Ambrielle Kirk A Player's Agenda [BP] (pdf)

A Player s
by Ambrielle Kirk
Breathless Press
Calgary, Alberta
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are products of the author s imagination or are
used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
A Player s Agenda
Copyright 2010 Ambrielle Kirk
ISBN: 978-1-926771-51-9
Cover Artist: Annie Melton
Editor: Michayla Hart
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used
or reproduced electronically or in print without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in reviews.
Breathless Press
To my mother, whose support and encouragement have never faltered.
To readers, because I wrote this one with you in mind.
To authors aspiring (unpublished or published),  Don t ever give up .
To Breathless Press (staff and special thanks to my editor) for opening
up their doors to me.  Acceptance is fuel to a writer s muse .
Chapter One
Damien Peterson repressed a groan of aggravation. One of many
since the lecture started. His attention span was short, and his mind
focused on other agendas. His self-control declined. It was hard
enough keeping his hands to himself when she sat so close, within
his reach just beyond his touch. His imagination drove him crazy
every Wednesday and Friday between two-thirty and four pm. He
wanted to run his fingers across her mocha-toned skin so bad that his
hands clenched into fists under the desk. Instead, he fantasized about
Mariah Coleman on his lap rather than at the desk in front of him.
Other students surrounded them. Each desk spaced wider than
an arms-length apart from each other. Most rattled away on laptop
keyboards, while others scribbled on notepads. There was a linger-
ing chemical odor as the professor made notes on the marker board
in front, but Damian had blocked out the lecture almost an hour ago.
It should be a crime for a woman with such a sexy hourglass fig-
ure like hers to wear jeans that hugged every curve like a second layer
A Player s Agenda
of skin. Any other woman could have been wearing the same pair of
jeans and not look as good as Mariah did.
The attraction grew stronger every time he came to be in her pres-
ence. Just the sight of her made heat shoot through his spine to his
neck. Those sensations flowed through him now, and on instinct, he
bit his lower lip.
Her beauty mesmerized him. Hell, he was in jeopardy of failing
this Accounting Theory class and should have been taking notes on the
differences between IFRS and U.S. GAAP. Instead, he thought about
closing the gap between him and Mariah so he could please her in the
dozens of ways he had imagined since the first day of class two months
Her straight black hair brushed against the delicate skin of her
shoulders. His fingers yearned to run through the silky tresses. He
imagined that he could tug on it, hard, while she was on her knees
as he took her from behind. Clutching at the rough fabric of his jeans,
he took a deep breath in an attempt to take in more of her honeydew
scent. His hardening member strained against the zipper of his pants.
 Alright, people. The professor s voice rose above his thoughts.
 Next week we ll begin problem solving. Don t forget your textbooks.
Chairs scraped against the floor. Students gathered their items to
rush to get to their next class, home to their beds, or off to paying jobs
and internships. Chatter and laughter enveloped him.
Only when Mariah got up and disappeared in the small crowd of
other students did he realize these fantasies about her needed to be-
come reality or he would go crazy. It didn t do him any good to fan-
tasize about Mariah while fucking other girls. It satisfied the itch for a
little while, but only one woman could make his dick hard by doing
absolutely nothing. One look at the way her hips moved as she pranced
lithely in and out of the classroom made his balls tighten and constrict
in anticipation of release. Mariah drove him to sexual insanity& and
she had just walked out of the room.
Relief infused Mariah when class ended. Too bad she was headed to
another. She should have never stayed up for hours last night studying
for the chemistry exam. The three hours of sleep she managed caused
her body to feel sluggish and her mind just wasn t focused. She had an
hour left to study before that dreaded exam, in which she would spend
cramming to save herself from receiving an F. Only months away from
graduating with her Master s in Accounting, now was not the time to
Ambrielle Kirk
slack off. First, she needed to grab a large, hot cup of vanilla latte with
whipped cream on top from the booth across the street before it closed.
She needed a jolt of something caffeine usually did the trick, for a
little while anyway.
A hand on her shoulder prompted her to stop in the middle of the
hall and turn around. Eyes the color of the jade stone she used for calm-
ing during her weekly meditation process looked down at her. That
gaze brought a calming sensation to her now. For a minute, she forgot
what it was she was supposed to be doing.
