Christmas Crush S C Wynne id 2033424

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Evernight Publishing

Copyright© 2013 S.C. Wynne

ISBN: 978-1-77103-671-3

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Avril Ashton


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


This little Christmas story is for all the bookworms out there waiting for their soul mates.


Romance on the Go TM

S.C. Wynne

Copyright © 2013

This place was so not me. The bass from the music boomed loud enough I feared my ear drums were bleeding. How the hell I let myself get talked into a blind date was beyond me. Yet here I sat, stuck at The Fuzzy Palace on Christmas Eve for at least another half hour. Maybe I’d get lucky and he wouldn’t show up.

I caught my reflection in the beveled mirrors surrounding the dance floor. Jesus, I looked like a scared rabbit. I’d let Grace talk me into using product in my hair, and I almost didn’t recognize my spiky blond reflection. And I appeared over dressed for this place. My white button down and khaki pants made me look like I sold office supplies.

The mass of sweaty guys grinding against each other on the dance floor didn’t seem to notice me. I sipped my gin and tonic, huddled on my bar stool, and hoped no one spoke to me. That way I’d be able to leave and go back to my safe apartment. I wish I’d never abandoned my books and movies for this mind-numbing nonsense.

I made the mistake of looking up. A slender guy, mid-twenties, watched me with eyes glittering black in the pulsing light. He looked like a model in a form-fitting double breasted red hoodie, and dark slim jeans. He had razor cut, straight, jet black hair. It struck me he looked like an anime character. My sister Grace loved that crap. If he wasn’t in a gay bar scoping me out, maybe I’d have introduced them.

He was popular. Every few minutes, guys stopped and chatted him up. He smiled and talked with them, but stayed put. Drinks piled up in front of him, courtesy of all the horny guys looking for a Christmas lay.

I squinted toward the entrance, the glare of the neon lights hurting my eyes. Please don’t let him show, please. I just want to get the hell out of here.

Somebody bumped into me, spilling half my drink down my pant leg. I grabbed a handful of napkins and jabbed at the spreading stain. I scowled at the big lumbering moron who’d run into me.

śSorry, dude.” He patted me on the back.

śIt’s fine.” What could I say? He was huge.

śLet me buy you another.”

śNo, thank you.”

He leaned in only inches from my face. His breath smelled one hundred proof and I leaned away, trying to breathe out of the side of my mouth.

śHey, you’re kind of cute.”

A flush heated my cheeks. śThank you, I guess?”

śPretty eyes.”

Fuck. What was I, an exhibit?

śJust the eyes I was born with.” I tried my best to look anywhere but directly at him.

He let out a loud guffaw, and I winced.

śFunny and cute.”

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to risk being funny again. I studied the dance floor, trying to appear disinterested in my new friend so he’d go away. He didn’t.

śYou want to go out back and have a little fun?” He made crude thrusting motions with his hips.

Oh God, no. That was in my head. Out loud I tried to be more tactful. śNo, thank you.”

śHey, buddy, look at me.”

I did as he requested. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to see. He had brown, bloodshot eyes, a large fleshy nose, and thin lips. His shaved head, and little black goatee gave him the appearance of what I assumed the devil looked like. He wore a yellow tank top, and both meaty arms were covered with tattoos. To say he wasn’t my type would be an understatement.

śYou seem a little snooty,” he said, sounding irritated.

I had a hard time getting my head around the fact that this giant man, surrounded by a room full of panting, eager bodies, decided to zero in on me. I was the one guy in the room who didn’t want to be here, and this lumberjack stumbled onto me. Grace was dead meat next time I saw her.

I pointed toward my neck, and whispered, śSore throat.”

śBlowing too many guys?” He guffawed again, slapping me on the back.

I did my best to look like I found him hysterical. I felt a little hysterical myself at this point. Over his beefy shoulder, I locked eyes with my anime model friend. He looked amused. That must be nice for him.

śYou don’t look sick.”

śIt comes and goes,” I said.

śI’m Brett,” he said.

Tattoo guy shoved his hand in mine as I struggled to not look surprised. His name was Brett? I’d assumed Bubba or Johnny Snake Eyes maybe.

śPeter.” I felt like a toy on the end of a kid’s arm as he shook my hand. Anime guy still watched from the safety of his perch.

śI don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”

śIt’s my first time.” I regretted my choice of words the minute they left my lips.

śOh my, a virgin.” Brett leered.

śLook, I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m meeting someone here.”

Brett made a production of looking for someone. He peered under the bar, and under my stool. It was all very hilarious. Well, to Brett at least. I managed a polite smile. I prayed the jerk I was supposed to meet showed up so I’d get away from Brett.

śI don’t see anyone but us, dude.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and clamped his hand down on my arm.

śHe’s late, but I’m sure he’ll show.” I tried pulling my arm free without making a scene.

This was the part of the evening where I figured out Brett wasn’t a very nice guy. His grip became painful, and he shoved his face near mine. The pounding music, and his bad breath, all felt pretty surreal. Did he really think he could strong arm me out of here into the back alley, and I’d want to fuck or blow him?

śBrett, how about you let go of my friend?”

I turned. Anime guy stood next to us. He was taller than I’d realized, and beautiful up close. His hair looked silky, his skin porcelain. His eyes were black with thick fringy lashes, but his mouth was set in a straight line.

Brett twisted around, scowling, but backed off when he saw who stood there. It surprised me this gorilla of a man gave a crap about anything anime guy said. But he did. He let go of my arm, and held his hands up in mock surrender.

