The Void

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The Void

Dear magnificent man,

The good news is when I support a client by getting him
out of his spinning head... he stops the self abusive doubt,
he ends the consistent never
and he dissolves the overanalyzing and procrastination that
has disconnected him from life, from his passion, from his Truth.

The bad news is when the mind first shuts off... (the monkey
mind quiets, the ego identity dissolves, the whole script of
pain/pleasure and overcoming enter the Void.




What's the point.

Why live.


This can be a strange, odd, awful place to enter.

There's no more proving, overcoming, conquering, trying
enough... you simply ARE.

If you are willing to stay in the Void long enough (which for
some is a minute and others a few weeks)... you will find...


The Real you.

The good news is when I support a client by getting him
out of his spinning head... he stops the self abusive doubt,
he ends the consistent never-ending striving to be enough,

he dissolves the overanalyzing and procrastination that

has disconnected him from life, from his passion, from his Truth.

The bad news is when the mind first shuts off... (the monkey
mind quiets, the ego identity dissolves, the whole script of

easure and overcoming-to-prove-you're-enough goes away)...

This can be a strange, odd, awful place to enter.

There's no more proving, overcoming, conquering, trying to be

If you are willing to stay in the Void long enough (which for
some is a minute and others a few weeks)... you will find...

enough goes away)...

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The Truth of you.

Your Authentic Purpose.

Your inherent fullness, completeness, allness, everythingness.

This is where you're completely at choice to do as you wish for
the sake of Experience Itself.


Do you know why many men find me sexy?

It's because I enjoy my sexuality for the sake of experiencing pleasure...
not to try to turn you on, manipulate you, no agenda.

Before in the monkey mind I tried to be sexy to get you to like me.
Now I simply have pleasure in my body because I can.

Before working with me, many of YOUR monkey minds tried to make
you feel enough, in control, worthy, safe.

After entering the VOID you will live for the sake of living, you become
confidence ITSELF with nothing to prove and everything to behold.

You become sexy, magnetic, self assured, a fierce yet James Bond'ish
YES to life. Clint Eastwood’s essence in you, as you, through you...

Be willing to let the journey have its way with you when you
enter the void.

Be willing to birth your courage, boldness, strength as you sit
in the fire and discover the depth of your power.

Freedom itself is when you no longer need an outside circumstance
to determine your worth or fulfillment in the moment.

This kind of man is off the charts sexy... he's the kind of man
who a woman can't help but give her deepest heart to... he's the
kind of man she dreams of being devoted to...

Not the fairy tale Disney shit, it’s the truth of a man's
Nobility that makes her ache to give her light in service to
his Legacy.

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The Void is the doorway Home.

First it's nothing... sit in the fire and it becomes everything...

YOU ARE Everything.

YOU ARE Magnificence Itself.

In my eyes YOU ARE the Divine Masculine Itself, manifest as YOU.

Blessings to you amazing brothers, deliciously yours, Allana

p.s. If you haven’t joined my GHTSY membership, Join.

Each month in addition to my vulnerable, passionate, sexy content,
I lead a Telecall for you, answering YOUR questions and
talking about what quality women REALLY want.

Then once a month you can ALSO join a co-ed call with my women's
membership to get feedback from the ladies about what works and
what doesn't work.

And you get me, my coaching, guidance, tender yet fierce love and
support for your success.

Watch this video

p.s.s. I love you.

It's our pleasure to assist you



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