Damien Peterson. She knew of him. Former star quarterback and
grandson to the CFO of the university. Popular among everyone who
knew him& and everyone with connections to the university knew him.
Rumors ran rampant among girls on and off campus that his bedroom
skills were top notch. There were several accounts of even professors,
male and female, wanting to fuck him. In her small world which was
the university he was the Brad Pitt.
Olive-colored skin, so soft and naturally tan, beckoned her to touch
him. The contrast of his tawny beige against her smooth brown skin
would be strange, yet exotic& like yin and yang. He kept his brown
hair trimmed and slicked back. A few strands threatened to fall against
his forehead. He was so tall and his berth so wide that she couldn t see
over or around him. She was now forced to look directly up at him.
What could he possibly want?
 How long are we going to pretend that we don t want each other?
The question should have embarrassed her, instead the voice in-
trigued her. She d heard him speak before. Only once, about a month
ago, did he direct a simple hello to her.
 Mariah? His hands moved down her shoulders, arm, and elbow,
then his fingers curved slowly around the small of her waist.  How
long? His voice was deep and rugged.
 W-what are you talking about?
He grinned.  I don t want to pretend any longer, Mariah.
She loved the way her name sounded coming off his tongue like a
melody. It melted her insides like ice on the summer solstice.  I don t
understand what you are talking about.
His hand was almost big enough to wrap around her entire waist.
 This. When he gripped her tighter against his pelvis, she swallowed
a small cry of shock. The hard rod that pressed against her abs was a
clear indication of exactly what he was talking about.
He leaned down and spoke against her ear, causing goose bumps
to rise on her exposed skin.  You are quite a little vixen, aren t you?
A Player s Agenda
Do you deliberately dress in tight jeans and fitted little dresses to get
attention? Do your hips move on their own accord like a gypsy? How
many times are you going to bend down in front of me pretending to
pick up the same pen over and over again?
Utter shock ran through her. She hadn t been aware that she drew
attention to herself like that. She didn t wear baggy jeans, because she
felt uncomfortable in them. She wore sundresses sometimes because
some of the classrooms were extremely hot and muggy. She didn t
pay attention to the way she walked much. And some of the desks
were extremely old with tilted desktops that caused her pens to roll
off during the lectures.
 I wasn t trying to draw attention.
He walked forward causing her to move back until her spine was
flat against the wall.  You don t want this?
His dick pulsed against her, a preview of what it would feel like if
she was ever one of the women lucky enough to have him. She didn t
need him to know how much she wanted him. How long she had
been fantasizing about him penetrating her with the eight inch dick
that they all boasted about.
 N-no, she lied.  Just because you were a star player, rich, and
just because you get whatever you want from whoever you want,
doesn t mean 
When his lips connected with the sensitive skin behind her ear,
she quit the lies immediately.
 This has nothing to do with who I am and everything to do with
what I want.
He pressed a kiss firmly into her skin. The wet tip of his tongue
scorched her.
 P-people can see us.
 I don t give a damn about what they see.
Hot liquid pooled into her heated core. Being in his presence with
not a centimeter of empty space between them aroused her beyond
her greatest imagination.
 You can t possibly want to& be with me. His lips brushed her
jaw and chin.  You and me& it wouldn t look right to other people.
Obviously you were born into an affluent family and I wasn t. And
it doesn t help any that we come from two different racial back-
 Who cares what other people think, Mariah? I have wanted you
for a while and the itch will not go away.
Ambrielle Kirk
His hand moved up and his fingers lingered dangerously along
her breast.  This is too much. Her eyes darted to a few students
walking past them, gawking at the intense public display of affection.
 People are looking.
 I d take you right here against the wall, if you say the words, he
whispered against her throat.  But for you, how about we continue
this in private?
 Where do you suggest? What was she thinking? Did she just
agree to do something with this man that she would regret later on?
She allowed him to take her further down the hallway, away from
the coffee baristas at the booth. The janitor had his back to them, emp-
tying a few small trash cans into a large receptacle. He didn t notice as
they approached. Damien placed his fingers to her lips in a gesture to
move quietly. She shook her head rapidly as he pulled her into a dark,
empty classroom. She ducked into the room behind Damien.
 What are you doing?