śI didn’t know he was with you, Chase.”

śYou didn’t ask him either, did you?” Chase put his slender hand in mine, curling around my fingers. My heartbeat sped up at his warm touch. Relieved someone stepped in, I clutched his hand.

śI’m just trying to have a little fun,” Brett said.

Chase leaned in, and I watched in amazement as Brett retreated. śYou need to start acting like a gentleman. You’re going to give the club a bad reputation.”

śSorry, dude.” Brett brushed off my shoulders, as if he’d contaminated me in some way, and headed to the dance floor without looking back.

I dropped Chase’s hand, releasing a huge sigh. śThanks, man.”

śDon’t mention it.”

śI thought he was going to try to have me right here on the bar stool.”

He smiled. White and flawless, it lit up his angular face. His dark gaze scanned me. śWho could blame him?”

I know I blushed because heat spread across my cheeks. But his playful manner didn’t repulse me like Brett’s had. I tried not to fixate on his pretty mouth, but it wasn’t easy. Not if he kept flirting with me.

śI guess I’m irresistible tonight,” I said dryly.

śI’m Chase Bennett.”

śPeter Harris,” I said.

He left me briefly and chose two of the many drinks lined up where he’d been seated earlier. Then he sat next to me, pushing one of them toward me.

śHere, have one of mine. You seem to be wearing yours.”

My knees felt weak, so I sat happily. śYes, I guess spilling his drink on me was all the foreplay I was going to get.”

śSorry about him. Most people here are pretty nice.”

śIt must be the holiday. It plays with people.”

śIt does.” He took a sip and I dragged my eyes away, trying to ignore how great his mouth looked wet. If my blind date ever showed up it might be rude to be hitting on another guy.

śDon’t take this the wrong way, but why are you here?”

I raised my brows. śShould I leave?”

He grinned. śNo. But I’ve never seen you here before, and you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself.”

śLet’s see, I’m wearing my drink and some guy just tried to drag me into the alley and blow me. What’s not to like?”

His chuckle sounded warm and husky. śEven before that. You looked uncomfortable.”

I shrugged. śIt’s not really my scene, man.”

śWhat’s your scene?”

śI don’t know. Quieter. I suppose less of a meat market feel.”

He rested his chin on his hand. śIt’s usually not this bad. This is the big Christmas Eve bash so it’s packed.”

śAre you a regular?” I asked.

śI’m here a lot.”

śWhy did Brett listen to you?”

śYou mean, why did a big strapping man like him pay any heed to a scrawny wimp like me?” He grinned again.

śYour words, not mine.” I laughed. I’d begun to feel my drink. I hadn’t eaten because I thought maybe my blind date and I’d grab something. But he didn’t seem like he’d show, so here I sat, pouring booze into my empty stomach like an idiot.

śAre you mafia or something?” I asked.

śNah. My dad owns the club.”

I grimaced. śShit, seriously?”

He nodded, sipping his drink. śPlus Brett holds out hope that someday I’ll let him screw me.”

śWho could blame him?” Okay, definitely the booze talking.


He leaned toward me. I caught a whiff of his spicy cologne. The pulse in his throat beat quickly, and his dark gaze was pinned on my mouth. śAre you really meeting someone here, or did you just say that to get rid of Brett?”

śI’m supposed to meet someone here, but he’s already an hour late.”

The faintest hint of disappointment flashed in his gaze, but he hid it behind his lashes.

śI say blow him off.”

I smiled. śI’m ticked he’s so late, that’s for sure.”

śSpend the evening with me instead.” He watched me closely. śI guarantee it’ll be more fun. I mean for one thing, I’m actually here.”

A jangle of excitement rumbled through me at his words. It shocked me how attractive I found him. I’d just laid eyes on him, but my body responded to him in a way I’d never experienced before. It usually took me a while to even notice another human in the vicinity, let alone be turned on by them. The real kicker was he seemed to be into me.

śWhat would we do?” I asked, my heart thumping.

His eyes slammed shut as if he were controlling his reaction. When he opened his eyes he looked excited. śWhatever you want.”

śWhat if I want to knock over a liquor store, you up for that?”


I took a long swig off my drink. At least it was fun passing the time now, since Chase had come over to visit me on my bar stool.

śIt’s a blind date. The guy I’m meeting, I mean.”

śDo you go on a lot of blind dates?” he asked.

śNo. I haven’t gone on any sort of date in six months.” For some reason I didn’t mind him knowing.

śThat’s a bit of a dry spell.”

I swallowed nervously. śI was seeing someone, but it didn’t work out.”

He sighed and then said softly, śMe, too.”

śI’m not the kind of guy who falls off the horse and gets back up quickly.”

śI wish I could be more like you, I jump into new things way too fast.” He frowned, and took a sip off his drink.

śYou mean like trying to pick up a total stranger in a bar on Christmas Eve?” I grinned. I couldn’t explain it, I just felt happy.

He wasn’t embarrassed by my comment. In fact, he moved toward me. My heart beat faster.

śI find you interesting.”

śThat’s a first.” I’d been called many things, interesting not one of them. Boring, maybe. My ex yelled something along those lines as he slammed out of my life. You and your boring books can go to hell.

śYou look like you think I’m kidding.” One of his exquisite eyebrows quirked.

