The Modern Dispatch 079 Military Mission Generator

the modern dispatch
military mission generator
by charles rice
group s next hard target search. Of course nothing
compares to the boundless imagination of the game
master, so don t feel constrained by these results. The
Sometimes life and gaming don t mix. When your
mission generator is designed as a springboard to
buddies call on short notice and want to game you
your creativity. If a better idea comes to mind, a more
have three basic choices: scream  I am not your
interesting combination of elements or something
#79 entertainment center! and hang up; say  awesome!
completely outside the bounds of this work, by all
then after hanging up the phone look at the ceiling and
means throw that in to spice things up even more.
scream  my empire is crumblinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng! ;
Sparking creativity is the purpose of this article and
or you can run something on the fly. This article is
if it gives you a totally unrelated idea then it has done
content managers:
aimed to help you with the last option. The first two
its job.
charles rice and chris davis
are so damn fun you should have no trouble coming
up with your own variations.
chris davis
mission construction
Boiled down to its essence all military
chris davis
objectives can be boiled down
into the following orders:
 You must [ACHIEVE] the
following [OBJECTIVE] in the
hostile [TERRAIN] of a certain
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
[REGION], while overcoming any
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
unforeseen [COMPLICATIONS].
Each bracketed parameter, as you
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
may have guessed is represented
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
by a table below, allowing you
United States and other countries and are used
randomly input each element
with permission
of the mission, creating a
complete plot skeleton waiting
 d20 System and the  d20 System logo are
to be fleshed out for your
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
be found at
military mission generator
page 1
the modern dispatch
how the system works
table 1: achieve
Find the objective and supply them with state of the
Roll (d%) Result
art weapons, or weapons more appropriate to their
achieve notes 01-04 Assault
current assignment.
05-08 Recon
09-12 Defend
A classic. Find the objective and attack it. Capturing it
Find the objective and relieve them of weapons they
13-16 Lead
if possible, killing it if not.
should not have.
17-20 Train
21-24 Arm
Find out as much information as possible about the
Build the objective. Works best for buildings, but can
25-28 Disarm
objective. Preferable if you are not discovered during
work for people as well, perhaps creating a dummy
the course of this mission. 29-32 Build
hostage as a training exercise or even to draw out an
enemy into an ambush.
33-36 Destroy
37-40 Bombard
Find the objective and protect it.
41-44 Investigate
Destroy the objective. Unlike assault, capture is not
preferable in this mission.
lead 45-48 Capture
Find the objective and assume command. This could
49-52 Liberate
either be forces of your own country or those of
53-56 Repair
a friendly or neutral power who have asked your
Drop bombs on the objective. This could
country for guidance and leadership, usually against a
alternately describe shore bombardment or artillery 57-60 Rescue
common foe.
bombardment. Either way, you are to send a rather
61-64 Recruit
unmistakable message to the target without directly
65-68 Contact
engaging it.
69-72 Supply
Find the objective and prepare them for a future
73-76 Isolate
77-80 Transport
81-84 Infiltrate
credit where credit is due
85-88 Patrol
This article is inspired by the modern adventure generator written by Gareth Michael Skarka and first
89-92 Medical Assistance
appearing in Modern Dispatch Issue #29. Actually  shamelessly adopted might be more accurate than
93-96 Disaster Relief
 inspired but um, we did ask permission and cleaving as close to the original system as possible makes
both issues compatible, allowing you to mix and match results. Oooo, compatibility! Good one! What
97-100 Escort
I meant to say is this article is  compatible with the modern adventure generator. That sounds better.
military mission generator
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the modern dispatch
investigate transport
table 2: objective
Track the objective s movements and history. Unlike Move the objective from point A to point B
Roll (d%) Result
recon, which is concerned with the now, investigation undamaged.
01-04 Army
is concerned with the target s past and possibly future
05-08 Navy
Pretend to join the objective to learn more about it.
09-12 Air Force
13-16 Marines
Capture the objective. Unlike in the assault mission,
where capture is preferable but not required, here it is
17-20 Hostage
Travel a predestinated route near the objective to
essential that the person be captured unharmed or the
prevent trouble.
21-24 Dictator
place secured intact.
25-28 Leader
medical assistance
liberate 29-32 Organization
Provide medical expertise or supplies to the objective.
Free the objective from foreign control. Unlike
33-36 Terrorist Group
capture your government does not much care who
disaster relief
37-40 Intelligence Agency
does control it, they are only concerned in removing
Help the objective recover from a natural disaster such
the objective from a particular party s control. 41-44 Airport/Naval Base
as an earthquake or hurricane.
45-48 Rebels
49-52 Political Party/Leader
Find the objective and repair a vital piece of
Travel with the objective for a period of time and
53-56 Estate
protect it.
57-60 Expert
61-64 WMD
objective notes
Find the objective and protect it until a certain
65-68 Factory
dilemma endangering it has passed.
69-72 Drug Trafficker
A difficult objective, the ground forces of a foreign
73-76 Ship/Submarine
Bring the objective under the control of your leaders
77-80 Airplane
of its own free will.
81-84 Financial Institution
A difficult objective, the sea forces of a foreign nation.
85-88 Religious Leader/Icon
Deliver a message to the objective, usually by hand.
89-92 Weapons/Armor
air force
93-96 Informant
A difficult objective, the air forces of a foreign nation.
97-100 Monument
Deliver rations, ammunition and other supplies forces
need to stay operational to the objective. marines
A difficult objective, the amphibious forces of a
foreign nation.
