A M Riley Goldilocks and His Three Bears [mm]

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


Torquere Press


Copyright ©2007 by AM Riley

First published in www.torquerepress.com, 2007

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


Chapter One
Oh my God, he was so dead.
Brian gauged the distance from the bed to the door. And

then the distance from the door to the window. And then he
pulled the coverlet up to his nose. "Hi fellas," he said.

"Well what do you know?" Six foot three of pure muscle

towered over the bed; Paul folded thick, tattoo-laden arms
across his chest.

Jim came around the other side, pulling in a meditative

way at his beard. It was hard to tell, most of the time, if Jim
was smiling or frowning under that thick, curly mass, but
Brian was pretty sure that this time Jim was not smiling.

"Hmmm?" Brian sat up, clutching the coverlet to him, and

looked down at the man lying in bed beside him. He couldn't
help but lick his lips. Because that? Was some midnight

"Grrrr," Scott growled into the pillow and turned sleepily

towards Brian. Those stubby, gold lashes barely lifted above
honey colored eyes. "What's goin' on, babe? Who turned on
the lights?" His eyebrows lifted as he caught sight of their
company. "Hey?" he said.

Paul and Jim exchanged looks across the California King-

sized bed.

And then they both looked down at Brian again.
Oh yeah. He was dead. And in that moment, Brian's short

life flashed before his eyes.

Well, okay, not his entire life. Because that would have

been uber-boring and Brian was lying in bed with a naked

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


hunk beside him while two more leather daddies glared down
at him, and he really didn't have time to review the second
grade or his sweet sixteen party.

Actually, his first thought was 'how did I get into this mess'

and then of course he remembered. Daddy. It had all begun
with Daddy and the Faultline bar.

* * * *

Funky, unpretentious, and oh-so-affordable, the Faultline

was inarguably the best leather bar in the Silverlake area.
Brian came regularly. He had a fascination for the big,
leather-clad men, and had found that they liked his slim,
youthful body and curly, blond hair. It was a good place for
cheap beer and harmless flirtation.

Truth was, since Brian had landed in L.A. he'd been a little

lost, a little blown away. When they had said "Big City" back
home they had somehow managed to not mention how big.
Or how much like a little speck a guy could feel there.

Somehow, at the Faultline, surrounded by that forest of

manly men, he felt just a tad safer.

He was enjoying the Faultline's traditional Tuesday night

happy hour when a hand appeared on the bar a couple of
customers down.

The hand was like one that might have been seen on the

Roman god Vulcan; callused, muscled, and thick across the
middle. It slid money across the bar and received a longneck
in return. Brian's eyes fixated on that hand, then traveled
past a three inch wide studded wrist band to follow a
complicated nest of snakes twining and winding their way up

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by Sean Michael


a muscular arm, over shoulders as thick and succulent as a
roast ham, to an inked neck.

Trying to get a closer look, Brian squeezed his way past

two guys who reeked of new leather, looked up, and saw a
tattoo ad spraypainted over a body building commercial.

Six foot three at least. Bald as an egg and inked on every

inch of exposed skin. His Roman god stood out from the
crowd, even in a room full of big, burly men.

The man took a long drag on the bottle of beer and thick

throat muscles worked. There was a black adder tat that
started at the back of his shaved head and circled his thick
neck until it ended just below his earlobe, venom dripping
fangs gaping wide.

The man twisted his torso away from the bar and Brian

saw the tat that undulated over the man's six pack.
"D.A.D.D.Y. it proclaimed in letters four inches high.

Brian's fingers itched to trace it.
And then that vision from Olympus looked down and

noticed Brian's measly self.

"Hi there," he said, in one of those voices that carry across

a room full of noise. And he just reached out and fondled
Brian's head, his big fingers gentle in the curls. "Aren't you a
pretty little thing."

Brian melted. Something came out of his mouth. It

sounded suspiciously like"tee hee", and his head pressed up
into the caress, just like a puppy.

And that was it, really. Well, of course there was a beer or

two shared. The requisite flirtations. The man—Paul—reached

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by Sean Michael


down finally and grabbed Brian's ass like it was a basketball
and he was Kobe fucking Bryan.

"You wanna get out of here?" he said, ice blue eyes hot.

Like, dry ice hot. Smoke came out of them.

"Tee hee," said Brian's mouth.
Paul led him out of the club and climbed astride a huge,

rumbling monster of a Harley. He helped Brian to step up
onto the seat behind him, wrapping Brian's arms around his
chest and fitting that fine hard ass right up against Brian's

"Hold on!" he roared over the engine's thunder.
Like Brian would let go for anything.
Paul had a sweet bungalow, just two blocks up from


"Wow, this place is huge." Brian's voice echoed across the

hardwood floors.

Paul handed him a cold beer. "I have roommates. Couldn't

afford it without them."

Brian looked around expectantly.
"They aren't here." Paul took a long drag on his beer. Brian

just tipped his head back in awe and watched those throat
muscles work. "We all have overlapping schedules. I travel
with the bike sales. Jim, well, he's a free spirit, I guess. And
Scott's a truck driver, so he's on the road a lot."

He crossed the room in one step and looked down into

Brian's eyes. "So we've got the place to ourselves."

Paul led Brian into a bedroom with a gigantic futon bed

and peeled off those leather pants. Then he turned, hands on

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by Sean Michael


hips, long cock pointing straight at Brian, whose mouth
popped open just like that.

Like, insert tab here.
Christ, there were more tats below Paul's waistline than

there were above. Brian's feet just went over there. Brian's
knees just landed on the floor at Paul's feet. Brian's tongue
started tracing every bit of ink like it was reading Braille and
finally his lips encircled Paul's cock and suckled at it.

A moan came from both their throats, Paul palming Brian's

head, supporting without forcing. Brian's mouth was as happy
as it had been in a long time. Paul's cock was silky smooth
and warm, leaking already. Brian drew off regretfully, and
looked up into those smoky blue eyes.

"You have a condom?"
"Sure honey," said Paul. And he urged Brian to stand,

fingers travelling nimbly over his snap and zipper, stripping
Brian and pushing him gently toward the bed. "But I didn't
bring you all the way up here just to suck me off."

"No?" Brian could spread eagle across the entire bed and

still not touch the edges. And he was doing just that. Paul
gently pulled his arms and legs wide, big palms running over
every ripple and curve of his body like a craftsman might
stroke a piece of walnut.

A gentle tug and squeeze and Brian whimpered a bit as

that big hand worked his cock. "Oh, yeah," hissed Paul. "This
is sweet. Hey, honey, you mind if I dress you up a bit?"

Brian blinked dazedly. "What?"
Paul was rifling in a drawer and tossing things on the bed.

Lube, condoms, a cock ring.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


"Oh," said Brian. "Yeah, okay."
The cock ring was leather and Paul warmed it a bit with his

breath before he fitted it over Brian, pulling a big ring on it
down and cinching it around Brian's balls. Brian shivered all
over and groaned and clutched at Paul.

"Fuck," he said. "Oh, shit..."
"Yeah. Nice. You look so pretty like that, hun."
Paul's thumb gently rubbed at Brian's cock head, the

precome slippery and slick there, the pressure just enough to
make Brian breathe faster. Then Paul poured a little liquid
from the bottle and massaged it onto Brian's shaft. It was the
warming kind and Brian was goo in an instant. Hard as
granite, begging, pleading goo.

"Turn over, hun," whispered Paul, and rolled Brian over on

the bed like he was dough, both big hands opening his cheeks
and thumbs plunging more of the warming lube into Brian's

Brian gasped and pushed his ass into the sensation. There

were a lot of things going on behind him now. The heat of
Paul's thighs against the backs of his legs, those hands
turning his ass into a giant ball of need, thick thumbs
plunging, stretching his hole.

"Do it," he begged. "God, fuck me, Daddy. Stick that big

fat cock in me, now, damnit."

Chuckling, Paul complied.
Brian rocked up onto his knees. The futon mattress was

firm, with no bounce whatsoever, and he was able to get total
leverage, fucking himself on Paul's cock, really, more than
Paul fucked him. The big hands held his hips straight while

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by Sean Michael


Brian just went crazy, feeling it like nothing he had in a long
time. The heat, the tightening in his belly, the driving ache in
his balls. Until finally, when he thought he'd just go fucking
crazy, Paul released the cock ring and Brian's fuse blew as his
cock blew and he heard Paul roar, pumping hard into him.

Later, tracing that 'D.A.D.D.Y.' tat with one finger, Brian

whispered. "You've never even kissed me..."

"C'mere," said Paul. His lips were soft and warm and his

tongue gave Brian everything he had. And the little boy inside
of Brian, the one that had been wandering scared shitless in
the Big Bad Woods of Los Angeles for the past year, just
curled his fingers and toes around that kiss and hung on.

* * * *

Paul drove Brian back to his apartment building on the

Harley. Brian's whole body was still tingling from the man and
the ride, and he was traipsing around his tiny kitchenette in a
euphoric haze, when he realized Paul had not asked for his
number, or mentioned seeing him again.

It shouldn't have mattered too much. Brian had had his

share of one night stands. But there was something about the
guy. Brian could feel it in his gut. Like a hook had set there.
Fuck. He was a goner just like that and he didn't even know
the guy's last name.

The crash was pretty bad and he only really got a grip

when he'd finished off the carton of mint chocolate chip ice
cream in the refrigerator.

Sugar cures everything.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


Okay, reasoned Brian. He'd met Paul at the Faultline. He'd

bet the guy was a regular. He'd just go to the Faultine every
night and put his little bod in the direct path of the locomotive
until that inked skull got a clue in it.

And that's what he did.
"Hey there!" He spun around and had to tilt his head up to

smile into Paul's eyes. Can a voice make you hard? Brian
thought it could. "I'm glad to see you here," said Paul. "I
didn't get your number. I came by your building, but this
older woman said she'd call the police."

"Mrs. Child," said Brian. "She's very protective of me."
"Don't blame her," said Paul, and his hands were on

Brian's body just like that. Like Brian was Paul's own personal
lump of clay. And damned if he wasn't .

"Let me buy you a beer," said Paul.
They did the beer ritual, then they climbed on the Harley,

and by the time they were all the way inside Paul's bungalow,
half their clothes were gone.

"Not on the leather sofa," said Paul, lifting Brian's ass with

both hands and pulling him from the furniture he'd just fallen
on. Paul squeezed said ass playfully. "Though you in leather is
a great idea..."

"I like my leather on my leather daddies," gasped Brian,

feeling his butt placed on something wooden, grainy and
hard. His fingers traced the contours of Paul's ass. "Or off
them." He plucked at the fastenings.

Paul helped him, breathing hard and hot in Brian's ear, and

out of those pants popped the cock Brian had been

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by Sean Michael


fantasizing about all week. He thought maybe he whimpered
a little bit, feeling its silky length sliding through his fingers.

Paul moaned and tipped Brian back onto what turned out

to be a table. Brian lifted his legs and Paul's only hesitation
appeared to be about getting a condom on, and then he was
sliding on spit into Brian's urgently wiggling ass.

Oh man, that felt too fucking good.
Paul lay on top of Brian, hilt deep inside of him, breathing

hard. Paul's eyes, staring into his, looked stricken.

"Move, for Christ's sake," said Brian, gripping Paul's sides

with both hands.

Paul's forehead lowered to Brian's shoulder and his hips

shoved. Only slow for a few strokes, rapidly becoming a
frantic pistoning in and out, Brian's brains shattering, the
wooden table creaking and bumping, Paul's hand closed
around Brian's cock and their voices echoed in the big house
as they came.

Then Paul's huge torso spread over Brian, shudders

moving through the back under Brian's hands. His breath loud
and harsh. He didn't seem about to move in the near future,
so Brian had to pat him and request.

"Legs are cramping, Daddy," Brian whispered.
Paul scrambled back and gently helped Brian off the table,

hands petting and soft all over him. "I like it when you call me
that," he admitted, looking almost shy. "Come on." He led
Brian into the bathroom.

Brian was inclined to go anywhere he was led at the

moment and just leaned against that big arm, letting Paul
guide him into the running shower, taking the soap that was

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


given to him. There was a triangular rubber bag hanging from
the shower head, the enema ball looped over it. Brian looked
at it. Looked at Paul.

"If you want to," said Paul.
Something about the way he requested it ... "I will if you

like," said Brian.

Paul cupped Brian's chin in one hand, thumb tracing his

lower lip almost with reverence. "You're really something."
And then Brian was standing in the steaming shower, warm
water on his back, big wet arms around him, soft warm lips
covering his. He felt utterly safe, utterly happy. When the kiss
broke he was grinning like a crack addict.

"Lemme take a shower, Daddy," he said. "I'll be right out."

* * * *

"Hey, I bought something the other day," said Paul. They

were lying back on the futon. Paul nuzzling Brian's neck with
such devotion Brian found himself wondering if he could still
swallow. "Let me show you."

If any other guy had pulled out what Paul pulled out of

that little box, Brian would have been halfway down Melrose,
heels flying and elbows pumping.

The straps were shiny new and the buckles clinked as Paul

spread it out to show him. "I thought of you when I bought
it," he said.

Aw, sweet. The man bought him bondage gear. Wasn't

that the leatherman's version of a bottle of perfume?

Brian took it in his hands. It felt ... serious. "Nobody's ever

given me anything like this," he said.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


"No? Honey, let me show you," Paul's voice was husky. He

helped Brian stand and gently slid the straps into place. They
really did feel like they'd been made for him, thought Brian,
tingling a little. One strap fit across his chest. Open rings,
worked into the leather, fit over his nipples.

"There are attachments that go here," whispered Paul,

caressing Brian's nipples. "But we can build up to that."

Brian felt goosebumps descending his ribcage and

peppering his thighs.

Other straps went between Brian's legs, attached to the

cock and ball ring in the front, fitting snuggly up his ass in the

Paul massaged the soft skin on either side of his crack.

"Sometimes guys will wear this under their clothes all day.
With a dildo that fits in here," his fingers demonstrated and
Brian's knees turned to water.

"Daddy..." he whimpered.
"Yeah," said Paul, practically swooping him up and setting

him back on the bed. "You're a natural for this, honey." His
fingers ran over the harness. "Next time I'd like you to do me
a favor?"

Brian's head was swimming. Who knew dressing up like

this could make him so horny? "Yeah?"

"Clean yourself, you know? Put the harness on yourself

and wait for me here." Paul's voice was shaking, his skin
flushed with arousal. "Christ, you're beautiful like this."

Brian lay back and just lifted his legs, spreading them

wide. The harness didn't feel strange at all. It felt right. "Fuck
me, Daddy."

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


With a growl that had a suspiciously helpless little whimper

in it, Paul fell on him and did just that.

* * * *

Brian and Paul established a pattern in the next few

weeks. Nothing official, really. Just, Brian would head over to
the Faultline and Paul would show up sooner or later. They
didn't have to say that they went there to meet, it was just a

And they didn't just have sex at the house. Sometimes

Brian would stay and watch television while Paul worked. Or
cooked. He'd wander around the house, checking out the
other bedrooms, or he and Paul would curl up on the leather
couch and watch stupid television. Like a couple.

And then there were the things that Paul kept there for

him. The harness, the cockring. His own soap and toothbrush.
A light blue bathrobe and matching towel that always hung on
the door, freshly laundered and ready for him. Just a few
things that Paul had in the bedroom that made Brian aware
that he had a place here. That he was something special to
Paul. And that was enough for him.

For the first time since he'd moved to Los Angeles, Brian

felt like he belonged somewhere.

* * * *

"Brian, I need to talk to you about something."
Brian was playing a video game in the living room while

Paul putzed around in the office. He set down the remote and

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


pattered after Paul as he was led toward the kitchen. Paul
pulled out a chair and Brian plunked down into it.

"I'm going out of town next week," said Paul.
"I do most of my sales work up north," said Paul. "I may

be gone for several months."

Several months? Brian knew something had just scored a

hit on him emotionally, but he wasn't sure what to call the
feeling yet.

"Oh," was all he said.
Paul studied him for a few minutes in silence. Brian

thought there was something that Paul should say. Or
something that he should say. But he didn't know what it

"So I just wanted you to know," said Paul, simply, and he

turned to the sink. "Will you help me with the dishes?" he

* * * *

Later it hit him. What Brian realized as he watched Paul

riding off on his bike having been dropped back home, was
that neither of them had said anything about seeing each
other again. About what each expected of the other during
Paul's absence.

Several months.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


Chapter Two
Paul had been gone about two weeks. No letters or phone

calls. Of course Brian really hadn't expected any. Paul didn't
talk on the phone. He hadn't, even when they were seeing
each other. It was like the man had just ridden over the
horizon and fallen off the earth. Brian was toodling down the
boulevard, pining, when he saw a string of choppers parked
all in a line outside a leather store.

Oh, shiny. Brian bounced over and petted one chrome

handlebar. The bike reminded him a little of Paul. Big and
burly, with a worn leather seat and embroidered saddle bags.

"Hey, whatareyadoin'!"
Brian jumped out of his skin and, of course—because

wasn't that just his life?—he banged into the bike behind him.

"Oops," said Brian. "Sorry."
There was a crunch and then a slow ominous creak and

then so much crashing and banging that Brian didn't even
want to turn and look. But he did. And it was even worse than
he had imagined.

Every bike along the line was on its side.
Brian wanted to curl up in a ball and just die, a wish that

was going to be fulfilled, apparently, by all the bikers who
were now running out of the leather store.

Then the guy who had scared him in the first place had

him by his collar and Brian's toes left the ground while voices
yelled at him from every direction. He figured the pain was
coming soon and was accepting that in a kind of philosophical
way, when someone worked through the crowd, spreading it

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by Sean Michael


like Moses through the Red Sea, and then Brian was on solid
ground again, gentle brown eyes looking down at him in

"Well, for a little thing, you sure caused a helluva mess,"

said the hairiest man in America, those eyes just sparkling.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident. I'll ... I'll help..."
The bikers seemed to acquiesce to the man somehow. He

had a big paw on Brian's shoulder and it was like the
protective arm of Zeus, because not one of the other guys
was making menacing moves toward him.

"Hey, don't worry about it, man. Let's just move on and let

these boys take care of their rides." Brian found himself
trotting down the sidewalk and away from the scene of the
crime, a big warm arm wrapped securely around him.

"Name's Jim," said the man who didn't seem about to

relinquish Brian anytime soon. "The boys call me Momma
Bear, though."

"Brian," said Brian. "Thanks for saving my life."
Jim laughed, a big Santa Claus type laugh. Ho ho ho. It

made Brian tingle all over in a nice way. "Don't mention it,
man. Where you headed?"

