India Masters The Gladiator and the Thief (html)

The Gladiator and the Thief













India Masters












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The Gladiator and the Thief

India Masters


This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might
be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters,
places and incidents are either the product of the authorłs imagination or are
used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



Published by

Loose Id LLC

870 Market St, Suite 1201

San Francisco CA 94102-2907



Copyright © March 2009 by India Masters

All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the
purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or
shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying,
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ISBN 978-1-59632-889-1

Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader



Printed in the United States of America



Editor: Sherri Lynn

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Chapter One



Galaxy Arena


It was a good day for thievery. The sun was bright, and the
air a perfect crisp that spoke of the coming autumn. By midday the ale would be
flowing and people would be shedding their outerwear against the heat. Customers
would be standing in line to buy food from the vendors, and indulgent parents
would shell out credits to purchase souvenirs for bright-eyed children who
never lost a minutełs sleep wondering where their next meal would come from.

Ilara Depherra observed the circuslike atmosphere with an
avaricious smile and gestured to the life-size hologram poster of the star of
todayłs show, Kei Rewu. “Say hello to our host for the day," she quipped to her
companions. “Because of his popularity, wełll go home with enough money to keep
our bellies filled for a month or more."

The likeness showed a brute of a man, nearly seven feet tall
with slabs of muscle thick enough to intimidate even the toughest opponent. In
this particular advertisement, he didnłt wear his usual braid. Thick strands of
hair, no doubt blown by a wind machine, floated about his head and shoulders
like a dark halo, and there was a fierce scowl on his handsome face. Ilara
grinned at her young male companion. “Eat your vegetables, and one day youłll
give him a run for his money."

At fifteen years, Leonis Flair looked more like a mantis than
an overgrown goliath whołd likely been pumped full of growth hormone. “Bet I
could give him a run for his money now. A man like that, the muscle weight
would slow him down."

Ilara had to agree. Fleet of foot, Leonis could outrun the
best the law had to offer and did so on a regular basis. “All right then, letłs
get to work. We meet back here when the showłs over. Be careful." She placed
her hand on the girl standing close to Leonis. “If youłre going to work the
womenłs break area, make sure youłve got an easy out. We donłt want to have to
deal with security on a day like today, not when our pockets will be
overflowing." She gave Leonis a pointed look. “Nothing bulky. We donłt want the
telltale bulging of jewelry." With a nod, the three split up.

The pickings were so easy it was almost embarrassing. Stand
in line for a hot dog, wait for someone to bump you, and dip your fingers into
the pocket of the man ahead of you, all the while bitching at people for
shoving. Wander around a souvenir shop and wait for a clueless mother with an
open purse to tend to a whining child. Lift the currency packs and slip out the
door before anyonełs the wiser. A growing stack of Alliance marks already
filled her homemade money belt, and shełd bet the children were doing just as
well. Time to move away from the kiosks before anyone got suspicious. The roar
of the crowd in the arena rose to crescendo as she slipped through the
turnstile and found a seat as the announcer called the next competition.

“Ladies and gentlemen, five-time winner of the Intergalactic
Games, and the holder of this yearłs title belt, I give you, Kei Rewu!"

Thunderous applause greeted the renowned gladiator. Ilara
felt a little thrill as the big man jogged to the center of the arena with his
hands fisted above his head. Seraphimłs belt but he was gorgeous! What wouldnłt
she give for just one peek under his leather loincloth? Big as he was, the man
had to be hung like a Taurin ox.

“And in the opposite corner, his opponent, temporarily
released from the penal colony on Terrantis-Rex, Giraen Celph, winner of the
Penal Death Match Games!"

Boos and hisses from the crowd accompanied the opponentłs
cocky strut into the arena.

“In a match of unprecedented skill and courage, these two
warriors will fight to the death, ladies and gentlemen! The opponent to secure
his release from enslavement on Terrantis-Rex, the champion to secure final
justice for the victims of this vicious criminal!"

Ilara glanced around the arena as a mad rush of women with
small children headed for the exits. Other games of skill were acceptable for
young eyes, but most people didnłt want their little ones to view a death
match. Several rows over, she spied Leonis, a predatory smile curving his thin
lips. Yes, the look said, so many suckers, so little time. She
nearly chortled with delight at the first clash of swords.

The two opponents appeared to be equally matched -- both big,
strapping men with nothing to lose, in a battle for supremacy that would cost
at least one of them his life. She watched with something akin to fascination
as Kei Rewu struck the first blow, his sword opening a thin gash on his
opponentłs side. Not much damage to speak of, but hełd drawn first blood,
whipping the crowd into a frenzy. She climbed to the top of the bleachers and
began to work her way down, skilled fingers dipping into the most likely
pockets. By the time she reached the bottom again, shełd collected nearly a
dozen fat currency packs and casually made her way to the exit.

Locked in a sanitation booth, Ilara counted her ill-gotten
gains and had to stifle an exclamation of glee. One pass through the death
match crowd had netted her over ten thousand Alliance marks, and that wasnłt
counting the wad of vouchers filling her overstuffed money belt. Truly, they
would eat well in the weeks to come! And there would be money enough for shoes
and winter clothes for all the children.

A quick peek out the door told her the public area was
deserted, and she hurried to the trash bins to dispose of the evidence. She
lifted the bag out and dumped the empty currency packs and pouches into the
receptacle, delighted to see dozens already filling the bottom. Maybe they were
the fruits of Marasłs labor, maybe not, but whomever they belonged to, she
hoped theyłd had as profitable a day as she had.

* * * * * *

Kei Rewu grunted as Celphłs body crashed against his. Quick
as a wink, he shoved him away and, with a flick of the wrist, gave him a little
slice to the left side.

“That the best youłve got, gladiator?" the prisoner taunted.

“Just warming you up a bit, jailbird. I want to give the
people a good show before I cleave your head from your shoulders." Celph
charged, forcing Kei back a few steps, but he whirled sideways and took a hard
swipe at the convictłs calf, opening another cut, this one a bit deeper than
the last. Angered, the bastard lunged, a move Kei quickly countered with a
downward swing that sent his opponentłs sword flying from his hand. “Iłll give
you one chance to save your life. Pick up your sword, or Iłll run you through

Celph narrowed his eyes at Kei. “Thatłs your first mistake,
gladiator. When the time comes, donłt expect me to return the favor."

“Ha! I expect nothing from you except your death." As Celph
turned and bent to retrieve his sword, Kei used the broadside of his own weapon
on the manłs backside. The crowd roared with laughter.

“That was your second mistake," he growled. “You want to give
them a good show, howłs this?"

Kei grinned like a madman. Oh yes, the show was definitely
on. They charged one another, swinging their swords and parrying, sweating and
bleeding for the pleasure of their paying customers. He could have taken the
prisonerłs head at any time, but he wouldnłt. Not that he had a problem killing
this particular opponent. He was, by any definition, the worst of the worst --
an indiscriminate killer of women who took pleasure in their suffering. So Kei
would play with the bastard for a while, bleed him slowly to let him believe he
stood a chance at freedom, and then hełd gut him.

Round and round they went, a nick here, a cut there, as Kei
showed off his skills with a broadsword. He danced around his enemy, sword
twirling gracefully, opening a small gash to let the blood trickle -- until the
spectators began to tire of the sport and called for the finish. Shouts of
“Kill him!" rang out, and soon the crowd was chanting, “Kei, Kei, Kei!"

“Ready to die, you murdering bastard?" Kei circled his tiring

Celph gathered himself for one more run, hacking and
stabbing, trying to dodge a flurry of parries and attacks, but his eyes told
Kei he knew hełd been licked. In a last desperate stroke, he raised his sword
above his head for a double-fisted slice he would never complete. As he took a
deep breath, Kei lunged, running his heavy broadsword through the challengerłs
middle. A stunned look crossed the manłs face before his hands opened and his
weapon slipped from his grip. The assembly stomped and howled as Kei planted a
foot in the prisonerłs middle and shoved him off his sword. The monster had
killed twenty-two women before being caught and imprisoned, ten from Toru Two.

“Kill women, will you?" He sneered, then spat on the body
before raising his bloody sword to the crowd.

The audience went wild, leaping the low wall to spill into
the arena. Security rushed forward in an attempt to hold them back as guards
hurried to remove the dead prisoner. Kei slowly walked off the field surrounded
by event staff. When his manager rushed up to him, grinning with joy, Kei
snatched him by the front of his expensive shirt.

“If you ever contract me for another death match with a
rapist and murderer, itłll be you facing me with a sword in your hand," he
said, his voice deadly calm. “Do we understand one another?"

The man trembled, nodding his head. “Yes, Kei. I understand.
No more. Come into the locker room now; the doctor is waiting to clean your
wounds, and the whirlpool is just the temperature you prefer."

“Good," he said gruffly.

* * * * * *

Kei waited patiently for the last of the people to leave.
Ordinarily, he didnłt mind the meet and greets, but this group wasnłt satisfied
with the usual handshakes and picture posing. They wanted to talk about
bloodletting, about how it felt to take a life, and about their exploits during
the Colonization Wars.

Everyone wanted to touch him, and the women were the worst of
the lot, rubbing up against him. Some even dared to try and slip their hands beneath
the waistband of his breeches. Their behavior scandalized him because he was,
despite his profession, a gentleman.

Finally they were gone, and Kei shrugged into a loose-fitting
coat, making his way to the last transport shuttle. He could afford a private
transport, but he was a man of the people and so took public transportation
whenever possible. Standing in line, he chatted amicably with his fellow
passengers, signing autographs as he waited to board. Hełd started to believe
the furor of the day had receded when a fight broke out.

Curses flew and people stumbled about as two youngsters began
to brawl. A third boy, tall and skinny, yelped as he was pushed hard, slamming
a bony shoulder into Keiłs chest. Another man might not have felt the quick
hand dip into an inner pocket to lift his currency pack, but Kei wasnłt just
another man.

“Bloody hell!" the grimy-faced lad shrieked, looking up at
Kei as if shocked. “Sorry, mister!" He spun around, uttering an oath at the two
brawlers, stepping toward them as if to join the skirmish.

“Not so fast, boy," Kei said darkly. He grabbed the back of
the boyłs coat. “Iłll be having my currency pack back." He tried to jerk the
boy back to him, but the lad was lightning-quick, shrugging out of his oversize

“Not today, mate!" the boy quipped, spinning away. Kei
watched the three of them race into the crowd, leaving him with nothing but a
dirty old coat to show for his trouble. He stifled a booming laugh as the lad
sprinted away. If that was the backside of a teenage boy, hełd tongue kiss a
spotted yak.

Chapter Two


“Oy, that was a close one!" Leonis hooted as they stopped for
a breath. “Thought he had you there for a minute, Ilara."

Ilarna snorted derisively. “Not likely. Slippery as an eel, I
am." She laughed gaily. “Come on then, letłs go pay for our transpo."

Bribery was the watchword of the day, and they didnłt quibble
at the price of admission to the cargo hold but paid the worker and made
themselves comfortable. Ilara went through the gladiatorłs currency pack and
held up a fist of paper currency. All large bills.

“Youłve got to love a rich man," she crowed, counting out
several thousand Alliance marks before handing them to Leonis. “Put that in
your money belt, luv; minełs stuffed full." And though it was against the
rules, she stuffed the packet back into her pants pocket. She couldnłt say why,
except that she liked the feel of the expensive leather, and his picture was on
his identification. They settled back, anxious to get home to the younger
children with the makings of a truly grand meal.

When the shuttle was empty, the worker opened the cargo hold
and set them free. Ilara felt exposed without her jacket and tugged her watch
cap down around her ears. Shełd have to go to one of the secondhand stores for
a replacement. It wouldnłt do for the authorities to find out she was a woman,
especially Uran Zarun, the dirty bastard. Although she had no proof, she knew
in her gut that Zarun was responsible for the disappearance of several of the
younger children shełd taken under her wing.

“Come along now," she said, looking around. A prickle of
alarm ran up her spine. “We need to get to the market and back to the school."

Maras, barely thirteen and a refugee from a state
institution, drew closer, grasping Ilarałs hand. “What is it, Ilara?"

“I donłt know, lovey," she said softly. “Just a feeling.
Letłs go."

They kept to the shadows, hurrying down the back streets and
alleys. More than once, she thought she heard the steady beat of boot heels
behind them, but when she looked over her shoulder, there was no one following.
Still, the feeling of unease didnłt leave her. When they reached the market,
she stopped, clutching Leonisłs shoulder. “Go, see to the children. Maras and I
will shop and be along soon. Hurry, Leonis."

The boy nodded. “Be careful, the two of you. Zarun may be

The grocer followed them through the store as they shopped,
watching for any move that might indicate there was larceny on their minds.
Ilara couldnłt blame him. After all, shełd filched her share of fruit from the
man. But today, they were paying customers.

Ilarałs mouth watered as they filled the cart with costly
eggs, bacon, bread, fresh vegetables, fruit, and several precious pounds of
poultry. Butter and flour too. Maras gasped when Ilara placed two whole gallons
of milk in the cart.

“Are you sure, Ilara? The price is so dear."

“So it is, but wełve earned it, havenłt we?"

“Youłve had it before, then?"

“I have. When I was a youngster, and my mum and dad were
still alive. Itłs like velvet on the tongue and sweet to the taste. Itłs time
you tasted it, Maras, you and the young ones. Itłs dear, yes, but no less than
you all deserve." She pushed the cart to the front of the store. “Letłs pay and
get moving. I want to be home before dark."

The feeling of unease followed Ilara as they slipped through
the alleys, past decaying buildings and into the heart of the blighted
neighborhood they called home. Still, she no longer heard the sound of
footsteps behind them and chastised herself for her foolishness. Until Leonis
stepped out of the shadows, grim as the reaper.

“Oh gods, say itłs not so," she pleaded, recognizing the look
on his face.

“Three of them are missing, Ilara. The two new girls, Sari
and Ibra. And Uzel, the boy from off world. They went out with Ciaman this
morning, even though I told them their fingers werenłt light enough yet.
Ciamanłs sick over it. She didnłt even know theyłd followed her until Zarunłs
goon squad snatched them." He reached for her bags, taking them from her
nerveless hands as she slumped against a crumbling brick wall.

“Bloody bastards." Tears welled in her eyes, but her
expression was warrior fierce. “One day, Leonis, one day Iłll stick a knife in
his belly. Gut him like the pig he is."

“I know," the boy said softly. “Come now, there are a couple
of new ones waiting, and theyłre hungry."

Ilara nodded, pushing away from the wall with a tired sigh.
“Yes, there are always new ones, and theyłre always hungry." She shook her
head. “Iłll never understand it, Leo. Iłll never understand how children can
just be thrown away like so much rubbish."

Old beyond his years, Leonis merely shrugged. “Itłs the way
of the world since the Colonization Wars." He peered into the bags and smiled.
“But youłve brought them milk, I see. Therełs a treat they wonłt be expecting."

“Yes, forty Alliance marks for a gallon of milk is
scandalous, but they deserve a treat, especially the little ones."

Leonis gave her a smile. “Well, thatłs true, and I know it,
but Iłll be having a glass myself before the nightłs over. As will you."

She would have argued that shełd bought it for the children,
but the boy would have had none of it, so she nodded. “Yes. A glass of milk
would be lovely. Therełs poultry and fresh vegetables too. I thought Iłd make a
nice thick stew and some biscuits."

Their sanctuary -- their home -- was an abandoned school near
the newly reconstructed part of Toru City. At one time, the Terrans housed part
of their occupation forces in the school and much of it remained intact.
Miraculously, the water still worked, although Ilara insisted they take the
precaution of boiling it before they drank it. The stoves in the kitchen ran on
zelon gas, which they replaced by stealing
it from the supplier in the middle of the night.

The dining hall was their main living area, with tables set
up nearest the kitchen entrance and narrow bunks lining the walls at the far
end of the room. Ilara had brought in portable chalkboards, a few desks, and
what books she could scrounge, and set up a classroom in the center portion of
the space. She had gone to school until her mother had died and was adamant
that all the children must learn at least the basic skills.

The school was the perfect location for their little family,
being close enough to the city to obtain supplies with the least amount of
effort, and far enough away that upstanding citizens never ventured too near.
During the day, the sun provided all the light they needed, and at night, the
room was illuminated by casallin
stones. Blackout screens provided protection from prying eyes. As the sun
descended beyond the horizon, Ilara closed the screens. Tonight they would eat
well and share stories about their exploits.

Fourteen hungry faces looked up as Ilara, Leonis, and Maras
carried the food to the tables. As they passed their bowls to the head of the
table, Ilara filled each one with the hearty, rib-sticking food, thinking it
was unlikely many of them had ever had poultry before. Nor biscuits with real
butter. Moans of delight filled the room as the children bit into big, fluffy
biscuits smeared with butter, but their eyes went wide with awe as Leonis
leaned over them, filling each glass with cold, sweet milk.

“Go on now," he scolded. “Eat your food and mind your manners
while youłre at it."

The three of them served themselves and sat down with the
children, regaling them with tales of their exploits at the Galaxy Arena.

“Did you see him? Kei Rewu?" the youngest newcomer asked,
breathless with excitement. “Is he as big as they say? And as handsome as his
poster pictures?"

Ilara laughed. “He is indeed, Lorriel, and I did see him --
up close and personal, mind you. Lifted his currency packet right out of his
pocket, pretty as you please."

“And nearly got pinched for it," Leonis exclaimed, adding to
the laughter. “He had ahold of her, but she managed to slip out of her jacket.
Left him holding thin air and a smelly old suit coat!"

“Hey! I liked that jacket, Leo. It wonłt be easy to replace,
either. Full of pockets The perfect jacket for an expert thief like myself.
Lucky for me they were already empty."

And so it went, the storytelling and the belly-filling, until
each child was full and sleepy. “Go on and get them to bed," Ilara told the two
older kids. “Iłll handle the clean up."

“But you cooked," Maras protested.

“I know," she said. “But I donłt have the heart for bedtime
stories. Not tonight, with three of our young ones missing."

Leonis nodded as she headed for the kitchen. He would know,
of course, that shełd be heading out into the night to search for the three
missing children, and that she wouldnłt find them. Knew too that shełd likely
come home with a few more tagging behind her.

* * * * * *

Kei slumped in the plush leather chair at his desk staring at
his communication monitor. He couldnłt believe his eyes and ears. Shełd
actually done it. His little bounty hunter had gone and married that damned
mercenary, Asirian. Solae Ołbora had been a pretty dream in a shiny black
bodysuit. While shełd given herself freely and with enthusiasm, deep down hełd
known hełd never have more than her body and her friendship.

Hełd taken an extended vacation after the death match on
Cyntur-Rho, not bothering to replace the slim communicator he kept in the
currency pack stolen by the pickpocket, and so hełd missed Solaełs call
inviting him to the ceremony. Just as well, really, because the gods only knew
what he might have done. Challenged the mercenary, probably.

Funny, he wouldłve thought hełd be more upset knowing Solae
was beyond his reach now. Could it be that, all these years, hełd been fooling
himself? Keeping other women at bay by convincing himself Solae Ołbora was his
one true love? After all, there had been plenty of women in between the bounty
hunterłs visits. Women hełd enjoyed thoroughly.

He got up, walked barefoot down the long hall to the French
doors leading to the backyard garden. Hełd pick some fresh vegetables and
herbs, fix a healthy omelet, and think about this turn of events. It wasnłt as
if He stiffened, hand on the doorknob. Was that laughter he heard? He stepped
onto the flagstone patio, moving silent as a cat. Laughter and moans of delight
drifted on the afternoon breeze. A whispered voice. “Shhhwe donłt know if
anyonełs home."

Thieves? Stealing from his precious vegetable garden? Well,
hełd just see about that. He stepped onto the path, quietly following the soft
murmur of voices. A twig snapped under his foot and he cursed. There was a
gasp, then a frightened voice.

“Quickly, to the wall," one thief said. “Take the basket!"

No need for stealth now, so he ran, shouting, “Stop, you
little fuckers!"

A tall, reed-thin boy looked over his shoulder as he urged
the smaller child forward. “Hurry!" He boosted the little one to the top of the
wall and handed up one of the baskets. “Take the basket. Run. Go home." He
grabbed several tomatoes from the other basket before lifting it over his head.
“Take this one too. Go, Iłll meet you at home!"

Kei was almost on him when the boy lobbed a ripe tomato at
him, catching him midchest. He stopped, his jaw dropping in surprise. Another
tomato caught him in the forehead; then the boy jumped, grabbing the top of the

Kei covered the distance in a single leap, grabbed the back
of the boyłs shirt, and yanked. His weight was so insubstantial, he flew
backward off the wall, thumping against Keiłs chest. Unbalanced, Kei stumbled
back, his bare heel slipping in a ruined tomato. Down he went, arm tightly
around the boyłs chest. He landed with a grunt and a gush of air as the thief
struggled in his grasp.

“Be still," he roared, rolling onto his belly, the thief
trapped beneath him. Small, firm breasts pressed against his arm. Could it be?
He lifted his weight off his wriggling captive, who attempted to scramble away.
He grinned. Yes, that was definitely a womanłs ass. He grabbed the waistband of
her baggy pants, pulled her up, and wrapped an arm around her waist, one big
hand covering a breast. “Whatłs this?" He yanked the filthy watch cap off her,
smiling as a riot of golden blonde curls tumbled to her waist. Taking a
fistful, he drew her head back, revealing angry violet eyes, a long, slim neck,
a delicate jaw, and a dirty face. It was the girl from the transport. “It would
seem Iłve caught a pretty little bird feeding in my garden. What do you have to
say for yourself, thief?"

“Let me go!" she screeched, bashing his jaw with her skull.

Kei laughed, lifting her easily off her feet. If he hadnłt
had a fistful of hair wrapped around his hand, she might have given him a good
hard knock. As it was, it barely registered. “Be still!" he demanded, giving
her a good shake. She went limp in his arms, probably thinking the dead weight
would throw him off balance, but she weighed next to nothing. He might have
turned her over to the authorities had she not been so thin that it was
painfully obvious shełd been stealing to feed herself and her friend.

“There are consequences for stealing, little thief." The hand
cupping her breast moved to pluck at the buttons of her shirt, opening it.
“Definitely female." He palmed her breast again, rubbing his work-roughened
hand across her nipple, pleased by the soft moan she struggled to stifle. He
burrowed his nose in her neck, then jerked back with a grimace. “You stink

She struggled mightily as he carried her into the house and
up the stairs to his master suite. “Let me go, you giant goat-fucking bastard!"

“Sticks and stones, little thief. Shower on full, medium
temperature." As he stepped inside, the door hissed shut behind him and he
thrust her under the full spray. “Now, letłs see what we have beneath these
filthy clothes, shall we?"

Chapter Three


Of all the people in Toru City, how had she managed to steal
from Kei Rewu yet again? There would be hell to pay, of that she had no doubt.
The gladiator handled her as though she weighed no more than a wisp of smoke,
easily removing her clothes and tossing them in the corner of the huge shower.
He held her against him as one hand reached out to pump a slippery liquid into
his palm. She felt his cock go hard against her lower back as he smoothed the
fragrant concoction over her belly. Her breath caught in her throat as his
hands moved over her breasts. Oh, flaming mother!

She was twenty years old and no stranger to a manłs touch,
but shełd never craved it before. In her limited experience, she equated a
manłs hands with cruelty. But not the gladiatorłs. His hands moved over her
body smoothing the fresh-smelling soap into a rich lather. He returned to her
breasts, gently massaging, teasing her nipples to hardened points. She moaned.

“Who are you?" he asked, his voice velvety soft in her ear.

“No one," she gasped, arching into his hands. Oh gods, what
devilry did this man possess to make her body ache so?

Those hard, gentle hands skimmed down her body, over her
hips, and dipped between her legs. Oh yes. Oh it was magic, the things he did
with his hands. His finger slid across her clit and she moaned, pressing
against him at the slow, circular motion. He moved lower and the finger thrust
gently into her core. Who knew a man could bring such pleasure? She should stop
him, but it felt so good.

“Whatłs your name?"

“I" The finger went deep. She moaned. “Ilara. My namełs

The finger left her and she mourned its passing. Until his
hands moved to her hair, massaging her scalp as fragrant scent surrounded her.
No one had ever washed her hair for her, not since she was a child. Certainly
no man.

“What were you doing in my garden, Ilara?"

The voice was a gentle caress, as relaxing as the strong
fingers on her scalp.

“WeIwas hungry."

“Mmm, I see."

He maneuvered her under the spray, rinsed the soap from her
hair, and continued his leisurely exploration of her body under the guise of
washing her. More bubbly lather covered her legs, and she gasped at the scrape
of a razor down the backs of her legs. “Iwhat are you doing?"

“Iłm shaving your legs, little thief."

He turned her around and began working on her front. The
smooth blade skimmed over her slippery skin like a whisper. He rose, lifted her
arms, and ran the blade over her armpits, then set the razor aside. He leaned
down, pressed his lips to the delicate flesh hełd bared.

“Soft and sweet," he murmured, then raised his head to gaze
in her eyes.

She had very little experience with kissing, but she was
fascinated by the amount of time he took, teasing her lips apart, nibbling her
lower lip, sucking on it.

“Open your mouth, Ilara," he demanded. “Touch your tongue to
mine." When she did, he curled his tongue around hers in a sensuous glide. He
drew it into his mouth, sucking gently before releasing it and plunging into
hers. She was straining against him, moaning softly when he left her mouth to
chart a torturous course down her body. It was an outrage, it was decadent, it
was so very alluring -- and downright dangerous to a woman who lived with the
constant threat of danger.

She would have voiced a token protest had he not pressed her
against the tile wall, draped a leg over his shoulder, and buried his mouth in
her pussy. As it was, all she could manage was a strangled cry as she fisted
her hands in his hair and held on for dear life.

What was he doing to her? No man had ever put his mouth on
her in such a fashion. It was scandalous, andgods, it was good. He opened her
with his thumbs, teasing her slippery flesh as his tongue swirled around her
clit. Those clever thumbs slipped inside her, pumping, moving back to open her
again as his lips teased her swollen bud, then sucked it, pulling hard even as
his tongue flicked again and again.

“Aaahhah!" she cried out as a long, blunt finger thrust into
her. Her hips jerked, and she uttered a sob of sheer pleasure. “Pleaseooohoh,

His chuckle vibrated against her clit. “What is it, little
thief? Shall I make you come?"

“II donłt know what that means," she gasped.

“Youłve never had an orgasm?" He ran his tongue along her

“Idonłtknooow! I needsomething Oh godshave me." Oh,
flaming mother, he was licking her like she was some sweet treat!

“Believe me," he murmured against intimate flesh. “Youłd know
if youłd ever come. But wełre about to increase your knowledge base, little

Ilara thought she might pass out, the pleasure was so
intense. Gibberish spewed from her parted lips as her body tightened. What the
hell was happening to her? She felt as though she were burning alive. Her belly
clenched as white-hot heat washed over her, rushing through her body like a drug.
Oh gods, what was he doing to her? Her hand fisted in his hair as something
inside her exploded.

“No, no," she sobbed as he drank from her.

“Yes," he said softly.


Kei held the delicate Ilara against him as her body quieted.
When she no longer spasmed with every touch, he gently washed between her legs.
“Shower off," he commanded the house computer. He reached for a towel, wrapped
it around her, then lifted her off her feet.