śI’m certainly not one of those people that are interesting. Unless, of course, you mean how a three legged giraffe would be interesting. I’m definitely odder than I am interesting.”

His perfect face split in a smile. śSee, you say entertaining things like that. I enjoy it.”

śUmŚ” I shook my head, puzzled. śYou might be weirder than me.”

śSo what do you say we two weirdo’s hang out together tonight?” The corners of his mouth turned down in the fakest pout I’d ever witnessed. śYou don’t want me to spend Christmas Eve alone do you?”

śUgh, from the hoard of guys who were swarming around you earlier, you will not be alone no matter what.”

śThat guys not going to show. It’s obvious.”

I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t the kind of guy who got picked up in a bar. I didn’t do one night stands. The thought of it made me nervous. śI don’t think I can.”

He gave a big sigh. śAm I being too aggressive?”

I shrugged. śIt’s not that.”

śDo you find me unattractive?” A little smile played around his lips. He knew perfectly well that wasn’t it.

I rubbed my eyes. śI’m not like, you know Ś a bar kind of guy.”

śNo kidding?” He feigned surprise.

I laughed. śI’m not sure what to do in a situation like this.”

śDo what feels right.”

I watched him under my lashes. He looked so superficial. Everything on him appeared so perfect and hip, and then there was me. Anything but cool. His kind of guy should not be giving my kind of guy the time of day.

śWhy are you sitting with me?” I asked, the alcohol loosening my tongue.

Surprise rippled through his gaze. śWould you prefer I go away?”

The thought of him leaving disappointed me.

śNo,” I said softly. I touched his sleeve. śI would not prefer that.”

He smiled. śGood. We’re getting somewhere.”

I didn’t want him to leave, but at the same time I felt terrified to do anything or go anywhere with him. What the hell am I doing?

I finished my drink. He pushed his toward me. Instead of rejecting it like I usually would, I took it and drank.

śI just mean, there are a lot of good looking guys here. Cool guys, like you,” I said.

He frowned. śWhat does that even mean?”

śYou know, your clothes, your confidence. You’re cool.”

śYou’re dressed fine, and you were handling Brett okay.”

śI’m dressed like an accountant, and I was not handling him okay. If you hadn’t stepped in, I have a feeling Brett would have been handling me.”

He grinned and pointed at me. śThat right there. That’s why I’m sitting with you, I like that you’re a smart ass.”

I couldn’t help but smile. He looked so delighted.

śSo, then you’ve been turning away all these hoards of sexy guys, because what you’re really wanting is a nerdy smart ass?”

śIt’s a shock to me, too.”

Oddly enough, I didn’t notice the unpleasant noise and music anymore. I just felt energy and excitement in the room. A waifish redhead wearing a Santa hat, walked by, draping silver tinsel on the patron’s shoulders. When he reached us, he lingered around Chase longer than me before moving on.

śSee, even elf boy likes you. He’d be a better choice for you. I mean he has a Santa hat and everything.”

He ignored me. śSo let’s say this dude shows up, your blind date. How would you know it’s him?”

śHe’s supposed to wear a red carnation.”

śDid you meet him online, on one of those dating sites?”

śNo.” I shook my head. śHe’s a coworker of my sisters.”

He rolled his beautiful eyes. śFamily’s the worst at hooking you up.”

śWe shall see.”

He leaned back and crossed his arms. śAre you actually rejecting me?”

śI’m requesting you remain in a holding pattern until we see if this guy shows up.” I laughed.

śWow. You have some nerve, friend.”

śNot really. I just don’t want my sister pissed at me for blowing off this guy.”

He frowned. śYou’re sitting at a bar on Christmas Eve, and you’re worried by whether or not your sister will be mad at you?”

He didn’t understand. My parents died two years ago, Grace was all I had now. Without her, my life would be unbearably lonely.

śShe’s the only family I have left.”

He bit his lip. śSorry, that sucks around the holidays.”

śIt sucks all the time.”

śOf course.” He looked uncomfortable for the first time since I’d met him.

I glanced toward the entrance, scowling. śWhat the hell kind of idiot makes plans to meet you on Christmas Eve then doesn’t show?” I felt irritable all at once. The mention of my parents set me on edge now.

Chase held his tongue, watching me.

I threw back the remainder of his drink, and stood. śI’m gonna take off.”

śI wish you’d stay.”

śI’ve got things to do.”

He twisted his lips, looking skeptical. śNo, you don’t.”

I stifled a smile. śI’m not in the mood to be here anymore.”

śGood. Let’s go somewhere else.”

śYou’re one persistent little bastard,” I said softly.

He stood, and leaned into me. A muscle pulsed in his smooth cheek, and his breath quickened. He smelled of citrus with a hint of tequila on his breath, and I got hard at his wanton expression.

śI like you,” he whispered.

His lips were close to mine. My heart pounded and everything in me wanted to kiss him. But as usual, I was too much of a coward.

śWe don’t know each other, and I’m not an impulsive person,” I said under my breath.

śI have a studio apartment upstairs. It’s quieter and we can talk, get to know each other better.”

I wavered. My body said hell yes, but my mind called it a risky move. You don’t fuck people and feel nothing. You’re not like him.

śI don’t know. Maybe I look like I’m more experienced than I am,” I said nervously.

Humor lit up his gaze when he answered. śYou don’t, not at all and that’s a good thing.”

He took my hand. His skin felt warm and firm. I couldn’t deny I wanted to spend more time with him alone. At the moment, he fascinated me as much as my books. That said something.

