Klucz do zadań PP

Klucz do zadań
Rozumienie ze słuchu
Rozmowę drugą prowadzą dwaj mężczyzni. Nie są
Rozdział I
przyjaciółmi, ponieważ dzwoniący wymienia swoje imię i
nazwisko. Rozmowę trzecią prowadzą osoby pracujące w tej
samej instytucji (firmie lub urzędzie): słyszysz o
segregatorze/aktach nr 443 leżącym/ch na biurku jednej z
nich i co więcej, osoby te umawiają się na lunch w tym
Przykład 1. str. 13
samym budynku. Rozmowa czwarta to rozmowa przyjaciółek.
1.1 T ...I was going to close the shop...
Jedna z nich opowiada swoje wrażenia z urlopu, druga
1.2 F ...Five years since l saw him.
opiekowała się zwierzakiem przyjaciółki w czasie jej
1.3 F ...he told me the address but I can't remember where
nieobecności. W ostatniej rozmowie słyszymy lekarza i jego
he said it was.
stałego pacjenta - lekarz zna samego pacjenta i jego rodzinę,
1.4 F ...His wife is French...
ale charakter tej znajomości, a także samej rozmowy, określa
1.5 T ... he said something about his mother-in-law com-
zawód wykonywany przez jednego z rozmówców.
ing over to help out - she wants to be closer to her
daughter and grandchildren.
Przykład 3. str. 17
1.6 T ... she's going to spend the summers here and the
3.1 B If you want to buy an expensive item and do not
winters in Paris.
have the money at that particular time, you can buy
1.7 F ... I always thought of Steven as someone who
it on your credit card...
would do well for himself. He had some of the best
3.2 A ...travel insurance may be an automatic benefit.
ideas about opening up a business.
3.3 C ...credit cards are accepted almost everywhere...
1.8 T And why didn't we think of opening a restaurant
3.4 A ... Don't spend more money than you can afford to
instead of a bookshop?
pay off... If you can, pay your credit card bill in full
every month.
3.5 B Don't spend more than you can afford to pay off.
Don't go over your limit... pay your credit card bill in
Zadanie to sprawdza, czy potrafisz stwierdzić, czy nagranie
full every month ... Keep track off what you spend.
zawiera określone informacje, a także czy jesteś w stanie
File receipts somewhere safe...
określić stan emocjonalny mówiącego oraz jego intencje, tzn.
3.6 C Odpowiedz na podstawie całego tekstu: słyszysz
cel wypowiedzi. Zauważ, że w większości przypadków
więcej o zaletach niż o wadach posiadania karty
wyrażenia w zadaniach nie są sformułowane dokładnie takim
samym językiem, jak informacje w nagraniu. Zwróć też uwagę,
że pewnych informacji nie słyszysz wprost. Na przykład,
mówiący nie wypowiada się bezpośrednio na temat dzieci
Stevena, a zadanie 1.5. wymaga stwierdzenia, czy Steven je
W zadaniu 3.1. prawidłowa jest odpowiedz B, ponieważ
posiada. Niemniej z fragmentu, który mówiący wypowiada o
dogodność posiadania karty kredytowej polega na możliwości
teściowej Stevena, wynika, że ma on dzieci. Właśnie ta
zakupu towarów, nawet jeśli w danej chwili nie dysponuje się
umiejętność określenia pewnej informacji na podstawie
odpowiednią gotówką. Zwróć uwagę, że możliwość A suge-
analizy elementów tekstu jest sprawdzana przy pomocy
ruje, że dzięki karcie każdy zakupiony towar można spłacić w
zadania 1.5. Również zadania 1.7. i 1.8. wymagają
ratach, w tekście mowa jest zaś wyłącznie o kupowaniu w
wyciągnięcia wniosków na podstawie informacji, która nie jest
tym systemie drogich rzeczy. W zadaniu 3.2. chodzi o to, że
przekazana wprost. W przypadku zadania 1.7. mówiący
jeśli opłacisz podróż kartą kredytową, ubezpieczenie (na
wymienia powody, dla których można było sądzić, że
podróż) możesz dostać gratis, stąd poprawna jest odpowiedz
Stevenowi powiedzie się w biznesie, i stąd nie może on być
A. W zadaniu 3.3. prawidłową odpowiedzią jest C, ponieważ
zdziwiony, że Steven odniósł sukces. Rozwiązanie zadania
zaletą posiadania karty, kiedy jesteś w podróży, jest to, że
1.8. wymaga odczytania ostatniego zdania w tekście jako
możesz z niej skorzystać praktycznie wszędzie. W zadaniu
wyrażenia żalu, że mówiący nie podjął kiedyś trafniejszej
3.4. prawidłowa jest odpowiedz A. Korzystanie z kredytu, który
decyzji biznesowej.
