Tamara Hunter
Copyright 2011 by Tamara Hunter
This book may not be reproduced in whole or
in part without written permission from the au-
thor. This book cannot be sold, shared or given
away because this is an infringement of the copy-
right. This book is a work of fiction. Any re-
semblance to persons living or dead is purely co-
incidental. All characters, names, locations and
incidents are from the writer’s imagination.
Thank you to my wonderful husband who
possesses never-ending patience.
Thanks to my wonderful critique partners:
Betty, Carol, Judy, Randy, Terry and Vonda
whose help and belief in me has been invaluable
I truly appreciate you all.
Chapter One
Agent Camille Stevenson braced herself
as the steel stairwell door closed behind her with
fluorescent-lit offices and hallways of the
Galactic Agency and sealing her fate. First day
on the job and her assignment was to locate an
alien. She was accustomed to having a partner
and going solo wasn’t what she expected, but as a
law enforcement officer she was taught to be pre-
pared. She patted the newly-issued laser gun se-
cured in a shoulder holster beneath her navy cot-
ton blazer, needing its reassurance.
Recessed lighting along the concrete wall
yielded enough light to observe her surroundings.
In front of her, loomed a seemingly-endless flight
of stairs leading to the city of demons beneath
downtown Chicago’s bustling streets.
Silence greeted her ears and the fleeting
sensation of being locked in a tomb rushed over
her. She stomped her feet against the floor to
shake off the jitters. She’d chased down suspects,
taking down and handcuffing men larger than
You can do this! Taking a deep breath,
she began the trek. Each footfall against a stair
sounded like a gong, but she didn’t stop.
Camille was determined to make a name
for herself at Galactic. As a CPD officer, her
father’s position as Deputy Chief caused whis-
pers of nepotism and veiled disparaging com-
ments among the boys in blue at her precinct. It
wasn’t the looks, whispers or comments that
drove her crazy, it was the thoughts that weren’t
verbalized, yet Camille heard them loud and
clear. The desire to teach her harassers a lesson,
nearly led her to expose her gifts which would
put her father’s career in jeopardy so she’d opted
to resign.
Five flights later, despite a drop in tem-
perature, a trickle of sweat wormed its way from
the base of her neck down her back. Without
touching a hand to her head, she knew her previ-
ously sleek ponytail was now riddled with frizz.
Thank goodness she opted to wear a cotton tank
beneath the blazer instead of a long-sleeve shirt.
At the base of the stairs, a retractable door
blocked the entrance to the cavernous city known
as Demopolis. Though the area existed for cen-
turies ever since the destruction of the demons’
home planet, federal officials decided only a dec-
ade ago to supply the residents with a few of the
amenities enjoyed by humans. In exchange, the
demons declared their allegiance to the U.S.
She inserted the key card given to her by
Silver, head of the Galactic Agency. She waited
as the door slid open with a whoosh. Camille
stepped through the doorway and heard a splash.
She retrieved the flashlight attached to her belt
then switched it on, angling the circle of light
downwards. The thickness and color of the water
reminded her of car oil. Crap. She would’ve
worn boots instead of her favorite navy leather
loafers had she known about this assignment be-
forehand. She stepped beyond the wetness, onto
the dry stone floor.
The pungent odor of mildew clung to the
back of her throat like a thick film of mucous.
She moved the light upward, revealing craggy
concrete walls. In pockets created by the uneven-
ness of the surface, bulbs the size of a car’s tail
light, burned.
Camille retrieved a map from her pocket.
She studied the hastily-drawn diagram and con-
firmed her destination lay to the east.
Since the alien wasn’t registered with the
U.S. Government as required by standard track-
ing policies, ferreting him out was the only sanc-
tioned manner of locating him. She didn’t know
how citizens of Demopolis looked, but surely an
alien from another planet would stand out among
She returned the map to her pocket as she
headed toward the border gate. Here, the light
was more plentiful so she switched off her flash-
light then hooked it on her belt.
Camille displayed her identification card
for the guard to verify. The Government offered
demons areas to live beneath its cities, but it
couldn’t guarantee the protection of its own cit-
izens if demons mingled topside with humans.
Few knew of the demons’ existence and those
that did guarded the knowledge as if part of some
international secret society. Who knew what type
of mass hysteria would ensue if the truth were
known. Movies and television shows about
paranormal entities were one thing, but knowing
your neighbor was other-worldly was an entirely
different matter.
“Stay in the safety zone and do not ven-
ture beyond Byway 3.” The young guard, sport-
ing a blond crew cut, wore his Army uniform
with the ease of a seasoned soldier.
She frowned. “Byway?”
He grinned. “That’s what we call the
pathways between tunnel sections. Not wide as a
street, but wider than a sidewalk.”
“What’s beyond Byway 3?”
He glanced around then leaned closer as
if sharing a secret. “Some of the demons are cool,
you know? Get along fine with us and vice versa.
But rogue demons have their own idea of what
life in Demopolis should be. And it doesn’t in-
clude music, neon signs and having fun. If you
run into one of them, run the other way.”
His warning sent a chill over her. “How
will I recognize them?’
“Rogues are gray, angry-looking SOBs.
Trust me, you’ll know the difference.”
“Gotcha.” She nodded. “No venturing in-
to bad areas.”
“We’ve had problems with rogues start-
ing bouts of periodic violence too. There’s talk of
an uprising planned for tonight. Seems the
demons lived peacefully on their home planet of
D81, but I guess living close to each other down
here has cramped their style. Rumor is the rogues
want to live among humans.” He shook his head.
“Shit’s not gonna happen on my watch.”
Camille gave him a brief smile. “I’ll see
what I can do to make certain our blissfully-un-
aware society remains in the dark.”
“Appreciate that, ma’am. Be careful.”
Heading east, she sauntered beyond the
gate into the safety zone. Colorful signs, a small
number of which were lit by flashing neon lights,
advertised everything from scale cleaners and
buffers to restaurants.
Turning off the flashlight, Camille came
to a stop. She knew staring was impolite, but was
unable to pull her gaze away from the sheer num-
ber of demons milling around. She didn’t know
what she expected, but it certainly wasn’t demons
carrying books and wearing contemporary cloth-
ing like their young human counterparts. Several
even maneuvered scooters through the crowd.
A group of six teens strolled towards her.
Two horns sprouted from each of their heads and
their skin was awash with swirls of brilliant red
and black as if they’d walked beneath showers of
paint. Silver had mentioned adult demons pos-
sessed four horns so the approaching assembly
had not reached maturity yet. The five males
wore jeans, their chests covered by what ap-
peared to be a breastplate of scales with a black
iridescent sheen. Clad in a red miniskirt and
white halter top, a female ambled alongside
Camille crossed to the other side of the
byway where several feet ahead, a rickety, wood
stand advertised week-old loaves of breads, buns
and other baked goods.
Like a swarm of termites, the group
crossed as well, gesturing and mumbling under
their breath. She wasn’t an expert on demon be-
havior, but frowns probably weren’t good.
Camille’s heart pounded against her
chest, sending adrenaline rushing through her
body like a shot of liquor. She eased close to a
rough-hewn wall. She was the outsider so she
couldn’t expect help from the broader population.
Best to keep moving along and keeping her mind
on completing her mission.
Two steps from the door of a market, a
hand clamped on her arm. She gasped, register-
ing the strength in the cool grip. Camille glanced
down at fingers that ended in dirty, sharp nails.
Her gaze flowed upward to settle on the owner,
his bulging eyes blacker than the depths of space.
While not as tall as the other males, his
shoulders and breastplate were wider. She sur-
mised he was the leader since the remaining five
demons continued to stand behind him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” The
expression on his face warned her not to divulge
anything less than truth.
Camille lifted her chin higher. “Until you
and your posse waylaid me, I was on my way to
The leader scratched his chin then re-
leased her arm. His ogling strayed to her breasts
and she didn’t need to read his thoughts to clue
her in on what interested him. “You’re coming
with us.”
The female moved to stand command-
ingly beside him. “No, she’s not.”
The large male had the grace to look em-
barrassed. He laughed, an awful grating sound re-
minding her of the bleating of sheep combined
with a dog’s bark. “I didn’t want her for that.”
“Right.” The female rolled her eyes.
“Stop staring at her then.”
Camille cleared her throat. A lovers’
quarrel was a waste of her time. “I work for the
Galactic Agency.”
The two demons stopped arguing and
fixed their gazes on her. The female’s eyes
blazed red. Couldn’t be a good sign. “Where’s
your ID?”
Camille removed it from her front jeans
pocket, careful to keep her movements slow. She
handed it over.
The female growled as she studied the
card. “How do we know you work with Silver?”
She raised the card to her nose, sniffing the lam-
inated surface. “This is new. Could be a fake.
You’re probably here to spy for the rogues.”
Camille snatched the card then returned it
to her pocket. “It’s new because this is my first
day working at Galactic.”
“Tie her up so she won’t know where we
take her,” the leader said.
“Wait! Look, I’m not here to start trouble.
I’m after an illegal alien.” She glanced at each of
them, hoping they understood the importance of
her mission. “It’s in your best interest to help me
catch him. If he sees too much –”
One of the teens jerked a black hood over
her face, the scratchy wool fabric reaching to her
throat. She gasped. Another grabbed her arms be-
hind her in an ironclad grip. She twisted, but his
strength eclipsed hers.
“You’re making a mistake! I’m not in
league with the rogues.” Her wrists were bound
together with what felt like braided rope.
She raised her right leg and executed a
roundhouse kick.
“Oof!” From the deep tone of the voice,
she’d hit a male.
A jerk of her ponytail dragged a gasp
from Camille’s lips. “You think you can just
come down here and we’ll do what you say?”
From the trajectory of the female’s voice, she
walked a circle around Camille. “We have rights,
Camille stilled, concentrating her energy
into one goal – to jettison her awareness into the
leader’s mind. She gained entry as easy as a knife
gliding through softened butter. She’d expected
resistance, but found none.
She glanced around his floating thoughts,
hoping to find something useful. A collection of
static thoughts buried beneath a covering in-
trigued her. Bingo. Fears usually hid under the
cover of darkness. She filtered through the selec-
tion, uncovering disturbing images of groups of
rogues overpowering lone demons.
She dragged the scenes to the forefront of
his mind. Within seconds, she heard a resulting
shout of concern and alarm. Satisfaction roared
through her as sections of his mind flashed red,
the mind’s color for pain.
Before she could inflict further damage,
another presence slithered into the leader’s mind.
Camille froze, unwilling to reveal herself.
She watched, unnerved as the dire images she’d
brought forth in the demon’s mind vanished like
mist. The red flashes dulled then stopped. A
bright, white light encompassed her and a second
later, she snapped back into her own body with a
Who, or what, had forced her from the
teen’s mind?
Heavy hands landed on her shoulders.
“Stop it, Camille!”
This voice sounded rougher and deeper
than any she’d heard among the group.
“Everyone okay?”
Who was this newcomer? She struggled
against him, but he held her fast.
“Thanks for the save, Ryder.” The leader
answered in a shaky voice. “I – I don’t know
what happened.”
Humph. Served him right for tying her up.
“You’re out late,” the female drawled.
Camille didn’t need to see to imagine the flirta-
tious look on the demon’s face.
“You’re looking good,” the female con-
tinued. “Such majestic –”
“Untie this woman.” The Ryder person
again. Clearly, he yielded power down here. In a
slow caress, his hands slid down her shoulders
producing a shiver in their wake she had no hope
of disguising. “She works for the Agency and the
military will investigate if she’s harmed.”
stranger’s mind, determined to glean an answer
to the question of his identity. But before she
gained a foothold, the bright white light
enveloped her once again and forced her out with
the finality of a bolted steel door.
Who the hell was he?
Chapter Two
“Play along,” Ryder whispered against
Camille’s ear. Who was he kidding? She would
damn near do anything to be free.
A warm hand tilted her neck to one side
then lifted the end of her ponytail away from her
neck. At the damp touch of a tongue licking up-
wards to the base of her ear, her limbs quivered.
An image of herself clad in black lace panties
and sprawled in invitation on a bed floated into
her mind.
She gasped. Did he project it or did she
do it herself as a result of his igniting one of her
erogenous zones? And how did he know that was
her sweet spot? Normally, she had to direct men
to it, but this Ryder person found it with perfect
“She something to you?” The leader
“My woman.”
His? Camille struggled against her bind-
ings, balking at the arrogant declaration.
Relax. The word popped into her mind as
if he’d spoken it aloud. How’d he do that?
