SHSpec 104 6201C24 Training Duplication

6201C24 SHSpec-104 Training -- Duplication

There are two ways of getting someone out of apathy, one on the route of
making auditors, the other on the route of auditing. They are quite
different. To make an auditor, the policy has to be that the auditor doesn't
have a case, because if auditors had to get cases handled before they could
audit, no one would ever audit anyone, because there would be no auditors. So
it is a workable truth that auditors do not have cases.

You are not in such good shape yourselves, these days, compared to
500,000,000,000,000 years ago. To make a big stride towards actually making a
being is very fine. This means that the thing can be bootstrapped, even by
auditors who have not had much case gain yet. If it weren't true, we as a
people would never make it because the few able ones wouldn't be able to audit
enough people to signify. They have to train others. Furthermore, if the few
trained auditors only audited, they could improve society, but they would also
be producing a rich and poor society of aristocrats and slaves. Not all these
more able people, after auditing, would suffer from LRH's peculiarity of
wanting people to be free. After a few generations or decades, we would have
a society of clears and slaves, which is the route to chaos and destruction.
This is interesting as a long look.

LRH's view of a century hence includes several possibilities. There's
bound to be some effect, with an effort of this size and effectiveness. The
more rapidly the job is done the better. This is the same as with a PC. If
you audit him slowly and poorly, his progress is fitful. Part of our
effectiveness is to make enough auditors. If all of the students at Saint
Hill trained auditors, there would be enough auditors. The job of clearing
the planet is not a one-man job.

So therefore you are learning to audit and improving. In training
auditors, don't go in the direction of being kind. Expend your time on people
who can be trained to audit without huge handicaps, even though your natural
impulse may be to spend your time on the numbskull who is all thumbs, trying
to get him up to a level of mediocrity. Let him drift. Don't let him go, but
put your attention on the apt students.

It is adventurous to estimate the amount of time it will take to train
someone. There is, however, a simple test you can do. Take a datum of
scientology, say it to someone, and have him repeat it; do this a few times,
then have him give you an example of it. This educational process can knock
out a no-effect case in training. Let them duplicate the words; eventually
they will duplicate the understanding. It is therapeutic as well to get
someone to duplicate a datum, any datum.

The first gradient is no comprehension of the words. It is shocking to
find morale suffering in some HGC's because of being made to duplicate a
bulletin exactly. Suppose we were just trying to increase a person's ability
to learn, his learning rate. It wouldn't matter if we were using automotive
assembly books or the WPA's History of Socialism in Northern Arizona. Any
data at all would serve. You could read it off, have the PC repeat it as
sounds. He is in tremendous data confusion, which blows off as he attempts to
duplicate data. He will learn he can duplicate it even if it has buttons in
it. He will learn that duplication is just duplication -- just obnosis,
observation of what is there. People will often, before duplicating, go off
on a stimulus-response mechanism of evaluating or interest or belittling,
etc., etc. Eventually, the thetan wakes up and just does what you have
asked. He says what you said. People who are aberrated get upset about this
and think you are making slaves or something. You are not. You are just
asking someone to duplicate a datum. If someone can do that, he can also
cause himself to be duplicated. (Incidentally, you can paralyze a committee
if you want by introducing restimulative words or buttons into the
discussion. "Study" is an excellent one for this purpose.)

Beyond duplication comes understanding. The duplication has to come
first, although people will often try to understand before they duplicate.
That is why study is such an important button. That is getting somebody else
to understand, which relieves one of the responsibility for understanding.
This is the operating mechanism of governments that results in no-action or
action from no understanding. Democracy doesn't work in the absence of

When you get someone to duplicate a datum, he is now capable of
understanding it and evaluating its importance. So the third step, after
duplication [and understanding] is ability to comprehend, observe, and
eventually judge. No one has ever taught judgment before. There isn't much
in any bank, or it wouldn't be a bank. [So the three steps are:

1. Duplication

2. Understanding

3. Judgment.]

This is a new skill, one beings never had before. They were capable of
observation before, but they always put a curve on it in order to have a game
or something. Pure observation, pure study, pure comprehension or judgment
have never been studied or known about. They have merely been touched on in
philosophy and avoided in religion entirely. We know the source of this: the
greatest overt there is, is enforcement of non-comprehension. All the way
down the responsibility scale, "don't know" is still a button, when overts and
withholds are over the PC's head.

A study of not-knowingness has been approached by two philosophers, Kant
and Spencer. Their conclusion was that what wasn't known couldn't be known,
so there was no road to judgment.

For years LRH has been trying to teach auditors judgment about what was
going on in the mind of another being and what to do about it. It has been
tough. What bars you from it is not-knowingness of it all. It begins with
duplication. It can't be reached with processing because it is not already
there. The whole lesson of this universe is not to duplicate and not to
communicate. The two crimes in this universe are being there and
communicating. A person has to become comfortable with the idea of being
there and communicating, and this can be approached by duplication of a
datum. A datum is a location that doesn't have to be pinned down. It is a
sort of cousin to a thetan, having no mass. Thetans begin to use ideas for
locations when they get driven out of places. They start to use ideas as

You can learn to have judgment by two steps: duplication of data and then
understanding. You cannot go beyond that in teaching judgment. You are
learning judgment as you learn scientology. This is fortunate, since the very
truth of the data, if it were just swallowed and not understood, would tend to
destroy judgment, since it would not have to be tested. That is -- tests
would always bear it out, so there would be no point in going through with the
testing process. You cannot go beyond getting a person to duplicate data and
understand in teaching judgment. You cannot teach a person how he should
judge something and still have him judge it. Many students have run straight
through being taught judgment without noticing that they have been taught it.
You have come up on the other side into a realization of it, not because you
have been taught it, but because you realize it. This is what we know as
"making it your data". When you are dealing with truth, you always have this
fourth step: the ability to realize and to perceive your own self-determined

That route has pan-determinism in it. The person can understand why they
learned the datum, why they were taught the datum, and the independent truth
of the datum, independent of having been taught it. It may not be a perfect
route, but it is the first route through to such an end product. It has a
side-benefit: you will understand things you never understood before that have
nothing to do with what you have studied. An auditor must have this ability
to understand what is going on, without going into a trying-to-understand,
when the PC says something aberrated. The auditor can and should just
duplicate and acknowledge the PC's originations and not Q and A and go off
into getting the reasons behind all the PC's originations.

So if you find an area where auditors can't duplicate a bulletin, you can
tell how they have been handling pcs: lots of Q and A, efforts to understand
before duplicating, etc.

People who are going through having to duplicate first get into
resentment. They look gaunt, apathetic. Then they get up to anger, then a
sort of wandering.

Routine and rote are a poor substitute for understanding. "The place I'm
trying to get you to is a place where you can process by realization, process
by comprehension, process by the exercise of judgment. If I can get you to
that point, I will have considered it very well worth doing, no matter how
heroic it has been on the way."


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