śYou live above the bar?”

śIt’s very quiet.”

śThat’s hard to believe.”

śCome with me, see for yourself. We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

I released a slow breath, eyeing his smooth skin and his lean body. There were so many things I’d like to do with him. Or to him. If I were braver.

śYou don’t have to be afraid.”

śBut we hardly know each other.”

śThat’s why I’m suggesting we go upstairs.” He smiled sheepishly. śLook, I’m not going to lie. I would love it if you’d come up and fool around with me. But I would never force anything on you, and I want to learn more about you as a person, too.”

I gave one last look around. There were tons of Santa and Reindeer antler hats, but no one wearing a red carnation. Grace couldn’t blame me if I left. I’d waited over an hour for this person to show up. I considered taking Chase up on his offer until I heard him swear under his breath.

śOh, crap,” Chase said. śThat must be him.”

I twisted to see who he was looking at. A twenty something guy, as tall as a street lamp, made his way through the crowd and up to the bar area. Mousy brown hair, sharp features and a cheap polyester black suit with a red carnation. Oh crap, alright.

I swallowed roughly, feeling let down. śWhat do I do now?”

śMaybe it’s not him.” Chase didn’t sound convinced.

śIs that suit polyester? Even I don’t wear suits that lame.”

śIs there any way he’d know who you are?” Chase looked as if he had an idea. śI mean, unless you tell him?”

śNot really. He has my general description, but he’s expecting me to be alone, and I’m with you.”

Chase’s expression sharpened. śDamn straight you are.”

A little thrill went through me at the possessiveness in his voice. But how would I get out of this now?

śListen, let’s stand near him and get a feel for what he’s like.”

śWhy?” I frowned. śHe doesn’t look like my type anyway.”

Chase shrugged. śIf he seems like a jerk at least you won’t feel guilty about ditching him.”

śWhat if he’s amazing?” I asked.

śThen we’ll duel over you. I don’t know, but I think you’d feel better if you have a reason to ditch him. You seem like the honorable type.”

śIt’s worth a try. Grace would have no right to be mad at me if the guy’s an idiot or something.”


The guy positioned himself at the bar in a way that allowed him to scope the room. Chase and I wormed our way a couple of seats over. My heart tried to jump from my chest as I watched the newcomer out of the corner of my eye.

Grace hadn’t told me much about him, other than his name was Dave and he liked to read. But I had the feeling my sister hadn’t really been thinking of making a love connection so much as a get Peter out of his apartment connection.

śMerry Christmas Eve,” Chase said to the guy.

My anxiety skyrocketed when Chase spoke. I turned away briefly to take a swig off my drink. I looked back to see the new guy giving Chase a head to toe once over. He seemed to approve of what he saw.

śMerry Christmas to you, too,” he said. His eyes were pale and a small mustache framed his thin lips.

śAre you here alone?” Chase asked.

The guy hesitated before answering. śI am.”

I waited for him to add he’d come to meet someone, but he didn’t continue. Strike one. If he was my date, at least like me, he stood no chance against Chase’s charms.

śSucks being alone on Christmas Eve, doesn’t it?” Chase asked.

śUm Ś yeah, that’s why I decided hey, what the heck I’ll just go out to a club or something,” he said.

śYou’re kind of late to the party,” Chase said.

śI know. I wasn’t sure I’d bother coming at all. In fact I’d decided I wasn’t and my Ś uh Ś friend called and nagged me to get over here.” New guy rolled his eyes.

The bartender distracted the guy for a moment and I whispered to Chase, śWhat if it’s not him? What if this is just some guy who likes red carnations?”

Chase nodded. śDid your sister tell you your date’s name?”

śIt’s Dave.”

Chase turned back to the guy. śIs your friend here? The one who nagged you?”

The guy chewed his lip. śMy friend wasn’t"no.”

Chase smiled and the new guy’s expression melted.

śWas that your answer?” Chase asked.

The guy leaned toward Chase and said softly, śDoes it really matter what brought me here? I’m here now and you’re here now. That’s good enough for me.”

My toes curled in my shoes at his leering voice. I also had to acknowledge the spike of jealousy that hit me. If this turned out to be the guy, he acted like a jerk, and if it wasn’t him he still seemed like a creep.

Smooth as silk, Chase offered his hand. śName’s Chase.”

śNice to meet you, Chase,” the guy said. śI’m Dave.”

Chase pulled his hand from Dave’s smarmy one and twisted to me. śGood enough?”

I nodded and stood, almost feeling sorry for Dave’s obvious confusion. Almost.

śWell, we’ve got to be going,” Chase said. śTell Grace things just aren’t going to work out between you and Peter.”

śI don’t understand.” Dave looked baffled.

śLet me explain. It’s really quite simple. You came here to meet Peter on a blind date arranged by his sister Grace.”

śOh, I’m Peter, by the way.” I waved and Dave’s eyes flickered.

śBut I met him first because you were super late.”

śI mean, not even a phone call, dude. Pretty rude,” I said.

śYou’re Peter?” Dave asked.

śPlus, it seems you’re kind of a prick who isn’t deserving of a great guy like Peter, so I think I’m going to take him instead.”

śYou know Grace?” Dave asked, looking bewildered.

śThat’s all he got out of that?” I asked.

śCan we go now?” Chase tugged at my arm. He cast a scornful glance at Dave. śHe’s going to put me in a bad mood.”


