the business upper glossary powtórka

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The Business Upper-Intermediate Glossary

1 Building a career

1.1 About business - The education business

assignment (n) C/U


zadanie (w ramach pracy lub stażu)

His first assignment as a reporter was to cover the local election.

alumni (n) C



Cambridge alumni

applicant (n) C



Successful applicants will be notified by telephone.

aptitude (n) U



an aptitude test

budding (adj)


obiecujący (o osobie)

a short story competition designed to encourage budding authors.

corny (adj)


banalny, wyświechtany (o wypowiedzi)

I know it sounds corny, but it was love at first sight.

coveted (adj) FORMAL



L&V is a much coveted brand.

cutthroat (adj)


zabójczy, wyniszczający (np. o

a cutthroat competition for market share

endowment (n) C


darowizna (na rzecz instytucji)

University endowments provide essential funding for our activities.

enlist (v) T


zaangażować, pozyskać (kogoś)

We must enlist families as partners in their children's education.

faculty (n) C AmE


kadra akademicka

A meeting for students, faculty and administrators will be held on Friday at 5 p.m.

practise what you preach

/ˈpræktɪs wɒt juː

postępować tak, jak się mówi

Sometimes it's hard as a parent to practise what you preach.

fee (n) C



Tuition fees at Stanford have now reached 9000 GBP a year.

remain aloof (v) I

/rɪˈmeɪn əˈluːf/

zachowywać dystans, być z dala

Harvard remains aloof from the competition between US colleges.

show up (v) I

/ˌʃəʊ ˈʌp/

przyjść, "pokazać się", wpaść

We didn't think Austin would show up.

sift (v) T


przesiewać (przen.)

sifting through thousands of candidates

staggering (adj)



a staggering 63 percent increase

stellar (adj)


celujący (o osiągnięciach)

Only candidates with stellar test scores have the chance to be admitted.

step up (phr. v) T

/ˌstep ˈʌp/


Elite colleges have been stepping up their efforts to attract the best students.

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The Business Upper-Intermediate Glossary

1.2 Vocabulary - Education and career

drop out (phr. v) I

/ˌdrɒp ˈaʊt/

porzucić (szkołę, studia itp.)

Too many students drop out of college after only one year.

miss out (phr. v) I

/ˌmɪs ˈaʊt/

przegapić, stracić szansę

We will be repeating the questions later, so you won't miss out.

start over (phr. v) I AmE

/ˌstɑː(r)t ˈəʊvə(r)/

zacząć od początku

She counted all the envelopes, put them back in the box, then started over.

thoroughly (adv)



The case will be studied thoroughly before any decision is made.

working party (n) C BrE

/ˈwɜː(r)kɪŋ ˌpɑː(r)ti/

grupa robocza

We'll have to set up a working group to deal with this problem

1.3 Grammar - Tense review

come along (phr. v) I

/ˌkʌm əˈlɒŋ/

przychodzić, pojawić się

He told me to work hard and take every opportunity that comes along.

fancy SPOKEN


≈ nie spodziewać się (pot.)

Fancy meeting you there!

put on weight (phr. v) T

/ˌpʊt ɒn ˈweɪt/

przybrać na wadze

I always tend to put on weight.

1.4 Speaking - Giving reasons

intake (noun) Sg. or U


nabór (do szkoły, na uczelnię)

this year's intake of students

1.5 Writing - Cover letters

accomplishment (n) C/U



Tell me about your accomplishments in your previous job.

brokering (n) U AmE
BrE: brokerage


≈ pośrednictwo (w biznesie)

a career in insurance brokering

lead (n) C


trop, wskazówka

In this job you will generate and follow up leads, handle client appointments and

outgoing (adj)



an outgoing personality

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tender (n) C/U


oferta handlowa, przetarg

The authorities have invited international tenders for the project.

venue (n) C


miejsce (konferencji, spotkania)

a popular venue for corporate events

1.6 Case study - Magnalia Business School

campus (n) C/U


kampus uniwersytecki

We have rooms for 200 students on campus.

draw up (phr. v) T

/ˌdrɔː ˈʌp/

sporządzić (dokument, plan)

Let's draw up a list of proposals.

heritage (n) C/U



Ireland's rich musical heritage.

metropolis (n) C



an international metropolis

procurement (n) U



defense procurement

sit back (phr. v) I

/ˌsɪt ˈbæk/

siedzieć z założonymi rękami

I can't afford to sit back with so much urgent work.

tailor something to/for (v)


dostosować (coś)

executive education tailored to the needs of individual companies.

