Top Up Listening 2 answers

Top-Up 2  Answer Key
Unit 1
Let s Start
Countries are: Brazil, Egypt, France, The UK, Japan, India
Pictures are: Parade, Beaches, Sightseeing, Festival, Mountains,
Countryside, Island
Before You Listen
Brazil is famous for: soccer, music, beaches, coffee
France is famous for: fashion, movies, food, wines
Egypt is famous for:
The UK is famous for: movies, business, soccer, music
Japan is good at making: cars, cameras. Japan is famous for: business
India is famous for: movies, food, beaches
Let s Listen
& 5& India & 3& Egypt & 6& The UK
& 1& Japan & 4& France & 2& Brazil
Listen Again
Description 1 Island, Cars
Description 2 Music, Festival
Description 3 History
Description 4 Food, Fashion
Description 5 History, Food
Description 6 Island, Music
Listening Clinic One
A: I want to go to Thailand.
B: Really? Why?
A: They ve got great beaches and spicy cooking and beautiful temples
B: And things are not expensive, right?
A: Right
B: And the nightlife s fantastic.
A: Yeah, I ve heard.
B: Can I come, too?
Now Listen Back
Description 1 Yes Most of the people live in cities
Description 2 Yes The people are very good at soccer
Description 3 No
Description 4 Yes The people are famous for being stylish and
romantic, but a little cool to outsiders
Description 5 No
Description 6 No
Listening Clinic Two
1. It s famous for beautiful beaches.
2. There s a huge festival every year.
3. Cafes are part of the popular culture.
4. There s an international film festival.
5. It s famous for international business
6. It s between Mexico and Canada.
Unit 2
Bonjourno Italian
Buenos dias Spanish
Konnichi wa Japanese
Ahn-young hah-say-oh Korean
Guten tag German
Comment ca va? French
Before You Listen
What s up? (Casual) Not much
It s been a while, hasn t it? (Formal) It sure has
How s it going? (Casual) Fine, thanks
How have you been? (Formal) Fine, thanks and yourself?
Sorry I m late (Formal) Ah, that s okay
It was nice to see you (Formal) Nice to see you, too
Long time no see (Casual) Yeah, so what s new?
Let s Listen
Conversation 1
The speakers are: students
They are in: a cafeteria
The number of people talking is: three
Conversation 2
The speakers are: business people
They are in: an office building
The number of people talking is: two
Conversation 3
The speakers are: friends
They are in: a restaurant
The number of people talking is: four
Conversation 4
They are in: a bar
The number of people talking is: two
Listen Again
Conversation 1
& 2& How s it going & 1& What s up?
& 5& What s new? & 3& Pretty good &
& 4& Not bad & 6& See you later
Conversation 2
& 3& It s been a while, hasn t it? & 4& Glad to hear that
& 5& Sounds great & 6& Good seeing you
& 2& How about yourself? & 1& How have you been?
Conversation 3
& 2& What s new? & 5& Long time no see
& 6& How have you been? & 1& How are you doing?
& 3& Pretty good & 4& I can t complain
Conversation 4
& 5& All the best then & 2& Fine thanks
& 1& How are you? & 6& Nice to see you again
& 4& It s wonderful to see you & 3& It s been a while, hasn t it?
Listening Clinic One
A: Have you met anyone interesting this week?
B: I met a woman in the library.
A: Is she a student?
B: No, she works in a record store.
A: What s her name?
B: Kylie Reeves. She s from Australia.
