ine starter test06

Test six: Units 26 to 30
(  ) No word in this space.
Tick the boxes.
1 It ( is was did ) cold yesterday.
2 Where ( was are were ) you last night?
3 The ticket was here yesterday, but it ( isn t wasn t doesn t ) here now.
4 What was the weather ( be like liked ) yesterday?
5 It was ( rained rains raining ) yesterday.
6 ( They re They There ) were some good films on the flight.
7 I ( have got had had got ) a shower last night.
8 What time ( did had do ) you have dinner yesterday?
9 He ( wouldn t not didn t have ) a happy childhood.
10  Did you go out last Friday?  Yes, I ( went did go ).
11 Where did you ( go went to go )?
12 I ( buy get bought ) a new jacket last week.
13 I didn t ( see to see saw ) the programme on TV last night.
14 My grandfather ( did were was ) born in India.
15 His family moved to London ( who why when ) he was thirteen.
16 She ( studies study studied ) English when she was at university.
17 They ( wasn t weren t didn t ) study English at school.
18 They lived in Ireland ( for last in ) ten years.
19 Did you (  ve got had get ) any letters yesterday?
20 They met ( we our us ) at the restaurant.
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