cambridge b1 course online starter pack

Cambridge B1 Course Online - Starter Pack
This pack contains:
Teacher s notes on how to introduce students to the course
Getting Started worksheet - to help students to set up their computers
How to use the course worksheet  to introduce the student to the online course
In order to ensure that students benefit fully from the course, it is strongly recommended that teachers
read the contents of all three documents before intruding their students to the B1 Course Online.
A. Cambridge B1 Course Online Introduction  Teacher s notes............................................................... 2
A1. Lesson Procedures .......................................................................................................................... 3
A2. Cambridge B1 Course Online Introduction  Classroom Worksheet 1 (Warmer) ............................ 6
A3. Cambridge B1 Course Online Introduction  Classroom Worksheet 2 (Checking Learning)........... 7
B. Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting Started.................................................................................... 8
B1. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................. 9
B2. Checklist......................................................................................................................................... 12
C. Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the Course..................................................................... 13
C1. How to use the course ................................................................................................................... 14
C2. Checklist ........................................................................................................................................ 19
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A. Cambridge B1 Course Online Introduction 
Teacher s notes
This is an introduction to the functionality of the Cambridge B1 Course Online.
50 60 minutes
Time required:
Additional żð Ensure every student has access to a computer.
żð Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting Started
żð Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the Course
Aims: żð To set up students on the online course.
żð To introduce the different ways to communicate with the teacher and
classmates on the online course.
żð To familiarise the students with the content and navigation of the
online course.
Contents of this żð Lesson Procedures
żð Classroom Worksheet 1 (Warmer)
żð Classroom Worksheet 2 (Checking Learning)
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A1. Lesson Procedures
There are two ways to approach this introduction:
Either Or
The students set up their computers, learn about the The students take an orientation lesson in class. In this
system and complete Module 1 of the course at home, lesson they learn about the system. They then work on
before coming to class for the first time. Module 1 at home before returning to class.
Both approaches use the following documents:
Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting Started
With this document the student will:
·ð set up their username and password for the course
·ð check their computer settings
·ð complete a checklist to confirm that everything has been completed successfully
Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the Course
With this document the student will:
·ð learn how to get help on the course
·ð learn how to communicate with their teacher and classmates
·ð learn about the structure and contents of the course
·ð learn how to move around the course
·ð practise communicating with their teacher and classmates
·ð complete a checklist to confirm that everything has been completed successfully
Before giving these lessons to the students, work through the documents yourself to make sure that you
are familiar with the system and can answer all of their questions
Students working AT HOME
Students will need the following documents:
Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting Started
Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the Course
·ð Send the above documents to the students
·ð Instruct the students that they should complete Getting Started before they look at How to
Use the Course
·ð After a few days, check that all students have completed the communications tasks.
Have you received a  Sticky from every student?
Have you received a message from every student?
If the answer is  No , contact the student to check if they are having any problems.
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·ð When the student has sent you the  Sticky , contact them and remind them to complete
Module 1 before the next classroom lesson.
Students working IN CLASS
Each student will need a copy of the following documents:
Classroom Worksheet 1 (Warmer)
Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting Started
Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the Course
Classroom Worksheet 2 (Checking Learning)
·ð Warmer - (5-10 minutes)
a) Hand out Classroom Worksheet 1(Warmer). Tell the students to discuss in pairs
the questions on the sheet.
If this is a new class or you are unsure of their computer skills, this will give you an
insight into their interest in and experience of the internet.
b) Encourage them to extend their conversation by asking follow up questions.
This will give you more time to assess individual students.
·ð Getting started (10 minutes) (15 minutes if student using own computer)
a) Give every student a copy of the Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting
o If the students are using their own computers they will need to complete all
the sections.
o If they are working in a computer room, they will only need to complete
sections 1-7.
b) As the students are working through the sheet, monitor and assist as required.
c) Instruct students to tick the items on the Checklist when they are finished. This
will help both the student and the teacher to check whether the sections have
been completed.
·ð How to communicate with classmates and the teacher (15 minutes)
a) Give every student a copy of the Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the
b) Instruct the students that first they are going to work through parts 1 to 3.
c) As the students are working through the sheet, monitor and assist as required.
d) If you are short of time the students can watch the videos for homework.
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·ð Navigating around the course (10 minutes)
a) Instruct the students to work through parts 4 to 8 of Cambridge B1 Course
Online  How to Use the Course.
b) As the students are working through the sheet, monitor and assist as required.
·ð Round up quiz (10 minutes)
This will help you check what the students have remembered so far.
a) Either: write the following questions on the board
Or: hand out Classroom Worksheet 2 (Checking Learning).
Q1: How long is the instructional video How to A1: 15 seconds
communicate  introduction?
Q2: What are the language points in Module 3? A2: Language - The Comparative and Superlative
forms, The Present Continuous to talk about
arrangements, I'll to make offers
Q3: What is the topic in module 4? A3: Choices
Q4 What is in the photograph in the Module 5 A4: A train
speaking activity?
a) The students can work on their own or with a partner to find the answers.
b) As the students are working through the sheet, monitor and assist as required.
c) The students check the answers with each other.
·ð Homework Activities
·ð Watch the How to Communicate instructional videos.
·ð Complete Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the Course by doing the
practice communication activities
o After a few days, check that all students have completed the
communication tasks.
o Have you received a  Sticky from every student?
o Have you received a message from every student?
If the answer is  No , contact the student to check if they are having any problems.
o When the student has sent you the  Sticky , contact them and remind
them to complete Module 1 before the next classroom lesson.