“I can walk, gladiator," she snapped, struggling to free

“I know you can, little one, but it pleases me to carry you."
He carried her to his massive bed and set her on the edge before shaking a
finger at her. “Stay put."

“Itłs not as if I can go anywhere," she grumbled. “Since
youłve ruined my clothes."

He was laughing when he came back out, a towel wrapped around
his hips, one in his hand. He tossed it to her. “For your hair. And donłt worry
about your clothes; Iłll wash them for you, although why you choose to dress
like a street urchin is beyond me."

“Maybe because I am one?"

Her voice held a note of sarcasm, and he watched as she dried
her hair, inhaling the scent of the clean towel. Was it such a luxury for her
to be clean?

“Where do you live, Ilara?ł

She looked at him with narrowed, suspicious eyes and
shrugged. “Here and there."

He raised an eyebrow. “But in Toru City?" She gave him a
grudging nod. “Nearby?"

“Close enough, but no place youłve ever been, Iłd wager." She
looked around the room. “Certainly no place as grand as this. Did you earn it
by killing people for sport?"

If shełd thought to anger him, make him toss her back onto
the street, shełd thought wrong, for he merely chuckled. “No, little thief. I
donłt always fight to the death."

She snorted derisively. “Huh" She scrambled to her feet as
he approached. She sidestepped him and ducked back into the bathroom to get her
clothes. He followed.

“I said Iłd wash them for you," he said, grinning as he
watched her wring out her worn garments in the sink.

Their eyes met in the bathroom mirror and she glared at him.
“Iłm used to doing things for myself, gladiator." Her gaze challenged him.
“Besides, I donłt have time. I need to get back."

The look she gave him said she didnłt expect him to let her
go so soon, but she felt compelled to try. He laughed and stepped into the
room, coming up behind her, stripping the towel from her body. His hands
covered her breasts and he leaned down, brushing a kiss to her temple. “Youłre
not going anywhere, little thief. Not yet, anyway." He released her breasts and
took her by the hand. “Come along. Iłll give you something to wear while I fix
us a nice big omelet for dinner. You do like eggs, donłt you?"

When she licked her lips and nodded, he felt a tightening in
his chest. How long had she been fending for herself? And who was the child
shełd lifted over his garden wall to escape with two baskets of vegetables? He
moved across the room to his closet and plucked Solaełs silk wrapper off the
back of the door. “Put this on," he told Ilara, holding the garment out so she
could slip into it. “Iłll teach you how to make an omelet." It was all he could
do not to laugh when she snorted.

“I know how to make an omelet, gladiator." But she followed
him out of the room and down the stairs despite her obvious chagrin.

The kitchen was Keiłs pride and joy. A large, open room,
filled with twenty-first-century appliances made of stainless steel, it was the
place where he spent most of his time when he was home. Hełd plucked the design
from an old copy of Architectural Digest
hełd discovered while touring on his home planet, Earth. Hełd despaired of ever
finding the two intact subzero refrigeration units, and having the Viking
commercial range refurbished to burn zelon gas had cost him dearly, but in the
end, it had been worth the price. Food simply tasted better when cooked the
old-fashioned way.

“Have a seat," he told Ilara, gesturing to a sleek stainless
steel barstool. He opened the refrigerator and poured a strange-looking liquid
into a tall glass. “Itłs made from the fruit of an orange tree. Itłs very good
for you."

She picked up the glass, sniffing the contents suspiciously.
“It smells like your soap, gladiator. I donłt care to drink soap."

He poured a glass for himself, taking a long drink. “Itłs not
soap, Ilara. The soap is scented with the oil from the fruitłs rind. The juice
comes from the flesh of the fruit. Itłs quite refreshing."

Cautiously, she raised the glass to her lips, tipping it
until she could dip her tongue into the liquid. He couldnłt say why he was so
pleased when her eyes lit up and she eagerly drank the entire glass.

“Itłs wonderful!" she exclaimed.

He refilled her glass and grabbed one of the round fruits
from a bowl. Taking a knife, he cut the fruit in half, then cut the halves in
sections and put them on a plate for her, demonstrating how to eat it. “I
brought several trees back with me the last time I was there for a tournament
and have discovered they grow quite well here. Iłm quite taken with the variety
of fruits and vegetables grown on other planets. Hence the garden you and your
little friend were plundering."

She had the good grace to look contrite, although he
suspected she wasnłt. “Iłm sorry. We were hungry."

He waved off her apology and went back to the refrigerator,
pulling out the ingredients for one of his stellar omelets. “I know a bit about
being hungry, Ilara. Had you asked, I would have given it freely."

When she ducked her head and nodded, he set the tray of food
on the stone countertop and rounded the island to stand beside her, then took
her chin in his hand. “Look at me, little one. There is no shame in taking care
of your loved ones. Never duck your head to anyone." He leaned down and pressed
a gentle kiss to her full lips. “Now, eat your orange while I prepare our

Kei did his best to draw her out while he cut and chopped
mushrooms, peppers, and onions for the omelet, then dumped them into a skillet
to sauté. “Tell me about your family. Why do they not care for you?"

“Theyłre all dead," she said, shrugging a slender shoulder.
“The old ones died during the Colonization Wars, or so my parents told me." She
ate another wedge of orange, chewing thoughtfully. “My father joined the
resistance to drive the Terrans off Earth. We never saw him again after he
left, although wełd hoped wełd find him here when Earthłs military forces came
to our aid. I suppose he must be dead."

“Youłre from Earth?"

She shook her head. “I was born on Earthłs moon. My mum was a
government scientist in the UK dome. I was raised in New London."

He paused in his work and raised an eyebrow. “So thatłs the
accent. I hadnłt quite placed it. Then youłd have had orange juice before."

“On a government salary? As I recall, we were lucky to have
soy milk once a week, never mind a cup of tea."

He was very aware of her eyes following him as he moved
around the kitchen, and he had the distinct impression she was taking mental
notes as to the ingredients in preparation for the produce she would probably
steal later. She seemed especially fascinated by his ability to shake the sauté
pan and flip the veggies without spilling them.

“Come here," Kei said, gesturing to her. She hesitated, and
he crooked a finger at her. “Come on, Iłll teach you how to flip food in the

Her violet eyes lit up and she slid from her seat to join him
at the stovetop. The first couple of tries were clumsy, resulting in butter and
vegetables spilling and flaming. Kei laughed and cleaned up the mess quickly.

“All right, once more into the breach," he teased, wrapping
his big hand around hers to guide her.

Before long, she had the technique mastered and laughed
happily. “The children will be so impressed when they see me do this."

He cocked his head, looking down at her. “The children?"

Chapter Four


Ilara clamped her lips shut, silently cursing herself for
mentioning the children. Shełd have to be more careful with the big gladiator.
He might be treating her nicely now, but she would pay for the meal and his
kind words with her body, of that she was certain. That she would likely enjoy
the things he did to her was incidental. “You have children, Ilara?"

“No." She cut her eyes to the left as he poured beaten egg
into the skillet, gauging the distance between the kitchen and the front door.

He studied her for a long moment, then smiled. “I see. You
are the one the authorities call the Shepherd, yes? You look after the homeless
children of Toru City. Commander Zarun wants you badly, little thief. I wager
hełd reward me handsomely if I told him I had you under my control."

Damn, she hated missing a chance to eat the
delicious-smelling omelet, but she didnłt hesitate a moment, ducking under his
arm and racing to the door. She slapped the manual override and fumbled with
the locks, then yanked the door open. A frustrated curse flew from her lips as
Keiłs big hand slapped the door shut.

“Leaving so soon, Ilara? You havenłt had your dinner yet."

“Fuck you and your dinner, gladiator," she growled.

“Mmm," he murmured, pressing her against the door.
“Interesting proposition, but you need food more than you need to fuck.
Although you are a tempting morsel and you do taste sweet."

Ilara gritted her teeth as he lifted the hem of the silk robe
and caressed her bottom. “Get off!"

He chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that made her pussy
clench and begin to weep. “Come back and sit down. Iłve no intention of turning
you over to Zarun."

Relief washed over her. You
will not cry, you will not cry. The reprimand stuck in her throat as she
swallowed the hot tears of relief threatening to spill. She struggled against
him as he pulled her toward the kitchen, then screamed in frustration when he
simply picked her up and carried her to her seat.

“Sit there!" he barked, walking back around to the stovetop.
He flipped the omelet with ease before plopping a tea bag in a mug that he
filled with simmering water. He slid the mug across the stone countertop and
pointed his metal kitchen tool at her. “You need to eat; youłre thin as a
wraith. So youłll sit there and eat your dinner like a good girl, or Iłll warm
that pretty little backside for you."

“Ha!" she spat, chin jerking defiantly. “I wondered how long
it would take before the threats began, you son of a bleeding, badger-faced
shrew!" His scowl didnłt intimidate her. “Youłd like to think youłre different
from the rest, but youłre not. You think I havenłt been raped and beaten
before, gladiator? Therełs nothing you can do to me that hasnłt been done before
-- nothing!"

She watched, wide-eyed, as Kei struggled to control himself.
Shełd pissed him off; she could tell by the way his jaw clenched as he cut the
fragrant omelet in half and plated it. Wary, she held herself erect as he
walked around the island to set her food in front of her.

“If memory serves, that was you begging me to have you," he
said between clenched teeth. “I gave you your first orgasm, and believe me, it
was just as much my pleasure as it was yours." She shivered as he lifted the
hair from her neck. He placed several strategic kisses and gentle bites on her
sensitive skin. “Just as it will be my pleasure to have you dancing against my
tongue again, my beauty. Now, eat your dinner."

She took a bite of the delicious egg dish, saliva flooding
her mouth. She nearly moaned with delirium, it was so good. None of the men in
her previous life had cooked. Not her father, none of the foster fathers, and
none of the male keepers at the various youth institutions. Kei Rewu was a
completely different animal, she concluded. Which was very bad for her, because
he tempted her to give up everything she held dear and just stay with him --
for as long as hełd have her.

“Youłre thinking too much," he said, startling her out of her
reverie. She flinched when he reached out to tuck a lock of hair behind her
ear. He frowned. “Who hurt you, Ilara, that you flinch from a loverłs touch?"

Time to put some distance between them. “A loverłs touch? Is
that what you think this is, some kind of love affair?" She scoffed. She shoved
her empty plate away, then folded her arms under her breasts. “Letłs examine it
from another angle, shall we? You drag me into your home, forcibly remove my
clothes, and have your way with me in your shower. Ring any bells, gladiator?"

“Actually, if memory serves, you enjoyed every minute of it,"
he said, carefully wiping his lips, then laying the cloth napkin aside. “That
was you screaming as you came against my tongue, wasnłt it?"

Before she could speak, he was on his feet, tossing her over
his shoulder. “So, since you choose to pretend you get no pleasure from my
lovemaking, you can spend the night as my paid companion -- since you saw fit
to steal my currency packet the first time I laid eyes on you." He strode into
the master suite and slammed the door behind him. “Engage locks." And then he
tossed her on a bed roughly the size of a swimming pool.


He took a deep breath to cool his temper. She was right. Hełd
let the feel of her body in his hands override his senses. While it was true he
hadnłt filled her with his flesh, hełd certainly taken advantage of her
relative innocence. He scrubbed his hands over his face.

“Relax, little thief, Iłm not going to use your body."

“Youłre not?" The tremble in her voice made his heart clench.

“No, Iłm not." He left her long enough to put her clothes in
the sanitizer. When he came back, he sat on the edge of the bed and sighed
heavily. “The fact is, youłre right, I took advantage. I shouldnłt have forced
you into the shower, and I shouldnłt have taken even a small taste of you
without your consent. It shames me to have done so, for I am a man who loves
women. I ask your forgiveness."

The emotion in her expression made his chest ache. His
apology had surprised her. She stared at her hands, twisting them in her lap.
“Then I forgive you, gladiator." Her shy smile charmed him. “But I have to
confess, once I got over the shock of what you were doing, I liked it -- a lot.
I didnłt know men could begentle."

Kei reached for Ilarałs hand, surprised she didnłt pull away.
“Has no one ever made love to you properly?"

She shook her head. “No one has ever made love to me, period,
gladiator. They only took what they wanted." Tears glittered in her eyes as she
continued. “Street people arenłt human to most of those who look at us -- when
they actually see us. I think they see in us the worst that could possibly
happen to a person." She looked at him then, and he saw her clearly for the
first time. “My mum had an expression, ęThere but for the grace of God, go I.ł
If they donłt see us, they donłt have to fear the same thing could happen to

Kei nodded. “Yes, I imagine youłre right. Denial is the
nature of the beast, I suppose." He chuckled when she snorted derisively.

“Yeah? Well, denial is a river in Africa, isnłt it?"

He laughed and brought her hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Another of your motherłs bits of wisdom, no doubt." The timer for the
sanitizer beeped, and he rose to switch the cycle to dry mode. When he came
back into the room, he was pleased to see Ilara had relaxed enough to stretch
out on the bed.

She smiled up at him and patted the mattress. “You can have
me if youłd like. I owe you for stealing your currency pack and those beautiful

Well, now, wasnłt that just the thing? Hełd been fighting the
urge to have her beneath him, to fill her with his aching flesh, and here she
was offering it to him as payment. He shook his head. “As tempting as that
offer is, Iłm going to decline."

She stiffened when he stretched out beside her and pulled her
unyielding body into his arms. Her head rested on his shoulder. To his
everlasting amazement, hot tears fell on his skin. He stroked her back in an
attempt to comfort. “Here now, why the tears?"

“The one time I actually want a man and he doesnłt want me,"
she said, her voice breaking.

“Ah," he said softly and placed her hand on his hard cock.
“Youłre mistaken, eh?"

She propped herself up on her elbow and stared into his eyes.
“Then why?"

“Because youłre not a whore, little thief. You owe me no
payment." He traced the line of her jaw with his finger and slid his hand
behind her neck, drawing her down until their lips nearly touched. “And because
you cannot bring yourself to call me by my name. But I would like to kiss you."
His lips whispered across hers. “And touch you." He brushed the silk robe aside
and pressed a kiss at the hollow where her collarbone joined her shoulder.
“Show you that a man can be gentle, and that anticipation serves to heighten
the pleasure for when we finally do make love. I wonłt settle for merely
fucking you, Ilara -- any man can do that. I want to be the first to make love
to you."

He found her lips again, pressed his own against them,
pleased when she opened for him and kissed him back. Tentatively at first, as
though waiting to see if he meant the tender words hełd just spoken to her,
then with more eagerness. His cock throbbed and his balls ached as her slender
hand caressed his chest, pressing hard muscle before moving to cup his cheek
and deepen the kiss. Breathy sighs escaped her as she explored his mouth, her
tongue tasting, testing.

Much as it pained him, Kei broke the kiss and rolled onto his
side, facing her. “Who in your family had violet eyes?" Her bewilderment showed
in her eyes, and he watched her try to shake off the effects of the kiss.

“My father. He had black hair, like yours, but he wasnłt big
like you. I take after him, I suppose -- he was slender and tall -- but I get
my hair from my mum." She smiled. “She was beautiful, my mum."

“As you are," Kei said, nuzzling her cheek.

“Not me." She shook her head and the flush of pleasure on her
cheeks charmed him, as everything about her did. “She was a stunner, my father
used to say. Her skin was white as milk and soft as down. I have freckles and
my lips always look as if someone punched me."

He tapped her nose with his index finger. “I love your
freckles; they give you an impish quality." She wrinkled her nose at that and
he grinned, leaning forward to brush his lips against hers. “And as for your
lusciously full lips, theyłre delicious."

The timer beeped once more and he rolled out of bed to get
her clothes, folding them and setting them on top of a chest. “Do you like

She sat up, pulling the robe together as she considered the
question. “Iłve not seen one since I was a child. My mum used to show me one
about a boy who could fly and had no mother."

“Well, then, I think we should watch a movie and eat
something bad for us."

“Why should we eat something bad for us?"

“Because we can, and because itłs fun."

* * * * * *

Ilara goggled at the selection of old films Kei had available
on his video screen, many of them brought back from his travels. He chose an
ancient Earth film about a frumpy romance novelist who had to travel to
Colombia to rescue her sister from kidnappers. He held her on his lap while she
laughed at the heroinełs attempt to steer a car that was floating down a river,
and when the movie was over, he brought in a huge dish of ice cream hełd made
himself and squirted a mound of whipped cream over the top of it.

“Whatłs the white stuff?" she asked, eyeing the topping

“Just try it, youłll like it."

She swiped her finger through the stuff and licked the
substance off the tip. “Oh my," she said reverently. “I could eat an entire
dish of this."

Kei laughed and pulled her back onto his lap. “An entire bowl
would make you sick, but" He shook the can. “Tip your head back and open your

She did, and he squirted the fluffy sweet into her mouth,
making her laugh. She closed her mouth and the whipped cream spilled over her
lip onto her chest. “Ugh," she said, giggling. Until he leaned over and licked
the stuff from her chin.

Ilarałs heart stuttered as he scooped a blob of cream from
her chest and put it in his mouth.

“Sweet," he whispered, and her pussy clenched. “Kiss me."

He tasted of chocolate and cream, rich and sinfully sweet.
She sighed and leaned into him, sliding her tongue against his, thrusting deep.
Her eyes drifted shut, and she allowed herself to float on a sea of sensation.
“Touch me, Kei," she murmured, trembling when his fingers brushed her

A trail of heat followed the track of his fingers as they
skimmed down the center of her body to tug at the belt on her robe. The soft
material parted, light as a feather as it slid away from her skin. His big hand
palmed her breast, chafing her nipple to attention. “Yes," came out on a breath
as he rolled from beneath her and lowered his mouth to tease. She gasped as his
teeth scraped the jeweled tip, and she arched against him.

Ilara felt the ache of desire throb between her thighs as his
hand followed the contour of her body, skimming lightly down her side, over her
hip to cup her ass before moving down the outside of her leg. She opened for
him as his fingers curved over her knee, his touch featherlight as it slid up
her inner thigh. His fingers teased the edge of her slit as his mouth tormented
her breasts; then they glided between the moist folds.

“Please, oh, please," she urged. A single digit slid inside,
pumped slowly, and retreated. “No no no! Donłt stop!"

He added another finger, pumped deep, and stopped. “Youłre

“Yes yes yes," she gasped, arching into the fingers buried

Oh gods, what he did to her! Why had no one taken the time to
show her how good it could be? His teasing mouth moved to her other breast as
his fingers continued to work their magic. His thumb brushed her clit, and she
uttered a strangled little scream. “I want you inside me!" she demanded,
pumping her hips as his fingers played deep inside her.

“Not yet, Ilara. Itłs too soon." He withdrew and pumped
again, then scooted to the end of the couch and spread her legs.

“No, itłs not!" She could hear the frustration in her voice.
His hair tickled her bare skin as he leaned down and nuzzled her inner thigh,
then turned his head to press damp kisses on the soft flesh. Mother of all
creation, how did he expect her to endure such torture? The tip of his tongue
teased her thighs, then moved to lick the crease where her leg joined her
pussy. Madness, sheer madness!

A little whimper escaped her when he nuzzled her golden
curls, and his lips brushed lightly against her cunt before moving away to
tease her inner thighs again. His tenderness brought tears to her eyes, and she
knew her heart was in peril. When his lips pressed against her slit once more,
she arched into them, crying out when his tongue slid between her swollen

“Oh," she whispered, as he gently spread her legs wider,
teasing every delicate fold. She watched, anticipating, as his thumbs opened
her. He was looking at her pussy as though it fascinated him.

“Beautiful," he murmured. He ran his tongue the length of her
slit. “Sweet. And hot. I love the taste of you, Ilara."

He buried his tongue in her pussy, and she nearly levitated
off the couch.

“Ah! Godsplease, Kei," she begged.

“Mmm," was his only response as his tongue glided to the top
of her pussy to search out her clit. He was licking harder now, switching
between light suckling and teasing flicks.

Ilara was sobbing now, her pussy bucking against his lips, so
close to orgasm that she could barely form the words to beg him to fuck her,
just fuck her.

“I needI need" She nearly passed out when two thick fingers
slid inside her cunt to set a rhythm guaranteed to drive her insane. Helpless
now, her hips pumped to his pace as his fingers fucked her. Not once did he let
up sucking her clit.

Fire. She was on fire. Any minute now she would burst into
flames, scorching them both with the intensity of her release. He could
completely take over her life, this gentle, passionate giant, just from the
sheer wanting he instilled in her. But the dim warning bells in the back of her
mind were overridden by the exquisite feel of his mouth and fingers as he drove
her to the edge.

He took his mouth away for a second. “Come," he demanded and
went back to his greedy sucking. His fingers curved inside her and she knew she
was a goner.

Ilara lost complete control. Her legs shuddered and her
entire body went stiff. “G-god!" she screamed, as she hurtled headlong into

Too much, her mind protested as Kei rubbed his cheek against
her sensitive inner thigh. His fingers were still inside her, moving gently as
her body slowly drifted back down to earth. His lips sucked the cream from her,
his mouth moving easily against her still-aroused pussy, and she gave an
involuntary shudder as he pressed his tongue against her clit. She gasped and
came again. When he finally drew away from her, it was to stand and remove his
drawstring pants. She nearly flinched at the size of him, but she reached out
and touched him, running her thumb over the head of his cock. She pulled him
down to the bed and crawled onto his lap, straddling him. She tossed the robe
aside, baring herself to him.

“Show me," she whispered, raising up to guide him. The head
of his cock was broad and smooth as it parted her feminine folds. “Show me how
it should be."

Ilara eased herself down over his massive cock, taking him an
inch at a time, moaning softly as her pussy stretched to accommodate him. She
felt as though she was full to the point of bursting by the time she took all
of him.

“Okay?" he asked as his hands glided from her breasts to her
hips, grasping her gently.

“Yes. Youłre so big."

He nuzzled her neck. “Yes, and youłre so tight." His teeth
nibbled and sucked the curve of her neck as he raised her and lowered her back
down again. “Like that, you see?"

“Yes. Kiss me."

His kiss was gentle, thorough, meant to arouse, and it did.
Her body to slid smoothly over his cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck
and deepened the kiss, rocking against him, slowly at first, then harder and
faster as the kiss became more demanding. With each thrust, his thumb brushed
against her clit, driving her higher and higher as they moved together. She
gave a startled yelp as he spun her around and pressed her onto her back, never
missing a beat. He hooked her knees over his arms and rose above her, driving
into her hard and fast.

Ilara felt the bright heat of an orgasm building. “Yes," she
hissed. “Iitłs happening again!" She clawed at him, thrusting her hips up to
meet his downstroke. “Come with me, come with me!"

“Yes," Kei rasped, pumping harder as her pussy clenched
around him.

Her body arched and stiffened. “Ooooh, Merlinłs whiskers,"
she howled, shuddering as her orgasm shook her. She screamed as he pumped twice
more, adding his voice to hers as he tumbled with her.

Sated, she sighed as he rolled to his side and pulled her
snug against him like a spoon in a drawer. “I should go," she murmured after a
time. “The children will be worried."

His lips brushed her temple. “Rest a bit first."

“I canłt. I wish I could, but Leonis will be out of his mind
with worry," she said, feeling completely safe for the first time in years. She
reached back and caressed his cheek. “Thank you, Kei, for showing me what it
can be like."

“Youłre welcome." He turned his head and kissed the palm of
her hand. “Will you come back?"

“How could I not?"

Chapter Five


“Where have you been?" Leonis and Maras demanded. Their
expressions made it clear theyłd been frantic with worry.

“Are you all right? Did he harm you?" Leonis asked, angrier
than Ilara had ever seen him.

“Iłm fine. And no, he didnłt hurt me. He washed my clothes
and fed me."

Leonis folded his arms across his chest. “Thatłs not all he
did, Iłd wager, from the look of you."

Ilara shoved her hands in her pockets. “What he did, or did
not do, is no onełs business but my own."

The boy scowled and opened the door for her. “You donłt have
to whore yourself for a meal, Ilara. Wełve got enough food."

Ilara gasped, gave him a shove. “You dare to say such things
to me?" she said between clenched teeth.

Leonis spun around, pain reflected in his dark eyes. “Yes, I
dare! You donłt know him! Suppose he goes to Zarun, huh? What then? He could,
you know, and youłd wind up just like the others, sold to some pervert to do
with whatever he willed."

“He wonłt!"

“How do you know?"

“Because he told me so!"

Leonis snorted. “Right. And you believe him just because he
says so?" He took a step toward her, started to reach out, then drew his hand
back. “Hełs just another rich bastard whołs happy to make a plaything out of
someone less than him. Theyłre all the same, Ilara. Havenłt you always said so
yourself?" He spun on his heel and stomped from the room.

“Hełs different!" she shouted at the boyłs retreating back.
She looked at thirteen-year-old Maras. “He is different."

He was different; he had to be. Otherwise what little faith
she had in the innate goodness of mankind would be lost to her forever. Kei
Rewu had been kind to her, had touched her -- made love to her -- with a
tenderness she hadnłt known since her motherłs death. If it was all a lie, Ilara
didnłt think she could bear the disappointment.

The girl nodded. “Yes, I can see it in your eyes." She
squeezed Ilarałs hand. She stared after Leonis. “Hehe doesnłt see you as a
mother, like the younger children do. Hełs jealous of the gladiator and, I think,
worried that wełll lose you to him. Youłve never stayed away practically the
whole night. Donłt be too mad at him. The sunłs nearly up. Iłm going to go
check on the children while you go to the market."

Dawn peeked over the horizon, and Ilara took a moment to
enjoy the sight. The meat and produce at the market was especially good on
Mondays and the pink of the sky reminded her of the delicious salmon her mother
used to make for dinner. Firm, pink flesh, cooked to flaky perfection and
served with rice and spinach salad. Shełd been barely eight years old, but she
still remembered how the flavors exploded on her tongue. Gods but she was tired
of thinking about food all the time. She was twenty years old, and shełd been
hungry for so long that most of her thoughts were of food -- how to get it, how
to cook it to make it stretch, how many more mouths she could continue to feed.

Was it so wrong to want a better life for herself? To want a
warm home, a full bellya man who loved her? Could the gladiator be that man?
Could he give her all the things shełd longed for these many years? Hełd asked
her to come to him again. Perhaps She shook her head. A heavy mantle of guilt
settled over her shoulders. Kei Rewu was not for her, and she could no more
abandon the lost and broken children to their fate than she could cease
breathing. Squaring her shoulders, she tugged her watch cap down over her ears
and slipped through the gates of the market.

Ilara was well-known to the vendors at the market, and she
enjoyed haggling with them over price.

“Have you been starving your chickens, Cadis?" she asked the
dairy vendor.

The old woman scowled at her, but there was a glint of humor
in her eyes. “And what is it you believe is wrong with my eggs, Shepherd?"

“Why, theyłre so small, one would barely satisfy an infant."

“Lucky for you infants donłt eat eggs, isnłt it?"

Ilara snorted. “Truer words," she agreed. “However, the young
ones need their protein, and these are hardly the size of bush bird eggs. What
will you take for a dozen?"

The woman stated her price and Ilara barked out a laugh. “For
these puny things? Iłll give you that much for two dozen, and not a cintas more, and youłll hold them for me
until Iłm done with my shopping."