The man brought his body flush with
hers, allowing her to feel his erection pulse
against her rear. Another image of herself, this
time astride him while their bodies undulated in
ecstasy, passed in front of her eyes. She tugged
her bottom lip between her teeth at the rush of
desire coursing through her. Involuntarily, she
pushed back against him. This was not like her at
all, but she couldn’t help her response.
“A full-blood female isn’t good enough
for you, Ryder?” The female demon asked.
“Look like he finally found one who ac-
cepts him,” the male leader responded.
Ryder’s body tensed against hers as his
hold tightened. “I have.”
“If she’s yours, you haven’t been with
her. I don’t smell your scent on her,” the female
demon stated, disbelief lacing her voice.
“Nonetheless she is mine and you’ll leave
her alone.”
After several long seconds, the blindfold
and bindings around her wrists were removed.
The group’s leader leered at her. He gave a deep
moan, his eyes rolling around in their sockets like
thrown dice. “I can smell her sweat, the determ-
ination and anger, mixed in with a thick layer of
desire.” He clamped meaty fingers onto her arm,
his nails, long and dirty. “If Ryder ever stops
handling his business…”
“Liar!” The female glared. “I thought you
weren’t interested in her.”
Camille rubbed her wrists. “Why don’t
you concentrate on keeping your girlfriend happy
rather than attacking people?”
“She’s feisty.” The teen grinned although
the comment earned him a blow to the back of
the head by his soon-to-be ex.
“I know,” Ryder replied.
Eager to see what the man looked like,
Camille turned around, but he had moved from
where she stood and was now in the shadows.
She couldn’t make out his features, only a tall,
imposing silhouette.
The female demon blew a kiss at Ryder.
“Seeing that I’m single now, you know where to
find me when you get tired of the human.”
At the female’s open invitation, jealousy
ripped through Camille, surprising her with its fe-
rocity. Why should she care who this Ryder
The leader caught the female around the
waist. “Don’t be like that. I was just –”
“Whatever.” She twisted free of his hold.
“Be careful tonight, Ryder.”
“Yeah, Ryder. Thanks for the help,” the
leader added. He gave a nod at the other demons
and they marched on.
Camille turned to thank Ryder.
No one stood near her. Whoever he was,
he had disappeared.
With a sigh of frustration, she pulled out
her map. She needed to focus on her goal and get
the hell out of here. The longer the alien re-
mained free, the more risk he posed to demons
and humans.
A cafe, a used bookstore, and a jewelry
store later, she arrived at Mo’s, the local watering
She peeked through the dusty windows
before opening the large wooden door. A televi-
sion blared while burly male demons playing
rowdy card games occupied the majority of the
Deciding an all-out stare at the wall’s
decorations of heads and various body parts cast
in bronze was a no-no, she closed the door be-
hind her. The low drone of voices and laughter
stopped as customers’ heads turned her way, dis-
trust reflected on their faces. She couldn’t have
been more on display had she walked in nude.
Males looked at her with a mild amount of in-
terest while females dismissed her, clearly not
sensing her to be a threat.
Camille held her breath as a big male
wearing a tan t-shirt with the word “owner”
scrawled in bold purple print hurried over to her.
Like all the others, his skin was a swirling mix of
red and black. Four horns perched atop his head
gleamed like polished ebony spheres sprouting
up from the slick cap of black hair covering his
head. She noted all the males possessed the same
number of vertical projections.
“Camille, right? Silver described you per-
fectly.” Conversation erupted again when she
wasn’t immediately thrown out the door.
She breathed a sigh of relief her boss had
notified the owner of her arrival. “And you are?”
“Name’s Moloch, but everyone calls me
Mo. The one I contacted Silver about is at the
bar. He came in about five minutes ago. Dude
has a shifty-eyed look about him.”
She nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”
“I only have one caveat – keep any de-
struction to a minimum.”
“Mo, got a delivery mix-up in the back!”
Someone shouted from the kitchen, at least that’s
what she judged it to be by the rattling of pans.
“Give me a sec!” Moloch yelled, his eyes
never leaving hers. “You working alone?”
“Yes. Before becoming an agent with
Galactic, I was an officer with the Chicago
“CPD, really?” Disbelief crossed his face.
She didn’t need to read his thoughts to
understand he worried about her abilities. She
chuckled. “Trust me, I’m good at my job.”
“Hope so, lady.” He pivoted and headed
toward the kitchen.
She watched until he disappeared from
view then shifted her attention to the bar. An
elaborate drawing of circles interspersed with
symbols on a black velvet background hung
above the rows of bottled liquids.
Camille squared her shoulders as she sur-
veyed the seated males. Her gaze landed on the
back of a well-worn black leather jacket bearing
a replica of the drawing above the bar. Encased
in faded jeans, the man’s muscular thighs
straddled a stool. Waves of sexual energy wafted
from him. The air in the bar changed, becoming
hotter the longer she watched him.
With arms hairier than any man, a female
demon wearing a pink mini dress with her breasts
in imminent danger of escaping confinement,
sidled up to him. Giving him a smile, she ran her
hands over his head, her fingers stroking the
strands of black hair with familiarity. With the
lusty pheromones he threw off, the guy clearly
had no problems snaring females.
Camille dated occasionally, but once guys
discovered her occupation they seemed hell-bent
on trying to prove they could best her at
something, anything. And the one or two uni-
forms she’d gone out with didn’t view her as an
equal. Gut instinct told her this man would have
no problem at all with the fact she was more than
capable of taking care of herself.
As if sensing her perusal, he glanced over
his shoulder, giving her a glimpse of high
cheekbones. His eyes were concealed behind avi-
ator shades, which looked vaguely familiar.
Normally, she abhorred men sizing her up
as if she were a piece of chocolate candy to
gobble up, but this man exuded the aura of one
who knew a delectable was meant to be savored.
If he removed the glasses, she’d probably com-
bust from the heat of his stare. He licked his lips
and nodded before turning away.
She inwardly gasped at the rush of desire
in response to the action. Maybe she should hang
out down here on her days off. Clearly, she was
missing out. She shook off the enveloping haze
of arousal as she put the sexy, enigmatic stranger
out of her thoughts.
Camille slid onto an empty bar stool.
Where the bar owner was gigantic, the body oc-
cupying the stool to her right appeared
emaciated, damn near skeletal. A white loincloth
was his only clothing. Or rather, it probably used
to be white. Now, it was more a dusty beige.
Judging from the way his clawed feet didn’t
reach the rungs, she surmised he stood shorter
than her own five foot six.
Muttering, he squirmed on the stool. Be-
cause he didn’t possess a transmutalyzer, his
words proved incomprehensible. He hadn’t
entered the Milky Way Galaxy via proper chan-
nels, otherwise he’d be in possession of the
government-issued translation device. Thinner
than a credit card and the length of a stick of
gum, the device was required to be on an alien’s
person while in the Galaxy.
Camille centered her thoughts then slid
into his mind. Instead of the orderly compart-
ments and floating thoughts she was accustomed
to, his thoughts crashed into one another like the
waves of Lake Michigan during a thunderstorm.
She slipped out. His thoughts weren’t any easier
to understand than his words.
The alien stared in her direction. Not even
peach fuzz covered his wrinkled skin. His ears,
pointed at the top gave his face a dog-like qual-
ity. The space between his eyes furrowed as his
mouth opened, baring razor-sharp teeth, but only
guttural grunts erupted from his throat.
Camille hunched her shoulders and shook
her head to indicate she didn’t understand. She
touched his hand. The alien jerked his bony hand
away, slid from the stool then dashed out the
She sat, stunned. Had her touch hurt him
in some way?
Before she could rise to follow him, a
shot glass careened toward her palm. She caught
it then looked in the direction from where it
came. The black, leather-wearing man saluted
her. She sniffed the amber-colored liquid,
smelling the fruity aroma of peach. She tasted it,
instantly recognizing the sweetness of juice. She
tilted the glass, sending the contents down her
“Damn!” She set the empty glass onto the
surface with an audible clink that had several
heads turning her way.
From his perch several stools to her left,
the man raised his bottle. “Didn’t want to pre-
sume you wanted one of these.” He replaced the
bottle with a soft clink. “Sounds like you have
problems.” The man’s voice was low, like a long
rumble of thunder.
“I do. So don’t add to them.”
He held up his hands in surrender, caus-
ing the jacket to gap open and allowing an un-
fettered view of a white t-shirt-covered chest.
“Not what I want at all. You’re new around here.
Typically, that means trouble.”
She’d heard that voice before. Ryder.
“You’re the one who helped me earlier.” She re-
laxed, subtly brushing his mind with hers, trying
to get a read on the guy.
Instead of the usual tingle as her mind
joined with another, she felt nothing. How was
this possible? She’d never met anyone whose
mind was closed to her own.
He gave her a knowing look. “Am I out of
your league, Officer?”
Chapter Three
Camille glanced at Ryder, still seated on
the barstool. “It’s Agent.”
She smothered a brief second of panic.
She had no problems slipping into the minds of
the other patrons. Why couldn’t she access his
thoughts? Then again, just because he looked like
a man, didn’t automatically mean he was a mem-
ber of the human race.
“First case, huh?”
She frowned at the question full of typical
male arrogance. “Why would you think that?”
“You corrected me. Most old timers
would’ve let their skills speak for themselves.”
She swiveled the stool around to face
him. Though he adopted a laid-back attitude,
danger radiated off him in waves. The dark-
lensed glasses resting on his chiseled nose intens-
ified the belief she should keep him at arms’
length, but his full lips made her wonder how
good a kisser he was.
The realization of why she recognized the
aviator frames hit her. “You’re part of the peace-
keeping force down here.”
“Deputy Chief Stevenson was right.
You’re quite observant.”
She lifted her brows in surprise. “How do
you know my father?”
“He keeps a photo of you on his desk.”
The imposing man twisted his stool to face her
with the toe of a black steel boot.
She mentally calculated his shoe size. Im-
pressive. Damn...too bad he was such an ass.
His gaze bored into her. “The image
doesn’t do you justice.”
She shivered as Ryder appraised her from
head to toe. Her breathing quickened and her skin
tingled as if he’d actually reached out and stroked
her. Though she couldn’t stop the trill of delight
coursing down her spine, she chose to ignore the
compliment. Yet, she didn’t miss the fact he
neglected to answer her question about his in-
terest in her case.
“Do you know where the alien may have
He took a swig from his bottle then set it
on the wood surface with a thunk. “This isn’t my
scene to get involved in, Cam.”
She blinked at his shortening of her name.
“Don’t call me that!”
“Why not?” Abandoning his stool, he
prowled closer to slide onto the seat next to her.
“Only friends and family receive that honor?”
“At least people who are civilized enough
to offer their last name,” she snapped.
He grabbed her wrist, his long fingers en-
casing her skin. “Ryder Endemar.”
A zing of awareness shot through her and
her heart leapt in response. He had to be human
to affect her in such a manner.
She drew in a deep breath, hoping he
didn’t notice her increased speed of breathing.
Focus on the mission. “Let me go.” Why did her
voice sound like a whisper?
“You’re in my neighborhood, Princess,
by your own choice. Who do you think’ll help
you?” He nodded at the bartender. “Put her drink
on my tab.”
“You got it, Ryder.”
He tightened his hold. Let’s go.”
“I’m not leaving with you.” Camille
jerked away. “You’re wasting my time if you
can’t tell me where the alien went.”
His square jaw tightened. “You sound
very interested in what I know.”
“Oh yeah,” she purred. “Definitely.”
“Pity. ‘Cuz the alien probably won’t sur-
vive the night.”
She glared at him. “Thanks for nothing.”
He eased his grip, finally allowing her to
move away. “I hope you make it out.” He turned
away from her, making it clear the convo was
Fuming at the lack of cooperation, she
hopped down. She advanced several feet then
stopped. Despite the fact he irritated her, she
didn’t have many options and this was the second
reference she’d received about not leaving De-
mopolis tonight.
She stalked back to his side. As if he
knew she would return, he swiveled on the stool
to face her. Before she could speak, he shifted so
his legs bracketed hers. The heat from his body
warmed hers, but she wasn’t falling for his game.
She was here to do a job, not be seduced.
“Level with me. I’m a big girl.”
He shook his head. “Definitely, not a girl.
However, there’s an uneasy truce between demon
factions. We’re seeing an increase of rogue beha-
vior. It would behoove you to research where
you’re working, Agent Stevenson.”