Brian shrugged. "No place, just walking."
"You get high?"
Brian frowned, considering. The usual answer to this

question when asked by a stranger was always 'no', just for
safety's sake, but this guy had just dragged him out of a pit
of angry bikers. He doubted the guy meant him harm.


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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


So then they were in the back of the guy's van, passing a

little pipe back and forth and the next thing Brian knew he
had both fists full of soft, curling chest hair, and his mouth
full of a sweet, gentle tongue and those pretty eyes were
gazing into his and asking and ... well ... he said yes, didn't

He found a little nipple ring amidst all the hair and played

with it, making Jim hum like a happy top and go at his neck,
soft, warm tongue lapping and drawing tingles up Brian's
spine and down his ass to his thighs.

Jim lay back, shirt and fly open, and Brian crawled on top

of him. Jim was like a big furred couch. With good springs. He
gave enough to bounce, but underneath was a nice bed of

His cock was about six inches long and thick as a coke can,

straight and red. Brian peeled off his jeans and shorts while
Jim slid a glow in the dark condom down over that tree
stump. Brian crawled up over Jim again, wrapping his legs
around the soft hair of Jim's thighs, and just sat down on it.
The tip pushing into his prostrate, just there, and he quivered
and moaned, barely moving, while Jim chuckled and jacked
him off.

The orgasm climbed his spine, setting off flares throughout

his body, while Jim arched a bit, hips jerking, that thick cock
throbbing against Brian's spot and he was just thinking 'man,
that was something,' when another orgasm started rippling
though him.

Hours later it seemed and Brian was lying against Jim's

chest, blinking the stars from his eyes.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


"So," said Jim, softly, twining Brian's hair around his

fingers. "You come around here often?"

They both laughed at that. "Yeah," said Brian. "You?"
"I get around," said Jim. "So I'll see you here and there

again, I guess."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure you will," said Brian. Fuck, he hoped


He could barely walk up to his door when Jim dropped him

off. And his asshole ached all the next day. It was a nice ache
and it masked the 'missing Paul' ache pretty well.

So the next night he had off he went tooling down the

Boulevard again and sure enough a white van slid up to the
curve, a certain hairy bear grinning at him from the driver's

"Want a ride?"
Brian grinned and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as he

climbed in. "Momma, I've been wanting a ride all day..."

* * * *

Jim seemed to drive aimlessly. Up into the hills above the

Bowl, the old van lumbering through narrow streets, around
sharp turns, until they sat under black night, looking down
onto the pink and blue dish of Los Angeles. The end of the
doobie glowed in the dark cab as Jim passed it to Brian.

"So what do you do?"
"You mean for money?" Brian inhaled until he felt the burn

at the base of his lungs. He spoke around trailing smoke. "I
clerk at a grocery store."

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by Sean Michael


Jim blinked at the joint in his hand. "You seem pretty

smart for that."

"Lots of smart people do what they have to do," said Brian.

And then he laughed. "'Sides, where'd you get that I have

Jim inhaled slowly. Stared out the window. "I just do."
"Well, yeah, maybe. But there was trouble at home and no

money for college. I guess I'm okay where I am."

"What kind of trouble?"
Brian laughed nervously. "Nosy guy."
Jim's head swiveled and Jim smiled at him. Soft and easy.

Big gentle bear. "I've heard it all, kid."

"Well, not trouble like legal stuff. Just ... my old man."

Brian shrugged, compressing his lips over the sudden sharp
pain in his gut.

"Hmmmm." Jim carefully stubbed out the joint and leaned

back in his seat. He just sort of waited. Like Brian could keep
talking or not.

"You know those Saturday afternoon specials on TV where

the kid tells his dad that he's, like, gay? And his father tells
him he loves him no matter what?" Brian spoke looking out
the window at the lights blinking below.

"Sure," said Jim, noncommittally.
"Well, it wasn't like that." Brian frowned at his knee and

worked a crease into his jeans. A minute later a new lit
doobie appeared in front of him. He took it gratefully.

"Why Los Angeles?" asked Jim.
Something about the softness of his voice, warm and deep

and easy, made it easy to talk. Like Jim really cared.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


"Good place for people like me, I'd heard," said Brian. He

inhaled deeply. Passed the stub back.

Jim nodded and smoked thoughtfully. "You met a lot of

guys since you came out here?"

"You mean did I go crazy and work my through the male

population of West Hollywood?" Brian gave him a grim smile.
"No. I saw guys doing that and it scared the shit out of me."

"See, I knew you were smart."
Brian shrugged. "I did meet one guy.... "Oh. Ouch. He'd

thought maybe that ache had regressed a bit, but there it
was, sharp and new under the pleasantly stoned feeling.

"He left." Brian's voice sounded way too old and bitter for

his age, he figured.

A big warm hand on his shoulder. Fingers gently digging

in. Kneading a bit.

"You're gonna be okay kid."
"You think?"
"I know," said Jim, all growly and sweet. "You have my

personal guarantee. And I'll kick anybody's ass who says

Brian snorted. "Momma Bear says."
"You got that right." That big hand rubbed and kneaded

down Brian's back."So. You wanna fuck?"

They clambered into the back. The familiar smell of

sandalwood and Jim's earthy odor and leather. Brian hadn't
noticed the ropes and things before. He handled one
nervously. "Should I be worried?"

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by Sean Michael


"Oh," Jim smiled sheepishly. "No. You don't have to. I just

... like..."

"Ah." The man liked to tie them up. Well, Brian was young,

but he wasn't naïve. "Don't know about that, but how
about..." Brian gripped the seat back and laid the ropes over
his wrists so it would look like they were tied. He heard Jim

"Okay," said Jim, his voice a little tight.
Jim tugged at Brian's pants and soon that thick cock was

working itself slowly into his hole. A whole lotta lube and
gentle care later and the whole van was rocking back and
forth on its wheels up there on the mountaintop while Brian
squealed like a happy stuck pig and Jim howled.

Then Jim drove him down to Mel's and stuffed him with

burgers and milkshake and drove a fat, sated Brian back to
his apartment.

"See yah," said Jim, giving him a big sloppy kiss over the

gear stick. He held Brian's face in a big paw for a second
before Brian climbed out of the cab. "You're special, kid.
Remember that."

Brian gazed into those molasses-colored eyes and almost

really believed him.

* * * *

Brian got a little wacky about white vans for a while after

that. Jim would seem to just appear out of nowhere, that old
van rumbling down the boulevard and that horn tootling its
'charge' tune. They'd been humping like happy bunnies in the

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back of the van off and on for weeks, it seemed, when Jim
decided to take Brian home.

Fuck if it wasn't a certain bungalow a couple blocks from


"My roommates are out of town," said Jim. "I rent from

this great guy who sells Harleys up north. He's been gone for

Brian had seen Jim's bedroom from the door before, but he

hadn't realized that the partition in the back corner with the
weirdly glowing blue light behind it was actually a small forest
of marijuana. Jim tipped a long nosed watering can over a pot
plant that was almost as tall and wide as he was.

"Gets too damned quiet here, most times," he said.
Brian was feeling a combination of guilt and sorrow. It

wasn't like he and Paul were a thing or anything. And he
hadn't had a phone call or a postcard or anything in the past
few weeks. It was just, this was Paul's place. His roommate.

But then Jim was taking off that big beaten cowboy hat

and smiling in that happy gentle way of his and playing with
his beard and he just looked so huggable and sweet...

It wasn't like he and Paul were a thing or anything. Several

months, he'd said. And he hadn't said much else.

Jim had a heated water bed and he laid Brian down on it

and stripped him slowly, taking the time to kiss his toes, his
ankles, the insteps of his feet.

Brian giggled, then arched and hissed as Jim's mouth

traveled up the calves of his legs and licked a line to his balls.

"Hey." Jim's beard tickled Brian's face when Jim looked

down at him. All the man's warm heat lay on top of him. The

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water bed was giving easy and plush and warm beneath him.
Brian felt like a melted cheese sandwich.

"Mmmm," said Brian.
"Can I ask you something?" said Jim, nuzzling at Brian's


"Would you let me shave you?"

* * * *

"You sure you aren't high?"
Brian trusted Jim. He totally did. He'd never met a gentler,

kinder, more trustworthy guy in his whole life. But this? Was
a little scary. Brian sat on the toilet seat, legs spread and
balls held carefully in Jim's big hands. A razor blade just
touching them.

"I'm sure, man. You don't want me to do this, though. I

won't." And Jim sat back, withdrawing that cold steel and
rinsing the shaving gel off it in the sink.

"N ... n ... no. No, its okay." Actually, it was a little hot.

Intimate, strange, and made him feel vulnerable. "Do it."

Then there was the soft scrape scrape. It didn't even sting.

Brian breathed and felt the whisper of hair falling against his
skin, and then Jim was leaning over and blowing softly and
Brian's toes fucking curled.

"Oh. Oh crap."
"Feels good?" Jim eyes were twinkling up at him.
"Feels fucking amazing, man." Brian looked down. Oh God,

look at him. Getting hard now, standing up tall and proud and
naked as a jaybird. His cock looked longer. Sexier. And every

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whisp of air was like a touch. Jim leaned over and blew a line
around his cock and balls again and Brian had to grip the
toilet seat with both hands.

"Gonna fucking shoot, Momma Bear."
"Not yet." Jim stood, brushing pubes from his chest and

legs and held out his hand to help Brian up. "Let's go back to

Back to the warm bed, with its velvety deep brown

coverlet, and Jim lit candles while Brian lay on the bed, arms
in the Velcro wristbands and tied to the headboard.

He writhed, trying to find a way to rub his cock between

his own legs. "I'm dyin' here, man."

Jim took pity on him right away and crawled back on the

bed, kissing his knees, his calves. Then something brushed
Brian's balls. Something complicated and tickling and his legs
would have curled upward, but Jim was holding them.

"What was that?"
"Mmmm," Jim flourished a peacock feather.
"Oh God, man, you're gonna kill me."
But of course, Jim would never torture him long and only

brushed the feather up and down Brian's over sensitized groin
a couple of times before taking his cock into that hot mouth
and letting saliva coat it. Jim's tongue moved around and
under and over, like a fucking anaconda.

Brian started to whimper and twist against his restraints

immediately. "Gonna shoot, Momma. Get a glove."

Jim stopped. "Not yet." Gently he pushed back Brian's

legs, his own cock right there; that thick presence always
stretched Brian so much and Jim just pressed in, slow and

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sure and didn't let up. Slick and the condom made it a little
easier, but he stretched Brian so wide, so wide.

And then Jim stroked him with that damned feather.
"Oh! Babe!" Brian jerked, shooting across Jim's chest. His

lover bowed over like he was praying, jerked a couple times,
eyes closed in concentration. Then he leaned over and
wrapped himself around Brian.

"That was good," said Jim. He sounded dozy.
"Wait, man" laughed Brian. "Untie me first."
And good thing he asked because seconds after Jim had

untied him, the man was asleep on the bed. Like a fucking
hibernating bear.

* * * *

"More bacon?"
Brian's belly was a perfectly round bulge sticking out

above his boxer briefs. He patted it. "Can't eat another bite,

Jim shoveled the rest of the bacon onto his own plate,

poured more maple syrup over it.

They'd had pancakes made from scratch, fresh squeezed

orange juice, scrambled eggs. Brian sighed in utter
contentment and lay back in the chair, spreading his arms
and legs so his body would have more room to pack all those
calories somewhere.

Jim looked up from his plate, pretty brown eyes perusing

Brian's torso.

Brian relaxed and let him look. God, he felt good. Dopey,

relaxed, completely safe and warm despite the fact that he

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was sitting practically naked in another man's kitchen. With
Jim he felt at home.

Jim finished every bit of food on his plate and then set

down his fork. "Brian, we need to talk," he said.

Brian stiffened so quickly he almost got a cramp. Well

crap, he'd thought things were going so well...

"I have to go," said Jim. The way he said it was like it

wasn't a good thing or a bad thing. It just was. "And I
wondered if ... if you wouldn't mind watering my plants while
I'm gone?"

He stood and went to a kitchen drawer and produced a

little key on a 'keep on trucking' key ring.

Something about the shier than usual way Jim was looking

at him. The age of the key ring. Brian felt that this simple
request was somehow momentous for Jim.

"Of course," he said. He took the keys from Jim's warm

hand. "How long you gonna be gone man?"

Jim looked up at some distant point in space. Like he saw

visions or something. "I don't know," he said vaguely.

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Chapter Three
So after a couple weeks of seeing white vans everywhere

he looked, patiently watering the small forest of marijuana
plants in the enormous empty house, and comparing every
leather clad dude at the Faultline to his recent beaus and
finding them sorely lacking, Brian was starting to feel
seriously sorry for himself. I mean, you can't take a guy from
mind-blowing sex almost every night to nothing, just like
that, and not expect a little withdrawal.

He was moping, which was just dumb. So he did some

chores, went to the grocery store. And that was where it all
went south. If he had to defend himself in a court of law he
would have to plead the Twinkie defense.

His sugar jones was a monkey on his back. And Brian

usually managed to resist it. He did not walk down the cookie
aisle and he avoided the baked goods department. But he
was standing in line at the checkout, with a cart full of healthy
fruits vegetables and protein, and right there, practically
jumping into his cart, was a two for one on family packs of

Twinkies, man. Food of the gods.
He told himself he'd only eat one, but he knew he was

lying. He finished three on the walk back to his apartment,
another before he'd even put away the rest of the groceries.
By the time he'd finished the twelfth Twinkie he was bouncing
off the walls, out of the apartment and up those two blocks to
the empty bungalow.

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Well, he'd water the plants. The whole place still smelled of

Momma and bacon and Brian bounced off the walls in there
for a while when he heard the roar and crank of a truck out
on the quiet street and parted the kitchen curtains to see out.

There was big shiny red and chrome rig parked out in


At this point, Brian told himself in retrospect, He Should

Have Known Better.

Your honor, the Twinkies made me do it.
Bounce bounce bounce. "Hi!" he said brightly to the man

who came through the front door.

Wow. Only about five foot seven, but built; the man was a

fucking boulder standing there in front of him. Pretty, honey
colored eyes below straw colored eyebrows, and he grinned,
tanned face full of white teeth.

"Well, hi yerself, Goldilocks. You sure don't resemble either

one of my roommates." His voice was growly and musical,
with a touch of twang. He sounded like a country song.

Brian bounced, tossing those golden locks in a playful


"I'm Brian," he said. "I'm watering the plants."
"Scott," and he was presented a nicely shaped, tan hand.

"You a friend of Jim's then?"

Brian clasped that hand, grinning, Twinkies in his toes

making him bounce and wriggle. "Yes." Bounce bounce. "That
your truck?" Bounce.

Scott laughed. "That's my baby. My lover, my home, my

partner in crime..." he sighed. "But it's been a long trip and

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I'm happy to be back. Say, sugar, would you mind helping me
bring in some gear?"

And that was how Brian ended up in the kitchen of the

bungalow with the third roommate, sharing a beer.

Scott was friendly and seemed to have no personal space

at all. He wrestled an empty beer bottle out of Brian's hand,
getting a good pinch at Brian's butt in the process. He gave
Brian another beer and caressed Brian's arm, letting his hand

Brian giggled when a stubby finger found a tickly spot on

his waist.

"'Jes tell me if I'm botherin' you," said Scott. Pretty honey

colored eyes blinking at him.

"N..n..o," Brian wasn't bothered. Brian was horny and


"Good," Scott growled, and moved right on in, grinning

and crooning in that gravelly voice, his hands just
everywhere, squeezing and finding good places to tug at.
"Oooh looky," he chortled, finding and playing boldly with
Brian's cock.

Brian's brain did a swirly whirly and his cock tried to poke

a hole through his jeans.

"You've got nice hands," he said.
Scott gave him a crinkly smile and a little pinch. "All the

boys tell me so, sweetie. So. I know it's sudden, but I've been
on the road for months and I ain't had anything touch my ass
but vinyl upholstery in too long. You want to take this to the


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And there they were. Scott was like a cuddly, growly, pug

dog in bed. Slobbering all over Brian's cock like it was candy,
just pushing Brian to the edge so fast that when he handed
Brian a condom and rolled over, presenting that hard perfect
round butt, Brian's brains about blew a gasket.

And that was the honest truth, your honor.

* * * *

Brian wasn't sure how to handle the Scott situation. The

man gave him a happy pinch on the bottom and a 'thanks
darlin' and let him out the front door without a backward
glance. The next day, when Brian came to water the plants,
Scott was nowhere to be seen.

He was locking the door behind him when he was tackled

from behind.

Okay, so he'd quit those karate classes before he'd made

any kind of belt of any color, but he tried to defend himself.

"Hey! Shit, sugar, that's a valuable part there!"
Oh. "I'm sorry Scott," said Brian from beneath the pile of

man flesh. "I thought you were a masher."

"Oh, honey, I am," growled Scott against his ear. His

fingers went to naughty places like they could see in the dark.

Brian giggled. "We're in the front yard, you horndog." He

wriggled, getting grass in his nose and some in his mouth
while thick fingers dug into his sides, tickling. "Damn," Brian
tried to roll, got hold of a piece of Scott and flipped him.

Eyes like melted gold looked up at him, big smile and hard

muscles. Scott laughing and still tickling him, hands
wandering over Brian's ass, groping. Brian yelped and fought

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and finally did a little groping of his own. After all, it was right

"Lets go inside, sugar," said Scott, suddenly serious. And

they raced into the house. Stripping clothing as they ran
through the living room, Brian gave Scott an appreciative
once over as the man came at him. He'd not really had a
good head to toe look the last time. Scott was covered with
curly golden hair that glistened in the afternoon light coming
through the windows. His cock was not in proportion to his
height. It was long and his balls were substantial.

Brian swallowed. Pointed. "That is a nice piece of

equipment man."

Scott screeched to a halt, spread his legs, and shook his

thing happily. "Pride 'n joy."

Brian laughed. "You are something else."
"You know it," said Scott, coming toward him with a wiggle

and a stalk. "Not too bad yourself, babe. You gonna let me
have a piece of that?" and just like that, Scott was down on
his knees, eye to eye, so to speak, with Brian's cock.

"I'm starving," said Scott. He looked up at Brian, pouting,

producing a condom with a flick of his fingers. "Feed it to

Grinning, Brian sheathed his prick, then, gently holding

Scott's head, Brian guided himself between Scott's eager lips.
A tongue wrapped around him and sucked hard, those lips
soft and firm. He rocked slightly in and felt Scott swallow
around him like it was nothing.