They went round and round for a few more minutes before
settling on a price somewhere in the middle, and Ilara handed the woman the
foam containers used for carrying the precious cargo. The old woman laughed as
she walked away, and Ilara knew she would add a few extra eggs to the batch.
And so it went, until she had everything she needed to feed her little family
for the day.

As she approached the dairy vendor to pick up her eggs, the
woman gestured to her. “Hurry, girl," she said in a low voice. “Zarun made a
pass through, and hełs looking for you and the older boy." She tucked the eggs
into the pack strapped on Ilarałs back. “My manłs cut a hole in the fencing
behind my stall and the boy is waiting for you. Hurry, child."

Ilara gave the old woman a fierce hug and ducked behind the
curtain of her vendor shack. The farmer was there, waiting with Leonis, holding
open the hole in the fence. “Go, children. Zarun is in a foul mood this
morning. Word has it he missed out snatching up two girls this morning, and
hełs looking for the Shepherd."

Anxiety filled her as she and Leonis cut through vacant lots
and dilapidated buildings, working their way into the inner city. Crumbling
canyons of brick and steel blotted out the sun, while derelicts called to them
from shadowy doorways and the gaping maws of garbage-glutted storage basements.
Every now and again, a pimp would glide by in a shiny hover cart, looking for
new recruits among the lost souls seeking refuge in this hopeless place, but
there were no shiny, new prospects here.

The rumble of a police wagon sounded behind them, and Ilara
shoved Leonis into a glass-strewn alleyway. They both recognized the sound of
Zarunłs pick-up squad, and it was possible the approaching vehicle belonged to
the man himself. Ilara slid out of her pack, shoved it at him.

“Hurry," she hissed. “Back to the school. Lock the doors and
engage the blackout screens. Iłll lead them away."

“No! I wonłt leave you, Ilara."

She grasped his hands. “You can and you will. Youłre the man
of the house, the father. They feel safe with you." She grinned at him.
“Besides, Iłm still faster than you."

He grinned and squeezed her hands. “Wełll put that to a test
one day soon." He shrugged into the pack. “Be careful."

“Always," she said, giving him a cocky grin. “Wait until you
hear them shout, then run like hell." She hitched up her pants and sauntered
out of the alleyway, scratching herself casually.

A siren blatted and Zarunłs voice blared from the speaker.
“Halt where you are, citizen! Identification check!" She looked over her
shoulder at the sound of a door slamming, feigning fear at the sight of Zarunłs
weasel face, then bolted, putting on the speed as footsteps pounded behind her.

The police commander was fast for a man carrying extra weight
and a cumbersome utility belt, but she was faster. “Halt! Security check!" The
words rasped out in great sucking breaths as he pursued her. She jumped a
pothole and scampered over a pile of broken blocks, launching herself to the
top of a dumpster in a feat of balance that astounded her.

Behind her, Zarun stumbled, cursing. She turned her head, saw
he was down, and laughed as he struggled to gain his feet once more.

“Laugh now, whelp," he growled. “But when I catch you, Iłll
sell you to an ass-fucker with the biggest dick I can find. Then wełll see who
has the last laugh."

“Sod off, you old pig," she taunted. “A few more footraces
like this and your heart will explode in your chest." She dived through the
door of an old auto parts store, knocking over shelves as she passed them,
taking great satisfaction as Zarun grunted and cursed.

Ilara raced to an exit door that led to an auto graveyard,
wiggling through the narrow exit. Hełd struggle with the frozen hinges, trying
to force the door open enough to get himself through, leaving her plenty of
time to race to the end, climb the fence, and disappear into the rubble-strewn
sectors of the city.

She was nearly through when Zarunłs hand grabbed at her,
snatching her watch cap from her head. Her hair tumbled free, and she heard his
gasp of surprise as she made it through. His laughter followed her as she raced
across the cracked asphalt.

“I always thought you were too pretty for a boy," he shouted.
“When I catch you, Iłm going to fuck you myself before I sell you to the
perverts in the sex clubs!"

Ilara stopped and turned, watching him as he bent over, hands
on his knees in an attempt to catch his breath. When he looked up, she gave him
a feral smile. “When you catch me, itłll be because I let you, Commander Zarun.
And when that day comes, Iłll cut off your saggy old balls and fry them up for
breakfast with my eggs." She turned and jogged to the fence, satisfied that he
wouldnłt catch her today. It wasnłt until she got home that she realized shełd
likely put them all in danger of discovery.

* * * * * *

When Ilara jogged into the weed-choked schoolyard, Leonis was
waiting, sitting atop a rusty set of monkey bars.

“One of these days those bars are going to be completely
rusted through and youłre going to wind up impaling yourself," she told him.

“Therełs a cheery thought," he said, shoving off to land
lightly in front of her. He reached out and lifted a lock of hair. “Wherełs
your watch cap?"

“Zarun cornered me at the old junkyard. Bloody hell! Hełll
bring out the sniffers for sure." For one terrible moment, she couldnłt
breathe. “We have to get the children out of here, Leonis. You and Maras have
to take them someplace safe. Someplace away from me."

The boy gaped at her. “Without you? Never! Wełre a family, we
stay together."

She paced, thinking aloud. “He can deploy the sniffers, but
hełll have a hard time finding men willing to come into this neighborhood." She
paused, scanning the hostile landscape. “Youłll have to go deeper, somewhere no
one else goes. Itłll make getting supplies in all the more difficult, but maybe
youłll be able to return once they stop looking for me."

Leonis grabbed her arm, spun her around. “Not without you,
Ilara. Youłre the tie that binds us together."

Ilara took the boyłs hands and fingered the tattoo on his
right ring finger. She possessed an identical one; they all did. A shepherdłs
hook surrounded by a ring, identifying those who bore it as under the
protection of the Shepherd. Hełd been so little when she found him. Barely six
years old, covered in bruises and cigarette burns, Leonis had been wandering
the seedy backstreets of Cyntur-Rho, crying for a mother who only cared about
her next fix. An older man had been talking with him, a predatory gleam in his
eye, trying to coax the boy into taking his hand. She hadnłt even thought about
it, had simply reacted.

“Leave my brother alone, you filthy old sod," shełd shouted
when the man stroked the boyłs grimy cheek. “Touch him again and Iłll kick your
balls up to your throat sołs they can play tennis with your tonsils."

Hełd barely weighed forty pounds, so skinny and frail shełd
been able to swing him into her arms and haul ass down the street, disappearing
into the night. Shełd filled his belly and taught him how to lift currency
packs and food from the market shelves.

Maras had come next, and after her, too many to count. Some
had stayed until they were skilled enough to go out on their own. Others, too
weak from malnutrition and neglect, had died. And still others went missing,
victims of Mielak Caldur, the owner of several nefarious sex clubs in the Toru
Sector, helped into that life of pain and misery by Caldurłs henchman, Zarun,
the head of Toru Cityłs security force.

“Theyłre yours now, Leonis. Yours and Marasłs. Youłre the
Shepherd now." The boy shook his head, eyes filling with tears. “Yes. You know
this is how it has to be. I can see it in your eyes. It may take a day or two
for him to gather the people he needs, but Zarun will come with the sniffers,
and he cannot find you here."

“But" He nodded, and with that acknowledgment, the boy
became a man. He took the money she handed him and tossed the belt aside. “Go
and say your good-byes while I scout for a new place. Tell them theyłll have to
leave everything behind. Iłll send Maras to the thrift to purchase more clothes
for them. Nothing with your scent on it can follow us."

Ilara choked back a sob. “Iłll never forget you."

“Nor I you," he said, hugging her fiercely. “Where will you

“To someone who can get me off the planet quickly."

Chapter Six


She didnłt go to the gladiator. Couldnłt chance bringing that
kind of trouble to his beautiful, serene home. Instead, she went deeper into
the devastation of Toru City, to a place no one would find her. To a place that
once teemed with the noise of people hurrying to their busy jobs. She went to
the downtown tube station.

Throughout the many years of the Colonization Wars, the
devastating war of Terran expansion, the underground rail system played an
important part in the Toru resistance. When the Terrans were routed, the
members of the resistance melted away, and the tube was left to decay and ruin.
It had been laser bombed hundreds of times during the fighting, and deep
internal scars remained, making it a dangerous place to venture; no funds could
be spared to rebuild the crumbling inner-city infrastructure. It was to this
place Ilara had first brought Leonis after rescuing him from Cyntur-Rho, and it
was to this place she returned.

The casallin-powered lamp generated enough light to allow her
to see where she was going, and she would be eternally grateful to Leonis for
pinching it for her. She dropped a handful of the glowing stones as she walked,
ensuring she could find her way out once she settled on a place to feather her

“This looks like as good a place as any," she spoke aloud,
looking around at the wide alcove that once housed the inner workings of the
railwayłs glide-track system. The door to the control room was rusted open, and
she flashed her lamp inside, shrieking when she discovered a human skeleton
sitting in an old office chair.

She stepped inside and looked around to see if there was
anything worth scavenging. There wasnłt, of course, for anything useful had
been taken years ago, but there was an ancient wooden desk and several shelves
holding procedural manuals. She rolled the chair out into the alcove, skeleton
and all, and set about breaking up the desk.

“Hope you donłt mind, mate, but a little fire might be nice,
donłt you think? Itłll get chilly tonight. Wouldnłt want to freeze our arses
off." She uttered a nervous laugh. “Donłt talk much, do you?"

Wonder how much of this
I can take before I go stark-raving mad. At one time, shełd craved solitude
because it meant she was safe from those who would take advantage of a young,
helpless girl. But she was used to human contact now. Used to the sound of
childrenłs voices. And worst of all, she craved the warmth of Kei Rewułs big
body wrapped around her. “Itłs going to be a long night, mate."

She tore some crumbling paper from an old manual, piled some
wood on it, and used her pen laser to set it ablaze. “Nice and cozy now, eh?"

* * * * * *

Kei prowled the house like a caged lion. A full week had
passed since hełd caught Ilara plundering his garden, and his desire to plunder
her again had increased with each passing day. Why didnłt she come to him?
Shełd enjoyed his body as much as hełd enjoyed hers, and hełd truly believed
shełd show up on his doorstep for more. He snorted. His ego was getting the
better of him. Despite his managerłs assertion, he guessed not every woman
wanted him after all. Laughing at his own arrogance, he went into the media
room to view the footage of his next opponent. He was hard at work studying the
competitorłs weaknesses when the security system alerted him that someone was
coming up the walk.

At last, he thought as he hurried to the door. Shełd finally
come to him. “Video on," he commanded the unit. “Whołs this?" Because it
certainly wasnłt Ilara. He opened the door, frowning down at an adolescent boy.
“Who are you?"

The boy squared his shoulders and glared defiantly. “Iłm
Leonis, a friend of Ilarałs. Iłve come to see her."

Now, that was odd. “Shełs not here."

The aggressive stance melted away and Leonisłs shoulders
slumped. The boy paled. “Butsir, she said she was coming to you. She was going
to ask you to help her get off world." The boy trembled. “Gods help us, you
donłt suppose hełs caught her?"

“Youłd better come inside," Kei said, stepping back to let
the kid inside. “Tell me whatłs happened."

While Leonis filled him in on the incident at the market,
Keiłs stomach knotted with fear. Commander Zarun had made it very clear that
capturing the elusive Shepherd was a priority. The idea that the commander
provided Mielak Caldur with young children for his sex clubs repulsed Kei.
Worse still was the idea of Ilara in either manłs clutches.

“What makes you believe either of these men is responsible
for the disappearances of these children of which you speak?" Kei demanded.

“Wełve seen them," Leonis answered. “Twice, on Cyntur-Rho.
Athara was eleven when one of Zarunłs men snatched her off the street in Toru
City. Ilara and I saw her standing outside a club in the red light district on
Cyntur-Rho. We managed a few words before her handler dragged her inside. She
told us Zarun took her and that Caldur likes to train the girls himself. He
kept her for two months before transporting her to the pleasure planet. Rumor
has it he owns several clubs there that provide services to those with a taste
for young children. Athara said the other two taken with her have disappeared.
She fears they are dead and that she will soon be joining them."

Kei got up to pace the room. “I know people who can verify
these rumors. If youłll meet with them, describe the missing children and the
name of the club, Iłm sure they can find out if your suspicions are true." He
stopped, looked down at the worried boy. “Letłs assume Zarun hasnłt got Ilara.
Where would she go? Is there any place you can think of she might hide, a place
the sniffers would have a hard time locating?"

A timer went off in the kitchen and Kei gestured for the boy
to follow him. “Iłm baking bread." He pointed to the same seat where Ilara had
sat and took the freshly baked bread from the oven, then replaced it with two
more pans of dough.

Taking a knife, he sliced off several pieces of cooled bread,
set them on a plate, then shoved them across the counter to Leonis. He rummaged
in the fridge and brought out a crock of butter and one of homemade plum jam.
“Eat," he told Leonis, placing the butter and jam in front of him, along with a
knife. “I remember always being hungry as a teenage boy. How many children are
you caring for at the moment?"

“Fourteen," Leonis said, taking a huge bite of the
butter-soaked bread.

Kei buttered a slice of bread for himself and asked, “Where
do they come from? Fourteen seems like so many."

“Mostly from poor homes," Leonis said around the food in his
mouth. “Many families never recovered from the devastation of the Colonization
Wars. My own mother was barely thirteen when a soldier raped her and she became
pregnant with me. I was five when my grandparents died, leaving us alone. She
couldnłt handle it, turned to drugs and alcohol. Ilara found me outside some
dive, saved me from a pedophile. She couldnłt have been more than eleven or
twelve at the time."

Kei winced. Bloody hell. What a life shełd had. “Where could
she have gone, Leonis?

The boy thought for a long moment, then snapped his fingers.
“The downtown tube station. Itłs where she took me when she brought me back
here. No one goes near it anymore, so itłs safe. It was rebel territory, and
you have to pass through some pretty hostile areas to get there. Security teams
are afraid to go that far into the inner city."

“Then I think we need to go and see if shełs there. If she
is, Iłll bring her back here until I can make arrangements to move her off

“You would do that for her?" The boy looked at him
suspiciously. “Why? You barely know her."

Kei nodded. “Because no woman should be used like that." He
gathered up some food supplies, set the timer on the oven, and filled a pack.
“Ever used an ultra-glide scooter?"

Leonis smiled. “Iłve ridden a few."

Kei chuckled. “Without permission, I assume."


“Well, come along then. This time you have the ownerłs
permission. Youłll have to lead the way."

Chapter Seven


Kei imagined they made quite the odd pair, cruising above the
heads of pedestrians as they made their way toward the war-torn parts of the
city. They had to increase their altitude as they approached collapsed,
fire-ravaged buildings. Now and again, they came across families living in the
gutted shells, laundry strung on bits of wire to dry in whatever sun managed to
penetrate, and grubby, grimy-faced children playing among the rubble and broken
glass. They gazed up at Kei and Leonis with vacant stares, already old before
their time. It was depressing and appalling, and shame filled Kei that the
citizens of Toru City could allow such a thing to happen.

Kei followed Leonisłs lead and dipped down lower over the
crumbling barricades left over from the war. They twisted and turned, cruising
through narrow passageways, going vertical over scraggly fencing and, once,
gliding through an offshoot of the tube system before rising again to hover
outside the buildingłs main entrance and stowing the glide cycles behind a pile
of rubble.

“This way," Leonis said, stepping through the frame of the
glassless automatic doors. It was pitch black, and they paused long enough to
engage their lanterns. The boy lifted his head and sniffed the air. “Shełs

Kei grunted and leaped over a small crater in the tile floor.
“What could she possibly be cooking? Nothing lives around here."

Leonis grinned. “Shows what you know, gladiator." He sniffed
again. “My guess would be targas."

He gave the boy a horrified look. “Targas? Why, thatłs
nothing more than a distant cousin to a rat!"

“Right you are, but the meat tastes pretty good when itłs
cooked over a fire."

“Well, that decides it," Kei said firmly. “Shełs coming home
with me whether she wants to or not."

Leonis stopped, gave Kei the once-over, and nodded. “Youłll
be good for her. She needs to learn that itłs all right to accept help. You
arenłt out to use her, are you, gladiator? I wouldnłt take kindly to anyone who
hurt her."

Kei returned the boyłs knowing look. The boy had balls, hełd
give him that, and it took a pair to threaten a man in his line of work. “No,
boy, I wonłt hurt her."

The boy said nothing as he continued to follow the softly
glowing casallin stones. They hadnłt walked more than ten yards when a shrill
alarm sounded.

Leonis laughed. “Shełs set up an early warning system, clever
girl. I never even saw it." He looked around and found the laser trip beam set
inside a small drainage pipe. “Shełll climb, hide herself in the overhead
piping. Keep an eye out because shełs probably got a stash of broken tiles and
bricks up there, and shełs got wicked aim."

The two approached slowly, looking around carefully for
missiles aimed at their heads.

“There, up around that bend," Leonis said, pointing toward a
faint glow in the darkened tunnel. “Stay back a ways. Iłll go ahead and let her
know wełre here."

As much as he hated it, Kei hung back and let Leonis continue
on. He watched as the boy leaned down and grabbed a brick. He tapped it on the
wall in some kind of elaborate code, then tossed it away and motioned to Kei to
come ahead.

There was a rustling and clanking overhead, and as Kei looked
up, he saw Ilara clamber down from her hiding place. Suffering gods, she could
kill herself swinging and sliding on the rotting pipe like that. He gritted his
teeth as she swung from a thick piece of wiring and landed lightly on her feet
in front of Leonis.

“What are you doing here?" she asked, hugging the boy
fiercely. She turned a puzzled smile on Kei. “And you? Itłs not safe to be seen
with me."

“We were worried about you," Kei told her, stifling the urge
to jerk her into his embrace. “We brought you some food." He slung the pack off
his shoulders, noting the hungry gleam in her eyes, and gestured to the
scorched rodent ready to fall into the fire. “Get rid of that thing."

The three of them sat around the fire devouring a meal of
bread, cheese, fruit, and wine. Kei nearly protested when Leonis took a swig
from the bottle, then stopped himself. The boy might be only fifteen, but he
was a man by every definition of the word.

Kei looked around at the burrow Ilara had created for
herself. Somewhere, shełd managed to filch a mattress, blankets, and a ratty
little table for her lantern. Still, she was grimy, and there were dark smudges
beneath her eyes that bespoke sleepless nights. And she was thinner, if such a
thing was possible. He sighed. “Ilara, I want you to come home with me. You
canłt continue to live like this."

She shook her head. “Iłm fine here, and I wonłt have Zarun up
your ass because of me."

“Zarun knows better than to fuck with me. Iłll keep you safe.
Youłll be warm and well fed."

He could tell by the jut of that defiant chin that she was
prepared to argue long and hard, but he had the answers to all her questions.

“And what of the children? Do I deserve to eat more than

“Iłll make sure theyłre fed."


“By opening an account at the market that Leonis can use to
buy food."

“That could get expensive."

“I have more money than I can ever spend."

“And how will Leonis carry all this food to their new
shelter? On his back? Food for fourteen children?"

“Iłve given him a glide scooter."

“Until Zarun sees him on it and arrests him for stealing."

“Iłll give him a document stating it belongs to him."

“Yes, but"

He quieted her with a gesture and turned to Leonis. “Will you
leave us a moment?"

Leonis grinned and chucked Ilara on the chin. “Iłll have a
glide scooter to carry the food and to escape the security drones. And one less
worry knowing youłre safe."

Kei watched as the boy sauntered away, and when he was out of
sight, he pulled Ilara to her feet and into his arms. “Iłve missed you, little
thief. Havenłt you missed me, even a little?"


“That has nothing to do with anything," she protested, as his
lips nibbled at her neck. The simple fact was that she had missed him -- too
much for comfort. She couldnłt count the number of times shełd almost thrown
caution to the wind and gone to him. She melted against him, taking comfort in
his embrace, and knew she would go with him.

“It has everything to do with everything, Ilara. You like me
and I like you. You need a safe place to live, and I can provide that. You need
to eat and gain some weight, and I can feed you. You enjoyed my body, and I
certainly enjoyed yours. I want you with me, Ilara. Together, we can figure out
a way to help not just your children, but all of the hungry children in Toru
City. And I swear to you, if I find Caldur and Zarun are behind the
disappearances, they will pay."

“How? Caldur has the funds to do what he pleases, and Zarun
covers for him. How can you stop them?"

“I know people." He pressed a kiss to her full lips. “I have
friends who will help. We can stop them, Ilara."

“And if I refuse?"

“Iłll tie you up and take you with me anyway."

He felt her melt into him once more as she sighed. “Why?" She
looked up at him. “Why does it matter to you?"

“Because youłve turned my well-planned life upside down.
Because I canłt get you off my mind. Because I want you." He kissed her then, a
long, slow, deep kiss as he lifted her off her feet and pressed her against the
wall. When she responded, eagerly returning his kiss, he pulled away.

“Youłre manipulating me," she said, lifting an eyebrow.

“Of course, I am. But can you honestly say you donłt want me?

“No, I canłt, though I wish I could. Iłve lived with the
threat of men like Caldur and Zarun all of my life, but youłre more of a threat
to me than they could ever hope to be."

“How so?"

“Because a man like you could make me hope for something
better, and hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me."

Chapter Eight


They parted ways with Leonis at the entrance to the tube
station. Ilara watched as he and Kei spoke. Leonis grinned and winked at her,
then nodded at Kei and climbed on the glide cycle. His departure had her
longing to follow him, to protect the child shełd raised for the past nine
years. She hadnłt realized she was crying until Kei pulled her close and held
her tight.

“Hełll be all right," he said. “Hełs a good man, and hełll do
a good job keeping the children safe."

“I know." Her voice cracked as he started the cycle and
gestured for her to climb on behind him. “I just miss him. I miss all of them."

He drew her arms around his waist and patted her hands.
“Wełll figure it out. Wełll find a way to stop Zarun and keep all of you safe.
Until then, comfort yourself knowing they wonłt starve.

Behind him, Ilara sobbed. “You really are a wonderful man,
but I donłt know how Iłll ever repay your kindness."

“I donłt expect repay --" She heard his strangled reply as
she slid a hand between his legs and stroked his cock to life. “Ilara, Iłm
liable to wreck the cycle if you keep that up."

“Focus, gladiator. We wouldnłt want to have an accident
before youłre able to put this impressive tool to good use."

“Youłre playing with fire, little one," he managed to say, as
she ran her hands across his chest.

“Mmm, good thing I like it hot." She smothered a laugh at her
boldness. Shełd never been like this with a man before, but then shełd never
known a man quite like Kei Rewu. On the one hand, he was arrogant and
controlling, while on the other, he was generous and kind. An intriguing
dichotomy she fully intended to explore until his fascination with her ended.
She had no doubt it would. Her mother had always told her men were a fickle

Ilara dipped her hand beneath the waistband of his pants and
burrowed beneath his briefs to take him in hand, shrieking with laughter as the
glide cycle shot vertical for no apparent reason. “Problem, gladiator?"

He hissed when she tightened her hand around his cock and
pumped. “Youłre going to pay for that, little thief."

Ilara laughed softly and nipped the tender flesh just below
his armpit. “Empty threats."

His bold laughter was music to her ears as he teased back.
“Youłll be singing a different tune when youłre flat on your back with your
feet in the air and my cock buried deep inside you."

“Not much of a punishment when you consider thatłs what Iłm
aiming for." She squeezed him tight, stroking her hand up and down, pleased at
the groan that escaped him. “Of course, Iłll need a shower first and perhaps a
hearty meal. A girl has to keep her strength up."

The cycle went vertical again as Kei guided it over the fence
surrounding his garden and set it down on the cobbled patio. He had no sooner
dismounted than Ilara grabbed his hips and pulled him close. She didnłt waste
words, merely tugged his pants down, took him in hand, then settled her mouth
over the bulbous head of his dick.

“Stars!" he gasped, obviously surprised, then his hands went
to her hair and he groaned. “Ilara, you donłt have to Oh, mother of us all!"
She swirled her tongue over the tip of his cock, savoring the taste of precum,
then gave him a good, hard suck before taking more of him into her mouth.

What was it about this man that made her want to do such
things to him? Not that she hadnłt had a manłs dick in her mouth before. She
had, but not voluntarily. But with Kei, she wanted to experience every nuance
of lovemaking. She wanted the taste of him as much as he wanted the taste of
her. Wanted to feel his mouth on her, his cock inside her. Suddenly, it was
important that she be able to make him feel all the things hełd made her feel
from the moment hełd first put his hands on her.

Her other hand moved to cup his balls, gently manipulating
them. She took more of him, increasing the suction as her mouth worked to make
him cross-eyed with pleasure. His fingers tightened in her hair as she found
just the right rhythm. His breath came in short, hot bursts that made her pussy
clench with the need to be filled.

“Oh, what a sweet mouth you have," Kei rasped. “But you have
tostop Canłthold back much longer."

His words came out on a groan that set her blood singing
through her veins. When he tried to use her hair to pull her head back, she
reached around and dug her nails into the cheeks of his ass. “Ah, godsah, fuck
yeah!" The breath hissed through his teeth as he came with a shout.

Ilara wrapped her arms around him, resting her cheek on his
belly as his breathing slowly returned to normal. What a sense of power it gave
her, knowing she could make him shout at the sky as hełd done here.

“That wasastonishing," he told her. “Iłm surprised Iłm
capable of coherent speech."

She caressed his taut ass, then tugged his pants back into
place. “I bet I could bounce a sterling credit off that ass of yours. Perhaps
Iłll try later -- after Iłve showered and eaten that meal you promised me."

He took her hand and drew her to her feet. “Come inside then.
Have your shower while I prepare a feast deserving of you. Just knowI intend
to have you as my dessert."

Ilara grinned as she followed him inside. He certainly filled
out the supple material of those snug pants. Even now it was hard to resist the
temptation to run a hand over those well-defined cheeks. “I think," she said,
giving in to temptation and patting him on the backside, “dessert is going to
be my favorite part of the meal from now on."

He turned and laughed as he lifted her off her feet and
kissed her soundly. “Scamp. Go and have your shower. You know the way."

Yes, she did know the way and that alone was a marvel to her.
Never in a million light years would she have dreamed shełd not only meet Kei
Rewu, but wind up in his bed! She bounded up the stairs and into his bathroom,
peeling off her clothes as she gave the command for the shower to come on and
up to temperature.

The citrus smell of his cleansing liquid permeated her
senses, and she could almost imagine she was standing in his garden with the
fruit trees in bloom. The water was hot and soothing, the soap slippery and
rich on her skin as she washed. As an afterthought, she shaved her legs and
underarms, remembering Kei liked smooth skin.

Ilara stepped out of the shower in a haze of steam and into a
thick, fluffy towel held by the man shełd spent her adolescent years
fantasizing about. Unbelievable.
Those strong arms wrapped around her, lifted her, held her against his broad
chest as he carried her into the bedroom and lay her down.

“Dinnerłs in the oven," Kei told her. “And I prefer to have
my dessert first."

Ilara shivered as he straddled her, ran his fingertips along
her collarbone, and trailed them down over her breasts, her ribs, the points of
her hips, her thighs, to her knees, then slid beneath them to lift her legs and
set them wide apart.

“Look at you. Look how beautiful." His voice was thick with
desire and what she saw in his face made her feel beautiful. She was barely
breathing and so aroused that when he leaned down to place a soft kiss on the
inside of her knee, she moaned and nearly came then and there.