zapewnia Ci karta, w sposób odpowiedzialny wymaga, byś nie
wydawał przy jej pomocy pieniędzy, na które nie masz pokrycia
Przykład 2. str. 15
(you can't afford to pay off) a więc, byś mógł zwrócić pieniądze
2.1. B And how are my sweet little girls? ...why don't you
wydane na kredyt, kiedy otrzymasz rachunek z banku.
make him Moussaka!... I remember when he was
Wykonanie zadania 3.5. wymaga ogarnięcia w całości drugiej
a little boy, that's all he would eat!
części tekstu, w której mówiący omawia potencjalne ryzyko
2.2. F Hello, Peter? It's Paul Ford.
związane z posiadaniem karty kredytowej. Mówiący poświęca
2.3. C Do you happen to have file 443 by any chance?
dłuższą część swojej wypowiedzi podaniu kilku rad
... it's right here on my desk.
praktycznych dotyczących korzystania z karty kredytowej,
2.4. A It was pretty quiet with you gone but Peaches
stąd właściwa jest odpowiedz B. W zadaniu 3.6. prawidłowa
kept me company ... Yeah, thanks a million for
jest odpowiedz C, ponieważ mówiący nie wypowiada się o
taking care of him for me. I don't know what I would
kartach kredytowych w kontekście wolności osobistej
have done without you!...
(freedom) posiadacza karty. W nagraniu słyszysz o freedom of
2.5. E Have you finished? I didn't really fee theneedlel...
credit, a więc o swobodzie, jaką daje kredyt, a to nie to samo,
co wolność jako dobro osobiste. Zwróć uwagę, że poprzez
Komentarz zastosowanie przeczenia, możliwość A wyraża sens
przeciwny do tego, jaki wyraża tekst. Prawdą jest, że w
Treść rozmowy prowadzonej przez kobiety, z których jedna
nagraniu słyszysz więcej o zaletach posiadania karty niż o jej
gotowała dla George'a w przeszłości, a druga gotuje dla niego
wadach, i stąd poprawna jest odpowiedz C.
obecnie, sugeruje, że jedna to matka, a druga to żona, tak więc
rozmawiają osoby w rodzinie. Matka George'a pyta synową,
jak miewają się jej ukochane dziewczynki (=wnuczki).
4.5. T Because golf equipment was so expensive, it was
Poziom podstawowy
a game only the wealthy could afford to play.
However, this soon changed when clubs made
entirely from metal and balls made from man-made
materials became available. These products were
mass-produced and anyone could afford to buy
Zadanie 1. str.19
them and play with them.
1.1 T ... I talk for a living. I talk commercial talk-you know,
4.6. F St Andrews became the most famous and most
radio stuff.
highly regarded golf club because of its excellent
1.2 F Don't buy just any ordinary battery. Depend on
course ... Why not visit a course near you and see
Eternal Battery!
what all the fuss is about?
1.3 F Yes, dear... I did, dear. Is there anything else you
want me to do?... Yes. Dear.
Zadanie5. str.20
1.4 T For a great night out, Carlito's is the place to be ...
5.1. F If you're lucky, investing Ł500 could add Ł5,000 to
dance the night away to the hottest Salsa band in
the resale value of your home.
town. Just off Highway 7.
5.2. T ... make sure that the buyer finds your house
1.5 T So, why don't you call me - if I'm not here just leave
attractive even before they come inside. Remember
a message - Hey, then I can check out your voice!
that buyers form first impressions when they look at
your house from the outside.
Zadanie 2. str.19
5.3. F If you're busy and do not have the time, call in
2.1 F ... that was Chick Corea that we saw, one of the
a professional cleaning service.
greatest jazz musicians of all time.
5.4. F ... most buyers prefer natural, earthy colours rather
2.2. F ... jazz ... doesn't stick to a predictable rhythm like
than bright, bold shades.
pop music does ... it definitely has a beat that can
5.5. T ... if you discover that a major job needs doing when
get your feet tapping!
the time comes to sell, it is usually worth paying to
2.3. T ...I prefer music with words.
put it right as it could bring the value of the property
2.4. T ... you can let me try and explain the music to
down by far more than it'll cost to have the repair
... it would be a good idea for me to learn about jazz.