Camille let her breath out in a soft
whoosh. Alarm coursed through her, dulling the
sting of his barb. How could the Agency not
know? “I’ll be long gone before anything kicks
off and I’ll have the alien with me.”
He inclined his head. “Perhaps, but the
border gates have been ordered to close by 7pm.”
“By whose order?”
“The Government’s.” He answered with a
look that questioned her sanity.
She glanced at the black clock hanging
near a television. She swallowed. Four hours
didn’t leave a lot of time to find the alien and
convince him to leave with her.
Ryder hooked his legs behind her knees
and tugged her into the V created by his body.
She caught a whiff of a woodsy scent and a flash
of something purely masculine. She ignored the
tingle of desire growing into an insistent drum-
beat in the center of her being.
Glancing around, she saw the smiles on
the faces of the patrons. Great. They probably be-
lieved thought they watched a disagreement
between lovers. She placed her palms against his
chest. His biceps flexed as his large hands settled
onto her hips and she struggled to keep him from
pulling her even closer.
“If you don’t make it out, I’ll let you
spend the night with me.” He whispered the
words, but each one fell like a boom of thunder
against her ears.
His body heat coated her. Every cell of
her body screamed “yes,” but her mind fought
through the mire of arousal. “No thanks. I’ll
He chuckled as if aware of her internal
struggle. “So you don’t need my help?”
She lowered her hands to his knees, fight-
ing the urge to explore his body. “You’re keeping
me from doing my job.”
He let her go so abruptly she fought to
steady herself as coolness surrounded her instead
of the mind-numbing warmth he’d generated.
He’d never answered her question. “Are
you after the alien too or just trolling for
Though she couldn’t see his eyes, she felt
the heaviness of his scrutiny zeroing in on her
mouth. “If it was a woman I me,
you wouldn’t be walking out that door alone.” He
grinned. “Don’t worry, Sugar, I do my part in
making sure things stay quiet down here.”
“Thanks.” For nothing. She turned her
back to him, ordering her feet to head toward the
door. Now why exactly did the news he wasn’t
just looking for stray tail excite her? And why
didn’t she tell him not to call her “Sugar”?
“Agent Stevenson?”
She stopped, turning slowly at the sexy
baritone caressing her name like a hand stroking
her hip.
“Might help if you knew the alien’s
“How do you know it?”
He shrugged. “Obtained a bit of intel here
and there from the females.”
She rolled her eyes. “Glad to know one-
night stands still serve a purpose.”
“Hazards of the job, right? Anyway, it’s
all anyone knows down here.”
She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“I’m not begging you for a name.” At the look of
blatant desire on his face, her nipples tightened.
She gritted her teeth in frustration at her inability
to control her body’s reaction to him.
“Pity.” He lowered a hand to the juncture
of his jeans and she tracked the movement, eyes
widening as his flesh brazenly hardened beneath
the zipper. He adjusted himself. “I love the visual
of you on your knees in front of me.”
Swallowing a gasp, Camille turned away
before wanton need showed on her face. Talking
to the enigmatic, yet arresting, man was a waste
of time.
“Gizeel.” The name was uttered quietly,
but Camille heard it before the door closed be-
hind her with a bang.
Lost in the fantasy of Camille’s delectable
full lips pleasuring his cock, Ryder watched her
until she left his line of vision. She was stubborn
like her father, but his gut told him she wouldn’t
appreciate the comparison. Ryder was equally
certain the Deputy Chief didn’t want him side-
tracked by the inviting sway of his daughter’s
hips or the roundness of her bottom.
He tilted his bottle, allowing the last of
the amber-colored liquid to run down his throat.
Camille Stevenson was a handful – one he
wouldn’t mind having the pleasure of entertain-
ing in his bed for more than one night. The empty
bottle clanked against the bar’s surface.
He’d seen the panic flare in her chocolate
eyes when she discovered she couldn’t read his
thoughts, but to her credit she said nothing.
Without the amulet her father had given him, he
would be at her mercy and she didn’t need to run
around in his head. He carried enough secrets to
bring down a small country.
Ryder removed the medallion from be-
neath his t-shirt and put it in his jacket pocket.
Hand still covering it, he focused, bringing Ca-
mille’s image to mind. Not only did it shield his
thoughts from her, but the amulet allowed him to
experience what she viewed as though he
watched with his own eyes. Satisfied she re-
mained in the designated safe area, he released
the amulet, severing the connection.
Mo wiped the counter in front of Ryder
then tossed the dirty rag over his shoulder. “Do
we need to be concerned?”
“Not at the moment. She’s still in the
safety zone and I didn’t sense any rogues in the
“When does her father want an update?”
Mo asked.
“When’s she’s located the alien. Until
then, we wait.”
Camille hurried along the byway aided by
flashes of lights from various marquees. Was the
Government interested in the unauthorized visitor
as well? She peered through windows, but saw
no sign of him. Damn it. She rubbed the back of
her neck. He had to be around here somewhere.
At the next byway, she turned left. A
mound of garbage obscured her path and she
rounded it, intent on finding Gizeel. Hearing a
crunch beneath her shoes, she stopped. She
clicked on her flashlight, directing the beam
downward. She lifted her foot, exposing what ap-
peared to be crushed bones. Animal or human?
She backed away, her heartbeat thundering in her
In the safety zone, there’d been noise,
music, chatter. How far had she ventured? She
glanced around the area.
No neon lights. No sound, except her
breathing. Instead of the dank odor of mildew,
the stench of rotting garbage clung in the air like
a persistent lover.
Sudden darkness enveloped her like fast-
moving fog, cloaking and overtaking the beam of
the flashlight. What the – ? She couldn’t even as-
certain if the thing were still on. It was as if she’d
walked into a black hole with no way out.
The drawing of a deep, raspy breath inter-
rupted the stillness like the fateful beat of a drum.
A growl echoed behind her as heavy footsteps
Heart racing, she glanced back, but the
unfathomable darkness obscured everything. She
couldn’t retrace her steps without confronting the
She couldn’t laser a shadow. Her powers
were her only hope. She focused and entered its
mind of the demon behind her. Using the full
strength of her ability, she swiped its memory
clean of any image of her. She prayed it was
enough to deter him from continuing in her
She slipped from his mind. The footsteps
behind her slowed, growing fainter until she
didn’t hear them anymore.
She couldn’t stay here long, but her lids
grew heavy and she struggled to keep them open.
A wave of weariness washed over her. She
hadn’t experienced such a need to rest since
she’d first started using her powers as a teenager.
She lifted an arm, bracing it against the wall to
provide support as she regained her vertical posi-
tion. But her leaden arm disobeyed her will to
flop against her side.
Camille slid down a wall to the ground.
Her eyes fluttered close. Just one minute and
she’d try again.
After about what felt like thirty seconds,
she opened her eyes. Omigod! Heart pounding,
she rose unsteadily to her feet inside a white-
walled room. Where was she? How much time
had passed?
Gizeel stood inside the doorway. Had the
alien somehow captured her instead? Contempt
shown in his eyes. “Why didn’t you save me?
You didn’t help me!”
She froze. How had he obtained a trans-
mutalyzer? His mouth remained closed, but his
question reverberated in her mind over and over
again as if stuck on auto play.
Relaxing, she attempted to access his
mind. But to no avail. He was barricaded and
with her drained powers, she had no hope of
breaching the barrier.
Camille squeezed her eyes shut, strug-
gling to recall what happened, but Gizeel’s in-
cessant questioning grew louder in its intensity
and tone. Her cells tightened with each sound un-
til she felt her body would combust if he
“Stop! Stop it!”
When she opened her eyes again, Gizeel
and the white room had disappeared, leaving her
standing behind glowing red bars.
Something clanged against the structure.
Yanking the flashlight off her belt, Camille shone
it toward the shadows.
She gasped. A pair of yellow eyes stared
back at her.
A rogue.
Chapter Four
As more bodies spilled into the bar, Ryder
wiped a hand down his face. He pulled out a bill
and slapped it on the wooden surface. “Time to
make the rounds.”
Mo glanced at the door. “Camille coming
Ryder shrugged. “Probably not. She
doesn’t have much time left, but I bet she finds
Mo folded his arms across his chest. “So
we know his name, but not where he’s from and
why he’s here?”
“For the moment.” Ryder unfolded his
length from the stool. “The boys on top are eager
to find out more and I’m betting Camille will
give them everything they want.”
Mo smirked. “She seems to think she can
handle an alien on her own when we don’t even
know what he’s capable of?”
Ryder’s lips twisted into a grin. “You
know, I’m starting to think she can. Silver hires
only the best.”
A goofy smile crossed Mo’s face. “Guess
you’re right.”
“Yep, she’s top-notch...just like all of Sil-
ver’s agents,” Ryder joked, knowing full well his
cousin’s weakness for human females – particu-
larly the ones in Silver’s employ.
“Funny.” Mo wiped the back of his neck.
“I’ll admit I bed humans every now and then, but
I never consider a future with the species.”
Ryder held his hands up in surrender.
“Hey, I didn’t say a word.”
Mo wiped the counter with a clean towel.
“I watched you talking to Camille and unless I’m
totally off point, which we both know rarely hap-
pens, you’re interested in her and for a hell of a
lot more than a good time.”
Ryder didn’t respond to Mo’s claim. In-
stead, he clasped the medallion in his hand, not
fighting the urge to bring Camille’s image to
mind again. Truth was, he wanted to ogle her
sexy body in motion. She and her surroundings
seeped into his mind. Glowing red bars and the
sight of Camille standing behind them turned his
blood to ice.
He yanked his glasses off his face. In the
haste to stand, he toppled the stool. Why had she
wandered into the forbidden zone? The guards
warned everyone who entered Demopolis. Shit!
Why hadn’t he continued monitoring her?
Mo folded the towel. “What gives?”
Ryder stuffed the lenses in his pocket
then looped the medallion around his neck. “A
rogue’s after Camille.”
His heart pounded as he rushed out the
door. If she were killed, there would be hell to
Yellow eyes slid through the fluorescent
bars like bobbing points of light. Camille readied
her laser, although she couldn’t ascertain a body
attached to the eerie malevolent orbs. As they
bobbed around, she countered their movement.
In a flash, they blinked. When they
opened again, the shining, yellow orbs had
moved within a hair’s breadth of her legs.
She pulled the trigger, sending a beam of
white light into the center of first one eye then
the other. A terrible growl rumbled in response.
She may have scored a win, but she knew it
wasn’t a victory yet. Camille didn’t move, gut in-
stinct telling her she wasn’t alone. The only
sound she heard was her own breath.
Hot, rank breath scored her neck, the in-
tense heat charring her skin. Her eyes teared at
the searing pain. She squinted through her watery
vision, fingers nearly melding into the metal as
she fought to hold the weapon steady.
Wetness dribbled onto her neck. She
brushed at the area, instantly recognizing the
metallic smell.
With all her might, she kicked her right
leg back, hearing the satisfying crack of bone.
She pounded against the bars. A jolt of electricity
shot through her body as she made contact. She
dropped to her knees, swallowing the cry of pain
rising instinctively in her throat.
The eyes reappeared, this time with
streaks of red interspersing the yellow. “What are
you doing down here?” A gravelly voice rico-
cheted around her, but she couldn’t make out a
mouth. “You humans think you can dictate what
we do.”
She dragged deep breaths into her lungs.
“I hear you loud and clear.”
“You’re not leaving with the alien.”
She sucked in her breath, struggling to
“How…about him?”
“We possess more powerful abilities than
you, human.”
“But what if an enemy of yours sent the
“My only enemy is you.”
“If I’m such an enemy to you, why don’t
you show yourself?” She shouted into the dark-
ness. “Frightened of me, huh?” She hoped the
taunt would work.
He appeared in front of her. A flash of
panic flared through her as her mind registered
the fact he stood a foot taller. The four horns
rising from his head didn’t gleam like polished
ebony nor was his breastplate bathed in brilliant
hues. Instead, his horns reminded her of twisted
antlers and his entire body was a dusty, dull gray.
Camille lowered into a squat. She swung
a leg out wide, connecting with one of his to send
him careening off balance. She rose in a single
move, knowing the rogue would retaliate.
He landed on his back, but quickly re-
covered. “Don’t play with me, bitch.”
The brief seconds allowed enough time
for her to position the laser and pull the trigger. A
line of fire zipped through the air. She froze,
waiting for the sound of impact, but heard noth-
ing. Had she found her mark?
Suddenly, her arms were forced to her
sides by an invisible force. She wriggled against
the unseen strength, but it overpowered her. A
sweaty, meaty hand covered her mouth.
