Utopia of Greed Readme

Map Name: Utopia of Greed (Utopia of Greed.h3m)

Map Maker: Mike Kristofik (kristo605@hotmail.com)

Map Type: Single player, Armageddon's Blade

Difficulty: Hard/Expert (haven't decided yet)

Size of map: Large (33KB)

Description: "As you struggle to hold together a weak alliance against your stronger enemies, the exiled Wizard of the north is growing strong. Perhaps both sides have a common enemy..."

The theme of this map comes from the anti-altruism theme present in Ayn Rand's famous novel Atlas Shrugged. "Utopia of Greed" is actually a name of a chapter from the book. The player is the strong link in a crumbling alliance whose weaker allies are really only a burden. Do you try to hang on and let them build themselves up or do you allow the alliance to fall apart and keep it all for yourself? You decide.

Special Win: none

Special Loss: Lose starting town

Special Other: none

Play-Tested: Yes!



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