CONTROL SYSTEM TOOLBOX Frequency-domain analysis. ltiview - Response analysis GUI (LTI General. Viewer). ctrlpref - Set Control System Toolbox bode - Bode diagrams of the frequency preferences. response. ltimodels - Detailed help on the various types bodemag - Bode magnitude diagram only. of LTI models. nyquist - Nyquist plot. ltiprops - Detailed help on available LTI margin - Gain and phase margins. model properties. allmargin - All crossover frequencies and related gain/phase margins. Creating linear models. tf - Create transfer function models. Classical design. zpk - Create zero/pole/gain models. sisotool - SISO design GUI (root locus and ss - Create state-space models. loop shaping techniques). set - Set/modify properties of LTI rlocus - Evans root locus. models. Time delays. Data extraction. hasdelay - True for models with time delays. tfdata - Extract numerator(s) and pade - Pade approximation of time delays. denominator(s). zpkdata - Extract zero/pole/gain data. ssdata - Extract state-space matrices. Overloaded arithmetic operations. get - Access values of LTI model + and - - Add and subtract systems (parallel properties. connection). * - Multiply systems (series Conversions. connection). tf - Conversion to transfer function. zpk - Conversion to zero/pole/gain. Demonstrations. ss - Conversion to state space. Type "demo" or "help ctrldemos" for a list of c2d - Continuous to discrete conversion. available demos. Model dynamics. Transforms. dcgain - D.C. (low frequency) gain. laplace - Laplace transform. bandwidth - System bandwidth. ilaplace - Inverse Laplace transform. pole, eig - System poles. ztrans - Z-transform. zero - System (transmission) zeros. iztrans - Inverse Z-transform. pzmap - Pole-zero map. damp - Natural frequency and damping of system poles. esort - Sort continuous poles by real part. dsort - Sort discrete poles by magnitude. Time-domain analysis. ltiview - Response analysis GUI (LTI Viewer). step - Step response. impulse - Impulse response. initial - Response of state-space system with given initial state. lsim - Response to arbitrary inputs. gensig - Generate input signal for LSIM.