Her heart raced, filling her ears with the
sound of rushing blood. She was focused enough
to realize he owned the advantage. Tamping
down the instinct to hurl at the scent of rotten
flesh, she bit his hand, clamping her teeth on the
hairy palm.
He howled as he released her. “I’m going
to enjoy killing you.”
Camille slid into his mind, but the second
she made contact unparalleled pain ripped
through her. Pure evil washed over her, sucking
and pulling at her like quicksand. She had to get
out, but her power felt like it was being sucked
from her. She tensed, using all her remaining
strength to jettison herself from his mind.
Weakened, she gripped her temples as she
sank to the ground, feeling consciousness ebb
away amid the sound of satisfied maniacal
Please let her be alive. Ryder dashed
down the byway. Ahead, he saw Camille lying on
her side. From the rise and fall of her chest, he
knew she wasn’t dead, but lay in a suspended
Before he reached her, the rogue ap-
peared, blocking his view of Camille.
“What are you planning to do half-
Ryder paused, summoning his own de-
mon. The familiar rush of additional strength
coursed through him as beneath his t-shirt, he felt
the skin of his chest harden into a breastplate
while horns rose from his head.
Ryder advanced, his attention fo-
cused on the physical embodiment of evil in front
of him. In a swift move, he gripped the rogue’s
head between his hands. “I will crush you if
you’ve hurt her.”
“I’ll reveal your other life if you don’t let
me go,” the rogue gasped.
Ryder eyed him, recognizing the damned
soul as Parker. He knew Parker’s parents, but
since their son succumbed to the lure of evil,
they’d been ostracized from the greater society.
Ryder squeezed tighter. “All I need is suf-
ficient cause to end your pathetic existence.” His
eyes narrowed. “Give it to me,” he growled.
“Kill me and you’ll be banished,” the
rogue gasped.
The temptation to end Parker’s life raged
through Ryder, but the idiot was right. He
couldn’t kill him outright without risking the pos-
sibility of never seeing Camille again.
Parker twisted in his hold. “She ventured
into my zone. I was protecting myself.”
Ryder’s jaw pulsed with the struggle to
cage the kill lust rising inside him. “I know a
rogue’s version of protection. She wasn’t a threat
to you!” He paused, dragging in a breath. If he
ended Parker’s life, he’d only make himself vul-
nerable to turning. It didn’t matter the reason for
killing. The act would seep into his cells and his
soul and demand he commit more evil.
“I’m hauling your ass to jail and then it’s
Shenquartz for you.”
The mention of the vast desert badland
did the trick. Parker twisted in his grip. “Please,
not there!”
Ryder didn’t blame him for backtracking.
No one wanted to go there. To live in Shenquartz
meant fighting for survival every day. Few
demons lasted longer than a month against the vi-
cious elements.
Ryder loosened his hold, but only to whip
out his laser. He held the weapon in front of him
with the rogue squarely in his crosshairs.
Parker dropped to his knees. “Don’t send
me away. I swear I won’t cause any more
The human part of Ryder didn’t believe
Parker for a minute, but the demon half hesitated,
aware that by Demopolis law, he was required to
extend the benefit of the doubt. “Tell me what
you know about the uprising tonight.”
Parker wheezed in his breath. “The plan’s
to fight in the safe area.”
Ryder moved closer until the butt of his
gun was flush with the rogue’s forehead. “The
safety zone’s off-limits.”
Parker nodded. “But our rights are being
violated. The humans are intent on using our
abilities and reaping the benefits, but don’t want
us to live among them. What makes humans
think they’re better? We’re the more advanced
Ryder understood the outrage. Didn’t
condone it, but knew the core of the pain it eman-
ated from. “Do not venture near the safety zone.
If I even smell you, it’s Shenquartz for you. No
Parker nodded. “I understand.”
Ryder growled. “Forget our deal and I
will find you. I’ll take you to Shenquartz myself
if I have to.”
The rogue nodded, backing away to dis-
appear in the darkness.
Ryder replaced his laser. He needed to get
word to the necessary parties about the uprising.
But first, he had to help Camille. He forced his
demon back.
He knew how much she wanted to fulfill
her assignment. But if she discovered his role in
chasing away the rogue, would she be grateful or
angry? Deciding that her wrath was the least of
his problems, he gave her shoulder a rough shake
then slipped into the shadows before she opened
her eyes.
“Time is running out. Stop fighting the
pain. Let it fill you and you can function.”
Beyond the intense hurt, Camille re-
gistered Ryder’s voice filling her mind. Moaning,
she rubbed her temples. “The eyes – ”
“But the bars –”
“Don’t exist. Lie still. Accept the pain
and it’ll disappear.”
Camille followed his instructions. As
soon as she did so, the bone-numbing pain
Pushing to her feet, she dusted off her
clothes. How could Ryder not only read her
mind, but talk to her?
“Later. Get Gizeel and get out.”
She felt her neck, but her skin was dry
with no hint of blood.
“You only have a few minutes. Hurry!”
Camille ran in the direction she’d come,
intent on finding Gizeel and getting the hell from
down here. She couldn’t scan the minds of the
demons she passed. Her run-in with the rogue
had seriously depleted her abilities.
She’d crossed Byway 2 when a blast
shook the ground. Camille held on to the wall to
keep her footing. Frightened demons scurried
around her seeking shelter. A female with a baby
in her arms scurried past and disappeared behind
a wood door.
The shaking had barely ended before Ca-
mille was running again, this time keeping close
to the wall.
“Camille!” Ryder weaved through the
fast-moving bodies of demons.
She halted. “What was that?”
He stopped in front her. “Fighting.”
She frowned. “Underground? There’s
never been any evidence of it above.”
“Potholes.” Another boom sounded.
“Head to the gate.”
“What about Gizeel?”
He planted both his palms against the
wall, sheltering her body with his own as kernels
of concrete rained down. “We have to go!”
She twisted to face him within the cavity
of space created by his body. “Not without
Panic crossed his face. “Cam –”
She ducked free of the cover Ryder
provided. “He’s frightened. He can’t understand
anyone and I think he’s quite young.”
“For the love of – ”
“Please, Ryder.”
He placed his hands on her shoulders.
“There are ten or more rogues about to roll by us
in two minutes. They’re angry and let’s just say a
human toy to play with would brighten their day.
Get my meaning?”
Color drained from her face, but she
didn’t say a word.
He grabbed her wrist. “Thought you’d see
things my way.”
She stopped, causing Ryder to halt as
well. “I refuse to leave without Gizeel.”
He cursed. “Woman, why are you so
“I have a job to do. Either help me or I’ll
do it alone.”
“This is either the bravest or stupidest
thing a person has ever done.” Muttering curses
under his breath, Ryder unsheathed his laser. “I’ll
watch your back.”
She caressed his cheek, pouring her grate-
fulness into the action. “I promise I can find him.
If I can’t, I’ll go with you.”
The heat from his look burned through
her entire body. Raw desire and need reflected in
his hazel eyes. “Be careful.” The words ripped
from him as if he were trying to keep from saying
The rogues emptied into the byway. De-
mons’ screams bounced off the walls and assaul-
ted her eardrums. Camille stayed close to the
walls, her best bet if she hoped to avoid
Most of the demons sought to escape the
rogues. A few brave ones fought the rogues,
despite the fact if they killed one, they would
themselves turn into the very thing they killed.
Ryder stood where she’d left him, gun in
hand ready to attack anyone who dared follow
her. She could hear Ryder him shouting, but
couldn’t make out his words amidst the noise.
She searched every nook for the small
figure. She rounded a bend. Near a narrow
darkened doorway, she noticed movement out of
the corner of her eye. Gizeel huddled against the
craggy wall. His eyes were closed and his body
Praying a sliver of her powers remained,
Camille centered herself. She slipped into his
mind. Instead of the normal tingle she felt when
entering someone’s body, this time, the joining
hurt with the ferocity of a migraine, the pain
caused by the drain of her powers.
Camille searched, finally locating a smil-
ing image of him. She dragged it to the forefront
of his mind then slipped out. Despite their lan-
guage barrier, he gripped her arm, nearly
crushing her bones in the process. His mouth
moved, unleashing guttural sounds which she
didn’t bother trying to decipher.
“I won’t hurt you, but we have to figure
out how to get out of here.”
His hold on her arm tightened.
Praying they somehow achieved a mir-
acle, Camille half-pulled, half-carried Gizeel
while sweat dampened the lining of her jacket.
Ryder came running up to them. “I’ve got
him.” He transferred the slender alien’s weight to
his arms. “We can’t continue in this direction.”
He pointed ahead of them. “The fighting is worse
near the entrance gate. The guards will have their
hands full trying to keep peace and won’t have
time to sanction your departure.”
Her heart pounded. She’d completed the
mission, but if she couldn’t leave...“What do we
Chapter Five
“Follow me.” Ryder cut a path amid the
frightened demons running along the byway. He
turned left, leading them away from the fighting
and through a residential area. He, Mo and a few
border guards were the only ones who knew
about this spot. But in order to keep Camille safe,
he had to risk rogues’ finding out about it.
Ryder stopped, his instinct warning him
to look behind them. He glanced over his right
shoulder. A group of snarling gray rogues ges-
tured at them.
He set Gizeel gently on the ground who
immediately wrapped his spindly arms around
Camille’s waist.
Ryder felt along the smooth wall with his
Adrenaline rushed through her. She
cursed. “What are you doing? You’re wasting
“Let me concentrate, woman!”
Her body tensed as the rogues moved
closer. She gripped her laser. Five border guards
rushed around the corner. Forgetting Camille and
Ryder, the rogues turned, meeting the guards
head on. Grunts and screams rent air as the light
from lasers pierced the rogues’ skin.
Ryder thrust his body against an area and
pushed. A portion of the wall shifted, exposing
just enough space for them to squeeze through.
But Camille didn’t move, only shifted her
eyes to his, allowing him to see the myriad of
questions reflected there.
“Trust me, Camille.”
Her indecision lasted only a few seconds
as the sound of pounding feet grew closer.
“Come with us.”
Ryder’s mouth tightened. “There’s not
enough room for me.”
“I’m not leaving you!”
“You have to.” Anchoring a hand behind
her neck, he tugged her closer until their lips met,
hers soft beneath his. He held a tight rein on his
emotions, not wanting to assume anything. A
second later, her lips parted, allowing him en-
trance into the sweetness of her mouth.
His tongue mated with hers, capturing her
taste and committing it to memory. Her mouth
was succulent and he could feast of it forever.
Even if he never kissed her again, holding her
was enough. He groaned, tugging her even
Camille knew he meant the kiss as a type
of reassurance, but the feel of his firm mouth be-
neath hers had her wishing for more time. Desire
flowed through her, guiding her to wrap her arms
around his neck.
He ended the kiss, but the way he contin-
ued gazing at her mouth clued her in to how
much more he craved. He brushed strands of hair
away from her face. “I’ll join you two shortly.”
“Be careful.”
Nodding, he gritted his teeth as he
reached in the front pocket of his jeans. “Here.”
He handed her a set of keys. “You’ll come out in
a maintenance room. Take the service elevator to
the top floor. The smallest key unlocks the elev-
ator so it’ll stop on the top floor.”
She frowned. “What’s up there?”
He winked. “My home.”
Clicking on the flashlight, Camille hur-
ried through the cramped space, pulling Gizeel
by the hand. She yearned to glance behind her to
see if she could spot Ryder, or ascertain if anyone
followed them, but released the temptation from
her mind and kept pushing forward. Within the
narrow space and the uphill climb, progress
proved slow and laborious.
At the end, the tunnel was blocked by
something large and smooth. Camille pushed
with her shoulder. Nothing happened. She
clicked the light onto her belt to free her hands
then tried again.
Still nothing.
Surprise flowed through her when the ali-
en knelt to add his weight to the object, although
she doubted the force his slender frame could
Another push and the object slid forward
several inches, Light filtered in and she saw a re-
frigerator had been blocking their exit. A final
push yielded more space, allowing her to squeeze
by, followed closely by Gizeel.
Buckets, brooms, and other assorted
cleaning items filled the room. Together, she and
Gizeel pushed the appliance back in place in case
anyone was consumed by an urge to discover
what lay beyond the hole in the wall.
Keeping a hand on his arm, she ap-
proached the door, listening carefully. Satisfied,
she didn’t hear footsteps or voices, she cracked it
open to allow a peek outside. The service elevat-
or sat directly across the hallway.