He beamed and didn’t waste any time pulling me after him. We pushed through the crowd, slowly making our way toward the entrance. He didn’t notice, but I observed at least three very surprised faces when they saw whose hand he held. The bouncer nodded at Chase as we passed, and frowned when he caught sight of me. I guess I wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

When we reached the lobby, he headed toward a big door I’d never noticed before, tucked in the back. There were stairs. Lots of them and we puffed our way to the top, Chase leading the charge.

śDo you pick your companions based on whether or not they look like they could survive the climb up to your apartment?” I wheezed.

He gave a breathless laugh. śI’ve begged my dad to put in an elevator, but he says it’s too expensive.”

We eventually reached a landing where there were three black lacquered doors with brass letters attached. We headed to apartment B.

With a jangle of keys, he opened the door and swung it wide for me.

śWelcome to my lair.” He rubbed his hands together fiendishly.

śYou’re not a serial killer, right?”


His apartment looked nothing like I’d expected. The walls were warm oatmeal, with walnut floors and bookshelves filled with actual books. I didn’t see that a lot. People just stuffed their bookcases with knick-knacks and CD’s these days. A moss-green sofa and big arm chair with side tables were positioned in front of a small brick fireplace. A Van Gogh copycat hung over the white mantel, where an Eifel Tower-shaped lamp cast warm, golden light into the room. I noticed a small kitchen off to the side, with brown tiled floors and steel appliances. And another closed door most likely his bedroom.

śWould you like some wine?” he asked.

I nodded, still staring at the room in silence. I moved to the books, lovingly running my hands along the stiff spines. He even had hard covers. No one bothered plunking down the extra money on those anymore.

śWhite or red?”

śRed, please,” I said. I continued stroking the books, and one in particular caught my eye. I gently pried it from between the other books. śOh my God, you have a first edition by Ernest Hemmingway?”

śIt would appear I do.”

śThe last time I checked prices this book would go for six hundred dollars.” I thought I might hyperventilate.

śI don’t remember how much it was, but whatever the price it would be worth it.”

śI’d keep it in a vault if I were you.”

He poured the wine, and placed a pile of big square brownies on a plate before carrying them out of the kitchen. śClose your mouth. Come over here and sit by me.”

I snapped my mouth shut, and carefully put the book back where I’d found it. I took my glass and followed him to the couch. śAre those books yours?”

He nodded, holding out the plate of brownies to me. śI’m starving, and I assume you must be too,” he said, biting into a brownie.

śI didn’t have dinner since I was waiting for that guy.” I grabbed a soft chocolate brownie and chomped down. śSo you like books?”

śI love books,” he said, his expression enigmatic. śDo you notice how peaceful it is up here?”

I laughed, covering my mouth so my brownie didn’t fly out. śYou win. I would never know you live over a club.”

He took his shoes off, dropping them soundlessly to the floor, and curled his feet under his legs. śI’m many things, but I’m not a liar.”

śYou’re mighty flexible,” I said, admiring his graceful pose. śI think I would break something if I tried to sit like that.”

śI used to do gymnastics when I was younger.”

I tried to ignore all the images of him in multiple positions instantly flying into my brain. I didn’t do well though because I felt my crotch heat up.

Chase finished with his brownie, and sat, sipping his wine. He’d removed his red hoodie, and wore a white cotton t-shirt and his jeans. He still looked cool, and perfect. I looked down at myself and frowned.

śI’m still in the dark as to why you like me,” I said. Why couldn’t I be happy, instead of feeling inferior?

śLook around you. Was this what you expected my place to look like?”

I flushed. śNo.”

śDid you think it would be pink fluffy pillows and cats roaming around?”

śNothing like that. I thought it would be colder and more modern.”

He frowned. śDo I look cold?”

śNo, but you look modern.”

śIt’s just window dressing.” He shifted uncomfortably and pointed to his chest. śI’m not modern in here.”

I grinned. śWell, that was way too corny to be cool.”

śScrew you.” He laughed.

I didn’t answer, too afraid I’d say yes, please, and I wasn’t sure exactly what I intended to do tonight. I knew what I wanted to do, but I might be starting to like him too much.

śIs this your place?” I asked.

śYes. It’s an odd setup. I’m an only child and the building was left to me by my grandmother, but my father owns the club downstairs.”

I grinned. śYou’re your father’s landlord?”

śWeird, right?”

śCouldn’t you have an elevator put in regardless of what your father says?”

His eyebrows went up a little in surprise. śYou really did not like those stairs, did you?”

śI just mean, it’s your building. Can’t you do what you want?”

He bit his lip, watching me. śIf I do that the club would have to be closed for God knows how long, which would mean my dad would lose a ton of money. So I weigh the fact that I find it inconvenient against his financial needs, and it doesn’t seem like such a big deal that I have to walk up a few stairs.”

I liked his outlook. Perhaps he wasn’t superficial after all. śIt felt more like forty thousand stairs. But it’s sweet you put him before yourself.”

śTrust me, when I’m carrying my groceries up here, I rethink myself every time.” He watched me, a smile playing around his lips. śWhat about you? Do you live alone?”

śYes. Grace and I lived together a few years after our parents died, but a year ago we got our own places. I’m twenty-four and Grace is a year older. It seemed like the best idea if we’re ever going to forge grown up romantic relationships with people.”

He smiled. śYou’re funny. You either share nothing or you share a lot.”

My cheeks warmed. śSorry.”

