Bridgehead at Fedorowka

Bridgehead at Fedorowka

Peiper's III ęBlowtorch' (armoured) Battalion from SS Panzergrenadier Regt 2 attempts to seize a bridgehead over the Msha River during the Battle Of Kharkov, Winter 1942 - 1943.

Map Size 4km x 2.2km

Total Points 10,000 combined

Authors: George McEwan and Charlie Meconis

Date: 6 th March 1943
Region: Russia
Battle Type: German Attack
Game Length: 65 fixed
Time: Mid-day
Ground Condition: Light snow
Temperature: cold
Weather: Fog
Defender: Dug In with fallbacks
Map Contours: Gentle 1.5m
Some Soviet units (see briefing) must exit for points.
Flag type: Static
there are 9 flags each worth 300 points. NB some objectives have stacked flags making them more valuable.

Play recommendations

Best played as H2H or as the Germans Vs Soviet AI; for the first attempt playing against the AI use ęstick to scenario default' also give AI a +2 bonus for experience.


This is a very large action (big map) so best to be using a pretty fast machine (996MHz processor, 512Mb RAM saw loading times of around 3
5 minutes per turn).


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