She closed the door again, glancing
around the room in search of something to put
over Gizeel. Spotting a tarp folded neatly on a
shelf, she shook it out then settled it over him.
Beneath it, the alien fought to rid himself of the
Camille sent relaxing and comforting
thoughts into his mind to settle him. Heaven for-
bid if they ran into anyone. But if so, she could
pass his attire off as a child experimenting with
Halloween costumes. When he stilled, she put an
arm around his shoulder and they exited the
She located the key on the ring Ryder had
given her and inserted it into the operating panel
of the service elevator.
She licked her lips, tasting the residual
hops and barley from the drink Ryder consumed.
She wondered what would happen once they
were alone. It was clear he wasn’t finished with
A brief ride later, the doors opened onto a
white and gray marble floor leading to a spacious
foyer. She didn’t know what she expected, but it
wasn’t bold geometric throw rugs or torchiere
floor lamps.
Camille led Gizeel off the elevator, the
whisper of the doors the only sound resonating in
the silence. Remembering her dirty shoes, she
slipped them off. Gizeel didn’t have on any, but
no doubt the soles of his feet were filthy. She’d
just have to clean up after him.
ourselves at home.”
She walked beyond the foyer into a living
and dining area. A dark wood table for six dom-
inated one end of the room and an L-shaped
black leather sofa the other. Floor to ceiling win-
dows allowed unblocked views of a starry sky.
Exactly how did an employee with the
CPD afford a penthouse with a skyline view of
downtown Chicago?
Ryder waited until he was satisfied Cam
and Gizeel were out of sight before replacing the
section of the wall, he’d disturbed. Releasing the
tight rein he held on his demon, he allowed his
body to transform.
The guards had taken care of the rogues
that had followed him so he ran for the entrance
gate to help secure it. If the rogues made it out…
He understood their frustration. They felt
demons should have a choice of where they de-
sired to live if the government wanted to use their
abilities. Made sense. But with the rationality of
rogue demons’ compromised by their evil de-
sires, no government would entertain their
He spotted Parker lurking behind a group
of rogues fighting with border guards. His pres-
ence in the area spiked Ryder’s kill lust.
shoulders drooped as he watched Ryder’s ap-
proach. “It’s for our cause. You’re kidding your-
self. You all are. The Government isn’t going to
give you a choice.”
Before the rogue uttered another word,
Ryder punched him between the eyes, knocking
him to the ground. “I hear Shenquartz calling
your name.”
Flat on his back, Parker groaned, but
didn’t move. Ryder hauled him to his feet by the
scruff of his neck.
A rogue growled behind him. “Where do
you think you’re going half-breed?”
Ryder growled. “I’m taking him to
Shenquartz. Wanna join him?”
With his hands up in surrender, the rogue
backed away.
Shifting into his human form, Ryder ap-
proached the border gate with Parker in tow. The
guard sat, a laser balanced on his knees.
“I need to leave.”
Surprise crossed the young man’s face. “I
can’t open the gate, Ryder. You know the rules.”
“Break them.” He grabbed Parker’s horns
and jerked, pulling the demon’s face upwards so
the guard could see it. “He wants a one-way
transfer to Shenquartz and he’s sorta eager to
leave tonight.”
The guard nodded, quietly opening the
gates to allow them to exit. Ryder waited until
after the steel doors closed behind them,
“Shift,” he ordered.
Parker morphed into a man who appeared
in his late twenties with sandy blond hair and
green eyes.
Ryder cuffed Parker’s hands behind his
back. Next, he snapped a tiny receiver crafted of
lapis lazuli onto one of Parker’s earlobes. Smaller
than an earpiece, the device blocked a demon’s
powers in the presence of humans.
With a hand on Parker’s shoulder, Ryder
guided him along the passageway. Instead of
keeping straight which would take them into the
building housing the Galactic Agency, Ryder
took a right turn which eventually brought them
into the basement of the headquarters of the
An hour later, Ryder had arranged for
Parker’s transportation to Shenquartz. He stopped
by Deputy Chief Stevenson’s office to bring him
up to speed. Breathing a sigh of relief at discov-
ering the chief’s office empty, he scribbled a
message regarding Gizeel’s whereabouts on a
He couldn’t help peeking at Cam’s smil-
ing photo in its silver frame as it rested on the
desk. Lord, she was gorgeous. For the first time
in his life, he wondered about a future with a wo-
man. His parents made it work, but that didn’t
mean Cam would be interested.
Ryder peeled his attention away and left
his superior’s office, closing the door behind
him. He wound his way through the maze of
desks, chatting with fellow cops on their way
home for the night no doubt to the women wait-
ing for them.
He swallowed a sudden rush of loneli-
ness. He’d always known he was destined to be a
loner. He was a man stuck in between two
worlds, not a complete part of either. Why the
sudden longing for a situation he could never
Ryder hailed a cab from the precinct to
his condo where he obtained his spare key from
the doorman. Before heading upstairs, he
checked inside the maintenance room to assure
himself the dilapidated refrigerator stood sentry
in front of the wall shielding tunnel access.
When the elevator opened onto the pent-
house, he kicked off his shoes and left them in
the foyer. He forced the vision of his coming
home from work to find Camille waiting on him
from his mind. Get a grip, man. That may be her
future, but Ryder wouldn’t be the man.
Senses keened, he walked down the hall.
He stopped at the first bedroom, spying Gizeel on
the bed, curled in the fetal position. A light
blanket covered him yet Ryder smelled the clean
spring scent of soap. From the steady up and
down movement of his chest, it was obvious he
had succumbed to sleep.
He continued into his own bedroom, hear-
ing the stream of water from the shower as he
entered. He shrugged off his jacket, leaving it on
the back of a tan leather chair. Camille’s clothes
were folded neatly on a corner of his mahogany
He eased the bathroom door open. Ca-
mille faced the showerhead, diligently scrubbing
every inch of her delectable body. Ryder froze,
hypnotized by the sight of water and bubbles
flowing over skin the color of toffee candy. He
couldn’t believe his luck. Camille naked? In his
bathroom? His cock hardened before the thought
completely formed in his mind.
His palms itched to touch her full breasts
and feel her curvy bottom bounce against him as
she rode him.
She bent to wash her legs, revealing
flashes of her sex. Her father is the deputy chief.
Somehow the words didn’t seem to matter, espe-
cially when a white washcloth delved between
her thighs.
Feeling a sharp point on the palms of his
hands, he looked down. His claws extended and
he hadn’t even been aware. He eased away from
the door and closed it behind him.
Heaving in deep gulps of air, he struggled
to put his attraction to the sexy siren into per-
spective. He hadn’t had a female – human or oth-
erwise – in a while. His body was clearly de-
prived. Even so, he couldn’t take her to bed. No
matter how much he wanted her, she was off
When he had harnessed sufficient control,
Ryder returned to the bathroom.
Camille swayed as she sang a lusty, off-
key version of Wilson Pickett’s “Mustang Sally”.
Before he realized what he was doing, he’d
shucked his t-shirt and jeans, but left his boxer
briefs on. He’d wash her hair, nothing more. He
was doing her a favor.
His approach to the shower stall was
soundless, but not the whoosh of the door as it
slid open.
“Oh!” Cam gripped the towel bar.
His body exposed to her view, he invited
her indulgence. Her eyes lingered on the elabor-
ate tattoo covering his right shoulder and pec be-
fore drifting lower.
Her wide-eyed observance of him and the
small tip of her tongue as she wet her lips was his
undoing. Though he wasn’t completely nude,
there was no disguising the effect she had on
Silently, he stepped behind her. After re-
moving the elastic band securing her ponytail, he
picked up a bottle and squirted shampoo in his
palm. The words he wanted to let out were ones
that shouldn’t be uttered and the ones he could
say wouldn’t help.
He sank his hands into her hair, allowing
the mahogany strands to float over his fingers.
He massaged her scalp, letting his touch tell her
what he couldn’t. He rinsed her hair then poured
another dollop of shampoo into his palm. He
sank his hands into her hair, building a slow
Her body relaxed, leaning against his.
“Mmm. That feels good.”
He gritted his teeth, concentrating on the
task at hand.
“My stylist doesn’t do as great a job as
you.” She reached a hand behind her to grip the
front of his right quad. “Take the briefs off,” she
whispered in a husky voice
He rinsed her hair, certain he had
dreamed the words.
“Take them off, Ryder.”
No, there they were again. The words he
longed to hear. Every part of him wanted to do
what she commanded.
She’s the deputy chief’s daughter. Her
father had helped him many times in so many
ways. He couldn’t repay kindness by helping
himself to the man’s flesh and blood. Easing
away from the overpowering temptation she rep-
resented, he backed out of the stall. He’d shower
in the guest bathroom.
Mouth open and with a look of utter dis-
belief on her face, she watched him like a hawk
surprised at the prospect of its meal running
She’s the deputy chief’s daughter. Ryder
left the bathroom as if the devil himself dogged
his heels.
Chapter Six
What the hell happened? Camille turned
off the water. Why would Ryder leave after per-
forming such an intimate act? She hadn’t even
protested Ryder’s use of an all-in-one shampoo.
She stepped onto a fluffy white bathmat
then picked up the softest bath towel she’d ever
felt. He just walked away as if she hadn’t offered
herself up like a freaking buffet. Men! She’d nev-
er understand them. She froze in the act of drying
off. Was he seeing someone? Could be possible,
but she hadn’t spotted any evidence of a female
in his bedroom or any other room. With a man
like Ryder, a girl would want others to be aware
he was taken.
But what other reason could there be? If
the rise of his briefs was any indication, he found
her more than attractive. If he had someone, fine.
But if he was in the free and clear...
Camille hung the white towel on the bar
before padding into his bedroom. Part of her
hoped he’d be sprawled across the king-size bed
waiting on her, but no such luck. The bed itself
was nearly larger than her entire bedroom. Along
with a bed, the room had space for a dresser,
night stands covered with a stack of news
magazines and a separate sitting area which in-
cluded a tan leather loveseat and chair and an en-
tertainment center.
She rustled in his closet for a shirt. She
slid on the white cotton which came to her knees.
She buttoned it up, longing for clean underwear
as well, but at least her body was free of sweat
and grime.
After leaving the bedroom, she checked
on Gizeel first, glad to find he remained deep in
slumber. She didn’t shut the door completely, but
opted to leave it cracked a few inches so she’d
hear if he awakened.
In the kitchen, Ryder guzzled a glass of
water as he stood in front of the granite covered
island. She observed the play of muscles beneath
the expanse of his golden skin. Damn, the man
was built. Well-worn jeans sculpted his firm
backside like an old friend. A thin line of black
rose above the waistband of the denim.
“What happened? How’d you get out?”
she asked.
He turned around, lowering the glass as
he studied her. Her breasts grew heavy the longer
he zeroed in on the area between her thighs.
Clearing his throat, he lifted his gaze to
hers. “Where are your jeans?”
“They were dirty so unless you have
clothes that are seriously too little for you, this is
it.” She batted her lashes. “Do you keep clothes
for female guests?”
He didn’t answer as he rubbed the back of
his neck. He turned his back to her, not com-
pletely, but now she could only see his profile.
“Look, I’m sure you’re quite the man
about town.” She rolled the sleeves of the shirt
above her wrists. “I was only kidding.”
growled the words.
“X-ray vision too? You’re like Super-
man.” She laughed. “Hey, if you remove your
boxer briefs, we’d be a matching pair.”
He didn’t respond to her teasing as he
opened the stainless steel refrigerator. “Hungry?
“Ravenous.” The black sender cord
hanging around his neck caught her attention. A
silver and gold oval-shaped object swung from
the end.
She joined him, lifting onto her tiptoes for
a better look at the medallion. “Where’d you get
He stiffened, but didn’t move. “A friend.”
She allowed her nails to gently scrape
against his skin as she lifted the object and
peered closer. A silver replica of the sun and
planets were bordered by gold. She turned it
over. The reverse displayed the Milky Way
“Intricate.” Camille allowed the object to
slip from her hands, watching with fascination as
it landed between the tight planes of his pectoral
muscles. Fighting the urge to smooth her palms
over his skin, she knew it would be best to keep
the conversation on safe topics – especially since
she had yet to discover if he were involved with
She cleared her throat. “Now that the
niceties are over, let’s talk. How do you live in a
building that’s an access point for Demopolis and
you own this place on a cop’s salary?”
“I own the building on a cop’s salary.” He
nodded in the direction where Gizeel slept. “Any
idea how long will he be out?”
