NMS KD 0017 en V01 03 N3000 IMC and ISC User Manual

N3000-IMC and -ISC
User Manual
Version 01.03
N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
Document name
[ NMS-KD-0017-en-V01.03_N3000-IMC and -ISC User Manual.docx ]
Scope of document
Document applies for: no declaration
List of Changes
Document Changes Change Order
Version Date Modified Author Reasons for Changes Initiator
V01.00 12.01.2009 all DHI - - - DHI
V01.01 29.01.2009 3.1, 3.2 DHI Location frequency inputs added DHI
V01.02 11.05.2009 all DHI div. correction (formality) ALE
V01.03 19.11.2009 2.2.1, 2.2.2 DHI Channels of X10 corrected ALE
Printed in Germany
© 2009 NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG
This publication including any and all of its parts is copyrighted. Any exploitation or utilization of the text shall require prior
written approval by NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG. This provision applies in particular to the reproduction,
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NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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Table of Contents
Symbols used in this document ...................................................................................................................... 4
1. General safety requirements ..................................................................................... 5
2. Overview ................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Subject of this document ................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Device structure ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2.1 N3000 IMC connections side .......................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 N3000 ISC connections side ............................................................................................................ 8
3. Functional description ............................................................................................... 9
3.1 N3000 IMC standard equipment ........................................................................................ 9
3.2 N3000 ISC standard equipment ......................................................................................... 9
3.3 N3000 IMC and N3000 ISC plug in modules ..................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Universal analogue input module ................................................................................................. 10
3.3.2 Universal analogue output module
............................................................................................... 10
3.3.3 Digital input/output module ......................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Status LEDs on the connectors side of I/O boxes .............................................................. 11
3.4.1 Channel status LEDs indicator code .............................................................................................. 12
3.4.2 System status LED indicator code ................................................................................................. 14
3.4.3 CANbus LEDs indicator code ......................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Fault reports and fault clearing ........................................................................................ 16
4. Technical Data......................................................................................................... 18
Table of figures.............................................................................................................................................. 20
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
Symbols used in this document
ATTENTION! Very important instructions are
following to avoid damage to property.
Important notes are following.
READ In this section you find a reference to further
information in other documents.
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
1. General safety requirements
The whole staff which is involved in installation,
operation, maintenance and repair should pay
attention to the advices in this section and read
them attentively.
Qualification of the staff and intended use
Øð All devices and system components shall only be used for their intended use.
Øð Installation, operation, maintenance and repair shall only be performed by qualified and
authorised staff.
Safety requirements for the start-up
Øð Before starting up the system you must install all devices and system components correctly in
accordance to the appropriate advices and specifications.
Øð Before starting up you have to finish all maintenance and repair work.
Safety requirements for the operation
Øð The operator has to be familiar with the operation of the system and all of its components.
Øð The operator must know the effects of any action to be performed by him.
Øð If the system identifies or announce an alarm, appropriate countermeasures shall be taken
immediately to clear the fault.
Øð The system and all of its components must be completely functional to ensure the correct
operation of the system. Appropriate countermeasures shall be taken immediately, if the
system or one of its components shows any failure.
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
2. Overview
2.1 Subject of this document
Øð The subject of this document are the N3000-IMC and N3000-ISC I/O boxes equipped
with hardware channels.
Øð This document is intended for technicians and service personnel who work on a N3000
Øð This document contains:
o a description of I/O boxes and their connections,
o the fault reports that can be produced by I/O boxes,
o possible means of clearing faults.
2.2 Device structure
Øð The I/O box is available in a master version (type N3000-IMC) and in a slave version
(type N3000-ISC):
o N3000-IMC: independent master unit with an internal slave unit,
o N3000-ISC: an independently operating slave unit subordinate to a master unit.
2.2.1 N3000-IMC connections side
Fig. 1: N3000-IMC connections side
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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Position Description
Operating voltage: 18 & 32 V DC,
Unom = 24 V DC; in duplicate: alternate sources (connect through other units).
X2 Current-limited voltage source as power supply for sensors connected to this I/O box.
X3 CANbus 1 with status LED.
X4 CANbus 2 with status LED.
X5 RS232, RS422, RS485 combination interface
X6, X7 iBus (= internal bus) for connecting other devices within a CAN node.
