Megan Derr Come to Me (A Black Magic Short)

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The roles of High Paladin and High Necromancer do not allow
for much free time, even less where they might spend it
together. When they do finally obtain some time to spend with
each other, Sorin and Koray find there are still doubts and fears
between them that will take more than time to overcome …

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Come to Me
Black Magic
By Megan Derr

Published by Less Than Three Press LLC

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner without written permission of
the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.

Edited by Samantha M. Derr
Cover designed by Megan Derr

This book is a work of fiction and all names, characters,
places, and incidents are fictional or used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual people, places, or events is

First Edition February 2014
Copyright © 2014 by Megan Derr
Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 9781620043318

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To Chantal and Brenda because they asked,

and they always brighten my day

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Come to Me

A Black Magic Short

Megan Derr

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Sorin hummed as he left the castle and headed across

the southern yard, past the blacksmith and the armory, in
search of his errant lover. Those with whom he'd spoken
had said they'd seen Koray headed this direction, but Sorin
had yet to spy a single gray hair.

He wanted Koray, damn it. He had been buried in

meetings and battles and more meetings for a very long
fortnight, and every time he'd had a moment's respite,
Koray had been somewhere else. Sorin was tired of it. He
wanted Koray, a good deal of privacy, and to be left alone
for at least a full day, preferably two. The person who
threw a stone in those plans would not enjoy what
happened to them.

The sound of Koray's voice made him pause. Sorin

could barely hear it, though from what he caught of the
tone, Koray seemed angry, or at least displeased. Damn.
He remained still until he heard it again, then looped
around the building where the priests and cooks stored all
their herbs and spices, minus those that were valuable
enough they needed to be locked up.

Rounding the building, Sorin caught Koray's voice

again—and Neikirk's. He still could not understand the
words, though he thought he caught his name a couple of
times. Sorin picked his way through careful rows of shrubs
and trees, a fragrant garden bound for soups and

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poultices. He pushed through some tall bushes covered in
dark blue and white flowers, poised to speak but stopped
as he took in the scene before him.

Koray and Neikirk sat with a large basket at their feet,

bundling together various herbs and setting the bundles in
the basket, so they could later be hung to dry. But the
herbs were largely forgotten as they talked, heads bowed
toward each other, voices pitched low. More fascinating
still was the dark flush to Koray's face, at odds with his
intent look, the determined set to his jaw. What was Koray
discussing so secretively with Neikirk that he would not
discuss with Sorin?

He was being stupid. Koray would be the first to tell

him so. For all he knew they could be discussing him. He
had heard his name, after all. But what about him would
leave Koray so red-faced?

Well, better to ask than eavesdrop. He might be slow

to learn, but he did learn. Sorin stepped closer, smiling as
they both looked up. "There you are, necromancer. I was
hoping for a word with you." He stared when Koray's face
reddened further. "Is … something wrong? Should I go?"
The disappointment was crushing, left him aching, but if
Koray had other plans, so be it. He tried not to dwell on
the fear that Koray had not missed him nearly as much.
What if Koray hadn't missed him at all?

Before Sorin could depart, Neikirk laughed and stood,

sharing a look with Koray that Sorin could not interpret. "I
am supposed to be meeting with my alchemists soon, so
your timing is excellent, High Paladin." He squeezed
Koray's shoulder in parting, nodded at Sorin, and then
slipped away.

Sorin closed the few steps between him and Koray,

curled his hands over Koray's shoulders, and bent to kiss
him. As ever, the scent of incense clung to Koray, mingling

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pleasantly with the spicy-sweet taste of him. His mouth
was warm, pliant … and distracted.

The seed of worry Sorin had been trying to ignore grew

into a full-fledged tree. Sorin drew back and reached out
to trace Koray's brow, brush back a loose strand of pale
gray hair. "Are you well, necromancer?"

"I'm fine," Koray said, scowling at him. "What did you

want?" He looked down as he said it, speaking more to
Sorin's tunic.

Sorin swallowed against the hurt and disappointment.

"Nothing important. Nevermind. I am sorry for intruding
upon your day, necromancer. I'll leave you to whatever
you were doing." He spun around sharply and stormed off,
barely aware of everything around him as he fled.

So it was finally happening. Nearly a year since they

had first met, not quite a year since they had returned
from Navath. Koray was finally growing bored of him. Why
shouldn't he? He was High Necromancer, with all the
power and status and wealth that position entailed. So
very far from the man who had first arrived at the castle
and changed everything. He could have anyone. Why
should he settle for remaining with his first lover?

How long had Sorin willfully been ignoring the signs?

He scrubbed a hand through his hair, feeling stupid that he
had gone to pains to clean up, pull on a nicer set of
clothes, and brush his hair out until it looked respectable
for once. Whatever. There was always work to do. He
would retrieve his armor and weapons and resume his

Once back in his room, however, he could only stand in

the middle of it feeling lost. Sorin scowled at the meal that
had been laid out, which he had been looking forward to
sharing with Koray. It would have been the first leisurely
meal they'd had in some time. He could smell Koray's

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favorite mulled wine; his stomach growled at the scent of
roasted meat and fresh bread. He had even managed to
sneak away long enough to slip into town and obtain a box
of the sweets Koray liked so much. He had worked hard to
ensure this one day was theirs … and Koray had been too
distracted by thoughts of something else to even kiss him
properly. Someone else? The thought made him physically

He tensed as the door opened—and winced when it

slammed shut. "What in the name of the Goddess was that
about?" Koray demanded. "You came to find me only to
flounce off in a snit? Why?"

Sorin glared at the fireplace. "I sought you out because

I've scarce seen you this past fortnight and I missed you. I
wanted to spend the day with you, here in our room. We
have everything we need to be comfortable here for
hours, and I gave orders to the entire castle that we're not
to be disturbed save for emergencies."

"But?" Koray prodded when he fell silent.
"But a demon would kiss me with more interest than

you showed," Sorin said, misery growing as he finally
voiced the problem. "I know when someone wants to kiss
me, necromancer, and when they are simply doing it to
have done."

"Yes," Koray said bitterly. "I am well aware how much

you know about kissing. I've heard of nothing else the past
few weeks. Every goddess damned lord and lady in this
place loves to regale me with all that you've done to and
with them."

Rage, sharp and white and hot, cut through Sorin as he

imagined slicing apart every last damn interfering bastard.
That they would dare convince Koray that he could do
something as contemptible as behave unfaithfully. "Are
you accusing me of infidelity?"

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"What—no! Stop being stupid!" Koray said, fingers

twitching, likely with an urge to throw something at Sorin's
head. "I'm saying that all your former paramours are more
than happy to ask me if I have done one thing or another
with you. They love to explain in alarming detail all the
things they've enjoyed with you. Things I have certainly
never been approached about. Every time they bring it up
I have to insist it's none of their business—which it's not—
because I can hardly admit I do not even know what
they're talking about! That I have never heard of the things
they describe!" His anger broke like a dropped plate; he
stared glumly at the floor when he said, "I finally broke
down and asked Neikirk to explain what they were talking
about because apparently I'm not—you don't want to do
any of those things with me that you did with them." Sorin
had never seen him look so sad and lost. He wanted to kill
every last bastard in the castle who had helped to put that
look there. Including himself. Koray's voice was barely
audible when he added, "I always want to kiss you, but all I
can think anymore is how boring I must be compared to
the rest of them."

Storming across the room, Sorin swept Koray up and

swallowed his startled protest with a bruising kiss. He kept
moving until they struck the wall, shifting so that he
pinned Koray there with his body, sliding his hands down
to grab Koray's thighs and spread them wide, wrapping
Koray's legs around his hips while he continued to feed at
the mouth that was only one of many things about Koray
to which he was hopelessly, happily addicted.

