general training reading answers 6 10 GENERAL TRAINING PRACTICE READING TESTS - ANSWER SHEET
1. A + C 1. poor kidney function 1. Parking area number 1. B 1. FALSE
2. D 2. 4 2. North car park 2. D 2. NOT GIVEN
3. E 3. 25� C 3. Credit cards 3. A 3. FALSE
4. A + E 4. 30 minutes 4. Ł72 4. A 4. TRUE
5. A 5. moisture 5. Traffic inspector 5. B 5. NOT GIVEN
6. E 6. expiry date 6. The (bus) driver 6. B 6. FALSE
7. TRUE 7. every 6 hours 7. Wilderness 7. C 7. FALSE
8. FALSE 8. FALSE 8. Atlas 8. E 8. FALSE
9. NOT GIVEN 9. FALSE 9. Nevis 9. B 9. TRUE
10. FALSE 10. TRUE 10. Atlas 10. D 10. NOT GIVEN
11. 25%/a quarter/1D 4 11. NOT GIVEN 11. Mountain Kings 11. A 11. 10% / ten percent
12. Relston Street 12. NOT GIVEN 12. Rangers 12. F 12. September 14th
13. 13. volunteers 13. C 13. C 13. high reputation
14. TRUE 14. local charities 14. D 14. Trenton Park 14. communication skills
15. FALSE 15. popular demand 15. A 15. Trenton Park 15. sessional examinations
16. TRUE 16. once 16. C 16. Cat Hill 16. (final) course(work) mark
17. F 17. 9th May 17. B 17. Eastfield 17. journalism
18. B 18. school social room 18. D 18. NOT GIVEN 18. 2 from: lectures, seminars
and tutorials
19. C 19. quiz night 19. B 19. TRUE 19. 15
20. E 20. art exhibition 20. proof of identity 20. TRUE 20. computer + internet
21. NO 21. NO 21. roadworthy 21. PTAs 21. E
22. YES 22. NOT GIVEN 22. (valuable) presents 22. LEA booklet 22. D
23. YES 23. NO 23. tradesmen and workers 23. School prospectus 23. A
24. NOT GIVEN 24. YES 24. C 24. NOT GIVEN 24. B
25. symptoms 25. YES 25. C 25. FALSE 25. G
26. doctor 26. NOT GIVEN 26. D 26. TRUE 26. F
27. vii 27. YES 27. NOT GIVEN 27. xi 27. C
28. ix 28. viii 28. TRUE 28. i 28. MC
29. i 29. i 29. FALSE 29. ix 29. SK
30. iii 30. xi 30. TRUE 30. ii 30. PP
31. xi 31. ix 31. NOT GIVEN 31. vii 31. TH
32. vi 32. ii 32. TRUE 32. v 32. PL
33. NO 33. vi 33. FALSE 33. NOT GIVEN 33. ND
34. YES 34. v 34. NOT GIVEN 34. TRUE 34. BS
35. NO 35. developed 35. weighed 35. NOT GIVEN 35. threatened
36. NOT GIVEN 36. popular 36. raw juice/solution 36. NOT GIVEN 36. hides
37. YES 37. dilapidated 37. filtered off 37. TRUE 37. modification
38. NOT GIVEN 38. influenced 38. boiling 38. TRUE 38. frequent
39. YES 39. resurgence 39. vacuum pans 39. TRUE 39. natural
40. NOT GIVEN 40. construction 40. molasses 40. FALSE 40. administration


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