Sensor / actuator connections (4 binary inputs and 4 relay circuit outputs, each with a status
X20 8 connections, each with a status LED, for analogue/binary sensors and actuators.
X30 8 connections, each with a status LED, for analogue/binary sensors and actuators.
X40 8 connections, each with a status LED, for analogue/binary sensors and actuators.
S1 Rotary switch for setting the CANbus address; units digit, in HEX.
S2 Rotary switch for setting the CANbus address; tens digit, in HEX.
Status LED: green = I/O box ready
Status flashing green/yellow = isolation fault to the housing
red = boot mode or device inoperable fault
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
2.2.2 N3000-ISC connections side
Fig. 2: N3000-ISC connections side
Position Description
Operating voltage: 18 & 32 V DC,
Unom = 24 V DC; in duplicate: alternate sources (connect through other units).
X2 Current-limited voltage source as power supply for sensors connected to this I/O box.
X6, X7 iBus (= internal bus) for connecting other devices within a CAN node.
Sensor / actuator connections (4 binary inputs and 4 relay circuit outputs, each with a status
X20 8 connections, each with a status LED, for analogue/binary sensors and actuators.
X30 8 connections, each with a status LED, for analogue/binary sensors and actuators.
X40 8 connections, each with a status LED, for analogue/binary sensors and actuators.
S1 Rotary switch for setting the CANbus address; units digit, in HEX.
Status LED: green = I/O box ready
Status flashing green/yellow = isolation fault to the housing
red = boot mode or device inoperable fault
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
3. Functional description
3.1 N3000-IMC standard equipment
The N3000-IMC I/O box contains the following standard equipment:
Øð 1 master processor circuit board for control of the CAN node.
Øð 1 connector circuit board for up to 6 additional plug-in modules (I/O cards).
Øð 1 slave processor circuit board with:
o 4 potential free relay output contacts.
o 4 digital inputs for monitoring switches. Up to 2 of the inputs can be used as
frequency inputs (channel 3 and 4 on terminal X10, see last figure).
Øð Optional: one plug-in location for a compact flash card to record alarms.
3.2 N3000-ISC standard equipment
The N3000-ISC I/O box contains the following standard equipment:
Øð 1 connector circuit board for up to 6 additional plug-in modules (I/O cards).
Øð 1 slave processor circuit board with:
o 4 potential free relay output contacts.
o 4 digital inputs for monitoring switches. Up to 2 of the inputs can be used as
frequency inputs (channel 3 and 4 on terminal X10, see last figure).
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
3.3 N3000-IMC and N3000-ISC plug-in modules
As many as 6 plug-in modules can be integrated into every I/O box for channel expansion. This makes
it possible to integrate as many as 24 additional channels per I/O box that can be configured via
software. Three plug-in module variants are available as options:
Øð Universal analogue input module (see Section 3.3.1)
Øð Universal analogue output module (see Section 3.3.2)
Øð Universal digital input/output module (see Section 3.3.3)
3.3.1 Universal analogue input module
Øð 4 universal analogue signal inputs.
Øð All inputs are independent and can be separately configured via software.
Øð Protected to external voltages up to Ä…40 V.
Øð Value ranges:
o voltage: -10...0& 10 V / 2& 10 V
o current: 0& 20 mA / 4& 20 mA
o resistors: PT100, PT1000, etc.
o various thermal elements (e.g. type K)
o switch contact (also with wire-break monitoring)
3.3.2 Universal analogue output module
Øð Four universal analogue signal outputs (standardised output signals).
Øð All outputs are independent and can be separately configured via software.
Øð Protected to external voltages up to Ä…40 V.
Øð Value ranges:
o voltage: 0& 2& 10 V
o current: 0& 4& 20 mA
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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3.3.3 Digital input/output module
Øð Four binary channels configurable as:
o binary inputs (with wire-break monitoring),
o or as 4 relay outputs with potential free contacts (configurable as NC
or NO contact by a solder jumper),
o or as 4 semiconductor outputs, potential free and short-circuit
3.4 Status LEDs on the connectors side of I/O boxes
N3000-IMC and N3000-ISC I/O boxes have various status LEDs. These display system states, alarms
and system faults such as, for example:
Øð sensor alarm (e.g. for limit value overrun or under-run).