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Daring a bit more, Brian pulled back slightly and rocked

forward just a little. Scott hummed happily and sucked
harder, his throat closing convulsively around the head.

"Aw, fuck," said Brian, fingers in those straw colored

spikes and cock hard as rock and stuck in a vacuum tube. A
hot, tight, crazy with tongue vacuum tube. Cursing, pumping
for real, he felt hands on his balls, tugging, a finger rubbing
at his perineum, circling his hole, Scott's nose in his groin,
moaning around Brian's cock.

Glancing down, Brian could see the white of Scott's elbow

pumping, feel a muffled groan buzzing around his cock. Just
the thought of Scott coming from sucking him off pushed
Brian over the edge as well.

"Wow." He was a melted pile of man-mush on the floor

with Scott and a puddle of come. "I can't feel my legs."

Bony knees and elbows flopped about for a minute until

they were both propped against the wall. Brian sighed. "If you
have anything to do, don't mind me. I think I'll just take a
little nap right here."

Scott grinned widely. "How do you feel about football?"
"Mmmrr?" said Brian. "Balls and feet? Not my favorite


One thick finger gave Brian's head a gentle thunk. "The

sport, blondie. You know. Pigskin and the gridiron."

Brian shook his head until brain cells settled right side up

and in their proper corners. "Oh. Football. I love football,
actually. I'm a Steelers fan."

"You evil bastard. Giants are the team."
"Since when?" said Brian.

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"There's a game on. You want to watch it?"

* * * *

And that was sort of the way things went with them. Scott

was an eager, happy go lucky fuck buddy. He liked taking it
up the ass and he liked sucking cock. He was pretty much
agreeable to anything else, but those were his main hobbies.
As often as Brian came to the bungalow and they fucked, they
also just hung out watching random sports on TV or playing
ball in the backyard.

Brian would have been fine except for the constant

reminders of Paul and Jim. Jim, he missed, but he pined for

"That's the main man's bedroom," said Scott from behind

him. "Don't want to be rude, man, but you shouldn't go in

"Sure, I know," said Brian. "I was just looking."
Scott peered over his shoulder into the empty bedroom.

"Neat freak," he said. "And a real top. Like old school, you
know? Bet he's got some fun toys in there."

Brian wondered sadly if his toys were stored somewhere in

that immaculate bedroom.

He sighed.
Scott gave him a quizzical look. "What's the problem,

sugar? You look all pale and wan."

"Pale and wan? Are you kidding me?"
"No seriously, you look like you need more meat." Scott

grinned. Slapped his own behind. "Got some right here."

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Brian laughed. Scott was great.

* * * *

One morning, Brian came into the house and found Scott

absent, but a pretty young woman in the kitchen.

"Oh, hi!" About five two, with bouncy red curls, tiny and

freckled and wearing nothing but a pair of pink thong panties
and one of Scott's t-shirts. She bent over the sink to turn off
the tap, going up on her toes and Brian considered her in an
impartial way.

"Who are you?" he asked.
"Kendra." She sipped the water she had gotten and looked

him up and down. "And you?"

"Brian," said Brian. He held his hand up to show the keys

and his other hand out for a shake. "I water the plants."

"Oh," she said, the hand that shook his was small, but the

handshake was firm. "Scott and I..." she dimpled, eyebrows
raised. "I thought you were one of the roommates."

"They aren't here right now," said Brian, feeling stupid.

"Uh ... you mean, you and Scott?" He waved a finger back
and forth between Kendra and Scott's bedroom. "Are..."

Kendra shrugged. "He said I could use his shower. I don't

have to be at work until two and he had to leave early."

This didn't even come close to answering Brian's question,

but he gave up. Went to water the plants. And when he came
back, a dressed Kendra was in the living room holding herself
upright with a hand on a table, while pulling a pair of
impossibly high, strappy sandals onto the tiniest feet Brian
had seen in some time.

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"I made you uncomfortable," she said. "I'm sorry."
"Huh?" Brian wondered how a person could have feet that

small and remain standing. "No. I was just surprised."

"Scott said you guys are gay," said Kendra easily. "But you

don't hate girls or anything, right?"

"Some of my best friends are girls," said Brian. But I don't

expect my fuck buddy to sleep with them.

* * * *

Scott was in his bedroom when Brian next came over to

water the plants. He looked up at Brian, standing in the
doorway and grinning in that cheery way of his.

"Hey there, sweetums."
"Um ... I met Kendra." Brian frowned and danced from foot

to foot.

"Yeah? She's a doll, isn't she?" Seemingly unconcerned,

Scott opened a drawer and plunked folded shorts into it.
Opened the one beneath it.

Brian leaned against the doorway and folded his arms. He

had no idea how to ask what he wanted to know.

"Hey. You wanna see my collection?" asked Scott, pulling

open a dresser drawer.

"Collection?" asked Brian, peering into the dresser drawer.

It was filled with dildos.

"Wow." Brian was kind of stunned.
"Gets lonely out there on the road. I usually stick to the

ladies when I'm a stranger in a strange land. But sometimes I

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just need something wide and deep. Always pack a few
friends," chuckled Scott.

Brian absorbed this information a chunk at a time. "You

sleep with women?"

"Sure, baby. I'm bisexual."
Oh. One of the dildos was about a foot long and bright,

shiny red. Brian was drawn to it as to a cherry popsicle on a
hot day.

"Pick it up, sugar," said Scott, his eyes knowing. "Get the

heft of it."

Brian did. Oh. His cock and balls were tingling, his asshole


"You can borrow it," said Scott. "Anytime."
Brian's eyes slid from the shiny dildo to Scott's face. Oh,

didn't he look evil.

"Now, even," said Scott, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.

"I can help."

Brian didn't know if he wanted to hit Scott with the dildo or

just hand it to the man and drop his pants. He chose door
number three. "What about Kendra?"

Scott blinked. "You want Kendra to help?"
Eww. "No," said Brian, as to a slow child. "How would she

feel about ... your offer?"

Scott did the blinky thing again. "Oh! Oh, you think..." he

laughed. "I'm not made for monogamy, sugar. Kendra knows
that." For the first time a hint of something like worry creased
the tanned forehead. "Didn't you?"

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It occurred to Brian that he was being judgmental on some

level. "Sure," he said. "It's not a big deal. I was just
surprised. When I saw, you know, a girl here."

Now Scott looked seriously concerned. His whole

demeanor subdued, arms crossed, usually happy face
somber. "Lot of fellas don't like bisexual men, Bri. You one of

"Of course not," Brian said automatically. He looked at the

dildo in his hand. At the muscular little teddy bear standing
before him, arms crossed, well filled boxers bulging. He
thought of the diminutive woman he had seen in the kitchen
the other day and set the dildo down on the dresser, feeling

"You sure?" Scott seemed to be growing smaller as he

stood there. All of the bounce going out of him.

Well, considering what Brian had been doing for the past

several months in this bungalow, this was ridiculous. "Sure,"
he said. He picked up the dildo again and pointed it at Scott
like a light saber. "En garde," he said.

"Mmmmroarrr," said Scott. And he pounced.

* * * *

"Hey. Hey, lie still now..." Scott knelt on the floor in front

of Brian, who lay on his back on the bed. About a yard of
cherry red dildo up his ass

"Shit, Scott," Brian groaned and panted.
"Yeah. I know. It's not the same, is it?"
Brian moaned.

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"It's stiffer," said Scott. "Mmm, and it, uh, never gives up."

He pulled the thing slowly out and pushed in again. Brian
whimpered. "You got enough lube?" asked Scott. He pumped
the thing again.

"Oooohhhh," said Brian, arching, cock leaking across his


Still sliding the dildo in and out, Scott leaned forward so he

could get his mouth around Brian's cock. He gave it a little
lick and laughed when Brian gasped.

Then Scott sucked him down. Brian didn't even have the

breath to scream. He just closed his eyes and came so hard
he thought his balls would be gone when he was able to raise
his head again and look down there. In just a minute. After
he'd had a nap.

"Hey, you in there?" Brian's heavy eyelids opened enough

to see a honey bear grinning down at him.

"I'll take care of you in a minute," he promised. "Need to

catch my breath."

"Don't worry about it, hon. Got loverboy here." Scott held

up a big, flesh colored dildo; there was a buzzing sound
coming from it and the thing vibrated. Scott rolled over, on
top of Brian, his long cock nestled against Brian's belly. Brian
felt the vibrating dildo placed in his hand.

"Just help me out, sugar," said Scott.
"Aw, fuck," moaned Brian, feeling his balls and cock trying

to awaken.

Scott chuckled and wriggled, that big cock just poking into

Brian's tummy. "Needing here, babe."

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"Okay." Brian gingerly felt for Scott's pucker with the blunt

end of the dildo. He knew he'd found it when Scott screwed
up his eyes and hissed.

"Yeah. Right there. Aw, shit..."
Carefully and slowly, Brian inserted the thing, while Scott

humped and mumbled swear words against his chest. By the
time Scott'd come, Brian's arm was numb and his hand was
tingly, but the kisses and happy humming against his neck
made it all worth it.

"You need to go anywhere, darlin'?" asked Scott, yawning.
Brian drew the covers up over them. "Nope."
"Good." And Scott just lowered his head and fell asleep,

right there on Brian's chest.

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Chapter Four
It must have been one of those coincidences. The kind

engineered by the gods who punished Twinkie over-
indulgence. Brian imagined it. Jim still searching for his keys,
buried at the bottom of his knapsack. Paul's Harley roaring
into the driveway.

"Well, hello, stranger!" Paul unstrapping his helmet and

coming across the lawn with those long strides.

Jim grinned, big as the moon, and they exchanged mutual

claps on the back and nodding appraisals of each other's
general health and well-being.

"Looking good."
"Thanks. Feeling good," said Jim.
"Yeah? Me, too. Glad to be home."
Jim shook his head, smiling. "You know, funny thing, so

am I. You're early aren't you?"

"Yeah, maybe I did wrap it up a little quicker than usual.

Had something to come back to this time."

"Yeah?" Jim fit the key in the lock and held the door open

as Paul strode in. "What would that be?"

Paul stood in the living room, head cocked to one side,

staring at a jacket and backpack where they lay on the sofa.
"Somebody I met," he said, looking puzzled.

He strolled over and picked up the backpack, as Jim went

to the kitchen to deposit a couple of things. "Who was sitting
on my couch," said Paul, as Jim came back. "We have

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"It seems so," said Jim, scratching his head. "One who

particularly likes sweets. There's an empty box of Oreos and a
carton of fudge ripple melting all over the counter in there."

Paul frowned thoughtfully.
Jim went into his bedroom and came out again. "Well, the

plants have been watered."

Paul's eyebrow raised. "You actually found someone to do

that?" He still held the backpack aloft, his head swiveling,
gaze sweeping the house as if searching for something.

"Yeah. I met someone, too," said Jim. He seemed to see

the item hanging from Paul's fist for the first time. "Who has
a backpack that looks a lot like that one."

Paul's eye narrowed. He hefted the backpack. "Not that

usual an item."

"The Nine Inch Nails buttons are pretty memorable."
"Yes," said Paul, turning the backpack around. "And the

hole in the back..."

"Patched with electrical tape," said Jim.
They looked at each other.

* * * *

"Not in here," said Paul, from his bedroom door.
Jim came wandering back from his own room. "He's not in

my bed."

There was a thump and a sigh and they both saw Scott's

open bedroom door.

"You don't think?"
"I have no idea."
Jim and Paul walked into Scott's room.

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* * * *

"So, I'm sensing that introductions aren't necessary?" said

Paul, his voice all steely, his eyes cool.

"Well, Goldilocks and I have met," said Scott, eyes merry.

He slid those thick thighs off the mattress and stood to put on
his boxers. Three sets of eyes slid over to check out what was
dangling there and then slid back.

"Goldilocks?" chuckled Jim. "That's good."
Paul was still giving Brian a speculative look. Not angry or

anything, just ... deep. It made Brian suddenly feel really

"I'll go home now," he said. He felt like crying, for Christ's


"Have you had dinner?" asked Jim. Voice all simple and


Brian shook his sorry head.
"No man leaves my house hungry," said his Momma Bear.

"Well, roomies, lets see what Goldilocks has left us to eat."

So that's how he found himself sitting at the kitchen table

with his Daddy, his Momma Bear, and Scott, fork making
patterns in the food that he couldn't bring himself to swallow.

They were all so fucking calm. It made the hair stand up at

the nape of his neck. And every time he looked at Daddy, he
could feel those prickly tears starting up in his eyes again and
what the hell was that about?

"I said, would you pass the bread, please, Brian?"
Brian started and saw Jim's kindly eyes looking at him. He

handed the plate of bread over wordlessly.

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"Thank you. Paul," said Jim. "I think Brian feels a little


"Maybe we should talk about it," said Paul, handing peas

around the table.

Brian tried to sink lower in his chair. If he didn't actually

like Paul, care about him even, he wouldn't mind much. But...

"I'm sorry," he said.
"What are you sorry for, Brian," asked Jim. "I really

enjoyed our time together."

Well, that had a sound of finality in it, thought Brian,

sadly. "I should have told you."

"Should you have? When did you know?"
"When we came to the house."
Jim looked at Paul. "Brian and I met in Hollywood."
"Ah," said Paul wisely. "The famous roving van."
"Well, I knew when I met Scott," said Brian.
"Well, that was sorta my doing, baby. I didn't give you

much chance to say no, did I?"

"I could have."
"Why should you?" asked Jim. "None of us have any hold

on you."

Brian snuck a little look at Paul. "Noooo..."
"Seems like the question now is, what do we do next?"

said Scott.

Those damned tears filled Brian's eyes again. It occurred

to him that he might never be with Paul again and for some
reason that really bothered him.

"Brian," said Jim gently. "What do you want to do?"

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Brian looked up into his Momma Bear's eyes and suddenly

all he wanted to do was crawl into those big, warm arms and
hide his face against Momma's chest. He'd smell of Old Spice,
Brian remembered, and a little marijuana.

He looked sideways again at Paul, whose hand lay open on

the table next to his plate. Big callused fingers, that little vine
tattoo curling around his wrist, disappearing under that thick
studded leather bracelet. Brian's eyes slid up Daddy's arm
and made it to his face. Those blue eyes weren't showing
anything. They were like closed doors.

"I don't know," he whispered. "What do you want?"
And of course the question was directed at the whole

group, but he was really asking Paul.

His big old bear read him for a minute and then looked


"Well, I'll tell you what I think," growled Scott, all soft and

sweet, that little twang singing in his voice. "I think Paul and
Brian need to talk in private."

Brian glanced, quickly, at Jim and saw nothing there but

caring. He swallowed and nodded at Jim.

"Yeah," he said. "D..D..Daddy?"
The chair scraped loud as Paul stood. "Let's go to my

bedroom, Brian."

Brian followed him, head hanging, wishing it was like it

had been before.

"I didn't know," said Brian, the minute the door was

closed. "Until now. And ... and ... Daddy, I'm sorry."

Paul turned that big, bald head and frowned. "What didn't

you know?"

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"I missed you," said Brian. "I didn't know this would ... I

dunno, make it wrong between us."

Paul looked puzzled. "Has it made it wrong, Brian?"
"I don't know. Hasn't it?" Brian bit his lip and asked

hopefully. "Can I fix it? I mean ... If ... Paul, if you want me
to wait for you, I will. I ... didn't know I..."

But Daddy was shaking his head, his whole body moving

with it. "That's not right, honey. I can't ask that of you."

"But ... but ... you're mys..." said Brian, getting close

enough to him to just grab that big hand and hold on so tight
Paul couldn't get away. "Daddy, I love you."

Paul looked down at him, eyes bright. "Oh."
And he lifted Brian right up off the floor and planted a big

wet slobbery kiss all over him.

When he set Brain down again, his face was calm and

warm, those eyes intimate.

"Take a shower, Brian."
Oh thank God. "Yes, sir," said Brian. And he ran off to do

so, just so grateful that things were going to be alright.

* * * *

Brian took his time getting ready. He'd gotten a little

clumsy with the buckles and he hand to re-do them a few
times before they didn't dig into his rib cage. When he got to
the cock-ring he had a real moment of panic. What would
Daddy think of his still-shaved balls?

When he emerged from the bathroom, of course, Daddy

noticed right away. His eyes did that lightening, intense zip
up and down Brian's body.

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"Come here, son."
Brian came over, cock drooping a bit, palms sweaty.

Daddy took the smooth balls in his hand and fondled them.
Brian could not even guess what he was thinking.

"Jim?" asked Daddy.
"Yes sir."
Daddy's thumb rubbed at Brian's cockhead and he

shivered as the blood just flooded it.

"You like it?"
"Yes, sir." He had to be honest. Daddy was checking his

harness now, just making sure all the buckles and things
were lying flat and smooth against his skin. Those big,
callused fingers found his chin and turned it gently so that
Brian was looking into those blue eyes.

"But you still feel guilty, don't you Brian?"
He did. He didn't even know why. But it still felt unsettled

in his belly. And the calm that he usually felt in this room was
tilted just a little off kilter. Brian nodded.

Daddy sighed. "Hun, I don't usually do this, but I think you

need it." He patted his two legs. "Lie down here, Brian. I'm
giving you a spanking."

"W ... w ... what?" squeaked Brian. His cock squeaked,

too, and jumped to attention.

"It's for your own good, honey." Daddy drew Brian down

into his lap, lying Brian over him, cock pressing into Daddy's
thighs and Brian's legs and arms and everything seeming so
ridiculously long hanging off the sides all over the place.

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Daddy's hand rubbed firmly in big circles around Brian's

ass. Brian was feeling pretty stupid when the first blow came

Ow. Hey that wasn't just some kinky little love slap there.

That was a real wallop. Slap. Another blow came down on
Brian's ass and he yelped and jumped.

One of Daddy's hands held him in place and the other

started raining down blows faster and faster. Brian's yelps
turned to cries of pain and finally great wracking sobs until he
was clinging to Daddy's calves, tears running down his cheeks
and Daddy was rubbing his burning ass, crooning soft words.

Weird thing was Brian's cock was hard as marble there

against Daddy's thigh.

"Good boy, that's a good boy. Daddy's gonna make it all

better," Daddy was saying, rubbing his sore ass. And his
finger, with something cool on it, rubbed Brian's hole.

He didn't even tell Brian what was next, just plunged that

big finger into his hole and started pressing against Brian's
prostate again and again.