 Don t worry. He took both her hands in his.  I ve been pay-
ing attention; I already know the janitor won t come back this way.
He gestured around the classroom with his chin.  This classroom is
empty for the rest of the night. The building is nearly deserted. No
windows. Just you and me, so we can have some privacy. He closed
the door and turned the latch.
He pulled her against his chest, kissing her with passion and hun-
ger. His hands roamed all over her. Every caress, every stroke felt
heavenly. She pulled up to catch her breath, but Damien continued
pressing kisses into her chin. His hands were busy. He managed to
loosen the top three buttons of her blouse, and shove the garment
down her shoulders when all the buttons were loose. His skillful fin-
gers pressed the back of her bra and the flimsy thing fell to the floor
with her blouse. He dipped his head and sucked her sensitive nipple
into his mouth. Warmth penetrated between her legs. Her needs be-
trayed her. She ached for release. He licked and sucked the other with
the same urgency. She couldn t believe the moans were coming from
her mouth. She was being sexed up in a classroom by a jock known to
be a womanizer.
He placed her on the professor s large mahogany desk, knelt be-
fore her and kissed her sides, chest, stomach, and abdomen. His kisses
were so light that they tickled. When he reached her belly button, he
dipped his tongue inside and a bolt of energy rushed down to the
heated center between her legs. He twirled his tongue inside slowly,
until her hips moved involuntarily. He stopped only to unbutton and
A Player s Agenda
unzip her jeans, letting out a curse when he discovered that she wore
no panties.
 You re so sexy. So beautiful.
He rid himself of his own clothes, his eyes never leaving her body.
When he was exposed, she took in the length of him. What a lie the
rumors had been. He was more than any eight inches. Nearly nine
inches stood at attention, ready and throbbing.
She touched the head and he jumped back as if she had burnt
him. His forehead creased and he bit his bottom lip. She wrapped
her fingers around the thickest part of him. His skin, soft like velvet,
but he was still hard as a rock. She stroked him steadily. His head
lolled back and his eyes rolled beneath his lids, groaning through his
teeth in approval. A dark colored vein that hadn t been present before
pulsed against her hand. She traced it from the tip all the way down
the length of him where it jutted out from the patch of curly brown
hair. Her fingers strayed to his balls which were drawn tight against
This time when he groaned, a drop of white fluid escaped the tip.
Licking her lips, she rubbed her fingers against the slit in an effort
to entice more pre-cum. Before she could experiment on his pulsing
dick further, he cupped the back of her head in his hand and pulled
her lips to his for another kiss. He fumbled with a condom wrapper as
she kissed him feverishly. She groaned in disapproval when he pulled
away, but then moaned in pleasure as he dipped low to lick and suck
at her nipples again, making popping sounds that bounced off the
walls in the dark around them.
 Oh, Damien, that feels so good.
His lips moved lower, brushing against her skin as he went, teas-
ing her as she writhed atop the desk. He kissed her perfectly waxed
mound, blowing cool and hot breaths of air on the sensitive surface.
She hissed when his tongue made contact with bare skin. His hands
parted her thighs, opening her up. His mouth was so close to her cen-
 Damien, why are you doing this?
He grasped her waist in his hands.  Because I am starving for
 This is too much, too soon. You hardly know me.
 I do know you. I m going to know you even better after this. Let
me make love to you like you deserve. He buried his face into her
abdomen and inhaled deeply.
Ambrielle Kirk
Once again, his lips invaded her, kissing the tops of her thighs.
The fire between her legs was just beginning, and it felt like she was
going to explode. Something in her knew that Damien had the power
to release the tension, so she gave in to the chemistry that he was caus-
ing. Chemistry!
 Damien, I have an exam in less than an hour. Chemistry. She
spoke breathlessly, but still allowed him to spread her legs further
 Don t you feel the chemistry here? Don t worry, I ll allow you
five minutes to get to your exam. Usually I would require no less than
a couple hours for what I am prepared to do to you, but under the
Damien pulled her closer to his face and then hooked each leg
over his back.
 Uh-huh? He kissed the insides of her thighs.
