Klucz do zadań

Klucz do zadań
Poziom podstawowy
Ćwiczenie 4. str. 21
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
Funkcje językowe
1. Thank you. Do you really think so? [You're very kind.]
2. Oh, [yes,] thank you.
1. Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji  ćwiczenia
3. [Yes,] Go ahead.
4. No, not at all.
5. Yes, here you are.
Ćwiczenie 7. str. 22
Ćwiczenie 1. str. 20
(odpowiedzi przykładowe)
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
|1. (zob. rozmowa sterowana A, zestaw IV)
1. K-O-W-A-L-S-K-l.
2. I'm staying at a small bed and breakfast place.
3. I'll be wearing a brown jacket and I'll be holding a piece
of paper with your name.
A: Have you got any experience working as a waiter?
4. My house is to the left of the park. It's the last one over
B: Oh yes. Last year, for example, I worked in a pizzeria in
Poland. I took orders from customers.
5. It's just round the corner. Turn right and go straight
A: All right, that should be enough. It's a small place anyway.
ahead and you'll see the sign.
B: Erm... One of the things I'd like to ask you is what salary I
6. Hmm, this one here is number 20, so number 28 must
could get at your place?
be the one over there.
A: Oh, yes. You can earn about Ł150 plus tips from custo-
7. [I'm interested in a course at the] upper intermediate
B: OK, not bad. And one more question. How long will my
8. Oh, yes, my brother has a daughter who is three and a
shift be? And is it stable or not?
half years old. I take care of her from time to time.
A: Well, it is. On average it's about seven hours plus cleaning
9. Well, we've got mountains and forests nearby, which are
after we close.
good for hiking, and if you're interested in places, you
B: Yes, I expected that, of course.
could go to Stary Sącz.
A: Will that be all?
10. Oh no, just for breakfast and to make tea in the
B: Yes, I think so. See you tomorrow then, as we said earlier.
afternoon or evening.
12. (zob. rozmowa sterowana A, zestaw V)
11. Yes, I have.
12. No, I'm not. Just vitamins from time to time.
13. Yes, you're right. Nuts and feta cheese and raisins ...
A: Can you give me some advice ? What do people in Poland
14. It's on the first floor up those stairs over there.
usually buy when they're visiting someone at home? B:
15. No, thank you. You can always buy flowers for the lady and a bottle of
16. I'd like to visit friends and see some sights. good wine for her husband. A: Oh, it's simple enough
17. Oh, yes, very much. Thank you. then. Do you know a good wine
18. I'll have cheese cake. shop? B: You can buy wine at any shop which sells
alcohol. They
usually have a good variety to choose from. A: Thank you
Ćwiczenie 2. str. 20
very much. And I suppose you could tell me
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
where to buy flowers. B: You can get them at the market,
1. What time do you serve breakfast?
for example. They usually
2. What size are you?
sell them freshly cut. A: Of course they should
3. How many pieces of luggage do you have?
be fresh. B: If you want, I could help you with your
4. All the buttons look the same to me. How do you turn this
shopping. A: Oh no, don't bother, I can manage. B:
So ...Good luck with the visit. A: Thankyou.
5. Hello. This is Brenda. Could I speak to John, please?
13. (zob. rozmowa sterowana A, zestaw VIII) |
6. Excuse me, where do I get off for the cathedral?
A: Now that I have finally arrived, what places can you recom-
7. Excuse me, could I have a copy of this brochure?
mend to see around here ?
8. Is it a quiet place?
B: I think the most interesting places are always connected
9. How much will I get/earn?
with nature, so you should go and see our mountains.
10. Can I pay by credit card?
Apart from that, I can give you a guidebook in English
and you could choose what you want.
Ćwiczenie 3. str. 21
A: Great, thanks. That sounds very interesting.
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
B: Last year I took some English friends for a walk in the
mountains and they really enjoyed the views.
1. Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?
A: I'm already looking forward to it then. And how about
2. One return to London, please.
evenings. Do you know any clubs or pubs or other places
3. I'd like to cash these traveller's cheques.
4. How much does it cost to dry-clean a winter jacket?
B: Oh yes. There are restaurants and pubs. I'll take you to
5. Two slices to take away, please.
some of them. They are really nice.
6. Is it possible to book a table for the evening?
A: Oh, good. Thank you very much. But perhaps I'm bother-
7. How much is a [second class] letter to Poland?
ing you too much.
8. Where did you buy your camera?
B: No, you're not. I can go with you anywhere you want. I'd
9. Do you have single rooms with a bathroom available?
like you to enjoy your stay here.
