Easy English Worksheet

Survival English
Every one is a teacher.
The country is the classroom.
Survival English is an easy and practical way to use English as a living language.
Meeting people is the best way to make use of what you learn. Upon learning and
practicing the dialogues here, you are ready to go out and explore the community
without fear of not being understood or ignored.
Remember, the best way to make your learning interesting and fun is to meet and
talk to new people. And the best way to have a conversation is first to ask question and
be interested about other people.
Practice, practice, practice makes your language skills get better.
>> Transportation
>>Food and Drinks
>> Shopping
>> Touring
>> Making Friends
You re going to be talking a lot. Here are some neat, cool, real world things to say.
Saying Hi Reply
Hi Hi
Hello Hello
Hey Hey
Asking How are you?
I m great/ I m awesome
How are you?
Everything s cool
How s it going?
Same old thing
What s up?
I m taking a break
What are you up to?
Not much
What s happening?
I m fine and you?
How are you?
Later Let s go
See you later Let s do it
So long. Goodbye
I gotta go
(I have got to go)
Oooppss Let s do it
Here we go
Let s party
Excuse me, Again please. - Louder please. - Slower please. - Say what?
Wow! - Really! - No kidding! - Cool! - Congratulations!
I m sorry to hear that. - That s a shame. - That s terrible.
Say what? - Excuse me? - Yeah right. - No way. - In your dreams.
Anyway. - Cut to the chase - Chop chop. - Shake a leg.
Where did you go? When did you go? Who did you go with? How long did it take?
How long did you stay? Why did you go? What time did you get home?
How old is she? How did you first meet him/ her?
Survival English
#1. Philippines Transportation
Challenge yourself to speak up in front of many people.
Life is about reaching out! Speak up!
Expressions to get you started! (Practice)
In other words
Where can I catch a jeepney Where can I get a jeepney?
Where are you heading for? What is your destination?
Take me to Perimeter Street, please. I need to get to Perimeter St.
Would you pull over here? Please drop me off here.
What s the fare, please? How much is the fare?
Try this!
Activity one: What are the different means of Philippines Transportation?
Activity two: Enrich your vocabulary. Brainstorm words about transportation.
Get off Drop by Route Traffic jam Catch a jeepney/bus
Situation Cards 1:
You are about to visit the following places below; tell the driver your destination.
Could you take me to& ?
a. Post Office
b. Public Market
c. Perimeter Street
d. Nearest Church
Situation Cards 2:
Go to a nearest Bus station Terminal and ask some information.
Ask them how to get to&
Manila Baguio City Iba, Zambales
Survival English
#2. Shopping>>>How much is this?
Challenge yourself to speak up in front of many people.
Life is about reaching out! Speak up!
Expression to get you started! (Practice)
I m just looking around.
Do you carry backpacks?
I m looking for a backpack for my nephew.
How about this one?
Can I try this on?
The fitting room is over there.
Look around- browse; window shopping
They are a little too big for you.
Carry- bring
Try on- fit
It looks good on you.
Fitting room-dressing room
This is a good buy.
Look good on- it nice on you
Try this! (Do the following activity)
Do you know these words? Conversation Task # 1: Using the expressions
above, make your own conversation with a
Hand washable
Have good taste/ Have a good eye
(one is a buyer and another is a seller)
Be in style
What is a currency? Conversation Task # 2: Using the information
What is Philippines currency? above, make a conversation with a partner.
Do you know how to convert a currency to What is shipping fee?
another currency? What is  No return, no exchange Policy?
Is it common in your country?
Survival English
#3.Foods and Drinks
Challenge yourself to speak up in front of many people.
Life is about reaching out! Speak up!
Expression to get you started! (Practice)
In simple Words:
Is there any place to grab a bite here? Is there any place to eat here?
Can I take your order? Are you ready to order?
I ll have a cheese burger. I d like to have&
Hold the onion, please. No onion, please.
For here or to go? To dine in or takeout?
Skip  miss out. I am starving- I am hungry Cafeteria- restaurant, eatery Grab a bite- it is
an idiom which means to eat I bet- you say this when you agree or accept something
Try this!
With a partner, make a conversation.
I m starving&
Conversation #1:
You want to eat something, ask someone out.
I ll have&
Conversation #2
Go to a nearest restaurant and order your food.
What is a menu? What is a recipe?
>>starter >> Ingredients
>>main dish >> Procedure
Get a sample menu of your favorite Make your own recipe. (it could be your
restaurant. favorite food)
Survival English
#4. Making Friends
Challenge yourself to speak up in front of many people.
Life is about reaching out! Speak up!
