
Multisim 2001 from Electronics Workbench

Please check for bug fixes, program updates and circuit troubleshooting
hints at

The following list outlines new functionality and fixes in
Multisim 2001 Service Pack 1.

New functionality:

OrCAD import:

1. Multisim 2001 Education version supports import
of schematic files created with OrCAD v.7 and v.9.
Use the File->Open command, select .dsn file extension and
navigate to the directory and file. This feature is not available
in the Student version.

2. Multisim automatically generates a folder in the source folder
with the same name as the imported OrCAD design file. For
example, if the original OrCAD file FILTER.DSN is in
C:\OrCAD\design> folder then Multisim will generate a folder
called FILTER in the DESIGN folder so that it looks like
C:\OrCAD\design\FILTER>. If this is a flat design with one page,
then the file name assigned by Multisim is always PAGE1.msm saved
in FILTER folder. Flat, multi-page designs in OrCAD will be
converted hierarchical design in Multisim. Each page will appear
as separate Multisim file (hierarchical block) in the folder with
the same name as the imported OrCAD file. Off-page connectors are
converted into input/output pins. This also applies to
hierarchical blocks used in OrCAD design.

3. OrCAD design file (layout, symbols, off-page connectors
excluding pins and ports) brought into Multisim should look
identical to the original OrCAD schematic.

4. Importing a file will create an OrCAD family in User Database-
>MISC parts bin. Each component is assigned U prefix for its
REFID. This can be changed to any prefix through Tools->Database

5. Multisection components are supported properly.

6. If the OrCAD schematic file contains footprint information
then Multisim will show them as real parts. The footprint names
are translated from OrCAD to standard names using system.prt and
user.prt files. The user is prompted to give the folder name
containing the user.prt file (this is usually stored in OrCAD
folder.) If, however, footprint information is not provided then
Multisim will import this part as a virtual component. In this
case, user should use Edit Footprint function to assign a desired
footprint package.

7. Bus shows connection to one pin of an IC. All remaining pins
are electrically connected, but this is transparent to the user.

Other Functionality:

1. Edit Footprint->Accessed by double-clicking part->Properties.
Footprints may be assigned to the following components:
- all real components except variable passive components
(pots, variable capacitors/inductors, resistor pack and led
- virtual BJTs, JFETs,GASFETs and diodes
- any components imported from Ulticap and OrCAD
2. Renumber Components->accessed from Edit. This function
renumbers components by position on the workspace. Numbering
starts with top left component and runs horizontally.
3. Update Subcircuit Symbols accessed from Edit. This option
updates hierarchical blocks and subcircuits in the main circuit
after modifying them.
4. Default Prefix for components RefID->accessed from Tools-
>Database Management->Corporate or User Database. For each family
in User and Corporate Database a default prefix may be assigned
for components RefID.
5. Description Dialog Box->accessed from Show->Text Description
Box. This rich text editor allows formatted text, copy/paste of
graphics and export/import of RTF files.
6. Switches, variable capacitors, inductors and potentiometers
within subcircuit respond properly during simulation.
7. A "Simplified Version" interface option provides teachers and
students with a choice between the standard Multisim user
interface and a simplified version, which removes many of
Multisim's more complex options and functionality. Instructors
can also lock Multisim to the Simplified Version interface using
a password. The following options and/or functionality are
limited as described:
- Design Bar is not available
- File: Print Reports is not available
- View: Component Bars, Show Simulation Error Log/Audit Trail,
and Show XSpice Command Line are not available
- Instruments: Distortion Analyzer, Spectrum Analyzer and
Network Analyzer are not available.
- Analyses: DC Sweep, Sensitivity, Parameter Sweep, Temperature
Sweep, Pole Zero, Transfer Function, Worst Case, Monte Carlo,
Batched Analysis, User Defined Analysis, and Noise Figure
Analysis are not available
- Simulate: Post Processing is not available
- Simulate: VHDL and Verilog Simulation are not available
- Simulate: Global Component Tolerances is not available
- Transfer: To Other PCB Layout, Backannotate from Ultiboard,
VHDL Synthesis, Export Simulation Results to Mathcad, Export
Simulation Results to Excell, Export Netlist are not available.
- Tools Menu: Create Component, Edit Component, Copy Component,
Delete Component, Database Management, Update Component,
Remote Control/Design Sharing and EDAparts options are not


1. Digital simulation speed increased by about 40%.
2. Ground node is always assigned node 0.
3. Duplicate node numbers will no longer occur.
4. Worst Case analysis Percentage settings fixed.
5. Edit model with .subckt statement no longer causes syntax
6. Placing second section of a multisection opamp (e.g. ua747)
works correctly.
7. Transfer to Ultiboard works correctly if hierarchical blocks
contain duplicate reference ID.
8. Ulticap supports multisection components.


1. Updated components - includes WEB updates 1,2,3
2. Added virtual components:
opamps (3-, 5-, 7-terminal)
Linear transformers
Non-linear transformer
3. Dialog box support for 3-terminal opamps permits parameters to
be changed in the same manner as in EWB 5; internal voltage
swings recognized properly.
4. EWB 5 3-terminal opamps with custom settings are properly
imported to Multisim.
5. The RMS value of the sinusoidal voltage and current sources is
displayed by default; user may enter either one, RMS or Peak
6. Improved models for: BSIM 3 MOSFET, Transfer Function block,
Magnetic core and 555 timer.
7. 1% resistors added to the library.
8. Symbol Editor - shifting pin names fixed.

Known limitations:

1. Placing big graphics into a Description box may affect
simulation speed.
2. Text Description Box window always remains the top window. Close
the Text Description Box or minimize to clear the workspace.
3. DC operating point analysis and ammeter/voltmeters readings do
not match if ammeters/voltmeters internal settings are changed
from their default. It is recommended to remove ammeters and
voltmeters when DC Operating Point analysis is performed.
4. Temperature Sweep analysis performed for DC operating point
analysis generates results in a tabular format only showing an
output voltage at specific temperature points.
5. When using Ulticap import, subsheets appear as separate
Multisim files. You must manually connect them using Multisim's
hierarchical I/O pins.
6. 2-nd section of a multisection Ulticap component does not show pin


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