 What are you oh! The tip of his tongue made contact with her
clit. She looked down as he went to work. He made eye contact and
his tongue disappear into her cleft. He licked from the opening all the
way up to her clit, circling the little bud slowly, softly. Moans she tried
to repress escaped her. His lips should have been on fire now; her cen-
ter was a heated inferno. Slow, sensual, soft. He sucked and licked her
clit the same way that he sucked and licked her nipples.
 Feel good? His voice vibrated against her moist core.
He pushed his tongue inside her and she nearly screamed. He
licked in and out of her, slowly, gently. She had no idea that a man
could take her, like so, with his tongue.  You taste like honeydew mel-
 Mmmmm. Her breath lodged in her throat.
 This is my pussy from now on. His tongue flicked quickly, but
gently across her clit.  No one else is to have this pussy, but me. Is that
 You like this, don t you? He sucked noisily on her.
She nodded, quickly. She should have been ashamed of herself,
but she was so turned on.
 You re mine, Mariah. You belong to me. The more he worked,
the more the tension built up inside.
A Player s Agenda
 Damn, you taste so fucking good. He applied more pressure,
but kept the rhythm.  Let me hear you when you come, baby.
 Damien! Her body convulsed uncontrollably under his grip and
her pussy muscles clenched under his tongue. Blood rushed through
her veins to her eardrums. Sparks ignited between her legs as he en-
ticed her core into an even deeper release. Only when she was spent
and her body relaxed did he come up for air.
 I love the sound of my name when you say it. Damien appeared
over her and she wrapped her arms around his neck.  You ready for
 Please& yes& 
Damien slid a condom down his length. Lowering himself slowly
on top of her, he slipped his forearm under her neck for her to use like
a pillow. She adjusted her legs to accommodate him just as he placed
his bulbous head at her opening. He pushed in slowly as he kissed
her softly on the lips. His gaze scorched her as he buried himself to
the hilt.
The chemistry was real. She had wanted him more than anything
and would continue to want him want this.
While he embraced her, he began moving, in and out, until she
had adjusted to his full size. Grabbing her hips with both hands, he
worked his pelvis, thrusting back and forth, around in circles inside
of her.
 Oh, Damien& 
Her moans encouraged him. Every move he made was gentle,
but determined. Before long, his hands didn t need to guide her in
rhythm. She thrust her hips forward to meet his in the same tempo he
had established.
He groaned his pleasure into her shoulder, tilting himself, so that
his dick made contact with her clit on the down stroke. Moments later,
her body convulsed, bringing her to orgasm. Her thick long lashes
fluttered and fanned the tops of her cheeks and her delectable mouth
formed the perfect little O. Fingers gripped the taut muscles in his
back and hips lifted to revel in the release.
Enthralled by her authentic beauty, he stared down at her delicate
face as she came down from her orgasm. Never had he been so infatu-
ated with a woman before, during, or after sex. He had wanted her
when he thought that she was beyond his reach and he wanted her
still, now more than ever.
He pulled out and guided her until her feet were on the floor,
turning her around and bending her over. It surprised him when she
Ambrielle Kirk
arched above the desk without saying a word with a voluptuous back-
side propped up in the air, waiting for his entry. He took his time ad-
miring its plumpness kneading the rounded globes with his hands
while rubbing his shaft against her pussy.
Yes, he was an ass man, and would enjoy taking her from behind.
He loved sucking on her perfectly sized taut nipples, but there was
nothing better than a nice booty to hold on to. He gave Mariah s ass a
slap and grinned when she cried out.
Without warning, he penetrated her in one quick stroke to the hilt.
She screamed her pleasure-pain aloud and braced herself on her fore-
arms as he began to pump inside of her. As his dick filled her up, her
warm nectar coated him. Her moans encouraged him to thrust fiercely
into her soft canal to keep the sensation going, never missing a beat.
 I want you to pull my hair.
Shock registered through him at her demand. His balls tightened
even more he almost exploded inside of her right then.
 Baby, I knew it would be like this, he moaned, as he took
clumps of her hair into his fists. Her back arched and he went deeper
than before. He bent lower over her and nipped at her shoulder. She
turned her head and their tongues entangled as he rode her. He was
near completion. He wanted to ride her into eternity, but there was no
way he could hold back this furious release now. As his body began to
jerk and spasm, she joined him in orgasm. He groaned out in pleasure
like a wild beast.
He collapsed in the chair behind him and brought her down with
him, cuddling her, until their breathing returned to normal.