10. How much is a day ticket? (in London: How much is a
A: Thanks, I really appreciate it.
daily bus pass?)
B: You're welcome. My pleasure.
11. Excuse me, is there a newsagent's somewhere here?
Ćwiczenie 8. str. 22 Ćwiczenie 4. str. 27
(przykładowe odpowiedzi) (przykładowe odpowiedzi)
A: How long are you planning to stay here? A: A funny thing happened to me last Sunday. I got lost in the
B: Let's say for a week and then I'll see. Is that OK? underground.
A: Oh, yes. Sure. That means by next Wednesday. Is that B: Really? Did you forget to get off?
right? B: Yes, it's the 15th. When would you like me to A: No. I was sitting in the train and talking to a man next to me.
pay, now He had noticed how I opened a book to read. The book was
or just before I leave? A: You could pay now in advance in Polish and he was interested in Polish history and
if you wish, but it's all culture. He was a very friendly, old man. So we talked a
right if you pay later. B: Thank you. I'd like to ask about little. Then he got off. And you know, the strange thing
the kitchen. Do you think was that he got off at my station.
I could use it? A: To cook, you mean? I'm afraid B: What a coincidence! So what happened?
not. It's a very small A: I didn't notice my mistake. I discovered it after ten minutes
guesthouse. B: Oh, it's OK. And the last thing ... Could when the train suddenly got empty. I got off and got lost in
you show me the the corridors between various platforms. I noticed a woman
way to the bathroom. A: Oh, it's simple. If you stand on an empty platform and I asked her. I was lucky she
outside your room upstairs, wasn't a foreigner and knew the way back and so she
you'll see the bathroom right in front of you. Is there took me to the platform where I waited for my train.
anything else? B: No, thank you very A: So you were lucky the woman was there, weren't you?
much. Good night. B: Yes, I think I was. Now it's funny but I was really scared for
about 10 minutes.
2. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń  ćwiczenia
3. Negocionowanie  ćwiczenia
Punkt 3.7. str. 31
Wyrażanie preferencji i zainteresowań (str. 31)
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
Ćwiczenie 1. str. 26 1. b, e,j, k, I
2. a, c, f, g, j, k, m,n
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
3. g,k
1. It was a small, flat Nokia model. It was yellow with a wavy
4. e
green pattern at the back. And I liked the ringtone - a jazz
5. d, e
version of Mozart.
2. It was a CD of some hip-hop band from America. It was all
Ćwiczenie 5. str. 33
black and in the middle of the plastic cover there was a
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
hole in the shape of a heart. I don't remember the name of
the band because it wasn't on the CD.
3. The dress was all white with a pattern of white roses on it.
A: So how shall we select these two representatives? I
It was long and took a lot of space around the girl. I didn't
suggest we choose two responsible pupils with very
like it.
good grades, who are creative and intelligent.
4. She was wearing a pink hat with plastic vegetables on top.
B: Ok, but those good pupils may not be creative and intel-
Her green dress was long and looked ancient. She kept
ligent. Why not organize a sort of competition? In this way
smiling all the time and showing off her only tooth at the
we could see them in action, how they cooperate, what sort
of ideas they ha ve and so on.
5. I was rather short and skinny for my age. I had short blond
A: That is a very good idea, but in my opinion it may not work.
hairthen and I wore my favourite blue sweater.
It takes a lot of time. Besides, it is very difficult to think of
6. The classroom looked very big to me when I entered it.
a task for them. You know, we start the camp very soon and
There were posters on the walls showing things I didn't
we won't have time for that. And there are fifty of them. I
know. The class was full of children who were dressed in
must say I can't imagine having a competition of this kind
the same type of uniform.
for fifty people.
7. It was a Greek island where I went on holiday. The place
B: OK, I see. You are right. What do you think we should do?
was full of nice smells and nice people. We liked one
Choose them randomly?
small family restaurant where we went to eat, because its
A: No, I don't think it's a good idea. But you are right, we could
owner always sat at our table and was very friendly.
choose them, but in a different way. Why not ask them to
8. I remember my neighbour's flat, which I saw when I was
elect two representatives from among themselves. First,
seven. It was dark and full of huge, heavy furniture. I sat
they can give the names of any people they want, and then
on the edge of her sofa, because it was so large that I was
vote for two. They know one another, because they are
afraid I would never be able to leave it.
from one school. In this way they could be responsible for
9. I remember one salad that I made once and everybody
the representatives and they would like them to be really
liked it. I don't remember all the ingredients, but I think I
put in a lot of tropical fruit, like banana, avocado, mango.