śNo, I didn’t mean it as a criticism. It was an observation.” He shrugged. śFor the record, I like it when you share a lot.”


śWhat do you do for a living?” he asked.

śI’m a graphic artist. I freelance mostly, but I make good money.”

śI draw, too.” He laughed. śI have a drafting table in my bedroom.”

At the mention of his bedroom, my pulse sped up. śYou didn’t bring me up here to see your etchings, did you?”

śI’ll show you whatever you want to see,” he said.

I licked my lips nervously. śDo you make a living with your art?”

śNah. I do it for fun. I’ve sold a few pieces, but I don’t have to work. My family has money.”

śOh. I pretty much have to work if I want to eat.”

He drew his brows together in a frown. śIt makes me feel weird. I mean that my family is so wealthy. Sometimes I feel like a slacker.”

śDo you do anything useful with your money?”

He laughed gruffly. śI don’t know about useful, but I want to buy this business I’ve had my eye on for years.”

śWhat sort of business?”

śFrom the way you were drooling over my bookshelves, you’re probably the only person who would appreciate this.” He unfolded his legs and kicked my foot playfully. śIt’s a bookstore called Read Till You Drop.”

I blinked rapidly, at a loss for words. śI love that place.”

śYou know it?” he asked. śIt’s for sale and I want to buy it, but my dad thinks I’m nuts.”

śI live at that store.” My mouth hung open in disbelief. śBuy it, please. I know the guy who runs it and he is struggling big time.”

śI’ve seen his numbers, and yeah, he’s not thriving.” A melancholy expression crossed his face as he continued. śI’ve been going there for years and years, and I love books so much. But like I said, my dad really disagrees.”

śI agree. Do it,” I said forcefully. śYou could do so much with it because you have money. He never advertises, and the place had no management to speak of.”

His eyes were bright as he met my gaze. His pale cheeks were flushed, and he looked excited. śYou see the potential too. To me it’s a little gem that just needs some attention.”

śI will help you, if you want help.” I couldn’t keep my gaze off his pretty, excited mouth. I couldn’t believe I’d run into someone incredibly sexy who had a book fetish like me. I wanted to pounce on him right here on the couch.

śThis is the first time tonight you’ve been so animated,” he said breathlessly. śIt’s quite a turn on.”

My stomach warmed, and the wine I was sipping helped me feel a little reckless. I captured his ankle, slipping my hand up under the hem of his jeans, feeling the soft prickle of hairs on his skin against the palm of my hand.

śI never meet anyone who’s into books like I am,” I said, touching his leg.

śMe either.” I heard his surprised intake of air, and he closed his eyes as I stroked his skin.

śJust the feel of them under my fingers, the yearning to hold them and lose myself in them,” I whispered.

śAre we still talking about books?”

śI’m kind of hoping we can stop talking period.” I swallowed my nerves, and pulled my hand out of his pant leg.

He got gracefully to his feet and held out his hand. śDo you want to go into my bedroom? You don’t have to.”

Oh, I wanted to. My crotch, undeniably uncomfortable at this point, got harder and harder to ignore.

What the hell. I might be a little drunk, but I really liked him and I wanted him so bad it hurt. For some reason he wanted me too, and for once in my life I decided to take a risk.

śLet’s go to your bedroom.”

He grabbed my hand and I followed willingly. A silky burgundy comforter covered the big bed. Monet style impressionist paintings hung on the beige walls above neat walnut bookcases.

He stripped off his clothes, and stood waiting for me. I moved slower than him, distracted by his beautiful body. His shoulders were broader than I’d thought, his chest and abs smooth and muscled. His thighs were lean, but strong, and his dick hard and bumping into his stomach.

Adrenaline rushed through me as I looked at him. I unbuttoned my shirt with trembling fingers, letting it fall to the floor. I unbuckled my belt, and he got on the bed. He sat, legs hanging off the edge of the bed, just watching me.

I pulled my pants and underwear down in one move. My cock sprang up, stiff and engorged, and I stepped the rest of the way out of my clothing. His gaze was so intense I felt self-conscious.

śYou do not have the body of a nerd,” he whispered.

He scooted up all the way onto the bed, and I climbed on with him. I approached him on my hands and knees, and bent to finally kiss his beautiful, full lips. His mouth, warm and sweet, opened against mine. I breathed him in, tasting the berry tones of wine on his tongue.

He cupped my cheek as he gently licked into my mouth, probing, searching. He pulled away and lay on his back. I ran my hand down his chest and stomach before I stretched out beside him, resting my head on my hand.

We stared at each other, waiting. A smile played on his lips, and I thought my heart might beat out of my chest.

śWhat do you like?” he asked.

śOther than you?”

He grinned. śDo you like top or bottom? Or do you just like blow jobs?”

I flushed. śThis is embarrassing to talk about.”

He shook his head and stroked my chest, grazing my nipples with his light touch, and sending excitement sparking down my stomach.

śIt’s not. It shouldn’t be.”

śI’ve never been the bottom, I was afraid to be. I’m not that experienced.”

His eyes narrowed. śOkay. Which did you think you prefer? Do you want to fuck me?”

I got so turned on just talking about it. I didn’t know what to say. The thought of fucking him, or having him in me, was enough to make me hard as stone and panicked all at once. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself.

He must have seen I was getting nervous śDon’t worry, it’s going to be great.” His breathe came quicker now, and his pupils dilated.