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A2. Cambridge B1 Course Online Introduction  Classroom Worksheet 1
Find out what your partner thinks about the internet.
Remember to ask your partner more questions to find out more information
e.g. Why& .? Why not& .? When& .? What& & ? How often& & ?
How many
What are the best
& worst things
about shopping
do you
Do you have a favourite
What do you think about
social networks like
How do you usually
Facebook and Twitter?
access the internet?
(laptop, pc, phone)
Have you ever
studied online
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A3. Cambridge B1 Course Online Introduction  Classroom Worksheet 2
(Checking Learning)
Quick quiz - How well can you find your way around the course?
Q: How long is the instructional video How to communicate  introduction?
Q: What are the language points in Module 3?
Q: What is the topic in Module 4?
Q: What is in the photograph in the Module 5 speaking activity?
Quick quiz - How well can you find your way around the course?
Q: How long is the instructional video How to communicate  introduction?
Q: What are the language points in Module 3?
Q: What is the topic in module 4?
Q: What is in the photograph in the Module 5 speaking activity?
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B. Cambridge B1 Course Online  Getting Started
In this lesson you will:
·ð set up your username and password for the course
·ð check your computer settings
·ð complete a checklist to confirm that everything has been completed successfully
This lesson should take 20  30 minutes.
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B1. Getting Started
1. Switch on your computer and
open the web browser.
2. Type in the url:
3. Enter the username and
password provided, and select
your language.
4. You will now be asked to
change your password.
Make a note of your new
password and keep it somewhere
5. You can update your details at
any time by clicking on your
name here.
Click on your name.
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6. You can change your personal
For example, you can upload a
picture of yourself or change your
For now, enter your email
address and click Save.
7. Now go to your course room.
Select your room and click Go.
8. Before you get started, you
need to check your computer is
set up to run the course.
Click Check your browser settings
9. Complete this table.
Web browser Supported
Plug-in Installed
If you do not have Flash or Java installed, or if you have a web browser which is not supported you will need
to download the correct software. This is free. Remember to do this on your computer at home.
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10. You are now going to turn off
your pop-up blocker.
If you are using Internet
Go to Tools/ Internet options/
Privacy tab/Settings and type in
Click Add/ Close/ Apply/ Ok
If you are using Mozilla Firefox:
Go to Tools/Options/Content
Click on the first Exceptions
Button and type in
Click Allow/ Close/ Ok
Right click on the top bar where
you can see the pop-up blocker
and choose  Allow pop-ups
from this site
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B2. Checklist
Did you complete these tasks?
If you had any problems, please contact your teacher or course provider.
Task Pð ð Oð ð
I checked that my user ID works.
I set up a new password and made a note of it.
I added my email address.
I checked the settings on my computer.
I turned off my pop-up blocker.
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C. Cambridge B1 Course Online  How to Use the
In this lesson you will:
·ð learn how to get help on the course
·ð learn how to communicate with your teacher and classmates
·ð learn about the structure and contents of the course
·ð learn how to move around the course
·ð practise communicating with your teacher and classmates
·ð complete a checklist to confirm that everything has been completed successfully
This lesson should take 40-50 minutes
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C1. How to use the course
1. If you can t do something in
Fronter, go to  Help .
You can find it at the top of the
screen on the right.
Click on Help now.
2. There are three ways to get
Here you can find video courses
that show you how to use Fronter.
Here you can find manuals that you
can print.
Here you can find help on a wide
variety of topics.
3. Let s take a look at one of the
Click on Courses
Then click on
How to communicate - introduction
Watch the short video.
Now watch the other videos.
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4. Go to your course room.
Select your room and click Go.
5. Click on  Start the Course
6. You can now see a list of all of
the modules in the course.
In this course there are 24
modules including 4 revision
Let s start at the beginning.
Click on Module 1  Learning
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7. All of the Modules contain:
Four Units for you
to study at home.
Here you can find a
summary of the language
points for the module.
You can discover if
you have learnt
the language
in the module.
Interesting further reading on the web.
Activities which you should complete to prepare
for your next lesson with the teacher.
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8. Let s look at how to move
around the units.
In Unit 1 there are two sections,
Reading and Writing
You can access each section
by clicking on the main picture
by clicking on the menu tree to
the left.
Click on the Reading section.
Within this Unit there are 3
You can move between each
by clicking on the main picture
by clicking on the drop down
menu at the top.
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You can move between the
sections of the Module at any
time by clicking on
by clicking on the menu tree to
the left.
You are now ready to start studying.
First, let s practise communicating with your teacher and classmates.
a) Send a Sticky to your teacher telling them that you are ready to start the course.
b) Check the News. What news did you find?
c) Send a Message to your teacher telling them what news you found.
d) Email one of the students in your class. Introduce yourself:
Where are you from and why are you studying English?
Have you taken an online course before?
Why did you choose this type of course?
What are you looking forward to about it?
Can t remember how to do this?
Make sure you have completed all the sections on the checklist on the next page.
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C2. Checklist
Did you finish these tasks?
Pð ð Oð ð
I looked at the Help section.
I watched the How to communicate  introduction video.
I watched the How to use the e-mail video.
I sent an email to a classmate.
I watched the How to use the Stickies video.
I sent a Sticky to my teacher.
I watched the How to create a News video.
I checked the News.
I watched the How to create a Message video.
I sent a message to my teacher.
I know how to access and start my course.
I accessed Module 1.
I looked at the contents of the Module.
I learnt how to move around the course.
If you had any problems, please contact your teacher or course provider.
Is everything ok? You can now start Module 1.
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