Now Listen Back
Conversation 1
Do all the people in the conversation meet often? Yes
Will they meet again soon? Yes
Is the conversation formal or casual? Casual
Conversation 2
Do all the people in the conversation meet often? No
Will they meet again soon? Yes
Is the conversation formal or casual? Formal
Conversation 3
Do all the people in the conversation meet often? No
Will they meet again soon? Don t know
Is the conversation formal or casual? Casual
Conversation 4
Do all the people in the conversation meet often? No
Will they meet again soon? No
Is the conversation formal or casual? Formal
Listening Clinic Two
1. We re in a couple of classes together.
2. She isn t here yet, is she?
3. I ve got an appointment with an old friend.
4. I d like you to meet an old friend of mine.
5. Can I get you a drink?
6. I m here to meet a friend.
Unit 3
Let s Start
Pictures are: Car navigator, television, cell phone, computer/PC, camera,
videogame console
Cell phone: memory, screen, touch-dial, dates, range, email
TV: screen, channel
Car navigator: memory, screen, map, dates, range, channel, location,
Computer: memory, screen, dates, software, email
Videogame console: memory, software
Before you listen
Can I help you? S
I m just looking, thanks. C
Could you show me this one? C
What price range are you thinking of? S
How would you like to pay? S
Can it get email? C
How much is it? C
Let s Listen
Conversation 1 They are talking about& car navigators
Conversation 2 They are talking about& computers
Conversation 3 They are talking about& cameras
Conversation 4 They are talking about& cell phones
Listen Again
Stores lots of numbers Sonic
Over $100 Tote
One-year warranty Both
Heavy Tote
Light Sonic
Free case Sonic
Faster web-surfing Tote
Listening Clinic One
A: What s the cheapest, simplest cell-phone?
B: Buy a Tote. They re the best.
A: About how much does it cost to use?
B: Not that much. About sixty cents a day.
A: It s that cheap? That s great!
B: Yeah. It s a really good deal.
Now Listen Back
Conversation 1 No
Conversation 2 Yes
Conversation 3 Yes
Conversation 4 Yes
Listening Clinic Two
1. It can send email, text messages and get information online.
2. It s also very light; you won t have to recharge it very often.
3. I see, but I m a student and I can t buy anything like that.
4. Well, it sounds like what you want is a basic service.
5. Yes, but the best thing is you get the phone for free.
6. Just send the card that comes with it back to the company.
Unit 4
Are the beachballs behind the water pistols? Yes
Are the video games near the stairs? Yes
Is the unicycle on the right of the dollhouse? Yes
Are the yo-yos on the left of the playing cards? No
Are the Lego sets in front of the hula hoops? Yes
Are the letter blocks beside the ping pong table? No
Is the rocking horse next to the scooters? Yes
Are the crayons at the bottom of the bargain bin? No
& 6& go toward the&
& 1& turn left
& 2& turn right
& 5& go past the&
& 3& walk straight
& 4& take the stairs
Before You Listen
Items Department
Skirts, blouses, dresses, slacks, coats Ladieswear
Board games, skipping ropes, scooters Toys
Suits, trousers, neckties, jackets Menswear
Suitcases, handbags, purses, bags Luggage
AV equipment, CDs, tapes, DVDs, cameras Home Entertainment
Let s Listen
Gift Floor
Conversation 1 Tie 4th
Conversation 2 Scarf (one floor up)
Conversation 3 (a present) 2nd
Conversation 4 CD Basement
Listen Again
(Please insert graphic here)
Listening Clinic One
A: I d like to buy a present for my wife.
B: What kind of present?
A: Hmm. Maybe a scarf&
B: A scarf? Wool, silk or cotton?
A: Silk. She likes red.
B: A red silk scarf& let s see& How about this one?
A: That s nice.
Now Listen Back
Conversation 1 2 3 4
Who is the gift for? His Dad His Mum His Nephew Brother
What gift idea(s) does Belts and Gloves Picture DVDs
the clerk suggest? Wallets Books Music
Listening Clinic Two
A: Excuse me, where s the customer service counter?
B: The service counter s in the back of the store, beside the elevator.
A: In the back of the store, beside the elevator. Thanks. Can I exchange this
B: Exchange what?
A: This sweater. It was a gift, but it s too small.
B: Too small. Why don t you go to Ladieswear?
Unit 5
Let s Start
(Please insert graphic here)
Before You Listen
& 7& Fine. Can I pay by credit card?
& 2& Sorry, the show is sold out. There are no more tickets available.
& 4& Please hold, I ll just check. Yes sir. There s another show on Sunday.
& 6& $25, plus tax and service.
& 1& I d like to reserve two tickets for Saturday s show, please.
