Barbara Cartland Moonight on the Sphinx

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Moonight on the Sphinx

Octavia, who had spent his young life in an obscure corner of the English countryside, could hardly
have assumed that the death of his father would have to leave home to escape abroad.
But it did and destiny took her to Cairo, where in the company of a man enigmatic and fascinating
live the most amazing adventure, surrounded by death ... and love.

Chapter 1

A MAN was taking down from the roof through a pipe, hoping it was strong enough to hold it.
As he slid realized that people were beginning to look at it from below.
Not much, as it was a small side street, but there were the inevitable stray there typically found in
any port in the world, especially in Alexandria.
With nothing to do, live by stealing the wallet to tourists or to get information from an Egyptian to
The Egyptians suffer from an insatiable curiosity, and the man coming down the pipeline was sure
that minutes later he would inform the hotel of what was happening.
He saw an open window and, with agility that could only be the result of intense practice, he slipped
It was found in a bathroom and closed the window latch.
With speed that was born of an agile mind rather than of fear, first opened the faucet of the tub,
then took off his clothes and hid behind it.
It was one of those deep bathtubs that the British imposed wherever they went. The four legs and
had sustained curved bottom, so even though I was glued to the wall, there was enough space for
him to slip behind the clothes and was sure if he could not come to the ground, that would not see
or who bowed in look down.
He looked around and saw a pile of clean towels on a shelf. Long also plush robe hanging on a peg
behind the door, another innovation that the British had imposed on the good hotels in Egypt.
It was just what he needed.
No time for a swim, though, after he had done, would have been wrong not cool.
Did have enough time to wash your hands and feet. He did, dried with a towel and left lying on the
floor. He put on his robe, tousled hair and opened the door.
It was a long corridor, at the bottom there were two men, probably from the floor below.
He hid in the bathroom again while watching them talk to a servant who came out of one room with
a tray in his hands.
Although I could not hear what they said, he realized that convinced him to use his key to unlock a
door across the hall where he was.

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As they entered the room, looked the other way.
At that moment the door opened in front of him and a waiter came out with the remains of a
breakfast, after he caught a glimpse of a blonde woman reading a newspaper sitting on the bed.
Without hesitation he crossed the hall and, before the waiter could close the door, and stood beside
-Bring me two poached eggs, coffee, bread, butter and jam-ordered.
'Very well, sir.
The man entered the room and while the waiter closed the door, he met the gaze of eyes large and
Over breakfast, Octavia Birke thought he should finish as he had been taken and should not be
hungry during the day and save lunch.
Then, having no idea what to do, shuddered to wonder what would become of her.
It seemed a century had passed since he left England. But just had a little over a week since Tony
went to his bedroom to wake Priory.
Asleep, exhausted from caring for her father, in addition to cleaning the house and cooking for
Tony, who had arrived from London the night before.
During dinner he had shown in a bad mood, which was not surprising given the circumstances.
When he had finished he told Octavia:
-There are many things I want to talk to you, but I see you are very tired. Go to sleep.
'But, Dad ...
-I will stay in your room tonight. If you wake up, which is unlikely, I'll call.
- Do you promise? He has not moved all day, but the doctor said there was a possibility he regained
The expression of his brother told Octavia that he expected no such thing happened.
'I'm exhausted, he admitted. After what you told me I did not dare to hire anyone but the old lady
Coles to help me at home.
Mrs. Coles actually was not much help, but charged less than anyone in the village.
Before going to London, Tony had frightened about their financial situation and I was sure that I
now had to give bad news.
Apparently expect the next day that was more rested, and thanked him.
My head felt like cotton and filled his mind refused to think about the huge amount of debts
incurred by his father.
Ever have to face them, he knew, but his brain screamed:
"Not now, not now"!
Seeing her pale and exhausted, his brother put his arm around her shoulders.
-You were like an oak, Octavia. Nobody could have done more. Go to sleep and leave the
unpleasant news tomorrow I have to give.
-Thank you, dear. I almost fall asleep standing up.
He climbed into his bedroom, but before entering, went to his father.
The fourth lord Birkenhall remained motionless on the bed where he slept the head of the family for

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Two weeks earlier he had suffered a stroke and was in coma.
He was not moving and his breathing was very weak, but as the doctor said, "while there is life there
is hope."
Octavia had to restrain reply that, if sincere, hoped his father died without regaining consciousness.
But this would have shocked the doctor, so I just smiled as he added:
-I would like more help, Ms. Birke. It is very hard for you having to attend to his father and
everything else.
'I can manage,' said Octavia.
However, when Tony came back that night, thought I'd have to say that things could not continue.
But all could wait until the next day, so he went to bed and as his head touched the pillow, fell
When Tony was calling her looked at him with narrowed eyes, but sleep would allow him to react.
Why not let her sleep?
- Wake, Octavia, wake up!
At last he opened his eyes as he added:
- Dad is dead!
For a moment he understood. Then he sat bolt upright.
- Did you say ... dead?
'I must go with him.
- What for? You can not do anything. He's dead! Your heart does not beat and no pulse.
- God! Poor Dad ...
-By contrast, poor us! And so we must do something.
- What do you mean?
-A that we will flee as soon as you order.
- Run away? I do not understand.
'Then listen to me. I meant to talk to you last night, but were very tired. Now it's too late to talk. We
must act!
'I still ... I do not understand.
- Do you know what to Dad?
-I did not think about it.
'Well, I'll tell you: more than fifty thousand pounds!
- I think not!
-It's true. I visited their lawyers in London and was told the exact amount. And as you know, no
money to pay.
- What can we do? Asked Octavia scared.
-Going and let the lawyers and executors of the will of Dad take care of everything.
- How are we to do?
- Listen, Octavia! I have it well thought out and all we can do to avoid being involved in the mess
that armed dad is leaving for feet. We must get away from the gossips and creditors that pretend, the

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very stupid, your accounts receivable.
'But we can not pay ...
- Of course not! There's nothing left for us, so less for others.
Instinctively, Octavia looked around. As if he had asked a question out loud, Tony said:
-As you know, the house is linked to the title, so while Dad declared bankruptcy, they can not sell.
But they can sell shares of the property that were added in his life and everything that is not listed in
the inventory of what I inherited.
Tony laughed bitterly and said:
-We both know that Dad sold everything of value, though it was illegal to do so, so all I have left are
hideous family portraits, which are not sold or for a few shillings, and moth-eaten furniture.
'Dad did very badly in selling those things that should be for you.
-What was left is what allows us to survive at least a few months.
- What do you mean?
-I followed the example of Dad sold the last remaining things of silver and porcelain blue room.
- Oh, Tony! How could you? It was mom's favorite.
- So I think the respected father.
-As I have done, but your creditors would sell, so if you do not steal.
Seeing his sister so upset, Tony took his hand in hers.
-We have to eat and, more importantly than that, pay our passage to Alexandria.
- Alexandria? You're crazy! What we have to go to Alexandria?
Tony smiled, which reappeared its appeal, he always had when he was not standing or busy or upset.
-Virginia will arrive in your boat to Alexandria next week. He goes to Cairo and I have intentions to
join her.
Octavia looked puzzled.
I knew I drew a beautiful young American, newly arrived in London, had caused a stir in social
circles where Tony was moving. Octavia had never had a chance to do so.
There never was money to be presented to society, where he experienced the kind of men that her
mother, had been alive, she had wished for.
But Tony was different. As he said:
-While you have good clothes, I can accept invitations without costing me a penny.
So Tony had not had so many restrictions like her because of poverty.
When returning home he kept talking about Virginia Vanderburg. Octavia knew that although he
was attracted by his money, he also liked herself.
But how do you expect an American heiress to think of marrying a young Englishman with no
Octavia was what I wondered, and as if he had loudly, his brother said:
-I have a feeling now that I inherited the title, everything will be different. I think. Virginia I love
your way and that, like all Americans, want to be the envy of her friends when she marries.
Octavia realized, to his brother, the love was not enough if you did not include a title or money.
In the most intimate, that it struck him as degrading.
He had sworn to herself that she would never marry if it was a love as deep as he dreamed in secret.

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But Tony was different. After they had suffered by the extravagance of his father and his wild and
irrepressible vice of gambling, was determined to marry a wife who could return to its original
splendor Priory and let him live the way your grandfather did .
Octavia suspected it was the extravagance of his grandfather as his father had tried to emulate with
disastrous results.
The third Lord Birkenhall, Octavia and Tony's grandfather, was quite a character. He was known
nationwide for its success on the racetracks, and the parties offered in the Priory were unforgettable.
"What days those were!" Sighed used to comment the oldest of the village.
And Octavia's father always spoke of his childhood as if it had passed into paradise, among large
parties, many guests, hunts and obstacle courses where each rider gambled thousands of pounds.
As this had been his life as a child, always assumed that, when inherited, would like his father.
But times changed. Life was more expensive and more of the revenue sources that had the third
Lord Birkenhall had disappeared.
However, he laughed at those who warned him and advised. Certain that his luck would change, for
such stakes ever higher until, finally, a threatening letter he provoked the attack that left him
Now Octavia had died and did not think proper to flee.
-At least we should wait until after the funeral.
- What for? Dad will not know whether attended or not and the ones who come here will flock
creditors, with the desire to know the will and find out if there is no possibility of recovering
You will not face them, Octavia, nor I either. We go and, before anyone finds out what happened,
we'll be away.
- What ... what will happen to Dad?
I suppose that tomorrow will the doctor and take care of everything. Only Mrs. Coles will seem
strange not to find you.
'I told him not to come today because I owe him ten shillings and did not want pedírtelos when you
I could give you anything, but you better not be here. So we have more time to get out of the reach
of all.
I will not tell anyone where we go.
Octavia had always let Tony decided, three years older than her, confident that he knew what was
But now I could not agree with him. Although his father had never been a good father, allow to be
buried without being present at his funeral it seemed highly inappropriate.
His wife was the only person capable of making Lord Birkenhall behave sensibly and his crazy
refrenase a little extravagance.
But she had died six years ago and since then, to Octavia and his father Tony was only a man who
never took care of reasons.
Only care about fun and life there was no place for a young daughter.
Octavia lived in the Priory, while his father spent most of the time in London.

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Since I had no one to talk, Octavia had no idea that life was a time when knights as his father were
all planned to make the days and nights in constant commotion.
The horses, playing cards and charm of theaters and dance halls filled their days of dawn to another.
The parties succeeded each other, and where did not show the beauties of high society courtesans
Tony only knew how much his father had squandered in those women whose beauty attracted the
money like a magnet.
Yes, Tony was aware of how much money he lost his father in horse racing or roulette. After
returning to the Priory to visit his sister and saw with dismay that needed repair roofs, windows with
broken glass and parts of the flooring, if not treading carefully, sank.
- How can dad let this happen? Then wailed.
And checking back to London that his father continued squandering money without receiving
anything in return except debts that were added to the already acquired.
The worst thing was that, being so attractive and charming, few people he realized that his was not
normal behavior.
But, according to Tony, just a little unbalanced someone could have that attitude rampant.
Everyone, even the Prince of Wales, sympathized with Lord Birkenhall and admired him.
His name was mentioned in the lyrics of happy songs, and it was said that even the most fussy of
girls of easy virtue rejected a duke or marquis if Lord Birkenhall invited her to dinner.
But now he was dead and the truth was that there was not enough money for a decent burial.
Lost something. You will not face them, Octavia, nor I either. We go and, before anyone finds out
what happened, we'll be away.
- What ... what will happen to Dad?
I suppose that tomorrow will the doctor and take care of everything. Only Mrs. Coles will seem
strange not to find you.
'I told him not to come today because I owe him ten shillings and did not want pedírtelos when you
I could give you anything, but you better not be here. So we have more time to get out of the reach
of all. I will not tell anyone where we go.
Octavia had always let Tony decided, three years older than her, confident that he knew what was
But now I could not agree with him. Although his father had never been a good father, allow to be
buried without being present at his funeral it seemed highly inappropriate.
His wife was the only person capable of making Lord Birkenhall behave sensibly and his crazy
refrenase a little extravagance.
But she had died six years ago and since then, to Octavia and his father Tony was only a man who
never took care of reasons.
Only care about fun and life there was no place for a young daughter.
Octavia lived in the Priory, while his father spent most of the time in London.
Since I had no one to talk, Octavia had no idea that life was a time when knights as his father were
all planned with-

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pour the days and nights in constant commotion.
The horses, playing cards and charm of theaters and dance halls filled their days of dawn to another.
The parties succeeded each other, and where did not show the beauties of high society courtesans
Tony only knew how much his father had squandered in those women whose beauty attracted the
money like a magnet.
Yes, Tony was aware of how much money he lost his father in horse racing or roulette. After
returning to the Priory to visit his sister and saw with dismay that needed repair roofs, windows with
broken glass and parts of the flooring, if not treading carefully, sank.
- How can dad let this happen? Then wailed.
And checking back to London that his father continued squandering money without receiving
anything in return except debts that were added to the already acquired.
The worst thing was that, being so attractive and charming, few people he realized that his was not
normal behavior. But, according to Tony, just a little unbalanced someone could have that attitude
Everyone, even the Prince of Wales, sympathized with Lord Birkenhall and admired him.
His name was mentioned in the lyrics of happy songs, and it was said that even the most fussy of
girls of easy virtue rejected a duke or marquis if Lord Birkenhall invited her to dinner.
But now he was dead and the truth was that there was not enough money for a decent burial.
Listen, Octavia, we have little time, Tony told his sister to tone urgent. Prepare your luggage with
everything worth carrying, I guess not much. I'll do the same and when you're ready, I will ask Kake
to take us to the station.
Tony was what was always returning to London, nor Jake nor his father, the farmer of the Priory,
would consider strange.
Octavia had wanted to discuss with his brother and convince him he was wrong to be.
But he knew he was right in predicting that, once they knew the death of his father, would come the
creditors as crows and the situation would be very unpleasant.
They also had several relatives who would things worse. Everyone was shocked to learn how his
father had acted and would be delighted to clinch, "I told you!"
His father had never liked those family and show it. Now he was dead, speak ill of him as they
"I can not stay and endure all that," he thought Octavia.
-Hurry up as much as possible, 'said his brother. And remember, all that remains will be put on
auction, if not stolen before.
So Octavia kept possessions, which was not much.
It had been impossible to buy clothes with the little money his father gave him when he rarely went
to the Priory.
Sometimes he had to send letters to London desperate to beg him to send him some money with
which to pay his governess, servants, gardeners and old groom who took care of the few horses that
If I was lucky to receive some guineas, never enough. Little by little, people serving in the Priory was

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gone when I was young, or had died when she was old. Octavia was alone.
At first I could hardly believe what was happening and thought that when his father went home the
next time you would understand and everything would change.
But nothing changed. When his father went was because he had done that would borrow money
from friends or loan sharks.
Finally he was forced to leave the world to reign as wasteful and profligate.
At first he wandered through the house and she suspected he was looking for more things to sell.
Then he began to drink to finish what he had in the cellar.
Birkenhall Lord has never been an alcoholic.
He enjoyed good wine and good food, but never drank to excess, until that was the only way to
escape their problems.
Maybe that was what had caused the attack, but the letter had put beside himself with indignation.
Flushed with congestion, ie cursed as Octavia had not heard before and after, while making strange
noises in his throat, he fell backwards and did not move.
Tony was then in the Priory and together they put him to bed.
Then the boy summoned the doctor, although they were unable to pay.
He gave them hope and consolation, but left without doing anything.
And now it was over. As she was dressed, Octavia, before packing, went to the room of his father.
It was hard to believe that the still figure on the bed was for the man who laughed at all, the
gentleman more cheerful and certainly more handsome in London.
It was his father who was lying there, thought Octavia, only its physical shell. He felt that he was
somewhere else and still laugh, take life as a chain of amusement while he could afford them.
He knelt beside the bed and began to pray. His intention was to do by his father, but without
realizing it, her prayers became a plea for help to Tony and her.
The tears welling up in his eyes, but they were by his father, but herself and Tony. Had been left
alone and at that moment she could think they were still like children.
He missed his mother intensely as contained consoling, comforting, that surround his arms and
would provide security.
Often she felt scared and insecure in his father's life when there was no money to pay anything.
But it was still worse to know that the move away from Tony as he was familiar.
What would become of her? What was the world that lay beyond the walls of the house?
The fear overcame her, winding like a snake, without being able to escape it.
'Where could I go? What could I do but obey Tony and leave the house and all his memories back?
For a moment, the future was presented as a long dark hallway on the walk without the slightest
notion of where I would meet him to emerge.
But surely take care of Tony. Should not be afraid to him.
He recalled that he went to pray for his father and said another prayer that God will give you peace
and let him be as happy as when his wife lived.
I did not want to think of it as I saw lately, depressed and old, with traces of dissipation he had led.
I wanted to remember him smiling and dynamic, just like when I was little.
The echo of their laughter seemed to linger in the rooms of the great house and go to the lake and

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the park to join the singing of birds in the forest.
Then it was so attractive, so authoritarian and willful ...
-It's not worth arguing with Dad always gets his way his mother used to say.
And he wanted as almost to the end.
But now there was left nothing to her and Tony, only debt and scandal that would entail.
Understand why Tony wanted to run away and he explained it even more clear when the next
morning took the train early, arrived at Waterloo Station and from there went to Tilbury.
That will not be as comfortable as if embarked at Southampton, but cost less and not a penny more
Octavia agreed. Were fortunate to get a second class compartment to themselves and hardly settled,
Tony began to speak:
-Decedí bring with me, Octavia, because I considered unfair to leave you.
'I have scared face alone with all those people.
-I thought so. Also, if either we will make it difficult for us press mentions.
- Does the press?
'Dad was a celebrity in his own way.
I was in London when the rumor spread that he was sick and then approached me and asked
reporters what he had and if there was risk of death.
- What do you think now published?
-Much and do not want you to read. Only disturb you. At least, so you can not ask what your
feelings about Dad's death and how many tears pour out for it.
He spoke as if he disliked the idea and added:
'That's one reason why we have to flee. Another is that we blame for the debts of father, if only he
was responsible for them. Nobody likes a loser.
Tony expressed again bitterly.
Octavia put her hand on his arm.
'I know you'll find a way out of this, he said.
- It will be difficult, unless Virginia agrees to marry me.
- Is there anything else you can do?
There's nothing more you want to do. I love Virginia herself.
It is adorable and understand, perhaps better than anyone, you will not want to tie a nobody without
Octavia thought that if she were really in love with a man she would marry him even if it were the
most modest person in the world.
Surely wealthy women like Miss Van-derburg, they could choose from many suitors, would consider
-If it was not because of Dad, I would have joined the army. But even in a minor regiments need to
receive a pension and never knew when Dad was going to give me money. So becoming a soldier
was impossible.
- Is there any way to make money?
- How? Do not think I've thought, but it is assumed that gentlemen do not work and, besides, what