“Kei, please." She sighed as his fingers stroked the soft
skin of her inner thighs.

“No, Ilara, this is going to take some time. Youłre going to
be wet and weak and trembling before I take you."

She watched through hooded lids as he settled himself
tailor-style between her legs. Oh, flaming mother, his hands! Had anyone ever
had such talented hands? They cupped her breasts, thumbs brushing her nipples
to attention. He stroked, tracing the outline of each, concentrating on the
sensitive undersides, moving back to pinch the nipples.

“Kei," she gasped, arching into his hands.

“Just the beginning, little one," he murmured. He took a foot
in his hands, flexing and stretching it, pressing and massaging with his thumbs
before running his tongue along the arch. “Such delicate little feet." He
nipped her big toe, and she gave a startled yip, then a shocked gasp as his
lips closed over her toe to suck and tease.

“Oh. My. Gods," Ilara cried. Nothing in her experience had
prepared her for a man to suck on her toes, and he did it with such skill, the
same way shełd sucked his cock earlier. He gave each toe the same treatment as
his thumbs continued to stroke her foot.

“You like that?" he asked.

“Oh yeah."

He chuckled softly. “Then youłll love this." Grasping her foot
with both hands, he focused on a single spot on her heel, pressing hard.

“Oh!" Ilara screamed, startled by the sharp, quick orgasm
that shot through her core.

“Youłre welcome," Kei teased. Then his hands were on the move
again, testing the contour of a leg, tracing muscle and tendon with inquisitive
fingers. “What lovely legs you have, Ilara. Long, deceptively lean, but strong,
and leading to such a delicious prize."

Ilara moaned when he pressed another kiss to the inside of
her knee and those featherlight caresses moved slowly toward her pussy. She
sucked in a breath as he traced her outer lips with an index finger, then
exhaled an “oooh" as that finger slid inside, went deep.

“Mmm, so wet." The finger withdrew and, joined with a second,
glided back in and scissored open.

“Oh, flaming mother!" Ilara cried out. “Kei, please!"

“Soon," he said. He moved to his knees, then stretched out,
wedging his shoulders between her legs. His fingers pumped twice. “You wouldnłt
deny a man his dessert, would you?"

“No! I mean, yes!" Seraphimłs belt, if he didnłt fuck her
soon she was going to go mad! “Ioooh!" she howled when his tongue burrowed
into her swollen flesh to lap at her clit. “I want you inside me!" His answer
was another swipe of his tongue that almost sent her over the edge, but not

Before she could protest, his fingers deserted her, and Ilara
uttered a startled yelp as Kei flipped her onto her belly. “What the --" And
then he pulled her to her knees and leaned over her, nuzzling her ear.

“In just a few moments, Iłm going to fill your hot little
pussy with my cock, Ilara. Can you feel it there, against your ass? Itłs so
hard, so hungry for you itłs throbbing."

She shuddered. Could she feel it? Was he crazy? Of course she
could feel it, and oh, how she wanted it. Wanted him to slide that big cock
between her legs and shove it deep. She was beyond the point of tender
lovemaking; she wanted it hard and fast. She wanted to fuck.

“Do it," she growled, thrusting her hips back against him.

Oh yes, there it was, gliding through the folds of her pussy,
pressing into her. The tip penetrated, and she hissed. Gods, he was huge; shełd
nearly forgotten. And she wanted every centimeter pounding into her.

“More?" he asked.

“Yes!" she all but screamed. “I swear, if you donłt --" He
drove into her then, balls-deep, and she nearly wept with relief. She gave a
strangled cry as he eased back, drove in again, and kept on pumping.

Oh, flaming mother, he felt so good, so strong as he leaned
over her, supporting his weight on his arms as he drove into her with long,
measured strokes. No gentle mating here. This was pure, animalistic fucking, a
conquering of her body that had her babbling and sobbing, begging for
everything he could give her. She had to resist the urge to bare her teeth and
snarl at him.

“More!" she barked. “Hard. Fast!"

Behind her, she heard him growl, a deep rumble in his chest;
then he straightened, grabbed her hips, and gave her what she wanted, pulling
her back onto his meaty cock as he thrust. Hard. Fast. Deep. “Thatłs it, take
me. Take all of me."

The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, his demanding
voice, the smell of arousal, the heat of exertion compounded the sensations
flooding Ilarałs senses. “Yes, yes, all of you!" And there it was, building
deep in her belly, flowing outward to her limbs, running up her spine,
paralyzing her for a heartbeat before flooding her cunt with heat.

“Gods!" she sobbed. “Itłs too much Iah, Iłm coming. Donłt
stop. Donłt stop!" Her body shuddered and jerked with an orgasm so intense her
vision blurred and then he was there, tumbling after her, his cock slamming
into her one last time as he shouted his own release.

Chapter Nine


Kei had always wondered why they called it the afterglow, but
now he understood. He was sweaty, sated, and so relaxed he felt like he was
floating. It occurred to him that hełd never felt exactly this way before, not
even with Solae. There was a rightness about being with Ilara that hełd never
felt with the other women hełd shared his bed with -- like a missing puzzle
piece finally snapped into place to complete the entire picture. When she
snuggled against him, resting her slender hand on his chest, it hit him like a
nanojack. He was whole at last. Ilara completed the picture that was his life,
and he wanted her to stay.

How was it possible, he marveled, for a mere slip of a girl
to burrow into his heart in such a short period of time? I have to think about this, about how to tell her. How to make her stay.
Intimidation and brute force wouldnłt work on his little thief; she was far too
independent. He kissed the top of her head. “Are you hungry?"

“Iłm always hungry," Ilara said, grazing his nipple with her
teeth. “But since we met, I can never decide what Iłm most hungry for, food or

Kei chuckled, caressed her bare shoulder. “Itłs good to know
the feeling is mutual, but right now, I think we could both use some
nourishment. And I need to contact some friends, see if they can help us do
some investigating. I want to know more about Caldur and Zarun."

He rolled out of bed, taking her with him to the closet to
grab the robes. “Iłm going to have to get you some decent clothes," he said,
idly. “Canłt have you running around naked all the time, much as the idea
appeals to me."

“So, wherełs the woman who belongs to this robe?"

Kei raised an eyebrow. Did he detect a hint of jealousy in
her tone? “Happily married and living on Xat-Rah One, last I heard. No need to
be jealous, little thief. She was just a friend."

She frowned. “More than friends, Iłd wager, since her robe is
in your closet."

Kei laughed. “Why, Ilara, I do believe youłre jealous!"

“Ha! When hell freezes over, as my mum used to say."

Completely amused and charmed, Kei cupped a hand to his ear.
“Whatłs that I hear? Why, itłs the devil himself calling down an ice storm."

Ilara snorted. “Iłm astonished your neck can bear the weight
of your swollen head, gladiator." She tied the belt at her waist with a vicious
tug and started to stomp away.

Kei grabbed the belt, tugging her back against him. The robe
gaped open and he allowed himself a leisurely perusal of her firm, lean body.
He cupped her small breasts in his hands and leaned down next to her ear.
“There are no other women, Ilara. Youłre it, the only one I want."

She turned in his arms and looked up at him with questioning
eyes. “But how? Why?"

He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her until they
were nose to nose. “Who can say why? We simply accept what is and go from
there." He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Now, are you hungry for food?"

“Ravenous. Now put me down."

“I think not," he said, shifting her weight and tossing her
over his shoulder. “Itłs time you learned whołs in control around here."

She shrieked with laughter as he carted her out the door and
down the stairs to the kitchen. “Oh, I think I know exactly whołs in control
around here, gladiator," she bragged.


His intentions were pure, truly, they were, but when Ilarałs
clever little hands lifted the back of his robe to caress his bare ass, his
cock demanded he show her exactly who was in charge. “You want to play, little
thief?" Kei growled. “Iłll show you what happens when you taunt a master

Exhibiting more control than he thought himself capable of,
Kei placed Ilara on the kitchen island. “On your back, spread your legs." When
she didnłt respond quickly enough to suit him, he put a hand on her chest,
pressed her down to the cool stone counter. She struggled to sit up, but he
merely grasped her knees, yanked her legs wide, and hauled her ass to the edge
of the countertop. She was his woman now, and something dark and primitive
demanded she understand, accept.

“Youłre mine, Ilara," he said, dropping to his knees.

“No! I belong to me!" She tried to wriggle away from him, but
he draped her legs over his shoulders and wrapped his arms around her spread

“Youłre going to come screaming against my tongue. Then Iłm
going to bury my cock inside you and fuck you until you admit youłre mine."

Kei lowered his mouth to her, taking her clit between his
lips for a good, long suckle as she tried to fight her bodyłs response. She
bucked, slapped the countertop, and pounded her heels into his back, but Kei
held on, focusing all his attention on the swollen bud, laving it with his
tongue as he stroked the surrounding flesh with his thumbs.

“Oh!" Ilara cried out. “You bastard! Youuuuah! I hate you!"

He shook his head, making loud sucking noises as he nursed.
Time for a demonstration of just how much she hated him. He thrust a finger
inside her, palm-deep, and her hips jerked helplessly. He added another to the
mix, fucking her slowly, drawing out the pleasure until he thought she might
stand on her head simply to be able to come.

By the gods, she was a wonder. The taste of her, the texture
of her skin, the way her body reacted to his ministrations. His cock leaped,
throbbing with the need to fill her and empty his aching balls into her heated
core. But first, hełd promised to make her come screaming against his tongue.
He held her open with his fingers and pressed the flat of his tongue against
her clit, scraping back and forth against that hard kernel until she arched up
off the counter to thrust her pussy into his mouth and screamed.

“Now," Kei growled, flipping her onto her belly as he rose to
his feet. He didnłt allow her any recovery time but stepped up behind her,
lifted one of her legs onto the counter, and thrust deep. She moaned as he
pulled out, pushed back in. “A couple of ground rules, my love. No more
panties, ever. I want you free of encumbrances and ready to take me at all
times." He withdrew and drove into her again. “And there will be no more talk
of leaving. Youłre mine, Ilara. Say it." He gave her another hard pump. “Youłre

“No!" she protested, but her voice held none of its earlier

He gave her his cock, hard and deep as she liked it, then
eased back until just the bulging head remained, making liquid sounds from his
barely there thrusts. “Tell me," he demanded, feeling like his balls might
explode at any second.

When she didnłt respond, he hammered into her, fucking her
hard as she panted and moaned. He could feel her -- feel her pussy begin to
contract around him -- and deprived her of himself, again, barely allowing her
the feel of him at her entrance. “Say it!"

“Yes!" Ilara screamed. “Yes, Iłm yours!"

“Good girl," he said and thrust deep.

He rode her hard, driving into her like a finely honed
piston, gritting his teeth as she came, her pussy clamping around him like a
vise, until she pulled him over with her.

“Ilara!" he shouted, burying himself deep as he emptied his
balls. He curved his body over hers and pressed his lips to her ear. “Itłs all
right. Iłm yours too, Ilara."

She groaned beneath him. “You bet your ass, you are. But if
you ever manhandle me again, youłll be wearing your balls as earmuffs."

* * * * * *

Kei engaged the kitchen com unit and hailed Solae, not
surprised when Raav came on-screen. “Asirian," Kei acknowledged.

“Rewu," came the terse reply. Kei stifled a grin. Obviously,
Asirian hadnłt forgotten finding Kei in flagrante delicto with the beautiful
Solae. Not that they were actually doing anything, but the intent was there and
Keiłs mouth was on Solaełs breast when Asirian kicked in his door. “I expect
you want to talk to Solae."

“Actually, I want to talk to both of you, if you have a few
moments. We have a situation here, on Toru Two, and Iłd like to hire you to
look into it, if youłre available."

Asirian raised an eyebrow. “Indeed. Wełre always available,
if the price is right."

Moments later, Solae came on-screen, arms draped around her
husbandłs shoulders. “Kei! How wonderful to see you!" It was obvious by the sly
expression on her face that she hadnłt missed her callerłs rumpled state. “And
whołs that with you?"

Kei smiled and turned to Ilara. “Ilara Depherra, meet Solae
Ołbora and her husband, Raav Asirian. Solae is the former owner of the robe
youłre wearing." It was petty, he knew, but Kei hadnłt been able to resist the
tiny dig at Asirian.

“How do you do?" Ilara inquired with her prissiest Brit

Solae grinned. “Got yourself a sassy Earth girl, do you, my

Kei laughed. “Actually, Earthłs moon. Ilara was born in the
UK dome where her parents worked." He turned to Ilara. “Solae and Raav share
our love of all things Earth."

“Thatłs true," Solae agreed. “Have you taken her there yet?"

“Not yet," Kei said, raising Ilarałs hand to his lips to
press a kiss to her palm. “But I will, once things are settled here. Iłm
calling because I need your help."

Suddenly, Solae was all business. “It must be serious if you
canłt handle it yourself, my friend. Anything you need, you know that."

“I do." He squeezed Ilarałs hand and continued. “In the time
you spent here, did you ever hear of a boy the authorities called the

Solae nodded. “Yes. Allegedly runs a gang of child thieves,
or so law enforcement claims."

“That might be technically true, but therełs much more
involved than meets the eye. Thatłs where the two of you come in." Kei nodded
at Ilara. “Meet the Shepherd."

Judging from the stunned look on her face, Keiłs declaration
was the last thing shełd expected. “What are you mixed up in, Kei? Youłve heard
the rumors about law enforcement there If you run afoul of them you could be
in for more trouble than you know."

When Ilara snorted and folded her arms across her chest, Kei
leaned in to press a kiss to her temple. “Itłs complicated, Solae. Ilarałs been
on her own since she was a young child. She, along with two older kids, has
been taking in street children for years. Raising them, feeding them, and yes,
teaching them to steal. They would starve otherwise, but thatłs not the bigger

“These abandoned children are being plucked off the streets
of Toru City and sent to Cyntur-Rho to work in sex clubs that cater to those
with a taste for children. These clubs are owned by a wealthy citizen here,
Mielak Caldur."

Solaełs lips drew back in a snarl. “Let me guess. Uran Zarun
is helping him."

“So youłve heard of this, then?"

Solae took a deep breath and nodded. “One hears things, in
our line of work, but I donłt think I ever took it seriously, and I had other
things on my mind over the years. But there have always been rumblings that
Zarun is dirty." She looked at her husband, who nodded. “All right. Wełll get
organized and be there as soon as we can. Look for us in thirty days, give or
take. Raav just purchased a sporty little warp flyer, so we may make it

“Thank you, Solae."

“Not necessary, Kei. Nothing worse than a man who gets his
charge from diddling kids. Wełll see you soon." She turned her penetrating gaze
on Ilara. “I look forward to meeting the woman who captured Keiłs heart. Just
try and stay out of trouble until we get there."

“I donłt know what youłre talking about," Ilara said, her
expression pure innocence.

Solae laughed. “Oh, little girl, I know trouble when I see

Chapter Ten


Time passed quickly as Ilara and Kei spent their days and
nights getting to know one another. She had a new wardrobe now, one that shełd
never dared hope for, and those new clothes hung in Keiłs closet, a testament
to what their relationship had become. She was his woman, and as such, she
shared his bed and his closet space.

It was downright embarrassing, the way he showered her with
things, and the guilt at her newfound largesse would have been unbearable if
his generosity hadnłt extended to the children as well. True to his word, he provided
them with enough food to fill them out, and it wasnłt long before their sweet
faces lost that pinched, hungry look. And they had sufficient clothing. Not the
secondhand castoffs theyłd all grown accustomed to, but clothes that fit right
and kept them warm. If she had any complaint, it was that she missed them
terribly, but they dared not take the chance of her being seen with them.
Toward that end, she didnłt even know where Leonis had taken them. All she
could do was hope that Solae Ołbora and her husband, Raav Asirian, would be
able to prove, once and for all, that Caldur and Zarun were involved in the
disappearances, and see to it they never preyed on innocents again. If they
could manage that, Ilara figured she could deal with her feeling of inadequacy
where the famous bounty hunter was concerned.

Ilara stretched, sighing with pleasure as Keiłs large hand
covered her breast. “Good morning," she said, snuggling against his hard body.

He nuzzled her neck. “Good morning to you too. You tossed and
turned all night. Whatłs worrying you?"

It was downright disconcerting the way hełd come to know her
in such a short period of time. “Theyłre arriving today."

“Yes. Is that whatłs bothering you?"

Ilara shrugged, hoping it seemed the casual gesture she was
shooting for. “Theyłre strangers to me. I havenłt had a lot of luck with
strangers." She rolled onto her back and looked up at him. “You being the
exception to that rule, of course."

“Of course." He arched an eyebrow, then leaned down to give
her a kiss that would have made her knees turn to jelly if shełd been standing.
“Youłll do fine. Besides, theyłre friends."

Ilara snorted. “You donłt like Raav Asirian one bit."

“What?" he teased, putting on an innocent face. “What makes
you say such a thing?"

“Maybe itłs because you get all puffed up and stern whenever
you talk to him," she said, nudging him onto his back. “Itłs the same look you
get when youłre about to enter the ringthat ęIłm going to kick your ass nine
ways to Komae Sector and backł look. Do you deny it?"

She imitated the look and Kei laughed. “How can I when you
look so fierce?" His breath hissed in when she slid her hand down to capture
his cock. “Watch yourself, little thief, or youłll find yourself flat on your

She rolled on top of him, straddling his hips. “Looks to me
like youłre the one on his back, gladiator." She rose up, guiding him to her
entrance, teasing him as she took him partway inside her.

“Umm-hmm," he said, reaching between her legs. He pinched her
clit and she gasped, lowering herself onto his length. He thrust up, burying
himself deep. “Never tease a giant, little one."

Ilara pressed her palms on his chest for support and began an
easy rise and fall, tightening her muscles around his cock. “Giants fall hard
when they topple, gladiator."

“That they do, my love." He reached up, teasing her nipples
to diamond-hard tips.

Ilara threw her head back, thrusting her breasts into his
hands as she rocked on his massive cock. Stars but she loved the feel of him,
the way he filled her, the way his cock reached just the right spot when she
rode him like this. It never ceased to amaze her that a man so big could be so
gentle, so giving. He always saw to her pleasure, no matter how much he needed

“Yes," she whispered, as his hands inflamed her. It didnłt
matter where he touched her, every touch set her ablaze. A caress on her
bottom, a stroke to her thighs, the press of his finger against her clit. Every
touch aroused, urged her to take what she needed. Ah, there was that big thumb,
stroking the hard bud, kicking her need up another notch until she was bouncing
on that giant cock. “Ah! Flaming mother Canłt wait Now, come now!"

She rode him hard as she came, howling as he rolled her onto
her back, thrusting hard and fast as his own followed. “Ah, gods, I love you. I
love you," she sobbed against his damp chest.

He went still above her and she turned her face away,
desperately not wanting to see what was sure to be the look of pity in his

“Ilara. Look at me, sweet."

She sobbed. “I canłt."

“You can and you will," he demanded, taking her face in his
hands. “Did you mean it?"

“Yes," she said miserably.

“Good," he said, using his thumbs to swipe at the tears
coursing down her cheeks. “Itłs nice to know Iłm not in this thing alone."

“Youyou feel the same?"

He laughed, kissing the tip of her nose. “Youłre surprised
that I do?"

Ilara frowned. “Then say it."

“I love you," he said, his cock going hard inside her.

“Again," she demanded as he drew back and thrust into her.

“I love you." The com monitor chimed, and he groaned at the
sound of Solae Ołborałs voice announcing their imminent arrival. He reached
over Ilarałs head and activated the com, acknowledging the womanłs message,
then kissed Ilara. “To be continued."

* * * * * *

“Kei!" Solae shrieked as he opened the door.

Ilara watched as the notorious bounty hunter launched herself
at Kei, throwing her arms around his neck. The big gladiator reciprocated,
hugging her tightly as he swung her around. From the look on Asirianłs face, he
didnłt appreciate the intimacy any more than Ilara did.

Kei set Solae on her feet. “Asirian," he said, offering his

“Rewu," the mercenary acknowledged, shaking hands with his

Ilara hovered in the background, awkward in the formfitting
dress shełd chosen, hating every moment of the reunion, wishing she could sneak
back upstairs and hide in the bedroom. She hated that too, because shełd never
been a coward, no matter how difficult the task she had to face. She was only
slightly taken aback when she caught Asirian studying her intently, then
relaxed when the celebrated mercenary gave her a wink. So, he wasnłt as hard as
his reputation suggested. He stepped around his wife and smiled.

“Iłm Raav Asirian," he said, taking Ilarałs hand. “You must
be Ilara." He cast an amused glace over his shoulder at his wife. “Youłll have
to excuse them; theyłve been friends for years." He brought the hand he was
holding to his mouth for a quick brush of his lips, and Ilara could barely
contain a shiver of pleasure as his gaze swept leisurely over her body.

“Hands off my woman, Asirian," Kei protested, but he was
smiling fondly at Ilara.

Raav snorted. “Why should I, when youłve got yours all over

“I know yours," Kei pointed out.

“Yes," Raav said, running a hand down Ilarałs back. “And now
I know yours."

Ilara laughed and stepped away from Asirianłs grasp, then
looked at Solae. “Iłm Ilara. Thank you both for coming." She took a step back
as Solae approached, focusing her attention on Ilara.

“Youłve gained some weight since I saw you on-screen," Solae
said, studying her intently. “Yet you still have a waiflike beauty thatłs very
unique. How old are you?"

Ilara was taken aback by Solaełs bold assessment and equally
bold question. “Iłm not sure. Near as I can tell, I should be around twenty."
She folded her arms under her breasts and gave Solae a once-over from head to
toe. “You look a lot morematronlyin person than you do in the pictures Kei
used to have sitting around. How old are you?"

From the horrified look on the two menłs faces, the last
thing Ilara expected was Solaełs delighted laugh. “Oh my, you are going to keep
Kei on his toes, arenłt you?" She stepped across the invisible breach and
shocked Ilara by hugging her and whispering, “Iłm so glad hełs found someone to

Kei cleared his throat. “Ilara, why donłt you show Solae and
Raav to their room while I fix us some food? Then we can all sit down and
discuss the best way to approach our problem."

“Nonsense," Solae said. “I know my way around. The room
overlooking the garden, right? The one with the balcony."

“You always liked the view from that room," Kei said with a

“That I did," Solae said, turning to her husband. “And wait
until you see the tub. We could practically swim laps in the thing."

Raav chuckled and swatted Solaełs ass as they started for the
stairs. “I like the sound of that." He cocked an eyebrow at Kei. “Cook slowly,


“So, what did you think of them?" Kei asked when the couple
disappeared up the stairs.

Ilara shrugged. “I liked them. They arenłt as fierce as I

“Donłt let their good manners fool you, theyłre both deadly
opponents in their own right, but together, therełs no beating them. With them
behind us, wełll stop Caldur and Zarun, and wełll find the missing children."

“If theyłre alive," Ilara said with a sigh. “Iłm afraid it
may be too late for some of them."

Kei pulled her into his embrace and kissed the top of her
head. “Wełll help the ones we can, Ilara, and do our best to get justice for
those who didnłt make it."

Ilarałs arms tightened around his waist. “Thank you. And
thank the stars above for bringing you to me, for making you love me."

Kei laughed softly. “The stars didnłt do that, Ilara, you
did." He leaned down and kissed her, long and deep. “Now, if I remember
correctly, Solae is a championship eater, so wełd best get busy."

She pulled away from him and walked to the refrigerator, then
peeked inside. “And what was her favorite thing to eat?" Ilara asked, pausing
to look over her shoulder. “Besides you that is."

“Just grab the box of eggs and some fresh vegetables," he
said, laughing. But the laughter died in his throat as Ilara bent over to
rummage in the crisper. “Exactly what are you wearing under that dress, my

“Why, exactly nothing, gladiator. Exactly as you ordered."

“Good girl." He was behind her in a heartbeat, lifting her
off her feet and carrying her into the pantry. Suffering gods, would he never
get enough of her? He bent her over the counter and kicked her legs apart,
growling, “Iłm going to fuck you now, Ilara, and I donłt care if you come or
not." He slid his fingers between her legs to find her wet and ready. He
uttered a strangled noise as he positioned his cock against her moist lips.
“Youłre wet. For him or me?" He didnłt wait for an answer but thrust deep.

Ilara cried out as he drove into her. “For you!" she shouted.
“Only for you, Kei." He grasped the edge of the counter for support and drove
into her as she levered herself back, meeting each thrust. “Yes, yesfuck

“Ah," Kei said, understanding. He slowed his pace, giving her
long, slow thrusts, screwing his cock into her. “Youłre mine, yes." He pulled
back and drove deep. “Iłm yours, always. No one elsełs. No regrets." He let go
of the counter and slid one arm down to lift her leg high. “Now," he said.
“Hang on tight, little thief, because Iłm about to fuck you senseless." He
drilled his cock into her hard and fast, amazed when he felt her pussy clench
and spasm around him. She was coming right along with him. He rammed
balls-deep, roaring as he emptied his seed into her.

He eased her leg to the floor and leaned over her, nuzzling
her neck. “Solae is my past," he whispered. “You are my future, Ilara. Now, go
upstairs and put on some panties. Youłre to wear them as long as Asirian is
here, is that clear?"

“Crystal." Ilara giggled. “But you have to get off me first,

“Mmm, yeah, I hate when that happens. If it were possible,
Iłd carry you around impaled on my cock from dusk to dawn."

Voices from the kitchen drifted through the door. “All right,
you two, thatłll be enough of that. Your guests are hungry." They hurriedly
fixed their clothes just as the doorknob turned and Solae stepped into the
pantry. “You," she said, pointing at Ilara. “My husband tells me you arenłt
wearing any panties. Fix that."

Chapter Eleven


Brunch consisted of an egg pie filled with vegetables and
some kind of sausage Ilara didnłt recognize, plus a variety of fresh fruit, and
orange juice. They gathered at the kitchen bar, eating and talking of their
various exploits until Ilara began to feel more at ease in the intimidating

“So tell me about these children of yours," Solae said to

Ilara swallowed a bite of pie and washed it down with juice.
“Most of them come from poor families in Toru City, the children of stoners and
prostitutes. Their fathers have long since left the families behind, and the
mums simply abandon them. Others wełve picked up on Cyntur-Rho, wandering the
streets in search of whichever parent left them there. Again, itłs usually a
mum working the clubs as a prostitute. Thatłs how I found Leonis. He was five
or six at the time, some old sod was trying to lead him off. I figured hełd be
safer with me than his mum, so I brought him back here. We take in as many as
we can, feed and clothe them, teach them how to pick pockets."

“And you think thatłs an appropriate way for them to make a

“Solae" Kei cut in, but Ilara held up her hand to quiet him.

“No, I donłt think itłs an appropriate way for them to make a
living," Ilara answered, her stern Brit accent in evidence. “But it beats the
institutions the government commits them to. I was forced into that system when
my mum died, and I was brutalized more times than I can count in the so-called
loving home environments."

Ilarałs hand shook as she picked up her glass, swallowed more
juice. “I was around nine years old when I was raped the first time, by one of
my loving surrogate fathers. Since he set the example, the older boys in the
house thought it was a fine idea to use me too."

