Newark, N.J., 193–95
peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing, 11–14
Newsweek, 160
Pendergrass, Teddy, 83
New York: drug laws in, 143–48, 160; Perrin, Keith, 67–69
gangs in, 22–23; Hot 97 radio in, 50, Philadelphia Hip Hop Summit, 154
81–82; Operation Commitment in, 24; Phillips, Johnny, 94
radio stations in, 79–80; śRapper’s Phillips, Sam, 101–2
Delight” on WBLS radio station in,
śPillow Talk,” 12
16, 17; Zulu Nation in, 23–25
Pipher, Mary, 222
New York Times, 95–96, 128, 145, 210, 212, police, 197. See also criminal justice 234
Nichols, Darren, 196–97, 203
political/social activism and hip hop: nigger/ nigga as term, 87
and California juvenile justice system,
śNight of the Living Baseheads” (video), 178–83; challenges to and strengths of, 212
253; and Chuck D, 118–20; Combs’s Cit-Nike, 244
izen Change, 249–52; debate on, 148–
Nobody Knows My Name (film), 221
52; and Dublin, Calif., prison com-No Doubt, 44
plex, 179, 183–85; and electoral politics, No Limit Records, 64–65
251–52; Hip Hop Summit Action Net-Notorious B.I.G. (Christopher work (HSAN), 148, 152–58, 160–62, Wallace/Biggie), 2, 61
249; and Kilpatrick as śhip hop mayor”
novels. See hip-hop lit of Detroit, 188, 196–200, 202–4, 205; N Sync, 34
and Kilpatrick’s majoral campaign
śNuthin’ But a ŚG’ Thang,” 50
in Detroit, 192; and KRS-One, 240–
N.W.A. (Niggaz With Attitude), 41, 46, 48, 41; śmessage” or śpolitical” rap, 21; 82–83, 93–98, 102–3
National Hip Hop Political Conven-tion, 158–59, 249; political agenda for, O’Brien, Guy. See Master Gee (Guy 151; presidential election (2004), 249–
53; and Public Enemy, 118–20; and O’Jays, 83
racial politics, 150, 151; Simmons and O’Neal, Alexander, 83
changes to New York drug laws, 143–48, O’Neal, Shaquille, 60
160; śStop the Super-Jail” campaign,
śOne Less Bitch,” 95
178–85; śStop the Violence Movement,”
Outkast, 65, 73, 77, 220
241; and urban problems generally, Out of Sight, Out of Mind, 173
204–5; voter registration and voting behavior, 154–55, 157, 161–62, 249–52; Palladium club, 99
Zulu Nation, 23–25
Paris (rapper), 240
Polygram Records, 11, 120
Parks, Gordon, 59–60, 61
Pony ad campaign, 209
Pataki, George E., 143–45, 147
pop music, definition of, 39–40
śpay-for-play” arrangements, 135, 138
pornography, 207–11, 216–19
śP. Diddy” Combs. See Combs, Sean śP.
presidential election (2004), 249–53
Diddy” (śPuĆł Daddy”)
Presley, Elvis, 92, 101, 102, 107
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