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ability I have? I do not know more than fun, as Dad.
Octavia sighed.
'I'm sure that when you see Ms. Vanderburg again, want to marry you. Any woman would be lucky
having you for a husband.
Tony laughed and kissed her cheek.
- What is also important is that you find a rich husband!
For a moment, Octavia thought he was joking, then realized he was serious. -No, no, absolutely not.
- Do not be silly! Of course, you must marry. You have no alternative and I have the feeling that in
Cairo, I've been told is full of soldiers and English tourists, and has even taken a type of English life,
will have better opportunities and less competition than in London.
Octavia looked at him with eyes wide open and he continued: 'You know I will do my best to help.
It will be difficult, dear sister.
You are adorable and dressed in nice clothes, find suitors in handfuls.
Octavia meant that it frightened her, but her voice refused to come out of her throat. So, just
listened and heard all the way to Tilbury.
There they boarded a small steamer, not very clean, which would lead them to Alexandria.
Later, when he thought of the trip, Octavia remembered as something very nasty and tried to erase
from his mind.
The ship was uncomfortable and was full of people that Tony looked down, the sea was very rough
and all were seasick.
Fortunately Octavia, as it was exhausted, unable to sleep.
Despite the incessant jolts and noise, slept soundly until they reached the calm waters of the
The blue sky and sea, and the sun's heat made him feel that it was not worth complaining. It was
easier to assume that once they reached their destination all better.
And he did. As they landed at Alexandria, loved everything I saw and forgot the discomforts that
you left behind.
Tony was quick to take her to a hotel and then went in search of the woman who had gone so far.
He returned smiling and excited to say that the yacht was in port. Virginia had come to know the
surroundings, but would return for dinner.
'I'm so happy for you, dear,' he said Octavia.
-I suppose you have a group of guests on board.
I'll take you to Cairo with me and I'm sure there will be someone, even one of these American
children, who spend some time at home.
Octavia felt the fear caused him shudder.
Tony did not even think he could be frightened because he had known very few men.
He wondered what could I tell them and if considered boring because I had always lived in the area
and knew nothing of the things that interested them.
Tony was in high spirits at finding the yacht of Virginia.
At six o'clock, when he expected the return of the young American, returned to the dock.
-Not rid your luggage Octavia said. On my return I hope to take me to the yacht.

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Afraid to walk alone in the hotel, Octavia retired to his room to wait.
Tony did not return until almost dinner time and just saw him appear, noticed his sister got worried.
- What's wrong? He asked. -No, just do not like what I have to say.
- What is it? Octavia asked nervously. -A Virginia loved me, I think it really has taken me less, but
changed his mind about staying in Cairo.
Intends to go to Constantinople because someone convinced her that it is a place worth seeing. -
Yes, and although he would love to be you also, the yacht is so full you can not take.
Tony spoke as if he had trouble, not looking at her sister.
There was silence until asked Octavia:
-So ... What do I do?
'Well, I think it's clear to return home.
She looked shocked.
- A. .. home?
-Almost every day boats leave to England, he said his brother-spirited tone. All you have to do is ask
the hotel concierge to get you in one place.
I start now with Virginia. I have to! Octavia, you know I have to go with it, right? Want to do and if
I refuse, you may not see her again. Yes, of course ... you have to go
Octavia, 'said a voice that seemed not yours
-. I ... I'll be fine. Tony sighed with relief.
I knew you'd understand and someday I will pay.
Octavia thought it meant that once married to Virginia.
-I'll be fine to be repeated value. 'Tomorrow will a boat. Ask the concierge to book a cabin you. Oh,
dear, I feel like a villain, you know? I tried we could get both, but Virginia said it was impossible to
accommodate a woman on board. Do not worry. Return to England. 'Perhaps the worst is already
past. I will write to tell you when we meet.
Tony hugged and kissed him to Octavia.
__lEres wonderful! No one can have a sister better than you.
He took his watch from his pocket and said:
- I have to hurry! Farewell, dear!
On his way to the door, Octavia said,
- Tony, I have no money!
- Oh, my God, I almost forgot! I paid your account and here's enough to go home.
He pulled several bills from his pocket and laid them on the bed.
__Veinticinco Lbs. I'll send more as soon as possible.
Octavia looked even money. Trying to hold back the tears that struggled to emerge from their eyes
and feel that I should stick with it and not let go.
The terrified of being alone.
But before he could do or say anything, Tony smiled at last, opened the door and left.
She heard him enter the next room and assumed he had sent to pick his trunk.
After a few minutes, in which there must be revised if not forgotten something in the room, he

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heard the door close.
Then she felt his quick steps away. And she was alone, completely alone.

Chapter 2

FOR A MOMENT, the intruder stood there looking at Octavia.
Nervously, she said hesitantly:
-I ... I think he's wrong room.
- Are you English! He exclaimed. Thank God! I supposed to see the color of your hair.
Octavia just looked at him, not knowing what to do or say, as he approached the bed and added
- Could help a fellow? I'm desperate and need help!
Octavia assumed that he would ask money and wondered how to explain that he could not help
him, when he continued:
-It may sound melodramatic, but it is matter of life or death.
And what is at stake is my life!
Octavia thought I was crazy, but he continued:
-Within a few minutes, two men come into this room. They want to kill me, but if he agrees to
pretend I'm your husband, I can escape.
With effort, Octavia finally managed to speak:
-No ... I do not understand what he says.
-So, please, just do what I ask. If I denounced as a sham, I assure you, and not exaggerating, I will
send to death.
Against his own reason, Octavia believed him.
-I think I hear come, 'he said. Lie down and pretend you're half asleep.
His authoritative tone made Octavia obey.
He wanted to protest, refusing to do what he wanted, but was surprised slipping between the sheets.
He removed the paper.
A second later there was the sound of the key in the lock and quickly, the man got into bed beside
Octavia was about to scream but the man did not touch her, was as far as possible from it. Too
scared to do anything, he just shrugged under the blanket.
The stranger opened the newspaper and, when two men entered the room, looked over it.
The two were Egyptians. One wore a fez and the other traditional jacket pants European natives.
- What do they want? Asked the stranger, ensuring that only his eyes were visible above the
The two men looked around as if they suspected that someone was hiding there, but the furniture
was simple and there was no room for anyone to hide.
One of them asked:

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- Are you English?
Yes, we are English, and want to know what authority is to interrogate and what goes into our room
without knocking.
The Egyptians did not answer, merely looking at him suspiciously.
As if suddenly indignant, the man in the bed continued:
- I find this intolerable! I'll complain to management!
He looked at Octavia and added:
'My wife is tired and not want to be bothered. Please her withdraw immediately.
His speech seemed to impress people more than words.
They looked at each other and, as if to agree that they made a mistake, to speak before the said
-Excuse us, sir. We thought there was someone else in the room.
Do not wait for answer, went out and closed the door.
Octavia began to sit and when I went to speak, the stranger put a finger to his lips and stood
It was several moments before they heard footsteps that were lost in the distance. It was evident that
the men had been by the door.
Just then the man jumped up and exclaimed:
- I thank you from the bottom of my heart! He has been magnificent!
- Do you really ... would have killed him?
-If I had found alone, they would have done without hesitation. I have been to "interrogate" and
certainly my body had been discovered later floating in the sea or thrown anywhere. She gasped in
horror and said,
- Why? What have you done?
'Nothing criminal, I swear. I need to make, because I still need your help.
Sitting in bed, her hair loose around her shoulders and eyes wide open, frightened, Octavia looked
like a girl.
-I know it's too much to ask, but since I do not want to take unnecessary risks and I am sure that we
still watch, I can not get my clothes at least help me.
- Does your clothes?
-I entered the hotel through the window of a bathroom, where I was lucky to get the gown I'm
-Usually there is one in the bathroom opposite.
-What was fortunate for me. I hid the clothes he was wearing behind the tub, where you can not see
unless you seek it.
- And you want to get it for you?
-What I want, if you please, is that within a few minutes be directed to the bathroom, which does
not attract attention, and bathing. Once back, my clothes to wear arm and cover with a towel. Make
sure no one can notice that the note that brings.
- How long do you continue watching us?
The man shrugged.
-As you know, time does not count in the East. They know that I entered this floor of the hotel as

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they have searched all the rooms without meeting, hopefully believe that I escaped. But I will not be
safe until you have left here safely.
To think I could kill him, Octavia shuddered and said in an impulse:
-I will help, but ... What if I make a mistake you betray?
I do not think so. I should have guessed that, with my usual good luck, find someone like you. I
know not betray me.
'There must be some reason ... something they did to want to kill him.
-It's a long history and, as I want to go as soon as possible, I can only ask you to help me and let the
explanations for when more time.
In this knock on the door and both stiffened, holding her breath.
The man went to Octavia a warning look before authorizing:
- Forward!
The door opened, and the waiter came with the man she longed for.
- My breakfast! Good! I have ravenous.
As the waiter placed the tray on a side table, the man turned to Octavia.
- Do you happen to change you, dear?
-Yes ... of course she answered right away and looking said her purse was on the nearby dresser.
The man took it and handed it over.
She opened it and took some Egyptian coins. Tony was the change that had given him after paying
the coach who took off the boat.
He handed the man, who gave them tip the waiter.
When they were alone, he apologized saying:
-Sorry you had to borrow money. What I have in my pocket are large bills and would be a mistake
for the waiter to see.
Yes, you're right.
The man looked at the breakfast tray.
-As I have not eaten since yesterday afternoon, I have much appetite.
I sit at the table facing away from you, so you can get up and go to the bathroom without shame.
-Thank you.
Octavia realized he had set himself entirely to it. I felt as if he had voluntarily and do only what he
ordered, as if it were a puppet and the man pulled the strings.
He sat at the table and eat your way to Octavia said he had spoken the truth about his appetite.
She got out of bed and put on the gown, while some got their feet in worn slippers.
He took his bag of toiletries and headed for the door.
He thought he should say something, but he seemed to have forgotten its existence, so I left the
room and crossed the hall to the bathroom.
Shuddering at the thought that someone might be watching it, turned on the faucet.
She filled the tub up three quarters with warm water bath to help her relax.
The whole situation was so extraordinary that seemed to be part of a book and not real life.
How could have imagined a few days before would be involved in one of those dramas that I knew
from the press, happened in foreign countries, but did not seem to have no connection to their

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Why this Englishman pursued the Egyptians? Obviously they were not police officers and, judging
by their appearance, were very unpleasant types.
What had he done?
By what authority had achieved their persecutors that someone from the hotel would open the door
to record the rooms?
It was all a mystery.
Octavia hoped that, before leaving, the man say something more about it.
Otherwise it would be that curiosity for the rest of his life.
He remained in the water less than usual, and only when he had put on her nightgown and robe
looked behind the tub.
He put his hand first and thought that someone had lied or had taken off her clothes. Then he
leaned over, found her and took off.
They were pants, a shirt and a pair of white canvas shoes, of which the British usually preferred for
the heat of Egypt.
He put the clothes on his arm, took the shoes by hand and, as he indicated, covered everything with
a towel.
Anyway, it showed a bit bulky, so was glad that there were only a few steps into the room.
As he had forgotten to take the key, knocked on the door. Surely it would seem more natural that he
would open.
He must be waiting for her, because then opened and said aloud, to hear it out:
- Was nice bath, dear? Now you will feel more comfortable.
As she entered, closed the door and asked in a very different tone:
I knew that I would fail. Have you seen someone?
-No, no. I thought it would be a mistake to look around me, as if expecting someone watching me.
-A measure very intelligent.
After giving the clothes, Octavia saw that she had eaten all the breakfast, including butter and jam
dishes were empty.
He suddenly remembered he had left her purse on the bed.
With sudden fear was asked whether the man, who knew nothing, had taken advantage of his
absence to steal money to give him Tony.
He had the urge to run to the bag and look inside, but he said if he was a thief, doing so would be
dangerous and stupid.
He seemed able to read minds, because suddenly said:
'I assure you I am not a thief and I never behave so dishonorably with someone who has helped me
like you.
His words Octavia blushed, embarrassed that said:
-No ... I have not charged with anything.
-No, but thought.
- How do you know?
-Let's say your eyes are very revealing.

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-Sorry I thought such a thing ... but all the money that I own is in that bag ... and I suppose it was
silly not to take it.
-In fact, it was silly. You must learn not to leave money in your room in Egypt or in another foreign
He spoke sternly, as if to admonish a child, and Octavia, feeling that he should apologize, said:
'I've never been abroad ... and everything makes me realize how ignorant I am.
- You say that all the money he has is in that bag?
She nodded.
-There seems to be a lot.
-Enough to return.
- To England?
-Here is where I have to go.
- But if you just arrived!
- How do you know?
-I have been trained to observe and I can see that has not yet opened his trunk. Judging by the label,
reached by boat.
Yes, we got yesterday.
- Are we? There was a brief pause.
-My brother came with me ... but was ... unexpectedly had to leave for Constantinople.
As Octavia felt ashamed of having to explain why she was alone, because then the behavior of Tony
seemed no possible defense, hesitated to answer and looked away.
So he saw the skeptical look of the stranger, who did not believe at all that the man whom he
referred was his brother.
- How much money left for the trip?
As a direct question and was not worth that was not his business; Octavia said the truth:
'I have twenty-five pounds. Is it enough?
The question showed that she was worried and had no idea how much it would cost the ticket.
-It depends on how you intend to travel, but I guess it will reach.
- You have to reach! My brother told me to ask the concierge to get me a place on a ship sailing to
England today. As seen me talking to him will go down.
-I have a better idea that can help, but I think first we need to put both.
Yes ... of course Octavia murmured, blushing.
-As I do not want to see me, I suggest you take your clothes and return to the bathroom as if he had
forgotten something. Dress there. When I return, I will be more presentable.
It seemed a sensible solution and Octavia smiled as he took his underwear from the chair where the
left the night before.
He took the slip of the closet, but left the dress. It was the same as it had come, in fact the only
decent thing I had. Could put it later in the room.
Again used the towel to cover the clothes and headed for the door.
When it came to her, the man said:
-Forget something.

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- Is my purse?
-I told you never leave it, take it around with you.
Octavia was going to answer that trusted him when he had an idea and asked
- Did not go while I'm in the bathroom? Will here when I return?
- Want to be?
- Yes, Please! There are many things I want to ask and maybe ... can advise me about the trip.
I did not know why I asked, but then, no matter what that man had, strange as it seemed rather
speak with him to be alone.
The two Egyptians had raised fears not only for himself but also for herself.
I had no one to turn in a big city like Alexandria and that was scary. The at least was an Englishman,
spoke the same language ...
He thought the man gave him a reproachful look before replying:
-I promise I'll be here on his return.
She gave him a smile that made her look younger than I was.
'Then take care of my bag and said he ran to the bathroom. It took only minutes and cover with
dressing gown.
When he returned he found the different man, not only because he had dressed. He could not
explain why, but it seemed more authoritative and masculine than before.
When their eyes met, she blushed.
'I'm glad to be so-fast. I need your help again.
- What happens?
-Do not be alarmed. It's just that my shirt is stained badly and I wonder how I can clean it.
The pipe through which the man had slipped and was very dirty, but their cotton trousers were not
damaged in excess, very revealing shirt had stains on the front.
Octavia was wondering how long it would take to dry if washed, when he suddenly had an idea.
The day before, Tony had asked him to put two buttons of his shirt and she promised to do so as
soon reached the hotel.
But his hasty departure, he had forgotten it back.
It was fortunate, because it was clean and not attract the attention of those trying to kill the stranger.
I think I can solve your problem.
He opened the trunk and pulled the shirt of Tony, who was above all else.
Also took his bag of sewing, which had needles, thread and scissors.
-I will take away the buttons on his shirt and I will put to it. My brother gave it to me because he did
not and I would cosérselos.
Even now realized that the man looked skeptical when he mentioned his brother.
-I am very grateful, you are my guardian angel.
The man took off his shirt and Octavia, as it were naked disturbed, not at him.
Warning him, he took his coat and threw it over her shoulders.
Octavia watched as she removed the buttons on a shirt and put them to the other.
When she handed it said:
-As you know, I came with some haste. I wonder if, by chance, something that can not be used as a

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Yes, I think I have.
Octavia looked in his trunk and found a dark green ribbon he had prepared for one of her dresses.
He gave it.
-Perfect, but a little long, he observed.
'Then cut.
He thought he said it would be a shame to spoil it, but should not neglect the help that could save
your life.
The man put on his shirt and went to the toilet to tie his tie improvised.
It was too long. Without speaking, Octavia handed scissors.
'I'll buy another, he promised. Now, please dress. I want to talk with you.
So saying, he went to the window and stood with his back to the room.
She got the dress and said that he still wore her hair loose over her shoulders.
Without telling her that she was dressed, sat in front of the dresser and picked up the hair to form a
bun at the nape.
As he finished, he turned to him to ask:
- What would I say? I'm ready.
I expected him to explain the situation in which it was and what had provoked it.
Instead, he sat at the foot of the bed and asked:
- Is it important to return to England?
Octavia shook her head.
-No, and I never thought that nothing would come back.
- Why does it go then?
'I thought that was clear ... I have no money and do not know anyone.
I can not stay here alone.
'Yes, so I have a proposition to make.
- What is it?
-Because it is so smart and has already helped me, I am willing, if interested, to give twenty pounds a
week to work for me.
-Working for you ... how?
He said nothing and Octavia said:
- But twenty pounds is too much! I can not win them!
The stranger smiled.
'It's something you should not say until I know what I want to do.
It is a mistake in life the neglected.
-I do not want to, but I must be honest with you: I'm not ready and therefore do not know how I
gain nothing.
-As I said you are smart, quick-witted and, indeed, someone you can confide in an emergency.
Octavia laughed.
-Thanks for saying all those nice things about me, but I do not have commercial value.
- They have it for me!

