tic tac toe

JavaScript Source Code 3000: Games: Tic-Tac-Toe


Try your luck at an interactive game of good old tic-tac-toe!! Automatic scoring and alternating "first moves" are built in. Fun!

[ Right-click the images and "Save Link As..." to save! ]

JavaScript Source Code 3000: Games: Tic-Tac-Toe
Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to highlight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as Note Pad or Simple Text) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours!!!



1. Copy the coding into the HEAD of your HTML document
2. Add the last code into the BODY of your HTML document -->

<!-- STEP ONE: Paste this code into the HEAD of your HTML document -->


<!-- Original: Maximilian Stocker (maxstocker@reallyusefulcomputing.com) -->

<! >
<! >

<!-- Begin
var x = "http://www.your-web-site-address-here.com/images/x.jpg";
// Location of where you uploaded your site's x.jpg image

var o = "http://www.your-web-site-address-here.com/images/o.jpg";
// Location of where you uploaded your site's o.jpg image

var blank = "http://www.your-web-site-address-here.com/images/blank.jpg";
// Location of where you uploaded your site's blank.jpg image

var pause = 0;
var all = 0;
var a = 0;
var b = 0;
var c = 0;
var d = 0;
var e = 0;
var f = 0;
var g = 0;
var h = 0;
var i = 0;
var temp="";
var ok = 0;
var cf = 0;
var choice=9;
var aRandomNumber = 0;
var comp = 0;
var t = 0;
var wn = 0;
var ls = 0;
var ts = 0;
function help() {
alert("Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe! You play as the X's and the computer is the O's. Select the square you want to put your X into by clicking them. You cannot occupy a square that is already occupied. The first player to get three squares in a row wins. Good Luck!!")
function logicOne() {
if ((a==1)&&(b==1)&&(c==1)) all=1;
if ((a==1)&&(d==1)&&(g==1)) all=1;
if ((a==1)&&(e==1)&&(i==1)) all=1;
if ((b==1)&&(e==1)&&(h==1)) all=1;
if ((d==1)&&(e==1)&&(f==1)) all=1;
if ((g==1)&&(h==1)&&(i==1)) all=1;
if ((c==1)&&(f==1)&&(i==1)) all=1;
if ((g==1)&&(e==1)&&(c==1)) all=1;
if ((a==2)&&(b==2)&&(c==2)) all=2;
if ((a==2)&&(d==2)&&(g==2)) all=2;
if ((a==2)&&(e==2)&&(i==2)) all=2;
if ((b==2)&&(e==2)&&(h==2)) all=2;
if ((d==2)&&(e==2)&&(f==2)) all=2;
if ((g==2)&&(h==2)&&(i==2)) all=2;
if ((c==2)&&(f==2)&&(i==2)) all=2;
if ((g==2)&&(e==2)&&(c==2)) all=2;
if ((a != 0)&&(b != 0)&&(c != 0)&&(d != 0)&&(e != 0)&&(f != 0)&&(g != 0)&&(h != 0)&&(i != 0)&&(all == 0)) all = 3;
function logicTwo() {
if ((a==2)&&(b==2)&&(c== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="C";
if ((a==2)&&(b== 0)&&(c==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="B";
if ((a== 0)&&(b==2)&&(c==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="A";
if ((a==2)&&(d==2)&&(g== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="G";
if ((a==2)&&(d== 0)&&(g==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="D";
if ((a== 0)&&(d==2)&&(g==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="A";
if ((a==2)&&(e==2)&&(i== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="I";
if ((a==2)&&(e== 0)&&(i==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((a== 0)&&(e==2)&&(i==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="A";
if ((b==2)&&(e==2)&&(h== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="H";
if ((b==2)&&(e== 0)&&(h==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((b== 0)&&(e==2)&&(h==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="B";
if ((d==2)&&(e==2)&&(f== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="F";
if ((d==2)&&(e== 0)&&(f==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((d== 0)&&(e==2)&&(f==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="D";
if ((g==2)&&(h==2)&&(i== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="I";
if ((g==2)&&(h== 0)&&(i==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="H";
if ((g== 0)&&(h==2)&&(i==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="G";
if ((c==2)&&(f==2)&&(i== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="I";
if ((c==2)&&(f== 0)&&(i==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="F";
if ((c== 0)&&(f==2)&&(i==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="C";
if ((g==2)&&(e==2)&&(c== 0)&&(temp=="")) temp="C";
if ((g==2)&&(e== 0)&&(c==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((g== 0)&&(e==2)&&(c==2)&&(temp=="")) temp="G";
function logicThree() {
if ((a==1)&&(b==1)&&(c==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="C";
if ((a==1)&&(b==0)&&(c==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="B";
if ((a==0)&&(b==1)&&(c==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="A";
if ((a==1)&&(d==1)&&(g==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="G";
if ((a==1)&&(d==0)&&(g==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="D";
if ((a==0)&&(d==1)&&(g==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="A";
if ((a==1)&&(e==1)&&(i==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="I";
if ((a==1)&&(e==0)&&(i==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((a==0)&&(e==1)&&(i==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="A";
