stomped his foot and frowned. He made one more attempt at
gaining his gift. He jumped high and swiped his hand wide, but
missed by about three feet. His mate finally stopped jumping and
glared at Hawk, his gorgeous eyes narrowing to tiny slits as his lips
twisted to the side in a peeved look.

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“And don’t think about searching for it. You won’t find it until

Christmas morning,” Hawk warned as he tucked the gift under his
arm and walked out of the bedroom. He knew his mate was going to
look for it.

Hawk was counting on it.
Little did Johnny know it was an empty box tucked under his arm.

The real gift was in Heaven and Murdock’s room already. He had to
give his pretty baby something to do until Christmas morning. Hawk
had hidden numerous boxes around the Den with Johnny’s name on
them. He would let his mate have a bit of fun trying to find the real
gift. It would keep him occupied.

Hawk grinned at his cleverness. He knew that on Christmas

morning he was going to give Johnny his gift, so what was wrong
with having a bit of fun when his mate was acting like a brat?

Hawk chuckled as he shook his head. This was going to be


* * * *

He’d see about that! Johnny wanted his gift, and he was going to

find it once Hawk hid it. He stomped from his bedroom in search of
Keata. His buddy would help him. Keata always helped him. They
were the best of buds.

He found Keata in his bedroom, laid back on his bed reading one

of his mangas. Johnny never understood those comic books. Maybe
because they were written in Japanese. “I need your help.”

Keata set his manga aside and sat up, his head shaking back and

forth. “Cody warned me not to help you find your gift. He said I
would be in trouble if I helped you.”

How the heck did Cody know Johnny was going to look for it?

How the heck did Cody know Hawk was going to hide it?

“So where do you want to start looking?” Keata asked as he slid

from his bed.

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


Johnny tapped his chin with his index finger as he thought about

Keata’s question. “I have to think like Hawk does.”

Keata’s eyes widened as he backed away. “You are going to eat

kittens for breakfast?”

Johnny giggled as he shook his head. “Not like that. Hawk doesn’t

eat kittens for breakfast…I think. We have to start in my bedroom. In
the closet!”

Keata snickered, covering his hand over his mouth.
“What’s so funny?” Johnny asked.
“We are going into a closet. Can we celebrate when we come


Johnny rolled his eyes as he grabbed Keata’s hand, hauling him

along on his quest to find his Christmas gift. If nothing else, he
wanted the sparkly wrapping paper.

He stuck his head out of Keata’s bedroom, checking to make sure

the coast was clear before tiptoeing out into the hallway. He looked
both ways, Keata doing the same before Johnny took off toward his
bedroom at breakneck speed.

He slammed the door closed once Keata cleared the doorway.

“Okay now, start looking.”

“Do you know what it looks like?” Keata asked as he dropped

down onto his knees and looked under the bed.

“A Christmas present?” Johnny looked over at Keata and

frowned. “I’m not looking for my other slipper. It’s Christmas season.
It’s a present.”

Keata narrowed his eyes at Johnny as he stood. “I know that. I

was just asking if you knew what color, how big?”

Johnny blushed. “Oh. It’s about the size of a shoebox, Hawk’s

shoe size, that is. And it’s got pink-and-orange sparkly paper wrapped
all around it.”

Keata nodded. “Then it should be easy to find.”

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Johnny sure hoped so. This was a big house. He wasn’t sure if he

would be able to find it. But he was going to try. How hard could it be
to find something sparkly?

He crowded into the closet with Keata, both searching thoroughly.

Johnny tossed aside Hawk’s coats and boots, a box marked fragile,
and a couple other things and that was when he saw it. The package
sparkled like newly fallen snow on a sunny day. “I got it!” he shouted
as he pulled the pink-and-orange gift from its hiding spot.

“I don’t think you are supposed to open that yet,” Keata said as he

walked out of the closet behind Johnny. “So what is it already?”

Johnny delicately lifted the tape, not wanting to ruin the paper. He

pressed it out on the bed, so it was wrinkle free, because he could use
it for something else later, and then lifted the lid in anticipation. He
frowned when all he saw was a piece of paper taped to the bottom of
the box.

“Maybe it is a coupon for half off at the diner,” Keata said as he

glanced over Johnny’s shoulder.

Johnny plucked the paper from its resting place and unfolded it,

recognizing Hawk’s scribbly handwriting.

Nice try, Pretty Baby,
Your real gift is still hidden. Keep looking.
Love, Hawk

Well, that sucked.
“What does it say? Is it a poem telling you that roses are red?”

Keata asked. “Because if it is, you’re going to find out that violets are

Johnny set the note down, turning to Keata as he slapped his

hands on his hips. “No, it’s a note telling me that I haven’t found my
gift yet.”

“But it was a gift, right?” Keata asked as he looked around Johnny

at the box on the bed.

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


Johnny shook his head as he waved a hand at the pile of

nothingness. “No, it was just a note. That means we have to keep

Keata nodded as he headed for the bedroom door. “Okay, but I

have to eat first if we’re going on wild goose hunt.”

“Chase, it’s chase,” he corrected his best bud as they walked out

of the room.

* * * *

Hawk snickered as he watched Johnny and Keata walk out of the


“That is so mean.” Maverick chuckled as he stood beside Hawk.

“You know he’ll be looking for the real one until Christmas.”

Hawk nodded as he stepped away from his hiding spot. “I know.

But it’ll keep my pretty baby from finding the real one. What’d you
get Cecil?”

Maverick’s grin was from ear to ear as he shook his head. “Not

telling. You’ll tell Johnny, and then Johnny will tell Cecil. Not on
your life, my man.”

Hawk shrugged. “You’re probably right.” Lord knows Hawk

couldn’t keep anything from his pretty baby. He had fallen in love
with the man from the first moment he had laid eyes on him on that
hospital bench. Even though the scar still remained on Johnny’s left
cheek, Hawk thought him the most stunning man alive.

“By the way, where is Cecil? I haven’t seen him around today.

He’s usually running around trying to take over the world.”

Maverick chuckled as he walked back toward his office. “He’s

being punished for shimmering off to France.”

Hawk followed his alpha, curious as hell. “And what was his


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Maverick sat behind his desk, kicked his booted feet up, and then

rested his hands behind his head. “He’s over at the Lakelands’ helping
out on the ranch. More specifically, he’s mucking stalls.”

Hawk whistled low. “Damn. I’m glad I’m not him. Give me patrol

duty any day.” He laughed as he walked out of the office. Sucks to be

Hawk quickly hid as he saw Johnny and Keata running down the

hallway, heading for the den. He snickered. There was a gift hiding
under the counter of the juice bar. Hawk waited until they were out of
sight before hurrying to catch a peek at his mate’s face when he
opened his second gift and found another note.

This was so much fun.
God, he loved Christmas.

* * * *

Johnny growled as he tossed the second note aside. This was so

not fair! He wanted his gift. He didn’t want to wait until Christmas

“Is that one a coupon for half off at the diner?” Keata asked as he

picked up the piece of paper from the bar, reading it.

Johnny stomped his foot. “No.” He loved Hawk down to his sexy

toes, but the man had a very strange sense of humor. Why would he
hide empty boxes? Why couldn’t he just give Johnny his gift now and
then go buy him another one? He just couldn’t understand why that
was so hard for Hawk to do.

He stomped toward the door when he saw his mate trying to hide


The rat!
Johnny jumped when Hawk took off toward the steps. He growled

and then gave chase. Johnny finally caught Hawk in their bedroom
where his mate immediately closed and locked the door.

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Hawk spun around, the tips of his canines showing below his

upper lip, making Johnny want to pant and beg on the spot. “Is there
something you wanted to talk to me about, pretty baby?”

“Uh.” Johnny stared at the fangs. They were hot! He racked his

brain trying to remember what they were talking about. What was he
going to say?

Any thought process he was trying to jump-start flew out of the

window when Hawk began to undress. Johnny’s heart raced out of
control when he saw naked and toned flesh.

He wiped drool from his chin as he stared at Hawk’s bobbing


“Does my pretty baby want something?” Hawk asked as he

palmed his cock and then began to bounce it between each hand.

Johnny nodded his head rapidly, licking his lips as he stared at the

hard shaft in Hawk’s hand, watching the large shaft slap the palms of
Hawk’s hands. It left little trails of pre-cum on Hawk’s palms as it
went from one hand to the other.

“Then I think my pretty baby has too many clothes on. What do

you think?” Hawk asked as he circled around Johnny, pressing his
body into Johnny’s back. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he
began to pant.

Johnny reached up and grabbed Hawk’s hands that were resting

on his shoulders and licked each palm. Hawk groaned as Johnny’s
tongue slid over his skin.

“I think I need to get naked.”
Hawk’s deep laughter boomed throughout the room as he walked

back around to face Johnny. “That sounds about right.”

Johnny struggled to get his boots off and then his pants. He tossed

his underwear aside and then got an arm caught in his shirt because he
was rushing so fast to get it off. He finally felt fingers tug at the
material, yanking it free.

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Johnny grinned up and at Hawk and then dropped to his knees,

taking Hawk’s cock into his mouth. The sample from his mate’s palm
just wasn’t enough. He had to have more.

“Ah hell, pretty baby,” Hawk crooned as he ran his hands through

Johnny’s curls. Johnny opened his mouth wider, sucking the head of
Hawk’s cock. He knew Hawk loved when he did that. He ran his
tongue over the large vein running down the side of Hawk’s shaft,
letting it twirl around as he drank in the pre-cum that was leaking out.
It tasted much better coming from the source.

Hawk growled, his canines coming all the way out. Johnny knew

what was next. He giggled as Hawk grabbed him under his arms,
lifted him up, and deposited him on the bed. Johnny flipped to his
back and grabbed his cock.

* * * *

Hawk grabbed the lube as he skimmed his hand over his mate’s

soft skin. Johnny had come a long way since he’d first met him. His
weight was healthy, and he always seemed to have a glow about him

He lubed his fingers as he lowered his head, taking Johnny’s cock

into his mouth and at the same time sliding his fingers into his mate’s
ass. Johnny mewled and writhed, telling Hawk just how good it felt.
His mate always told Hawk with words or his body how good it felt.

Johnny clung to him as Hawk removed his fingers and lined his

cock up. “I’m going to fuck you now, pretty baby.”

“It’s making love. Get it right,” Johnny said as he lifted his ass

higher, waiting for Hawk to fill him.

Hawk chuckled and then groaned as Johnny’s body took in his

shaft like they were made for each other. Hawk flipped to his back,
taking Johnny along for the ride. He mate sat on top of him as Johnny
grinned down at him. “If I ride you, will you tell me where my
present is?”

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Hawk shook his head as he grabbed his mate’s hips, coaxing him

to start moving. It was driving him crazy to have Johnny straddling
him but remaining unmoving. “Not a chance, pretty baby.”

Johnny pouted but began to move his hips. Hawk sucked in air as

Johnny tightened his muscles, making his ass even tighter. His mate
had definitely learned some tricks over the years. Tricks that were
driving Hawk mad now.

He planted his feet on the bed as he drove up into his mate hard.

Johnny shouted as he rode Hawk like a champ. His legs quivered as
Johnny held on, bouncing his ass on Hawk’s cock. Hawk pulled his
mate down as he bit into his neck, his cock exploding inside Johnny’s

“I love you, Hawk,” Johnny cried out as his ass throbbed around

Hawk’s cock, milking the rest of his seed from his balls.

Hawk panted as he released Johnny’s neck, sealing the wound and

running his hands over his mate’s back. “I love you, too, pretty baby.
But you’re still not getting your gift until Christmas.”

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Chapter 3:

Kota and Blair

Blair closed the bedroom door behind him. He began to hum to

himself as he headed down the hallway to go find Cecil. He hadn’t
seen him all day yesterday. It wasn’t like his best friend to vanish like

Okay, it was, but he usually told Blair about his diabolical plans.

He usually included him in on them, too. Maybe he had been
punished for their trip to France?

With Cecil, one never knew.
Maybe he was back in the demon realm partying at Diablo’s.

Cecil had become addicted to that place. Blair didn’t understand
Cecil’s fascination with that place, but hey, who was he to judge?

Blair’s feet faltered when he spotted a very short man walking

down the hallway and around the corner, heading down toward Cody
and Keata’s room. He rubbed the palms of his hands in his eyes,
wondering if maybe he shouldn’t have had that tall glass of eggnog.
The only problem with that thought was that there wasn’t any damn
alcohol in it.

Blair tiptoed down the hallway, quickly looking around the

corner. The small man dressed in very strange clothing winked at him
and then disappeared into thin air.

“Oh, hell no!” Blair shouted as he ran back the other way. He shot

down the steps and ran to the monitoring room. “Nero!”

He skidded to a halt in front of the door to the small room that

monitored every camera on the grounds. Nero was shaking his hips
from side to side, his shoulders dipping up and down as he danced to

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some Christmas song. Blair covered his mouth to prevent the laugh as
Nero pirouetted around.

“Ahh!” Nero jumped, his hand clamping over his heart. “You

scared me. You could have given me a heart attack. Not good, not
good at all.”

Blair chuckled and then remembered why he had gone in searched

of the blue-gloved man in the first place. “I need you to rewind the
tape and show me five minutes ago up by Cody’s bedroom.”

Nero shook his head as he took a seat. “The videos don’t use VHS

tapes. They are fed from a—”

“Whatever.” Like he’d understand Nero’s technical jargon

anyways. “Just do it, please,” he said as he took a seat next to the
short man.

He made sure to keep his distance as Nero clicked away on his

mouse. Nero hated to be touched and Blair needed a favor, so there
was no use pissing the guy off—like he usually did—and making him
go screaming from the room.

“There!” Blair pointed to the screen when he saw himself walking

down the hallway and then looking around the corner. “Now show me
the hallway I’m looking down.”

His brows furrowed when Nero clicked a few more times to show

an empty hallway. “Are you sure it’s the same time that I’m looking
down the hallway?”

Nero nodded. “The exact same time. I’m sure of it, yes I am.”
That couldn’t be right. Blair knew he saw a stranger wink at him

and then disappear into thin air. He hadn’t gone nuts in this
place…yet. “But I saw someone in that hallway.” He tapped his finger
on the monitor, making Nero wipe away his smudged print

Nero clicked a few more things, his eyes studying the screen

intently. “I’ve gone five minutes before you arrived and then five
minutes after. There isn’t anyone there but you.”

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Blair huffed when Nero turned and looked at him strangely. “Are

you sure you saw someone?”

He didn’t want to look like a total loon. Maybe he had been seeing

things. “I guess not.” He waved a hand at the monitor. “He’s
apparently not there.” Blair pushed up from the seat.

Holy hell, maybe he was going nuts. He needed to go see Dr.

Nicholas. The image of the short guy had been so real, so tangible.
“Thanks.” He absently waved his hand at Nero as he walked out of
the room.

Blair walked to the den, thinking about the little man with curly

green slippers on. He wasn’t going to say it. No he wasn’t. There was
no way he was going to say the word elf. Dakota would lock his ass
up if he started spouting off about an elf running around. It just wasn’t
possible. Yeah, Carter and Melonee lived there. But the guy Blair saw
was only three feet tall.

He walked into the den, dropping down on one of the suede

couches as he stared blankly at the television. “To hell with it,” he
said to himself as he sat there. Blair wasn’t going to worry about it.

It was just a psychotic episode, that was all.
No biggie.
“You up to playing a game?” Cecil asked as he walked into the


“Where have you been?” Blair asked as he sat forward, relieved to

have someone to talk to. He needed to forget about that damned elf,
er, short person.

“Mucking out my punishment for going to France,” Cecil

grumbled as he turned the television on. He tossed a game controller
to Blair as he set everything up. After playing the game for an hour,
Blair decided to head upstairs.

As he climbed the steps, he saw Johnny and Keata run into one of

the guest bedrooms. He walked after them, curious. Just as he reached
the door, Johnny threw what looked to be a gift onto the floor.

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“Is that a coupon for half off at the diner?” Keata asked from

beside the curly-headed man.

“No, just another stinking note,” Johnny complained as he picked

up the wrappings and a box.

“What’s going on?” Blair asked.
Johnny and Keata jumped, Johnny shoving the sparkly wrapping

paper behind him. “Nothing.”

Whatever. Blair turned to leave when he spotted the man in his

slippers again. This time Blair gave chase. He ran around a corner,
nearly slamming into the wall as he took off running. The small man
ran even faster, peals of laughter floating behind him.

The little shit ducked around a corner. Blair put on a burst of

speed, but as he careened around the corner going after the...whatever,
he saw that the hallway was empty.

He stomped in place as he shouted. There was no way that was his

damn imagination. The guy was real! Blair spun on his heel, racing
back down to the monitor room, only this time Dakota was sitting
behind the console. “Hey, sunshine. Why don’t you have a seat and
keep me company?”

Blair dropped down into the seat, looking over at the monitors.

“Do you know how to work that thing?”

“The monitors?” Dakota asked. “Sure. Why?”
“Can you please rewind to five minutes ago?” Blair asked and

then told his mate where to look. He gasped when he saw he was
running down the hallway, but he was chasing thin air. There was no
fucking elf anywhere. Oh, god, he was really losing his mind!

“Close the door, sunshine. I want to show you something,” Dakota

said from beside him. Blair got up and closed the door.

“Lock it.”
He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he locked it as well. When

Blair turned back around, he grinned from ear to ear. Dakota had his
cock out and in his hand, slowly stroking it, staring at Blair as if he
were a prime steak.

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“Why don’t you come and sit on my lap and tell me what you

want for Christmas?”

Blair rolled his eyes at the cheesy line but eagerly sat on Dakota’s


“I want to stop seeing elves run around here,” he mumbled as he

squirmed around, feeling his mate’s arousal right under him.

“What has Carter done to you? Or is it Melonee?”
Blair wished it were one of the Wood Elves. That would make his

psychotic episodes more palatable. “I’m talking about the short one
who is dressed up like a homeless man and running around trying to
shove a candy cane up my ass.”

Dakota laughed. “I still don’t understand why you don’t have the

Christmas spirit. Every year I try to make sure you have the best
Christmas ever, and every year you bah-humbug me.”

“Christmas is all about how much a person can spend. To me it’s

all commercialized. There is no such thing as Santa or elves or

Dakota sighed as he shook his head. “Maybe one day you’ll


“Maybe, but until then, why don’t you show me that log I’m

sitting on?”

Dakota growled when Blair lifted his bottom, allowing him to

shove his pants down his thighs as Blair practically ripped his jeans
off. “Come sit on my log, sunshine.”

Blair straddled Dakota’s lap again, situating himself and then

slowly lowering his body until he was fully impaled. Good god, did
anything feel any better than this? Hell no. Blair already knew the
answer to that question. Nothing felt better than when his mate was
inside of him.

“Fuck, sunshine,” Dakota groaned. “You feel so damn good.”
Blair couldn’t have agreed more. His pushed his knees further

back and then lifted his ass, slamming down onto Dakota’s cock. He
groaned at the slight pain as he tilted his head to the side. “Bite me.”

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Dakota growled and then bit Blair’s neck, sinking his teeth deep

as Blair started moving faster on his mate’s hard shaft. He could feel
Dakota’s cock grazing over his sweet spot every time he lifted his

Blair panted when Dakota curled his fingers around his cock,

stroking in time to Blair’s thrusts. He curled his fingers into Dakota’s
shoulder as he shouted, hot seed erupting from his cock as Dakota
kept right on stroking him, helping him ride through his orgasm.

His mate sealed the wound and roared as he grabbed Blair’s hips

and jetted into him. Dakota spun the chair around, holding on to Blair
as he rested his head on his mate’s shoulder.

Dakota was the only man that fully understood Blair and never

judged him. His wolf had been the perfect mate, and Blair loved him
with every breath he took.

He jerked when he saw that little shit on the monitor. The small

man winked at him and then disappeared. What the fuck? Okay, he
had officially lost his ever-loving mind.

“What’s wrong, sunshine?” Dakota asked as Blair jumped

forward, examining the monitors.

“I think I’m going insane,” he said as he tapped the glass screen

with his fingertip.

Dakota laughed as he lifted Blair from his lap and set him on his

feet. “As much as I would love to stay inside of you all day, I do need
to get back to work.”

Blair shoved his feet into his pants, watching the monitors closely.

When all he saw was pack walking around on the screen, he glanced
away. “I’m going to go see Nicholas.”

Dakota kissed him before Blair opened the office door, strolling

out. He should be in a better mood right now, but all he kept thinking
about was that stupid elf. Okay, he conceded. It was a fucking elf. If
he was going crazy, he might as well embrace it.

He found Nicholas in his office at his desk writing in some file.

Blair rapped on the door. “I think I’m losing my mind, doc.”

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Nicholas looked up and smiled at Blair. He turned in his seat and

waved at an empty chair. “Have a seat and tell me what’s going on.”

Blair sat down and took a deep breath. “I’m seeing an elf.”
“I thought you were already mated?” Nicholas looked at him in


“Not dating! I’m seeing a little guy running through the hallways

in this green get-up with curly slippers and a stupid-looking hat.”

Nicholas curled his lips in as he crossed his legs. Blair didn’t see

what was so funny about this situation. He was losing his mind for
crying out loud. What was so funny about that?

“It’s the Christmas season, Blair. It’s a magical time of year.”
That was not the answer he had been looking for. Blair threw his

hands up in the air and walked out. He was just going to have to
accept the fact that he was finally going nuts. He clenched his jaw
when he spotted the little shit winking at him again.

Blair took off this time, chasing the elf down the hallway. He was

going to capture the short man and get some answers. There was no
way Blair was letting him get away.

He leapt through the air, tackling the pudgy little elf, rolling with

him until they both hit the wall. Blair straddled the short shit as he
held a fist in front of him. “Who are you?”

“Who do I look like?” the elf teased.
“You look like a psychotic midget running around in your

pajamas, so start talking or I know two tigers who would love to play
soccer with your short ass.”

The elf pulled his hands up in front of him, holding two Ken Dolls

up for Blair to see. Blair blinked. “Uh, sorry, but I’m too old to play
with dolls.” Was the guy serious?

“I’m giving you the gift you wished for.”
Blair snorted. “That was my wish when I was twelve.” Blair

blinked. “Wait, how did you know that?”

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The elf did that irritating wink thing again. It was really starting to

wear on Blair’s nerves. “If you look in your bedroom, there’s also
Ken’s house. It was made specifically for you.”

Blair sat back on his haunches as he stared down at the man

dressed in green and red. “You really are an elf, aren’t you? Holy
fuck! Santa is real?”

“Yes, he is, Blair Weston.”
Blair folded his arms over his chest as he glared down at the elf.

“Then why in the hell did I have such shitty Christmases growing up
if the fat man really exists, hmm?”

“We can’t give every child everything he wishes for. That would

make a spoiled child.”

Blair laughed. “No, all it did was make me a nonbeliever. Tell the

fat man that he has child psychology all screwed up. What the hell
was I going to do with a Barbie when all I wanted was Kens?”

The elf shook the dolls in front of Blair. “And here they are.”
Blair snatched the dolls from the funny little shit and stared at

both Ken dolls. He was thrown back to his childhood, remembering
how he had wanted these two so badly. His mother had told him that
twelve-year-old little boys didn’t play with dolls, especially not two
male dolls. He had felt ashamed after that, canceling his wish.

Blair inhaled sharply. He had canceled his wish. That was why he

didn’t get the Kens. He jumped up, running to his bedroom, seeing the
large-size dollhouse sitting in the middle of his bedroom.

What the fuck was he going to do with it? He was a grown man

now. He didn’t play with dolls or dollhouses.

Blair stepped over to the house, peering inside as he made both

Kens walk hand in hand toward the doorway. He shoved the dolls
behind his back when Dakota walked into their bedroom.

“What do you have, sunshine?” Dakota asked as he glanced past


“Uhhh. A gift for the babies?” What the hell was he supposed to

say? A little fucker in green and red gave it to him?

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“I see you’re getting into the Christmas spirit after all,” Dakota

said as he crossed the room and planted a kiss on Blair’s forehead.
“Good to know.”

Blair waited until Dakota left the room to pull both dolls back out.

He stared at them for a long moment before he smiled. Santa was real.
Wow. He knew he would give the dollhouse to the boys to have in
their playroom, but he wanted to enjoy his long-awaited gift just a
little longer.

* * * *

Kota walked out of his bedroom smiling. His mate finally

believed in Christmas. After so many years of coaxing his mate into
getting into the Christmas spirit and failing, he had finally succeeded.

He walked around the corner, looking over his shoulder before

giving a low whistle. The elf came out of one of the bedrooms,
looking grumpy as fuck. “I hope he believes. I’m tired of wearing this
getup. Nick dropped dress code decades ago. These damn tights are
binding my balls.”

Kota grinned as he slipped the man a hundred dollar bill. “Thanks.

Tell Saint Nick I owe him one.”

“Sure, sure. More like you owe me after that damn tackle your

mate hammered on me. I won’t be able to get to the strip clubs now. I
think my back is out,” the elf mumbled as he walked down the
hallway and disappeared.

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Chapter 4:

Remi and Drew

“It came!” Drew shouted when the postman delivered the box

addressed to him. He ran through the house and up to his bedroom,
excitement filling him. Before he could rip the gift open, Remi
plucked it from his grasp. “Hey!”

“Your mom made me promise not to let you open it until

Christmas,” Remi reminded him as he walked out of the bedroom
with Drew’s gift. Well, hell’s bells. Drew jumped up from the bed,
chasing after his mate.

“If you don’t tell, I won’t!”
Remi chuckled. “Not a chance, pup.”
Drew gave a small growl as he walked down the steps and headed

to the kitchen. He knew Remi wasn’t going to give in no matter how
much he begged.

He had learned a long time ago that begging didn’t work.
“Here,” Maverick said as he handed what looked like a

manuscript to Drew. He glanced at it and then looked up at the alpha.

“What’s this for?”
“We’re doing the nativity scene. Surprise. You’re Joseph,”

Maverick said and then sauntered away. Drew stared at the crazy wolf
and then looked back down at the script. One of these days they were
going to find where Maverick grew his pot. One day.

“Wait!” Drew shouted as he caught up to Maverick. When the

alpha spun around, Drew took a deep breath. “Why are we putting on
a play? We’ve never done that before.”

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Maverick shrugged and then turned back around, talking over his

shoulder. “The babies will like it.”

Drew scratched his head. He didn’t know the first thing about

kids, but he was sure the twins and Nevada weren’t going to sit
through a play or even understand it. Skyler was just a baby, what did
she know?

Drew walked into the den, seeing Keata standing there with a

manuscript in his hand, turning it upside down, and then right side up.
“There’s no pictures.”

Drew shook his head. “Who did Maverick say you were playing?”
“Mary. Who’s Mary?”
Drew groaned. He wondered if Maverick came up with this on his

own or if he had another one of those strange dreams. He really
wondered about that guy sometimes. “She’s a virgin.”

Keata dropped the manuscript like it had burned his hands. “I

can’t play her. I’m not a virgin anymore. Cody took that.”

Drew grinned as he sat on the couch. This was going to be very

interesting. Maybe he would do the play, even if it was just to see
what characters everyone else was playing.

“There you are,” Remi said as he walked into the den.
Drew looked closely. There was no manuscript in Remi’s hand.

He frowned. “Aren’t you going to be in the play?”

Remi’s eyebrows shot up as he laughed. “Are you serious?”
Drew narrowed his eyes. “As a heart attack.”
Remi’s face suddenly grew serious. “Ah, pup, I don’t do plays.”
“Wanna bet?”
“No, seriously, I don’t do plays. I can help out with costumes and

making the set, lighting even, but I do not stand on a stage and read
some shit off a piece of paper.” Remi swallowed hard. “I’ll help you
out with your lines in the bedroom but I—” Remi shook his head
frantically as he started backing out of the room. “I don’t do plays.”

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Drew’s jaw dropped as Remi turned and sprinted out of the room

like the hounds of hell were on his heels. He reached up and scratched
his head. “What just happened here?”

“He don’t do plays,” Keata said.
“But why?” Drew asked in confusion. “It’s just a stupid play.”
“He don’t do stupid?”
Drew felt his lips twitch at Keata’s question. “Maybe not, but he’s

going to do this play.” A plan began to form in Drew’s head, a very
wicked plan. He grinned as he turned to look at Keata.

“Uh-uh, I know that look. You’re going to get me into big trouble

with that look.”

