SHSpec 79 6609C01 Gradients and ARC

6609C01 SHSpec-79 Gradients and ARC

LRH coaches with the intention of making his student sound and look like
an auditor. Coaching is a happy medium between so many flunks that the
student quite and so few that he turns into a lousy auditor. Any coaching can
be improved. It is easy to coach if you know what the TR you are working on
is supposed to do.

The reason for security measures with upper-level materials is because
you have to judge the ferocity of the material against the power of the
individual that you are giving it to. The only thing wrong with 1950
dianetics was that people were thrown in over their heads. The clearing and
OT materials look "So what?" when one has finished them, but not before. If
you skip a half a page or glance ahead accidentally while running them, you
will get sick. The gradient approach has been a primary and regulating factor
in all of scientology. It is a new idea, as an overall idea. A thetan, in
particular, responds very well to this approach. He responds better than a
body does. You can do a gradient that is too shallow or too steep for your PC
if you don't correctly judge his reality level confront, etc." just a little
bit tough all the way" is best, but not so tough that you get failures. It
should just be hard work. There are PCs to whom everything is automatic.

They have no "trouble" on some process, because they don't perceive the things
in the process. They have no reality. In CCH's, there are people who will go
through it with no change at all. They are aberrated as coots. There is no
reality to it. They don't have to confront doing the process, because they
aren't doing it. At person with no reality on lions or tigers can walk though
a cage with lions and tigers in it. You must estimate the degree of a
person's aberration to draw up an estimate of what gradient to apply to it.
If you can't make, e.g., a Grade 0 Release, either:

1. The PC is already a Grade 0 Release.

or 2. Grade 0 is completely over his head.

It is obvious which of these two things is the case, if you know what you are
looking for. You can undercut it, if you need to, by raising other corners of
the ARC triangle. For instance, if the PC doesn't go release on Grade 0, you
could audit the PC on various processes to raise A and R. For instance,
dianetic auditing (e.g. lock scanning) words as an undercut . This works
even on the insane. There doesn't have to be anybody else there but the
auditor. [I.e. the auditor runs the bank.]. Usually it is R that you
raise. Affinity occurs in the process of doing this. You still have to
estimate correctly what the PC can run. If the PC is in a desperate
condition, don't do something desperate. An early entrance point is mimicry.
Doing mimicry on someone makes you real to them. It is a low level of
communication, but it works very well, especially as a point to at ack, with
someone who doesn't attain Grade 0 Release.

If you imitate a little kid, or if you communicate with him, he will like
you. He will pick you out in a roomful of people, not because he knows you,
but because you are real to him. Below Grade 0, i.e. if comm is really out
or is very difficult, you approach with reality as the entry point on the ARC
triangle. So you could use mimicry. However, if you validate insanity too
long, you will stick the PC in a win for his insane behavior. But you can't
invalidate him either. Say the guy complains of spiders all over the wall and
himself. Don't invalidate him. Pick out the real reality in what he said
("wall" or "me". To Hell with the spiders.), and focus on that. And don't
agree about the spiders. That is a lie, and basically he knows it, so he will
know that you are crazy if you agree about the spiders. Ask, "What kind of a
wall wouldn't spiders be on?" or "What kind of a wall do spiders like best?"
or "Who would you have to be, not to have spiders on you?", and you will shift
his reality.

You could get clever with raising reality. LRH did, in the late
forties. Unfortunately, lots of therapies sprang from his ran various
things. In 1949, "every time I audited anybody while [others were] watching,
it became a school of psychotherapy, because they couldn't integrate it....
So it, ill by itself, became an approach, like Gestalt Therapy. They didn't
have the basic data: gradient scales, ARC triangle, etc. They just copied
one thing used in one case." The error was made, that because this was
successful as an entrance point with one individual, the same gradient had to
be used on all individuals. For instance, if the PC has policemen on his
front porch, he at least has a porch. Now, the chances are that he has all
porches identified A=A=A. If you can introduce [differentiation] amongst
porches, you get an increase in reality and an improved state of case. But
the squirrels would be stuck in asking the PC about walls or -- worse --
spiders, not realizing that in this case, the proper entrance point would be
"porch", a point of mutual reality. You would get the PC to differentiate between porches and drop the A=A=A. The squirrel never cognited on what LRH was
doing. He thought that LRH had a "knack".

"Mathematics is in kindergarten on this planet." People on this planet
don't understand symbolic mathematics. Symbolic math is not doing algebra
with symbols. "It is solving a vast number of non-numerical variables by the
use of comparisons, similarities, identities, and differences.... And ... you
can't write it down." You mustn't follow the lead of math in applying "the
suppressive generality of a number to the specific entity [e.g. an apple, a
person, etc.] which is being calculated." Two plus two does not equal and
never will equal four. You have to specify "Two what?" When you answer,"what"
non-specifically, you have an insanity. Man's math is insane. "Zero" is a
wild variable. You must specify "Zero of what?" "In what interesting universe
is this zero of nothing?" So every time a formula involves zero, as in nuclear
physics, it is a guess which, in fact, is based on experiment, and not on
mathematical prediction. These guys really don't know what they are doing in
higher math. Logic, ultimately, "depends on you and your concept of
reality." Math is actually a low-grade expression of A, R, and C. A, R, and
C add up to understanding. Mathematicians, along with others, in denying that
you (a being) exist, has dropped out that which uses the math and understands
it. "Mathematics cannot exist without live interpretation." It is always you
who asks the question and you who receives the answer. If there are no live
beings to understand, there is no mathematics.

