
PersistenceService (JNLP API Reference 1.5) function windowTitle() { if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) { parent.document.title="PersistenceService (JNLP API Reference 1.5)"; } } Package   Class  Tree  Index   PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD javax.jnlp Interface PersistenceService public interface PersistenceService PersistenceService provides methods for storing data locally on the client system, even for applications that are running in the untrusted execution environment. The service is somewhat similar to that which the cookie mechanism provides to HTML-based applications. Each entry in the persistence data store is named with a URL. This provides a similar hierarchical structure as a traditional file system. An application is only allowed to access data stored with a URL that is based on its codebase. For example, given the codebase, the application would be allowed to access the data at the associated URLs: This scheme allows sharing of data between different applications from the same host. For example, if another application is located at, then they can share data between them in the and directories. A JNLP client should track the amount of storage that a given application uses. A PersistenceService implementation provides methods to get the current storage usage and limits and to request more storage. Storage is allocated on a per file basis, but a JNLP Client will typically grant or deny the request based on the total storage is use by an application. Data stored using this mechanism is intended to be a local copy of data stored on a remote server. The individual entries can be tagged as either cached, meaning the server has an up-to-date copy, dirty, meaning the server does not have an up-to-date copy, or temporary, meaning that the file can always be recreated. Since: 1.0 Field Summary static int CACHED             static int DIRTY             static int TEMPORARY               Method Summary  long create( url, long maxsize)           Creates a new persistent storage entry on the client side named with the given URL.  void delete( url)           Removes the stream associated with the given URL from the client-side date persistence store.  FileContents get( url)           Returns a FileContents object representing the contents of this file.  java.lang.String[] getNames( url)           Returns an array of Strings containing the names of all the entries for a given URL.  int getTag( url)           Returns an int corresponding to the current value of the tag for the persistent data store entry associated with the given URL.  void setTag( url, int tag)           Tags the persistent data store entry associated with the given URL with the given tag value.   Field Detail CACHED static final int CACHED See Also:Constant Field Values TEMPORARY static final int TEMPORARY See Also:Constant Field Values DIRTY static final int DIRTY See Also:Constant Field Values Method Detail create long create( url, long maxsize) throws, Creates a new persistent storage entry on the client side named with the given URL. Parameters:url - the URL representing the name of the entry in the persistent data store.maxsize - maximum size of storage that can be written to this entry. Returns:the maximum size of storage that got granted, in bytes. Throws: - if the application is denied access to the persistent data store represented by the given URL. - if an I/O exception occurs, or the entry already exists. get FileContents get( url) throws,, Returns a FileContents object representing the contents of this file. Parameters:url - the URL representing the persistent data store entry. Returns:the file contents as a FileContents. Throws: - if an I/O error occurs. - if the application is denied access to the persistent data store represented by the given URL. - if a persistence store for the given URL is not found. delete void delete( url) throws, Removes the stream associated with the given URL from the client-side date persistence store. Parameters:url - the URL representing the entry to delete from the persistent data store. Throws: - if the application is denied access to the persistent data store represented by the given URL. - if an I/O exception occurs. getNames java.lang.String[] getNames( url) throws, Returns an array of Strings containing the names of all the entries for a given URL. Parameters:url - the URL representing the root directory to search for entry names. Returns:a String array containing the entries names. Throws: - if the application is denied access to the persistent data store represented by the given URL. - if an I/O exception occurs. getTag int getTag( url) throws, Returns an int corresponding to the current value of the tag for the persistent data store entry associated with the given URL. Parameters:url - the URL representing the persistent data store entry for which the tag value is requested. Returns:an int containing one of the following tag values: CACHED TEMPORARY DIRTY Throws: - if the application is denied access to the persistent data store represented by the given URL. - if an I/O exception occurs. setTag void setTag( url, int tag) throws, Tags the persistent data store entry associated with the given URL with the given tag value. Parameters:url - the URL representing the persistent data store entry for which to set the tag value.tag - the tag value to set. Throws: - if the application is denied access to the persistent data store represented by the given URL. - if an I/O exception occurs. Package   Class  Tree  Index   PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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