Drew arched an eyebrow.
Keata huffed. “Fine, I’m in.” He wagged his finger at Drew. “But

this better be good, or I’ll be very mad.”

“Oh, it will be.” He grabbed Keata’s hand and started pulling him

out of the room.

“Where are we going?”
“We need to talk to Cecil about costumes.”
Johnny walked into the den, snapping his fingers and waving a

hand at Keata. “Come on, we’re not done searching.”

Keata rolled his eyes and looked back at his manuscript, which

was lying on the floor. Drew swore Keata was ready to pick it up
rather than follow behind Johnny. What the hell was going on?

Drew shrugged as he went to find Cecil on his own. He spotted

Blair peeking around the corner of the hallway and then hurrying
away. Something strange was going on around here.

He found Cecil in the kitchen with George. “I need a favor.”
Cecil spun around, a spoon hanging from his mouth. He pulled it

free and then waved the spoon around. “Everyone wants a favor. The
last time I helped someone out with a favor, I ended up mucking out

“So you won’t do it?” Drew asked.
“What do you think?” Cecil asked. “Lay it on me, bro.”

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* * * *

Remi shuddered as he thought of playing a part in the play again.

He knew he had acted like a rat bastard when he had run for his life,
but damn. A Christmas play? Really? Who came up with this shit?

He was willing to do just about anything not to have to be in the

play. He hated holiday plays. They gave him the willies—all those
frilly costumes, bright lights, and people saying stupid shit. It was
downright creepy.

He also felt like a fraud. He was a big badass warrior, a force of

nature, and he had fled like a scared pup at the first mention of the
word play. He couldn’t begin to consider what Drew must think of
him. He was a wuss.

“Hey, Remi, you said you’d help me with my lines.”
Remi grimaced as he nodded. “Yeah, pup.” He glanced up when

he heard the bedroom door lock and nearly swallowed his tongue.
“Wha—” Remi swallowed as his cock hardened to instant steel.
“What in the hell are you wearing?”

“Like it?” Drew asked as he twirled in a circle.
Remi’s eyes felt like they were going to bug out of his head. Drew

had on the shortest, skimpiest, downright thinnest piece of material
Remi had ever seen. It wrapped fully around Drew’s waist then up
over one shoulder. The curve of Drew’s ass could be seen just under
the edge of the material, and one sparkly nipple was exposed on his
chest. It was obvious that Drew was totally naked under his outfit.

“It’s my costume for the play.”
“Oh, hell, no!” Remi growled as he jumped up from the side of

the bed. There was no way his mate was ever going to leave the room
in that outfit. No way in hell. Of course, if he wanted to wear it in
their bedroom, that was another story.

“You don’t like it?”

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Remi growled as his canines punched down through his gums.

Oh, he liked it all right. The more he looked at it, the more—to hell
with it. Remy grabbed Drew and tossed him on the bed, coming down
on top of his mate.

“You’re not leaving this fucking room in this outfit.”
Drew wiggled once, and the material slid up enough to expose

Drew’s hard cock. “So, you do like it then?”

“I fucking love it.” Remi growled.
“Good.” Drew wiggled his eyebrows as his little canines dropped

down. “Cause I got you one, too.”

Remi was too turned on by the sight of Drew’s fangs to care about

some slip of material. He wanted to feel those sharp teeth sink into his
skin. And he wanted to feel the beautiful cock in front of him sink
into his ass.

“Fuck me?”
Remi scooted up and grabbed the bottle of lube off the nightstand

then rolled over onto his back, holding the large bottle out to his mate.
Drew’s teeth glimmered in the light as he grinned and grabbed the

“That is so fucking hot,” Remi groaned. “You’ve always been hot,

Drew. You just seem to get that way more and more each day.
Tracking your sexy ass down was the best thing I ever did.”

Drew grinned. “Bet the days that followed when I was so sick,

you thought about changing your mind.”

“Never.” Remi blinked rapidly at the tears that sprang to his eyes

when he thought of the pain his mate had gone through getting off
drugs. It was still a war that they fought, but the battles were getting
fewer and far between. “I never once regretted anything with you.”

Drew stopped pouring lube on his fingers and looked down at

Remi. “It was a hard time, Remi. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you
had run in the other direction. The withdrawal symptoms alone would
have made me think twice.”

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“No.” The corner of Remi’s mouth curved up. “You never would

have left me.”

Drew’s skin flushed. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have.” Drew

tossed the bottle of lube onto the bed beside him then reached down
between Remi’s ass cheeks. Remi inhaled softly as he felt one finger
breach his tight ass. “You always did make it hard for me to say no to

“Well.” Remi chuckled then groaned when Drew began to work

his ass. “It’s hard anyway.”

“Oh, yes it is.” Drew swooped down and raked his tongue across

the head of Remi’s cock. “Just the way I like it.”

Remi drew his legs up and let them drop to his sides. His breath

stuttered in his throat when another finger sank into his ass. “No–no
one does this to me, Drew.”

Drew growled and flashed Remi his canines. “And no one’d


Remi grinned at the look of possessiveness his mate displayed. He

watched as a blush crept across Drew’s face. Drew was still as
charming as they day they met.

Drew’s hand circled Remi’s cock, licking the glistening liquid

seeping out once again. Remi whimpered as he watched Drew’s
tongue come out and lick the little drops away. Did anyone arouse
him as much as this man? Hell no!

Remi went out of his mind as Drew moved slow, twisting his

fingers until he found Remi’s prostate, and he grazed it.

“Oh, my god!” Remi shot up, crying out in pleasure. “I fucking

love that.”

“This?” Drew asked as he stroked over it again and again, adding

a third finger.

Pulling his fingers free, Drew rubbed his cockhead up and down

over Remi’s puckered hole. He pushed slowly in, stopping when

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Remi sucked in a breath. When Remi nodded, Drew pushed in inch
by slow inch until he was seated in Remi’s ass.

“God, pup, can’t get enough of you.” Remi panted. His right hand

shot to his cock, circling the base to stop him from coming as Drew
pushed into him. Remi took a deep breath then nodded his head,
signaling Drew to move. Drew held Remi’s hips as he rocked back
and forth, getting Remi’s body accustomed to his thick length. Once
he felt the muscle loosen up, his thrusts became more demanding.

“You are so beautiful,” Remi said in a voice laced with desire. He

felt dizzy with lust. He started stroking his cock to match Drew’s
rhythm. Drew thrust harder. Remi stroked harder. His mate’s head fell
back onto his shoulders. Remi’s knees slid further apart in an attempt
to get Drew deeper.

“Remi, I—” Drew’s eyes darted to Remi’s neck.
Remi smiled and tilted his head. Drew struck, his small canines

sinking into Remi’s shoulder. Remi cried out, and warm liquid filled
his hand as his orgasm pulsed through his body. His body jerked as
his balls were emptied.

Drew threw his head back as he roared his release, thrusting

harder, deeper, filling Remi’s ass with his release. He leaned down
and licked the wound closed as he collapsed on Remi’s chest.

“Love you, Remi,” Drew murmured.
“Love you, too, pup.”
There was a suspicious twinkle in Drew’s eyes when he raised his

head. It should have warned Remi, but he was too busy basking in the
afterglow. Stupid him.

“Love me enough to be in the play?”

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Chapter 5:

Storm and Kyoshi

Kyoshi stared at the manuscript in his hand. Was Maverick

serious? He wanted Kyoshi to play a cow? Was Maverick serious?
Really? He growled as he dropped the manuscript on the bed and
went in search of his cousin.

He found Keata running around the Den with Johnny, pink-and-

orange sparkly wrapping paper shoved into their pockets. “Do you
have to be in the play?” he asked his cousin as Keata ran past him.

Keata stopped and turned, panting heavily as he nodded his head.

“I’m a virgin!” He giggled and then started running after Johnny

Kyoshi groaned. Even Keata got a major part. How embarrassing

was that? He turned around, heading into the den as he searched for
anyone else who had a part in the play. Why were they having a play
anyways? They’d never done that before. Kyoshi wasn’t sure if he
liked the idea of being a cow. He didn’t even know how to moo.

He spotted Loco over by the pool table with Tryck. “Do any of

you guys have to be in the play?”

Tryck snorted as he shook his head. “Hell, no. Maverick knows

better than to stick my ass in a play.”

Loco chuckled as he took his shot. “I’m one of the stagehands.”
Kyoshi wanted to be a stagehand. He’d rather build something

than be a damn cow. He watched as Maverick walked into the den
and handed Tryck a manuscript.

“You got to be fucking kidding me!” Tryck shouted as he gaped at

the papers in his hand.

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“It’s for the kiddies. Deal with it,” Maverick said over his

shoulder as he walked out.

“What part do you play?” Kyoshi asked Tryck.
Tryck flipped through the pages and then groaned. “I’m the


Kyoshi wanted to be the innkeeper. He didn’t want to be no

stinking cow.

“What the fuck does an innkeeper do?” Tryck asked as he tossed

the manuscript aside.

“Check people into the Holiday Inn,” Loco said as he began to

laugh hysterically. Tryck growled as Kyoshi walked away. Why did
he have to be a stinking cow?

He walked into the foyer and down the hallway, grumbling to

himself about his part in the play.

His head snapped up when he smelled something burning. Kyoshi

shifted into his cat form and followed the scent, sniffing the air until
he ended up in the kitchen. George was cursing up a storm as he bent
at the waist and pulled something from the oven.

“Damn it! That’s the second batch ruined,” George mumbled as

he tossed the pot holder onto the counter. “I need a new dang oven.”

Kyoshi yowled, alerting George that he was in the kitchen.

George spun around and then smiled down at Kyoshi. “Hey, kitty. Ya
want a burnt cookie?”

Kyoshi hissed and then trotted out of the kitchen.
“Better get one now before I toss them!” George shouted to


He may be a cat, but that didn’t mean he ate burnt cookies. Kyoshi

padded to his bedroom and then shifted, grabbing some clothes to put
on. He noticed a cow costume on the bed. No way! He was not
wearing that. It was hideous as hell. There were fake udders sticking
straight up, taunting Kyoshi, mocking him for his part in the play.

Next to the costume was a green thong.

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Kyoshi lifted the scantly laced thong up, examining it. He smiled

when he thought of Storm seeing him prancing around in the skimpy
material. There was a stocking where his cock should go, and a
chimney where his balls should rest. Very cool.

Kyoshi slipped the thong in place, moving the string around,

trying his best to make things more comfortable around his butt. How
did people wear these things?

Oh well, if Storm wanted to see Kyoshi in them, he would wear

them. It took a moment for Kyoshi to get used to the string running up
the crease of his ass, but he managed and then walked back

He wanted to find Storm to let his mate know he had it on. Kyoshi

grew excited when he thought how aroused his mate would be when
he saw it. He bet Storm would show his gratitude in all the wicked
ways Kyoshi loved.

“Did you get your costume?” Cecil asked as he walked with

Kyoshi to the kitchen. It was late afternoon, and he knew Storm
would be in the kitchen hunting down a snack. Storm loved his

“You’re the one who left that hideous thing on my bed?” Kyoshi

asked as he screwed his face up. The urge to reach out and strangle
Cecil was very strong, almost as strong as Kyoshi’s need to strangle
Maverick for coming up with the damned idea of putting on a play in
the first place.

“Oh, come on. It’s not that bad,” Cecil said and then snickered.

“At least you’re not a goat.”

Kyoshi stopped as he looked at Cecil in amazement. “Who is the


Cecil shook his head. “Not telling. You’ll see soon enough.” He

laughed as they entered the kitchen.

Kyoshi spotted Storm right away. His long, blond braid running

down his back was a sight Kyoshi adored. He had an urge to wrap that
braid around his body and tickle his skin with the soft strands.

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As Storm bent over to grab something from the refrigerator,

Kyoshi’s cock started to get hard.

“Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way…” Kyoshi stared

down at his groin in horror. His cock was singing! Holy hell! He
glanced around the room as the five warriors who were standing there
stared slack-jawed at him.

George grabbed the fire extinguisher and pointed it at Kyoshi’s


“No!” Kyoshi shouted, but it was too late. George had doused him

with white foam.

“Is it still attacking ya?” George asked and then snickered.
“Dragonfly!” Storm shouted as he dropped the snack in his hand

and ran across the room. Kyoshi stood there mortified as he glared at
the men in the room and then down at his groin. What the hell just
happened? Kyoshi growled as he tried to wipe the foam from his
body. It was a singing cock, not a man-eating cock!

“Are you okay?” Storm asked, but the way he curled his lips in

told Kyoshi he was fighting not to smile.

He narrowed his eyes as he stared up at his mate. “Why would

you give me a singing thong?”

“I didn’t give you a singing thong, dragonfly. I didn’t give you

any thong.” Storm tilted his head to the side as he looked down at
Kyoshi. His arms crossed over his massive chest as he cocked an
eyebrow. “But I’d be mighty interested to know who did.”

“How does it work?” George asked and then snickered. When

Kyoshi cut a glare at him, George held his hands up. “Just askin’. I
want to get Tank one.”

Kyoshi threw his arms up as he spun on his heel and walked out

of the kitchen. He was going to find out who left the thong for him
and then strangle them.

Storm chased after him, grabbing Kyoshi around his waist and

lifting him off of his feet. “I swear, dragonfly, I didn’t leave those for

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Kyoshi went limp in Storm’s arms as he shrugged. “Someone left

them for me to wear. I hope whoever did this gets boils on his balls.”

Storm winced. “That’s kind of harsh.”
Kyoshi crossed his arms over his chest. “So was having my cock

sing to the entire room.”

Storm growled as he carried Kyoshi up the stairs. Kyoshi knew

that growl. That growl meant that Storm wanted Kyoshi in the worst
possible way. He was all for that.

Even if he didn’t have a singing cock.
“I want to see this damn thong.” He kicked the bedroom door

open, walking in and setting Kyoshi on his feet. Storm closed the door
and locked it. “Show me, dragonfly.”

There was a gleam in his mate’s eye as Storm licked his lips.

Kyoshi forgot about being mad as he stripped his pants off, showing
off his butt to his mate. He knew Storm loved seeing his naked butt.

“Damn,” Storm whispered as Kyoshi spun around. The lust in his

mate’s eyes had Kyoshi getting hard as a rock again.

“Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way…”
Kyoshi smacked a hand over his face. This was so embarrassing.

“Are you sure you did not buy this for me?”

Storm shook his head as he looped over to Kyoshi, the predator

rising to the surface. Kyoshi forgot about the stupid song as Storm
wrapped his strong arms around Kyoshi and dropped him on the bed.

“Get on your hands and knees,” Storm commanded as he snapped

the piece of dental floss hiding in Kyoshi’s crease. He yelped as he
looked over his shoulder. Storm was standing there smiling, looking
so damn edible.

His hole quivered when a finger brushed up against it. He felt his

cheeks separate then the finger push in.

Kyoshi mewled as Storm stretched him. The feelings washing

through him had his skin buzzing. He pushed back onto Storm’s large
fingers as his mate gripped his hip.

“You’re still so tight, dragonfly,” Storm’s strong voice became

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wrapped around his head like a hypnotic spell. His body felt alive as
Storm inserted another finger inside in him. His hands clenched the
sheets as Storm scissored his fingers, grazing over Kyoshi’s prostate.
He cried out as his cock became unbelievably harder.

“Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the way…”
“Get this damn thing off of me,” Kyoshi complained as he

reached behind him and pulled at the thin strap.

Storm chuckled as he swatted at Kyoshi’s hand. “I like it. Leave it

on, dragonfly.”

Kyoshi groaned as he lowered his head. Did Storm really like his

singing cock? Men!

Kyoshi forgot about the damn thing as his shoulders touched the

mattress, allowing his backside to rise higher. He was so damn horny
that he was about to beg his mate to fuck him when Storm pulled his
fingers free and pushed his cock in slowly, inching his way in as
Kyoshi’s head fell back and he moaned out his pleasure.

“More.” He breathed out in need.
“What’s this?” Storm asked as he picked the cow costume up.
Kyoshi grabbed the garment and tossed it across the room.

“Stupid cow.”

“Is there something I should know?” Storm asked as he spanned a

hand across Kyoshi’s back, racking his fingernails softly down
Kyoshi’s spine.

“Yeah, fuck me. That’s all we need to discuss right now.”
The bed dipped as Storm moved in behind him. Storm growled as

he snapped the damn thong once more. Kyoshi was going to burn the
damn thing as soon as he got it off of his body. His thoughts scattered
as Storm entered him. Kyoshi breathed through the burn as he pushed
back onto his mate’s cock.

“Mine.” Storm growled as he dipped his head down, licking a path

up Kyoshi’s back. His body was on fire for his mate, his mind
spinning as Storm thrust harder inside of him. Kyoshi fragmented, his
seed erupting as Storm pushed deeper. He shouted out his release as

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Storm grabbed his hips, fucking so hard that the damn thong started
singing again.

Storm wrapped Kyoshi in his powerful arms as he bit into his

shoulder, locking him in place as he slammed his cock into Kyoshi’s

His mate reached under him, grabbing the thong and tugging at

the stocking. He released Kyoshi’s neck as he crooned in his ear, “I
love this thong, dragonfly.”

So much for destroying the damn thing.
Storm leaned back, pulling Kyoshi’s ass back as he slammed

forward. His mate stiffened and then roared his release as he slowed
his thrusts. Kyoshi collapsed on the bed as he tried to catch his breath.

“Promise me you’ll wear these as often as you can until

Christmas,” Storm asked as he pulled his softening cock from Kyoshi.

Damn, damn, damn. “I promise.” Now he was stuck with a

singing cock. He sure would like to know who had left the thong.

* * * *

The elf snickered as he walked down the hallway, hearing the

thong sing out its merry little tune. He’d show Kota for making him
wear those damn tights that gave him a rash in unmentionable places.
He was going to make sure every one of the mates had a very special

He waved his hand, multiplying the gifts Hawk had hidden for

Johnny to find. He grinned as he walked down the hallway
whistling…until he saw Blair.

The mate narrowed his eyes as he crooked a finger at the elf.

Fuck. He should have known better than to trust a wolf.

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Chapter 6:

Micah and Oliver

Oliver grabbed his coat and hat from the closet as he raced from

his bedroom. Micah wanted to go ice-skating. Oliver had never ice-
skated before and was looking forward to it. How hard could it be,
really? It was blades and ice, simple.

He was pretty good at rollerblading so this should be a snap.
The town had erected a rink down by the gazebo, and Oliver was

dying to get out of the house. For one, he was bored out his mind and
suffering from cabin fever. Also, there was no way he was sticking
around for Maverick to shove a damn manuscript in his hand.

He shivered at the thought.
He had heard the other mates groaning about having to participate,

but if Oliver was slick enough, he’d be able to avoid the alpha.

And Oliver considered himself pretty damn slick.
“Ready?” Micah asked as he held out his hand, standing in the

foyer and waiting on Oliver. Oliver nodded as he quickly grabbed his
mate’s hand, ready to get the hell out of there.

“Let’s go,” he said as he practically pulled his mate from the Den

and out the front door.

“Whoa, what’s the rush, babe?” Micah asked as he reached behind

him and closed the front door, looking back at Oliver curiously.

Oliver gave an all-over body shudder as he glanced back at the

house, waving his hand. “I don’t want to be handed a damn role in the
play.” He’d rather take on one hundred rogues than get put into a
costume and stuck up on a stage.

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Just the thought of wearing something frilly made his stomach


Hell no!
Not happening!
Micah chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Oliver, giving him

a tight hug before releasing him. “It’s not that bad. It’s for the kids.
You shouldn’t run from such a great opportunity.”

“Then you volunteer to be in it,” Oliver said as he walked across

the lawn and then climbed into Micah’s truck and closed the door.

Micah climbed into the driver’s side, slamming his door and

staring at him as if he had just cursed him out as he shook his head.
“Uh, no thanks. I’m too old to play baby Jesus.”

Oliver laughed as he buckled his seatbelt and then turned to face

his mate. “How about a goat?” He heard Kyoshi complaining about
being a cow.

The mate said someone else was going to be a goat. Oliver prayed

Maverick didn’t find him. He just couldn’t see himself playing a
damn goat. He couldn’t see himself playing any damn thing. He was
good at being in the audience. That was where he wanted to be when
the play began on Christmas Day.

Micah reached over and grabbed Oliver’s hand, lacing their

fingers together as he pulled from the gravel drive and headed into

As Micah pulled the truck into a parking spot, Oliver could hear

the Christmas music playing over a loud speaker somewhere, filling
the town with the Christmas spirit.

He glanced around to see the town decked out in holiday

decorations. Even the lamp posts had red velvety ribbons adorning

Having such shitty Christmases growing up, Oliver adored this

time of year now. Unlike his brother Blair who played scrooge every
year, Oliver looked forward to the holidays.

Being mated to Micah only made them all the more special.

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He jumped out and waited on Micah to join him. Oliver spotted

the skate rental booth and pulled Micah along with him, excitement
coursing through him like an overexuberant child. He was going to

“You really do need to slow down,” Micah said as he reeled

Oliver in. “We have all day to skate.”

Oliver slowed, but not by much, as he walked over to the rental

booth. He grabbed a pair of skates for himself and a pair for Micah.
He’d never been ice-skating before, so this should be really
interesting. He prayed he didn’t fall on his ass and embarrass himself
in front of the whole town. He saw little kids skating like pros and
hoped he could do the same.

Micah sat on a bench, lacing the skates onto his feet. Oliver did

the same, and then held on to his mate for dear life as he tiptoed over
to the ice rink. He watched some skaters twirl around the rink, doing
fancy moves and laughing. It didn’t look so hard. He was graceful on
his feet. Oliver would have this mastered in no time.

“Now follow my lead,” Micah said as he grabbed Oliver’s hand.

Oliver stepped out onto the ice and wobbled a bit, but Micah was
right there to steady him. “Relax.”

Oliver nodded and gripped Micah’s hand with both of his as he

was pulled along. The music was festive as Oliver began to get the
hang of skating. He grinned at his mate, giving him a thumbs-up as he
skated along professionally…and then he started veering left. Micah
grabbed him by his hips and veered him back onto the ice rink.

“I thought you were getting it?” Micah teased as he guided Oliver

around the rink, pressing his chest into Oliver’s back.

“I thought I was, too,” Oliver said as he steadied himself. “Okay, I

got it,” he said as he batted at Micah to let go.

Micah released him and Oliver began skating on his own again.

He twirled around, enjoying the freedom of skating…and then he
veered left. Oliver threw his arms out, trying to paddle the air to bring

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himself back around. Micah chuckled as he skated back toward

“It seems you have two left feet.”
Oliver had never had two left feet in his life. He could dance with

the best of them. So why in the hell did he keep going left? He gritted
his teeth as he grabbed Micah and slung himself to the right, lifting
his skates and moving along smoothly, smiling at the small children
who skated past him and waved…and then he veered left.

Oliver growled as he stared down at his skates, making sure he

hadn’t rented two left skates.

That could be the problem, really.
Nope, they were the correct ones. He couldn’t understand what

was going on. How the hell did he keep gravitating to his fucking
left? Maybe the rink was on a slope of some sort. But Oliver knew
that couldn’t be the case because everyone else was skating just fine.

It was just him who seemed to have the runaway skates.
Micah caught up with him, laughing as he twirled Oliver around,

making him a bit dizzy. “It seems I can’t let you go.”

He was determined to learn how to ice-skate. It couldn’t be that

different from Rollerblading. He was a master at Rollerblading. This
ice-skating thing wasn’t going to best him. No way.

There was no way he was going to give up. Oliver was determined

now. “I got it,” he growled as he pushed away from his mate, skating
around the rink. He was doing great, doing a few fancy moves…and
then he veered left.

Oliver threw his hands out, trying to get back on track when he

ran into a little girl, both of them falling down. Oliver fell hard on his
ass, hurting it.

He glared up at his mate when Micah rushed over, chuckling as he

helped the little girl up and then Oliver.

“Admit it. You’re no Grace Kelly on the ice.”
Oliver swatted at his mate. “It’s not me. It’s these damn skates!”

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“Sure it is,” Micah teased as he pulled his arms close to his body

when Oliver swatted at him again. “Let’s go get some hot chocolate.
Maybe once you’re warm, you’ll be able to skate,” Micah said,
laughing in between his words.

Oliver skated over to the concession stand with no problem. He

couldn’t figure out what in the hell was going on. He shook his head
as he accepted the hot cocoa from Micah, grateful for the warmth.
The temperature seemed to have dropped since coming here.

“You’ll get it, babe. Ever since I’ve known you, nothing bests

you,” Micah said as he blew across the top of his hot drink.

“You think that of me?” Oliver asked in surprise. He had no clue

that Micah felt that way about him.

“Sure. You’re the strongest man I know. You overcame your dad,

went through counseling to help you deal with it. You take on anyone
dumb enough to mess with your family, and you have a warrior’s
heart. I couldn’t be prouder of the man you’ve become.”

Oliver was not going to cry at the damn skating rink. He never

knew Micah thought of him that way. It shocked him to know his
mate respected him so much, especially after their shaky start.

Oliver wrapped his arms around Micah, kissing him on his cheek.

“Thank you.”

Micah smiled as he kissed Oliver back. “I love you. I can’t see

myself with any other mate in the world.”

“You better not, or I’ll kick your ass with my two left feet.” He


Micah tossed his cup into the trash. “Come on, lefty. Let’s see if

we can’t straighten you out.” His mate led him back onto the ice.

Oliver kicked out, skating like a pro. He was finally having a good

time as he circled a few times around Micah. Nothing in the world felt
as good as when he was with his mate. Micah was right. He had come
a long way since he first arrived at the Den.

“Watch me!” Oliver laughed with delight as he twirled around a

few times…and then he veered left.

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Micah laughed as he grabbed Oliver, pushing him toward the

rental booth. “I think you’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

Oliver sat on the cold bench by the booth and kicked his skates

off. “I’m telling you, it’s the skates!”

Micah chuckled as he grabbed his skates and then Oliver’s,

returning them to the rental booth. Oliver shoved his boots on,
grumbling as he laced them up. It was the damn skates!

* * * *

The elf grinned as Oliver stomped over to the truck yelling about

the cursed skates. He whistled as he as he walked away from the rink
and disappeared.

* * * *

Micah opened the door, stepping aside to let his mate enter the

Den. He had had a great time with Oliver today. Even his mate’s
misdirection had made him laugh.

“There you are,” Maverick said as he approached them. He

grinned when Oliver stiffened, shaking his head from side to side as
he backed away. It was just a play. What was so bad about that?

Micah looked curiously at the alpha as he handed the script to

Micah. “You want me to give this to Oliver?”

“Nope,” Maverick said as he walked away.
This time Oliver was the one laughing. “Are you the goat?” he

asked as he held his side.

Micah looked down at the manuscript, flipping through the pages.

“No, I’m the narrator.” What the hell did he know about telling
stories? Micah sucked at it. He couldn’t tell a story to save his life. He
couldn’t tell a joke to save his life.

Why on earth would Maverick make him the narrator?

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“At least you’re not the goat.” Oliver snickered and then his eyes

widened as Micah chased him up the stairs. He squealed when Micah
grabbed him around the waist, hauling him off of his feet.

“Put me down, narrator.”
Micah growled as he put Oliver on his feet. “Get naked, because

I’m going to fuck you until you have two right feet.”

Oliver laughed and raced to undress, but Micah beat him as he

flipped onto the bed, crooking a finger at Oliver. Micah licked his lips
as he watched his mate crawl slowly up the apex of his legs. Oliver’s
tongue trailed up Micah’s inner thighs as he heard his mate moan.

The tip of his tongue snaked out over Micah’s balls then traced a

path, circling under and around, sucking one in at a time.

“Fuck, Oliver,” Micah groaned, spreading his legs further apart.
He nipped his way down Micah’s side, lapping a trail back up.

Oliver leaned back down and sucked Micah’s cock into his mouth.

“Shit!” Micah yelled as his hips left the bed. His mate had

mastered sucking his cock, and Micah loved when he showed off his
skills. He was so aroused that his cock actually hurt. Micah couldn’t
take it any longer. “Come here,” Micah said as he pulled Oliver
around, making his mate straddle his face.

Micah separated his mate’s cheeks, lapping at his perineum as he

slid a saliva-soaked finger into Oliver’s ass. Oliver keened around his
cock, sending vibrations down Micah’s shaft. He groaned as he
lapped a few more times, and then took Oliver to the back of his

Oliver sucked harder as Micah pushed his finger a little further in,

massaging his balls and sucking on his cock. He knew his mate
wasn’t going to last much longer. He never did when Micah laid it on
him like this.

