The Modern Dispatch
Genre Templates III
By Barak Blackburn
Time again for another installment in
Adamant Entertainment's series of Genre
Templates for d20 Modern play. Our
first two installments (which appeared in
Modern Dispatch #70: Genre Templates
and Modern Dispatch #74: More Genre
Content Manager:
Templates), have been well received, and
Charles Rice, Chris Davis
so in this issue, we're presenting you with
another four Genre Templates for you to use.
Chris Davis
First, however, we'll give a brief re-
introduction of the concept for those of you
who are unfamiliar:
" Genre Templates are add-ons that
give each player access to the skills and
abilities typically possessed by significant
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
characters within in a given genre.
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
" Genre Templates unlock the coolest
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the bits of the d20 system for each character
United States and other countries and are used
allowing players to customize their
with permission. d20 System and the d20
characters while ensuring that each
System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
character has a bare minimum degree of
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
competency within the given genre.
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy
of this License can be found at www.wizards.
" Genre Templates are not complicated
Genre Templates 3
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rules additions. There is no need to characters always have access to as class
Those Darned Vampires:
add layers of difficulty to the already skills.
Vampire Hunting, with Sass.
comprehensive d20 system.
Feats and abilities: These are the feats and
" Genre Templates are not balanced. special abilities that all significant characters
Knowledge (Arcane), Sense Motive,
Not every Genre Template is designed automatically have. However, just because a
the same. Within a particular genre, significant character has a particular feat or
adding a Genre Template to all significant ability does not ensure or require that they
characters will not change them in regards have all the pre-requisites. When they want
Power Attack, Combat Expertise
to one another, however, when dealing to pick up a feat or ability that requires pre-
with insignificant characters, significant requisites that they do not have, they will
characters will be at an advantage. have to acquire them.
" Knowledge (Arcane) covers
everything about the supernatural, from
" Genre Templates are not over-powered: For instance: a character in a Modern d20
vampires, to ancient cults.
significant characters are not harder to hit, campaign might get Point Blank Shot
they not have additional hit points... They from their particular Genre Template, but
" Geeky: Every additional Knowledge
are simply able to do the cool stuff that unless he has a Dexterity of 13 he cannot
area a character has gives the character
characters in that genre do with regularity. get Double Tap (even though a 13 Dex is
a cumulative +2 bonus on any other
required for Point Blank Shot).
Knowledge check.
" Genre Templates are designed to be
plug and play. Tweaks: These are simple rules add-ons that
" Hit Em Where It Hurts AKA Stake
are designed to be seamlessly integrated into
Em!: vampires are tough to take down,
a campaign.
but not if you know where to hit them.
How do they work?
A wooden stake through the heart or
Optional: Some Templates have optional
chopping their head off will end a
rules provided, which allow for more drastic
When a campaign starts, add the Genre
vampire's existence. Sadly, d20 does not
changes in the rules to emulate a particular
Template to each player and other significant
offer either of these options in combat.
genre. These are a bit more radical than the
Tweaks, and so are presented as options,
To attempt to remove the head of a
usable at the discretion of the Game Master.
Genre Templates are comprised of the
vampire, an edged weapon must be used,
following sections:
and a player must subtract 6 from their
In this issue, we present four different Genre
attack roll for the head shot. The damage
Templates for use with the Modern D20
Skills: These are the skills that all significant
dealt to the vampire must be higher than
rules set.
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their Cha. If the damage is higher than 1D 2 to 3D 4, 1D 4 to 1D 2, less than 1D 4 ). If a If a character's Con is reduced to 0, they
their Cha, the damage is multiplied by character beats the vampire's bluff check do not die, instead they collapse and
the weapon's critical multiplier +1. If the by more than 5, the player may learn both are unconscious for as long as the GM
subsequent multiplied damage brings the pieces of information. This Sense Motive determines.
vampire to 0 or fewer HP, the vampire is check is a move-equivalent action, the
destroyed. Bluff check requires nothing on the Determining whether a character will turn
vampire's part. If the check by the PC is a sketchy proposition. Characters may
To stake a vampire, a wooden stake must fails by more than 5, the vampire is aware attempt with any medical type skills, or even
be used (Wooden Stake-- Simple Weapon, of being sized up by his opponent. Knowledge (Arcana), however, the Gm will
Damage 1d3, Critical 20, Piercing, secretly roll any die. The GM will make the
0 range [but may be thrown with the Optional: roll, and at the same time roll any other die.