Expression to get you started! (Practice)
Nice to meet you!
Happy to meet you! , How do you do?
Just call me Marissa. My name is&
How s it going? How are you? , What s going on? , What s up?
Let s get together sometime for lunch. Let s meet sometime.
Are you free this Friday? What are you doing& ? , What are you going to
do& ?
Would 5 be OK with you? Can you make it at 5?
Make yourself at home! Make yourself comfortable here!
Say hello to your friends. Give my regards to&
Let s keep in touch. Catch you later. Take care.
Try this! (Do the following)
Conversation Tasks # 1: Try to meet someone and introduce yourself
Conversation Task # 2: Introduce your friend to your family
Conversation Task # 3: Try to invite someone out to take a walk and make friends
With a friend, you can get to know each other by asking these questions:
What are your plans for the weekend?
What did you do today?
Are you enjoying the weather today?
What did you do yesterday?
What are you going to do tomorrow?
See any movies lately?
Go anywhere lately?
Survival English
#5. Touring >>> Where is the best place to look around?
Challenge yourself to speak up in front of many people.
Life is about reaching out! Speak up!
Expression to get you started! (Practice)
Can I get a map of this city?
Where is the best place to look around here?
Are there any tourist sites? Where do most tourists go (visit)?
Do you know the open hours of the museum?
What is your open hour? When do you open?
How much is the admission fee?
What s your recommendation?
I d like to wait for the 4 o clock play.
Could I take a picture with her?
Open hour- business hour
Admission fee- entrance fee Recommendation- suggestions Pass- ticket Luggage-baggage
Can you take a picture for me?
Where can I store my luggage?
Try this!!!
Conversation task 1:
Visit any museum nearby.
Collect any brochure or pamphlet of any lodging and study it.
Conversation Task 2:
Go to a nearby Cinema and write down movies which are Now Showing, Next Picture, Coming Soon, etc.
Get a cinema ticket from any cinema and study it.
Express Yourself
Expressing oneself is one best way to reach out to other people and make friends.
Express Yourself comprises of topics which you can relate to because it s all about
>> Family
>> Hobbies and Interests
>> Vacation and Travel
>> Weekends
>> You
Express Yourself
Express your mind!
Don t be shy. >>>YOU
Let s learn some words first!
Big spender Couch potato Early bird Fitness freak Generous Gourmet Joiner Messy Modest Outgoing
Overachiever Perky Polite Punctual Skeptical Technophile Slob
1. Query Time!!!
1. When were you born?
I was born in Baguio city. Now, I am residing in Olongapo city.
2. Where do you live now?
I live in 45 Perimeter Street Pagasa, Olongapo city.
3. What do you do?
I m a teacher in Peace camp.
4. What is your hobby?
My hobby is playing table tennis. I ve played since high school.
5. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
I m an evening person. I hate to get up early in the morning.
6. What do you like to do on the weekend?
I m a home buddy. I usually stay at home and watch TV.
7. Are you a couch potato?
During daytime, no. But after 7 p.m. I am glued to the sofa.
8. What time is your curfew?
I have to be home by 10 on weeknights and before 11 on the weekends.
9. Are you close to your grandparents?
I am close to my maternal grandmother. She used to babysit me when I was young.
10. What does your family do on Sunday?
We usually go to church and then my father takes us to a nice restaurant.
Write your own question.
Express Yourself
Express your mind!
Don t be shy. >>>WEEKENDS and LEISURE
Let s learn some words first!
Children s personality:
Mature, mellow, prodigy, proud, well-behaved, childish, hyper, slow-learner, humble, spoiled
Emotions and Moods:
Aggravating, irritating, annoying, anxious, ashamed, dread, drained, embarrassed, envious, exhausted, furious, cranky
Kick back, in a funk, knock your socks off, monotonous, tedious, pout, proud, temper and tantrum, ticked off
Quality time travel light Quiet time tentative plans Pack rat
Cabin fever Stir crazy Time out
Query Time!!!
1. How do you relax?
To relax I like to do absolutely nothing. Give me a good book and a soft sofa and I am good for the whole weekend.
2. Are you an indoor person or outdoor person?
Probably more of an indoor person, I could spend hours on the internet or watching TV.
3. Did you ever win a contest? (cooking, running, piano)
Not personally, but on a team. My middle school soccer team won a tournament.
4. What do you usually do on the weekends?
Relax, read a little, meet some friends.
5. Which theme park is your favorite? How often do you go?
I like Enchanted Kingdom the best. I go there once a year.