Micah slid another finger in, grazing Oliver’s sweet spot, making

his mate shout around his cock as his seed splashed to the back of
Micah’s throat.

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He quickly pulled Oliver off of him, twisted his mate around, and

plunged his cock deep into Oliver’s ass. His mate was crying out as
Micah grabbed his hips and thrust harder. “Do you still want that ice
cream cone?” he asked.

“God yes,” Oliver cried out.
Micah grinned. He still remembered their first time together after

all these years. Oliver was in his blood, making Micah weak at the
knees every time he laid eyes on his mate. He pulled back and
slammed forward, making Oliver fall to his shoulders.

“And this is still mine!” he said before leaning forward and

sinking his teeth into Oliver’s shoulder.

“Yours!” Oliver shouted as Micah jetted into him. He whimpered

around the wound as he felt the buildup in his balls. Micah released
Oliver’s shoulder and roared his release, pounding Oliver’s ass as his
seed spilled from him.

He pulled his softening cock free as he fell over, pulling Oliver

with him. “Love you, lefty.”

Oliver swatted at Micah’s chest as he cuddled close. “Love you,

too, but I’m not narrating for you.”

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Chapter 7:

Cody and Keata

Keata hummed along as he walked the hallways, trying his best to

remember his lines. He didn’t know what all the fuss was about. He
was looking forward to being in this play. He was never picked for
anything back in Japan, and he was excited as all get-out.

He still wasn’t sure about being a virgin, though. Keata wondered

if Maverick knew what he was doing when he picked him to play the
part. It had been many years since Keata had been naïve. His mate,
Cody, had made sure of that every time he looked Keata’s way.

“Hey, tiger,” Cody said as he snuck up behind him, wrapping his

arms around Keata’s shoulders. “Whatcha doing?”

Keata giggled as he patted Cody’s arms. “Rehearsing to be a


Cody growled low in his ears. “I can help you with that. If I

remember correctly, I’m the one who took it the first time.”

Keata giggled even harder. “I remember very well,” he said as he

blushed. “But I am playing a virgin. No sex.”

Cody stiffened as his face dropped. He actually looked like he was

about to cry. Keata thought it was funny. “Please tell me you’re
kidding around, Keata.”

Keata burst with giggles this time, shaking his head and then

nodding. “Yes, I am kidding.”

Cody picked Keata up, making him squeal with delight as his

mate kissed him all over his face. “I’m so lucky to have you, Keata.”

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“I know,” Keata teased. He was really the lucky one. He was

blessed with the best mate in the world. Cody did everything in his
powers to make Keata happy. What more could he ask for?

“Come on, babe. I’ll help you with your lines,” Cody said and

then kissed Keata repeatedly on the lips before setting him down on
his feet.

“Not now, I’m hungry.”
“Chicken strips and fries?” Cody asked as he wiggled his brows.
“Roger that.” Keata giggled as he followed Cody into the kitchen.

He walked over to the cupboards, ready to get some dishes down
when he saw a deer in the backyard. It reminded him of the very first
picnic Cody had taken him on.

That was one of Keata’s favorite memories. He had such a

wonderful time that day. Keata sighed. He was so naïve back then. He
was glad he was so worldly now. He wasn’t the innocent young man
who had followed Cody around like a lost puppy, happy at every
word his mate spoke.

“Chicken strips?” Cody asked.
Keata spun around, jumping for joy as Cody pulled the bag from

the freezer. “Yes!”

Cody chuckled as he set about making them. “Recite your lines to

me as I cook these for you.”

Keata walked over to the table and took a seat. “Mary was

pregnant with child…” Keata trailed off. “Cody?”

“How is Mary pregnant?”
Cody turned around, looking over at Keata questioningly as he sat

the bag on the counter. “What is it, babe?”

Keata frowned. “Is she not a virgin?”

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Cody laughed as he crossed the room and kissed Keata on his

head. “You really do need to read the story. Joseph was her husband,
but an angel placed the baby in her womb.”

Keata’s frowned deepened. “Why wasn’t Joseph pregnant then?

Gabby and Heaven have babies.”

Cody opened his mouth and then closed it, cocking his head to the

side. “Good question. I guess because he wasn’t a vampire or
kidnapped by mad scientists.”

“Oh,” Keata answered and then mulled his mate’s words over in

his head. “Cody?”

Cody chuckled as he dropped the strips into the pan before wiping

his hands on a towel and then looking over his shoulder at Keata.

“Why wasn’t Joseph a vampire?”
Cody laughed even harder as he shook his head. “I love the way

your mind works, love. I honestly do.”

Well, that didn’t answer his question. It was a logical question.

Didn’t they have vampires back then? Keata was confused as hell,
even more confused than when he started his quest for answers. None
of it made any sense to him.

Keata decided to leave the subject alone before he got a headache.

He pushed away from the table, wandering back over to the window
to see if the deer was still there.

He grinned when he saw the deer nibbling on leaves in his

backyard. The thing had pretty big antlers. Keata had an urge to pet
him. He had petted a deer before. Lots of them wandered into his

Keata looked over at his mate to see Cody still at the stove,

humming some Christmas song. He stole out of the back door, closing
it behind him. Keata shivered in the cold, but he wanted to see the
deer more closely.

“You are beautiful,” he said as he walked closer. The deer stopped

eating and looked at him curiously. “I will not harm you, friend.”

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Keata put his hand out, the deer coming closer to sniff it. He giggled
when the deer stuck out his tongue and licked a long path up his palm.
“What is your name?”

The deer sniffed, raising its head to look at Keata. He gasped

when he saw the deer had a red nose. “Are you sick?”

The deer snorted even louder, looking at Keata strangely. Keata

led the deer to George and Tank’s barn, opening the door and
ushering it inside. “It is warm in here,” he said as he grabbed a
blanket and laid it over the deer’s back.

The deer leaned forward and licked Keata’s face.
“Ew! That is gross,” he protested as he wiped his face with the

sleeve of his sweater. “No kisses.” Keata swore he heard the deer
laugh. But that was impossible. Deer didn’t laugh. They weren’t
shifters like Keata and Cody were. They were just animals. Keata ran
his hand over the deer’s antlers, counting each tip. “You have

“Keata, you out here?” Cody called with worry in his voice.
Keata held his finger to his lips as he led the deer to a stall. “You

must be quiet. You can stay. It is warm in here. I will be back to feed

The deer licked him again.
“I said no kisses.” He waggled his finger in reprimand and then

smiled. “Okay, one kiss.”

The deer walked into the stall, lying down on the hay. Keata

quickly shut the gate as he ran from the barn.

“I am here.”
Cody looked relieved when he spotted Keata rushing from the

barn. Keata closed the doors to keep the warmth in and then rushed
back to the house. He had a pet! Yah, him!

“What were you doing out there, babe?” Cody asked as Keata ran

past him into the warm kitchen, his food waiting for him on the table.
Keata was too excited to eat. He wanted to rush back out to the barn.

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He’d never had a pet before. Was he supposed to take him for

walks and bathe him?

“Helping a friend.”
Cody eyed him for a minute and then nodded at the table. “Eat up,

your food is getting cold.”

Keata took a seat, nibbling at his food as his eyes kept darting

toward the door. He barely sat still while he ate. He was excited and
bouncing around. What was a good pet name?

Keata would name his pet Cody. That was his favorite name after

all. Keata quickly ate, very tempted to run back outside. He wasn’t
sure how his mate would feel about Keata keeping a deer, though.
Maybe he should keep it a secret for now. Keata didn’t like keeping
secrets from his mate, but his pet wasn’t a bad secret. He would just
wait and then introduce his mate and his pet slowly, let them get to
know each other.

Keata knew that once his mate got to know Cody, he’d like him

just as much as Keata did. He knew that for a fact. Keata finished
eating and ran upstairs to his bedroom. He had to find pet toys that the
deer could play with.

Keata ran to the closet, tossing things out in his search for squeaky


“What are you doing, Keata?” Cody asked from behind him.
Keata stiffened. He couldn’t tell his mate about his pet just yet.

“Uh, looking for something for Cody.”

His mate chuckled as he pulled Keata from the closet. “I don’t

need anything, babe. Come on, I have something for you.”

Keata looked over his shoulder curiously. His eyes widened when

he saw Cody standing there naked. He quickly forgot about squeaky
toys as Cody grabbed his cock, holding onto it as he backed away
from Keata to stand over by the bed.

Keata pushed from the floor, blushing as he walked closer to his

mate. “I have to help Cody.”

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“Oh, you can help me all right. You can help me by getting

undressed and shaking that tight little ass for me on the bed.”

Keata could feel his skin heat from the flush his body was

experiencing. It happened every time Cody wanted to make love.
Even after all these years, Keata still blushed when it came to sex
even though he and Cody had done everything under the sun together.

“But Cody needs me to come to him,” Keata said as his eyes

darted toward the bedroom door.

“Yes, he does,” his mate growled softly as he shook his cock. “I

need you to come to me and come for me.”

Keata giggled as Cody dropped to all fours and crawled closer to

him, growling like a wolf. He quickly forgot his protest as he ran from
his mate to the other side of the bedroom.

“Don’t run, Keata. I’ll chase you.”
Keata pulled his shirt off, tossing it aside as Cody licked his lips,

crawling very slowly toward him.

“Is Cody going to eat me?”
Cody nodded as he crawled just a little bit closer. “Oh, I plan on

eating you all right.”

Keata pushed his pants down and then kicked them aside. He ran

over to the bed, jumping on it, and then looked over the edge into
Cody’s eyes. “Eat me.”

Cody pounced, jumping up onto the bed and pushing Keata’s legs

back as he swallowed his cock. Keata’s fists grabbed the covers as he
keened, but Cody didn’t let up. His mate licked him from balls to
cockhead and everywhere in between.

Keata grabbed Cody’s beautiful hair as his knees fell to the side.

He let out a groan as he felt Cody stretching him as he sucked him.

Nothing in the world felt better than when Cody was loving on

him. He wanted it to last forever, like he always did.

Cody ran his hand up Keata’s leg, letting his fingernails scrape

along his skin. Keata shivered from the contact, pushing his cock

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further into Cody’s mouth. He tried to push it all the way back into
Cody’s throat as he panted for release.

He groaned a protest when Cody released his cock and grabbed

the bottle of lube. His mate had taken his fingers away, something
Keata hated when he did it.

“I want you to ride me, Keata.”
Keata got to his knees, licking his lips as Cody poured the lube all

over his cock and then massaged it in. Keata crawled over Cody’s
body, straddling his hips as he smiled down at his mate.

“Do you remember the first time you rode me, Keata?”
Keata nodded as he gazed at his handsome mate. “At our first

picnic,” he replied as he lifted his bottom up.

“That’s right, love. You looked spectacular then sitting on top of

me, just like you do now,” Cody said as he grabbed his cock,
steadying it as Keata slowly lowered his bottom, feeling Cody’s cock
pushing inside of his hole.

Keata moaned as he slowly took in Cody’s full length. He would

never tire of this feeling. Never.

“Ride me, baby,” Cody said as he grabbed Keata’s hips,

encouraging him to move.

Keata planted his feet on the bed and his hands on Cody’s chest.

He raised his bottom and then lowered it, feeling his mate’s cock
stretch him to fullness.

“You feel so good, Keata.”
Keata picked up the pace as his cock bounced freely in front of

him. Cody reached up, grabbing it, and then began stroking it,
twisting his wrists and smearing pre-cum all over Keata’s cock.

“Cody,” Keata groaned as he felt his balls pulling up close to his

body. He was close.

“That’s it, baby. Come for me,” Cody said as he starting stroking

Keata faster. “Come all over me.”

Keata cried out when Cody reached up with his other hand and

pinched Keata’s nipple. His mate knew Keata loved that. Sweat broke

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out all over his body as Keata rode Cody faster, chasing after his

Cody shifted around, making his cock graze over Keata’s prostate.

He shouted his mate’s name as his seed splashed from his cock and
landed on Cody’s hand and chest.

Cody growled, flipping both of them over and pushing Keata’s

legs back. He pounded into Keata’s ass until he stiffened and roared
his release, fucking Keata like his life depended on it.

Keata panted, pushing the hair from his face as Cody leaned

forward and laid kisses all over his face. “I love you, Keata.”

“Love you, too, Cody.”

* * * *

Cody helped his mate dress. He loved helping Keata dress. It gave

him time to touch Keata for just a little longer before life intruded into
their intimate time together. His hand slid up Keata’s back as his mate
pulled his shirt on, making Cody look down at his mate in such

He’d always be grateful to have Keata in his life. The man meant

the world to him. “Come on, you left your manuscript in the kitchen.
I’ll help you with your lines.”

Cody cocked his head when Keata went to the closet and grabbed

a coat. “I don’t think the kitchen is that cold.”

Keata grinned up at him, making Cody melt on the spot. Would he

ever get tired of that smile?

“I need it to check on Cody.”
Cody wasn’t sure why Keata was still playing this game. He had

thought it hot when he was trying to fuck his mate’s brains out
through his ear, but now he was curious to see where it was going.

“Okay, lead the way.”
Keata walked from the room, talking over his shoulder. “You will

like Cody. He is nice.”

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Okay, Cody was officially weirded out. He didn’t like this game

any longer. Keata wasn’t making any sense, more than usual, and that
made him nervous.

“Show me this, Cody,” he said as his mate took him to the

kitchen. He needed to figure out what in the hell Keata was talking

There were only eighteen days before Christmas. Was that time

enough to get Keata some mental health and still have time to

He stopped and grabbed Keata’s hand when he saw Maverick

leaning against the counter, talking with a stranger who was standing
by the back door.

“Cody, bring Keata in, please,” Maverick said with a slight

twinkle in his eyes. “This is Nick.”

Cody nodded toward the stranger, pulling his mate close to his

side, watching him closely. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but
Cody wasn’t getting a good feeling about this.

Nick nodded at Cody and then looked at Keata. “It seems you

have something that belongs to me, Keata.”

Cody bared his canines at Nick as he wrapped his arms around

Keata. “My mate has nothing that belongs to you!”

Nick chuckled, his belly bouncing as he pushed the glasses on his

face further up his nose. “You know what I’m referring to Keata,
don’t you?”

Cody looked down at his mate. Keata looked just as clueless as

Cody felt. What the hell was this guy talking about? Cody wasn’t
sure, but he knew that if Nick made one move toward his mate, he
was defending Keata.

“I need Rudolph back.”
Cody cocked his head. Was this guy for real? He was a damn nut

job, and Maverick was standing there with a big ass grin on his face.
“This is so cool.”

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Cody shook his head at the alpha as his eyes cut back over to

Nick. “I think you need to leave.”

Nick sighed. “I’m trying to do this the right way so Keata won’t

be upset when I leave here with Rudolph. Please don’t make this any
more difficult than it already is.”

“Where’s the deer, Keata?” Maverick asked gently.
Keata swallowed as he pressed deeper into Cody’s side. “Cody is

mine. He’s my pet.”

Cody was so damn confused. Were they talking about a deer or

were they taking about him?

“Rudolph likes to play games and take off, making me come

looking for him. He belongs with me, Keata.”

“I saw him first!” Keata shouted as he crossed his arms over his


“Very well,” Nick said as he opened the kitchen door and walked

out. Keata took off after the man, which made Cody take off after his
mate. Maverick laughed as he walked out behind them.

“No!” Keata shouted as Nick walked from the barn with a deer

following closely behind him. Cody’s jaw dropped when he saw the
antlers and the red nose. No fucking way! He grabbed his mate
around his waist, stopping Keata from running any further and
damning them all to coal for Christmas.

He wasn’t sure if he was seeing things correctly, but he wasn’t

taking any chances.

“You have to give the guy something in return, Nick,” Maverick

said from beside Cody. “You can’t just take his pet.” The alpha
snickered at the last word in his sentence.

Cody glared at Maverick before looking back over at Nick. Now

that he studied the guy…

“Very well,” Nick said and laid his finger on the side of his nose.
Everyone gasped when two fluffy bunnies appeared right before

them. Keata squealed and bent down, picking both of them up and

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hugging them close. “Bye, Cody,” he said and then started talking
with the bunnies, cooing at them.

“You named the deer after me?” Thank fuck. Cody had thought

Keata had lost his mind.

“Yes. I like Cody. It is a nice name.”
Cody smiled and then blinked when Nick and Rudolph

disappeared from sight.

“That was so fucking cool.” Maverick chuckled as he walked back

into the house. Cody agreed. It was way wicked.

“Come on, Keata. Let’s get your bunnies into the barn so they

don’t get cold.”

It had been a magical moment for Cody, but when Keata beamed

up at him, his eyes sparkling with happiness, he changed his mind.
This was the most magical moment he would ever experience.

* * * *

The elf plastered his back to the house. If Nick saw him, his goose

was cooked. He gazed over at Keata as the mate hugged the rabbits

Okay, he couldn’t play a trick on Keata. The guy was just too

damn cute for words. He spun around and disappeared from sight.

That was okay. He still had George.

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Chapter 8:

Tank and George

George cursed when he pulled another batch of burnt cookies

from the oven. He couldn’t understand what was happening. The oven
wasn’t that old, so his cookies should be coming out perfectly.

He knew for a fact that it wasn’t him. George could cook with the

best of them, and he was damn good at baking as well.

He turned the cookie sheet upside down over the trash can,

watching all his hard work fall into the bin. He glanced back over at
the oven and narrowed his eyes. “I’ll figure you out. There’s no way
you’re besting me.”

“Talking to yourself, mate?” Tank asked as he walked into the

kitchen, sniffing and looking around. “Where are the cookies? I smell

George grunted as he tossed the sheet up onto the stove. “The

Cookie Monster ate them.”

Tank tilted his head down, lowering one eye as he stared at

George. “If you don’t want me to have any, just say so.”

George chucked a thumb over his shoulder as he picked his water

bottle up and took a drink. “See for yourself. Oscar owns them now.”

Tank walked over to the trash can, peering inside. “What did you

throw them away for?” he asked like a five-year-old pouting. George
grinned as he walked back over to the counter.

“It’s not like I did it on purpose. This dang oven is possessed. It

keeps burning anything I put into it.”

Tank looked like he was about to cry as he looked away from the

burnt lot. “I’ll get my tools.”

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George quickly threw his hands up, stepping between his mate

and the stove. “Whoa, partner. Do you know anything about ovens?”

Tank looked at him with his lips twisted to the side of his mouth.

“What do you think?” he asked before walking out of the kitchen.

“That we’re all gonna blow up,” George grumbled as he placed

more dough on the sheet and then opened the oven, sliding the tray

“You better not do it again,” he warned as he waggled a finger at

the oven. “I’ll replace you with an industrial size microwave if you
keep it up.”

He went about cleaning up his mess as he waited on the next batch

of cookies to finish. George still had dinner to cook.

Thank heavens Cody and Frank had hired Steven as the other

cook at the diner. It freed up his time…to cook at home.

Everyone better be damn glad that George loved cooking, or he

would have grabbed Tank eons ago and hightailed it out of there. His
life was busy, but George had never been happier. He was living the
life he’d always dreamed of with the best damn man in the world.

“Okay, did you cut the gas off?” Tank asked as he walked into the

kitchen reading a piece of paper with his toolbox in his other hand and
a tool belt strapped around his waist.

Damn if his mate wasn’t sexy when he played Mr. Fix-It. George

wanted to see Tank in nothing but his tool belt. It was as sexy to him
as most people thought firemen were. He’d never get enough of
staring at his mate’s sexy ass body.

When Tank walked toward the stove, George realized what Tank

was doing and forgot about his drool fest. “Don’t tell me you printed
that off of the Internet.”

Tank glanced up from the paper he was reading to look at George.

“What? They have some very handy information on the Internet.”

George rolled his eyes. “Yeah, and I remember a roof you and

Jason tried to fix. Maverick had to call for someone to come out and
fix it after you two fixed it.”

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Tank growled as he set his toolbox down on the floor in front of

the oven. “Fixing a roof isn’t as easy as it looks.”

“Neither is messing with a stove. Ask Maverick to have someone

come out and look at it,” George said as he placed his body between
Tank and the oven, spreading his arms out to stop his mate from
blowing everyone up.

“It’s not that hard, now move.”
“Nuh-uh. I still have cookies baking in there.”
“Move, George.”
“Not on your life, big fella.”
Tank sighed. “Fine, let me know when the cookies are done.”
Yeah, right. George wasn’t born yesterday. He wasn’t telling

Tank a damn thing. He was going to find Maverick and tell him to get
a real repairman out here. “Fine.”

George grinned down at Tank. “While you’re down there.” He

wiggled his brows as he stared down at Tank’s deep brown eyes.

Tank chuckled as he stood, making George pout. He tossed a

finger between his chest and George’s. “We’re not Jason and
Nicholas. We’re not doing it in the kitchen. If you want your cock
sucked, meet me out in the barn.”

George’s cock filled as he licked his lips. “It’ll have to wait. I got

cookies bakin’ in the oven.”

Tank shrugged as he grabbed his toolbox, making George’s cock

throb at the sexy image in front of him.

“Your choice. But my offer expires at midnight.”
George slapped his hands on his hips. “What are you, a damn


“Nope,” Tank said as he chuckled and walked out of the kitchen.
George looked back at the oven. “Damn cookies. You better be

worth passing that up for.” He bent at the waist, grabbing the sheet
from the oven. He growled when the cookies were almost black.

“You weren’t in there that long!”

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“Talking to cookies?” Maverick asked as he walked over to the

oven, grimacing when he looked down at the cookie sheet. “What the
hell are those?”

“Exactly. I need you to call a repairman to come look at it before

Tank gets in here with his Internet printout and tinkers with the

Maverick’s eyes widened. “On it.” He spun around to walk out

and then turned back toward George. “By the way, here.” He tossed a
large stack of papers on the table.

“I know exactly what that is, and I ain’t being in no play unless ya

got a rodeo in your pocket.”

Maverick laughed as he patted his jeans. “Sorry, George. No

rodeo in here. It’s all me.”

George screwed his face up as he grabbed the damn manuscript.

“TMI, man.” He glanced down at the script, his eyebrows shooting up
past his Stetson.

“I’m so clever,” Maverick said before walking out of the kitchen.
George growled as he stared down at the manuscript. What the


“Whatcha got there?” Tank asked as he walked in with the tool

belt wrapped around his massive waist. George cocked a brow, his
drool pooling in his mouth once more. He tossed the manuscript over
his shoulder as he sauntered over to his mate.

“Something a wise man gave me,” he said as he circled his arms

around Tank’s broad shoulders.

Tank placed his hands on George’s sides, running them up and

down, making George shiver where he stood.

“Barn?” Tank growled the question softly as he began to nibble on

George’s neck.

“Barn,” George agreed as his head fell back on his shoulders.
“Hot damn!” Tank whooped as he grabbed George around his

waist and tossed him over his shoulder, running toward the kitchen

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“I can walk!”
“No need,” Tank said as the cold air blasted George in the face

until Tank swung the barn doors open and set George on his feet.
Tank spun around, closing the doors.

George chuckled as Tank turned back around, his canines

showing as he started unbuttoning his pants.

“Whoa, I thought I was the one getting a blow job?” George asked

as he raced to get his pants down first.

Tank shook his head as he pulled his cock free. George was

always amazed at the mighty python Tank packed in his pants. “Keep
the tool belt on.”

“Kinky bastard. I blow you, I fuck you.”
George wagged his cock around as he shook his head. “You blow

me, I fuck you.”

Tank growled. “How’s that fair?”
“Who said anything about fair?” George asked as his pants slid to

his ankles. He tried to walk over to Tank, but his jeans were shackling
his ankles. He took tiny steps as he made his way over to his mate.

“George,” Tank warned.
“Just suck me and then we’ll work out the fucking part


Tank curled his fingers around George’s cock, pulling him closer.

God, George loved big hands. He groaned as Tank started stroking
both their cocks together. “B–Blow job,” he reminded his mate.

“Say I can fuck you, and then I’ll suck you.”
“You’re so damn poetic. Stop arguing with me. My cock is getting


Tank glanced down between them. “Hardly.”
“It could. Now suck it.”
“Say it.”
George growled. “Fine, it’s your turn, now suck me.” George held

his breath as he watched Tank lower to his knees. It was such a pretty

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sight to see his mate on his knees. Tank was a very big fella, so to see
him down there always made George think that angels truly existed.

Tank smiled up at him, making George’s heart thunder in his

chest. He ran his knuckle down his mate’s cheek, smiling back at him.
Tank opened, taking George’s cock into his mouth, making George’s
head fall back, his lips parting as he held on to Tank’s shoulders.

Tank snaked his tongue into the slit in George’s cockhead,

drinking down his pre-cum. George pushed his hips forward, feeding
his wolf his cock.

George’s legs wobbled, threatening to give out as Tank sucked

him to the back of his throat, his tongue playing over his shaft as he
cupped George’s balls. He groaned when Tank reached into his tool
belt and pulled out a bottle of lube.

He smiled at his mate’s sneakiness. His knees did try and give

when Tank slid a large finger into his hole. George groaned, pushing
back on the finger. His hands ran over Tank’s hair, feeling a deeper
connection with his wolf than he ever felt with anyone in his life.

When his balls drew up close, George reluctantly pulled away.

“You’re gonna make me come, big guy.”

Tank leaned back and then pushed to his feet, spinning George

around and pinning him against one of the stalls. George tried to kick
his feet free from his jeans, but his cowboy boots were interfering,
keeping them tangled.

He took tiny steps over to the bale of hay, bending over and

wiggling his ass at Tank. “Come and get some of this.”

Tank grabbed his cock as he licked his lips. “Fuck yeah.”
George crawled up onto the bale, the hay sticking him in his

knees, but he didn’t give a shit right now. Tank was behind him,
about to make him shoot to the moon. He could deal with a few stabs
in his skin.

George’s eyes rolled to the back of his head when Tank separated

his cheeks and slid his cock into George’s ass. He always felt like his

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mate was going to split him in two, but Tank was always gentle with

His lovemaking skills contradicted his enormous size, something

George was thankful for. “Now fuck me ya, big gallu.”

Tank chuckled as he grabbed George’s hips and began to pound

George into the hay. His teeth rattled as Tank showed him how much
strength he truly had. George had a feeling Tank always held back,
and he wasn’t going to complain about that.

If Tank truly fucked him with all his might, George would

probably fly through one of the damn stalls. He spread his legs as
wide as he could with his pants constricting him and pushed his ass
back as Tank slammed forward.

George began to reach beneath him, but Tank pushed his hand

away. “That’s mine.”

He chuckled as he moved his hand away. “Then have at it. I need

to come.”

Tank curled his large fingers around George’s cock, stroking him

to match his thrusts. George panted and cried out as Tank began to
slap his cock into George’s ass at lightning speed.

“Tank!” George hollered as his seed shot out, ropes hitting the

bale of hay and splattering onto the floor. Tank pulled George back as
he buried his cock deep into George’s ass and shouted, his cum hot as
it filled George to the brim.

George panted and licked his lips as he tried to push back, not

only to feel Tank’s massive size still buried in him, but the damn hay
was killing him. “Get me off of this thing.”

He groaned when Tank pulled his flagging cock free, making

George feel empty as he pulled him from the bale of hay.

George righted his clothes, tucking his shirt into his pants as he

gazed at Tank’s naked lower half with only the tool belt around his
waist. Hell if that wasn’t a sexy sight. “You look good with a tool belt
on. Sexy.”

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Tank turned sideways, flexing his muscles as he wiggled his

brows. “Think so?”

“Hell yeah, I want to ride you until the bull cries uncle.” Tank’s

cock jerked at George’s words. “Too bad I have ta cook dinner.”

His mate grumbled as he pulled his pants up and buttoned them

closed. George hated for Tank to cover such a wonderful sight, but he
had work to do. When Tank turned to open the door, George jumped
on his back, hanging on for dear life. “Come on, I’ll ride you back to
the house.”

Tank laughed as he grabbed George’s legs and wound them tight

around his waist. “I could use a damn cookie.”

George prayed Maverick called a repairman.
As they walked back into the kitchen, George slid from Tank’s

back, relieved to see the repairman looking inside the oven.

“Who’s he?” Tank asked.
George patted his big guy on the chest. “Someone who won’t

blow us up. But you still look better with a tool belt, hands down.”

“I can’t find a damn thing wrong with it,” the man said as he

leaned back, scratching his head.