& 8& Of course. Can I have your name, the card number and the expiry
& 3& Is there another performance?
& 5& Oh good. How much are the tickets?
Let s Listen
Conversation 1 Don t Know
Conversation 2 Yes
Conversation 3 No
Conversation 4 Yes
Listen Again
Conversation 2 3 4
Two Tickets X X
Four Tickets X
April X
May X
June X
A few seats left X
Free seating X
Orchestra seats X
Stage-side seats X
$45.00 X
$96.00 X
Listening Clinic One
1. __ A: Yes, I d like some information, please.
X_ B: Of course. What event are you interested in?
2. X_ A: I m sorry to keep you waiting. I ve reserved your tickets.
__ B: Great. Can I pick them up at the box office?
3. X_ A: Which concert are you interested in, sir?
__ B: The Jazz All Stars concert in February.
4. X_ A: Thank you very much. Will there be anything else?
__ B: No, that ll be all.
Now Listen Back
Which customer is happiest with the seats? 2
Which customer is the hardest to satisfy? 3
Listening Clinic Two
1. X_ A: May I help you?
__ B: Yes, I d like some information about a concert.
2. X_ A: I ll just check. Could you hold please?
__ B: Of course.
3. __ A: Can I use my MasterCard?
X_ B: Of course. Could I have your credit card number, please?
4. __ A: I d like four tickets for Saturday night s performance.
X_ B: I m sorry. Was that this Saturday s performance, ma am?
Unit 6
Let s Start
Pictures are: Hot Dog, Fried Chicken, Pizza, Hamburger, Sub
Before You Listen
Phrase Reply
Do you have& ? No, I m sorry we don t.
Can I help you? Yes, I ll have&
That ll be $2.75. Here you are.
Could I also have& ? Of course
May I have your order? I d like a&
Would you like anything else? No, thank you.
Let s Listen
Picture 1 1 Picture 2 3
Picture 3 X Picture 4 X
Picture 5 2 Picture 6 2
Listen Again
Conversation 1 Take out $3.56
Conversation 2 Eat In $16.47
Conversation 3 Eat in $4.16
Listening Clinic One
A: Would you like to order?
B: Can I have a deluxe cheeseburger set, fries and cola to go?
A: Did you want anything else with that?
B: Do you have any ice cream?
A: Did you want chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?
B: Chocolate. Could you give me some extra napkins?
Now Listen Back
Conversation 1: The woman at the counter quickly ends the conversation,
the customer wants lots of napkins
Conversation 2: Special food for children, lots of drinks to choose from
Conversation 3: The customer wants more salt and pepper, the healthiest
meal, lots of drinks to choose from
Listening Clinic Two
1. I m sorry, could you give me a minute?
2. And would you like some fries to go with that shake?
3. And what did you want to drink?
4. You get a side dish. Did you want soup, salad or french fries?
5. What else would you like with that?
6. Did you want that for here or to go?
Unit 7
Before You Listen
1. I m sorry, but could you& bring me some water please.
2. I d like& some red wine.
3. I asked for& red, but you bought me white.
4. Would you like& anything else?
5. I m sorry about& the mistake.
6. I m afraid& there s been a mistake.
Picture no. 1 describes sentence no. 5
Picture no. 2 describes sentence no. 3
Picture no. 3 describes sentence no. 6
Sentence no. 2 can be used to ask for something.
Sentence no. 4 can be used to offer something
Sentence no. 5 can be used to apologize
Sentence no. 3 can be used to complain
Let s Listen
Meal Problems
Conversation 1 dinner the waiter gives the drink to the
wrong person, the drink is cold.
Conversation 2 lunch the cutlery is dirty, the waiter gives
the drink to the wrong person.
Conversation 3 dinner the food is cold, the food doesn t
Listen Again
Reason for Problem Server offers to&
Conversation 1 the wine waiter is off change it.
sick, someone must
have chilled it by
Conversation 2 the wine is for be right with them.
another table.
Conversation 3 (not mentioned). treat the girl to an ice cream.
Listening Clinic One
A: Could I have a small Coke please?
B: I m sorry, we don t have Coke. We have Pepsi, though.