Øð sensor fault (e.g. wire break, short circuit, earth fault).
Øð states (e.g. contact open/closed, on/off, high/low, actuator on/off).
The illustration below shows the arrangement of LEDs on the I/O boxes.
Fig. 3: N3000-IMC - overview of status LEDs
Explanations for the previous illustration:
1. Thirty-two channel status LEDs (one per channel) (see Section 3.4.1)
2. One system status LED (see Section 3.4.2)
3. Two CANbus LEDs (only master box N3000-IMC, see Section 3 .4.3)
The status LED indicator codes and their significance will be explained in the subsections below.
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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3.4.1 Channel status LEDs indicator code
Fig. 4: N3000-IMC - channel status LEDs
Indicator code for sensor alarm (see previous Figure, No. 1)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
LED off no alarm
flashing alternately red/off sensor alarm (not acknowledged)
rd* rd*
steady red sensor alarm (acknowledged)
Indicator code for sensor fault (see previous Figure, No. 1)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
LED off no sensor fault
flashing red/off sensor fault (not acknowledged)
rd* rd*
steady red sensor fault (acknowledged)
Indicator code for blocking channels (see previous Figure, No. 1)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
LED off blocking inactive
steady red blocking active
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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Indicator code for status/actuator channels (see previous Figure, No. 1)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
LED off off / low / inactive / actuator off
steady red on / high / active / actuator on
Indicator code for faded channels (see previous Figure, No. 1)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
t on/off = 1/8 channel faded out
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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3.4.2 System status LED indicator code
Fig. 5: N3000-IMC - system status LED
Indicator code for system status LED (see previous Figure, No. 2)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
LED off I/O box inactive/off
steady green I/O box ok
steady red internal system fault
boot mode (about 10 ... 20 s)
flashing alternately red/yellow earth fault of sensor / sensor line
gn* ye* gn* ye*
* rd= red; gn=green; ye=yellow
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
19/11/2009 - DHI
3.4.3 CANbus LEDs indicator code
Only the master box N3000-IMC has CANbus
connections with CANbus status LEDs.
Fig. 6: N3000-IMC - CANbus status LEDs
Indicator code for CANbus LEDs (see previous Figure, No. 3)
LED indicator code Explanation Status / significance
LED off CANbus not active
pulsing green LED transmitting over the CANbus
pulsing red LED receiving over the CANbus
LED occasionally flashes yellow immediate confirmation of received
gn* ye* gn*
* rd= red; gn=green; ye=yellow
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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3.5 Fault reports and fault clearing
This section describes the possible fault reports, their causes and possible means of clearing faults. If
you are unable to resolve the system's fault please contact service personnel.
Disturbances in the N3000 system can effect
the entire system. To avoid damaging
equipment, always take appropriate initial
action (e.g. switching off the motor, etc.) before
beginning with troubleshooting.
Some malfunctions can be more quickly and specifically
located with the aid of the N3000-DSP display. The
table below will point this out.
READ For more information about troubleshooting, please
read the N3000 Service Manual NMS-KD-0015.
Fault indication Possible fault Possible remedy
Check terminal X1 (power supply).
System status LED no supply voltage
device fault Call service personnel or replace device
System status LED iBus connection disturbance 1. Check terminal X6, X7 (iBus connection) and
red the iBus cable.
Tip about iBus problems: 2. Remove power supply from terminal X1, then
In SYSTEM INTERNALS of the connect it again Ä…ð re-initialisation. Wait for
N3000-DSP message "iBus 30 s Ä…ð if iBus remains defective go to next
Connection Box 1, & " step.
3. Call service staff or replace device.
internal system fault Call service personnel or replace device
System status LED earth fault to the I/O box Check sensor and sensor lead.
Tip about earth fault:
display message "Insulation Box
1, 2 & "
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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Fault indication Possible fault Possible remedy
Sensor input LED sensor fault, wire-break or short Check sensor and sensor lead.
steady red but limit circuit
value is not overrun
Many alarms (2 or Suspect: only one channel may Check sensor and sensor lead.
more) simultaneously have a real sensor fault (SF).
indicate a sensor If an N3000-DSP display unit is available:
fault (SF) The defective channel may serve
as a source or reference channel 1. Call up the CHANNEL DETAILS for the
(source channel, cold junction channel XXXX with a SF.