5.6. F It's pointless spending Ł20,000 improving your
2.5. T I believe the government helps support jazz
property if it can only add Ł10,000 to its sale price.
and gives the public free concerts because it's
considered more of an art form than pop music is.
But hey, that's just my opinion.
Zadanie 6. str.21
6.1. B In the South of England, there will be showers early
Zadanie 3. str.19
this morning, but it'll clear up and there'll be plenty of
3.1. T Oh... it's OK... I thought I saw a spider... spiders
sun during the day.
scare the life out of me!
6.2. E In Wales it is going to be another day with showers,
3.2. F ...and hear scary music.
but it'll start clearing up in the evening.
3.3. T Well, the picture they show you at first is of a spider
6.3. F The West is going to wake up to a breezy morning...
a very long way away, so that all you can really see is
For the afternoon, you can expect some sunny
a dot. Then they make the spider look as though it's
spells and a gentle northerly breeze.
a bit closer, so that you can see its legs, then a bit
6.4. D ... in Scotland ... Showers and thunderstorms will
closer and a bit closer until you feel like it's right in
continue throughout the day.
front of you.
6.5. C In Northern Ireland, it'll be cool and blustery with
3.4. F ... after she tried virtual reality treatment she was
a maximum temperature of 2 degrees C, dropping to
able to hold a live tarantula in her hand for over half
a low of minus 2 tomorrow.
an hour.
3.5. F Hmm. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll find out more about
this treatment.
Zadanie7. str.21
7.1. A ...you must let your hostess know whether or not you
Zadanie 4. str.20
will be attending well before the date of the dinner
4.1. T The game of golf as we know it today originated from
A game played in Scotland...
7.2. E ...guests should always give the hostess a small gift.
4.2. F In 1457, King James II banned golf because the
7.3. F ...call your guests to the table and direct them to their
Scottish people were so keen to play the game that
seats. Even if you have used name cards guests can
they played golf when they were supposed to be
have trouble getting seated...
taking part in military training in order to defend
7.4. H Never put a utensil back on the tablecloth. Rest it on
Scotland from an English invasion.
the side of the plate instead.
4.3. F ... Mary Queen of Scots, who was French, took the
7.5. J If you have to leave the table during the meal, put
game across the channel to her home country.
your napkin on your chair, then put it back on your
4.4. T The first golf club was the Gentlemen Golfers of
knees when you return.
Leith, formed in 1744. Members of this club played
to rules written by Duncan Forbes. These rules were
adopted by the St Andrews Society of Golfers in
Zadanie 8. str.21
Zadanie 11. str.23
8.1. D ... we use the energy of the sun ... In the same
11.1. C ... you are not only a published writer yourself,
way, solar panels collect the energy of the sun ...
but you're also a literary agent who has read
The energy of the sun can also be used stored in
thousands of first novels.
a battery.
11.2. B ... a novel should ask one dramatic question.
8.2. F ... the movement of the atmospheric air... the air
... There should always be a central question
can turn machines which collect energy on energy
which the story can develop around.
11.3. A People ... like to read about places they don't
8.3. B Long ago, people bathed and cooked in hot springs,
which are simply springs bringing thermal water
11.4. D ...takecarenottoletthescenesdrag.
from down below to the surface of the earth ... the
11.5. B ... if you make a promise to your readers, you
capital of Iceland is heated mostly by the energy of
must keep it. If you mention a knife or gun in the
geothermal water.
early pages, the reader expects that weapon to
8.4. A The process that produces the heat in a reactor is
be used ... Don't make promises to your reader
the splitting of uranium atoms ... radioactive gases
you are not going to deliver.
and fluids... the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster.
11.6. C Odpowiedz na podstawie całego tekstu, m.in.:
8.5. C Flowing water can be used to produce electricity ...
...I wonder how many of our listeners are hoping
Hydropower is one of the cleanest and cheapest
to get their first book published ... What else
sources of energy....
should first time authors remember, Paul?
Zadanie 9. str.22
Zadanie 12. str.24
A NONE Peter: ... You could easily do your job from
12.1. B Claudius II ... believed that single men made
home and send your work to the company via
better soldiers than married men...