A: Pepsi? In a bottle?
B: No, in a can. Do you want one?
A: Yeah, if that s all you have.
Listening Clinic Two
1. I ordered the chicken, he ordered the pasta.
2. I m sorry, we don t have Coke. Is Pepsi alright?
3. Excuse me, this is the lunch menu. Could we see the dinner menu?
4. I m afraid my glass is cracked. Could I have another one?
5. I m sorry, this must be their order. I ll have yours in just a minute.
6. I asked for a fish knife. This is a butter knife.
Unit 8
Let s Start
(Please insert graphic here)
& a& sunny & c& hot & e& chilly
& h& cloudy & b& rainy & g& windy
& f& stormy & d& cold front
Before You Listen
Might& may& is likely to& will probably& will& is going to.
Let s Listen
Use Drink lots Wear Take an
Sunglasses of water a coat umbrella
East Asia X X
The Pacific X X
The Middle East X
North Africa X X
Southern Africa X X
Southern Europe X X
Northern Europe X
Listen Again
East Asia & d& & h& & b& & g&
The Pacific & f& & g& & b&
The Middle East & c&
North Africa & a&
Southern Africa & a& & c&
Southern Europe & a& & g&
Northern Europe & e&
Please note. On this page the East Asia section is given only 3 spaces, but
has 4 answers, and the Northern Europe section is given 2 spaces but has
only 1 answer.
Listening Clinic One
A: You ready for the soccer game tomorrow?
B: But it s going to rain, isn t it?
A: No. But it might rain in the afternoon, so&
B: The weatherman said it will rain. And it ll snow as well.
A: I don t think you want to play, do you?
B: I could play but I may be seeing Jill tomorrow.
Now Listen Back
High Temp. Low Temp.
East Asia 25 - 26 16 - 18
The Pacific (in the 20s)
The Middle East (low-mid 30s)
North Africa 27 - 28 22
Southern Africa 34 - 35 30
Southern Europe (mid 20s)
Northern Europe 17 13
Listening Clinic Two
1. It s probably going to snow tonight. More Certain
2. It s probably stopped raining. Less Certain
3. It s supposed to warm up later. Less Certain
4. It might get windy in the afternoon. More Certain
5. Looks like we ll probably have a thunderstorm. More Certain
6. It s likely to clear up later today. Less Certain
Unit 9
Before You Listen
Could I speak to Bill please? C
Is Bill there? C
Just a minute, I ll get him. R
I m sorry, he s out. R
When will he be back? C
Can I have your name? R
Could I leave a message? C
Can I take a message? R
Sorry, wrong number. R
Could you tell him I called? C
Let s Listen
Conversation 1 find out a meeting time
Conversation 2 change an appointment
Conversation 3 ask if someone can do something
Conversation 4 invite someone
Listen Again
Do the speakers know each other? 1. Y 2. N 3. N 4. Y
Is the person called available? 1. N 2. N 3. N 4. Y
Does the receiver take a message? 1. Y 2. N 3. Y 4. N/A
What is the relationship between the speakers?
1. Personal 2. Strangers 3. Business 4. Personal
Listening Clinic One
Red is a lost word Green is a lost sound
A: Hello?
B: Jamie, this is Allen.
A: Allen. How are you doing?
B: Good. How about you?
A: Not bad. So, what s up?
B: Are you doing anything special this afternoon?
A: I don t know. Why?
Telephone Call 1 Possible polite version
A: Get Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
B: What? I m sorry. Could you repeat that, please?
A: Get Smith. Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
B: Who are you? May I ask who s calling?
A: Jones. This is Mr. Jones.
B: Wait. Could you hold on for a moment?
A: Okay. Of course.
Telephone Call 2
A: I m Jones. Get Smith. This is Mr. Jones speaking. Could I
Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
B: What? I m sorry. Could you repeat that, please?
A: I m Jones. Get Smith. This is Mr. Jones speaking. Could I
Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
B: He s out. I m afraid he s not in right now.
A: Take a message. Could you take a message, please?
B: Okay. Of course.
A: Tell him to call back. Could you ask him to call me back, please?