“Then we’re screwed,” George said. “Not only do I need to make

dinner in that thing, but Christmas dinner is in two weeks.”

Maverick shook his head at the repairman. “Then I guess I’ll be

buying a new one.”

The repairman looked from George to Maverick. “If you don’t

mind me asking, since I don’t see anything wrong with this one, can I
have it? My family’s stove is on its last leg, and I really can’t afford a
new one.” The man looked like he would rather cut off his arm than
confess that to anyone.

George knew about pride. He had plenty of it when he first moved

here. It almost lost him Tank.

“We’ll have it brought to your house first thing in the morning,”

George said without hesitation. He hated to see a man work hard and
go without. Even if the stove was fixed, he would have made sure the

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guy got a new one. Hell, this stove had a double broiler and six
burners. It was still practically brand new.

“Thanks,” the man said as he gave Maverick his business card.
George smiled. That was what the holidays were all about

anyway, helping each other out and giving. Tank wrapped an arm
around his waist, planting a kiss on his head, making George feel like
he was ten feet tall.

* * * *

The elf peered through the kitchen door. He chuckled as he

wiggled a finger and put the stove back into proper working order.
Maybe he should have messed with something else of George’s. He
could use a damn cookie right about now.

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Chapter 9:

Loco and Tangee

Tangee ran around the diner, wondering if the lunch crowd was

going to ease up. As one table after another flagged him down, he was
beginning to wonder if the entire village wasn’t in the diner. It sure as
hell felt like it.

His feet were killing him, and his arms were sore from carrying so

many trays all afternoon. He walked over to the booth with a family
of four sitting there glaring at him.

Even the kids had pouts, looking at Tangee like he stole their

Christmas presents. Tangee could see this was going to be one of
those days.

Tangee rolled his eyes as he saw the scowl the mother was

wearing. Let her get off her ass and bust some tables and see how she
feels afterward.
He prayed Cody and Frank found help soon. They
said that they were looking, but so far no luck.

Which was odd.
They lived in a village that was a mixture of blue-collar and poor.

He would think half the damn town would jump at the job. The
economy sucked right now. Tangee knew for a fact half the people
who lived in town were struggling to make ends meet.

“What can I start you off with to drink?” he asked as he

approached the table. Normally he loved his job. It was a chance to
meet new people and get to know the citizens who lived here. It was a
great feeling to Tangee. He liked most of them, but some acted like
sour pusses half the time.

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“It’s about time,” the woman said as she picked up her menu.

Tangee held back the growl. They had been sitting here for at least ten
minutes, and now they wanted to look at the menu? He tapped out his
foot in irritation, glancing at the next booth over, seeing the people
staring at him impatiently.

It wasn’t his damn fault!
“I think I’ll have…hmm.” The woman went back to looking over

her menu. Sometimes Tangee hated when people passing through
stopped in to eat. Most of them acted just like this.

Tangee shoved the order pad back into his apron, ready to throttle

the woman. “Flag me down when you’re ready.”

“Oh, no you don’t!” she said with a bite to her words, giving

Tangee the evil eye as she wiggled a finger at him. “It was hard
enough getting you over here. You’re not going anywhere until we’ve
given you our orders.”

Tangee glanced around the diner, seeing hands flagging him over

everywhere he looked. This just couldn’t be happening. It was bad
enough the holidays were right around the corner, a time of year that
was starting to mean nothing to Tangee for some reason.

Somewhere along the way he had lost his Christmas spirit, and he

was feeling like an irritable shit right now. “I’ll be back.”

“Come back here!”
Tangee ignored the woman as he rushed across the diner. He

wasn’t trying to be rude, but with a crowd this large, people needed to
have their orders ready when he got to them.

And they needed to have some damn manners as well. Just

because he was a waiter didn’t mean people could talk to him any old
kind of way.

He bit his bottom lip to stop the groan when he saw old man

Wilson sitting at one of the booths by himself. He could have taken a
counter seat. The booths were for bigger crowds. And Tangee hated
waiting on old man Wilson.

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Every time the guy saw Tangee, he felt a need to stop and

comment on his various tattoos. It was like a major thing with the

But that only got the ball rolling. Once he commented on

Tangee’s tattoos, he went into reminiscing about some war he had
been in, and the prices at the grocery store, the economy, his back
pains, and hemorrhoids.

Okay, he didn’t really hate talking to old man Wilson, minus the

hemorrhoid lecture, but he never had time. The place always kept
Tangee jumping. Mr. Wilson always seemed to show up when the
place was packed.

“What can I get for you, Mr. Wilson?” Tangee asked.
He already knew what the guy was going to order. It wasn’t like

he didn’t order the same thing every single time he came in here. But
old man Wilson still feigned at reading the menu for an hour, as if he
had too many choices to choose from.

“My, what nice tattoos you have, Tangee. Have I ever told you

about the time when I was a bucking Marine and went to get my first
tattoo? I was full of piss and vinegar back in the day…”

Tangee waved at Keata behind the counter, signaling him to make

a fresh pot of coffee. Old man Wilson was going to order one, and
drink it for an hour as he decided on what to eat before ordering his

“I’ll be back.” Tangee patted Mr. Wilson’s shoulder before

moving on to the next booth. He spotted Steven’s mate coming
through the door. Roman came in here every day to check on the

And to fool around with his mate in the kitchen.
Everyone here knew that, so he had no clue why Roman always

played it off when he snuck into the kitchen.

Tangee waved a hand around. “Take a seat…” He looked around

the diner, seeing how truly packed it was. “In the kitchen,” he

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mumbled as he walked back over to the irate woman who was waving
both hands in the air now.

He wondered if it would make him a bad person if he smacked her

with a menu. He hoped not, because the urge was strong.

By the time the lunch crowd thinned, Tangee was ready to rip his

apron in half. “Frank, are you going to hire some help or what?” he
asked as he took a seat at the counter, his feet barking loudly.

“We’re trying to find at least two more to help you out, Tang,”

Frank said as he slid a hot cocoa over to Tangee. He picked it up,
blowing across the top when he spotted a guy walking through the
door. Tangee pretty much knew everyone in Brac Village, so this was
either someone passing through or a newcomer to town.

He didn’t pay any attention to the man.
“Take a seat wherever you’d like,” he said with his back to the

stranger as he took his first sip of cocoa. He rolled his shoulders,
feeling the tension knotted inside. He could use one of Loco’s famous
massages and a hot bath.

“Give me time. I’ll find you some help. You’re doing a great job,”

Frank said as he walked back toward the kitchen.

Yeah, what a great job. He wanted to strangle half the damn

customers right about now. The closer the holidays got, the more
pissy people started acting. Tangee would never understand grouchy

“Excuse me. I’m a little lost,” the stranger said in a deep voice

that practically floated over to Tangee.

He sighed and set his mug down.
He was never going to get a break until he clocked out. “Where

are you heading?” Tangee asked as he turned on the stool and got a
closer look at the stranger.

He inhaled sharply. His tongue grew two sizes too big for his

mouth, and his heart was in his throat.

The stranger looked just like his father!

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Or at least the pictures Tangee had of a man that died before he

was even born. The man had the same facial features, the same rough
cut to his jaw, the same flowing auburn hair with red highlights, and
the same teal-green eyes.

Tangee wouldn’t have been able to rip his eyes away from the

stranger if the diner had caught fire and burned down around him.

“I’m looking for my son,” the man said as he smiled at Tangee,

his teal-green eyes sparkling in the fluorescent lighting of the diner.
Tangee swallowed hard as he stared up at the spitting image of his

“W–Who is your son?” he asked as he laid a hand on the counter

to steady himself. He glanced around, seeing that no one had noticed
the stranger or that Tangee was standing there talking to him.

He cut his eyes back quickly, drinking the man’s facial features in.

He just couldn’t get over how much the guy resembled his deceased
father. It was uncanny, and very strange to be staring at such a

The stranger shook his head, his eyes locked onto to Tangee’s. He

felt as though the man could see right through him. Tangee had an
urge to throw himself into the man’s arms.

It was an urge so strong that Tangee had to will his body to stay


The stranger cocked his head, his eyes filling with sadness. “I’ve

never met him before,” the man said softly. “He’s a grown man now,
out on his own, facing the world like a true man should.”

Tangee swallowed, unable to hold back his tears as they ran

unchecked down his cheeks. He placed a hand over his mouth to stifle
the cry as he looked around the diner again and saw that no one was
paying them any attention.

Everyone was going on about their business as if Tangee weren’t

standing there crying like a baby.

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The man reached out and brushed the tears from Tangee’s face

with the back of his knuckles. “He’s strong and has taken on the
responsibilities that a man should.”

Tangee nodded his head, wiping at his eyes. “I have. It was hard,

but I did it.”

“And I’m so proud of you.”
Tangee let the cry escape as he flung himself into his father’s

arms. He didn’t know how this was possible, but he inhaled his
father’s scent as he cried like a babe. Strong, protective arms
encompassed him, holding him tight and making him feel like the
world was a safer place to live in.

“I love you, Dad.”
Sky ran his hands over Tangee’s back, giving him a tight squeeze

before releasing him. “I love you, too, son. I wanted to let you know
that I’ve loved you before you were born, and a father couldn’t be
more proud than I am of the man that stands before me.”

Tangee’s throat closed up as the tears nearly blinded him. “How

are you here?”

Sky smiled and ran a hand over his head, pulling Tangee forward

by the back of his neck, and laid a soft kiss on his forehead. After a
moment, he released Tangee and started to back away, his eyes
brimming with tears.

“Daddy, no!” Tangee shouted as he ran for his father, but Sky was

out of the diner before Tangee could reach him. He scanned the
streets, seeing no one in the cold early evening. He held both hands to
his mouth as he cried for a father he had never known, for a father he
had barely been able to talk to.

“What’s wrong?” Loco asked as he slammed his truck door closed

and rushed to Tangee’s side. Tangee glanced around and then wiped
his eyes as he stared up at his mate.

“My father!” Tangee shouted and fell apart right there on the

street. Loco grabbed him, carrying him inside and up the back steps.

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He pushed the apartment door open and sat on the couch, cuddling
Tangee to his chest.

“Talk to me, babe.”
Tangee began to slowly calm down, wiping his eyes as he

sniffled. “My father came to see me.”

Loco pulled Tangee closer, tucking Tangee’s head under his chin.

“Baby, your father died before you were born.”

Tangee knew this. But it was his father who came to see him. He

didn’t know how, but that was Sky who had been in the diner talking
to him. Tangee had no doubt about that. “It was him,” he whispered.

“What did he say?” Loco asked as he skated his hands over

Tangee’s legs.

Tangee smiled, feeling the Christmas spirit enter him, a feeling he

hadn’t felt in a very long time. “He said he was proud of the man that
I’ve become.”

Loco tilted Tangee’s head back, smiling as he leaned forward and

kissed Tangee. “You are one hell of a man, Tangee. I’m very proud to
call you my mate.”

Tangee beamed inside. Not only had his father found a way to

come see him, letting him know how he felt about his son, but his
mate had just praised him as well. Tangee felt like he could take on
the world right now.

He slid a leg over Loco’s hip, situating himself on his mate’s lap.

“How proud of me are you?” Tangee wasn’t sure if he had
hallucinated the whole thing, but whatever it was, he felt like new life
had been breathed into his Scrooge body.

Loco pulled Tangee’s head forward, devouring his lips like a

hungry man. The tension drained from Tangee as Loco massaged his
shoulders as he slid his tongue over every tooth in Tangee’s mouth.

Tangee groaned as his cock hardened. He panted for more, much,

much more. Tangee wiggled his ass over Loco’s growing erection.

His mate broke the kiss, laying smaller ones on his cheeks and

chin. “Do we have time?”

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Tangee nodded. He was going to make the time. He worked hard

and wanted a reprieve to show his mate just how much he loved him.

Loco had been in his corner from day one, and Tangee loved him

so much for that. There wasn’t a day that went by that Tangee wasn’t
grateful for the family and life that he had, but he was especially
grateful for the wolf gazing up at him.

“We always have time.”
Loco growled as he pulled his cock free and then unbuttoned

Tangee’s jeans. He enveloped both cocks in his hands, stroking them
as he nibbled his way down Tangee’s neck.

Tangee tossed his head back as waves of ecstasy throbbed through

him, robbing his mind of any coherent thought as Loco’s skillful hand
took him closer to the edge.

Tangee’s eyes blazed as he saw Loco’s eyes shift. His mate was

spectacular when in the throes of passion. Tangee would never get
enough of seeing Loco like this.

Loco pressed his hand into Tangee’s back, bringing him closer as

his hand drew up, catching the pre-cum on Tangee’s cock and using it
as lube, bringing his hand down and twisting it slightly.

Tangee watched his mate’s hand as his heart started beating faster.

His spine tingled as his balls grew tight. He placed his hands on
Loco’s shoulders just as he threw his head back and cried out, his
cock pulsing as his seed shot out.

“Fuck,” Loco shouted and then his cum mixed with Tangee’s.
Tangee leaned forward, kissing Loco gently, and then rested his

forehead on his mate’s. He wasn’t sure if today was a dream or not,
but he knew that he wouldn’t be half the man that he was today
without the wolf who took his breath away.

* * * *

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The elf stood on the sidewalk scratching his head. He wasn’t sure

what just happened. He had meant for Tangee to meet with the ghost
of Christmas past. How the hell did his dad show up?

I know what you are up to, Ruttford. I’m going to counteract

anything you try to do to those mates.”

Ruttford looked over his shoulder, but didn’t see Nick anywhere.

“Oh, goody, a game.” He entwined his fingers together and pushed
them out, hearing the loud cracks as he danced in place. “I love a
good game.”

“Just so you know, when you get back, you’re mucking out the

reindeer stalls for this.”

Well, then, he was going to make sure it was well worth it, now

wasn’t he?

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Chapter 10:

Lewis and Evan

Lewis walked out of the police station, getting into his car. He sat

there for a moment, his knuckles curling around the steering wheel as
he felt a cold sweat break out all over his body.

He was an alcoholic. He could admit that. He could also admit

that most of the time he didn’t even think about the craving, but there
were some days, very few, that had him barely hanging on.

This was one of those days.
The holidays were the worst for him, although he never told

anyone that, not even his mate, Evan. It was the time of year when he
remembered his mother barely getting out of bed because she was so
wasted and his father was gone most of the time, cheating on her, not
wanting to be bothered with a drunk.

Christmas sucked for him back then, and no matter how many

good ones he had with his new family, the triggers were always there.

Lewis laid his head back against the headrest, taking a deep breath

as he stared at the building he had worked in for many years now. He
blew out a long breath as he tried to rein in his craving.

Should he call someone? Yes. Was he even attempting to? No.

The Den was in full holiday swing, with everyone in good spirits.
There was no way Lewis was going to bring anyone down with his

Lewis reached his hand up, starting the car, and then put it in

reverse. The only thing he wanted to do right now was go to sleep and
escape the craving that was building into a monster on his back.


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Lewis looked over at the car next to him to see one of the

detectives smiling at him. He rolled his window down, feeling the
cold bite of air smacking him in the face.

“Some of us are heading over to the bar. You with?”
Lewis inwardly groaned. Just what he didn’t need. He had never

told any of his coworkers about his alcoholism. Only the chief knew,
and he liked it that way. Not even his new partner knew about it. It
wasn’t something Lewis wanted advertised.

“Maybe some other time,” he said as he began to roll his window

back up. He stopped when the detective placed his hand on the glass.

“Everyone knows you’re gay. It’s no big deal. Come on, have

some fun with us. Some of us are starting to think you don’t like us.
Too good to hang out with fellow cops?”

Lewis bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to do. It wasn’t like he

was in high school with peer pressure, but when he depended on these
guys to watch his back and worked with them daily, it was a hard
choice to make on a moment’s notice.

The sad thing was, Lewis didn’t even know what the detective’s

damn name was. He was a new guy who just started there a few
weeks ago, and Lewis hadn’t taken the time to even learn it.

“Sure, I’ll meet you there.”
One drink.
It couldn’t hurt.
He would have one drink and then be on his way.
Lewis closed the window all the way and then finished reversing,

heading over to the local bar. He parked his car in the back, not
wanting anyone he knew to see it.

As he walked into the bar, the smell of alcohol hit his nose like an

iron fist. Lewis felt his mouth watering as his knees begin to shake the
further he walked into the place.

“You made it!” one of the detectives shouted and then threw his

head back, swallowing down a shot of liquor. Lewis ran a hand over

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his face and then looked at the rest of the cops whooping loudly and
laughing joyously.

“Here you go,” the newbie said as he shoved a shot glass into

Lewis’s hand. It began to tremble, the shot spilling onto the web of
skin between his thumb and index finger. Lewis stared at the wet spot,
his tongue aching to lick it off.

He reached his free hand in his pocket, feeling the token that he

had carried for over a decade now. He pulled it out, staring at the
number thirty etched into the plastic. He curled his fingers around the
worn edges as he gritted his teeth.

One drink.
He could take one drink and then leave the men to their

merriment. Lewis lifted the glass, ready to down the shot when a hand
landed on his arm.

“Can I talk to you for a moment?”
Lewis looked to his side to see the bartender standing next to him.

The grip on his arm was tight, preventing him from taking his shot of
dark liquor. Lewis looked down at the small glass in his hand, his
stomach knotting to get a taste of it, and then his head turned to see
the bartender staring at him intently.

“Yeah,” he said as he followed behind the man. He wasn’t sure

what the bartender wanted and he prayed it wasn’t something the guy
needed a detective for, because right now Lewis wasn’t in the frame
of mind to help anyone out.

He couldn’t help his self out right now.
He was fighting his own demons at that very moment. He didn’t

need to deal with anyone else’s problems. Lewis walked into the
bartender’s office, turning to look at the guy and then down at his
still-full shot glass.

The smell was inviting, calling out to him like a long lost friend.

But Lewis knew the truth. It wasn’t his friend, but his destruction.
And even knowing this, Lewis was still puckering his lips to swallow
the drink down.

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He was craving the burn badly.
“I need to show you something,” the bartender said, and then

everything went black.

* * * *

Lewis blinked a few times as he looked around. Holy fuck! He

was standing in an all-too-familiar kitchen. Lewis wasn’t sure what
was going on, but he didn’t like the feeling coming over him.

“Watch,” the bartender said as Lewis’s mother stumbled into the

kitchen, smacked her hip into the counter, and then made a grab for
the coffee pot. She missed, stared at the carafe, and then stumbled
back out.

Lewis took a step, and then another, following behind her. It had

been too long since he had set his eyes on her, and an intense feeling
of remorse and regret washed over him. He loved his mother with
every breath he took, but he had become ashamed of her in his later
teenage years.

His footsteps stopped when he saw a younger version of himself

sitting on a milk crate, balancing his schoolbooks on his leg, trying
his best to ignore his mother as he did his homework.

“Have you seen your father?” his mother asked as she swayed

where she stood.

The younger Lewis glanced up from his books, a disgusted look

on his face as he shook his head. “He’s probably with someone

Lewis’s jaw dropped as he listened to the younger him. Had he

actually said that to her? He racked his brain trying to remember, but
came up blank. Lewis saw the devastation in his mother’s eyes as she
turned away.

He had an urge to go over to his younger self and cuff him on the

back of the head. Instead, he followed his mother into her bedroom

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where she bumped into the dresser, everything sitting on the worn
wood rattling.

She picked up a picture frame and ran her fingers over the glass.
Lewis stepped closer, looking over her shoulder. He remembered

that picture. It was of a happier time. The family photo showed his
father standing there proudly with his arm around his wife and Lewis
sitting in front of them, smiling just as proudly.

His mother was beautiful in the picture. She had a dazzling smile

as she stared up at Lewis’s father with nothing but love and devotion
in her eyes.

“I want my family back,” his mother said as a sob escaped her

lips. “I miss my men so much.”

“I don’t want to see any more,” Lewis said as he smashed his eyes

closed and looked away. Tears prickled his eyes as he walked out of
his mother’s bedroom. He had never stopped to consider what his
mother must have gone through, the pain she carried, or the reason
behind her drinking.

“I was a teenager!” he shouted. “How was I supposed to know?”
The bartender touched Lewis’s shoulder as the blackness started

to fade the scene before him. Lewis wanted to get the hell out of
there, but another part of him wanted to run back to his mother and
pull her into his arms and hold on to her forever.

Lewis jumped when the babies ran past him, peals of laughter

floating past him. He smiled at the boys that were running around the
den. They always made him smile. Lewis loved kids. He never
wanted any of his own, but he loved what he considered were his

“Have you seen Lewis?” Evan asked as he walked into the den.

“He was supposed to be back hours ago.”

Guilt swamped Lewis as he looked down at the shot glass still

clutched in his hand. He could actually hear the worry in his mate’s
voice. He wanted to throw his arms around Evan and beg his
forgiveness for his weakness.

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“Sorry. I haven’t seen him come through the door yet,” Gabby

said as he bounced Skyler on his hip. Lewis smiled at his niece. She
was growing up so fast. He wanted to grab her from Gabby and toss
her in the air just to hear her squeal in delight.

“Would you let me know when he gets here? We’re supposed to

head out to our special place as soon as he gets home.”

Lewis’s chest tightened. He had totally forgotten about that. How

could he forget about the pond that Evan had shared with him so long
ago? It was Evan’s favorite place in the world, and now Lewis’s.

Evan walked toward the foyer, glancing out of the glass on the

side of the door. Lewis reached out to run his hands through Evan’s
hair, but his hands went through his mate like a ghost.

“I want to go home,” Lewis said as he saw the worry lines

marring his mate’s gorgeous face. He had caused those, and he was
ready to run home and erase every last one. Evan had been his rock
for so many years that Lewis wouldn’t know what he would do
without his warrior.

“Please be okay, babe,” Evan whispered to himself as he pulled

out his cell phone and dialed Lewis’s number.

Lewis knew that Evan wouldn’t be able to reach him right now.

No one would. He was too busy being selfish to care that Evan was
going out of his mind with worry. All Lewis had to do was call his
mate, reach out and tell him that the craving was clawing at his throat,
and Evan would have been there in a heartbeat to help him through it.

A tear slid down his face as Evan slid the phone back into his

pocket and looked out of the glass once more. He loved Evan so much
that it hurt sometimes. He had never let Lewis down, never cheated
on him, and never lied to him. Yet here Lewis stood with a shot glass
in his hand, never having told his mate how the holidays affected him.

“I want to go home!” Lewis shouted, but the bartender ignored

him as he laid a hand on Lewis’s shoulder, the scene fading away
from him.

Lewis cried out, but no one heard him.

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He glanced around when the scene before him was unfamiliar.

“Where are we?” he asked as he swallowed hard, seeing all the
headstones lining up before him. “Where the fuck are we?” He
shouted the question at the man guiding him through his life.

Lewis’s whole body shook, a cold shiver racing down his spine

and enveloping him when he saw an older version of himself
stumbling along, looking very drunk.

The older Lewis fell down in front of Lewis, curling up into a ball

on one of the graves. Lewis took a step closer, and then his very soul
cried out when he saw Evan’s name etched across the marble
headstone. He dropped to his knees, rocking back and forth as the
older version of him pulled a flask from inside his worn and dirty

“I love you, Evan, forever,” he said as he took a long drink. “I’m

so sorry.”

“What happened?” Lewis asked the bartender.
The man turned toward him, his eyes blazing red. “You fell off of

the wagon and slept with a dozen men in your drunken stupor. Evan
had gone mad. He was shot to death with a multitude of silver bullets
while killing your last lover as you stood by and watched, too drunk
to care.”

Lewis screamed as he threw the shot glass as far as he could, the

sound of shattering glass echoing through the graveyard as he covered
his face with his hands and wept. He wanted his mate. This couldn’t
be his future.

“Please tell me I can change this!”
The bartender laughed, fire spewing forth from his mouth as the

ground trembled. Lewis curled up into a ball, not caring what
happened to him. He had killed Evan with his selfish decision.

“Okay, man.” The detective took a step back. “You don’t have to

drink it.”

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Lewis blinked his eyes, seeing that he was back in the bar. He

jerked back and forth, hearing the laughter and seeing that the clock
hadn’t moved an inch in his journey.

He glanced down to see the shot glass still curled tightly in his

fist. “I’m going to head home,” he told the detective. Lewis was going
to learn the man’s name first thing tomorrow. “I have something very
special planned.”

The detective nodded his head, a large smile plastered across his

face. “Have fun. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Lewis said as he walked by the counter, setting the drink

down and wiping his hand across his jeans. He stepped out back,
getting into his car. There was no way in hell he was going to let that
future happen.

He raced home, throwing the car in park and jumping out. Lewis

practically ran to the front door, flinging it open and seeing Evan
standing there smiling at him. “You had me worried.”

“We need to talk before we go for our walk.”
Evan cocked his head, inhaling deeply as a dark mask covered his

face. “Have you been drinking?”

Lewis grabbed Evan’s hand, pulling his mate to their bedroom and

then slamming the door shut. He spun around, cupping Evan’s
beautiful face as he kissed him like he hadn’t seen him in forever.

Evan pulled back, his eyes narrowed. “You have been drinking!”
Lewis shook his head as he stood there and explained everything

to his mate. He told him about the way the holidays affected him,
about his craving today and other days, about how much he loved his

He skipped the whole thing about traveling through time. He was

trying to convince his mate he wasn’t drunk. He had a feeling that
telling Evan about the journey he just took wouldn’t go over so well.

“I’m proud of you for leaving and coming home,” Evan said as he

pulled Lewis into his arms and held onto him tightly. “But you should

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have told me about the holidays a long time ago,” he said and then
swatted Lewis on his ass.

Lewis yelped and then laughed. He didn’t care. He had his mate

and his life. He was never going to do anything to jeopardize that
again. His eyes widened when he saw the way Evan was staring at

He had that look that told Lewis that he was about to get fucked

within an inch of his life. Lewis was all for that as he quickly tossed
his clothes aside. Hell if he was passing up the opportunity to let Evan
love all over him.

Never again.
He laughed as he shot to the bed, Evan on his heels as he stripped

naked. Lewis bounced on the bed, watching as he mate came after
him. Evan crawled into the apex of his legs, grabbing the lube and
wetting his fingers.

“You don’t mess around, do you?” Lewis teased.
“Never, when it comes to you.”
Oh god, he was going to melt on the spot.
“I love you with every breath I take and will help you fight this

until my last breath.”

Lewis didn’t plan on Evan taking his last breath for centuries to

come. He spread his legs wide as he reached up and kissed his mate.

Evan lined his cock up, spreading Lewis’s legs like a wishbone as

he drove home.

Lewis shouted, loving every second his mate was inside of him

where he belonged. He grabbed his mate, pulling Evan toward him as
a new craving entered him. He was craving to feel his mate’s lips all
over his. Lewis curled his fingers in Evan’s hair, refusing to allow an
inch to get between them as Evan fucked him properly.

He arched his back and shouted as his release shot from his cock,

making Lewis cry out Evan’s name over and over again. His mate
growled and sank his teeth into Lewis shoulder as his cock throbbed
in Lewis’s ass, filling him with his mate’s cum.

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Lewis wrapped his arms around Evan’s shoulders, holding on for

dear life. His mate lay over him, enclosing Lewis into his arms.

Christmas had a whole new meaning now. No longer did he think

of the past when he heard Christmas songs, but of the future where
Evan was firmly planted.

* * * *

You sent him to that bar.”
Ruttford leaned against the house, not wanting to see the two men

rutting together. “No, I sent the bartender to him. I may like my
games, but I’m not that big of an asshole.”

We’ll see, Ruttford. We’ll see.” The warning was clear in Nick’s

voice as it faded away.

The elf rolled his eyes as he walked away, grumbling to himself

about the next mate.

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Chapter 11:

Mark and Caden

Caden got out of his truck, wondering what in the blue blazes was

going on now. How the heck did he own a mechanics shop with his
mate and his truck seemed to be the one that kept dying on him?

That didn’t make any sense to him.
Caden circled around to the front, knowing dang well he hadn’t a

clue what he was looking for. He may be half owner of a garage, but
he was the bookkeeper. What did he know about engines?

That was what his mate Mark was for.
Caden pulled his jacket around his body as he turned around to get

back into his truck. To heck with it. He’d sit in the dying heat in the
cab of his truck and call his mate.

There was no sense in him standing out here in the biting cold just

staring at the engine, praying he miraculously figured out the

Just as he reached for the door handle, he heard a voice coming

from behind him.

