Ambrielle Kirk The Promise (pdf)

The Promise
by Ambrielle Kirk
Breathless Press
Calgary, Alberta
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the author s imagination or are
used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
The Promise
Copyright© 2010 Ambrielle Kirk
ISBN: 978-1-926930-14-5
Cover Artist: Dara England
Editor: Jennifer Barker
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.
Breathless Press
Chapter One
Tina trekked across the field, and her boot cleats dug into the thick
snow, making indentations along the way. Rows and rows of Christ-
mas trees covered the small area that made up Bailey s Tree Farm. She
pulled the wool cap farther down over her bobbed hair and lowered
her head, shielding her face against the icy December air. If she had
done this the week before like she d planned, she wouldn t have had
to brave the snowy weather. However, she didn t come here in vain.
Tugging her wool peacoat tightly around her midsection, she strode
closer to her target.
Was she here for the sole intent of picking up a tree? It was one
of the reasons, anyway. The other reason worked several feet away,
obviously unaware that he had another customer.
Craig lifted the last of the logs into the back of his truck and dust-
ed off his gloved hands. Tina s heart rate quickened, and she forgot
about the chill and what she wanted to say to him. He looked so damn
good just standing there. Her stomach fluttered nervously the instant
The Promise
he turned around and spotted her. He focused on her for a long min-
ute before he lifted the truck bed gate and slammed it closed.
As she approached, his lips turned up into a grin the same sly,
sexy grin she glimpsed at the end of every month when he came to
make deposits and do business at the bank. It was contagious, and
there was nothing she could do to hold her own grin back.
Tina lowered her gaze. She could ve stopped at any of the three
Christmas tree farms she passed on the way here, but she rode right
past them. On purpose. What did it matter where she bought her tree
from this year? Who cared that it was only two days before Christmas
Day? There was still time to decorate and enjoy a tree. It was the rea-
son she d come out all this way.
Craig seemed to be watching her like a hawk. He was known for
imagining things. Naughty things. Sometimes he even voiced his wick-
ed thoughts to her.
He uncrossed his ankles and pushed himself off his truck.  Tina.
The greeting was simple yet comforting. His warm stare made
her feel as if she were the most important thing in the world. Her
gaze moved across his clean-shaven face, lips, and jawline, over his
black jacket, jeans, and boots. Visions of this past spring when they
met by the veranda came back to her in glimpses. It was a night of
fun, alcohol, and confessions that she would never forget. It was his
laid-back approach that piqued her interest then, and he d managed
to hold it for months. The same suave attitude might have brought her
here today.
She bit her lip.  Craig.
They hugged in greeting like always. Her nose brushed against
the soft cloth of his jacket, and she breathed in the scent of him. Pines
were the most prevalent, but she detected a hint of his cologne the
one he d been wearing since the first evening they met. His arms en-
circled her waist and pulled her into his embrace. He held her a little
longer than usual, and warm sensations floated up her spine.
He pushed back to look at her.  I d like to assume that you re here
to take home one of the best Christmas trees in the county.
The southern accent was unmistakable, and the tone carried
throughout the atmosphere around them. His blue eyes were strik-
ing against his fair skin and blond hair. His architect career and other
side jobs kept him outside. In the spring and summer, his skin tanned
nicely. She d never forget the times he d visited her at the bank appar-
ently to do business, but instead he elicited wicked thoughts in her.
Ambrielle Kirk
Hot fantasies ran in excess each time they were alone together. Like
now. She wanted to do things to him to make his body respond in the
same way hers did when he whispered in her ear.
Tina laughed softly.  You ve been raving about them for two years,
so I thought I d see exactly what you meant. She looked around, then
raised an eyebrow in appreciation.  Very impressive. Bigger and bet-
ter than the ones I passed on the way.
 And so you have your proof.
 Looks that way. She turned and started off toward a bundle of
trees.  I m looking for something small. My home s not that big.
Craig fell in step beside her with a tree saw.  Yes, I know.
He d helped her numerous times with odd projects around her
condo. There was the new filter she d installed under her kitchen sink
and the marble countertops he d swapped out in her bathroom. Tina
was a fan of his work and recommended him to anybody who needed
a good builder or repairman, but their flirting had never gone beyond
the friendship stage. Even then, it had been difficult not to give in to
her desires and have sex with him. No one should ever be attracted to
one man as much as she was to Craig. No man should have that much
power over a woman. She d never been the type to jump into some-
one s bed without getting to know them first. Tina was ready now...
and tired of playing innocent.