B: Yes. I like that. We could also ask them to elect one girl and
10. It was very crowded at the border. There were a lot of
one boy. Then no one would be angry that we favour any
lorries which blocked the road. We had to wait about five
hours and finally this customs officer, very red in the face
A: Let's do it then.
because of the sun, appeared and stamped our pass-
4. Opisywanie ilustracji  ćwiczenia
A: As I marked it when I registered with you, Id like to work as
a receptionist, a waiter, or an office temp. Do you have Ćwiczenie 1. str. 38
anything of that sort? B: I'm afraid not. To foreign students (przykładowe odpowiedzi)
I can only offer cleaning
a. in the foreground; at the bottom to the left
jobs at present. There is a great demand for them. Would
b. on the left-hand side of the picture
you be interested? A: Rather not. As I said, I'd prefer
c. in the middle distance; in the middle of the photograph
something different. I'd like
d. in the middle distance; in front of the sofa
to work with people more. I hope my English is good
e. in the middle distance
enough. B: Oh yeah. There's no problem with that. But as
f. beside the man; between the sofa and the coffee table
you are in
g. in the background; in the middle
our database, you have to accept the offer. If you reject it
h. in the background; in the middle
twice, we delete your name. A: Yes, I understand. It's my
i. between the armchair and the sofa to the left
first time anyway. Do you think
j. to the right of the picture
you will have anything next week? B: Next month is more
k. in the middle distance; on the sofa
likely. But by that time your name will
I. at the top of the picture to the right; in the top right-hand
automatically be deleted, I'm afraid. A: Do you think you
corner; at the window to the left; on the TV cabinet to the
could find a short-term job for me then?
right m. in the top left-hand corner of the photo n. in the
For example for a week or two, not longer. I hope
foreground from the bottom towards the middle of
something more suitable for me will appear soon.
the picture
B: A cleaning job?
0. in the middle distance; to the left of the rug
A: Yes, if it is for a short time, I could take it. B: All right, there
p. to the right of the picture; next to the TV set
is an offer for ten working days starting next
q. in the middle distance to the right'of the picture r. in the
Monday. A: It sounds good.
background on the wall above the fireplace s. in the
I'll take it.
background above the fireplace t. in the foreground at the
bottom of the picture to the left; in the bottom left-hand
A: Going to the cinema is a really good idea. But I don't know
Ćwiczenie 2. str. 39
what is on. There must be a lot to see in New York. Could
we see a comedy for example? You know, something that
(przykładowe odpowiedzi)
would suit everyone.
A. B.
B: Actually we were thinking of going to see a Polish movie.
1. in the foreground 1. In the middle
We've heard they're good. You know, Wajda, Kieślowski.
2. Behind 2. behind
We've found one that might be good for everyone.
3. to the right 3. at
That'sThe Promised Land by Wajda.
4. in the middle 4. To the right
A: Oh, yes. You mean that film from the 1970s? It's really
5. in the background 5. behind
good. I think you wanted to make me feel good by going to
6. at the top 6. in the foreground
see it with me. I really appreciate it. I have seen this film
7. In the top right-hand corner 7. in front of
several times in Poland and I'm sure we may rent it on
8. across
video or it may even be at some cinema again soon. But
why don't we go to see something more modern?
Ćwiczenie 4. str. 41
B: OKthen. What do you suggest? Do you have any ideas?
Ilustracja A. Przykładowy opis:
A: In fact, yes. There is this new Steven Spielberg film, The
The picture shows a man and a woman walking their two dogs.
Terminal, starring Tom Hanks. And if you want something
These people are most probably a married couple. They both
Polish, you won't be disappointed. Janusz Kamiński is the
look about 55 years old. The man has greyish hair and he is
director of photography. He won an Oscar some time ago.
wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. The woman is dressed in
B: Really? I think I remember. OK. It sounds like a very good
white trousers and a dark short-sleeved blouse. Each of them
has one dog on a leash. The dogs are light brown and they are
A: Great. I'm glad we are going to see it together.
the same breed. The people and their dogs are in the middle of
the picture walking along the path towards the camera. On
Ćwiczenie 6. str. 34
both sides of the path there is a lawn. In the background I can
(przykładowa odpowiedz, zdający przejmuje rolę osoby A)
see part of a large house, that is the front door and the first floor
A: If we want to listen to some live music, I think we should
windows. To the left of the front door there is a tall tree, but we
go to a jazz concert. B: We might, but I'm afraid I'm not
can only see its trunk. The whole area most probably belongs
very keen on jazz. A: So what do you suggest? B: A classical
to the couple with the dogs.
