Doubting Thomas Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio


Doubting Thomas

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A Doubting Thomas is someone who will
refuse to believe something without direct,
physical, personal evidence; in other words, a


1 Origin
2 Art
3 Opinion
4 See also
5 References


The term is based on the Biblical account of Thomas the Apostle, a disciple of Jesus who doubted Jesus'
resurrection and demanded to feel Jesus' wounds before being convinced (John 20:24-29). After seeing Jesus
alive and being offered the opportunity to touch his wounds, according to the author of the Gospel of John,
Thomas then professed his faith in Jesus. For this reason he is also called Thomas the Believer. The Biblical
account then reports that Jesus said, "Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." This account
of Thomas does not appear in the three synoptic Gospels.



In art the subject is technically known as The Incredulity of Saint
Thomas, and has been common since at least the 6th century, when it
appears on the Monza ampullae.

[citation needed]

In those depictions,

as later in the Baroque, the image was used to emphasize the
importance of physical experiences, extended by theologians to
pilgrimages, veneration of relics and ritual, in reinforcing Christian

[citation needed]

The subject enjoyed a revival in popularity in

Counter-Reformation art as an assertion of Catholic doctrine against
Protestant rejection of these practices.

[citation needed]


Recently the eminent biologist, Richard Dawkins tweeted that
Doubting Thomas is the Patron Saint of Scientists.


See also

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Doubting Thomas - Wikipedia, the f ree ency clopedia


Life of Jesus in the New Testament
Thomas the Apostle
Thomas and John


1. ^ Glenn W. Most, Doubting Thomas ( ,

2. ^

Retrieved from ""
Categories: Resurrection of Jesus Christian miracle narrative New Testament words and phrases

Christian terms Gospel of John Thomas the Apostle

This page was last modified on 18 October 2012 at 16:34.
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