C2 too, not enough ANG

background image

She wasn't too

Your hair is too long.

There are too many cars
on the streets.

My computer is too slow
for this game.

It's never too late to

This car is too expensive
for us.

The police arrived too

I'm too tired to cook

She was too weak to

He asked too many

You can't be too careful.

It's too far to go on foot.

We arrived half an hour
too soon.

That shelf is too high.

Because the soup was
too salty.

Don't come too close to
the fire.

It isn't warm enough to
go to the beach.

This coat isn't warm
enough for winter.

Your flat is not big
enough for the party.

I'm not strong enough to
lift it.

He's tall enough to play

I didn't get up early
enough to catch the 8
o'clock train.

Sam is old enough to
drive a car.

Jim wasn't sober enough
to drive.

The apples were ripe
enough to pick.

He wasn't rich enough
for her.

I'm strong enough to live
without you.

David wasn't brave
enough to jump.

Is daddy fit enough to
swim across the river?

The tent is only big
enough for two people.

This food isn’t healthy
enough for my diet.

The water isn’t warm
enough for a shower.


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