She rolled her shoulders, trying to ease the tension of
talking about her childhood. The sickness rolling in her stomach was
unexpected. After all, it had happened so many years ago, and shełd talked
about it before without feeling this way. Still, she felt safe here, in Keiłs
home, where shełd received nothing but unconditional acceptance for who she
was. Clearing her throat, Ilara continued. “When I complained to the
authorities, I was removed from the home and placed in a school for troubled
children. Nothing happened to the surrogate, but the kids in the school stole
everything I owned. The scars from the beatings have faded, but I remember
every one of them. I escaped from the school when they took us to a childrenłs
carnival on Cyntur-Rho. I was eleven.

“So, no, I donłt think teaching them to steal is the answer,
but until some other solution presents itself, itłs better than the
alternative." She paused a moment and gave Solae a hard look. “That surrogate?
His family still takes in kids. I see him on the street sometimes. He doesnłt recognize
me, of course, but I know him, and sometimes I think about killing him."

Solae placed her hand over Ilarałs fisted one. “I know the
feeling well. So we need a plan. As you mentioned earlier, Iłm too old to pass
for a teenage girl at one of these clubs, but youłre not."

Keiłs hand slammed down on the counter, startling the two
women. “Absolutely not." His face flushed with anger. “Commander Zarun now
knows Ilara is a woman. If she shows her face in any of those clubs and hełs
around, hełll stop at nothing to get at her."

“But" Ilara began, but Kei was on his feet, leaning toward
her, palms flat on the counter.

“I forbid it." He glared at Ilara, then at Solae. “She will
not be used as bait, Solae." His gaze swiveled back to Ilara. “You will not
buck my decision on this, Ilara. You set one foot in any of those places and I
will blister your backside until youłre forced to eat your meals standing for a

Ilara gritted her teeth and glared at Kei. “In case you
hadnłt noticed, Iłm not some helpless child. Iłve bloody well survived a long
time without a nursemaid."

“All right. Wełll find another way," Solae said calmly. “You
have a tournament on Cyntur-Rho soon, donłt you?" She turned to Ilara. “You
have to learn to pick your battles, darling. Keiłs right, and even if he
werenłt it would do no good to argue with him."

Kei nodded in agreement. “Next week," he said tersely. He
looked at Ilara. “Youłll be coming with me so I can keep an eye on you."

* * * * * *

The crowd at Galaxy Arena wasnłt at overflow capacity, as it
had been with the death match months earlier, but most of the stadium seats
were filled. Kei had a loyal following so the place was packed. At first, Ilara
thought she would have a difficult time escaping the eagle eyes of her guards,
but with all those people milling around, it would be fairly easy to slip away.
She even knew where she would go for help with disguising herself. One of the
many adventures Solae had told her about included a man named Alucard Ushan, a
former bounty turned respectable business owner, if owning a strip club could
be called respectable. Still, the man had a back room full of costumes she
could utilize and silicon hair coloring to change the shade. Once she ditched
her watchdogs, shełd head to the Open Flask and throw herself on Ushanłs mercy.

Ilara paced the length of Keiłs dressing room, waiting for
the tournament to start. Just before he left the room, hełd gathered her in his
arms and kissed her breathless, adding a stinging smack to her backside for
good measure.

“Remember what I said, Ilara." Then hełd set her away and
strode from the room to face his next opponent.

She smiled when she heard the roar of the crowd and hurried
to the door. Opening it, her face fell. The bastard had posted a guard outside.

“Did you need something?" the man politely asked.

“I just wanted to go watch the tournament."

He nodded. “Just turn on the video screen on the far wall and
youłll be able to watch in comfort. Therełs a replicator in the snack area if
youłre hungry."

Ilara nodded, clenching her teeth, and slammed the door in
the guardłs face. “Well," she muttered to herself. “As my mum used to say,
therełs more than one way to skin a cat."

Luck was her angel today. The bathroom had an actual window
that opened. Unfortunately, it was a good twelve feet above the floor. What to
do? Looking around, she spied Keiłs satin robe. It would be possible to use the
belt to create a rope, if she could find something else to add to it to give it
some length. In the far corner, she spied what looked like a pile of old
computer units. Upon further inspection, she uncovered several lengths of cable
that might do the trick.

The process took longer than she would have liked, but Ilara
managed to strip the plugs off the cables and wire them together, wrapping them
tightly. Lord, she hoped they held. Her weight was significantly more than when
Kei had taken her into his home, and a twelve-foot drop would hurt like hell if
the cable gave way. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she tossed the weighted
end of the cable into the airand missed the window lever completely.

Several tries later, the cable landed across the lever and
Ilara was able to maneuver it so that it wrapped around the sturdy metal
handle. She gave it a sharp tug, and the catch released, allowing the window to
open with a bang as it bounced off the wall. The noise made her cringe. What if
the guard heard it? She held her breath, waiting, but he didnłt come in.

Now came the hard part. Ilara pulled on the cable, testing it
with her weight. Once again, her luck held, and she hoisted herself up the slim
cable until she reached the open window. She shimmied herself through, then
dropped lightly to the ground. There was no way she could reach the window to
pull it shut, and she hoped the guard wouldnłt get in too much trouble for
letting her get away. Moments later, she melted into the crowd and headed for
the exit. She knew exactly where she was going and the quickest way to get

The Open Flask sat on the border between the classy
establishments and the seedier clubs that catered to the lower classes. Ilara
pushed through the door, squinting through the dim light in search of the
owner. He was behind the bar, just as Solae had described him, tall and well
built with hair the color of burnished iron.

“You looking for work, pet?" Alucard Ushan asked, giving Ilara
the once-over.

She shook her head. “No. Iłm looking for someone, and my
friend Solae said youłd be the man to ask."

Ushan raised an eyebrow. “Solae Ołbora?" He smiled. “Howłs
she doing? I havenłt seen her on Cyntur-Rho since she brought in the pirate,

“Shełs doing fine. Married the mercenary, Asirian."

“And do you have a man, love?" He gave her a dubious look and
set his rag aside. “You donłt look old enough."

Ilara smiled. “Looks can be deceiving, Ushan. Iłm Kei Rewułs
woman." That surprised him all right.

“Iłd heard hełd taken up with a woman. So, what can I do for
Solaełs friend?"

Ilara bit her lip. She was crossing a line here, and Kei
would be furious with her. “Iłm looking for a young girl. She was abducted from
Toru City, and I believe whoever took her has her working the area around
Barely Legal. I need a disguise, one that will get me inside the club without
anyone recognizing me. Solae said you might be able to help me with that."

Alucard Ushan folded his muscular arms over his chest. “Did
she now? And whatłs to prevent Rewu from coming in here and kicking my ass if I
help you?"

Ilarałs expression was grim. “If he kicks anyonełs ass, itłll
be mine. Besides, he doesnłt need to know where I got the disguise. Iłll simply
tell him I stole it."

Ushan laughed. “In the back, behind the curtain. Iłd go red
if I were you."

Ilara grinned. “Thank you, Ushan. Iłll bring the clothes back
when Iłm done."

“Just go out the back door. If anyone asks, Iłll deny you
were ever here."

Once in the back, Ilara looked over the selection of costumes
with a critical eye. Most were too revealing, catering to an audience with a
preference for women, not girls. There were, however, a few that would pass
muster. She selected a short pink dress with puffed sleeves and an empire
waistline. Paired with white knee socks and black buckle shoes, she guessed she
could pass for an adolescent girl.

The red, silicon-based hair color went on like a gel, and she
brushed it through her hair, which she then twisted into dual braids. She
grinned at her reflection in the big mirror. The hairstyle knocked off another
couple of years and she figured shełd look about fourteen to some horny bastard
with a taste for young girls. She stuffed her clothes in a duffel and pushed
out the back door. Shełd have to hurry because she figured Ushan was probably
on the com with Solae Ołbora, filling his friend in on Ilarałs plans. Which
meant she had a limited amount of time to accomplish what she needed to do. The
door closed behind her, and Ilara walked around the building and headed down
the street to the seedier part of town.

Twilight turned the landscape gray, and Ilara imagined it was
a perfect match for the faces of the people who cruised this particular
neighborhood. The very air she breathed felt thick with despair and secrets.
Young girls stood on the corners or strolled up and down the sidewalks,
expressions hollow and listless. Their eyes no longer held the spark of
humanity. Had Athara already met a similar fate? Was she even alive?

She approached a tiny blonde with sunken eyes. “Do you know a
girl called Athara?" The girl just looked at her and shrugged. “She would be
about your age. Dark brown hair, blue eyes, a little scar on her chin."

“Thatłs Shiree," the blonde said. “I havenłt seen her for a
few days. Last I saw her, she had a date with a security guy."

Ilara shuddered. “This security guy, whatłd he look like?"

“Big guy, big belly, sweated a lot."

“Crooked front teeth that look like he hasnłt tended them in

The girl nodded. “Thatłs the one. I been with him before. He
likes to hurt the girls. Likes to hear them cry. Shiree hasnłt been back since
she went off with him. Probably wonłt be either. Some of them donłt come back
when they go with him."

“Then why go with him?"

The girl shrugged and jerked her head toward the entrance to
Barely Legal. “Boss inside chooses. We got no choice. Shiree, shełs mouthy. The
boss sends the mouthy ones with assholes like that security fellow. He usually
beats it out of them. The ones he canłt, they donłt come back."

The blonde girl took a step back. “The boss is watchinł. You
gotta go before you earn me a lickinł. Sorry about your friend."

Ilara nodded and pasted a smile on her face, then turned to
greet the manager of Barely Legal. “You got any openings for a dancer?" She
forced herself not to gag when the man reached out and squeezed her breast.

“Small, but nice and firm. How old are you, girl?"

Ilara plastered a coy smile on her face. “Iłm just the age
the sign says, barely legal."

He gestured toward the door. “Step inside. Wełll give you a
trial run. The customers like you, wełll talk a permanent gig. You wanna do
more than dance, wełll talk about that too." The man ran his hand down her ass,
testing each cheek. “Very nice. I can set you up with a list of clients who
like underage pussy. Of course, Iłd have to take you for a test drive first."

Chapter Twelve


Kei had the security guard by the neck, the guardłs toes
barely touching the floor as he interrogated him.

“Kei, darling," Solae soothed. “The man canłt answer your
questions with your shovel-sized hand around his neck."

Kei blinked and choked down his anger. The guard sank to the
floor, coughing. “Sorry," Kei said. “But why didnłt you check the bathroom?"

“Iłm sorry, sir. It never occurred to me shełd climb out the
window. I mean, itłs twelve feet off the ground. A bodyłd have to be part
monkey to do that. Besides, she seemed so ladylike and sweet."

Kei, Solae, and Raav all snorted in unison. “I said she was
trouble," Solae pointed out, tapping her foot. “At least Alucard had the good
sense to call me. Letłs go and get her."

“I have a mind to beat her black and blue," Kei grumbled.

Asirian clapped him on the back. “Well, I wouldnłt go that
far, Rewu, but she obviously needs some discipline. Iłd be happy to loan you my
favorite paddle."

Kei stopped and swiveled to look from Raav to Solae. “Youłre

Raav patted Solaełs bottom. “Not at all. My wife can be a
very bad girl, canłt you, darling?" When she nodded and smiled, he turned back
to Kei. “It adds a certainelementto a relationship while getting your point
across quite nicely. Only way to control an unruly female."

“Suffering gods," Kei muttered, going hard at the thought. “I
still want to wring her damn neck."

“Well, letłs go get her first," Solae said patiently. “Before
she gets herself into some serious trouble."

Solae grasped Keiłs arm when they arrived at Barely Legal.
“Donłt create a scene when we get in there, okay? For all we know, she could
have made some progress. Letłs not blow it, but letłs get her out as quickly as
we can." She turned to her husband. “Raav, if shełs working the place, see if
you can get the manager to send her to a private room in the back. Pay him
whatever it costs to make it happen."

With a plan in place, the three of them stepped into the
club, and Kei thought he might actually have a stroke. There on the stage,
swinging around a brass pole, was the woman he loved. His breath caught in his
throat. “Flaming mother," he cursed softly, as Ilara leaped, wrapped a leg
around the pole, and hung upside down. “Iłm going to kill her."

A quick scan of the room got him a glimpse of Mielak Caldur
studiously observing her performance. It was all Kei could do to restrain the
urge to kill the bastard. “Caldurłs here, behind the bar, watching her. I
swear, she wonłt sit for a week," Kei growled, watching Ilara bump and grind
against the pole. He sucked in a breath when she leaned over, waving her firm
little ass in some pervertłs face. Asirian had to restrain him when said
pervert tucked a bill into Ilarałs lacy panties and patted her butt.

He knew the moment she saw him. Her eyes widened slightly,
but that was the only acknowledgment she gave him. He made his way to the stage
and took a seat. She never missed a beat as she tilted her chin, offered a coy
smile, and danced away from him.

Kei slumped in his chair, assuming a casual posture. Reaching
into a pocket, he pulled out several bills, waving them at Ilara as she swung
around the pole. She had no choice, she had to come to him, and she did, bold
as brass, crawling to the edge of the stage. He went rock hard when she lifted
her dress, slid her hands up her bare belly to her breasts. She took them in
her hands, threw her head back, body undulating suggestively. When she thrust
her pelvis toward him, he tucked a bill into her panties, pressing his middle
finger against her clit through the pink silk. She hissed and he gave her a
humorless smile. She was in damned big trouble and she knew it.

“Come closer, little girl," he urged, holding up a large
bill. “Therełs plenty more where that came from, but I want to see what Iłm
paying for."

He hadnłt thought shełd really do it, but she moved to the
edge of the stage. With a little giggle, she dropped to her knees, legs spread.
Sliding her hands down her body, she lifted her dress to show him her lacy pink
panties again.

“Is this what you want, big guy?" she taunted, dipping her
hands between her legs. “You just slip that bill anywhere you want, mister."

So, she wanted to live dangerously, did she? Kei accepted the
challenge and slid the neatly folded bill through one leg of her panties,
tucking it between her pussy lips. He tugged on one braid until her face was
close to his. “Iłll be removing that with my teeth later. Meet me in a private
room," he growled. He released her just as the music ended, relieved that he
wouldnłt have to endure the sight of some pervert trying to put his hands on

At Solaełs signal, Kei got up and followed her to the private
room where Asirian waited. “The managerłs going to send her in when she
finishes this dance. Bastard charged me a thousand Alliance marks for a private

“Youłll get your money back, Asirian," Kei growled. “But Iłll
expect the two of you to leave us alone when she gets here."

Solae shook her head. “No way in hell, my friend. Youłre too
angry. You can deal with her once you get her home."

Kei gritted his teeth, then nodded. She was probably right.
If Ilara mouthed off at him now, he might do something hełd regret later. He
was having a difficult enough time with the whistles and catcalls that
indicated Ilarałs routine was over. He took a deep breath and unclenched his
fists. There would be hell to pay when they got back to Toru City.

When the door opened and Ilara stepped inside with her
duffel, he took it from her and emptied the contents on the roomłs small table.
“Get out of that ridiculous costume and put on your own clothes.

Ilara gaped at him, then folded her arms over her chest, chin
tilting defiantly. “In case you hadnłt noticed, wełre not alone in here."

“You werenłt alone out there either, but that didnłt stop you
from letting those men stuff money into your pussy."

“I -- they did nothing of the sort!" she shrieked. “Youłre
the one who stuffed money in my crotch." She jammed her hands on her hips and
leaned forward, her face in his. “And youłre one to talk, Mr.
Big-Time-Isnłt-My-Body-Brilliant-Gladiator. Iłm not the one who goes around
exposing my body to every slavering woman with eyes in her head! Do you think I
havenłt seen them trying to lift that damned loincloth to get a peek at whatłs

Kei was dumbfounded that she had the gall to compare the two
incidents. “I was working! Itłs an occupational hazard."

“So was I!" Ilara shoved him so hard he stumbled backward.
“Youłre just mad because I had the nerve to disobey one of your high-handed

“High-handed" Kei sputtered. “I hope whatever you found out
was worth what itłs going to cost you when we get home, little thief. Now,
dress or Iłll do it for you."

She straightened her shoulders and glared at him as she
yanked the dress over her head and threw it in his face. “Iłll let you all be
the judge of what I learned." Reaching for her fluttery silk top, she drew it
on, then started yanking bills out of the waistband of her lacy thong.

When she hooked her finger inside the leg, Kei barked, “Leave
it. I told you Iłd remove it myself."

Ilara hissed. “Bastard." But she left it where it was and
pulled on her trousers. “Happy now?"

Kei snorted and quirked a finger at her. “Come here." When
she hesitated, he repeated himself. “I said come here, Ilara."

She looked at Solae and Raav, both of whom held up their
hands and stepped back. “Cowards," she muttered, prompting a bark of laughter
from Raav. She took a deep breath and went to Kei.

He pulled her onto his lap, locking his arm around her waist.
“Sit while you can, Ilara, and tell us what you learned."

Ilara sat, holding her body stiff, no doubt to keep from
leaning against his supporting arm. His dick went hard, and he heard her soft
gasp, but if she thought that would save her the spanking she so richly
deserved, shełd better think again. “Talk, Ilara, before I turn you over my
knee in front of Solae and Raav."

She wriggled her ass until it was snug against his erection
and gave him a smug smile. “I talked to a young girl outside who knew Athara.
The manager changed her name to Shiree, according to this girl. She said Athara
tended to be mouthy, and when the girls are mouthy, he gives them to Zarun for
an attitude adjustment. She hasnłt seen Athara since Zarun took her away. Some
of them donłt come back from their time with him, so it seems likely shełs
dead." At that, she slumped against Kei.

“Iłm so sorry, Ilara," Kei soothed, unraveling the braids to
let her hair fall around her in a cascade of red curls.

“Me too," she said, her voice cracking. “I should have done
more to protect her."

“You did all you could, love." He set her on her feet. “Come
now, letłs go home." He took her hand and led her to the door. “You took a very
dangerous chance coming here, Ilara. Caldur was here, watching you dance. He
could have had someone take you out of here and wełd never have known where to
find you."

“That could be true, but I had to do something. Iłm sorry --"

Kei cut her off with a chop of his hand. “Sorry for
disobeying me, or sorry you got caught?"

“Not as sorry as shełs gonna be," Solae muttered to her

During the trip back to Toru City, the four of them talked
about various approaches to penetrating the veil of secrecy surrounding the
child sex trade in Toru City and on Cyntur-Rho.

“I think itłs time I call my old friend Magistrate Uhorru and
see what passes for society in Toru City," Solae mused. “Perhaps he can get
Raav and me an invite to one of Caldurłs parties. If we can get inside his
home, maybe we can search the place and find some kind of evidence against the

“Wonderful idea, darling," Raav said. “I havenłt seen you in
a fancy party dress since we attended the embassy party to celebrate passage of
the galactic tribunal legislation. I always enjoy seeing you in dress."

Solae snorted. “You only like me in a dress because it offers
instant access, Asirian."

“That is true, my love. Therełs nothing quite like the sight
of your sweet ass framed by black silk."

Solae laughed. “If you goose the thrusters on this chariot,
Iłll put one on for you when we get back."

Asirian chuckled and shoved the stick forward, prompting his
wife to laugh as Cyntur-Rho disappeared behind them at subsonic speed.

* * * * * *

Ilara yelp as Kei dragged her up the stairs behind him. “Let
go, damn you!" she yelled, attempting to yank her arm from his grasp. Rather
than fight her, he simply dropped his arm around her waist and hauled her off
her feet, carrying her like a recalcitrant child as her arms and legs flailed
at him. To her everlasting mortification, he paused at the door and looked down
the stairs at Solae and Raav.

“Good night, wełll see you in the morning," he said
pleasantly, then stepped inside the room.

With a simple “door lock," Ilara was trapped inside with him.
When he set her on her feet, she shrieked in fury and lunged, hoping to scratch
his eyes out. Treat her like a child, would he? Not in this lifetime. But he
parried her move easily, brushing her away like a pesky mosquito, then calmly
doffed his shirt and kicked off his boots.

She backed away, a gasp of outrage flying from her lips. “You
donłt seriously think Iłm going to let you touch me," she spat.

Kei laughed and stalked her across the room. “Oh, Iłm going to
do more than touch you, Ilara. Iłm going to paddle your cute little ass and
then Iłm going to fuck you speechless."

“You wouldnłt dare," she challenged, narrowing her eyes at

“Oh, I dare, my love. After the stunt you pulled tonight, I

He lunged at her, and she darted left, away from the bed, but
she wasnłt fast enough. His fist closed around her shirt, and with a quick
jerk, she was in his arms.

Ilara cursed and flailed as he hauled her across the room to
the bed. “You bastard!" She swung her raised elbow back. He grunted and she was
pretty sure shełd blackened his eye, but it did her no good. Almost before she
could blink, she was facedown on the bed, and off came her trousers, panties
and all.

“You son of a filthy, goat-fucking trog!" The curse earned
her a sharp rap on the backside and she screeched in rage. The mattress tilted
and then he unceremoniously hauled her across his lap.

“I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me, didnłt I?"
When she didnłt answer, he gave another stinging swat. “Didnłt I?"

“Yes!" she shrieked, trying to lever herself off his lap.

“Suppose Caldur had gotten his hands on you?" Kei said
conversationally. “Or worse, Zarun."

“I said I was sorry," she wailed, though she was pretty sure
all her squalling wasnłt helping matters at all.

“And I told you I thought you were only sorry youłd been
caught. Youłre about to be sorrier, little one." His hand came down on her
bottom in a series of stinging swats Whap,
whap, whapthen he paused, caressing her throbbing flesh. “Now, thatłs a
pretty pink ass, my love."

“Why you!" She was about to spit out a series of inventive
curses when that big hand came down on her upraised ass again. Whapwhapwhapwhap.

“Thatłs for displaying yourself to the perverts in that bar."
He smoothed his hand over her stinging ass, letting his fingers burrow between
her cheeks. She moaned in humiliation at the wetness he found there. “Well,
now, this is a surpriseyoułre turned on."

“N-no." She tried to swallow a sob.

“Liar," he said with a husky laugh. His fingers delved into
her pussy. “Never again, Ilara. No man touches you but me."

“No one," she whispered as he stroked her.

“Good girl," he purred, pulling out. “Now, I want you to move
to the middle of the bed and get on your hands and knees."

“Why --" She received another sharp smack on her tender
bottom. She moaned and scrambled to do Keiłs bidding.

Chapter Thirteen


Ilara trembled as she waited on hands and knees for Kei.
Moments later, he appeared by the side of the bed with a black velvet pillow.

“Now," he said, sliding a thick bolster pillow beneath her
tummy. “Lower your upper body to the mattress but keep your lovely, blushing
ass in the air."

Ilara groaned. Oh, Merlinłs whiskers, she knew what he was
going to do and she wanted it, despite the fact that hełd just paddled her ass.
She turned her head to watch as he pulled off his pants. Seraphimłs belt! Was
it possible for him to be even bigger than he normally was. He leaned forward
and gave her a light smack.

“Eyes forward, spread your legs." He climbed on the bed
behind her and knelt between her legs, taking her ass in his hands.

Oh bloody hell, the man was a magician. She nearly screamed
as he traced the edges of her pussy with his thumbs.

“Mmm," he murmured. “This is the prettiest pussy in the
world, baby. Do you remember what else I told you I was going to do to you?"

She gasped as both thumbs dipped between her cunt lips,
stroking slowly. “Yes."

“Say it. Tell me what Iłm going to do to you."

Ilara took a ragged breath. “Youłre going to fuck me

“Good girl." He rewarded her by spreading her cheeks and
putting his mouth on her pussy.

“Oooh." She gasped as he nibbled and licked. This was new.
Hełd never eaten her pussy from this position, and she shrieked when his tongue
wandered to her perineum, then flicked the tiny rosebud of her ass.

“You like that too," Kei said, then gently bit her bottom.
“Do you trust me, baby?"

“Iyes, I trust you." She inhaled sharply when his thumb drew
the moisture from her core and spread it over the tiny opening. “Oh!" she
squeaked as his thumb pressed inside. Her pussy contracted, pulsing wildly.

“I have a toy Iłd like to try on you," he whispered darkly,
pressing his thumb deeper. “Itłs no wider than my thumb, and you like that,

“Yes." She sighed. And she did like it, especially when he
pressed his mouth against her pussy, sucking noisily as he tormented her ass.
He gave her clit a good hard suck, then asked, “Do you want to try it? If you
donłt like it, all you have to do is tell me and wełll stop. But itłll feel
good, baby, that little toy in your ass and my cock buried in your pussy."

Ilara hesitated. The one thing no one had ever done to her
was fuck her ass, and the thought frightened her, even as it aroused her. But
this was Kei, the man who loved her, whom she loved.

“It wonłt hurt?"

“No, baby. There might be some initial discomfort, but itłs
more pleasure than pain." He leaned down and resumed feasting on her throbbing
cunt as his thumb worked inside her.

“Oh, gods," she moaned. “Yes, if it feels anywhere near as
good as what youłre doing now, yes."

“I promise it will." He eased out of her, and a minute later,
she felt something cool on her burning anus. “Just some lubricant to make it
comfortable for you."

Ilarałs breath hitched in her chest as something slick and
hard probed her rear opening. The toy.

“Here it comes. You tell me if you want me to stop." He
stroked her bottom as the plug pressed past the tight anal opening and pushed

Sweet shining stars.
The long, narrow plug advanced slowly as Kei crooned words of encouragement.

“Oh, thatłs so sexy. I wish you could see your sweet little
ass spreading, opening to take it all in. Iłm so hot for you, baby. I canłt
wait to bury my dick in your hot pussy. And someday, when youłre ready, Iłd
love to fuck this pretty little hole too."

Ilara could feel her cheeks heating with a scalding blush.
Hełd never talked to her this way before. Oh, theyłd talked dirty, but not like
this. The words, and the sound of his voice, were so erotic that her pussy was
completely drenched.

At last, the plug was seated deep inside her ass. “Does it

“No. It feelsexotic. Kei?"

“Yes, love?"

“Will you please fuck me now? I want you inside me so badly,
I can hardly stand it."

He laughed softly. “It will be my pleasure."

Ilara moaned as the head of Keiłs cock parted the slippery
folds of her pussy. She nearly groaned as he paused at the entrance of her

“Can you feel it? Can you how feel hot and hard I am for you,
my love?"

“Yes," she rasped. “Oh, please!" He gently bumped her
clitoris with the head of his cock and Ilara cried out. “Oh, suffering gods,
what are you doing to me?"

“Iłm getting ready to fuck you, baby." He teased her opening
with tiny thrusts, withdrawing and thrusting, keeping one hand on her ass to
keep her from pushing back against him. “Your pussyłs so pretty and pink. Do
you want my cock inside you?"

“Yes!" she wailed, frustrated that he wouldnłt give her what
she wanted.

“Do you want it bad?"

She panted. “Bad, Kei. I want it real bad." He gave her an
inch, thrusting slowly, in and out, but never giving her more. She was
practically sobbing, her need for him was so great.

Ilara thought she might die if Kei didnłt fuck her. Hełd
taken her to heights unknown before, but nothing like this. Her body quivered
and burned with desire. She wanted to fuck, needed to fuck. She wanted him to
plow into her and take her with an animal frenzy. Always before shełd wanted
him, but never like now. This was beyond anything shełd ever experienced.

He gave her another inch and she hissed. “More, I need more."

