03 coordinating IYP EN

Project Management
international Youth Projects
Frame Conditions1
Partner Idea / topic Team
People/group2 Type of programme3 Budget
Language Time & place ...
Managing International Youth Projects
Co-ordinator Youth leader/ Facilitators
Develop ideas Communication (with project co-
ordination, with other team
Find a partner
Communication (between the part-
Preparation of the participants
ners, with project leader)
Planning the programme, ped-
Budget & Finances (Calculation, ap-
agogical concept
plications, ...)
Running the IYE
Organisation (accommodation, food,
insurance, visa, travel, materials, Evaluation & follow-up
money, programme, transfers, ...)
Public relations work
Final reports (content, financial)
1. Tiredness: Many co-ordinators run out of energy already before
the youth exchange has started. ¾ of their time/energy is used for
organising and preparing the event, for the event itself there is not
many left.
2. 80/20- 80% of the energy is needed for 20% of the tasks;
sometimes only 20% of the energy is needed for 80% of the tasks.
3. Pedagogical concept: Very important for the success of an inter-
national youth project is a pedagogical concept, which encloses
both the programme and the informal part of the encounter.
Who? what? with whom? when? where? how?
Countries, age, social background, etc.
Youth exchange, workcamp, (classical) encounter/exchange, study visit, formation, training, seminar, etc.


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