"Let it go, honey."
Brian did. Still sobbing now and then, he rode Daddy's

finger, humping that thigh until the orgasm pushed
everything out of his body and he was lying limp across
Daddy's lap.

Then he was gathered up and washed gently with a warm

cloth. Kisses on his face and big, gentle hands tucking him
under the coverlet. The harness came off with a jingle and the
slide and whisper of leather and by then Brian was fast

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* * * *

"Good morning."
Brian came around the corner into the kitchen at a trot and

skidded to a stop, staring.

Momma Bear was leaning against the counter in his

skivvies, drinking from a big ceramic mug.

Brian felt his entire body flush. "H ... h ... hi." He couldn't

move. Didn't know where to put his eyes. Jim just stood
there. Big and fuzzy and comfy with those gentle eyes just
resting on him.

It occurred to Brian only then that the entire house had

probably heard what happened between him and Paul the
night before. His body grew impossibly warmer. Brian figured
he was probably blushing right to the ends of his hair. He
couldn't think of a thing to say.

But Momma was always all about easy. "You hungry?" he

said. "I made pancakes."

They all sat at the table together, eating breakfast, Brian

sitting on a pillow that Momma had placed on the chair
without comment. Scott came rolling in clad only in a towel,
every golden hair on his body damp, pulled up a chair and set
into a stack of pancakes without giving Brian more than a
friendly good morning grunt.

It was all kind of normal.
"How was your trip, Paul," asked Momma, passing the


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"Good. Those new Sportsters are really moving." Paul

stirred his coffee. "Eat your eggs, Brian. You can't load up on

Not a man at the table blinked.
"You know, I was thinkin' of getting' a little street model to

take with me," said Scott. "The northern route is real pretty in
the fall. I wouldn't mind taking a side trip or two if I had

"I'll get you a great discount," said Paul.
"I'd appreciate it, buddy."
"So," Paul said,"Jim, where'd you end up this time?" He

picked up the last piece of bacon and stuck it onto Brian's

"Brian, would you pass that pitcher of oj over here?" said

Jim. "Well, I think I was in Canada," he chuckled.

Brian ate his breakfast and took his dishes to the sink,

where Jim took them out of his hands, plunging them in the
soapy water, saying a soft 'Thank you" and not much else.

Brian padded back into the bedroom. Showered. Dressed.

Paul came in and nodded at him.

"You working today?"
"Yeah. I have to go." Brian moved from foot to foot. "So..."

He had a fluttering in his belly. Paul was across the room in a
heartbeat, holding all of Brian against that big chest and just
sticking his big maple syrup tasting tongue down Brian's

"See you tonight," he declared. And there was no question

in those steady eyes.

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"Yeah." That fluttering scared feeling just evaporated.

Brian grinned. "I'll see you tonight."

* * * *

Brian came straight up to the bungalow after his shift was

over and stood at the door looking at the little key Jim had
given him. He thought he should give it back. And then he
thought maybe he should keep it.

He went to unlock the door, but it was already open so he

just stepped inside. "Hello?"

Someone had cleaned the living room, the wood floors


"In here!" came Jim's voice from the kitchen.
Jim stood in the middle of a sparkling kitchen, wiping his

hands on a big towel with the satisfaction of someone whose
house was in order.

"Hi there, Brian," said Jim, his smile all happy, his eyes

lighting up.

"Hi." Brian leaned against the doorjamb and wrapped his

arms around himself. What he really wanted was to walk
across those few feet and put himself inside a big Momma
Bear hug, but that was off limits now, wasn't it? He'd almost
lost what he had and he wasn't gonna fuck up again.

"Hey, I didn't thank you for taking care of my plants," said

Jim, folding the towel and setting it on the counter.

"No problem, man."

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"You've earned a few buds. C'mon, lemme get you

something." And Jim waved Brian to follow him, padding off
toward his bedroom.

It made Brian feel weirder than hell, standing there in that

dark little room, with the fiber-optic glow lamps in the corners
and that big brown velvet covered water bed just there. Jim
fussed away at a desk and came back with a thick baggie full
of weed. He placed it in Brian's hands and when Brian looked
up at him there was nothing but warmth and affection in
those dark brown eyes.

"Enjoy," said Jim. They stood there looking at each other.
"I'm ... I'm waiting for Paul," Brian blurted.
Jim nodded. "Okay."
"I'm sorry, Momma, really I am..."
"Don't be." And Jim's hand was soft on Brian's face, just

sort of drawing a line down his jaw with one gentle finger. His
eyes glowed. "I just want to see you happy, baby. Don't be

"Momma..." and Brian was in Jim's arms, head pressed to

his throat.

Jim rocked him for a minute and Brian could feel that his

Momma Bear was hard for him. But then Jim put him gently
back, big hands giving Brian's shoulders a quick squeeze.

"I was going to watch the"Magic Chef"," he said. "Would

you like to join me?"

* * * *

They were sitting on the big leather sofa together, a

decent couple of feet between them, feet up, bag of buttered

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popcorn spilling onto the coffee table, when Paul came
through the door.

He had on his suit jacket and the crisp, white workshirt.

His shoulders filled every inch of the starched cotton. He
began peeling it all away as he came through the door,
turning before Brian's very eyes into his Daddy. Those tats
emerged from beneath the white like visions.

Paul turned to hang up his jacket and the anaconda that

encircled his waist and crawled up his spine turned with him.

When he turned back, his eyes were bright and he reached

an arm out for Brian who ran into that embrace eagerly. Brian
tilted his head up for the kiss, just dissolving into it when he
suddenly remembered Jim sitting on the sofa behind him.

His Daddy felt it right away, of course. He held Brain,

looking deeply into those eyes. Then released him with a

"Go take a shower Brian."
"Yes, sir." Brian padded out of the room. Behind him he

heard Paul saying. "Jim, we have to talk."

* * * *

Brian was clean and sitting on the bed, ready, when Paul

came into the room. He went to the closet and brought out
the big blue robe for Brian to put on. "Come on out to the
living room," he said.

Jim was sitting there and Paul waved Brian to sit and sat

down himself. There was a little pause. It felt like a business

"I don't believe much in tradition," said Paul.

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"Me neither," said Jim.
"Jim and I feel that you shouldn't have to choose between

us if it's not what's right for you, Brian."

Brian's mouth fell open.
"Close your mouth, hun," said Paul gently.
Brian's mouth snapped shut.
"So I told Jim here that I'm willing to open the parameters

of our relationship, as long as we establish certain rules."

"And I said I needed to know how you felt," added Jim.
"So how do you feel about it, Brian?" asked Paul. And then

they both sat and looked at him.

Brian squeaked. "Wha wha ... What are you talking


"I'm inviting Jim into this relationship," said Paul in his

reasonable voice. "If you want."

Brian looked at Jim. And, oh God, his Momma Bear was

giving him a gentle happy smile. Then he looked at Paul
again, and his Daddy's eyes were gleaming. Brian nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good."

Then they all shook on it. Weird.
"Now, Jim, I'm not sure I can get used to that waterbed,"

said Paul after they'd shaken. He put a hand on Brian's ass
and just sort of fondled it as he spoke.

"Yeah, it's like surfin'. Takes some getting used to. That

futon is mighty hard though."

"Scott's bed is perfect," piped up Brian. Only realizing after

he said it, from whence his knowledge derived and how that
might sound. But Momma Bear and Daddy just laughed.

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"Think Scott might object," said Jim easily. "Well, the futon

it is, then. Um ... Paul, do you mind if..." and his eyes sort of
caressed Brian all over.

Paul took his hand away from Brian's ass and Jim

enveloped him in an all over body grope, his mouth on Brian's
kind of desperate, and Brian knew that Jim had been aching
inside all through this.

When they parted, he looked up into Jim's happy face and

couldn't help the big grin that spread across his own.

Then he took both his fellas by the hands and led them to

the bedroom.

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Chapter Five
Feeling a little like a girl appearing at the top of the stairs

in her first prom dress, Brian dropped his robe.

"Mmmm," said Jim when he saw the harness. He was

across the room in an instant, those big, sensitive fingers
travelling all over the supple leather. "Nice."

Now Paul was touching him, too, adjusting the straps the

way a cowboy did his pony's saddle, those fingers knowing
and sure.

Four hands on him at the same time and Brian just

quivered all over. Paul's hand cupped Brian's balls. "I like the
shaving, Jim," he said appreciatively.

"Yes, makes him really sensitive." Jim's beard tickled the

backs of Brian's shoulders as he moved in closer behind
Brian, big hand next to Paul's, stroking Brian's cock slow and
gentle. "You ever think of piercing him?"

Paul's laugh rumbled. "Funny you should mention that."
He went to one of his suitcases, leaving Brian enfolded in

Jim's arms, and brought out a little package. Jim started
licking a pattern up Brian's neck to behind his ear and Paul
held one of the objects out against Brian's nipple. It was a
tiny, golden ring.

"I thought this might go here," said Paul. "Or here," and

the cool metal touched Brian's cock. He whimpered and Jim
fingers came up and tweaked a nipple very gently, warm
breath against his cheek. "What do you think, Brian?"

Brian looked up at Paul. His physical presence was like a

shield that Brian could stand beneath and lay himself open.

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Momma was behind him warm and loving and just full of
acceptance. "I'll let you decide," he said to them both. "I trust

"Good boy." Daddy's hand was on his cheek and then

Daddy's mouth covered his. Somebody's hand covered Brian's
ass, while somebody's finger tweaked his nipples and two
hard cocks pushed up against him.

He moaned.
"I think Brian here's going have trouble standing in a

minute," said Jim. Daddy led Brian to the bed while Momma
Bear stripped.

Paul sat back and drew Brian between spread legs, big

cock pushing right up against him where he lay. "Nice, Jim."

"Thanks." Momma came over, big fat cock just bouncing

along there in front of him.

Daddy's hands stroked him from nipples to balls and back

again, mouth nuzzling, voice deep and rumbly.

"You like that cock, Brian, honey? Does it open you up nice

and wide?"

Brian made a sound he hoped sounded like agreement.
"Yep, I think that'd be real pretty to watch," growled

Daddy at his ear. He rifled in the drawer and tossed the
supplies on the bed, urging Brian to a kneeling posture.

Jim's hands landed on his ass, finding their way to his

balls. Jim rolled them and tugged and Brian spread his legs
automatically, butting his head against Paul's belly as he did

"This warming lube?" asked Jim, across Brian's back.

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Paul's finger drew a line down Brian's neck, kneaded a

shoulder muscle. "Yeah."

A thick thumb at his entrance. Brian whimpered.
"Its okay honey," Paul soothed him, big hands on his

shoulders, back, head. That cock occasionally banged against
Brian's cheek, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Daddy?" whispered Brian as he felt Jim's cock at his

entrance, pressing in.

Paul stroked his head. "I'm here, baby. I want you to suck

me, Brian. Can you do that?"

"I don't know," whispered Brian. Jim was so big, like the

whole world was in Brian's ass big. It was overwhelming. He
didn't know if he could focus on anything else. But then Paul's
cock was just there, and it was like his mouth needed to be
around that, needed it like an anchor. Brian latched on and

He was rewarded by the sound of a moan and Paul's

fingers stuttering across his scalp.

He moaned and whimpered around Daddy's cock, Jim's

cock driving hard over and over against that spot in him.
Daddy's hands were gentle in his hair until the very end when
they pulled a little harshly, cock jumping so that it hit the roof
of Brian's mouth and then drawing out quickly, so the filled
condom wouldn't fall into Brian's mouth.

Jim cursed mildly and jerked once more against Brian's

prostate then held still, quivering, fingers digging into Brian's
hips as the presence inside of Brian throbbed over and over

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He was on his back then, a hand pumping him, a mouth on

his, tongue down his throat, more hands caressing him
everywhere Someone was murmuring soft words. "Lovely, so
good, let me see you honey, let me..." and Brian jerked and
his cock spurted up into the air and warmth splattered over
his chest.

Somebody's tongue lapped once and then a voice said

regretfully, "Damned condoms."

Brian cracked his eyes open. He was cradled in Momma's

arms, Paul stroking his body with one hand.

"Well," said Paul. "We could get tested."
Jim chuckled. "All three of us?"
"It's just a thought." There was something steely and

stubborn in Paul's voice. Brian found that he had to
concentrate really hard to lift his arm from the bed, but he
petted his Daddy's pretty tats and said. "I love you, Daddy."

There was a little silence.
"That's damned sweet," said Jim softly.
"Love you, too, Momma Bear," said Brian. And he yawned.

Then his men rolled him up somehow and made a little nest
between them and Brian just curled up and went to sleep.

* * * *

"Hey! Hi there!" Scott came bouncing into the room like

the ball of muscle that he was. He looked around. "Where's
your keepers, baby?"

"My keepers?" Brian looked up from the Financial Aid form

he was trying to fill out on the coffee table. His men thought

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he was wasting his brains at a cash register and wanted him
to go to college. "Is that what they seem like?"

Scott bounded over and plopped down on the couch. "No,

not really." He wound the towel he'd been drying his hair with
around one fist and popped Brian in the shoulder with it. "Just
teasin' you." He watched Brian filling out the forms for a
while. "Seriously," he said. "What's it like?"

Brian's pen paused. "I'm not sure," he said.
"You havin' fun, sweetie?"
"Oh yeah."
Scott laughed. "I'm sure. So." And he fanned himself. "You

want to give me the low down?"

"Low down?"
"Sure, girlfriend." And Scott popped Brian again. "The

sounds comin' out of that room are hot. So, quit teasin'. Tell
me what it's like."

Brian shook his head. "You're bad."
"Mmmhmm. Not as bad as you, I'll bet. C'mon, give me

somethin' to warm the cold nights, baby. What's that Jim

"Jim's sweet."
"Sweet? You are screaming like that from sweet?
"Yeah, well..." Brian chuckled. "His cock is something,


"Not long like yours, big. Thick." Brian could feel the blush

climbing his neck.

"Yum." Scott licked his lips. "I love em thick. I am such a

cock pig, sugar. Cannot get enough."

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"Yeah," said Brian. He grinned. "I remember."
Scott chuckled and reached over to ruffle Brian's hair.

"Never had two at once, though, Goldilocks. Must be

He sounded just a teensy tiny twinge envious. Brian

reflected and realized suddenly that there had been no sign of
Kendra. Or anyone else, for that matter, in the weeks since
Jim and Paul had returned.

"Are you doing okay, Scott?"
"Huh? Sure," He wagged his eyebrows at Brian.

"Sometimes you guys get loud enough I just plug in lover boy
and play along." Those honey colored eyes met Brian's. "I'm
good, Brian. No worries."

"Okay." Brian endured another hair ruffling from Scott.

Man, the guy was touchy feely, wasn't he?

"Want to go out back and toss a ball around?" Scott asked.

* * * *

It wasn't until a few nights later that Brian gave more

thought to what Scott had told him. He and Jim and Paul were
in Jim's room for once. Brian riding Jim slow and sweet, the
waves of the water bed undulating beneath him, Paul lying
next to them, watching, a possessive gleam in his eyes.

Jim's cock always wrung a long, slow orgasm from Brian,

and he moaned and maybe even begged a little bit,
whimpering softly when he finally collapsed across Jim's

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In the wash of post orgasmic silence they could quite

clearly hear the man next door groaning loudly.

Jim chuckled. "You think he's kidding?"
Brian shook his head. "No, he has a collection of dildos in


Jim lay looking up and back as if he could see through the

wall behind him. "Now that's an interesting visual," he said.

"I feel a little guilty," said Brian. "I've got both of you and

all he's got is plastic."

Paul rolled to his feet. "Gentlemen, I think we should

extend an invitation."

* * * *

"So how do we do this?"
It was like one of those jigsaw puzzles, thought Brian. Four

naked men stood around Scott's California King bed and tried
to figure out logistics.

In the end it just sort of happened naturally. Jim dropped

trou and Scott practically tipped back his head and howled.

"Oh, man, I have got to get a taste of that," he said

eagerly, crawling onto the bed and stopping just over Jim's
cock. He looked up, and Brian would swear he saw Scott lick
away saliva. "You mind?"

Jim chuckled and spread his legs. "You kidding?"
And so Scott just set to, humming his appreciation, his

happy little bubble butt just wagging away behind him and
both of Brian's hands grabbed hold of that. He found himself
breathing hard, working the flesh.

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Scott popped off Jim long enough to growl, "Do it, sugar,"

and then Paul was handing Brian a condom and he was sliding
his prick between those tight, round cheeks.

A few minutes later, there was hot breath on his neck,

strong callused fingers on his hips, and a blunt presence he
knew like home at his own entrance.

"Knock knock," whispered Paul at Brian's ear.
Slobbering, moaning, and the slow steady slap of flesh on

flesh for a while. Then demands of harder and there and Jim
started to wail first.

Paul was next, his cock fucking throbbing inside of Brian.

And then Brian was pistoning in and out of Scott, his hand
finding the other man's and helping him to jack off in time to
Brian's moves.

Finally Brian froze in a hailstorm of sensation, and heard

Scott screeching something as they all collapsed in a heap on
the mattress.

After a minute, Scott's elbow dug into Brian and he made a

testy noise.

Brian lifted himself a little. "You okay down there?"
"Got 'bout four hundred pounds of sirloin on top of me,"

said Scott, sounding a little breathless. "Everybody off."

Even with all of them prostrate and spread-eagle, the bed

was big enough. Brian lay there, peaceful, just listening to
everybody breathe. But after a while he sat up, regretfully.
"Well, better get going."

"Going?" Scott's fingers wandered lazily over Brian's thigh.

"Where do you need to go, baby?"

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"Home," said Brian, rolling his eyes. "My apartment, man.

Where I live."

"You have an apartment?" Scott sat up and glared hard at

Jim and Paul in turn. "Why?"

Paul hmmd and studied his nails.
Jim smiled and played with his beard.
"Excuse me, but that is just plain stupid. Brian should

move in here, especially while he's in school. Keep him well
fed and well ... you know."

Brian looked at Paul and Jim. "I don't know."
Paul scratched his chin meditatively. "Where would he


Scott stared. "Are you joking?"
Jim chuckled. "I imagine Brian actually does sleep on


Paul pursed his lips and all of them looked at him

expectantly. It was, after all, his place. And Brian was his.
They knew it.

"I suppose you should move in with me," said Paul finally.

"There's enough room in the closet for your clothes and..."

Brian was a wiggly, happy puppy in his lap. "Thank you

Daddy," he whispered against Paul's lips.