“Then have more, my love." He gave her more but still
withheld complete penetration. “Is that good? Do you like how my cock feels
inside you?"

“Yes, yes," she said. “Oh gods, Kei, youłre killing me!"

“Well, we canłt have that, can we?" he teased, pulling out.

“Keiii!" Oh stars, if he left her like this shełd surely die.
But then he was there, poised at her entrance, his hands on her hips.

“Now," he rasped and buried himself balls-deep.

“Yeoooh!" Ilara screamed as he drove into her, pumping his
meaty cock hard and deep. She came, hard.

Oh gods, it felt so good -- he felt so good. She moaned as
his hard length speared her. Over and over he drove into her, his strong hands
on her hips, pulling her against him as he fucked her. Every time his hips
collided with her bottom, he jostled the plug buried in her ass, adding a new
level of sensation that drove her wild.

“Yes, yes! Give it to me," she sobbed. “So goodso good."

Ilara felt as though she would burst into flames. In the
nearly two months shełd lived with Kei, hełd had her in almost every way a man
could have a woman, but it had never been like this before.

“Again," he demanded. “Come again, Ilara."

“I canłt," she wailed. “Itłs too muchtoo much." But her body
didnłt believe her, and neither did the man riding her so hard and so deep.

“You will," he growled and reached between her legs to pluck
at her clit.

“Oh, flaming mother," Ilara cried. She uttered a strangled
cry as she came.

“Ah, fuck, yeah!" Kei roared as he rammed deep one last time.
He held her tight against him, filling her with his essence.

Ilara groaned and stretched out on her stomach when Kei eased
the bolster out from under her.

“Are you all right?" he asked. “I didnłt hurt you, did I?"

“Not unless a person can die of orgasm overload."

He reached for her, and Ilara let him drape her across his
chest. “What you did tonight was very dangerous, Ilara, and I want your word it
wonłt happen again."

Ilara sighed. Shełd known theyłd have to talk about it sooner
or later, and she didnłt know how to tell him she couldnłt make such a promise.
“I canłt do that, Kei. If one of the children is in trouble and comes to me, I
canłt not try to help."

“Damn it, woman --" He would have gone on a rant, but she
placed her hand over his mouth.

“Hush for a moment. I canłt promise not to help when they
need me, but I will promise not to take off without letting you know." She
replaced her hand with her mouth, kissing him long and slow. “You canłt keep me
locked behind these walls forever, Kei. One of these days, Iłm going to have to
venture out on my own again." She rested her forehead against his. “Iłm used to
taking care of myself, and I know how to stay safe."

He sighed. “I just donłt want any harm to come to you."

“I know, and I donłt want to get hurt. Iłve found something
with you that Iłd never hoped to experience. How could I ever have imagined a
love like this existed? I never thought But Iłm still a wild thing, Kei, and
you canłt keep me penned in forever."

Kei rolled onto his side, taking her with him, snuggling her
close in his arms. “You are a wild thing, little thief, and it wonłt be
forever. Just promise me that if you have to go somewhere, youłll let me know.
Iłll take you anywhere you want to go, baby."

Ilara laughed softly. “Well, you certainly proved that

“I guess I did, if your howling orgasms are any indication.
Now, letłs get some sleep. Wełll talk about this more in the morning. If
Solaełs plan works, we wonłt have to worry about Zarun or Caldur very much

“Well, I hope they donłt get up too early," Ilara said,
uttering a jaw-cracking yawn. “Because youłve worn me out."

A loud cry echoed down the hallway and Kei laughed. “I donłt
think we have to worry about them waking us up. Sounds like theyłre still
enjoying themselves." He gave her a squeeze. “You liked it too, didnłt you?"

Ilara snorted. “What was your first clue?"

“Well, all that caterwauling was a pretty good sign.
Soooyoułd like to do it again?"

Ilara laughed and wiggled her bottom against him. “Suppose I
disobey you again, real soon, and wełll find out."

His cock went hard. “Ilara," he whispered, lifting her leg
back across his hip. “Do you have one more in you?" He thrust, filling her.

“Always," she moaned as he reached around her to stroke her
clit. He took her hard and fast, making her come quickly, then followed her
over. He was still inside her when they dropped off to sleep.

Chapter Fourteen


“Whatłs that smell?" Ilara asked, stepping out of the shower
with Kei.

He raised his head and sniffed. “Coffee," he said, smiling.
“Theyłve been to Earth."

Ilara inhaled deeply. “It smells wonderful. Do you eat it?
Does it taste good?"

Kei chuckled. “I take it your mother was a tea drinker." He
wrapped a towel around his waist and gave her bottom a light swat before
heading into the bedroom. “Itłs a drink, and a bit of an acquired taste. Taste
tends toward bitterness unless you sweeten it and add milk." When she followed
him out, he leaned down and kissed her.

“Huh," Ilara grunted and dried herself briskly. “Whatłs the
point if you have to sweeten it and add milk to make it taste good?"

“I think itłs the caffeine. Solae and Raav swear by the
stuff. I never much cared for it when shełd come to visit." He tossed his towel
on the bed and dressed quickly. “Wełd better get downstairs. Solae isnłt known
for her skills in the kitchen, and Iłd like to eat something that hasnłt been
burned to ashes."

Sure enough, as they approached the kitchen, they heard
Solaełs voice. “How do you turn this goddamned thing on?" Ilara grinned at the
grim expression on Keiłs face when they heard a pan being slammed on the range
top. “Why canłt he get a replicator like a normal person?"

“Where did you ever get the idea you were normal, darling?"
Raavłs voice teased.

“I donłt have a replicator because I prefer to eat real food,
darling," Kei said, stepping into the kitchen. “Replicator food is fine for you
barbarian types, but we civilized folk like to know exactly how our meals
started their lives."

Ilara giggled when Solae snorted in disgust and moved around
to take a seat at the island bar. “By all means, cook away, my friend," she
said, giving Ilara a wink. “We cretins will just sit back and let you serve
us." She patted the seat beside her. “Come sit beside me, Ilara. I heard you
screaming last night; the big brute hurt you?"

Ilara winced as she slid onto the barstool. “Erum, no, he
didnłt," she said, feeling a flush rise in her cheeks. Surely, Solae didnłt
expect her to discuss her sex life in front of the two men. She was way out of
her element with the galaxy-hopping siren sitting beside her.

Solae patted her back. “Donłt worry," she said as if reading
Ilarałs mind. “You donłt have to give up the details. I just wanted to make
sure youłre okay. "

Ilara grabbed the cup of coffee Kei had doctored and put in
front of her. She took a huge gulp and nearly choked. “Bloody fucking hell!"
she cursed. “Whatłs in this, acid?" She gaped at Solae. “Flaming mother, you
actually pay for this stuff?"

Solae took the cup from her and took a sip, sighing. “Iłll
have you know thatłs premium stuff. Jamaican Blue Mountain, straight from the
Caribbean islands on Earth."

“And theyłre welcome to it," Ilara said, making a face. “Iłll
stick to tea, thank you."

Solae rolled her eyes. “How very British of you. Kei, make
your girl a cup of tea. I donłt believe she has the palate for coffee."

“You can say that again," Ilara muttered, smiling at Kei as
he handed her a cup of tea. She took a sip, then turned back to Solae. “So,
tell me about this plan of yours. How can Magistrate Uhorru help us?"

Solae chuckled. “So, itłs right down to business, is it? No
girl talk?"

“Yes, it is. And itłs not girl talk if the room is filled
with big, strapping men."

Raav laughed and kissed his wifełs cheek. “Shełs got you
there, darling."

It was with no small sense of relief that the conversation
turned to mission planning while Kei mixed up a batch of waffles for breakfast.

* * * * * *

“Stop worrying," Kei told Ilara as they sat at the huge desk
in his office later that evening. “Solae knows what shełs doing. Shełs done
this kind of thing hundreds of times. So has Asirian. If therełs evidence in
that house, theyłll find it."

Ilara shifted in her seat as they watched the wall monitor.
“Itłs very unnerving observing it unfold like this. Suppose something goes
wrong? What if they get hurt? Wełll be sitting here watching it like it was one
of your films."

Kei lifted her onto his lap, smiling at her contented sigh as
she snuggled against him. “Some of Asirianłs men are stationed close by, and
theyłre watching too. If anything goes wrong, help isnłt far away."

They watched, intrigued, as the air taxi pulled up in front
of a glass and steel mansion. Solae and Raav stepped out of the cab, pausing to
look around as though fascinated with the landscaping.

The grounds were planted with mature trees, most of which
twinkled with thousands of tiny white lights, giving them a magical air. Exotic
birds, several of which Kei recognized as peacocks, strutted gracefully across
the manicured lawns.

“Why, it looks like a fairyland," Ilara said, awestruck. “How
can someone who lives with such beauty be so ugly?"

Kei gave her a squeeze. “I wish I had an answer for you,
love, but I donłt. All I can do is promise you that his next place of residence
wonłt be nearly so grand. Look, theyłre going inside."

As Solae and Raav climbed the stairs to the grand entrance,
the doors were thrown open and Mielak Caldur himself greeted them."

“Captain Ołbora, Captain Asirian," their host gushed. “Iłm so
pleased to meet you at last." He took Solaełs hand and brought it to his lips.
“You are even more lovely than your photographs, my dear." He released her hand
and turned to shake Raavłs. “You are a lucky man, Captain."

Raav gave him a stiff bow and shook hands. “Indeed I am, sir.
A circumstance my wife reminds me of on a daily basis." He offered Solae his
arm, and she took it, laughing softly.

“My husband is such a tease, sir. I only remind him once a
week." They followed Caldur into the grand hall. “And may I say, you have a
wonderful home?" She uttered a wistful sigh. “I might consider settling down if
I had a place like this to come home to."

“Iłm flattered youłd say so, my dear," Caldur said, puffing
up with pride. “Please feel free to look around. Perhaps youłd like the name of
my architect. I know hełd love to have the distinction of building you your
dream home."

Solae smiled. “Why, Iłd absolutely adore it if you would do
that for us. How generous!" She turned in a full circle, noting every ingress
and egress. “I donłt supposebut no, I couldnłt ask it of you."

“What, my dear, you have but to ask."

“Well, I was going to ask if we could take a peek at your
blueprints. I do so admire the layout of the place. Oh, and your landscaping is
exquisite. Did you plan the grounds yourself?"

Caldur laughed, clearly charmed by the renowned bounty
hunter. “Actually, I did, for the most part, but I had a designer draw up the
plans for me. Hełs the same fellow whołs responsible for the Toru City
Botanical Park."

“Oh my, Iłve been there. Itłs stunning."

Kei chuckled. “Thatłs a girl, pump him up. Look at him preen
like a peacock. Solae Ołbora wouldnłt know the inside of a botanical park if it
bit her on the ass."

After a few more moments of chitchat, Caldur left Solae and
Raav to mingle and went back to greeting his guests, many of whom were still
arriving. Taking two glasses of wine from a passing tray, Raav guided Solae
onto the terrace.

“How are we coming through?" he asked, pushing a tiny button
to activate his receiver.

“Loud and clear," Kei answered. “Those lens cameras work
better than I expected. Wełre recording everything, so therełll be lot of
footage to go through, but better to have too much than not enough." He
chuckled. “Iłd forgotten how adept you are at stroking the male ego, Solae
darling. You had the bastard eating out of your hands."

Solae smiled and looked into her husbandłs eyes. “Yes, I do
believe wełll be invited to look at the blueprints for this monstrosity once
the party gets rolling." She draped an arm around Raavłs neck, plastering her
body against his. “Time for a little make-out session, so it doesnłt look weird
if wełre found someplace we donłt belong."

“Excellent idea, darling," Raav purred. “And where shall we
start, hmm?"

Kei and Ilara exchanged amused glances when Raav winked for
the camera.

Solae chuckled. “How about a kiss?"

“Ah, a kiss. Where, exactly?"

Solae gave him coy smile. “Why, you might start by kissing my
ass, darling."

Chapter Fifteen


Keiłs assessment of the amount of footage theyłd have to go
through was correct. Solae and Raav had been at the party for two hours before
Caldur approached them with his architect in tow. They took another hour going
over the blueprints and bullshitting the architect, convincing the man theyłd
contact him when they returned from a nonexistent mission.

As the evening grew later, and the guests became well oiled
on their hostłs liquor and food, the dancing started. In spite of himself, Kei
was impressed with Asirianłs skill on the dance floor. He led Solae around the
room, each of them taking the opportunity to scope out the placement of
security cameras and personnel. When the music slowed down, Asirian pulled his
wife close, blatantly caressing her ass. Kei watched, completely nonplussed.
Whatever hełd felt for Solae was a thing of the past. He looked down at the
woman dozing in his lap and felt a sense of contentment hełd never known
before. They would expose the evil perpetrated by Caldur and Zarun. He would
see Ilara and her beloved children made safe, and then hełd marry her. He drew
her closer and closed his eyes.

Kei woke with a start and looked at the wall screen. Solae
and Asirian had just breached Caldurłs office.

“Wełre in," she said as she crossed to the media cabinet.
“Youłre the expert hacker, darling. You check his computer while I go through
his media files."

Raav grinned, sat down at the desk, and cracked his knuckles.
“Happy to, darling." He fired up the computer, hands hovering over the
keyboard. His fingers danced over the keys and then he smiled. “Not much
security. Either hełs ignorant about security or he doesnłt think he has much
to worry about. Letłs turn off the security cameras in this area, shall we?"
With a few more keystrokes, he disabled the security in the office. “Rewu,
split your screen so you can keep an eye on the hallway, will you? Let us know
if anyone approaches."

“Will do." Kei shifted Ilara in his lap and tapped a couple
of keys to display the hallway as well as the office. He heard Solae gasp.
“What? Have you found something?"

“Digital recordings. Therełs one here with Ilarałs friendłs
name engraved on it." She pulled the data chip from its storage slot, then
inserted it into the display screen and hit Play. “Oh, suffering gods, Kei."

Kei watched with horror as a young girl was brought into
Caldurłs bedroom by Zarun himself. His gut clenched. “I canłt watch this,
Solae. Turn it off before Ilara wakes. Can you get out of there with those

“Absolutely. Wełll take them all." She turned to her husband
and Kei saw a look of pure rage on Asirianłs face.

“Hełs a dead man," Asirian said through clenched teeth.

“That goes without saying, darling, but not tonight. Is there
anything on that computer worth loading to your dataport?"

“Oh yes." He plugged a data recorder into the computer and
began the download. “Digital images too, much like what you were looking at.
Rewu, shall I send these to the magistratełs office?"

Kei smiled coldly. “Oh yes. To the magistratełs office, to
Galactic Security headquarters, and to the editor of the Toru Times. I want these bastards exposed to every news
organization and governing agency available."

Raavłs fingers flew. “Done. I also sent the files to my
brother. Hełll make a point to have his men harass Caldurłs ships. I expect his
men will be more than happy to wreak a little destruction in Caldurłs clubs
too. Before wełre done with him, wełll bleed his bank accounts dry." He
manipulated the keyboard once more. “There, I fixed it so he canłt delete these
files in case he gets nervous. Theyłll stay in a hidden file that only wełll be
able to access."

“Someonełs coming up the stairs, you two get out of there,"
Kei warned.

“On our way," Asirian said, stuffing his recorder in his
pocket. “Come along, darling, or wełll soon have company. Wełll see you
shortly, Rewu. Wełre going to make our excuses to our host and head back. Best
put on a pot of coffee, wełre going to be up late going through all this data."

* * * * * *

Ilara paced the kitchen, anxiously awaiting the arrival of
Solae and Raav. Kei had told her about the information they were bringing back,
informing her that she would not be allowed to view the digital image chips
Solae had stolen from Caldurłs office.

“Too traumatic," she muttered under her breath. “Iłve had
plenty of trauma in my life. I can handle anything Caldur and Zarun can dish
out." She glared at Kei, who stood at the kitchen counter watching her every
move. “Itłs not polite to stare, gladiator."

“Itłs not polite to mumble either, Ilara," he said, coming
around the island to catch her fisted hand in his. “I would save you the pain
of seeing what those men did to your children, love. Canłt you understand

Ilara sighed and stepped into his embrace. “I understand, but
I have to know. Donłt you see?"

“Havenłt you had enough pain to deal with? Must you take on
more?" His arms tightened as he held her. “What little I saw was not pretty,

“Very little in my life has been pretty, Kei, until you. If I
canłt handle it, Iłll leave the room, all right?"

“All right. I donłt like it, but Iłll trust you to know your
own limits."

“Thank you," she said, then turned as the front door opened.
“Theyłre here."

* * * * * *

The extent of Caldur and Zarunłs depravity was much worse
than any of the four had imagined. Kei gripped Ilarałs hand as she sat stunned
watching the two men train innocent children to prostitute themselves. They
were so young, some as little as five and six years old. Not all of them were
Ilarałs children, but there were plenty of them too, and she raged inside for
each one.

Kei watched helplessly as Ilara pulled into herself. He could
feel the walls hełd so patiently pulled down going up again, stronger this
time, he was certain. Beside him, she uttered a strangled cry as a young,
dark-haired girl appeared on-screen. Zarun shoved the child into a room
dedicated to inflicting pain.

“Athara," she moaned. She watched, stiff with rage as Zarun
began to torment the girl, telling her what he and Caldur intended to do with
her. “Oh holy gods! I canłt watch!" She raced out of the room.

Kei watched in horror as the two men donned shiny black
headgear. Only their eyes and mouths showed through the masks. They stripped
and Caldur crossed the room to adjust several cameras. Kei shuddered in horror
when the man grinned at his partner and said, “Let the show begin." He leaped
to his feet. “Iłve got to see to Ilara."

Solae stopped him with a gentle touch. “Let me. She wonłt
want to be touched by a man right now."

“But thatłs just what she needs, to feel the difference."

“Not right now, Kei," Solae said patiently. “Shełs too raw.
Let me go to her. You and Asirian look at the data. Find out if and when that
abomination was distributed, and to whom. Snuff films are still illegal. Wełve
got proof of both menłs culpability, now we need to follow the trail to their
distribution network. If itłs the last thing we do, wełre going to shut this
entire trade down and see everyone involved punished."

“Those bastards are dead," he snarled.

Asirian came up beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
“Let Solae tend to your woman, my friend. You and I will put together enough
evidence to shut this thing down; then wełll go after those two bastards." When
Kei hesitated, Asirian squeezed his shoulder. “You canłt help her right now,
Rewu. Concentrate on what needs to be done, and let Solae comfort the girl."

Kei nodded. “Iłm going to kill them with my bare hands.
Before Iłm done with them, theyłll beg for death."

“I couldnłt agree more. Now, letłs upload the files from
Caldurłs computer. Hełs kept meticulous records, the stupid bastard. Evidently
he felt safe enough that he didnłt bother to encrypt them."

Kei stalked to the media cabinet and removed the digital
images, carefully replacing them in the storage container. “We can put the
files up on the screens in my office. I donłt want Ilara to see any more of
this crude filth."

Asirian nodded and followed Kei to his office. “Nice setup."
He handed Kei the data chips. “The file titled Inventory contains a list of all
the children Zarun and that foster care asshole provided Caldur. It also
contains what he paid for each unit, as he called them. Wełll hack into their
financial records to verify the deposits. Both of them have off-world accounts
on Toru Four, so I imagine thatłs where wełll find the financial history behind
Caldurłs operation. The other file we need to look closely at is the one titled

Kei nodded and brought up both files, grimacing at the
results. “Suffering gods, look at how many people hełs got doing his dirty work
for him. There must be a dozen sources supplying the bastard with victims. This
is worse than I ever imagined." He went back to the file menu to read the
contents and clicked on one called Target Images. A list of pictures appeared
and Kei clicked on each one in turn, bringing up images of children Caldur
wanted to add to his stable. “Son of a bitch." A picture of a teenage boy and
girl popped onto the screen. “Itłs Leonis and Maras, the oldest of Ilarałs
children. I know these kids, Asirian; theyłve been to my home, Iłve fed them
and washed their clothes. Ilara will be beside herself. She loves those two
like they were her own." His shoulders slumped. “What am I saying? She loves
them all like they were her own, but these two are special. She took Leonis in
when he was six years old. Hełs fifteen or sixteen now. What the hell am I
going to do? If anything happens to these two, she might never recover." He
clicked on another picture and held his breath. Smiling out at him from the
monitor was his beautiful Ilara.

Chapter Sixteen


Ilara lifted herself off the cool tiles of the bathroom floor
at the quiet rap on the door. She knew without asking it was Solae. Only
another woman would know what she was going through right now. She wiped the
tears from her face. “Come in," she said, her voice cracking.

Solae hunkered down beside her, looking her in the eye.
“Ilara, you know what happened to my mother and sister, so you know that Iłve
been where you are." When Ilara nodded, she continued, “The way I see it, you
can let whatłs happened drag you under and ruin your life, or you can dry your
tears and get to work making sure Caldur and Zarun pay for what theyłve done."

Ilara blew her nose. “Kei isnłt going to want me anywhere
near this, you know that."

“I do know that, but ultimately itłs your decision." Solae
sat down beside her, draping an arm around her. “Hełs a good man, and he loves
you. Hełd do anything in his power to protect you, to keep you safe. Iłve been
the focus of his protective nature a time or two, and he can be pretty
formidable, but hełs not unreasonable. My guess is he understands how important
this is to you, and hełll let you help, so long as you agree to certain
protective measures."

Ilara snorted. “Hełll try and lock me up like he did at the

“Raav and I wonłt let that happen." At Ilarałs skeptical
look, she clarified. “Look, Zarun wants you, and Iłm willing to bet Caldur does
too, thanks to your little performance at Barely Legal. Kei will see the logic
in your participation. He wonłt like letting you put yourself out there, but
using you as bait is a surefire way of luring one or both of them into our web.
We just have to make Kei see things our way."

“All right, but hełs going to be madder than a nucleohornet,
and Iłm in no mood to be paddled again."

Solae laughed. “You really didnłt like it?"

Ilara gave her a casual shrug. “It wasstimulating, and what
came after the spanking was damned intense."

Solae stood and pulled Ilara to her feet. “Come on. The men
are in Keiłs office making plans."

As Ilara followed Solae down the hall, she found herself
wishing she could be as tough and self-confident as Solae. The woman was a
dynamo and beautiful to boot. She could see why men were drawn to her, why Kei
had loved her. She sighed. No, she would never possess Solae Ołborałs
self-confidence, but she could be tough. Taking a deep breath, she walked into
the office and saw her picture and those of Leonis and Maras up on Keiłs wall

“So, wełre to be next, are we?" she asked stomping to the
desk. “Well, I say bring it on. If I was that easy to catch, Zarun would have
had me long before now." When Kei opened his mouth to speak, she cut him off
with a gesture. “No, Kei. You donłt get to tell me what to do this time."

He looked at her, eyes narrowed, and Ilara knew he was
struggling to hold his tongue. When he took a deep breath and gave her a curt
nod, she knew shełd won. She wouldnłt be made to sit back and let the others
decide her fate or the fates of the children.

“I agree. But youłll do exactly as youłre told, Ilara," Kei
warned. “I wonłt have you running off on your own, getting yourself hurt, or
worse. These men are not playing, and they will think nothing of killing you.
Iłm not about to let that happen. Are we clear?"

Her eyes widened with surprise at his agreement. “Crystal.
Now whatłs the plan?"

“Asirianłs already convinced me that youłre the key to this
whole thing, much as Iłd like it to be otherwise. Come sit with me and wełll
show you."

Ilara laughed and rounded the desk. “Youłre just looking for
an excuse to get me on your lap, gladiator," she teased, settling herself
across his knees.

“Always, love, but we do have a pretty good plan mapped out.
Asirian, dazzle our girls."

Kei brought up a map of Toru City, and Asirian went to stand
next to one of the large video screens.

“We thought the safest place to set up a meet would be in
Founderłs Square," Raav explained. “Wełll place men on the roofs of these
buildings here." He pointed to several buildings surrounding the square.
“Solae, Kei, and I will be here, here, and here." He pointed to three alleyways
with three views of the massive fountain in the center of the square. “Wełll
contact Caldur and Zarun, make arrangements for them to meet you by the
fountain. Wełll let them know you have proof of what theyłve been doing and if
they want that proof back, theyłll have to return the remaining children to you
at an appointed time."

Ilara nodded. “All right. Whatłs to keep them from sending in
their own men to take me out?"

Raav chuckled. “Nanobots." Seeing her confused look, he
grinned and held out his hand. “Tiny little robots filled with sleeping gas.
Solae and I will be touring the new police stations around the city, thanks to
the magistrate. Wełll be dropping thousands of these little bugs, preprogrammed
to release the gas and prevent Zarun from using his men. More of them will be
deployed at Caldurłs place as well. He wonłt be able to use his thugs."

Ilara plucked the tiny robot out of his hand. “It looks
rather like an ant, doesnłt it? And the sleeping potion wonłt harm them?"

“Nope, theyłll just go to sleep." He held up a black bodysuit
much like those Solae often wore on missions. “This is the latest in body
armor. Lightweight and comfortable but guaranteed to deflect all but the most
lethal laser attacks. We figure theyłre going to want you alive, so they wonłt
use full-power lasers, if they use them at all. Itłs been our experience that
men like Caldur and Zarun tend to underestimate a womanłs abilities."

“And what happens once they bring the children into the

“Youłll have some dummy disks in a small case. Youłll set the
case on the edge of the fountain as the children approach you. Once they reach
you, youłll have to get them moving. Kei and a couple of my men will be waiting
with several glide scooters. Youłll run to the alleyway and transport the
children back to his place while we deal with Caldur and Zarun. If all goes as
planned, theyłll be in custody before the sun rises on the morning of the
mission. Any questions?"

Ilara shook her head. “None at all. Seems pretty cut and dry.
When will you send Caldur the message?"

“In a day or so," Asirian answered. “Kei and I are compiling
more data for the galactic authorities. We want to present them with more than
enough evidence so theyłll have to lock these guys up forever. As soon as theyłre
in custody, wełll begin the raids on Caldurłs clubs. My brother should arrive
on Cyntur-Rho any day now."

Ilara sighed. “I donłt know how Iłll ever be able to thank
you for what youłre doing." She rested her head on Keiłs shoulder. “You either,

Kei stroked her hair. “Just promise me youłll stick to the
plan and stay safe. I intend to keep you around for a good long time."

Ilara yawned and snuggled deeper into his body. “And I plan
to be around for a long time."

“Good. Then letłs get you to bed before you fall asleep in my
lap." He stood up, holding her in his arms. “Good night, you two. Wełll see you
in the morning."

“Iłm not really sleepy, you know," Ilara told Kei as he
climbed the stairs.

He raised an eyebrow, giving her an amused look. “Is that

“Yes. In fact, Iłm so not sleepy that youłre going to have to
think of a way to tire me out."

He shifted his grip, tossing her over his shoulder. “Oh my
love, I can think of infinite ways to tire you out." She shrieked with laughter
when he swatted her ass and took the stairs two at a time.

* * * * * *

Kei set Ilara on her feet in the middle of the room. What was
he going to do with her? She was determined to put herself in harmłs way, and
there wasnłt a damned thing he could do about it. Gods, she was a hardheaded
wench! Thank the stars shełd agreed to the plan, and they could keep her as
safe as possible in a situation like this.