“Do you need some help?”
Caden spun around, seeing a very short guy smiling up at him in a

pair of blue coveralls. Caden thought it odd that the man just appeared
out of nowhere. He glanced around, not seeing another truck on the

Okay, this isn’t strange in the least.
He pulled his cell phone out, ready to call Mark when he noticed

it was dead. What rotten luck he was having today!


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“What seems to be the problem?” the man asked as he walked

around to the front of the truck, looking at the hood as if it should pop
open of its own volition.

“It just cut out on me.”
“No sputters or groans?”
Caden shook his head back and forth, keeping a safe distance

from the stranger. “No, none.”

The guy waved a hand at Caden and then the hood, an impatient

look on his face. “Well, then, pop the hood and let’s have a look.”

Caden opened the driver’s door, doing as the man said. What

choice did he have? It wasn’t as if he knew what he was doing. And if
the stranger could get his truck running, Caden would be a happy

“Try starting it,” the man said from under the hood.
Caden blinked. How the hell did he get under there so quickly?

No matter. Caden climbed in and turned the key, but nothing
happened. He tried again, but it still didn’t turn over.

“Hold on,” he heard the guy yell.
Caden yelped when the guy slid from under the hood and hit the

ground. He rushed out of the truck, wanting to make sure he was

“Are you hurt?”
The guy got up and dusted his backside off, smiling up at Caden.

“Not in the least. Now go see if you can start it now.”

Caden eyed him for a moment and then went back to the cab,

climbing inside and turning the key. It started!

Caden whooped with joy…until he smelled smoke.
He jumped out, racing around the truck to see the man smacking

the engine with a shop rag. “What happened?” he shouted as he
watched swirls of smoke spiraling up from the engine.

“Hell if I know. That shouldn’t have happened,” the man said and

then coughed, waving his hand in front of him. Caden could have
sworn he heard the guy mutter something about Nick.

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“Can it be fixed now?”
The guy gaped at Caden like he was nuts. “Does it look like it’s

going anywhere?”

Dang it!
He was supposed to meet Mark at home, and then they were going

out into the forest to pick the perfect Christmas tree. Nothing was
going right! Caden kicked the front tire, wishing he could shift and
run home, but he couldn’t do that with this human around.

He had to ditch the guy.
“Thanks for your help, really. I’m just going to walk home from

here. Have a nice day,” Caden said as he spun on his heel and headed
toward the Den.

“Oh, no. I can’t let you walk by yourself on this long deserted

road. I’ll walk with you, and then you can let me use your phone to
call for a ride.”

Caden growled. If the stranger walked with him, it would take an

hour and a half to get home! Not to mention that his balls would have
crawled up in him until they rested in his brain from the freezing cold.

He knew he should have worn a heavier jacket. Caden considered

putting on a burst of speed and running into the forest where he could
shift quickly and get the hell out of there, but he couldn’t leave the
guy stranded when he had been kind enough to stop and… “Hey,
where’s your car?”

The short man chucked a thumb over his shoulder. “A few miles

back. I’m out of gas.”

Caden sighed. Hopefully Mark would notice and come looking for

him when he didn’t show up on time. That would save Caden the
hours of walking in the cold.

* * * *

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Mark walked into his bedroom to see his mate sitting on the side

of the bed. Caden was just sitting there staring off into space with a
blank look in his eyes.

“You ready to go find a Christmas tree?” he asked as he grabbed a

coat for him and Caden out of the closet. When his mate didn’t
answer, Mark looked over his shoulder to Caden still sitting there
with that blank look.

“Are you okay, pup?” Mark asked as he walked over to the bed

and laid Caden’s coat down for him.

His mate stood, grabbed his coat, and slid it on mechanically,

jerky-like, as Mark shrugged his onto his shoulders. “Are you coming
down with something?”

Caden’s head moved back and forth stiffly as he walked toward

the bedroom door. Mark racked his brain to think of anything he
could have done to upset his mate. He couldn’t think of one reason
why he was getting the cold shoulder.

He sighed as he walked out past Caden, leading the way. Caden

didn’t say a word as he walked down the steps stiffly, his knees rising
higher than they should have, almost as if he were marching down
them. His brow rose as he watched his mate slowly make it to the
bottom step.

“You know, not talking to me isn’t going to solve anything. You

need to tell me when something’s bothering you, babe.”

Caden’s head slowly lifted and then fell, giving him a stiff nod.

Mark growled softly as he walked toward the kitchen, heading to the
back door. He hated when Caden put him in the doghouse. Normally
he had a very good reason to, but Mark was at a loss as to why his
mate was acting strangely toward him. This wasn’t like Caden.

His pup usually followed behind him like a…pup. Caden wasn’t

mindless, not by far. He had his say, kept Mark in his place, but was
the sweetest man on the planet. What the hell was had he done?

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“Hey,” George said as he slammed a pan onto the stove. “I’ll be

ordering takeout until I can figure out what the hell is wrong with my
new stove. What do you and Caden want for dinner?”

Mark looked over his shoulder at his mate. Caden’s head moved

from side to side, the blank look still strapped in his eyes. He frowned
at his pup and then looked back at George. “I guess we’re not hungry,

“Suit yourselves.”
Mark opened the back door, his eyes watching his mate as Caden

marched right on out without a word spoken.

It sucked being in the doghouse. Especially when he couldn’t

figure out why.

* * * *

Caden was ready to pull his hair out. The little bugger was going

on and on about how people shouldn’t cut down trees for Christmas
because they only threw them out a few weeks later and how it was
such a waste.

Then he started in on how people no longer had the Christmas

spirit because they bought fake trees instead of the real ones. He was
confused as hell, and a headache was starting in his forehead.

The guy didn’t have all of his candy canes in a row. That was for

sure. Caden was getting irritable as hell because it had been forty
minutes since he started walking and Mark hadn’t even come looking
for him yet. Didn’t his mate care?

Caden quickened his pace, tired as hell from his long trek in the

cold. He wanted to get home and get warm. He wanted to wring
Mark’s neck as well!

That man was in a world of trouble.

* * * *

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Mark picked up the axe from the lumber box, getting more pissed

off by the second. He stomped through the backyard, heading into the
forest, Caden following behind him quietly. If his mate had a
problem, he needed to speak his damn mind!

“You know, being together as long as we have, I would think you

could talk to me about anything, Caden. I can’t honestly understand
why you’re acting this way.”

Mark growled, no longer in the mood to cut down a tree. He was

ready to kick someone’s ass though. He’d never touch his mate, so he
needed to find someone or something to take his anger out on. This
was fucking ridiculous!

Mark swung around, ready to put Caden over his knee and teach

him a lesson about temper tantrums when he noticed that his mate
wasn’t behind him.

Did he go back to the house? “To hell with it. I’d rather do this

alone if he’s going to act that way.”

Mark swung back around to see his mate storming toward him,

exhaustion tugging at his eyes. What the hell? “Oh, now you want to

Caden growled as he got in Mark’s face, his fists balling up at his

sides. “How dare you not give a rat’s ass about me!”

Mark was even more lost than when he started out. “That’s your

fault. You should have said something.” Fuck if he was taking the
blame for something he had no clue about. He wasn’t even sure what
the hell they were talking about.

Caden’s head snapped back at Mark’s biting words, a look of rage

and hurt filling his eyes. “I shouldn’t have to say anything. You
should have been there for me,” he said quietly and then spun around,
walking back toward the house.

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What the fuck just happened?
Mark stood there for a moment feeling like he had been left out of

a very important conversation. Did he miss something?

He growled as he stormed toward the house. He wasn’t going to

be in trouble for something he didn’t do, hopefully.

He tossed the axe back into the box and headed upstairs. They

were going to hash this out whether Caden wanted to or not. And if he
didn’t, well, Mark had his ways of making his mate talk.

He found Caden sitting on the side of the bed…again. But this

time he looked livid. At least the blank stare was gone. “Talk!”

Caden jutted his chin out as Mark closed the door. So he wanted

to do this the hard way? Fine. Mark tossed his coat aside, kicked his
boots off, stripped down, and then pounced.

Caden yelped and then glared up at him. “You can’t make me.”
“Wanna bet me?” Mark said as he leaned back and grabbed

Caden’s shirt, ripping it open. Caden glared up at him, but didn’t say
a word. Next Mark slid down his mate’s body, unsnapping his jeans
and separating the flaps. When Caden didn’t lift his hips in assistance,
Mark bent down and removed his shoes, and then practically ripped
the jeans from his body.

“Still can’t make me,” Caden said, but his voice wasn’t as angry

or as strong.

Mark reached into the side drawer and pulled out a dildo, tossing

it on the bed. “We’ll see about that, pup.”

Caden gave a low growl, making Mark’s cock jerk. He grabbed

the lube, tossed it next to the toy, and flipped Caden onto his stomach.
Whether it was instinctive or because his mate knew he was wrong,
Caden tucked his knees under him without saying a single word.

Mark would take that…for now. When this playtime was over, his

mate was going to talk. He’d make damn sure of it.

Grabbing the lube, Mark squeezed the bottle, letting the gel coat

his fingers. He set it aside and then ran his hand over Caden’s flared

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mounds before bending forward and licking a path from bottom to top
of one soft mound.

Caden groaned.
Mark ran a finger up his mate’s crease and then separated the

beautiful globes as his wet finger rimmed the tight muscle. When his
mate bucked, Mark slid a finger inside of his warm channel.

He smiled as he slid another in next to the first one and scissored

his fingers, stretching his mate for their play. When three fingers
moved around inside Caden’s ass, Mark pulled his hand free and then
lubed the silicone toy.

As the dildo breached his mate, Mark watched in wonder. He

knew that he would never tire of the sight. Caden had changed his
life, his world, and made Mark the happiest man on the planet. He
may be the alpha of the two, but he honestly hated when Caden was
angry with him.

As the dildo slid all the way inside of Caden’s ass, Mark leaned

down and ran his tongue over his mate’s sac. His hand slid under
Caden, stroking his mate’s cock as Mark pushed and pulled the dildo
in and out of his mate’s ass.

“Mark.” Caden groaned.
That was more like it. He wanted Caden to always call his name

like that. He was determined to always make his pup feel that way.
Mark sucked one orb into his mouth, lapping at it as he fucked his
mate’s ass with the toy. Caden pushed his ass back, meeting the dildo
thrust for thrust.

Mark rose over his mate, removing the toy and replacing it with

his lubed cock. He thrust deep, ramming his cock in to the hilt.

His lip pulled back in a grin as he grabbed his mate’s sides,

slamming into him over and over again. His cock was so hard that he
felt like a battering ram against his mate’s soft skin.


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Caden threw his head back and howled as his hole pulsed around

Mark’s cock, milking it, pulling it deeper into his ass. Mark jetted into
Caden, feeling the tight fist stroke his shaft until he was roaring his
release, his body shattering as his orgasm exploded inside of him.

Mark pulled his flagging cock free and then pulled his mate close

to his chest.

“Why didn’t you come pick me up when my truck broke down?”

Caden asked as he cuddled close.


* * * *

Ruttford laughed hysterically as the Caden clone trailed behind

him. He had replaced Caden with a clone to fool Mark as he
distracted the real Caden. The angry combustion between the couple
as explosive.

It was a hoot!
A damn good prank!
Hell, he was funny!
God, it was good to be him. He snapped his fingers, the clone

disappearing as he whistled and walked down the hallway.

Now where was Nero?

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Chapter 12:

Gunnar and Nero

“Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock…” Nero hummed along to

the song as he hitched his hips from side to side, looking through the
box of Christmas decorations. He groaned when he pulled out the
macramé of tangled cords. He could have sworn he folded them with
extra care last year when he stored them.

Now he was going to go through the process of untangling the

Christmas lights. He had no choice. His OCD would not allow him to
walk away from this.

“What do you have there?” Dr. Nicholas asked as he walked into

the library.

“It’s not right, not right at all.” Nero huffed as he dropped five

piles of discombobulated cords onto the carpet. “I folded these nice
and neat last year. Yes, I did.”

“Would you like some help?” Dr. Nicholas asked as he squatted

down and pulled the first heap toward him. Nero cringed. It was his
job to make this right, his job to uncoil the coiled. He ran a blue-
gloved hand over the back of his neck.

“I swear I won’t touch you,” Dr. Nicholas said as he glanced over

at Nero. “I kind of like untangling Christmas lights. It’s almost

Tradition his ass. There was nothing Christmassy about tangled

cords. Nero knelt by the second pile, sighing as he began his arduous
task of making the cords look neat and pretty.

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“We should plug them in as well to make sure all the bulbs work,”

Nicholas commented as he tossed the cord this way and that, staring
at it like it was a Rubik’s Cube. “How did they get so tangled?”

That was what Nero wanted to know. He knew for a fact he never

would have just thrown the lights into the box haphazardly. No, no,
no. He would never have done that. Never.

“This string works,” Dr. Nicholas announced from across the

room. Nero looked up to see the lighted string blinking. It wasn’t a
pretty string of lights. More like a heap of sad lights giving off an
SOS, but thank goodness for small favors.

“I think we may need reinforcements here, Nero. It’ll take forever

to get these strings strung out properly.”

Nero glanced at the other three piles and sighed. They looked

more like they had been knotted all the way instead of just tangled.
Tossing the second pile down, Nero conceded. “Okay, but don’t ask
Cecil or Blair.” They would never take the job seriously. Those two
would only make matters worse, and probably make it into a game of
who could drive Nero nuts the fastest.

Dr. Nicholas nodded. “Gotcha.”
Nero went back to his task, wondering if it was even worth it. If

his OCD wasn’t riding him hard, he would just go out and buy all new
lights. But it was, so he untwisted, unknotted, and stretched out the
first cord. Pleased with himself, Nero grabbed the male end of the
cord and plugged it in.

He scratched his head, unplugged it, and giggled when it began to

blink for him in the most beautiful Christmas colors ever.

And then it went out.
Nero gave a soft growl as he unplugged it, and then plugged it in.

It began to blink once more.

“Okay, you go into the ‘have to find out what’s wrong with you’

pile,” Nero said as he laid the cord out nice and neat on the floor next
to the bookcase.

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“I hear you need rescuing,” Gabby said as he strolled into the

library, setting his son down on his feet. Nero glanced at the toddler,
wondering if this was such a good idea.

“I, uh...” He glanced over at the rest of the cords that still needed

untangling. Nero tossed his hands up in defeat. “I do, I do,” he said
and then watched in horror as Nevada ran over to the cord he had just
untangled and grabbed it, running across the room and around the
desk. “No!”

“That wasn’t very nice, Nevada,” Gabby scolded the toddler as he

chased his son down.

Nero was ready to pull his hair out as he watched Gabby grab the

cord and bunch it up in his fist as he grabbed the toddler with his
other hand.

This was not happening!
“Sorry about that,” Gabby said as he handed the drool-laden cord

back to Nero. He pinched it between his fingers, holding it as far from
his body as humanly possible. “I–It’s okay.”

“I’m going to get him out of here. Sorry I couldn’t help.”
Nero nodded, his eyes transfixed on the slobber smeared all over

the prongs. He shuddered as he dropped the string of lights onto the

He needed a new pair of gloves.
And he needed to go thank Dr. Nicholas for sending him such

helpful people.

Nero walked out of the library, holding his hands out in front of

him as if they were an infectious disease as he made his way to his
office where he had a whole stash of boxes filled with gloves.

As soon as he walked past his office door, Nero peeled the tainted

gloves off of his hands and dropped them into the wastebasket. He
walked into the bathroom and opened the cabinet doors where Gunnar
had just stored a fresh supply.

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He inhaled sharply when he saw the bare cupboard. “No!” He

spun around, his head snapping back and forth, but he didn’t see a
single box anywhere in sight. “No! No! No!”

He raced from his office, holding his hands high so he wouldn’t

touch anything as he ran as fast as he could to his bedroom. Nero
reached the closed door and looked down at the handle in panic.

He was going to have to touch it in order to open it.
Nero yanked his shirt over his head, praying no one came along to

see his half-naked form, and wrapped the fabric around his hand. He
twisted the doorknob, but it was locked.

Oh hell, hell, hell.
“Open up!” Nero shouted as he kicked the door with the tip of his

shoe repeatedly. His hands felt like germs were spreading all over
them like a plague out of control.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Gunny said as he came down the hallway.

“What has you so worked up, nutter?”

Nero was going into nuclear meltdown mode, that was what.

“Gloves, I need gloves.” He shoved his naked hands in Gunny’s face.
“Gloves, gloves, gloves, gloves…”

“Okay, hang on,” Gunny said as he opened the bedroom door.
Nero looked down at the handle as his brows pulled together.

What the hell? He forgot about the mysteriously locked door and ran
into the bathroom. “Give me a pair, gimme, gimme, gimme.”

“Uh, Nero.”
Oh, he didn’t like that tone. Not one bit. No, not at all.
“There aren’t any gloves in here.”
Gunny threw his hands up, pushing his palms out repeatedly.

“Calm down, nutter. I’ll run to the store and grab some for you. Just
sit on the bed and relax, babe.”

Nero nodded as he tried to pull in a lung full of air. Where in the

hell were his gloves? Nero reached into the nightstand and grabbed
his hand sanitizer. He dumped a large amount into his palm and

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tossed the bottle back into the drawer. He wrung his hands together,
over and over again, forcing the sanitizer to do its job.

His nostrils started to burn from the alcohol, but he didn’t care.

Nero got up and walked to the door, looking outside in the hallway to
see what was taking his mate so long. He’d been gone for two
minutes already. Where the hell was he?

“Here you go,” Ricky said as he walked by and shoved a

manuscript into Nero’s exposed hands. He screamed loudly as he
dropped the germ-filled pages and ran in a circle, his hands once
again feeling like they had the creepy crawlies.

“Get it off, get it off!”
“Ah shit, Nero. I’m sorry,” Ricky said as he stood in the doorway.
“Ah!” Nero shouted some more as he felt his world collapsing

down around him. Germs. They were spreading like a Texas wildfire
all over his hands!

“Here,” the alpha said as he handed Nero his sanitizer.
“I can’t. You touched the bottle!” he cried out. He was

hyperventilating, becoming dizzy as he contemplated going back
downstairs into his office and getting the gloves out of the trash.
Okay, there was no way he could make himself do that.

“Hold still,” Ricky said as he upturned the bottle of sanitizer and

dumped it all over Nero’s hands. “Now rub it in.”

Nero rubbed and rubbed with frenzy. His hands felt so damn

exposed. “More, more. Give me more!”

Ricky emptied the bottle out onto Nero’s outstretched hands.
“What happened?” Gunny asked as he raced up the stairs, a box

shoved under his arms.

“Nothing. Ricky just tried to kill me,” Nero said as he held out his

hands, looking at the box as if a halo of light was shining down onto
it. “Put them on!”

Gunny ripped the box open and handed Nero a pair.
“They’re white!”
“Sorry, nutter. That’s all the store had.”

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Nero turned his head, peeking at his hands as he slowly pulled

them on. He wanted his blue gloves, but as long as they were covered,
they would do, for now.

“I’ll go put these in the bathroom,” Gunny said as he waved the

box in the air and walked past him and into their bathroom. He came
out a few seconds later, looking perplexed. “I think you two should
see this.”

Nero and Ricky followed Gunny into the bathroom where he

pointed under the sink and in the cabinet. His blue gloves were back,
but it was twice the amount from what he stocked.

“Huh, I’ll be damned,” Ricky said and then left the room, closing

the door behind him.

Gunny pulled a blue pair out, slowly peeling the white ones from

Nero’s hands and replacing them with the blue ones. “Better?”

Nero nodded, relief flooding him.
“Losing your gloves and making me go out into the cold to track

some more down puts you on the naughty list.”

“I’ve been very good this year.” Nero pouted.
Gunny shook his head, pointing to a blank patch of the wall. “You

see that naughty list up there. Your name is at the very top, young

Nero stomped his foot, his lower lip jutting out. “But it wasn’t my

fault. Someone hid my gloves.”

Gunny chuckled as he walked over to the bed. “That’s what they

all say. Now come get on the good list.”

Nero arched a brow at his mate. He loved role-playing with his

wolf. “And what do I have to do in order to get a Christmas gift,

Gunny shed his clothes and sat on the bed, holding his cock in his

hand and lazily stroking his shaft. “Sit on the North Pole and tell me
why you deserve one.”

Nero licked his lips, stripping his clothes off and pointing up to

the naughty list. “Shouldn’t I get a gift just for sitting on the pole?”

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Gunny shook his head. “It’s not that easy. You have to show me

that you’re naughty in order to get on the nice list.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense, Santa.”
“I never claimed to make sense. Now hop up here.”
Nero climbed up onto the bed, straddling Gunny’s lap and staring

at the man who had changed his life all those years ago when Nero
was on a service call. He leaned forward as Gunny’s fingers slid past
his butt, playing at his hole. He never thought he would enjoy sex
either. But he did.

Very much so.
Nero groaned as he slowly lowered himself onto Gunny’s pole. It

felt as though it was splitting him wide open as he seated himself.
“Good, good, so good.”

“I think you just might get a gift,” Gunny said as he lay back on

the bed, leaving Nero perched on top of him. “Now ride the sleigh.”

Nero planted his feet and rode Gunny, feeling his mate’s cock

grazing his prostate as his gloved fingers dug into his wolf’s chest.

Gunny grabbed his hips, his eyes darkening as he gave a low

growl, thrusting up as Nero thrust down. His mate was close. Nero
could tell.

“Come for me, nutter,” Gunny said as he grabbed Nero’s cock,

stroking it in frenzy.

Nero cried out, hot jets of seed erupting from his cock as Gunny

roared beneath him. Nero collapsed forward, panting heavily. “Do I
get my gift?”

“Maybe you will, and maybe you won’t. I’ll need a few more

samples before Christmas before I make my decision.”

Nero grinned as he settled against his mate’s chest, listening to the

strong heartbeat as he remembered he had to go untangle those damn

* * * *

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Ruttford walked away from Nero’s room laughing hysterically.

How do you throw an OCD man into panic? You take away his

God, he was funny as hell.
He knew it was Nick who had put all of Nero’s gloves back, but it

was fun to watch him run around.

It had also been fun twisting all those strings of lights as well.

Some days it was good to be an elf.

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Chapter 13:

Murdock and Heaven

Heaven sat in his barber chair, reading through a parenting

magazine that one of his customers had left behind.

He snorted as he flipped through the pages.
“Apparently these people have never raised twin cubs before.” He

wondered if there was a parenting magazine for that.

Probably not.
He tossed the magazine aside and stretched, wondering why he

was even in the shop today. It was close to Christmas, eight days
away, and Heaven doubted anyone would brave the cold to get a

He knew he would be busy on Christmas Eve, though. Everyone

wanted to look his or her best on Christmas. Heaven would rather be
at home with his mate and cubs. Okay, maybe he did need a break.
That was why he stupidly came into town and opened the barbershop

Walking over to the door, Heaven looked out onto Brac Village.

The town was quiet, hardly a person in sight. He tried to imagine what
the town would look like nestled in snow. Too bad this area rarely, if
ever, had that happen. Heaven wanted mountains of snow so his small
family could go out sled riding or make snow angels.

He’d seen it on television, small children making snowmen. Oh

well, at least he had a large family to be thankful for, and wasn’t that
what the season was all about? He stepped back when Mr. Greyworth
grabbed the door handle, pushing it open.

“Hey, Heaven.”

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Heaven smiled at the older human. Peter was a faithful customer

who came in once a week religiously. Too bad Heaven couldn’t cut
the man’s hair the way he really wanted to. Peter only wanted the
ends trimmed and nothing more.

“Hello, Peter. Same as usual?” he asked as he pointed over to one

of the empty chairs. Heaven shivered at the cold that swept in behind
the guy. There may not be snow, but it was colder than a witch’s tit in
a brass bra out there.

“Nope. The wife wants me to get a decent haircut this time. She

says I look like a damn grizzly bear. I don’t see what the problem is. I
think I look good, don’t you?”

Heaven wasn’t touching that question with a ten-foot Betty

Crocker spoon. Peter’s hair was dry, wiry, and out of control. Had the
guy ever heard of conditioner? “So we’re going to make you look like
a million bucks then?”

Peter gave a small growl, almost making Heaven laugh. “I already

look like a million bucks.” And then Peter sighed and took a seat in
one of the chairs. “But I’m tired of being nagged about it. Do
whatever you have to. Make me looked civilized.”

Heaven bit back his smile. He was so glad Peter decided to get rid

of the grizzly bear look, as his wife put it. “She won’t even recognize
you once I’m finished.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Peter grumbled.
Heaven draped the cape around Peter, walking across to the other

station to grab his water bottle, comb, and scissors.

“Where are your boys?” Peter asked. The human knew that

Heaven was their father, and thankfully never asked about a mother.
Everyone in town assumed that Heaven was no longer with his
children’s mother and had hooked up with Murdock.

If they only knew.
“They’re with Maverick. He took them Christmas shopping along

with Melonee.”

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Peter nodded as Heaven spritzed his hair down. “Now that’s a

noble man. He’s a kindhearted mayor. Wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

Heaven had to pick the water bottle up from the floor where he

had dropped it. Maverick wouldn’t hurt a fly? Holy hell, he was going
to have to tell the alpha this one. Heaven curled his lips in to stop the
shot of laughter that had tried to escape. Oh, that was good. “Yep.
Maverick is a good man.”

Heaven combed out Peter’s hair, raised a section, and cut three

inches of the dead shit from the man’s hair. Peter wasn’t a bad-
looking man, so Heaven knew he was going to look good as hell just
as soon as he got the electrocuted look from the guy’s head.

As Heaven worked around Peter’s hair, trying his best to give him

a stylish cut that would fit him perfectly, he noticed that the area he
had already cut still looked like it needed cut.

What the hell?
Heaven frowned and looked down at the floor. There was plenty

of hair down there to prove he had cut the man’s hair. So why did it
look like Heaven hadn’t even started yet?

Ten minutes later, Heaven was becoming frantic. He held a

section of hair up, cut three inches off, and held onto it this time.
There had to be a reason for this.

“Fuck!” Heaven shouted when he watched the hair lengthen

between his fingers right before his very eyes. There was no fucking
way! The hair had grown back three inches!

“Something wrong, Heaven?” Peter asked.
Yeah, your fucking hair keeps growing back. “Nothing, just

stabbed my finger with the scissors.”

Heaven moved around Peter as he cut faster, trying to get Peter’s

hair cut before it grew back. Maybe if he worked fast enough… Fuck!
Fuck! Fuck!

“I’ll be right back,” Heaven said as he sat the scissors down and

walked into the back room where the dryers were housed. He paced

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back and forth for a minute, trying to figure out what he was going to

There was no logical explanation for what was happening to

Peter’s hair.

“Carter,” he called loudly, but not too loud for Peter to hear.
Carter shimmered in, a toothbrush stuck in his mouth with a dab

of toothpaste sitting in one downturned corner as Carter frowned. His
brows pulled together as he stared at Heaven.

“I have a problem.”
Carter pointed to his toothbrush in aggravation and then removed

it. “And it couldn’t wait?”

Heaven ignored the elf as he peeked back into the shop to check

on his customer and then turned back to Carter. “I have a problem I’m
hoping you can figure out.”

Carter shrugged. “I’ll try.”
Heaven explained to Carter what was happening every time he cut

Peter’s hair.

“Oh, this I’ve got to see,” Carter said as he headed for the shop.

Heaven held his hand up, shaking his head as he blocked Carter’s

“I don’t need you to go out there gawking at the man. I don’t want

him to see he still has a head full of hair but a pile of it on the floor.
That’s all I need is for him to go running and screaming from here.”

Carter pouted. “Fine, spoilsport.”
Sooo,” Heaven said as he looked at Carter desperately. “Any idea

what’s going on?”

“I haven’t a clue why it’s doing that.”
Heaven growled. “Then go find out. Peter isn’t going to wait

around until New Year’s for a damn haircut.”

Carter rolled his eyes and then shimmered away. Heaven bit his

thumbnail as he paced the back room, praying Carter didn’t take that
long. Peter wasn’t going to sit there for a few hours while they tried to

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work this out. He wasn’t even sure they could work this out because
Heaven hadn’t a clue what it was.

A few minutes later, Carter shimmered back in. Heaven ran to his

side, praying the man had an answer to this madness. “Well?”

Carter shook his head. “No one knows why the guy’s hair keeps

growing back, but Tryck suggested shaving him bald.”

Heaven ran his hand over his face, feeling frustrated as hell.