He drew back only when they were both panting and

his lips throbbed. "Koray, we have had this discussion
before. Not once in all these months I have known you
have I ever felt bored in your presence."

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Koray's long fingers pulled at the edges of Sorin's

collar, trailed up to flutter along his cheeks. A scowl
overtook his face as he muttered, "Then why must I hear
about all these things you've done from other people,
things you did with them but never even mentioned to

Sorin sighed, leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth,

and then slowly set Koray back on his feet. "It did not
occur to me to mention them. I can imagine what they
have been saying, and I would wager my armor that they
are exaggerating a great deal. They probably also did not
mention I usually do such things at the request of others.
My own tastes are much simpler." He cupped Koray's chin,
ran a thumb over his lips. "That aside, I am an idiot and
accustomed to you telling me exactly what you think. I am
used to the man who regularly announces to the entire
castle that I have rocks in place of brains. It is easy to
forget there are some things you won't say, even to me
when we are alone. But you can say or ask me anything,
Koray. You—you could have come to me before you went
to Neikirk. I'm sorry you didn't know that."

Cheeks going red again, Koray turned from his touch

and muttered, "I was trying to be less ignorant. I thought if
you did ever bring the subject up then at least I would not
seem completely stupid. It is extremely annoying to know
that children around here seem to know more about …
certain matters than I, and people keep asking what you
see in me."

"Why is everyone being so rude to the High

Necromancer?" Sorin asked, pinching the bridge of his
nose. "Why have you not slapped fines on all of them? The
nobility love nothing half so much as they love their gold.
If you want to silence them, hit them where it hurts: in

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their purses. If fines don't work, throw them in a cell for a
couple of nights."

"I … I can fine them?"
"Yes," Sorin said, hating himself all over again for the

shadows that filled Koray's face anew. Why did he always
feel so inadequate where Koray was concerned? Goddess
above, some days he did not know why Koray continued to
put up with him. "Fine them for being disrespectful, for
sowing disorder, for whatever you can think of, really.
They've no business behaving that way. You should have
told me sooner, told someone. I will drain their purses and
toss them in the moat!"

Koray's frown deepened, his shoulders hunching, voice

low as he said, "I've only spoken to Neikirk about it. I don't
think he knows about the fines either. We … he and I are
not like you and Cerant. Clearly everyone is aware of that."

Sorin leaned in to kiss the top of his head. "I'm sorry. I

should be teaching you all of this instead of assuming
you've learned it or will grasp it as we go along. Though
honesty compels me to admit Cerant would be a better
teacher. I'll speak with him."

"I do not care most of the time. I am slowly figuring all

of this ruling a country business out," Koray replied,
resting his head against Sorin's chest, fingers curling into
his tunic. "I just wish they would stop reminding me they
were far better and more experienced paramours."

Sorin laughed—grunted when that got him smacked.

"More experienced, maybe, but you are better by far."
Koray looked as though he wanted to believe that, but
could not. Sorin brushed his mouth with a soft kiss. "I am
furious with myself for having been oblivious to all this
nonsense going on right in front of me, but I do not need
to have been privy to it to know you have probably been
oblivious to something."

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Koray jabbed him again. "I have listened very carefully,

My Lord High Paladin, to every word they speak. I could
repeat every word back to you precisely as they were said
to me. I've missed nothing."

Fighting a smile, warm fondness unfurling in his chest,

Sorin replied, "Necromancer, you have probably been so
focused on the lurid tales they are spinning, you've failed
to notice that at least half of them are trying to seduce
you. I will eat my tunic if I am mistaken. They have been
telling you of their prowess to tempt you into their beds."

"That's stupid," Koray replied flatly, staring at Sorin's

chest, cheeks still burning.

Sorin smiled at the top of his head, threaded his fingers

through the hair at his nape, and gently tugged Koray's
head back. "Stupid? I assure you it is quite the opposite,
or have you forgotten that you are the primary reason
necromancers are coming to be respected rather than
reviled? That you are the first High Necromancer the
kingdom has ever known. Everyone regards you as
fearless, mysterious, and every day I have to discipline or
terrorize soldiers who discuss your beauty a little too
lewdly and loudly for my taste." He kissed Koray again,
nuzzled against him, smiled fondly as he drew back. "You
call the High Paladin a nitwit twenty times a day, but he
still comes running every time you crook a finger because
he is utterly besotted. You're the only lover I've managed
to keep longer than a month. Of course they want to
seduce you. They want a taste of what has me so

"You are a nitwit," Koray muttered, face as red as the

apples he loved to eat. He looked away, then slowly
dragged his eyes back up. "I don't actually think you're
stupid, you know."

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Grinning, Sorin replied, "You think I'm a spoiled brat,

entirely too accustomed to being in charge, and prone to
acting before thinking. None of which is untrue, especially
where you're concerned." He waggled his eyebrows. "But I
like when you call me stupid."

"Because you've been hit upside the head too many—"

Koray grunted as Sorin cut him off with another hard kiss.
Sorin made a soft, pleased noise when Koray bit his
bottom lip and shifted his hands to cradle Koray's face,
deepening the kiss, sucking on Koray's tongue, enjoying
every moan fed to him, loving the way those long fingers
clung tightly to his tunic, the way all of Koray's shyness
melted away once he stopped overthinking.

Sorin let go of Koray's face to wrap his arms around

him and hoist him up. Koray grumbled momentarily, but it
turned into approval when he was drawn back into
another kiss, digging his fingers into Sorin's hair as he
enjoyed the new angle.

He scowled anew when Sorin dropped him on the bed,

only slightly mollified when Sorin crawled on top of him—
and glared when Sorin sat back on his heels. "Why are we

Sorin gave a slow grin. "What stories exactly have been

told to you? What have you been asking Neikirk about?"
He laughed when Koray turned red again. "You'll tell him
but not the one you should be doing those things with? If
you wanted to do them, that is."

Koray dropped his gaze to Sorin's chest, barely relaxing

his clenched jaw enough to speak. "I don't care if he laughs
at me."

Smile slipping way, Sorin replied, "I would never laugh

at you, least of all for not being well-versed in the sexual
antics of a bunch of spoiled brats who have never known
what it's like to be starved and beaten their entire lives. If

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there's something you want, all you have to do is say." He
leaned down and held Koray's face between his hands
again, kissed him softly. "I'd jump off a cliff for you."

"Because you're stupid," Koray said. "Why anyone

made you High Paladin is beyond me. All that heart and
strength isn't good for much if you're too empty-headed to
know what to do with it all."

Sorin's grin returned. "Insulting me is not going to

distract me from this conversation. What stories have they
been telling you?"

"It doesn't matter," Koray muttered. "I don't want to

do— I want to hear about this stuff from you, not them. I
hate the way they smile and smirk as they tell me
everything they've done with you. The way they pat my
arm or shoulder like I'm a sad little kitten."

"They've been touching you?" Sorin was going to kill

them all, because it was one thing to harass him with their
licentious stories, but to touch him when it so clearly made
Koray uncomfortable … "I'm going to remove every last
one of their damned fingers—" He broke off as Koray
covered his mouth with one hand.

"Stop it, My Lord High Paladin. Patting my arm and my

shoulder all day is nowhere near the realm of the kind of
touching you do."