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She looked like she could not believe he was serious.
- Does it really gives me so much money to work for you?
- Of course!
'But did not tell me what you want to do ... If I want a secretary, I must say that I know use a
typewriter, I am very bad at arithmetic and not very good at spelling.
The laughed.
Her candor is devastating and wrong if you want to use.
Always convince the person that can give you work that is indispensable.
- How do unless you tell lots of lies to be discovered on the first day of work?
'That depends on what the work consists.
'Then please tell me how I can be helpful.
- Would you like to work with me?
- Anything you'd better go back to England! ...
Oh, sorry! It would seem rude.
What happens is that ... in England will have to face things that are almost as frightening as staying
here alone.
In effect, without Tony to support it, the angry face of his father's creditors and the displeasure of
his family seemed to him awful.
-If that's what you feel, you can easily access what I propose.
'Tell me what it is.
He smiled.
- How about if we show, as we have not done before? What is your name?
Then he thought the young man who had made a mistake, it might have been better to give a false
name ...
But there was no reason to suspect that he was someone important or that his father had a title. No
one would think that a girl could be distinguished and educated herself in a hotel in Alexandria.
'I like your name, Octavian said he. I had not met anyone by that name.
'I put it by my grandmother. I do not like too much. It seems unfair that one baptized with a name
that always surprises who hears it.
-His is as original as yourself.
For a moment she thought she would tell a compliment. However, as his tone was dry and
impersonal, assumed he was referring to the circumstances in which he found it.
-My name is Gordon Kane.
Octavia laughed.
- Kane is a strange name like mine!
-It is of Celtic origin. Like you, I put him by a relative.
'At least, have us a common bond.
-I think there are others. But now I want to listen to me carefully.
Yes, of course.
'What I ask is if you are willing to help as I have done and continue to act as my wife until we get to

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Octavia opened her eyes, but did not interrupt.
Once there, could work for me on something else, but I can not be sure until at least free me from
the persecution of these men he has seen.
- Do you think you still suspect that the man they seek?
-Would like to know the answer. In any case, I'm sure we will watch until we get out of Alexandria.
Then look elsewhere or follow me.
-Still has not told me why ... why they want to kill him.
-As I said, is a long history. I want to do, if you agree, is to go at once and take the first train out to
Cairo. There, if we continue, we will have time to breathe and make plans for the future.
- Do you really want me to come with you?
-Call it my pet. If you're with me, I'll be safer than one.
'Then I go with you, of course ...
- You serious? Do you agree?
'I'd like to help, but need not pay me as much as offered.
-What you pay is unimportant compared with his courageous behavior. I am very grateful
-You saves me from having to return to England Octavia said very quietly.
Tony was sure he would disapprove of what to do. But, after all, was her fault that she was alone
and had been involved in this strange drama did not understand, but that could have become
murder of a compatriot.
'I feel very honored, Octavia, to confide in me.
It was true, she told the girl trusted him.
There was something about him that made him seem trustworthy, even when prudence would
advise him a thousand questions before agreeing to anything.
-Now we're ready, I want to drop me.
Send a bellman to pick up his trunk.
Octavia looked as undecided.
I have an idea and I hope it does not consider it an impertinence.
-You can not say anything to me please.
-You said that travel by train to Cairo ... I think it is very appropriate dress.
- You mean that I have no jacket?
She agreed with a nod.
'I wonder if I could take it to the arm, though not put it in the heat.
Kane smiled.
'I've said before that is smart and now I see that already begins to earn the salary you have offered.
'I'd like to believe is true, but I still feel that your generosity is excessive.
'I'll discuss that later. Please give me that jacket that suggests it takes.
Octavia recalled that in the trunk carried his riding clothes. I was very tired because he had belonged
to his mother, but had a tailor cut first class, as was made of good fabric and sober style, the jacket
could easily pass for a male garment.
He handed it to Kane and saw that he was pleased.

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After storing in the trunk dirty shirt, closed it and put on his hat, which was tied with a loop under
the chin.
At the end thought it looked like a pair of ordinary Britons, as they could be in any port in the
-My brother paid for my accommodation before leaving, said Kane.
'In that case it is even easier. If anyone asks, I tell you this morning to pick it up. Anyway, the hotel
staff is accustomed to Alexandria that guests do not stay more than one or two nights and then
depart to Cairo or addressing a ship in the harbor.
Octavia picked up his bag and headed for the door thinking she was embarking on an incredible and
mysterious adventure.
Perhaps it was reprehensible to do so, but neither refused to take part in it, I knew I would regret it
the rest of his life.
As if new guess what I thought, as he opened the door for said:
'You are very brave and I thank fate for having been lucky enough to find it.

Chapter 3

To ailivio Octavia, had no difficulty in leaving the hotel.
The concierge confirmed that Tony had paid the bill before leaving and did not call attention to the
presence of Kane was supposed to have been considered normal for someone to accompany her.
They took an open carriage for hire, which was conducted with tai precipitation through heavy
traffic, that Octavia expected every moment to run over a child or one of the many dogs that
When they reached a narrow street with shops on either side, Kane told the driver to stop and told
him to Octavia:
-I will not be.
Without further explanation, got out and went into a store. It did not seem smart or well-stocked,
and she wondered what would look.
Then came a number of ragged children and reached out, pleading.
As some were seen even starving, Octavia gave them the few piastres copper left in her purse.
Kane began to worry when he saw her leaving the store with a big lump under his arm.
He climbed into the carriage and placed him in the front seat. But while resumed the march said he
had bought and she thought it might be impertinent on his part to ask questions.
They reached the station and as he looked around curiously, Octavia did not hear what Kane said at
the box office to buy tickets.
When I finally met her, she said:
'We're in luck. The train leaves in fifteen minutes.
She noted her relief and guessed at once that he was concerned that the watch over.

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They hurried to the platform and, to the surprise of Octavia, rose to a first-class carriage. Expected
to travel in second, as had been forced to do with Tony.
The train was comfortable, but must be very old, because I had corridor doors opened directly to
the outside compartments.
Kane had sent his trunk to the baggage car.
Returning to the chamber closed the door and looked out the window deliberately aggressive
expression, so that no other passenger to sit next to them.
Finally, in clouds of steam and squeaking of wheels, the train began to leave the station.
-There seems to be many passengers traveling in such luxury as Octavia told us, smiling.
-Boarded the express that came out shortly before we arrived. Although this is a bit slower, I hope
we carry with safety.
Apparently, Kane was confident that his pursuers had taken the earlier train.
Octavia said nothing, hoping that now they were alone, to explain exactly what happened and why
his life was in danger.
As the train picked up speed, Kane said:
'I hope you forgive me if I take the opportunity to sleep. It hit an eye all night and I'm very tired.
Yes, of course.
Octavia assumed to be more comfortable without the hat, so I removed it. Then he got up to look
in the mirror that was on the seat.
When he had arranged her hair and turning, saw Kane and was asleep in the front seat.
He had bought two newspapers in the station, one of them English. Octavia took them, but after
reading the headlines, he studied the man before him, wondering if he would have done well to trust
him and allow to take her to Cairo.
He was certain that Tony would be outraged to know and say that must obey and return to England.
He also knew his mother would have considered something shocking and reprehensible, and even
his father, despite his adventurous nature, he would have criticized.
But although it was a little frightened by the problems that would meet Gordon Kane, it would be
much more if it were to embark to travel alone for almost a week.
On the trip to Alexandria was set slightly in the other passengers, but remember that most were
young men, possibly traders, who looked so impertinent. None had annoyed because Tony was with
her, but he feared that otherwise, could have found more than an unpleasant situation.
Therefore, no wonder he would not now be exposed to such a contingency.
Kane looked and thought, although he had no basis for it, something about him that inspired
Also, if the relationship became intolerable, he still had the money not invested in the passage and
could get away from him.
Now would be more difficult, because I would have returned from Cairo to Alexandria to embark,
but figured I could cope.
And as was likely in the future was alone on many occasions, was something that was used.
What kind of job he would like to do other than pretend to be his wife? That was all so far had

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I was hoping that once the men who tried to assassinate him in Alexandria realized that he had
escaped, abandoned the chase. So Kane and not feel threatened.
If something happened it would be terrible for her.
May have to explain to the authorities what was his relationship with Kane Gondon and why
pretending to be his wife.
"I must take care that my name does not appear in the newspapers," he thought. "Tony would be
The picture was so exciting and new to her, she stopped worrying and devoted himself to enjoy
what he saw out the window.
The sun beat down on the vast and arid plain. In the distance I could see that everything was a vivid
green, so we assumed that the Nile was near.
I had not had time to read anything about Egypt to that found in the turbulent waters of the Bay of
Biscay, halfway to Alexandria.
Found in an old boat travel guide, which led to his cabin haunted, and tried to remember everything
their governesses to teach him about the pyramids, temples and the opening of the Suez Canal.
Now did not need any guide will describe the fertility and beauty of the Nile Delta
As the train was moving, watching the sun lit up the hills with a light pink, could understand why the
ancient Egyptians considered a divinity to the sun.
He remembered reading that the Egyptians also comparing Egypt with the lotus flower: the fertile
valley was angostoso the stem width delta, the petals open.
On the other side was the desert, which was as expected Octavia, with its yellow sand and rocks that
stretched for miles.
Areas were often very green and reminded that life in Egypt depended on the blue waters of the
He would like to navigate the great river, as did the ancient Egyptians, when not only was the heart
and strength of the country, but their main means of communication.
"Perhaps Kane takes me one day on the Nile," she said ... Would they have occasion for it?
He wanted to wake up to chat.
There were many things he wanted to know and he could explain, but remained lying down with
eyes closed. His face relaxed him look younger than when he was awake.
It must be very strong and hard to support his life in this foreign country.
Spurred on by curiosity, they reached a station wondered if he should wake.
The station was not very big and stopped a few minutes.
It seemed that no one was down and had only a few passengers waiting to board the train.
They left again and as it was very hot, Octavia dozed a little. His thoughts were mingled with dreams
and it was hard to tell where one began and ended others.
Then, with the usual screech of brakes and clouds of steam, entered a most important station, where
there were enough passengers.
It dealt with a multitude of curious aspect, women wrapped in black and white robes, his face
covered with a veil that only showed their eyes, men, in native costume that looked like a long shirt.
Nobody seems to go first class.

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Kane awoke and rubbed his eyes as he said:
-I feel better. Thanks for letting me sleep.
It would have been impossible to stop him Octavia smiled.
-I am sure most women would have talked like magpies. And now, in return, I'll get something to
When I went to open the car door, reached out Octavia.
- Do you consider safe? Nobody has bothered so far ... but there may be someone on the train.
He looked at her a moment and said:
'You are very sensible. One would think that it takes years in this game.

She wondered if it really would be a game for him. If it was, was a very dangerous fun.
Instead of going out, Kane called a waiter and spoke their language.
When the waiter returned with him a young white coat carrying a tray on his head.
Through the window he handed it to Kane, who paid what he thought Octavia a lot of money and
tipped the waiter.
On the tray was a dish of pigeon, Kane told Octavia that was very popular and was called Hannam.
The meat was a little hard, but quite tasty.
There was also a delicious cheese and a type of bread, according to Kane, was used because it
encounter wherever he went.
The butter tasted a bit stale, but still enjoyed that lunch Octavia exotic. The fruit seemed especially
The food was accompanied with various fruit juice.
When finished, Kane put the tray in a corner of the compartment and said that would collect in
- What time do you get? She asked.
I suppose that shortly after four o'clock in the afternoon.
There was a pause and Octavia wondered if he would say he hoped to go when they arrived.
But Kane had a worried look and she thought maybe she was still tired and not want to answer
After a few minutes Kane lay back and although not sleep, she realized that reflected and thought it
would be wrong to interrupt.
"I hate women who chatter while driving!"
A father used to say, and Octavia was convinced that the same thing happening to all men.
In addition, the train noise was strong and sure would not want to tell kane shouting secrets.
Therefore, concentrated again to look out the window, wondering when the pyramids and what
would be like to see them.
Would have liked to stay longer in Alexandria to visit the places that you read the guide on the boat
identified as worth knowing.
For one thing was decided: not leave Cairo without seeing the pyramids and the sphinx.
When, a few days ago, stood beside his father's Cania of wondering whether regain the knowledge,
how would have thought that after a week would be in Egypt and seeing so many wonders?

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"I live an adventure," she said, "and I enjoy every moment of it. So, when you must return to my
lonely house to feed of potatoes harvested in the garden, at least I'll have something to remember. "
- What the mind? Kane asked suddenly.
Octavia started. I was so immersed in his thoughts, he had almost forgotten the presence of man.
- How do I know I'm worried?
'Only I suspect. But not to worry.
I promised to look after her. Trust me. Tomorrow is in the hands of the gods, but are usually
Octavia realized he thought he was still alive.
'Maybe I who must care for you.
He smiled.
-Is likely and has already proven to be very efficient.
- Do you think that these men may have noticed that he left Alexandria? She asked.
There was no answer possible and not surprised that Kane answered:
Let's talk about you. It is much more interesting.
Octavia reflected on what you might say, as it would be a mistake that Gordon knew too much if
she decided to return to England, when he realized that the train slowed down.
-We went to another station said.
Kane sat up.
-Yes, it is larger. From here, the journey is direct to Cairo.
While Octavia peered out the window, Kane went to bed again.
-I doubt if many passengers sleepy voice said.
Octavia did not answer.
Funny looking people gathered on the platform, most of which appeared to have no intentions of
traveling anywhere, but looking at the train or maybe waiting for those who came into it.
Many of those who wore filthy rags, but faces were strange and interesting, than any painter would
Driven by curiosity, Octavia poked his head out the window. Then an exclamation drew back.
- What happens? Kane asked.
'I think one of the men who entered my room is on the platform.
Kane sat up, but made no attempt to look out the window.
- Are you sure?
'One of them was wearing a brown jacket and yellow Scotch drawing. I remember because, while
pretending to be half asleep, I thought that only someone would choose something so nasty ugly.
- Do you think that has been on this train?
-I have seen off a car and I think coming in this direction.
-Close the window and put the other end of the seat-ordered Kane-cutting. Look to the corner and,
whatever happens, do not return his face to the platform.
Octavia obeyed immediately and while away the tray that served lunch to sit, warned that trembled
and his heart beat faster.
What if the Egyptian discovered Kane?

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I could only pray that he had not seen.
While Kane was sprawled on the seat, could see that he was tense, as if waiting for something to
The minutes passed with exasperating slowness.
At last he heard the whistle, the noise of steam to escape and, with his usual sound, the wheels
began to move.
Octavia gave a sigh of relief.
As the train was gaining speed, turned to look at Kane said.
-As we go ... Maybe I made a mistake.
Suddenly, violently, opened the compartment door and a man jumped inside.
One look was enough to know that Octavia was one of those who entered his room, he answered
questions from Kane.
For a moment, the man clung to the window, as if trying to maintain balance.
Almost immediately because he saw Octavia shouted out from under his jacket, a long sharp knife
that flashed by reflecting light.
Like a tiger, Gordon Kane was on him and was clearly caught him by surprise.
They fought desperately as Kane was unarmed, terrified thought Octavia had no chance to survive.
But he saw that with incredible speed, beat Kane with the back of the neck of the Egyptian hand.
When he crumpled to the floor of the car, the knife fell from his hand.
It was a few inches from the foot of Octavia. As she looked hesitant to pick it up, Kane opened the
compartment door and threw the man out.
By then the train had pulled away from the station and was traveling fast on the side of a ravine.
All I saw was that Octavia at a man's body was in the car and the next not.
That left the knife at his feet as evidence of what happened.
His teeth chattered when Kane came to her.
-It's over, tried to reassure her. I'm sorry you had to witness what happened, now haunts us less.
- Was ... dead?
Octavia asked in a voice that seemed theirs.
Yes, dead.
Kane picked up the knife and Octavia at that time thought it could be stuck in his body that he
could have been the dead man instead of trying to assassinate him.
He trembled even more, but hoped he would not notice.
Kane was not looking. Reviewed the dagger was spinning as if he expected to have a name, or could
give some clue to its origin.
There must have found no sign, because it opened the window and threw it.
The weapon launched a flash in the air and then disappeared, like his owner.
Kane sat next to Octavia.
-Give me your hand.
He obeyed and he covered it with his.
'Sorry' he repeated.
-I'll be fine ... at a time. She could hardly speak.

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Kane took a little tray of fruit juice left over. He served in a glass that came to her lips, while his
other arm around her shoulders.
Octavia tried to reject it, because I felt that it would be impossible to swallow anything.
But she insisted and Kane, unable to resist, he drank.
Kane put the glass back on the tray and said:
-Listen, Octavia, I have something important to say.
She turned her face toward him, he noticed how scared I was and squeezed her shoulder trying to
comfort her.
-This has been too much for you and, if you prefer to return to England, I'll fix it. Send it back to
Alexandria with a guide that will get you a good ship cabin and ensure that the care during the trip.
Do what you would like to do?
Octavia reflected on what he said for a few moments, imagining traveling alone and surrounded by
strangers, he replied:
-No, no ... I'm fine. It was only the shock of seeing them fight.
.. and think I could kill that man.
- Did he think of me?
-Sure ... It was my fault he realized that you were here.
'I think I suspected and boarded the train at the last minute.
If I had not seen you, would have waited until we got to Cairo, where there have been so easy to get
rid of it.
Kane noted that Octavia shuddered, recalling the moment he threw the train and asked:
- Are you sure you prefer to continue with me?
-Please permítemelo Octavia pleaded. I fear what will happen to their side ... but I think that scares
me even more to make the long journey alone to England.
I do not understand how he could leave this man, his ... his brother.
She had to do, he had no choice ... And it's silly of me to feel so afraid.
I have already nineteen years old and should know and take care of myself.
- Oh! I agree that you have arrived at the age of experience.
It was clear that Gordon joked. With effort, she said:
'I'm fine ... If No .. not believe someone may have noticed ...?
It seems to me improbable, but, for your sake and mine, I will take every precaution. So I will not go
down in Cairo dressed as we are now.
- What do you mean?
-We come prepared for something like this.
He took the package you bought at the store and unwrapped it.
It contained a black burnous, clothing Muslim women wear the veil to cover her face and a pair of
-I want you to put this and I assure you so no one, not even recognize her brother.
Octavia managed a smile.
'I'm sure that's true.
'Then let me help you. Arrive to Cairo in about twenty minutes.