2 Information

2.1 About business - IT solutions

bury (v) T


zakopać, zagrzebać

My French homework is buried somewhere under this pile of books.

cram (v) T



Downsizing basically means cramming more work into fewer people.

flush something down the
toilet (phrase)

/ˈflʌʃ sʌmθɪŋ daʊn ðə

spuścić coś w toalecie

He was so infuriated with his mobile phone that he flushed it down the toilet!

mad dash (n) Sg.

/mæd ˈdæʃ/

owczy pęd

At the end of the nineties there was a mad dash to buy shares in high-tech

mess up (phr. v) IT

/ˌmes ˈʌp/

namieszać (przen.)

You really messed things up!

overhaul (v) T


zmienić coś (radykalnie)

There is an urgent need to overhaul the welfare system.

pressure-cooker (n) C

/ˈpreʃə(r) ˌkʊkə(r)/

kocioł (przen. o trudnej sytuacji lub
nieprzyjemnej atmosferze w pracy)

the pressure-cooker atmosphere of the bank's currency dealing office

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quest (n) C



the quest for efficiency

slick (adj)


zręczny, sprytny

The team demonstrated their usual slick passing style.

take a breather (phrase)

/teɪk ə ˈbriːðə(r)/

złapać oddech (pot.)

This company is a real sweatshop where employees feel they can never stop to take a

2.2 Information systems and communication

snail mail (n) U

/ˈsneɪl meɪl/

poczta tradycyjna (dosł. "poczta ślimacza") Government institutions in Poland will still only reply to correspondence send by

snail mail.

2.4 Speaking - Telephoning

IP address (n) C

/aɪ ˌpiː əˈdres/

adres IP

a fixed IP address

mustn't grumble (phrase)

/ˌmʌsnt ˈgrʌmb(ə)l/ "nie narzekam" (odp. na pyt. How are


Oh, mustn't grumble.

small talk (n) U


luźna rozmowa towarzyska

It's important to have a few moments of small talk before getting down to business.

trivial (adj)



Why do they get so upset over such a trivial matter?

2.5 Writing - Memos

alleviate (v) T


złagodzić (ból, konsekwencje czegoś itp.) The U.N.'s most important objective is to alleviate world poverty.

fine (n) C


kara (pieniężna)

Firms could face fines of up to £5,000.

forethought (n) U


≈ przemyślenie (czegoś)

To write a good memo, you need careful forethought, layout and revision.

forthwith (adv) FORMAL


natychmiast (prawn.)

The property is to be disposed of forthwith.

officialese (n) U


język urzędniczy

Don't speak officialese to me - I want your explanations to be in Plain English.

shareware (n) U


shareware (rodzaj oprogramowania)

a shareware office package

time frame (n) C

/ˈtaɪm ˌfreɪm/

ramy czasowe

We should specify the time frame within which information will be provided.

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2.6 Case Study - Meteor Bank

drag someone kicking and
screaming (phrase)

/dræg sʌmwʌn ˈkɪkɪŋ
ən ˌskriːmɪŋ/

zaciągnąć, zmusić kogoś do zrobienia
czegoś (zwł. stawiając ultimatum)

You'll have to drag him kicking and screaming to the talks.

downtime (n) U


czas przestoju

system downtime

malicious (adj)



malicious gossip

3 Quality

3.1 About business - What quality means

commitment (n) Sg./U


poparcie, zaangażowanie

The government has failed to honour its commitment to the railways.

craze (n) C


mania (na coś)

the craze for Irish music

enchanting (adj)



She had an enchanting personality, which made her irresistible to men.

end (n) C



The government manipulates economic data for political ends.

fake (v) T



The signature had been faked.

planned / built-in
obsolescence (n) U

/plænd / bɪlt


Consumers are the obvious victims of planned obsolescence because they are often
forced to upgrade their systems more often than necessary.

roughly (adv)



The meeting lasted roughly 50 minutes.

sake (n) C usually Sg.


cel (w wyrażeniach typu for clarity's sake) For clarity's sake, let me explain that again.

