cook islands index

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A  Atiu 112-22, 114 Bounty 48, 97
accommodation 160-2 accommodation 119 bus travel 94
ACT Australian
activities 162-4, see also Capital activities 115-18 bush-beer drinking
individual activities beaches 116-17 sessions 45, 120
NSW New South Wales
adzes 33 caves 115-16 business hours 164-5,
NT Northern Territory
AIDS 185 coffee plantations 116 see also inside front cover
Qld Queensland
air routes 175 shopping 121-2
SA South Australia
air travel sights 115-18 C
Tas Tasmania
airfares 175-6, 179 tourist information 115 cannibalism 29
Vic Victoria
airline offices 174 tours 119 canoe racing 71
WA Western
travel to/from the Australia travel to/from 122 canoes 33
Cook Islands 174-8 travel within 122 car travel 181
travel within the Atiu Fibre Arts Studio 117 cash 169
Cook Islands 179 ATMs 168-9 Cave of the Kopekas 115, 5, 76
Aitutaki 96-111, 98, 8, 75, 76  Avaiki 141 caves
accommodation 105-8 Avana Harbour 67  Atiu 115-16
activities 99-104 Avarua 56-60, 56-7 Mangaia 139-40
Arutanga 99-100 sights 58-60 Ma uke 125
beaches 102 walking tour 59-60, 59 Mitiaro 133
diving 102-3 Avatiu Harbour 60 caving 162
entertainment 109-10 aviation 101 cell phones 172
food 108-9 children, travel with 72-7, 165
itineraries 99 B Christianity 28, 30-1
lagoon cruises 101-2 bargaining 170 churches 164
shopping 110 baskets 170 Aitutaki 99
sights 99-104 Beachcomber Gallery 58  Arorangi 61
snorkelling 102 beaches  Atiu 118
tourist information 97-9 Aitutaki 102 Avarua 58
tours 105  Atiu 116-17 Mangaia 140
travel to/from 110-11 Mangaia 140-1 Ma uke 128
travel within 111 Ma uke 126-7 Mitiaro 134
Aitutaki Lagoon 100-1, 8, 76 Mitiaro 133 Titikaveka 63
Akaiami 100, 106 Muri Beach 63, 8, 74 ciguatera poisoning 45, 187
Anaiti 127 O otu Beach 104 climate 13, 165
Anaokae Beach 126 Rarotonga 62-3 global warming 21, 42, 102
Anaraura Beach 126 bicycle travel 162, 179 coconut crabs 100, 102
Anatakitaki Cave 115, 5, 76 birds 40, 139 coffee plantations 44, 116
animals 39-41, 102, 104, see also black pearls 93, 152, 170 conservation 41
birds, pigs, sea cucumbers Black Rock 61 consulates 166
appliqués 33, 171 Bligh, Captain William 97 Cook Islands Christian Church
Arai-Te-Tonga Marae 63-4 Blue Laws 49 (CICC) 30-1,
architecture 33 boat travel 178, 180 see also churches
area codes 172 books 15 Cook Islands Cultural Village
Aro a Beach 63 biography 125, 156, 158, 159 62, 7
 Arorangi 61-2 birds 40 Cook Islands Parliament 61
arts and crafts 31-3, 58, 62, 91-3, culture 28, 30, 31 Cook, James 23, 24, 111, 113,
117, 143, 170-1 see also food 44, 45 137, 146
individual arts hiking 41, 68 coral ear 186
Arutanga 99-100 history 22, 23, 25 Coral Garden 117
Ati 34-5 myths and legends 34, 37 Coral Route 101
200 I ndex ( C- M) I ndex ( M-T ) 201
costs 14-15 Frisbie, Florence  Johnny laws 49
crafts, see arts and crafts 15, 159 lesbian travellers 167 sights 133-4 Papeiha Stone 60 restaurants 44, 45
credit cards 169 Frisbie, Robert Dean 15, 156, 159 tourist information 131-2 Para O Tane Palace 58 Rima Rau burial cave 116
Cross-Island Track 64-5, 67 M tours 135 passports 174 rito hats 170