"That is not why I was angry." Sorin held him fast and

rolled them so that Koray was sprawled atop him, long
braid spilling over one shoulder to coil beside Sorin's head.
He skimmed his hands down Koray's body, cupped his ass,
and leaned up to press a brief, firm kiss to that addicting
mouth. "I think we're both unhappily aware my jealousy is
my least appealing trait. I was miserably resigned, in the
garden, to the fact that someone else had made you
realize you could do much better than me."

"Be quiet."

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Sorin kissed him again. "I'm still waiting for you to tell

me what stories were whispered to you."

"I'm not telling you because now you're going to be

insufferable," Koray retorted, sitting up and bracing his
hands on Sorin's chest.

"Mm," Sorin agreed cheerfully. "I can start guessing if

you're not going to tell me. Lord K was fond of faux
phalluses, especially the one made of jade." Sorin's grin
widened as Koray's face flushed, and he captured Koray's
hands as he smacked Sorin's chest. "Lady L likes to put her
men in silky garments. Lady K prefers being tied up."

Koray jerked his hands free and thumped Sorin's chest

again. "I'm going to tie you up and—" He broke off, face
going so bright a red Sorin half-expected it to burst into

Sorin grabbed Koray tightly when he tried to squirm

away and flipped them again, capturing his wrists and
pinning them to the bed.

"Let me go," Koray hissed, twisting and jerking futilely.
Sorin smiled, slow and hot, body thrumming with heat

at this unexpected revelation. "Not until we discuss how
much you obviously like the idea of tying me up." It would
not have been his first, or even tenth, guess if someone
had asked. He did enjoy surprises on occasion.

"I'm not discussing anything," Koray snapped.
"Yes, you are," Sorin said. He shifted his hold to pin

both wrists in one hand, skating the other hand down
Koray's body to press the heel of it to where Koray's cock
was pushing against the weight of his robes. His smile
widened when that renewed the flush to Koray's cheeks,
made his eyes go hazy for a moment. Bending, he licked
across Koray's mouth, nibbled at his bottom lip. "You like
the idea. Why can't you admit it."

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"Because it's strange," Koray finally bit out. "I know

what it's like to be bound. You did it to me, once, if you'll
recall. There's nothing fun about it."

"In those circumstances, no," Sorin replied, finally

letting him go, bracing his hands on either side of Koray's
head, and pressing fluttering kisses across his face. "But
you tying me up here is completely different. You must
realize that because you obviously like something about
the idea. You wouldn't be the first to want to do it." He
smiled at the scowl that earned. "You would be the first I'd
allow to do it."

Koray went still at those words, fingers clamping down

where they'd just reached up to cling to his tunic again.
"What are you talking about? At least three—"

"Liars, all of them," Sorin replied and gave him a sharp

kiss before sitting up. He raised his hands, fanning the
fingers out. "I'm a soldier, and would be a pretty useless
one without my hands. I can take a lot of abuse, but I
prefer to be wearing armor and such when I do it. There's
never been a soul in this castle I trusted enough to bind
me. Nobles in general tend to be pretty cavalier about
such things. They don't use their hands the way most of us
do. What do they care if their wrists hurt for a few days?"
He smiled, warmed clear through, at the anger that
flickered across Koray's face. "Nevermind that I am High
Paladin and could be called to fight at any given moment.
You do not know wrath until you've had to abandon
someone right when matters are … involved. Trusting one
of them to immediately cut me loose? Without getting
angry or resentful? No. I have never trusted anyone in the
castle—the kingdom—that much."

He bent and gave Koray a long, slow kiss, then drew

away just enough to say, "Until a certain bratty
necromancer inserted himself in my life. If you want to tie

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me up, necromancer, that can be arranged." He kissed
Koray again, grunting at the hands that fisted in his hair
and held him close as Koray returned the kiss with fervor,
left his lips feeling sore and well-used. "Another day,
however, since I do not have the right bindings and I'm
impatient to have you."

"You're impatient?" Koray groused, and honestly, the

way his face seemed to have gone permanently red was
more endearing than Sorin would ever tell him. "I'm the
one who has been hearing these stories for days on end
while you gallivant about the castle with your soldiers or
race off to do battle and save demons."

Sorin laughed and gave another quick, biting kiss

before climbing off him to undress. "I like when you get

"You like when I do anything," Koray retorted.
"Yes," Sorin agreed, smiling, casting his tunic aside

before making quick work of the rest of his clothes while
Koray did the same. He watched avidly as Koray unbound
his hair and combed the heavy strands loose. "Though I
think your hair is my real weakness. If you ever cut it, I
shall cry endlessly for weeks."

Koray lifted his eyes to the ceiling. "As much as I like to

see you suffer, paladin, I would never be that cruel. Even if
I wanted to cut it, I do not think I'd be able to bring myself
to do so."

Sorin's smile faded off. "You know—" He narrowed his

eyes when Koray's fingers clapped over his mouth.

"Stop it," Koray said. "The matter is over. You have

never said nor done anything that made me feel as though
I had no choice. Stop dredging the matter up. If I ever want
to cut my hair, I shall." He let his fingers fall away, eyes
skittering off to stare at the wall. "I like that you like it. No
one ever has—not like that. It's— I don't want to cut my

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hair. Now come to bed, paladin. I've had enough of all this
confounded talking, and it's only a matter of time before a
crisis draws us away again."

"Yes, My Lord High Necromancer." Sorin climbed into

bed, pushed Koray into the blankets, and buried his hands
in all that beautiful hair. He put his mouth to that long,
fine throat, sucking up marks on soft, warm skin, spurred
on by the way Koray shivered against him. "I swear if I ever
again have to go a fortnight without doing more than
kissing you I shall do something drastic."

Koray huffed, but the unimpressed expression he

attempted failed beneath a pleased, boyish smile. "Less
talking, or I'll do something drastic."

Letting go of Koray's hair, Sorin smoothed his hands

along Koray's body, enjoying the fat and muscle that had
filled him out, a far cry from the bonier, half-starved man
Sorin had first met. Koray would always be lean and trim,
sharp edges to go with his sharp tongue, but he was no
longer unhealthy. Sorin dragged his tongue over one of
Koray's nipples, then trailed lazy kisses across Koray's
chest to worry the other nipple with his teeth. That
provoked Koray to drag his wicked nails down Sorin's
sides, which in turn just drove Sorin to tease harder, until
Koray gave a stuttered gasp and tried to rut against him.

Sorin looked up, smiling as the flush on Koray's face

slowly worked its way down his neck, at the lust-hazed
look in his eyes. Bending back to his oh-so-pleasant task,
he peppered wet, sucking kisses down Koray's body until
he reached Koray's cock. Pulling back, he fisted it loosely,
stroked it just enough to tease but not enough to satisfy.
Koray moaned, snarled, writhed on the bed, hands flailing
to smack any part of Sorin he could reach. "Paladin!"

Releasing his cock, Sorin shifted again, leaning down to

run his mouth over the scars that covered Koray's body

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from shoulder to sharp hipbones. When Koray was
swearing, panting, trembling with want, he drew back and
flipped him over. Koray snarled, and Sorin smothered his
own laughter in Koray's beautiful hair. When his urge to
laugh had calmed, he swept Koray's hair out of the way to
trail his mouth down Koray's spine, alternating sucking
kisses with sharp bites. "I hate you," Koray gasped out,
fingers twisting in the sheets, tremors running through

"Liar," Sorin replied cheerfully and bit the swell of his

ass. Koray jerked up, and Sorin held him down, mouth
curving as that got him more threats. Drawing back, he
rubbed his fingers over the mark he'd left, hot satisfaction
spiraling through him. "You're beautiful."

Koray's face, turned toward the door so that his profile

was in full view, flushed darker as he muttered, "Your
opinion is not to be trusted."