sour (v) IT


popsuć się (o relacji i sytuacjach między

Relations between the two countries have soured.

struggle (v) I


usiłować, walczyć (z czymś lub kimś)

He struggled to open the bottle with a knife..

take for granted (phrase)

/ˌteɪk fə ˈgræntɪd/

uważać coś za oczywiste

People take it for granted that the weather in Spain will be sunny.

white goods (n) C

/ˈwaɪt gʊdz/

sprzęt elektryczny

The white goods industry has been accused of designing products to last a limited

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3.2 Vocabulary - Quality and standards

cost-effective (adj)

/ˌkɒst ɪˈfektɪv/


Is it more cost-effective to buy or rent property?

fit for purpose (adj)

/ˌfɪt fə(r) ˈpɜː(r)pəs/

≈ nadający się (do danego zastosowania)

The new vehicles - whichever are chosen - will not be fit for purpose.

in the eye of the beholder

/ɪn ði ˌaɪ əv ðə

≈ zwrot oznaczający, że coś zależy od
subiektywnej oceny

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

machine (v) T


obrabiać (metal, drewno)

The components are machined to a tolerance of less than one millimetre.

stakeholder (n) C


osoba zainteresowana

We invited all stakeholders in the project to a meeting.

3.3 Grammar - Passive structures and

have something done

grab (v) T INFORMAL


wziąć (pot.)

I'll just grab a coffee and be with you in a second.

hassle (n) C/U


kłopoty, zawracanie głowy

We've had nothing but hassle with it.

round-the-clock (adj)

/ˈraʊnd ðə ˌklɒk/


Our plant is working round-the-clock to meet demand.

night shift (n) C

/ˈnaɪt ʃɪft/

nocna zmiana

Dan's on the night shift.

3.4 Speaking - Delivering presentations

make or break (phrase)

/meɪk ɔː ˈbreɪk/

wóz lub przewóz

They have the ability to make or break a new star.

signposting (n) U


≈ drogowskazy (w prezentacji: zwroty
łączące jej poszczególne części)

A complete lack of signposting in your presentation will quickly confuse the

3.5 Writing - Procedures and instructions

drowsiness (n) U



Warning: this product may cause drowsiness.

garment (n) C FORMAL


ubranie, garderoba

waterproof garments

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groove (n) C


rowek, żłobienie

Slide the panel into position in the grooves.

peg (n) C



The furniture is built using wooden pegs instead of nails.

upside down (adv)

/ˌʌpsaɪd ˈdaʊn/

do góry nogami

The car landed upside down in a ditch.

3.6 Case study - Zaluski Strawberries

bulk (n) C usually Sg.


większość, duża część

Women still do bulk of domestic work.

bruise (v) T


poobijać, posiniaczyć

Fallen apples are often bruised.

harvest (n) C



the corn harvest

outlet (n) C


punkt sprzedaży

Most of the sales are through traditional retail outlets.

punnet (n) C BrE



Care should be taken when packing fruit to punnets.

shallow (adj)



The dish needs to be quite shallow.

shed (n) C



a storage shed

shelf life (n) Sg.

/ˈʃelf ˌlaɪf/

czas ekspozycji na półce sklepowej

Fresh fruit products have a very short shelf life.

sound (adj)


zdrowy, solidny

sound fruit

squash (v) T



She sat on the chair and accidentally squashed the apple pie that was lying there.

stack (v) T


układać w stos

She began stacking plates on the trolley.

straw (n) U



a straw hat

tray (n) C



Add more paper to the paper tray and continue printing.

4 Feedback

4.1 About business - The project team

accomplish (v) T



We accomplished a lot at work this week.

apathy (n) U



Unemployment in the region has caused many people to sink into hopeless apathy.

aspiring (adj)



aspiring business leaders

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better off (adj)

/ˌbetə(r) ˈɒf/

lepiej sytuowany,

You would be a lot better off if you set up your own business.

blindfold (n) C


opaska na oczy

Children played a game in which they were asked to identify various fruit with a
blindfold on.

bunch (n) Sg.


grupa, banda

a bunch of idiots

buy into (phr. v) T

/ˌbaɪ ˈɪntuː/

kupić (jakiś pomysł)

You don't buy into all this garbage, do you?

milestone (n) C


kamień milowy

1974 was a milestone for his career in music.

offend (v) T


obrazić (kogoś)

They avoided saying anything that might offend their audience.

scope (n) U



These issues are beyond the scope of this book.

silly (adj)



silly team-building activities

start from scratch (phrase)

/ˌstɑːt frəm ˈskræʧ/ zacząć od początku

The plan didn't work, so we had to start from scratch.