I nodded, licking my lips. The nerves remained, but I took his hard dick in my hand. I ran my thumb over his slick head. He gasped, closing his eyes. He pushed against my hand and his eyes flew open.

śWill you try the bottom? I’ll be careful, but I want you to experience it, with me.”

śI’m not sureŚ”

śI want to be your first, I’ll take good care of you,” he whispered.

The thought of him pushing into me made my heart pound. I couldn’t deny the curiousity. I wanted to feel him in me. I nodded fervently. śYes, I want to try, I want you inside me.”

He dragged my mouth back to his, the tip of his tongue teasing mine. He let go and twisted to dig around inside his nightstand. He pulled out a condom and lube.

śI’m so excited right now. I need to calm the hell down.” He laughed gruffly.

My stomach jolted with desire at his words. śMe, too.”

He eased me onto my stomach, my dick pressed against the comforter. His strong hands ran from my thighs up my ass, massaging my skin, and then back down again. It felt so good to have his fingers on me. He gently pried my legs apart, using his knees to hold them.

I heard the click of the lube bottle, and the tearing of a condom wrapper. Then his warm finger, slippery from the lube, teased my hole, circling it and tickling the outer ring of muscles. When his finger slipped in, I gasped from surprise and pleasure. The feel of my tight muscles releasing as he entered me was like nothing I’d ever experienced, but it felt so good. He added another finger and stretched and pulled at me. The sensation made me roll my hips to feel his fingers more. How could fingers make me feel this good?

He didn’t hurry. He took his time, rubbing into my entrance and getting me ready to take him. I wriggled, needing him to hurry, my balls tight, my muscles grasping onto his moving fingers. He teased and tweaked me, making my ass buzz with aching need. My dick seemed so hard now I wouldn’t have been surprised if it pierced through the mattress.

When he added a third finger, I moaned as I instinctively rode his hand, grinding against him. I panted, writhing on his fingers mindlessly. I didn’t know what his dick would feel like inside me, but if it felt anything like this, I’d lose my mind when he drove into me. He pulled his fingers out, and stroked my rear, opening my cheeks up to the cool air.

śCan you arch your back?” His hot breath swept across my cheek.

I obliged, lifting my hips and curving my spine. His cock pushed up to my hole, and nudged at me, as if asking for permission.

Excitement burned in my chest. I wanted him inside me more than I’d ever wanted anything. I lifted my ass and pushed back gently, begging him for what I needed.

śI’m going to push into you, babe. Are you okay?”

I nodded. śYes, I want it, please, please.”

He pressed in carefully at first, sliding in halfway. His muscles shook as he paused, waiting to see if I was okay. I pressed back, urging him to sink in deeper, help me extinguish the fire building inside of me. He must have sensed my need, because he thrust his hips, filling me with his thick cock in one slick push. It burned at first, blazing hot trail deep inside of me. I cried out, biting my lip to silence myself. He bent, kissing my nape, whispering soothing words.

My muscles clenched around him. Pain mixed with pleasure shot down my legs, through my body. He began moving again, slow and long pulses. My insides were raw and tingling as his dick scraped into me. He felt so much thicker and bigger than I expected. When he pushed in, I lost the ability to breathe. I felt him everywhere in my body. He pulled and slid into me, gentle, but in charge, taking me toward a pleasure I’d never known. I arched my spine as much as I could, as a tingling at the base of my dick replaced the pain.

He thrust in harder and my muscles let go, taking him in, opening up to him. He gave a flick of his hips, and I thought I might shoot off the bed as his cock stroked my prostate. He swiveled his hips again and again.

śShit, shit.” I moaned, weak from the trembling sensations racking my body. I hadn’t expected it to be this good, to feel so completely taken. Every inch of my insides felt as if his cock was touching and rubbing in. He buried himself so deep in me I couldn’t catch my breath from the pressure of him filling me.

I wanted to thank him, tell him what I he was amazing, but I couldn’t form words. I only made soft sounds that weren’t real. I clutched wordlessly at the sheet, mindless and numb from ecstasy.

He wasn’t as gentle now, but I didn’t need him to be. A fire burned in my ass, and my dick rubbed hard against the sheets beneath me. I’d come soon, with his dick buried deep inside of me.

He pushed, and rocked into me, groaning. With every pulse of his hips, he matched it with a sound, a moan. I wished I could see him. I imagined him with his eyes open, lips parted, watching his dick enter me and slide out again. The picture of him in my mind, having an orgasm, made me harder.

He rocked side to side, burying deeper and I lost it. My dick, pressed against the covers, jerked, and pulsed into the cloth, filling the material with slick, wet cum. I grunted as the waves shot through my body, washing over me and draining me.

Chase’s muscles stiffened and he shot, even with a condom on I felt him flooding me. He rode it all the way through, fucking me as my ass milked him of all he had. I clenched my muscles. He tensed and moaned as he was sucked dry.

I couldn’t move. I’d never been so weak in my life. He’d collapsed on my back, and it felt like we were glued together with sweat.

He pulled out slow and careful, breathing hard as he climbed over me and lay on his side. I rolled over and grabbed a handful of tissues off the nightstand, wiping myself off. He removed the condom and tossed it into a trash can beside the bed.

śI’m afraid I messed up your comforter.” I breathed roughly.

He grinned, lying there with his black hair slicked across his forehead with sweat.

śIt’s washable.”

I basked in the glow until my breathing slowed. śI’ve never felt anything that good before.”