"We'll have rules," said Paul.
"Yes, sir," said Brian.
Paul's eyes went hot. Just like that. Brian kissed him

again, then held his face and said softly, "I'm going to take a
shower now, Daddy? Okay?"

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Paul nodded, wordless, as Brian climbed off his lap and

padded off toward the bathroom.

Jim cleared his throat. "I feel that this is a couple's

moment, Scott. Don't you?"

"Huh?" said Scott. Jim gave him a look full of meaning.

"Oh! Yeah. Um, weren't you going to make some of those
chocolate chip and walnut cookies, man?"

"I could use some help," said Jim, rising smoothly and

padding off to the kitchen. "Bring the bong," he called back.

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Chapter Six
Brian dried his hair, looking in the mirror over the sink and

thinking. Something about his relationship with Paul was
changing. The balance of power shifting ever so slightly.
Living in Paul's house, sharing a room, Brian had to think
about how he wanted that to be.

How did he want this relationship to be?
Paul was standing in the room when he came out of the

shower. He was holding Brian's harness in his hands. Well,
that helped Brian a little with his decision making process.
The harness, and everything it symbolized, should figure into
this relationship.

"Did you clean yourself out, Brian?"
Brian nodded. "Yes, Daddy."
Paul's eyes read him. Paul held out the harness and Brian

stepped into it, the buckles fitting across his chest, Paul's
mouth on his neck and he fastened them.

"Are you a good boy, Brian?" He breathed the words

against Brian's skin.

Brian felt his heart rate increase. "Yes, Daddy."
"Do you want to make your Daddy happy?"
"Yes, sir," whimpered Brian. Boy, did he ever.
"Brian, while we are in this room, I am in charge, do you


"Yes, sir."
Paul's hands were on his arms, stroking. Brian could feel

the man's heat against his back. "If anything makes you

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uncomfortable you will tell me immediately. But otherwise
you will do as I say."

Brian nodded. "Yes, sir," he whispered.
"Kneel," said Paul simply. "And make me wet."
Brian dropped to his knees and reached up to undo Paul's

jeans. His Daddy's pretty cock poked out of the zipper and
Brian immediately set to work coating it with saliva.

"Okay. Good boy," said Paul, after awhile. "Now wait for

me on the bed."

Brian crawled up onto the bed and waited. After a few

minutes, Paul crawled up behind him. His cock pressed into
Brian's hole.

"You won't come," said his Daddy. "Not this time."
Brian whimpered.
Paul fucked him long and hard, long smooth strokes that

ended right up in Brian's throat. Paul's cock sliding across
Brian's prostate sent lightning through his brain, but he
gritted his teeth and tried to think of anything disgusting to
hold off his orgasm.

Paul's strokes increased in tempo, and Brian had to reach

up with one hand and grip his cock, squeezing the cock ring,
to keep from coming. Then Paul shouted and froze against his
backside. After a minute Paul drew out.

Brian's belly was a knot. His balls ached. His whole body

was quivering and all he could think was 'don't come don't
come don't come'

"Lie down on the bed, Brian," said Paul. "Spread your


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Brian did so, his cock slapping against his belly. He still

gripped his cock, legs moving restlessly on the mattress.
"Daddy..." he whined.

Paul reached down and released the ring. Brian cried out

as the urge increased. He looked up at his Daddy, breathing
fast, his whole body aflame.

"Come," said Paul.
Brian stroked his cock once, gazing into Paul's ice blue

eyes and then he was arching and shooting and yelling.

Then he lay there breathing hard.
"That was very good," said Paul. "You showed very good

self control, boy."

Brian blinked. Paul had never called him that before.

"Thank you sir," he said.

"Now lift your legs."
He did and felt a slender dildo being inserted in his ass, a

snap and a tug at the harness.

"Leave that in until I tell you take it out," said Paul. "We'll

have to start out in small doses with it, but I want you to
build up to where you can wear that all day sometimes." He
rolled to his feet, bringing his robe out and sliding his big
arms into the sleeves. "Now go brush your teeth, sweetheart.
And put on your robe. We should go back out and say
goodnight to the others."

"Yes, sir."
It was weird moving around with the dildo inside him.

Brian's orgasm had taken the edge off, but he was tingling
again from the dildo's presence and by the time he'd finished
in the bathroom, he was half hard.

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Paul gave him a pair of boxers and his robe and led him

back out to the living room where Jim and Scott were eating
cookies in front of the tv.

"Hey!" Scott waved a cookie. "You guys done celebrating

already? Thought you'd be gone the rest of the night."

"No cookies tonight," said Paul. He sat on the sofa. "Come

here, Brian."

Brian came dutifully, sat next to him.
They watched the game for some time. Paul occasionally

reached over and fondled Brian beneath his robe. With the
dildo and the attention, Brian was becoming very hard.

When the program ended, Jim stood and stretched. Paul

looked up at him. "Jim, would you like some time with Brian?"

Jim's thick eyebrows rose eloquently. He looked at Paul

and then at Brian. "Always," he said.

"Brian, go tuck Jim into bed," said Paul. "Leave in the


Milk spurted from Scott's nose. He choked and coughed

and stared, but he didn't say anything.

"Yes, sir," said Brian, and stood, with difficulty, followed

Jim into his bedroom.

"Are you okay, Brian," Jim asked, removing his shirt.
Jim turned and looked him over, unbuckled his belt and

unzipped his jeans, his head tipped quizzically as he regarded
Brian. He smiled. "You look happy."

"I am," said Brian. "I feel ... Quiet."

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"Ah.' Jim nodded and took off his jeans, sat on the bed. He

spread his legs and looked at Brian with hot eyes. "I'd like to
see you."

Brian dropped the robe. He felt ... pure almost.
Jim's eyes smoldered. He crawled back and lay on his side,

patting the bed next to him. "Let's sixty-nine, honey. I want
to taste that."

Brian scrambled up on the bed. They lay head to tail and

he felt peaceful almost as his orgasm climbed from his balls,
up his spine and spread through his body. Jim moaned
around his cock and shuddered, his hands gripping Brian just
a little tightly at the end.

"Thanks, honey," he smiled down at Brain.
Brian threaded his fingers through Jim's beard. "Can you

sleep with us tonight?"

"Ask Paul," said Jim.
So Brian padded back out in the living room to ask Paul.

Scott was seated on the floor, watching the news. He didn't
look up when Brian came in, but when Brian asked Paul
permission, he stood, making a disgruntled noise, and headed
for his bedroom.

Jim watched him go.
"Is Scott okay?" asked Brian.
Paul gave Jim a long look, but then he turned to Brian with

a reassuring smile. "Sure, honey. Scott's just tired." He
clapped a hand on Jim's shoulder and kept it there. "Good to
have you back, man."

Then Brian led his men to bed.

* * * *

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There had been Haagen Daaz in the freezer and then

there'd been the chocolate chip cookies with chocolate milk.
Brian was halfway through a box of Ho Hos when Jim came

He bounced over to Jim. Gave him a big snuggly hug,

practically climbing the big man.

"Whoa you little tree squirrel," Jim held him at arm's

length, eyes speculative. "What's wrong with you."

"Chocolate." Brian bounced.
Jim caressed his beard, thoughtfully. "Brian, didn't Paul tell

you to stay away from the sweets?"

"Had a craving." Brian bounced in place, bounced into Jim,

wiggled, bounced away.

"I have to tell him, honey," said Jim regretfully.
Bounce. "What do you mean?" Brian followed Jim from the

door to the kitchen, resembling Tigger, while Brian dialed his
cell phone.

"You disobeyed him, Brian." Jim gave him a sympathetic


Brian's bounce wasn't quite as enthusiastic. "Oh."
By the time Paul came home, Brian was sitting on the

couch in a miserable ball of sugar crash and headache. Jim
sat next to him, helpfully holding an icepack to the back of
Brian's neck. They both looked up when Paul came through
the door.

He hung up his coat, shed his office wear.
"Brian, did I forbid you to eat sugar?"
Brian sulked.

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Paul turned, big arms crossed across his chest. "Brian?"
Paul's eyebrows went straight up. "Yes, what?"
Brian pouted. His head was pounding. His hands were

shaking and swollen and he felt horrible. Paul sighed. "Go to
our room, Brian. I'll be in to talk to you in a bit."

Brian gave him a look, but stood and padded off.
"Take a shower and prepare yourself," called Paul as he

walked away.

Brian whirled about. "Are you kidding? I'm sick."
Paul stared at him in shock. "Go to your room, young


Brian whirled around and stomped off, slamming the

bedroom door as he went.

* * * *

Paul hung up his coat. Jim noted that his hands were


"You'll do the right thing," he said.
Paul looked at him.
Jim gave him an encouraging nod. "He needs you to be

clear about this, Paul."

"I wish I could be sure."
"He ate every bit of sugar he could find. I'm surprised he

didn't throw up from it. Or go into some kind of hypoglycemic
coma. He's testing you, Paul."

Paul nodded. He eyed the closed bedroom door, and with a

definite air of a man girding his loins and preparing for battle,
he walked toward the room.

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* * * *

Brian took his time cleaning himself out. He was so furious

at first he could barely hold the enema. But the warm water
helped and then he bothered to do it right. He shaved himself
and washed his hair and then he stood in the shower letting
the spray beat down on the back of his neck for awhile.

By the time he had the towel wrapped around his hips and

padded into the bedroom, his outrage had settled into a kind
of nervous anticipation.

He'd messed up. He'd been worried for weeks that he

would, and now he'd done it. Paul had looked pretty angry
when he'd sent Brain to the shower. Angry and a little
betrayed, even. Like he hadn't expected this of Brian.

The harness was worn enough so it fit over him like an old

pair of jeans, comfortable and comforting. Brian focused his
mind wholly on the act of buckling himself in. His hands shook
and he realized he was scared. Not of Paul, though. Brian had
to stop and rest, both palms on his knees, and take deep
breaths for a few minutes.

Brian was scared that this wasn't going to work. Him and

Paul. He looked up at the closed bedroom door, licking his lips

The cock and ball ring was something Paul would expect,

but the dildo he fastened to the harness and slid inside
himself would be, he hoped, a pleasant surprise.

He pulled a pillow from the bed. Turned down the lights

and knelt on the pillow. Head bent and hands folded behind

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He was breathing a little hard, he could admit that. They

had been approaching this act by inches. They hadn't said the
words, but Brian knew that this was where they were going.
And he suddenly realized, kneeling there in the dark, the
room so still it seemed to be holding its breath, that he,
Brian, had just told Paul that he wanted to go there wholly.
And now...

What worried Brian the most was that Paul might not want

to take him there.

He kept his head bowed, eyes on the floor, when he heard

the door open.

There was a long silence. The door clicked softly shut.

Paul's step on the floor, until Brian could see his feet there.
Oh, God, he thought. I love his feet.

"Brian," Paul's voice was struggling for authority over the

emotion so obviously there. "Look at me."

Brian raised his eyes. I love his ankles, his knees. Who

wouldn't love those thighs. Oh, God. He looked up. "I love
you," he said.

Paul laid his fingers on Brian's head. Brian could feel his

Daddy's hand shaking. "Do you know what you need, Brian?"

Brian had been ready for this question. He'd thought about

it for a long time. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath,
Then looked up at Paul with clear eyes.

"No," he said. "But you do."
Paul nodded. "Okay," he whispered. "Stand up and kneel

on the bed, Brian."

Brian stood, his knees were a little stiff from kneeling and

waiting for Paul, and his Daddy helped him to stand steadily,

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to walk to the bed, helped him kneel on hands and knees on
the bed. Paul ran his hands over Brian's harness, in that
habitual way of his, and Brian felt the energy in the room go
up about a hundred notches when Paul's fingers found the
butt of the dildo.

"Good boy," whispered Paul. Daddy stroked his crease

gently, and made tingles travel up and down Brian's ass, to
his spine, to his balls. "Good boy. We'll leave this here,

Brian swallowed. Nodded.
Paul crossed the room and opened his closet. There was a

pause while he dug around in the back. Brian knew about the
back of Paul's closet. He'd not poked around in it because he
kind of knew that whatever was back there was something he
wasn't ready to see until Paul showed him.

There was a fluttery, soft, cool sensation on his ass.
"Brian," Paul's voice was in control now. Smooth. "This is a

hand flog. It won't cut you or leave permanent marks, do you

Brian had to moisten his lips and swallow before he could

answer. "Yes," he said.

"You need a safe word, Brian. You'll tell me to stop before

you need me to stop, so you have to give me a word you
wouldn't normally use. One you can say when you can't take
anymore. Do you understand?"

Brian was breathing harder, his heart in his throat. "Yes. I

... I ... do. Um. Magnolia."

"Magnolia," said Paul, his voice cool and professional, his

hand on Brian's ass cheek. "Are you ready, honey?"

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"Yes," whispered Brian.
The flogger slid across Brian's ass. "Yes, what?"
"Yes. Daddy."
And the first blow fell.
It stung. Brian jumped. And yelped.
Another blow. Harder this time. Then another.
Tears started in Brian's eyes. He gasped, sobbed.
Another. Another, across the first, hurt and it stung worse

than the others. Brian cried out again. Paul didn't hesitate
now. One after the other, the hits were a rhythm and then a
continuous stream of bright pain, Brian flying, his mind bright
and free and his voice crying out as if it wasn't even part of

Then he was sobbing, head on his arms, the pain stopping,

Paul's hands on him, the dildo sliding from his ass. He was
empty and bright and then he was filled with Paul. Paul thick
and hot inside of him, punching into him over and over. All he
knew was Paul's cock fucking him, Paul's' big hands holding
his hips, Paul's moans, Paul throbbing inside him, a hot
comforting presence.

Rolled on the bed, his ass carefully kept off the sheets,

Paul carried him like something precious into the bathroom,
slid the harness from his limp body, and lowered him into the
cool tub. Holding him there, Brian floated with Paul's arms
wrapped around him.

Paul's lips on his forehead. "How are you, Brian?"
"Free," said Brian, clinging to Paul. "I feel free."
"Sweetheart." Paul's mouth on his. All that passion there.

"Sleep, honey. I'll hold you."

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"Daddy," whispered Brian. And did.

* * * *

"Jesus." Scott stopped dropping cookie dough onto the

sheet and looked sideways at Jim, his ears bright red. "Are
you sure that's okay?"

Jim blithely kept beating dough. "Haven't you ever known

anyone involved in a dom/sub relationship?

"I'm just a simple boy from Georgia, Jim," said Scott,

shaking his head. "Man lays a hand on another man there and
we call it something else."

"I am absolutely positive that Brian wants what is

happening in there. As a matter of fact, I believe he
instigated it," said Jim calmly.

A particularly loud wailing cry echoed through the house.

Scott paled. "I don't know, Jim."

"Listen." And Jim wrapped a big comforting arm around

Scott. "You talk to him about it, okay? He'll tell you. Brian is
running that relationship, Scott. He really is. Paul is
completely under his control."

"You sure?"
"You've been with us, Scott. You've seen how much Paul

cares for him. How careful he is with him."

Scott poked at the cookie dough with one finger. "Brian's

my friend, Jim."

"I know," said Jim, and he kissed Scott on the top of his

head. "Mine, too."

Scott just turned into his arms. Let himself be held. It was

very quiet in the house.

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"It's stopped," said Scott, his voice muffled against Jim's

chest. Jim ran one hand up and down Scott's back, into his
hair, and then kissed him on the head again. Scott tipped his
head back to look at Jim and Jim kissed his nose. His mouth.
Scott's mouth just opened under his, like a hungry baby
bird's, and Jim folded the shorter man up in his arms and
bent into the kiss.

"Man," breathed Scott, when they separated. "Want you."
"C'mon," hummed Jim.

* * * *

Scott was just orally fixated. He freely admitted it. He'd

quit smoking, but he still liked having things in his mouth.
Especially wide, hard things that stretched his mouth so good.

"Oh, oh, ooooohhhh,"
Jim was enjoying it, too. Scott would have smiled, but his

mouth couldn't stretch that far. Jim had both big arms flung
out on the waterbed, big legs shaking to either side of Scott's
head. His cock pulsed and Scott felt the latex of the condom
swell. Jim whimpered and the condom swelled some more.

Way too full for even his eager mouth, Scott gently let

Jim's cock slip from his lips. He nuzzled those fuzzy balls,
slipping the condom free and giving Jim's cock one long,
longing, lick.

Jim lay there, his chest rising and falling. His hand found

and petted Scott's head. "I'll roll over," he said.

"Nah," said Scott. "Just gimme that big hand there." Jim

cracked an eye open and looked at him sideways.

"You sure?"

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Jim rolled onto his side and gathered Scott against him. He

ran his hands over Scott slowly and finally grasped that big
prick in spit slick fingers. Scott clung to him, legs open,
mouth eager under Jim's while Jim pulled his cock with long
sure strokes, jerking him off slowly and so lovingly that Scott
just curled up and came on a long drawn out moan of

"Thanks, sugar," he breathed, against Jim's chest.
They fell asleep wrapped around each other.

* * * *

Scott noted the pillow Brian sat on at the breakfast table

the next morning, but he chose not to comment.

"Mornin', sugar," he said, popping Brian one in the arm.

"So when you movin' in?"

Brian looked at Paul.
"Brian will need us to help him this weekend," said Paul.

"Are you free?"

"You betcha," said Scott. "You need help packing, Brian?"
Brian shook his head, eyes on his bowl of cereal. Scott

studied him, and looked up quizzically at Jim who was busy at
the counter with toast.

"What's going on?"
Jim calmly spread jelly. "Is Brian allowed to speak, Paul?"
"Not today," said Paul.
"What?" Scott stared around the room at each man. "What

the hell?"

Brian's cheeks were pink. He cast a pleading glance at

Paul, who shook his head gently. "No," he said. "Remember."

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Scott slammed to his feet. Threw his napkin on the table

and stomped out of the kitchen, but not before he saw Brian's
lips compress and his face go redder.

Jim sighed. "I'll take care of it," he said.

* * * *

"I don't want to hear it," said Scott, slamming drawers,

stuffing what looked like socks and underwear into some kind
of duffel.

"Scott, I understand how it looks to you but..."
"I said," Scott jabbed a thumb at Jim. "I don't want to hear

it. How can you ... just stand there while he ... he infantilizes

"That isn't what's happening, Scott."
Scott zipped the duffel bag with a vicious movement then

sat down on his bed. "Fuck."

"I'm going to talk to Paul," said Jim. "He and Brian aren't

the only ones involved in this relationship. Will you wait for
me to talk to him?"

Scott ran both hands over his head. "Christ."
Jim sat down slowly on the bed next to him. One of his

hands landed on Scott's back. Warm and comforting. "I'd
rather you didn't leave."