"Mine is the only trustworthy," Sorin replied. He

spread Koray's legs, hands lingering on his warm thighs,
stroking the soft, pale skin. It was terrible of him to be so
smugly satisfied that no one else had ever seen Koray
trembling and eager, heard his voice turn husky when he
ordered Sorin to stop teasing, heard it break when he
began to beg. He would do his damnedest to ensure no
else ever did. He trailed his fingers along the crack of
Koray's ass, faintly amused. "You're so tense. That eager
for—" Sorin broke off when he encountered slippery heat,
fingers sliding easily inside Koray's body. His cock twitched
hard, and Sorin had to grab the base of it, force himself
back from the edge. He gulped for air, but his voice was
still fractured as he asked, "Did you—? You did yourself?"

"Who else would if not you?" Koray snapped,

squirming and twisting to get free. "Get off me!"

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Sorin turned him over, lightly held him down, and

kissed him, wet and clumsy and too crazed with the idea of
Koray riding his own fingers to focus on anything else. "Oh,
my Goddess. Why didn't I get to see? I want to see."

"Spoiled brat," Koray muttered against his mouth. "You

don't get something simply because you demand it." He
pressed at Sorin's chest, digging in with his nails when
Sorin wouldn't move. "Get off me, you great big beast."

Pouting, Sorin obeyed, rearing back to rest on his

heels. "I want to see. When did you do it? Why?"

Koray lunged up and shoved him back, climbed on top

of him. Sorin grabbed his hips, groaning as he struggled
against coming, completely undone by Koray's boldness,
the way he looked straddling Sorin's thighs, naked body
gleaming with sweat, hair spilling everywhere, their cocks
brushing whenever he shifted.

Some of Koray's shyness returned; he licked his lips

and said, "They—they wouldn't stop talking about all
things you did with them, and they weren't shy about
details. I haven't seen you like—like this for two weeks. My
meeting f-finished early so I came back here. I didn't know
you'd planned anything today."

Sorin groaned again, eyes briefly closing as need

shuddered through him. "Show me. Please."

"Because otherwise I might die."
Muttering about smothering bossy Paladins with

pillows, Koray climbed off him and crawled across their
large bed to the table tucked between the bed and the
wall. He rifled through the little basket on it and returned
after a moment with a porcelain jar. Settling on his knees
next to Sorin, he opened the jar after a few fumbling
attempts with faintly-shaking hands but then stopped.
"This feels dumb. I'll look stu—"

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"Amazing," Sorin cut in. Sitting up, he piled their

pillows against the headboard then sat back against them.
Reaching out, he wrapped his fingers around Koray's wrist
and tugged gently, urging Koray to straddle his thighs once
more. He leaned in and and kissed Koray softly, lightly
petting and stroking until Koray relaxed. "You know you
don't have to."

"Shut up, paladin," Koray mumbled against his mouth.

He nudged Sorin back, then retrieved the jar he'd set down
and slicked his fingers. Cheeks reddening anew, eyes firmly
on Sorin's chest, he reached back—

Sorin groaned, fingers sliding up and down Koray's

body before settling on his hips and gripping tightly. He
couldn't see Koray's fingers, but he could see the way his
arm worked, the way his body moved in time, the flush
that spread down to Koray's chest. Koray's eyes lowered,
head dipping slightly. He had one hand splayed on Sorin's
chest for balance, nails biting whenever his fingers hit the
right spot and pushed out quiet, breathy little moans. "S-
Sorin …"

"Goddess, you're magnificent," Sorin replied. Koray

finally met his gaze, smiling shyly, and it was so sweet, so
endearing next to the lust-soaked eyes, that Sorin could
not imagine how he had gone so long in life without Koray
in it. "You're perfect."

"Nitwit," Koray gasped out, a hint of warm affection

curled through it.

Sorin smiled, fingers tightening on Koray's hips. "How

many fingers?"

"Th-three, just now," Koray said, and his head dipped

again as he curled inward, groaning loudly.

Sorin couldn't breathe. Letting go of Koray's hip, he

reached one hand between Koray's thighs, felt where he
had three fingers pushed in deep. Grinning at the

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reproving look Koray tried to give him, Sorin slowly, gently,
pushed his own finger in with Koray's.

"Don't—" Koray's words failed on a cracked, broken

shout as he suddenly came, spilling all over the two of
them, body wracked with shudders.

It was more than Sorin could take. He pulled his hand

free and dragged Koray in for a wet, hungry kiss as his own
climax rushed through him, adding to the mess on their

As he calmed, he softened the kiss, lazily caressing

Koray's skin, combing through his hair. "I don't know why
you worry that I could ever find you boring, necromancer.
If anything, I fear the precise opposite."

"If you're saying that I could find you boring, then stop

talking," Koray said from where he'd let his head drop to
rest on Sorin's shoulder. "I can't believe I did that."

Sorin snorted softly. "I can't believe we haven't done

that before Goddess knows how many times I've imagined

"You should have said."
"I did not want to push you," Sorin replied.
Koray sighed and sat up, met his eyes. "I fear that cabin

is going to haunt us forever. I don't— I like you the way
you are. When do I ever hesitate to tell you that I've had
enough of your running roughshod ways? If you persist
even after I've told you to stop, I am perfectly capable of
throwing things at your thick head until my message gets
through it."

Sorin smiled wryly, reached up to splay his fingers over

Koray's cheek. "If I promise to stop holding back, will you
promise to talk to me instead of Neikirk?"

Koray's cheeks went pink, but he nodded. "Yes, but if

you laugh—"

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Sorin kissed him, cupping his head and sinking his

fingers into that long hair. He rubbed their noses together
when they finally drew apart. "I would never laugh at you,
Koray." He drew back and grinned. "I may, however, insist
on explaining things by way of demonstration.

The flush to Koray's cheeks darkened, but his jaw set in

that familiar, stubborn way Sorin adored. "That is the best
way to learn, My Lord High Paladin."

Grinning, Sorin drew him in for another kiss that

turned into several before they finally managed to part
again. "What say we clean up, eat dinner, and you can tell
me everything those idiots have been saying to you? We
do have the rest of the day and all night ahead of us, after
all. We should find creative ways to spend the hours."

If it got him more of those sweet, soft smiles that no

one else ever saw, Sorin would happily do whatever Koray

And the next time he was in town, he would see he

acquired the proper ropes for bedroom play.

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Koray scowled at the mess that had become of his hair,

dread settling in his stomach because he was going to
have to cut it to get rid of the foul-smelling, sticky
substance covering most of it.

The sound of a throat clearing drew his attention, and

he reluctantly dropped the snarled, matted disaster to
turn his full attention to the ones responsible for it. "Give
me one good reason I should not lock you in a dungeon for
ten years. Do you have any idea what you've done? You
frightened one horse so badly that the injury it did itself
will likely force us to put it down. You've injured two of my
men, ruined nearly all of our supplies, and your
explanation so far is that you were trying to prank your
friends? Does this look amusing to you?"

The cluster of children, three boys and two girls, all

recoiled from him, ducking their bowed heads even lower,
sniffling hard, rubbing their eyes with their sleeves.
Nearby, at least thirty adults had clustered about to watch
the proceedings. Koray could see the group that were
obviously the parents of the children; they looked even
more terrified.

As though he would actually lock children in a dungeon

for a prank that probably would have been harmless any
other day. A bad combination of weather, an unexpected

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bang from somewhere else in the village, and a jittery
horse had turned the matter into quite the debacle.

But it didn't hurt to scare some sense into them.
"It's not— we didn't— we can fix everything!" one of

the girls said between quiet sobs. "We didn't mean to hurt
the horse. Will you really have to kill it?"