Math could be defined as a method of memory, devised by a living being to
make inanimate objects or other things appear to think or act. You will be
able to be as much at cause over the whole thing as you are OT, because the
more livingness you exert, the more logical you can be about it. You will be
as good, logically, as you are clear. Eventually, you can run up to a point
where you don't need mathematics.

One of the baffling things about dianetics and scientology is the
question, "How did he figure it all out?" There are lots of formulas. But it
is an old line, one LRH is very familiar with. "It's a simple matter of ARC,
... of potential understanding. You can't stand back and hate men and ...
find out any R about them. You can't have a total unreality about men --
sitting in some ivory tower someplace ... -- [and hope to get understanding
of or reality on Man]. And communication: You can't go about it being careful
of what you say and [by being afraid to] hear. Anybody who is easily offended
had better never go into the business of understanding, because it winds up
only with prejudice.... This, of course, explains ... somebody who's
terribly offended by scientology. He's so offended by what he hears [shut
down communication], he can't understand anything in the first place." The
first requisite on studying life is to be alive, not dead or disciplined or
approved of. "In wogs, death really gets people together to approve
something, as in, Don't speak ill of the dead." "Therefore, the basis of all
scientologic and dianetic research has been understanding." There was no
mystery involved, just ARC, plus no fear of saying things or looking at
things. "Awareness depends on how alive you are. I'm not trying to say I'm
more alive than others. I just am!"

Reality goes lower -- further South -- than communication, and affinity
goes lower in reach than reality. This sounds odd, but it is observationally
true. Insane people with a very low reality can yet feel enough affection to
go sane because I asked them to. Education doesn't work in the absence of A,
R, and C.

A, R, and C are the three pins on which you adjust any auditing session
and how you select what you do. All auditing sessions go by gradients. There
is no need to depart from what is laid out (in the grade chart) in auditing.
But what about the zone between the org and the world around you? It is a
problem in:

1. Gradients.

2. A, R, and C.

For instance, there are two ways to handle intrafamilial relations:

1. Individual processing on a gradient. This is the best way. It is
very senior to education. [When ethics is used to get tech in,] it
is used to force (the family members to act in such a way that tech
can go in]. It is not to give advice.

2. A, R, and C. This is limited if no one is present to understand. If
they don't understand, they won't even start [the process of getting
into better ARC]. This is the problem, here.

We keep looking for some marvellous solution to any individual or
organizational problem. Just realize that "there's no solution at any time
superior to the ability of the person asking for it to understand. "There is
no math that would help figure it out." Mathematics is as Good as it can be
employed with understanding and as good as the understanding of who asks and
who receives the answer.... The answer to becoming better at mathematics is
[to] became clearer. The answer to any problem is to become more alive and
more capable of understanding. That is the answer which pays off."

How do you do this? You Get processed, and you process people. You are
not in a position in society to reform society educationally. You can't
educationally inform the public. All you can say is that there is a way. The
world's reality on communication is extremely faint. What they are using the
communication media for is a total malicious waste. The newspaper is the
modern gossip. A, R, and C in the world today is not good. Higher-level data
from scientology is totally out-R. So what can a clear, 0T, or release do?
He can remember A, R, and C in disseminating. And he can just be.

Don't let affinity overwhelm the reality. Get the affinity and the
reality In. Don't kid yourself. You can feel on affinity and get a reality.
Never allow others to cut you back from communication. Then you will
understand. Understanding washes away everything. Understanding is a
universal solvent.

"Communication ... is always within the reality of the person who can
hear it." So your communication must be within the reality of the
individual. You err when you tell people Any more than they need to know:
namely, that there is a way out. If you tell them more, you bedazzle their
understanding. An 0T could overwhelm a guy. He could put him in awe or in a
religious frenzy. But the OT is actually putting the other person in a
complete unreality is he does this. The more vulnerable a person is, the less
capable of understanding he is, and vice versa. "At this particular time, our
power exceeds our understanding," though not by much, and this won't continue
to be true. So we get into a crisis situation: "Do we get so tired of them
we just overwhump them, or do we stay true to our own beliefs and, continuing
to suffer the slings and arrows that are thrown at us, still go along in a
high state of ARC?" There is no real argument. The answer is the greatest
good for the greatest number of dynamics.

So the question is beginning to come up, "What are we going to do with
this planet?" The only mathematics that will solve this question and the
question of how to protect people at lower levels of awareness is the
mathematics of ARC and the Axioms. We have to be gingerly, because those on
the way up the bridge need protection. The power of scientology will
inevitably be used for the greatest good of the greatest number of dynamics.
The question is how to minimize the casualties along the way. But LRH doesn't
have any canned answers about what we will do with the planet. He has a plan
for keeping scientologists from being wiped out in a cataclysm. We are at a
crossroads as our power increases. We have been very forbearing. We have to
rely on good sense and on keeping our reality from degenerating to where it no
longer matters what happens to the little guys. Every religious organization
of the past has flunked this test. I hope we don't. Luckily ARC increases as
one goes up the levels towards OT.


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