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Modele odpowiedzi do arkusza Pr贸bnej Matury z OPERONEM
J磟yk angielski
Poziom podstawowy
Listopad 2008
Zadanie 1.
We gave Cyprus cheap goals and we should be better than we are. The mistakes should have been
limited  it was too easy for them.
However, Murray made no mistake in the 10th game, breaking the world number 30 with ease to take
the first set. The second set was all one-way traffic, with Murray winning the first five games en route
to a comfortable 6 1 success.
A second knockdown saw the Brit look to his corner in a way that suggested he was in serious
trouble. Although he requested to go on, Ward, bleeding heavily from his nose and with a nasty
swelling under his right eye, was withdrawn by his trainer before the start of the fifth round.
The former Eastbourne Eagle suffered rib damage and bruised kidneys in a crash at Ipswich on
Thursday. He fell in the first heat of the 16-lap Classic, but hospital X-rays have revealed no
significant harm to his back.
Disgraced sprinter Marion Jones has been handed a two-year ban and returned the five medals she
won at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, days after admitting to the use of a prohibited substance.
Lebron says they will bounce back next year. He's right, they will, but they will need to get some
better players in. A lot of the time he made the passes to guys that were wide open but they couldn't
put it in the basket.
Adapted from: Sky Sports (
Zadanie 2.
Origami is the Japanese art of paperfolding. "Ori" is the Japanese word for folding and "kami" is
the Japanese word for paper. That is how origami got its name. However, origami did not start in
Japan. It began in China in the first or second century and then spread to Japan sometime during the
sixth century.
For centuries there were no written directions for folding origami models. The directions were
taught to each generation and then handed down to the next. In 1797, How to Fold 1000 Cranes was
published. This book contained the first written set of origami instructions which told how to fold
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J磟yk angielski. Poziom podstawowy. Transkrypcja nagra艂
Pr贸bna Matura z OPERONEM i  Gazet膮 Wyborcz膮
a crane. The crane was considered a sacred bird in Japan. It was a Japanese custom that if a person
folded 1000 cranes, they would be granted one wish. Origami became a very popular form of art as
shown by the well-known Japanese woodblock print that was made in 1819 entitled "A Magician
Turns Sheets of Birds". This print shows birds being created from pieces of paper.
In 1845 another book, Window on Midwinter, was published which included a collection of
approximately 150 origami models. This book introduced the model of the frog which is a very well
known model even today. With the publication of both these books, the folding of origami became
recreation in Japan.
Not only were the Japanese folding paper, but the Moors, who were from Africa, brought
paperfolding with them to Spain when they invaded that country in the eighth century. The Moors
used paperfolding to create geometric figures because their religion prohibited them from creating
animal forms. From Spain it spread to South America. As trade routes were developed, the art of
origami was introduced to Europe and later the United States.
Adapted from:
Zadanie 3.
For ten joyful months the two young mothers loved and looked after their new babies. Life was
good as they bonded with their tiny girls and were enthusiastic new parents.
So imagine their horror when they discovered there had been a catastrophic mix up at the hospital
where the babies had been born just 18 minutes apart.
The little girls had been accidentally switched at birth  and each family had grown to love a baby
that was not theirs.
Now the two sets of families have met and agreed to swap both babies back  and must endure
the agony of parting with the child they had thought was their own.
Suspicions first arose when dark-haired, brown-eyed Libor Broza and Jaroslava Trojanova were
presented with a blonde-haired blue-eyed daughter they called Nikola.
Libor, 29, suspected his 25-year-old girlfriend of having had an affair  and his mates suggested
the same. Desperate to discover the truth, lorry driver Libor went behind his girlfriend's back and had
a DNA test in secret. To his horror  and overwhelming anger  he discovered he was not Nikola's
natural father.
But girlfriend Jaroslava convinced him she had NOT been unfaithful by taking a DNA test
herself, only to discover she wasn't Nikola's mother either!
Libor says: "It was a total shock. I just cried for two hours and Jaroslava was in despair. It was
just impossible to believe that this could happen".
A fortnight after receiving the DNA tests the couple, who live in the Czech Republic, were told
by that their real daughter was living with Petra Cermakova and her husband Jan in a village 20 miles
away. They had called the little girl Veronika, not knowing that the baby they thought of as their own
was really Trojanova's child.
Libor says: "We have raised Nikola for the past 10 months. It's impossible to imagine her now
living apart from us".
When the couples met for the first time last week, the physical resemblance between their babies
and their mothers was shocking. Each agreed that they would all gradually spend more time together
before swapping Nikola and Veronika.
Abridged from: The Daily Mirror 10/10/2007
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J磟yk angielski. Poziom podstawowy
Pr贸bna Matura z OPERONEM i  Gazet膮 Wyborcz膮
Zadanie 1.
Za ka呕de poprawne rozwi膮zanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 6 punkt贸w.
1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6.
Zadanie 2.
Za ka呕de poprawne rozwi膮zanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 5 punkt贸w.
2.1. Origami began in China in the sixth century. X
According to the legend, if you make 1000 origami cranes, one of
2.2. X
your wishes will come true.
In the nineteenth century Origami was as popular as woodblock
2.3. X
The origami model of the frog presented in Window on Midwinter
2.4. X
is still quite popular.
2.5. For religious reasons, the Moors could not keep animals. X
Zadanie 3.
Za ka呕de poprawne rozwi膮zanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 4 punkty.
3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4.
Zadanie 4.
Za ka呕de poprawne rozwi膮zanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 6 punkt贸w.
4.1. You must follow special procedures if you want to change a name. X
Once you change your name, it is necessary to change your personal
4.2. X
data on your birth certificate.
CAB will guide you through the process of changing details on your
4.3. X
birth certificate.
4.4. A child's parents need to ask the child if the child's name can be changed. X
4.5. The court will never allow the change of name if a child objects to it. X
4.6. A child's new name can be used in the child's medical records. X
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J磟yk angielski. Poziom podstawowy
Pr贸bna Matura z OPERONEM i  Gazet膮 Wyborcz膮
Zadanie 5.
Za ka呕de poprawne rozwi膮zanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 8 punkt贸w.
5.1. It tells a story which involves a cruise. E
5.2. It is extremely amusing. A
5.3. It tells an old legend. E
5.4. It was inspired by a true story. C
5.5. It deals with the death of a beloved person. D
5.6. It was first staged in Great Britain. B
5.7. It touches on problems related to religion. B
5.8. It shows relationships between family members. D
Zadanie 6.
Za ka呕de poprawne rozwi膮zanie przyznajemy 1 punkt. Maksimum 6 punkt贸w.
6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6.
Zadanie 7.
Kr贸tka forma u呕ytkowa. Maksimum 5 punkt贸w.
Sprawdza egzaminator zgodnie z kryteriami podanymi w aneksie do Informatora o egzaminie ma-
turalnym od 2008 roku. J磟yk angielski (
Zadanie 8.
D"u呕sza forma u呕ytkowa. Maksimum 10 punkt贸w.
Sprawdza egzaminator zgodnie z kryteriami podanymi w aneksie do Informatora o egzaminie ma-
turalnym od 2008 roku. J磟yk angielski (
www. operon. pl


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