1) If necessary, change the path to Perl (#!/usr/bin/perl) pointing to Perl's path in your environment (`which perl` from the command-line will tell you what to use here).
2) Create a folder "docpublisher" under your root directory and chmod to 777.
3) Create a folder "images1" under the "docpublisher" folder and upload all images that come with the zip file to this folder.
4) Create another folder "images2" and chmod to 777.
5) Open the script "docpublisher.cgi". Modify the variables at top portion. Upload the script to the "docpublisher" folder and chmod to 755.
NOTE: ===== 1) To include a link, use the html tag Link here. Always start the URL with http:// or broken link may be resulted.
2) Default password is "upoint"
SKIN: ===== 1) WinXP skin courtesy of http://www.litestorm.net, David L. Kerley.
PROBLEMS? ======== Please sent an email to help@upoint.net describing - the problems - error message generated - URL to the script and/or result page - other things that you think might be helpful * We usually response in less than 12 hours (average is about 4 hours). But before that, you will receive an auto-responded email describing the most common CGI installation mistakes.
The Management, UPDN Network Sdn Bhd www.upoint.net General: mail@upoint.net Technical help: help@upoint.net