"I don't want to leave, sweetie. I ... I just..."
"Please," said Jim, softly. Scott looked up at him, frowned.

Put his own arm around Jim's back. Petted the man's chest
and let his hand play at the curling beard.

"You okay?"

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"Of course," Jim's hand found Scott's and fondled the

fingers, raised them to touch his lips. "I just want us all to
find our balance here. Can you let us do that?"

"Yes." Scott's arms came around Jim and held on.

* * * *

"I really hadn't thought of it like that," said Paul. "I'm

sorry, Jim."

"I think you need to talk to Scott," said Jim. "I lived in a

traditional relationship once. I understand."

"Did you?" Paul ran a hand over his bald head. The eyes

he raised to Jim's were just a tad overwhelmed.

"I know what you're going through, man. You need to talk.

Ever. About anything. I'm here."

"Thanks Jim. I ... I've never known anyone like him. I'm so

afraid of messing this up."

"Don't blame you. Brian's special," said Jim, studying his


"You want to tell me what happened to you?"
Jim frowned at his nails for a minute. "No," he said, with a

sigh. "I can't yet. But thanks for asking."

Paul nodded. "We're lucky to have you."
"Mutual," said Jim, gruffly. "But for now, you have to talk

to Scott. He really cares about Brian. And he's worried."


* * * *

"I don't know if I can live here," said Scott. He sat in a big

chair, turned so that it faced his bedroom window. His arms

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crossed across his chest, head turned away from Paul. "Listen
to you beating the shit out of him every night..."

"Scott, it's not like that."
"Yeah. Sure. Of course, he isn't allowed to speak so who

would know."

"Brian has chosen to be completely subordinate for a week

or two. He feels it's important for us to establish that trust..."

"He trusts you? So you hit him?"
Scott cast an angry look at Paul and was startled to see

the man gazing back at him with tears in his eyes.

"I love him," Paul whispered. "So I give him what he


Scott studied him. Then he looked away.
"I want to talk to Brian. Tomorrow. Okay?"
"Of course," said Paul. He stood. "Thank you, Scott."

* * * *

"Hi, Scott."
"Where's your keeper?"
Brian looked up at Scott, his eyes hurt. "He's not..." He

looked away.

"Sorry. Kidding," said Scott, although he wasn't. Not

really. He went to tousle Brian's hair, then thought better of
it, sat down on the couch, subdued and thoughtful. "You
allowed to talk to me?"

Brian scowled.
"Okay. I'm sorry, sweetie. I mean." Scott made an

exasperated noise and scrubbed at his face with both hands.

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"Listen. I was thrilled when you guys pulled me into this
thing. Seriously thrilled. But ... Bri. What's going on?"

"Paul and I..." Brian's lip poked out while he thought about

it. "I've never had anything like this, you know? I didn't know
I needed it. But I do."

"Like, you need to be punished or something? Wouldn't

therapy be better?"

"It's not punishment. It's about relinquishing control."
Scott blinked. "Oh."
"I want this, Scott."
"Why? I mean, he's hurting you, sugar. I'd never let a man

hit me like that."

"He isn't really hurting me, Scott."
"I heard you screaming at him to stop, Brian! I heard.

Christ almighty, honey, was that a whip?"

Brian's cheeks went red. "Yes."
Scott stared at him for a beat and then looked away.


"I'm not injured, Scott. It's pain like tattoos are pain. It

hurts and then it's over. There's a feeling of ... release. I feel
much calmer afterwards. Peaceful."

"There's drugs for that," said Scott, sarcasm coating his


"It isn't a regular part of our relationship, Scott. It's a

symbolic act that makes me feel better. Total submission.
And he did it because I needed it. Because I wanted it. Please
try to understand, Scott. You're ... you're my friend. That
means a lot to me. I haven't got a lot of friends out here and

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... well, you're more than a friend, Scott. It's like you're my

"Kinky," said Scott, not sounding amused.
"Just try to understand."
"I can't watch him hit you."
"I wouldn't want you to," said Brian. "That's something

between Paul and I that we are still feeling out. But if you saw
a scene, maybe you'd understand."

Scott regarded him with narrow eyes. "What do you


"Sometimes Paul and I do a simple submission scene. It ...

helps when I'm feeling anxious or I've had a tiring day. It
helps us both. A couple of times, Jim has been there. Let me
ask Paul to include you in one. Maybe if you see the
dynamics, you'll feel better about the whole thing."

"What if it bothers me too much?"
"Then you can stop," said Brian, shrugging.

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Chapter Seven
Scott sat nervously on the bed, looking at his friend who

kneeled silently on the floor. The harness hadn't really
freaked him out. He'd seen it before. Hell, he lived with a
couple of leather daddies. He'd seen guys walking around in
public in them. At the Faultline, at the Pride parade. Brian's
silence was a little unnerving, though. His stillness even more
so. Scott thought he'd never seen Brian go so long without

Jim sat next to him, big hand kneading his shoulders in a

comforting manner. He ran those thumbs down Scott's spine
so that a little chill accompanied them and drew Scott's shirt
off on the way back up to his head.

"Oh. Okay, alright," Scott said. He turned to Jim, who was

unbuttoning his own shirt. The hairy pectorals and the nipple
ring emerging. There was something so comforting about
Jim's big, hairy chest. And when Scott ran the palms of his
hands over Jim's nipples, something so erotic, Jim's eyes
going hot as he brushed the ring. Scott forgot everything else
for a moment and went up on his knees and kissed the man.

Jim's eyes glowed at him as they separated. It made Scott

shiver a little. Jim's hands on his hips.

"Help me undress, Scott?"
"Yeah. Okay." Nothing wrong with handling that beautiful

cock. Down came the zipper and out it popped. Oh yeah.
Juicy as a piece of rare sirloin. Scott's mouth watered.

"Wait," said Jim, as Scott was about to go down on him.

"We have to wait for Paul."

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As if on cue, the bathroom door opened and Paul emerged.

As if his size and tats weren't intimidating enough, the man
was clad in leather and boots. He didn't even glance at Jim
and Scott, walking straight over to the naked, kneeling Brian,
whose eyes remained cast down. Paul stood over Brian,
silently, drawing a long looping black rope from a hook on his
big studded belt.

Crap. Scott shivered. Jim's hands were there immediately,

warm and soothing over the goosebumps trailing down his
back, and Scott leaned into his touch, felt warm breath near
his ear, the softest touch of lips.

Paul let his hand cup Brian's head, his fingers weaving

themselves amongst the curls. Nothing hurtful, but Scott
could tell that Brian wouldn't be able to move his head now.
Then Paul unlaced his pants and drew out that inked cock.

Scott could see the color rising in Brian's cheeks, see him

breathing harder. His eyes were downcast, but he had to see
that big cock waving just inches from his nose.

"Do you want to suck my cock, boy?" asked Paul, his voice

cold and stern.

"Yes, sir," said Brian, and he wet his lips.
Paul teased Brian for only a second, painting his lips with

the head of his drooling penis. Brian seemed to almost
tremble with anticipation, and then Paul fed his penis into
Brian's eager mouth.

"Make me wet," said Paul.
Boy, thought Scott, you'd think Brian was a starving man

and Paul was filet mignon. Well, okay, Scott could understand
that. It was a pretty cock, Scott had always thought so, sort

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of tipping his head and considering it. He'd sucked it a few
times himself and he licked his lips at the memory. The tats
at its base were really only visible when it was fully erect and
they glistened, the reds and greens much brighter, when
coated in saliva.

Jim's hands were over his abdomen now, fingers pushing

into his belly, skating further down. Thoughtlessly, Scott
twisted to face Jim, sliding to his knees next to the bed, his
mouth finding that thick cock almost instinctively.

Jim made an appreciative noise and leaned back on his

elbows, legs spread. Watching Brian and Paul had made Scott
pretty damn horny. So in no time he was sucking Jim deep,
snorting, his nose pressing into the man's pubes like a pig
hunting for truffles, those big sacks tight against Scott's chin,
a hand against his ear, the fingers clenching and relaxing.

"Stop," said Paul's voice. And Scott did. Damnit.
Jim's hand on his head, Scott looked up and into Jim's

face. He looked pretty damn blown away. Well, that was

"Stand," said Paul, next to them.
Scott and Jim both turned their heads to watch as Paul

helped Brian to stand and walk to the bed. Paul directed Brian
to kneel on the bed, hands behind him, cheek turned on the
pillow, cute little butt high in the air. And then Paul drew out
that lasso like thing and tied Brian's wrists and forearms
together. Right up to the elbows. While he was doing it, every
now and then, Scott saw Paul just let the cords slide across
Brian's hole. Everytime he did it, Brian quivered all over and

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pressed his lips together against whatever sound was trying
to escape from his mouth.

From the angle at which he knelt, Scott could see the cock

ring on Brian, his dick straining and swollen above it. His balls
kept jerking up like they wanted to come and his friend was
covered now with a fine sheen of sweat. Paul finished
restraining Brian and then teased that pretty hole with his
penis a few times.

"What do you say, Brian?" he asked, silkily.
"P ... p ... please, sir," moaned Brian. "P ... please fuck

me, Daddy."

Paul shoved himself in up to the hilt. Brian's head just

arched back, eyes squeezed closed, whole body seeming to
open to the invasion.

Lord. Scott moaned and felt himself pulled up onto the

bed, Jim's mouth covering his. Jim's hand guided Scott's
fingers to wrap around Jim's fat cock, stroking Scott as Scott
stroked him.

And then his mind was filled with just him and Jim,

tongues twisting around each other, hands and cocks
bumping as they stroked. With that larger than life porno
movie slap of flesh two feet away, Paul's breath coming hard
and fast.

Brian cried out against the mattress.
"No," said Paul, still fucking.
Scott heard Brian whimper.
"Gonna come," whispered Jim against Scott's ear, a second

before the big body in his arms tensed and the cock in his
hand bucked and spurted.

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Scott sort of drowned in his own climax and when he found

himself, moments later, he was on his side, held in Jim's big
arms, as they watched Paul's muscular back arch and freeze.
Scott would have sworn the snakes there gaped their venom-
dripping jaws wider and then Paul's entire body relaxed.

Paul backed up, drawing himself out of Brian who still knelt

there, quivering and fighting his whole body.

Scott saw Paul manipulate something on his friend's body,

and the cock ring hit the mattress.

"Come," said Paul, quietly.
And Brian did. Hard. Great spurts hit the mattress, his

whole body shaking.

Paul rapidly untied the rest of Brian's restraints, slipping

the harness from Brian's now pliant body and covering his
face with kisses. Brian wrapped his arms around Paul and
buried his head in Paul's neck.

"You may speak," said Paul.
"Are we out of the scene, Daddy?" Scott heard Brian ask

very softly.

"If you want," said Paul, his hands gentle, his mouth on

Brian, full of love.

"I love you, Paul," said Brian. And they kissed.
A sort of approving rumble in the chest of the man who

held Scott, Jim's hands holding him just a little tighter.

From the cradle of Paul's arms, Brian looked up at his

friends. His eyes were wide and blue, his hair tousled and

"Are you okay, Scott?"
Scott was floating, rocking in Jim's arms. He nodded.

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A huge, brilliant smile lit Brian's face. "You enjoyed that,


"Wouldn't be any use in denying it," said Scott.
Jim's mouth against his neck. Lips on his ear. "Do you

need anything, Scott?"

Scott snuggled a little closer to Jim. "I'm good."
Brian gave Scott a 'what do you think' look.
"Okay," said Scott. "That wasn't so bad."

* * * *

Scott lobbed the football across the yard straight into

Brian's waiting arms. "I'm worried about Jim," he said.

Brian's spiral was a hot little rocket, thought Scott, taking

it in the chest with a 'woof' of expelled air. If he was bigger
and meaner, he could have played professional football.

"What do you mean?" asked Brian worriedly.
"Ah, you know, he seems spacey. Spacier," said Scott.

"Take it back." And he managed a pretty decent long throw
so that Brian had to sprint to the fence to catch it.

Brian jogged up to him, tossing the football underhand and

said,"Did you talk to him?"

"Jim doesn't like to talk about himself, Brian. He talks

about you, or me, or the mailman. But he won't talk about
himself. Haven't you noticed that?"

Brian considered. He had, but he hadn't given it much

thought. It interested him that Scott had. "You like him,

"He's a good guy," Scott turned the football in his hands,

fitting his fingers over the stitching.

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"You guys have been spending a lot of time together?"
Scott shrugged. "Sure. Go out long again, Bri. I like to see

that pretty ass running."

Brian laughed and headed back across the lawn at a dead


* * * *

"Hey, Momma Bear." Jim stopped washing dishes and

clasped the hands that encircled his waist.

"Hi, Brian."
Brian stepped around and snuggled up into his Momma's

warm embrace. "Mmm, you smell like something good."

Jim chuckled. "Made sausage pizza for dinner."
Everything Momma cooked ended up scenting his beard.

Brian buried his nose in it and wiggled the rest of his body
into all of Momma's nooks and crannies.

Jim petted his hair contemplatively. "How are you?"
"Mmmrrr. Good." Brian's raised his face. "You?"
Jim's eyes had that vague look. "Fine."
Brian studied him. "You sure?"
Jim nodded, his lips smiling, but his brows frowning. "Sure

I'm sure."

The next morning he was gone.

* * * *

"Damnit all to heck," Scott threw his shoe at the railing.

"Can't get the damned thing unlaced."

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"Here, let me help you." Brian ran over and saved Scott's

running shoe from falling into the bushes. He sat down and
began plucking at the knotted laces.

"Don't bother," sulked Scott. "Don't feel much like running

today." He lowered his chin to his knees and glowered in the
general vicinity of the front yard. "Why'd he go?"

Brian didn't have to ask Scott about whom he spoke. The

man had been in a foul temper ever since they'd woken and
found Jim off on one of his unexplained trips.

"He just goes," he shrugged. "Paul says Jim's always done


"I know,' said Scott. "I live here, too. What I want to know

is why the hell did he go this time?" He kicked something and
sat back, arms folded and lip in a full pout.

Brian sat looking at him, no idea what to say.
"I have a two week run starting tomorrow," said Scott. "It

would have been ... civil, for a man to leave a forwarding
address. Or a note." He jumped to his feet and trotted into
the house, slamming the door behind him hard enough that
the windows rattled.

* * * *

"I think it hurt Scott's feelings when Jim left," said Brian

that evening when he and Paul lay in bed.

"Really?" Paul stroked Brian's shoulder. "Hmmm."
"Why does he just go like that, Paul?"
"He's never told me, hun. Something's eating at the man,

though. And sometimes he just can't take it and he has to

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"I miss him," said Brian. "I think Scott misses him, too.

And I don't think Scott is used to missing people."

Paul smiled, curling gold hair around his finger. "I think

you might be right, Brian."

* * * *

With Scott off on his run, Brian and Paul had the house to

themselves. The place seemed huge and empty to Brian. He
would find himself wandering into Jim's room, or Scott's, and
standing there just staring and wondering what he'd come in
there for.

But he and Paul were able to stabilize their relationship,

establish rules that had been liquid before, and give Brian
that peace he craved.

"Do you need help studying for your Sociology test?"
"Yes." Brian brought the book back and handed it to Paul

where he sat in the big leather chair. "Will you quiz me?"

He curled up on the floor at Paul's feet, a place he had

gravitated to at some point quite naturally, and waited for
Paul to find the chapter's questions.

Paul looked down at him, eyes glowing with approval.

"Your hair is so much longer."

Brian smiled, warmth in his cheeks. His curls had grown

enough so that they'd become ringlets. Paul allowed him to
wear his hair in a ponytail outside, so that he'd look more
masculine, but indoors Brian wore his hair loose and tousled
around his face. He loved the way it felt, silky soft on his
neck. He loved the way it felt, also, when his Daddy buried

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his hands in it and took his mouth with that long prick. He
licked his lips and swallowed hard at the thought of it.

Paul cleared his throat. "Concentrate, Brian."
Brian flushed again. "Yes, sir."

* * * *

"Good morning."
Brian went right up on his toes and yelped with delight.

"Momma Bear!" He hurtled his entire body at the man who
stood in the middle of the kitchen.

Jim smelled like pine needles and pot. Jim's beard was

trimmed, Brian noticed, snuggling and petting, burying his
face and hands in his Momma Bear as if he could find out
where the man had been just by smell.

Jim chuckled and returned the caresses, giving Brian a big

hug that lifted him off his toes. The embrace led to a kiss and
then Brian was against the wall, Jim urgently grinding against

"Maybe you should take that to the bedroom," said an

amused voice behind them. Paul stood in the doorway, boxers
and wet hair, towel in hand. "Welcome back, Jim."

And then Brian and Jim were on the waterbed, rolling,

Brian's hands seeming to move without conscious thought,
stripping that big body and grasping that thick prick.

Jim moaned and arched back, big sacks tightening already.

From the nightstand, he grabbed a condom packet and ripped
it open.

"Let me." Brian snatched it from him, peeling his shorts off

and jumping on the bed. "You just lie there."

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He slid the condom down over Jim's cock and then, with

little preparation, lowered himself down as well. Jim was so
hard; that fat cock was like a marble post. Jim laid back,
arms and legs spread, and moaned.

Brian had forgotten how wide Jim could spread him, how

good it burned. He panted and rocked, digging in his nails,
and remained there even when Jim shuddered all over like a
fucking earthquake, wailing, and came.

Still seated there, Brian could feel that thick penis still half

hard inside him. He began stroking himself, other hand
painting lazily through the hair on Jim's chest.

"I missed you, Momma," he whispered.
Jim's eyes opened to dark slits. He watched Brian, his

chest still heaving.

"Scott missed you, too," said Brian, and then the urgency

caught him and he started stroking faster. "Momma?" Jim's
hand joined Brian's, took over as Brian writhed and finally
shot across his chest.

Then there was cuddling. Jim went to take a shower and

came back out to the kitchen, where Paul was making them
all breakfast. He walked up and encircled his friend's waist.
"Hey there."

They kissed. Brian put down his spoon and just watched

that. Wow, pretty. "Hey!" he said, and when they turned
toward him he waved his spoon.

"Brian looks well," said Jim, his eyes warm as they

appraised him.

"Mmmm." Paul agreed, happily. "I'm afraid I spoil him."
"No you don't," protested Brian immediately.

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Both men laughed.
"So, where's Scott?" asked Jim casually enough. He

frowned with interest at an invisible spot on the counter and
rubbed it with a towel.