Standing behind her, he fisted his fingers in her glorious
hair, pulling her head back. His mouth hovered above hers, nearly touching.
“Iłm going to ride you hard tonight, little thief."

“Yes," she whispered, turning her head for his kiss.

His mouth crashed over hers, taking her in a ruthless,
demanding kiss. Reaching around, he cupped a small, firm breast in his hand,
tormenting the nipple until it stood at attention. Suffering gods, she was so
responsive to his every touch, pressing her body back against his as he ate at
her mouth, his hand skimming from her breast to the juncture of her thighs. He
should be gentle with her tonight, considering what shełd witnessed, but somehow
he didnłt know if he could. He needed her with a fierceness that tested his
well-honed control. Wresting his mouth from hers, he took a step back.

“Turn around, Ilara."

When she did as he demanded, his jaw clenched. The desire
simmering in her deepened the violet of her eyes, and her lips were swollen
from the ferocity of the kiss theyłd shared. She was his match in every way,
and hełd never wanted her more. He moved to the bed and sat down, removing his
boots. “Take off your clothes, slowly."

“Yes, Kei," she said, her eyes smoldering. She toed off her
sandals and kicked them across the room. He held himself in check, watching as
she ran her hands over her breasts, to her hips, and caught the hem of her
gauzy shirt.

Ever-so-slowly, she lifted the top, gasping as the fluttery
hem danced across her distended nipples. Shełd learned much over the months
theyłd been together, he thought, knowing just how to arouse him, her sultry
movements poking at his carefully held control. She was a woman aware of her
body and its effect on her man. She drew the pretty top over her head and
tossed it aside. Of her own volition, she cupped her breasts and walked slowly
to him, stopping to stand between his parted thighs.

Keiłs cock throbbed as Ilara leaned forward, offering her
breasts to him.

“Take me in your mouth, gladiator."

He groaned and sucked one berry red nipple between his lips.
He slid his hands inside the waistband of the matching skirt, skimming it over
her hips until the garments pooled at her feet. She kicked them aside and
clutched at his hair, holding his mouth against her breast.

“I love you, Kei," she breathed, tossing her head back as his
teeth scraped each taut nipple.

His teeth closed over a nipple, biting down until she cried
out. “Mine," he growled. “All of you, every inch of this glorious body."

“Yes," she moaned, pushing him back on the bed. “I need to
feel you. Under me, over me, inside me, everywhere. Starting here, with your
cock in my mouth."

Her fingers tugged at his breeches, and he lifted his hips to
aid her as she yanked at them impatiently. She tossed them aside and leaned

“Holy mother of creation," he cried hoarsely as she took him
deep into her hot, moist mouth. With one hand stroking his balls and the other
wrapped around the base of his cock, she sucked him with skill, uttering
satisfied little growls each time his dick twitched and leaped.

Holy gods, her mouth was magic, so greedy and tight around
his hard length. Her tongue licked, her teeth nibbled, and Kei thought he might
just lose his mind as she continued to torment him. He lifted her hair so he
could watch as his cock disappeared into the depths of her mouth as she took
more and more of him.

“Ah, Ilara," he groaned. “Stop love, Iłm going to come."

She released him for a moment. “But I want you to. I told
you, I want all of you."

Then she was over him again, sucking him deep, head bobbing
up and down as she devoured him. He thrust his hips, driving his cock into her
as his balls tightened. With a harsh cry, he arched, spilling into her mouth in
hot, frantic gushes. He hooked his arms under hers and dragged her over him,
kissing her deeply. There would be very little sleep for either of them
tonight, for he could already feel his cock struggling to revive. She wanted
all of him, everywhere, and thatłs exactly what he intended to give her.

Easing farther up on the bed, Kei lifted Ilara until she
straddled his head. “Hold on to the headboard, love," he told her, then grasped
her hips and pulled her down to his waiting mouth. A shocked “oh!" escaped her
as he burrowed into her pussy, licking and nibbling until she writhed above

“Oh, Kei!" she cried, as his tongue stroked her swollen clit.

Yes, this was what he longed for -- Ilarałs responsive body
quivering with the pleasure he brought her, and her moans of ecstasy as he
brought her to climax after climax with his mouth. The cries of need his cock
elicited from her as he thrust deep inside her tight sheath. He stroked her
swollen flesh, sliding two fingers deep, relishing her cry of desire. She
wriggled and squirmed as he fucked her with his fingers.

“Fuck me." She panted. “Oh, Kei, I need you to fuck me." She
hunched against his mouth and fingers, unable to control the urge to mate. He
stroked the sensitive rose of her anus, and she nearly screamed.

Kei growled against her pussy. He swiped his fingers through
her gathering cream and pressed his thumb into her anus. She moaned, pressing
against his thick thumb. “More?"

Ilara shuddered. “Yes," she groaned. “Oh, yes."

“Mmm," he purred against her clit, and her body jerked above
him. “Do you want the plug?"

“Yes!" she shouted. “Ah, gods, do it."

Kei chuckled and opened a drawer built into the headboard,
extracting an anal plug and an oily lubricant that warmed on contact. He coated
the plug, then his thumb, and stroked the tender flesh of her ass, slipping his
thumb inside once more.

“Now," he said, his voice husky with need. “Now youłll come
for me, Ilara." He thrust his thumb deep into the tender flesh of her anus and
closed his lips over her clit.

Suffering gods, she was yowling like a feral cat! His thumb
danced inside her tight little hole as he drew on her clit, sucking and licking
the swollen bud as Ilara howled above him. He knew the moment she was ready to
come, her body clenching tightly as his fingers and thumb drove deep one last
time. She bucked and sobbed as an intense orgasm shook her to the core, her
cream soaking his fingers.

Kei slid from beneath her and climbed to his knees. “Easy,
love," he crooned. He drew her back against him, kissing her shoulder, her
neck, the curve of her ear. “Wełre not done, Ilara." He pressed his thick cock
against her. “Iłm going to fill your pussy with my flesh, little thief, but
first, I have something special for this sweet ass." She shuddered in his arms.
“Now, I need you to bend over and rest on your elbows, put your tight little
ass in the air for me." He reached for the lubricant, coated his fingers, and
stroked her tiny back entrance. His dick leaped in anticipation. “This onełs a
bit larger, baby, to prepare you for my cock one day."


Ilara sucked in a breath as Keiłs hands parted her buttocks.
A finger stroked her anus, and she shivered with a dark anticipation. Never in
her life would she have thought shełd actually want someone to take her in such
a manner, but as Keiłs big finger slid into the tiny opening, desire snaked up
her spine as it had done last night. He leaned over, nibbling on her cheeks,
his silky hair brushing over her bare flesh like a thousand little lips. The
finger probed deep, fucking in and out as her pussy wept. Flaming mother, if he
didnłt fuck her soon she would lose her mind completely.

A groan escaped her as a second finger parted the tight anal
ring. It stung a bit, but as the narrow tunnel became accustomed to the
feeling, it ceased to hurt and began to feeldeeply arousing. As did the finger
Kei had just applied to her clit. Oh, mother of us all, she needed to be
fucked. When his fingers left her, she nearly cursed him. “Donłt. Donłt stop.
Oh, steaming mother of lust, if you stop, I swear Iłll kill you!"

“I have no intention of stopping, my love," his deep voice
answered. “Iłm going to slide this little toy into your tight ass, and then Iłm
going to fuck you. You want me to fuck you, donłt you, Ilara?"

Of course she did, was he crazy? “I -- Oh, godsł blood." She
gasped as the plug spread her open.

“Youłre going to be so tight when I put my cock in you," Kei
went on, pressing the toy deeper as he spoke. “Iłll enter you slow, so you can
feel every inch of me stretching your pussy." The toy moved inexorably deeper,
opening her wider. “Itłs going to hurt, I wonłt lie to you, but itłll feel good
too. Iłm told therełs a thin line between pleasure and pain, and wełre going to
explore that line tonight." He stroked her clit as the plug finally popped in

Ilara moaned, overwhelmed with the dark pleasure that washed
over her. Keiłs finger played in her pussy, dipping inside, then stroking her
clit until her ass quivered with anticipation. His cock throbbed between her
legs, waiting for a turn to glide into her. Gods, she wanted it so bad. “Kei,"
she pleaded. “I need"

“Yes," he murmured, leaning over her, positioning his cock at
her entrance. “Here I come."

He was right, it did hurt, but at the same time, there was an
underlying pleasure that outweighed the burning slide of his shaft as it slowly
pressed against the walls of her vagina, stretching her until she felt she must
surely burst.

“Oh, flaming mother," Ilara moaned as he filled her with a
final thrust.

He stopped, giving her a moment to adjust to the increased
pressure of his cock and the plug. “Do you feel it, Ilara?" He eased back an
inch and pushed in again. “I feel it. I feel the plug pressing against me, and
your pussy holding me so tight I can barely stop myself from coming. I need to
fuck you. I have to fuck you now."

Ilara gasped as Kei withdrew and shoved back inside her. How
was it possible for such bright pain to give so much pleasure? He was big, but
with the plug in place he felt doubly so, and while there was a distinct burn,
she wanted more. She wanted him to move inside her as hełd always done, hard
and fast and so deep that he seemed to touch the very core of what made her a
woman. She pressed back against him as he drove into her, and heard him groan.

“Yes, Ilara," he rasped. “Take me. Take all of me. Fuck
yourself on my cock."

She cried out as he slammed into her, withdrew, and went deep
again. “More," she shouted. “Hard, Kei. Fuck me hard!"

With a feral growl, he grasped her hips and drove into her
hard and fast, their bodies slamming together amid animalistic grunts of
pleasure. She heard a voice shouting, “Fuck me," and realized it was hers. Her
body demanded all he could give her and gave all she had in return.

“Ah, godsł balls, Iłm going to come," Ilara cried. “Oh, Kei,
I canłt"

He wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her up against
him so she straddled his thighs, taking him deeper still. She curved an arm
around his neck, arching against his chest, sobbing as his cock pumped hard and
deep. She clung to him, meeting every thrust with one of her own, crying out
when his hands cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers.

“Ooooh!" she howled, digging her fingers into his skin as she

“Marry me," Kei growled; then his own release took him and he
roared his satisfaction to the world.

Ilara couldnłt hold herself upright and fell forward on the
bed, Kei following her down. Her body continued to tremble and little
starbursts of pleasure washed over her as Kei stroked her skin. With a
gentility that belied the violence of their coupling, he eased the plug out of
her and tossed it aside.

“I meant it, you know," he said softly, moving her hair aside
to press a kiss to her damp shoulder. “When this is over, I want you to marry

She sighed when he pulled her against him, cupping her
breast. “Yes. When itłs over, Iłll marry you." Yes, she thought, as her body
sank into sleep. When it was over, shełd marry him. If she was still alive.

Chapter Seventeen


Three days after Solae and Raavłs adventure at Caldurłs
party, Ilarałs communicator chimed. She reached for it, aware that three very
anxious pairs of eyes were watching her every move.

“Donłt bother trying to record this, you little bitch," the
man said. “Itłs jammed. We got your message, and you tell your watchdogs wełve
agreed to the meet and the terms. But I got news for you, little girl. Before
Iłm done with you, youłre going to beg for death."

Ilara gritted her teeth when someone in the background cried
out in pain.

“Youłre going to be there for the exchange, right? You better
not have made copies of the vids, bitch, or this is what will happen to you."

Another anguished cry came across the line, and Ilara forced
herself not to respond. The hand resting in her lap tightened into a fist, and
she inhaled sharply.

“Iłll be there, and as for the copies, I guess youłll just
have to take my word for it, wonłt you? But donłt worry too much, Iłm at least
as honest as you are, Zarun."

“Youłd better come alone, girl, or Iłll kill every motherless
one of them before your eyes."

She looked at Keiłs frowning face and forced a calm she
didnłt feel. His expression told her he wasnłt happy that she was taunting
Zarun. Solae and Raav, on the other hand, were grinning like proud parents.
“Yes, just you and me, old man. Bring the children or the dealłs off."

“Oh, Iłll be there with your worthless little band of
thieves, girl." He laughed. “But Iłll make the best of my last night with the
little darlings. You can count on that."

With a shaking hand, Ilara disconnected. “The signal was
jammed, no recording. Theyłve agreed to our terms. What time do we leave

Kei looked at Raav. “As soon as the street crowds die down.
Wełll stay on the back streets, stake out the square to make sure no one gets
there before us."

Ilara nodded, got up, and took a deep breath. “Ineed some
time to myself, if you donłt mind. Iłm just going out to the garden."

As she hurried from the room, she heard Solae say, “No. Let
her go, Kei. She has no idea how many children wełll be able to recover. She
needs to mourn the lost ones."

Mourn the lost ones. Yes, there was that, but mostly, she
just needed to be alone. It would be over soon, and life as she knew it would
never be the same. How could it be that her life, her choices, had come to
affect so many people? When had she grown up and started making such momentous
decisions? She stepped out into the garden and inhaled the heady scents of
herbs and blooming flowers. The day shełd taken Leonis under her wing was the
day shełd given up making selfish decisions. Somehow, one had grown into two,
then two more, and more after that. Shełd become a mother at the tender age of
eleven and now, at twenty, there was nothing she wouldnłt do to save her
children. She walked out onto the carpet of lush grass and stretched out,
closing her eyes, but even the warmth of the sunłs rays couldnłt chase the
chill of death from her bones. Zarun would pay for what hełd done, shełd see to
it if it took her very last breath.

She lay that way for a long time, eyes closed, face to the
sun, until she heard the door open and Solaełs voice called to her.

“Itłs time, Ilara."



Ilara smiled, feeling the grip of Solaełs hand on hers. “Iłm

Solae laughed softly. “You should be. Iłd doubt your sanity
if you werenłt, but itłll be all right. Wełll be with you, and you know wełve
got mad skills when it comes to operations like this."

Ilara sat up and faced her. “And Kei, does he have mad skills
for operations like this?"

“Ah," Solae said. “So thatłs it. Yes, actually, and youłve
seen him fight. The man can protect himself."

“But the people wełll be confronting have no scruples. Theyłd
kill us all without blinking an eye." She took a deep breath, trying to contain
the tremor in his voice. “Iłm sorry I ever came here, Solae. Sorry he ever got
involved with me. His life was so ordered, so serene, before I came along. My
presence hastainted that tranquility."

She scowled at Solaełs bark of laughter. “You make him sound
like some kind of monk. Has he never told you what he did before he became a
gladiator?" Ilara shook her head. “He was a bounty hunter, darling, one of the
best. Thatłs how we met. So, believe me, nothing about your lifełs
circumstances has shocked him."

Ilara glided to her feet, scowling. “Why that sneaky bastard.
Why didnłt he tell me?"

“The Shepherd and a former bounty hunter, and you with a
price on your head. Is it any wonder?"

“I suppose not, but hełs still a right shit. He could have
told me after he moved me in here," Ilara huffed, then smiled. “But we have
been a bit busy getting to know one another."

“Yes," Solae said dryly, hooking arms with Ilara. “Itłs
rather hard to miss that, what with all the caterwauling."

Ilara snorted. “Youłre one to talk. You and Raav are at one
another like a bloody pair of hammock rabbits."

Solae laughed. “Yes, we are, but you two certainly give us a
run for our money." She drew Ilara to a stop at the door. “Do you love him very

“With every breath."

“Good. Then donłt do anything foolish out there tonight,
because it would devastate him if he lost you."

Ilara nodded. “Donłt worry. I know exactly what I have to do,
and Iłll do it."

“All right then, letłs get our gear and get under way," Solae
said, pulling the door open. “We need to be in place before Caldur and Zarun
send out their recon thugs."

“You think theyłll do that?"

“Absolutely, and if they spot us before the meet, wełre in
deep shit. Youłre right about these men. Theyłd kill us all and wallow in our

* * * * * *

Ilara dressed quickly, donning a lightweight, armored
bodysuit similar to what Solae wore, then hurried down to Keiłs office, where
everyone was waiting for her. She met Keiłs worried eyes with a confident

“Donłt worry, gladiator, Iłll behave myself," she chirped.

Kei chuckled. “Now, why donłt I believe that?" He gave her a
stern look. “Seriously, Ilara, no funny stuff or therełll be hell to pay."

Ilara nodded as Asirian motioned to her. “Herełs an equipment
belt for you. Iłm only giving you the basics." He strapped the belt to her
waist and held up each item as he secured it. “Beam knife." He held up a small,
black-handled knife with a red button above the grip. “Itłs just a regular
knife until you press this button; then all you need to do is swipe it in an
arc and itłll slice through a man like butter, but itłs an up-close weapon, not
much reach.

“Stunner baton, just like the security force uses. You get
close enough to touch someone with this, itłll scramble their brains long
enough for you to restrain them." Next, he held up an odd-looking pistol with a
wide barrel. “And speaking of restraints, a multiload restrainer with shocker
feature. If you have more than one man coming at you, just point it in their
direction and pull the trigger. It shoots out a thin titanium net -- looks like
a spiderweb -- that traps your enemies and gives them a nice little zap to
subdue them."

Ilara gaped at him. “You call this basic equipment?"

Raav shot her a grin. “Absolutely. The rest of us have toxin
guns with glow darts, handheld shocker cannons with blinder ordinance, and
military-grade laser pistols -- in addition to what you have."

“Godsł balls," Ilara said, impressed with the array of
weaponry at their disposal. “You donłt muck about, do you?"

Raavłs mouth tightened into a straight line. “Not with these
bastards." On impulse, Ilara threw her arms around him. “Thank you," she
rasped. “Oh, thank you for wanting to help." She stepped away, embarrassed by
her emotion.

Asirian tipped her chin up with his index finger. “No need,
little one. Itłs our privilege to bring those kids some justice." He gave her a
wink and turned to Kei. “Wełre just about set. One more look at the layout and
we can go."

Ilara took a deep breath. “Iłll go ready the glides."

“Ilara," Kei said, following her to the door. “Whatłs wrong?"

She reached up and touched his cheek. “Just nerves, I guess.
If anything were to happen to you"

He leaned down and lifted her up, kissing her gently.
“Nothingłs going to happen to me, little thief. Wełll get the kids back and put
these bastards out of business permanently. Trust me."

“I do. I trust you, Kei, and I love youso much. No matter
the outcome, youłve made my life so much more than I ever imagined it might

He kissed her again, then set her on her feet and gave her a
gentle nudge. “Go get the glides ready."

“Yes, sir," she said, snapping a jaunty salute. When he
laughed and turned back to Solae and Raav, she headed outside.

He kept the ultra-glide scooters in a small storage unit
beyond the rose garden. She opened the doors to the shed and unclipped each of
the scooters and guided them outside.

She heard a frightened cry and turned to see a young child
drop from the back wall and hit the ground hard. He couldnłt have been more than
four years old and was obviously frightened.

“Whatłs this?" she asked, hurrying to him. “Are you hurt? How
did you get over the wall?"

The boy picked himself up and dusted himself off. “The bad
man put me over," the boy said. He extracted a ribbon-tied box from his jacket
pocket. “He said I was to make sure the Shepherd got this." He looked at her
finger and nodded. “He said youłd have the mark on your finger." He handed her
the box.

A sense of foreboding skittered up her spine as she took the
box and untied the ribbon. After opening it, she folded back the red-stained
tissue paper and gasped in horror. Inside the box was a severed finger with a
jagged scar marring the tattoo. It could only belong to Leonis.

“Oh, suffering gods," she sobbed. “What have they done to
you, my baby? What have they done?" A piece of plastic poked out from the
wrapping and she pulled it free to read the note tucked inside:

I have something you
want. Meet me at the old school and you can save his life. If you donłt come
alone, the boy dies. It was signed, Zarun.

From over the fence she heard a voice. “He says come alone,
girl, and come fast." Footsteps hurried away before she could respond.

Ilara knelt in front of the little boy. “Whatłs your name,

“Garr, miss. Are you really the Shepherd?"

“I really am," she said, smiling tenderly.

“Can I stay with you?"

Ilara hugged the boy. “You certainly may," she said, then
held him away from her. “But right now, I have to go somewhere on one of those
scooters." She picked him up and set him on one of the glides. “What I need you
to do is stay right here until Iłm gone, okay? Then knock on the door, go
inside, and give this package to whomever you see, all right? You tell them I
had to go help someone and that theyłre to take you inside and give you
something to eat. Tell them that youłre a big boy, and you can stay in the nice
house by yourself until they come home. Okay? And tell the big man with the
black hair I said to hurry. Can you remember all that?"

“Yes. Give them the package and tell them Iłm a big boy and I
can stay here until you come back. The big man should hurry."

“Thatłs right. Now, you stay right here until someone comes
out, okay?"

The boy nodded and she gave him a fierce hug. “Youłre a good
boy. Iłll be back, I promise."

Ilara straightened, took a deep breath, and climbed on a
glide cycle, engaging the GPS.

* * * * * *

Kei shook his head. “Therełs a small alcove in the clock
tower," he told Asirian. “The repairmen use it when they need to work on the
mechanism. Itłs the perfect hidey-hole for your best sniper. Hełll have a clear
shot at anything that moves, and anyone thinking to use the fountain for cover
would be pinned down, caught in the crossfire."

“How did you know about this place?" Solae asked, an amused
expression on her face.

“My father built it. When I was a boy, Iłd take girls up
there to make out."

She snorted. “Typical." Looking at the clock on his desk, she
frowned. “I wonder whatłs taking Ilara so long. Iłd better go check on her."

The two men nodded absently and went back to studying their
layout, debating last-minute changes. Kei looked up when she rushed back in,
breathless, small boy in tow.

“Shełs gone!" Solae exclaimed, handing Kei the box and the
note. “Tell them what she said, darling."

The boy held up his fingers as he ticked off Ilarałs
instructions. “The Shepherd said I was to give you the box and tell you Iłm to
stay here while youłre gone. She said she had to go help someone and to tell
the dark-haired man to hurry." He continued to hold up one finger, his little
faced scrunched in concentration, then he grinned. “Oh, and she said I could
have something to eat." As if on cue, his little stomach growled. “I havenłt
eaten in a long time."

“Solae, could you?" Keiłs heart thumped, and he swore he
could feel the blood draining from his face. His fingers shook as he read the
note, then opened the box. He uttered a strangled cry as Solae led the boy from
the room.

“Hełs got Leonis. If hełs killed that boy, Ilara will lose
her mind. Iłve got to find her."

Raav nodded. “Do your glides have GPS nav?"

“Yes!" Kei exclaimed, jumping to his feet. He strapped on his
equipment belt and put his hand on Raavłs shoulder. “Settle the child in and
follow through with the plan. Iłm going after Ilara."

“Iłm going with you," she said, returning to hand the child
to Raav. “She may need a woman."

Chapter Eighteen


Ilara maneuvered through the darkness with unerring skill.
These were her streets and she knew them as well as Zarun. Better really,
because the big man was too afraid to venture into the threatening veil of
silence that swallowed up these neighborhoods at night. There were no
streetlights to guide the way, no clean streets or well-kept storefronts to
give the illusion of safety. Despair dwelled here, eating away at the residents
until little humanity remained.

A dark figure loomed from a doorway and Ilara ascended out of
reach. “Come here, girl," a harsh voice called to her. “Iłll give you a ride
that scooter canłt."

Ilara shuddered. Shełd seen the man before, so stoned on
stardust he could barely walk. He was a doorway dweller, one of the many who
slept in front of burned-out buildings, hiding in the gloom, waiting for some
hapless soul to pass by so he could rob them. She hovered just out of his reach
and dug into her pocket for a handful of credits. It wasnłt as if shełd need
them where she was going.

“Here you go," she said, tossing the bits of carbide metal to
him. “Go get yourself something to eat and get off the streets tonight.
Troublełs coming."

He squinted his eyes. “Hey, I seen you before," he croaked.
“Thought you was a boy." He stuffed the credits in his pockets. “Have a care,
girl. Troublełs already here."

Two blocks to the south, Ilara veered left, ascending past
the crumbled ruins of a church. No one would ever bother to rebuild it. The
gods had long since abandoned the residents of old Toru City. Ahead of her, she
spied the rusting playground equipment where Leonis had played as a child.
Tears welled in her eyes. Theyłd been happy here, she and the children. Theyłd
made a family within the walls of the abandoned school -- laughing, arguing, loving
one another with the fierceness of those too long denied. And now Zarun dared
defile her home, turning it into a place of pain and captivity. She was going
to kill him for that alone.

The little glide scooter made no noise, emitted no smell, but
a block away from the school, Ilara was swarmed by scentbots. The tiny computer
bugs crawled all over her, in her hair, down her neck, burrowing into the
crease of her underarms, gathering her unique odor before buzzing away to
inform their controller of her arrival. There would be no ambushing Zarun.
Shit, she was dead meat. She took the beam knife from her utility belt and
tucked it into a boot. Might as well meet the enemy head-on, she decided, and
she dropped down to the play yard. Zarun stepped out from the shadows to greet

“We meet at last," Zarun said, leering. “Park that scooter
and drop that tool belt, girl."

Ilara switched off the engine, but the tracking device
continued to function. With any luck, Kei would notice the tracker flashing and
know where to find her. She unhooked the utility belt and draped it across the

“After you," Zarun growled, giving her a little shove into
the room.

“Wherełs Leonis, you old fart?" she demanded.

Zarun grabbed a handful of her hair and shook her. “Youłd do
well to watch your mouth, bitch. Treat me right and I may let you live." He
guided her into the cafeteria where Leonis was secured to a chair. “Therełs
your little mutt. Not much of him left after my men got through with him."

“Let me go, you filthy bag of goat shit," Ilara snarled,
struggling to get to the boy.

He hurled her at Leonisłs feet. “Youłll pay for that, cunt.
Say good-bye to the scabby little bastard before I put him out of his misery."

Ilara scrambled to her knees and touched Leonisłs face. Oh,
suffering gods, his eyes were nearly swollen shut, and his lips were split.
Blood clogged his nose, which had obviously been broken. “Leo, itłs Ilara.
Sweetheart, can you hear me?" She took one swollen hand in hers. “Squeeze my
hand if you can hear me, love." His fingers twitched against hers, and she
sobbed. “Oh, my darling boy, what have they done to you?"

“Shouldnłt have come," Leonis whispered through cracked lips.
He took a deep breath and moaned. “Sothirsty."

Ilara climbed to her feet. “He needs water."

“Tough shit. Let the little bastard die thirsty."

“You son of a pestilent, dick-sucking whore, you said youłd
let him go!"

Zarun leered at her. “I lied, you stupid whore." He looked
her up and down, licking his lips. “But Iłll make you a deal, you suck my
pestilent dick and Iłll let you get the little fucker some water."

Ilara glared at him. “He gets the water first, and I get to
clean him up."

“Done," Zarun agreed. “But if you try any funny stuff, he
dies while you watch."

Tears streamed down her face as Ilara ran to the kitchen. She
filled a pitcher with water, grabbed some towels and a cup, then ran back to
Leonis. “Here, love, Iłve got some water here. I want you to take a sip for
me." She held the cup to his ruined lips and dribbled some water into his
mouth. He coughed and groaned but managed to drink a little. “Good job, mate.
Now, Iłm going to drag one of the childrenłs beds over here and lay you down.
Can you move?"

“Yes," Leonis whispered. “More water."

She held the cup to his lips once more, unaware of the tears
still flowing down her cheeks. When hełd had enough, she dragged a bed over to
where he sat.