standard range penalties applied for Join Me! Instead of the standard method of If the other die rolled comes up odd, the
every 5 foot increment, and a -4 non- creating vampiric spawn, vampires instead research indicates that the character WILL
Proficiency Penalty], Size: Small, Weight: infect their victims over time. The strength NOT turn. If the check comes up a natural 1,
1D 2 pound, 0 cost) or a crossbow fitted of the vampire (and the GM's whims) the GM should tell the character the opposite
with wooden bolts (range of crossbow determines how many times a vampire of whatever the truth is.
decreases to 10 ft). An attack roll must be must drain a victim's blood to convert them
made with a -6 penalty. If the attack hits, (usually between 1 and 3). This check may only be attempted once.
multiply the damage by 5. If this damage Period.
is enough to bring the 0 or fewer HP Each draining is a standard
the vampire is destroyed. If this damage vampiric bite attack, but the
is not enough to reduce it to zero, the attack must drain 3 or 4 Con
damage is not multiplied by 5. points from the victim, and
each must occur on a separate
One interesting dilemma is that both occasion. If 4 Con points are
attacks are most effective the weaker a drained, the draining will
vampire gets. In order to determine the happen sooner, if 3 it may take
present state of a vampire, a character a day or longer for the effects to
rolls a Sense Motive check opposed by take place. With either draining,
a vampire's Bluff check. Success will the total number of points
determine one of two things (players' actually drained can be kept a
choice): the vampires starting HP +/- secret from the players. Instead
their Cha score; how many hit points tell them that only 1 or 2 points
the vampire has left (Full, 3D 4 to full, were drained.
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damage, 20 Critical). For each weapon determine how many weapons can be found.
found, the Gm should roll a d10 to Players looking for specific items (to make
determine weapon type: 1-5 Bludgeoning, bombs and the like) should use a Search
6-8 Piercing, 9-10 Slashing. check, with the DC determined by the
appropriateness of where they are looking.
After zombies are encountered and if
A natural 20 on the Improvised Power Attack: any character
characters survive, Survival and Treat
Survival roll finds may try and do more damage with a melee
Injury become class skills for every
the character 1d4-1 weapon. The weapon must be Medium
character. But before zombies are
real weapons. or Large. A Medium weapon user trying
encountered, all characters are blissfully
These are treated to use their weapon with two hands
ignorant. After Zombies are encountered,
as standard must subtract 2 before any other
Survival and Treat Injury can also be used
weapons, and are subtractions.
not improvised.
To attempt an Improvised
Any natural 1 Power Attack, characters
None. Characters have the abilities they had
on an attack subtract 2 from their attack
before the zombies arrived. S.O.L.
roll will result roll for every +1 to damage
in an improvised (or +2 if using a two-handed
weapon being weapon). Character may
Improvised weapons: The local mall
destroyed. subtract a total from their
generally will not have much in the way
GMs should attack roll up to their BAB.
of swords and the like. However, with a
roll a 1d4-1
DC15 Survival check, a character may find
for each
something that can be used as a Simple
location to Optional:
Mob Tactics: One
zombie is scary. Many
A result of 15 gives a character a Small
zombies are very
weapon (1d4 Damage, 20 Critical), A result
scary! Any time a
of 20 gives the character a more deadly
character is adjacent
Medium weapon (1d6 Damage and 19-20
to more than
Critical or 1d8 damage, 20 Critical). A result
one zombie, the
of 25 gives the character something really
zombies attack in
good (a Medium weapon, 1d8 Damage,
force. One attack
19-20 Critical, or a Large weapon, 1d10
roll is made using
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the highest BAB of an adjacent zombie the Will save is made, the character knows events Before the Fall. Spot, Listen, Search,
and the roll is made with +1 to hit and +2 the change is coming and is holding it Hide and Move Silently are also class skills
damage for every additional zombie. back! If a character does not get their fifth for characters raised AtF.