B: Okay. No problem.
A: Okay, bye. Thanks. Good-bye.
B: Bye. God-bye.
Now Listen Back
Conversation 1 wait for someone to call back.
Conversation 2 call someone back.
Conversation 3 give someone a message.
Conversation 4 meet each other.
Listening Clinic Two
Red is a lost word Green is a lost sound
1. When are you going to be ready?
2. Where did he go yesterday?
3. Is John there?
4. Is it time to leave yet?
5. When did you get back?
6. What did he say?
Unit 10
A: How are you doing?
B: Not bad. How about yourself?
A: Can t complain.
A: It s very nice to meet you.
B: I m pleased to meet you, too.
A: How s it going? or How are you?
B: Great, thanks. You?
A: Not bad. or Pretty good.
A: How are you doing? or How do you do?
B: Fine, thank you. And yourself?
A: Very well, thanks.
Before You Listen
A: Paul, I d like you to meet your supervisor, Andrea Garcia.
B: X What s new?
A: Paul, this is Elaine Lincoln, our sales manager.
B: X How s it going, Elaine?
A: Paul, have you met our sales manager?
B: X What s up?
A: Paul, do you know Cynthia Morgan, our secretary?
B: X It s a great honour to meet you, Ms. Morgan.
Let s Listen
Name Title
Andrea Garcia Features Editor
Elaine Lincoln Sales Manager
Cindi Morgan Secretary
Paul Smothers Summer Assistant
Listen Again
Conversation 1 I d like you to meet& , Let me introduce you to& ,
Nice to meet you., Thank you very much., I m pleased to meet you.
Conversation 2 Have you met& ?, This is& , I m pleased to meet
you., Nice to meet you.
Conversation 3 This is& , Do you know& ?, I don t think so., Nice
to meet you., You, too.
Listening Clinic One
A: Kathi. Hi. Have you got a minute?
B: Can you wait a second?
A: Sure. Take your time.
B: I ve just got to put away my files. Okay. Sorry about that.
A: I want you to meet our new staff member, Paul.
B: Good to meet you. I m Kathi.
Now Listen Back
Andrea Garcia& & is from Paul s hometown.
Elaine Lincoln& & went to the same college as Paul.
Cindi Morgan& & has a brother who knows Paul.
Elaine sounds the most formal.
Cindi sounds the most friendly.
Listening Clinic Two
1. What is he going to say at the meeting?
2. I ve got to turn off my computer.
3. She went downstairs to get a package they sent us.
4. I m sorry, but I ve got a meeting right now.
5. We ve got a lot to do today.
6. Let s start out with the easy stuff first.
Unit 11
Money you pay at school& & tuition
Course for middle-level students& & intermediate
Money for rent and food& & room and board
To enter a school& & enrol
Course for high-level students& & advanced
A form or stamp a country gives
that lets you study there& & student visa
Lets Listen
Questions asked are& What are the dates for the course?, How much
does the course cost?, Is there a lot of homework?, How many students are
there per class?, Could you please send me an application form?
Listen Again
Course Title: Advanced Business English
Dates: June 24th to August 7th
Days: Monday to Friday
Times: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Cost: $1,200
Class Size: No more than 12, usually 7 or 8
Facilities: Library, Gym, Pool, Student Center
Listening Clinic One
A: May I help you? (rising)
B: Yes, I think I d like to take a course.
A: Which one? (falling)
B: General English. When does the course begin? (falling)
A: The next one starts in three weeks.
B: Do I need a student visa? (rising)
Listening Clinic Two
1. May I help you? (rising)
2. Do I need a visa? (rising)
3. Does it take long? (rising)
4. So it could be longer? (falling)
5. Is that five days a week? (rising)
6. What time does the class start? (falling)
Unit 12
Let s Start
They are pictures of travel information.
You would see them in airports, travel agencies, newspapers, etc.
Yes, there is. For Karachi.
3 flights are leaving, for Istanbul, Dubai and Cairo.