4.2 Vocabulary - Managing people and projects

appraisal interview (n) C


ocena pracownika

We have appraisal interviews every year.

hectic (adj)


morderczy, wykańczający (np. o pracy)

This week has been really hectic.

loner (n) C



He's a real loner.

4.4 Speaking - Coaching

elicit (v) T FORMAL


wyciągnąć (coś od kogoś), przen.

The linguist wanted to elicit the Farsi word for "one" from an Iranian student.

insolent (adj)



You're insolent and incompetent!

overdo (v) T



Be careful not to overdo it with the exercise.

praise (n) U



Give your child plenty of praise and encouragement.

4.5 Writing - Reports

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foster (v) T


promować, sprzyjać (czemuś)

This approach will foster an understanding of environmental issues.

4.6 Case study - Trident Overseas

could do with something
(phrase) SPOKEN

/kʊd ˈduː wɪð

≈ przydałoby się (pot.)

I could do with a cup of coffee right now.

dealer (n) C


sprzedawca, handlowiec

a car dealer

forecourt (n) C


plac (przed budynkiem)

in the forecourt of St. Patrick's cathedral.

handle someone with kid
gloves idiom

/ˈhænd(ə)l sʌmwʌn
wɪð ˌkɪd glʌvz/

obchodzić się z kimś jak z jajkiem

We have to handle them with kid gloves or they will just go over to the competition.

mess (n) Sg.


bałagan, burdel

an economic mess

put up with (phr. v) T

/ˌpʊt ˈʌp wɪð/

znosić (coś lub kogoś)

I will not put up with your bad behaviour any longer!

sort out (phr. v) T

/sɔː(r)t ˈaʊt/

rozwiązać (problem)

This matter could be sorted out if they would just sit down and talk.

top up (phr. v) T

/tɒp ˈʌp/

dopełnić, doładować (np. kartę pre-paid)

He topped up the oil at the petrol station and drove on.

windscreen (n) C BrE


przednia szyba (w samochodzie)

There is a dead fly on my windscreen.

work your fingers to the
bone (phrase)

/wɜːk jə(r) ˈfɪŋgə(r)z
tʊ ðə ˌbəʊn/

harować (zwł. fizycznie)

I work my fingers to the bone for this company and I get very little thanks.

5 Selling more

5.1 About business - Sales and marketing

blog (n) C



a political blog

bucks (n) Pl. AmE


kasa (pot.)

Everyone's trying to think of ways to make a few bucks.

edge (n) Sg.



Training can give you the edge over competitors.

lure (v) T


zwabić (kogoś)

The campaign is designed to lure tourists back to the province.

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raft (n) C



They travelled together on a raft down the river.

stifle (v) T


hamować, dusić

an attempt to stifle innovation/debate/democracy

5.2 Vocabulary - The marketing mix

blend (v) T


łączyć, mieszać

Their music blends jazz and pop in a stylish contemporary sound.

coupon (n) C



This coupon gives you £2 off the price of a meal.

quantitative (adj)



The differences are not measurable in quantitative terms.

razor (n) C



an electric razor

SMS (n) U



Transactions can be authorized via telephone or SMS.

spare (adj) only before



a spare key/battery/pair of glasses

stealth (n) U



a stealth operation

subliminal (adj)



Television programmes are full of subliminal advertising.

5.3 Grammar - Questions for persuading

luncheon voucher (n) C

/ˈlʌnʧ(ə)n ˌvaʊʧə(r)/ bon na posiłek

Luncheon vouchers are one of the perks of this job.

timeshare (n) C


forma współwłasności nieruchomości, w
której każdy współwłaściciel ma prawo do
jej używania przez określoną ilość czasu w
roku, zwykle w stałych terminach

Timeshare holidays mean that you'll be spending your holiday each year in the same

5.4 Speaking - Dealing with objections

peanuts (n) U


drobniaki (pot., dosł. "orzeszki")

We're working for peanuts.

plunge (n) C


zanurkowanie (dosł.), rzucić się do czegoś Your proposal looks attractive, but I just don't feel ready to take the plunge.