 You caught me just in the nick of time. Craig kept in pace as
they walked side by side.  I was just about to close the gates and
leave. I m glad I stayed.
 Plans for the night? Did she stop him at a bad time? Tina knew
he had a huge family, unlike her small family and relatives, who lived
hundreds of miles away. He often talked about the big Thanksgiving
and Christmas dinners he d been invited to year after year.
 Nope, no plans for me. The blizzard headed this way is worse
than they predicted. I m concerned about your drive back into the
 I ll be fine.
He stopped and turned toward her.  What about you?
 I...I don t have any tonight. This week and next are vacation
weeks for me.
His eyes widened in surprise.  The workaholic bank operations
manager is taking a break. He laughed.  I don t believe it!
She giggled. It was just like him to start teasing her about work-
ing so much.  Look who s talking, Mr. Farmer-turned-architect. Have
you rested a day in your life?
The Promise
 Only the dead rest, Tina. He retrieved a pair of work gloves
from his back pocket and pulled them on over the others.  I never got
a chance to show off my cooking skills to you. If you haven t had din-
ner yet, I d like to be your chef tonight.
Her cheeks heated and she shook her head.  I don t know...
 I have no company, Tina. I get bored without someone like you
to talk to. That s why I work so hard to keep from going insane from
the silence.
Tina felt sorry for him. But why should she? She was well aware
of the number of women in the area who would shave their heads to
date Craig Bailey, the most sought-after bachelor in the little town of
Pine Grove. He could have his pick of the single women around here,
so why should she believe lack of company was an issue for him?
The only thing she was sure of was that she wanted Craig too. She
was no different than the other women. Was she? Lusting after men
had never been an option for her. Neither did she take a liking to men
trailing after women like they were fresh meat. Craig had never done
that to her. His approach was different, and that caught her off guard.
 Just dinner? Tina asked.
He nodded.
This man had already made it clear in the past that he wanted
her...and in more ways than one. He d never been obsessive or overly
pushy in his pursuit, but he made a point to discuss his business at
the bank with her and only her. His attitude about everything was
refined and patient. If people only knew what was going on in Mr.
Bailey s mind under his businesslike exterior. She was sure he paid
visits to her just to tease her about knowing that she wanted him. It
was no mystery to her that he was interested in dating her as well.
The flowers, trinkets, and chocolates he d sent to her home and office
were the norm.
 Okay, I ll have dinner with you. She smiled and crossed her
arms over her chest.  But tree.
 Of course. He smiled back.  After all, it is the reason you came
out all this way...
Tina narrowed her eyes at him for the teasing remark.  Oh, it is,
isn t it? Then maybe we can wait another night to have din 
 No. Tonight is the perfect night for the dinner I have in mind. I
promise to make it worth your while.
He lifted his saw from the snow where he d thrown it earlier. The
heated blush didn t disappear when he hacked at the tree. The tin-
gling in her belly increased, and all she could do was stand there and
Ambrielle Kirk
look at the man who d once whispered in her ear the many positions
he thought about taking her in...and promised her that she would en-
joy every last second of it.
Chapter Two
Tina closed her eyes as the smooth, sweet champagne flowed
down her throat. The taste of it complemented the dinner Craig pre-
pared for the evening. She had no problems taking credit for the choc-
olate brownies she baked. Craig was already on his third piece. Aware
that he still gazed at her from across the table, she licked her lips and
took another sip. When she opened her eyes again, he grinned.
 Very nice, Craig. What I wouldn t give to have meals cooked for
me like that more often.
He raised an eyebrow.  What would you give?
Tina set the champagne glass down and rose from her seat.  My
company. She smoothed her hands down her side to straighten her
sweater over her jeans. The small fireplace in the den crackled and
sparked with flames as she paused in front of it. Lifting her arms, she
warmed her fingers in the heat.
 We should make dates like this more often. He joined her at the
fireplace and slipped his hands into hers.
Ambrielle Kirk
 We should. She accepted the gesture, linking her fingers with his.