 You should have been mine a long time ago.
That declaration surprised him. He would have never had never
said anything like that to anyone. He had wanted her all this time. The
first time he caught sight of her, six months ago when in the registrar s
office. And for two long months, he d sat behind her in class fantasiz-
ing about this very moment.
 What now?
 I knew that I had to have you and now that I have, I damn sure
ain t lettin you go. He tugged her firmly into his chest to make his
 We can t keep coming in here to fuck each other. The janitors will
catch us sooner or later.
They both laughed.
 Mariah, the next time I make love to you, it will be in my bed.
After you finish your chemistry exam& we have a date.
A Player s Agenda
 And that s some chemistry I don t want to miss& 
As they kissed, Mariah opened up her heart. It was time to take a
chance on love.
Chapter Two
What was she thinking?
Had he drugged her with his kisses? Everyone knew him as a
womanizer, and she had just let him easily conquer her. She should
have been ashamed, but still she trudged in the direction of Union
Station where they had agreed to meet.
She would blame the F she was sure to receive for the exam on not
studying enough the night before, and also on the visions of Damien
sliding his thick iron rod into her slick pussy from behind. It had only
been about an hour and a half since she left Damien s embrace in the
classroom. What was causing her to become a sex-crazed maniac in a
matter of hours? She had been infatuated with Damien Peterson the
moment he stumbled in late that first day of class months ago.
Just the anticipation of how much better sex with Damien could
be on his bed rather than on a desk in a classroom made her knees
weak. And she hoped his bed was exactly where she was headed.
Mariah rounded the corner of the building and pushed past the
crowd of bustling students walking in every direction. She spotted
A Player s Agenda
Damien immediately. She wasn t the only one who was drawn to his
rugged bad-boy charm and exceptionally good looks.
He was seated on top of a picnic table near the Union in the mid-
dle of the courtyard. There were a handful of women groupies sur-
rounding him.
She had seen him around campus and at social events numerous
times speaking to many girls. It didn t bother her then, so why did
it bother her now? The strange mix of emotions she felt right now
were akin to that of& jealousy. What was she jealous of? Damien was
not a one-woman man. She should never think for one moment that
she could have him all to herself. She didn t expect it. His lifestyle
called for promiscuity. He was an uncommitted bachelor who pulled
up to any woman he wanted, and ran off after hitting a home run. She
wasn t any different.
She paused mid-stride and watched as one of them beautiful
with long strawberry-blonde hair and voluptuous breasts reached
out and pretended to be interested in re-positioning his collar. The
hussy kept her hands there and even brushed her fingers against his
neck while she talked to him. Mariah couldn t hear the conversation
from the distance, but the blonde smiled from ear to ear. Damien was
grinning, but he always kept a cunning grin on his face. Did he ever
get angry? Probably not. Any man with the world in his palm had to
be the luckiest man alive.
His laughter rang in the air over the hustle and bustle around her.
Obviously, he had forgotten about her.
Mariah jerked back as if someone had slapped her in the face.
So, this was the price to pay for a mind-blowing session of hot sex
in a classroom with a jock with the reputation of a player? Now that
she had gotten what she wanted, she wasn t sure the dangerous mix
of emotions that coursed through her now were worth the multiple
orgasms Damien had given her on a professor s desk. She swallowed
the rising lump in her throat and clutched her shoulder bag to her
Well, the thrill of being the fuck of the evening with Damien Peterson
was good while it lasted.
Damien glanced from the gold-digging beautiful blonde in front of
him to his wrist watch. Time advanced late into the evening and dusk
crept against the horizon. This day wasn t over for him he hoped
there would be many more to come just like it. He didn t want to talk
about that pool party scheduled for tonight anymore. He wouldn t be
in attendance. He had other plans.
Ambrielle Kirk
What made him turn his head in that instant? He didn t know, but
was glad he did. Long sleek ebony hair caught the breeze as Mariah
turned around.
Where was she going?
He had been waiting out here in the courtyard for her for what
seemed like hours. After their tryst in the classroom, he had insisted
on buying her the cup of java she told him she craved and walked her
to chemistry class. Afterward, he hurried home to shower and get all
the details straightened out for their date tonight. And after all that,
she was still trying to make him play this game of cat and mouse.