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- Do you think the other man will be on the train too? Octavia asked anxiously.
I have no idea, so we should not take risks. I just hope that the sandals will not disturb much and
can breathe with his face covered. Hands up! First, take all his money bag and keep it to yourself in
the dress.
Obedient, Octavia opened her purse and pulled out the pounds that gave Tony.
Tickets were English, which meant I had to change part of it, and certainly in the hotels would give a
very low exchange.
I should have insisted that Tony the change before you leave, but he was so eager to go along with
Virginia Vanderburg, who had not thought of her sister in a responsible manner.
When Kane took off his shoes and put the flat-soled sandals, she asked:
- Do we have to leave our things?
-It will be the best. I intend to throw out the window. He thought that Octavia would protest and
then added.
'I promise to replace him lose everything as we are safe in Cairo.
Octavia said, I wish I did.
Although her purse was old and the skin was worn at the corners, was the only one possessed.
As for the shoes, were the best and most presentable.
But I was too overwhelmed to discuss what happened, and as from the beginning seemed to have
taken over Gordon Kane of his will, all I could do was to obey, like it or not.
He was unrecognizable with black dress that reached to the ground and hid what she was wearing
Kane got the package a little pot of henna powder. I mix a portion with a little water did not drink.
With the resulting dye tifió nails and palms of Octavia.
'Now that represents their role. No one will doubt for a moment that is not who claims to be.
'I am very rarely said Octavia.
-As I'll keep you company, I suggest you close your eyes while I change.
Octavia did so, praying to not discover in their costumes, or anyone knowing of his extraordinary
behavior with a man who had just a few hours I knew him.
"I think it is only an adventure," she said.
But then he shook it as if it happened at that time, he seemed to see the brightness of the eye evil
Egyptian as he pulled the knife to kill Kane and feline movement it was on him.
They had fought like wild animals ... until he won

Kane and threw the train to his enemy.
"It can not be true ... could not have happened" it was said Octavia and panic swept over her as she
realized that Kane had become a murderer.
"I should say that I prefer to go home," lamented inwardly when he heard, funny voice, Kane said:
- You can look!
She opened her eyes and saw what was funny.
He wore wide cotton robe common among the Egyptians, in the head and wore a turban, on the
bridge of the nose, had placed a metal lens ring.

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He was so different and strange that despite all their fears, Octavia laughed too.
- How has this change?
- Is that effective?
-I am sure no one would recognize him.
-Let us pray so be it.
Kane picked up his clothes, which lay on the seat, along with Octavia's purse, her shoes and riding
suit jacket he had borrowed.
When he realized he was about to do, she opened her lips to tell him that he could not lose his
jacket, as it was the only one he had.
But surely he thought he would repeat buy another, so it was not worth discussing.
He went to the window and threw things at a time.
Octavia felt a pang of regret at seeing her purse away and then his riding jacket.
Then he shrugged, thinking that everything was part of the incredible events that had triggered the
death of his father.
What matter that it was worse dressed than they had been for the past two years, barely gave him
enough money to eat, let alone for clothes?
Kane sat beside her and took her hand, looked her nails stained with henna with a mischievous
twinkle in his eyes.
I suppose you realize that it is an exceptional person.
I know of no other woman would have behaved as brave as you.
-Well ... really affected me whispered Octavia.
'It's natural. But did not scream and reproached me anything. Someday I'll tell you how much it is
helping me.
She thought it would reveal more, but Kane added with different tone:
'As we arrive, the train shed while still difficult to steam and those ahead to see what happens, we
will leave as quickly as possible and we will leave the station before anyone realizing it.
- What if ... if the other man watches?
-It is unlikely that we recognize. Also, have no idea what happened to his partner.
Kane spoke with such assurance, she felt faint from fear.
- Do you really think we can leave the station without problems?
- How can we fail? You are brave and clever. As for me, as I said, the gods are on my side. They put
in my way and I do not abandon me now.
The confidence he showed was comforting to Octavia.
'This will certainly be an exciting story ... when we get to the last page said.
-I just hope we do not lack much, 'said Kane.
The train began to slow down and Octavia managed to perceive the brightness of pointed minarets
and domes from a great profusion of plans and white ceilings.
They came to Cairo, where the sky was deep blue and the sun shone.
However, while Kane took her hand and led her toward the door of the compartment, Octavia
unexpected terrors wondered what awaited them.

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Chapter 4

As they made their way through the crowd that was on the platform, Octavia his heart beat wildly
and her lips felt dry. Also, as expected Kane, the suffocating veil over the nose and feared that he
leave the sandals.
Now I understood why oriental women walked shuffling and the sandals were tied with leather
strings very hard, and because it is easily loosened.
When the train came down, Kane had told him, 'Walk a little behind me, is customary in the East.
Obediently shuffled as close to him, happy to go back to keep in sight.
Terrified, wondering if the other man's expected somewhere in the platform to kill Kane,
remembered something.
Although her eyes were half closed, he had managed to see the Egyptians, while Kane spoke to
them in the room.
He had noticed the ugly jacket who was now dead, but when he tried to remember the other, failed
to identify their features.
He tried to sharpen your memory and then remembered something very significant: the second man
had a scar under his left eye.
I had noticed when he retired because of their whiteness stood out on the dark skin and was shaped
like the crescent moon.
I had not thought about it until now, but I knew that if I saw him again, auque was disguised, could
recognize him.
However, I was too afraid to pursue it and kept staring at Kane's feet walking in front of her.
Many people walked in the same direction, until it began to disperse and Octavia felt fresh air on
your face because it left the station.
With downcast eyes, because I was still afraid of what might be seen, heard that Kane called a
hackney coach and noted that, just change his appearance, altered voice.
"It's clever, very clever," she said, and prayed that it was enough to get rid of another attack on his
It was a wonderful relief the carriage. As Kane was placed by his side, the horses began to march.
Only then Octavia recalled that his trunk had been left on the train.
- My clothes! He exclaimed.
'I'll buy new-Kane said immediately.
It was the inevitable answer and she laughed.
As I looked surprised, he explained:
'That's what he always says, but now there is much to be replaced.
-If no hints that keep my promise, is wrong. And I have said that there are very good seamstress in
Octavia thought they would receive expensive, but did not.
He just looked around the crowded streets that circled and the minarets and domes of mosques that

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were outlined against the blue sky background.
-Whatever happens, I'll be glad to have met
Cairo, said.
-There is much to do, which means you have to stay here long.
He did not know if he was joking or if he really wanted to stay.
However, it did not seem willing to talk, so she concentrated on watching people, wondering how
many of those individuals would be as dangerous as the scar.
There were also many English soldiers, as Tony said.
He tried to remember why they were there and thought he should ask after Kane.
There was much he wanted to know, but, above all feared that now that they had come to Cairo,
Kane no longer needed.
Maybe after a day or dispense with their services.
Would then have to start your journey back to England ... alone.
He must shudder at the thought and Kane observed:
-He is still worried, but I spent the worst and soon we can remove all these clothes and get more
Octavia did not have to do the usual question, because he added, laughing:
-I promise I will find something to please and be pleased to know that we will not go anywhere
-Now that's a relief, said Octavia with mild irony.
-The reason is that I worry about their appearance, but I'm tired and I think both deserve a good
night's sleep.
'At least you slept on the train.
-You just enjoy your rest tonight and I'll make sure nobody bothers.
This comforted Octavia.
They crossed a bridge over the Nile opposite side there was no shops, but good-looking houses,
surrounded by gardens.
After traveling a straight path trees covered with white flowers on both sides, the carriage turned to
cross a door.
They walked a little way and found themselves facing a white villa, surrounded by flowering shrubs
and walls covered with vines.
- How beautiful! Octavia exclaimed. Right here we stay?
'It's a house I share with a friend. You can say that is my home when I'm in Cairo.
It seemed he had been there many times and Octavia thought it was another question I wanted him
when he had opportunity.
The carriage stopped next to a terrace covered with vines in bloom, with stone steps leading to the
front door.
Kane came down, helped Octavia and then paid the driver.
As the carriage drove away, they went up the stairs.
He opened the door a servant Egyptian immaculate white dress, which made a deep bow.
- Returned, love, what joy!

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Yes, I'm back, Hassam. All right?
'No, love, bad news.
- What happened?
-Three men came as you went. I saw that they were bad and hid.
-Quite right of you.
-They came, they searched everywhere, found nothing and left.
- Thank God!
They entered the house, whose rooms were spacious, cool and comfortable. All gave white printing.
-Cold drinks, Hassam, fast.
Yes, yes, master, I very quickly.
Kane turned to Octavia, who looked around.
'I can quitase that horrible outfit that makes her look like a balloon.
He helped her remove it and she felt she could finally breathe, though the air was hot and heavy.
His forehead was damp with sweat, not only by heat but by the fear that had happened.
Sitting on the couch, broke sandals.
-I will never see a Muslim without giving me pity. How can endure this discomfort every time you
leave home?
-I guess you get used to, but you'd rather see it as now.
- Hot and dirty? Octavia smiled.
-I can think of flattering adjectives, but it would be wrong again vain. Octavia laughed.
- There is no danger! I have no reason to be. Do not wait for an answer and noticed the expression
of Kane. Standing up said,
- Have gathered here many interesting things! I guess the majority come from the tombs.
-Almost all belong to me and I have intention, when I have time to ship them to England.
- Here is your home?
He was interested to know, but thought it would be a mistake to be overly curious, because in turn,
Kane could ask questions about your home.
To avoid this, he added quickly:
- This head is great! -Pointing to a sculpture. Is it a pharaoh?
-No, actually corresponds to the guardian of a tomb, 'said Kane, who had not moved from his chair
and looked around the room.
He had removed his glasses, his turban and loose neck cotton tunic.
- How wonderful! Octavia exclaimed, referring to several small boxes.
Some were adorned with semiprecious stones and all had a clasp that was secured with a long metal
Kane came to him.
- Do you know what they are?
'I do not imagine, unless they were the boxes where wives or concubines of the Pharaohs kept their
Octavia remembered reading that not only Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey used for the skin,
but had many other cosmetics to stay beautiful.

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He's wrong. They are small cages where the ancient Egyptians, and maybe some current, kept their
Octavia looked surprised.
- Scorpions? But I thought they were very dangerous.
And they are. The person bitten by one of those bugs die very painful in a few minutes.
- Then why ... ? -Began to ask Octavia and suddenly gasped.: No! Do you want ... that means at hand
to kill someone ... deliberately?
'Exactly. Some of these boxes are beautiful and very valuable, as you see, I have formed a collection
of them.
'I have spoiled the pleasure of seeing them, Octavia complained. Do not know why I like to collect
something so horrible.
He retired from the table as he spoke and Kane followed.
'I assure you would never use a scorpion.
I consider it unsportsmanlike.
-Talk about making it like a game and it seems to consider it. But it is wrong, it's a sin to kill
someone! I do not even think about it!
'Sorry, not wanting to disturb her.
I understand that has been very unpleasant experience today. Come sit and enjoy the drink that
brought us Hassam.
Then sure you will like a bath.
He spoke with such kindness, that Octavia felt the indignation vanished just before the invading.
But it seemed inconceivable that someone spoke lightly of murder. Life was so precious that
depriving someone of her wicked as he was, it seemed the worst of crimes.
Kane again read his thoughts and, as they sat at the table where the drinks were, said:
- Is right, of course he has! But in this world we live in, hard and often even dangerous, it is better to
laugh than to mourn at the stupidity of those who destroy much of what is beautiful.
Octavia looked at him with wide eyes.
-So ... Do you understand me?
-Understand and feel like you, but please try not to be oversensitive.
- Do you think I am?
He smiled.
-I know it is. But it also has control of herself that makes her seem an exceptional person.
-I wish it were true. I thought while you were sleeping on the train, how ignorant I am about many
things ... and hoped that you had time to explain them.
-I like to.
His deep voice provoked a warm feeling inside Octavia.
She gave him a sweet smile as he carried to his lips the high full glass of fruit juice.
As tested it recognized the taste of lemon, fresh, delicious and ideal thirst quencher.
He had not realized how thirsty I was until it took almost half of the glass. Pleased to note that there
was a pitcher on the table, so both could drink all they wanted.
The heat let up, the distance the sun went down and the garden began to grow in the shadows.

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Kane took a little over a glass and suggested:
-Let's go. I am sure that Hassam paved the bathroom and find a caftan to wear it to dinner. Then, to
'All this seems perfect Octavia smiled.
-Octavia drained the contents of the glass and went to Kane, who was already heading for the stairs
to the second floor.
At the top entered a room are painted white, with a bed fitted with mosquito netting.
Octavia was disappointed that it was not prepared bath in the room.
He assumed that, as in England, in private houses ladies bathing in her bedroom, as it was
considered annoying out into the hall in her robe.
In hotels it was different, because the toilets were used for the occupants of several rooms, but had
thought that in the village of Gordon Kane, would bathe in the bedroom.
He must have noted his surprise, because Kane told him:
-As I helped design this house, I thought it would be nicer to me and my guests, who each had its
own bathroom.
And pushing a door, discovered for the room.
The tub was sunk in the ground, such as Roman baths, and walls decorated with a mural very
- How beautiful! Octavia exclaimed. It was a very clever idea.
-I'm glad you appreciate. Enjoy your bath. I'll handle that when you leave, there is something on the
bed to get dressed.
And Kane left her alone.
For he thought Octavia, suddenly entered the world of the Arabian Nights. The adventure in taking
part each time the more surprising.
She took off her dress and hung it in a cupboard in the wall.
When he entered the bath, he noticed that the fresh water was scented with jasmine.
Everything about Gordon Kane was so unexpected that the number of questions they wanted him
continually increased.
As was so eager to see it again, did not stay long in the bathroom.
Returning to the bedroom he saw what he meant when he told him that his bed had something to
It was an Egyptian caftan would love to own.
Nile blue silk thick, was embroidered with silver thread and small beads.
When she looked in the mirror thought it looked out of a frieze old reincarnation of an Egyptian
who lived thousands of years before.
Only his funky hair and eyes the color.
Why would Kane a caftan in your home? Had she bought for someone waiting for him in England?
Perhaps a woman he loved ...
The idea was antagonized inexplicably so quickly combing.
Along with the caftan embroidered slippers that had came to her perfection, as if they were made
for her.

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Soon after, down the stairs, he suddenly felt very shy.
For the first time it struck him that Kane was a man whom women consider attractive. Maybe he
had some hosted in the town and not find it as funny as it would have been the other ...
Fell slowly and only when he reached the lobby he realized he was standing by the front door, which
remained open and watched her.
Apparently came from the garden and, instead of the usual formal wear wore a white linen suit and
bow tie.
As it approached him, Octavia blushed for no apparent reason.
She is very pretty-he praised him. As expected, Egyptian attire is most appropriate, since we are in
-It's very exciting to be here.
But it's all so unexpected, that leaves me breathless.
'I have hunger and I assume you also, the lunch was very light.
He led the dining room, whose windows windows open onto the terrace. From the roof, a fan
circulates the air did.
Kane sat at the head of the table and Octavia on the right.
Hassam first served them a delicious cold cucumber and cream filled wine glasses with gold.
When the servant retired, Octavia asked
- Does Hassam all work from home?
That's right. It takes a long time with me and knows exactly what I want. He lives with his family in
a small house at the back of the garden and all help when needed. I suspect that his brother has
prepared dinner.
Octavia laughed.
- Go if you enjoy comfort!
-Not worth suffering discomfort when not needed.
- When will explain the situation? Why, if you have a house like this, escaped through the roofs of
Alexandria and had to slide down a dirty pipe?
As I said, it seemed incredible, like everything that happened later. You really was not all a dream?
'I tell you what you want to know after dinner he promised Kane.
Octavia's impatience for dinner lasted too.
They were served fish of the Nile, the desert and snails an exotic fruit that Octavia had not ever
Then, Hassan led them to the terrace a cup of sweet Turkish coffee.
By then it was dark, the sky was studded with stars and the weather much cooler than during the
The garden was quiet, only hear the sound of crickets and the passage of some small animal in the
I always imagined-and-Egypt-Octavia said dreamily. Even the air seems older here than anywhere
I fear that if I have no care, give a step backward and lose forever the modern world.
'That will feel even more intensely when bringing it to see the pyramids.

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- Do not you forget?
-Of course not.
With effort, Octavia is forced to think about the present and sitting comfortably in your rocking
chair cushions, asked:
-Please tell me now what I want to know. Otherwise, when I retire, I will stay awake with curiosity.
'I think trying to blackmail me, but it is just you know a little of what happens, although it is not easy
to explain in a few words.
-Please try.
I do not know how much you know about the current political situation in Egypt.
'I can easily answer: nothing!
'Then I explain that fifteen years ago, Arabi Pasha, an Egyptian, began a rebellion against the
government of the country.
The British intervened, attacked from the Suez Canal and was defeated at the battle of Tel-el-Kabil,
and established the British presence in Egypt.
- And the Egyptians in general accepted it?
He then delighted, because they understood that, otherwise, would be chaos.
The Khedive asked to remain British troops to help restore law! and order.
- Is that why there are so many English soldiers here?
'Exactly. Six thousand.
- So many?
-All under the control of Lord Cromer, whom you know.
He is a man of great authority. Although the Khedive, who occupies the throne, Lord Cromer is the
real ruler of Egypt.
I suppose that might be expected, 'said Octavia
-. Dad said that the English proposed rule the world.
Kane laughed.
-So far we have come to dominate a quarter, but no one knows where it will lead ambition.
- And where you come into this?
-It is simple to explain: I am an archaeologist.
- Archaeologist? -Octavia never would have guessed that that was his profession.
-It's what I've been over the past five years and not only has given me a joy hard to explain, but, I
can say, I have been quite successful.
- What have you discovered?
-Quite a few things we'll talk later.
But what concerns us now is that I had to go home for a while and in my absence, the assistant who
left as manager, an experienced and very reliable, he found a tomb, he says, when excavating reveal
treasures that will amaze the whole world.
- That sounds really exciting! Octavia exclaimed, sitting in the seat.
-As I say, I had to return to my home in Scotland, because my father died. Then when I returned
two weeks ago, I found a letter from my colleague, who is surnamed shawl, which told me what he
had discovered, but I noticed that there were problems.