“No way of telling.” She responded as his
previous comment sunk into her aroused brain
cells. “How do you own the building?”
“I inherited it.” He frowned as he stared
at the fridge’s contents. “Guess we won’t know
more until we study him.”
Realization dawned on her. “The Govern-
ment has known the entire time, hasn’t it? That’s
how you knew his name,” she accused.
He retrieved steaks and fixing for a salad
then closed the fridge. “I can’t let you take him,
She planted her hands on her hips. “Let
“The Galactic Agency has never
dealt with something like this before.”
“Oh...and I suppose the Government
He switched on the indoor grill. “No.”
“My point exactly. The Government
wants – ”
“We’ll deal with that afterward.”
She slid onto a counter stool. “After
“An endless barrage of tests! You can’t!”
“After we ascertain why Gizeel is here
and whether or not he’s a threat, you can take
him to Silver.”
“You said you weren’t tracking him.”
Deftly, he seasoned the steaks. “I can’t let
him stay and wreak havoc when he can be
“We’ll contain him, figure out how he got
here, and why he came then we’ll send him
“The Government is concerned about the
spike in negative energy erupting from Demopol-
is. The suspected date of Gizeel’s arrival corres-
ponds to a spike in the increase of the number of
“The timeline may be suspicious, but he
wouldn’t hurt anyone.”
“You don’t know him.”
“You don’t either,” she shot back. “Give
us twenty-four hours. Please, Ryder.”
He didn’t answer, just pinned her with an
enigmatic stare.
She stayed quiet. If he weren’t consider-
ing giving in, he’d have already refused. When
he returned his attention to the grill, she sighed.
She could access the answer from his mind her-
self, but there was the pesky problem of not be-
ing able to gain entrance and it bothered her that
she couldn’t.
The steaks sizzled as he plopped them
onto the heat. “The Agency works closely with
the CPD. Silver can attempt to locate Gizeel’s
area of origination and whatever tests she deems
necessary, but at seven a.m., I’m taking him to
the precinct. Understood?” His voice deepened
into a growl.
“You can’t give us more time?”
“I don’t take orders from you.”
“Well, who do you take them from?”
Ryder rinsed the lettuce, pointedly ignor-
ing her question. “Who knows what outbreak
Gizeel may cause? He poses too much of a risk
among us.”
“You say that as if you live with the
He stiffened. “You know what I mean.”
She slid off the stool. “I’ll check in with
Silver and let her know the timeframe.”
As she left the kitchen, Ryder let out the
breath he hadn’t been aware of holding. He knew
he needed to tell her the truth about his lineage,
but how exactly did one broach the subject? He’d
never had to bother having this conversation be-
fore because he’d confined his previous experi-
ences with women who knew the game and
didn’t question if he didn’t call the next day. Ca-
mille didn’t strike him as the hit-it-and-get-out-
quick type.
How was he supposed to make it through
dinner without touching the woman? He tossed
the salad before removing two bowls from the
cabinet. After he divulged his secret, if she
stayed, great. If not...
Camille returned. This time instead of
standing next to him, she stood facing him, her
back against the back of the island’s counter.
“I heard you in my mind when I was
looking for Gizeel. How did you do that?”
“Same way you do.”
She shook her head. “I can read peoples’
thoughts, bring up certain memories and influ-
ence their moods, but I can’t hear them in my
mind.” She narrowed her eyes. “I can’t even hear
your thoughts. Is that why you patrol down
She touched his left bicep with a soft
hand. He tensed, not even having heard her
She stroked his muscles in a feather-light
caress. “After we eat, it’ll be really late.” She
trailed her nails from his elbow to his wrist then
back. “Do you mind if I spend the night?”
His demon nearly appeared on the spot,
but he reined it in...barely. He cleared his throat.
“Not a good idea.”
After a moment, she sighed in a soft rush
of air. “I know you feel something between us. I
feel it too.”
“Cam – ”
“What’s holding you back? Is it someone
As if anyone else could compare to her.
“Well then – ”
“I don’t need a woman in my space.”
She grinned, not stopping her exploring
fingers from delving into his arm pits. “You need
someone because this place is about as inviting as
a hospital room.”
He couldn’t stop a smile from creasing
his face as he held up a hand to ward off her wig-
gling digits. “Time out. I’m working here. If you
want to eat, stop tickling me.”
Camille moved her fingers to his waist. “I
know you’re different. I’m different.” She
shrugged. “Who cares?”
He divided the salad into bowls before
adding shredded cheddar cheese and olives. From
the strain of keeping his demon leashed, he didn’t
possess much additional energy to engage in
Camille traced the intricate circles of the
tattoo on his back with a finger. “Why do you
wear this on your jacket? Does it have a
“Family crest,” he ground out.
She moved closer, causing the air to shift
with what he’d come to associate as her scent,
light and clean. “It’s just that all we’ve been
through today, I can use something normal.”
She snaked her arms around his waist be-
fore he could move out of her way.
He stiffened at the bone-melting feel of
her warm body. He was hanging on to his com-
mon sense by a thread, one that was rapidly
wearing thin. He inhaled. The scent of her arous-
al coated the inside of his nostrils and throat.
Damn it. He couldn’t recall the last time he
wanted a woman like this.
“Relax,” she murmured, sliding her arms
up and down his arms. “Thanks for saving me.”
She stood on tiptoe to nip the flashy part of his
left ear lobe. “What would I have done without
you?” She paid his right earlobe the same
She melded her body even closer to him.
Her fingers swept across his chest to rest on his
pectoral muscles.
She brushed her palms against his
nipples, causing him to crave for more. Ryder cut
the grill off, relinquishing the fight to concentrate
on anything besides Cam, not when she was
standing in his shirt and wearing nothing under-
neath. It was too much. Especially when his mind
had leaped ahead of him, already visualizing her
lying atop him, a look of utter satisfaction her
His hand clenched the spatula. Her
breasts teased his back, her nipples taunting him
with each touch of heat. He dragged in breaths to
help his foggy brain function, but to no avail. His
cock hardened, a state he was getting accustomed
to when she was near.
Camille’s mouth, hot and wet, nibbled his
neck, right below his ear. His nails shifted into
claws. The spatula clattered to the stovetop in
pieces. It was too late to consider the outcome of
his actions. His body and mind had already de-
cided bedding her was a foregone conclusion.
He forced his demon back, waiting until
the claws disappeared before he whirled around
to face her. Looking down at her pleading
chocolate eyes proved his undoing. Grasping her
waist, he sat her on the island countertop in one
swift movement.
Camille gasped. “Give me a warning.
Granite is cold.”
“Won’t be for long.”
She wrapped her legs around his hips as
his firm lips covered hers, demanding a response.
An uncontrollable shiver of pleasure ran the
length of her body. She’d wanted this from him
ever since she saw him.
His large hands cradled her face. His
tongue swiped across her bottom lip requesting
entry before he demolished her senses by laying
claim to every inch of her mouth.
She sank her fingers into his hair.
“More,” she mumbled against his lips.
“I don’t think you can handle it.”
She reached down, caressing him through
the briefs. At his groan, she replied, “If not, I’ll
have fun trying.”
Ryder’s lips wreaked havoc with her
senses until raw need proved the singular motiva-
tion. He hadn’t even touched her body and he
already had her writhing in search of release. The
maddening lips traveled across her neck, setting
off mini-eruptions along the way.
“Is this what you want?” he whispered
against her right earlobe. A second later, he had
trapped her nipple and the shirt between his lips.
Each tug of his mouth made her clench her
“Yes.” She squirmed, wanting to rub her-
self against him, but he held her still. He didn’t
grant her a second of rest before switching his at-
tention to the other breast.
Gasping, she clutched his waist. When
she’d come into the kitchen, her plan had been to
seduce him, but now she was the seducee.
She licked a swath of skin on his chest
and his body trembled. Emboldened by his re-
sponse, she allowed her tongue to trace the intric-
ate tattoo that covered his right shoulder. With
unerring precision, she followed each line’s path.
When she finished, he was panting.
His hazel eyes had darkened and she felt
like she was looking into a bottomless midnight
“Turn around.”
He stared at her blankly.
She gave him a gentle move to position
him the way she wanted. She treated his back to
the same attention as his chest. Ryder’s head
bowed as his thighs trembled.
She trailed her nails up the middle of his
back. “I don’t want slow and sweet. Not tonight,”
she whispered.
The words barely left her mouth before he
whipped around. From the tight expression on
her face, she knew asking him to take it slow
would have been an impossibility.
She cradled his face in her hands. “I want
Ryder had never heard sweeter words in
his life. He shoved his jeans off with lightning
She jumped down in a lithe move. She
shed the shirt, leaving her standing naked before
him. Bending slightly at the waist, she allowed
her mouth to caress the fine black hairs leading
below his navel. He brushed her hair away from
the side of her face.
“Put your mouth on me.”
Chapter Seven
Camille surveyed Ryder’s impressive
length. Sliding the mushroom-shaped head
between her lips, she felt an enormous sense of
feminine power surge through her when his head
fell back in surrender.
She smiled around the width of his shaft.
She couldn’t take his entire length, but she tried
with gusto. She licked the silken steel of his erec-
tion, laving him with her tongue. A pearl of li-
quid gathered at his tip and she swiped it away,
allowing the taste of him to coat her mouth. She
drew him in deeper, varying the pressure of her
suction. He groaned in response.
Her hands stroked his base, squeezing
then letting go. Pleasing him increased her own
pleasure and her center grew wetter still with the
need to take him into her body.
Ryder struggled to take in enough oxy-
gen. His brain forgot to instruct his body to
breathe. Hot, wet softness surrounded his cock
and he was pretty sure only one other feeling
topped this one.
She continued, as if she hadn’t heard him.
“Naughty woman.” As much as he en-
joyed what she was doing, he didn’t intend to
spill himself in her mouth – at least not for their
first time. “Inside you,” he panted.
She teased him by swiping a pearl of
glistening liquid with her tongue from the tip.
“Where’s the condom?”
“Hold that thought.” He rushed into the
bedroom where he yanked open the nightstand
drawer. He grabbed a handful of the square
He left the room then passed the partially-
opened door where Gizeel slept. Damn. He’d for-
gotten about the alien. Ryder eased into the
alien’s mind and pushed Gizeel into a stage of
deep sleep.
Camille stood where he’d left her. After
sheathing himself, he lifted her, holding her
weight as he guided himself between her thighs.
The head of his cock touched her swollen lips.
He held himself still, enjoying the welcoming
softness. He eased inside her slick core, inch by
deliciously tight inch.
The sensation he was coming home
rushed through Ryder. He didn’t stop to explore
the feeling. He couldn’t. Not with the thrill of be-
ing inside her proving greater than his fantasy.
“Am I hurting you?”
She shook her head as she clenched her
muscles around him. All sane thoughts flew from
his mind.
His hands moved to her hips, controlling
her movements, slowing and quickening them to
his satisfaction.
“Yes!” Camille bounced against him, her
feet tapping a rapid beat on his butt.
Without breaking their connection, he
walked to a chair and sank onto it. From this
angle, he slid even deeper into her. She’d never
felt a completeness like this.
His hot mouth latched onto a nipple. Each
suck of his demanding tongue tugged at her cen-
ter. She moved against him, eager for more.
He switched his attention to the other
breast. She tasted so good and felt even better.
Soft, wet, willing woman. He didn’t want this to
ever end.
“Cam, Cam, Cam.”
She’d have forgotten her own name if he
wasn’t chanting it.
His fingers trailed down between them to
her clit. His thumb brushed over the hardened
flesh, over and over. Control left her as she felt
her body approach the zenith. She ran her nails
down his back as she rotated her hips against
“I’m there!” Camille’s muscles squeezed
his cock, bringing him closer to the edge of his
Grateful, she hadn’t been able to last
long, Ryder released the rein on his own tightly
leashed desire.
“I’m right behind you, baby.” He tumbled
over the precipice.
Eyes closed, his head lolled as he relished
the satisfying moment. He drifted off, but the
buzzer of his intercom brought him instantly
Camille jumped off him, breasts bouncing
with the movement. “It’s Silver. Oh my God! I
forgot I called her.” She pulled on his shirt.
“Where are my jeans?” She dashed towards his
Ryder rushed into the bathroom. He dis-
posed the condom then tugged on his jeans. In
the foyer, he pressed the button that would allow
the elevator to stop on his floor. Entering
Gizeel’s mind, he removed the cloak of sleep
from the alien.
