ine starter test03

Test three: Units 11 to 15
(  ) No word in this space.
Tick the boxes.
1 ( Have Are Do ) you got a driving licence?
2 Yes, I ( got have got have ).
3 She ( haven t hasn t isn t ) got a credit card.
4 I ve (  have got ) a calculator.
5 They haven t ( to get getting got ) any stamps.
6 She s ( Joshua s Joshuas Joshua ) sister.
7 His ( father fathers father s ) name s Jack.
8 How (  much many ) children has she got?
9 Don t ( are to be be ) angry.
10 Please ( don t not aren t ) go.
11 He ( don t doesn t isn t ) live in London.
12 She ( work working works ) in an office.
13 Where ( are does do ) you live?
14 What are ( they re there their ) names?
15 The bank opens at nine (  of o ) clock.
16 When does the shop ( close closes closed )?
17 It doesn t ( opened opens open ) on Sundays.
18 ( How What When ) time does the library open?
19 Government offices are ( close closing closed ) at weekends.
20 They live ( at to in ) Boston.
This page may be photocopied for use with the course. It may not be bound, collated or used in any other way. © Oxford University Press / Three Vee Ltd. PHOTOCOPIABLE


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