They were all old enough they wouldn't count as

children much longer in most eyes, but they all still held
themselves like children. Koray did not want to be the one
who took that away. Stifling a sigh, he replied, "We'll have
to look the injury over more closely. It's possible he may
just need rest and care."

No one countered him, though he could see on the

faces of several that they knew he was a liar. Its back leg
had been too badly damaged and would never heal

"Are you really going to put us in the dungeon?" one of

the boys asked. Nearby, the woman who must have been
his mother, judging by their similar faces and the way she
pressed her clasped hands to her mouth, looked on the
verge of doing something drastic.

Koray shook his head. "I am not in the habit of

arresting people. I leave such things to the High Priest and
the High Paladin. What I am going to do is extract a
promise that you never again engage in such foolish
behavior. What would you have done, what would your
parents have been forced to watch, if you had accidentally
killed a person instead of almost killing a horse? As to
punishment, you are going to clean this mess up. Then you
will help my men gather new supplies to replace
everything you ruined, and clean these other horses. I
expect you to also do penance to the Goddess for the rest
of the month. I also leave to you the honor of explaining
what happened here to the High Paladin when he arrives

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shortly." Because he certainly was not brave enough to be
present when Sorin found out he had been thrown from
his horse, and that his hair would have to be cut off.

He left the crowd to their panicking as they realized

they would soon have the High Paladin in their midst as
well. Striding over to where his soldiers beckoned, Koray
let them usher him into a house that he assumed had been
appropriated for his use. "I hope the owners have not
been put out overmuch."

Myst, the man in charge of his escort, snorted softly.

"High Necromancer, they are grateful you've not had
anyone arrested or thrown in the stocks. I think even the
High Priest would have been sorely pressed not to murder
the lot of them for that stunt. But Your Highness will be
relieved to know that this particular house is, at present,
vacant. The owner recently married and moved in with his
wife and has not yet sold it."

Koray stripped off his outer robe, wiping his fouled

hands on it as best he could. "I do not suppose a bath
could be arranged? And I shall need shears."

"Yes, Highness," one of the men said. "Your room is at

the top of the stairs, second door on the right. We've put
your belongings there. We'll have the bath shortly."

"Thank you," Koray said and headed up the stairs in his

under robes, shivering at the chill.

The entire house was heavy with dark woods and

fabrics. Even in the peak of summer it probably did not get
much light. No wonder the previous owner had been eager
to leave it behind. The house spoke of more dangerous
days, before the paladins had been a reckonable force.
The days when people had not left homes built more like
fortresses—more like prisons. Thankfully no ghosts
inhabited it. The house either had an unusually happy

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history or a necromancer had already addressed the
matter. Either way, Koray was grateful.

Some effort had been made to lighten the bedroom.

The walls were covered in pale blue wool, expensive and
difficult to do, but it had the added benefit of helping hold
out cold and keep in warmth. Tapestries were hung up all
about, depicting spring and summer landscapes. There
was an enormous, four-poster bed carved with flowers
and forest animals, a common prayer carved into the
footboard and another into the headboard.

Herbs hung from the rafters, lending the room a

bittersweet scent, and they looked fresh enough they
must have been changed out often to ward off insects and

Someone had put clean cups and a decanter of some

dark, red-gold liquid on the little table by the fire and
draped a clean blanket over the dusty-looking chair. Not
wanting to ruin it with his damned hair, Koray filled one of
the glasses with a small measure of the alcohol and sat on
the floor. His hair was practically stuck to his back, matted
together in wet, sticky clumps. The smell of it had given
him a headache.

The alcohol was sharp, burning as it slid down his

throat, but surprisingly sweet, like candied flowers and the
berry pies of which he had become so fond. He wished he
knew what it was, if it was possible to get more to take

A sharp rap came at the door, and Koray called for the

knocker to enter. He rose to his feet and moved out of the
way as two men came in bearing a large, heavy tub
followed by a half-dozen others who carried in bucket
after bucket of hot water.

Misery twisted through Koray all over again when Myst

slipped into the room and set a pair of shears and a mirror

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on the table. "Highness. Shall I find someone to assist

"No," Koray said. "Thank you for all of this."
Myst smiled and swept a bow. "Always an honor to

serve you, High Necromancer."

Sometimes Koray still thought he lived in a dream. He

would never grow accustomed to being accepted, even
respected. He would definitely never be comfortable with
being part of the High Court. From vagabond to ruler of a

He drained his glass and set it back on the table,

enjoying as it warmed him, dulled the sharp edges of a
long, hard day. It should have been a simple rescue and
purification, but had turned into a long, ugly battle. Thanks
to the cold, icy weather that had rushed in on the heels of
the fight, they were still a full day from home. If he could
not have his own bed, alcohol would do until Sorin arrived.

Koray shook his head. Only a year ago he had fought

for a single cup of bad wine that was mostly water. Now
he drank expensive alcohol as though it was his right. How
easy it was to become a spoiled brat.

"Thank you," he said to the servants as they finished

preparing his bath. They murmured 'Highness' as they
bowed, a few stealing a last glance at him before they
finally were gone, the door shutting quietly behind them.

Koray looked at the shears again, fighting a stupid urge

to cry. He was proud of his hair. When necromancers had
been hated, beaten, driven away time and again, most of
them had kept their hair short, even completely shaved, to
hide what they were as much as possible. Koray had
always stubbornly refused to, chosen instead to defiantly
put his hair on display, make it impossible for people to
miss. Every strand of gray and white had been put there by
work he did for the Goddess and her children. He had

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earned them, and by the Goddess, people would look at

Sorin had been the first one to look at him with want,

to teach him what that look meant. Sorin treated his hair
like it was a treasure, and Koray enjoyed that more than
he would ever admit.

And now, thanks to a bunch of foolish children, he was

going to lose it all. He knew Sorin would still care about
him, still find him appealing … but the uncertainty clawed
at him anyway. It always clawed. One year, especially with
all the upheavals in it, was not enough to convince him
that Sorin would not eventually lose interest. What would
Koray do then? They were both part of the Court of Five;
they would always have to work together.

He poured another drink and drained the glass, then

sat there until his body was flushed and warm and his
hands didn't shake when he picked up the shears. The
alcohol did not, unfortunately, keep him from crying a bit
as he began to cut. It was hardly the first time he'd been
forced to trim his hair and was, in fact, the second time
he'd had to cut it short.

But it still hurt.
He threw the ruined, sticky mess into the fire and used

the mirror Myst had left to make the shorn ends as even
as possible. Someone else would have to make him truly
presentable, but later. He wasn't in the mood for people
right then. Koray wiped his eyes and stripped off his
clothes, then climbed into the bath.

It didn't feel right. His hands kept fumbling whenever

they reached the end of his hair long before they should
have. Snarling, smacking the water in frustration, Koray
grit his teeth and focused on the motions of bathing:
scrubbing his skin clean, washing his hair, doing it all again

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before finally climbing out of the tub and retrieving the
bathrobe hung on a special hook on one side of the fire.

He had only just grabbed it when the door swung

open. Koray froze, robe slipping from his fingers as Sorin's
eyes landed on him. He flinched and looked away when
Sorin's eyes widened, unable to bear seeing what emotion
overtook the surprise. Disappointment? Anger?

Kneeling, he retrieved the robe from the floor and

pulled it on with stiff movements. Tying the belt around
his waist proved too difficult, the fabric slippery, stubborn,
stupid—Koray jumped when Sorin's hands, still gloved and
cold, pulled his away. The robe gaped open, washing cool
air over his skin briefly before it was overtaken by the heat
that poured from Sorin like water from an overfull bucket.
"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, finally
looking up.

