racer539 i e ltr

Racer 539 Hawk: Assembly Instructions
Points to note when making the glider
Try to avoid bending the parts when you cut them out.
Rub with pencil or scissors
to flatten out.
Align the parts
against a ruler to fold them.
Flatten the uneven surface.
C ross section of the fuselage
If any of the cut out parts are bent, this will seriously
affect the glider's performance. Therefore, be sure to
To glue the wings flush onto the fuselage, use a pencil
keep all parts perfectly flat till you join them up. For
or scissors to flatten out the part where the wings at-
the wings, stabilizer and other parts, use a ruler to
tach to the fuselage.
give you a proper straight edge to make your folds.
Dihedral angle
When assembling the parts, follow the assembly in-
Assembly Instructions structions and use the parts in the order given.
Scissors, glue, ruler, tweezers, pencil When sticking surfaces together, spread the glue evenly
and stick the parts together quickly and line up the
edges cleanly. While the glue is drying, put the fuse-
To give the wings an angle, bend along a straight
[Caution] Glue, scissors and other tools may be dan- lage inside a sheet of paper and then press it down with
ruler. (Refer to the assembly instructions for details on
gerous to young children so be sure to keep them out of
a book or similar in order to get a nice, straight finish.
what degree of angle to use.)
the reach of young children.
C enter line
Arrow points forward.
Mountain fold (dotted line)
Make a mountain fold.
Valley fold (dashed and dotted line)
Make sure that the center line of
the wings matches up exactly
Make a valley fold.
Arrow points forward.
with the center line of the fuselage.
Scissors line (solid line)
Also attach the horizontal stabilizer firmly.
Cut along the line.
Attach the wings and horizontal stabilizer carefully so
When sticking the right and left wings together, make
Cut in line (solid line)
that their center lines match up exactly with the center
sure that the center line is not off center.
Cut along the line.
line of the fuselage.
- 1 -
Racer 539 Hawk: Assembly Instructions
Glue the parts together in the order indicated.
Glue the main wing firmly to
the fuselage, aligning the
Glue the horizontal stabilizer
center of the wing along the
Assemble the main wing
to the fuselage, making sure that
top of the fuselage.
following the assembly
the dots appearing in its center
instructions 3-1 to 3-8.
portion line up along the top of
the fuselage.
Placing a ruler along the fold lines, bend the cut Dot towards the front.
strips slightly upward.
Dot towards the front.
Dot towards the front.
Glue parts and to the underside of
parts and respectively.
Fold all tabs outward.
Aligning the noses flush,
glue through together
in the order shown.
5 Ú
5 Ú
Using a ruler along the center line, fold part from the
center line to make 5Ú angle on both sides. Then curve it
carefully with your fingers to fit the curved fuselage top
Placing the dihedral angle gauge on the main wing,
where the main wings are to be attached.
check that the dihedral angle is 5Ú.
Folded stands
G lue
5 Ú
G lue
5 Ú
Apply glue on half of the underside In the same manner, Putting folded stands under the main wing
Curve the main wings, + , +
of and glue onto + . attach + to the other will be conducive to fast and thorough drying.
respectively in the same manner as .
(The dots on the parts should meet side of .
This curve is called camber.
with each other.)
- 2 -
Racer 539 Hawk: Assembly Instructions
C amber the wing tips carefully.
Camber both wing tips and slightly.
Fold tabs on both ends of the main wing to form a 30Ú dihedral angle
using the gauge and then camber them as well.
Dot towards the front.
Apply glue to the top surface of the folded tabs of the main wing.
Glue wing tips and onto them as shown.
Once again, check that the dihedral angle at the tip of the wing is 30Ú
using the gauge.
Dot towards the front.
FINISHING TOUCHES C amber the wings carefully.
Give the finishing touches to the plane
after it dries thoroughly.
3 0 Ú
5 Ú
5 Ú
Level the camber on the main wings carefully
with your fingers, checking the curve
with the camber gauge.
5 Ú
5 Ú
3 0 Ú
Using the dihedral angle gauge,
View the plane from both the front and the back
make sure the dihedral angle for the main
and straighten any warps or bends
wing is 5Ú and for the wing tips is 30Ú.
in the fuselage and the wings.
- 3 -


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