Ptolus Gods of Ptolus

Name Title Influence Domains Align
Lothian Lawgiver/Daykeeper Justice and Purity Good, Law, Protection, Sun LG
Ahaar Lord of the Air Sky Air, Good, Protection CG
Insite into the future
Aldinach Goddess of the Moons on full-moon nights Good, Future, Sleep NG
Ardaen (Deceased) God of Light Elven God of Light NA NG
Civilization and Civilization, Knowledge,
Asche God of Cities sophisticated living Protection TN
Baalhazor Demon God of Technology Chaositech Chaos, Evil, Technology CE
Blurrah Goddess of Comfort and Sadness Comfort in Sadness Good, Protection, Sun CG
Castain (No worshippers) Life Healing, Law, Protection LG
Celestan Lord of the Silver Moon Elves Earth, Good, Protection NG
God/Goddess of Retribution and
Charlathan Retribution and Reward Reward Chaos, Protection, War CN
Torture, Sadism and
Danace Master of the Thousand Pains Masochism Evil, Trickery LE
The Demon Gods (Demogorgon, Orcus, ect.) Chaos, Destruction, Evil CE
Destor Cruel Fate Chaos, Evil, Luck CE
Engelan God of the Present Living in the Moment Healing, Protection TN
Father Claw the Serpentine Lord Chaos, Destruction, Evil CE
The Fifty-Three Chaos and
Gods of Chance Randomness Chaos, Luck, Trickery CN
Dwarven Goddess of
Frega Animals Animal, Good, Law LG
Gaen Goddess of Light Light Good, Law, Light LG
Gorgoth-Lol Dark Elves Chaos, Destruction, Evil CE
Hannan Lord of the Sun Sun Good, Healing, Sun NG
Harredda Mistress of Ravens Ravens Air, Animal, Protection TN
Heiran and Nareis the Sisters of Death Death Death, Evil, Law or Chaos LE/CE
Dwarven Goddess of the
Herkan Goddess of the Stones healing earth Good, Earth, Healing CG
Inurath Mistress of War War Fire, Strength, War CN
The Iron God All things Iron Earth, Fire, Technology LN
Jode Guardian of Song Music and Creativity Air, Luck, Protection CG
Juranis God of the Open Sea Sea Chaos, Travel, Water CN
Kharos God of Magic Wizardly Magic Knowledge, Magic TN
Kirhist Goddess of Redemption Redemption Law, Good, Cold LG
Kran Goddess of Faults Faults Evil, Knowledge NE
Luck, Fate, Long
The Lady Shots and Last Chances Luck, Protection, Trickery TN
Locharit the Goddess of the Written Word Written Word Knowledge, Law, Magic LG
Undead Spirits and
Maleskari God of Shades Ghosts Evil, Death NE
Melann Goddess of Farming Farming Animal, Good, Plants NG
Mirresh Goddess of Laughter Laughter Good, Protection, Trickery NG
Mocharum God of Dwarves Dwarves Civilization, Good, Law LG
Dwarven god of
Morachon God of the Forge the Forge Earth, Fire, Law LN
Elemental Goddess
Myliesha Mistress of the Wind s Path of Displaced Elves Air, Good, Travel CG
Navashtrom God of Strength and Harmony Strength and Harmony Good, Protection, Strength NG
Ni-Gorth (No worshippers) Magic and Strength Magic, Strength TN
Niveral God of Secrets Secrets Fire, Future, Knowledge TN
The Old Man Brooding Distain Knowledge, Law, Trickery LN
Ollom God of the Keg Alcohol and Brewing Chaos, Civilization, Water CN
Phoeboul God of Dreams Elvish god of Dreams Chaos, Knowledge, Sleep CN
Raddashin s Eye Rain Healing, Plants, Water CG
Rajek the Wanderer Adventurers Luck, Protection, Travel TN
Ravvan the Beast God Savagery and Beasts Animal, Evil, Strength CE
Sylvanae the Woodland Shaper Fae, Elves, the Woods Animal, Magic, Plants TN
Taeshandra Elvish God of Travel Travelers Good, Plants, Travel NG
Tardeshou Goddess of Truth Truth Good, Knowledge, Law LG
Machines and
Teun Mother of All Machines Technology Civilization, Law, Technology LN
Tevra the Clockwork Goddess Technology Healing, Law, Technology LN
Thamus Protection and Defense Good, Healing, Protection NG
Torskal Aram god of Just
(No woshippers in Ptolus) Vengeance Good, Strength, War LG
Twenty-Four Gods
of the Hours Each hour of the day Varies Var
Unnah Mistress of the Blades Swordfighting and Skill Strength, War LN
Unnom Lord of Caverns Dwarven God of CavernsEarth, Protection TN
Watcher of the Skies Future Air, Future, Knowledge TN
Ynchabolos God of Numbers Logic, Numbers, Order Knowledge, Law LN
Dwarven deity of
Yurabbos Goddess of Supreme Devotion Sacrifice and Devotion Law, Strength LN
All material herein taken from Ptolus, Monte Cook's City by the Spire,
from Malhavoc Press, copyright Monte J. Cook, 2006. Used with permission


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