if ((b==1)&&(e==1)&&(h==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="H";
if ((b==1)&&(e==0)&&(h==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((b==0)&&(e==1)&&(h==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="B";
if ((d==1)&&(e==1)&&(f==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="F";
if ((d==1)&&(e==0)&&(f==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((d==0)&&(e==1)&&(f==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="D";
if ((g==1)&&(h==1)&&(i==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="I";
if ((g==1)&&(h==0)&&(i==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="H";
if ((g==0)&&(h==1)&&(i==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="G";
if ((c==1)&&(f==1)&&(i==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="I";
if ((c==1)&&(f==0)&&(i==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="F";
if ((c==0)&&(f==1)&&(i==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="C";
if ((g==1)&&(e==1)&&(c==0)&&(temp=="")) temp="C";
if ((g==1)&&(e==0)&&(c==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="E";
if ((g==0)&&(e==1)&&(c==1)&&(temp=="")) temp="G";
function clearOut() {
function checkSpace() {
if ((temp=="A")&&(a==0)) {
if (cf==0) a=1;
if (cf==1) a=2;
if ((temp=="B")&&(b==0)) {
if (cf==0) b=1;
if (cf==1) b=2;
if ((temp=="C")&&(c==0)) {
if (cf==0) c=1;
if (cf==1) c=2;
if ((temp=="D")&&(d==0)) {
if (cf==0) d=1;
if (cf==1) d=2;
if ((temp=="E")&&(e==0)) {
if (cf==0) e=1;
if (cf==1) e=2;
if ((temp=="F")&&(f==0)) {
if (cf==0) f=1;
if (cf==1) f=2;
if ((temp=="G")&&(g==0)) {
if (cf==0) g=1;
if (cf==1) g=2;
if ((temp=="H")&&(h==0)) {
if (cf==0) h=1;
if (cf==1) h=2;
if ((temp=="I")&&(i==0)) {
if (cf==0) i=1;
if (cf==1) i=2;
function yourChoice(chName) {
pause = 0;
if (all!=0) ended();
if (all==0) {
cf = 0;
ok = 0;
if (ok==1) {
document.images[chName].src = x;
if (ok==0)taken();
if ((all==0)&&(pause==0)) myChoice();
function taken() {
alert("That square is already occupied. Please select another square.")
function myChoice() {
ok = 0;
while(ok==0) {
if (comp==1) temp="A";
if (comp==2) temp="B";
if (comp==3) temp="C";
if (comp==4) temp="D";
if (comp==5) temp="E";
if (comp==6) temp="F";
if (comp==7) temp="G";
if (comp==8) temp="H";
if (comp==9) temp="I";
document.images[temp].src= o;
function ended() {
alert("The game has already ended. To play a new game click the Play Again button.")
function process() {
if (all==1){ alert("You won, congratulations!"); wn++; }
if (all==2){ alert("Gotcha! I win!"); ls++; }
if (all==3){ alert("We tied."); ts++; }
if (all!=0) {
document.game.you.value = wn;
document.game.computer.value = ls;
document.game.ties.value = ts;
function playAgain() {
if (all==0) {
if(confirm("This will restart the game and clear all the current scores. OK?")) reset();
if (all>0) reset();
function reset() {
all = 0;
a = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
d = 0;
e = 0;
f = 0;
g = 0;
h = 0;
i = 0;
ok = 0;
cf = 0;
aRandomNumber = 0;
comp = 0;
document.images.A.src= blank;
document.images.B.src= blank;
document.images.C.src= blank;
document.images.D.src= blank;
document.images.E.src= blank;
document.images.F.src= blank;
document.images.G.src= blank;
document.images.H.src= blank;
document.images.I.src= blank;
if (t==0) { t=2; myChoice(); }
// End -->

<!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->


<form name=game>
<table border=0>
<table border=1>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('A')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=A alt="Top-Left"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('B')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=B alt="Top-Center"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('C')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=C alt="Top-Right"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('D')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=D alt="Middle-Left"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('E')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=E alt="Middle-Center"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('F')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=F alt="Middle-Right"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('G')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=G alt="Bottom-Left"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('H')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=H alt="Bottom-Center"></a></td>
<td><a href="javascript:yourChoice('I')"><img src="blank.jpg" border=0 height=100 width=100 name=I alt="Bottom-Right"></a></td>
<tr><td><input type=text size=5 name=you></td><td>You</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type=text size=5 name=computer></td><td>Computer</td></tr>
<tr><td><input type=text size=5 name=ties></td><td>Ties</td></tr>
<input type=button value="Play Again" onClick="playAgain();">
<input type=button value="Game Help" onClick="help();">

<!-- Script Size: 9.05 KB -->


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