cruises 70, 163 G Maina 100 travel to/from 135 pearls 93, 152, 170
culture 21, 27-33 gay travellers 167 Mangaia 136-44, 138, 5, 76 travel within 135 Penrhyn 154-5, 154 S
books 28, 30, 31 geography 39 accommodation 142 mobile phones 172 perfumes 92 Sandalwood Cave 133
Internet resources 33 geology 39 activities 139-41 money 14-15, 168-9, phonecards 172 scenic flights 71-2
customs regulations 165 global warming 21, 42, 102 beaches 140-1 see also inside front cover photography 169 sea cucumbers 71
cycling 162, 179 gods 35-7, 141 caves 139 moneychangers 169 pigs 118 self-catering 45
Great Migration 67 entertainment 143 motorcycle travel 181 Piri Puruto III 90, 74 Seven-in-One
D food 143 Motuanga Cave 125 planning 13-17 Coconut Tree 60
dance 31-2, 7 H shopping 143-4 Motukitiu 100 plants 41, 45 shell jewellery 170
dangers 165-6, 185-7 health 182-7 sights 139-41 Moturakau 100 politics 25-6, 27 Sheraton resort site 63
Dashwood, Julian 125 hepatitis 185 tourist information 139 Motutapu 63 population 21, 26, 29 shopping 170-1
deep-sea fishing 69-70, 162 Highland Paradise 61, 62 tours 141-2 Muri Beach 63, 64, 8, 74 postal services 169-70 Sir Geoffrey Henry National
deep vein thrombosis 183 hiking 64-5, 67-8, 163 travel to/from 144 music 31-2, 6 Puarakura Marae 127 Culture Centre 58-9
dengue fever 184 books 41 travel within 144 myths and legends 34-8, 51, Pukapuka 156-7, 157 snorkelling 163
depopulation 21, 29 history 22-6 Manihiki 150-2, 151 103, 105, 127, 141 Punanga Nui market 59 Aitutaki 102
disabled travellers 166 books 22, 23, 25 Manuae 111, 110 books 34, 37 pupu ei 143 Muri Beach 63
diving 163 Internet resources 26 maps 168 Purapura Games 152 Rarotonga 62, 68-9, 73
Aitutaki 102-3 hitching 181 marae 164, see also N society 27-8
hazards 186 HIV/AIDS 185 individual marae Nassau 158 R solo travellers 171-2
Rarotonga 69 holidays 14, 167 Aitutaki 104 National Auditorium 59 radio 30 special events 16, 167
drinks 44-5, 120 Hospital Hill 66  Atiu 117-18 National Culture Centre Raemaru 62, 65-6, 105 island nights 87, 7
DVDs 160 Avarua 63-4 58-9 Rakahanga 152-4, 153 tumunu 45, 120
I Mangaia 140 National Library 59 Rangi Ue Gardens 141 tutaka 121
E  Ikurangi 66 Ma uke 127 National Museum 59 Rangimotia 139 sports 29, 163-4
economy 26, 63 insects 165-6, 185-6 Mitiaro 133-4 national park 41 Rapota 100 sulphur pool 133
electricity 160 insurance 168, 182 Marae O Rongo 127 Neale, Tom 15, 158, 159 Rarotonga 47-95, 52-4 Suwarrow 158-9, 159
email services 168 Internet access 168 Marae Rangimanuka 127 Needle, the 64-5, 5 accommodation 78-85, 73 swimming 164
embassies 166 Internet resources 16-17 marine life 40-1 newspapers 30, 160 activities 67-72 safety 166
environment 39-42 culture 31, 33 Matai Landing 117 Ngatangi ia Harbour 67  Arorangi 61-2
environmental issues 42 environment 42 Maui Potiki 37 nono juice 46 Avarua 56-60, 56-7, 59 T
global warming 21, food 43 Ma uke 123-9, 124 Northern Group 148, 149, beaches 62-3 Taakoka 63
42, 102 health 183 accommodation 128 see also individual islands cruises 70 Ta aroa 35
eosinophilic meningitis 184 history 26 activities 125-7 accommodation 149 dangers 68 Takauroa Beach 117