śI told you. I hope I wasn’t too rough with you. I had trouble controlling myself.”

I lifted my head and grinned. śYou were amazing.” God, he looked beautiful, wet and sweaty even. My stomach did a little dance it liked to do whenever I watched him.

śCome here.”

I scooted over and he enveloped me in his arms. He brushed his warm lips against my temple. śSo are you going to help me run my bookstore?”

I looked at him surprised. śYou’re going to do it? You’re really going to buy the bookstore?”

śI have the money and I don’t believe in not doing something just because you’re afraid of it.”

śI thought you were afraid of your father, not buying the store itself.” I smiled. śWill he be mad at you?”

śHe will be worried.”

śHe shouldn’t be. Seriously, that little store is just lacking passion. The owner is a great guy, but he’s a hundred percent burnt out.”

śExactly. And I need a project. What better thing to take on than books?”

śI can’t believe there is another human in the city who in as enamored of the written word as I am. Grace will think I’ve made you up.”

śDo you have a lot of invisible friends?” He grinned. śI had many as a child.”

śI get along with the imaginary ones much better.”

He stroked my hair and I leaned against him, happy to feel his strength under me. Could he be for real, or was this just sex? I wasn’t very smooth about what to do after this part. He didn’t seem in any hurry to get rid of me, though.

śYou said you’d been in a relationship that didn’t work out. What went wrong?” He asked cautiously.

I felt embarrassed. I wasn’t proud about the fact I couldn’t seem to make a connection with anyone romantically. Or at least not a lasting one.

śI could ask you the same thing,” I said defensively. His heartbeat sped up under my ear.

śI don’t mind answering, if you really want to know,” he said softly, and began stroking my hair again soothingly.

śOkay, spill it. What went wrong?”

He chuckled warmly. śAlright, let’s see.” He cleared his throat. śHonestly, this is good for me to do, because I don’t know that I gave it the scrutiny it deserved until now.”

I stayed silent, enjoying the touch of his fingers running through my hair.

śFirst of all, I picked relationships for all the wrong reasons. They were cute and I wanted to fuck them, or they liked to watch anime with me and then we’d fuck. Hmmm Ś it would appear I picked people who looked like they would be a good lay.”

I laughed and sat up. śYou’re so full of shit. I don’t believe that’s the only reason you had relationships. You can screw someone and not try to have a relationship with them.”

śMaybe you can.” He grinned.

śWait, I’m not the one who sleeps around.”

śHey, that’s not nice.” He grimaced.

śWhat do you call it?”

śI call it exploring my options.”

I fell silent. It occurred to me again how out of my depth I was with this man. I might just be one of those options. There’s no easy way to ask that.

śAre you honestly saying you were only with those people because you wanted sex?”

śWhy else?”

śMy guess is you wanted to make a connection with someone. We all hope that we will, isn’t that why we keep trying?”

śYou sure have a way of cutting through all the bullshit.” He smiled, but his gaze turned wary.

śLet me cut through a little more while I’m at it,” I said.

śDo what you must,” he said and I swore he held his breath.

śAre we just fucking?”

He gasped. śWhat?”

śWas this just exploring your options? Were you at a loose end it being Christmas Eve and all, and I came along and you were horny?”

śYou’re amazing. I don’t know if I’m insulted or turned on right now.”

śThere is nothing you’ve said in the last ten minutes that would lead me to believe this was anything other than a one night stand.”

śFair enough. Before I answer though, I want you to tell me why you think your last relationship fell apart?”

I took a huge breath. śBecause I picked the wrong person for me.”

śNope. I need more than that.”

śI love books. They are an integral part of who I am. I was with someone who didn’t even like books. In fact, he felt that my books were his rival. He was actually jealous of my books. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, can I pick them or what?”

Chase laughed and pulled me to him again. śFor me, this is most definitely not a one night stand. I feel like I must have known you in another life. But if you just wanted to fuck me and never see me again, there’s the door. If you want this to be more, because you like me as much as I like you then we need to pick a name for our new bookstore.”

My mouth dropped open. This cool, smart funny guy was into me? I’d led a sheltered life, but I wasn’t so stupid I didn’t get if I passed this up I’d be an idiot.

śIs this too fast for you?” he asked, looking worried.

I grinned. śNot really. I mean, this is how it happens in the books, right?”

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. Warmth spread through me, mingled with disbelief.

śIf that blind date had shown up and been a great guy, I wouldn’t have met you,” he said softly.

śAnd I guess I owe Brett a drink, because if he hadn’t tried to have his way with me, you wouldn’t have come to my rescue and we might not have met.”

He squeezed me tight and brushed the top of my head with his lips. śYou know you’re spending Christmas with me, right?” he asked.

śNo, I did not know that.”

śWell, I definitely want to see you tomorrow. Since tomorrow is Christmas we’ll be spending it together.”

śI guess that’s true.”

śIs that okay with you?”

śIt’s better than okay.”

śYou can invite your sister if you’d like.”

śNo need. She’ll be at her boyfriend’s house. I think that’s one reason she set me up on a blind date on Christmas Eve. She had plans and felt guilty that I would be alone.”

śBut you won’t be alone,” he said, his voice like velvet.

I looked up at him, and he kissed the tip of my nose.

śSo this is what it’s like to hang with the cool kids,” I said.

śYou are now cool by default.”

He yanked the soft comforter up over our heads, and it floated down covering us, muffling our warm laughter.

The End

Evernight Publishing


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