“Take the restraints off so I can lay him down," she
demanded. To her surprise, Zarun complied. Lifting one arm, she draped it over
her shoulder and lifted the boy to his feet, wincing when he cried out in pain.
“Almost there, love, easy does it. Okay, and now wełre sitting down. Thatłs a
boy. Lie back, darling, Iłm going to swing your feet up."

Weary beyond belief, Ilara reached for the water and towels.
She looked up at Zarun. “Tell me something. How does a man become so vile and
greedy hełs willing to sell innocent children to a bunch of perverts?" She
poured water on a towel and began cleaning Leonisłs face. “You must have been
human at one time. Tell me how you can justify rape and murder, Zarun. Did your
daddy fuck you up the ass? Is that it? Or maybe your mommy sold you to the
highest bidder."

The blow, when it came, wasnłt unexpected, but Ilara felt a
sense of accomplishment as she tasted her own blood. Shełd hit a nerve. He had
a weakness and she could exploit that. If she got him angry enough, she could
distract him from Leonis, possibly even lead him away from the school and
deeper into the city where she just might be able to end his miserable life.

“Thatłs right, you nasty old fuck," she taunted. “Hit the
little girl. Does it make your dick hard, Zarun? Is that the only way you can
get off?" She backed away from Leonis, dodging when Zarun swung again. This
time he missed and she danced out of reach. “Do you have to beat the wife to
fuck her? Or maybe she wonłt let you, hmm? Does she smell the scent of little
girls on you? Is she repulsed by you like all the women you ever wanted? Is
that why you go for helpless little girls?"

With an outraged roar, Zarun lunged, nearly catching her. She
sprinted to the front of the room, away from Leonis. “Iłm a little old for you,
arenłt I, big guy?" She gave him a taunting smile. “But then, maybe itłs the
breasts. They are small. Kind of like a little girlłs, donłt you think?" She
unzipped the front of her bodysuit and exposed her breasts. It took everything
she had not to gag as Zarun licked his rubbery lips.

“I will have you, you little cunt. Iłll have those nipples in
my mouth, and when I do, Iłll bite them off and swallow them. Iłm going to fuck
that little ass, girl, and I wonłt be gentle about it. Iłm going to do to you
what I did to that little bitch, Athara. You saw the vid, you heard her
screams, her pleas for death."

Ilarałs breath hitched in her chest. Yes, shełd seen enough
of the vid to know how poor little Athara had been savaged by Zarun and his
henchmen. She bared her teeth in a parody of a grin. “Maybe you will, and maybe
you wonłt, but it makes no difference, you pussbag, because my friends have the
original vids and all of Caldurłs records. Theyłve probably already called and
awakened the magistrate. He and Solae Ołbora are friends, you know."

Ilara backed out of the door. “Either way, youłre a dead man,
Zarun, because Kei Rewu is going to hack you to tiny pieces." She faked a
stumble and sprawled on the ground just outside the door. True to his nature,
Zarun seized on her perceived weakness and charged. Ilara rolled to her feet
and sprinted to the wall that surrounded the play yard. “You want me, come and
get me."

* * * * * *

Kei and Solae jumped off their scooters and raced into the
school. “Ilara!" Kei bellowed. He looked at Solae. “Oh gods, hełs killed her."

She placed a hand on his shoulder. “We donłt know that." She
pulled her laser pistol and switched it to disable. She was just about to tell
Kei they should split up when they heard a groan and the scrape of a chair. Kei
started toward the sound, but she restrained him with a touch. “Easy does it,
it could be a trap."

They crossed the room with caution, peering in the door to
the cafeteria. Leonis was on one knee, struggling to stand. Solae entered to
the right, going low, sweeping the room with her pistol. Kei was behind her,
high and to the left, ready to lay down cover fire, but Leonis was the only
occupant. The boy gained his feet, crying out in agony. Kei leaped to him,
catching him before he could fall. Laying him gently on the bed, Kei dropped to
his knees.

“Wherełs Ilara? Leonis, was she here?"

“Zarundrew him awayinto the city." The boy moaned. “Hurry."

Kei got to his feet, voice trembling with rage. “Call for
medical, hełs hurt bad. Iłm going after Ilara." He turned to leave, then leaned
down, putting his mouth to the boyłs ear. “Maras and the children?"

“Safe," Leonis whispered. “Getherback."

“Count on it, son." He stroked the boyłs blond hair. “Iłll
kill him for you. For her too, and all the children hełs hurt. You just get

Kei gave Solae a quick hug. “Tell the doctors Iłll pay for
his care. I want the best for him."

Solae nodded. “Be careful, my friend, and leave your GPS on
so I can follow you after the medics get here."

“Absolutely," he said grimly. “Watch your back; you never
know whołs around." He bounded from the room.

Kei boarded the scooter and put it in a fast climb, shooting
out over the rooftops of the deserted city, hoping he could find the tube
station in the dark. Surely thatłs where shełd be leading Zarun, but there were
lots of dark holes and hiding places between here and her old lair. If she
could keep Zarun chasing her, she could lead him into a deadly trap. If he knew
his Ilara, and he did, thatłs exactly what she had planned for the murdering
bastard. Impalement on a rusty metal post would appeal to her sense of justice,
considering the way Athara had died.

A huge chunk of cement block loomed in front of him, and Kei
veered away. “Godsł blood," he cursed. He had to stop worrying about what was
happening to Ilara and start concentrating on safely guiding the scooter
through the scabrous remains of the once-proud city. Otherwise, hełd wind up
skewered on a hunk of rusty steel.

With the absence of the moon, the darkness seemed a menacing
presence. Now and again, he would hear the hiss and yowl of shadow cats
fighting over a meal of targas. He grimaced, remembering Ilara cooking one of
the huge, ratlike rodents for her supper. He looked down and saw the deep
blackness of a bomb crater. He was getting closer. Then came a sound he would
remember for the rest of his life -- a soul-wrenching scream of pain. Ilara!

Chapter Nineteen


Ilara screamed as Zarunłs knife plunged into her shoulder.
Oh, Almighty Mother of us all, shełd never felt pain like this before! She felt
around for some kind of weapon, and her fingers closed over a chunk of brick.
She swung with all her might, grunting in pain as the brick made contact with
Zarunłs thick skull. His glasses went flying and he howled, instinctively
covering the injury with his hand. Ilara kicked, catching him under the chin
with her combat boot, and rolled away.

She scrambled to her feet, left arm swinging uselessly at her
side, and raced toward the gaping black maw that marked the entrance to the
underground tube system. If she could lose Zarun in here, shełd have a chance
to escape. She knew every bomb crater, every nook and cranny, every artery in
this section of the underground.

Son of a stump-humping trogg,
it hurt! She stumbled on, leaving a trail of blood as she made her way to the
little nook where shełd left her belongings when Kei had come for her. She fell
through the opening, stifling an agonized scream as the knife shifted in her
shoulder. Feeling her way around, she found the small bag of clothes shełd
tucked away in the office.

“Ah, fuck," Ilara cursed between clenched teeth. She yanked
the knife out and pressed a pair of cotton panties against the wound,
struggling to stay conscious. Hurry,
hurry. Have to bind this sucker up tight. Strap the arm to my side. More
fumbling in the bag. A long-sleeved shirt. She cut the sleeves out, draped it over
her shoulder, and pulled it under her arm. Using her free hand and her teeth,
she tied the sleeve into a knot as tightly as she could. Next, she found a bra,
fumbled with the hooks, then draped it around her neck, fitting her elbow into
one of the cups. It would do for a sling until she could get to a hospital. Her
head snapped up at the sound of rubble shifting. Zarun was gaining on her. Was
it too much to hope that she could have hurt him? Gotta go, gotta keep moving. She reached into her boot for the beam
knife and staggered into the tunnel.

“Youłre losing a lot of blood, girl," Zarun shouted, his
voice booming off the tiled walls. “Pretty soon youłre going to start to feel
light-headed, if youłre not already. Come to me now, and Iłll kill you quick
once Iłm done with you."

Ilara gritted her teeth and kept moving. Did he really think
shełd fall for his promises? She stumbled on, her wounded shoulder throbbing
with every beat of her heart. He was right; she was feeling light-headed. How
much farther could she go? How could she possibly protect herself from Zarun,
wounded as she was? She clutched the beam knife in her hand. It would be so
easy to end it all right here. All she had to do was put the knife to her
throat and press the little red button. The laser would slice through her neck,
killing her instantly. Better that than the torture that awaited her at Zarunłs
hands if he caught her. Because hełd kill her slowly, she knew, despite his
promise to do otherwise.

At last, Ilara reached the three-way artery in the
underground tunnel. One of them was clogged with rubble and another led to a
bomb shaft that could be climbed to the street above. But for the life of her,
she couldnłt remember which one. She lifted her head, sniffing for fresh air or
the hint of a draft. To the right, it had to be. Shełd climbed out of it before
and was pretty sure it was in this section of the city.

She was so tired, so damned tired. It felt as if shełd walked
for days. Had the artery always been this far away or was she getting weaker,
slowing down? In the distance, she heard Zarun cursing as he scrambled over the
rubble. Godsł balls, hełs going to catch


Kei leaped off the glide and struck a casallin stone against
a chunk of rock, setting it aglow. Holding it aloft, he began to search. He
hissed when he saw blood and hurried to the entrance. The bastard had hurt her,
spilled her blood. Zarun would die slowly for this. He raced ahead, heedless of
his own safety.

Suffering gods, there were three tunnels! Which way had she
gone? He held the glowing stone close to the ground, looking for a sign of
which way shełd gone. There! A small boot print in the dusty rubble. But hers
wasnłt the only one. Zarun was behind her. Just how far, he couldnłt guess. He
turned right and loped after her, moving as quietly as possible.

Why had she done it? Why had she gone after the boy without
telling him? Because the bastard had threatened to kill the boy if she didnłt
come alone. She wouldnłt have believed the bastard would let either of them
live, but shełd been certain she could beat him at his own game. After all,
shełd avoided capture all this time. But Zarun knew her weakness, and hełd lain
in wait, taking Leonis by surprise to use against her. Foolish woman. She had
too much pride for her own good.

Kei closed his fist over the glowing stone, fearful it would
attract attention. He didnłt want his prey to know he was tracking him. A flash
of light ahead told him he was closer than he dared hope. He stumbled over a
piece of broken track, stifling a curse. The light flashed in an arc, turning
in his direction. Kei ducked, flattening himself against the track.

“That you, girl? You backtracking me?" Zarun taunted. “Come
on out, and letłs get this over with. Sooner or later Iłll find you, and itłll
go harder on you the longer I have to climb over all this rubble."

The light turned away and Kei heard the man howl in pain. “The
next rock you chunk at mełs getting shoved up your ass, bitch." Another howl
and a thump as the rock hit its mark and hit the ground. Slowly, Kei got to his
feet and continued on.

* * * * * *

Ilara nearly screamed in frustration. Shełd taken the wrong tunnel!
The chamber was blocked off by tons of cement and jagged steel. It was over.
The children would never be safe, and she would die in the cruelest manner
imaginable. Fear pricked her scalp as she looked up. Nothing but pipe and
dangling wires. There was no other choice; she had to climb.

The going was tough with just one hand to grab at supports,
one arm to pull the weight of her body, but somehow she managed. Shełd made it
halfway to the ceiling when Zarun found her.

He shined a light over her. “Where do you think youłre going,
you stupid bitch? Think youłre going to sprout wings and fly away?"

Ilara sat on a chunk of rock trying to catch her breath. The
light-headedness eased when she stopped climbing. “I figure youłre too fat and
heavy to climb very high," she said, trying to keep a conversational tone to
her voice.

Zarun merely laughed and searched for a handhold. “I may be
fat and old, but you only have one arm to work with. I figure that makes us
about even." He pulled himself up.

* * * * * *

There was no more time for stealth, he had to get to her, and
fast. Kei held the lighted stone in front of him and bounded across the
debris-strewn floor. Zarun was climbing, slowly, but his gradual advance forced
Ilara higher and higher toward the ceiling of the thirty-foot cavern. He
stumbled over a jagged chunk, fell, and rolled, gaining his feet again, but it
cost him precious seconds. A gap in the track loomed and Keiłs muscles bunched
in response as he leaped across the crater.

Zarun was getting closer now, forcing Ilara onto a wide
exhaust pipe. She grabbed a long dead electrical cable and edged farther out
over the chasm. Gods, if she fell

He felt like he was moving in slow motion. The blood pounded
in his ears as he forced himself to greater speed. Finally, he burst into the
light of Zarunłs discarded lamp.

“Ilara!" Kei shouted.

“Kei!" she sobbed.

Zarun turned, looking down. “Wonłt do you any good,
gladiator. Shełs already dead!" He turned back and scrambled higher up the wall
of debris.

“Ilara, donłt move, sweetheart, Iłm coming for you."

Zarun reached the top and Kei roared in frustration. He
didnłt dare take a chance on deploying one of his many weapons for fear of
dislodging the rubble clogging the tunnel. He pulled the grappling device from
his utility belt and looked for a place that might be stable enough to hold his
weight. Much of the conduit was still attached to the ceiling in places, so he
took a chance and deployed the grapple. Luck was with him when the hook fell
neatly into place just a few feet from Ilara. Now, if only it would hold. He
took a leap of faith with the thin rope, and it held. Hand over hand, he began
pulling himself up.

Zarun stepped onto the exhaust pipe, which groaned under his
weight. A bright light appeared in the distance, along with the sound of heavy
feet running in their direction. The cavalry had arrived at last.

Kei watched in horror as Zarun made a grab for Ilara. She
screamed in pain, twisting away from him. “If Iłm dying, Iłm taking you with
me," Zarun wheezed, lunging for her again.

How she managed to keep from falling, Kei couldnłt guess, but
she maintained her balance and leaped toward one of the cables dangling from
the ceiling, holding on precariously with one hand.

“I donłt think so," Zarun growled, snagging the tail end of
the cable as it swung toward him. He gave it a hard yank, trying to dislodge

Where she found the strength, Kei couldnłt say, but suddenly
the beam knife was in her bloody left hand. Her jaw clenched as she struggled
to flick the button to activate the weapon. And then it was on, and the beam
sliced diagonally through Zarun, from shoulder to waist. Zarunłs mouth opened
in a gasp of surprise, before his body separated into two halves and tumbled
thirty feet to the floor.

Kei stared in horror as Ilarałs grip began to slip. She
dropped, caught herself, and moaned in pain. “Hang on, Ilara," Kei demanded,
his heart and emotions kicking into overdrive as he struggled to get to her.
“Donłt you let go. You hang on, do you hear me?" He pumped hard, hand over
hand, demanding more from his body than ever before. If she could hold on for
just a few more seconds, hełd have her. He couldnłt lose her now, not when he
finally understood what it meant to truly love someone. By all the stars in
heaven, hełd give up his own life to save hers.

He never let her out of his sight as he climbed harder and
faster. Blood poured from the wound in her shoulder and he knew it wouldnłt be
long before she lost consciousness. It was a miracle shełd managed to hold on
as long as she had.

Their eyes met over the span of space separating them and
Ilara smiled. “I love you, Kei," she said weakly. “Take care of the children
for me." Her smile faded and her head fell back at the same time she lost her
grip on the cable.

“Nooo!" Kei bellowed. With one hand holding tightly to his
only means of survival, he lunged for her. Terror engulfed him as he felt the
heavy material of her bodysuit glide against his fingers as he struggled in
vain to stop her fall. And then his hand snagged on her collar, jerking her to
a stop in his grasp. Sweet suffering Seraphim, she was as lifeless as a rag
doll dangling from his fingers. “Ilara! Donłt leave me, sweetheart!"

Slowly, he began his descent, arms burning from the effort to
maintain his grip on the rope and Ilara. Hełd never been so grateful to see
Solaełs and Asirianłs familiar faces rushing toward them.

“Let her go, Rewu. Iłll catch her," Asirian bellowed from the
floor. Kei shook his head, too afraid to let the love of his life slip through
his fingers.

“Kei, for the love of gods, drop her!"

With his fingers losing their hold on her, Kei roared out his
anguish, closed his eyes, and opened his fist. When Kei dared peel open his
lids, Asirian was rushing her to a waiting medic.

The second his feet touched the ground, Kei raced to Ilarałs
side. Suffering gods, she was so pale. He lifted her good hand, so cold to the
touch. The look on the medtechłs face worried him as she scanned Ilarałs body
with a nanotech magnetic imager. “What?" he asked, frantic.

“Shełs lost a significant amount of blood, sir. Now, I need
you to step back and let us work." The tech turned to her partner. “I need the
arteriofuser, now," she barked. “Therełs a slight nick in the artery, and we
need to stop the bleeding."

The woman stuck a slender, metal wand directly into the wound
on Ilarałs shoulder and pulled a pair of protective glasses over her eyes.
“Youłll need to turn your head, sir. The light from the laser could damage your

Kei closed his eyes tightly, grimacing at the sound of
searing flesh and the smell of sizzling blood. When he opened them again, the
flow of blood from Ilarałs shoulder had ceased.

“Resonant brace," the tech ordered and was handed a length of
metallic cloth. Her partner nudged Kei aside and assisted the tech in securing
the cloth around Ilarałs shoulders. He handed the tech a small canister with a
spray nozzle, which she sprayed over and around the material. She looked at
Kei. “The liquid activates the ultrasound components and directs it into the
wound. It also hardens the material around the brace, immobilizing the patient.
We canłt take a chance of reopening the wound while transporting her. Shełll
need blood when we get her to the medunit." She stood and waved to another
tech. “Bring up the ventrosupporter; letłs get some oxygen into this patient."

Keiłs shoulders sagged when the medics completed the work of
stabilizing Ilara and began the trek back to the tube entrance. Solae
approached and patted his back.

“Shełs going to be okay, Kei," Solae assured him. “Shełs a
tough little thing. I didnłt give her half the credit she deserves. That girl
has more grit than some men I know." She urged him forward. “Come on, letłs get
out of here. Wełll meet them at the medical facility."

Kei turned and glanced at what remained of Zarunłs body.
Already, the targas were beginning to feed. “She always said shełd wind up
killing him before it was over." He sighed, scrubbing his hands over his face.
“I just wish shełd found a less dramatic way to go about it. I thought I was
so afraid Iłd lose her."

Asirian smiled, draping his arm over his wifełs shoulder. “I
know what youłre saying, Rewu. Iłve been in exactly the same place a time or
two, myself. Itłs damned disconcerting to realize you love someone that much.
Especially when they think nothing of grabbing a tiger by the tail."

Solae snorted. “Please," she said, rolling her eyes. “Neither
one of you would know what to do with a tame woman. Youłd be bored stiff, and
you damn well know it."

“Absolutely, darling, but if you insist on rubbing our noses in
it, Iłm afraid youłll have to pay the price for your insolence."

Another snort. “Iłm simply trembling with fear, Asirian." She
slid from beneath her husbandłs arm and picked up her pace. “Get a move on,
boys, or theyłll have her fixed and released before we get there."

Chapter Twenty


Ilara woke in a full-body regeneration tube and cried out in
a panic. She pounded at the clear cover with her fists. “Let me out!" she
screamed, then sobbed with relief when Keiłs face appeared above her. Oh, thank you, gods, for letting me live.
But she had to touch him, taste him, to know he was real. She clawed at the

“Open it," Kei ordered the nurse.

“Sir, she needs at least another hour of regeneration to be
completely healed."

“And Iłll see to it that she gets it, but right now she needs
to know shełs safe."

The cover slid back and Ilara bolted upright, gulping for
air. “II thought it was some torture device of Zarunłs. I forgot." She
shuddered, remembering. “Iłve neverkilleda man before."

Kei knelt by the machine and took her hand. “If ever a man
needed killing, it was Zarun. Iłm just sorry I didnłt do it for you." He
brought her palm to his mouth and pressed his lips to it. “Suffering gods,
Ilara, you scared me half to death. What in the name of all thatłs holy did you
think you were doing running off on your own like that?"

Ilara shuddered. “He said hełd let Leonis go, but I had to go
alone." She closed her eyes for a moment, then met his gaze. “When I realized
he wasnłt going to let him go, I lured him away. Is he all right? Is Leonis

“He is, and recovering nicely. Theyłll be releasing him
today. You too, if youłll stay in the regenerator for another hour."

She clutched his hand tightly, fearful of losing that
contact. “Youłll stay with me? Where I can see you?"

“Iłll be right here, love." He stood and leaned into the
tube, pressing his lips to hers. “And when you wake, Iłll take you home."

“Kiss me again. I need to feel you." Ilara clung to him,
burying her fingers in the silk of his hair. Heaven help her, shełd felt so
desolate at the thought of never seeing him again, never waking to the feel of
skin next to hers in the middle of the night, never having his arms enfold her
when the dreams came.

When his lips slanted over hers, Ilara took his face in her
hands, relishing the feel of the rough stubble on his cheek, the softness of
his tongue as it slid against hers, and she knew she was safe at last.

“I love you," she murmured when he broke the kiss.

“And I you. Now, lie down and let the machine do its work.
The children are at the house, and theyłre anxious to see you."

“Yes, one more hour and we can go home." Home. How that word resonated for her. Who would have imagined
shełd ever find a place where she really belonged? A place where she was
cherished and safe. And most importantly, loved. She sighed and closed her
eyes. What was one hour compared to a lifetime?

* * * * * *

The front door burst open as Ilara and Kei came up the walk,
children spilling out onto the front lawn, laughing and crying as they swarmed
her. She knelt, arms held wide as they threw themselves at her. With a joyful
laugh, she was bowled over flat on her butt as they rained kisses and hugs on

“Easy does it, children," Kei declared, laughter in his
voice. “Shełs just recovered from her injuries."

One by one, the children peeled themselves off her; then
Leonis was there, holding out his hand to pull her to her feet. She sobbed.

“Oh, my beautiful boy. No one has ever looked so good to me."
She threw herself in his arms, hugging tightly, bawling like a baby.

“Hush, Ilara," he softly scolded. “Itłs over. Zarunłs dead,
and Caldurłs locked up. Wełre safe now, thanks to you and your friends."

She stood back, touching his sweet face, a face that just
hours ago had been so battered he could barely speak. “Thank the stars, youłre
all right." She turned a radiant smile on the children hovering around her.
“All of you are all right." A puzzled frown marred her brow. “Wherełs Maras?"

Leonis looked over her shoulder at Kei, then tugged on
Ilarałs hand. “Shełs insidewith her mother. Asirianłs brother found her on
Cyntur-Rho, shełd been abducted and forced to work as a prostitute." At Ilarałs
questioning look, he said, “Come inside and theyłll tell you all about it."

When she stepped inside the house, Solae embraced her. “I
donłt know whether to hug you or kick your skinny little ass," she said,
settling for another hug. “You put Kei through hell, you know, and for that
alone I ought to horsewhip you." She tugged on Ilarałs hand. “Come into the
media room; there are some people you should meet.

“You know Maras, of course, but this is her mother, Kasha."

A very thin young woman stood and crossed the room to embrace
Ilara. “Thank you for taking such good care of my little girl." Tears coursed
down the womanłs cheeks. “II never meant to leave her alone. Theythey took
me, and I didnłt have a choice"

Ilara patted the womanłs back. “Itłs all right. Shełs safe,
theyłre all safe, and so are you." She smiled at Maras. “Iłm so happy youłre
back together again, though wełll miss Maras desperately."

“But wełre not going anywhere," Maras chirruped. “Didnłt Kei
tell you?"

Ilara frowned and turned to look at Kei, who hung back,
shaking his head. “I was going to tell you when the work was done, but Iłve
purchased the old school. Wełre meeting with an architect next week to discuss
the plans. Itłs -- I hope youłll approve -- but itłs going to be a homeless
shelter for women and children. There will be classrooms, a health clinic, and
a new playground. Iłd like to call it Depherra House. I thought Kasha could run
it. She managed a residential facility before Why are you crying?" Kei asked
when Ilara started bawling. “I thought youłd be pleased. “It was your home for

Ilara silenced him by leaping on him, wrapping her arms
around his neck. “Shut up and kiss me, you amazing, wonderful man." His arms
closed around her, and he took her at her word, taking her mouth in a slow,
deep kiss that left her knees weak.

“Solae," a deep voice called from across the room. “Iłm
thinking we might want to have a wedding before those two set a truly bad
example for the youngsters."

Ilara blinked, feeling her cheeks heat, as she turned to find
the man who belonged to the voice. Her eyes narrowed as she looked between him
and Asirian. There was no doubt they were related. She gasped. He could be none
other than the notorious pirate, Fyn Du-ket. “Wedding?"

Solae raised an eyebrow. “You did agree to marry your
gladiator, didnłt you?"

“I Yes, I certainly did." She gaped at the pirate. “And
youłll be marrying us?"

Du-ket gave her a wicked grin. “Iłd say I earned the
privilege, beauty. After all, my men and I single-handedly shut down those clubs
and sent quite a few bad guys to meet their makers."

“I" Ilara said, dazed. “I donłt know what to say."

Kei draped an arm over her shoulder and leaned down. “Say
yes, little thief. We have all these witnesses and enough food prepared to feed
an army. A wedding and a party seem like just the thing to celebrate the demise
of Zarun and Caldur."

“And I have just enough time for both before Iłm off to
locate a runaway heiress and return her to her father," Du-ket added.

Ilara looked around the room at all the happy, loving faces
and couldnłt think of any reason to say no, except for one. “And this wedding
you want to perform, will it be legal? You are a wanted man, after all."

Du-ket and Asirian burst out laughing. “Not to worry, Ilara,"
Asirian said. “Hełs been exonerated of the really serious crimes and made
restitution for the rest."

Du-ket snorted. “Itłs true, and itłs damn near cleaned me
out. I now have to work for a living."

“Iłve heard about you, the pirate who steals womenłs hearts.
So youłre an honest man now?"

Du-ket gave her another wicked grin. “Oh, my sweet, I may
have turned over a new leaf, but Iłm still an unquestionable rogue."

“So, what do you say, Ilara?" Kei asked. “You already hold my
heart in your hands."

“And youłve stolen mine, gladiator, so you leave me no choice
but to say yes," she answered, taking his hand. “Get on with it, captain. I canłt
think of anyone better to marry us than the thief of hearts."






India Masters


India refers to herself as an old, Southern hippie. She is
happily divorced with no intention of rectifying the situation because
sometimes she can barely stand her own company, much less someone else. She has
one grown daughter who she still refers to as “Doodle," and lives in a rapidly
developing rural area in Florida where she shares her domain with all manner of
wildlife, a swimming pool that is a breeding ground for a seemingly virulent
strain of algae, and a black snake that likes to surprise her when she turns on
the outdoor faucet and picks up the black water hose.

India developed a love for writing while earning her B.A. in
Criminal Justice from a northern college. She refers to herself as a late
bloomer, as she married late, gave birth late, and got started writing late in
life. She developed her love for all things quirky from doing psychiatric
social work in both the community and corrections fields. She has always loved
a good romance novel but found them lacking because all the good stuff was
cloaked in euphemisms or happened behind closed doors. It wasnłt until she
joined a critiquing group that she discovered romantic erotica, and her first
book, The Soul Collector, was born.
She credits her success to the caring support of the women -- and one,
lone man -- in her critique group, but especially to one member who took
her under her wing and helped her learn everything from point of view to
manuscript formatting.


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