It didn t matter what game she wanted to play. He would most
definitely follow her to the ends of the Earth to be with her again. It
wasn t just the sex he wanted. He wanted all of her. He would never
be satisfied with just one evening of sex.
He gestured to his best friend, Montrel, to excuse himself.
 Mariah. He called out, following her across the street and onto
the sidewalks.  Where are you headed? Why didn t you come to me?
 You were busy, she said, without turning around.
 Mariah, I was waiting for you, like we planned, remember?
She walked so fast, he took long strides to catch up with her.
 It looks like you already had company, Damien.
She kept her eyes on the ground, not looking at him. He cupped
her elbow into his palm and she jerked it away.
 Listen, Damien, if you think that I m going to be a quick lay for
today and then you just forget about me tomorrow, then it s not going
to happen.
Her eyes formed small slits, her lips pouted. She was extremely
sexy when she was mad, but he d never wanted to make her angry.
Alarmed by her furious outburst, he stared down at her.
 I m not gonna be girl number five thousand and sixty eight on
your fuck list. Just forget about what we did& it was a mistake.
She stormed off leaving him grounded to the sidewalk, looking
after her.
What in the hell did he do?
He caught up with her and grabbed her waist, this time deter-
mined not to let her walk away from him. Her hands came up to his
chest in a desperate attempt to get away. He pulled her closer into his
 What are you talking about?
 You know!
A Player s Agenda
 I m not playing games right now, Mariah. I asked you a ques-
 The girls. She nodded her head behind him in the direction of
the picnic tables.  All the girls you date and have sex with on a daily
basis. I m not like that. I 
Okay, so his reputation wasn t peachy clean. He knew that. His
sex drive was insatiable. Problem was, no woman seemed to be able
to hold his interest for quite as long as Mariah had. And Mariah had
held his interest even before he d had her.
 I know that. My intentions are to be with you for as long as you
let me. I don t care about any of those girls back there. I ve never cared
for any of them. Do you realize how long I ve waited for you to ac-
knowledge me? I couldn t wait any longer, Mariah.
 Do you know who I am? She searched his eyes.  I m nobody.
I don t have a CFO granddaddy. I intern three days a week at the
accounting firm downtown without pay. I ve been an orphan of the
state up until my eighteenth birthday five years ago. I have no family.
I don t have a lot of money. She tried to pry herself away, pushing
her forearm against his chest. He held her to him, firmly, but gently.
 And I I m black.
He had not known about her, he d admit that now. All he d known
is that he d wanted to be in her company, talking to her, for months
now. He d been the one who was afraid that she d reject him.
 You are somebody, Mariah. He stroked her delicate jaw line
with the back of his fingers.  My granddad may be CFO, but that fact
does not dictate my life. I live a separate life from that. I m trying to
earn my Master s degree, just like you. I ve opened up a tax consult-
ing business which I started with money that I had saved. I do not
live off my parents. I don t have many friends. Many of those who
claim they are my friends are after money or looking to exploit me to
gain a reputation. The truth is, they probably hate me for who I am.
He looked deep into her brown doe eyes.  And in case you haven t
noticed& I m white.
They both laughed softly. What a beautiful laugh she had.
He glided his fingers across her face and stroked the back of her
neck, pulling her face closer to his.
 It can t be wrong to want you the way I do. This feels so right that
I would be a fool to let you go.
He leaned down to close the distance and pressed his lips against
hers into a deep kiss. He felt the moment the tension released from
Ambrielle Kirk
her. Her hands, once balled in fists against his chest, were now flat-
tened against it.
 Then don t let me go& because I want you, too.
Oblivious to the sets of eyes watching them, observing, speculat-
ing, they shared a fate-sealing sweet kiss.
Ambrielle Kirk lives, works, and plays in Atlanta, GA. She has
a serious addiction for reading and writing great stories. Romantic
fiction is how she defines her preferred genre, but specializes in
writing paranormal, urban fantasy, and erotic romance. She loves
alpha-heroes, probably because she married one. Her demanding
day job keeps her busy and on her toes, but her characters fill her
imagination and keep her up at all hours of the night. For more
information, visit her website at or email her
Other Books by
Ambrielle Kirk
A Player s Agenda
Special Client


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