“That’s not a damn solution.”

Carter splayed his hands in front of him. “It’s all I have.”
“Thanks anyways.” Heaven walked from the back room, smiling

at Peter as he approached him. He picked his scissors back up, and
began to cut once more.

He wasn’t sure what he was going to tell Peter if his hair grew

back this time. It wasn’t like the guy hadn’t felt Heaven cutting his
hair, so he couldn’t lie about it.

He gasped when the hair fell to the floor…and didn’t grow back.

He wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but Heaven cut the man’s
hair in record time, speed cutting all around his head. “Okay, I’m
done. Let’s get you out of here so you can show the missus.”

Heaven ripped the cape away, pulling Peter from the chair and

pushing him toward the front of the shop. “It’s on the house, Merry
Christmas.” Just get the hell out of here.

Peter pulled his arm away, giving Heaven a strange look before

waking back over to the large mirror on the wall. Heaven gave a low
growl as he tapped his foot out, praying Peter got out of there before it
started growing back.

Peter turned his head this way and that, finally smiling. “I am a

handsome devil, aren’t I?”

“I told you that you would like the haircut,” Heaven replied. Now

get out!

“Thanks, Heaven. You’re a doll.”
Heaven gave him a tight smile as Peter walked past him. His eyes

widened when he saw the hair slowly growing back, sliding down the

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back of his neck and kinking back up. “Bye,” he said as he practically
threw Peter out.

Heaven paused in the doorway when he saw small snowflakes

falling from the sky. Joy burst inside of him at the sight. Heaven
quickly grabbed his things and then locked up the shop. He raced to
his SUV and then raced home.

Heaven ran inside like a madman, praying Maverick was back

with the kids. He found his children, Nevada, and his mate in the den
playing Go Fish. “It’s snowing!” he blurted out happily.

Murdock’s head snapped up, as he smiled at him. Heaven stared at

his small family. He may have burst with joy from seeing snow, but
joy was always with him whenever he saw one of their tiny faces or
the sight of his mate. Murdock was his entire world.

And to see the big badass warrior playing Go Fish with the little

ones brought tears to Heaven’s eyes. It was an image that he would
always remember.

Heaven couldn’t help but feel like he was invading on a very

private moment in Murdock and the cubs’ bonding time. Nevada was
such a part of their lives that Heaven considered him a son as well.

“Then we need to go see this,” Murdock said as he tossed the

cards down and told the twins that they won. Matthew whooped.

Heaven raced up the stairs and grabbed everyone’s coats. He

checked in on Skyler, who was fast asleep in Gabby’s bedroom. “I’m
taking Nevada outside with us to see the snow. Where’s his coat?”

“Snow?” Gabby asked as he reached into the closet and handed it

to Heaven.

“Yeah, snow. Can you believe it?” Heaven said and then he raced

back downstairs. Once everyone was properly dressed, Murdock led
them through the kitchen and out the back door.

Heaven spun around in wonder as the white stuff came down

heavier. It was a damn miracle, until Murdock whacked him in the
head with a snowball.

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Heaven laughed as he as he ran for shelter, the twins and Nevada

close on his heels.

“I see how it is,” Murdock called to the boys. “Go ahead and take

his side.”

Heaven laughed at the way Murdock pouted as he and his family

spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the miracle.

* * * *

Heaven closed the adjoining bedroom door, the boys fast asleep.

He smiled at his mate. “I had fun.” He quickly walked to the bed
when Murdock held a hand out. Heaven climbed up and then crawled
over to rest his head on Murdock’s chest.

“Do you ever regret mating me?” Murdock asked out of the blue.
Heaven’s head snapped up, his brows pulling together. “Why on

earth would you ask me that? You’ve given me three beautiful
children and are the hero of my dreams.”

Murdock spun, placing Heaven below him as he stared him in his

eyes. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

Heaven rolled his eyes as he slapped Murdock’s chest. “If you

were fishing for compliments, all you had to do was ask.”

Murdock grinned at him, and then his expression morphed into

lust as he placed his hand on the side of Heaven’s face. “I want you.”

“Shut up and kiss me,” Heaven said as he leaned up, taking his

mate’s mouth in a searing kiss that made his toes curl in. The kiss was
breathtaking, but the two scrambled to get undressed. They never
knew when they would be interrupted.

Heaven loved being a parent, but daddy time was starting to have

an impact on grown-up time, and Heaven couldn’t have that. He
kicked the last of his clothes away as Murdock skimmed a hand over
his chest. “You get more beautiful with the years.”

“You’re already getting the booty, baby.”
Murdock chuckled. “I’m serious.”

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Heaven stared up at his mate, feeling like his world was complete.

“I love you, too. Now fuck me before someone cries for a glass of

Murdock’s eyes widened, and then he jerked over to the

nightstand, grabbing the lube. “Can’t have that,” he said as he lubed
his fingers, stretching Heaven and making him want to shout to
the…well, heavens. Murdock had mastered every sensitive spot on
Heaven’s body and made sure he kissed and licked each one.

Heaven groaned as he felt Murdock pull his hand free and line his

cock up, sinking balls deep. It felt like ages since Murdock loved on
him—which should be a crime since his mate knew how to make
Heaven’s back break.

He muffled a cry as Murdock pulled Heaven’s legs apart and

sawed in and out of him, fucking him like only a god knew how.
Thank fuck Nicholas had found a birth control for Heaven that
wouldn’t chemically castrate him.

That would have been screwed up on so many levels.
Heaven’s thoughts flew out of his mind as Murdock twisted him

like a damn pretzel, pounding his cock into Heaven’s ass. He grabbed
a pillow to stop the shout as his cock erupted, sending him over the

“That’s right, baby. Come for daddy.”
Heaven moved the pillow aside and stared at Murdock like he’d

lost his mind. “Really?”

Murdock chuckled for a split second and then stiffened, grunting

out his release. He slammed his cock into Heaven’s hole like a
sledgehammer as he rode out his orgasm.

Heaven ran his hands over his mate’s chest, smiling at the sated

bliss that gripped him now.

Murdock crawled behind him, pulling Heaven into his arms as he

nuzzled his neck. “So what happened at the shop?”

* * * *

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The elf laughed as he twirled his finger around, making sure

Peter’s hair grew two more inches. “You may have given him the
snow he wanted, but I had my fun as well.”

“Payback is going to be sooo sweet,” Nick said and then laughed

in Ruttford’s head.

Ruttford wasn’t sure he liked that laugh.
He shrugged. Oh well, he was having too much fun to go home


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Chapter 14:

Jason and Nicholas

Nicholas smiled as he walked into Oscar’s hospital room. He was

only six years old, small for his age, and badly burned from a house
fire that claimed his mother and father. Nicholas’s heart went out to
him. “How are you feeling today, Oscar?”

Oscar smiled up at him as he turned the television off. “A little

better. It doesn’t hurt as much to move around.”

“Let’s check to see how you’re healing, son.”
Oscar scooted down the bed, lying flat as Nicholas handed him a

Christmas bear from behind his back. Oscar smiled and held it tight to
his chest. “He’s going to help you be brave while I check your burns.”

Oscar nodded just as the nurse walked in and took a seat next to

the little guy’s bed. Oscar’s father had been drunk and knocked over
the holiday candles, setting the farmhouse to a blazing inferno.
Nicholas had known Oscar’s father and knew the guy hadn’t been an
alcoholic. But unfortunately celebrating the holidays with alcohol and
burning candles was a deadly combination, one Oscar was left to bear.

He winced and whimpered a little, but the little guy allowed

Nicholas to finish his exam without begging him to stop like he had a
week ago. “You’re healing beautifully.”

Oscar smiled up at him. “Thank you.”
Nicholas smiled as he pulled his exam gloves off. “I’ll see about

getting you a treat for doing so well.”

His eyes lit up like Christmas lights. “Can bubba have one, too?”
“My bear.”

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Nicholas chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do. Get some rest.”
“Dr. Sheehan,” one of the nurses called after him as Nicholas

walked to the next room for his morning rounds. He turned to see her
approaching quickly, looking flustered. “There’s a man here who
claims to be your father. He insists on speaking with you.”

Nicholas gave a low growl, something he had learned from his

mate Jason, as he followed behind the nurse. Nicholas hadn’t heard
from his father since they fell out so many years ago when Nicholas
walked away from everything his father had wanted him to be.

He was shocked to see Dr. William Sheehan standing there

looking as gray as ever, wrinkles in places that they’d never been
before. “Yes?” he asked curtly. Nicholas wasn’t in the mood for his
father’s pompous and overinflated ego. He’d had enough of that to
last him a lifetime.

“Son?” his father said as he turned to face him. “You don’t look

like you’ve aged a day.”

“I eat my vegetables. Is there something you want?” Nicholas just

wanted to get the man out of there. There was no need for
pleasantries. His father never indulged in them.

“Still so prickly after all of these years, I see.”
Nicholas mentally counted to ten, trying his best not to lose his

temper. His father had the audacity to show up here and say
something like that? “As I remember, you refused to acknowledge
that I’m gay, insulted my ma—partner, tried to blackball me from
working here, and was a downright dickhead.”

His father turned a deep shade of red as he glanced around. The

move surprised Nicholas. The father he remembered wouldn’t have
cared who heard anything he had to say. He took a closer look, seeing
how truly tired his father’s eyes were. Had his father gotten older and
decided to grow a conscience?

“I see it was a waste of my time coming here.”
Nope. His father hadn’t learned a damn thing. It was a shame, too.

Dr. William Sheehan was a brilliant doctor. He just sucked at being a

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father. Nicholas was happy with his life now. Although he had seen
things that the government would kill to know, and things that made
him gape sometimes, Nicholas wouldn’t change his life for anything
in the world.

Nicholas didn’t even care why his father had come. He only cared

that he left. “Have a nice life, Father,” he said as he walked away
before he really said what was on his mind.

“Excuse me.”
Nicholas rolled his eyes. It was going to be one of those days. All

he wanted to do was see to his patients and then go home. He wasn’t
even scheduled to work today. He turned around and saw a very
handsome and young man standing there looking beyond Nicholas at
the row of rooms.

“I’m here to see Oscar McGavin.”
Nicholas stiffened. In the weeks since Oscar was admitted, he had

woven himself around Nicholas’s heart. He felt very protective of the
small guy. “And you are?”

The man gave Nicholas a sad smile as he wrung his hands in front

of him. “I’m his uncle. My name’s Seth McGavin.”

Nicholas waved for one of the nurses to come over as he stared

Seth up and down. “This man says that he’s Oscar’s uncle. I need you
to get a hold of Social Services for me.”

“Do you think I’m lying?” the man asked.
Nicholas shook his head. “No, but I’m not going to just hand him

over. There are procedures to follow to ensure his safety and well-

Seth nodded. “I understand. I bought a place here before coming

to see my nephew. Are they going to need to see it?”

“Yes, as well as checking into your background,” Nicholas said

and then took a step closer. The man seemed like a nice guy, but he
wasn’t taking any chances with Oscar. “Is there anything you need to

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Seth shook his head quickly. “No sir. I just spent all of my savings

getting an apartment for Oscar and me. I was going to look for a job
as soon as I left here. He’s all the family I have now that my sister and
brother-in-law are gone.”

“Wait right here,” Nicholas said as he waked back to Oscar’s

room. He glanced over his shoulder to see Seth watching him.
Nicholas entered the little guy’s room, smiling when he saw him
trying to feed cinnamon crackers to his bear.

“Hey, sport. I have someone outside that says he knows you.”
Oscar’s looked up as his tiny brows furrowed. “Who?”
“Your Uncle Seth.”
Oscar laughed as he hugged his bear close.
“I take it that you know him?”
Oscar’s little head bounced up and down, excitement radiating in

his eyes. Nicholas hadn’t seen him this jovial since before the house

“Can I see him?”
Nicholas smiled down at the little trooper. “I’ll bring him in.”

Nicholas smiled to himself. Oscar was going to get a merry Christmas
after all. He was going to have a talk with Maverick about finding
Seth a job, too. Those two seemed to need each other.

* * * *

Jason smiled when he saw Nicholas coming through the door. He

was still the most handsome man Jason had ever laid eyes on. Before
he could pull his mate into his arms, Maverick walked into the foyer,
saw Nicholas, and headed straight for him.

Nicholas backpedaled, almost making it out of the house before

Maverick caught up to him. “Don’t even try it,” he said and handed
Nicholas a manuscript.

Jason’s mate looked down at it and then gaped at Maverick.

“Since when did a doctor deliver Mary’s baby? I don’t remember a

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damn OBGYN being there,” he shouted as the alpha began to walk

“We’re ad-libbing,” Maverick called over his shoulder as he

walked around the corner. Jason chuckled at the growl his mate gave.
He was impressed with it.

“It’s for the kids,” Jason said as he pulled Nicholas into his arms.

“Stop pouting.”

“I’m beginning to wonder about that,” Nicholas said. “I’m starting

to think Maverick is doing this just to make everyone miserable.
Come on, who invents a part in the nativity scene? Seriously?”

“I have a feeling this is going to be a play we’ll never forget,”

Jason said as he pulled Nicholas to the library. He peeked his head in,
making sure they would be alone before pulling Nicholas in behind

“Oh, no,” Nicholas said as he tried to pull his hand away. “Every

time we come in here, you end up tossing me over the desk.”

How true that was. “The place holds fond memories.”
Nicholas snorted. “So does the kitchen, the stable, the den, the

thousand and one rooms upstairs, the dining room, and Maverick’s

“Don’t say the last one too loudly,” Jason warned. “Maverick’s

still looking for the ones responsible for leaving the evidence behind.”

Nicholas crinkled his nose. “I thought we cleaned that up?”
Jason chuckled as he pulled Nicholas over to the desk,

remembering the first time he bent his mate over. That memory would
forever be etched in his mind. He mentally smiled, knowing Nicholas
was going to remember as well when he pulled the toy from his
pocket. “Apparently we didn’t get it all.”

Nicholas snickered and then moaned when Jason spun him around

and bent him over the desk. He pressed his mate’s shoulder into the
wood, grazing his hand down his mate’s back.

“My father came to see me today.”
Jason growled as he stiffened. “Did he harm you?”

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Nicholas laughed. “Hardly. I think he was seeing if I was still with

you and still working at the clinic.”

Jason wanted to ask if Nicholas told his father to fuck off, but

knew his mate was too nice for that. Of course, he had told his father
off years before, so maybe Nicholas had. “What did you say?”

“I told him to have a nice life.”
Yeah, that was what Jason thought he would say. His mate was

just too kindhearted. But that had been in Jason’s favor when they
first met.

“It was odd, though. I didn’t take my father as the type to come

see me. Very odd,” Nicholas said to himself and then groaned when
Jason dropped his mate’s pants and began to lick at his two wondrous
globes. He pulled a travel-size lube pack from his pocket and squirted
it down the crease of Nicholas’s ass.

His mate stuck his ass out further as Jason smoothed the wet gel

around his pink, puckered hole, licking his balls as he stretched his
mate for Jason’s invasion, plus a toy.

“God, Jason, fuck me already,” Nicholas begged. “I can’t take the


Jason grinned as he stood, unsnapping his pants and letting them

fall to his ankles as he lined his cock up and thrust forward.

“Yes!” Nicholas hissed as he tried to stretch out further onto the

desk. Jason helped his mate push one leg up as he pulled back and
then slammed home again. Nicholas was moaning, his head rocking
back and forth on the desk, sticking his ass out to meet Jason’s

Jason reached down and pulled the pocket-size vibrator from his

jeans, lubed it, and then pulled from his mate’s hole.

“Are you nuts?” Nicholas protested. “Fuck me, damn it!”
Jason kissed his mate’s back. “Patience, love.”
“I used all my patience earlier with my father, now fuck me until I

forget my own damn name!”

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Jason planned on doing just that. He gripped the base of his cock,

toy included as he pushed at his mate’s hole.

“Oh hell!” Nicholas shouted. “You haven’t used a toy in forever.”
And Jason hadn’t. If he used them all the time, it would get old,

fast. He loved keeping his doctor on edge, always wondering. Jason
watched his cock plunge in and out of his mate’s swollen hole, feeling
his canines descend at the gorgeous sight before him.

He’d never get enough of seeing this.
“I’m close,” Nicholas called.
Jason picked up the pace, slamming his cock and the toy into

Nicholas’s ass hard, pounding his flesh.

“Jason!” Nicholas shouted and then collapsed on the desk, pulling

in ragged gulps of air. Jason thrust a few more times and then tumbled
over after his mate. He licked a line up Nicholas’s back and then laid
a kiss on the nape of his mate’s neck.

“Love you.”
Nicholas waved a hand around, looking as though he were about

to fall asleep. “Love you, too. Now dress me so no one catches me
sleeping with my ass hanging out.”

Jason growled at the thought as he bent down and pulled his

mate’s pants back up and straightened them. They may have fucked
like rabbits when they first mated, still did, but they learned to control
themselves, somewhat, mostly. Who the hell was he kidding?

Jason would take Nicholas if they were in the middle of crowded

city. He’d never been able to resist the sexy doctor, and he was never
going to try either.

* * * *

Ruttford whistled as he walked down the hallway of the Den. He

had wanted to see a good ole knock-down, drag-out, but unfortunately
Nicholas had more class than that.

Damn it!

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Score one for me!”
“Whatever,” Ruttford grumbled to Nick’s voice in his head. “I

still have five more mates to mess with!”

Nick chuckled. “Mess away, Ruttford. I’ll see you when you get


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Chapter 15:

Ludo and Murphy

Murphy walked down the aisles of books, trying to decide which

Christmas story to read to the children who would be here soon. He
wasn’t sure how his mate talked him into doing a story time, but the
more Murphy thought about it, the more excited he became.

He was going to be the one to leave a lasting impression in the

children’s minds, mold and shape them. He just hoped they didn’t
make a damn mess. Not only was he reading to the Den’s children,
but the town’s children were attending as well.

As his fingers tapped each spine, Murphy was getting frustrated.

He’d never read to children before, so they weren’t going to like
Aristotle or William Shakespeare. He needed kiddie books.

Murphy smiled when his fingers tapped the one Christmas story

he remembered so well from his youth. He grabbed the book, taking it
over to the counter and setting it down. “Are the snacks and drinks in

“I have the snacks ready, but I’m still working on all the cups of

hot cocoa,” Curtis said from behind the counter of the coffee station
Murphy had set up to bring more customers in. It was working
beautifully, grossing a large revenue for his bookstore.

“They should be arriving soon,” Murphy said and then glanced

toward the front of the store.

It was unbelievable, but real.
It was snowing in Brac Village.
Murphy wasn’t sure what miracle this was, but he was enjoying

the fluffy white stuff. It made it feel more Christmassy. He hummed

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as he straightened the small chairs that the children were to sit in,
making sure they all faced front and center. He grinned at the large
lounge chair for him to sit in and read.

Ludo had brought it from the Den. It looked more like a throne.

There were Christmas gifts sitting on both sides of the chair for the
children once he was done reading. One side was for boys, the other
for girls.

“All right,” Curtis said as he brought a tray over to the table by his

throne. “Here are their drinks.”

Murphy walked back over to the door, wondering why no one had

shown up yet. He pressed his hand into his lower back, feeling the
slight pain that was still with him. He shouldn’t have any pain being
mated to a were-creature, but Murphy did.

Dr. Nicholas tried to say they were phantom pains, but Murphy

didn’t think so. He was able to walk now, but he still had pain once in
a while, like now. He prayed the crazy psycho bitch was getting her
just desserts. Maribel had been one psychotic ass bitch.

Murphy smiled when he saw Heaven and Murdock pull up and

park in front of the store. He knew that at least the Den children
would be here. If none of the rest showed, Murphy would still have a
great time reading.

Opening the door for the parents and their pups, Murphy grabbed

Maddox from Heaven’s arms. “I have him.”

“Thanks,” Heaven said as he walked into the shop. “All they’ve

been talking about is Uncle Murphy and a story.”

Murphy chuckled as he walked Maddox over to the throne and sat

him down. “You’re going to be reading today, Maddy.”

Maddox nodded his head as he twisted around and stood on the

chair. Murphy held his hands out, making sure the little one didn’t
fall. “Daddy, I’m reading da books!”

“You’ll do a great job,” Murdock said as he set Skyler’s car seat

on the counter. Murphy had never seen a father as attached to his
daughter as Murdock was with Skyler. He could tell that Murdock

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was going to be answering the door with a shotgun when Skyler
became of age to date.

Murphy shuddered. Melonee was at that age and drove everyone

nuts. She was almost a grown up and very pretty, but she had always

She hadn’t brought a boy home…yet. He was not looking forward

to the day she did. God have mercy on the guy who stole her heart.

“Okay, there are cookies and hot chocolate over there,” Murphy

said and pointed over to the table. After a while, the bookstore began
to fill with little ones. When all the seats were taken, Murphy grabbed
the book he had chosen and took a seat.

“Hello, boys and girls. For those of you who don’t know me, my

name is Murphy. Today I’ll be reading one of my favorites, ‘’Twas
the Night Before Christmas.’”

The parents gathered around the coffee shop part of the bookstore,

still being able to see their children and indulging in grown-up time.
Murphy smiled out at the children as he opened the book and then
cleared his throat.

“’Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the Den,

everyone was awake, but asleep they pretend.”

Murphy’s eyes snapped up. He looked at the kids and then over at

the shifters in the bookstore. They were staring at him strangely.
Murphy looked down and then rubbed his eyes. Sure enough, the
words he just read were still there.

He glanced up when the small bell above the door chimed. Ludo

was sneaking in. He gave Murphy a smile and then rested his back
against the wall behind the children’s chairs.

He cleared his throat.
“The socks were hung down the banister with care, driving Nero

nuts because they shouldn’t be there.”

Murphy reached up and wiped his brows and then continued.
“Maverick in his leather, and I in nothing more, had just settled

down, to drool and snore.

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“When out on the lawn, I heard such a rapping, all the wolves ran

outside, snarling and snapping.

“When what to my wondering eyes should appear? Wood Elves

and demons, drinking some beer.”

Murphy’s head shot up. What in the hell was going on? This

wasn’t the childhood story he remembered. The children were
giggling, seeming to enjoy the bizarre story. He glanced over at his
mate. Ludo rolled his hand, telling Murphy to continue.

He wasn’t too sure about that, but Murphy read on.
“The mates shouted for the beer to be dumped in the trash. The

demons bristled, and the elves shimmered in a dash.

“Johnny cried about sparkly presents, wanting his gift. When

Hawk told him no, the mate kicked up a fit.”

Oh bloody hell. The parents of Brac Village were going to string

Murphy up by his nuts by the time he was finished. He heard louder
giggles from the children. Murphy looked up to see them practically
sitting on the edge of their seats.

When no one protested, Murphy continued.
“All looked across the lawn to see a sleigh and reindeer. The men

shifted into wolves and gave chase as the man shouted in fear.

“When a little old driver, so lively and might, shot from the sleigh

as he ran out of sight.

“The wolves chased him down, demanding a gift. When none

would appear, they tossed him in a snowdrift.

“Santa shouted and blustered and put up a fight, but the wolves

were too many, stealing away with Santa into the dark night.

“The deer looked around worried, praying Keata stayed away,

because they knew he would kidnap them all until May.

“Santa broke free and made a dash for his sleigh, vowing to never

return, not even a day.

“The wolves high-fived one another, feeling mighty and proud,

but the mates had gathered, ready to skin them, shouting loud.

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“‘He was an intruder!’ the warriors defended, looking around

and afraid, as the mates cornered them, quickly they prayed.

“‘You better hope he comes back or in the doghouse you’ll all

go,’ the mates shouted as the wolves were buried deeply in the snow.

“‘Now stay there until a lesson you’ve learned,’ they said to the

warriors and then all the mates turned.

“They jumped with joy as Santa flew by, Christmas presents

aplenty falling straight from the sky.

“Lumps of coal fell on the wolves’ heads as Santa banked a right.

‘Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.’”

Loud cheers erupted from the children. They were clapping and

begging for another story. Murphy had no fucking clue what the hell
he just read, but the kids enjoyed every word. He glanced over at the
human parents who were standing there laughing and nodding their
heads in delight.

The shifters just stood there with their mouths hanging open.

Murphy shrugged. What could he say? He closed the book and then
opened it back up, seeing the real story in print. He scratched his
head, wondering what in the dickens was going on.

Murphy grabbed a few more books from the bookshelves and

entertained the children with a few more stories, all of which were
correctly told.

When he was done, he walked over to Ludo as his mate enveloped

him in his arms. “What was that?”

Murphy shrugged as he glanced around at the smiling parents

saying good-bye and thanking Murphy for a wonderful time. “I have
no clue,” he whispered as the parents left with their children.

He was so glad he still had his balls.
“I think you’re hot as a storyteller,” Ludo said as he skimmed his

hands over Murphy’s flared cheeks and then up his back. Murphy
groaned and then looked around. Thankfully the bookstore had
cleared out.

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He would definitely have lost his balls if one of the parents were

still there to witness his wantonness.

“Uh-huh,” Murphy said, not caring who was there right now.

Ludo was rubbing all over him, making him drool. He quickly locked
the door, flipped the sign to CLOSED and then remembered Curtis.

He glanced over at Curtis, who was standing there with a big ass

smile on his face. “Go, I’ll take care of the store.”

Murphy could feel his face heating up as he grabbed Ludo’s hand.

“Thanks. You can have a free cookie for that.”

Curtis laughed as Murphy drug his mate to the back office and

then locked the door. He threw Ludo against the wall, tearing at his
clothes. “Give me some cock, henchman.”

Ludo growled as he walked Murphy backward. “I love it when

you call me that.”

Murphy shook his head. “My back hurts. You’ll have to fuck me

against the wall. And that isn’t a protest, by the way.”

Ludo ran his hands over Murphy’s back, almost massaging it.

“We can wait.”

“Hell no. I want some of that crazy dick.” He loved that Ludo

didn’t think he had phantom pains. His mate believed every word
Murphy spoke since that almost fatal day so long ago. Murphy shoved
his pants down his thighs and then pressed his body into the wall,
sticking his ass out. “Come fuck me.”

Ludo licked his lips as he sauntered over to Murphy and then

dropped to his knees, laying a long lick up both cheeks before kissing
each mound. Murphy groaned, sticking his ass out a little further. “Eat
me later. Fuck me now.”

Ludo nipped him before standing. Murphy could feel his heart

speeding up when he heard Ludo’s belt buckle. He knew Ludo was
about to fuck him through the wall and into the coffee machine.

Murphy inhaled sharply when Ludo separated his butt cheeks and

then slid his cock up and down the crease. He could feel lube wetting

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his ass, and then Ludo grabbed Murphy’s hips, thrusting until his
pubic hairs tickled Murphy’s ass.

Murphy tried to lift his leg up. For what? He didn’t know. But

climbing the wall seemed like a pretty good idea. Ludo was assaulting
his ass so thoroughly that Murphy’s hole could have filed a

“Yes, yes, yes,” Murphy chanted as Ludo hit all the right spots.

His cock was begging for attention, but Murphy was too busy
enjoying the shaft buried in his ass. He yelped and then pushed his ass
back further when Ludo grabbed his bobbing cock, stroking it as
Murphy shouted, his seed splashing the wall.

Ludo howled behind Murphy, his cock throbbing in Murphy’s ass.

Murphy panted as he laid his cheek against the wall. “Remind me to
read the kiddies more stories.”

* * * *

Ruttford smacked his knee as he laughed. Now that was one hell

of a story!

He couldn’t really change it into what he had originally intended.

There were little ones there after all. But not bad for tossing the words
onto the page on a whim.

“That was actually pretty funny,” Nick said.
“Thanks. I have my moments.” Ruttford walked down the snowy

sidewalk as he whistled.

Now where was Gabby?

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Chapter 16:

Montana and Gabby

Gabby bent over and picked up Nevada’s toys as his son slept. He

looked over at the little cherub, thankful that he had listened to his
mate, Montana. Gabby was terrified that Montana wanted a child so
badly that he would forget that Gabby existed.

That was far from the truth.
Montana showed Gabby every single day how much he loved

him. It almost made Gabby wish he hadn’t taken the five-year birth

Gabby stored the toys in the toy chest and then grabbed his mate’s

boots from the floor. Montana was the biggest slob Gabby had ever
met, but he loved his Tanny. His mate had accepted him for who he
was, fat and all.

He smiled as he walked to the closet to toss the boots in when he

noticed a green glow coming from the back of the closet. Okay, he
knew for a fact that his damn closet wasn’t supposed to be glowing.