Ryder had ten seconds to yank hiss zipper
up and brush his hair into place with his hands
just as the doors opened.
Dressed in black jeans and a white leather
jacket, Silver’s heels clicked against the tile as
she entered the foyer. “Hey, Ryder.”
He only knew her first name and had nev-
er heard anyone call her anything else. As usual,
she wore jewelry in her namesake metal.
“I brought a transmutalyzer with me.”
“Good. I’ll collect Gizeel in the morning.
I need to be at the precinct by seven.”
She smiled. “I’m grateful. I know you’re
putting yourself on the line with the Deputy
Chief, but I appreciate it.”
“Hi Silver,” Camille joined them. She’d
secured her hair in a ponytail and was clothed in
the dirty and torn jeans once more. But despite
her attempt to clean-up, she glowed with the look
of a woman recently well-loved.
Silver’s gaze volleyed to Camille and
back to him. “Did I interrupt something?”
“I’ll wake Gizeel,” Camille offered, leav-
ing the question unanswered as she dashed from
the room.
Ryder folded his arms in front of his
chest, knowing Silver wouldn’t let the incident
She smoothed long, chocolate hair away
from her face. “Does she know?”
“Not yet.”
Silver frowned. “You need to tell her.”
“I’m looking for the right moment.”
“I haven’t known her long, but I don’t
like my agents’ feelings played with,” she
warned. “Makes them lose focus on their assign-
ments.” She huffed out a loud whoosh of air.
“Don’t tread in Mo’s footsteps by making it your
goal to sleep your way through the Agency. I had
to reassign two of my best agents to other field
He groaned. “That’s not what I’m doing.
Camille is special.”
With a shake of her head, Silver stalked
away. He followed, feeling every bit like a teen-
ager caught making out with his girlfriend in-
stead of the owner of the house. Hell, the damn
In the kitchen, she surveyed the room
then turned to face him. “Food’s cold. Utensils
on the floor. Good thing I didn’t arrive ten
minutes earlier.”
He didn’t bother hiding his grin of male
satisfaction. “I give you my word, Silver. I’ll tell
Silver smirked, but before she could say
anything else Camille returned with Gizeel.
Silver approached Gizeel. She showed
him the transmutalyzer encased in a plastic wrist
band before sliding it over his hand.
“See you in the office tomorrow, Camille.
I’ll be waiting on your report.” She glanced at
Ryder. “I heard news of an uprising tonight.”
“Yeah, but we got out without mishap.”
“I’m glad.” With Gizeel’s hand firmly in
hers, Silver headed toward the elevator.
“Wait! Don’t you need to disguise him?”
Camille asked.
“He will be.”
The doors slid open and the two boarded.
A second later, Camille and Ryder were alone.
“What do you think she meant by that?”
Camille asked with a frown.
He shrugged. “She’s powerful. Gizeel
will be fine.” Most other-worldly citizens of
Earth possessed one or two powers at the most,
but he realized Silver possessed quite a number.
Camille glanced around the kitchen. “You
think she knew?”
He nodded. “Absolutely.”
Camille groaned.
Ryder laughed. “Don’t be embarrassed.”
He stroked her back. “Food’s cold, but I can
warm it up.”
She slid her fingers in his belt loops. “I
can think of something else you can warm up.”
“Wait.” His hands stilled their move-
ments. It was time. “I need to tell you
“Later. Right now,” – she slid her hands
across the front of his jeans – “I want you to do
something else.”
His brain slowed. He could tell her later.
Another hour or so wouldn’t matter. “I’m
She nodded, glancing at the thickening
ridge below his waist. “I see you are.”
Ryder moved purposefully to the wall,
where he flipped a switch, plunging the room in
darkness. He unzipped his jeans, shoved them
down his legs then stepped out of them. He stared
into her eyes as he slid the condom on.
His cock jutted proudly from the nest of
curly black hair at its base. “Come here.”
With anticipation carved into every cell,
Camille executed his command. Each step
brought her closer to the man her body was rap-
idly recognizing as the provider of its pleasure.
He didn’t speak as he unbuttoned her
shirt, each slide of the clear round orbs through
the buttonholes exposing her to view. His fingers
caressed his skin as if it were satin. With a fore-
finger, he drew the initials RE above her waist.
She shivered in delight, wishing he’d hurry so he
could touch all of her. The downward trek of the
metal zipper sounded like thunder. He gently po-
sitioned her so she faced the windows.
She struggled to temper her breathing, but
her heart raced, responding to what it knew
would be another pleasurable experience.
His hands encircled her waist beneath the
shirt, sliding upwards to caress the underside of
her breasts. She sighed as he played with her
nipples, brushing and gently twisting them until
they hardened against his fingers in search of
more pleasure.
He forced her closer to the window until
her nipples touched the cool glass of the
windows. She gasped at the unexpected jolt
through her body. Over and over, he worried her
nipples. His fingers varied from gentle to hard,
each change alleviated by the coolness of the
window. She shook with the need to come, but he
was unrelenting in his actions.
Finally, he swept his hands further up-
wards to her shoulders then slid the shirt down
her arms and onto the floor.
His lips, damp and needy, kissed the base
of her neck then traveled down the middle of her
back. Her palms flattened against the glass.
When his lips arrived at the waistband of
her jeans, she tensed, wondering what his next
move would be.
His large hands rested on her hips, but
only for a second. He held her captive as he
rubbed himself against her, his cock nestling
between her denim-clad legs.
Her mouth opened in delight, but no
sound issued forth.
Ryder dragged her jeans down in one
move. He lifted one leg free then the other. Heat
raced through her and she rested her forehead
against the glass.
His hands caressed her feet then roamed
her calves as nibbling kisses landed on back of
her knees. She fisted one palm, holding it against
her mouth as he continued, showing no sign of
He kneaded her thighs, pulling her back
slightly against him. She held her breath, but only
for a second. A gasp ripped from her when his
fingers slid between her legs. Her clit leaped at
the welcome touch and she squeezed her eyes
shut. His tongue caressed the curves of her bot-
tom. Each swipe coaxed her higher and higher up
the rung of pleasure.
His fingers, wet with her abundant mois-
ture, dragged backwards and up to the cleft of her
rounded bottom.
Gasping, she quivered against him. A
thick arm wrapped around her waist lifting her
several inches in the air. He lowered her onto his
cock. She felt a tremble rip through him as he
eased inside.
No power in the world could keep the
moan from shooting forth from her lips. Her head
flung back, breasts and palms flat against the
glass as she took him deeper.
He raised and lowered her, dictating the
motion. Despite her attempts to make him move
faster, he kept the slow pace. He reached a hand
around to her folds. His fingers played with her
clit, making it harder for her to focus on staying
in rhythm with him.
She watched their reflection in the glass.
God, he was gorgeous. His body was a work of
art. His gaze met hers and held it as they moved
together toward bliss. She’d never felt more ex-
posed, but she welcomed it when she recognized
more than desire in his eyes. She climbed higher
toward release when she realized she wanted to
be a fixture in his life. So what if his job was be-
low ground? She could live with that.
She twisted around to kiss him. His lips
met hers, their tongues mating in a sensuous kiss
that held nothing back.
She wanted to make it last, but the urge to
come made her rock faster against him. She
broke the kiss. “Yes!” Her shout released as her
body tightened around him.
He pumped into her several more times.
He groaned as he emptied inside her. He lowered
them to the floor, his arm still wrapped around
He rested his head against the window.
Camille lay curled atop him, her head on his
chest. He squeezed his eyes shut. She was differ-
ent from any other female he’d ever met. He’d
known it from their first meeting.
She was right. His place could use a fem-
inine touch, but he didn’t want any woman here,
but her.
Holding her close, he rose to his feet. Her
soft snores didn’t end as he walked. He placed
her on his bed then pulled the sheet over her.
Camille opened her eyes then pushed the
sheet away. She grinned and crooked her finger
at him.
He leaned over and brushed her cheek. “I
thought you were tired.”
She lazily grinned as she stretched then
rubbed the empty side of the mattress. “Not for
you. Come here.”
It was well after midnight when she fell
asleep. Ryder knew he needed to tell her his
secret, but every time he attempted to broach the
subject, she brushed it aside in favor of more sex.
Not that he was complaining. Camille was very
responsive and flexible – two of his favorite
things in a woman.
Only ten minutes ago, she’d sat astride his
thighs, riding him to the best orgasm of his life.
He removed the medallion then placed it on the
nightstand. He stroked strands of hair off Ca-
mille’s face, praying she’d agree to share a future
with him.
Chapter Eight
Camille dreamed she was on a beach with
Ryder. They swayed in a hammock as the sand
lapped against the shore as a bell tolled. She
looked around, trying to ascertain the location of
the noise. When it rang again, she realized it was
a phone. Instantly awake, she bolted upright.
Ryder tugged on her arm, pulling her
prone once again. “Leave it,” he muttered in a
sleep-roughened voice.
She snuggled closer to his warmth.
Seconds later, a booming voice emerged
from the machine on the nightstand. “Ryder,
Stevenson here.”
At the sound of her father’s voice, she sat
up again.
“Did you have any trouble using the
medallion to stop Cam’s powers? And why did I
have to find out about the alien’s whereabouts on
a sticky note? Pick up the phone if you’re there.”
Betrayal seeped through every pore
of her skin. She leapt out of bed as if on fire.
Ryder threw the sheet aside. “Wait,
honey, I can explain.”
She yanked on his shirt. “I’m sure you
can, but I don’t want to hear it.”
“Cam –”
“Ryder? You there?” The disembodied
voice filled the room.
Where the hell were her jeans? “Don’t
call me that!”
“Baby –”
She raised a brow.
She marched over, picked up the receiver
then turned off the answering machine. Word-
lessly, she motioned for Ryder to take the phone.
After tugging on his jeans, he did so, but
covered the mouthpiece. “We need to talk.”
She paused in the doorway. “There’s
nothing to say. Don’t keep my father waiting.”
In the foyer, she finished dressing. How
could she be such a bad judge of character? The
most amazing man she ever met and he proved to
be a class A jerk.
Anger at him – and herself – propelled
her to brush his mind. Finding no barrier against
entry, she slipped inside. Images of demons sur-
rounded her, but only one held her attention. So-
mething about this particular demon looked fa-
miliar. She moved closer, studying its eyes.
Omigod! It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t!
Abruptly, a white light surrounded her
and she snapped back into her own body with a
“Cam! Stop it!” Ryder raced to the kit-
chen. He stormed towards her, the medallion
swinging again between his pecs. “What the fuck
happened to respect?”
“It’s called mutual respect and you’ve had
none for me.” Her heart beat a quickened rhythm
against her chest. Her stomach threatened to dis-
lodge its contents.
Damn him! She wanted to punch him, but
she knew some part of her must have realized by
the tattoo of his family crest that he was related
to demons, even if he wasn’t fully one. She’d
been so blinded by her reaction to him, she
hadn’t wanted to see what was right in front of
She frowned. “Don’t you think you
could’ve managed to mention you were a demon
before we…we…you know?”
“Half-demon, actually.” He brushed a
hand over his hair. “Honey, believe me, I wanted
to. I tried to.”
“’Cam, I’m half-demon’ would’ve done
the trick.” She slid on her shoulder holster. “I’m
outta here.”
“Where are you going?”
“Home. I need a shower and clean
“Running away again? You left the force
because your father became deputy chief. Afraid
your fellow officers would no longer be so ac-
cepting of you especially if they knew about your
extra gift?”
She clapped her hands together. “Kudos
on discovering that tidbit when you gained access
to my mind.” She slipped on her shoes. “I was a
good detective and I’ll make a great agent so I
don’t need a boost from my father. At least I’m
not hiding out among demons praying to be ac-
cepted by them. They don’t want you around.
You’re not one of them.”
His jaw pulsed, warning her, but she was
beyond angry.
“You want to talk about running away?
Why the hell do you live in a penthouse away
from people? You judgmental...” She bit her lip
to keep the rest of her statement from his ears.
His body tensed, as if he held tight rein on
his anger. He deserved nothing from her for his
deception, but damn if he wasn’t still the hottest
man she’d ever met.
She slid on the dusty navy jacket. “Bye,
Despite her anger at Ryder, Camille knew
it best to channel her energy elsewhere. After ar-
riving home, she’d showered quickly then
dressed. She arrived early at Galactic Agency.
Work was always the best antidote to personal
problems. She settled at her desk then booted up
her computer.
Fifteen minutes later, fellow agent, Nia
Stone, leaned on the corner of her desk. “How
was Demopolis?”