 Thank you for this one. He lifted her hand and pressed his lips
to it in a kiss.
Her insides warmed and any guards she might have put up left her.
In his presence, she had always been happy. Cherished and admired.
Why had it taken her so long to realize that this was what she needed
all the time and not just every once in a while?
After momentarily forgetting to breathe, she inhaled slowly.  The
date s not over yet, Craig.
 I don t want it to be.
And neither did she.
She separated from him and moved further into the living area. His
cabin was cozy and small, just the way she enjoyed living. The atmo-
sphere here was different from the elaborate, posh mansion he d bought
just outside the city limits. The extravagant home he d purchased from
the bank was for business entertainment, according to him. She d gotten
to know him well over their discussions about his business plans. He
was the type of man who didn t need to flaunt his material assets to feel
good about his accomplishments.
From what she knew about him, Craig had come a long way. Once
known as the town s primary tree farmer, he worked his way up the
social ladder with the degree he earned in architectural engineering.
Unique craftsmanship and stellar reputation developed his startup con-
struction company into a profitable business venture. His success was
not handed to him on a platter, and Tina found this to be an outstand-
ing trait in a man.
Tina glanced out of the window at the snowflakes as they fell heav-
ily across the wooded landscape. The tires and underbody of her car
were buried under nearly three feet of snow.  Doesn t look like my little
sports car will make it out of your driveway. She pulled the curtains
 What s wrong? Aren t I entertaining enough? He followed her
into his den, watching as she ran her fingers over his work binders.
 You re the perfect host. She picked up the knight piece on his
chess table and held it up to inspection.  Did you carve these?
He nodded.  Five years ago. The chess table I told you that no one s
ever beat me on. Would you like to be my next victim like we talked
She laughed. Craig may have been humble businessman, but he
still had a competitive nature.  Hold on to your winning streak while
you can.
The Promise
He joined her in laughter.  All right. I have a collection of mystery
movies I think you might like. Only thing is the television is in my
The room fell silent as she contemplated his offers. Tina was no
fool. She knew where this was going. It was no surprise when her
body responded in the positive. Her nipples hardened at the thought
of his mouth on hers once again. How long had it been? Eight no,
nine months. She would remember the one kiss that sparked the ever-
burning flame between them. They d both had three too many cock-
tails at the wedding that fateful night, but blaming attraction on the
alcohol would be unfair. Especially when she still lusted for him.
 I don t want to watch movies in your bedroom.
The smile faded from his face.
She grinned.  I want to test out the hot tub you told me about.
 What a naughty idea.
Warm steam floated toward Tina as she opened the door to the
porch. From his seat in the hot tub, Craig looked up and smiled in
greeting. She stepped from the hardwood floors onto the heated tiles
of the outdoor living area. Light airy scents reminded her of the cozy
spa she d frequented to get her routine pampering. The room was
spacious with little clutter, just like the interior. Tall hedges lined the
floor-to-ceiling windows on the outside, giving a sense of privacy.
When she reached the hot tub, she accepted another glass of
champagne from Craig.  No wonder you prefer living out here rather
instead of the city. You ve got everything you need here.
 I haven t used this hot tub in so long. I forgot how relaxing it
could be.
Tina took a sip of the champagne, set the glass on a nearby stand,
and then swallowed nervously as she ran her gaze over his sculpted
body. The muscles in his chest were nicely toned from heavy-duty
work. The water slid down over his skin, some into the soft curls peek-
ing from his boxers. Her gaze focused on the outline of his cock as the
wet fabric clung to it, and her heart quickened and pussy clenched.
She d felt the strong outline of his arousal so many times from the
hugs they shared, but always through clothes. What would it feel like
to hold it in her hands, run over the soft flesh with her tongue, and
accept him into her body?
 I... She shook her head and grabbed his hand to prevent from
swooning and slipping on the floor.
Ambrielle Kirk
 Why are you so nervous, Tina? He squeezed her hand in his.
 You know me.
She laughed softly.  That s like asking me why I m hungry.
 How can I make you at ease, then?
 Kiss me.
What was she saying? Oh, but she was so tired of holding back
her feelings for him. Tired of wanting and not having him.
 I said kiss me.