"Making certain My Lord High Necromancer is well,"

Sorin said quietly and reached up to touch his fingertips to
Koray's cheek, the chill of them making Koray shiver. "You
do not look well."

Koray turned away from the touch, scowling at the

mantle. "I'm fine."

"In all the time I've known you, I have never know fine

to mean fine. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Koray knocked Sorin's hand away

when he tried to touch him again. "What do you think is
wrong? Look at me! How could you not notice?" He
snarled and jerked away.

Sorin huffed, but his expression was nothing but

infuriatingly fond as he watched Koray. "Necromancer, for
all I love your hair, and always jest about crying were you
to cut it, I am far more concerned about the harm that
could have befallen you. Surely you know that. I heard that

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your horse was startled and injured. It had to be put down,
and you were brought here."

Lifting his eyes to the ceiling, Koray replied, "It wasn't

my horse that had to be put down. The pack horse startled
and somehow in the chaos broke its back leg. A pity,
because the paladins had decided it would be best to sell it
off to a farmer when we returned to the castle. The poor
thing would have liked living on a farm." He sighed
because he might not like horses but no living thing
deserved that. "I did take a spill, however, because horses
are one step down from evil, but only acquired a few
bruises, most of them to my dignity. My hair landed right
in the mess those children dumped on us, unfortunately.
I'm lucky I saved any of it." He ran a hand through the
strands, which stopped a little below his ear.

He closed his eyes when Sorin's gloved hand followed

the path his had taken, hating the way it stopped far too
soon, missing the way it would always keep going before
moving to grab his hips or cup his ass. Instead, Sorin's
hand dropped to his shoulder, slipping beneath the loose
robe to settle, cool and heavy, on his skin.

Koray sighed as Sorin's other hand curled beneath his

chin and tilted his head up. He slowly opened his eyes to
meet Sorin's. "Why are you frowning?"

"I don't like when you're skittish around me," Sorin

replied, hurt flickering across his face. "Why are you acting
as though you will bolt at the first opportunity?"

Dropping his eyes again, staring at the mud-spattered

armor Sorin still wore, Koray muttered, "All my hair is
gone." Sorin made a soft noise, letting go of his chin to curl
his hand over Koray's other shoulder. The movement
pushed the robe off entirely, and Koray snarled in
annoyance as he fumbled to catch it. He glared at he
pulled it back on. "Stop trying to strip me!"

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Sorin gave a slow grin. "Wasn't on purpose, but don't

expect me to be very sorry."

"Incorrigible," Koray muttered, but he did not protest

in the slightest when Sorin bent to kiss him, mouth warm,
moving against Koray's with a steadying familiarity. When
Sorin pushed his robe away, Koray let it fall, shivering as
Sorin's hands, still in their heavy leather gloves, ran over
his skin. He thrummed with the need to throw his arms
around Sorin's neck, press up against the length of him,
but all he would get for his trouble was cold metal and
drying mud.

Drawing back, Koray said, "Am I the only one who's

going to be naked here?"

Sorin grinned and stepped away. "Going to help me, or

should I call for assistance?"

"You couldn't do all this before you came storming in

here?" Koray asked but stepped in close to help with all
the straps and buckles. "The bath water should still be

"That is nearly the best news I've had all day." Sorin

gathered up all the pieces of armor and crossed the room
to leave them in the hallway so they could be taken away
and cleaned. "I ordered food be brought."

"So there was very little point in shrugging off my

robe?" Koray asked, shooting him a look.

Sorin turned, caught him glaring, and his grin just

widened unrepentantly. "There is always a point in getting
you naked, my beautiful necromancer." He pulled off his
clothes, tossed them in the pile with Koray's, and walked
toward him.

"Shut up." Koray retrieved his robe and shrugged it

back on yet again, belting it and moving out of reach as
Sorin came at him. "You still have not said a word about
my hair, don't think I haven't noticed."

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"You wouldn't believe a single thing I had to say unless

I told you it was awful, which it isn't, but you'll insist on
thinking so anyway." He smiled and darted in, got his arms
around Koray's waist, and bent to give him a kiss full of
filthy intent. Nibbling at Koray's jaw, he said, "It's different,
obviously, but it suits you. Makes you look even more
mysterious somehow."

"How in the name of the Goddess does one look

mysterious?" Koray demanded. "I have never understood
that description. There is nothing remotely mysterious
about me, least of all with you."

Sorin's mouth quirked as he left Koray to go to the

door, where Koray saw he had dropped his saddlebags as
well as a larger version of Koray's robe. Where had all this
stuff been found so quickly? Koray was constantly
mystified how such things were managed so effortlessly.
Pulling the robe on, Sorin returned to the fire, traced
Koray's lips with one finger. "I could know you a thousand
years, necromancer, and still I suspect many of the
thoughts in your head would remain out of my reach. I am
ever baffled as to how you do not seem to realize the way
everyone holds you in awe."

"I do not think it is awe so much as morbid curiosity,"

Koray said. "Stop being a nitwit. The only mystery to my
person is why I have not removed your tongue." He
regretted the words the moment they were spoken. "Shut

Sorin grinned, delighted and evil. "You like what I can

do— "

Koray slapped his hand over Sorin's mouth. "Shut up."
Tugging his hand away, Sorin reeled him in and kissed

him soundly, mouth hot and wet, tongue knowing and
eager as he reminded Koray of how skillfully he could use

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A knock on the door finally broke them apart, and

Sorin grinned at him briefly before striding to the door to
let the servants in. When they had gone, Sorin locked the
door and knelt to rifle through his bags again. Koray left
him to it, far more interested in food and the large pitcher
of mulled wine that accompanied it. Piling a plate with
what looked like some sort of roasted fowl, roasted
vegetables covered in butter and fragrant herbs, and fresh
bread, Koray sat down in one of the old, dusty chairs and
began to eat.

He looked up briefly when Sorin joined him, smiling,

but neither of them bothered to speak until the food was
gone and the wine nearly. Warm and slightly floaty, Koray
set his plate on the floor and settled back in his seat,
closing his eyes and savoring being warm and still, even if
it was in a strange house with the castle still a day's
journey away. "I had hoped to be home tonight." When
Sorin did not reply, Koray opened his eyes and saw Sorin
smiling at him, bright and happy. "What?"

Sorin shrugged, dropping his gaze to his wine, bizarrely

shy. "I never grow tired of hearing you call the castle

"Oh." Koray wished he could attribute the sudden heat

to his cheeks to all the alcohol he'd imbibed. "I do wonder
sometimes what became of my little cabin. I hope
someone else is putting it to use."

"We can go see sometime, if you like," Sorin said, a

strange look taking over his face. "I wouldn't mind seeing
where you used to live."

Koray made a face. "What is there to see in a broken

down, one-room cabin in the middle of a field on a dull
mountain? This time of year it will still be covered in snow.
It spends most of the year that way, really."

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"It's yours," Sorin said. "I know so little about your days

before the castle, though I certainly understand why you
prefer not to discuss them, but after all this time, most of
your necromancers seem to know more about you than I

"What good comes from recounting the days I lived

alone in a dreary cabin or slept in graveyards and ditches
while trying to rid ungrateful towns of ghosts?" Koray
shrugged irritably. "Once, if a handful of children had
accidentally covered me in that nasty mess, the villagers
would have laughed and run me out of town, probably
with sticks and stones. Today, all of them stood in fear,
waiting for me to punish them. Sometimes, I cannot make
sense of how my life has changed so drastically."