"He had a gig," said Brian. He poured more orange juice

into his glass.

"Ah." That damned spot just wouldn't come out,

apparently. Jim rubbed at it harder.

"He'll be back in a few days, I think," said Paul. Brian

noticed his Daddy's eyes had that deep, deep look they got
when he was thinking. He slapped Jim on the back. "I have
his cell number, if you want to call him?"

"Huh?" Jim's eyes went wide. "Oh, no..." He rubbed at his

neck. "I can wait until he gets back."

Brian and Paul exchanged a look.
Brian chuckled. "I've lost five pounds since you left,

Momma. How about some of those pancakes?"

"Coming right up," said Jim.

* * * *

They were relaxing in the living room. All three on the big

leather couch, Jim and Paul on either side of him, Brian
happily being a Brian sandwich, when the front door rattled
and Scott walked in.

Brian wriggled out of his spot and bounded across the floor

to his friend. "Welcome home," he said, giving Scott a big hug
and then an even bigger kiss.

Scott's eyes twinkled at him. "Missed that, sugar."
"Mmm," agreed Brian happily.

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Scott glanced over Brian's shoulder. "Oh," he said. "You're


"Hello, Scott," said Jim. Jim's voice sounded funny to Brian

and he spun on his heel and watched as Jim stood slowly
from the couch and then watched Scott walk right by Jim.

"Can you help me with my gear, Brian?" called Scott,

swinging his big duffel and heading for his room.

* * * *

"How was your trip, Scott?" Jim loaded the bowl of the

bong carefully.

Scott shrugged, flipping through a magazine. "Same as

usual. Paul, how much does this little baby weigh?" He held a
Harley ad up for Paul to see.

"We should go down to a dealership and take a look

tomorrow," said Paul. "Its always better to try them out in

Scott nodded, musing over the magazine.
"Have you ever ridden, Scott?" asked Jim, passing a lighter

slowly over the bowl as he inhaled.

Scott's glance slid toward Jim and then away. "I drive a

two ton rig, Jim. I'm sure I can handle a little bike." He stood
and dropped the magazine back onto the coffee table,
stretched, fuzzy belly showing at the bottom of his shirt, and
grinned down at Brian.

"What do you say, sugar? Do I get a welcome home


Brian felt Paul's hand stroke his back in a supportive way.

"Sure." They chased each other into Scott's bedroom.

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Paul declined the bong when Jim offered it to him. "You

want to talk about it?" he said.

"Talk about what?" Jim set the bong on the table.
Paul studied him. "Nothing."

* * * *

It hit the fan three days later.
Scott had gone down to the Faultline and had been gone

for several hours when Brian's cell rang with a strange
number on it.

"Brian," the reception was staticky and there was a lot of

noise behind him. "I'm in jail, can somebody up there come
down and..."

"You're in jail!"
Jim snatched the phone away. He barked questions into it,

then slid it shut and tossed it to Brian as he snatched up his
billfold and headed toward the door. "Scott was in a fight.
They are down at the West Hollywood station. C'mon."

* * * *

Brian sat between the two men on the front seat of the

van, feeling just like he had when his parents had a big fight.

Jim's normally relaxed demeanor was stiff and on a low

boil. Scott was miserably surly. His face was cut up and an
ugly green and blue bruise was starting up near one eye.

Nobody spoke.

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When they walked into the living room, Paul was there,

thank God, and Brian skittered toward him automatically,
sliding up underneath that big protective embrace.

"I saw your note, Jim," said Paul. "Thank you."
Jim murmured in a growly way.
"Brian," said Paul. "Remember you said you'd help me sort

through my desk?"

Actually, he had. Brian had decided to major in Business

Economics and he thought he might try some practical
application with Paul's home office. "Okay, Daddy," he said,
unsure, but following Paul anyway.

Paul closed the bedroom door behind them. "It may get a

little loud," he said to Brian.

It did.

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Chapter Eight
"Sit down," Jim indicated the kitchen chair, pulling a first

aid kit out. "You're lucky you don't need stitches."

"It's just a little bump," said Scott. "I do not need you

fussing at me..." Scott batted at Jim's hands as he tried to
clean the wound.

Jim snatched Scott's hand. "Stop it."
Scott glared, but let Jim proceed. Jim leaned over the

other man, dabbing carefully while Scott winced.

"Well, I hope you proved whatever you were trying to

prove. Because next time, I'm going to let you spend the
night in jail."

"I didn't call you," Scott pointed out. "Next time I won't

call you either."

"No, you called Brian. Who had no idea what to do."
"He would have figured it out."
"He would have called Paul or me. And you knew that

when you dialed his number. It was an unfair responsibility to
place on him. And next time, we won't come bail you out."

Scott gritted his teeth, flinching as Jim taped the cut under

his eye. "You can't speak for Paul."

Jim's expression was grim. "He'll listen to me."
"Assumin' you're even around to be saying anything to


Jim paused. "What?"
"I love you barkin' orders about, like you live here or


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Jim took a step back, his hands, holding the tape, lowered.

"Have I done something to offend you, Scott?"

Scott slammed to his feet, knocking the chair into the

table. "Forget it."

"No," said Jim, grabbing his shoulder.
Scott shoved him. "Don't touch me."
Jim shoved him back. "What's eating you?"
"Fuck," Scott said, rather loudly. "Do I have to spell it


"Yes!" Jim's normally soft voice was definitely shouting


"No!" spat Scott in his face.
Jim didn't back off this time. Not one inch."You've been an

asshole all week, what the fuck is..."

"I'm an asshole? Me?" Scott would have shoved Jim again,

but this time Jim grabbed his arms and kept him from doing
so. Scott wrestled one hand free and, somehow, in the
ensuing struggle, clipped Jim on the chin.

A long breathless second. Jim touched his chin, eyes dark

and angry. Scott glared belligerently up at him.

"Fuck you," said Jim quietly and turned away from him. Or

he would have, but Scott grabbed his shoulder and this time,
quite purposely, laid a big fat-knuckle punch right on Jim's

* * * *

Brian jumped a foot when the crash happened, but Paul

rumbled in a calm way. "Relax, they can't break anything

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One of the really great things about his and Paul's

relationship, thought Brian, standing from his chair and going
over to Paul where the man sat on the bed, was that when he
needed something his Daddy Bear was always there to
provide it. Brian crawled into Paul's lap and curled up against
that illustrated chest.

"Jim never gets mad," he said, painting the head of a

snake with one finger.

Paul kissed the top of his head. "He's not mad," he said.

"He's frightened."

Brian mulled this over for a while. "Were you?"
Paul's eyebrows shot up and he looked down at the curly,

golden head nestled against his chest. "A little. But I trusted

Brian wrapped both arms around Paul and rubbed his nose

against those pecs happily. "We're lucky."

Paul returned the embrace, his eyes bright. "Yes. We are."

* * * *

"Are you alright?" Scott bent over Jim where he lay on the

floor, rubbing his lip with the back of his hand. Blood
appeared on the skin there.

"Sure," said Jim, pushing himself to sitting.
Scott knelt beside him, running both hands gently over

Jim's head. "You sure? That was a pretty loud crack just

"That was the floor, not my skull." Jim didn't pull away

from Scott's caresses, or protest them. "You wouldn't have

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gotten the jump on me like that if I hadn't been taking it easy
on you."

"Sure," said Scott, easily. "I know that." He frowned,

fingers testing the solidity of Jim's skull under that curly hair.
"I'm sorry, Jim."

"I'm sorry, too," said Jim. "I'm sorry for leaving without

telling you."

Scott's brows lowered and he looked away. A jerking shrug

of one shoulder. "Whatever. I'm not your boss."

Jim smiled gently and put a hand on Scott's shoulder. "Will

you help me up?"

They helped each other. Big arms holding carefully. The

aid turned into an embrace and then a kiss. Scott pressed up
against Jim, quivering, while the big man's arms kept a tight
hold around him.

"You stubborn son of a bitch," whispered Jim against his

ear. "C'mon, let's finish this properly."

Scott didn't say a word when Jim led him to the bedroom.

* * * *

"Has it stopped?"
Paul smiled. "I think it's just started."
Brian's hands wandered downward and found that his

Daddy's cock was as interested in thinking about Jim and
Scott as Brian's was.

Paul hummed, hands playing over Brian gently. Brian was

in only boxers, his standard clothing in their bedroom, so
Paul's access was immediate. That big, warm hand slid under

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elastic and around Brian's cock just like that. Brian arched
and whimpered and looked up at his Daddy with glazed eyes.

Paul chuckled. "Undress me, boy," he said.
"Yes, Daddy." Brian scrambled to his knees to untie Paul's

shoes, peel off Paul's socks, and unzip Paul's jeans. Brian's
lips followed his fingers as he kissed all the skin that he'd

By the time he was finished, his Daddy's eyes were hot,

skin warm, legs spread, and pretty cock just waiting there.

"Ride me," said Paul. His voice had the note of command

in it, but his eyes were pleading.

So Brian did. Legs gripping either side, he lubed himself

thoroughly. Pushing his fingers in deep and arching as he did
so. Watching Paul watch him, his Daddy's eyes just steaming.
Then lowering himself slowly onto Paul's cock.

Both men made little gasping noises as Brian fully seated

himself, then, Paul's hands helpfully holding his hips, Brian
began to ride.

He couldn't say when he began to stroke his own cock,

long desperate swipes, his voice a wail, but when Paul
reached up and twisted his nipples, hard, Brian came in a
long, shuddering bolt of come across Paul's chest.

He was still reeling with it when his Daddy flipped him on

to his back, Brian's legs flung over his shoulders. Paul just put
his head down and worked it, fucking Brian so good and hard
that the futon squeaked on the floorboards. Brian threw his
head back and went into freefall until Paul cried out and

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They kissed for a while, Paul still buried inside him. Brian

stroked Paul's sides, feeling Paul's heart beat slowing, the
shivers all over his body that Paul always had after climax.

"Hey," said Brian after awhile, stroking that space just

behind Paul's ear. "You okay?"

Paul raised his head and looked at Brian. Oh, and didn't

that cocky, self-satisfied expression suit his Daddy just

"You hungry?" asked Paul.
Brian grinned. "You cooking?"

* * * *

In the kitchen, they found Jim alone making eggs.
He was clothed only in boxers and there were scratches all

over his back. His beard and hair were wild. He looked like
he'd just crawled out of his cave, thought Brian, sidling up to
him. He buried his nose in his Momma Bears arm and inhaled.
Jim smelled like Scott.

"Hi Brian," said Jim. Oh, his eyes were as soft as warm

maple syrup, his voice a happy rumble.

There was a thump from his bedroom. "What the hell is

taking so long?" they heard Scott yelling.

"Be quiet," called Jim, happily. He relinquished Brian,

picked up two plates, and headed back toward his bedroom.
"Or I'll put the gag back on."

As Jim disappeared through the bedroom door, Brian

turned wide eyes on Paul. "Gag?" he squeaked.

Paul laughed. "I have fresh salmon here," he said, bringing

a package out from the refrigerator. "And asparagus." At

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Brian's face he added,"Green doesn't automatically mean
'poison', honey. You'll like it."

"Okay," said Brian, distracted and blinking at the door

through which Jim had exited.

As Paul cooked, Brian hovered about until finally Paul

frowned at him. "Sit down, Brian. What's wrong with you?"

"You aren't going to want to ... gag me, are you?" asked

Brian worriedly.

Paul stared, put down the packet of butter and came to

Brian, held him, kissed him, pushed his hair back from his
face. "Brian have we ever done anything you didn't want to

Brian studied him, brows serious. "No..."
"And we never will. You promised me you'd tell me if

something bothered you, Brian. I am counting on you to do
that. Do you understand?"

Brian nodded, eyes wide and solemn as a choir boy's. "Yes,

sir." A flick of his lashes and the innocence turned just a little

Paul gripped Brian tighter and rumbled a little in his chest.

"You keep looking at me like that, we aren't ever going to

Brian's mouth turned up in a tiny smile, something wicked

in those pretty eyes. "Yes, sir. I'm ... sorry ... Daddy," the
last whispered.

Paul growled and dove down to devour his mouth. When

they broke away, Brian looked ravaged and pink and very
satisfied with himself.

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"Brat," said Paul, giving his bottom a little slap. "Eat your


* * * *

"That's good." Scott watched Jim scoop another bit of egg

up from the plate and eat it himself. "What'd you put in it?"

"Peppers." Jim offered another bite to Scott, who opened

his mouth dutifully and lapped it up. Scott was propped
comfortably on two pillows, his wrists securely tied to the
headboard, a napkin arranged across his naked lap. He
chewed at the eggs contentedly, swallowed.

"Can I have some more of that tomato juice?"
Jim stirred the juice with the celery and held the straw so

Scott could catch it between his lips. "How's your eye?"

"Still stings a little, but not bad."
"We'll have fish tomorrow. The oils and A will help you


"I'm going to untie you so you can sleep, now. But I'd like

you to stay here with me tonight."

Scott nodded, eyes wide. Jim's face went serious. He

captured Scott's head with one big hand and gently brushed
the furze of short hairs at the nape of his neck.

"No more getting yourself beat up."
"I didn't," protested Scott immediately. "You should have

seen the other guy..."

"I thank God I didn't," said Jim honestly. "I don't know

what I might have done to him."

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Scott blinked. One of his unbound hands moved restlessly

on the bed beside him until Jim captured it in his own. "Do I
need to tie you up again?"

Scott shook his head slowly. "No. Not ... at least not now."
"Good." Jim leaned forward and kissed him. With only an

inch between their lips he whispered, "And you're not going to
the Faultline anytime soon."

Scott blinked again. "What? I'm grounded?"
"Something like that." Jim watched him, waiting. He saw

Scott absorb this. Easily, smoothly. Like earth absorbing

"You goin' to stick around and make sure of that?" Scott

asked, softly.

"Do I have to?"
"Yes." Scott lifted his chin, jaw set.
"Okay," said Jim.
Scott sighed. It was a light exhalation of air, but the

release of it traveled all up and down Scott's body. Something
heavy leaving his eyes as it did so. "Okay."

Jim's hand caressed the golden head one more time, his

thumb traced Scott's jaw. Relaxed, Scott's willful mouth
looked soft and kissable. So he kissed it again. Scott gave
under him, mouth opening to receive his tongue, eyes
flickering closed.

His eyes were still closed when Jim pulled away, so Scott

didn't see the tumult of emotion that rode across Jim's face.
And Jim had gotten control of himself by the time Scott
opened his eyes again.

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Jim reached across to the bedside lamp and switched it off.

"Now. Sleep," he said.

Jim helped Scott lie down and tucked him in. The other

man curling on his side, relaxed and asleep in seconds. Then
he gathered up their plates and tiptoed out of the room.

* * * *

Paul was waiting in the living room when Jim came in. He

seemed to be watching some program, but he hit the 'mute'
key as soon as Jim sat down.

"Where's Brian?" asked Jim.
"He's got some new software that does accounts," said

Paul. "He's transferring all my business transactions into it."

Jim chuckled. "He'll make a rich man of you sooner or later

I bet."

"I'd settle for being able to stay down here full time." Paul

frowned at the tv remote and set it carefully on the table.
"I'm counting on you to be here when I go up north next

Jim nodded.
"I've been thinking that maybe its time I bought my own

dealership here in LA. Maybe bring Brian in when he gets his

"Sounds like a good plan. You're thinking long term, that's

... good."

"Have to," said Paul. "That's how it works."
Jim nodded, eyes hooded.
"So." Paul looked his friend over. "I thought you might

want to talk about it now."

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Jim nodded again, studying his folded hands. "Yeah, its

time to talk about it."

"His name was Robert. He was ... maybe a year or two

older than Brian when I met him." Jim's brows creased in a
little pain. "He was sweet. Kind. Creative. Just ... a little too
sensitive sometimes. And ... there were the drugs."

"He was addicted. We'd been living together for a few

months before I even realized that there was a problem. So
many guys were snorting coke in those days, you know? It
seemed recreational. I didn't see it at first and then when I
did I went the whole route. Blaming myself, blaming his
dealers. Blaming him. Threats. Everything. I did everything

"What's the right thing in those situations?" said Paul.

"Nobody ever knows."

"I wanted to help him myself. I tired controlling him." A

bitter laugh. "When I saw that that wasn't working, I called
one of those twelve step programs." Jim laid a big hand over
his eyes. "He was so angry with me..."

"He had to know why you did it?"
Jim's head shook slowly side to side. "No. No, it wasn't

about the relationship at all. I couldn't see that. I was such an
ass, I thought he was still testing me. Of course it was so
much more than that ... So ... he ... he OD'd."

"God, I'm sorry Jim."
"Wasn't the first time," said Jim, talking faster, like he

could get the words out and it would be over sooner, like
ripping off a Band-Aid. "But it was the last. They never

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brought him around, I heard. I ... I didn't even know. We'd
fought. I'd told him the drugs or me." He laughed. A sad,
angry laugh. "Guess he picked the drugs." Jim put his elbows
on his knees and buried his face in his hands.

Paul waited silently for his friend to regain his composure.
"That was almost a decade ago. Sometimes it seems like it

happened just last week. I don't know if I can feel that again.
Lose someone like that again..."

"But Scott isn't him, Jim."
"Isn't he?"
"No, Scott has a good, strong, survival instinct. Look at

how he made you pay attention when he needed you. And
you aren't the same now, Jim."

"Aren't I?
"Of course not. You know more. And..." Paul grinned. "If

you get it wrong, Brian'll be right there to tell you so."

Something like a smile appeared beneath Jim's beard.

"He's really something."

"Scary little shit."
"He'll be running our lives in a few years."
"If we're lucky." Paul laughed, head back, big, booming

laugh. "Hey, Brian!" he yelled.

Brian came skidding into the living room at a run. "Yes,


Curls all around his head, down to his shoulders now.

Cheeks pink and flushed. His boxers were covered with smiley

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"Jim and you and I and Scott need something special to

celebrate. How would you like to have those cute little nipples

Brian's hands flew to said nipples. He squeaked.
Jim's eyes went hot. "I'll tell Scott."

* * * *

"Next thing you know, he'll be tattooing his name across

Brian's butt," growled Scott, sliding a t-shirt over his head.

"If Brian wants that I'm sure he'll let Paul know."
Scott slid a glance sideways, watched Jim as he buttoned

his shirt. "If you think I'm going to just roll over and let you
do things to me..."

Jim frowned. "Of course not."
"I'm not your dog."
"I never said you were."
"Brian might need somebody bossing him around, but I

sure as hell don't."