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- What kind of problems?
-Marton was not sure, but it was evident that bothered him much.
With his letter he sent me a map of where he found the grave. But, for reasons not explained to me,
after a quick investigation stopped digging and, to confuse, put to work elsewhere.
I suppose he expected his return.
'That I assumed too.
Also, I noticed shawl that certain individuals were determined to snatch the treasure, in order to use
it for political ends.
- Political?
-That's what Manton told me, and my own experiences seem to confirm this.
- But he did not explain details of the matter on his return?
'I expected him to, but has disappeared.
- Disappeared?
-Since I sent the letter and the map has not been seen since.
- Are you suggesting that ... that he was murdered?
-No, but I think he was kidnapped.
- To what end?
'Of course, I have done thorough research among those who know the secrets that are hidden from
ordinary people, but are part of Egyptian life and thought.
-What we know so far is that a certain person, we are not sure who, although we assume that is a
follower of Arabi Pasha, who is in exile in Ceylon, is determined to overthrow the present
government of the Khedive, throwing the British out of Egypt and continue the revolution against
foreign relented fifteen years ago.
- Can you do it?
-You can try, but first I need money very much.
After thinking a moment, Octavia said:
I suppose that it intends to achieve with what you can out of the grave.
'Yes. Increasingly more interested people around the world for Egyptian antiquities, especially the
Americans, who have well-stocked pockets.
Octavia thought of Virginia, representing the new breed of Americans who were interested in the
world away from home.
She also wanted to be the New World the remains of ancient civilizations to impress your friends.
And if he can find the grave and raise money, what will happen?
-I suspect it will try to kill Lord Cromer and the Khedive to seize power.
And you ... why would they want to kill him?
- That question I do too.
Maybe it's because I have a reputation for being able to discover the details and plans, when other
investigations have failed.
- Is it very dangerous situation?
-A lot, as you yourself have seen.

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'But if the revolutionaries they kill you, why not get a map showing the location of the grave.
-I too thought of that ... I fear that kept prisoner Mantle and perhaps tortured to force him to say
where the grave.
- Do you tortured? Octavia whispered.
'It's something that the Egyptians are very skilled, but they also know that a man's character is
completely loyal Mantle who works and pays.
-What is you.
Yes, and I think, although I can be wrong, that the man who planned all this thinking that if I die,
there would be no reason why the honorable Shawl not work for someone else willing to pay
generously. Therefore, my death is necessary.
Octavia gave a cry of horror.
- But can not afford to kill him! If you take over the grave and the fortune he has, then can the
'It's what they want. Therefore, do you realize why it's important that I stay alive?
- Of course it is!
-What I said is largely deduction.
However, while I investigate step by step, I think my assumptions are correct: the end of the
operation is to pay sufficient Egyptians to fight against British forces.
- And then will go Arabi Pasha or his accomplice on the throne?
-They need a lot of weapons and modern military equipment to defeat the British forces highlighted
here Kane said as if talking to himself. But more than anything, they need to get rid of Cromer.
- Is it so important?
-Is the key to the whole situation. It is difficult to understand the brilliance with which, under his
command, Egypt has avoided bankruptcy and has succeeded in increasing production.
Kane looked at whether Octavia listened before continuing:
He initiated major irrigation projects like the Aswan Dam, have rebuilt the railway and the law
courts were reformed Egyptian. It would be a disaster of greater magnitude than something
'I understand and I also think it would be a disaster if something happened ... to you.
- You serious?
Of course. I think he has underestimated its importance to me in this fantastic story.
-I think my real importance is to retain life.
As he spoke, Kane folded his arms behind his head and got up to watch the stars.
'All we ever ask ourselves what is our destiny,' said a calm voice, 'and I'm anxious to know mine.
Laughing said:
-At the moment, nothing is more important than the two we sleep well. God knows what tomorrow
will bring, but today was a tiring day.
Octavia thought that whatever happened was incredible.
Yes, we have to go to bed. I will require all your wits to solve this issue.
-Now that you know the truth, are you still willing to stay and help?
-I do, but I feel less skilled and, besides, I have much fear of failing.

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He shook his head.
-Using my perception, as I did this morning when I saw her blond hair through the open door of his
room, I am convinced that is much needed.
'Then tell me what should I do ... and I will.
-Thank you.
Kane reached out and put his Octavia above. He pressed it warmly.
'I want to stay with me.
The deep tone of his voice made her feel embarrassed again.
But he had dropped his hand, stood the two.
I'm going to pray with great fervor to succeed, it unscathed and save to Lord Cromer said Octavia.
'It's what I need. And wish you a very clear mind, go up and lie down. Everything will be less
frightening and easier to solve in the morning.
'I hope so ... and thanks for letting me stay.
Although Kane did not move, she had the strange feeling that attracted, that drew to itself in an
inexplicable way.
Kane raised her hand, kissed it and said, 'Good night, Octavia. I promise that nothing and nobody
will bother tonight.
Seemed to emphasize the word no and she asked who would think.
As was so tired that his head seemed to have filled with cotton, went to the lobby to climb the
When he reached his bedroom lying on the bed a nightshirt that belonged to Kane meant.
With him as he slipped under the net that protected the bed.
Almost before he finished covered with the sheet only shelter given the heat, staying asleep.
Kane, despite having said he was very tired, remained a long time on the terrace after Octavia had

Chapter 5

OCTAVIA woke up with the happy feeling that something exciting would happen. When he opened
his eyes and saw the sun illuminating the room through the curtains, he realized that his happiness
was because he was in Egypt.
He had slept very quiet and only woke up because after knocking, Hassani had entered with his
He placed it next to the bed, removed the fly and opened the curtains.
A golden light illuminated the room.
-Good morning, miss. I love breakfast and went well.
- Gone! Octavia exclaimed.
Suddenly the fear that assaulted the man with the scar it expected to kill him.
-Love is safe-Hassan said as if he guessed what she thought. Return for lunch.

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He left the room and Octavia lay there, thinking of how comfortable he felt.
The room was beautiful and it was a pleasure in itself does not have to cook your own breakfast.
What was waiting in the tray looked very appetizing.
Since Kane would not return until lunch time, no hurry to get up and would be better to rest while I
had the chance.
He wondered what kind of work would like Kane to do for him and again he was unable to help,
except when needed to dress up, and that happen every day.
Still pondering on whether he could earn, not just the salary that offered Kane, but even half, when
Hassam went again.
- Would you like to prepare the bath? Then comes the dressmaker.
- Does the dressmaker? Octavia exclaimed with enthusiasm because Kane had not forgotten his
Half an hour later, the seamstress, an elegant French which helped two young Egyptian, introduced
several dresses to choose, and a collection of exquisite lingerie and nightgowns. Octavia was quick to
explain that he could not get any of this.
'Mr. Gordon said he chose you all the dresses and other things you need to hire us.
As was excellent seller, the seamstress insisted fulfill what had been ordered and persuaded Octavia
to accept four dresses for day and four at night, very beautiful and ornate.
With them included all the accessories: shoes, socks, gloves, handbags and umbrellas that matched
the brimmed straw, decorated with flowers or feathers.
When it looked like a store room full of packages that rose from the carriage of the dressmaker,
Octavia said in a firm tone:
-These are the things that I would choose, but first I must discuss it with Mr. Gordon. Then make
the final selection.
It seemed that the dressmaker was surprised, so she added quickly:
-I am sure she will have returned. If I wait here, I will run for him.
He ran downstairs and saw in the hall, facing the door, Kane descended from a carriage.
Mienttas up the stairs and crossed the terrace, ran to him, who greeted her cordially:
'Good morning, Octavia. I see wearing a new dress. Without waiting to hear because it feels great.
Concerned about the account, Octavia had forgotten he was wearing a dress of fine muslin
embroidered with flowers and a band of fine short jump tied to the waist.
-The dressmaker is here and tries to convince me to buy much more than I can allow you to spend
on me.
Kane smiled.
Di-specific orders, Octavia, and just hope that the couturier meets efficiency.
Octavia put her hand on his arm.
'Please listen to me. You are very kind to replace the things lost and that I must accept. But I never
had anything so beautiful and expensive as all the clothes you have brought.
He paused and added:
'It would be much cheaper if I buy a good dress and send copy.
Octavia remembered hearing his mother say that the Eastern seamstresses could copy any dress with

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such skill, that if it was torn or had a hole, however small, until it included.
Kane smiled at his worried expression.
-Supporting evidence of a dress is always boring. And do not forget that it is one of the ways I can
thank him for saving my life.
As Octavia still undecided, he said:
-You simply tell the dressmaker to fulfill my orders. We do not entertain that. I have hungry and not
want to wait for lunch.
Octavia could not argue with him.
He went upstairs and had wings on his feet to tell the French that would keep all that he had chosen.
Among exaggerated phrases of gratitude, the seamstress and her assistants departed, after promising
that the two or three pieces requiring the settings sent during that day.
Octavia went down again, eager to be with Kane.
As assumed, was on the terrace with a glass in his hand.
Watching him also noticed that he seemed so different that morning.
She wore an elegant white suit, tie, silk shirt with gold cufflinks and gleaming shoes. No doubt the
difference with the man who had entered his room to ask him to help him.
Hassam served him a drink and soon after, while Octavia was thinking how would express his
gratitude for the new wardrobe, announced that lunch was ready.
-Tell me what he did, asked as they sat down, thinking it would be wrong to talk about herself.
-Catch up of what has happened since I left Cairo, said Kane.
When Hassam left the room, Octavia asked softly:
- Any news of his friend Mr. Manton?
Kane shook his head.
'Nothing positive, but those in the secret are so convinced as I am to keep you prisoner until I die.
Octavia gave a cry of horror.
-If that is true, then should flee to a more secure place than here.
'I'm pretty sure here and you too. Although not aware of it, some people very effectively protects us,
and know that no one can enter the house without being seen.
His voice was quiet and Octavia had the feeling that it was impossible that she was so fearful as it
was supposed to.
Yet could not help thinking that with all the windows open to the garden, would be very easy for
someone hiding in the bushes shot him.
'I assure you we are sure Kane repeated.
'I do not mind ...; thought of you.
- Am I so important?
-He knows that he is, simply said Octavia. I am so committed to what you try to do, I try desperately
to help, even if I do not think I can contribute anything ... except pray.
-I am very grateful for your prayers and, as already saved me twice, I can not believe that the third
failure if it occurs.
Only think that would, in effect, a third time,
Octavia was filled with apprehension.

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- What will this afternoon? He asked uneasily.
- Why?
'Please, I want to go with you.
He said it on impulse and then thought maybe Kane preferred to do things without her.
He replied, smiling:
-It's hot and I suggest that, after lunch, we sit on the terrace to chat or read. Later, when cool, take
her to see the pyramids.
- You really will? It's what I want most! Octavia exclaimed.
'Then go, Kane promised that emotion and thought that reflected her eyes were moving.
As they stood on the terrace, with the fan on their heads, Octavia could hardly believe that had
nothing to do but sit on soft cushions.
In the Priory, in addition to having to watch all the time if her father regained the needed knowledge
and there was always something to clean up.
The kitchen, living room and hallways, which seemed to grow more and get dirty every day, because
she was more exhausted, his clothes, and that Mrs. Coles was unable to do so and she could not
afford any other woman ...
And besides all this, the constant battle to get enough to eat.
The gardener had withdrawn because he could not pay.
Yet when his rheumatism would permit, planted some vegetables or pulled and dug to get a few
potatoes for Octavia.
But generally, she had to do it and search through anything edible weeds that had grown.
Fortunately, some fruit trees still gave.
He had made a covenant with the children of the village unemployed: let them catch rabbits in the
forest, where none were allowed access in exchange for being handed a rabbit out of five that hunt.
Because of this there was always something to eat meat, and sometimes a farmer he was a pigeon or
a duck.
Although she was grateful, he was plucking and preferred heavy rabbits, because the kids paid a
penny for them to remove their skin.
When I was single it was more easy to live on eggs that put the old hens that roamed through the
garden or, if his father sent him money, bought from local farms.
But if Tony went home complaining about the food.
Then, Octavia could not avoid a feeling of relief when her father was unconscious, because that
would not have to eat the little food she could provide.
- What are you thinking? Kane asked suddenly. I realize you are worried.
Home-thought she answered without thinking.
-Tell me about it.
For a moment he thought he trusted. Then he made a shake his head.
I do not want to remember sad things.
'I have curiosity to know why the sad think of your home, why did you leave to come to Cairo with
someone who left as they arrived.
It was noticeable critical tone in the voice of Kane and she realized that he was incensed that Tony

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had left in a strange country.
I had no idea that he suspected was not his brother Tony, but it occupied a very different position in
I had noticed he was referring to Tony reluctantly, but could not guess the cause.
'Please, let's talk about Egypt begged. I have fear of leaving to be useful and send me back home.
So my ignorance and regret not having done a lot of questions.
Kane laughed.
-I, due to its high sensitivity, there is no need for words. You may feel that is what the Greeks called
"Sun City", which for centuries has fascinated and intrigued visitors.
-To me at least I love and intrigue.
Kane persuaded Octavia to her about his archaeological discoveries in the desert.
He also managed the promise that the next day or the other, would show many treasures, so far,
were kept in a safe place.
The Egyptians had discovered that anything that could be considered old was of value both for
tourists and collectors all over the world.
This caused dig indiscriminately, friezes and paintings of abating any tomb and steal the
archaeologists that not safely put their findings.
- And no one stops them? Asked Octavia.
'I assure you we do our best, but those grave robbers are very skilled, and many of them so poor
that he can hardly be blamed for stealing when they have opportunity.
Octavia smiled.
-Surely it hurts to lose things that are part of its history, especially when they end in the hands of
those who do not truly appreciate.
-True, and the fantastic is that, despite the intervening centuries, Egypt still hide the most fantastic
and wonderful sculptures, paintings and jewelry, which have not been able to find the thieves.
Octavia wondered if you would allow Kane to accompany him to the grave digging.
For it would be more exciting experience.
But discouraged, thought it was impossible for a woman wanted to carry him. Although she
remained in Egypt when he resumed excavations, probably would leave the house.
They chatted as the afternoon wore on and she listened rapt, because it was very interesting what
you said Kane, and above all, it was wonderful to talk to someone so smart.
Moreover, it appears, he valued his opinions, which did not show neither his father nor Tony,
although this was much more kind to her.
Kane, meanwhile, chatted with her as if she recognized a remarkable intelligence and it was obvious
he enjoyed explaining what did not understand.
In the evening he said:
-I see the sun hiding behind the pyramids. Ask a coach and depart in ten minutes.

- It will be wonderful! -Of Octavia got a jump up and added: What should I wear? ¿Hat? Kane
-If you want to be stylish to wear. But I like it as is.

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Go well.
Octavia ran to his bedroom to grab a light shawl if refreshed when the sun went down.
Looking in the mirror, he could hardly believe it was herself.
I never had a dress as elegant, with that "touch" French accentuated the slimness of her figure and
gave it a grace that ignored possess.
He liked to hear the rustle of silk petticoats while up and down the rundown and know that her bra
had fine lace.
In addition to the soft cotton, the dressmaker had provided other silk.
"Kane will cost a lot of money," he thought with some remorse Octavia, for it seemed reprehensible
to accept such things to pay for it.
But ... Why not accept his kind offer?
He wondered what had become of his trunk, abandoned in the baggage car.
If someone stole it would feel disappointed to see its contents.
He hastened to meet with Kane and get on the open carriage waiting at the front door.
It was obviously a private vehicle and thought that perhaps belonged to Kane.
They pulled him two splendid horses and the driver was well dressed.
He thought it would be a mistake to ask too many questions, so do not make any.
He looked around him happy as they headed into the desert and the pyramids.
Trees and shrubs with flowers of every color lined the road.
His tones are combined with the blue sky and golden sun to make everything acquired a beauty so
intense that Octavia could not remember ever seeing anything like that.
When at last the houses left behind and before them lay the silver sands of the desert, first saw the
They stood on high ground overlooking the valley of the Nile and, while watching in wonder as he
could not speak, Octavia put her hand on Kane.
Then he began to speak softly of what they saw and it was as if his words were music to which
Octavia responded not with the mind, but with the heart.
-The Pyramids-Kane said, are the testimony of the ancient Egyptians' belief in the immortality of the
After a brief silence, I ask the young:
-Tell me what you like to see them.
-I think at first I only have caused surprise.
I had read about them and seen pictures, but now that I think I look different.
- In what sense?
-I have the feeling that I do not see with the eyes, but with insight that makes me recognize them as
a monument not only material but also spiritual human being.
Sighing with disappointment, he added:
-There are no words to describe it ... and what I say is meaningless.
-It has for me, because I also perceive it.
The first time I saw the pyramids understood that, although I felt a fondness for its elemental
simplicity and perhaps a sense of dread at the fact that humans succeed in something so wonderful,

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there was more.
- The spirit of life!
- Exactly! I knew you would capture too.
When a little closer, Kane ordered to stop the carriage and sat, still holding hands.
The sun fell over and the sky became the scene of dazzling colors. The golden crimson became
translucent and finally saw the first star of the evening.
It was so beautiful that Octavia felt his whole being raised, as if floating if the music that sprang
from her own to join the chorus that seemed to hide behind the great monuments in front of them.
The sun had set and there was only a crimson line on the horizon. Octavia then caught his breath.
Felt like I had been transported thousands of miles to a strange new country where he experienced a
moment of perfect beauty.
Reacting realized that pressed Kane both hand fingers hurt him and turned to him to apologize.
He discovered that he was staring at his face.
He had seen, thought, and realized, as no one else could do, the feeling.
He did not speak except to order the driver to continue.
As faded the last ray of sun, it got dark quickly, as always happens in the East.
With a sense of sadness, Octavia thought that the curtain had fallen and had to return home.
But the coach continued his march and, as they advanced in silence, he knew that Kane took her to
see the Sphinx.
In the darkness, it seemed that the horses found their way more by instinct than by sight.
Suddenly, before them came a great thing.
It was hard to see, until the carriage stopped, and as if Kane ordered, the moon emerged from
It was full moon and under the intense light, could be clearly seen the body of the lion, royal
symbol, with woman's head.
Kane spoke again:
-Is facing East to see the rising sun, which heralds the return of life.
'That means rebirth of life that will never die Octavia murmured.
That's right.
Kane opened the carriage door and helped down to Octavia.
They walked a little while the vehicle drove away, until they stopped to look more closely at the
Sphinx that was silhouetted against the sky.
Octavia gasped.
It was as expected, as wanted to see ... and more.
He imagined that the Sphinx had a message for her and just needed to hear to capture the vibrations
that emanated from the strange and beautiful enigma who stayed there for several millennia,

As he lifted his head and the moonlight fell on his face, he noticed that Kane was closer to her.
- It's wonderful! He muttered. Of a beauty so incredible as it seems unreal ... But in my heart I know
it is.

