Dear All,
Attached are course requirements and a compilation of my BBC podcastrecommendations (Attachment 1), ranging from politics, arts, book, film, culture, science, history to entertainment. It's the fruit of my last 2 years' search. I suggest that you download iTune software to your smartphone/drive/mp3 player and subscribe to the podcasts. This way you can best narrowcast your faves and kickstart your personal playlist.
It's pretty simple: Click on quick-find your faves / right-click on an episode / save as...
and all systems go!
To remind, you are all expected to subscribe to at least 5 podcasts and download them on a regular, weekly basis as you will be occassionally tested on the selected podcasts' content! Do make sure you knuckle down dilligently to the task. It does work, take my word on it!
The spectrum is vast, hence you are sooner or later bound to navigate your way to some galvanising picks that will not fail to satiate even most jaded palates.
In the subsequent attachments you will find you homework assignment to print out and bring in hardcopy to the class. Please do the following activities:
Ex. 6, 7a, 7b / 7
Ex. 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 9 / 10
Ex. 9b/11
p. 137 - all exercises
p. 141 - all exercises
Paweł Wojtas
p.s. By next Tuesday I will have sent scans of materials for next classes adopted from Global upper-intermediate.
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