12.2. A ...Valentine did not agree with this decision. and
B JANET ...I could take a day off in the week and work at
he went against his emperor's wishes. He
the weekend instead.
continued to perform marriages...
C PETE ...you wouldn't be stressed about being late.
12.3. B Before he was put to death, Valentine wrote a
D JANET ... I could work in casual clothes instead of
letter to the girl which he signed 'From your
having to wear a suit for the office.
E NONE Peter: ... not to mention what you'd save on
12.4. C ... it is more likely that the Christian church
travelling costs. No more train tickets to buy or
decided to celebrate Valentine's day in February
taxi fares to pay.
to try to christianise the celebrations of an
F JANET There would always be more things keeping
ancient pagan festival.
me away from work than in the office.
12.5. D As postal rates became cheaper, the act of
G PETE Then again, you might end up working more
sending valentine's greetings became even
than you do now, because you wouldn't have
more common.
a set finishing time.
12.6. B ... why do we celebrate romance on the 14th
H JANET ... it's just a case of the grass always looking
of February?
greener on the other side of the fence. I guess
I'll just stick with what I'm used to.
Zadanie 13. str.25
13.1 C If... you are unlucky enough to be part of the
Zadanie 10. str.22
, 10 percent of the population who suffers from cat
10.1. B 35 percent said that they had some sleep
problems every night or almost every night of
13.2. A Cat allergies are caused when people
the previous year... 34 percent of people aged
develop a reaction to a specific protein produced
15 and older reported insomnia.
in a cat's skin. These proteins are called
10.2. E An insomniac suffers from one or all of these
symptoms every night or almost every night for
13.3. B Do not touch your face, especially your eyes,
the period of one month or longer.
until you have washed your hands, as this will
10.3. C ... people with insomnia are in fact getting at
spread allergens from the cat onto your face and
least as much sleep as they require, and
cause an allergic reaction.
possibly more.
13.4. A ... ask a non-allergic member of the family to
10.4. A Many elderly people with sleep problems take
brush the cat every day.
naps during the day ... naps are related to a
13.5. D ...you should be able to live together peacefully
higher death rate in this age group... the risk of
and happily with only the minimum of allergic
developing a new depression is almost 40
times higher for people with insomnia...
13.6. C Odpowiedz na podstawie całego tekstu, m.in.:
10.5. F If you believe that you cannot function properly
If you love cats, but you are unlucky enough to
without having had a good night's sleep, then
be part of the 10 percent of the population who
even one night of poor sleep may lead to your
suffers from cat allergies, you may be interested
staying in bed later or taking a long nap. While
to hear that there are ways of making life easier
10-minute naps during the day may be
for yourself.
refreshing, longer siestas may make it
impossible for you to fall asleep and stay
asleep at night.
Zadanie 14. str.26
14.1. A ...the biggest problem is finding the willpower to
stay away from forbidden foods.
14.2. D ...you need to build a positive picture of success
... This picture will be your goal...
14.3. D Don't just plan to diet or exercise; make sure
you actually do it! ... When you get up every
morning, think of your plan and make sure your
actions follow that plan.
14.4. B Don't let anyone change your mind once you
have decided on you r plan.
14.5. C The best dieting companions are people who
are already losing weight...
14.6. A Odpowiedz na podstawie całego tekstu, m.in.:
... but if you follow these steps, you are sure to
succeed in reaching your ideal weight. Good
Zadanie 15. str.27
15.1. C People use the phrase 'April Showers' to
describe the weather during April but it is in
some way incorrect to use this phrase with this
meaning in mind.
15.2. A ... the, often, very heavy showers and down-
pours that characterise April ...
15.3. C The jet stream is a band of very strong winds ...
When air starts moving up, the surrounding
cooler air moves in to fill the area of low
pressure. This explains these strong winds.
15.4. A April is the month that many people look forward
to for many reasons.
15.5. B Wybierasz odpowiedz B przez eliminację
pozostałych, o których wiesz, że nie są
prawdziwe; to come back to life oznacza
'wrócić do życia, ożyć': It is the month when
most of the plants and hedgerows begin
15.6. A Odpowiedz na podstawie całego tekstu: nie
słyszysz o suszy (drought). Słyszysz o lekkim
deszczu (April can bring ... drizzly days.) oraz
o mrozach w kwietniu (from fog and frost).


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