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'That's what I feel too-deep voice he said.
He put his arms and, when Octavia looked back at him in surprise, their lips met.
Do not expect or had never thought could happen.
However, while holding tight to his body and his lips softened under his, the kiss became part of the
beauty of the sunset, the mystery of the pyramids and the feeling of spiritual light emanating from
the Sphinx.
Then when his lips, at first very tender, they became more demanding, more possessive, she felt
another sensation, never experienced, stood by your body.
Ran down her chest, up her throat and when he came to his lips, he knew that this was what she
always wanted, love did not think to find.
It was wonderful, amazing ecstasy, a rapture different as could be imagined to feel.
Kane pulled the hug and the passion of his lips Octavia felt something I had never dreamed.
When Kane raised his head looked at him, dazzled by the moonlight and unable to speak for the
intensity of their emotions.
- How can you be so beautiful? He exclaimed. To me you are the summary of all the treasures I've
found and coveted find.
He kissed her again firmly, as if afraid of losing and having to search again, only to be disappointed,
Again invaded different sensations as she knew and who appeared to be part of the stars of the
music that vibrated around.
It was so exciting and spiritual, when Kane finally released her, Octavia could only hide her face in
his neck, while his heart was beating frantically and he could not think.
- How could this happen? -Heard from Kane.
She lifted her face toward him to whisper:
- I love you! I never knew love could be so wonderful.
'That's what I want to say to you, but I find it easier to kiss you.
And he did it again, until Octavia forgot the Sphinx, the pyramids, stars and all ... except him.
It was as if the moonlight that bathed penetrate to his chest, while Kane came over her and made
her own.
Finally, when there seemed to be after a century, he said, his voice shaky:
-I take you home ... my love.
I do not want to go ... We may never again feel that way.
He laughed softly and squeezed her arms again.
'You'll feel the same and much-promised, so we return.
He took her hand and led over the soft sand to where the carriage waited.
He helped her up and as the horses started walking, attracted him.
She leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed.
-It can not be true, said as if talking to himself. It's a dream ... just that!
'It's a dream come true, said Kane. I should guess, when I first saw you, that fate had brought us
together when least expected and that neither could escape.
Recalling what happened on the train. Octavia said, again with fear:
- You must be very careful! If something happened to you ... I too would die!

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-We have kissed the foot of the Sphinx and we both know that death does not exist.
'It's easy to believe, but if I have to wait another lifetime to find you again, I seem very long.
Kane laughed.
You're right. So, dear, we must take advantage of this opportunity to be together now.
As if to convey security, kissed her again while leaving behind the desert route to Cairo.
So quickly that Octavia was surprised, were found at the villa.
Hassam was waiting at the door to announce that dinner would be ready as finished showering and
On entering his bedroom, Octavia saw one of their new evening dresses was ready for the premiere.
Wanting to be beautiful to Kane, showered and dressed quickly, but took longer to comb.
When asked how abrocharía dress from behind, knocked on his door and appeared a young woman
who took to be the wife or the eldest daughter of Hassam.
He spoke no English, but by signs explained that he had gone to help her. Octavia cerrrara allowed
him dress and the expression of the Egyptian knew he admired her appearance.
He thanked her, saw that he understood and hurried down the stairs.
Kane was in the white room lit by oil lamps.
It looked very elegant with white shirt and bow tie. Instead of jacket, a wide red silk sash around his
This was a piratical or hero of melodrama.
Seeing Octavia held out her arms.
She ran to him, and hugged and kissed, then separate it a little saying:
- Let me look at you! I want to see how you are with your new finery, though I can not imagine that
make you more adorable than they already are.
'I am very excited to have them, but ... I'm afraid you are very tasting.
'That does not matter.
With obvious effort, he looked away from her face to look at the dress.
It was very beautiful and fashionable, with tulle dotted with sequins around the neckline.
A silver band also encircled the waist of Octavia and dragged behind a waterfall. A bouquet of
flowers of the same tulle, with applications of marcasite, adorned her hair.
- Do you like? He asked anxiously.
-Pleasing is not the right word, but we'll talk about that later.
She then asked why and assumed it was because, seconds later, Hassan announced that dinner was
Did not even notice what he ate or drank, but everything tasted like heaven.
I could only think of how handsome he was Kane and how exciting it was found by his side.
As far as we chatted he forgot the emotions aroused in her. When looking at the lips, it was like to
kiss her.
They stayed long time in the candlelit dining room, while they turned on the fan and distant lights
shone through the open windows.
Kane finally said:
'I think you should retire to bed, honey. It's getting late.

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He approached her and kissed her gently.
Instantly the moonlight was inside Octavia rose to his lips and he was unable to protest, pray let him
stay a little longer.
And as he wished, he went to his bedroom.
The Egyptian was waiting to help her undress and as he hung up the dress, retired.
Octavia was one of the new and diaphanous gowns trimmed with lace. It seemed so beautiful, it was
a shame that Kane could not see.
He dropped the hair, which fell like a mantle over his shoulders, and got into bed.
A portion of the net was not lowered as he leaned against the pillows, he thought he had to get up
to place it well and put the candle on the nightstand.
He was about to do when it opened the bedroom door and entered Kane.
She looked surprised, as he approached wearing a long robe.
- What's wrong?
-No, of course not. All right, dear, and now I can tell you how beautiful you are, explain how much
you mean to me.
Octavia remained motionless, looking astonished.
Kane sat on one side of the bed near her.
'I want you to tell me these things ... but no need to do it now-opposed Octavia
-. You should not have come to my bedroom.
-I had to, my love. Although everything seems to happen very fast, we know that we love and there
is no reason not to make you mine.
Octavia looked at him without understanding as he continued:
-Not a good liar.
I knew when I said that the man who left you alone in Alexandria was your brother, who actually
held a very different position in your life. I believe that fate has decided that I take his place and
keep you more carefully than he did.
- No. .. I do not know what you mean! Octavia exclaimed.
-I will tell you more clearly. You'll be mine and love you, protect you and never be afraid to be
Octavia was what I wanted to hear, but I sensed something wrong with that.
As he looked quizzical, Kane leaned over to hug her, but she put her hands on his chest to prevent
I still do not understand.
- Is there need for words? Your lover left you, so you do not want it enough. I promise to never
leave you alone and with only twenty-five pounds to save you from starvation.
Octavia suddenly realized, and as Kane tried to get closer, struggled violently.
- How could you think such things? How did you come to believe that Tony was my lover? He's my
brother, I told you!
- You expect me to believe that? -In the voice of Kane was seen a sharp tone that did not have
- It's the truth! He almost shouted Octavia. Tony is my brother.

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I left because I wanted to go with the girl he wishes to marry and there was no room for me on the
Kane released her and leaned back.
- Are you telling me the truth?
'Of course I'm telling the truth. How can you imagine that I would do something so ... as sinful as
having ... a lover?
-A Octavia had difficulty pronouncing the last word.
It seemed so humiliating that Kane would have thought well of it, the flush dyed her face and her
eyes filled with tears.
With faltering voice he added:
-I was afraid to return alone to England because ... because the ship that came were men who
looked at me in a way ... horrible.
As Tony was with me ... I'm not worried, but could be different when traveling alone.
Kane sat and watched in silence as she continued.
-I trusted you ... I did not think you were like them ... I were to take on ... Oh, my God!
Now the tears ran down her cheeks.
- Is it true then that Tony is your brother? __
Kane asked, his voice sounded as if it came from far away.
- Of course it's my brother! And if I brought in for the young American with whom he wished to
marry was because ... it was impossible for us to stay at home.
He stifled a sob before continuing:
-He said he would seek, when we got to Cairo, which was where he thought she was going, there
were people who care for me.
- What people?
-To be honest I think he was referring to men ... No doubt he thought that, as we have no money, I
should try to get married.
Kane noted that stiffen and, as that seemed so daring and unworthy of a lady, once said:
'But I was determined not to marry anyone who did not love.
Kane stood up and walked to the window.
To think I was leaving, Octavia said:
-Please understand ... Oh, maybe I despise ... but I could not do otherwise than accede to what Tony
-So you thought, do so many English horn, which Cairo would find many marriage proposals
- Kane said with such disdain that Octavia was like a blow.
He lowered his head and muttered:
'I ... I'm sorry if you think that I cheated ... but never guessed you would feel ... this for me.
'I do not what I guessed, but still can not understand, so young and inexperienced you are, what
your brother could do something so thoughtless as to leave you alone in a place like Alexandria.
He thought that I would go straight home.
-I can think of many reasons that could prevent it, not only that they happen to enter me in your

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'I was scared ... but then I knew I could trust you.
'But I am a man, Octavia, and you very beautiful.
'Nobody had told me ... and maybe Tony did not realize that I could get into ... such problems.
'I see that your brother was thinking of himself, not you, Kane said with contempt.
Since I could not bear to criticize harshly Tony, Octavia said quickly:
-Tony is very good and think of me, but has no money and no way to win and loves to Virginia for
herself, not only because it is very rich.
As he spoke he feared that further complicated the situation, but it was true and did not want to lie
to Kane.
He also thought it would be a mistake to tell him who she really was or had done something so
reprehensible as to escape when his father had just died.
Also assumed that you shocked oo had insisted she buy instead mourning clothes of those dresses
so pretty.
The more he thought, the more complicated the situation and seemed to be impossible to explain to
anyone, without appearing in greater proportion reprehensible than it already was.
Kane looked out and Octavia, to see the stars in the sky, it was felt as far away as them.
-Please ... please do not be indignant with me.
As he did not respond, he added faintly:
-I ... I'll go tomorrow ... if what you want.
He turned.
- And where would you go? Click here to return to England alone?
'Of course I do not want to go back ... I want to stay here beside you ... but you're angry with me
and although I want to please you, I know my mother would be shocked by what you have
As Kane was silent, she whispered:
I do not know what happens when a man makes love to a woman, because Mom never told me ...
and after she died I had to ask. It would be wonderful if it looks like what I felt when you kissed me,
but it would be wrong ... That's at least what I have always believed.
Kane returned to the bed and sat in the same place as before, in front of her.
He looked a long time, watching her tears on the cheeks and eyelids, eyes that looked frightened as
his lips trembled.
He said nothing until, with faltering voice, asked Octavia:
'I'm sorry ... Please ... Forgive me!
There's nothing to forgive.
You misunderstand what had happened and, perhaps for the first time in my life, I made an error of
judgment which only I have to blame.
-So ... do not you want me to go?
- No, of course not! You will stay here until I decide what I do with you.
- Are you still upset?
-Not you but your brother and myself.
Octavia gave a sigh of relief, but his eyes still showed concern by saying in a voice so low that he

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could barely hear it.
-But ... do not love me.
- Of course I love you! I love you and desire. But Octavia, I must be honest and say that the life I
lead, very complicated right now and completely undesirable for a woman, makes it impossible for
me to marry.
- But if you pretended that I was your wife!
It was a childish comment that Kane could not help smiling.
'I asked him to save my life aparentases, which is very different.
Octavia's mind the idea across that it would be wonderful to be his wife.
He realized that was what I wanted most in the world, but he did not want and nothing I could do
about it.
-Do not feel unhappy, Octavia. Sleep and talk about this morning.
Now I must concentrate and think the best solution for both.
As he spoke, Kane leaned over and kissed her forehead.
-Go to sleep and dream of what you felt when you saw the pyramids and I kissed the foot of the
Sphinx, 'he said very softly.
-I'll dream with you, Octavia whispered, but assumed that i had not heard him get up, get off the net
and put the candle.
Kane then crossed the room and quietly closed the door behind her.

Chapter 6

OCTAVIA not left to mourn until she fell asleep and when Hassam brought her breakfast in the
morning, her eyes burned and he had a headache.
After drinking the coffee was a little better and wondered if Kane would think of her and what pose
for that day.
When Hassam returned to collect the breakfast tray, he said:
-Love came out. Not return until evening.
- Do not come to lunch?
Hassan shook his head.
Octavia felt a great disappointment.
All night she had longed to go with Kane to tell him she loved him and beg him to love her.
I knew I would be very objectionable, but he felt that he had taken all the wonder he felt when he
kissed her near the Sphinx.
And do not ever recover.
He stayed in bed a long time, fighting back tears that struggled to come to his eyes.
As to his senses and said it was ridiculous what he did. When Kane returned, the least I would like
to see her sad face was swollen from crying.

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-The women cry and sob to get away with it-had once heard his father. What a man wants a woman
that I'm happy and makes you happy.
Since I was little his father was sitting on the knees and talked as if annoyed by something that
happened recently.
Octavia realized over the years that, being so handsome, his father left behind many broken hearts.
Sometimes when I arrived in the mail bundles of letters with feminine handwriting, the way that his
father stepped aside told him, however much you beg the ladies to whom he rejected, and again not
to ignore them.
Looking back, it said the best thing she could do was leave.
Despite what Kane said, it was clear that it was a nuisance and, as she loved him, knew it would be
hard not to stick with it and feel miserable if not for his love.
"How could he make me feel like that when he kissed me and then love me no more?" He asked.
Was the question that women are always for which no answer.
But even knowing that it would break the heart separated from Kane, Octavia thought it would be
worse to stay and suffer the tortures of hell because he loved him and yet he could not do what he
Now that meditating quietly, he remembered what it felt escadalizada to Tony talk of women who
entertained his father, those lovers who, according to his brother, never lasted long.
Although weeping and wailing that would have broken her heart, her father left them to run in
search of new entertainment, which always meant another beautiful woman.
"How could I be like them? How can I pray at night ... if you commit what Mom and certainly the
church considered a sin? "
In the Priory every Sunday went to church in the village. This meant a long walk one way and
another back, but because he liked to go there even more devoutly prayed for his father not being
spent in London all the money needed to repair the house and pay the salaries of people who
worked on the farm. And that one day live together again as a family and be happy again.
He feared it would be impossible without their mother, but when his father came home and Tony
was there, laughing and forgetting about the roofs dilapidated empty spaces where they were things
that were sold.
"Maybe someday I'll have my own children," he thought Octavia. "How could I be happy
remembering that I did something wrong and knew that if they would be ashamed of me?"
It was a question for which there was only one answer: Kane must leave and return to England.
Just think he felt helpless.
I had no idea even how to determine the time it came to Alexandria trains and ships that sailed for
England from there.
I could not afford one good and shuddered at the thought of traveling to another like her and Tony
taking in Tilbury.
"What I can do, what I can do?" He asked sadly. Kane just might give you the answer ... more than
he should forget.
When he got up and dressed down to sit on the terrace.
Then, just in the room, took a light lunch and although it was delicious, just tried a few bites of each

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He then returned to the terrace, wondering what he would do if Kane and his absence was
deliberate to show you still angry with her.
Hassam arrived with a newspaper and placed beside him.
-Newspaper English lady, just five days ago. They quickly.
- How is it possible?
-Lord Cromer had before arriving by train to Marseilles, then by boat to Alexandria and thence to
Hassan spoke as if he had memorized and Octavia smiled.
When he retired the servant, took one of the newspapers. The death of his father must have been
published in an edition of several days.
He turned the pages without paying much attention to the preparations for the Diamond Jubilee of
Queen Victoria, to be held the following year, the difficulties arising in India or similar news.
Suddenly, a paragraph at the bottom of a page caught his eye and read in amazement:
Great find of an ancient priory of Kent Following the death of the fourth Lord Birkenhall that ran
last week at his home, a former Priory Meadowfielda village, county of Kent, art experts have
discovered, among the collection of family portraits, one painted by Holbein, of great interest to
For centuries it was believed that was a portrait of General Birke, who received the Priory and its
lands as a reward for services rendered to the orderly dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry
Now, experts say, the portrait in question, which needs to be restored, was painted by Holbein and
is the last Abbot of the Priory who appears in it.
It seemed a mystery why so famous artist was commissioned to paint until the experts have
discovered that the thick ornate frame that holds it is of solid gold.
The British Portrait Gallery, interested in purchasing the painting, believed that the abbot had prior
knowledge that the king intended to seize the Priory and gathered much of their wealth to turn them
into gold metal that became the framework, which had to hang in an inconspicuous place to go
Through generations, Birke did paint their portraits, which, together with the house and most of the
property, are part of the inheritance of the title.
The new Lord Birkehall, fifth Baron of the title, for the moment is somewhere abroad. His lawyers
make every effort to contact him and inform the sensational discovery.
Octavia read the news, not once but three times to ensure that he had not misunderstood.
Finally, with a turn of heart, he realized that his prayers had been answered.