notation, they still must make a Fort save Characters from BtF get a cumulative +2 on
Hit Em In the Head: Using this option, after combat. Failure means it is only a any Knowledge check for every Knowledge
zombies can only be killed by destroying matter of time.... GM's discretion when this skill they possess. They must also choose
their head. All zombies gain fast healing 5. occurs, and GM's discretion if a Will save at character creation to have Survival be a
In addition, every time a zombie is reduced is allowed. One notation can be eliminated class skill. If they do not want Survival as
to 0 or fewer HP, after 1 round, it returns to after 8 hours of rest. A really nasty GM a class skill, they get instead the ability to
action, with full HP. If a character wishes might have all players roll their Fort saves spend 1 skill point and increase the ranks in
to hit a zombie in the head, an attack roll in the open, but also roll one of their own a number Knowledge skills equal to their Int
is made with a -6 penalty on the roll. If the in secret. The GM will also roll a d6 with bonus.
initial damage is greater than 10, multiply this roll. If the d6 rolls a 1-3, the GMs roll
the damage by 5. If that total reduces the stands, if it rolls a 4-6 the player's roll Feats:
zombie to 0 or fewer HP, the zombie is stands. Endurance, Toughness.
Mixing it up: GMs should feel free to Tweaks:
Infection: How are zombies made? No one modify the zombie abilities, just to keep " Progress- AtF, technology takes several
knows for sure. However, with every attack things interesting: maybe some get +8 to steps backwards. Consider all characters
roll, a GM should note if the natural number Strength, maybe some have a 40' move and raised AtF to be at -2 progress levels for
rolled is odd or even. If the number is even, can run, there are even rumors that some their primary culture (IE an Information
the GM should make a notation for the of them must have their heart destroyed, Age (PL5) Earth AtF becomes an
character (Keep note cards handy with all not their head (rules are the same, just a Industrial Age (PL 3) for everyone raised
the character's names printed on them, make different location). AtF). Any attempt to use any equipment
a single notation for every even roll). If the from a higher Progress Level requires an
roll is a natural 20, make 5 notations. Intelligence check each time it is used.
After The Fall:
The only way around this is to get 5 ranks
For every notation 5 and after, a character Post-Apocalyptic Madness in Knowledge (specific equipment) for
must make an immediate Fort save with a each type of item, such as guns, cars,
DC equal to 15+1 for every notation. If the Skills: televisions... For characters raised BtF,
check is failed, the character may make a For characters who have grown up they are able to ignore this PL penalty.
Will save with the same DC. If both saves AtF(After the Fall), Survival is a class skill,
fail, the character immediately collapses but they must subtract their ranks in Survival " Barter- equipment is not nearly as
and stands the next round, as a zombie! If from any Knowledge check made about available as it was BtF, however the
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abstract d20 Modern Wealth system works He shows them a finely crafted sword, If a Fort save is failed, feel free to change an
well for bartering. normal DC 11, 2d6 +2, -2, 0 total, DC 11 individuals condition to any of the following
item and tells them if they had something depending on the type and severity of
When coming across any population more he could take the suit off their hands Radiation encountered: exhausted, fatigued,
large enough to support a decent barter for the sword. Obviously, the GM has final nauseated, shaken. Every 8 hours spent in
exchange (IE a wandering tribe number say as to whether certain equipment might an area, a character must make an additional
20 is not likely to have a wide-variety be available. save or have their condition worsen. Once
of items to barter, so the GM should they leave an area, they must also make a
figure out before-hand what they have Optional: save 24 hours later. If the save is failed, they
available) the GM should roll a 2 different Radiation- life AtF is not pleasant. There gain a Rad Point.
colored d6 for every item bartered or is some bad stuff in the air. Pollution,
to be bartered for. One die is positive, radiation, bio-virus, who knows? What one Rad Points give a bonus to future saves
and one is negative. Take the total and does know is that it can kill a body dead. against all Radiation, however, if the
add it to the normal equipment cost (the number of Rad Points a character has
characters stroll into Blu Art City and GMs should set a Fort DC for specific areas becomes greater than their Fort Save, they
hit the marketplace. During their last and for contaminated food and water, and begin dying. Every day they must make a
adventure, the PCs found a strange suit players will have to make their rolls when Fort save with a DC equal to the number of
of clothing- Doc tells them it is called a they come in contact. DCs should start Rad Points they have +10. each failed save
business suit- and they try and barter it at 5, because there are those folks who causes them to lose one from their Str, Dex
for some decent weapons. A business suit have become immune to the effects (If a and Con. There are tales of healing that can
is normally DC 12 to purchase, the GM characters Fort Save+1 is equal to or higher cure Radiation Damage, but many think they
rolls 2d6, +3, -6 for a -3 total, the buyer is than the DC they do not have to make a are just stories....
going to look at the suit as a DC 9 item. save).