6. What weekend chore do you hate the most?
I hate cleaning the house, especially the bathroom. Doing the laundry is next
7. Do you use weekends to relax or catch up on work or school?
Both. Saturdays I try to relax and Sunday afternoons I try to catch up and prepare for the week.
8. Are you very skilled at something? (piano, sewing, taekwondo)
Me no. But my sister is very good at sewing and my brother has a black belt in taekwondo.
9. Do you have a hobby?
I guess you could say physical fitness. I have run five marathons and I belong to a health club.
10. Have your weekends changed since you came to the Philippines?
Well, I no longer meet my friend every night. I just spend time watching movie.
Write your own question.
Express Yourself
Express your mind!
Don t be shy. >>>VACATION and TRAVELS
Let s learn some words first!
Backpacking Bumper to bumper Check-in Check-out time Crystal clear Hassle
Jet lag Layover One-way/ round trip Overnight trip Package tour Pamper Passport
Relaxing Rip off Scenic view Souvenir Tourist trip
Query Time!!!
1. What did you do last winter vacation? What about last summer?
I visited my grandmother in Busan for a month. Last summer I stayed home.
2. Do you prefer summer or winter?
I prefer summer because I love the beach. I hate being cold.
3. Do you like to take vacations with family or friends?
I love to go with my friends. I love to be free and do what I want though it s a bit expensive.
4. Would you rather go camping or stay at a hotel?
Oh, I hate bugs. I prefer a hotel. I love room service.
5. Have you traveled abroad?
Yes, I went to Korea for two months. I missed Filipino food.
6. What is your best vacation souvenir?
I have some Korean traditional stuff.
7. Do you ever get a part time job during semester break?
No, I don t. I usually visit my grandmother in another city.
8. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I would love to go to Switzerland and see the Swiss Alps.
9. Do you like to vacation with just one or two friends or with many people?
I like going with just some few friends. We have more time to bond with each other.
10. What was your best vacation ever? What about your worst?
My best vacation was one year I ago. We had a road trip for 5 days in Luzon.
Write your own question.
Express Yourself
Express your mind!
Don t be shy. >>> FAMILY
Allowance Personal Ancestors Relative Birth order Spoiled, spoiled brat
Black sheep of the family Strict Close/ close to Supportive Close-knit
Take after favor Cousin Lenient Descendant Distant relatives Divorce Family feud
Foster parents Grave Inheritance Orphan
Aunt nephew Brother-in-law niece Children uncle
Great grandfather step brother Sibling First cousin Half-brother
Query Time!!!
1. How many are there in your family?
There are four in my family: my father, mother, sister, and me.
2. Who s the oldest among your siblings?
I am the first of the two children.
3. Is your extended family big (aunt, uncles, cousins, everybody)?
Yes, I have 4 uncles and 4aunts on both my mother and father s sides.
4. What does your father do?
My father is an owner of Pest control management in Olongapo.
5. Does your mother work?
Not anymore. She is a housewife.
6. What school or university do your brothers or sisters go to?
My younger sister goes to a special school. I don t have a brother.
7. Are you close to your brother or sister?
Not really. She is 8 years younger than me.
8. Do you look similar to your mother or father?
I am short like my mother but my face is more like my father.
9. In personality, are you more similar to your father or mother?
I think that I am more like my mother. We are both shy and artistic.
10. Are your parents strict or lenient?
My father is usually strict, and my mother is very lenient.
Write your own question.
Express Yourself
Express your mind!
Don t be shy. >>> HOBBIES and INTERESTS
Let s learn some words first!
Aerobics Astronomy Bicycle riding Pool/ billiards Bowling Calligraphy
Canoeing Embroidery Pen pals Photography Writing Traveling
Shopping Drawing Hiking Martial arts Musical instruments
Query Time!!!
1. What is your hobby?
My hobby is playing table tennis.
2. How long have you had your hobby?
I started playing when I was about 10. I used to collect stamps, but not anymore.
3. Do you belong to a club or circle?
I belong to a photography club. We have about 20 members.
4. What do you usually do on the weekend?
Oh, I just relax around the house and play with my nephews. Or, I catch up on my homework.
5. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
I m an outdoor person. I m never at home.
6. Does your mother or father have a hobby?
My parents play badminton every morning.
7. Do you do any volunteer work?
Yes. I teach English to kindergarten children at my church.
8. Is it more relaxing to do something or nothing?
To, relax, I do nothing.
9. Does anyone in your family have an interesting hobby?
My sister belongs to a traditional Korean masked dance troupe.
10. Do you ever go bowling or shoot pool (play billiards)?
Yes, my family loves to go bowling. My top score is 175. Shooting pool, no.
Write your own question.


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