“In terms of what?” Cam transferred her
attention from the monitor to the woman. Nia
was top instructor in Krav Maga. She was also
one of the few women in the Agency who also
held a black belt in Karate.
“I heard about the uprising. Bad news
travels fast.”
“I left in the midst of the commotion.”
“You go, girl. I’m glad you were success-
ful. Those rogues are intent on proving
something and no telling who will end up dead
by the time they’re finished proving it.”
The phone on the desk buzzed. Cam
pushed the speaker button.
“Silver wants to see you in her office,”
the voice intoned.
Nia rose, setting off a jangle of colorful
quartz bracelets on her wrists. In addition to her
impressive skills, Nia read peoples’ auras and
held the power to sync their chakras just from the
shaking hands with them.
She winked at Camille. “Catch up with
you later. I’m off to teach the new guys at
Quantico the right way to treat a lady.”
Camille laughed. “Good luck. I heard
about that assignment.”
“Yeah, well trust me, they won’t suspect
anything until it’s too late.”
Camille smiled to herself as the petite
agent threaded her way through the maze of
desks. She sympathized with the FBI’s incoming
students. From what she’d learned from other co-
workers, most people made the mistake of as-
suming the agent with her doll-like features and
stature wasn’t harmful. Those who doubted her
abilities usually regretted it once Nia flipped
them onto their backs.
Sighing, Camille headed for Silver’s of-
fice. She knocked on the closed door.
“Come on in, Camille.”
Silver’s corner office was a study in min-
imalistic charm. Camille settled onto a black
leather sofa. In front of her was a glass table with
a silver vase filled with white roses.
“Is the report finished?”
“Almost. I started on it as soon as I
“Good.” Silver nodded. “Ryder collected
Gizeel this morning and delivered him to the
“What will happen to him?” At Silver’s
questioning look, Camille added, “To Gizeel, I
“I’ve spoken with your father and shared
the results of my findings. Naturally, the Deputy
Chief will also have Gizeel tested, but he’s aware
his findings will more than likely corroborate my
“And then?”
Silver shrugged. “I’m sending Gizeel
home. Seems he lost his way while traveling in
the Andromeda Galaxy. His next closest coordin-
ates proved to be our galaxy.”
“But why did he end up in Demopolis?”
“His pod landed over one of the old, un-
used entrances. He scanned the area and dis-
covered the demons’ city.”
Andromeda’s realm?”
Silver dropped her gaze, straightening a
stack of papers on the otherwise immaculate
desk. “I believe he’s from one of Andromeda’s
many satellite galaxies. I don’t know at this
point which one Gizeel considers home.”
“Is he the source of the spike in negative
energy driving the rogues?”
“I don’t believe he is. But I suspect your
father will be able to give us a definitive answer.”
Silver surveyed her for a second. “Did you have a
Camille swallowed. It freaked her out
when Silver knew what she wanted before she
even conceived of the thought. “Did my father
influence you in my getting this job?”
Silver smiled. “I have great respect for
Deputy Chief Stevenson, but even he cannot dic-
tate who I have as part of my team, so no. You
won this job solely on your accomplishments and
skills. I take it Ryder divulged his relationship
with your father?”
“Not really, but he shared enough,” she
“You know he’s half-demon?”
Camille nodded.
“He’s a good man.” Silver rose from her
chair. “Loyal, dedicated, a great fighter.”
“Yeah, but he’s – ”
Silver smirked, “Different? Yeah, well we
all are in some form or fashion.” She crossed the
room to open the door, signaling the end of the
Following her lead, Camille stood, feeling
like she was in a principal’s office. “I’ll finish the
report right away.”
She walked out, wondering if she’d been
too hasty in ending things with Ryder. She’d pro-
gressed halfway down the hall before Silver’s
voice floated to her. “Your father is an excellent
judge of character.”
After a routine check of Dempolis’ safety
area, Ryder let himself into Mo’s office, using
the spare key his cousin had given him. Settling
in a worn chair, Ryder propped his boots on the
desk, crossing his feet at the ankles.
Mo opened the door then slammed it shut.
He set a bottle in front of Ryder with a determ-
ined clink. “You need to find her.”
Ryder yawned at the intrusion. “She isn’t
“Look man, I have to serve you in here
because your hound dog expression is depressing
the clientele.”
“Even if I kidnapped her, she wouldn’t
“Can you blame her? She thinks you in-
tentionally set out to deceive her. Give her some
“It’s already been a week.” Ryder
downed half the beer. “I’ll give her one more
day. After that, I’m taking her somewhere where
we can talk.”
Mo shook his head. “This is why I don’t
deal in this love stuff. See a fine woman. Bed a
fine woman. Send her out the door. Speaking of
fine women, have you seen Nia?”
“No. Word is she’s heading to Quantico
for a while.”
Mo nodded. Ryder knew his silence
meant his cousin felt a great deal more for the
woman than he would ever admit, even to
“How’s Silver?” Mo asked in measured
tones. “She still a bit peeved at finding Nia and I
in the copy room?”
Ryder couldn’t keep a grin off his face.
“Fuck man. She had to trash the copier.”
Mo barked with laughter. “I never lost a
boner so fast in my life! Nia was frozen in shock.
Hell, I wasn’t even worried about Silver. She got
a good look at my butt though. Bet she still
dreams about it every now and then.”
Ryder gasped for air as he held his sides.
“Stop! The visuals are killing me.” He knew Mo
would never have divulged exactly what
happened in Galactic’s offices under ordinary cir-
cumstances and probably only did so to give Ry-
der a laugh.
Mo grinned. “So what happened with
Ryder blew out his breath in a rush of air.
“Turns out he was harmless. Silver returned him
to his home somewhere near the Andromeda
Galaxy. But we’re still no closer to discovering
the source of the negative energy spikes. So-
mething is feeding the evil desires and thoughts
down here. If we don’t hurry and discover the
source, it’ll be all-out war. And then – ”
“Civil war. Then the Government will
find somewhere else to send those of us who sur-
vive. I hate this, Ryder.”
A knock at the door ended the conversa-
tion. Mo opened it to reveal Camille dressed in
tan slacks and a short, black trench jacket tied at
the waist.
Chapter Nine
Ryder kept his face impassive, but he
couldn’t stop his heart from damn near knocking
a hole in his chest. Nor could he stop his cock
from rising to half-mast just because Camille was
He waited for her to speak.
She stuffed her hands in the pocket of her
trench. “I hope I’m not interrupting. I was told
Ryder was back here…and I need to talk to him.”
She finally met his eyes. “To you.”
Barely smothering a smile, Mo glanced at
Ryder. “I’ll be out front if you need my protec-
tion.” He left, closing the door behind him.
She continued to stand, watching him as
if observing an animal in its natural habitat.
Ryder stretched out his long legs, cross-
ing them at the ankle. He wasn’t for playing
games. She knew about him. Either she wanted to
be with him or she could leave. He refused to al-
low her “time” to figure things out. Fuck time.
He clasped his hands behind his neck.
“Why does my working with your father bother
Although it’d only been a week since
he’d last seen her, it seemed like a lifetime. He
catalogued the differences in her appearance. In-
stead of being confined in a ponytail, her hair
flowed over her shoulders in soft-looking waves.
The lapels of the trench created a deep V and her
skin glistened with gold flecks that sparkled in
the light from the desk lamp.
He took a deep breath, inhaling her scent.
He wanted to say she smelled like heaven, but
what came out was, “Answer me.”
She sighed, but didn’t respond right away.
“It doesn’t bother me.”
He lifted his brows, but said nothing.
“I don’t care who you’ve worked with. I
didn’t come to argue with you.” She crossed the
floor to stand in front of the desk. “What did the
Government’s tests of Gizeel reveal?”
He raised his bottle in salutation. “He
isn’t the source of the spike in negative energy.”
She blew her breath out in a soft sigh.
“That all you wanted? Because I’m
She flashed a quick smile. “Yeah, I can
see downing beers is time consuming.”
“It does take a certain level of skill.”
She tapped her nails on the oak surface of
the desk. “Why did my father send you to spy on
Ryder took a swig of beer. “He didn’t.”
“Then why’d he give you the medallion?”
“You didn’t ask him?”
“My father’s an astute man as I’m sure
you know. My questioning him would lead to his
questioning me about my…activities with you.”
He rubbed his chin as he acknowledged
the truth in her words. Yeah, if she’d had a convo
with her father, no doubt the Deputy Chief
would’ve camped out in the lobby of Ryder’s
building until he received the truth about his
“So, why’d he give it to you?” She re-
peated the question as if he’d forgotten.
“Silver told me she was sending you to
Demopolis. I mentioned it to your father. He
didn’t doubt you could handle yourself at all. But
he figured if you needed an ally, you wouldn’t
trust me or accept my help if you knew I was
half-demon.” He smirked. “Funny, right?”
At her glare, he continued. “He suspected
you would run into resistance down here. Did
you know your father worked my beat? That’s
where we met actually.” He rose then walked
slowly to stand in front of a dusty, old dartboard
hanging adjacent to the door. “Rogues killed my
parents in an uprising.”
She gasped, but didn’t interrupt.
He threw a dart, the point landing two
rings from the center. “I was spiraling out of
control, didn’t know where to go. Free-falling to
Hell without a net. Your father took an interest in
me. Didn’t flinch when I told him my father was
a demon.”
“Your mother – ”
He gave a harsh laugh. “Human, but
rogues dismembered her.” He threw another dart,
this one landing just outside the center ring. He
glanced at her. “We traditionally don’t engage in
battles with each other, but once we become vic-
tims of evil thoughts and desires, we change. You
noticed the rogue’s skin was dull gray?”
She nodded.
“Evil ruins our life force, eventually
draining us of any good and leaving nothing but a
shell. The spike in negative energy is accelerating
the change of susceptible demons into becoming
rogues. That’s why the Government is concerned.
Our entire species could be wiped out if it
He threw the last dart. Bulls-eye.
“Show me.”
Silently, he retrieved the darts.
“Trust works both ways, Ryder. I want to
know you, all of you. The demon side and the hu-
man side.”
Ryder closed his eyes. Though she said
the words he wanted to hear, she hadn’t seen him
in his demon form. She’d seen demons true
enough, but not one she’d let kiss and touch her.
The soft, whispered word was his undo-
ing. He shifted, but didn’t open his eyes. He
didn’t want to see the condemnation on her face.
The fright, fear, the recoil from his touch.
Seconds ticked into minutes. He felt like a
statue on display. Exposed. He fucking hated it.
A growl erupted from the depths of his belly.
The soft touch of a palm against his face
stayed any further sounds. It traveled down his
neck, enflaming his skin as it moved. Her hand
rested on the center of his t-shirt.
A gentle kiss landed on first one eyelid
then the other. “Open your eyes.”
He did as she requested, looking into her
accepting gaze. A second later, he felt her slip in-
to his mind. He shivered as the sensation of the
softest cashmere wrapped around him. I’m not
afraid of you. Her words floated into his mind.
She severed the connection, but the calmness
amazement on her face. “They’re heavy. Do they
hurt when they – ”
“No.” His voice sounded rough, like he
hadn’t used it in ages.
She pushed up his t-shirt. Although his
chest had hardened into a breastplate, the tattoo
remained visible. She traced a line with her fin-
ger. “So Mo is...”
“My cousin. Our fathers were brothers.”
She moved toward the door. “Mind if I
lock it?”
Swallowing, he shook his head.
She returned to stand in front of him.
Rising on tiptoe, she pressed her lips to his.
“Make love to me.”
The demon part of him quivered at the
opportunity, but the human half of him needed
more confirmation. “Are you sure?”
Wanting to remove the lingering doubt re-
flected in his eyes, she slid her arms around his
neck. “Yeah, I think I’ll keep you.”
Wrapping his hands around her waist, he
lifted her in the air until their mouths were flush
with each other. She slid her legs around his hips.
His tongue caressed her bottom lip. She
opened her mouth, inviting him in and knew her
heart did the same.
Camille felt a gentle brush against her
“I love the way you taste.”
Thanks for reading Book 1 in the Galactic
Agency series.
Be on the lookout for Book 2
Coming Nov/Dec 2011
Tamara has always loved reading and her
love has taken her on some amazing journeys.
She enjoys warm weather locales and is always
up for a trek to a sunny destination where she can
be found soaking up fun on the beach with a
good book.
This is her debut novel and hopefully the first
of many!
Tamara would love to hear from you!
Please email her at