2. Is there a "source channel" or "cold junction
Example: The channel for cold channel" message present?
junction temperature has SF Ä…ð all ·ð No, no message: check this channel
thermal elements dependent on (sensor, wire break, etc.)
this channel will also show SF. ·ð Yes, message present: check the channel
indicated by the message as a "source
channel" or "cold junction channel"
(sensor, wire break etc.)
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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N3000-IMC and -ISC
Version 01.03
User Manual
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4. Technical Data
Operating voltage
18 & 32 V DC, Urated = 24 V DC
Power consumption
< 25W (N3000-IMx), < 20W (N3000-ISx)
Operating temperature range acc. IEC60068-2-2 and 25°C & +70°C
Storage temperature range acc. IEC60068-2
-40°C & +85°C
Relative air humidity acc. IEC60068-2-30 Db
d" 96% @ 55°C
Vibration resistance acc. IEC60068-6 Fc
Ä…1,6mm @ 2& 25 Hz, 4g @ 25& 100Hz
Shock resistance (impact)
acc. IEC60068
ESD acc. IEC61000-4-2 8kV via air, 6kV via contact
Electromagnetic field acc. IEC61000-4-3 10 V/mf = 80MHz & 2000MHz 80% AM @ 1kHz
10 V/m f = 900 Ä…5 MHz 50% AM @ 200Hz
10 V/m f = 1800 Ä…5 MHz 50% AM @ 200Hz
Burst acc. IEC61000-4-4 Ä… 2 kV operating voltage
Ä… 1 kV sensorlines
Surge acc. IEC61000-4-5 sym. Ä… 0.5 kV (Ri=2&!) asym. Ä… 1 kV (Ri=12&!)
Conducted HF-interference acc. IEC61000-4-6 10 Vrms f = 0,01 & 100MHz 80% AM @ 1kHz
Conducted LF-interference acc. IEC60553 10 Vrms f = 0,05 & 10kHz
Interference field strength acc. CISPR 16-1- EMC1
Connections Plug connectors System Phoenix Mini-Combicon -Ø wires d" 2.5mm²
Power supply spring balancer terminal type: FKCS 2.5/4-STF-5.08
or terminal screw type: FRONT-MSTB 2.5/4-STF-5.08
iBus Screw connector M12-5
spring balancer terminal type: FKCS 2.5/16-STF-5.08
or terminal screw type: FRONT-MSTB
CANbus spring balancer terminal type: TFKC 2,5/3-STF-5.08
or terminal screw type: FRONT-MSTB
Serial interface Sub-D 9 socket
RS232 / RS422 / RS485
Protection class to DIN EN60529 Front (panel, rack) IP65 built into mounting plate
All other sides IP30
Connections IP00
Orientation preferably vertical up
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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Version 01.03
User Manual
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Box type Panel-mounting Cabinet-mounting
Housing material Front: Polyester film on chromated chromated aluminium
aluminium plate
Body: chromated aluminium chromated aluminium
Mounting in console with back-plate with
4 studs M5 x 16mm 4 oblong drilled holes 6.5 x 8mm
Dimensions Front plate length 250mm back-plate length 210mm
width 140mm width 140mm
depth 4mm depth 4mm
Body L210mm, B110mm, T approx. 115mm without cable space
Weight approx. 1.6kg
Applied standards IEC61000-6-2, IEC61000-6-4
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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Version 01.03
User Manual
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Table of figures
Fig. 1: N3000-IMC connections side ....................................................................................................... 6
Fig. 2: N3000-ISC connections side ........................................................................................................ 8
Fig. 3: N3000-IMC - overview of status LEDs ....................................................................................... 11
Fig. 4: N3000-IMC - channel status LEDs ............................................................................................ 12
Fig. 5: N3000-IMC - system status LED ................................................................................................ 14
Fig. 6: N3000-IMC - CANbus status LEDs ............................................................................................ 15
NORIS Marine Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Muggenhofer Strasse 95, D - 90429 Nuremberg
Phone: +49 911 32 01-0, Fax: +49 911 32 01-150, info@noris-automation.com, www.noris-automation.com
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