Now Tony may return to the Priory, restore it and live there without relying, money or anybody
The painting since he was not a portrait of their ancestors could be sold and also the frame.
He thanked God fervently and then asked how I could locate Tony
Kane certainly knew how to communicate with the Yacht Virginia and whether it had arrived in

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Tony then return home without fear of dealing with creditors.
'Thank God mine thank you very much again and murmured his gratitude seemed to fly to the sky
While awaiting the return of Kane the minutes seemed very long
But I did not feel unhappy and was very excited -
But he felt a twinge in your heart to remember that he did not want the the same way she loved him.
Distraught began to wonder if something would have happened and if maybe they would kill those
who tried succeeded.
Hassam went to the garden - to meet her as she walked through the garden
__Mensaje The master. Regret taking so long. Very busy.
He says he will go to dinner tonight.
Very elegant. Miss, ready at seven.
I love to switch back
-Octavia sigh. Apparently not have time to talk to Kane.
Explain and show who was the newspaper article -
He wanted to accompany him to dinner, but he felt it was related to his portrait. Therefore show no
particular interest in her, only needed to pose as his wife.

Went upstairs to choose the dress that was a shame that would have released the white and silver last
night ...
Found among the many acquired another even more beautiful to watch but made you think more
like a wedding dress that night, so it is not appropriate whim.
The others were simpler and if, as Hassama said, it was an elegant party, must present their best.
I look down a long time, then went to bathe and although I spend plenty of time to comb her hair,
she was sure that Kane had not returned to the villa.
When I began to think that would be delayed or may not even come, he heard a carriage stop in
front of the door and knew he was back.
Her heart skipped a beat and wanted to run to greet him, but wearing only petticoat was impossible.
She heard him go up to the race, call Asthma and enter the bedroom.
He checked his watch and realized that I had less than a quarter of an hour to bathe and dress,
which meant that she had to be ready and not make her wait.
The Egyptian attended her into the room and grabbed the white dress that Octavia had spread on
the bed.
When you put it realized the skill with which he was made and that his style was great.
White crepe, balloon sleeves had lace adorned with marcasite was also around the neckline.
These metal particles, polished diamond, glittering droplets formed in the skirt and the ruffles of the
bass and the small tail, which flashed with every movement.
Long white kid gloves covered the arms of Octavia, and the small handbag matched her dress.
To keep warm wearing a long white chiffon stole embroidered with marcasite also.
With her purse and stole in hand, Octavia looked in the mirror one last time and went down the
stairs slowly.

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Kane waited in the living room, but wanted the admired, it was she who saw him, gasped for its
magnificent appearance.
Evening dress, with starched white shirt and tie the same color, Kane was also the front cover of
your neck decorations and hung a cross-shaped medal.
Not only appearance Octavia silenced, but the fact that her love for him seemed to envelop her like
a wave.
He wanted, as he had never wanted anything in his life, running into his arms and kiss her.
But he quickly crossed the room to get beside him and quietly said,
Octavia 'Listen, this is very important: I could not return before to tell you that this evening we
dined with Lord Cromer and is very important to help me represent your role as wife.
Octavia said nothing, Kane said with a smile:
-A very beautiful wife, whom I am very proud.
Just got married and we are in the honeymoon.
Octavia, recalling that last night he said he could not marry because of their work, could not sustain
the look and noticed the decorations while he continued:
-We announced as Mr. and Mrs. Gordon.
Now we are Lord and Lady Stratheagle and, with respect to the principal guest, just arrived in Egypt.
The way he said "main guest", Octavia made to look up at him, puzzled.
Kane explained:
He is a man called Abul Pacha and Lord Cromer offers dinner in his honor.
Octavia sensed that there was some special reason for it and asked:
- Is the name Abul Pacha who suspects behind the attempted revolution, which aims to steal your
colleague discovered tomb shawl?
-Your mind is very agile. Indeed, this is the man, but the truth is that, although we suspect his
intentions, we have no right to rely on it.
- And he does not know who you are?
-If you suspect he has ordered to destroy Gordon Kane. Therefore, it is essential that I present this
evening to him as someone very different.
However, it is very risky.
-We find safe in the presence of Lord Cromer, who I assure you it is well protected so nothing can
- Is it not dangerous to invite this man to his house?
-We hope to give us some clue to what you say or do.
At the moment we walk in the dark. So I want you to look good and then tell me if you saw or heard
anything suspicious.
-You know I will ... but I have fear for you.
Kane smiled and his eyes came an expression of tenderness.
'We must go, he said. It would be wrong to be late. Be careful what you speak of. In Egypt not only
hear the walls, but even the air.
She took the stole to stop on a chair and threw Kane's shoulders.
He thought that by doing so, he wanted to hug her, but, as if remembering who was on duty,

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ordered an authoritative voice and she knew so well.
-Get in the carriage. We are not going away.
She picked up the small tail of the dress and obeyed.
They were sitting together in the carriage closed when Kane took her gloved hand.
-I'm sorry I left her alone so long, but I could not go back earlier, as would have liked, he apologized
in a friendly tone.
'I thought maybe ... you forgot about me.
Octavia felt his fingers tighten theirs.
'It was not that. But tonight I can not think of us, but the danger to Lord Cromer, and if something
happens to him also to Egypt.
'But it is not likely to be killed at home, right? Octavia asked horrified.
-No, of course not, he assured Kane
-. Also, do not even have knowledge that is Abul Pacha who is behind the incidents that have raised
our suspicions.
Anyway, we know that secretly does a great job of sedition and still no sign of shawl.
Kane spoke so softly that Octavia could barely hear him.
. It was almost impossible for the driver and the carriage groom heard them, but Octavia realized
that what they really feared was that Kane discover his identity.
-Lady is a nice title Stratheagle said.
-And you he is well-observed.
Octavia thought that any name that would lead, if it was like Kane's wife, would sound heavenly
Suddenly he felt his spirit was crumbling to remember that he had no intention of marrying her.
As had been said to herself before hearing the news of the Priory, I must leave to go.
"Tomorrow I will talk about it," was proposed.
At the moment, and although he seemed calm, Octavia realized that Kane was tense and he feared
the dangers that awaited them. Fervosamente in silence began to pray for their safety.
Both the house as your host dine surprised Octavia.
Kane had not explained that Lord Cromer, although powerful in Egypt and made king without a
crown, lived in a modest mansion that before his arrival was only the British consulate.
Outside, the columns of the central portal of the terrace were stunning, but the inside seemed to
Octavia that of a large comfortable English country house, simply.
He hoped that Lord Cromer was a regional character and found a red-faced man, with short hair
and graying, neatly trimmed mustache and glasses of golden rings.
It looked more like a surgeon or perhaps a trusted lawyer.
But being perceptive, Octavia caught it emanating an aura of strength and authority.

Kane realized why I was so impressed with Lord Cromer in Egypt and his word was law.
Lady Cromer received them in a relaxed atmosphere surrounded by flowers, as were his main hobby
and I spent all the spare time he left his official duties.
He had a large number of guests present and, while Kane and Octavia were presented as Lord and

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Lady Stratheagle, she noticed they were all senior officers. With the exception of two field assistants,
all were older than Kane.
If to this he was known as Gordon Kane, gave no sign of it, merely politely express that they were
pleased to meet you and your wife.
Then began a casual conversation about the weather and social events that took place in Cairo.
Four or five minutes late, and boast of their importance, Abul Pacha arrived.
Kane, with Octavia by her side, was placed next to the high glass window of the room, where both
noted the open carriage stopped in front of the door.
In the backseat was the man who awaited him and against two of his servants, with the traditional
white livery, in this case adorned with green. Their turbans were green too.
On arrival, Octavia had noticed that the servitude of Lord Cromer also wore white, but with details
and red turbans.
His idea, and wanted to confirm it later with Kane, so she dressed in bondage all British embassies
and the Houses of Government of India.
He wondered, watching Pasha Abul down from the carriage, if he had deliberately imitated the
English to dress their servants almost identically.
Then he remembered that in the Middle East green was almost a sacred color, since, in general, the
green turban indicated that the wearer has visited Mecca.
Kane turned away from the window to talk to an old general.
- His Excellency Abul Pacha, my lord! -Announced.
When the man entered the room, Octavia was not very tall, but slender and wiry, with a pristine
native warrior garb adorned with silver threads.
Lord and Lady Cromer greeted him effusively.
And when the host introduced him to each of your guests, Octavia, even before talking to Abul
Pacha, had a keen sense that he was a villain.
Evil seemed to emanate from him, could see in her dark eyes and was sure that everything that Kane
individual suspected was true.
When they arrived, Lord Cromer said:
'Excellency, I introduce you to a couple recently arrived from England and just married, Lord and
Lady Stratheagle.
Abul Pacha reached out and, clasp, Octavia felt like touching a snake.
The Egyptian, without speaking to her, turned to Kane.
I hope, Your Honor, that you enjoy your stay in Cairo.
-We hope so too, Kane said the phlegmatic phone is usually attributed to the English. We also hope
that not too hot.
'I think it is safe, at least in the next two weeks,' said Abul Pacha.
When Lord Cromer walked with him to other guests,
Octavia felt like shouting that he was dangerous and should put him in prison before they cause
more problems.
I was sure it was who had sent two men to kill Kane.
However, he thought with dismay, they could never prove it. Abul Pacha continue to work with

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conspiring against Lord Cromer and the British from Egypt.
And perhaps unlike that of Arabi Pasha, his revolution succeed.
Lord Cromer finished presentations, dinner was announced and all went to the dining room where
there was a servant in livery red and white behind each chair, with one exception, since, to the
surprise of Octavia, next to it were two men green turban, one on each side.
It was where he would sit Abul Pacha.
Lord and Lady Cromer had to realize, though not shown. Octavia could not help but say that it was
an insult, not only for the hosts, but for all the English.
When sitting at the table, Octavia saw that there were more men than women.
She sat between Lord Cromer, on the left and right Abul Pacha. Kane sat after the Egyptian.
The other women out like flowers between the severity of menswear.
Octavia was the only one not wearing tiara and thought that Kane had been negligent by failing to
get one, even if borrowed or rented for the occasion.
He was glad that her dress shine and have placed a white orchid in her hair, which came at the last
Lord Cromer spoke with her about the pyramids and the works of the press in Aswan. Also inquired
if she would like to meet Princess Nadi Fazier, cousin of the Khedive.
It was the kind of conversation that any British lady hold anywhere in the world while having dinner
at the British Embassy.
Kane could hear tell some amusing incidents Abul Pacha of his journey from England, who made
her laugh the Egyptian.
He thought that few actors have played their role so brilliantly as they managed to do so.
He realized that, with deliberation, Lord Cromer tried not to ask any embarrassing questions about
his family or origin.
He felt that, although apparently he deceived all the false identity of Kane, Lord Cromer did know
the true.
Seeing how well they get along with Abul Kane Pacha seemed, wanted to warn you that this man
was dangerous.
He imagined it like a cobra that stood, ready to kill inoculating its poison.
He shuddered at the thought.
The talks were so banal that would have yawned, had it not been so attentive to what Kane said. In
addition, his gaze was attracted, almost irresistible, to Abul Pacha.
Lady Cromer finally stood up and withdrew with the ladies, leaving the gentlemen drank port wine
at home.
-I'm sure you will like post-Lady Cromer-proposed, to show them in my bedroom a new and
growing beautiful orchids.
Octavia followed the other invited and agreed that the orchids were beautiful and very different
from many saw before.
The ladies, talking animatedly, they retouched her hair in front of large mirrors and declined to
return to the classroom. Octavia also down when, on reaching the door of the room, he realized he
had left his bag on the vanity of Lady Cromer.

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Without any explanation turned quickly to the bedroom.
He was almost there when it opened next door and left for her servant.
The man seemed startled to see her and made an exaggerated bow. He leaned so much that she
looked surprised. Then he realized he was wearing green turban. Strange that one of the servants of
Abul Pacha was at that floor.
Still tilted, the man hurried away so strangely and surreptitious, she watched him with surprise.
The servant had something in his hand and just as I reached the end of the corridor and
disappeared, Octavia recalled that, before bowing to her, she had noticed, fully unaware of it, he had
a scar under his left eye.
He froze when he realized he was the man sent to kill Kane, and immediately guessed what was in
For a moment, the enormity of the fact her breath.

Then, as if Kane had to tell him what to do, walked slowly into the bedroom, picked up his bag and
came back down the stairs.
When meeting with the ladies said to Lady Cromer where it was.
- I am glad not to forget his beautiful bag! 'Said the hostess.
- What a wonderful idea to have your bag matches the dress! 'Said another of the ladies. When I in
the luxury of a dress as beautiful as yours, the will copy.
'You are very kind, Octavia smiled.
They talked until, with a shift in the heart, Octavia heard voices and the gentlemen entered the
Abul Pacha animated conversation with his host and, intentionally, Octavia went to the back of the
room to avoid being seated near him, at least until they had a chance to talk to Kane.
He found it difficult to approach without attracting attention, but finally succeeded.
Kane chatted with a young aide.
He waited until he paused and then said:
'Sorry, honey, but I forgot my scarf. Could you lend me yours?
Kane's expression told him that he understood it had something to say.
While searching for his handkerchief in his pocket came to her naturally.
'Thanks,' he said smiling Octavia to take the handkerchief. And then in a whisper that only he could
hear, said: 'The man who tried to kill a scorpion placed in the bedroom of Lord Cromer.

He spoke quickly, fearing that his voice was so soft that Kane did not understand what he said.
But he had gotten the message.
Octavia gave him a charming smile and turned away from him, as if to look at objects of art that
were in a glass case.
- What have beautiful things in this house! 'Said a gentleman who stood by the window.
'It's what I think every time I come,' he said.
As he spoke, Octavia around the room with his eyes and realized that Kane and the aide who spoke
with had left.

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Only then felt a deep fear of sending him to death.
What if, in seeking the scorpion, it attacked him?
They had said they were moving very quickly and that your bite is not allowed salvation.
He could see Kane hastily seeking the small and deadly spider in the huge room and became the
victim instead of Lord Cromer ...
It was much easier to find a man that something so elusive.
Octavia wanted to shout that Kane was in danger and send everyone to their aid, but was able to
reassure themselves that Kane knew how dangerous were these animals.
To cheer himself certainly thought it was fate that she had surprised the man with the scar and could
identify, thanks to the collection of boxes that had Kane, what's henchman Abul Pacha in his hands.
He remembered that his mother had said many years ago:
'Nothing is lost or is useless in this world.
We learn something and then we discovered surprised that, differently than we expected, we used to
solve the problem that concerned us.
That was just what was happening now thought Octavia.
One look was enough to know what was the servant in the hands and what he was doing in the
bedroom of Lord Cromer.
In any case, even though his mind to say that Kane would know take care of himself, all his nerves
were still tight and prayed fervently that nothing will happen.
Soon after, Lady Cromer asked him chatting with Abul Pacha.
He says he has enjoyed the conversation with her husband at dinner and now want to have the
pleasure of speaking with you.
Octavia sat by the Egyptian with the feeling that had crept into the cage of a tiger.
- What made you choose Egypt for their honeymoon? He asked.
He spoke good English, but with a slight accent.
-I wanted to see the pyramids and I hope my husband take me to travel the Nile also
-Discover it's a lovely trip.
-I wish I could do it in luxury, as Cleopatra, Octavian smiled in a large vessel of scented candles, but
I fear it would be very slow.
- Could be a long journey with you, on your honeymoon?
The fear caused him Abul Pacha suggested to Octavia that the expression of his eyes was insulting.
Yet it would be a mistake to look at Kane with his eyes, because cause the Egyptian noticing his

'I always said that the English were beautiful,' he added
-. Now that I know, Lady Stratheagle understand that my informants did not lie.
He flirted with her, and just barely managed to respond lightly Octavia:
-Thank you kindly, but Egypt was already famous for beautiful women, when we in Europe still we
dressed in fur.
- You would be beautiful in any way! Exclaimed Abul Pacha.
At that moment the door opened and entered Kane.

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With him came the aide and two other officers behind, each with a pistol in his hand.
There was a sudden silence as Kane was going where I was sitting Abul Pacha. When he came
before he said quietly, but it filled the entire stay:
Abul-Pacha, in the name of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Empress of India, is accused of conspiring
to kill the representative of His Majesty, the Consul General of Great Britain Lord Cromer.
There were gasps, but Abul Pacha remained motionless, his dark eyes fixed on Kane's face.
Before I could say anything, he added:
'Your servant has confessed that he ordered you to put a scorpion in the bedroom of Lord Cromer.
He and his other servants, who were also part of the plot, have been arrested.
I ask you to accompany these officers where he held until he is brought to trial.
Shall be given all facilities to have a legal defense.
Those who listened seemed to have turned to stone.
While Abul Pacha stood up, the officers who were behind Kane stepped forward to put one on each
side of the Egyptian.
Suddenly, with a movement so fast that not niquiera Kane, despite this rapid reaction, was
prevented, Abul Pacha took a knife from the pocket of his jacket and stabbed in the chest.
For a moment he stood erect and motionless, as if nothing happened. Before the collapse, the
officers seized him by both arms and led him outside the room.
Kane and the field officer followed and closed the door behind her.
There was then a deep sigh of everyone present.
Then Lord Cromer Octavia approached and took her hand, saying:
- Thanks! You and your husband have had a magnificent performance, which I am eternally grateful.
Before I could say more, the generals surrounded him and one of them remarked:
'Now we know who was at the bottom of all problems and we can only thank God that life is
This will greatly facilitate things.
It was Lady Cromer, altered voice, who asked the question that Octavia feared:
- Who discovered that they had put a scorpion in your room?
Just thinking about me shudder!
Hesitantly, Octavia said,
-When ... when I went for my purse ... left the room a servant with green turban.
- And you saw that it was a servant of Abul Pacha!
But, how did that had a scorpion? - Asked Lady Cromer.
'He had in his hands a box which I recognized as the Egyptians used to store these dangerous
- Said Octavia, who, embarrassed by the attention he received, he saw with relief that opened the
door and Kane came back.
He came immediately and took her arm.
-I should have guessed that you would find the solution to our problems
'He said gently.
- Is he dead? Asked Lord Cromer.

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'I was to leave here. Now, sir, if you'll excuse us, I think I should bring my wife home. It was enough
for one night.
Of course.
All I can tell, Lady Stratheagle, I owe a deep gratitude and I will inform your majesty of the
magnificent way that served the crown.
'Thanks,' said Octavia faintly.
And before I could say more, and it was Kane.