population 26 beaches 126-7 travel to/from 150 diving 69 Takero Marae 133
F island nights 87, 7 caves 125 entertainment 89 Takitumu Conservation Area
festivals 16, 167 itineraries 11, 18-20, 50, 99 entertainment 129 O festivals 77-8 67, 68
fish 40-1, 43, 45, 187 food 129 One Foot Island 100-1, 103 fishing 69-70 Takutea 122
fish poisoning 45, 187 K sights 125-7 Oneroa Beach ( Atiu) 117 food 85-9 Tangaloa 35
fishing 162 Kanaloa 35 tours 127 Oneroa motu (Rarotonga) hiking 64-8 Tangaroa 35, 170, 7
Rarotonga 69-70 Karika 38, 49 travel to/from 129 63, 140 history 48 Tangi ia 38, 49
Aitutaki 103 kava 120 travel within 129 One unga Beach 126 itineraries 50 Tapuaeta i 100-1, 103
 Atiu 118 Kopupooki 126 Maungapu 104 O otu Beach 104 Muri Beach 63, 64, 8, 74 Tarapaku 117
Mangaia 140 Koromiri 63 Maungatea Bluff 66 opening hours, see inside shopping 91-3 taro plantations 141
Northern Group 152 medical services 184 front cover sights 61-7 tattooing 58
food 43-4, 46, 71, 102, 167 L missionaries 23-4, 30-1, Oravaru Beach 117 snorkelling 62, 68-9, 73 Taunganui Harbour 117
books 44, 45 lagoon cruises 163 48-9 Orongo Marae 118 surfing 70-1 Taungaroro Beach 117
health 186-7 Lake Tiriara 141 Mitiaro 130-5, 132 tourist information 51-6 taxes 15, 176
Internet resources 43 lakes 134 accommodation 135 P tours 77 taxis 95
land rights 21, 26, 49-50 beaches 133 package holidays 14-15 travel to/from 93-4 Te Ana O Rakanui 116
language 188-90 food 135 Paepae a Marae 127 travel within 94-5 Te Apiripiri Marae 118
000 Map pages
food vocabulary 46 lakes 134 Paikea 127 Rarotongan Brewery 60 Te Au O Tu 111
000 Photograph pages
glossary 191-2 shopping 135 Palmerston 145-7, 146 religion 28, 30-1, 128 Te Au Tapu Marae 118
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202 I ndex ( T- W)
Te Ko u 66 traditional society 22-3, 28, Vai Momoiri 118
Te Manga 66 see also myths and legends Vai Moraro 126
Te Pare Fort 133 ariki 24, 31 Vai Moti 126
Te Poaki O Rae 104 ceremonies 24, 31, 87, Vai Nauri 133
Te Rotoiti 134 120, 121, 134 Vai Ou 126
Te Rotonui 134 gods 35-7, 141 Vai Tamaroa 133
Te Rua Manga 64-5, 5 government 22-3, 24, 31 Vai Tango 126
Te Rua Rere 139 handicrafts 117 Vai Tukume 126
Te Tau 117 travellers cheques 169 Vai Tunamea 126
telephone services 172 traveller s diarrhoea 185 Vaia i 133
television 30 Tree Island 100 Vairakai Marae 117
Teoneroa Beach 126 Tuatini Cave 140 vaka 33
Tepito o Kare 133 Tukume Beach 126 vaka racing 71
terevai 134 Tumai Beach 117 vegetarian travellers 45
theft 166 tumunu 45, 120 video systems 160, 169
Tia ara Beach 133 tutaka 121 visas 173
Tikioki Beach 62 TV 30, 160
time 172 typhoid fever 185 W
Tinomana Palace 61 walks 66-71, 163
tipping 45, 169 U water 186-7
tivaevae 33, 117, 171 Unit Titles Act 21, 26, 50 weights and measures 160, see also
toilets 172 inside front cover
Tokangarangi 104 V whale-watching 41, 72, 164
Toru a Puru Cave 140 vaccinations 182 Wigmore s Waterfall 63
tourist information 21, Vaerota Marae 67 Williams, Reverend John 48
172-3 Vai Marere 133 women travellers 173
tours 181 Vai Ma u 126 woodcarving 32-3
000 Map pages
000 Photograph pages
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