Cut the objective off from supply lines.
military mission generator
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the modern dispatch
airport/naval base
table 3: terrain table 4: region
A home base for a military power.
Roll (d%) Result Roll (d%) Result
01-05 River 01-05 Western Europe
Armed combatants operating within the nominal
06-10 Canyon 06-10 Central Europe
control of another government or military. Unlike
11-15 Plains 11-15 Eastern Europe
terrorists, rebels attempt to strike at military targets
16-21 City 16-21 Russia
and/or achieve military (rather than political)
22-27 Town 22-27 India
28-32 Village 28-32 Asia
political party/leader
33-38 Hills 33-38 Middle East
A group or leader of a political party. The results of
39-43 Mountain 39-43 North Africa kidnapping or assassinating such an individual can
be extremely volatile but sometimes such things are
44-48 Swamp 44-48 South Africa
49-53 Jungle 49-53 Japan
54-58 Tundra 54-58 Pacific Islands
The home of an affluent individual.
59-64 Arctic 59-64 Australia
65-69 Coastal 65-69 Canada
70-74 Ocean 70-74 United States
Someone skilled in a specific area of expertise, usually
75-79 Delta 75-79 Caribbean a rare one.
80-84 Ruin 80-84 Central America
85-89 Savannah 85-89 Arctic
A weapon of mass destruction, typically one of
90-95 Desert 90-95 Antarctica
nuclear, biological or chemical nature. This could
also include the means to make such weapons or a
96-100 Rain Forest 96-100 Greenland
storehouse where they are housed.
hostage organization
Someone who has been taken captive by someone A group formed for a non-military task.
A manufacturing facility for durable goods.
terrorist group
drug trafficker
dictator A group formed for the purpose of attacking and/or
Someone who sells drugs illegally. Since both involve
Someone who rules a nation outside the rule of law or intimidating non-combatants for political purposes.
crossing borders without consent this objective could
by force.
also include smugglers of any commodity, even legal
intelligence agency
ones (such as pirated software or entertainment).
leader A group formed for the purpose of intelligence
Someone who rules a nation or leads an organization gathering, spying or infiltrating others.
within the rule of law.
military mission generator
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the modern dispatch
mission  by the numbers to avoid embarrassing their
ship/submarine religious leader/icon
superiors. They may also have to protect the safety of
An ocean-going vessel, either above or below the A religious group or its leader. Even more sensitive
the reporter.
waves. than a political group, this mission could inflame a
conflict greatly if it is not handled with care.
civil conflict
A civil uprising such as a riot or labor strike is
An airplane, including helicopters. weapons/armor
taking place in the country, making the mission more
A weapon or means of defense, usually for the
individual soldier.
financial institution
A bank, stock exchange, lending institution, ATM etc.
transportation problems
Transportation problems make it more difficult to get
Someone in possession of secret information.
to the mission or (possibly more dangerous) get out
table 5: complications
after it s over.
Roll (d%) Result
A place dedicated to a religion or national struggle.
01-05 Double Agent/Mole
Someone is attempting to complete the mission first,
06-10 Redundant Cell
complications notes
perhaps in a different way.
11-15 Foul Weather
double agent/mole
16-21 Love Interest/Dependant
blown cover
An enemy poses a friend, working to hinder their
Those interested in stopping the PCs mission are well
22-27 Reporter
aware of their location and intentions.
28-32 Civil Conflict
33-38 Transportation Problems redundant cell
A second group of enemies is working on the same
39-43 Competition One of the PCs becomes sick during the course of the
mission, making the PCs work twice as hard to stop it.
44-48 Blown Cover
49-53 Illness
foul weather
The weather makes the mission more dangerous and
54-58 Wounded
One of the PCs is seriously wounded during the
course of the mission.
59-64 Civilians in need
65-69 Old Friend
love interest/dependant
civilians in need
70-74 Natural Disaster A dependent of the characters has shown up to make
The PCs encounter civilians who need their help,
the mission more difficult.
complicating their mission.
75-79 Regime Change/Election
80-84 Legal Troubles
old friend
85-89 Problem Past
A reporter is covering the mission, either from the
An old friend becomes involved in the mission but is
outside or even imbedded with the group. Either
90-95 Mistaken Identity
he a friend or a foe?
way the characters must make sure they do this
96-100 Old Enemy/Rival
military mission generator
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the modern dispatch
natural disaster problem past
sample adventure
Weather so bad it threatens more than the mission, it Something from the PCs past has returned to haunt
threatens the PCs lives. them.
Needing an adventure on the fly the GM rolls d% five
times with the following results: 28, 87, 13, 67 and
regime change/election mistaken identity
10. This results in the mission skeleton: [Disarm] the
During an armed conflict to force a regime change a One or more of the PCs are mistaken for someone
following [Religious Leader] in the hostile [Plains]
mission will be doubly dangerous. Even if the regime else.
of [United States], while overcoming any unforeseen
change is peaceful, security tends to be much tighter
[Redundant Cells].
around elections, which will make it harder for the
old enemy/rival
PCs to travel unhindered.
This provides a mission that feels pulled from the
An enemy from the PCs past has shown up to oppose
headlines as the PCs attempt to disarm two radical
religious sects based in the America Midwest, who
legal troubles
are arming their followers and preparing them for
One of the PCs encounters trouble of the law-
 judgment day .
enforcement variety during the course of the mission,
perhaps even being arrested.
military mission generator
page 6
the modern dispatch
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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military mission generator
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