Craig stroked his fingers over her bangs, then traced the smooth
brown skin on her cheek, as if admiring the texture of his roughened
hands against her delicate face. Tilting her chin up, he brought her
lips to meet his. His lack of hesitation did not surprise her, and she
reached up to grasp the back of his neck with her fingers in accep-
tance. He tasted of sweet champagne and she wanted more of it. Their
mouths parted and tongues flirted, and her body shivered in response,
but not from the cold. Butterflies awakened in her stomach as their
lips swept and roamed over each other s like a never-ending caress.
She d forgotten how gentle his kiss could be. Calloused, demanding
hands. Soft, caring kisses. She loved every minute of it.
They separated, and he bent even lower to graze his nose across
her neck. Her breath hitched, and her heartbeat vibrated in her ear-
Craig inhaled deeply and moaned.  Damn, I want you so much.
She shuddered.  I want you too.
He sipped at and tasted the skin on her neck and she arched her
back, wanting more. He must have read her mind, as he stopped his
slow torture long enough to lead her to the small steps and into the
heated water. A curse left his lips when she shed the robe from her
body. She loved the way he looked in adoration at her.
Tina sat on the edge of the tub and swung her legs inside. He mas-
saged her legs as his gaze swept across her naked body, now glowing
from the hot steam. Her breath caught in her throat when he kissed
the insides of her thighs. His hair and cheeks rubbed against her skin,
and the contrast drove her near the edge. She looked down at his fin-
gers gripping into her flesh. It resembled the whipped cream on the
milk-chocolate brownies they ate for dessert.
He looked up at her, arousal evident on his face.  Let s not stop
this time, Tina. I don t think I could bear not having you any longer.
 I can t wait anymore either. I need you now.
The Promise
He gripped her waist in his hands and pressed his forehead to
her stomach. When he dipped his tongue into the crevice of her navel,
she hissed. Her pussy creamed with her arousal, wanting more than
a tease. His tongue worked figure eights on her belly and then moved
lower to kiss her already sensitive mound. Her clit throbbed and
ached between her legs and she silently wished for him to soothe her.
Drawing her legs up onto his shoulders, he blew cool breaths near
her wet opening. Her legs trembled as her body reveled in the excite-
ment. She tried to draw her legs together to soothe her aching need,
but he drew his body closer into hers to part them again, exposing her
to the steam and his gaze.
Craig brought a finger up to caress her dewy lips, and she threw
her head back and moaned in pleasure. Her body seemed to tighten at
every nerve ending, preparing for the release she desperately needed.
He continued to tease, stroking up and down her moist slit, neglecting
her bud of desire.
He drew a nipple into his mouth and slid a finger into her canal.
 You re so wet and tight.
As he stroked in and out, her insides squeezed involuntarily
around his thick digit. He pulled and nipped gently at each hardened
nipple, then sucked with his eager mouth. Another finger joined the
first inside her, as if testing her accommodations.
He licked his lips as his eyes darted from her face to his fingers
pumping inside her pussy. She thrust her hips forward and dug her
heels into his back. The pad of his thumb stroked upward at her clit.
She was almost there and he knew it. Tina could see determination to
take her over the edge on his face.
Removing his fingers, he knelt before her and replaced them with
his tongue. Heat sliced through her core, searing her inside. The plea-
sure built around every muscle in her body, every fiber of her being.
Tina cried out when he tugged gently on her clit with his lips. Her
warm juices flowed freely, and he lapped at her pussy like it was a
treat. Zoning in on her bud, he teased it with the tip of his tongue. He
lovingly thrashed her clit until her legs quaked in intensity, her heart
pulsed in frenzy, and her body convulsed in orgasm.
Craig didn t relent until the last of her pleasure poured through
her. When he lifted his head to look at her, his face glowed in content-
ment.  That was so good.
 Oh yeah? Tina grinned and slid the rest of the way into the hot
tub, letting the warm water envelop her body. She helped him out of
Ambrielle Kirk
his boxers, directed him to the seat, and pushed on his chest until he
was seated.
His cock protruded out of the water. It looked perfect, hard as a
rock with the veins pushing against the delicate skin from his arous-
al. She licked her lips as she ran her fingertips over the mushroom-
shaped head. She wrapped her fingers around his thickness like she d
imagined doing so many times. He clenched his teeth, and his shaft
throbbed against her palm.
