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Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - Sutra 31

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 2 - The Steps to Union

31. Yama (or the five commandments) constitutes the
universal duty and is irrespective of race, place, time or emergency.This sutra makes
clear the universality of certain requirements, and by a study of these five commandments
which form the basis of what the Buddhist calls "right conduct," it will be seen
[187] that they form the basis of all true law and that their infringement constitutes
lawlessness. The word translated duty or obligation, could well be expressed by that
comprehensive term dharma in respect to others. Dharma means literally the proper
working out of one's obligations (or karma) in the place, surroundings and environment
where fate has put one. Certain governing factors in conduct must be observed and no
latitude is permitted in these respects no matter what one's nationality, no matter what
the locality in which one finds oneself, and no matter what age one may be or what
emergency may arise. These are the five immutable laws governing human conduct and when
they are followed by all the sons of men, the full significance of the term "peace to
all beings" will be comprehended.

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