Listen Again
Flight out Return flight 1 Return flight 2
(first leg) (second leg)
Flight number: UA796 UA797 UA763 UA763
Departs: Hong Kong San Fran. San Fran. Tokyo
Departure date: August 3 August 23 August 23 August 24
Departure time: 11:30am 5:30am 7:30am 5:30pm
Arrives: San Fran. Hong Kong Tokyo Hong Kong
Arrival date: August 3 August 24 10:30am 10:30pm
Arrival time: 8:15am 12:30pm August 24 August 24
Listening Clinic One
Stressed words are underlined. Lost sounds are in red.
A: & and your first name was?
B: Aaron.
A: & and what s your nationality?
B: Canadian.
A: & and your date of birth?
B: It s the 26th of June, 1964.
A: Okay, let s see what we can do for you.
Now Listen Back
The travel agent mistakes the customer s& last name.
The flight the customer wanted is& full.
The travel agent mistakes the& number of tickets.
There are no& seats& available on the 24th.
The customer has to return& earlier than she wants to.
Listening Clinic Two
Weak vowels are underlined. Lost sounds are in red.
1. When you get to the airport, go to the counter.
2. Show your tickets and passports to the agent.
3. Check your bags, and get your boarding cards.
4. Don t put the passports in your suitcase.
5. And don t lose your baggage claim tickets.
6. When you arrive, they ll give you a tourist visa.
Unit 13
Can you& keep the volume down, Paul? I m trying to do my homework.
The kettle s boiling. Turn off& the gas please, Peter.
The& time difference& between Japan and Korea is one hour.
If you& wash& , I ll dry the dishes.
What a mess! Can you& put away& your CDs, clothes and stuff, please?
Make sure you put the milk back in the& fridge& after you use it.
Don t walk straight into the bedroom. Always& knock& first.
Please& lock& the windows before you go to bed.
Let s& invite& Jim and Suzy& over& for brunch this Sunday.
Terry, can you& show& Judith& around& ? It s her first day here.
Picture no. 1 is& If you wash the dishes&
Picture no. 2 is& What a mess! Can you&
Picture no. 3 is& Can you keep the volume down&
Picture no. 4 is& The kettle s boiling&
Let s Listen
The speakers are& guest and homeowner.
They& have just met.
The woman is& explaining rules.
They talk about rules for& four rooms.
Listen Again
All of the pictures are breaking the house rules.
Listening Clinic One
A: Sure. Is there anything else? F
B: Well, there is one more thing. UF
A: What? F
B: Would it be okay to have some friends over? UF
A: Today? I d rather you didn t, not today, anyway. F
B: Okay, I see. F
Listening Clinic Two
& UF& A: If everyone s ready& First, does anyone have any questions?
Okay then
& F& B: Excuse me
& F& A: I m sorry. Do you have a question
& UF& B: I want to know
& UF& A: I m sorry, you want to know
& F& B: I want to know if we have to be here at 9:00 tomorrow
Unit 14
Picture no. 1: overweight
Picture no. 2: thin, thick hair
Picture no. 3: tan
Picture no. 4: pale, perm
The next picture describes: lose weight
Let s Listen
Suzanne before: first picture now: first picture
Amelia before: second picture now: first picture
Listen Again
Suzanne then now
Size: overweight lost weight
Hair: long short
Eyes: glasses contacts
Hair Colour: brown coloured
Amelia then now
Size: skinny gained weight
Hair: short long
Makeup: less more
Skin tone: pale tan
Listening Clinic One
A: I really eat too much. I ve got to go on a diet.
B: You ought to get some more exercise, too.
A: Exercise? I ve got too much to do already.
B: You ought to swim, maybe even try jogging?
A: I ought to get some rest!
B: If you don t at least try to exercise, you won t take off any weight.
Now Listen Back
Amelia is happier with her appearance now.
Listening Clinic Two
1. He s so thin, now.
2. She s still not too tall for her age.
3. He s still quite good-looking.
4. She s short, with thick, curly red hair.
5. I ve got to go on another diet. I ll start tomorrow.
6. There really isn t much chance he ll lose weight.
Please note, no. 5 in the book has a printing error. It reads  I ve got to go on
a another diet.
