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Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - Sutra 11

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - The Steps to Union

11. Their activities are to be done away with
through the meditation process.The "opposing mental attitude" referred to
in the previous sutra has distinct reference to the seeds or the latent tendencies as they
subsist in the mental body and in the body of desire. This mental attitude has to become
one of active mental meditation and one-pointed thought if the activities of the physical
body are to be subjected to a like control. Much that we do is automatic and the result of
long continued emotional and mental habits. Instinctively, from ancient practice and
through subjection to a world of tangible forms, our physical plane activities are
governed by the five hindrances. These have to be suppressed and the work of dealing with
the latent seeds and with suppressing the external activities must proceed simultaneously.
The steady opposition of the mental attitude deals with one; meditation which brings in
the three factors of the thinker, the mind and the physical brain will take care of the
other, and this must not be forgotten, otherwise theory will not become intelligent
practice. This meditation process is dealt with in Book III and need not be enlarged upon

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