Tina knelt down before him as he d done her and dipped her
tongue between the slit and laved up the pre-cum. She moaned in ap-
preciation of Craig s milky, salty flavor.
She griped the base of his dick and took the head into her mouth,
sucking on the tip and stroking the underside with her tongue. He
grew more rigid than before against her tongue. Inch by inch, she took
more of him between her lips.
Craig pumped upward, meeting the back of her throat. He hissed
and groaned and tugged at her hair. His cock seemed to swell while
she teased him, and the blood in his veins thrummed against her
stroking palm.
He caught her off guard by lifting her into his embrace to kiss her.
Their tongues mated hungrily, sharing in the taste of each other.
Tina brought her knees on either side of him, while he remained
seated. His mouth and tongue were busy teasing her sensitive nip-
ples. Aftershocks of her powerful orgasm still ran through her, and at
this rate he might very well take her over the edge again.
Craig s cock brushed against her pussy, and he caressed her ass,
digging his fingers into the fleshy part of her.  This is good, Tina. He
brushed his lips against hers.  I want to see your face and your pretty
brown eyes when you come.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and adjusted her hips so
that he found her opening. He bit his lips in anticipation but held his
hand steady on her waist.
Placing her lips against his ear, she whispered,  Something tells
me you love to be ridden hard.
 Yes, he groaned and thrust upward until his head penetrated
just past her opening.
 Me too.
Tina settled over him, and her pussy enveloped him with ease.
His fingertips gripped her waist as his meaty cock sliced her neglected
sheath. She ached from pleasure and felt bliss from the pain. Arching
The Promise
her hips, she covered him to the hilt. That last movement started fire-
crackers in her belly.
 Oh, damn, he mumbled under his breath.
She lifted her hips and rocked against him until she could milk
him with ease. He assisted her, raising her up and down over his
broad, hard dick. Before long they had established a tempo. Hard and
slow. Intense and fast. His pelvis rocked up to meet hers. When she
thought he couldn t go any deeper, he tilted her, and his thrusting
became relentless, taking her into oblivion.
Steam beaded with their sweat and rolled off their skin. Water
spilled in waves over the top of the tub as she rode him. Their breath-
ing became frantic, just like her heart. Moans unified like a chorus.
Even the snowstorm outside couldn t put out the flames.
His name slipped from her lips.  Craig.
 Oh, yes, say my name, baby. He traced the outline of her jaw
with his lips.  It will not be the last. Lifting her chin, he grazed the
side of her neck with his tongue.  This is too good.
Her body shook as liquid heat coursed through her spine and an-
other climax tore through her. He looked into her eyes with a look of
elation, and then followed her into peak. He trembled against her as
hot cum shot into her.
Tina collapse against him, her cheek rested on his shoulder, and
his head leaned back against the rest. Why had they waited so long
to do this? Then again, maybe if it wasn t for the endless months of
teasing cat-and-mouse games, this night would not have been so re-
No. She d always known Craig had it in him to please. She gig-
 Why are you laughing? At me?
 No, not at you. At us.
 What about? His chest heaved as he fought to catch his breath.
 Why did this take so long? Us, this.
Craig shrugged.  You played hard to get.
 No, I did not!
 S kay, you were worth the wait.
She snuggled up closer to him.  And so were you.
He lifted her up to look at her.  Promise me this won t be the
last, he whispered.  Promise me.
Tina grinned. He d made and kept his promise. She d enjoyed ev-
ery second of this night. Without a doubt, she knew this could not be
the last night.  The first, the best...but not the last. I promise.
Ambrielle Kirk
He smiled.  I must ve been on Santa s good list this year.
Tina ran her fingers across the soft blond curls on his chest.  How
do you know that?
 I have the best gift in the world right here.
Ambrielle Kirk is an author of romantic fiction ranging from
contemporary erotic to dark paranormal romance. She likes to bring
flair and edge to anything she writes. She was inspired to create
stories in her preteen years from a very vivid imagination. Now,
over a decade later, that inspiration has never left her. Please visit her
website at for more information on current
and future book releases.
Other Books by
Ambrielle Kirk
A Player s Agenda
Special Client
Soul Bond Book One: Liaison
Hard Drive
The Promise


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