Gabby shut the door and then opened it again, the glowing still

there. He wasn’t stupid enough to go investigate. No person in their
right mind investigated a glowing closet. Gabby stepped back to slam
the door when he felt hands on his back, pushing him inside.

“Have fun!”
Gabby gasped as he saw a little man with pointy ears and tight ass

stockings covering his legs waving at him.

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“Don’t you dare!” But he was too late. The door slammed in his

face. Gabby jumped up, pounding on the closet door. If he weren’t in
panic mode, it would have been kind of funny. He was banging on the
door to come out of the closet.

His mate would be so proud of him.
Gabby’s hand stilled when he heard off-keyed singing. Were there

Christmas carolers in his closet? He looked over his shoulder and
gasped. He had a whole room of short people in the back of his closet!

“Are you just going to stand there and dawdle all day or work?”

one of the short men asked him.

Gabby wasn’t tall by any means, but damn if the men in this room

weren’t shorter than him!

“I’m afraid there’s been a mistake. This is the back of my closet.

You shouldn’t be here.”

The man looked up at Gabby as if he were daft. “Been getting into

the Christmas eggnog?”

Gabby scratched his head, looking around the strange place. There

were rows and rows of tables decorated with toys and pieces and parts
of toys needing to be assembled. Gabby gaped as he spun around.

He had to have hit his damn head!
“Get back to work or you’ll be cleaning out the toilets,” the short

little fucker said, making Gabby angry as hell.

“This is my closet!” he shouted as his face pulled back into a

mask of rage. “There are no toilets in my closet!”

“Herb,” the man shouted over his shoulder. “We got another one.”
Gabby backed up as a very large, okay short, but the largest of the

short men, came after him. Gabby took off, running around the tables,
feigning right as Herb went left. To his surprise, Herb jumped up onto
the table, stalking toward Gabby menacingly.

Oh, hell no! Gabby spun around, jumping over toys that were

spread out all over the floor. Didn’t these guys believe in picking up
their toys?

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“Gotcha,” Herb shouted as he grabbed Gabby by the collar.
“All of you get out of my damn closet now!”
“Yep, he’s been in the eggnog,” Herb said as he carried Gabby

over to one of the tables and unceremoniously dropped him. When
Gabby shot up, the man pressed him back down by applying pressure
to his shoulder.

For a little fucker, he was strong.
Gabby started shouting when the man wiggled his fingers and all

of a sudden Gabby was duct-taped to the chair around his midsection
and ankles, his arms remaining free. When he reached down to yank
the duct tape away, his arms flew out in front of him, grabbing a toy
and a small wooden mallet.

“This is my damn closet!” Gabby shouted as his hands began to

tap on the toy. This was insane! He had to be dreaming. There was no
other explanation for any of this.

The man working next to him tapped on his toy as he leaned over

toward Gabby. “I believe you.”

Thank god! “You have to help me get this tape off. This is my

damn closet. None of you should be here.”

“Yep. And last week I saw a UFO land in the front lawn. It’s

pretty crazy around here this time of year. The duct tape helps.”

Gabby’s eyes grew wide as he stared at the little nut. He looked

away, afraid of staring too closely at the man. He tried to pull his
hands away from the toy, but they wouldn’t budge. They kept right on

“I can help you,” someone whispered beside him.
Gabby whipped his head around, seeing a small man bending

close to him. The duct tape flew away, freeing Gabby.

“Follow me,” the man whispered, waving his hand for Gabby to

follow. Gabby glanced around, seeing that no one was watching them.
Thankfully once the duct tape was gone, his hands stopped tapping on
that damn toy!

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If he ever saw another toy again…Gabby remembered Nevada.

He had to get back to his son. He was alone in the bedroom while
Montana was out on patrol. “I need to get home.”

“You will,” the man whispered. “We’re going to the secret room.”
Secret room? Why didn’t Gabby like this? He was getting a very

bad feeling about this. Bad feeling? Hell, he shouldn’t be here. No
one should.

This was his damn closet!
“Just go through this door. Trust me.” The man smiled at Gabby,

opened the door, and then shoved him in. Gabby shouted, having a
feeling of déjà vu all over again. He spun around, slamming his back
into the door when he heard high-pitched screams.

“Oh hell,” he said when the room was filled with small toddlers,

all sporting pointy ears and running around throwing things, writing
on the walls, and spilling their juices all over the place.

Where in the hell were the grown-ups? Gabby would rather be

duct-taped to the chair! One little toddler ran up to him and kicked
him in the shin. Gabby shouted and grabbed his leg.

He had to get the hell out of here.
He grabbed the door handle and shot out into the hallway,

slamming the door behind him.

“There you are,” Herb said as he came down the hallway.
“This is my damn closet!” Gabby shouted and then took off. He

ran into another room, trying to escape from the large, largest of the
shortest, elf. There was no way he was going to be duct-taped to a
chair and made to make toys.

He spun around when he found himself in a room full of mirrors.

Gabby walked further into the room, seeing himself go from short to
tall, fat to thin. He even saw himself grow wider. Yikes. He was
staying away from that mirror.

Gabby looked around for the door but didn’t see it. He spun

around a few times, feeling panic set in. He wanted to go home. This
was his damn closet, and he was lost, with no way out. Gabby wanted

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to cry, missing his mate and son. How the hell did he even end up in
this place?

He wiped at his eyes as he looked around at the different mirrors.

There had to be a way out, a way to get him home and out of the

His head snapped around when one of the mirrors swung open,

revealing a hidden door. Gabby wasn’t sure if this was a trick or not,
but he knew he couldn’t stay in the room of mirrors forever.

Gabby quickly walked over to the door, praying this wasn’t

another room of weird and bizarre. He cried out in joy when he ended
up back in his bedroom.

“There you are.”
Gabby yelped and spun around, but it was only Montana standing

in the middle of the room looking perplexed. Gabby ran to his mate,
flinging himself into Montana’s big, strong arms.

“What’s wrong, pumpkin?”
Gabby told his mate everything that had happened and then ran

across the room, slamming the closet door shut. “Don’t ever go in
there! And if I find the little shit who pushed me into the closet, I’ll
bite him!”

Montana cocked his head at his mate and then crossed the room,

yanking the door open.

“No!” Gabby shouted and then jumped onto Montana’s back.

“You can’t go in there.”

Montana chuckled as he closed the closet door.
“There is no green glow, pumpkin,” he said as he reached behind

him and pulled Gabby until he was clinging to Montana’s front. “Are
you sure you didn’t dream all of this?”

Gabby growled and smacked Montana’s chest. “It wasn’t a dream,

look,” Gabby said as he stuck his leg out and pulled his pant leg back,
showing off the small bruise from where the toddler kicked him.

“Yeah, that proves it,” Montana said and then snickered.

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Gabby started to get really pissed that his mate didn’t believe him

and then laughed. He laughed until tears were streaming down his
face. It was just too damn funny. If it were him, would he believe
Montana? It was a tall tale and farfetched.

No, Gabby wasn’t going to get mad at Montana for not believing

him. He was going to kick that little prick’s ass if he ever saw him
again. Gabby shuddered at the thought of seeing that elf again. No
One trip to Strangeville was enough for him.

“Hmm,” Montana said as he spanned a hand over Gabby’s back.

“What are you shivering for, pumpkin?”

Gabby could hear the dip in Montana’s voice as he pulled him

closer to his chest. He forgot about elves and toddlers and even duct
tape as Montana’s hand skimmed over his ass. Gabby’s head fell
back, his lips parting as Montana’s fingers played over his body.

It was like nirvana as Gabby slowly slid from Montana’s grip and

landed on his knees. He loved sucking Montana’s cock. He’d suck his
cock for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if his mate would let him.

Gabby reached up, unsnapped his mate’s pants, and fished out his

oversized cock as he leaned forward, burying his nose in Montana’s
groin. God he smelled good. Gabby licked a long path down his
mate’s cock, and then dipped his tongue into the slit at the head.

The wolf’s taste exploded in his mouth as Montana groaned,

running his hands over Gabby’s head. “That’s it, fireball.”

Gabby reached into Montana’s pants, cupping his balls as he

sucked harder, taking Montana all the way to the back of his throat,
letting his tongue run up and down the large vein running alongside
Montana’s cock.

“Bite it, pumpkin.”
Gabby grinned as he breathed through his nose. He knew what his

mate wanted. Montana was addicted to Gabby’s blow jobs. He had a
knack for giving the best head ever. Of course, his little trick helped.

Gabby delayed Montana’s release. He wanted to bring his wolf

just a little more pleasure before it all ended. Gabby grabbed the base

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of Montana’s cock, holding it tight to stop his release as he began to
swallow, making his throat muscles move all around his mate’s shaft.

“God, Gabby. Don’t stop.”
Gabby tightened his lips, grabbed Montana tightly, and then bit

into his vein. His mate shouted as Gabby swallowed seed and blood.
It was his most favorite taste in the world. He gave Montana’s balls a
gentle squeeze as he drank the last of his mate’s essence.

“Shit, pumpkin,” Montana said as he panted heavily, wiping his

face free of the sweat that was trickling down the sides.

Gabby jumped to his feet when he heard Nevada moving around

in his bedroom. So much for grown-up time. Montana growled,
straightened his clothes, and then pulled Gabby into his arms. He
cupped Gabby’s erection as he licked the shell of his ear.

“This is all mine once he falls back to sleep.”
Gabby loved that promise. He knew Montana would lick him until

Gabby was babbling incoherently. “Deal.”

* * * *

Ruttford grabbed his side as he laughed hysterically. Sending

Gabby back in time to the days of old was hilarious! The elves
weren’t right in their head back then.

And they still aren’t,” Nick commented. “That wasn’t very


Ruttford snorted. “Some people need to buy a sense of humor. He

wasn’t harmed.”

Payback, Ruttford, payback.”
Ruttford rolled his eyes and waved his hand. “Let’s see how

Carter likes his gift.”

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Chapter 17:

Tryck and Carter

Carter stood next to Tryck, perusing the glass display case of

goodies as his mate ordered his drink. Carter loved the holidays,
especially now that he had found his other half. It was a festive time
of year that made him giddy.

“Here you go, gatito.” Tryck handed him his eggnog latte. Carter

grinned as he wrapped his hands around the cup, inhaling the holiday
scent. They took a seat in the coffee shop, taking a break from their
last-minute shopping.

Carter was enjoying all the festivities. Tryck, on the other hand,

was just the bag carrier. No matter how much Carter tried to get his
mate into the spirit of things, Tryck wasn’t having it. He was shocked
that his mate liked coming to the coffeehouse. Carter would have
thought that Tryck would be too manly for this place, but apparently
Tryck had a hidden side that he hadn’t told anyone about.

Carter’s hips started bouncing to the music that was being played

in the background. It was a catching Christmas tune, but he usually
didn’t dance to Christmas music. He gripped his cup tighter when his
hips hitched from side to side provocatively. Carter wasn’t one for
public displays of wantonness. He kept that in the bedroom.

Tryck stared up at him strangely as Carter tried to sit, but his feet

were starting to move now, and he couldn’t seem to get them to stop.

“Why are you dancing, gatito?”
Carter shrugged as his shoulders joined in, swaying him to and

fro. “Heck if I know, but it is a catchy song.”

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Tryck growled and pulled Carter down beside him. “You dance

for no one but me, gatito.”

“While I would wholeheartedly agree with you, my body has a

different plan,” Carter said before he jumped back up against his will
and dropped his cup of eggnog latte. Damn it! He hadn’t even gotten
a sip of it yet.

“Sit down!”
Carter looked over at his mate. Tryck looked peeved, but he

couldn’t make his damn body stop. His eyes grew wider than saucers
when his hands latched onto the hem of his shirt and started pulling it
up. “Oh shit,” he cried when his nipples were exposed.

Tryck growled and jumped to his feet, manacling Carter’s wrists,

stopping him from removing his shirt completely.

“What has gotten into you?” he growled as he pulled Carter from

the coffee shop. “What would possess you to strip in front of
strangers, in front of anyone but me, period?”

Carter’s heart was beating out of control as Tryck pushed his

jacket over his shoulders. Carter shrugged his coat on and noticed the
innate need to dance was gone. Thank god. Maybe he had just
suffered a psychotic episode.

“I’m not sure, but I’m much better now,” Carter teased as he

wiggled brows. “But I still need my damn latte.”

“One latte,” Tryck growled and pulled Carter back into the coffee

shop. As soon as he stepped foot into the shop, his hips kicked out as
his hands skimmed his body. What the hell?

Gatito,” Tryck said in a warning tone.
“What?” Carter said as his feet glided across the floor. “It’s not


Tryck pulled Carter into his arms, trying to still him, but Carter’s

body continued to dance, his hands struggling to get free to take his
shirt off. “Get me out of here.”

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Tryck pulled Carter out of the shop again, Carter’s body stilling

immediately. “I’m getting you home,” Tryck said as he pulled Carter
to the truck.

“But I still have some shopping to do,” Carter protested.
“Not now,” Tryck said as he took Carter home. Carter was beside

himself trying to figure out what in the hell possessed him. He liked
Christmas music just as much as the next person, but stripping to it?

Carter walked into the Den behind Tryck, carrying a few bags in

his hand. As soon as he heard the Christmas music playing over the
speakers that Nero had installed around the house for more holiday
cheer, his hands opened, dropped the bags, and began a sultry dance
to “Frosty the Snowman.”

Gatito!” Tryck yelled as Carter’s feet carried him into the den

where they made him run around the pool table, dodging Tryck’s
grasping hands as his feet kicked out in a cancan dance. Carter tried to
shimmer away, but it wasn’t working as he pulled his shirt off, twirled
it above his head, and then threw it, watching in horror as it smacked
Tryck in the face.

“I’m going to paddle your ass when I get ahold of you.”
“I swear, it’s not me!”
Tryck growled and leapt over the pool table when Carter started

unsnapping his pants. Carter was relieved when Tryck grabbed him
around the waist and hauled him upstairs. As soon as they cleared the
bedroom door and his mate closed it, blocking out the Christmas song
Carter’s body stilled.

“What’s going on?” Tryck asked as he locked the bedroom door.
“I don’t know, but it seems every time I hear Christmas music, my

body wants to strip.”

“You strip for no one but me, gatito.”
“Duh,” Carter said as he began to strip.
“But there is no music.”
“I know,” Carter said as he pushed his pants down his legs,

wiggling his ass at his mate. “But it isn’t the music this time.”

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Tryck growled as Carter batted his eyes at his mate. He was a

virgin when he first met Tryck, but now Carter was a little slut in the
bedroom, something Tryck thoroughly enjoyed.

“Is my kitten going to strip for his wolf?” Tryck asked as he

pressed his chest into Carter’s back, wrapping his hand around
Carter’s erection. “Or does my mate want me to slide my cock into
his ass and make him scream my name?”

Carter melted into a pile of goo at Tryck’s words. “The second.

The second.”

Tryck’s chest vibrated as he chuckled. Carter was such a goner

when it came to Tryck’s masterful hand. His mate bent him over the
end of the bed, separating his globes as his finger played over Carter’s

Carter whimpered, pushing his ass back and spreading his legs

further apart. Tryck nipped Carter’s shoulder, pressing his chest into
the bed. “Don’t move,” he said as he stepped back.

“Not moving, not moving.” He wasn’t going any damn where. He

watched as Tryck walked around the bed, his erection standing out
straight as he reached into the drawer for the lube. Carter licked his
lips as he watched Tryck’s erection sway as he walked.

He wanted to do a happy dance knowing he was getting some of

that. When he first realized that he’d been mated with Tryck, Carter
thought fate was smoking something. But after getting to know the
man, seeing a deeper layer to his mate that no one else was privileged
to, Carter wouldn’t trade him for the world.

His head rolled on his shoulders as thick, wet fingers played at his

hole and then sunk in deep. Carter was panting, ready to come just
from his mate being so close. Tryck was like a drug that Carter loved
to indulge in over and over again.

“Ready, gatito?” Tryck asked as the blunt head of his cock tapped

at Carter’s hole. Carter pushed back, wanting every damn inch of
Tryck’s cock buried deeply inside of him.

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“Yes,” Carter exhaled. His fingers curled into the sheets as Tryck

buried his cock until Carter’s ears were wiggling.

“I love when your ears tell me how good I am to you,” Tryck

whispered in Carter’s twitching ear. “I’m going to make them take

Carter was all for that! He hitched one leg up onto the bed,

thrusting back as Tryck slammed forward, sounds of flesh smacking
ringing off the walls. The pleasure was pure and explosive as Carter’s
hole took the punishment and begged for more.

“Cry my name, gatito,” Tryck growled as his fingers dug deeper

into Carter’s hips. “Cry for me.”

“Tryck!” Carter shouted as his seed spurted from his cock, making

his body spasm and jerk as his balls emptied onto the bed.

“Again,” Tryck shouted, hammering into Carter’s ass with brute


“Tryck! Tryck! Tryck!” Carter shouted as his wolf sank his teeth

into Carter’s giving flesh, renewing his orgasm to a greater height.

“Never forget it, gatito. You strip only for me.”
“Only you,” Carter agreed as he tried to force air back into his

lungs. He felt like a limp noodle as Tryck kissed him down his back,
pulling his softening cock free. Carter rolled over, staring up at his
mate. “You do realize that I didn’t have any control over the dancing
thing, right?”

Tryck grinned as he ran a knuckle down Carter’s soft cock. “It

doesn’t matter. Only me.”

Carter rolled his eyes. Even after all these years, Tryck still

wanted to boss him around.

“Tell that to whoever is doing this to me,” Carter said as he

dressed. “I have to help George with some burnt cookies.”

Tryck shook his head as he walked out of the bedroom. Carter

would never understand that strange man. No matter how many years
he was mated to him.

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Carter walked down the steps, heading toward the kitchen when

his hips kicked out. “Not again!”

Carter slid down the hallway, his feet kicking out as his hands

spun out in front of him, making him twirl and then dip, damn near
making him fall on his ass. If he ever found out who was behind this,
he was going to shimmer them to Alaska!

Heaven had told him that a customer’s hair kept growing back

when he cut it. That seemed strange to Carter, but he hadn’t thought
much about it afterward. He was seriously reconsidering it now.
There had to be one person behind all of this. His body wasn’t doing
the tango all on its own.

Carter sashayed and danced right into the kitchen where George

had a radio blaring country Christmas songs.

“Shut it off!”
George obviously didn’t hear him. The guy was singing as he

cracked eggs over a bowl.

“George!” Carter shouted, but it was like the cowboy couldn’t

hear him. He grabbed the table, trying his best to stop his forward

Carter’s eyes grew wide as his hands pulled at his shirt, yanking it

up and over his head. He threw it on the floor and then went for his

“What in the hell are you doing?” Cecil asked as he walked into

the kitchen, a slew of mates behind him. Carter wanted to find a hole
and fall into it as his hands shot out, twisted around in some erotic
move, and then slowly peeled his zipper down, pulling the flaps back
and forth as if to tease the group of men standing in front of him.

“Dude,” Cecil said as he crinkled his nose. “No offense, but

you’re not my type.”

Carter growled as he tried to pull his hands away. “I’m not doing

it on purpose!”

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“Riiiight.” Cecil winked at him as he backed away. “I’ll let you

continue your show for George who has his back to you. Let me know
how that goes.”

“No!” Carter called out, but the mates were gone in one second

flat. “Damn it!”

Carter’s head snapped up to see George staring at him with wide

eyes. “Where in the hell are yer clothes?”

“Turn the damn music off,” Carter shot back.
George reached over and turned the radio off, spinning back

around to glare at Carter. “Now tell my why yer strippin’ in my
kitchen? For one, we both have mates, and two,” George said as he
shivered, “you’re not my type.”

Carter was tired of hearing that. He may be faithfully mated to

Tryck, but talk about killing a person’s damn ego. “Hell if I know,”
he grumbled as he picked up his clothes and headed back toward his

“Here,” Heaven said as he handed Carter some earplugs. Once

Carter put them in, Heaven crossed his arms over his chest.

“Now we find the bastard causing so much chaos.”
“What?” Carter said and then pulled the earplug out. “Talk before

I put these things in my ears.”

“We hunt,” Heaven said and pulled Carter behind him. Carter

rolled his eyes, wondering if he was ever going to have a normal day
around here.

* * * *

Ruttford smacked his knee as he laughed. He twisted his hips and

then started dancing the tango as he went in search of Josh.

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Chapter 18:

Law and Joshua

Josh tried to run in the opposite direction, but it was too late. It

was like a car crash happening in slow motion. He ran, but his legs
moved too damn slowly to get away from the alpha who seemed to be
moving at a normal rate, catching up to him quickly.

Maverick’s grin spread across his face as the manuscript came

out, plastering against Josh’s chest as Maverick dipped his head and
then spun on his heel. Nooooo! Josh said in slow motion, the voice
sounding foreign to him…and then time sped back up.

“Damn it, he caught me!”
Law laughed as Josh pouted. He knew the play was for the

children, but he didn’t want to be in no stinking play. He didn’t want
to look to see what part Maverick assigned him. Josh smashed his
eyes closed, lifted the stupid manuscript up, and then cracked one eye

“Since when is a vampire in the nativity scene?” he asked and

then groaned.

“Since it is all in good fun, pájaro,” Law said as he wrapped an

arm around Josh’s shoulder. “What part did you get?”

“A wise man. Since when was a wise man a vampire?” Josh

groaned and stalked toward his bedroom. He grabbed his boots and
coat and then turned toward Law. “Let’s get out of here before
Maverick decides to add you to his Willy Wonka play.”

Law’s face fell as his eyes widened. “You don’t think he would,

do you?”

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“Honey, there is no telling with that man. We all know he doesn’t

play with a full bag of marbles.” And wasn’t that the truth? Maverick
was still as squirrely as ever.

Law swallowed and nodded. “Yeah, that is a good idea. Let’s

break out of here before he shoves one into my hands, pájaro.”

Josh slapped his hands onto his hips and jutted his jaw out. “You

should be in the play. If I have to be in it, so should you.”

Law turned a lovely shade of pale, almost matching Josh’s

complexion as he started backing away. “Santiago brothers do not
dress up in tights.”

Josh laughed as he tugged his boots on. “No one said anything

about tights.” Josh’s hands stilled as he glanced up at Law. “Do you
think I’ll have to wear tights?” His butt was already larger than a
normal man’s. Tights would make it balloon out. He used to wear
stretch pants, but Law made it quite clear that his mate wasn’t going
to show off his body to anyone but his wolf. Josh didn’t care about
that, but teasing Law would be fun. “I wonder what color tights I’ll
have to wear?”

“No tights!” Law growled.
“You’re too sexy when you’re all possessive and shit.” Josh


Law puffed out his chest, peacocking as he walked toward the

closet. “I am a sexy devil, aren’t I?”

Josh rolled his eyes as he finished lacing his boots. He’d never

had to deal with a foot of snow before, but Brac Village seemed to be
a winter wonderland outside. It started snowing a few days ago and
hadn’t stopped since.

Talk about miracles.
Josh was a little excited to go out and play in it. He had visions of

snowballing Law and making snow angels, maybe even building a
snowman. The kids had already been outside building toddler
snowmen, and the snowmen were just adorable.

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“So why are we going into town again?” Josh asked as he grabbed

his coat. He loved that the days were shorter in the winter. It gave him
more time to spend outside. Having to live by the setting of the sun
sucked, but he’d grown used to it over the years.

“I need to fill an order. Someone ordered a motorcycle for

Christmas, and I need to make sure everything is ready, pájaro.”

Josh even liked the fact that he could interact with the

townspeople now that the days were shorter. There were some pretty
nice people in Brac Village, and Josh just loved chatting away with

He followed Law out of the bedroom, his mate snapping his head

back and forth, and then quickly took off down the stairs. Josh
laughed and shook his head. If Maverick was going to hand Law a
manuscript, there was nothing his mate could do about it. Maverick
had his evil Jedi ways, and he knew the alpha would find Law.

He doubted Law was going to be in it, but it was fun to watch him

sweat it out. He spotted Gabby and Nevada coming down the hall
with a plate of cookies.

“Mewwy Cwistmas,” Nevada sang happily.
Aw, now wasn’t he adorable? Josh bent down, giving Nevada a

quick hug. “Merry Christmas to you, too, buddy.”

Josh felt a tightening to his pants as he stood. He reached behind

him and pulled at the waistband. He must be putting on a few extra
pounds from all the holiday cookies and candy he’d been indulging

Maybe he needed to slow down.
“Where are you guys headed?” Gabby asked as he grabbed

Nevada’s small hand.

“Into town. Did you need us to pick anything up for you?” Josh

asked as he tried his best not to squirm. His pants were feeling really
tight. Maybe he should go upstairs and change. The problem was, all
his pants were the same size, so that wouldn’t help.

“I could use one of those holiday lattes if you don’t mind.”

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“You got it,” Josh said as he headed toward the door. Law had

already run out, leaving Josh behind in fear of having a script shoved
into his hands. Pussy.

“Thanks,” Gabby called out as Josh went in search of his chicken

mate. He found Law in the truck already, his eyes darting around. It
was comical as hell. Law’s large frame was almost folded in half as
he tried to duck down behind the steering wheel.

Josh climbed into the truck, snickering as he buckled in. “You

know it’s a lost cause, right?”

“We’ll see about that, pájaro,” Law said as he backed the truck up

and took off. “He cannot keep handing them out. The play is the day
after tomorrow. If he hasn’t found everyone he wants, who is going to
have time to memorize their lines in that short period of time?”

“It’s a short play, honey. He could hand you one Christmas

morning, and you’d still have time.” That statement didn’t seem to
make his mate happy.

They drove into town. Josh was amazed at all the white fluffy

snow blanketing the town. It was simply gorgeous, and cold as hell.
He stepped out of the truck, pulling his coat closed as they walked
toward Santiago Cycles.

“Merry Christmas,” someone called out to them.
Law and Josh waved, calling out the holiday cheer as well. Josh

grunted when his pants felt super tight. He reached down and
unsnapped them, needing more room than he originally had.

“What are you doing, pájaro?” Law asked as he stared at Josh’s


“My pants are getting too tight. I think I ate one too many of

George’s burnt cookies.”

Law laughed as he patted Josh’s ass. “I like your butt. It is all soft

and jiggly.”

Josh rolled his eyes as he pushed at his mate’s shoulders to get

moving. “You wouldn’t like it if it were the size of a blimp.”

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Law unlocked the bike shop as he shrugged. “I think I’d like it if it

were the size of the Titanic.”

“Great comparison, babe.” Not! Josh ran his hand over his ass,

noticing that it did seem bigger. “Does my butt look bigger to you?”

Law waved his hands in front of him as he walked backward to

his office. “I’m not falling for that. If your partner asks if their butt
looks big, there is never a right answer. I wasn’t born yesterday.”

Josh growled. “I’m serious. I think it’s growing.”
“That’s impossible.”
“Tell that to my butt.”
Law stopped walking and pulled Josh into his arms. “You want

me to talk to your butt? What else do you want me to do to it,
?” Law asked, his voice dipping low as his eyes filled with lust.

“Perv,” Josh said as he smacked Law’s chest. “I want you to look

at my butt and tell me if it’s getting bigger.”

Law sighed as he pulled Josh into his office. “Fine. You’ll have to

drop your pants.”

Josh snorted. “I’m not falling for that one.”
“Then how am I supposed to tell you?”
Josh conceded and spun around, dropping his pants as he tried to

look over his shoulder to see if it looked any bigger. He couldn’t tell,
so he hoped his mate could see what he was feeling. It even felt

Law dropped to his knees, holding his hands up like they were a

camera and he was trying to focus on it. “, a little, but not much. I
happen to like it, though.”

“I knew it!”
“Stop crying about it, bebé. I said I liked it.” Law leaned forward,

kissing both cheeks. Okay, this was not what Josh had in mind, but
his mate’s lips felt divine on his ass. Josh wiggled his butt, gaining a
groan from Law.

His mate spun him around, placing Josh’s cock smack-dab at

mouth level. “That’s not my butt.”

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“I have to check to see if you grew any place else, pájaro,” Law

said, lust lacing his words as he leaned forward and took Josh’s shaft
into his mouth.

Josh forgot any other protest as Law expertly sucked his cock. His

legs spread wider as Law licked his prick from root to tip and then
swallowed him back down. Josh was feeling horny as hell now and
wanted to fuck his mate into the damn desk but didn’t want Law to
stop sucking him off.