music concert. A: I must say I don't feel like listening to
classical music. I'd Ilustracja B. Przykładowy opis:
prefer some place with music in the background. B: Where In the photograph I can see a small boy of about seven writing
would you like to go then? A: Let's go to one of those clubs his homework at a table. The table is covered with a pink [table]
where they offer live music cloth. There is a vase with flowers in the middle of it. Around the
every day. It's neither only jazz nor classical music. And table there are five chairs with white backs on brown wooden
we will be able to talk a bit. B: OK, but what if it's too far frames. The boy is sitting on one of the chairs. [He is facing the
from here? A: Here, I have a newspaper and we can check camera at a slight angle to the right.] He has brown hair and he
addresses is wearing a green T-shirt. He is writing something on a sheet
and types of music. B: on paper. In front of him, to his right, there is an open book. In
Gooaf. That sounds great. the background behind the boy I can see three pictures [in
would not receive good grades at school. Teachers should
round frames hanging] on the wall, and a large pot plant with
remember to give homework which is not too long and not too
big leaves to the left of the boy. To the right of the picture there
are bright curtains, probably in a window. Now it probably is difficult, because pupils have many subjects at school and so
a lot of homework.
dark outside.
Ilustracja C. Przykładowy opis: Ilustracja C
The photograph shows a woman of about sixty sitting on the
1. Was it a very serious accident? Why do you think so?
road surface. She has probably fallen down. She has brown
Przykładowa odpowiedz:
hair and she is dressed in a navy blue jumper, light brown
I think the accident was not serious. It is true that the woman fell
trousers, white socks and white shoes, which are probably
down in the middle of the road, but she looks well to me. She
sports shoes. Her sunglasses are lying at a small distance from
may have some bruises only. I don't think it was somebody's
her, slightly to her left. To the left of the woman, and to the right
fault. It seems that the woman was taking part in some mass
of the picture, there is a young woman. She is standing over
public event. The medical team have arrived quickly because
the lady on the road. She has long dark hair and she is wearing
they were not far away. They were just waiting for an
dark trousers and a white blouse. She has white gloves on and
emergency like this.
she is holding a red and white box, probably with some medical
2. How can young people help the old in the street?
equipment. Behind this woman I can see a man walking
towards her. He is similarly dressed. He is carrying a stetho- Przykładowa odpowiedz:
scope around his neck and in his breast pocket he has Young people can help the elderly in many different ways. For
sunglasses. Behind the three people, in the background there example, when they fall down, we can help them stand up and
is an ambulance with the medical red cross and the word call a doctor. If they are victims of robbery, we can help them
'paramedics' on it. The people may be paramedics who have contact the police. If they are lost, we can tell them the way or
arrived to help the woman on the road. take them across the street. The elderly are usually very
nervous when something bad happens to them, so we can also
Pytania do ilustracji:
help them calm down. Generally, I think we must help the old,
and react quickly. We need to be active, not passive. When we
Ilustracja A
are their age, we may need help, too.
1. Do you think the people in the picture keep their dogs at
home? Why do you think so?
Przykładowa odpowiedz:
I think the married couple love dogs very much and they keep
them at home. The dogs are probably loved by the rest of the
family, too. In my opinion they have a special place inside the
house, not just a corner, where they lie down for the night, for
example. We can easily see that these people really take good
care of their dogs. The people are probably rather wealthy and
they can afford to keep various breeds.
2. Why do you think people keep animals as pets?
Przykładowa odpo#iedz:
In my opinion, people keep pets because they don't want to
feel lonely. Pets, for example dogs, give them love and
attention. Pets may also help the parents to bring up children.
Children who take care of pets also learn to take care of others
and love them. Dogs and cats are the most popular animals
which people keep as pets. Everyone knows that cats catch
mice, but I think I can safely say that they can also keep their
owner healthy. Cats keep them warm in the long winter
Ilustracja B
1. Is somebody helping the boy with his homework or not?
Why do you think so?
Przykładowa odpowiedz:
I think that the boy gets help from his parents, for example his
mother, but she has left him to finish homework on his own.
Such a young child cannot do homework without any help from
an adult person. The boy is not doing homework in his own
room, at the desk for example, but probably in the dining room
or generally closer to his parents. In this way they can see
quickly what he is doing and help him if it is necessary.
2. Should teachers give homework to their pupils? Why? /
Why not?
Przykładowa odpowiedz:
In my opinion homework is a necessary part of life at school.
Pupils should be given homework to do because they should
revise the material at home and prepare for the next lessons.
Without homework, pupils would not study at all and they


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