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(w zwrocie)

small print (n) U

/smɔːl ˈprɪnt/

wyrażenie oznaczające szczegółowe
warunki umowy, zwłaszcza niekorzystne
dla kupującego, często zapisane małym
drukiem, a przez to zwykle przez niego nie

You'd better read through all the lawyerese and the small print before signing the

5.5 Writing - Mail shots and sales letters

grab someone's attention

/ˌgræb sʌmwʌnz

przyciągnąć uwagę

It's often bad characters in a story who grab our attention.

handling (n) U


tu: łatwość prowadzenia samochodu

The car's ride and handling are poor.

trawl through (v) IT

/trɔːl ˈθruː/

przekopywać się (przen., np. przez

He has trawled through hundreds of documents in the library.

5.6 Writing - Backchat Communications

Bluetooth TM



a Bluetooth keyboard

courier (n) C



We'll send the documents by courier.

flat (adj)


rozładowana (bateria)

The battery in my laptop is flat.

fleet (n) C



the company's fleet of vehicles.

geopositioning (n) U

/ˌʤiːəʊpəˈzɪʃ(ə)nɪŋ/ lokalizacja satelitarna lub radiowa

an advanced geopositioning system.

handset (n) C


słuchawka (w telefonie)

I banged the handset down with annoyance after speaking to the tax office on the

keep up with (phr. v) I

/ˌkiːp ˈʌp wɪð/

być na bieżąco

We try to keep up with what's happening.

Won (n) C


won (waluta koreańska)

6 New Business

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6.1 About business - Self-financing

beg (v) IT



homeless people begging on the streets

bottom line (n) C

/ˌbɒtəm ˈlaɪn/

zasadnicza kwestia

The bottom line is that he lied to Parliament.

drag on (phr. v) I

/ˌdræg ˈɒn/

ciągnąć się

Some cases drag on for years.

dip into (phr. v) T

/ˌdɪp ˈɪntu/

sięgnąć (po coś)

You'd better stop dipping into your savings.

mortgage (n) C


kredyt hipoteczny

On my present salary I can't get a mortgage.

odds (n) Pl.



The odds are they won't succeed.

pitch (n) C


≈ prezentacja handlowa

She only had ten minutes to make her pitch for the contract.

premises (n) Pl.


siedziba, teren firmy

The charity is going to move into new premises next year.

stake (n) C BUSINESS



They took a 40% stake in the business.

6.2 Vocabulary - Funding a start-up

asset (n) C :usually Pl.


aktywa, majątek

The business has assets totalling £5.1 million.

household (adj) only
before nouns


dotyczący gospodarstw domowych

household goods/appliances/expenses etc.

outstanding (adj)



All your outstanding debts must be settled now.

raw materials (n) Pl.

/rɔː məˈtɪəriəlz/

surowce do produkcji

The raw materials are stored in silos.

track record (n) C

/ˈtræk ˌrekɔː(r)d/


They have a long track record of being mean with their money.

6.3 Grammar - Future perfect and future continuous

float (v) T BUSINESS


wejść na giełdę

The company was floated in 1993.

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6.4 Speaking - Taking questions

awkward (adj)


skomplikowany, niewygodny (zwł. o
problemie lub sytuacji)

After he spoke there was an awkward silence.

bluff (v) IT



They said they'd had another offer, but we knew they were just bluffing.

do your homework

/ˌduː jə(r)

przygotować się (przen.)

You could tell from the interviewer's questions that he hadn't really done his

field (v) T



The education minister fielded questions from journalists outside the parliament
building this morning.

nod (v) IT


skinąć głową

The manager nodded in agreement.

recap (v) IT


przypomnieć (coś), podsumować

We'll just recap briefly on what we did.