His knees began to buckle as his orgasm grew closer. Josh was

about to shoot his load down Law’s throat. His hands shot out,
grabbing Law’s beautiful hair as he pulled at it. “Law,” Josh groaned.

“Come in my mouth, bebé.”
Josh couldn’t deny the request as he cried out, his seed splashing

to the back of Law’s throat. Damn, the man knew how to make his
cock obey at the drop of a hat. The crazy thing was Josh was still

“Now you fuck me, pájaro.”
Oh hell. It was days like these that Josh thanked the heavens that

he was gay. He didn’t even move. Law dropped his pants, backed up,
and then bent over. Josh felt his fangs itching to sink into Law’s neck
while he fucked him.

He reached over the desk, grabbed a small bottle of lube that Law

kept in his office and then lubed his cock and Law’s hole. He tossed
the bottle aside, uncaring where it landed as he lined his shaft up to
Law’s waiting hole and drove deep.

He grabbed his mate’s hips as Law shouted, smacking skin as he

chased after his second orgasm. It didn’t take long. Law kept Josh
excited and ready to burst just from being around his wolf.

“Harder, pájaro, harder,” Law cried out.
Josh slammed his cock into Law’s ass. His mate shouted as his

hole pulsed around his cock, making Josh lean forward and strike his
teeth into Law’s neck and drink deeply from him as he hammered into
his ass. He growled as his cock exploded again.

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Finally Josh slowed, removing his teeth and licking the wound

closed. He was boneless and tired as Law dressed himself and then

“Now I must check to make sure the order is ready,” his mate said

as he kissed Josh’s lips.

Josh waved his hand, not really caring just as long as he got to

rest. Once Law was done, he grabbed Josh’s hand and pulled him
from the bike shop. “We need to get a little more shopping done.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.”

Josh pulled his list of the things he still needed to buy from his

front pocket. It wasn’t a very big list, but he wanted to get it finished
today. “Lead the way.”

As they walked into the video game store, Josh looked around for

a new game for Cecil. He was Cecil’s Secret Santa, but Josh had
bought presents for everyone else. It didn’t seem fair to him to just get
Cecil something and no one else.

“Merry Christmas,” some guy with a nasal problem called out.

“Let me know if you need any help.”

Josh grunted, feeling his pants tighten even more. There was

absolutely no room in them for him to move around. “Law,” he
whispered to his mate. “My butt just got bigger.”

“Imposs—” Law’s eyes grew wide as he stared at Josh’s butt.

Puto infierno!”

“I told you!” Josh cried out as he spun around like a dog chasing

his tail, trying his best to see his oversized butt. “It’s getting bigger!”

“How?” Law asked as his brows drew together and his fingers

pushed into Josh’s backside.

“Will you stop playing with it? You might trigger it to grow some


“But this is impossible!”
“Tell that to my butt.”
“Still want me to talk to it?” Law teased. Josh could tell his mate

was trying to ease the tension, but nothing was going to work until he

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found out what in the hell was going on. He needed to get his
shopping done quickly and then go home where he could try and
figure out what in Jupiter’s name was going on.

They left the store and headed over to Murphy’s bookstore. He

wanted to get some books for the children.

“Merry Christmas,” one of the women from town called out.
Josh gasped when his butt once again felt as though it was

ballooning out. “That’s it!”

“What?” Law asked.
The words ‘Merry Christmas’ seem to make my butt grow!” he

yelped when he felt it push further out. Oh hell, he couldn’t even say
it. “No one can say it to me again!”

Law nodded. As they finished their shopping, Josh almost ran to

the truck. Every time someone started to say those dreaded words,
Law cut them off and said thank you before they could finish.

It was a small reprieve, but Josh needed to find out how all of this

was happening. He walked into the Den, mortified that his pants had
ripped down the back from his growing butt.

“What the hell?” Kota asked as he stood in the foyer, staring at

Josh’s butt. “Was someone having a sale on big booties?”

Josh pushed the latte into Gabby’s hand. The mate was standing

there gaping at his ass, trying to look away, but his eyes kept straying
back to Josh’s butt.

Law growled as he pulled Josh upstairs. It wasn’t his fault his ass

was hanging out! If Josh found out who was responsible for this, he
was going to kick his sorry ass.

Just as soon as he found a way to deflate his.

* * * *

Ruttford wiped his eyes as he laughed so hard he almost peed


Again, that was not nice,” Nick said in his head.

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“That was funny. I don’t care who you are, that was comical as


One more couple, Ruttford, and then you’re going to learn what

funny truly is.”

Ruttford wasn’t sure he liked the tone in Nick’s voice, but he only

had one more person to create havoc for.

What could be the harm?

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Chapter 19:

Dagon and Taylor

Taylor walked out into the snowy backyard, wondering how they

were going to have the play in all this white stuff. It was piling up,
making setting the stage props up almost impossible.

He had been given the job of stagehand, something he was

grateful for. It meant he didn’t have to perform in the play. Taylor
could tell by the way everyone wandered the hallways rehearsing
their lines that this was going to be a play not soon forgotten.

He helped the wolves shovel away the snow in the area the stage

was going to be set up as well as the area for the seated audience.
Taylor knew the Lakelands were going to be there. He was excited to
see his best friend Tater. He hadn’t seen him in weeks.

“Need some help?” Melonee asked as she walked out into the

backyard, pulling her coat tightly around her.

“Yeah, you can shimmer this damn snow away,” Taylor teased as

he buried the square end of the shovel into the snow. “I never knew
snow could be so heavy.”

“I can’t shimmer snow away, dork,” Melonee retorted as she

looked around. “But I can help.”

Taylor growled and then pointed to some tarps. Although he acted

as though the elf irritated him, he loved Melonee like a sister. She had
grown on him over the years, causing more mayhem than even Cecil
was legendary for.

“We need to spread some tarps over what we just shoveled so

we’re not out here tomorrow doing the same thing.”

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Melonee eyed the tarp and then looked back at Taylor. “It’s kinda

big. Can’t you use your telekinesis and bring it over here?”

If that were the case, Taylor could have just used his ability to

unfold the damn thing and put it into place. But Maverick had stressed
teamwork without magic. Taylor didn’t see the harm in moving the
tarp over to where they were standing.

He lifted his hand, concentrating on the tarp as it slowly lifted into

the air. He made it move closer to them so that he and Melonee could
unfold the thing. What he didn’t expect was the large piece of plastic
to come flying at him. Taylor yelped and jumped out of the way, but
the tarp seemed to have a hard-on for him, barreling straight at his

Taylor hollered as the tarp knocked him flat on his ass in the bank

of snow. He grabbed his head, shaking it a few times before looking
up at Melonee. “That’s never happened before.”

Melonee stood there laughing as she helped Taylor to his feet. “I

always knew you were a dork.”

Taylor grunted as he pushed to his feet, ignoring Melonee’s

outstretched hand. “You’re messing with my concentration with your
weird elfish vibes.”

“I am not weird.” Melonee pouted as she crossed her arms over

her breasts. “I’m ‘uniquely different’ as my dad puts it.”

“Yeah, and everyone knows Maverick is off his rocker.”
“Cecil said it, not Maverick.”
“And that makes it better how?” Taylor asked as he grabbed one

side of the tarp. “Grab the other side so we can blanket the grass.”

“One of these days I’m going to shimmer you from your shower

to Alaska if you keep it up. I don’t take kindly to anyone talking about
my dads like that. Maverick may be strange, but he’s the best dad
ever,” Melonee threatened as she walked backward, pulling the
spreading tarp out.

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“Just because you’re a teenager now doesn’t mean you can’t get

dumped in the snow,” Taylor countered as he laid the tarp on the

“Try it, buddy, and you’ll be sporting a fat lip,” Melonee said as

she glared at him. “I’m fey. How are you going to get a hold of me,

Taylor threw his hands up. “Go away, kid, you bother me.”
“I’m not a kid!”
Taylor raised a brow at Melonee’s tantrum. She blushed and then

stomped her foot. “I can’t help it if you bring the brat out in me.”

Taylor chuckled as he tossed an arm over her shoulder, kissing her

on the temple. “And you bring the demon out in me. Now let’s get
this finished so we can watch everyone make asses out of themselves

Melonee giggled as she nodded. “This is going to be hilarious.”
Of that Taylor had no doubt. This was going to be a nativity scene

that would probably make the real characters of old gape at them.

Taylor couldn’t wait.
“Need help?” he asked his mate as he approached the stage.

Dagon nodded unable to talk with a line of nails hanging from his
mouth. He pointed over toward a hammer that was sitting a few feet

Taylor looked around and then held his hand up for the hammer. It

flew off the stage floor and whacked him in the head.

“Fuck!” Taylor shouted as he fell on his ask, his hand covering his


“Shit,” Dagon shouted as he spit the nails out and came running.

“Are you okay?”

“I think his telekinesis is on the fritz,” Melonee said as she

giggled. “The tarp beat him up, too.”

Dagon looked from Melonee to Taylor, running his hand gently

over the lump Taylor was sure he had on his nugget. He winced when

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Dagon picked him up in his arms and carried him into the house.
“What does she mean on the fritz?”

Taylor tapped lightly on the goose egg, wondering what in the hell

was going on. “Every time I try to make something come to me, it
beats me up instead.”

“There have been a lot of strange things happening lately,” Dagon

said and then told Taylor about all the other mishaps that he had heard
about. Taylor’s mouth hung open when his mate told him about his
brother’s butt growing. Josh didn’t need it to expand any more than it
already was.

“Why do you think all of this is happening?”
Dagon shrugged as he walked Taylor into Dr. Nicholas’s office.

“Beats me. I think we have a little havoc creator around here

“I agree,” Nicholas said as he looked over at them from his desk.

“What happened?”

“A hammer had a grudge against me,” Taylor replied as Nicholas

examined his goose egg. “How bad is it, doc? Give it to me straight.”

Nicholas grinned as he shook his head. “You have a bump. You

should be fine, but let me know if you get sleepy, dizzy, or nauseous.”

“Then I’ll be coming to see you after I eat George’s cooking,” he


“I don’t understand how he goes from an excellent cook to

someone who burns every meal. I hope he doesn’t burn our Christmas
meal tomorrow,” Nicholas said as he patted Taylor on his leg. “You
should be fine.”

“Thanks,” Dagon said as he picked Taylor up from the exam


“I can walk,” he protested weakly. He wasn’t going to deny how

good it felt in his mate’s arms.

“I’m sure you can.”

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Taylor grinned as Dagon carried him to their bedroom and then

frowned when Dagon tucked him in. What the fuck? “I have work to
do. I can’t lie in bed all day.”

“But you hit your head. You need rest.”
“If you’re looking for a cure, cock will do just fine. Of course, I

may need three or four doses a day just to be on the safe side.”

Dagon’s booming laughter filled the room as he shook his head.

“You think so, bebé?”

Taylor grinned up at him as he nodded. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Hmm, I was in the same room, but I don’t remember Nicholas

saying anything about cock healing you.”

“It’s the cure-all. Didn’t you know that?” Taylor stated as he

kicked his pants off and palmed his erection. “It goes as far back as
the ancient Egyptians.”

“I never knew that,” Dagon said as his clothes fell to the floor.

“And you say it will cure your bump?”

“In record time.” Taylor laughed as Dagon smacked his cock

against Taylor’s leg.

“Your bump is still there.”
“You have to insert your cock in order for the healing to begin.”
Dagon’s eyes darkened as he licked his bottom lip. He was the

sexiest man on earth to Taylor. He was soooo glad he hadn’t listened
to his mom all those years ago. He was the happiest man alive and
proud to say he was gay.

Taylor reached his hand out, wanting the lube badly so he could

feel Dagon’s cock riding his ass hard. His eyes widened when the
drawer rattled and then shot open, the bottle of lube flying out and
smacking him in the head.

“Fuck! I’ve never been slapped with lube before.”
“Something really is wrong with your gift,” Dagon said as he

rubbed where the bottle assaulted him. “Did it hurt?”

Taylor pushed Dagon’s hand from his head to his aching cock.

“Now I’ll need a double dose.”

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Dagon chuckled as he rolled Taylor to his hands and knees.

Taylor groaned, forgetting about the lump on his head as he pushed
back when Dagon inserted a lubed finger. Guess I’m taking a break
from working.

And what a great way to spend his break. Christmas Eve was

shaping up after all. Taylor’s fingers curled into the comforter as
Dagon slowly pushed inside of him.

“How’s the bump?”
“The what?” Taylor said as he felt Dagon’s cock slide over his

prostate, making Taylor’s arms feel as though they were going to give

“The bump?”
“Yeah, yeah, that.” Taylor wasn’t capable of a coherent

conversation right now. Not with Dagon’s cock buried deeply inside
of him.

“I guess it is the cure-all,” Dagon said as he placed his hands on

Taylor’s sides and began thrusting deeply. Taylor mewled as Dagon
rode him. His brain took a dump as his cock grew harder, begging for
release. Taylor reached below him, tugging at his shaft as Dagon’s
pelvis slammed into Taylor’s ass.

“I’m coming!” Taylor shouted as his seed spilled onto the bed

below him. He heard his mate grunt and then slammed into his ass
hard as he shouted out his release. Taylor fell forward and then
winced when he hit the bump on his head.

It may not have been the cure, but damn if he was going to

complain. He groaned when Dagon pulled free and then tapped his
ass. “If you feel up to it, we still have a lot of work to do.”

Taylor sighed and then got dressed. He would much rather stay in

bed with his mate all day and overdose on Dagon’s cock. “Fine.”

Dagon chuckled as he walked out of the room. It wasn’t exactly

what Taylor had in mind, but they did need to get the stage set up. He
reached his hand out, wanting his boot and praying it didn’t kick him
in the ass.

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Taylor shouted and ran from the room, slamming the bedroom

door as the boot continuously kicked into the wood. What the hell was
going on around here?

“Problems?” Melonee asked as she walked down the hallway.
“If you want to call my boot being out to kick my ass a problem,

then yeah.”

“Wuss,” she said as she bumped Taylor out of the way.
Melonee slung the door open, the boot flying out, kicking at

Melonee as well. They both ran down the hallway screaming as the
boot chased after them.

“Get us out of here!”
Melonee reached over, grabbed Taylor, and then shimmered them

into Maverick’s office. Taylor breathed a sigh of relief.

“Problems?” Maverick asked as he looked up at them.
“Every time Taylor uses his powers, the object attacks him. Now

his boot is trying to kick both our butts,” Melonee shouted excitedly
as she waved her hands around. “I need you to eat it!”

Maverick quirked a brow at Melonee as he stood. “Sorry, honey,

I’m not eating a boot, but I will figure out what is going on around
here,” he said and then turned to Taylor. “I thought I told you

“Semantics. Now please stop the boot from trying to kill us.”
Maverick opened his office door and ducked as the boot sailed

past his head and straight toward Taylor’s rear end.

“Told you. Get it, Dad. Teach it a lesson!”
Maverick grabbed the boot and shoved it into his desk drawer.

The drawer rattled as the boot tried to get free.

“Follow me,” he said as Taylor and Melonee followed behind the


* * * *

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


Ruttford walked down the hallway whistling as he made his way

to the back of the house. His job was done here. He had a shitload of
fun, but it was time to get back. It was Christmas Eve after all. Nick
was going to need his help getting his sleigh ready.

Boy, was this a Christmas to remember. Ruttford hadn’t had this

much fun in ages.

“There he is!”
Ruttford spun around, Blair glaring at him menacingly. But that

wasn’t what caught his attention. Ruttford let the dwarf persona go as
his true six-foot-three form appeared.

“I thought you were an elf?” Kota shouted at him.
Ruttford nodded as he swallowed. Standing before him was the

most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. She had long
brown curls flowing all around her like an angel, big blue eyes and a
petite pixie face.

She was stunning!
She was gorgeous!
She was the most amazing creature he’d ever seen!
Unfortunately she was standing there with her arms crossed over

her breasts, her lips twisted to the side, and her foot tapping out an
angry tune as she glared angrily at him.

And standing behind her was the entire Brac family, snapping and


Maybe he shouldn’t have pissed off his mate’s family…his soon-

to-be family. Ruttford swallowed hard as Nick laughed hysterically in
his head.

I told you payback was a bitch!

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Chapter 20:

Christmas Day

The mates ran around hysterically, shouting and snapping at

everyone. The play was about to begin within the hour, and no one
was ready.

Maverick grabbed Dagon and shoved a manuscript in his hand. “I

need another wise man.”

Dagon gaped at him and tried to shove the manuscript back at

him. “The play starts tonight!”

“Ad-lib,” Maverick said as he walked into the den. He smiled

down as the children grabbed their gifts, squealing in delight. Okay,
so he had gone overboard with the little tykes. He wasn’t the only
one. They could open up a damn toy store from the mounds of gifts
Maddox, Matthew, Nevada, and Skyler received.

He also saw that no one had stuck to the Secret Santa. Everyone

had a gift for everyone. Did he honestly expect anyone to listen to
him? Maverick chuckled as Cecil ran toward him. He had yet to give
his mate his gift.

“Okay, hot stuff, where is it?”
Maverick bent forward and laid a soft kiss on Cecil’s lips as he

pulled his hand from behind his back. Cecil tore into the gift and then
gasped, blinking up at Maverick. “You didn’t have to make me cry!”
Cecil wailed and then threw his arms around Maverick.

“I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it!” Cecil said as he wiped at his eyes. It was a small snow

globe with the coffee shop nestled inside of the dome. There was a
miniature Cecil standing at the counter with his lemon square and

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


caramel macchiato as a miniature Maverick sat on the red sofa
watching him with his chai tea in his hand.

Maverick had it commissioned months ago and was afraid his

snooping mate would find it. Luckily Cecil hadn’t.

“For as long as I live, I’ll never forget that day.” Cecil sniffled.
“It’s a special day for me as well. It’s the day the Den came to life

and you changed my world forever.”

Maverick looked over the den, seeing each mated couple

exchange gifts. Some shouted in joy, others kissed the smithereens
out of their mates. He saw his cousin Sloane sitting off by himself,
looking lost.

Maverick walked over to the tree and picked up a small square

package, taking it over to his cousin. “Did you think I forgot about

Sloane looked at the gift and then back up at Maverick. “Yeah.”

His hands shook as he ripped the gift open and then his eyes shot up
at Maverick. “I didn’t know you still had this.”

“I may have wanted you dead, but you’re still my favorite


Sloane snorted. “I’m your only cousin.”
“Details,” Maverick said as Sloane looked back down at the

picture of him and Sloane as cubs playing in the backyard of his birth
pack home.

“The Lakelands are here,” someone shouted. Sloane stiffened as

he watched the bears walk into the house, and then his face fell.

“He’ll be here. It isn’t dark yet.”
Sloane nodded as he clutched the picture. “I just hope he’ll talk to


“Give D time,” Maverick said as he reached down and grabbed

Maddox in his arms and tossed him into the air.

“You’ll give him a nose bleed!” Murdock shouted. “That’s too

high up.”

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Maverick chuckled as he sat down on the floor and began to play

with the babies of the Den. They did have cool toys after all.

* * * *

Melonee stared over at Ruttford as he sat in the chair with duct

tape holding him in place. She watched him closely as she exchanged
gifts with her thousand and one uncles. She considered for a second
removing the tape, but the man had caused so much havoc with her
family that she was going to let him stay put for the moment and think
about the errors of his ways.

Yeah, right. If he was anything like her uncles, he wasn’t learning

a dang thing.

“You know if you go over there and help him, all the wolves will

probably skin him alive,” Taylor said smugly. “I for one vote you
release him.”

“You’re mean,” Melonee said as her eyes cut back over to the

most handsome man she had ever seen. He had sparkling green eyes,
long brown hair, and kissable lips. She knew for a fact if she went
over to him that the entire house would take Ruttford out back and
skin him.

Sometimes it sucked having thirty-five uncles, four brothers, and

two dads. She counted Taylor and Curtis as her brothers along with
Tangee and Loco. Everyone else was an uncle because it was too hard
to keep up with how many relatives she truly had.

“Don’t forget we’re going to see your mother today,” Cecil

reminded her as he gave her a kiss on the forehead. “And stay away
from the elf. I think Maverick is looking for an excuse to jingle his

“Gross!” Melonee said as her eyes cut back over to her mate. She

swallowed hard because she had no doubt that the hostage elf was her

Now what was she going to do about her family?

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* * * *

The children were wrapped in warm clothing as the sun finally

set, allowing the vampires to come out as the play got under way. The
seats were all filled, the Lakelands in attendance as the curtain slid

Sloane laughed when he saw Keata dressed as the Virgin Mary

and what looked like a pillow, or something small and round, shoved
under his costume. Maverick had picked the right person for that part.
Keata was every bit feminine and more. Drew stood next to him as
the donkey carried Keata to the inn.

Sloane wondered what his cousin was smoking when he made

Cecil the angel. The guy was far from it.

“We need a room, sir. My wife is close to delivery and needs a

place to lie down,” Drew said to Tryck, who was the innkeeper.
Again, what the hell had Maverick been smoking?

“My rooms are full. You should have used Priceline,” Tryck said

as he stared at Mary. “But she’s welcome to take a room.”

Sloane smacked his hand over his face. Did Maverick even read

the play, or had he written one of his own?

Drew looked at Tryck nervously and then grinned. “How about I

kick your butt? Now give us a room.”

The children giggled as the adults laughed. Sloane looked around.

Maybe being a part of this family wasn’t so bad. They were all loony,
but weren’t all families?

* * * *

Steven cuddled closer to Roman in the cold as he watched the

most bizarre play he had ever seen. There were actually live animals
running around the stage. Had the alpha lost his mind?

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“Just kick the sheep aside,” Tryck said as he showed Joseph and

Mary to the stable. “I plan on having lamb for dinner anyway.”
Steven gaped at Tryck Santiago. He had heard the Santiago brothers
weren’t right in the head, but now he knew the rumor to be true.

The guy was off his rocker!
“The place is a little dusty, but it’ll do. Cop a squat anywhere,”

Tryck went on.

Steven glanced up at Roman who was watching the play with a

wide grin on his face. Steven was always in awe of his mate. Roman
was a godsend at a time in his life when the devil was hot on his
heels, and he would forever love the bear for that.

* * * *

Alex laughed hysterically as Drew tried to help Keata off of the

live donkey. The animal was acting skittish, but who could blame it?
There were wolves and bears all around.

“I think my water broke!” Keata yelled and then let out a strange

gurgling noise. Alex wasn’t sure what that sound was for.

Maybe the water?
Dr. Nicholas ran over to Keata, dropping to his knees as he pulled

his stethoscope from his black medical bag.

Alex nearly peed his pants from laughing so hard. He wasn’t the

only one. Everyone around him was outright laughing. He could see a
wide grin on the alpha’s face as Maverick watched the play from the
side of the stage.

“Your contractions are one minute apart. If you don’t deliver

soon, I’ll have to induce your labor.”

Alex fell into Gavin as he laughed until tears were streaming

down his face. He wasn’t sure if the actors were ad-libbing, or if
Maverick wrote the play.

Gavin chuckled as he pulled Alex into his lap. Alex rested his

back against Gavin’s strong chest, feeling the new Christmas

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stockings riding up his rear end. He wiggled around a little and then
settled back.

“I think I’m going to pass out,” Drew said as he paced the stable.

“Hey, doc, got a sedative for me?”

Alex laughed harder, cuddling into his bear. He was the happiest

he’d ever been in his life, and Alex had a wonderful family that
accepted him for who he was. What more could a guy ask for?

* * * *

Tater cocked his head as three motorcycles roared into the back

yard, carrying the three wise men. Since when did Harleys carry them
to the stables? He laughed when George almost lost control and
started yelling about the mechanical contraption.

“We’re here. You can start the celebrating now,” Dagon said as he

strutted up onto the stage in his flowing gown. “Where’s the cub the
king wants dead?”

Olsen laughed next to Tater, falling into him as he wiped at his

eyes. “This has got to be the strangest play I’ve ever seen,” Olsen said
as he chuckled some more. “I love it.”

Tater grinned at his mate, wondering if he could have been any

luckier. Olsen was everything a man could ever want.

Ah, you think the sweetest things,” Olsen said through their bond.
Tater grunted, knocking shoulders with Olsen as he turned back

toward the play.

* * * *

Curtis sat there slack-jawed as the animals ran amuck. He’d never

seen anything like this in his life!

“You got to admit, Maverick knows how to put on a play,”

Chauncey said from beside him as he chuckled.

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Micah continued his narrating as Drew paced the stage, biting his

fingernails as Nicholas continued to examine “Mary” as Keata lay on
the hay.

“Doesn’t she have to like, push or something?” Drew asked


“Go smoke a cigar out in the waiting room,” Tryck grumbled.

“Surprise, it’s gonna be a boy.”

Curtis laughed as Chauncey wrapped a big mountainous arm

around him. He cuddled close, still glowing in his newly mated status.
Their fingers entwined, showing Curtis how vastly different their
sizes truly were.

He loved it.
He’d never met anyone as laid-back and fun as his bear, and

Curtis knew his life was going to be one hell of a joyride as long as
Chauncey was the one driving.

* * * *

D scratched his head as he watched someone dressed as an angel

walk out on the stage eating a cookie. “There is a child prophesized
that will be born and a new era will begin. In a galaxy far, far away,
the child will learn under Yoda and become a strong Jedi Knight.”

Okay, this was not the nativity scene he had seen on television.

For one, the angel looked like he should be wearing horns instead of a
halo. And secondly, Mary was a woman! Okay, the guy up there did
resemble a woman, but still.

“You like it?”
D swallowed and looked over his shoulder to see Sloane sitting

behind him. The only reason he came was because Pa promised him a
pot of coffee if he showed up. “It’s, uh, different,” he said nervously
as his eyes darted back toward the stage, seeing Mary push a doll out
of her dress as a doctor checked the guy’s vitals.

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A Brac Pack Crazy Family Christmas


He wondered if there was any sane person here besides the cubs.

They were all out of their damn minds!

“Leave it to my cousin to do it Brac style,” Sloane said as he took

a seat right next to D.

D swallowed harder as he leaned away. This wasn’t right. Shifters

and vampires did not mate! They were enemies. Cut and dry, it was
that simple. Why did the wolf insist on torturing him?

“Relax, Dudley. I’m not going to eat you,” Sloane said as he

draped his arm over the back of D’s chair and then turned his
attention to the stage.

Yeah, and there really is a Santa Claus, Virginia.

* * * *

Maverick chuckled as the play came to its conclusion. He knew it

wasn’t what everyone was expecting, but all he wanted was for
everyone to have a good time and the cubs to laugh. Watching Kyoshi
strut across the stage in his cow costume was hilarious. The mate may
have kicked up a fuss, but he knew Kyoshi was having a good time.
Too bad Nero had been too damn traumatized by his missing gloves
to play the goat. That would have been hilarious.

He liked that they all were having a good time.
That was what Christmas was about, family, good times, and

plenty of laughter. The gifts were only a bonus.

“And that concludes the nativity scene, shifter style,” Micah

boosted proudly from the side of the stage.

Loud claps and cheers rang out into the night as the cast took a

bow. Maverick could see the wide grins on everyone’s faces. Even
Tryck was grinning from ear to ear.

Maverick knew what the hell he was doing. When would they


He snorted.

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But this was his family, and he loved each and every one of them.

The Den was now filled with small pattering feet and a variety of the
paranormal world that made life at the Den always interesting.

Nero began to play Christmas music, everyone chiming in as the

off-keyed singing began. Maverick chuckled as the babies ran around
singing and trying their best to get to the animals.

God he loved his family.
The oven was even fixed and Christmas dinner awaited them.
Maverick stood on the side of the stage, his eyes cutting over to

the elf who was duct-taped to the chair as he sang along with
everyone else.

He knew Melonee still had time before she was old enough to

mate the bastard. Maverick could care less who his daughter was
mated to, they would never be good enough for her.

Waiting until she was old enough for Ruttford was already

making his teeth grind, but knowing that she was growing up into a
gorgeous young woman who was going to be mated soon made him
want to kill the elf.

He sighed as he ran a hand over his chin, staring at the man who

would soon steal his daughter away.

Now what to do about Ruttford?





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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

Also by Lynn Hagen

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 19: Dagon’s Ride

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 20: Steven’s Journey

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 21: Alex’s Secret

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 22: Tater’s Bear

Everlasting Classic ManLove: Brac Pack 23: Curtis’s Dads

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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