Unit 15
Words and Expressions
If you find a quiet place to have a holiday you can& & get away from it all.
The beach is a great place to& & relax and take it easy.
A lot of students& & hang out with their friends after school.
I don t want to go out tonight. I want to& & stay home.
Teenagers usually like to& & work part-time to make some pocket money.
If you re overweight, you should& & try to get some exercise.
If you lie in the sun for a few hours& & you ll get a tan.
There s no better exercise than& & going for a kike in the mountains.
Before You Listen
Doubt if, might, may (well), is likely to, will probably, is going to
Let s Listen
Conversation 1
Judy: Wants to: 2,11, May have to:10 Eric: Wants to: 5, Has to: 7
Conversation 2
Ian: Wants to: 1,6, May have to: 3 Chrissy: Wants to: 2 Has to: 9
Listen Again
Conversation 1 Not certain Quite certain Certain
Travel E
Get away from it all E
Relax and take it easy E
Stay home E
Surf the Net E
Go to the beach J
Work J
Conversation 2
Stay home C
Go to the beach C
Go to the mountains I
Read I
Hike I
Watch TV I
Listening Clinic One
Lost sounds are in red. Helping sounds are in green. Weak vowels are in
blue. Mixed sounds are underlined. Shared sounds are in brown. Joined
sounds are in yellow.
A: Do you have to take any more exams?
B: Yeah, I have got to take one more.
A: What are you going to do this summer?
B: I m probably going to get a part-time job.
A: Is that what you want to do?
B: Nah, but I really have to make some money.
Please note. Helping Sounds are not covered in lessons in Top-up Listening
Now Listen Back
Who is most excited about his/her vacation?
Who is not excited about his/her vacation?
Whose vacation plans are still not decided?
Listening Clinic Two
1. 5
2. 7
3. 6
4. 8
5. 6
6. 5
Word List
Unit 1
Tourist attractions
Spicy: containing strong/ hot flavours
Pyramid: a shape with a square base and four triangular sides
Prompt: a signal that tells someone to start speaking
Unit 2
Old friend
Long time no see
Congratulations: something you say when you want to tell someone you are
happy because they have done something good
What s up?: a casual expression that means  what have you been doing?
To get together: to meet
Unit 3
Car navigator
To come with: included
To take a while: to be some time before it is completed
To store: to put something somewhere and not use it
Unit 4
You can t miss them
To take a look: to look at something
Bargain: something that is sold for less than its usual price
Bin: a container for storing things
Unit 5
Box office
Line is busy
To check on: to try and discover how someone or something is progressing
To sell out: to sell something until there are none left
Available: able to buy or use
Unit 6
Could I have
Side order
Extra: in addition
Combo: combination meal
To go: takeaway
Unit 7
Eat out
Complain: to say something is wrong
Supplier: someone who supplies thing people want or need
What s taking so long?: a complaint about the length of time needed to bring
an order
Unit 8
Thunderstorm: a storm that has a lot of noise
You might see the odd& : occasionally you could see&
Symbol: a sign or object used to represent something
Unit 9
To take a message
To call
Something came up: something I needed to do interrupted me
To miss someone: to be sad because someone is not there
Don t ask: an expression used when you do not want to answer questions
about something
Unit 10
To stop by
File: a collection of documents or information
Staff member: a person who works for a company
You look familiar: an expression used to say that you think you have seen
someone before
Unit 11
Include: be part of
Deposit: a payment you make immediately when you decide to buy something
It depends (on)& : if
Unit 12
Date of birth
Baggage Claim: the place at the airport you get your luggage after getting off
the plane.
Let s see what we can do: an expression you use when you want to try to do
Stopover: the place you stop at on your way to somewhere else
Unit 13
To knock: to make a noise by hitting something
To waste: to use too much of something
Annoyed: a little angry
Unit 14
Lose weight
For one s age: suitable for how old one is
Used to be: was in the past but not now
Used to do something: did in the past but not now
Unit 15
To get away from it all: to take a break or vacation
To hang out: to relax somewhere and not do much
To cover for somebody: to make an excuse for someone when they are not


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