Sorin rose, crossed over to him, and knelt, taking his

hands. "You fit the role of High Necromancer seamlessly.
You must know that by now."

"I think I'm the first High Necromancer, and therefore

no one knows what 'seamlessly' looks like yet," Koray
retorted. "At any rate, this strange new life keeps me
plenty busy, and I don't have time to think about my past,
save when my necromancers bring it up. It's not that I
don't want to tell you, there are just always other things
on my mind. But if you want to see my cabin someday, My
Lord High Paladin, I suppose we could, though when we
would have time to gallivant off like that, I could not tell

Sorin smiled and kissed the backs of his hands. "We'll

find the time once the weather warms. For now …"

Koray's awareness sharpened as a familiar look

overtook Sorin's face and his voice deepened, making
Koray's skin prickle. "Here?" They did not usually do …
intimate things away from the castle.

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"Here," Sorin said. "The way those clouds outside

looked, we're going to be snowed in here at least through
tomorrow. No point in forcing everyone to make it home
when we can wait the storm out in safety and comfort
here." His smile turned wicked, eyes so hot with intent
Koray felt close to burning. "The door is locked. I gave
orders we were not to be disturbed save for emergencies,
and we left in such a hurry that I accidentally brought
along my gift for you."

"Gift?" Koray said, perking up because as flustered as

they made him, he always secretly enjoyed when Sorin
bought him things.

Sorin rose, took his wrists, and tugged him to his feet.

He stole a quick but firm kiss, then led Koray over to the
bed. Sitting on the edge of it, he reached into his robe and
withdrew what proved to be a dark green, velvet
drawstring bag and thrust it into Koray's hands.

Koray frowned as he opened the bag and reached his

hand inside, even more puzzled when he pulled out four
lengths of cord reminiscent of the kind used to tie back
bed curtains. These were thinner and so very soft. "Why
are you giving me lengths of …" his face went hot as
comprehension dawned, and he nearly dropped the bag
and rope in his shock.

Soft, fond laughter made him look at Sorin. "Your face

is priceless, necromancer. I told you I would get the proper
rope. Did you think I was lying?"

"That was nearly two months ago," Koray replied. "I

thought …" Maybe Sorin had changed his mind, or
forgotten, though when he wasn't spinning problems in his
head he knew it was really just that they had both been
too busy to do much of anything before falling asleep.

Goddess knew he had not stopped wanting it,

desperately. Left to his own devices, the idea probably

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would never have occurred to him. He loathed being
bound, could not stand the feel of metal around his wrists
and ankles.

But that sick, helpless feeling didn't rise up when he

thought of Sorin stretched out in bed, wrists secured to
the headboard. He'd scarcely been able to think of
anything else since Sorin had put the idea in his head.

He loved the way Sorin barreled about taking care of

everything and everyone. Sorin said Koray took well to
being High Necromancer, but as near as Koray could tell,
Sorin had been born for the role of High Paladin. If there
was anyone in the castle universally loved, it was Sorin.

But for all he enjoyed Sorin's commanding, even

roughshod, ways, he still quietly thrilled at the idea of
Sorin forced to hold still and be fully on the receiving end
of all the attention Koray could give him. The man was
always so eager to do everything for everyone that he
rarely did anything for himself.

Sometimes Koray felt bad about wanting to tie Sorin

up—ashamed was probably the more accurate word. But
it never seemed to trouble Sorin, seemed in fact to please
him, and that was enough to give Koray courage enough to
at least daydream about it. He had never entirely allowed
himself to believe it would really happen. It was Sorin,
though, so he really should have known better. Koray
might have hated the man if he didn't love him to the
point of madness.

But wanting something, even desperately, was one

thing. "I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Oh, I'm quite certain you'll prove a natural at tying me

up," Sorin said with a grin. He tugged Koray close and
kissed him softly. "But I can show you, and we'll do this
only if you want. You don't—"

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"Don't make me gag you as well," Koray said. "The

same goes for you, you know."

Sorin kissed his nose. "I know, but as I bought the rope,

I think it is safe to say that I want it." He took one of the
cords from Koray, held up one of Koray's wrists, and deftly
showed him how to tie it so that it held secure without
causing harm. "That is all there is to it." He handed the
cord back and held out his own wrist, letting Koray
practice until they were both comfortable.

Standing, Sorin discarded his robe and then climbed

onto the bed. Koray waited for him to get comfortable,
smiling ever so faintly at the half-hard state of his cock.
Koray's twitched as he watched, admiring all the tight
muscle, every line and curve of Sorin's war-scarred body.

"Come along, necromancer, unless you'd rather stand

there all night. Losing your nerve?"

"You are working hard to lose your ability to speak,"

Koray retorted as he climbed onto the bed and secured
Sorin's wrists. He was briefly annoyed when he had to
redo the second one twice, but the gentle nudge of Sorin's
leg against his soothed it away.

That left him with two cords, but he wasn't inclined to

bind Sorin's feet. Maybe next time.

Drawing back, he discarded his own robe and then

straddled Sorin's hips, shivering at the way their cocks
rubbed together. He felt overheated, taut, and he was
probably flushed bright red, but he didn't care because
Sorin was staring at him like nothing and no one else
existed. Koray had been afraid that look would vanish with
his hair, or at least dim, but it burned as hot as ever.

He never wanted to get used to that look. Reaching

out, Koray traced the lines of Sorin's face—cheekbones,
the slightly crooked nose, his chin and brow. Twice Sorin
jerked, mouth twisting into a brief scowl as the ropes

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reminded him he couldn't do anything. "This is slightly
more vexing than anticipated."

Koray caressed the sides of Sorin's throat, fanned his

fingers along Sorin's shoulders, then dragged his nails
along those strong, beautiful arms as far as he could. "Poor
Lord High Paladin, no longer in charge."

Snorting softly, Sorin replied, "As though I am ever in

charge when you're in the room. The entire kingdom
knows precisely who commands the High Paladin. I've
never heard you quite so cheerful about it, though."

Eschewing a response in favor of putting his mouth to

better use, Koray braced his hands on Sorin's entrancing
chest and bent to kiss him as ardently as he knew how,
teeth and tongue working, leaving Sorin's lips wet and
swollen. Shifting down, moving his hands to Sorin's sides,
thrumming with the way he could feel Sorin pulling at the
cords, Koray looked up, smiled, then bent back to his task,
dragging his mouth wetly down Sorin's chest, tongue
tracing scars, teeth dragging along unmarred skin. His
heart thudded in his ears, face hot, and he half-expected
the whole thing to be a dream, or for Sorin to order him to

But Sorin just moaned and panted, biting out Koray's

name when Koray put a mouth to one nipple, teased the
other with his thumb, dragging his nail lightly over and
around it before circling more gently with the pad of his
thumb, then switching hand and mouth.

He reared back sharply when Sorin jerked up. Koray

smacked the center of his chest. "None of that."

"You have only yourself to blame," Sorin replied.
Koray dropped a quick kiss on his mouth, drawing back

before Sorin had a chance to respond to it. "You bought
them, suffer."

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Come to Me


Sorin huffed, but his mouth twitched with the smile he

wasn't fighting very hard.

No one had ever trusted Koray so much. Part of him

wanted to run away and hide, he was so overwhelmed by
it. Most of him was determined to stay right there and
enjoy every single moment. He lightly dragged his fingers
down Sorin's sides, then across his chest, worrying the
nipples again before trailing up and back down. He could
spend hours on Sorin's chest, explore every dip and curve,
trace the muscles and memorize every scar. Explore every
bit of it with his tongue, score the skin with his nails just to
leave proof he had been there.