6.5 Writing - An executive summary

core (adj)


główny, centralny

We need to focus on our core activities.

organic (adj)



They only buy organic wine.

sustainable (adj)


zrównoważony, wyważony ekologicznie

sustainable agriculture

upkeep (n) Sg.


utrzymanie (nieruchomości)

Landlords are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the property

6.6 Case study - Angels or demons

cunning (adj)


przebiegły, cwany

a cunning and resourceful criminal

drop somebody a line

/ˈdrɒp ˌsʌmbədi ə

odezwać się (do kogoś)

Drop me a line when you're in Paris next time, will you?

grab (v) T


zrobić dobre wrażenie (na kimś)

The idea didn't really grab me.

hype (n) U INFORMAL


głośna reklama

I hate all the hype about portable music players.

upbeat (adj) INFORMAL



The players seemed upbeat about their chances of winning.

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7 Financial Control

7.1 About business - Financial control

bribery (n) U



He is appearing in court on charges of bribery and fraud.

forefront (n) U


przód, pozycja lidera

We are at the forefront of efforts to tackle inequality.

fraudster (n) C



The Northern Territory Justice Department says a notorious fraudster is using a
dating agency to rip off Territory men.

litigation (n) U


spór w sądzie

The claim is currently in litigation.

liken someone/something
to something (phr. v) T



His works have been likened to those of Beckett.

makeover (n) C


przeróbka, zmiana wizerunku

The city has undergone a radical makeover in recent years.

policy-maker (n) C

/ˈpɒlɪsi ˌmeɪkə(r)/

osoba odpowiedzialna za kształtowanie

The problem is being taken increasingly seriously by policy-makers.

protection racket (n) C

/prəˈtekʃ(ə)n ˌrækɪt/ rekiet, wymuszanie pieniędzy

The gang ran a protection racket in the capital.

scam (n) C INFORMAL


przekręt, szwindel (zwł. finansowy)

There are numerous scams and fraudulent businesses on the Internet.

tax evasion (n) U

/ˈtæks ɪˌveɪʒ(ə)n/

unikanie podatków

The government loses billions of dollars every year as a result of its inability to cope
with tax evasion.

undercover (adj)


tajny (plan, operacja)

He was arrested in an undercover operation.

white-collar crime (n) C

/ˈwaɪt ˌkɒlə(r) kraɪm/ przestępstwo w prowadzeniu działalności


Lawyers, IT consultants and other professionals are surrounded daily by
opportunities to commit white-collar crimes.

7.2 Vocabulary - Financial documents and regulation

embezzle (v) IT


sprzeniewierzyć (pieniądze)

The total he embezzled was $5.2m in three years.

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The Business Upper-Intermediate Glossary

7.3 Grammar - Cause and effect, ability, articles

run out (phr. v) I

/ˌrʌn ˈaʊt/

ulatniać się (pot., np. o pieniądzach)

Make sure to save some money, not just let run out all of it.

snapshot (n) C


ogląd sytuacji

Here is a snapshot of the situation.

7.4 Speaking - Communicating in meetings

in good shape (phrase)

/ɪn gʊd ʃeɪp/

w dobrej formie

The country's healthcare system, ironically, is not in good shape.

iron out (phr. v) T

/ˌaɪr(ə)n ˈaʊt/

pokonać trudności

We need to iron out some issues on the IT side.

starving (adj)



Let's have lunch - I'm starving!

take stock (v) I

/teɪk ˈstɒk/

przemyśleć coś

We'll have to set up a separate meeting to take stock of things.

tweak (v) T INFORMAL


dopieścić (pot.)

Overall, it's a great idea, but it just needs tweaking.

7.5 Writing - Meeting minutes

open-plan office (n) C

/ˌəʊpən ˈplæn ɒfɪs/ biuro ze wspólną powierzchnią dla

wszystkich pracowników, w dużym
pomieszczeniu, bez ścian

Do you prefer to work in a private or an open-plan office?

partition (n) C



a partition wall

7.6 Case study - Car-glazer

bodyshop (n) C


warsztat blacharski

Visit our bodyshop to repair or replace all types of vehicle glass.

chasing letter (n) C

/ˈʧeɪsɪŋ ˌletə(r)/

wezwanie do zapłaty (pot.)

They still haven't paid despite two chasing letters we sent them last month.

dent (n) C



The impact had made a dent in the car's front bumper.