Jim chose not to respond to this. He turned away, opening

a dresser drawer. Scott narrowed his eyes at that; turned
back and clenched his jaw.

"Did you hear me, Jim?" he said.
Jim sighed. "Of course I heard you, Scott."
"And you don't have to take that tone with me, either."

Scott's arms folded across his chest. "I'm not an idiot."

Jim closed the drawer and rested his hands for a moment

on the dresser, his face serious and thoughtful.

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"No," he said, after several minutes of silence. "You're not

an idiot. But ... you do want someone to tell you what to

"Fuck that," said Scott.
Jim turned. They eyed each other. "Scott," said Jim. "It

isn't like you to use foul language. Please stop cursing."

"Fuck you, too," said Scott.
Jim's lips compressed, his eyes went dark. "Go back to bed


Scott planted his feet firmly where he stood.
"Fine," said Jim.
A few minutes later, a bound Scott's eyeballs were rolling

to the ceiling as Jim's hands and mouth worked his cock and
balls. His protests and curses had rapidly turned to pleas and
moans and now he only whimpered as his belly tensed, his
balls jerked, and ropy come sprayed Jim's face.

Jim stood, went to the bathroom, and washed his face. He

came out with a warm, wet washcloth and cleansed Scott. He
drew the coverlet up and covered his lover carefully.

"Gotta pee," said Scott.
"You should have thought of that," said Jim, calmly. He

patted Scott's leg. "I'll let you go in a few minutes, hun. I just
want you to think about it, okay?"

"Okay." Scott watched Jim stand and walk toward the

bedroom doorway. "Hey!" he said, as the man was about to

"I love you."

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Jim took a breath, made himself exhale and took another,

blinked his eyes fiercely. "I love you, too, Scott," he

* * * *

"Studio City Tattoo," Brian read the engraved window

backwards. "Hey," he nudged Scott playfully. "Do you want

Scott was peering into the case of piercing jewelry like a

girl looking at solitaire diamonds. He looked up at Brian and
shook his head.

"Nah. Not into pain, my little endorphin bunny."
Jim's big hand rested on Scott's shoulder. It seemed Jim

was always there of late. "It really doesn't hurt that much."

Scott didn't comment. Jim's hand slid up Scott's neck to

cup the close cropped head. Scott's head rolled just a little,
into the caress. His eyes lifted to meet Jim's and some sort of
communication seemed to be happening between them. They
were mostly quiet, thought Brian, except when they fought.
But they rotated around each other like two heavy planets,
creating their own gravity. A little orbit of two. Neither he nor
Paul had been invited in sexually since the Big Fight.

"Its part of the process," said Paul calmly, as he and Brian

were dressing one morning. He sat on the bed, tying his
shoes. "They need to stabilize their power exchange before
they can bring other people in again."

"We didn't have to," said Brian. Okay, he did feel a little

left out.

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Paul waved him over and Brian went, snuggled into his

Daddy's embrace. "There's no one set of rules, Brian. Every
relationship has a different balance."

So Brian left Scott and Jim in their silent communion and

went to find Paul.

* * * *

Paul was at the back of the shop, deep in conversation

with a man wearing the shop's logo on his t-shirt. The guy
was tall, with a black handkerchief tied around his head,
enormous black eyes, and a diamond tooth that flashed when
he smiled. He looked like a pirate, thought Brian a little

The muscles in the guy's heavily inked arms flexed as he

turned and appraised Brian with those gigantic eyes. "That
him?" he said to Paul.

At Paul's murmured assent, the man chuckled and stepped

forward, proffering a long-fingered hand with immaculate

"Roger," he said. He looked Brian up and down. "You ever

been pierced?"

The way he asked it made Brian feel like a sixteen year-old


"No," he said, cheeks warming. He looked to Paul,

instinctively moving toward the safety there. "Roger did a lot
of my work," said Paul, holding out one thick arm and tracing
a complex group of snakes winding around his bicep.

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"Oh!" Brian let his fingers trace the snakes' heads. "I love


Roger grinned. "Thanks." He gestured toward a chair that

looked like something one would see in a dentist's office;
sterilized metal trays and stainless steel equipment and
everything. The association immediately set up cold sweat in
Brian's armpits and a steady thrum of nerves in his belly.
"Have a seat."

Brian glanced at Paul, who nodded calmly. "Okay," and he

stripped off his t-shirt and climbed into the chair.

Roger looked over Brian's chest with a hungry eye. "No


"Not yet," said Paul calmly.
"Mmmm," said Roger, fingers travelling over Brian's pecs

like a sculptor might touch a fine piece of marble. "Any

"Something with dragons," Brian piped up immediately.

Paul's eyebrows went up and he and Roger both regarded
Brian with some surprise.

"Interesting," said Paul.
"They get along with snakes," said Brian.
Paul's hand was on his shoulder, mouth covering his. For a

minute, Brian forgot where he was and just melted into the
utter possession of the kiss. Then Roger cleared his throat
and Paul straightened, but kept the grip on Brian's arm, those
eyes burning into his.

"Okay." Roger applied alcohol to both of Brian's nipples.

They immediately stood straight up, the skin goosepimpling
around them and then down his chest.

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"I have to clamp them," said Roger, about two seconds

before he pinched the right one.

"Eeep!" said Brian, his breath coming faster, and he looked

up at Paul.

The first one was a bright sting that lit a corner of his brain

and left a big ache behind it. Paul's eyes, looking down into
his were hot and intense. Brian could feel himself getting hard
and his legs moved restlessly on the chair, trying to mask the
bulge he figured both men could see.

Roger chuckled. "A natural," he said.
"Yes," said Paul, eyes never leaving Brian's. His voice was


Brian felt the cool metal of the piercing tool on his other

nipple, his whole body tensed with anticipation, flesh
shivering, balls tingling.

"Back room to your left, Paul," said Roger. "Nice and


Like being bit by a snake, thought Brian, at the flash in his

head and the throb of pain and then a wash of something a
little sickening and a lot wonderful.

His head cleared and Paul was helping him from the chair.

"C'mon, honey..."

Roger's voice sounded behind him. "Don't touch the


And they were in a small room that smelled of alcohol and

something head shop-y and Paul's hands were stripping
Brian's jeans from him. Hard cock at his entrance, spit and
whatever coated the condom, and not much else.

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"Lean over." It was a command, but Paul's desperation

made it a plea, and Brian braced his hands on a counter, legs
spread, and moaned as Paul breached his entrance easily.

Big hand around Brian's cock, steady firm strokes. Big cock

up his ass, driving hard and slow, in and out. They both
moaned, the sound of their bodies loud in Brian's ears until
Paul's voice through clenched teeth and his fist urging Brian
on pushed Brian over the edge.

Brian yelled when he came.

* * * *

They stayed in the little room for a few minutes. Paul

leaning against the counter, arms around Brian's belly, while
Brian leaned back.

He was floating, drifting as lazily as those dust motes.

Paul's fingers traveled slowly and lightly over Brian's hip.

"Mmmm," Brian could feel the place where Paul's chest

and his head connected. Every point of contact between
Paul's arms and his torso. They breathed in unison, he
realized. Like they were one animal.

"Maybe a two-headed dragon," said Brian, dreamily. "Like


* * * *

When they came back out of the room, Scott was in the

chair. Shirt off and one gold ring through one nipple. His eyes
were closed and he was breathing hard, gripping Jim's hand.

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Jim cupped Scott's head, letting his fingers sooth Scott's


"Feeling better?" he asked.
Scott opened dazed, golden eyes. "Wow."
Jim smiled.
Scott's gaze wandered and spotted Brian and Paul.
"You son of a bitch," he said to Brian, smile a little dazed

and crooked. "This is all your fault."

Jim helped Scott sit and then stand. Now both men had

small gold rings in their left nipples.

Brian nodded. "You match."
Scott's eyelids lowered. His cheeks went pink. "Yeah, I

wanted ... uh..."

And Jim's arms were around him again, tilting his face up

and kissing him long and hard.

When they separated, Scott's entire golden body had

flushed a deep amber, the hairs standing up all over him.
Dazzled eyes smiled up into Jim's.

"Well," said Roger. He was standing at his tool shelf,

cleaning things. "I might have to give my honey a call and get
out of here early..."

"Sorry, Roger."
"Hey, don't sweat it, snake man. One of the perks of the

job." Roger's smile was pure devil.

They rang up and left. Scott and Brian with bottles of

alcohol and instructions.

"Home?" asked Jim.
"Yes!" chimed three voices.

* * * *

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Brian couldn't have said exactly why, but the living room

had always been a kind of 'sex-free' zone. Groups tended to
go to someone's bedroom when things got hot.

This time no one made it.
"Oh, God. Oh, fuck..." Scott seemed to be working his way

through a dictionary of curse words, but the man was draped
half across the leather couch, jeans still bunched around one
ankle, one hand dug into the cushions, the other dug into
Jim's butt, urging Jim on.

Jim dutifully did his best. Hips pistoning, thick cock

slamming into Scott's bubble butt over and over like a
battering ram.

Brian watched them, feeling his clothing falling away from

him, Paul's hands like some kind of magic wand, just making
him naked, thick fingers at his hole, pushing in something
slick and warm and then Brian's head was a foot away from
Scott's, one ear pressing into the leather, the piercings
carefully kept clear as Paul pushed the coffee table,
screeching, out of the way and gripped Brian's hips in both

"Christ. So good..." yelled Scott, eyes screwing up. And

Paul filled Brian in one shove.

"Jim, baby, oh honey, make me come."
Paul was nailing his prostate over and over, hand stroking

Brian's cock, other hand still holding his hips.

"That's it. Fuck. Oh fuck..." Scott's chin lifted, back arched,

free hand clawing wildly at the seat cushion.

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Jim made a weirdly inhuman sound. Like a bear rooting for

something, breath huffing, a grunt, and he and Scott were a
statue, both quivering all over.

Paul made some kind of noise himself, strokes speeding

up, and Brian felt his Daddy freeze against him.

Then Brian was spun about, butt hitting the wood floor,

and Paul's mouth sucked his cock, hard and fast and before
Brian could think about it, or worry about it, he was coming
into Paul's throat.

Like they'd been hit by lightening, thought Brian dazedly,

gazing around at the bodies strewn over and beside the
leather sofa. He reached out and folded his fingers around
Scott's hand. His friend's head turned, golden eyes happy and

"Hey, there, sugar," said Scott, his voice still hoarse from

the screaming.

* * * *

Later, Brian stood in the bathroom frowning in the mirror

at Paul who stood behind him, wiping the last bit of shaving
cream from behind his ears. "You shouldn't have let me come
in your mouth," said Brian.

Paul's eyes flicked up and met Brian's in the mirror. "I

know it."

Brian's frown deepened.
"Hey," said Paul. He pointed a big thumb at his own chest.

"Human being here. Are you the only one who can make a

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Brian's eyes popped to big, cartoon eyes. "Oh," he said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just..."

Paul sighed,"No. No, I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms

around Brian's torso, burying his face in Brian's curls. "You
tasted so good," he said miserably. "I wish..."

"Me, too," said Brian. "I think about it, Daddy. I wish, too.

But Jim and Scott aren't..."

Paul's brows furrowed. "Maybe that has changed."
"Scott told me," said Brian. "He's not the monogamous


"That was before Jim," said Paul. "I think we should call

another meeting."

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Chapter Nine
It was adorable, really, how much his Daddy was all about

rules and expectations. Paul loved to call a meeting. Brian
and Scott were in the kitchen, crushing tin cans for the
recycling barrel, though. And they settled it all ahead of time.

"You want to keep playing these days?" Brian asked

casually, fitting a can into the squasher.

Well, right, Scott played lots of things. Soccer, tennis ...

"You know what I mean," said Brian.

Scott grinned, a big dimple flashing in one tanned cheek.
"Yeah, I know what you mean, Goldilocks." He set the

contraption on the floor and stomped on it with one foot. It
made a satisfying sound of crunching metal. "Nope. Guess
not," said Scott. The dimple flashed again as the smile turned
to one of chagrin. "Never thought I could get enough, you
know? But..."

"Jim's sweet."
"So are you, sugar," said Scott. "So's that scary top you

drag around behind you."

"If we all get tested, we can go bareback," said Brian. He

worked the squished can out and tossed it into the blue bin.

"Okay," said Scott.
So actually, the meeting in the living room with his big old

Momma and Poppa bears sitting there looking so serious, was
really just a formality. To make their men feel like they had a
say in things. You know?

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They were all shaking hands within a few minutes, Jim

looking a little waylaid and Scott looking happy and pink.

Paul called the clinic and made them all appointments and

then all they had to do was wait.

Brian thought he might pop.
And, even better, the next day Scott pulled Brian back into

his party of two.

Brian wasn't even thinking about it. He'd grown semi-

reconciled to the idea that Scott and Jim were going to be
exclusive for awhile. The fact that they'd agreed to testing, to
the assumption that all four of them needed to be, reassured
him that sooner or later things would be back to normal. Or
whatever this was that passed for normal.

So Brian was just standing in the kitchen, watering one of

the few plants that you couldn't smoke or ingest, when Scott
came tooling in wearing a soccer club uniform and tossing the
ball back and forth between his hands.

"Game was cancelled," he said. "Wanna kick it around with


They ran in a wide circle around each other, kicking the

black and white ball back and forth between them. Brian tried
a fancy little kick and, of course, the ball went too high,
looped sideways, and bounced up onto the garage roof.

They stood side by side, looking up at where it had landed.
"We've got a ladder?" suggested Scott.
"Nu uh," Brian shook his head. "We'll wait for Paul to get

home." He felt Scott's hand on his shoulder, travelling

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downward. Sweaty and hot and five strong fingers squeezed
one ass cheek. His eyes slid sideways to meet Scott's.

"Mmm," Scott gave Brian's ass another squeeze. "Could

handle this for a while instead."

"You sure?" Brian was conscious of himself wiggling his ass

into those fingers.

"Sure I'm sure," said Scott, dragging Brian by the t-shirt,

and whatever else he could get hold of, toward the house.

Brian's cock was hilt deep in Scott's ass when Jim

appeared in the doorway.

"Oh." Brian looked up at his Momma Bear, not knowing

what to expect. But Jim's eyes were warm brown and shining.

"Prettiest thing I've seen in weeks," said Jim, peeling his

shirt off as he crossed the room.

Everybody scooched down so Jim could position himself at

Scott's head, feeding that fat cock slowly between Scott's
eager lips while Brian held Scott's hips and schooled himself
to stillness until his friend adapted.

Jim started making little crooning noises, his fingers

playing over Scott's scalp, breathing through his mouth as he
watched his lover's lips stretched over his cock. He raised
glazed eyes to Brian and managed a sort of loopy grin.

Scott's ass was wiggling and pushing toward Brian, and he

chose to take that as a sign and allowed himself to start
rocking again, slowly in and out, his balls pushing against that
hard butt with every forward movement. The channel around
him clenched hard just as Jim groaned, and Brian's brains
went down that slippery slope and he grabbed Scott's hips
and shoved hard.

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Everybody growled and moaned and a general shudder

seemed to move through their three joined torsos.

Brian was just sliding his hands around Scott's sweat slick

belly to find his cock, when he heard a low growl and felt the
bounce of the mattress under his knees as a weight of some
sort landed there.

A hand on his thigh. A deep chuckle. Paul worked his way

closer to Brian. A mouth on his back, down his spine. Brian
shivered and jerked hard into Scott as Paul's mouth found his
crease and his tongue started a pointed trail downward.

Jim moaned again, lashes flickering as he watched. The

prick between Brian's fingers leaked copiously, thickening and
then pulsing even as his own orgasm began to mount. Jim
made a soft, helpless noise and blushed bright red as his
fingers clenched around Scott's skull.

Brian was panting, still pumping. Feeling Scott's orgasm

around his cock and Paul's tongue at his entrance and then he
was wailing and coming and, almost simultaneously, being
pulled out and flipped over, and then Paul's cock went where
Paul's tongue had been.

He held his lover's head as Paul found release, his own

orgasm still shivering up and down his torso as he felt Paul
stiffen, head buried against Brian's shoulder.

They all lay there breathing. It was funny how he regained

consciousness, thought Brian. Like bits of him woke up. His
head became aware of Scott's hand resting on it. His foot felt
the fur of Jim's calf under his toes. Paul' mouth on his neck,
mumbling endearments.

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"Holy shit," Scott's fervent curse in a hoarse whisper broke

the enchanted silence.

Jim chuckled. Paul worked his way off Brian and sat up,

looking around. "There are clothes all over the floor."

"You see my brains anywhere in there?" asked Scott

plaintively. Jim worked his way down next to Scott and
hugged the man's body against his. They snuggled. Brian
watched with a bemused feeling. His eyes met Paul's and they
shared a smile.

"I'm starving," announced Brian to the room. And that got

them all moving.

* * * *

"I got my grades," said Brian casually as they sat and ate.
Paul looked at him.
Brian produced the much folded envelope from his back

pocket, grinning like an idiot. Kind of ruined the surprise, but,

Looking almost as nervous as if he were opening his own

grades, Paul drew the piece of paper from the envelope,
scanned its contents, looked up at Brian. Man, thought Brian,
what he wouldn't give to have Paul looking at him like that

"Straight A's," Paul announced to the other two men,

holding the envelope aloft and still gazing at Brian like he was
some kind of hero. "And honors in Economics." He positively

Brian pumped his fists over his head. "I rock."

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Scott slapped his back, hooting. And Jim shook his hand.

And this was only the first semester, thought Brian.

Jim poured orange juice into his glass and 'hmmmed' in

that way he had before making some deep pronouncement.
"This living situation seems to be working well for you, Brian.
Judging by your grades."

Brian looked at Paul. At Scott. "Yeah."
"I'm happy," said Jim simply. And he looked at Scott. His

eyes were ... surprised.

"Me, too," said Scott, that same shocked look on his face.
Paul grinned at Brian and leaned back in his chair, arms

crossed across his chest. A terribly satisfied look on his face.
"So ... more of the same?"

"Sounds good to me," said Brian. "Good food, good sex."
"Maybe some discipline?" asked Scott innocently.
Jim chuckled. "The occasional group hug."
"Mmmm," said Brian. "I'd like one of those now."
"Already, Goldilocks?" laughed Scott.
"Goldilocks," Jim repeated with a bemused smile. "How

does that story end?"

Brian grabbed hold of his Momma Bear's beard and gave it

a playful tug. "They ate him all up?"

"Grrrr," said his bears. And proceeded to do so.

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Goldilocks and His Three Bears

by Sean Michael


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