Surrendering to that need, he started at Sorin's

shoulders and dragged his nails down, mouth curving at
the way Sorin arched into the touch, hissing out Koray's
name. Koray stopped only when he reached the heavy
thatch of dark curls at Sorin's groin, carefully avoiding his
cock just to be vexing. Drawing back to admire his work,
Koray pressed his fingers to the long red lines his nails had

Sorin groaned, eyes closing as his head fell back.

"Koray …" All the levity had left Sorin's voice, replaced by
desperation. His tongue kept slipping out to lick at his lips,
throat working.

Ducking his head to hide a smile, Koray wrapped his

long fingers around Sorin's cock, exploring, teasing—nearly
toppling when Sorin bucked again. Letting go of his cock,
Koray pressed down on his hips. "Hold still."

"I don't know how you expect me to do that," Sorin


"If you don't, I'll be more than happy to leave you to

suffer and take care of myself."

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Sorin's face took on a drugged expression. "I think we

both know that watching you fuck yourself doesn't cause
me suffering."

"Who said you'd get to watch?" Koray retorted. He

struggled not to smile when Sorin pouted. "Don't move."
When Sorin nodded, Koray returned to teasing Sorin's
cock. They both moaned when he shifted and brought
their cocks together.

But Koray wasn't finished yet. He resumed kissing and

touching, starting with a small one pressed to Sorin's cock
before he moved off Sorin and spread his legs, letting his
hands linger on Sorin's heavy thighs for a moment before
he stroked along the soft skin of his inner thighs. He
teased along the crease where they met Sorin's groin,
stroking through the hair, teasing his cock once more, and
then shifted to press kisses and nips to one leg before
switching to the other, moving back and forth as he
steadily worked his way down.

When he reached Sorin's feet, Koray kissed the top of

each one and then slowly crawled back up Sorin's body,
stopping at random points to drop more kisses—his thigh,
the sharp curve of one hip, the spot right above his belly
button, the middle of his chest, the hollow of his throat,
the edge of his chin—before finally ending with a slow,
deep kiss that Sorin returned with so much fervor that
Koray nearly forgot what he was doing. "You're evil," Sorin
said when they finally drew apart.

Koray smiled and shook his head, briefly distracted by

the strangeness of the way his hair moved. "So I've been
told at least a thousand times. Most of them believed it,
but I think you're lying, My Lord High Paladin." He scraped
his nails down the inside of one bicep, kissing Sorin as he

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"Goddess's truth," Sorin managed when Koray finally

drew back.

"You're the one to blame for this evil," Koray replied

and climbed off him to fetch the porcelain jar that had
somehow moved just out of reach.

Straddling Sorin again, he opened the jar and slicked

up his fingers, then set the jar aside and rose up to his
knees. He splayed one hand on Sorin's chest for balance,
then reached back and slowly worked one slick finger
inside himself.

It was still difficult to meet Sorin's eyes when he

prepped himself, partly because doing it was so distracting
it was hard to focus on anything else, but mostly because
the way Sorin looked at him was so overwhelming.

He added a second finger, pushing them in slow but

deep, shuddering at the sensation that was only
heightened by the way Sorin watched him as if looking
away might kill him. He felt feverish, almost dizzy, heart
pounding so hard in his throat he could barely swallow,
thundering in his ears, drowning out everything but the
whimpers and pleas that fell from Sorin's lips.

It was almost more than Koray could take when Sorin

made a rough, ragged noise, trembling beneath him as
though on the verge of coming apart. If Sorin wasn't
bound, he would have already shoved Koray into the
bedding and buried himself deep, fucked him so hard
Koray would feel it throughout the next day. He loved and
hated when Sorin did that.

"I've changed my mind," Sorin groaned out, arms

straining. "This was a terrible idea. I want to touch you."

Koray gave a shaky laugh as he pushed in a third finger,

head dropping further as he moaned at the stretch, cock
twitching, aching. "Too—too late, nitwit."


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"I can stop if you're unhappy with the proceedings,"

Koray replied, slowly removing his fingers, cock so hard it
almost hurt.

"If you stop now I will die."
Koray rolled his eyes, but he'd had his fill of waiting,

too. Taking hold of Sorin's cock, he guided it to his hole
and slowly, carefully sank down on it, bracing both hands
on Sorin's sweaty torso. Sorin groaned loudly, pulling at his
bindings, swearing in frustration, the muscles of his arms
taut. Koray gave a husky laugh, digging his nails in playfully
as he began to move, determined to go slow as he rose up
and sank back down.

"You'll pay for this," Sorin said.
Koray cast him a brief smirk, but it slipped away as he

put all his focus on the fucking, keeping to that slow pace
as long as he could manage, drunk on the way Sorin
watched, the way he swore and begged and moaned
Koray's name.

Patience fraying, Koray surrendered to the need to

move faster, push down harder, breath hitching at the way
Sorin thrust up in time with his movements, fucking into
him deep. Sweat stung Koray's eyes, trailed down his neck
and back, making him twitch, his hands stutter on Sorin's
skin. "Sorin …" his head fell back as he surrendered
thinking and just rode the sensations.

His favorite moments were the unexpected ones when

Sorin lost control and fucked him wherever they happened
to be—in Koray's office, bending him over the desk and
not even bothering to remove his robes, just shoving them
out of the way before working him open quickly, pounding
into him so hard Koray was always amazed no one heard
them. In the library, up against the wall in a dark corner
where no one but Koray ever went. Sometimes it was in

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Come to Me


the woods, and once it had been on the floor of the wine

But this—Sorin desperate and begging and completely

at his mercy—was a close second. It might even become
his favorite.

"Koray!" Sorin came as Koray took him deep once

more, and that was all Koray needed to break, crying out
as he spilled all over Sorin.

When he could move again, he pulled off Sorin's

softening cock with a groan, crawled stiffly up to untie
him. He had barely gotten the second one loose when he
was tackled to the bed, yelping in surprise. Sorin turned
him, pressed him into the bedding, and did not stop kissing
him until Koray's lips were sore and throbbing. "You are
magnificent. Perfect."

"You're an idiot," Koray replied, loosely tugging on his

hair with one hand, dragging the nails of the other across
the back of Sorin's neck, enjoying the way that always
made Sorin's entire body shudder. "How are your wrists?"

"Fine," Sorin said against his mouth before kissing him

again. Koray was not inclined to protest, although he
would probably insist on another bath, or at least a rag,
before they got too comfortable.

Drawing back, he said, "Did you say something about

us being stuck here through tomorrow?"

Sorin shifted to stretch out alongside him, one of his

legs resting heavy between Koray's, one arm draped
across his body. He nuzzled Koray's hair. "At least. I think I
like your short hair as much as your long hair. They're both
enchanting, just in different ways. But mysterious was the
wrong word. The short hair definitely makes you look
more evil."

"I was a good deal less evil before I met you, My Lord

High Paladin," Koray said, smiling up at the ceiling. "You'll

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just have to live with the consequences of your own

Teeth nibbled the lobe of Koray's ear briefly and then a

soft kiss was pressed behind it. "Speaking of
consequences, those will be following shortly. There's still
plenty of evil left to teach you."

Koray turned his head, drawing Sorin into a long, lazy

kiss. "The more you teach, the more I can use it against

Sorin grinned, nipped at his nose. "That, My Lord High

Necromancer, is my favorite part."


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About the Author

Megan is a long time resident of m/m fiction, and keeps
herself busy reading, writing, and publishing it. She is often
accused of fluff and nonsense. When she's not involved in
writing, she likes to cook, harass her cats, or watch movies
(especially all things James Bond). She loves to hear from
readers, and can be found all around the internet.


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