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The Business Upper-Intermediate Glossary

outstanding (adj)


zaległy, przeterminowany (o płatnościach) All your outstanding debts must be settled now.

petty cash (n) U

/ˌpeti ˈkæʃ/

pieniądze na drobne wydatki

Employees mustn't use petty cash for any personal business.

reprimand (v) T


udzielić nagany

He was severely reprimanded for his unsuitable behaviour.

scratch (n) C



There were some nasty scratches on the paintwork.

sickie (n) C BrE Very


zwolnienie lekarskie "lewe" (wyłącznie

Dealing with staff who throw sickies is a big problem.

suspension (n) C/U


zawieszenie (kogoś w pracy)

Beckham is back after a two-match suspension.

8 Fair trade

8.1 About business - Fair trade

affluent (adj)



Affluent people buy expensive items just because of the brand name.

altruism (n) U



He showed altruism and compassion for the weak.

crop (n) C



They're all out planting the crops today.

ignore (v) T



This ignores the complexity of modern business.

illiteracy (n) U



economic illiteracy

magic wand (n) C

/ˈmæʤɪk ˌwɒnd/

czarodziejska różdżka

I can't just wave a magic wand and produce the money for you.

naive (adj)



Fair trade supporters are naive to think they can solver all the problems of the
developing world.

pursue (v) T


zajmować się, prowadzić (jakąś czynność) They have continued to pursue a policy or repression.

relieve (v) T



Your headaches can easily be relieved by regular aspirin.

threaten (v) IT



Their actions threaten the stability and security of the region.

toil (v) I Literary



Farm labourers have to toil in the fields all day.

8.2 Vocabulary - Contracts and corporate ethics

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lapse (v) I


wygasnąć (o ważności dokumentu)

The permit was extended for another year before being left to lapse.

like hell (phrase) very

/laɪk ˈhel/

akurat! (wyłącznie pot.)

‘He'll change his mind.’ ‘Like hell he will!’

litigation (n) U


spór w sądzie

The claim is currently in litigation.

offshore (adj) only before


zagraniczny (fin., zwł. dot. raju

offshore assets/funds/investments

part and parcel (phrase)

/ˌpɑː(r)t ən ˈpɑː(r)səl/ nieodłączna część, na porządku dziennym These little arguments were part and parcel of their relationship.

renege (v) I FORMAL


wycofać się (z obietnicy, umowy itp.)

They have no right to renege on the contract.

take out a contract on
someone (phrase)

/teɪk aʊt ə ˈkɒntrækt
ən ˌsʌmwʌn/

opłacić czyjeś zabójstwo

The Russian mafia took out a contract on his life.

vote down (phr. v) T

/vəʊt ˈdaʊn/

przegłosować (coś)

This amendment will be voted down by the committee.

warranty (n) C



a one-year warranty period.

wash your hands of

/ˌwɒʃ yɔː ˈhændz ɒv/ umyć ręce (od czegoś, pot.)

I've decided to wash my hands of this project.

8.4 Speaking - Negotiating a compromise

premium (n) C


dodatkowa zapłata

Customers are prepared to pay a premium for fair-trade goods; growers receive a
to be used for community projects like schools and hospitals.

shade tree (n) C

/ˈʃeɪd triː/

drzewo dające cień

I'm going to sit under a shade tree and read a book.

8.5 Writing - Assertive writing

assertive (adj)



You need to be more assertive to succeed in business.

bluntly (adv)


bezpośrednio, bez ogródek (o sposobie

‘They just don't like you,’ he told me bluntly.

evasive (adj)



The president remains evasive about the site of the proposed nuclear tests.

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The Business Upper-Intermediate Glossary

fuzzy (adj)


mglisty, rozmyty

I have a fuzzy idea of how it works.

refer (v) T


skierować (osobę, sprawę)

The doctor referred me to a skin specialist.

sue (v) T


podać kogoś do sądu

Burnett sued the newspaper for libel and won.

8.6 Case study - Green Hills Coffee

binding (adj)



Remember that this is a legally binding document.

breach (n) C


złamanie (prawa, umowy, zasady)

The company was found to be in breach of environmental regulations.

have a soft spot for

/hæv ə ˈsɒft spɒt
fə(r) ˌsʌmwʌn/

mieć słabość do kogoś lub czegoś

I have a soft spot for Melbourne.

jeopardize (v) T


≈ narażać na niedobre konsekwencje,
zagrażać czemuś

Cuts in funding could jeopardize this vital research work.

practice (n) C/U



It is good practice to check your work before handing it in.


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