Chapter 7

As they crossed the hall, Octavia not surprised to see a large number of soldiers and officers on
Once in the door, and while waiting for his carriage arrived, he began to feel that the world turned
around and grabbed the hand of Kane.
- Do not pass out here! We've had enough drama for one night, he said tenderly.
His tone made her laugh.
Almost immediately he came into the carriage and helped her up.
Just sat back in the plush seats, Octavia closed his eyes and felt herself slipping away.
Kane, at his side, took her hand in his.
'I should give you something to drink, but I will when we get home.
His voice seemed to come from far and Octavia fought against the darkness that threatened to wrap
it, thinking it was absurd to feel so weak when it was safe.
As if sensing his thoughts, Kane said:
-It's all over and you have been magnificent. How could you be so smart to realize what was
His words faded a bit dark and, as he wanted to explain what happened, Octavia managed to
'No you had mentioned that one of the men chasing you in Alexandria and entered the hotel had a
scar under his eye.
- Why do not you tell me? And I should have noticed!
Seemed to scold himself because she'd been more observant, and again felt like laughing, Octavia.
He must have noticed how weak I was, because he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her
to him so he could lay his head on his shoulder.
'No need to talk about it now. I just want to repeat that you were very clever to solve a riddle that
had puzzled us all.
Kane's lips brushed against the Octavia's neck, he felt again that the traveled moonbeams, like when
he kissed the foot of the Sphinx.
It was so comforting and wonderful to be in the arms of Kane, who wished to speak.
He had only to feel close and know that he still loved her, after she had feared losing much.

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He had suffered intensely believing he was upset with her and wanted to stick with it now never to
be separated.
But when they arrived it was said that his was an impossible dream, should be sensible and practical
about the future.
Hassan ran to open the carriage door. Kane came down and turned to help Octavia.
Then carefully, led by the stairs and the terrace as he said:
-It's hot. You'll feel better if you sit a while outdoors. I thought I was drowning in the hall of
Cromer, but maybe it was because I was worried that the end of the evening we knew as little as
As he carried her to a comfortable rocking chair, said:
- But that was before you will solve this complicated issue that intrigued us for so long!
Octavia was touched by his words.
As he placed his feet on a stool, Kane ordered Hassam:
-Two cognac with ice in tall glass.
Hassam Kane walked away quickly and sat next to Octavia and took a hand.
The moonlight bathed the garden and several silver lamps hanging over the balcony were on. One
of them did shine the golden hair and fake diamonds Octavia of her dress. It was as if the stars had
fallen from the sky and cover up.
Kane looked at her and hold before saying:
- How can a woman be so beautiful and yet so smart? It's a combination that would never have
thought possible, if I had not seen.
'It was just luck. If I had not come back for my purse ... Lord Cromer could have died.
'It's true. The scorpion was in one of his slippers. But tell me how you knew that there was a
scorpion in his bedroom.
Slowly, because he still felt weak, Octavia told that Lady Cromer had invited the ladies to see
orchids, going down that she had missed her purse and returned by him.
The man left the room next to Lady Cromer and seemed startled to see me. I found it very strange
that one of the servants of Abul Pacha was found in that part of the house.
'I was indeed.
-Then, when bowed, I found that trying to hide his face. Also had something in his hand pressed
against his chest.
Octavia paused to remember exactly what happened, and went on to say:
-As he walked away surreptitiously, as if he had done something wrong, I realized that, before it fell
on his face, had seen the scar under his eye.
- Why did not I'd talked about the scar?
I did not think about it and only later, when ... killed the other man on the train, he began to look a
feuilleton drama, a farce.
Kane laughed.
- So it seemed! But a dangerous farce. If you have loved then as now, even for a moment would
have allowed something as risky intervinieras.
As Kane said she wanted to hear, Octavia found it difficult to think of anything but him.

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His love so overwhelmed that all I craved were his kisses.
At that time Hassam arrived with drinks and when Kane gave a glass to Octavia, she wrinkled her
-Prefer fruit juice.
'I will take later if you wish, but think this is a medicine and apriétate nose, if you want, while you
Octavia laughed.
-No, no, I drink it if it pleases you, but I like cognac.
-Well, for my part I confess I need to drink something strong. When I went into the bedroom of
Lord Cromer after what you said, prayed to be true and finally we discovered Abul Pacha, who had
evaded us so long. But he had some concern that you had only imagined.
I knew you would think that, but you realized very quickly that I had something to say when I asked
the handkerchief.
'No I'm proud my reaction. I have trained for that, but it is a miracle almost unbelievable that you
have a mind as nimble and have played your role with such skill.
'But now ... I have no fear for you.
Kane was about to answer when they heard the hoofbeats and both turned their heads towards the
entrance of the villa.
Moments later appeared on horseback, a young officer.
He stopped at the door and Kane went downstairs to greet him.
Without removing the officer spoke loudly and Octavia could hear clearly.
The mayor thought he could find agradería know Mr. Manton.
- Excellent! What house of Abul Pacha?
'I had locked in the basement. We broke the door and release.
- Thank God! How are you?
-Weak from lack of food and because he was tortured.
- A lot?
'Quite, sir, so you can imagine how pleased to see us.
The Mayor did move immediately to the English Hospital, where he will address it.
'I'm sure. Thanks for warning me.
The mayor told me to come right away. He guessed that you would already be here, otherwise
should go look at Lord Cromer.
-Agradézcaselo on my part and, if returned to the hospital, says Mr. Manton will visit tomorrow
morning. I think this night to rest.
'You're right, sir. Need to recover after the terrible experience that happened.
The young officer saluted, made to turn his horse and rode away.
Octavia felt a deep sigh of relief I let out Kane before meeting her.
Instead of sitting, suggested:
'I think you should go to sleep. For the first time in months, tonight I rest without worrying about
what will happen tomorrow.
He held out his hand to help her stand.

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In the foyer, took her arm to lead her upstairs.
On the landing, she said:
I do not want to go to bed, I have so much to ask ...
-I think of you and that you must rest.
She looked between supplicant and mimosa, and with very different tone of voice, Kane said:
- But if you look at me like that, I will be impossible to let go!
Almost without thinking, just because their feelings of stunned, Octavia entered his bedroom.
There was a lighted candle beside the bed, again, to keep the room cool, Hassam had left the
windows open and the moonlight wrap around your silver light.
Instinctively Octavia approached the window to watch the stars and remembered how fervently
prayed for the safety of Kane.
Now he knew that his prayers had been answered.
Shortly after I felt closer to her because only she had stopped to remove the tight coat and throw on
a chair.
He put his arms as if he were jealous of him to look to heaven and not to him, made her turn her
face and kissed her.
Although he did with passion, kisses were different from the previous night. Had in them something
like reverence, as if in spite of the requirement to consider his lips especially spiritually.
That was what, in their misery all day, she had longed.
He felt that the sky opened and Kane rose to a special place where they were alone and, again, were
part of the moonlight and the music that came from the stars.
When he felt the intensity of his emotion was too much to bear, he turned his head with a murmur
and hid his face in the neck of Kane.
Through the thin fabric of his shirt, he felt her tremble and thought his timidity and gentleness were
the most exciting thing that had ever known.
- I love you! Tell me what you feel for me.
- I love you, know I love you!
Octavia's mind crossed the idea that perhaps realizing how overwhelming it was the love he had, he
would ask, as the night before, to be his lover.
Should not have allowed him to enter his bedroom.
However, at that time, nothing seemed to matter, but being around him and kisses him provoke
increasingly glorious sensations and intense.

With great tenderness, Kane put his hand under the chin to lift her face to him.
-All dangers have disappeared, not because of me but you, my love. Now I can already ask you to
marry me.
Octavia's eyes remained closed and relaxed in his arms.
Now he felt it stiffen and her eyes widened when he said:
- Do I ... ask me to marry you?
-I have every intention of marrying you and I will not reject me.
Kane smiled as he said this, as if he knew that was impossible.

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'But last night ... Last night you said you could not marry me.
- You thought it was because you wanted?
He hugged her stronger while adding:
- I love you more than anything in the world! And nothing and nobody will separate you from me.
Octavia was touched by how demanding and possessive he spoke, but looked at him uncertainly, not
understanding why he had changed his mind.
'You're the smartest woman I've known, but it is currently not look it. Do not you realize that, until
half an hour, nobody would have insured my life for a piastre? © *
The more girded to his body as he continued:
- How could I marry you knowing that you could become a widow as soon as you put the ring on
her finger?
Octavia launched a sort of groan and he continued:
-As I said, if I had loved so much as now, I would have sent directly to England rather than get
involved in a case that, had it not been for your brilliance, could have caused the death of Lord
Cromer and mine.
She cried out.
- I was afraid, very afraid that will kill you! And all day, seeing that not returning, I thought you
loved me not.
- Of course I love you! You fill my world. I can not think of anyone other than you.
And he kissed her with a passion revealing how much he had feared to lose, either to die or because
he thought it best to zoom out.
Only when the heart pounding them unusual and his breathing became very agitated, Octavia turned
to hide his face on the shoulder of Kane.
'I wish I answer: When will you marry me?
-The oppressed him.
- Now, at this point if you want!
It was what I wanted to hear.
'But you know nothing about me ... I think you should first tell you.
Octavia spoke hesitantly, afraid that, if I knew about his father, Kane was scandalized.
-I know all about you, baby, and make sure your dreams and thoughts are all mine, but all that really
matters is I found you. You're the woman who seeks my life!
- Is that true?
- You know it is! Often jealous of the Pharaohs, who I guess found happiness with the beautiful
women painted on their graves. He feared not ever get to feel the same.
- Y. .. still dreading?
- Of course not!
- I'm glad, I'm so glad! But I am so ignorant of the world you live ... who may find me boring.
Kane laughed softly.
-Since we met have not had time to abu * rrirnos, only to fear, now I'll make sure we enjoy peace
and our home makes us feel safe and secure from him.
More strongly embracing added:

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-I think would break my heart if I were to see you as scared as when I walked into your hotel room.
And I know it was a fear that you felt very different to the men who tried to kill me.
-You are very perceptive. It was, as you know, I scared to be alone.
-Still do not understand how your brother could do something as risky as leaving a girl as beautiful
as you and now I know, so young and innocent, in a place like Alexandria.
How are you reminded Octavia words I had thought of her and what she had proposed, Kane
wanted to leave, but he stopped her.
'You must forgive me, asked. It made me lose my head! I always was proud to be able to know the
heart of any person without mistakes.
- How could you think such things of me?
'My only excuse is the circumstances in which you found it, but not all. I knew before the kiss,
which I loved dearly.
The closer to each other and went on to say:
-While the heart was telling me that you were very young and inexperienced, my mind, skeptical and
suspicious, refused to accept the truth. I wanted so much that you were mine, I could not think of
anything else. Will you forgive me?
-I love you and there is no need to talk about forgiveness.
The only thing that matters is me being your wife.
Octavia had the last word with softness and timidity, but to feel the heart beat Kane to his chest, he
knew that was what he wanted to hear.
-We got married tomorrow, in secret.
She realized that she wanted to know why and explained:
'Tonight everyone, including Cromer, thought we were married.
- But they must know you used a fake name!
-No, actually my real name and it will be yours too.
- Do you mean ... you are lord Stratheagle?
That's right. I inherited the title when, as I said, I went to England because my father had died. Of
course they called me to come back earlier than planned.
- Why?
-First, because shawl had disappeared and, secondly, because when I was in the military intelligence
and a lot of work since then I have ordered several special investigations, but only now officially
dedicate myself to my biggest hobby.
- Does archeology?
-Exactly, and I hope you enjoy with it.
- You mean I can join you?

'I never think of parting from you! I assure you, my love, that no discovery I could do, no treasure
anywhere in the world can be more valuable to me than you.
- It sounds too wonderful to be true! I was afraid that you'll want to carry just a routine social life,
which horrifies me.
As Kane looked puzzled, she said:

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'I've told who you are and it sounds impressive, but I want to marry the archaeologist Gordon Kane.
-With it you will marry. In Egypt I prefer to use the name that I know people who have helped in
the excavations and the Egyptians who rely on me, which, incidentally, have nothing to do with
people like Abul Pacha.
'I prayed for simply become Mrs. Gordon.
-And that will be, but when we return to England, so we have to do because there are many things I
must attend in Scotland, you will Stratheagle lady. Did not you say it was a nice title? .
- Beautiful!
As if suddenly remembering, Octavia said:
-But I'm very selfish thinking only of myself and how I love you ...
There's something I wanted to do for me.
- What is it?
'I want you to try to get in touch with Tony, my brother.
You're the only person who can.
- To notify you about us?
-No, to tell what happened at home.
- What happened? Something has upset you?
- No, something wonderful! But I fear that when I tell you, shocked you know the reason Tony and
I fled to Alexandria.
I do not think you can shock me, but I do want to know everything about you.
-It seems so wrong now, 'said Octavian hesitant, but when Dad died. Tony had a lot of money and
said that, since we could not pay, it would be all very unpleasant.
'First tell me who your father was and where you lived.
'My father was ... Lord Birkenhall ... You may have heard of him.
- You mean the Lord Birkenhall who died two weeks ago? Kane asked in surprise.
Octavia nodded and he said:
-I knew him and always thought it was one of the most pleasing of English society.
-Many people thought well of father.
'It was one of the men I most admired during my first stay in London. I was only a young subaltern
and I thought it embodied everything stylish and fun. I guess not only admired, but envied him. But
I thought it was very good!
-Many people thought the same, but in reality their debts were astronomical. So Tony and I had to
I thought Kane was shocked and went on
-Maybe it was wrong that we did, but much neglected father property and no money ... except that
spent to play in London.
The speech of Octavia Kane revealed much more than words.
-I think your father made you suffer.
She let out a faint sob.
I can not explain ... Oh! You may not understand, but it was terrible to see that everything is ruined
and no money to pay anyone ... Even to eat!

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He paused and then added:
- But now everything changed!
- In what sense?
'Surely you think Tony and I did very wrong not staying for the funeral, but Dad had so much
money that Tony said he would declare bankruptcy and all they would appear ugly and angry, so ...
Octavia paused a moment to catch his breath as if he thought Kane did not understand, looked
pleadingly and said,
'Please, do not be indignant with Tony or me.
I know it was wrong ... but we could not do more to leave or stay and support to creditors unable to
address their grievances, as we had no money. Or so we thought then.
As though she could not explain more, Octavia was released Kane's arms and took the paper he had
left beside her bed.
He handed.
-Please read this and understand why I want to contact with my brother and also why I now realize
that we should not flee. Tony will pay the debts of father and not depend on money from the
woman he married.
Kane took the paper and read the news of what had been found in the Priory.
While Octavia watched his face, afraid to show disgust and contempt for her brother and she did
not stay to face the situation.
He dropped the newspaper on the floor and hugged her again.
- So your brother has his treasure and I have mine! Honey, I do not care about pictures or gold
frames. What I want more than anything in the world, kiss!
His lips sought hers, but Octavia asked
- Will you try to find Tony, please?
-I will send a cable tomorrow morning. Should return immediately and take care of everything, but
without your help because I need you here. And like I said, never separate myself from you!
- Do not offend thee what we did?
I think it was very sensible.
If there was no money to pay debts, it was not worth staying to hear you only have recriminations
Hugging her stronger, Kane said:
I do not want to upset you and do anything it can to prevent the rest of our life together.
-You understand ... Oh, Kane, you understand! How can you be so wonderful?
'Of course I understand, girl. But instead of you worrying about your brother or other family, I wish
you to watch your husband, as I have done, just very different.
- If I thought you were going to take care of me! Octavia joked.
- And you can bet I will! We're getting married tomorrow, in secret, as I said. No one will know
anything except the pastor, who is a great friend of mine, and then depart for their honeymoon.
- De .. Honeymoon?
-During my last stay in London, a friend told me that when I return to Egypt, you could use your

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private yacht. I think you look very nice, like a honeymoon trip, sailing up the Nile to Luxor.
Octavia's eyes shone like stars.
- Can we do it? He longed to know the Nile .. and do you will be as exciting ...
-That's what we'll do. But I fear that the rest of your outfit will have to wait until we return to Cairo.
'But if I have a lot and want to show you ...
And I want to see it, but most of all, you in my arms, love on the Nile, the ancient Egyptians called
"river of life" and "river of love."
After saying this he kissed Octavia.
His kisses became more passionate, until she hid her face on the chest of Kane.
'I'm scared she murmured.
- Why? There is nothing to fear.
As she did not answer, Kane said,
- You're not scared of me?
-Not you ... what you make me feel.
- What do you feel?
-When you kiss me with the Sphinx ...
- What happened?
-The moonlight seemed to glow inside my body and through it ... It was wonderful, but ...
-But ... What?
-I felt like I elevabas the stars ... It was so wonderful that no words to describe it.
- And now why are you scared?
'Because I still feel the moonlight ... but now as if he had become a flame.
- What scares you?
-It makes me feel very excited, and wild ... Is it bad?
No, my innocent little girl is good.
- Are you sure?
-Absolutely, and when we get married make you realize that what you feel is love, true love that
every man seeks, but fears not find.
- Oh, I love you so much ...!
-Not half of what I'll do you love me.
After a silence, Octavia murmured:
I did not know love was so ... as the light of the moon, fire.
'It's all that and much more.
-It may be that the true meaning of the Sphinx.
Yes, because the Sphinx symbolizes eternity, the eternity of love that we all must strive to find.
- I already found?
-I hope. I'll teach you to love me till the fire of passion consume us in all its glory.
- Teach me, please, show me!
Kane's lips captured the Octavia. Then the rays of the moon to the flames became crossed and
joined the fire that had ignited in him.
Octavia knew Kane's love for her was not only a man by a woman, but part of their spiritual ecstasy

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of the mystery of the Sphinx and the glory of the ancient gods.
I was around them, was part of them as they both knew their marriage would be a trip that would
last up to eternal life, where death no longer exists.
While Kane's kisses to the stars rose, whispered:
-I love you ... I love you.
- And I adore you!
And in that glorious moment existed only in the light of the moon became fire and love would last


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