One way to view your Website is to think of it as a file
cabinet where you keep all of your best information. This in-
formation should include details about your products and
services, background documents, and anything that helps the
prospects decide to do business with your firm.
A Website can no longer be a last minute add-on in the
marketing mix, and everyone in the organization should have
accountability to keep the
site’s information content
up to date. Your Web
presence serves as the
proposal for prospects
who have not made them-
selves known to you yet.
Does yours reflect the
same quality of production
that an important propos-
al would?
A Website can perform the same way a well-qualified sales
assistant can—only better, because it never needs a day off
and it can remember everything you can remember to tell it.
Quick Ideas 24 to 25
Take inventory of the in-
formation content items from
your Website. Review each
element and note how it sup-
ports leads, prospects, and