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Neon Lights:
80s Style-over-Substance
Bluff, Drive, Sense Motive.
Brawl, Personal Firearms Proficiency.
" Feeling better: All SCs are fully
the XP is enough, a GM can also ask the
players if they would like to level up. This
" Stylish: All SCs get a bonus to all
requires that at least two characters sacrifice
saves equal to their Cha modifier (if
" Going Right for the Big Guy: Players
their soundtracks for the session (or if only
positive). All SCs also get a +5 bonus
may eliminate a number of non-SCs equal
one player has a soundtrack remaining, it
to their reputation, and are -5 (ignoring
to the sum total of their Cha modifiers
must be sacrificed).
the +5 also) to be recognized if they
(IE add up the Cha modifiers for all the
do not want to (IE the characters are
players, this is the number of mooks that
Soundtracks should not be used immediately
may be taken down without effort);
back-to-back. At least one scene should
happen between songs.
" Taking it Slow- A character may take
Unusual Past: The Vietnam vet who also
20 on any skill check, even if it was one
has ties to a modern-day samurai clan,
Soundtrack- Once per session each player
that normally wouldn't allow taking 20;
the cop who has spent more time behind
may request a soundtrack. They should be
bars than putting others behind them, the
sure to have a copy of the popular music
" Introspection: If faced with a problem
businessman who used to run guns....
selection they wish to play. The music
that the players cannot solve, the player
should obviously be setting and time
may ask for a hint or hints. These scenes
At the start of every session, all players roll
appropriate. When the selection plays,
are often spent with the character driving
a d20 and submit the results to the GM.
the scene slows down, and the action
alone down a rain-soaked road, or taking
The GM also rolls a d20 for each player
becomes narrative: the player will describe
off in their boat....
and adds the two numbers. The player with
what happens in the scene (obviously
the highest total is the spotlight player of
the description of the scene should be
The GM also gets one use of soundtrack per
the session. At some point, the GM should
appropriate to the effect). The player can ask
session also, and this is for the benefit of the
inform the player of something from their
for one of four benefits:
villain. If the GM is feeling generous, and
past: perhaps an NPC is someone they know,
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they have family connections to the drug- scientist). None of these items should be We hope that you have enjoyed these Genre
dealers, etc... This unusual past should be game-breaking, and are meant mostly for in- Templates. Not every genre requires the
something cool, and should allow that player game coolness. detail of an entire supplement...sometimes
to shine for the moment. The GM and player it's just fun to go with the quick-and-easy
will work together at the table through In addition, a character may have a number method. Grab some characters, apply a
narrative to describe the relationship: of stylistic elements (clothing style, haircut, template, and play in your favorite genre.
earring, etc) that deviate from the norm
GM: As you enter the bar, you recognize equal to his Cha bonus. These elements do
the beautiful women seated at a back not make the character stand out all when
table. It is your fiancée from several years on the job: No one questions the man
ago. You broke off the marriage when you with the Mohawk hair-cut at the reception
discovered that she was having an affair for the queen, the Miami cop is easily able
with Santiago. Ever since, you have tried to camouflage in the everglades even when
to avoid Santiago and have turned a blind wearing bright pink pants and a turquoise
eye to many of his dealings. jacket....
Player: I walk over to Marissa and put
the engagement ring I have always
carried since the day I last
saw her down on the table.
These relationships may be
very shady, and may even
put the player in professional
jeopardy, but in the end,
everything always works
Atypical Style: Each player
may start the game with a
number of items well beyond their means
equal to their Cha bonus (a beautiful
house overlooking the ocean for the beat
cop, a Lotus Esprit Turbo for the research
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Open game license
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ( Wizards ). All Rights Reserved.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based
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